BOOM! Greg Gutfeld tells Geraldo “SCREW YOU!”

Greg Gutfeld got into it with Geraldo again who says he wants to amend the second amendment or something. But what put Gutfeld over the top was Geraldo’s hypocrisy, wanting to take . . .

Boehner calls Ted Cruz a jackass at fundraiser

John Boehner, leader of the Washington Cartel, really doesn’t like Ted Cruz. But calling him a jackass right now can only help him in his presidential run, and I really hope it . . .

Hillary Clinton compares Republicans to terrorists

Hillary Clinton gave a speech today where she literally compared Republicans to terrorists, claiming that she expects extreme rhetoric from terrorist on women, but not from Republicans who want to be president. . . .

Trump gives great answer to more gun control question

Donald Trump was asked this morning if he thought more gun control was needed in light of the shooting that occurred yesterday. His response was excellent: Trump appears very solid on the . . .