Obama picks first openly gay civilian to lead the ARMY

Obama is continuing his agenda to fundamentally transform America, and now he’s picked an openly gay civilian to lead the ARMY. The nomination will still have to be confirmed by the Senate, . . .


CNN contributor Jeffrey Lord says there is enormous hypocrisy here in the way they are going after Trump on this Muslim question versus how Obama handled the anti-Semitism from Jeremiah Wright for . . .

Police Officers WOUNDED in shooting in Jerusalem

Muslims are apparently still going crazy over Israel making the Temple Mount safe for visitors as fighting and riots continue. Unfortunately this has led to one police officer getting shot and several . . .

Megyn Kelly SHUTS DOWN a panelist: Obama is NOT a Muslim

Tonight Megyn Kelly discussed with her panel the Muslim question Trump got during his townhall tonight. One of the panelists seemed to entertain the idea that Obama could be a Muslim…but Kelly . . .