MORE EVIDENCE of election TAMPERING in Florida…

This is getting bad – Marco Rubio posted some evidence of voting irregularities on his social media account, but there is more stuff coming in: And then there’s this: And Rubio posted . . .

Breaking!! THE FLAKE STRIKES BACK at Trump!!

Jeff Flake is gonna stand up to Trump and join forces with the Democrats to protect Robert Mueller and his investigation. He said so on his Twitters: COOOOOONS!!!! Man Flake and Coons . . .

SooperPodcast #314!! Senamitt Midterm Petho Failures!!

THIS WEEK el Sooper is visited by el MATT and no Jess, it’s a no-Jess podcast!! We talk about the results of the midterm election, and el Sooper esplains the Q-Anon conspiracy . . .