Hillary caught in a HUGE lie about TPP?

Hillary claimed last night that since the TPP was recently negotiated, that the details of the agreement don’t match up to her standards or something. But that’s interesting because the details of . . .

BillO calls out CNN for not asking about ISIS

BillO was on Outnumbered today discussing the Democratic debate last night on CNN and basically called out CNN for not asking anything about ISIS and the world blowing up in the Middle . . .


In February this year we reported on ISIS kidnapping 90 Assyrian Christians from the north part of Syria. Well that number eventually blossomed into 180 Christians and ISIS soon demanded $30 million . . .

USA TODAY: Ted Cruz MOVES UP in GOP power rankings

USA Today does political power rankings every week for the GOP candidates where they query 30 political experts around the country to find out what they think about the candidates. Well this . . .

UGH: Obama condescends to Christians AGAIN

If you take your Christian faith very seriously, you’ve got a much better chance of being a racist, a bigot or a xenophobe according to Obama: In the unusual discussion, Obama revealed . . .

Watch this fantastic new Hillary Clinton ad by the RNC

This is a great new ad by the RNC exposing Hillary Clinton sending classified email via her private email server, even though she said it never happened: Here’s the shorter version that’s . . .