Via YID With LID.
Beckel: You better be very careful. You’re a woman, you better be very careful about who you say I carry water for, because you have no idea what you’re talking about. And don’t start putting me in the middle of your crap!
According to Geller, Beckel was still spewing during the break:
“When we cut to break, Beckel chided Bolling for not bringing “Jewish slumlords” on the show (referring to Bolling’s segment on Imam Rauf’s status as a New Jersey slumlord, so named in a lawsuit against Rauf by Union City). When I heard Beckel’s Jew-hating belch, I said, “and you’re an anti-Semite.” He told me to “kiss his ass,” to which I responded that he would never get anyone anywhere in the world to get with that.”
Beckel already has the blogosphere in a mild uproar:
Bob Beckel Is A Grotesque Pig, He Carries Water For Radical Islam, And Fox Should Fire Him
BOB BECKEL DOESN’T KNOW WHO HE’S DEALING WITH, if he’s threatening Pam Geller. Really, Bob, stick to reading the White House talking points. You don’t want to open up the can of whupass you’ll open up here
I think I’m with Right Wing News here. Time to let Beckel go. I’m tired of seeing him on Hannity’s show anyway.