Never Forget. Always Remember. 9/11

Today is the 19th anniversary of 9/11. It’s hard to believe it was almost 20 years ago that the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon were hit by Muslim terrorists, killing around . . .

Gateway Pundit founder BANNED from CPAC panel…

One of the unfortunate things that have taken place in the aftermath of the massacre at the high school in Parkland, Florida last week is the attack on students who’ve gone on . . .

Pamela Geller SCHOOLS Chris Cuomo on freedom of speech

This is an excellent exchange between Pamela Geller and Chris Cuomo. To quote Robert Spencer: “Chris Cuomo here reveals his abysmal ignorance about the nature of the freedom of speech, the meaning . . .

Bill Whittle: I believe in free speech, but…

In today’s version of Afterburner, Bill Whittle talks about the Garland terrorist attack and how the Islamo-Nazis didn’t just attack Pamela Geller and her drawing event, but they attacked all of us. . . .