Marquette is releasing a new Wisconsin poll out today that shows Ted Cruz with 40%, Trump with 30% and Kasich with 21%.
Here’s the image from their PDF which they’ve just taken down (it was leaked early):
The ‘Valid Percent’ column is the one that matters.
I’ll have more on this poll once it’s officially released at 12:15 Wisconsin time.
UPDATE: Google cache has the deleted PDF here. It shows the poll was just taken on March 24-28.
UPDATE 2: Here’s more info on the poll:
Republican results based on 471 likely voters. Margin of error is +/-5.8 percentage points. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Half of interviews were on land lines, half on cell phones, Franklin says. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
New Marquette Law School Poll finds Ted Cruz ahead in Wis GOP primary race, with 40% support to 30% for Trump, 21% for Kasich. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
In February, it was Trump at 30%, Cruz at 19%, Kasich at 8%, candidates who have since dropped out with 31%. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Among likely voters in this poll, 54% said they will vote in the Republican prez primary, 46% in Democratic primary. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
99% of Republicans say they will vote in GOP primary, with 1% voting in Dem race. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Among independents, including those who lean to either party, 60% say they’ll vote GOP, 40% Dem. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Who is most likely to win GOP nomination? Among GOP voters, 65% say Trump, 23% say Cruz, 5% say Kasich. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
In Feb., among GOP voters, who is most likely to win nomination was Trump 46%, Cruz 25%, Kasich 1%. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
23% of Republicans and 89% of Dems say they would be “very uncomfortable” with Trump as president. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Among likely voters in primaries, “very uncomfortable” ratings: Kasich, 10%; Cruz, 37%; Trump, 55%; Sanders, 36%; Clinton 47%. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Walker endorsement of Cruz came after this polling round was completed. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Support by region: Cruz does best in Milwaukee media market. Trump is strongest in north and west parts of the state. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Kasich is strongest in Madison market, followed by Milwaukee. Trump does better than Cruz in Madison market. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
Trump still strongest in north and west WI, but Cruz has made major in-roads, Franklin says. #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016
All details of poll and the press release will be posted shortly at #mulawpoll
— MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) March 30, 2016