STEYN BOMB! Obama TALKED THE TALK about slandering Islam, murdering fanatics WALKED THE WALK in Paris

Mark Steyn was on with Megyn Kelly tonight to talk about the massacre in Paris this morning, saying those men were very brave and had to bear a burden that should have been more widely dispersed.

He then went after the NY Daily News for censoring Charlie Hedbo’s Muhammad cartoon today in their report on the massacre, saying they are dishonoring the dead in Paris.

He also reminded us that Obama indicated that he was willing to trade off our freedom of speech a couple of years ago before the U.N. by saying that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. He said words matter and called it a disgraceful performance.

Steyn then said Obama “talked the talk” and these savage murdering fanatics today in Paris “walked the walk”. Boom!


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