Monica Crowley OUT

A little plagiarism is all it took to get Monica Crowley out of the Trump administration and in the ‘unemployment line’: WASHINGTON TIMES – GOP foreign policy adviser Monica Crowley said Monday . . .

AKP Member: Erdogan will be CALIPH by 2023

It looks like another AKP member (Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood Party) just said something he wasn’t supposed to say out loud: AKP member: Erdoğan will be caliph, Allah will complete the divine light . . .

Okay this is pretty funny…

Oh the irony and coincidence; this is really hilarious! NEW YORK POST – Donald Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet — but the cover-ups have already started. Workers for a Virginia . . .

Trump claims victory over Russian FAKE NEWS

This morning Trump took to Twitter to blame ‘sleazebag political operatives’ for pushing this phony fake news about Russian operatives having compromising information on him: It now turns out that the phony . . .

Obama’s dog bites a girl at the White House

This is your open thread for today: TMZ – President Obama had to deal with a small domestic crisis at the White House — a family friend was bitten by Sunny, the . . .

WATCH: Mattis says the US must honor the Iran deal

General Mattis told the Senate Armed Services Committee today in his confirmation hearing that America should honor the ‘imperfect’ Iran deal: Mattis also suggested that America does have the power to monitor . . .