The only thing Ben Carson is worse at than being a presidential candidate is being a surrogate for a presidential candidate, and he proved once again today.
What he said was that if he didn’t have kids, he would be all about the #NeverTrump campaign:
During a radio interview on “Kelley and Kafer” highlighted by BuzzFeed, Carson pushed back on the position held by co-host Krista Kafer, who said she’d never vote for Trump, whom she described as a “liar,” a “fraud” and a “bad man.”
“Remember, it’s not for you, it’s not for each of us. We are voting for our children, we are voting for our grandchildren,” Carson said, mentioning the Supreme Court vacancy and adding that the GOP candidates, including Trump, “cannot be as bad” as Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.“For me, it’s about the children and the grandchildren,” Carson repeated later in the interview. “If it were just me, I would be completely where Krista is. I would say, ‘Hey, I got this, I can deal with it,’ but for them, I can’t.”
He’s just flailing about here. I really get the sense that he’s just trying to cover up the fact that the only reason he didn’t endorse the TedNado was that he couldn’t get over his personal animosity from the unpleasantness that happened between them in Iowa.
Or maybe he just needs a fresh pair of paints, who knows.