Pathetic: Breitbart told staffers to STOP DEFENDING Michelle Fields in assault fiasco!

Buzzfeed has gotten a hold of screenshots that show Breitbart editor Joel Pollack telling their employees to stop defending their colleague, Michelle Fields, who was being savaged in the media.

From Buzzfeed:

Breitbart senior editor-at-large Joel Pollak ordered staffers in an internal chatroom to stop defending Michelle Fields, the staffer who was allegedly manhandled by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

The internal Breitbart Slack chats, which were obtained by BuzzFeed News, put on display the tension between those at Breitbart who want to act like a publisher — defending their reporter and finding the truth — and those entangled in politics.

“STOP tweeting about the story. Stop speculating about the story,” Pollak told staffers in one message, and reminded them that “you were given explicit instructions.”

“You may wish to defend your colleague, and that is commendable — but keep in mind that when you do so, you are also putting other colleagues under direct public pressure, so you are actually hurting some to help another,” Pollak said in one of the chats. “That is why we have to be patient, and coordinate our responses.”

When staffer Brandon Darby wrote that Lewandowski’s behavior was “a declaration of war” and “silence is abandoning our team member,” Pollak responded, “In war, we wait for orders that are based on a careful plan. So wait.”

Pretty pathetic.

Here’s one of the screenshots they have for evidence:

pollack michelle fields

Fields has accused Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski of grabbing her and bruising her while trying to drag her away from Trump. They have assailed her character and called her a liar even though video came out to support her version of the story.

This is how Trump treats people who SUPPORT HIM! Imagine what this maniac and his supporters will do if he seizes power.

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