CAUGHT Red-handed!! Wikileaks email shows POLITICO reporter COLLUDING with Hillary camp!!

Wikileaks has released an email which shows Politico reporter Ken Vogel colluding with the Hillary Clinton camp by sending them his articles before publication.

From the Business Insider:

An influential reporter at Politico made an apparent “agreement” with the Democratic National Committee to let it review a story about Hillary Clinton’s fundraising machine before it was submitted to his editors, leaked emails published by WikiLeaks on Friday revealed.

Reporter Kenneth Vogel sent an advanced copy of his story to DNC national press secretary Mark Paustenbach in late April.

The email’s subject line read: “per agreement … any thoughts appreciated.”

The Spectator highlights the damning portion of the email:

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There it is, I don’t see what more evidence we need to show the media helps Democrats. How many other scumbag “objective” reporters are doing exactly the same thing?

Amazingly, neither Politico or Ken Vogel have responded to the damaging revelations:

Pathetic. Feel free to tell Vogel what you think of his professionalism and integrity on Twitter.

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