Man wearing fake suicide belt SHOT DEAD in Paris

On the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo Islamo-Nazi attacks, a man wearing a fake suicide belt shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ was shot dead by police in Paris: LATEST: Knife-wielding man wearing fake explosive . . .


Mark Levin opened his show tonight addressing the birther issue raised by Trump regarding Ted Cruz’s eligibility and he gives the definitive statement on this issue: STOP chasing dumbass issues! Ok that . . .

NO NO NO: Ted Cruz is NOT flip-flopping on ethanol

Ted Cruz’s critics are doing everything they can to try and hurt him among voters in Iowa, even if it means accusing him of flip-flopping when that’s absolutely not the case. America’s . . .


The ‘Christian’ woman who claimed that both Christians and Muslims worship the same god is now being fired from Wheaton college after she refused to engage in dialogue about her beliefs with . . .

Hey America, here’s your problem RIGHT HERE

Today on The View, Joy Behar summed up the real problem with America in her defense of voting for Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy. While many like to point to uninformed voters . . .

Ted Cruz SURGES to TOP SPOT in California

Ted Cruz sits atop a new California poll at 25% with Donald Trump virtually tied with him at 23%, considering the margin of error is over 5%. Here’s the rundown. Notice how . . .

Smith and Wesson: Gun sales are going GANGBUSTERS!

Once again all the gun control talk has gun sales at unexpected levels, according to Smith and Wesson, who say their sales are simply going gangbusters: BUSINESS INSIDER – Business at the . . .