ABC NEWS: Trump has officially made his VP choice…

ABC News is reporting that they have now learned that Trump has officially made his VP choice: .@ABC News Special Report: Donald Trump selects Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate. . . .

Here’s your open Convention thread

This is supposed to be the live feed for the rules committee, which should reconvene in a few minutes. Right now it’s playing former New Black Panther leader Malik Zulu Shabaz at . . .


[UPDATED AT THE BOTTOM] CNN is reporting this morning that Trump is apparently leaning towards picking Mike Pence as his running mate going into November: Donald Trump is leaning toward picking Indiana . . .

C’mon, this CAN’T be just a coincidence…

Yesterday CNN reporter Brianna Keilar was explaining how Hillary supported anti-crime legislation in the 90s that contributed to this era of mass incarceration, something Hillary now speaks out against. But then as . . .

Ted Cruz HITS BACK at Justice Ginsburg for Trump attack!

Ted Cruz said today that the Supreme Court Justice’s comments attacking Trump were absolutely inappropriate, calling her comments more evidence that SCOTUS has become more and more political: ROLL CALL – Texas . . .

WATCH: CNN does new damning piece on Trump University

CNN is investigating Trump University again and this doesn’t look good at all. It’s an interview with a slimy Trump University instructor. When he put on the spot about stuff he had . . .