Oops!! The #TrumperTantrum just realized he lost Colorado!!!

One of Trump’s aides was able to shut him up about winning and how much he hates Megyn Kelly enough to let him know that the Trump campaign was totally shut out of the Colorado delegate competition yesterday.

And the Donald is NOT happy about it:

You just now figured this out? It’s almost like you’re a terrible campaigner and even worse at organizing. Or maybe the collection of assorted yes-men you have around you were too frightened to tell you that you’re losing Colorado.

No, actually you just lost, moron.

Every state party organization picks their delegates according to their own rules, and that’s the system that Trump bought into when he chose to run as a Republican. And if he doesn’t like it then the idiot can leave the party and run on his own. But he won’t do that for two reasons: 1) he’s too damn cheap to actually spend the money he supposedly has on campaigning, and 2) he probably isn’t worth nearly as much as he’d like everyone to believe.

You can bet that the childish degenerate will continue to throw more tantrums as Ted Cruz out-maneuvers him in state after state…

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