UN Secretary General issues DESPICABLE statement condemning Israel

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon condemned Israel for the deaths of four Palestinians today without even a hint of condemnation of Abbas and the Palestinian Authority over this new intifada they’ve waged on Israel:

ARUTZ SHEVA – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon condemned on Thursday the Israeli “killings [of four Palestinians] and looks to the Government of Israel to conduct a prompt and transparent investigation into the incidents, including whether the use of force was proportional.”

Ban failed entirely to make any mention of Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ calls to incitement, the recent PA terrorist-murders of Israeli citizens, or really any of the Palestinian Arab actions that have stoked the recent violence. He also failed to call for the Palestinian Authority to investigate itself for the terror-murders of Israeli citizens.

Ban began the statement by claiming he “is profoundly alarmed by the growing number of deadly incidents in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”

This is not surprising because Ban, in what many saw as a purposeful disrespect, had failed to attend Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s UN General Assembly speech last week, in which Netanyahu had starkly warned that the Palestinian Authority was inciting the local Arabs to violence.

And despite the recent terrorist-murders of four Israeli citizens, Ban stated that “he does not believe that the demolition of Palestinian [terrorists’] houses or the construction of new Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land [i.e., Judea and Samaria] will do anything other than inflame tensions still further.”

He equated the Palestinian terror-murders of Israeli citizens with the Israeli forces protecting themselves from rioting Palestinians when he said, “the escalation of violent incidents underscores the need for urgent action by both sides.”

In conclusion, Ban repeated what now has become the “two-state” mantra as a solution to the Palestinian Arab violence when he stated, “the Secretary-General reiterates the United Nations readiness to work with all parties to create the conditions on the ground, in the region and internationally, for a political horizon including meaningful negotiations towards a two-state solution.”

What a detestable joke. It’s so bad in Israel right now that they’ve had to reimpose a ban on young men entering the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount:

I’m sure Moon will issue a statement against this action pretty soon. Ugh.

I should also note that the US State Dept. has not issued any statements condemning this new Palestinian intifada against Israel.

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