Here we go again: The latest Trump scandal

This broke this morning via USA Today, who apparently found people who said Trump didn’t pay them fully for their work: Unpaid bills stir questions about Trump's deals. @HallieJackson reports. — . . .


The good people at Powerline are highlighting an incredible correction that completely reverses a study that liberals loved to cite in order to deride conservatives. Hoo-wee, the New York Times will really have to . . .

Ok now I’ve seen it all…

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone creates something that makes you facepalm. And it can be summed up in this few words: Make Dating Great Again! I’m not kidding: . . .

OH MAN…I wonder what Trump thinks about this

It will surprise no one that this guy is defending Trump over his comments about his Trump U judge. And even less surprising is who he says is the real culprit: POLITICO . . .

WATCH: 9 Terrifyingly Close Calls

I know some of you are tired of hearing about Donald Trump, so here’s something different for you. Consider this an open thread. (which I’m sure you’ll use to talk about Donald . . .

UNSHOCKING: Obama just endorsed Hillary

I’m sure Bernie isn’t too happy about this, but we all knew it was coming: .@POTUS endorses @HillaryClinton: There's never been someone so qualified to hold office — CBS News . . .

Queen to Trump: Stop using our music!

Queen wants Trump to stop using their music at his campaign rallies and are exploring legal options to ensure he can’t use them: CNN – Another musical act has put Donald Trump . . .