Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who has met with Obama, tells MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that he believes Obama is going “to act” both broadly and generously for millions upon millions of ‘undocumented workers’:
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GUTIERREZ: Look. I don’t want to say the President said this but here’s my understanding from having met with him and talking to others. I believe that millions upon millions of undocumented workers who have roots in the community, who have american citizen children, who have established businesses, who would benefit from the senate bill, who would benefit from the senate bill – I think the president’s going to act.
And if the debate going into 2016 is – first it was repeal Obamacare and now it’s repeal the president’s executive order, that’s the fight i want to have.
HAYES: Millions upon millions. That’s the word?
GUTIERREZ: I’ve got to tell you. I believe the President of the United States is going to act broadly and generously. That’s my belief. He didn’t say that to me but that’s what I believe he’s going to do.