I understand why schools want to teach students something about Islam so that they’re not wholly ignorant about it, but the ways they chose to do it really seem like just blind indoctrination.
Here’s the latest example from England:
CHILDREN were told to write to their parents explaining why they had converted to Islam as part of a bizarre homework assignment.
Year 8 Pupils at Les Beaucamp High School in Guernsey were asked to explain to their parents “how becoming a pupil has changed your life [and] how much you love your family and hope they can accept your choice”.
Teacher Amber Stables told pupils: “Focus: How would it make you feel having to tell your parents this? How would/could they react?”
Ms Stables added a disclaimer that the homework is a piece of creative writing and fictional.
“It is purely to test your knowledge of what we have learnt this year and how well you can argue objectively!!!!”
The news comes in the wake of the Trojan Horse plot last year which saw hard-line Islamists allegedly trying to take over a number of Birmingham schools and oust non-Muslim staff.
Teachers are always looking for new, creative and engaging ways to teach students lessons, but isn’t it odd that they never seem to indoctrinate Christian values, only liberal or Islamic ones? Makes you wonder just what is actually going on here…