Mark Levin: The failure to govern belongs to the GOP leadership!

The Great One has weighed in on the health care bill failure today, pointing the finger of blame directly where it belongs, to the House GOP leadership:

Mr. Ryan, you continue with your mantra, that the GOP is now a governing party not an opposition party. These are words that apply to you. You failed to develop a plan that embraced market capitalism and you did not involve the GOP conservatives in the early phases of drafting your plan. You tried to force this plan through, adopted a few changes, but mostly continued with big-government ideas and much of Obamacare’s essential elements. The failure to govern is on the GOP leadership. And the failure to uphold the repeal promise with an actual repeal of most of Obamacare is also on the GOP leadership. These troubling circumstances could have been avoided.

Amen and amen and amen. I couldn’t agree more!

The Freedom Caucus is under heavy attack right now, from pundits to politicians. They are being accused of only running on repeal but not replace, and therefore failing to govern. But they are the ones who stood in the gap for the American people and demanded that Republicans fulfill their promises to repeal Obamacare. They should be saluted for this, not blamed.

Mark Levin is exactly right and I’m glad he has spoken on their behalf, telling the truth about who is really to blame.

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