Although the Senate was able to confirm a judge today with Mike Pence’s tie-breaking vote, Jeff Flake was able to force Republicans to cancel a long list of judicial nominees they were going to get through the judiciary committee Thursday.
Republicans were hoping to vote a LOT of judicial nominees out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) November 28, 2018
Grassley just canceled the hearing. Without Flake's vote, they can't report those nominees out.
They’re pretty happy about who is being blocked:
Among the judicial nominees now stalled because of Jeff Flake: Eric Miller, 43, who built a career out of fighting tribal interests + sovereignty.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) November 28, 2018
Miller got a free pass on his confirmation hearing b/c Grassley held it when senators were ALL GONE.
Also now stalled in committee because of Jeff Flake: circuit court nominee Alison Rushing, 36, who was a legal intern for a hardline anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ group.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) November 28, 2018
The entire list is actually YUGE:
Senate Judiciary Committee has cancelled a meeting scheduled for tomorrow to vote on a long list of federal court nominees — cancellation comes as Sen. Flake is pledging to vote no on all nominees until McConnell puts a Mueller protection bill up for a vote (HT @vanitaguptaCR)
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) November 28, 2018
So what are they gonna do? I suppose Republicans can just wait until after the new term starts, since they’ll have all the votes they need and Flake will be gone. Or will they do what he wants and pass the protection for Mueller? Given that they blocked it today, it’s clear that they won’t do that. If Trump is actually scared of what the report may hold, as many on the left is saying, then he’ll act before Dems takeover the House. Either way, it’s going to get very interesting in the coming months.
Here’s Ben Sasse on Flake’s stand against Trump: