[VIDEO] Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK

Oprah Winfrey is going around the world telling everyone that Americans are racist while she promotes her new film:

Oprah Winfrey has been a prominent supporter of Barack Obama. She thinks that both he and the Office of President have been treated with contempt because of the colour of his skin.

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”


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11,180 thoughts on “[VIDEO] Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK

  1. If I had a reason to hate blacks, the perfect reason would be Oprah, but I only hate Oprah and its not because of her skin…

    We have to take a look at Revelation 1:15 to gain a perspective on what the Holy Spirit was trying to share with us and it is quite the Blues Clue.
    Revelation 1:15
    And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
    Is this as simple as testing the effects of brass in the face of extreme heat? It was very important to place brass in a furnace for this particular observation. Were His feet a different color than His entire body? Did Jesus have a white face and black feet and vica versa? We need only to watch the following video to see what happens to brass facing a flame.
    As you can see brass turns jet black and the only people we know who are this black are of African descent. Remember when Joseph fled the wrath of Herod to save the life of baby Jesus he hid in Egypt (and Egypt IS in Africa). He went there to blend in with the population. Herodotus (the father of Greek history) gave eye-witness testimony Egyptians were Negroid. At best people will argue Jesus was “olive” skinned and this builds a stronger case of the true ethnicity of Jesus. There are two types of olives, green and black. Do you think Jesus was green?

    1. The Jews where depicted as having lighter complexions then the Romans in most ancient paintings. Jesus is described as being pale, and light in ancient Muslim text, and in the Quran. Jesus is also thought to have fled to Europe, and not died. Sorry European men did take on wives of different races, but didn’t allow to many men to hang around who where not white back then. Olive skin is used as a comparison to “olive oil” you lame LOL! Plus the Egyptians started off as white Caucasoid people, and mixed with black Negroid people through out time. All of the Egyptians royals where white men, then the white, and mixed offspring inherited the throne. They didn’t experience racism, only tribalism, and elitism. They refered to the White Libyan as their cousins, but hated the black Nubian for 100’s of years throughout their history. Jesus wasn’t black, though I’d view him in the same way if he was. Jesus wasn’t even the same complexion as current Palestinians, they are the result of Arab conquerors who raped the women, and killed the men along with a large portion of the Middle East which was once more diverse, and yes full of white Caucasians. P.S. I’m not a Christian, and come from a multiracial family. We have been played with white guilt, lies, and accusations of racism for speaking the truth on history, and current events to brainwash, and silence us.

    1. Change that M to a N, and good observation. OWN/NWO, Oprah likes spelling things backwards, “HARPO”.

          1. He told his mother to get lost. Also there is a possibility he was Bi sexual. According to the Bible.

            1. Yeah did a Jew, or a Muslim tell you that? LOL! Never heard of those “tid bits”, or found that in any books I’ve read. I’m surprised the Christians haven’t began attacking you on here, just shows how passive they are compared to the Islamist, and Talmudic freaks….

              1. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” (And) Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me?

                John the Apostle had the distinction of being beloved of Jesus Christ.

                According to widely accepted early Christians’ doctrines, Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene. He apparently had strong feelings toward her

                1. So how does this suggest he was gay, or bi-sexual? So I can’t love a man without it being sexual? This reminds me of the bullcrap spin on history with Alexander The Great. First they tried to make Alexander darker in complexion, and erase the fact he had blonde hair, and blue eyes. When that didn’t work they said he had a secret gay love affair with his best friend, and this is the proof because they where so close to one another. It’s just a constant bash on any white man in history. Even make him evil, or make him gay. My comment isn’t out of hate towards Jews, and homosexuals either, really I wish they would call out those involved before the blow back comes their way.

                2. Where there is smoke there may be fire:

                  According to the US Biblical scholar, Morton Smith, of Columbia University, a fragment of manuscript he found at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem in 1958, showed that the full text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible) includes the passage:

                  “And the youth, looking upon him (Jesus), loved him and beseeched that he might remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days, Jesus instructed him and, at evening, the youth came to him wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God”.

  3. I completely agree with her commit. There has been presidents that
    were worse, done awful things and made plenty of mistakes before Barack
    Obama. Every president has made mistakes even Obama. But he’s the only
    one that has ever taking so much blame and hatred for every single
    problem in every Americans life, why? When has the government ever “shut
    down” before because they didn’t like the presidents choices? That was
    extreme! Really, all these people complaining about how bad they life is
    because of Obama like they had a mansion and was a millionaire before
    Obama. Was your life really that awesome before Obama got elected? Get
    real and take responsibility for your life and how your life isn’t what
    you want it to be because of yourself. If you want a better life work
    hard and take the steps you need to make it happen. Instead of wasting
    time blaming a man that has nothing to do with how your life has turned
    out. I actually feel sorry for Obama. He had a dream to make
    Americans happy and healthy but didn’t know exactly how to accomplished
    that but yet he still tried. And instead of his people supporting him
    and helping him make it better they all just turn their back on him.
    Even America has turned our back on the president. What a shame. Well
    maybe America will “like” the next president so when he makes a mistake
    or a bad choice it won’t be such a big deal like it is with Barack

    1. Are you kidding? We put presidents in office to run the country not make mistakes. if you or I made a big mistake on the job we would be fired. The last several Democrat presidents put this country in the hole. Johnson with his Vietnam war, Carter was a joke, Clinton sent all our jobs to China, and now King Obama with Obama care, Bengasi, socialist programs that kills small business, no jobs, big government, cooperate bail outs. Trillions in debt high gas and food prices. It goes on and on.

    2. The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions. Socialism is in theory a good idea, but it has never been successfully put into practice. You can take Mr. Obama’s “good intentions” and place them with the other “good intentions” people have had in the past. He’s getting slammed because he acts more like a celebrity than a President. Every time his actions are questioned we have those like you labeling those critiquing as racists.

      I’ll critique any President’s performance and any politician’s as well. If they do something stupid they deserve to be called on it. If the bills they pass have not been properly constructed they deserve to be lambasted over it.

      Just because he wanted to do something good doesn’t mean he did. I’m pretty sure Hitler wanted to do what he felt was good for Germany. I’m pretty sure the same holds true for every dictator. Now am I calling President Obama a dictator? No. But you can’t hide his actions and the actions of his administration behind “good intentions.” They have screwed up. And rather than trying to hide from it, they should own up to it.

  4. I completely agree with her commit. There has been presidents that
    were worse, done awful things and made plenty of mistakes before Barack
    Obama. Every president has made mistakes even Obama. But he’s the only
    one that has ever taking so much blame and hatred for every single
    problem in every Americans life, why? When has the government ever “shut
    down” before because they didn’t like the presidents choices? That was
    extreme! Really, all these people complaining about how bad they life is
    because of Obama like they had a mansion and was a millionaire before
    Obama. Was your life really that awesome before Obama got elected? Get
    real and take responsibility for your life and how your life isn’t what
    you want it to be because of yourself. If you want a better life work
    hard and take the steps you need to make it happen. Instead of wasting
    time blaming a man that has nothing to do with how your life has turned
    out. I actually feel sorry for Obama. He had a dream to make
    Americans happy and healthy but didn’t know exactly how to accomplished
    that but yet he still tried. And instead of his people supporting him
    and helping him make it better they all just turn their back on him.
    Even America has turned our back on the president. What a shame. Well
    maybe America will “like” the next president so when he makes a mistake
    or a bad choice it won’t be such a big deal like it is with Barack

    1. You’ve been brainwashed. You completely ignore Bengasi, his socialist agenda, his complete lack of respect for his country and responsibility for his mistakes, which are extremely frequent, and of course his constant lies. Did I mention Obamacare yet? Anyway, learn to spell. I hope you can recover from your liberal idiocy.

    2. No security ever built into Obamacare site: Hackers heyday! After spending millions of tax payers money on this web site that doesn’t work. How stupid is this coming from our great leaders in the White House. I hope we don’t get attacked from our enemies. We will be doomed with this administration in charge.

  5. Black use slavery as a get out jail free card. They themselves enslave each other that tolerate under achievers that rule their neighborhoods. Democrats have enslave them to the ghetto with government hand outs. A majority of them embrace the Koran or the Bible knowing their writings promote slavery. Is it that they don’t mind slavery as long as the government give them something for nothing???? Maybe its time for them to look in the mirror and straighten up themselves with their God given qualities. Get rid of their raciest whore mongering leaders. Follow leaders that will better them as a people not with hate and violence.

  6. Does anyone else wonder about the agenda of people like Oprah, and Buffet, and Bloomberg, and Soros, and Gates, and Gore, etc; who have all made billions on capitolism, but fight so hard to put a socialist government in place so no one else will have the same opportunity?

    1. they have NOT made money on capitalism… they have made money on CRONEY capitalism.
      they have perverted what has made the US the greatest country in the civilized world.
      please learn the difference.
      the other thing that they have made money from is FEAR.
      take away the agendas of just the people you mentioned, and you have a whole new ball game.

    1. Through the years we all know that Oprah has paid her fair share. Instead of bad-mouthing Oprah…We should try to contact her and ask her…Why? Why did she say what she did, and why did she allow a video to be shown around the world containing her statement (Probably stated with little forethought as to the consequences)? Was it intentional to stir up trouble across our country? Was it to entice people to watch the movie? Was it because she is harboring guilt feelings because she introduced the world to ‘Barry Obama’ early on in 2008, and now she sees what his policies represent? Why? We all need to be able to place ourselves in another person’s shoes before we attack, persecute, condemn, or throw stones. I am sure all of us will find out soon enough. All truths becomes evident over time.

      1. I’m not going to put sarc behind every comment. Okra is never gonna admit Obama is as bad as he is cause he’s black. OK.

  7. omg shut up! “I got fired because in black” ” I got pulled over by a cop because I’m black ” . It’s so annoying , if anything happens it’s always because your black, he’s not even 100% black, all Obama does is call himself black , he’s the one that’s racist , if everyone is so racist how did he even become president? Did everyone say when bush was president ” Americans hate him just because he’s white ” NO but if he was even 25% black that’s all black people would complain about how everyone hates him cuz he’s black

    1. Amen, ema baj! Here is a black person who tells it like it is! ema baj is proclaiming that Barack Obama is the one who is racist. He or she may have a sense of awareness others cannot see.

    2. Reminds of that joke. I guy says to his boss– “you’re firing me because I’m Black” and the boss replies “no– we HIRED you because you’re Black– we’re firing you because you’re a F-k UP!”

    3. When I worked construction in Philly I was always one of the first laid off because they had to meet the lazy black quota for percentage of minorities on their work force. Which was hard to do because most of the time the blacks didn’t show up for work.

  8. I don’t hate Obama and I surely don’t hate him because he is black. I dislike him because he is a terrible President and he is taking America down the wrong path.

  9. Who sat in Rev Wrights pews and listened to his anti American, anti Semitic and anti White sermons besides our President?……Oprah.

  10. Oprah, I’m going to help you understand the hows and whys so many people don’t like obama: he’s the most un-American president we’ve ever had, he’s not one of us. He was reared as a foreigner and he’s remained one to this day. He is an elitist and not many of us ordinary folks care for that either. He’s trying to tear down America and remake it as a socialist country…we don’t care for that one bit. He’s a LIAR and nobody likes a liar, except perhaps you. He’s gutting our health care system to make sure a handful of people that don’t have insurance can get it, which they probably won’t anyway. He’s spent such much of our money that the economy tanked and may not ever recover. Our credit rating has been downgraded under his inept leadership. He’s not a stand-up person, he’s always blaming everyone else when things go wrong. A true leader would accept responsibility when things go wrong and then try to fix it without pinning blame on everyone else. He’s just not all that experienced in world affairs and he has make the United States a mere shadow on the world stage. He tends to favor muslim countries over Christian countries…and that’s wrong in my view. His skin color has nothing to do with the reasons so many of us dislike and disdain the weakling in OUR White House. And while I’m at it, I don’t much care for you either for a lot of the same reasons.

    1. Wow! You placed into words…How many feel about our current president. By this point in time we all know that he is not going to ‘MAN UP’, admit his faults, and tell us the truth. Army_Pilot 1967, what do you suggest that…WE THE PEOPLE must do in order to return our country from ‘lunacy’ back to ‘normalcy’?

      1. Unfortunately, we can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube Romancandle12. We cannot (in my opinion) return from this Lunacy. The door marked “Normalcy” isn’t just closed– or locked– and bolted, it has disappeared.
        To make my point, imagine how hard it is to intervene and bring back just one family member from a cult. Now, imagine the task of changing the minds of generations of people brainwashed by Liberal propaganda in public schools, colleges and universities by admitted socialist and Communist. Imagine the task of re-programming Generations of people dependent on government bribes in return for their vote. You might have better luck convincing the Ayatollah to believe in Jesus as his Savior.
        Look at the Statue in The mouth of the Hudson River in New York. “Lady Liberty”. Liberty! A concept that has lost all remnants of it original meaning to the majority of people born since 1968.
        What must we do? I say, secede from the United States on a state by state basis– or, even better, have a “civil” disunion. and split the country in two. Divide assets and debts, give people and corporations 5 years to chose sides (use the Mississippi as a natural North/South boundary) and let the Leftist live on one side and those of us that agree in a Constitutional Government move to the other side.
        Let those that want to return to a Socialist Collective live their way, abolish the right of the individual, and those of us that still believe in this unique experiment called INDIVIDUALISM live our way.
        Put our feet up, have a beer and call it a day.
        Let’s see which side prospers and which side is begging for “foreign Aide” in a few years when– as Margaret Thatcher said– “the money runs out”.

        1. You are a remarkably brilliant and extremely wise person, WOZERD! You see the complete picture as it stands before all of us who may only see the present. You bring us back in time, you speak of how it is today, and you are able to see tomorrow as it may stand, if we submit and let it be. Your name on this site should be WIZARD!

          Because you can look back through time so well…Have you never heard of Jacob’s Ladder? Have you not thought about Joseph and Goliath? What about Joshua and The Battle of Jericho? We can climb the steps of Jacob’s ladder…One step at a time. Small men can conquer mighty giants. United, we can defend ourselves from those Nero, Hitler and Mussolini like types of individuals, whose power snatching abilities enable them to feel that they are entitled to dictate the people with an iron fist. Your brilliant idea of INDIVIDUALISM would be just that…an experiment. My idea is not one of segregation, but one of UNITY. If we can’t reason with the higher powers that may be; Then we could turn toward one another to reach out and convince them that our side is the only safe, and secure side that will maintain and uphold our Republic, and allow its people to continue on as free people in a safe and secure democracy.


      2. Actually, if you listen to his inaugural speeches, probably in the C-SPAN archives, you will see the change in his openness about what he is trying to do. Then watch the “Manchurian Candidate” again.

    1. He’s whacked, all right. There is so much RIGHT with America, but the fact that he’s POTUS represents all that is WRONG with America.
      We’ll persevere, though. We WILL persevere!

  11. Interesting! Obama, was voted in as president, maybe because he is black? Is that racism? Hey, usually it is always the blacks who blame other people when things do not go their way. Ain’t that right Opra? Politics is an ugly business run by self serving leaches of society. We, the people, need to fix the system and limit their power, benefits and duration of service, excuse me, I meant self service. Opra is showning her TRUE color, the color of racism. There will always be racism as long as there are people like her.

  12. OPRAH BUFFALoRAT: “One who follows ignorantly and blindly
    off a cliff, As IN OBAMAs CLIFF!”
    Herd Mentality, Blindly follow, Chanters, mostly anti-religious,
    anti-free, anti-small government, ( anti most any thing period….Low IQ points).
    If not a party Member; or not believe, think the same then you are a Racist, a Bigot,
    Stupid, Red neck, Un washed,< please continue with the name calling, another
    true sign of a BUFFALoRAT.

    Alternative spelling is BUFFAlowRAT placing emphasize on low, IQ voter etc:
    Feel free to pass this on. Many people do not know this. It was
    in an old Oxford Dictionary found at Cambridge, in London..
    OPRAHRAT BUFFALoRAT blindly following the Black Messiah Obamamama..

  13. Obama is an arrogant f@$& and the only reason he was elected was because Miss Winftrey showcased him as one of her ” favorite things”

  14. Obama is an arrogant f@$? And you can thank miss Winfrey for his
    election because she showcased him as one of her ” favorite things”

  15. She is just trying to make anyone that doesn’t like Obama out to be a racist but the real truth is she is the racist!!

  16. Wow the President is black!! Really I had no idea. I am must be blind. I just thought he was American. Oprah is African American. Was she born in Africa?. My grandparents were born in Italy but they were not Italian American, they were AMERICAN.

    1. You know you are wrong don’t you? You know your are proud of your Italian heritage. It’s alright that Black Americans be proud of their heritage too. We don’t need your permission. Be proud of your heritage too. It’s ok. Be Blessed.

  17. I’ve always loved and respected Oprah, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freemam, Eddie Murphy, Ed Reed, Larry Fitzgerald, Martin Luther King, Ray Lewis. I could go on forever. I don’t agree with the president of the United States and it doesn’t mean I’m a racist. I’ve made a decision that am NO longer an Oprah supporter and I am dis-owning her OWN network.

    1. I believe you. At least I give you the benefit of the doubt. But there have been a concerted effort to destroy President Obama before he took office. You know this to be true if you Look at FOX or listen to Talk Radio. Many of their supporters are racist and you can’t deny that. It’s self evident.

      1. Obama was elected because he was black. If he had been white, he never would have gotten out of the democratic primaries.

  18. I don’t hate him cause he’s black.. I hate him cause he’s one of the worst presidents of my time. And now im starting to hate Oprah.. probably cause she’s black

  19. Do you really think Oprah cares? Today she’s receiving the Presidental Medal of Freedom Award. It’s the highest civilian honor instituted by JFK. Another recepient is a man responsible for bring Watergate to light. Moral of the story…..this President is a joke.

    1. You know, to receive this Medal from this President means nothing. It has no merit coming from him.

  20. The article below in ” is written by a Black Talk Radio Host in CA.
    He tells it like it is.
    The below summarization of Barack and Michelle Obama’s 5 year reign in the White House is by far the best I’ve ever read as it squarely hits the nail on the head. And it took a black reporter writing it to make it as effective as it is. A white man’s account would be instantly criticized by the liberal media as pure racism. But, how can anyone scream Racist when an exacting description of the Obamas is penned by a well known journalist of color?


    Mychal Massie is a respected writer and talk show host in Los Angeles.

    “The other evening on my twitter, a person asked me why I didn’t like the Obama’s? Specifically I was asked: “I have to ask, why do you hate the Obama’s? It seems personal, not policy related. You even dissed (disrespected) their Christmas family picture.”

    The truth is I do not like the Obamas, what they represent, their ideology, and I certainly do not like his policies and legislation. I’ve made no secret of my contempt for the Obamas. As I responded to the person who asked me the aforementioned question, I don’t like them because they are committed to the fundamental change of my/our country into what can only be regarded as a Communist state.

    I don’t hate them per definition, but I condemn them because they are the worst kind of racialists, they are elitist Leninists with contempt for traditional America. They display disrespect for the sanctity of the office he holds, and for those who are willing to admit same, Michelle Obama’s raw contempt for white America is transpicuous. I don’t like them because they comport themselves as emperor and empress.

    I expect, no I demand respect, for the Office of President and a love of our country and her citizenry from the leader entrusted with the governance of same. President and Mrs. Reagan displayed an unparalleled love for the country and her people.

    The Reagan’s made Americans feel good about themselves and about what we could accomplish. Obama’s arrogance by appointing 32 leftist czars and constantly bypassing congress is impeachable. Eric Holder is probably the MOST incompetent and arrogant DOJ head to ever hold the job. Could you envision President Reagan instructing his Justice Department to act like jack-booted thugs?

    Presidents are politicians and all politicians are known and pretty much expected to manipulate the truth, if not outright lie, but even using that low standard, the Obama’s have taken lies, dishonesty, deceit, mendacity, subterfuge and obfuscation to new depths. They are verbally abusive to the citizenry, and they display an animus for civility.

    I do not like them, because they both display bigotry overtly, as in the case of Harvard Professor Louis Gates, when he accused the Cambridge Police of acting stupidly, and her code speak pursuant to not being able to be proud of America. I view that statement and that mindset as an insult to those who died to provide a country where a Kenyan, his illegal alien relatives, and his alleged progeny, could come and not only live freely, but rise to the highest, most powerful, position in the world.

    Michelle Obama is free to hate and disparage whites because Americans of every description paid with their blood to ensure her right to do same. I have a saying, that “the only reason a person hides things, is because they have something to hide.” No president in history has spent millions of dollars to keep his records and his past sealed.

    And what the two of them have shared has been proved to be lies. He lied about when and how they met, he lied about his mother’s death and problems with insurance, Michelle lied to a crowd pursuant to nearly $500,000 bank stocks they inherited from his family. He has lied about his father’s military service, about the civil rights movement, ad nausea. He lied to the world about the Supreme Court in a State of the Union address. He berated and publicly insulted a sitting Congressman. He has surrounded himself with the most rabidly, radical, socialist academicians today.

    He opposed rulings that protected women and children that even Planned Parenthood did not seek to support. He is openly hostile to business and aggressively hostile to Israel. His wife treats being the First Lady as her personal American Express Black Card (arguably the most prestigious credit card in the world). I condemn them because, as people are suffering, losing their homes, their jobs, their retirements, he and his family are arrogantly showing off their life of entitlement – as he goes about creating and fomenting class warfare.

    I don’t like them, and I neither apologize nor retreat from my public condemnation of them and of his policies. We should condemn them for the disrespect they show our people, for his willful and unconstitutional actions pursuant to obeying the Constitutional parameters he is bound by, and his willful disregard for Congressional authority.

    Dislike for them has nothing to do with the color of their skin; it has everything to do with their behavior, attitudes, and policies. And I have open scorn for their constantly playing the race card.

    I could go on, but let me conclude with this. I condemn in the strongest possible terms the media for refusing to investigate them, as they did President Bush and President Clinton, and for refusing to label them for what they truly are. There is no scenario known to man, whereby a white president and his wife could ignore laws, flaunt their position, and lord over the people, as these two are permitted out of fear for their color.

    As I wrote in a syndicated column titled, “Nero In The White House” – “Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader. He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequalled. Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood…

    Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was elected president, but instead, they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed policies, intimidation, and a commonality hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlement – while America’s people go homeless, hungry and unemployed.”

    1. Above is the BEST description of the present situation in our country, that I have encountered thus far. Thank you, John, for sharing with us…Mychal Massie’s view of our current President of the United States of America. Mychal Massie is a respected black writer and talk radio host in Los Angeles, CA.

  21. Man, Oprah has taken a big tumble in my book. Obama was elected – TWICE! If people don’t respect him now it is not because he is black, it is because he has lied, he is incompetent and he puts his feet on the antique, historic furniture in the While House that belongs to the American people and future generations.

  22. not because he is black but because he is a FRAUD who has decimated our constitution- every part of his life is a lie-

  23. Satan has finally managed to completely possess yerfniw harpo. Her world is completely upside/down and insideout. You could hear His voice in her: masculine, sinister in tonality, hate filled contempt and lust-dripping pure-raw evil. I’d say it’s about time to call in the Pope before she kills someone (or herself). An exorcism is overdue. No wonder they got rid of her in Chicago – and this is how she thanks WLS(ABC)-TV’s management, the local and national fans of all colors and political stripes for helping her to get a start?!?

  24. Poor, poor Oprah. The “Whites” have treated her so badly in the USA. If I were her, I would stay in Europe.
    Oprah, obviously no dummy, enjoys – as Liberals love to do – pretending to be stupid.
    Joe Wilson – a Representative, not a Senator – yelled out “You Lie” during an Obama’s September 9, 2009, Health Care Speech. Imagine that!
    Why would Oprah bring up Joe Wilson’s “You Lie” again even though Oprah now knows Obama LIED? Because of Wilson’s lack of respect for the office? My, my, my. Obama lies “big-time” to 300 million+ Americans and we have to show Obama respect?
    Nixon and Clinton were WHITE PRESIDENTS. Their sorry asses were impeached or would have been impeached. Is that because they are BLACK, Oprah – you racist, you “race card player?”

    1. No one in Europe wants her Racist Bigoted Arse. Maybe South Africa or Kenya; but not Europe. She creats Racial incidents ever time she is over here.

  25. Uhh, Doprah……
    Obama isn’t African-American. He’s All AFRICAN. There’s no part of Obama that is in ANY way, American. Don’t fool yourself into thinking otherwise and don’t even try to say that “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” because that a total fabrication and is no where near accurate. The numbers tell a very different tale.
    Let’s start with the Black populous in America. Black people only make up about 13% of the TOTAL population of America. If EVERY Black person of voting age had voted for Romney, Obama still would have won. Get it? Black people didn’t put Obama in Office. 65% of the vote for Obama came from White voters! Go check the poll stats and verify it for yourself!
    So, clearly, you are flatly WRONG when you said “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” when it’s clear to see that is absolutely not the case.
    On a different note: Your opinion doesn’t matter. You’re just a talk show host with no business making comments or being interviewed about anything to do with the Presidency or the President. You do NOT speak for the President. You don’t work for him, the Whitehouse or the U.S. Government. You need to retract that statement before you start a real race war.

    Celebrities are so stupid!

    1. Actually, Obama isn’t even really much African (by race, not locality)…the parts not White are Arab.

  26. Thank You, Thank You Oprah. I agree. Thank God that somebody of your position is willing to tell the truth. You didn’t go far enough in my opinion. I’m gonna say that this ridiculous assault on Obamacare is drenched with racism. Have you even seen such hate for this President? It’s relentless. He is President whether some like it or not. Racism is alive in well in this country. The good news is we are talking about it. Thank God.

    1. American reparations?
      ok, if we give you this, for doing absolutely nothing, then you have to back to Africa.
      I firmly believe that every person that was a slave SHOULD BE GIVEN REPARATIONS…
      now… do you like amnesty?
      I hope you do, because they are inviting the Mexicans here to replace you.
      now, do you think they will keep paying you? do you think they will allow you to keep on running amok?
      boy are you in for a surprise.
      your democrats have had enough of your shenanigans. they cannot control you anymore. you have made yourselves obsolete, and when they trash you, they will blame it on the whites.
      why do you think AMNESTY is such an emergency?

      1. I have often thought the same thing but never able to express it so strongly. A good post, thank you.

      2. You do realize that Africans were willing participants in the slave trade as well, right? Africans selling their own people into slavery is actually pretty well documented. It’s a broken culture, and while there have been many black people that have risen in spite of this, I think it’s a bit naive to equate that mild success with being the result of a post-racial society.

        The disrespect Oprah mentioned started before President Obama even had an opportunity to do anything. He’s the damn commander-in chief and that title deserves respect, which is not the same as blind obedience, and it seems to me that whenever someone turns a blind-eye to the racist attitudes towards the president they usually try and smash the two terms(respect and obedience) into the same thing. I’m not even a liberal and it’s obvious to me.

        1. you’re right. It deserves respect.
          and the first person to respect it is the person that holds the office. this lunatic is destroying the country, and I don’t care what color he is.
          he took an oath to the Constitution, and has effectually shredded it.
          if you see the need for respect for the office, you would know that the interests if the United States is the duty of the position.
          turning it into a dictatorship is not what the office affords him.

      3. Thank you for your comments. We disagree but I respect your
        right to disagree. Reparations is for
        past injustices and slavery of my ancestors. They didn’t have a chance to build
        a financial legacy even if they wanted
        to do so. It’s sort of hard to leave an
        inheritance if society does not recognize you as even being human.

        Reparation means the act of making amends or giving satisfaction for a
        wrong or injury;

        Reparations for slavery is the idea that some form of
        compensatory payment should be made to the descendants of those who have been
        enslaved by the Atlantic Slave Trade. Don’t you agree with this. It’s only fair to
        be paid a fair wage. Slaves were not paid at all. The US owes the descendants
        of slaves more than just gratitude. African Americans need money. The demands
        for reparation will not go away. Slavery existed and it was horrible for many years. It’s
        uncomfortable for me to talk about it. But it’s true. You or
        I can’t wish it away.

        By the way, I’ve never received a dime of aide from any form
        of Government if you are suggesting that. I’ve been working since I was a small

        Our family was sharecroppers(just a step above slavery in
        our case). We had to miss several weeks of school each year to go
        and help White farmers harvest their
        crops just for a few dollars because we had to do this to survive in rural Hancock
        County Georgia. Either you did it or you starved. The schools were separate and
        unequal by the law at that time. Our
        schools were inferior plus we missed a lot of days and they really set us back.
        But we persisted and got educated and many of my family members are doing fine. To say that we are doing as good
        as a comparable White family would be stretching it.

        We had to walk several miles to get to the bus stop. The nice
        and warm White student bus passed us on the way to school. They couldn’t pick
        us up because schools were totally segregated. The
        county was predominantly Black. Blacks didn’t have power to make a change then.
        White people ruled us with a iron fist. My parents were prolific farmers and it
        seemed we should have been doing good but the Master took most of profits and left us
        with very little to take care the family’s needs. Can you understand why I say
        that our share cropping experience just above slavery?

        Did you have experiences like this Mr. Jim?

        This may sound strange to you probably, but most Black
        families want same kinds of thing you want for your family. We deserve it too.
        Too often we are left out of equal opportunity. Frankly that’s enough already.
        We shouldn’t be fighting for something that is supposed to be guaranteed by God and The US

        Black people will never be obsolete. We are citizens of this
        Great Country which we have contributed disproportionately in making it the
        envy of the world. This is a true statement. This country have been leaning on
        our efforts and contributions for years and it’s time that we get paid for the
        work we have done. When will we be paid is all I am asking? The time is now.
        There is no better time in history than this time. So please take a look at my blog and see exactly how
        reparation will help America. My plan will help this whole country. Please read
        my blog at http://www.justice-for-america.blogspot.com.
        Thank you for interest.

        1. To American Reparation: Please accept my message of deep regret that some may use very cruel and unkind words of hatred to you on a public national blog, that surely reveals their ignorance, bigotry and complete lack of compassion toward their equally created brothers and sisters, who collectively make up humankind.
          It is 1:50am where I am writing from. I had been visiting with my granddaughter on Facebook (FB). That is why I am up so late. I was just about to retire for the night and go to sleep, but, I saw your message…then I could not go to bed. I needed to reach out to you and speak or rather write to you how I feel about this whole thing that has gotten too far out of hand.
          You must understand that I and many, many others feel that you may be more worthy and more deserving to be right here at home where you belong and live (USA), than those who would hatefully utter horrible and ugly statements to you as I have read on these pages.
          Without your ancestors, who were so spiritually strong, while they withstood abominable torture, abuse, separation from their own family members, and the like…Those who condemn you now may not even be in existence!. Your ancestral people cradled whites in their arms. Your people sang them lullabies. Your people loved in great depth, not only their own families, but the white man’s families, too. Even through the most difficult times…Where there were beatings, horrible cruelty, lack of proper food, and even much worse heartless acts of cruelty, by those who kept your people in bondage, with their iron fists.
          I’m a little older than you, I think. I am for sure older than those whose cruel statements I have read. The way our country/society has grown to be during present times, is so very distressing. Honor, kindness, social goodness and mercy have seemed to become annihilated, by what I have read here tonight (Now this morning). Have we become a society with no conscience? Are we in the process of throwing away God almighty above?
          I do want you to know American Reparation, that I and many others like me(Vast numbers), do not feel or think like those who would disrespect you as they have done. I am truly grateful that you and I share this great land where we both live. You are as much a part of our American Heritage, if not more so, than the ignorant ones who have lashed out. I am proud that African Americans helped to form this country. I am proud that you and your ancestors fought for our country. I am proud that your people took care of and loved our children. I am proud that you are here, American Reparation. You are what makes America…America!
          You need NOT to spill out your whole life’s story…You need NOT to cry out the history of the abominable acts endured by your people. YOU NEED TO RISE UP AND ABOVE ALL THE HATRED!! For you, American Reparation, are better and mightier than those who would be so unkind. You ARE America…and I feel privileged to know that you and all are HERE!

          I also know that WE are all God’s children collectively as ONE, American Reparation! You and I together, and ALL others who are with us, must UNITE and stand together…on this USA soil that we all call home. Yes, American reparation…ALL the people, ALL the time , in ALL places,in the USA must try to unite, stand tall, and respect one another for our racial, heritage and social differences. WE ARE HERE TOGETHER! Our blood has already been mixed together collectively in forming this great nation UNDER GOD! In the name of GOD above…May we all agree to agree! It is our cultural differences that make The United States of America unique. May we all stand up and pledge our allegiance to her, OUR COUNTRY! May we all try to love one another and get along. For, we are all here, and each of us wants to stay right here in our own homeland. It is time that we all unite and sing praises to one another, instead of spreading hatred. I would like to see all of us singing songs like…”This land is your land…This land is my land”, together in a high spirited way. I would like to see we refer to ourselves as “ONE” people, living in a land made up of persons from all cultures. May we consider ourselves fortunate that each and every one of us is part of that magnificent ‘mix’. May God bless you American Reparation! We are The United States of America! May we dwell here together, with a sense of peace and harmony! May we remain one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We need at this time an American Revelation, American Reparation! What do you think?

          1. well then you need to move to a nice city, like Camden, New Jersey.
            you bleeding heart liberals are the ones that allow the kind of societal degradation that is occurring at a mind blowing speed.
            blacks have been handed the keys to success for the last 60 years. affirmative action, free everything, and still they want more. you need to wake up, and see that reparations should be paid to people that were harmed. but we do not owe the black race anything. the time for them to earn it has passed. do you think that paying them more money will change the structure of their existence? you do see the video at the top of this article, don’t you?
            I had to leave the place I grew up, because of this kind of thing.
            I do not hate black people. I watch good people lumped in with these savages, that roam our streets. but I will not ever believe that one race should be held over another. if you are so loving, look up the KING SHABAZZ videos, and watch this wonderful person tell his brothers that they need to kill all whites, and kill their babies. the one from South Street in Philly is a real love story. these are the savages that holder let slide when they were prosecuted for voter intimidation. he just let them go when they refused to show up for sentencing.
            if they haven’t had the chance to amass wealth, then why is oprah one of the richest WOMEN, not just black women, in the world?
            then, when you are done there, look at the
            site, and check out the UNFUNDED LIABILITIES.

            1. Reparations will go along ways to clean up our own neighborhoods. keep in mind that Black America did not get in this shape all by itself. It had a lot of help from White America and even a blind man can see this. The facts remains that we are in this country together for better or worse. Put some energy into building this country instead of tearing it down. Contribute without all the complaining. These problems will not solve themselves. Your us words like savages to describe your brothers is unacceptable.

              1. there is no reason to have trash, junk cars, and crumbling buildings. you cannot blame the white man for everything. it is over… done.
                I have been In more black owned houses than you could ever count.
                the living conditions are a choice, not a white man effect. anyone can have the dignity to clean their house.
                the things I have seen are hair raising.
                keep living in your whitey did it world, that’s what holding you back.
                BTW, can you name a nice place where the blacks have built a superior society?
                you are fooling yourself.
                I speak from experience.
                I used to go to about 20 houses in black neighborhoods every day, for years. I was confronted with racism at 90% of them.
                until the black people learn to live with others, they will NEVER rise to the level of the rest of the world.
                it is a shame that you have been twisted to believe that the democrats, who have kept you down all these years, and plan to replace you, have been your guiding light. you have been suckered.
                you have been voting for handouts that have destroyed your future. they have made you dependent, and have stolen your future. they kept you without drive, and the will to advance. I don’t blame you. but the fact that you still vote these progressives in, proves you will never break the cycle.
                it’s a shame. we need to be on the same team. they are after both our cultures.

              2. very eloquent.
                but after 20 years of working in black neighborhoods, and going into their houses, I know there is no reason to not trust what I have lived. you say I have only witnessed my small world? try working cable tv for 26 years. in black neighborhoods, and Mexican neighborhoods, and white neighborhoods.
                for 20 of those 25, I worked in philly, and Camden county,new jersey.
                the other 6 were in san Antonio.
                why when I went to the Mexican barrio, I was NEVER afraid?
                I was never accosted.
                they came here , and built themselves communities with hard work, and dignity. I live there now.
                maybe you need to experience some of what you preach, and try living with racism almost every time you knock on a door.
                it will all be over soon..,
                if you are far right , like you say, then you know that the dems have caused this, by creating a dependent culture.
                you should be able to reason out that with 92 million people out of work, inviting 40 million more here has a nefarious conclusion. and that is to destroy the blacks and the middle class.
                figure it out. this has all been created by the feral government, for an end.
                an end to America.
                you are right. we need to be on the same team. all races.
                but the messiah has made short work of any progress we had made to unite the people. figure out the reason. your life depends on it. DIVIDE AND CONQUER,,, it’s an old tale.
                I wish it were different, because the government wants the same thing for everyone, but the messiah had cut this country into ribbons, and the repair will be long and hard.
                the sooner we identify the problems, the sooner we will be able to fix it.

            2. Hello to you, too, Jim3888! You say that I am a “Bleeding heart liberal”??? Surprise Jim…I am noted as one of the farthest right conservatives that one could possibly ever be! I have been registered as such for many years!!!

              You say, “Blacks have been handed the keys to success for the last 60 years”??? Persons who believe as you do is the primary reason I believe that ‘Affirmative Action’ should stay in place forever! Someday, you may have to call upon personnel at ‘Affirmative Action’ yourself, Jim! I may have to call upon ‘Affirmative Action’, too! Who knows? The way I heard it, is that affirmative action is for the common good of ALL people.

              You say to me…”You need to wake up”. That is just the point, Jim, I have awakened!!! I believe that my awakening is a very good thing. For, unlike yourself, Jim, I have eyes that see far beyond all of this power struggling bickering and feuding! Don’t just look in your own backyard, or out the front door to your own street, or in your own community, or pick out the most devastated areas…and say look…This is how it is! Look far beyond at the whole global picture! Look back at the past. Look around you, today. And for goodness sake…look to our future! Then you may also become enlightened as to what is going on here!

              Why are you pointing the finger of fate toward our African American brothers and sisters? It is ALL of us who are collectively at fault, Jim. It is you, me, them, us, our government, the other governments around our globe…Everyone! We have grown to be a nation where the human conscience is disintegrating to the lower level where no one gives a heck about anyone else except themselves. I don’t know about you…But,what I see around me today, that is, this so-called sense of entitlement is a feeling that at least 42% of our US population feels they are entitled to. I see many Caucasians, Hispanics, Asians, Black Americans, Europeans,Native Americans, and all others, who hold onto the feelings that the government owes them a living. Have we, as a collective nation lost the one true value that persons used to build this great nation? The work ethic is one of the most highest values one may bestow, Jim…You and me included. So, please, do not blame it all on African Americans.

              How dare you call another human being a savage??? You are most savage for crying out that word, Jim!

              There are ‘gang’ groups in almost every neighborhood across our country. I am fully aware of how one mind can hook up with another, hence another personality is formed that is not too pretty. They hook up with others who feel like themselves…Then you get a gang group that only thinks up evil. This problem in the US is not only focused on one group, but ALL groups (Caucasian, Hispanics, Asian, Black Americans, Europeans, Native Americans, and ALL others). Yes, I do believe there is much voter intimidation present in today’s society, also. On this one thing we agree, Jim.

              I believe that the PROBLEMS are, poverty, greed, dishonesty, pride, and jealousy/envy. Those problems have manifested themselves into today’s society and have become a blistering, painful, and cancerous wound that is felt everywhere across our country. The bottom core or foundation for these problems is POVERTY.

              At the current time, over the past five (5) years or so, government has failed to come up with ‘common sense’ solutions to these problems we all are facing. Wipe out poverty…and there would be fewer ‘GANGS’ and evil. We need to take another look at how our present administration is handling the problems. Do they listen? Do they negotiate for solutions to promote the common good. Or, do they (Present government/administration) promote division and divisiveness??? Do not blame African America, Jim. Take a good long glance across the board? Take a global picture. Are we getting onto the same page yet, Jim?

              Now, to conclude…Let us now discuss Oprah Winfrey. I saw the video. I know what she said. I think I may know why she said it. Let’s look at Oprah’s past. It is easy for us to do, because Oprah was with us in our living rooms for years and years. We all know Oprah’s television personality. If one ever bothered to read Oprah’s biographies/autobiographies we may conclude that Oprah had it very rough during her earlier years before she became a television ‘star’. The reason she had it rough was because of discrimination! She managed to rise above it all, Jim. Let us give her an applause and credit for how she was able to turn the odds around and succeed! She didn’t do it by rolling a pair of dice, Jim. She worked and she worked and she worked, until she became successful. That is the ‘Oprah’ story I would tell. As I have written in previous comments on other blogs, I feel that Oprah feels that maybe she (herself) may be one of the primary reasons that our president became elected into the highest office possible. Could it be that she (Oprah) knows he has fumbled the ball a number of times, and that he has mislead, he has lied, he has promoted divisiveness, he has promoted gambling, he has promoted the fuel that has caused riots, and he has promoted abnormal solutions to recover from the sickest economy our nation has seen since the Great Depression? Could it be that she is harboring a sense of shame/guilt? No matter what the answer is to those questions…I will not change my view about Oprah. I like Oprah, how about you, Jim? Yes, we are a nation that has grown to be very ill and sick. We need to not look backward, but look forward to solutions that will return us (You, me, American Reparation and all others) back to normalcy by way of common sense solutions.

              It is not because President Barack Obama is of a mixed race, or that he is black or white…It is because we have not seen too many common sense solutions to heal our great and vast land, Jim. I have mentioned exact numbers in previous comments on other blogs about the high national debt the present administration has caused. I know that one (Or a nation) cannot spend what they do not have. I also believe in ‘waste not-want not’. I’ll try to conclude once again…We need very strong, efficient, and wise leaders to formulate solutions that will heal our land and our people. We need a government that will listen to the people. We need a government that will allow the people to vote, when major issues are identified. We need to re-attain our liberty, justice, and freedoms in order to survive. So, how about it…can we all work together and look for solutions to rebuild our country, The United States of America? Or, do some of us choose to allow it to become divided and fall? The decision is ours…We, The People who collectively are a part of this vast land. The decision is ours…ALL of us.

              1. very eloquent.
                but after 20 years of working in black neighborhoods, and going into their houses, I know there is no reason to not trust what I have lived. you say I have only witnessed my small world? try working cable tv for 26 years. in black neighborhoods, and Mexican neighborhoods, and white neighborhoods.
                for 20 of those 25, I worked in philly, and Camden county,new jersey.
                the other 6 were in san Antonio.
                why when I went to the Mexican barrio, I was NEVER afraid?
                I was never accosted.
                they came here , and built themselves communities with hard work, and dignity. I live there now.
                maybe you need to experience some of what you preach, and try living with racism almost every time you knock on a door.
                it will all be over soon..,
                if you are far right , like you say, then you know that the dems have caused this, by creating a dependent culture.
                you should be able to reason out that with 92 million people out of work, inviting 40 million more here has a nefarious conclusion. and that is to destroy the blacks and the middle class.
                figure it out. this has all been created by the feral government, for an end.
                an end to America.
                you are right. we need to be on the same team. all races.
                but the messiah has made short work of any progress we had made to unite the people. figure out the reason. your life depends on it. DIVIDE AND CONQUER,,, it’s an old tale.
                I wish it were different, because the government wants the same thing for everyone, but the messiah had cut this country into ribbons, and the repair will be long and hard.
                the sooner we identify the problems, the sooner we will be able to fix it.

          2. I am white my daddy was a share cropper also. Worked for the company store. So I have no sense of pitty for some one who has wasted their lives waiting for a hand out. The civil war freed not only Black slaves; who had it better than poor whites. I do not want to here the crap. Civil rights did not only apply too blacks but it sure gave them some major advantages. ANd white social service people treat them a lot different. Example a single white girl shows up with children all white she is cut. Another white girl shows up kids mixed gets what she wants. It is time for the crap to end.
            Reverse discrimination= Affirmative action.
            same with Jobs
            Same with most things, blacks get it free.
            Let me help the slave owners were approx five percent of the population from 1860 census and I am quite sure all of them were white slave owners RIGHT?
            The census was corrrect becasue of the possible slave owner vote count. SO all of America owe blacks really, get a grip. 150 years and any where you live in the Us you turn into a garbage pit see Detroit, Chicago it goes on and On.

          3. Your support for his (or her) racism is disgusting. Cloaking it in touching concern just looks even more bizarre.

            Racists like you are a throwback to a very sick-minded past. Your day is done, and you’re done here.

            1. It appears that the person (Clara Howell) may not have been supporting American Reparation’s racism, but rather may have been merely defending a man whom she had viewed as a victim of discrimination right here on this site. It may have been apparent to her via what she had read from many, many, commentators that he was on the receiving end of racism, as was evidenced by her having read profound racial slurs, by many commentators that were addressed to American Reparation? I have read those comments to him, and I feel that he indeed was on the receiving end of sheer bigotry right here on a public blog site. Could it be that she may not even be a member of liberal ideology? Could it be that maybe she is even a far right conservative, K-Bob? Don’t you think that we ALL should listen to and allow others to be heard and to speak? This sort of thing can be compared to our current situation concerning the Obama Administration and the democrat congressional leaders who refuse to listen to or negotiate with conservative members of congress. Now…It has become even worse, because by the ending of last week the democrat majority in the US Senate had formulated and implemented a very shrewd plan that they believed would impede republicans from having a voice for the people across this vast land (USA). There schematic and articulately formulated plan has now caused “The Death of The US Senate” in The Year of Our Lord 2013 A.D. Don’t you think it is important to listen to and hear each individual who may so happen to comment on this site, K-Bob? We must listen to one another…Most ALL of us want the same thing. We are here, and we should unite as ONE BODY to fight the battle against hate, bigotry, greed, poverty, injustice, envy and shame, that would place God, Country and Family as our utmost priorities!!!

        2. well then think about how much you owe the Jews. remember that the egyptans were the first ones to take slaves, and it was the Jews.
          do you feel you owe them reparations?
          and do you feel that 150 years is not enough time to build a society?

          1. What do this have to do with American Slaves? The facts remain that American owe the descendants of Black slaves reparations and now is the right time to bring this overdue idea to the forefront. “The American Reparation Plan” will act as the world’s greatest stimulus to this economy ever. More importantly it the right thing to do. Let’s get it started now.

            1. First American slave owner was Black!!! DUH!
              Blacks sold blacks as slaves, there you go black on black crime!!

        3. First: ALL races have been oppressed, indentured, subject to slavery etc…
          Second: These injustices and slavery experiences of your ancestors happened in the distant past…your ancestors (and mine) are long dead. Why should today’s Blacks be rewarded for this? The opportunities for success abound in today’s society…take advantage of it. (Many, including Oprah, have.)
          Third: You will have no peace until you get past your perceived “victimhood” mindset.
          Fourth: As far as an “Apology” goes, wasn’t the blood of hundreds of thousands who died in our Civil War enough?

    2. This “assault on Obamacare” is because it is a terrible and uncompassionate law. Furthermore, it is communism.

      You do realize that the very same people who opposed it this time also opposed it when Hillary Clinton tried to push it through, right? Maybe you think we opposed it back then because Hillary Clinton is black?

      Isn’t it interesting that just about every single thing the Tea Party has said about this law (1. that it would force people to lose their insurance, 2. that it would raise the cost of insurance rather than lower it, 3. that it would contain death panels, 4. that it is designed to drive all private health insurance companies out of business so that Americans are left with no options but the government, 5. that the government will be far more wasteful and less efficient than private industry with this, etc.) has turned out to be TRUE, and that all of President Obama’s major assurances about the law (and other things) have turned out to be (deliberate) lies?

      Hopefully many people now are noticing that the Tea Party is intelligent and trustworthy, while other voices in our society are not quite so trustworthy and sometimes downright deceptive.

      The USA is not a communist nation. Americans do not want to be forced and tricked into living under a communist law. We would have opposed Obamacare no matter who proposed it.

      I suggest reading “Do-Gooders: How liberals hurt those they claim to help (and the rest of us)” by Mona Charen.

      1. The funny thing is the reaction of a California lawyer who voted for Obama TWICE. Then she complainingly reported that her health insurance policy had been cancelled and that she had replaced it with a higher premium policy with approximately the same benefits. SHE WAS SURPRISED! She did not “think” she would be effected. She should have stopped at “did not think.” Moron? You be the judge.

        And remember, there are millions as this lawyer – and they all get to vote. God help the USA.

    3. You apparently like free. So do I. Let us hope it stays that way.
      I guess you lie all the time. I cannot stand lying. I have a hard enough time remembering and dealing with the truth. Maybe I should become a Liberal.

    4. never has there been a man in the white house who has abused the power of that office more arrogantly and blatantly than Obama, I don’t care if he is purple with white polka dots. hang on to your theories. I have absolutely no tolerance for a man who is an idiot, bush was an idiot and Obama is an idiot. a spade is a spade what is wrong with you? and oprah she is a racist if I have ever seen one. a whiney bitch and so into her self she can’t see it. pathetic the whole lot of you standing up for a liar and a sneak and a lazy man just because he is black you are a black eye on the American way and the human race.

    5. Obama was elected because of his skin color. No white man with that thin of a resume as Obama would have ever been elected. You are the biggest racist on here. Blacks are some of the biggest racists on the planet.

  27. It aint about his race you overpaid clown, its about how stupid an worthless he is as a president, Oprah, kill yourself, the world will be better off.

    1. You have to understand how difficult it is too live inside a demented liberal mind, but I think it goes deeper than that. I think Michelle is in a protective mode of her husband and Oprah is having serious personal conflicts because of this – and when jealousy and envy overwhelms a black female’s mind…..
      She’s saying things that Michelle can’t say publicly, except that it’s all based on her personal rivalry for Barry. Oprah’s wildly horny for Barry, so she’ll say the dumbest things.

  28. Oprah assisted in a conspiracy to defraud the American people. Obama LIED to the nation on Oprah’s show. With her help he presented a COUNTERFEIT BIRTH CERTIFICATE to America. This is the same birth certificate that Sheriff Joe Arpaio proved to be as phony as a $3 bill. When is Oprah going to apologize for this? Or is it OK for Obama to lie on her show? If he wasn’t “black” would it still be OK to lie to America on the Oprah show? Oprah, if you have any questions about this lie and deception that you assisted, please contact Joe Arpaio, he is an American with guts, integrity and honesty who did extensive research into this document fraud. You could learn something.

  29. Oprah uses as evidence of racism the fact that a congressman said “you lie” while Obama was giving a speech. Well Oprah you would have to be a deaf and dumb buffoon to not know Obama is constantly lying and for you to not acknowledge that makes you a fool or a liar as well.

  30. She’s got it backwards. Many people who never had a racist thought are starting to despise the ObamaPhone crowd because of their ignorance, arrogance, violence, food stamps, give me, give me, give me mentality and of course the despicable, disgusting, devious, deceitful, habitual lying character of the fraud in chief.

  31. Did Oprah just say he’s African not Hawaiian or is he White and, oh forget it, I am so confused. Anyway his policies still suck

  32. I don’t just despise obama (and it’s not because he’s black, I don’t like his policies), I’m rapidly reaching the point that I despise all democrats. For the first time in my 58 years and since the libs have taken over this country, my life and lifestyle has crashed and burned. Now I have obamacare coming down the road to cause more financial problems. For the first time in my life I have seen first hand what they mean by the quote “democrats are great at spreading the misery”

    1. Amen, Mikey! Their intent is to do away with the middle class! We are slowly descending into a state of annihilation!

      1. the ACA is the first step.
        the second step is create black vs white, and maybe throw in a designer disease to eradicate the blacks. the third step is to replace us with 40 million Mexicans they are INVITING HERE.
        there are 92 million out of work. you can’t go collect slaves, or buy them anymore, so you invite a new slave class. the blacks are out of control, and they will cut off their benefits and blame the white repubs… watch. it’s coming fast.
        haven’t you heard? amnesty is an emergency.

        1. I am commenting on behalf of the lady you ‘thought’ was a liberal, but turns out she is far right. She was removed from this thread by K-Bob the moderator. Here is her message to you since she could not reply first hand:
          Hello again Jim3888
          Last evening I received a comment from k-Bob, the moderator, who called me a racist, and removed me from commenting. He had read the same comment you had read from me to American Reparation (The one where you had assumed I was a liberal, Jim).
          I don’t get it!!! K-Bob said I was a racist. I feel that I came to the defense of a man who was truly being harassed by racists, who were calling him profound names, using horrible racial slurs. I had read one comment after the other where persons were doing this and advising him to go back to Africa. Could you please explain to me why you think K-Bob felt that way and removed me from commenting further, Jim3888???

          1. I have no idea. and the reason I thought she was a lib, was that she was preaching liberal views.
            Identifying problems and stating facts is not racist. acting as though they do not exist is.
            I did not suggest he go back to Africa, I said that should be a condition of reparations. as far as k-bob, I felt you were backing the blacks. I would ask k-bob why he felt that way. maybe he is tired of the same old same old, like a lot of people.
            but realize that Obama has enabled this behavior, because he needs division to rule this country. he cannot survive with a united Constitutional Republic against him.

            1. I hear you, Jim888. We are all tired, worn, torn and feel frustrated over the present administration’s ‘cool dude’ demeanor. Now look what they did yesterday in the US Senate. Laws and Acts are being formulated having no forethought or strong debate before implementation. Hidden high taxes have been shrewdly incorporated into the ACA, along with other hidden articles. Almost 2000 pages of the Affordable Care Act signed into law without the utmost forethought of future consequences. Remember Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid urging legislators to “Hurry up and lets get this signed…You’ll have a chance to read it later”??? Hopefully a sleeping giant has awakened. May the Republican Party prevail and reveal truths. ‘All truth becomes evident over time’. We need to return to normalcy and move away from the out of control lunacy the present administration is exhibiting. Thanks for getting back to me Jim888.

        2. Could it
          be possible that they (Present administration) DO have a plan? I feel strongly
          that their plan may be in this order:
          1st. *National Health Care. 2nd
          *Government subsidized housing (For all eventually). 3rd*Pledge of allegiance to their leader. I only listed 3
          articles that I feel may be in their ARTICULATE schematic plan for OUR NATION
          and OUR COUNTRY, that we hold so dear to our hearts and minds. I think the readers will get the general
          drift of what WE are trying to unveil. The government will own AMERICA and all
          of its people! Freedoms will be
          annihilated. Please take a forward look
          at how things may be for America’s future, K-Bob, jim3888, American Reparation, Mikey1109, and
          all others; For it could happen right here. Could it be true that our so-called
          government may ‘own’ YOU and all others, American Reparation and jim3888, in our future to come?
          Will there be no liberty, justice or freedom?
          Is that what everyone wants for
          themselves and their families? What about our children to come? When a government takes over…;They take
          over!. One only has to read ‘The Diary
          of a Young Girl’, published in 1947, by Anne Frank (From her own diary she kept
          while living under forceful government control of the country, where she so
          happened to live), to comprehend what may happen to all of us, right here in
          our own homes, and in our own country. K-Bob, do you think that WE, collectively, may now
          open our eyes so that we may unveil this truth for our entire country? Let us now try to set
          our priorities straight on…God, Country and Family! This is what America needs…and it needs it NOW.

          1. you really need to research the organizations the regime is affiliated with. then you need to sit down, and think.
            do you really think that a man that hates the US more than anything, is suddenly turned into a loving caring man?
            either you have no idea what he is up to, or you are just not informed.
            please… you need about a good year of checking out what the communists have in store for us.

            1. Hope is a beautiful thing. Impossible? Maybe. Maybe not. Look at Saul in The NT Holy Spcriptures. He persecuted early Christian followers…Even wanted them annihlilted, because his hatred for them was so profound. He was converted in a flash! Then he became known as Paul whose conversion caused him to spread The Gospel message to places far beyond anywhere the original apostles had ever thought of going to. Generations later St. Paul is known to us as the great apostle (Though not one of the original 12) whose Epistles became the central part of the New Testament.

              1. did you read all the posts I made? I worked around the blacks for years. and I was in their houses. they are predjudiced and angry.
                I used tio have hope, I tried to explain the fact that we are all being divided for the government to conquer us. some actually had the light come on… others were resigned to a violent end.
                the present buffoon in charge has made the most of racism, and I fear that I have lost many of the people that listened to me.
                I wish it was that easy, but the fires are stoked daily.
                fail to recognize this at your own peril.

                1. Above please click on link, Jim888. It may be a part of the glimmer of HOPE we may need to grasp onto. Nothing is totally impossible, Jim. E.W. Jackson just so happened to be Cuccinelli’s running mate in Virginia, where both recently lost that commonwealth’s gubernatorial race. I believe he made that recording before the 2008 presidential election. Don’t you think that he and others like himself (You, me, vast numbers of others) are now more fired up than ever? Our black population knows BO, and many know what he is trying to accomplish. Also, please read all of my posts through Disqus.com, and also please read all of Clara Howell’s post through Disqus, especially under the thread…’Anderson:Paying the Piper on Obamacare’.
                  Also, another glimmer of hope for the day…US Supreme court has agreed to listen to a new motion brought before the court today. Look it up! I believe it involves laws pertaining to religious beliefs and Obamacare…Haven’t read the details on that one yet.

                2. google
                  ICD 9E 978
                  then be very afraid.
                  I have a connection that is very scared. and he was alphabet soup…

                3. it is a WHO health code.
                  never… I repeat, NEVER ask snopes. I have researched politics for 8 years. I am disabled, and this is all I do. if you google that code with a comma, and put in legalized executions, you will have the answer. the MAINSTREAM IS TRYING TO TURN IT AROUND AND SUGARCOAT IT.

  33. “Everybody is thinking it”, when did Oprah become spokesperson for US? Her opinion is not mine… We fight wars on credit cards. Govt gives contracts to companies who want max profit for technologies that we paid for. Fuel-less car technologies is being suppressed. We have bigger issues than listening to a racist…choice drive systems org

  34. people don’t hate him because his black maybe people hate him because he’s half whit and denies his white side get real people he’s the first bi-racial man to become president not first black man to be , second everything he said was a lie people did lose their insurance and also the minute he announced the Obama care program employers start hiring only part time people so they didn’t have to pay for insurance for employees so he really screwed up people not being able to afford any kind of insurance and wow people have to work 2-3 jobs to get 40 hours a week wtg to go mr I don’t know what color I am president and oprah you are part of the problem why racism doen’t die keep bringing the past up if anyone is racist ITS YOU

  35. If she’s not moaning about being a black millionaire who gets rejected by shop assistants in Switzerland she’s trying to play the race card another way, this time involving the president. Poor Winfrey, poor Obama, how do they manage?

    One day they will just leave and move to Africa or somewhere else where there are only kind, happy, non-racist, non-European people. Or will they?

  36. Look at all this anti-whitism. In the 60’s, anti-whites forced ALL and ONLY white countries to bring in millions of non-whites. Then anti-whites forced ALL and ONLY white people to “integrate” or face penalties for being “naziswhowantokill6millionjews.” Now anti-whites are praising and counting down the days till ALL and ONLY white children are minorities and extinct EVERYWHERE. That makes it genocide. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white. /watch?v=lKDeyuM0-Og

  37. That card is STILL being played? Give me a freaking break.

    At this point, pulling the race card is the equivalent of correcting grammar in a political debate. You have nothing else to support your case so you resort to calling the opponents stupid/racist.

  38. Small? Small? Huh? Ahh, you can’t spell, you mean Smart. Yes, I have always been able to spot racists. They almost always hate People of the jewish faith and they hate White Crackers most of all…………..:) 🙂 🙂 Yes, eye B Smart! Billy Badman

  39. I Need to get Young again real quick because that fat pig oprah winfree wants to kill me and the rest of the old White Crackers. Pass this on to other old White Crackers so they can see just what racist fat black pigs think about Whites.

    This fat racist pig got rich because White Crackers watched her Show and now she wants to kill them?

  40. Good for you Oprah finally showing your true colors as the white hating race baiter I always figured you were.

  41. Article by Ben Shapiro posted on Breitbart a few hours ago.
    The comments are flowing freely.
    Looks like Oprah has pushed some folks buttons.
    Speak up America! Let your voices be heard!

  42. Really Oprah,Are you for real??? You actually believe people hate him; which is a very strong word and disrespect him because he is black???? or half white? that is how rediculous you sound. This man, our president does not deserve our respect and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS COLOR HALF WHITE OR HALF BLACK..He is responsible for his actions and has EARNED OUR DISRESCT. Remember all of the people you have interviewed endlessly about taking responsibility for your actions.?? I know you read alot Oprah so there is NO excuse for what you have said. I am upset and disgusted by your remark for two reasons. One is that people admire you, respect you and believe what you say. So this irresponsible statement will have an impact on millions of black people to the point where all the good you have done could be errased by a statement that could have a trickle down effect on black people for generations.!!!!! Did you ever think about the impact of what you did Ms. Oprah??? Let me put in it another context. Do you remember when Bill Clinton stated ” I never had sex with that woman”; but later qualified before he told the truth that he only had “Oral Sex” with her which isn’t really sex. Do you know Oprah Whinfey the impact that statement had on high school/ college students??? !! Well I do! It gave them permission to have oral sex without dealing with the reprocussions/emotion/physical implications etc. That statement screwed up alot of kids. Period. And now I believe YOU HAVE DONE THE SAME; BUT ON A MUCH LARGER SCALE; because people already had lost respect for Clinton , they soon discovered he lied. But you the almighty Oprah people seem to love and believe and that makes this STATEMENT YOU MADE MUCH WORSE THAN ON ITS’ OWN MERRITS. OBAMA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MULTIPLE SCANDALS; BENGAZI, FAST AND FURIOUS, NSA , IRS, MULTIPLE BAIL OUT THEFTS, DEALS WITH OUR ENEMIES, 600 MILLION DOLLAR WEB SITE WHICH NEVER WILL WORK, DESTROYING OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. SHALL I GO ON OPRAH?? This is why our president has lost the respect of the people. It has nothing to do with his half black, half white color. Now Oprah I currently have the OWn CHANNEL AND I realize I can choose to keep it but as of today I am dropping it !! I have no interest in anything you have to say.
    I hope to God people start thinking for themselves and don’t listen to people like you who in my opinion, I have come to the conclusion that anyone that thinks the way YOU do must be Racist.

  43. Poor Oompah Windbag, any ill words towards her Emperor are misconstrued as racism. He is hated for being a communist, a failure and an anti-American virus but if pigment is all you can wrap your little brain around, fine. His white half is despised as much as his black half. If you like your feeble monotone race card, you can keep it. It’s all played out but you can keep it.

  44. There is only one reason why because he constantly lies. If you like your insurance you can keep it would be a big one

  45. I used to kind of admire Oprah; a woman of average intelligence who rose to the top through assertiveness and savvy business deals. But she’s proven herself to be little more than a grasping, wannabe political pundit, attempting to reignite her dying career with race-baiting rants.

    1. RG, it’s her connection with Gail King that causes so much of this. GK is heard on CBS morning each day, and I think Orca has become smitten and is simply acting like a spoiled rich kid having her “say.” Go away, O…. both of you.

  46. OH God what about the other elephant in the room? The majority of Obama supporter’s do so based solely on the color of his skin. Blacks voted for him and endorse everything he does because he is black. They still know nothing of his policies. How is that NOT racist? Most black Obama supporters still dont know about the NDAA, and repeatedly refuse to engage in any discussion on the matter! some of them will defend there support of this tyrant to the point of violence! I cant feel sorry for them, knowing that they are responsible for there own destruction!

    1. Just recently a Quinnipiac (whatever!) poll showed nationally Obama’s approval was 39%, Amongst 18-25 year olds– 42%– amongst blacks?? 75 PERCENT APPROVE!!
      If white people voted like black people– there wouldn’t be a President Obama. Hell-if white people voted like black people, there wouldn’t even be so much as a black dog catcher! but– white people are racist?? Give me a break!

  47. Maybe it’s time for the black community to break free of the mindset that people like Oprah have and espouse. Why can’t liberal people like her ever be critical of the things that are devastating the black community. The breakdown of the family unit (which leads to gangs, etc.), the disdain for education, the victim mentality, etc., etc. Instead she has to attack the “racist” bogey-white-man.

    1. I have this nagging thought. I grew up in Detroit– rode on the back of the bus, marched down Woodard to hear MLK. Met young people that were just like me except for skin color. We listened to songs that celebrated the coming together of white and black young people.
      But then, along came LBJ and his Great Society.
      I still can’t decide if he and other Jim Crow Democrats actually were smart enough to realize what it would do to black people– and what the Affirmative Action bill would do to young white people who– like me– were blatantly told that they would not be considered– no matter what– for a job because they were white (and male).
      But, it worked. It separated us culturally by luring many young black people in to the prison of the ghetto and then race baiters like Sharpton became rich with their propaganda that blamed whites for every malady that came along.
      If I– as a white male — couldn’t get a job or didn’t get good enough grades to get into college– who could I blame? But my dark skinned counterpart — blamed me!
      I still wonder– when Robert Byrd (who voted against the Civil Rights Act, but voted for the policies of “The Great Society” shook LBJ’s hand and said “this’ll have them N—ers voting for us for the next 200 years!”, did LBJ and Byrd really know what they had done? Were they that “visionary”??

    2. Simple, if they didn’t preach the mantra of you need the democrats to give you welfare, the democrats would never get elected. The tragedy of it all is folks like MLK fighting for civil rights only for the democrats to hijack it completely and make african americans slaves to the DNC and a welfare state.

  48. For a smart woman Oprah is talking really dumb. People hare Obama for all his lies and disrespect for our Constitution which he very well hates. Just look at how many times he has violated it blatantly. This is what makes the real difference and not the color of his skin.

  49. Just because one has money doesn’t mean they have good things to say. Maybe Oprah should think of ways to express her ideas that aren’t quite so divisive. I personally am not a fan of the president because all he ever does is let me down. His ideas a wrong and bad for the country and he’s so married to them he can’t see that. I wasn’t a Bill Clinton fan but I had respect for him because when he realized he was on the wrong side of an issue or needed to work together with others to better the nation he was a good enough to man up and get the job done by convincing his adversaries they were wrong or admitting he was wrong. This man won’t even engage his adversaries he just belittles them dismisses them and then proceeds, everyone else be damned it’s his way or the highway. That does no one any good. Not Democrats, Independents, or Republicans. He needs to play less golf and be smart enough to at least get out of his own way when the opportunity to do the right thing presents itself.

    1. Brian
      Obama has never played fair
      He is a liar and a cheat. He wins because in his arrogant deprived communist Muslim mind, he Is an elite, always right and we common folk don’t know anything . Michelle feels the same. They have an absolute contempt for us

  50. Wait a minute folks… Why is No ONE telling Oprah that he’s half white? Doesn’t that make him White-African American or African-White American? Take your pick…

    But WAY MORE than the color of his skin is his socialist-style policies….!!!

  51. I wonder how he got elected twice? All those white racists must have been forced at gunpoint to vote for him. To be fair, the second election was based on the fraudulent “You can keep your health insurance and doctor” lie and is null and void.

  52. ya know, if she would have a coranary or something like that, it would save tens of thousands of chickens a year. just saying. Now you see D’Oprah, THAT is racist.

  53. I despise Obama because he is a Liar and a Racist. White people, in general , are continually re-inforced in their desire to avoid Black people because of the Behavior of Black people – which is always confirming that being around them is dangerous and distasteful. It’s not a ‘racial thing’ ..it’s a reality thing. The same people will feel that they have no reason to avoid “yellow” Asians in the same manner that they do Blacks.

  54. To really understand the Oprah statement you have to know the interviewer. A pompous talking head from the BBC. [ British broadcasting corporation.] Better know as…’The brown Brothers Club!.
    That organisation believes it has to be So PC and apologetic on behalf of the British people, that it employs idiots that under normal circumstances would be given swift kick up the backside, and thrown back in the cesspit they came from…..England!!
    Of course Oprah would not have been the best airhead to interview, at times it is difficult to decide which part of her anatomy is speaking! Mostly it seems to be the underside, but still difficult to distinguish.

  55. She’s got it backwards. Many people who never had a racist thought are starting to despise the ObamaPhone crowd because of their ignorance, arrogance, violence,
    welfare, give me, give me, give me mentality and of course the despicable, disgusting, devious, deceitful, habitual lying character of the fraud in chief.

  56. Somebody should tell Doprah to go look at the many videos of black thugs playing the “knockout game” that is all the rage among racist young blacks violently assaulting innocent white victims. Then she should review her remarks on racism, Obama’s and Holder’s remarks on racism, and then rethink who the racists really are before she opens her mouth again on this subject.

    1. Imagine if the colors were reversed and whites were doing this ‘Knockout’ violence to blacks.
      The ObamaCare disaster would fade from the headlines and TV screens as the professional race baiters and the con-man in chief would go ballistic. Of course since it is black feral animals who run in packs, all we hear are crickets. This is just one of their wonderful pastimes, an excellent book “”White Girl Bleed a Lot” documents this black on white violence happening all over the country and not being reported by the lame stream media.
      ‘Knockout’ Game = Automatic sentence 20 years in prison.

  57. He is totally incompetent, not qualified and not a leader. It does not matter to me what color he is he is just plain in over his head and those like Oprah have to look for some reason people don’t like he. It is funny when she talks about racism, when we got a 1/2 black president and she is a billion aire. Funny isn’t it. But no matter he has been a total failure.

  58. Someone needs to monitor Oprah, she is definitely going over the edge…..mentally and physically!

  59. Please get lost in a European purse store. Ever since you were snubbed in Europe in a fancy purse store, you have been crying racism ever since!

  60. I’m not a racist, I’m a realist. Obama is the sum total of liberal ideology and the whole world is seeing just how bad that can be. Oprah, she’s a dink.

  61. Flase. It is because he is incompetent, unqualified. He got there jumping from one seat to another, paying and selling his seats.

  62. Wait wait wait, what? I thought the KKK didn’t like Obama because of his old smoking habits.
    That’s almost as crazy and impossible as people voting for him BECAUSE he’s black.

  63. I despise Obama and it has nothing to do with his color!!! I am so sick of people like Oprah spewing her racists comments like this, I despise Obama because he is a liar, tyrant, and he has disdain for our Constitution!! He sickens me!!! I would feel this way if he were lily white trust me!!! I pray that Ben Carson runs for the office!!! He is black but it is his character I see when I look at him!!!!

  64. Oprah is a other racist, Chicago scumbag who preys on people just as her fellow thug Obama. It is the blacks who are committing almost all the crime in America, are the most corrupt, and cry racist all the time.

    Oprzh should spendher time and money educating and feefing her fellow blacks, and leave the rest of us alone.

  65. What do you expect, hate to say it but she is black. I am not racist, I have a 1/2 black adopted grandchild so there.
    While at it, I saw a commercial for some show on oprah’s station, makes black women look like over sexed, loud mouth idiots. Why did she make them look such, to me it takes the entire black community down, are blacks watching this trash? If I were black I think I would lead a boycott against her.

  66. Oprah- Obama is a complete immature little crybaby. He doesn’t get his way so he shuts the gov’t down, and the libs and McCain blame the Tea Party rather than dems.. The Arab Spring was a disaster, Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan has the largest poppy production ever, and we have a 17 trillion dollar deficit. Racist Americans? No!!
    Incompetent, pathetic, inadequate, narcissistic, crybaby ….. That’s why we don’t like him.

  67. Ironically Oprah’s statement seems racist. I was one of the few people who realized the moment I heard this guy speak that he was the product of liberal ignorance. His words have no substance. For instance, he made claims about political discourse needing to be more civil and then he attacks everyone that doesn’t agree with him. How does his ineptitude make me a racist? I don’t like Nancy Pelosi does that make me anti-woman or anti-Catholic? Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Oprah Winfrey – all these people have something in common, and being black is not one of them – it’s their ideology.

    Also, for clarification Obama is not an African-American, in the traditional sense of the term. African-American is a term usually used by American blacks descended from slaves. Obama’s father was African, but was not part of the African-American community.

    Finally, following Oprah’s lack of logic that would mean that those who were against Herman Cain were racists too.

  68. Until she can prove this with facts rather than opinion, it is highly questionable. Instead she blames it on thought rather than words. Enter Oprah, the mind police.

  69. Many people hate Obama because he’s an incompetent anti-american socalist tool.
    They classify any criticism as racism, because that’s their defense to everything. Without it they would have to deal with the reality that the Emperor has no clothes.

  70. Oprah.org will pull every single racist comment made in response to
    her BBC interview and use as ammunition to support her views.
    We need to stay on point and respond with Facts.
    Don’t feed into the madness. Focus. The truth will set us Free!

  71. That’s an F’ing lie by Oprah. Most Americans disrespect him because he’s a fool and a liar. This is the start of race card gambit again leading to the 2014 elections. They know Obamacare is going to tip the elections toward the Republicans and they are going to use the race card to incite anti white sentiment again. Oh by the way its not just Whites that don’t like Obama its also Blacks. The National Association of Black Republicans recently filed articles of impeachment against Obama.

  72. So are you advocating killing only white people when you say racists must die? What about yourself Oprah? You certainly appear to be a racist.

  73. Apparently if you are black you can do no wrong and any criticism has to be racist in origin. Of course Robert Mugabe and Obama are great flawless leaders of their nations and deserve only praise.

  74. That’s right Oprah … put on your big girl dress and quit playing that stupid, really tired race card. As a minority female, even I am tired of hearing it. You know the truth – it IS because of Obama’s color that WORSE has not been said about him. Can you imagine WTF would’ve been said if these were Bush’s failed policies??

  75. I am sure there are plenty of racists but who cares about them. If we were to care about what is insignificant we would not do much.
    However what I think most people have a problem with, is Obama incoherence and inconsistency between his amazing and inspiring speeches and his actions or the lack of thereof, the abyss between his convictions when speaking and his will to implement what he utters.

    With 61 senators and the House of Reps, it took him 2 years to get a health care bill that is far from being perfect not to mention the implementation.

    I don’t even want to imagine what the GOP would have done with such a majority, let me guess, we might have been on our way to Manchuria or Siberia by now.

    He said there was a red line with Syria but he really meant there might be some dotted colorless line and went to congress instead of taking actions.
    Senators are elected to debate and waste time and really not to do much, they are amazing at it, aren’t they? President are elected to execute and actually do something.
    We can argue about Bush’s legacy, but no one can disagree that he did plenty.

    If I were her boss reviewing him, I would say, great inspiration, amazing oratory talent, great understanding, must work on following up his intentions and be more decisive in his actions.

  76. Where in the heck has Oprah been? “Nobody ever says….” It is said everyday by many of President Obamas supporters. He knowingly lied to America time & time again but if I call him a liar I am called racist.

  77. If she were white and complained about blacks like this, she would be quickly labeled a racist. She only gets away with her own racism because she is black. What a disgrace!

  78. Oprah, we don’t care if Obama has pink polka dots. Our problem with Obama is NOT his color. It’s his arrogance, his socialist agenda and his LIES!

  79. The race card has been played so many times, the spots are all worn off so get your panties out of a knot Oprah and act like a big girl. Reality bites and BHO is in waaaaay over his head, that’s why he sucks.

  80. Here’s another example of someone who has so much money they believe themself to be of an entirely different class from the rest of us. I haven’t cared for Oprah for a very long time because of comments like this. Truth be told. BOZO is disliked because of his character and content – not the color of his skin. He, along with his disgusting wife, have DISRESPECTED the office from the beginning. This is a man who has absolutely no integrity or love for this country. Hence, very few have any respect for him whatsoever!! When you point a finger at someone, you have four more pointing back at you!!!!

  81. Don’t get me started on Oprah. She assisted in a conspiracy to defraud the American people. Obama LIED to the nation on Oprah’s show. With her help he presented a COUNTERFEIT BIRTH CERTIFICATE to America. This is the same birth certificate that Sheriff Joe Arpaio proved to be as phony as a $3 bill (see video on YouTube). When is Oprah going to apologize for this? Or is it OK for Obama to lie on her show? If he wasn’t “black” would it still be OK to lie to America on the Oprah show? Does she have a shred of integrity left?

  82. Camp Obama plays dirty politics to win elections and promote their socialist policies.
    Ms Winfrey twists the truth and pulls out the race card to promote her movie and support her messiah.
    Both of them are quickly taking a hit on their popularity.
    You see it’s like this – we, the American people, do not like being lied to.
    Plain and simple. Just the facts. Read my lips … has nothing to do with race.
    Respect is earned. Period.

  83. I don’t have a lack of respect for the man because he is black, I dispise all Liberal redistribution of wealth and its proponents. I had no respect for Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton, just as I won’t have any respect for Hillary. It’s NOT a ‘black thang’.

  84. People will respect the office and the leader just as soon as we get a leader back in the office. A community organizer that absolutely hates America and all that she stands for should never set foot in or near the WH. This man has done more to take and keep good people down than an atom bonb could do. He promotes and encourages thuggery, because that is all that he is goo at. He would never succeed if performance was REQUIRED.

  85. Only a true libtard could say this. Oprah is one of if not the richest woman on the planet. As a woman, I guess she could claim discrimination because she’s not the richest person on the planet! Isn’t she African American? Did the rest of us forget that when we promoted her to her lofty level? Isn’t Obama half white or something? Not that I care, but he’s not fully African American so how could us racists fully hate him? As a half white would he not benefit from the “white culture”? Isn’t it interesting that a half white, half black individual would fully embrace his black half and completely disregard his white half in the face of all this discrimination? Is Oprah blind to his white half? Does anybody really care what color he chooses to be when his complete mental retardation is the real issue? Obama is not smart, not intelligent and he’s completely clueless at leading. He is however, awesome at assuming the cult of personality and being an empty vessel that millions of libtards can pour their utopian dreams into. Oprah is as dumb as a cold ham, but she is fortunate to have been a black woman at a time when millions of fat white women wanted to go ghetto and embrace the edgy side of their afternoon tea conversations. Oprah is the culmination of white guilt and media manipulation. Good for her, she doesn’t swear to uphold the constitution. Obama however, did swear to uphold it. We despise him because he disregards our founding document, not because he can’t come to equally display his black/white ethnicity.

  86. Actually, I hate all communist politicians regardless of their color. They’re all treasonous scum.

  87. And Oprah hates him coz she didn’t get her privileged inside track to the WHITE House. Even as she IS (or at least used-to-be) the most worshipped individual in the history of American television. Yeah that “racism” is some really bad stuff.

  88. Oprah, please explain how someone can be expected to respect another when they are raping you from behind at every opportunity. The least he could do is offer a little protection and lubricant.

  89. Apparently they deleted my comment because I said that it’s dangerous to insight violence, and if one does, you could end up in a FEMA camp.

  90. Thes absolute worst excuse for a leader and the worst fraud ever perpetrated upon the American people and on American soil. He has been baby sitted throughout his 1st and 2nd term. The media protects and covers for him and Holly Weird caters to him so they can get away with all the filth they broadcast and so they can continue to receive their regular flights of assorted pharmecutical and illegal drugs from the south.

  91. Actually it is more like he has gotten away with so much because he is 1/2 and 1/2. How do you figure he is African American. He knows he wants to be a dictator and he pushes things to the limit. He is not presidential in any way, he ignores the Congress and the Senate and is like a whiny baby if he doesn’t get ‘HIS’ way. He could care less what the people want. He is more concerned about his power and prestige and that of his party numbers, ONLY and PERIOD.

  92. What a bunch of Bravo Sierra! It could be that WE THE PEOPLE, do not care for his COMMUNISTIC POLICIES AND BELIEFS!

    Hey O – by your own mouth YOU ARE THE RACIST!!

    And you are irrelevant also!

  93. Will Oprah… Not that you give a rip, but I have now moved you from respected entrepreneur to racist hack. Congratulations.

  94. Opee. How could I disrespect Obama for being an “African American” when he isn’t an African American?

  95. Yes, Ms Winfrey, feel better?
    The Folks really do still pay attention to you.
    Just read all the comments posted here.
    Only thing is ….. we don’t agree.
    And know what, this country gives us the right to speak our minds no
    matter what we think. Right or wrong. Good or bad.
    So keep talking Oprah. Tell us how you feel. Share with us.
    We are more than willing to share our opinions too.
    Remember, it’s our right!

  96. Hey Oprah, who as ever said on radio or tv, “I don’t like Obama because he’s black”

    1. No one’s brave enough to say that truth. It would get them killed.

      Oh, yeah. Lose some weight, Fat Tony.

  97. OR…maybe he gets no respect because of his anti-American policies and the damage he’s done/doing to this country.

    But hey, feel free to keep pulling the race card to avoid legitimate criticism of an inexperienced, inept president.

  98. I stand in awe, though I am not surprised, that these media groups are nothing more than tabloid style reporting. Why would anyone really care what Oprah has to say? What value does she bring to the table other than how much $$$ she has gen’d up with her business ventures. She DOES NOT speak for the masses. Where was she when Alan Keyes (remember him?), Herman Cain or Allen West were getting called all sorts of names by the leftist dems? Or where was Oprah when Al “Shapton” was crying for blood when Tawana Brawley falsely accused six white men for raping her? It’s a shame that a person that has so much wealth from such a “racist country” continues to fan the racial flames. She is not a uniter but a divider…just like the President. Had the President been more inclusive vs exclusive and abusive, and had he had a vision and a plan to take our country to the next level and listened to voices that put him in office both terms, then he wouldn’t find himself in the position he’s been in for the last 5+ years. Oprah doesn’t need to go away mad: she just needs to go away!

  99. Shame on you for instilling racism into both the white & black community. The damage you are doing will last for generations. You as a racist changes forever the good you used to do. Shame on you.

  100. Oprah’s Obvious hate Mongering and abuse of the term racist Proves that she is the actual racist and that racism is anti-white. It is a shame that she continues in the typical liberal style of acting like an Ostrich except for that her head is not hidden in the dirt but instead inserted elsewhere. I have been Boycotting this obvious racist weather Girl and want nothing more to do with her and now and forced to regard anything from her as tainted

  101. Put a good Black Republican in office and test your theory OCKRA…I think it fails. Put Thomas Sowell in and I would vote for him in a heart beat. He would eat OCKRA for lunch in a debate

  102. Never in my life have I seen two more disingenuous persons than Oprah and Barry.

    Again from the Democratic party we seen hero worship based solely on

    the “promise of what might have been”.

    Kennedy, Clinton and now Obama, its the same thing they were elected on the
    hope of something grand, now those dreams are being recognized as just dreams and the ones responsible for weaving them should spend some time in jail.

    When Obama stated he would “fundamentally change America” the progressives peed their collective pants with excitement. Now millions are losing their health care, the website won’t be fixed by November 30th, The coverage will be rationed, the premiums will be far more expensive – just a mess and that will tip the economy over the edge, destruction of America will no doubt follow.

    Obama and his policy wonks will dither while iran’s ayatollahs build the unholy nuclear bomb to be used on the West.

  103. I adore Oprah and have been a huge fan of hers since as long as I can remember. But she is obviously out of touch with what is going on in the country right now. The whole health care debacle has been extremely stressful for so many Americans. It’s not about race, it’s about failed policies. In my opinion the President should be focusing on fixing what’s broken. Anything else is a diversion.

  104. ……and of course, democrats had the utmost respect for Pres Bush, right? Nobody would dare infer Mr. Obama was intellectually deficient like they did GWB.

  105. HEY REALLY BIG “O”….I disrespect BOTH you and Odumbo, not because of your skin color, BUT because you are both racist pigs and idiots.

  106. Chicago-style politics – Characteristics associated to the less commendable aspects of the recent political history of Chicago: corruption, patronage, nepotism, authoritarianism, which is often cited as an example of blatant corruption.

    Where is your home town Ms Winfrey? Where did President Obama live before moving into the White House?

  107. Oprah, It has nothing to do with his color or where he is from. It has everything to do about the lies, cover ups and what he done to this country for his own agenda. He set out to and has destroyed “The American Dream” and turned this country into a bunch of dependents and leaches. He has his and he don’t want us to have ours.

  108. Strange how many White, Asian, Black and Hispanic Americans respect and revere Thomas Sowell because of his ideology and scholarship.

  109. There is a level of disrespect, because he lied to the American public and abused his authority over the IRS to attack his political opponents.

  110. Do I plan to see Oprah’s movie, The Butler? No, I don’t. My Choice.
    She won’t get my Change! Oprah does not deserve any financial support from hard working American people who love this country and the values it stands for.
    She has dissed us! Take that to the bank Ms Winfrey.

  111. I am an American and believe that Mr. Obama is incapable of Leading the USA. His skin color is of no consequence to me Ms. Winfrey, but his performance is of consequence. He has not demonstrated to the skills to warrant my respect. Having served in the US Military for years, leaders earn their people’s (that work for them) respect. This health care roll out, then his flip flip, giving business, but not the people a year’s grace, snooping on Americans, vacuuming up every bit of info, secret army for Homeland Security, failure of the common core education plan, the failure to try to rescue our Americans in Libya, and maybe throwing in the towel on the Iranian talks? All of the above give me pause. And, Ms Winfrey, if your mind was not clutter by this mistaken believe that “we” do not like Mr. Obama because of his skin color, you would see what I see also. Ms. Winfrey, you are better in movies, and talk shows. Politics it appears, may not suit you..

  112. We all knew when he won that if you were to ever disagree with Dear Leader you would be called a racist. I never liked the Oprah but i always respected her for her work ethic and accomplishments. She has become just another race baiter to defend the indefensible actions and incompetence of Obama and for her personal financial gain. You disrespect me Oprah.

  113. This proves my hypothesis that states the first prerequesite for Liberalism is hypocrasy. Wasn’t Oprah the same individual who allowed candidate Barack Hussien Obama repeated appearences and unlimited time on her national television show in the midst of a presidential campaign while simultaneously stating she would allow no time what so ever to his opponent simply because it was more important to elect a black than it was to be fair and even handed?
    Only a Liberal would be this audacious and so completely bigoted while exhibiting no shame at all. People like her are utterly disgusting as well as dangerous to a free society.
    Rich in New Mexico.

  114. President Obama is Incompetent, Divisive and a Habitual Liar. “ PERIOD “

    Senator Harry Reid & Representative Nancy Pelosi not popular for the same reasons. Period.

    The “folks” are tired of it !!! PERIOD !!!!

  115. Imagine conservatives Clarence Thomas or Dr. Ben Carson as President, (both are African American) and enacting their conservative agenda. Would the Tea Party be protesting because they are black? No, they would be doing everything to help them. The real racist is Oprah and the likes of Charles Blow (NYT). They would be calling Thomas and/or Carson an Uncle Tom and worse. Oprah and Blow imagine that African Americans cannot have different views than them. They are the racists.

    Do you think that if Senator Reid or Minority Leader Pelosi was President and carrying out the same agenda as Obama that there would be no protest just because they are white? Please, the issue is socialism.

  116. Oprah! Get a grip! His MIXED heritage has nothing whatsoever to do with why I have major concerns about Barack “O”BLAME”R”! It is his style of governing, his “programs”, his VERY SOCIALIST thinking, his monumental mistakes and pointing fingers at ANYONE but him. Plus, the fact that he always seems to be the LAST person in his administration to find out things! INCREDIBLE! I taught school for over 20 years in a Title I school with many African American teachers who could run circles around “O”BLAME”R” in integrity, honesty, and values!!! And, the next time you are on an AMERICAN stage looking out at a sea of what has been your traditional White audience who helped you make BILLIONS, think back to this interview and APOLOGIZE!!!

  117. What a load of crap. The only reason racisim exsist today is because blacks wont let it go. Plus its good to use as a weapon against anyone who doesnt agree with whatever agenda is being promoted by Obama.
    Oprah is one of the richest people in america and has the audacity to cry racisim..please.
    As to obama..the man has done more to divide this country than he ever has to unite it. That is why noone respects him. Not his color.

  118. No Oprah, you are so full of it your eyes are brown. We have the utmost respect for the office of President. The current occupier has no respect for that office whatsoever. And we have no respect for him because he is a narcissistic marxist socialist wannabe dictator.

  119. Oprah obviously is a totally leftist leaning socialist sympathizer who plays any card, including the race card to further the left’s agenda. It’s unfortunate so many entertainers believe they are experts in politics just because they have a point of view. She should stick to what she does best: Hosting talk shows.

  120. Actually, she says people don’t respect the Office. Is the Office black? How can racism affect how people feel about the Office of the Presidency? Proving once again, Oprah is just another rich lib who tries to blame everything on racism. OMG – I like liver and onions. I must be racist.

  121. I’m amazed that there are still people who say “Barak Hussein Obama” and think it’s an insult. Or a reason to be outraged. Or anything more than a name. It’s a bizarre and unsettling low on the intellectual landscape, that kind of small-minded xenophobia, and it’s the kind of thing that anyone might be ashamed to think–let alone broadcast.

  122. Oprah is either ignorant or playing the race card to help Obama because I’d say most people who don’t like the President understand where he came from, who his father was, who he hung around with, how opaque his administration is, how he ignores the Constitution, and how he has deceived the public to implement his plans. Being black is the least of his problems with trustability.

  123. I disrespect anyone who defends Barack Hussein Obama. Don’t need any more reason than that.

  124. At some point Obama needs to stop playing politics and call it as it is — he needs to admit the mistakes that have been made and he needs to take full responsibility for those shortcomings. Whether he knew of the specifics of each situation or not, the administration’s failings are his failings, and he needs to begin to understand that before it is too late.

    He can choose to take responsibility and learn lessons for the good of the
    American people, or he can continue to blame others for the mistakes made on
    his watch. I hope he chooses the former, but I fear he will continue to walk
    the same road he has been walking thus far.

    Follow Matt Jones on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ReasonedGOP

  125. In her world, anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist…that card has been played so much that it has been worn out…I don’t hate Obama as I have never even met the man…however he is a baby-killer who wants, through his Obamacare law, to encourage more abortion and have all pro-lifers pay for it…this is a moral outrage of which she would know nothing bout (nor does the President)…did you get all that NSA? If not I can type it slower for you…

  126. i’m not watching her stupid channel again and that’s going to be a very easy thing to do!!!

  127. C’mon, Opie, you can’t have it both ways! You can’t be a respected commentator in American society, and a whiny finger-pointer at the same time. Disgusting, divisive, self serving, embarrassing comments from a woman who will say anything for a buck.

  128. He’s black and he’s the president of the United States, she’s black and she’s, likely, the most successful and richest television personality in the US,,, and she’s shouting racism?

  129. Could Oprah subtract the money she has by color? Maybe stop spending what you have made from racist whites- and just use your AFRICAN/aMERICAN MONEY- THEN DO THE SAME WITH BARACK- SUBTRACT HIS WHITE VOTERS AND SEE WHO REALLY GOT HIM ELECTED! The problem with Oprah’s race card baiting is that it is stupid and then we Whitey’s start to think maybe she is a dumb racist woman and then awww no one likes Oprah any more- awwww so sad eh?

  130. The term, African American, is racist because it assumes everyone in Africa is back, and everyone that’s black comes from Africa. It’s also a a moronic term because “Africa” is not a race. It’s not even a country; it’s an entire continent.

  131. What a nutcase. Doesn’t she realize that any person of any type doing the horrid things he is doing would be received in the same heinous manner?
    She doesn’t understand the real America then. A black person using the racist card yet again.

  132. Okra – just another angry, hairhat, ugly, and lonely black woman. This sea hag will die cold and alone. She is the true racist. Always a chip on her large liberal shoulders. She is a disgrace. Along with our worst President EVER! Not because of his skin color. But because he is an inept moron.

  133. I believe that almost as many people hate Obama, and hate Oprah as well. I surely do. What a piece of crap that promotes racism with her money and her stupid movies.

  134. Here we go again. It’s time to pull out the race card.
    First it was upscale Swiss boutique in Zurich back in August.
    The $38,000 handbag. Oprah accuses the clerk of racism.

    Now she tells the BBC reporter President Obama is being disrespected by racist Americans.

    Promoting her movie and trying to excuse our ineffective, lying Commander in Chief.

  135. Anyone who does not support President Obama in every way is a racist! President Obama has been correct on every issue and anyone who disagrees with his stance on any issue is a racist!

  136. I guess she didn’t do enough damage to herself and her show last time around which explains why she is shooting her big fat mouth off again.

    She is irrelevant.

  137. How dare you trash the country and the people that made you millions. Try to make millions in your beloved Africa – you are a racist & a hypocrite. Also you are an American not an African American-how many generations ago did your relatives live in Africa? My mother was born in Australia-am I Australian American? Of course not. Proud to be an American— no hypens!

  138. No we hate Obama because he has murdered thousands of innocent people with drone strikes, including hundreds of children!

  139. Oprah is the racist. In her mind, people are not allowed to judge the president for his performance and his actions as president because he is black. This is the definition of racism. If Obama were a republican, she wouldn’t say what she did. Oprah is the racist.

  140. It’s not hard to find racism when you spend every waking minute scrutinizing everything you see for “racial overtones”. Bitch, we disrespect him because he’s incompetent, unqualified, traitorous, and $hits on the constitution every chance he gets. YOU ARE IRRELEVANT Oprah. STFU.

  141. Or it could be because he’s dragging the country down the drain…Oh wait…Oprah wants to play the race card…again. Surprise. Yawn.

  142. He Lies – Period

    Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama’s approval rating among American voters has dropped to its lowest number in Quinnipiac University polling since he became President, according to a survey released on Tuesday that also raised new doubts about trust.

    As Obama juggles the bungled rollout of HealthCare.gov and questions over his initial promises about health care reform become magnified, only 39% of voters approve how he is handling his job, while 54% disapprove, the new data from the school’s Polling Institute shows.


  143. I totally disagree. There may be a very very small percentage of Americans who are anti-Obama simply because he is black but for the most part I believe Americans were praying for and hoping for a successful first black American president. Obama has achieved almost everything he set out to do…fundamentally change America…problem is most Americans didn’t fully understand what he meant when he said that. Now we know. Ms. Winfrey…you’re a lot smarter than the remark you made to BBC.

    1. I am of the belief that she really meant it… despite what she herself has achieved. She should be promoting all the hard work she has done to help blacks realize their goals and have the dignity they want. They aren’t going to get it… just like anyone else… by sitting back and complaining while collecting welfare. Dignity comes from hard work. And I know there are many blacks who agree but the media won’t put their faces and opinions on their news programs.

  144. So now she’s an authority on what everyone thinks? This woman makes me sick. Oprah, I don’t dislike you or Obama because you’re black, I dislike you both because you’re ignorant.

  145. It is unfortunate that Oprah Winfrey is stooping to racism in her defense of the most damaging President in US history.

    It is unfortunate that her sunglasses are obscuring from her the fact that Obama is half white, and her prejudice is obscuring from her the fact that he has little in common with blacks who were born and raised in the US.

    What he has done economically to black Americans is tragic. Perhaps she would be so kind as to use her considerable fortune to reverse the damage Obama has done. She might start by investing some of it in start-up businesses in black precincts, and supplying books like Ben Carson’s to school libraries.

  146. Wrong Okra! He’s unqualified to be President and he’s demonstrating that more each day. It’s really hard to have respect for a Liar!

  147. It is not because of his race Oprah. It is because he finally told one too many lies! Why is it always necessary for liberals and blacks to use the race card against anyone who disagree with them?

    1. She knows it’s not about race — she’s got a movie to push and an agenda. If this is such a racist country and we’re such racist people – how did he get elected twice and how did you rake in millions?

    2. we both know the answer to that… because they have up until now been effective with it. Time to put the nail in that desperate coffin.

  148. This is getting to be broken-record territory. She is over. The President should be removed from office because he is not fit for office, not because he is black. The Mayor of Toronto should be removed from office too. Not because he is white.

  149. Well, she got the first part right…he’s African. Nobody has definitively proven that he’s American. As for his race, what race IS HE? Last I heard, he is 50% Negro and 50% Caucasian. Does that mix automatically make him Black? I think not.

  150. …. and now President wants to push through Immigration Reform? Prepare for more Lies!! He’s losing It – President Obama is losing the respect and confidence of the American “folks”.
    See Oprah, it’s about the issues. Period.
    It’s about what this man has done and continues to do to this great country. Period.
    It’s about his Credibility…. or rather lack of. Period.
    It has nothing to do with race. Period.
    Wake up Ms Winfrey. Put your race card where the sun don’t shine and Wake-Up!

  151. I’m not sure that Oprah is wrong. Regardless of how far the country has come in regards to race relations, and we have come a long way, I have no doubt there is still a significant portion (not a majority) of America that harbors ill will towards minorities. I am equally sure there is a large portion of the country that dislikes Barrack Hussien Obama for a multitude of reasons (some valid, some not). Where I disagree with Oprah’s statement is the implication that Barrack Hussien Obama’s problems are linked to his being part black, part white, yet she discounts his being one hundred percent partisan as having anything to do with it. She’s a savy business woman but she narrows her argument to a linear line of thinking that doesn’t reflect the reality of current events. She should stick to what she does best, entertainment. Oprah is an excellent example of taking success in a particular field and trying to extrapolate it to politics. Oprah is no more revelavent to politics than Sean Penn (great actor), Mic Jagger (love the music) or any other entertainer. Their opinion is just that, an opinion, no more valid than anyone else’s. She’s entitled to her opinion, don’t let her get to you.

    1. I’ve met more than a couple of racists in my life…. and the vast majority of them were union member democrats. That is… at least in my experience… the reality.

  152. It’s ok to admit this president is a miserable failure, even if you’re black…may even be therapeutic in many cases…

    1. There are very few Blacks that will admit he is a failure. Some educated ones but none in the Congress or Senate. If you listen to CSPAN they call in and fly his banner always. Always saying how its the racists whites that are causing his wonderful programs to fail…

  153. Remember the socialists pigs that were running around squealing about, saying ” kill the gun owners, kill the nra members?” I do, and this is no different.

    1. Must not of have much conviction in their words. I have not seen one NRA member killed. Not very smart to go after a group of well armed people that know how to shoot.

  154. The nasty fat cow flapping her talk show garbage over seas like she’s the next Jane Fonda. I guess it doesn’t bother her that SCAMBO and Sebelius the Knife keep slaughtering black babies as fast as their welfare encampments can bus them to the murder tables at Planned Parent Hoods. Too bad FATSO’s mom missed the bus. Paula Dean loses millions for nothing. Your turn to start seeing your taxes get lowered Ms. Race Baiting Piggy. Oprah Farrakhan Wind Bag. Boycott her crap.

  155. Sure there are some who hate him because he’s black, but I’ll bet there are many more who love him because he’s black. Opra is one of the latter. He won two elections. Has she forgotten that? It makes one wonder what it would take to please folks like Opra.

  156. Really Oprah! Where were you during the disrespect to the office when Bush was president? This race excuse is getting old. Get over it!

  157. Super Rich Oprah knows that if the person she loves, Obama destroys America, she will be taken care of while the common people starve in the streets. She will help Obama in any way possible, including playing the race card every time Obama lies which is very regularly. She is part of the problem, not part of the solution in America.

  158. Oprah———> STFU!! <—— NO one wants to hear the overvalued opinion of a Fat rich b*tch that is COMPLETELY irrelevant!

  159. Many Americans disrespect obama because he’s a liar and a socialist!
    Many more Americans respect and admire Dr. Carson so how do you explain that fatso!

  160. She is completely whack. Turn her off on the tube and make a lasting sacrifice by canceling her racist rag magazine.

    And call a few sponsors and thank them for propping up a political shill and overt racist, then boycott their products.

  161. To start with Obama is not African-American in the accepted definition of the word. He is not descended from American slaves, period. And that is a fine way to promote a film by insulting perhaps more than half your audience.

  162. HE LIES & HE SPIES …..

    Spying on the president — Obama, Merkel and the NSABy Judge Andrew P.Napolitano, Published October 31, 2013, FoxNews.com

    “Now we know how pervasive this NSA spying is:
    It not only reaches the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the CIA, the local police
    and the cellphones and homes of all Americans; it reaches the Oval Office
    itself. Yet when the president denies that he knows of this, that denial leads
    to more questions.

    The president claims he can start secret foreign wars using the CIA, secretly kill Americans using drones, and now secretly spy on anyone anywhere using the NSA. Is the president an unwitting dupe to a secret rats’ nest of uncontrolled government spies and killers? Or is he a megalomaniacal, totalitarian secret micromanager who lies regularly, consistently and systematically about the role of government in our lives? Which is worse? What do we do about it?”

  163. We are all different shades of human yet Oprah wants us to be reminded that if you don’t like Obama, you are probably thinking like a racist. Well, I dislike Obama’s policies greatly yet if Thomas Sowell was president, I would be a big supporter — color has no influence on my preference for public policy.


  165. When 98% of black people including people who never voted before in their lives, turn out to vote for a black man just because he’s the same color as they are, that’s Racist! And when a woman in Ohio publicly announces that she voted for Obama six times, and isn’t charged by the black Attorney General with voter fraud, that’s just plain illegal as well as racist. How many more of these illegal voters were counted Nationwide, and went un-investigated? Can we even be sure with all of the corruption surrounding this fraud from Kenya’s administration that the Democrats even won the election with Obama’s first term disastrous record?

  166. Oprah left out the rest of it. We hate him because he is a America hating, Marxism loving black man that is a lying douchebag.

  167. She’s just another racist herself. She cannot fathom the idea the right despises BO because he is a liar and trying to dismantle everything that makes this country great in the way of capitalism. I’ve never watched a single minute of her show and never will.

    1. Also has she ever thought about the FACT that enough of her audience was not “racist,” enough to make her a very rich person? And if Obama gets all his wishes, there will be no more capitalism, no more wealth creation in precisely the way she made her wealth.

  168. Many American disrespect Obama because he an incompetent leader who is hell bent on destroying America. It does not matter why color he is.

  169. I find it most telling that black leaders didn’t rally behind Herman Cain when he ran for president. Indeed you heard the same old “Uncle Tom” slurs being hurled at him. Here was a man who played by the rules, worked hard, made a success of himself selling pizzas of all things. Yet blacks despised him because of his success, and no one points this out. How ridiculous is it that blacks champion those that promote and perpetuate black mediocrity rather than achievement? How tragic is it that Americans are buying into the phony narrative promoted by “professional blacks” like Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and Oprah?

    1. The dems don’t like blacks straying too far from the plantation. Any black man or woman who stands for personal responsibility and not relying on the government to put money into your hands is considered a threat to their way of life. That IS their base.

    2. Yes I found it odd also that the black community did not come rushing to a black man, Cain, that was successful, had experience running companies and was a leader. Yet the blacks rushed to a no name, incompetent, America hating, Marxism loving, lying Ahole.

    3. How come the country became hysterical about a black teenager in Florida (Trayvon) and could care less about the black woman shot to death in D.C. in her car, with her child in the back seat. Where was Al, Jesse, Oprah, Obama? Isn’t that strange. Did this woman know something about Obama? Why was it hushed up? And why did everyone speak up about Trayvon? It’s all smoke & mirrors.

  170. No Dopera….I hate Barry because he has the audacity to believe he has the “right” to tell me how to deal with my own healthcare and to steal from me to pay for someone elses bad decisions.
    Too bad his commie mom didn’t know how to use birth control.

    On issues, the president’s credibility is in the toilet. He’s getting pummeled on almost every single question polled: (38/59) on the economy, (38/53) on foreign policy, (35/53) on immigration, (32/62) on the federal budget, and (36/60) on healthcare. HE LIES, PERIOD!


  172. Back before the 2008 election, I knew right away, that I was not going to vote for Obama.
    His race had nothing t do with my decision. His history of using cocaine; his refusal to release his college records and mainly, his announcement to “joe the plumber”, that he was going to “redistribute the wealth” were the major factors in my decision.
    His socialist desires to take money from the people who work for a living and give it to people, such as illegal immigrants, white trash and entitlement negros and his close relationship to unions, just did not meet my definition of a pro-american president.
    Obama proved to me that he is worthless, incompetent, inexperienced and one, who exceeds his authority and violates the constitution, whenever he desires.
    He doesn’t belong in the white house; he belongs in federal prison and therefore lies my disrespect for this corrupt Chicago politician.

  173. You are not a stupid woman, Ms. Winfrey. Therefore, what you are saying is for deliberate affect — which makes you as perfidious as this sham of a president.

    1. Very early during President Barack Obama’s early campaign period, around the year 2008, it was Oprah who truly became his rock and foundation! It was SHE who worked diligently to make sure that her worldwide public audiences truly became aware of the little known Chicago community organizer. Through HER, and the ‘democrat machine’, Barry Obama soon became the man for our times! The man that we all could ‘trust’. The man for ‘our’ times, who could ‘change’ the way we were, through the graces of H-O-P-E! Truly, Dan, many of us could ‘see’ early on…That our current president was NOT really an American person who had endured the sufferings, prejudices, pain, torments, or the abominable discrimination that our people in the black community, who were born and raised right here on the soil of mainland USA have suffered. Could SHE not ‘see’? Could she not see that he was no ‘Oprah Winfrey’…he was no ‘Al Sharpton’…he was no ‘Jesse Jackson’…he was no Maya Angelou…he was no Senator Ed Brook, and he was no ‘Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’! All those mentioned surely were right here living their lives on USA mainland soil. Oh yes, he did live in Hawaii for a little while, but we all know that is much different, than enduring discrimination right here on US mainland soil. Do you think that deep down inside herself…Oprah is holding onto a some misgivings? Could it be that she is now lashing out, due to the self doubts of her own conscience?

  174. First Lady Michelle Obama has an issue with fat people, according to Ed Klein, author of the new book, “The Amateur.” Klein dropped by for a conversation on some of the more headline generating items in his book — including President Obama’s relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, why Oprah Winfrey is on the outs with the Obamas,

  175. Hi oprah. Just wanted to tell you are are a huge steaming pile of feces, just like your god and messiah, obama. Have a great day you racist piece of shyte!

  176. Was the sacrifice worth it? As an entertainer and businesswoman, Oprah had suffered a setback. But she felt proud that she had been instrumental in electing the first black president of the United States, and she believed that she had earned a place in the president-elect’s brain trust. Two economists at the University of Maryland, College Park, estimated that Oprah’s endorsement netted Obama 1,015,559 votes and decided the primary election. — The Amatuer, Author: Edward Klein


  177. Wonder how she feels about Lt Col Allen West? A man earning great respect for his leadership, intellect and passion for America/America’s future. Obama is a buffoon who can’t complete a sentence, let alone run a country. I don’t care if BO is GREEN, he’s an incompetent liar and needs to be removed from office.

  178. She wasn’t worried about racism while all those white women watching her show made her wealthy beyond her wildest dreams. If she wants racism to die, what is SHE waiting for?

  179. Hate to say it, but the Obama Experience has provided good reason never to vote for a black presidential candidate again. When you try to criticize the man’s POLICIES and end up being labeled a “racist,” your ideological opponents have effectively muzzled you. Very clever little game the liberals have concocted with all of this, but I ain’t playing any longer.

    1. …and that at least one of them has been dropped from medical insurance as a direct result of ObamaCare?

  180. Tell me one president who didn’t experience contempt or disrespect??? It’s part of the job and if you can’t hack it, you shouldn’t be in office. Wake up Oprah. You sound like the racist. Same old boring story…criticize a black and your racist.

    1. Obama and Biden criticized Bush constantly, and they said that Romney HATED women and Minorities and the Poor … !!!!

    2. Of course she is a racist. She only voted for Obama because he is black. She did not vote for him because he was the most qualified, or the most experienced, or because of his leadership skills. Everybody that voted for him cannot say they voted for him because he was the best candidate. They voted for him because he was black. That makes them racist,

  181. Ms Thing; The fact that Obongo is black means no more than the fact that you are as well.
    You have been tremendously succcessful based on the decisions you have made about your carreer and your life; he is an abysmal failure for those same reasons.
    It is beneath you to try and cover his ineptitude as president as a racial issue. It is a competency issue, a lack of leadership issue and a lack of morals issue.

  182. Why can’t Oprah and other black leaders address the real source of the problem with blacks in this country, which is their unwillingness to sacrifice and toil for success. Sex is good, it feels good, but when little baby comes, you have to MAN UP and sacrifice yourself for the child. Blacks as a whole have utterly failed in this respect as evidenced by the statistics on the number blacks being raised without a father. So America, DON’T FALL FOR THE GUILT TRIP from the liberal holier-than-thou set.

  183. I disrespect Obama because of his ANTI AMERICAN DEED’s, gross incompentecey and cosistant lies, not his color or African background. Latest example giving 658 million dollars on a no bid contract to the failed Canadian company that was fired by Canada prior to Obama hiring them and finding out that his wife’s very good friend from Princeton is a vice president of this same company that was in charged of the failed Obamacare web site.

  184. The real racists are the ones who use/inject race into non racial subjects/situations. Ahem Oprah.

  185. No, Americans disrespect Obama because he is nothing but a go-go dancing, leather-wearing punk who couldn’t run a lemonade stand.

  186. Oprah lacks good sense. I used to admire her for her style and her apparent intelligence. No more.

    It’s all politics and not skin color. Is Pelosi black? Harry Reid? Elizabeth Warren? Obama is who they are and they are who Obama is. Stop trying to make it so complicated.

  187. In late August 2008, Winfrey attended the Democratic convention and reacted emotionally to Obama’s speech, telling reporters “I’ve never experienced anything like that. I cried my eyelashes off.” Elaborating further, Winfrey explained “I woke up this morning and I went to Google and I googled the entire Martin Luther King speech because like most Americans I, you know, you listen to the ‘I Have a Dream’ part. In the earlier part of the speech, he talks about the promise of democracy. And I think that today that promise was fulfilled in a way that I never imagined in my lifetime.”[24] Winfrey also told reporters:“And what I saw with Barack Obama was something that was transcendent and I felt transformational for me as a human being and for this country. And I only pray in the deepest part of my being that America will rise to this moment. And I feel that what he was able to offer us as individual citizens and as a united country was something that we have never seen before. I really, I think it’s the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced. I often wondered what it would be like to sit and listen to Lincoln speak or Roosevelt speak or what it would have been like to have been old enough to understand what Martin Luther King was saying 45 years ago today. And what he did brought that home in a way that I could never have imagined.

    And I feel that what he was able to offer us as individual citizens and as a united country was something that we have never seen before. I really, I think it’s the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced. –


  188. Unfortunatly there is no Country in the entire world run by a Black leader which is operating smoothly with a good economy and lifestyle for its citizens, name one. In Africa they elect Presidents and Prime Ministers but in reality once elected they are just dictators. That’s the way tjhe Black political mind works, sound familiar?

    1. What you say is very true.

      Even Nelson Mandela could not be a courageous leader who could create jobs, put down constant revolutions, deal fairly with whites, and honestly deal with his own people.

      I’m not a racist, but I’m not blind, either. Black heads-of-state, as far back as I can remember, have almost instantly gone to an imperial or a dictatorial style while they looted the treasuries and tried to super-arm their soldiers to kill those who disagreed.

  189. Hey, Oprah…you’s people ain’t happy, neither:


    “It’s stupid and it’s Obama’s fault,” one said. “You haven’t done anything, Obama, and I’m disappointed in you.”


    This, from black college students. So much for your bullsh*t “white folks is racists” crap.

  190. Americans don’t hate Obama, they hate the New Black Panther voter intimidation case being dismissed, the hate the Pandemic that never was, they hate the Fast and Furious being stonewalled, they hate money wasted on Solyandra, they hate U.S. global primacy being ceded to the regional powers and radical Islam, they hate Benghazi lies and the death’s of four Americans, they hate red lines being drawn and erased, they hate telling South Africa not to trust the United States, they hate the IRS scandal, they hate the military being turned into a socially engineered job, they hate Iran getting a nuclear bomb and they hate being lied to 29 times with regard to their healthcare.


  192. Naw, bitch, we don’t disrespect him cause he’s black, just because he’s a POS, just like you!

  193. He’s disrespected because he’s incompetent and because he’s a commie!

    Nobody exploits race more than those who complain about racism.

  194. Maybe she hates Bush because he’s white? Did she hate Clinton because he was white or love him because he self proclaimed himself as the first black president? Maybe people distrust and dislike the current potus because he’s a lying scum bag.
    Try that one on Ophra.

  195. He’s had no trouble getting elected as a black man, it there were so many racist against him, would that have happened? I think Oprah is just trying to make noise to remain relevant. Go buy a purse or something.

    1. You’re absolutely correct. Obama got more votes from whites than did Gore and Kerry. Wonder how she came to her conclusion????????????

  196. The ‘worst is yet to come’ for Obamacare.
    The Obamacare ‘Employer Mandate’ was delayed
    until 2015, a one-year delay of a major
    Obamacare component. A tidal wave of people
    will have their Health Insurance cancelled
    and forced onto the Obamacare websites
    HealthCare and CuidadoDeSalud.

  197. There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
    —Proverbs 6:16–19

    1. Great verse, LAtina. Imagine the change in America and not to mention the World, if just this one paragraph were followed to-the-letter by everyone. I pray that G-d forgives those of us who fall short occasionally.

  198. Some things never change!

    Here is what one person has to say about Mr. Obama’s Work Ethic:

    “I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about “Barry.” Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn’t even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn’t have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.

    The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building.

    He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).”

    1. Taken from some interviews with his students, and faculty members when he was lecturing at the school, Obama was apparently viewed as something of a political joke.

      He was a lecturer. He read notes written for him by other people (kinda like a teleprompter), NEVER took questions, NEVER stayed after class to talk to students, NEVER kept office hours for students or other professors, and NEVER attended mandatory faculty meetings or any social engagements sponsored by the faculty.

      * * *

      You are absolutely correct about Obama at Harvard. He never attended class, was considered a very special foreign student, and because of his hyper-liberal politics and some connections we can discuss later, he was the FIRST Affirmative Action Editor of the Harvard Law Review. (ALL previous editors got the job because of their grades and published papers.)

      Obama was awarded the honor based on professors promoting him.
      Obama was the FIRST Harvard Law Editor who NEVER published, and the only known graduate student in the United States who was a law review editor who did not publish.

      There is some further discussion about William Ayers and his parents being involved with an effort to get him through school as a “do not fail” foreign student, in hopes of making him a puppet for the Left to take over the Chicago Mayor’s Office from the Daley Dynasty.

      Obama has been a fraud all of his life, and FINALLY some in the media are learning why their not vetting Obama when he announced to run was damaging to the United States.

      They put him in power; they have an obligation to remove him from power.

      1. Marxists can attempt to rewrite history. I do believe history will not be kind to Mr. Obama. I also believe he has undone most of the progress we’ve made putting ignorance behind us as a nation. Growing a dependent class of people will outweigh any Marxist lies & distortions.

        1. I couldn’t agree more, Doc. Already, Obama’s legacy is starting to fall apart, and his double-dealing with the Secret Service is already coming back to haunt him and Marie Antoinette Moochelle.
          When history does the calculus and adds up what he created of value, what he destroyed that was of value, and what he did against what he promised, I believe Obama will rate even lower than Jimmy Carter, and will forever be our worst president.

  199. Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, SLJ, Lee, Ophra, Cong. Black Caucus, Farakkan, and many more actor black bigots who have not helped the black community shake away from the slavery of Democratic/Obama Welfare.

  200. Oprah Winfrey, as a black liberal, was out of touch years before promoting her latest gig. But, for her to lie about people disagreeing with Obama over his RACE is beyond contempt, and not to mention unpatriotic when spoken about our country in a foreign country.

    Don’t spit on my leg, and tell me it’s raining. This is all about her goliath-sized ego and being a “special” black person not subject to the same rules of truth and civility that apply to the rest of us.

    I’ve had it when someone who has made a fortune out of America’s free enterprise system, and mostly from white people, has to try and export a picture of racism on the part of whites that is a lie, unfair, and distorted in the extreme.

  201. Obama, DOJ and NAACP don’t care about Race relations.
    For some time now, the NAACP have been owned
    by rich liberal elites. These rich liberal elites
    run the show and don’t care about the Black community.
    Sharpton is paid big money to be a Race Hustler.
    Race Hustling is Sharpton’s job.

    1. NAACP name should be changed to “The House Boy’s Club” & their motto “We love table scraps and hand me downs!”

  202. November 17, 2013 * Did Obama ask Oprah to play the race card?
    (Thomas Lifson)
    “Oprah has crossed a line here, and I don’t think
    she will ever recover her popularity with the same number of people who once
    enjoyed her show, or her flailing cable network. Americans legitimately worried
    and angry over losing their doctors and their health insurance are not going to take
    kindly to being called racists.”

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/11/did_obama_ask_oprah_to_play_the_race_card.html#ixzz2kvIeFsDf

    Follow: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  203. 10,729 comments says it all. That’s the most I’ve ever seen. Lot of people not happy with Miss Oprah right now. THIS could put the final nail in her career coffin started by her initial support of Obama.

  204. So…when she and other blacks criticized Bush…they were all racists. Unbelievable BS that comes out of this ignorant slut. People hate Obama because he is trying to destroy America….anyone suffering to survive who doesn’t have a billion dollars like this piece of crap Oprah can see it clearly.

  205. Oprah , you are on a roll. Please continue to support Obama and the Democratic Health Care Act, it’s a winner. It’s so good all Democrats should sign up. President Obama lead by example be the first one to sign up for this great plan.

    1. Eddy, Check the expiration dates of your meds, or find another vehicle for humor. NONE of the administrative folks or appointed folks or elected folks in Obama’s Administration would even consider signing up for ObamaScare, and we’re including the ones on drugs with that prediction. LOL

  206. President Obama is Not Making ChoicesTo Better
    Americans. “PERIOD”
    Incompetent, Divisive, Habitual Liar. “ PERIOD “

    Senator Harry Reid & Representative Nancy
    Pelosi are also Liberal Lefties with the same traits.

    Most American People are tired of being screwed over
    !!! PERIOD !!!!

  207. I am so tired the same ole chit. Always using the race card. I don’t like Obama because he is a lying, racist human being! There I said it. Anymore questions Oprah

  208. Turns out that Oprah is nothing more than a race hustler who conned middle class white women and got rich doing it.

  209. Matthew 16:26 KJV. For what is (Oprah) profited, if (she) shall gain the whole world, and lose (her) own soul? or what shall a (person) give in exchange for (her) soul?

    This is a sad, lonely woman in the bondage of self-imposed slavery, serving the little gods of her exile. It is all vanity !

    She is the antithesis of “one in whom God rules”.

    God is judging America with this Hamite king. Repent and turn to The Lord !

  210. Poor No’Bama & Okra 🙁
    These Con Artists are Billionaire “Victims” – Whining, … Professional, … Perpetual, … Billionaire, … Victims of Nothing but Themselves!

  211. This is just like the Muhammad cartoons and the faithful calling for stoning and
    burning of the offending cartoonist. The controversy is not the color of Obama’s skin it is how thin it is when it comes to any criticism of his policies.

    “Above all else, the Devil cannot stand to be mocked.” – C.S. Lewis

  212. so oprah do you mean al sharpton, jesse jackson and the rev wright have to die to stop racism? like yourself they make money using the word. so before you open your empty head think before you speak.

  213. I don’t care about Obama’s race, I disrespect him because his policies have ruined the country, and he is extremely untruthful.

  214. November 17, 2013 * “Did Obama ask Oprah to play the race card?”

    “Oprah has crossed a line here, and I don’t think
    she will ever recover her popularity with the same number of people who once
    enjoyed her show, or her flailing cable network. Americans legitimately worried
    and angry over losing their doctors and their health insurance are
    not going to take kindly to being called racists.”

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/11/did_obama_ask_oprah_to_play_the_race_card.html#ixzz2kvIeFsDf

    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  215. I always knew Oprah was a racist and a fool but she put on a good act. For her to say something like that is just showing her stupidity and lack of reason. I am so sick of the race card being thrown out by all these liberal progressives so they can push their agenda on this country. Let me tell you, we do not feel guilty for something that is long in the past and has nothing to do with present day actions. People like Oprah want there to be a race issue so they can continue to push their agendas.

  216. Where is their black exalted leader on this, and on the the feral black ‘flash mobs’ raiding stores and being less than animals. He’s too busy screwing up the USA and playing golf to even notice the black gangs descending into the abyss. All black people are being degraded. It’s looking more like the ‘end times’ every day.

  217. Utter b.s. Yeah, sure, there are a small number of Americans who would hate Obama because of the fact he is half-black. Probably less than 1%. Orcah needs to keep in mind, only about 13% of all Americans are black (40.6MM according to 2012 census…including people under the voting age). So only about 10~15MM probably actually voted (with about 98% voting for Obama in 2008..why isn’t that racist). That means ALOT of whiteys voted for Obama in 08 and 12. So…don’t go whining that Obama is hated by white people because he’s half-black. It’s b.s….those of us that do hate him (me included) hate him because he’s RED…communist red. Just like his wife, his mom, his grandparents, his mentors (Alinsky and Davis) his friends (Ayers), and his advisors (Jarrett, Van Jones). Orcah is just saying what she knows the media (especially media overseas) wants to hear. That America is full of gun-toting, racist white people that run around with cowboy hats on, drive trucks, burn crosses, and attend KKK rallys. Europe, the MSM, foreign media, Hollywood, and the W.H. is full of dipsh*ts.

  218. And many disrespect you, Oprah, because after benefiting from your own hard work and success in our free enterprise, you are now playing the race card in support of an avowed Leftist who wants to “fundamentally transform America” into a centrally planned Utopia.

  219. How is that going to help? There are plenty of racists like Oprah and Woopie to keep racism alive and well.

  220. I don’t disrespect Oprah because she’s “African American.” I disrespect her, because she’s stupid!

  221. Can’t we dislike Mr. Obama just because he is a liberal, socialist, and fairly inept president? I hate it when the “race card” is used whenever he is criticized. When Bush was lambasted, did anyone say it was because he was white? Come on, just look where this man is leading our country to.

  222. So, oprah, since obama’s only HALF BLACK…does that mean as a White Conservative I’m only “disrespecting” HALF of him??? the black part??? See how completely STUPID your comments are??!! It has NOTHING to do with his color and EVERYTHING to do with how he’s running America into the ground. You ignoramus


  224. Yeah, the reason we respect Pelosi, Reid, and Biden is because their white. Not. Trouble with Oprah and most other blacks, is that they feel Obama’s failures are a reflection on all blacks in general. It’s a childish perspective they should get over.

  225. Sorry, thats not it. Every president lately that has been in office gets disrespected like this. Its not the 50’s anymore. People are poor, the government is corrupt. This disdain is a reaction to this. Oprah is a CEO people, she would LOVE for you guys to believe what she is spewing. It takes your mind off the man (or woman) behind the curtain–her. I loathed Bush, just as much as dislike obama. For the very same reasons. We are still at war. We are still broke. Nothing a “changed” at all, at least for the better.

  226. No Oprah. We disrepect him because he is a liar, because he is incompetent and because he is a Saul Alinsky socialist. You sat with Obama at Rev. Wright’s church while Wright preached Black Liberation Theology i.e. reditribution along racial lines. Shame on you.

  227. No, Oprah, we hater Obama because he is an AWFUL leader. Next time don’t vote for someone based on race.

  228. If , I could “play the knock out game with anyone …………….”.
    I’d pick Oprah……………..
    (i’m a baddddddddddddddddd man. but then again…….
    it’s only a “game”)
    10740 and counting…..3days………did she sell her soul to the devil for this count range?

  229. Ms. Winfrey, it’s noted that foisted this president upon us all. You said he was honest. He is not, which makes you a lair as well.
    I hope that makes you wince, because the truth hurts. You should be ashamed of yourself Ms. Winfrey. And if your not, you have bigger issues to address.

  230. This guy, BARRY SORTERO, is a deceiver, liar, instigator, racist agitator, deranged, by-polar, loser, and according to recent White House reports–” he is good at killing people” .Judge this guy by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin!!! Opee, you are the racist!!!!

  231. Worse than not respecting Obama because he is black are those who respect him ONLY because he is black.

  232. Are those noods of Oprah on the internet for real?
    Quick get me the ………..eye…bleach…………ak.ah…..ah………ah……
    What has been seen can not be “unseen”………..shake my head sadly…….
    (we really need a sarcasm font).

    Comments 10739 and counting

  233. It is too bad Obama has not worked out for African Americans. He was obviously a very bad choice. It will be 100 years before there is another black president.

  234. It isn’t Obama’s color that lied to us about keeping our doctors and our health plans. It isn’t Obama’s color that is disintegrating respect for the US around the world. It isn’t Obama’s color that has made unemployment and finding a job so impossible. It’s Obama’s POLICIES that have done these things. What has color have to do with any of this?

  235. I don’t like Obama because of his policies. I didn’t vote for him because of his policies. Why doesn’t anyone ever say that there are people in this country who don’t like him because of his policies and nothing to do with his race (or MIXTURE thereof)?

      1. Thanks for the tip, Captain Obvious.

        However, it’s not just Oprah – it’s anyone who supports Obama. They all bring up his race. And if you don’t support him – they call you a racist. It frames the conversation so no real, effective dialog can occur.

    1. Because they are race hustlers. As someone recently said,“To a Liberal, racism is like ketchup, you can put a little on almost anything.”

  236. Givin the amount of black on black killing…………………
    Does . Ms. Winfrey live in a “black neighborhood”?
    Or, does she live amongst those racist white folks ?

    1. You, Oprah, and I may live where ever we wish and decide. So we are alike, huh? Provide for yourself–do not judge others for their choices.

      1. ” A man is known by the company he keeps”……………
        It’s not matter of where Ms. Winfrey resides.
        It’s the company she “keeps”.
        Were she to move into my neighborhood , I would rejoice!
        Market value would “sky rocket”…………….
        And, her security detail would keep that “company” at bay.
        A “win -win ” all around……………

  237. Of course we couldn’t dislike him because he’s just plain stupid and working his hardest to destroy the United States. And he’s only half black anyway, which side are people being racist to? Could it be that Oprah is being racist to the white side of the family? Looks to me that this comment is based solely on the color of his skin, not his true heritage.

  238. Excuse me. Blacks being 15% of the population of the USA could not have elected Obama alone even if 100% of the blacks voted for him and not all of them did. There is no way Obama could have been elected without many whites voting for him.
    That is racism? She needs to get out more. She needs to visit “fly over country.”

  239. 10683 comments as of this post. And still getting post!
    Would someone please inform Ms. Winfrey that the “race card ” has been declined as of being “overdrawn”.
    Now, if she would deal with the children “playing the knock out game……………”

  240. First, you earn respect. Second, I don’t care what color his skin is. He’s a lying socialist scumbag politician out of the corrupt cesspool of Chicago.

  241. When Obama was elected the first time, I believe that the jubilation in the black community was partly because they realized that a lot of non-blacks were responsible for his win: blacks felt validated by whites. This is crucial to understand: blacks still need to believe that whites accept them as equal – not just under the law, but in life. This need should be respected and responded to with wisdom (not knee-jerk racial arguing and resentment). HOWEVER, the root grows deeper still: blacks don’t respect their own race. NO ONE can resolve that issue for them. Only the individual black, one person at a time.

    1. Some of the most racist people I have ever known are black…………and their racism was pointed at fellow blacks with darker skin than them. Shameful.

    2. I have lost a lot of respect for black People for just voting on the racial line and not being able to tell one of their own is a complete lying idiot.

  242. His skin color had nothing to do for my not voting for him; I wouldn’t have voted for him if he were a 100 percent white man. I personally had a problem voting for somebody who poisioned our college children’s minds by teaching them Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. Also, there is the issue that he is diametrically opposed to the concept of American exceptionalism, he doesn’t see America as being anymore exceptional than any other country on Earth, and he proved it when he first became President and went all over the world on his apology tour.

    Then, there are all the links in his life, from Frank Marshall Davis to Bill Ayers to Reverend Wright to his parents; everybody who has surrounded him throughout his life has been a hardcore Socialist who hated everything this country was built on. Finally, there is the problem that until he graduated from college, there is little or no information about him. I’m not saying he was born in Kenya, I do believe he was born in Hawaii, but he had no past, there were no childhood friends or teachers who were interviewed about him, and all his college records are sealed so there is no idea what he studied and what he learned (and the papers he produced) while he was in college. It’s almost like he only existed on paper before he went into politics. He seems to see himself more as a citizen of the world than the citizen of the US, and I want a President who puts the US first.

    1. IF Lucifer really did exist,i.e. where in the world would he come from? I don’t think we would know. This entity who calls himself BaracObama is either the devil or the real Manchurian Candidate. Someone who was brainwashed by “uncle” Frank…who hates America and who’s mission is to destroy our country. M-peach is the only way to stop him from doing his dirty deeds before his term runs out.

  243. Oprah got rich crying on T.V. and turning men into Metrosexuals in touch with their feminame side!!

  244. Obama is not “African American,” he’s black. Well, half black anyway.

    An “African American” is an immigrant who was born in Africa and now lives in the U.S. There are very few African Americans in this country, and many of them refuse to associate with the blacks.

    Also, Oprah is right about the racists. However, she’s one of them. Plenty of blacks wouldn’t know they were oppressed if someone didn’t tell them.

  245. I think Obama and his “children”; like Trayvon Martin, and the brutal, mindless teenage thugs playing “KNOCKOUT” are doing a really good job forwarding the very best the black community have to offer—-and it’s WHITE AMERICA’S fault that we notice. Since you made the nation aware of the bias and prejudice you have against whites, I’m glad your network if failing, Orca, very glad indeed.

  246. You know, the more I think about racism the more I am convinced it is the blacks that are the racists……why else would they be shooting and stabbing each other. Whites really could not care whether they are here or not….just keeping our own nose clean is our goal. Phooey on the big O and her elk. Let them stew in their own juices b

  247. This is completely specious. Oprah is wealthy not because her show was peddled only to blacks. She became wealthy because white and black America embraced her. It is non-sensical to say that this very same America–that elected Barack Obama TWICE–is now all of a sudden racist. Seriously, you can’t have it both ways. Oprah, you are looking very stupid right now.

    1. Yes but, as Oprah would tell you, whites only voted for the white half of Obama. They continue to oppress and hate his black half.

    2. Would someone please inform Ms. Oprah , that her “race card” has been “declined” ………. as being ……………… “overdrawn.”
      Perhaps , she could do something about the “black knock out game”.
      It appears to be a little “racist”………….

      Affirmative Action killed Michael
      Jackson !!
      Never forget !!!

  248. As a middle class, educated African American female several things are true. Yes, racism does still exist in the United States and not simply against African Americans, yes there have been some strides made in regards race relations, yes there are good and bad people in all races, yes, the political arena has shown levels of disrespect that can only be attributed to race(whether americans want to admit it or not), yes as Americans we have the right to speak up when there are injustices that occur against anyone of any color. The issues that we as people of color have are if it has not been acceptable in the past to make blatant comments of disrespect, call a president out of his name or question his patriotism; why is it now acceptable for political figures and average americans to do it now, its not. Lets take race out of it and see the level of disrespect that has been doled out, unacceptable for anyone of any race. Do we all need to agree on the politics, No! Do we need to be respectful of the office yes. Anyone of us deserves to be respected, not liked. That is a fact.

    1. No, we do not “all need to be respectful of the office.” The incompetent Barry has LIED REPEATEDLY to the American people. He is not worthy of the office – not because he’s black but because he’s a LIAR. He cares only about his own political ideals, not the people of America. So stop hiding behind skin color. Barry is unable to effectively govern. This much is clear. PERIOD.

    2. You’re wrong about respect. Respect must be earned, it is not given by default. And you cannot “respect” an office, only an individual. I think you are probably talking about decorum, not respect — but there is no duty on the public to observe any decorum regarding the office of President. That’s true in Russia, but not here.

      Also, you appear to have not been around in the 90s, when Clinton was bashed by the same people for exactly the same reasons. Despite claiming to be the “first black President,” Clinton is actually white.

      American blacks are so sensitive about race that they perceive persecution everywhere, whether it’s there or not.

      Lastly, no living politician in America deserves respect. They all deserve our contempt, and according to the polls, that’s mostly what they get, regardless of race. They are the lackeys of the rich and the corporations. What American politician deserves respect, and for what reason? Which of them has lifted up the people? Which has not corrupted himself and sold his soul? Which has not lied with a forked tongue? Maybe Dennis Kucinich, but he’s gone now.

  249. So, in order to portray anyone to the right of Fidel Castro as a racist, Oprah spews racist venom. Classy.

    I was born and raised a racist. I’m now 64 and I’m thrilled that I overcame my early racist training while still in my 20s. It’s a shame Oprah never did so.

  250. She just forgets she has money because of white people. Any one that is on tv or in the movies is rich because of white people so who is really racist here. I don’t like her because she hates white people ans is a fat a** slob. Look at the lies she made up about the store where she went shopping.

  251. If all the racists in America were to die, I am afraid more blacks would pass on to their just deserts than whites. Racism is rampant in black politicians, office holders,
    race hustlers (like Reverend Al, et al), and the population as a whole. The comments are everywhere and are ignored or justified.

    And the disrespect being shown to our president has been earned through is ineptitude and far left policies not his skin color. He is an example of Martin Luther King’s wish coming true that a man be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.

  252. Oprah, why are Black and Brown and Yellow and Red and White people risking their lives and health to get to … America … the Land of Opportunity … ???

  253. That’s why so many of us teabaggers support Colonel West at the same time one man has proved he supports America and has lived a life of service while the other has been living off of lies, deception and outright fraud. Any guess which is which?

  254. I put Obama in the same evil group as Hitler and Stalin. By the way, Hitler and Stalin are NOT Black … !!!!!

  255. OOmpah they disrespect him because he is a radical, socialist, anti-American, racist worthless human…such as yourself! OOMPAH please STFU!

  256. Dear Oprah, the FBI reports that Blacks are 13% of the US population but commit 67% of the violent crime. You do the math … !!!!!

    1. They are also “responsible for” about 50% of the poverty, and it is poverty, not race, that is the strongest predictor for crime.

      1. During the Great Depression, there was very little crime.
        O.J. Simpson was a millionaire and he committed a double murder.
        The Menendez brothers murdered their wealthy parents.

        Most poor people in the USA reside in air-conditioned houses and have color television and food-stamps AND LIVE BETTER THAN 90% OF THE PEOPLE ON EARTH.

      2. Millions of Black and Brown and Red and Yellow and White people from all over the world, are willing to risk their lives and health to get to … America … the Land of Opportunity … !!!!!!

  257. must be hard to struggle with that kind of ugly.
    both sides of your face running away from the middle and all.
    ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside.

    i can live with the ugly on the outside.
    p00py diapers’ll do that to a guy.

    it’s that ugly on the inside that raises suspicions.

    these words are oprahs ghosts.
    her ghosts.
    i don’t believe in ’em.

  258. Like all Liberals propaganda Oprah’s statement has NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. She assumes, she feels but she has NO FACTS.

    I am a white male and I don’t like Obama or most Democrats in politics for only One Reason – They are pushing a Marxist Agenda. The evidence is there for all to see but it seems to be politically incorrect to mention it. Obama was raised a Marxist by Marxist parents and grandparents. His friends are mostly Marxists. His mentor was a Marxist. He hung out with Marxists in College according to his own books. He promotes the redistribution of America’s and American’s wealth which is a Marxist concept. ObamaCare is nothing more than a Marxist Redistribution of Wealth policy.

    I can support any politician of any color for any position in Government but if they promote Marxist ideas I have absolutely no use for them.

    1. You haven’t even read Marx, and so should shut up. What a pretentious comment.

      Also, modern western liberalism moved beyond Marx about 100 years ago. Limbaugh is lying to you, change the channel.

  259. What a horrible racist assertion for Obese-rah to make. Who is the one obsessed with race and employing it to personal advantage–shame!

  260. Its amazing indeed that Oprah has finally stated that the office of the President
    is disrespected because he, a Black/white man is occupying the WH. Oprah made
    her statement while abroad. Oprah must be myopic or deaf and partially blind, as she
    refused to see the huge damage her man Obama is doing to our Republic. I have
    guessed, that Oprah, with her immense riches, pretty much purchased the election
    to make Obama the top CEO of the nation. Things are not going well for Obama,
    so Oprah wants to help with the favorite statement (Disrespect if borne from Racism
    by America to dishonor Mr Obama. What a joke.

  261. so when it’s all said and done and we look back at the whole mess, i guess we’ll blame it on the white people for blaming it on the black people for blaming it on the white people.

    sounds like a circle jerk.
    i want out.

  262. Yes, Oprah all of those black kid’s playing Knock-out will have to die before black racism ends.

  263. Actually, his being black is the thing I DO like about him. It’s just the rest that bothers me.

  264. According to the GSA illegal aliens recieved $32 Billion dollars in
    fraudulant income tax returns and phony Earned Income Tax Credits. Thats
    BILLIONs. The illegals get off scott free by the IRS, because the
    Administration will not prosecute. They will prosecute you but not illegals.
    They even found illegals claiming dependents who don’t even live in the US.

    1. Oprahitis – yet another disease in a very long list of maladies causing the lowering of one’s I.Q.

  265. Someone needs to tell Orca that Obama’s mother was white and his father was a Kenyan national with no link to African slaves. Obama may be American, but he is not an African American.

    1. Orca, lol………………………………………………………………………………

  266. Oprah, people don’t like a Marxist and they don’t like to be lied to. He is both. The fact that he is losing favoritism has nothing to do with his color. You Oprah, are the racist. You see everything in terms of color.

    1. And you see everything in terms of Limbaugh. There are no Marxists anywhere in America.

      Modern liberal and socialist thought does not depend at all on Marx, except in a historical sense.

      Use of the term “Marxist” these days heralds a victim of propaganda the same way that a sneeze heralds the victim of a head cold.

  267. What a gift to be able to know what “everybody” is thinking. Nice to know whose next in line just in case God can’t carry the load.

  268. No matter how much money this ugly women makes, she can never fix that fugly face of hers. I bet her body looks like a massive mudslide too.

  269. This from a woman who’s gotten rich from those “racist” white folks watching her crappy shows. We don’t like Obama because he’s incompetent and he never would have been elected were it not for white support. I think all of the “so-called racists” should boycott anything she’s involved with.

  270. Actually, Americans hate President Obama because his performance the last five years has been so dismal. And the Affordable Care Act, his signature legislation voted into law with only Democrats voting in favor of it, shows that being a “community organizer” isn’t sufficient experience to get the job done. His legacy will be one of a failed Presidency, haunted by scandal after scandal after scandal. He is such a zero.

  271. To all who thought this racist trash was a likeable person, we told ya so! She is and always has been a leftist liar and it’s finally time for the ignorant who loved her to see her for the scum she always has been. Too late though, she has done the damage she set out to do. People like Oprah, Bladwin, etc. should be shunned as the traitors they are. But as long as leftist don’t think, idiots like her will always become rich, preying on the stupid.

  272. WE don’t like him because he is a liar, incompetent, aloof, delusional, and very naïve.
    I think he swallowed more than he can chew. he is WAY over his head.. He is a great community organizer, and it stops right there.

  273. Common sense and logic prove the opahs paranoia is just that paranoia.If racism existed on the level these people say.We would not even know who she is.And we would have certainly not elected a black man as president twice. YOU COW OF A HUMAN.

  274. Does anybody find it odd that Ms. O with all of her resources for reaching the public via her tv show, her monthly magazine, blah, blah has NOT done a show on ALL of the benefits of Obamacare which would give him/it a big boost and help his ratings and the revolutionary change to health uncare? According to her and the press, she is a conduit to the masses. Let’s see her “Partner” with an Obamacare campaign and then let’s see who is racists. Until then, nobody cares what she thinks.

  275. Ms Winfrey would be well advised to learn/remember racism, like contempt, are EARNED. Nobody on the planet was or is or will be born racist or with contempt. Someone taught racism and contempt.
    Besides, ma’am you need to get your facts straight when re. Senator vs. Representative name calling…and BTW Chief Justice Roberts mouthed the phrase “You lie” in response to a statement the president was making at a State of the Union speech – yet you didn’t call HIM on that!

  276. Oprah……um…..you’re black. And most of America loves you and made you famous and rich. So what’s the difference between you and Obama??? hmmmm. Maybe you dont lie to America on a daily basis…just sayin….

    1. Most of America doesn’t love this ugly woman. Stupid women and gay guys do. She lies whenever it suits her. She has lowered the national discourse. She is queen of the low IQ obamanauts. Ruler of the retarded.

  277. Shazam! When O is talking about O, who happened to “dis” her in a huge way 5 years ago, and she is claiming the race card, that is the last straw. First, they blame Bush. Secondly, they blame the crazy Tea Party. And, when all else fails, they blame the race card. They’ve got nothing left, folks. They are at the bottom of the barrel.

  278. She’s right. I hate negroes because I know them to be low-IQ, lazy, good-for-nothing, anti-social, feral beasts. They have no place in white society. So to put a pair of Affirmative Action negroes in the White House and allow them to destroy what’s left of this country is a joke.

  279. A Black Reporter Summarizes Barack

    The below summarization of Barack and Michelle Obama’s 5 year reign in
    the White House is by far the best I’ve ever read as it squarely hits
    the nail on the head. And it took a black reporter writing it to make
    it as effective as it is. A white man’s account would be instantly
    criticized by the liberal media as pure racism. But, how can anyone
    scream Racist when an exacting description of the Obamas is penned by
    a well known journalist of color?

    Mychal Massie is a respected writer and talk show host in Los Angeles.

    The other evening on my twitter, a person asked me why I didn’t like
    the Obama’s? Specifically I was asked: “I have to ask, why do you hate
    the Obama’s? It seems personal, not policy related. You even dissed
    (disrespect) their Christmas family picture.”

    The truth is I do not like the Obamas, what they represent, their
    ideology, and I certainly do not like his policies and legislation.
    I’ve made no secret of my contempt for the Obamas. As I responded to
    the person who asked me the aforementioned question, I don’t like them
    because they are committed to the fundamental change of my/our country
    into what can only be regarded as a Communist state.

    I don’t hate them per definition, but I condemn them because they are
    the worst kind of racialists, they are elitist Leninists with contempt
    for traditional America. They display disrespect for the sanctity of
    the office he holds, and for those who are willing to admit same,
    Michelle Obama’s raw contempt for white America is transpicuous. I
    don’t like them because they comport themselves as emperor and

    I expect, no I demand respect, for the Office of President and a love
    of our country and her citizenry from the leader entrusted with the
    governance of same. President and Mrs. Reagan displayed an
    unparalleled love for the country and her people.

    The Reagan’s made Americans feel good about themselves and about what
    we could accomplish. Obama’s arrogance by appointing 32 leftist czars
    and constantly bypassing congress is impeachable. Eric Holder is
    probably the MOST incompetent and arrogant DOJ head to ever hold the
    job. Could you envision President Reagan instructing his Justice
    Department to act like jack-booted thugs?

    Presidents are politicians and all politicians are known and pretty
    much expected to manipulate the truth, if not outright lie, but even
    using that low standard, the Obama’s have taken lies, dishonesty,
    deceit, mendacity, subterfuge and obfuscation to new depths. They are
    verbally abusive to the citizenry, and they display an animus for

    I do not like them, because they both display bigotry overtly, as in
    the case of Harvard Professor Louis Gates, when he accused the
    Cambridge Police of acting stupidly, and her code speak pursuant to
    not being able to be proud of America. I view that statement and that
    mindset as an insult to those who died to provide a country where a
    Kenyan, his illegal alien relatives, and his alleged progeny, could
    come and not only live freely, but rise to the highest, most powerful,
    position in the world.

    Michelle Obama is free to hate and disparage whites because Americans
    of every description paid with their blood to ensure her right to do
    same. I have a saying, that “the only reason a person hides things, is
    because they have something to hide.” No president in history has
    spent millions of dollars to keep his records and his past sealed.

    And what the two of them have shared has been proved to be lies. He
    lied about when and how they met, he lied about his mother’s death and
    problems with insurance, Michelle lied to a crowd pursuant to nearly
    $500,000 bank stocks they inherited from his family. He has lied about
    his father’s military service, about the civil rights movement, ad
    nausea. He lied to the world about the Supreme Court in a State of the
    Union address. He berated and publicly insulted a sitting Congressman.
    He has surrounded himself with the most rabidly, radical, socialist
    academicians today.

    He opposed rulings that protected women and children that even Planned
    Parenthood did not seek to support. He is openly hostile to business
    and aggressively hostile to Israel. His wife treats being the First
    Lady as her personal American Express Black Card (arguably the most
    prestigious credit card in the world). I condemn them because, as
    people are suffering, losing their homes, their jobs, their
    retirements, he and his family are arrogantly showing off their life
    of entitlement – as he goes about creating and fomenting class

    I don’t like them, and I neither apologize nor retreat from my public
    condemnation of them and of his policies. We should condemn them for
    the disrespect they show our people, for his willful and
    unconstitutional actions pursuant to obeying the Constitutional
    parameters he is bound by, and his willful disregard for Congressional

    Dislike for them has nothing to do with the color of their skin; it
    has everything to do with their behavior, attitudes, and policies. And
    I have open scorn for their constantly playing the race card.

    I could go on, but let me conclude with this. I condemn in the
    strongest possible terms the media for refusing to investigate them,
    as they did President Bush and President Clinton, and for refusing to
    label them for what they truly are. There is no scenario known to man,
    whereby a white president and his wife could ignore laws, flaunt their
    position, and lord over the people, as these two are permitted out of
    fear for their color.

    As I wrote in a syndicated column titled, “Nero In The White House” –
    “Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed
    such dishonesty in a political leader. He is the most mendacious
    political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of
    his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious
    arrogance is unequalled. Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be
    elevated to sainthood…

    Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was
    elected president, but instead, they have been witness to a congenital
    liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed
    policies, intimidation, and a commonality hitherto not witnessed in
    political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as
    an entitlement – while America’s people go homeless, hungry and

  280. Oprah silencing Obies critics like a good lap dog. This kind of stuff works well with the Mainstream media. They’ll go back to fawning over “the one” and defending him at every turn real soon. Now go back to collecting your mammy cups aunt Jemima.

  281. Often, when people accuse other of unproven racism, it says more about their thoughts than the thoughts of those they protest against. Maybe people are disrespectful of Obama because he is a terrible president that was grossly under qualified for the job when elected that has trampled our freedoms and destroyed our country’s health care system all while propagating the most polarized house in history? Naah! Must be racism. My bad.

  282. To be respected, you have to be respectable. Liars don’t deserve respect. It has nothing to do with skin color.

  283. Seems to me that Oprah is the racist. Obama is 1/2 white. So doe she think that whites discriminate against the black half of him? What if he was 51% white then would he be called a white president instead of an black president? Wouldn’t it be better for everyone just to say he is the president no matter his color or racial mix? So if we could agree to that then we can critical of his performance. He has broken numerous promises including obama care. What ever happened to no lobbyists or having an open administration? How are those working for you? Obama is doing a lousy job. Has nothing to do with him being black, white, 1/2 and 1/2 or pink. He plain just sucks.

  284. Our president sucks on ice, but he’s black. So I’m going to whine and moan about the fact that he’s black, and any sucking on the part of the president is just because you’re all racist. Now I’m going to sit in my corner and cry while eating a lard Popsicle.

  285. stupid is as stupid does… I don’t give a fig about what color you are, if you are inept then you deserve the criticism you call down on yourself with poor decisions.

    1. As an older white man from the south who supported Herman Cain, I take offense at anyone who calls me a racist. I donated a lot of money to his campaign. I would have much rather had Herman Cain than Mitch Romney but things did not work out that way. Since the liberal progressive communist have been exposed for their lies and corruption the only thing they have left is personal attacks and more lies. To call everyone who disagrees with you a racist is grasping at straws. I think these people are in panic mode. They are a shameful lot.

  286. Yes, Oprah, I see. And was it racist when the president’s supporters like yourself laughed themselves silly over every joke about raping, torturing and killing both Presidents Bush?

  287. She’s out of touch. No one ever says it but she knows what everyone is thinking. That just tells me SHE is racist and wants to promulgate the hate and divide!

  288. Democrats are like the little Brats most of us grew up with. They would dish it out, but when it was returned in kind they ran home crying foul to Mommy! They only get away with it because the Liberal news media covers for them, as Mommy did for the brat.

  289. What Oprah seems to miss is that you can’t put an inexperienced incompetent in office solely on the basis of half of his racial background – and when he shows himself to be an implausibly cynical and mendacious demagogue on top of all that, expect that the racial component on which you based his election should not be blamed.
    In other words, when you sell the country on the idea that it must overlook the guy’s short-comings (that have nothing to do with his race) or be branded racist, don’t expect that his race gets blamed for the destructive effects of his short-comings.

  290. Oprah, you have just embarked on that long road to oblivion, I for one will no listen to or watch anything you are involved with. If that’s racism, so be it. Here’s to the most overplayed card in the history of mankind.

  291. Who would have thought that many, many people throughout the country would actually start to become more racist AFTER they elected a black president?

  292. Oh brother… I remember the Democrat attacks on Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush…. they were stupid, everything they did was criminal or war mongering… and the attacks went on, and on, and on…

    I think what we are seeing with the treatment of Barak Obama, is a little bit of “what goes around, comes around”, and the Democrats DON”T LIKE IT.

    Well, get used to it… when Democrats start treating Republican presidents with respect, and “respect the office”, then maybe Democrat Presidents will get the same… until then, forget about it…

    and Oprah, get a clue !

  293. I think Oprah should live in the ghetto with her black brothas and sistas then.

    No? Gee why not Oprah, you could escape all that nasty Racism…

  294. The Republican Party of today, is the Democrat party of 25 years ago. The
    Democrat party is now the party of Nikita Khrushchev, who said in 1953 that he
    would make this a Communist Nation without firing a shot.

    My mother and father were both devout Democrats, and April 20,1960, my
    father introduced John Kennedy to an audience when he campaigned for president
    in our state.

    I would like to believe that my mother and father would have changed
    parties if they were still alive today. My father told me twice, shortly before
    he died, that he was having second thoughts about the Democrat Party, and that
    was long before anyone had heard of Barrack Hussein Obama, who was still in
    training by David Axelrod, and others. I would like to invite any Democrat who
    believes in truth, freedom and democracy to consider if they want to stay in a
    party of lies, con men and Socialism, from the top down.

  295. Of all people to make such a remark..Shame on you Oprah. What are you? some kind of white queen? I have lost all respect for Oprah and not because she is black but because she is an idiot. Just like Obama you have conned millions.

  296. It’s racist to even suggest such a thing Oprah! The citizenry were certainly not racist when the landslide first election was won, or when we voted the liar in a second time. It is widely accepted now that if you are not happy with Barack, for ANY reason, that makes you a racist. If that itself is not racism, then nothing is! It is certainly racist to suggest that a black president can do no wrong because he’s black. When you suck, you suck, no matter what your skin color!

  297. It has to be racism. Don’t forget, Republicans also impeached the real first black president, Bill Clinton.

  298. Why dont they build a New Africa in the mold and vision they want, without whites, and move there. Wait,,,,,,, sorry,,, they have been testing that in Chicago and they started killing each other. Never mind.

  299. So, the Americans disrespected Bush when he was a president because he’s white?

  300. People don’t respect him because he is an incompetent jerk. He is arrogant, lazy, and does not understand basic American Values.

  301. If Incompetent Arrogant Lying Hypocrite is a new race, then, yeah, I’m a racist because I don’t support the president for being one.

  302. Dear Oprah:
    NO person respects a liar, regardless of his/her racial background!
    Tom Coyne

  303. She’s right. Let the funerals begin, Al, Jesse, Opra, let’s go shop for burial plots.


  305. So tired of Oprah and her ” musings” that are so self-indulgent. Hey Oprah, it’s not all about YOU and your buddy Obama. It’s about people having their health care plans that they DID like, their Doctors they DID want to keep. The people that aren’t listed as one of the richest people in the world, REAL people are just trying to survive and don’t need another rich guy like Obama making their lives more difficult by making them struggle even more for basic needs. Every time a liberal tells you they are only trying to ” help” you…..watch yourself and your wallet.

  306. Thanks for the insight. Hilarious considering all the white votes President Oliar was able to get. No I’m certain I don’t like him because he is a liar,followed by a lazy ,worthless, sack of dung. But if it makes her feel better to believe that he sucks as a president due to his color. Go for it.

  307. Oprah, you would be surprised to know this but for every white person who wouldn’t vote for Obama because of his race, there was at least one black person who would vote for Obama only because of his race.

  308. There is only one white I think should have been killed. The guy that came up with the idea to bring slaves to America.

  309. another rich biiotch’s mind clouded by federal reserve notes, hey you
    pompous overweight self-entitled biiotch, wake up over your
    prejudice views there sweety, we hate this a$$Klown because he is
    usurping the Constitution, becoming a dictator, pathologically lies, and

    cares NOT for WE, THE PEOPLE NOT BECAUSE THE A$$CLOWN IS 18% black…
    get over yourself you fat POS and wake the fak up to reality you
    delusional biiotch

  310. I disrespect BO because he is an idiot. Everything about him is phoney and was manufactured for the consumption of uneducated Americans.

  311. all those that come out of Chicago are all the same people who play the race card .. Obama.. Oprah.. Jessie Jackson.. Louis Farikkan.. Rev Wright.. no wonder its the murder capital..

  312. Ms. O is no longer beating a dead horse. She’s playing its ribcage like a marimba long after the vultures and coyotes have stripped it down to the bones.

  313. It amazes me that at every Obama speech, NOBODY has the nerve to shout LIAR LIAR LIAR.. What could happen if the entire crowd jumped in??? This goes for OPRAH, Sharpton, Jackson and the likes too, Get the chant going in the crowd. Start low and build with the crowd. There is power in Numbers. You will NOT be the only person who jumps in… DO NOT LET OBAMA, or OPRAH SPEAK ANYMORE, EVER AGAIN. Make fools of them… AL GORE needs a dose of this too… SHOUT THEM DOWN. START WITH ‘I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE’..just like the Movie Network,,, IT WILL WORK. Chant to Boycott all Oprah related brands.. DO NOT let them get away with their lies. JOE WILSON was right! Call them out for what they are in Public.

    Think of how great it would be to see them shouted off stage LAUGHED off stage… are we literally waiting for a little boy to say the KING has No Clothes?

  314. Oprah stop it It has nothing to do with race and you know it. The Potus lied to the american people . I believe you know a thing or 2 about lying to the american people. So get over it.

  315. To paraphrase Lenny Bruce, if we just repeated “racist” ad naseum, perhaps it would finally, deservedly lose any relevance.

    “Are there any ni66ers here tonight? Could you turn on the house lights,
    please, and could the waiters and waitresses just stop serving, just for
    a second? And turn off this spot. Now what did he say? “Are there any
    ni66ers here tonight?” I know there’s one ni66er, because I see him back
    there working. Let’s see, there’s two ni66ers. And between those two
    ni66ers sits a kyke. And there’s another kyke— that’s two kykes and
    three ni66ers. And there’s a spic. Right? Hmm? There’s another spic.
    Ooh, there’s a wop; there’s a polack; and, oh, a couple of greaseballs.
    And there’s three lace-curtain Irish micks. And there’s one, hip, thick,
    hunky, funky, boogie. Boogie boogie. Mm-hmm. I got three kykes here, do
    I hear five kykes? I got five kykes, do I hear six spics, I got six
    spics, do I hear seven ni66ers? I got seven ni66ers. Sold American. I
    pass with seven ni66ers, six spics, five micks, four kykes, three
    guineas, and one wop. Well, I was just trying to make a point, and that
    is that it’s the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the
    violence, the viciousness. Dig: if President Kennedy
    would just go on television, and say, “I would like to introduce you to
    all the ni66ers in my cabinet,” and if he’d just say “ni66er ni66er
    ni66er ni66er ni66er” to every ni66er he saw, “boogie boogie boogie
    boogie boogie,” “N-word N-word N-word N-word N-word N-word” ’til N-word didn’t
    mean anything anymore, then you could never make some six-year-old black
    kid cry because somebody called him a ni66er at school.”

    1. Hitler was actually Austrian, but he didn’t speak Austrian (but he would have given Barack’s grasp of linguistics and history.)

  316. I hate him because he is an idiot. If he was white I still would hate him. Sorry, no racism here.

  317. And when this administration starts seizing bank accounts for themselves I hope they take yours first you fat pig.

  318. Gee thanks big O. Now the world thinks our country is full of racists. They are definitely out there, but they are the minority.

  319. From top to bottom it’s all about payback to blacks. Oprah Winfrey to knockout game thugs, it’s get whitey time.

  320. No Oprah, people disrespect him because he 1) has done his utmost to create and foster class warfare; 2) refuses to take responsibility for ANYTHING negative that happens…it is always someone else’s fault; 3) refuses to enforce the laws of the land; 4) has blatantly lied to the American public…and I can go on and on and on. How do you explain the disrespect for Bush? Don’t believe that HE was African-American. The race card has pulled so often that people are no longer caring and are just saying…whatever.

  321. Screw you Oprah Winfrey, get a brain, most people do not like Obama because of his anti American policies, they hate the direction of the country is going in because of this man, not because he is black, but because he is turning us into a third world country you idiot. He is doing things that we will never recover from.

    You have successfully turned millions of American housewives into a bunch of bleeding heart liberal idiots with what your views of the world are, and while you have done some great things for some people, you have also have done some great harm to this country with your hidden agenda with your racist attitudes against whites.

    After becoming one of the richest women on the planet, you have the nerve to bite the hand that fed you, in no other country could you have achieved what you have achieved but right here in the great US of A.

    You are a Hypocrite.

  322. hey you pompous overweight self-entitled biiotch, wake up over your prejudice views there sweety, we hate this a$$Klown because he is usurping the Constitution, becoming a dictator, pathologically lies, and cares NOT for WE, THE PEOPLE NOT BECAUSE THE A$$CLOWN IS 18% black… get over yourself you fat POS and wake the fak up to reality you delusional biiotch

    12160 . info

  323. Wrong Ms. Winfrey. You are the Queen to the housewives and shift workers due to your personal talent and your keen business knowledge. You hired the best to run your operation. Color has nothing to do with it. You have talent and you are smart. Your comment is showing that you are becoming out-of-touch with realities. Ms. Winfrey, your man hired ideological friends. Your man finds out what happens in the U.S. after we the people already know about it. If you ran your operations as such you would not be Queen in the eyes of millions of women. Ms. Winfrey, get off the race batting thing. People thought you were above that.

  324. Maybe there are some who behave that way–I don’t know any. The majority of people simply strongly disagree with his policies. She’s grossly portraying those who disagree with Obama as hateful racists. I suppose I’m a racist because I also don’t agree with her?

  325. Oprah, You are so fr out of line in this situation that it really doesn’t require any additional comments from me. I learned man years ago that the best way to handle idiots is to ignore them and, undoing so, eliminate their credibility. Good bye, Oprah. Used to like you but that’s over.

  326. Just another race mongering poverty pimp showing us how ignorant she is. obumble is more white than black, but that includes some arab blood in there. Probably taliban blood.

  327. With all of Oprah’s influence, by BLAMING whites, she harms the Black cause more than helps.. JUST LIKE OBUMMER… Oprah needs to put here money where her mouth is. With all of Oprah’s Influence and money, she has done VERY VERY LITTLE for her Black People. I rarely if ever hear her teach other blacks about self reliance or responsibility. If that were the case, she would have given much more of her money to inner city schools, Not just a bit here and there, and keep much less. There is no give-back.. SO, For all Oprah has she now has nothing. She can’t Un-do her comments and feelings. She will forever be a thankless, race-baiting, hypocrite, who can only blame Whites for the failure of our Black President and many other blacks.

  328. Really Oprah? Obama and his band of democrats play the race card all the time…just like you did in this interview. If it not for “white people” you’d be cleaning houses for a living. If you don’t like America there are lots of Americans who’d help you pack.

  329. Typical black racist. Anybody who is critical of a person who happens to be black is immediately called a racist. I think Blacks are actually more racist than most other groups. Besides I am so…. sick of these “African Americans” constantly yelling racism every time somebody disagrees with them. Its over the top.

    1. It is very easy to spot someone who is racist white or black.

      Whenever you are talking with them and they say things like “There were these 2 (black or white) kids on the corner” or when you tell them about someone and they say “were they white or black ?” .

      People who are not racist don’t use the words white or black as a description when talking about other people in general conversation.

      This works to identify racism about 90% of the time.

      1. Or intelligence…People who pay attention to the world around them recognize differences among the races. People who read Crime statistics recognize this too. PC dummies who desire approval bury their heads in the sand and repeat the mantra about their being no difference among the races. The grave-yards are full of dopey white people who think like that.

        1. It isn’t about intelligence. When people see someone their brain doesn’t ask “is that person white or black ” and make a decision considering if they care about race. The brain uses shortcuts to make decisions, those shortcuts are based on prior pathways that take time for the brain to implement, several years .

          The way the brain processes vision is the image is divided into things that the specific persons brain considers important. Things like sex, hair color, facial expression, movement. Have you ever been out with someone who noticed something about someone but you didn’t ? That is because those details were important to that persons way of thinking. Someone who works in fashion will pay attention to clothing because they have developed that pathway in the brain as important. The same for race, someone who has determined that race is important will have a brain that looks for that detail and process it. If it wasn’t important the brain just ignores it.

          There was a study where children under 3 years old were shown a picture of a person then asked 5 minutes later what the skin color of the person was (choices were , black, white, dark, light), the results showed that out of 47 children only 6 could name the skin color correctly. All 47 got the sex of the person correct and even what they were wearing.

          That is why optical illusions surprise people, those illusions exploit flaws in how the brain processes vision.

  330. Oprah’s right about the racism directed against the President but she needs to do a little self-examination about her own bigotry toward religious nonbelievers. When she interviewed Diana Nyad and Diana told her that she was an atheist Oprah said that since Diana also said she appreciated the beauty of nature and experienced awe in contemplating nature that she would not consider Diana to be an atheist. As if atheists somehow are not good enough people to be inspired by the natural world. It would be like a white person telling Oprah, you may be black in color but I don’t consider you to be a black person because you can appreciate and be inspired by nature which implies that normally one wouldn’t expect a black person to be able to do that. I’ve got news for Oprah, non-religious people like black people are not unfeeling, unethical, sub-human creatures we are human beings.

  331. this is the lady who LIED about that poor girl working in switzerland to promote her movie

    democrats lie thats what they do, thats ALL THEY DO

      1. Sure. She came up hard scrabble, didn’t make excuses out of it, earned a job a small local mid-Atlantic station and built that into a media empire worth a couple billion. What’s not to respect? I find it disappointing that the same person is now using imaginary BS to excuse the poor performance of this President, while labeling most of those who helped build that empire ‘racist.’ It’s cowardly and hypocritical at best. As I said, I used to respect this woman.

        1. I could point to similar successes – hard working people who murder, lie, cheat and steal to get to the top. Oprah profited off of stupidity and her race. She may be successful but I DON’T respect her. Never did. She has added NOTHING of benefit to humanity.

          1. Yah. You’re mostly wrong, but okay… Oprah didn’t murder lie, cheat or steal that I know of, but okay. Also – the vast majority of her audience is white so she’d have been profiting off the stupidity of MY race. And she HAS added much to the benefit of humanity, whether either of us like it or not. She’s probably given more to charity than you and I will make in our lifetimes combined for example. (Arguably, she’s added an equal dose of harm – promoting new age retardation, etc., but that’s a different argument.) In short, she’s just like most people. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. If it makes you feel ‘better’ to hate her, knock yourself out. No one’s telling you that you can’t.

            1. She’s given money to blacks and usually in some way that aggrandizes her own name. Has she added anything positive to our culture? She has lowered national discourse and associated fiscal responsibility and morality with racism. She is a leech, a moron, and a charlatan…

  332. How someone can (in this country) amass such a fortune, while being black, and yet has the nerve to complain about racism, is simply staggering.

  333. I wish Oprah would get a life (or a real job) and stop saying stupid things. She’s just making excuses for someone who has no clue what he’s doing to his own country. I’m tired of the race card being used every time an African-American runs into difficulty and can’t (or doesn’t) pull themselves out of a tough situation.

    1. This is the lady who gave us Dr, Phil and a list of obscure books to read. Not to mention how many cars and associated tax bills she gave away.

  334. Yes, she is right the country is racist and Obama does get treated differently be cause he is half black…fact is if he was white he would have been impeached long ago….he gets a free ride by everyone because he is black

  335. Why do they always claim that “nobody ever says”, when in fact, it is said ALL THE TIME!? It’s all we hear about. They don’t know how to have a conversation about the substance of any black leaders actions, they can only talk skin color. So gutless.

  336. Oprah is greedy. Look at the size of her ape like nostrils. She even consumes more air than the rest of us…

  337. If it is “racist” to criticize the President, then what about all those who
    criticized President Bush?

  338. Yo Oprah, how many Asians, Jews, Caucasians or other non-black people are members of “The Rainbow Coalition”? How many non-blacks in the “New Black Panther Party”? Maybe you should first remove the log from your own eye, before looking for the mote in your neighbor’s eye, you ignorant, hypocritical, race-baiting, filthy-rich celebutard.

      1. Oprah used those dopey white women. just like the anti white Dem party uses white women.. to destroy whites in general ..

        1. I believe it all stems from having no daddy in the house. Divorce leaves nothing but a single mother to raise the kids and that’s NEVER good. Dollars to donuts when you see an ultra-liberal, mud-shark white woman she was raised without her daddy present.

  339. My biggest problem with Oprah is that no matter how much weight she loses, she still has a giant pumpkin head.

  340. Let’s see, the most racist people I can think of. Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barak Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jeremiah Wright, …………any pattern there?

  341. This overpaid, under weighed racist FATSO is off her meds every time she floats across the pond flapping her anti-America crap.

    Oprah looks in store windows and sees racists hiding the merchandise while frightened store clerks are scramble to lock their shop doors as the racist bag lady in the $2000 sweat tent waddles up. She’s as quick with racist lie as the con artist that kicked her and her fried chicken out of the Lincoln Bedroom.

    Hey Oprah, want some special racist celebrity treatment? Call JayZee and head over to Barney’s where they’ll feel you up like no man ever will.

    With her girth she’s definitely getting the special Barney’s pat down!!.

  342. Lets face it people….the only play Oprah has left is the race issue. Otherwise, no one seems to pay attention to her at all.

  343. This is a woman that is worth over a billion dollars, mostly dollars reaped from liberal, brain-dead white women … and she dares go to Europe to throw these same white women under the bus. She is as cowardly as the Dixie Chicks. Why doesn’t she spout her racial animus, instead of in Europe, on Fox News or her stupid Channel OWN ? Dreadful, shameful, racist knee grow.

    1. Go post at huffington, g.addams. Your racial epithets make conservatives look bad. Thanks.

        1. Racial epithets make us look ignorant to other conservatives and non-conservatives too. What’s the purpose of attacking someone’s ethnicity?

            1. No, but conservatism needs a press agent, and I would do a good job if given the opportunity. I’m just-a-guy posting online who doesn’t like reading ignorant, racist cr*p, mainly because I grew up hearing it from extended family, but then after competing in sports with and against people of different racial groups, and becoming friends with some, I realized that we are fundamentally the same, but only culture and other factors make us different, with ethnicity being only a bit-player.

              1. You are SOOOOO superior … after reading your post, I am going to join the NAALCP … thanks for helping me see the light. Get back to me after you get mugged by a feral knee grow, and tell me how you still love and respect black people …

              2. It just so happens that well over 90% of blacks voted for Obama in the last election. Race is a “bit player”????. Sounds like YOU are a bit player and competing for “PC douche of the year…”

                1. That falls in the category of ‘culture’ and not ethnicity. Black Americans have been marinating in Leftist propaganda for a couple of generations, now. Fyi, If Hillary had been the the Democrat nominee, 90% of blacks would have voted for her, just like they voted for John Kerry and Bill Clinton. Save your juvenile taunts for someone else. Thanks.

                2. Black turn out for Obama was MUCH higher than any white democrap. Some districts in Philadelphia not a SINGLE vote was cast for Romney. Lincoln freed the slaves – republican, Democrats in the south enforced Jim Crow. Blacks vote democrat since FDR. You’re giving a chicken/egg argument. They are not black because they are liberal, they are liberal because they are black.

            1. It does two things, annoys dolts like me, and also makes twenty-year-old-snotty-kids like you, look ignorant.

        2. Jeff, these people who are offended are obviously young, and have not opened their eyes to the realization that we are in a race war. They will wise up, probably after they’ve been mugged by a feral black.

  344. Oprah I hate to break it to you, but it has nothing to do with his skin color. He lied to us about our healthcare coverage and about a $2500 savings. That’s not even taking into account the Benghazi situation, the IRS mess and fast & furious. All of which he claims no knowledge and just learned about it at the same time as the rest of us, i.e. through the newspaper or tv. It was his job to know. He has lost credibility with a lot of Americans.

  345. Hey, Oprah, what about the racism of the “knockout game”? Blacks have contributed much to American culture, but now all they’re contributing is violence, misogyny, and racism.

  346. The thing that makes many people dislike blacks is when black cry racism for things that have nothing to do with the color of their skin. Find another excuse Oprah, some people just cannot stand Obama or you for that matter because you are lefty elitists who want to run everyone elses life.

  347. Uh, and do people love and respect his white half? I don’ think so. Oprah has made a fortune off white people and when it suits her fancy, she turns on them by accusing them of being racist because they are critical of Obama. He deserves lots of criticism and not because he is half black but because he is vindictively trying and succeeding in remaking the US into a communist nation.

  348. Yeah, right, Oprah, and I suppose all of the viewers who made you your millions were racists as well. The only TRUE racists in this world are those who continuously point out race. Understand, dear?

  349. Zane, thank you for adding that.

    MY friend I think you may have put your finger on a key problem with the accountability: There is so much criminal activity with sycophantic main stream media propaganda cover that everyone is rendered numb. I intended to make a comprehensive post on the scandals of the past 5 years and was unable.

    I only hope that 2014 sees a cleaning of the senate and house. K-Street is running the show and has been. We need new leadership. I plan to vote libertarian and possibly genuine conservative republicans. I am in Nevada and all our reps of both parties are sellouts.

    Of course this presupposes that the voting is still honest which is highly questionable considering the statistical impossibilities of 100% district wins.(Yet another lost scandal).

    Here is a video of the woman(Clare Daly) I want to marry with some great talking points about

    Mr. Obama.

  350. If blacks were treated truly equally, Oprah would be scrubbing floors and Obama would be homeless. These positions are what their talents, morality and intellect justify.

    They are where they are BECAUSE they are black, not despite.

    1. Great posting. Affirmative Action losers both of them. Affirmative Action is a hoax.

      So far there are 10,403 comments. Old Oprah surely stirred up the hornet’s nest. Whites are becoming more aware of black racism. Of course, we know that blacks take no responsibility for themselves at all. The reason their unemployment is so high is that they don’t look for jobs. They just use slavery as the reason to live like the parasites they are.

      1. Two different issues, KM. Please stop posting generalizations about people only because of their ethnic background. You make conservatives look bad. Thanks.

        1. Very concerned about appearances Wayne. KM is right. Affirmative action is an OBAMAnation. Supported by Obama, clinton and RINO’s Bush (both).

  351. He does get treated differently because he is black. He is never criticized by the MSM, never. If he was a white president, he would have never been reelected. Remember Jimmy Carter? If he was a white president, he would have had to resign. Remember Richard Nixon?

  352. There was a statement made that the only thing that will stop racism is if they all die.
    that would mean 95% of the black population would have to disappear.
    Name one town, city, state or country where the black people are prosperous. There aren’t any. Why? We have, supposedly, the smartest person in the WH and he is showing the world why.

    1. Good point, if you threw $ 10 billion at Detroit today.
      In 8 yrs. it would be a cesspool again.

  353. How come Opfats does not discuss the racism coming from the black community. Some of the most racist remarks I have ever heard come from that community.

    1. Go away and post your ignorant, racist cr*p at the Kos, killer_sleaze. You make conservative Americans look bad.

  354. Obama’s mother is white and his father is black. So why is it that he associates himself with being black vs. white anyway? The only reason he was elected and re-elected is because he lied not because of the color of his skin. And, you have to ask yourselves, if 98% of the black community voted for him, who really is racist?

    1. Good point. I think its because if he tried to blame his failures on being white….everyone would laugh. But he can fail and blame racism because that’s what so much of the black community is taught to do.

      1. It’s a sad state of affairs in this country. Not only has our first “black” president divided this country more than anyone in recent history, but when his shortcomings are pointed out, and there are many, then we’re being racist. Let Ms. Winfrey have her say…it’s a free country. She’ll just turn more people against her in the long run for defending the evil empire.

  355. I have respect for him because he is the president, set up by God himself.

    The question we should ask ourselves is, “why should God give us such an evil ruler?”

    We are an evil people.

    1. @ TROOF….I completely disagree with you. When Jesus Christ was before Pilate,
      the people yelled for the thief Barrabas to be set free. And Christ was then crucified. In the current American political spectrum, the people clamored for Obama. And to this day, the American people are crucified by the President’s socio-economic policies. Amen !

      1. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.

        Free yourself from pop theology.

      1. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.

    2. I do understand your post….sadly I think 51% or people now are the type who think crime is fine if you don’t get caught, cheating on your spouse is no big deal, and taking other peoples money if you are poor is somehow a “right.” Sad times indeed.

    3. President, set up by God himself? I really hope you are being sarcastic. That is what they used to say about kings. The only way God would have chosen Obama for president is to teach us a lesson, as he did Israel. God doesn’t control this country, even though I feel he has blessed us, up until now that is.

      1. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.

    4. God gave us individual smarts. He lets us be in control. Groups of people try to control other groups and calls it self (socialist) government. God did not set up the office of president. He would not have picked a party that kills his babies. As I said, he gives people the smarts to do what is right. The problem is that many pick the easy “head in the sand” way. Most are not evil people; and, the ones that appear that way, may have lost their way and want power over others because of bent psychological reasons. God did not give us a ruler or king. In the American system we have checks and balances that has been corrupted. troof, the American people have to start using their smarts, and see what is going on and use their God given brain. I hope that answered you question troof.

      1. That’s interesting, what do you use as a basis for this belief? Did you know that the bible declares differently from your opinion? Read and think: But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.

        And in Romans 13, we are told:
        there is no power but of God: †: the powers that be are ordained of God.

        1. I replied to you because you said God set up Obama as President. No way he would do that. The people elected him. The basis of my belief is my belief. King Louis XIV, of France 1638-1715. The French were told that he was put in by God. This was to control the people. On a different note: I like your name: Troof = truth + proof; but, I bet you do not like science which requires proof.

  356. Pretty amazing hearing this claim from a black woman who owns her own TV network and has a net worth of $3B! But she is right that there are people who dislike Obama because he is black. Equally racist are people who like him ONLY because he is black. Racism is racism. If a white person was running against a black person and 98% of the white voters voted for the white candidate blacks would be screaming racism. That is exactly what happened in 2008 and 2012 with blacks voting for Obama. Racism is racism. Personally, I don’t care if Obama is black, white, green, yellow or blue. His policies are destroying the country I love.

    1. Well, according to Obama, Oprah, being as successful as she is, must have put at least 10,000 people into poverty in clawing herself to where she is. They didn’t have a ‘fair shot’. She is a racist pig. She is the worst kind. She pretends to believe in Obama and the left’s mantra of a zero-sum game, while living the life she lives and then playing the race card. She can go to hell.

  357. Opra….when I disagree with obuma, I’m disagreeing with the ‘white’ obuma. he is half white, half black, therefore, I am not racist!!! You are referring to the ‘black’ obuma and nobody criticizes that part of him otherwise he would NEVER have gotten elected!

  358. Ms Winfrey should recognize that what she is expressing is patronizing. That is we have to treat a Black in the White House differently that we would a White. Can’t criticize him or his policies. That is so patronizing and is wrapped up in that low expectation attitude that whites are said to have of blacks. Sounds as if she has low expectations too.

  359. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.”

    Drop the “American” and you may be close to the truth, you bloated porch monkey.

  360. The level of disrespect for the office is exercised by President Obama, not by anyone else. I just did not think, until Oprah pointed it out, that it is of the color of his skin that causes him to disrepect the office of the President of the United States.

  361. Back in 2001-2003, all of the hardest right-wingers I knew yearned for David Palmer in the White House. And I mean, literally, had dreams about it and then wanted to cry when they woke up.

    At some point, Oprah should consider that the Great Cadre of Omnipotent Secret Racists has not succeeded in making her particular life overly uncomfortable. Her best examble of modern racism is not being sold a $40K handbag in an insular European country that is NOT THE US..

    The question is, does she believe the Great Cadre of Omnipotent Secret Racists just randomly and against its natural inclinations decided not to persecute her for being black and powerful (irrational), or does she think that she is such a magical, overwhelmingly talented person that the Great Cadre is not able to “keep her down” when it can do so to the rest of her race (narcissistic and borderline racist)?

  362. Says a black woman made rich by white people, about a black man white folks elected. Things that make you go hmmmmm

    1. Yes; and guess any white woman who never read Oprah’s magazine is racist. and the one’s that have; are just compensating for their racist bias. And same with her longstanding show; while in Chicago.

      ‘Who knew’ what Oprah was thinking; lo these many years; when she looked out and saw so many ‘White faces’ in her audience. . .contributing to her success. (Am sure Rev. Wright appreciates that, despite Oprah leaving his ‘church’; she did not leave all the ‘Rev’s’ lessons, behind.)

      Reason fails; when; beyond; what now seems pretense; there is only the ‘racist eye of these beholders’; looking out at those Whites, who inhabit their world. (And by public status; make ‘racism’ a justifiable cause celeb; as they ‘turn back the clock’ – on those, who share their ‘color’; who they once ‘inspired’; but now, incite.

  363. Oprah is wrong as usual. I would love to have Condi Rice or Colin Powell as President. The reason I hate Obama is he is a lying sack of crap, that is destroying our Country. Has nothing to do with his race.

  364. Then why did Obama win such a huge majority in his first term with his “Hope and Change” talk. Did white people suddenly realize he was African American after his administration began to disappoint? The median income has dropped even in the later years of his administration and African Americans are MUCH worse off than they were, even in the first few years after Bush!

  365. If a race scores bottom of the barrel in nearly every statistic that is examined, then it is only human nature that a higher level of prejudice will adversely affect it. Find a way to point it out where it exists without being harsh and judgmental, because after all you are only fighting what is expected.

    Also important to keep in mind, there is nothing more annoying than being blamed for the stupidity of others. Oprah’s ranting only adds to the problem of being disliked.

  366. No sweetie,,,they dislike him because he is a Marxist,,,just like YOU. As long as you can hold onto you riches that is,,,if not..YOU will dislike him too. If America is so racist then WHY did Herman Cain get so much support until the Media stepped in, or Allen West,,,You are so full of yourself..sad little girl you are,,,just sad.

  367. Instead of the Great Uniter, we got the Great Divider. Now we are all classified, diversified, signified to despise each other.

  368. Because Oprah is all about fairness and giving everyone an equal shot. Like…when she refused to interview or welcome Sarah Palin on her show to give her any national exposure until AFTER the 2008 presidential election was over. Yeah, fairness and equality of opportunity, right Oppie?

    1. she did the same thing with McCain saying: “I dont want to get involved with the politics” when asked about McCain being on the show. Yet 2 WEEKS LATER OBAMA WAS ON HER SHOW.
      Oprah Winfrey is THE BIGGEST RACIST ON TV.

        1. Yeah, If the election were held today, I’m still not sure I could pull the lever for McCain. He is really THAT BAD…

  369. The biggest disrespecter of the office of President of the United States is Obama himself. Period!

  370. Why is it those same “many” who hate the hell out of Obama love Herman Caine? And Condoleeza Rice? You’ve got your head up your a$$, Okra. Just like you did when you campaigned for that communist POS SOB. Eff off Oprah. I hope your fat a$$ eats itself.

  371. And what would one expect Oprah to say? This woman has been propped up by the liberal white element for years. She has amassed a fortune, and can now throw all white folks under the bus … with impunity.

    1. There is an irony here; of the ‘self-styled’, non-racist Libs (who are anything ‘but’. . .) confirming the worst of ‘racism’ by their own.

  372. Oprah honey, you live in a huge bubble of ignorance developed by the ego’s need for arrogance. Please stop being so weak. Assume your just human and prone to assumptions…Half of everything you know is incorrect.

  373. that is maybe partially true but more and more peoples disrespect of this presidency has everything to do with levels of incompetence! Period

  374. Do people not like Obama because he is half Black? Probably. But such is more the exception than the rule for he would not even be President otherwise.

    I would say that most Blacks disrespected Bush because he was White.

    In fact, it seems obvious racists Blacks only vote for Blacks at many political levels across this Nation where a Black is running for office – interestingly to their own demise. That is the ironic part, Black bigotry and racism makes them vote for Blacks that could not care less about “their people” and such cities become garbage dumps and murder capitals of the Nation.

    In any event, why care what Okra believes about anything? She is a racists like most Blacks in the US.

    Perhaps the most annoying aspect of the constant whining by Blacks of White racism is their hypocritical insinuation that Blacks are not racists and thus superior to Whites. Such a belief is true racism and US Blacks own it.

    The truth is both races, White and Black, have their issues. IN the US blacks are more racists because they are taught to be by White Liberals on a guilt trip.

  375. If it weren’t for White women Oprah would still be poor. If it weren’t for White women, Obama would never have become president. If it weren’t for single white women in Virginia McAuliff wouldn’t have been elected. Pattern? Message?

  376. I hate Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi just as much or even more than Obama and they’re lilly white. I love Dr. Ben Carson and Allen West and they’re both black. It’s not skin color, but imperialism, constitutional violations, Obamacare, run-away debt, selective enforcement of laws, etc. that make me despise Obama.

  377. Obama is a total bastard. He sucks and his administration and programs are a train wreck. Nevertheless, Obama voters are unable to turn away from the democrat party. They will religiously support it although that party is the beast that made Obama´s presidency possible. Obama supporters are egg sucking cowards steeped in Stockholm Syndrome-they see abortion and gay marriage as sacred. The blacks that support him? They worship government guarantees and are frauds when they go to church on Sunday although the man they elected is a baby killer as evil as they come and a radical gay rights revolutionary. Make my day-let´s see these high profile blacks start an uprising to leave the democrat party and vote republican. The will not with few if any exceptions because they WORSHIP black skin color and HATE white people.

  378. Does she ever look in the mirror?

    If it were about the color of skin why is she where she is? After all, she’s done pretty darn well.

  379. It is NOT the color of his skin but the amount of lies he tells the American public Jeff Nelson said “the content of his character.” She is so DELUSIONAL by spouting this bigotry. How pathetic she has become. Besides, I thought he was bi-racial. Talk about continuing to drive racism, she is doing it, big time. Why anybody gives her any respect is beyond me.

  380. Winfrey is totally out of touch with white Americans and she completely forgets the snubbing she received by Obama after he won the election in 2008. See the book “The Amateur” by Edward Klein.
    I have said this hundreds of times and it is still true. I oppose Obama’s POLICIES, not the color of his skin.

    Now let me say something no American should have to say. I like the POLICIES of Allen West and Herman Cain… they are BLACK. Too bad I just can’t say I like their policies and leave it at that. When I say I like Ted Cruz I don’t have to add to it … he is white!

    Black leaders make us add to our statements what the color of a person’s skin is because they are so focused on skin color and racism.

    Let me be clear. The vast majority of this nation is NOT racist. It is black leaders, like Winfrey, which profit on spreading the idea massive racism is alive in this country. It isn’t but these leaders won’t give up their power and the money associated with promoting race hate in this country.

    In Winfrey’s twisted mind if a white American opposes Obama they must be a racist. This is utter nonsense and it is this nonsense which keeps racism alive in the USA.

  381. Both ORCA & UNCLE SAMBO were made popular by ignorant supporters.

    Just shows how lost the american SHEEPLE really are.
    They grasp at any carrot that’s dangled in front of them.
    Some people only learn the hard way…

  382. when Obamas out moo-shell will buy a big necklace with her name encrusted in CZs. Herfriends will ask why not diamonds ($2,00,00 a specch-she can afford it). Her answer will be : I doan care if diemonds be mo valuble, da not as shiney as CZs!! President & 1st lady SHINEY!

  383. How would she explain that he got 97% of thug lack vote? Careful analysis of the issues? She’s as big a self absorbed loser as Obama.

  384. I don’t like Obama because he screws up EVERYTHING he touches! And Oprah? I despise you because you’re a racist witch who is now spitting in the face of every white person who has helped to make you rich!

  385. No Oprah. I hate you. Because you are a smug liberal fraud. Who just happens to be a fat ugly black female

  386. Don’t EVER forget oprah started out as black lady Jerry Springer. She is reverting back to her racist hateful roots. I guess Valerie Jarret told mooo-shell they needed her again.

  387. That’s the only excuse that blacks have is the race card…no way it could be because of the 57 articals of law he’s broken…why doesn’t that ever come into play with these people…?

  388. I don’t disrespect the Loser Prez for being black (he’s not). I don’t
    like him because he’s NOT a legal US citizen & and has plans
    to destroy America. Orka Winfrey is the b*tch I don’t like because she’s
    an arrogant n i g g e r, who flaunts her billions in everyone’s’ face.
    BIG difference.

  389. Please boycott this mouthpiece of Satan. She has had it too good playing on the emotions of this generation of women

    1. I have not watched her in over 25 years, I will not support her agenda. I do not read the books she recommends, or watch any of the tv shows she has spawned to spread her garbage (Dr Phil etc)

    1. You gotta admit, choosing Biden as VP was the wisest thing this POTUS ever did. Talk about great health insurance that none of us can no longer afford.

  390. I believe the racist here is Oprah. I could care less what color Obama is, but the fact that he is a liar, has a radical socialist agenda, ignores the U.S. Constitution and the laws of this country, has ruined our economy, has ruined our foreign relations, has contributed to total upheaval in the Middle East is simply reason enough for me to not like this man. I could list 100 other reason, but won’t.

  391. My wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me not to call Emperor Obama a flaming Marxist and Oprah an overpaid, overbearing, overweight racist cow. Out of respect for (and in fear of) the wife, I won’t.

    1. On the couch? Where do you live, Australia? Here in NW Colorado it’s total white-out blizzard conditions due to the Goracle’s climate change agenda. Even my blue heelers are hiding under the duvet in fear of facing that nasty NW wind and chasing more organically grass-fed cattle hogs to their slaughter.

      1. here in SW Mississippi, it’s not quite cold enough(yet) to light up the wood stove, but will be shortly.

        1. Mississippi is a state on my bucket list to visit. From what I’ve heard the food is better and the women are prettier, but that would make me a racist.

          1. Uh, not sure how to say this, but Oprah is FROM Mississippi. Kosciusko, to be exact

  392. I can’t even watch or listen to this loser of a woman. No husband, no kids, no family life. She is a freaking sociopathic elitist certifiable black woman who fooled white America into making her rich, reading books she chose, following her advice. What a piece of work she is. Her actions speak volumes. What is she? Part of a sleeper cell?

    1. Just shows how LOST the american SHEEPLE really are.
      They grasp at any carrot that’s dangled in front of them.
      Some people only learn the hard way…

  393. I used to respect you, Oprah. No longer. Of course our feelings for Obama have nothing to do with him being a Marxist dictator.

  394. Great logic there, I guess that means people only like him because he is black. This guy has no character nor integrity whatsoever. He lies constantly, denies responsibility for everything, and acts like a spoiled brat, but hey it’s easier to say we hate him because he is black. Find someone who hates Dr Ben Carson, who isn’t a dem

    1. If you’re black and leave the progressive plantation, prepare for the worst.
      Remember how Stacy Dash was violently vilified by the loving and tolerant left when she tweeted her support for Romney? Not a whole lotta love for Mia Love, either. It’s that war on women thing.

  395. Democrats and the pinko media picked a half-black guy hoping it would insulate him from criticism. It was/is politics at its most despicable.

  396. Barry’s abject failures as a POTUS and human being are our fault because we’re racist….. yeah, that’s the ticket. That’s your excuse, Oprah? Really? Lame, lame, lame.

  397. Orca is a racist herself. She, like Obama have a easily seen disdain for white America. Not to mention, she’s an idiot.

  398. Does he lie because he’s black?
    Does he make bad policy because he’s black.
    Is he a bad president because he’s black.
    But he is president because he’s black.

  399. … and if he was a white guy with the exact same record over the last five years she would be calling him another George Bush.

    1. Under Bush we had flash mobs and defecating Occupy assault troops and rampant knockout games played by his sons (if they looked like him).

      Oh, wait …

  400. How the heck do you explain your success Ophhrah??????????? Oh yea, because yours was only a black viewing audience right? nothing more honest then a Progressive billionaire.

  401. A far greater number of Americans despise this president for his arrogance, childishness, narcissism, dishonesty, manipulation, condescension, partisanship and total lack of leadership. All that and for being a flaming socialist. But I guess racism covers all that right?

  402. Monkeys are Monkeys & Junkies are Junkies,Flunkies are Flunkies,Man it’s the same Old Game……………….

  403. Right, America is racist that must be why America has a black president? -got it, African-American malcontent multimillionaire t.v. show host.

  404. The fact that Obama said he could be that thug’s father shows how much he hates white America. HE is a racist. And a liar. None of the facts mattered to him. He was AOK with that boy attacking that man. No way am I accepting his apologies for lying. He knew he was lying when he made his false statements. He was not alone in knowing that either.

  405. The real tragedy is that our first half-negro president turned out to be a total failure. With the number of very qualified Blacks in our country, why did we have to get the dregs?

  406. Fat ass Oprah, get lost, you are well beyond reality and none wants to see your ugly swollen face of racism.

  407. that’s the pot calling the kettle black. there are many racists in the US who are not white.

  408. Oprah seems to have done ok being black. She’s a billionaire thanks to her white audience. I think she is sinking with her show and is trying to get publicity.

    1. You’d think with a billion or two in the bank, she wouldn’t need that narcissistic super-ego anymore.

    1. Samuel L. Jackson “I voted for Barack because he was black.” Nope, that’s not racist. But at least he was honest about it.

      1. I won’t watch any movie with him in it now after he said that. He is another one rich off white people and he doesn’t even research his candidate? Either he’s a dummy or he’s a racist. Either way he don’t need any more of my money.

        1. I understand your sentiment, but he stated his racism, plain and simple. I give him some credit for his refreshing honesty.

    1. And the richest because of the so called racist caucasians who tune in and watched her stupid reality show.

  409. Obama brag, in new book: I’m ‘really good at killing people’ with drones and wonder why ….. He is wanted for war crimes in Egypt and Pakistan today. And we are disrespectful of a man who is criminal?

  410. Oprah, How did you become a multi-billionaire in racist America? When making my decision to support or not Barack Obama in 2008 I followed Dr. King’s admonition to judge “on the content of his character”. ” I would not want my daughters punished with a child” (Barack Obama March 30 2008 to a group of supporters in Pennsylvania), Oprah a man who would give tacit approval for aborting his own grandchild is a man I cannot and will never support, no matter his color !! Oprah maybe you should look at Obama’s policies, with color blind eyes then you would see how he is determined to destroy the America that made you rich. Revisit Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech, and listen this time.

    1. Notice… all these people who become WEALTHY in the USA now want everyone else to be HELD BACK… and re-distribute THEIR misally low paying check….. of course these people already have THEIR secure future.

      It is like a night club that only allow the Wealthy to gain access… She is a WEALTH BLACK RACIST ELIEST… think about it.
      Her WEALTH opens doors that the general BLACK person can never go into… so in that regard she is also a RACIST ELITIEST…. SHE IS THE 1%ers … who would interview her if she was not?

      Amazing that her money buy’s the MEGA PHONE… and we pions are never heard.


  412. Many Americans hold Obama in contempt because he is, at best, an incompetent or, at worst, a leftist subversive. It has nothing to do with his race. If his name were J. C. Watts, for instance, I wouldn’t have any problem with him at all.

  413. IT is NOT the color of his skin Ms Oprah… it is his IDEAS…

    You and your TV Show are both in bed with this man… You are both nothing less than playing the GAME of Manipulation of the MASSES.

    Con ARtist – A confidence artist (or con artist) is an individual, operating alone or in concert with others, who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty, honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naïveté, or greed….. sound familiar????

    A charming smile that manipulates you with LIES… and dishonesty.

    Where are the jobs Ms Oprah… for YOUR Race???. DId George Bush do that too???

    For all these years he has WASTED on the DIASTER of Obama care… it has DESTROYED Jobs…. You always clamed to be sooooo concerned about everyone…. why are YOU NOT concerned that Under Obama the BLACK Race has HIGHER loss of employment than any other group… Have you been to Atlanta?

    Didn’t Obama Lie to you too… that you would get all these EXCLUSIVE Interviews and that NEVER Materialized.

    We are NOT racist. WE are WIDE AWAKE… and what we all see is NOT very Good from this man.

  414. So what. There is no doubt that the blacks hate the whites. Oprah and her friends are the biggest racists on earth. They do not think that is possible because they are black.

    Obama and idiots like Oprah have done more to hurt race relations and have set us back 25 years. Worst is they are creating their own plantation by keeping the blacks down and in the entitlement sewer!

  415. Oprah still has the hots for Obama
    Careful Oprah you already got knocked off the White House ” A ” guest list because you were getting to close to the MOO’s man.
    what a cat fight that would be, and all over a homosexual.

  416. You can also give up your citizen ship! Please do us a favor.
    And OPRAH on OBAMA, ” For what it’s worth, I think he represented blacks wonderfully. Very accurate representation of the blacks.” You brought it up so now you know! He does really shine as a low IQ idiot when off the teleprompter.
    Keep that in mind as your viewing audience of Racist dry up.. Oh and most European Countries now want you to apply for a visa seeing as how you stage racist incidents when you are over here. In reality most would love it if you kept your Racist black ass out of Europe just like Obama not welcome really.

  417. People like her are the ones that do help keep this country divided , thanks Oopa ! Typical rich celebrity in lefty looney world that says thingd based on the color of her skin ! I do have no respect for anybody that has no respect for this country , period

  418. Who is this Oprah person? I don’t have cable TV, so I miss watching the plastic people. Is she a plastic person who only thinks in terms of race? How does she know how I think and make decisions?

  419. I can stand him because he’s a lying commie democRat and his color or race which ever it is have NOTHING TO DO WITH it Oprah!…………….PERIOD!!

  420. while there is some truth to this absurd harpy’s statements, the overwhelming majority of people criticize and disrespect obama because he’s a lousy, lyingg, piece of sh*t who hasn’t fulfilled ONE campaign promise. he’s as bad as or worse than his moronic predecessor. facts are facts. we haven’t had a pres who wasn’t a war criminal in at least 20 years.

  421. If America is so racist, why is she so rich? My advice to Oprah is to renounce her citizenship in this highly racist county and find one that isn’t as racist and move there. And while she’s at it I hope she takes Barry with her. They deserve each bother.

  422. People like Oprah but not Obama. Oprah is Black. Obama is half black. Logically if one only had that information and nothing else, they would conclude that people disliked Obama because he was half White.
    I dislike him because he is only half smart. He did not know that buying insurance is complicated. That hardly qualifies as even half smart.
    How about he is a Damn Liar. Is it the Black Side that is lying or the White Side. It seems to me that lying is not limited to Whites or Blacks but is a shared value.
    A majority elected him but now doesn’t like him as much. Did they suddenly become Racists like Oprah?
    How wealthy do you have to be in order to be a racist and it be ok?


  423. It must be lovely to be rich enough to be that stupid. The woman is living in a bubble of money. I mean she owns her own beach, and palaces that the french kings lost there heads over. 😉

  424. Oprah’s an old school racist.
    I was a full blown liberal in the early eighties and EVEN THEN I couldn’t stand how blatantly racist and sexist she was. Since then, someone got a hold of her and pointed out how she was alienating large swaths of her audience, she adjusted and the rest is history. But you want to hear some race baiting, man hating billshut? Go look up some early Oprah clips.

  425. This dumb talk show host is an idiot. 90% of Americans hate Obama because he’s a socialist one world global government advocate. We couldn’t care less that he’s black. He’s a bad person to be in office. He’ll go down in history as thee worst president in history.


    For what it’s worth, I think he represented blacks wonderfully. Very accurate representation of the blacks.

  426. Just remember folks, Jimmy Carter loves Obama………. It makes his time as POTUS seem great!

  427. The problem with Oprah’s argument is that so many people hated (and still do) George W Bush. As I recall, the Democrats were the roadblocks–the party of ‘no’–when he was in power, and even tried to starve the military of resources for the war in Iraq. They did that even though many of them voted FOR military action in the first place. Obama came into office on the back of that, and met with an electorate–and politicians–who were far more willing to attack the President as a person.

  428. Remember: Racism is a one-way street, only whites are racist.

    Michelle Obama’s Resentment of “White Irish Catholics” was legendary in
    Chicago politics and similar to Barack’s hateful comments on “White Folks’

    Michelle Obama was distressed about the “white Irish Catholics” in
    Illinois. Heck, Barack is half Irish decent, albeit hillbilly American Irish.

    Michelle Obama worked in the mayor’s office in the early 1990′s.

    During her many years in Chicago Michelle Obama was distressed and
    resented the “power “white Irish Catholics” held in Illinois.

    She wasn’t alone.

    In his first book Barack Obama attacked greedy white folks. He even recorded
    it the line. From the book: (page 293, Dreams of My Father).

    “It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a
    day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’
    greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another
    hemisphere… That’s the world! On which hope sits!

    Obama took the line from one of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s sermons.

    Note: Per-capita as many blacks go on cruises as whites

    1. Untill the judeo/christian reformers put and end to it, “ending slavery” was just a case of the slave killing the slave owners and then moveing into the big house and collecting a new group of people to own.

      Obama is liveing a life that only people like Oprah don’t envy. I hope he get’s hit with a golf ball.

  429. Oprah darrrllling you really must come to your senses! I mean for heavens sake darrrlling it is absooolutely ridiculous we are even having this conversation!
    I mean what would Thurston and Snookems think about this entire nonsense!

  430. This statement just released in Ebonics by Louis Farrakhan, intellectual giant and an ardent supporter of Reich Führer Obama and his brother in Allah’s Muslim religion of tolerance and peace…remember…everyone who opposes Obama is a racist.

    Prez Obama dun knows dat it beez dah white man dat beez keepin dah black peoples down. Yassah, an dey pays dah bruthas an dah sistas lessa den all dah honey crackas who steals dah monies fum fah poe black peoples. Obama gonna git dah secand term an weez goona git ah reparations unter HR 10. Yassah…. Whitey gonna pay all dah black peoples lots mo’ monies….yonowatahmsayin…

    Note: there are more of Obama’s morbidly obese white worshipers than his morbidly obese black worshipers on the welfare dole.

  431. She fails to mention Obama is half inbred white gutter trash…whose mother was a porn whore…oh and his dad was an inbred black communist Muslim Jihadist

  432. They disrespect him because he is a liar and a lousy President. We voted for change and he was such a puppet of the banks and business it’s crazy. He is nothing more than their boy.

  433. Oprah cried racism when a store wouldn’t let her look at a purse, when in fact the store was closing.
    I’d kick her out of the store as well.
    It’s funny how the biggest racists like Oprah point fingers at others and call them the same.
    And another thing, Oprah, in case you didn’t know it, Obama isn’t BIack.

  434. except for racist …..
    maybe people like jackson, o, al, opera, corrupt politicians, liberals, and weakaz people who are afraid of the hard truth….most of society has moved on from racism.
    we just don’t like stupid self righteous azhole who think the world owes them something.
    If you’re an azhole , it doesn’t matter what color you are.

  435. Former Navy SEALs are speaking out after President Barack Obama referred to recent events in the Middle East, including the deaths of two former Navy SEALs, as “bumps in the road.”
    *This is what you get folks when low-information people vote for hip and cool. You end up with a former drug user who is a liar and a con man, in the White House.

    1. Hey, he may be a drug user, a liar and a con man, but c’mon, at least he’s incompetent and lazy.

  436. Oh, racism abounds, says #184 on the Forbes richest list in America and #1 on the Celebrity richest list. And, she would stand by the Occupy Wall Street folks (you know, the 1%) and just happens to be a black woman in America.

    President Obama, from his inauguration, up until about a month ago, got a “pass” on everything: No question about his administrations’ scandals and was treated like the Kardashians for being famous for doing NOTHING. Unfortunately, he has destroyed our economy, etc., and has made more people dependent on government, and ?
    How come if “white” America votes 40% for Obama they’re racist, but if blacks vote 95% for Obama, they’re not? Yet Oprah, has the audacity to say it’s because of race when we disagree on his policies and ideology.

    Personally, I see Oprah sticking by a man of your own color, so by your definition, YOU’RE racist! How does it feel?

  437. I’ve highly respected Oprah for my whole life, literally ; however, today that respect has been lost. Is she living in the 1960’s? Good grief!

    Oprah – wake up! You are eating cake with Mrs. Obama and haven’t a clue as to what is really going on in the ‘real world’ of whichyou havent been part of for WAY too long!

    1. So you are telling us that you have respected her since the day you have been born and today only because she thinks one thing you have lost every single amount of respect for her? All of it? Because of this alone?

      1. Ya, that so hard to believe? It’s a ‘heart’ matter going on here with her. Oprah is showing who she really is, and this isn’t something she just all of asudden has come up with, this is apparently who she’s been all along and we’ve only seen the facade she has put out for the public to buy into her shows, products, magazines etc.

        1. No its not so hard to believe. Although I do not agree with your point of view I do believe you are being honest.

    2. Highly doubtful Oprah is eating cake with the MOO.
      As she started getting to chummy with Barack, the
      MOO had her removed from the White House ” A ”
      guest list.

  438. For every Herman Cain, there seem to be about a thousand Oprahs…

    WHAT is the matter with these folks?

  439. And Oprah was the number one talk show host because she is black? The lady doesn’t make sense. Take a look at Obama’s policies and ability…. It’s sad, but that has everything to do with the public’s disappointment in Obama.

  440. What part of Obama are people racist against?
    The half White, or the Half Black?
    the Half Muslim,the fake half Christian
    the half foreign exchange student,the half community organizer
    the half breed of a Communist Frank Marshall Davis
    the half breed of a CIA Agents daughter porn pict slut?
    The half housing bubble creator adopted by Clinton to go Nation-wide
    the half Weathermen Underground apprentice of
    Bill Ayeres ghostwriter of “Dreams from my Father”
    the half below average college grades
    the half of the never seen College Thesis of Barry Soetoro/
    (Frank Marshall Davis Jr.)
    The half of Michelle Obamas Princeton Thesis that is totally racist
    about black & White equality & degrading guilt trips.
    The half Red-Diaper Baby Communist Marxist Socialist Fascist Dictator?

    Goto blazes Oprah,
    You are the racist and perpetuate racism.

  441. Racists have to die before racism come to the end. Opie take the lead on that please!

  442. Take away his skin color and all you have is a radical, Marxist, dishonest baby killer.
    You can’t hide his deficient character behind his skin color.

  443. Don’t get me started on Oprah. She assisted in a conspiracy to defraud the American people. Obama LIED to the nation on Oprah’s show. With her help he presented a COUNTERFEIT BIRTH CERTIFICATE to America. This is the same birth certificate that Sheriff Joe Arpaio proved to be as phony as a $3 bill. When is Oprah going to apologize for this? Or is it OK for Obama to lie on her show? If he wasn’t “black” would it still be OK to lie to America on the Oprah show? Does she have a shred of integrity left?

  444. Let’s see…Oprah rakes in billions from white people and this is the thanks they get?
    It was White america that cast the most votes for Obama…her logic is lacking.

  445. It’s the white liberal democrat part of Obama that is the problem. The black part of Obama seems to want to sit around and do nothing which is good for the country.

    1. Remember the politician who years ago said
      ” All blacks want is a loose pair of shoes, and a warm place to S*it.”
      Obama gives it to them.

  446. I don’t care if Obama is pink and purple polka dots. Race has nothing to do with him being the worst president in American history. Respect has to be earned and Obama fails miserably as a leader. He is ill prepared for the office he holds and his lack of character is atrocious. The man is a pathological liar. The only things he does well is campaigning and glad-handing. He only speaks well when his teleprompter is working. Let him go back to being a community agitator — oops…I mean activist. Those rabble rousing skills don’t belong in the Oval Office.

  447. Many Americans hate Obama because he’s a malignant ClusterF*ck of a President who hates everything America stands for.

    And then some.

    Frikken racist cow.

  448. Well, speaking as someone that grew up in Texas, I assert the hate speech against W was solely because he is a Texan. The hate is clear every time I say “ya’ll”.. instead of “you all”… the contempt I feel from the “you all” folks can be cut with a knife sometimes. I hate hate.

    1. You have a real point, most of that dislike for Texas came out of the liberal media , ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and your lib newspapers, not to worry we hate the libs up north too.

  449. Wrong big O. I’m against the content of his character, not the color of his skin. He’s a grifter and a good one as he outgrifted the Clintons, who were thought to be un-outgriftable. I disliked those white people as much as I dislike our current half white president and statists of every stripe. Careful Opra, your inner racist is showing.

  450. No, we don’t give a $hit if he is black. We can’t stand him because of what he is doing to our country!

  451. Many Americans hate Opra because she is stupid. I cannot believe that I used to respect this woman.

  452. I have been following this thread for a couple of days now, and it’s good that people are speaking out, and recognizing Obama for what he really is……..a fraud! However, he’s not going away, nor is it going to change the corruption in this administration. Take your frustration and write your senators and congressmen. Call and write the media outlets who give this administration a free pass. This “fix” Obama is trying to sell to America, is merely another political lie/ band aide to get them through mid term elections. Once the elections are over, we will be right back where we were a week ago. If the American people fall for this latest BS, I’ve got some beachfront property in Kansas to sell you. Take you opinions where they count!

    1. Obama has put himself on a 36 month downhill roller coaster ride. The term lame duck is no longer enough, he will go to new lows, what ever new name the last three years of his presidency gets called, it will of course be called racist.

      Then we have the side show of Hillary ! Her handlers having a hard time keeping her sober for her less and less public appearances. When she finally drops out of the presidential race you know the final score will be
      Scotch Whisky 1
      Hillary Clinton. O

      Oprah ? Go give away some cars honey, it will make you feel better.

  453. Opie my son in law is black and my grand baby is mixed and the love of my life! and your a rich dope bitch and a racist. Quit playing cards that aren’t playable. I disrespect you because you are wrong and you have a big stupid hateful mouth. It is a shame the jr senator from your home state was not the best pick. I do feel like white America voted him in for the novelty of it and to put their own boogeyman man in the closet-oh I voted for the black guy.- see I’m not racist! I hope they don’t do the same thing with women-Benghazi Hillary-let’s call her aunt B shall we. A black congressman when interviewed during Barry’s first election bid said ‘a black man for president , that would be wonderful- but not THAT black man’ his words ring true! This man had never ran anything but his mouth. Sorry Opie- your guy didn’t work!

  454. Don’t come back! You think where you are is less racists? Stay there awhile. You should put your actions where your mouth is. Oh, how about that 380 million dollars you get each year. Did you give any of that to black people with no strings attached? Again, don’t come back to America since it is so much nicer outside of the USA.

  455. No, Oprah. He’s “dissed” because he is an a$$hole. To ignore him being an a$$hole and not call him on it (when you WOULD say the same of a white a$$hole) is to be RACIST.

  456. Why do black celebrities become so bitter and racist once they get old? Why does such a successful person feel the need to be a victim? Does she feel guilty because of her success?

    1. I think she does feel guilty but doesn’t want to have the blacks see her as being “uppidy” as they say.

    2. That hasn’t happened to Bill Cosby, he has been promoting personal responsibility to the black community longer than anyone, yet he is shunned, ( as is Dr. Ben Carson ) for his efforts.

      Untill blacks start showing family values and personal responsibility their will always be the Black / White divide. racist ? So be it.

  457. Maybe blacks need to start acting like intelligent individuals instead of defending their usage of a racial slur towards each other for racism to stop.

    I don’t believe Oprah, Obama and Tiger Woods actually face racism in their day to day lives. They are all very much accepted into US society and respected. I think all 3 are buffoons but if they were white I’d think the same thing too.

    But in general, right now black people are making a big deal about calling each other “niggas” and how that is okay.

  458. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds like Oprah discuss & angry people.
    G-d forbid if Oprah is elected president, there will be so many dead people and so many mind readers lol
    BOYCOTT the Oprah House

  459. Hey Oprah – how is Obama, raised in Indonesia and later in Hawaii by rich white folk – how does this guy have ANY knowledge of being a black American? Can you explain?

  460. Plus the fact that he is an arrogant, inept idiot that is destroying the country….Oprah, we really don’t like you either you racist pig!!!

  461. I judge him not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character… Which is sorely lacking.

  462. Is Oprah’s explanation for the contempt with which some people held George Bush père et fils is that White people are filled with self loathing, while Black people are informed by righteous indignation? It’s all very odd because Obama made a conscious decision to be a “Black Man,” in spite of his White Mother, an upbringing brought up by White Grandparents, in a largely White environment, and attending almost entirely White High School and Colleges.

    Whatever psychological needs the President’s self identification addresses, one can not be faulted for believing his decision to be “Black” was predicated on political calculations.

  463. .


    How did Oprah become a billionaire if whites are racist?

    How was Obama elected twice to the highest office if whites are racist?

    They become super-rich and successful, then play the race victim card?



  464. It was very important for blacks that Obama was successful. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked out that way.

  465. She has her empire built because of not only whites,but Asians,Jews,europeans,muslins here in America and She is Bitching that America hates Obummer because he is Black,Is she smoking crack like that Canadian Mayor
    this woman is pathetic..Is all about race with these people.not a no experience community organizer who was not fit to be President at all.

  466. Americans disrespect Obama, not because he is black, but because he is an arrogant, incompetent, fraud who is destroying our economy and setting the country back decades.

  467. I don’t like 0bama because he is a Marxist, and I don’t like Marxists no matter what color they come in.

  468. Sorry Oprah, your race card’s been cancelled. Oprah’s the darling of lower middle class White women who watch her show and buy her magazine and products and she has the gall to scream ‘Racist!’ when ‘her’ President is criticized? How does she explain her success if all White folks are racist?

  469. Really. I am color blind. He is not a real President. He takes orders from his party. Then over promises and under delivers. I will call him the hype President. Sad. Backed him once. To many promises broken. Oprah…shut up.

  470. .


    Wait a minute… what about black Americans who criticize Obama – are they racist?



    1. He’s a Mulatto no matter which half your talking about.
      But definately the greatest con man this country has ever seen”

  471. This is what liberal blacks do when they can’t physically beat you up; they accuse you of racism. There may be a few whites who hate Obama because he’s black, but most of us hate him because he’s an arrogant, incompetent, thin-skinned bully and so is Oprah Winfrey. If Obama wasn’t black Oprah wouldn’t even know his name.

  472. Obama and Oprah are both big Os (zeros). She is a disgrace as is obama to this country. How ungrateful both are to the white Americans of this country. Rot in hell.

          1. Speaking of drinking…..
            The MSM seems to forget the side show going on with Hillary.
            Her handlers are having a hard time keeping her sober for her less & less public appearances. When she does finally drop out of the presidential race for ” health reasons ” you will know the true score……
            Scotch Whisky. 1
            Hillary Clinton. 0

    1. Oprah’s probably trolling high end shops dressed like a bag lady trying to find some poor cashier she can accuse of racism.

  473. Oprah does not speak for me, nor does she speak for the majority of Americans. My respect for a person is not clouded by their skin color. Know a man by his actions: not his words. What Obama does speaks volumes of what and who he is.
    Nuff said…

  474. Oprah BULL SH$$T. obama is disliked because he is trying to destroy this country. Regardless obama is not black or white, he is red.

  475. Hard truths:
    -President Obama would have not been elected if he was all white
    -President Obama would have not been elected if he was all black
    -Oprah would not have dared to make murderous comments like “kill the elderly” in other countries because there would be race riots etc
    -She gives the interview to the BBC but forgets to do the homework and learn that racism is endemic in British society.
    -All her racist rants are doing the opposite: making Americans racist

    1. Lack of black family values and personal responsibility is what is making America racist.

      Name any other group, religion or ethnic people that have less of the two above social skills.

  476. Obama is half white. He is also incompetent and deserving of disrespect. Oprah is a fool politically.

  477. No Oprah, we do not disrespect obummer because he is a Mulato (half white, half black), we disrespect him because he is a serial liar and a communist.

  478. I dont care if the president is pink, purple, white, black or has freakin stripes/ He is a lying POS and is sailing this country down the river. And Oprah you have said some dumbass things before put that is the dumbest. Keep drinking the koolaid.

  479. Because of Obama, it will be 100 years before we have another black president. He was a very poor choice for black people.

    1. Do you in any sort of way think Obama is president because black people chose him? But it won’t be 100 years. Who remembers whether Truman was great or terrible?

    2. I would vote for Dr. Ben Carson, and I’m as white and racist as they come.
      any man like Ben Carson who has his personal responsibility and family values isn’t black, he just got caught up in a skin pigmentation thing.

  480. Hating him because he is black is only one small part of why I hate him. I also hate Harry Reid, Hillary clitless, and Nancy ponochio as as well, and they are white.



  482. This is all these people have left (“these people” referring to Obama defenders as he MASSIVELY fails America). So NOBODY can be against Obama, lessen they be a “racist” as if in the HISTORY of the US presidency NOBODY has ever been against the policies of a president or anything. Pathetic. If anything, it’s the liberals like Oprah who are not ready to handle having a black man as president, because they can’t handle honest DISCOURSE! And let his failed record speak for itself.

    Every time a public person like Oprah spouts the R word with regards to speaking out against this FAILED administration, it just degrades his or her credibility. They don’t even realize it. To quote Shrillary:

    “We have a right to disagree with ANY ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!”

    1. She also lost her name being on the White House ” A” guest list, because she was getting to chummy with the MOO’s man.

      This article only confirms she still has the Hots for him.

  483. What a supreme cop out! Obama is disrespected because he is a habitual liar and a s smug narcissist. Don’t use being black to mask your King’s severe deficits.

  484. They have to scream the race card. Obamacare numbers are out and it proves what we all suspected. Single white working males over the age of 26 pay the absolute highest price for unneeded products and services in the socialistic, income redistributing attack on American capitalism ever seen in history. The numbers don’t lie like Oprah.

  485. Oprah, you are blinded by your riches. Here’s the truth…blacks deserve better than Barack Obama! He is the one holding your race back. Record black poverty, record black unemployment, record black abortion, record black crime, record black youth unemployment and dropout rates, record black incarceration rates. What we need is a black man that knows how to lead black people forward. And the rest of us too!

    1. And after all that, the same people whom you speak about, voted for him again in 2012. Exit polls showed voters thought Romney would be a better Pres but they ultimately voted for Obama.

  486. To Oprah – the only reason this President has NOT been impeached and held accountable is because he is BLACK. He and his administration have successfully protected itself by instilling race in the math of leadership. Riots anyone?

  487. She’s just hungry for publicity and couldn’t care less the ramifications of her words.
    This will get her another dinner at the table of the most inept president in U.S. history.

  488. The libs are hypersensitive about Obama because as our first black president they really really want him to be successful and that has not happened. I’ve said for years if he had fixed the economy first he would be in great shape today. I can see around my own town the economy is stuck in low gear even after 5 yrs in office. Obama created 5 million jobs but many more people than that have left the workforce. The labor participation rate is terrible. He has close to a net loss. At his peak, Reagan was creating 1.2 million jobs per month during his first term and he did that when our population was much smaller.

    Even statistics like Obama’s approval rating could be off because it is so hard for libs in general and blacks in particular to say they do not like Obama job performance because they want him to be a resounding success. Hence, Oprah is all frustrated.

    1. With all respect. This guy is mental case…Period. Consider if you ask him a question, any question such as what is one plus one…you will get a 10 minute answer unrelated to the question, but a monologue demonstrating how intelligent he is and without giving the answer.

  489. Oprah Winfrey, although I do not know her, seems incredibly shallow to say something like this. Perhaps she is trying to fan the flames of racism? Perhaps her fame and fortune have warped her? Who knows.

    Oprah Winfrey do you know who Allen West is? There are millions of white folks who would follow that man into battle anywhere. And millions of us conservative white folks if we could choose ANYONE in America to represent us as President would choose Allen B. West, an African American. What do you think of that Oprah?

    1. I you can see that Oprah is being shallow, so can the rest of the world. No need to worry, the racist trope is only fodder idiots. As I see it, there aren’t enough idiots in the world to make her comments matter.

    2. add Dr. Ben Carson to your list.
      I’m as white and declared racist as they come,
      But both those men and Bill Cosby have been
      trying to help the black community for years.

      But until blacks start embracing family values
      and pessonal responsibility nothing will change.

  490. If I hate his white half equally (which I do), am I an equal rights good-guy? Didn’t think so.

  491. the ones most concerned with Obama’s color are people like Oprah…the rest of us are more concerned with his character, the job, and his golf handicap

  492. Story of her name: “Winfrey was named “Orpah” after the biblical character in the Book of Ruth on her birth certificate, but people mispronounced it regularly and Oprah stuck.”
    And what does she say now? She wants older people, “generations of people” to DIE because this will kill racism. Yeah, right Orpah, very Christian of you. so stupid
    I’m so disgusted by her arrogance, by her Al-sharptonism, by her stupidity, as if she knows what all people think, as if she Owns us..An ingrate made billionaire by non blacks, and now she uses her billions to make fun of us who elected President Obama not once but twice…yeah, fool us twice, as the saying goes
    I’m surprised there are no people protesting in front of her OWN studios or corporate.
    She needs to be BOYCOTTED
    Some of her supporters even want to see her run for president. Check out her main website:
    and scroll down to see their comments.
    Do something, BOYCOTT everything Oprah

  493. You’re right, Oprah. It’s always about the color of someone’s skin. It has absolutely nothing to do with his policies. Skin color, skin color, skin color. That’s all that matters, all the time. It’s all we crackers ever think about. We obsess over it night and day and are incapable of looking past someone’s race, ever. We don’t have your enlightened perspective to help us understand that there’s more to a person than their race.

    Enough with the “racism” straw man. Let’s be grown ups for a moment and talk about why The majority of Americans disapprove of the job the president is doing.

  494. I don’t give a rat’s butt what race or gender the president is. He’s the most divisive arrogant left wing extremist ever elected. I would disagree and have a low opinion of him regardless of his race.

  495. Really Oprah, No Oprah it is because Obama has been a liar since day one and you believe his lies. Obama’s life is one big lie, read his books, HELLO

  496. Everyone that sees Oprah in public now should say “Tell us what we are thinking, Please?”

  497. People disrespect him because of his ideas and his policies. Also his general inemptness. Look at what a disaster Obamacare is

  498. Oprah is an idiot. People don’t like Obama because he’s a rotten president. It has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. He would still be horrible as president if he were white, black, purple or plaid. People like Oprah are the true racists, because they can’t see past the color of their own skin. If someone white disagrees with someone who is black, then they are automatically deemed a racist. They disregard MLK Jr’s words of judging people by their character instead of the color of their skin. Oprah spouts a victim mentality to African Americans, and that is evil.

  499. That’s not true, but I know millions of American’s will “hate” Oprah for that stupid bigoted comment…interesting comment coming from someone who’s core audience are white woman….all those “haters” who supported her and helped make her a billionaire…

  500. Obama has divided ths country. His remarks from day one have been racist. The latest that makes me sick is his spending thousands upon thousands at NASA to have a new program started where high school students are sent up in a specially built plane to show weightlessness, etc about space to encourage them to get into space engineering. However, he said this programs is for minorities – blacks, mexicans but NO WHITES! He has one muslim girl in the program but NO WHITES!

  501. Sure, I’ll admit that there are some racists who don’t like Obama because of the color of his skin, and no other reason. That’s the honest thing to do.

    I wonder if Oprah and the Democrats can be honest.

    Can they admit that they use the color of Obama’s skin to protect him from criticism over his policies? Can they admit that they use the stigma of being called a racist to silence dissent and opposition to the policies of a black politician, even when the criticism is valid and the opposition would oppose the policies no matter who was in office?

    1. “Sure, I’ll admit that there are some racists who don’t like Obama because of the color of his skin, and no other reason.”

      They would have to be liberal Democrats. The rest of us all have plenty of other good reasons to despise him.

  502. Well the Great Oprah says “there’s no question about that…” so it must be true. Sheesh. Who does she think she is?

  503. A good reporter would ask her……………Did you know that Barak Obama is the 44th white president along with being the first half black president? I wonder what her answer would be?

  504. The white Americans who Oprah says disrespect Obama because of his race are the same white Americans who made HER a billionaire.

  505. This racist biach is done. She’s last nights taco. She needs to take her money that she made for doing nothing and quietly fade away.

  506. “Everybody’s thinking it”

    Way to go Oprah, if they weren’t before they are now.


  507. What is utterly amusing to me is this POS was a big fat nobody with an idiotic local talk show in Baltimore (Meanwhile the WHITE GUY with whom she co-hosted the show with is still doing the same shtick). She takes a job in Chicago, has all the right people to promote her and now she is a billionaire with all the answers. White people made her shiny black ass rich and now that she is rich she can go back and chastise those morons who made her that way. She is SO concerned about the blacks – hey Orpah, why not give 500 million to the blacks out of your OWN pocket you RACIST

  508. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    But Oprah, there is “question” about that. What you perceive to be reality is a very distorted version of things. You choose to view the world through the prism of race even though racism has had little-to-no effect on you personally. After all, you’re one of the richest people on Earth AND a black woman. A huge portion of your “fans” happen to be white.

    The truth is that most people who can’t stand Obama can’t stand him because of his politics, not his race. These same people you’re referring to would gladly get behind a black candidate (and have) if they felt he or she truly represented their point of view.

    1. Or a black candidate who was honest, told Americans the truth about things, did not try to live like a King or Emporer, did not sneak things by Americans, knew something about finaces, money (not just what he could spend for himself), and did not constantly try to divide Americans just to keep the blacks stirred up and voting for him.

    2. I would gladly vote for Condolizza Rice, and she is a BLACK WOMAN. At least she is not a communist.
      And she is against murdering innocent babies in their last trimester.

  509. This comment coming from a woman who earned her money from white women ,seems to be hypocritical to the extreme .We didn’t hear all these revelations until her show ended, she counted all her money ,and decided to be truthful about how she really feels .Much like her hero ,when you want to con the people for your own benefit ,you will say whatever it takes .And of course she chose the BBC to make her comments ,liberal and left leaning .

  510. Hmm 98.5% of blacks in Florida voted for Obama…….apparently they voted due to the color of his skin and not his ability.

  511. I wonder why the people she says hate Obama also love Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell et al?

    Oprah, my friends, is a racist who hates anyone who disagrees with her self-anointed Obamessiah.

  512. oprah has been a racist since day one she just fooled a whole bunch of white women now she feels she is untouchable stop her now do not watch her new propaganda channel

  513. I think that the one thing that really bothered me about Obama the most, besides all the other things that he has done. , is the picture of him standing at the desk in the Oval Office with his foot on top of the desk, what disrespect he has for the Oval Office , and getting to Oprah , be honest Oprah , if Obama were a white person do you think for a minute, that he would of even been nominated with his lack of credentials and lack of experience , don’t bet on it, it would have never happened.

      1. Good point, I wasn’t thinking about the past, I did think that Clinton did the nasty in that side office that leads into the Oval Office .

  514. What Progress Looks Like…………………..

    8 Shocking Statistics About Poverty in Obama’s America

    1. Progressive Poverty

    “Four out
    of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on
    welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating
    economic security and an elusive American dream.” (AP, “Exclusive: Signs
    of Declining Economic Security,” July 28, 2013)

    2. Weakest Recovery

    “Since World
    War II, 10 U.S. recessions have been followed by a recovery that lasted
    at least three years. An Associated Press analysis shows that by just
    about any measure, the one that began in June 2009 is the weakest.” (AP,
    “Economic recovery is weakest since World War II,” August 15, 2012)

    3. Hope and Change?

    Under Obama,
    the poverty rate grew from 14.3% in 2009 to nearly 17% in April 2013.
    The poverty rate fell from 15.2% during the peak of the 1982 recession
    to 12.8% when Reagan left office. (Based on BLS figures. See Peter
    Ferrara at Forbes, “Reagaonomics vs. Obamanomics: Facts and Figures,”
    May 5, 2011).

    4. Welfare Explosion

    President Obama took office [in January 2009], federal welfare spending
    has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year… Despite
    an unprecedented increase in federal anti-poverty spending, the national
    poverty rate has not declined, the [Cato] study finds.” (CNS News,
    “Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars..,” June 25, 2012)

    5. More Americans Struggling

    97.3 million Americans fall into a low-income category, commonly
    defined as those earning between 100 and 199 percent of the poverty
    level, based on a new supplemental measure by the Census Bureau that is
    designed to provide a fuller picture of poverty. Together with the 49.1
    million who fall below the poverty line and are counted as poor, they
    number 146.4 million, or 48 percent of the U.S. population.” (AP/NBC,
    “Dismal Prospects,” December 15, 2011)

    6. Long-Term Unemployment

    unprecedented 4 in 10 jobless workers—nearly 5 million people—have been
    out of work for 27 weeks—nearly six months—or longer, pushing the
    average duration of unemployment up to 37 weeks, nearly 16 weeks longer
    than during the worst of the 1980s downturn, according to the law
    project’s data.” (NBC, “Slow Crawl to Poverty,” April 4, 2013)

    7. Growing Inequality

    As can
    plainly be seen from the Congressional Budget Office data, all income
    groups gained under President Reagan, and inequality fell after his
    policies were implemented. Inequality fell during the Clinton recession
    and rose under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

    8. Obama Wants to Reduce Government Dependency?

    Lady Michelle Obama recently claimed in a political fundraising email
    that Barack Obama wants to free Americans from “any form of public
    assistance.” Currently, nearly 110 million Americans receive some form
    of federal welfare. (Weekly Standard, “Over 100 Million Now Receiving
    Federal Welfare,” August 8, 2012). President Obama said on the 2008
    campaign trail that spreading the wealth around is “good for everybody.”


  515. Sorry Oprah, it is not his color, it is his Actions…. Barack has lied to us time and time again. Barack has made no progress for any-COLOR. Barack has wasted 2-terms of a Presidency to do absolutely nothing. Barack has gained for his family, a grand retirement, $100k per speeches as he ‘retires’….. but NOTHING else…. Sorry Oprah, you got nothing out of your blatant support for this person….. Ur $ would have been better spent in your schools abroad….. peace and love to you. Wish I could have been employed by you for your efforts abroad, then to be in the 12% unemployed (and i have a BSME and MS too)…. but your’e not looking for my type are you…. hmmmmm…..

  516. Everyone calm down. Remember, if someone is black you cannot criticize them at all. That would be racist. It doesn’t matter if they are doing a bad job. In the USA it is considered racist to EVER criticize a black person for ANY reason.

    1. Unless you are a black comedian……in that case you can talk about blacks and whites anyway you wish.

  517. She hates whites because she hates herself. She hates her own skin color because she can never be white, and thus feels inferior. As a racist herself, she should take her own advice.

  518. I am a white male 52. I am married to wonderful Dominican woman who is brown skinned darker than Opra. I did not vote for Obama However I was ok with it because maybe this racist BS among the African American population would end. IT HAS NOT it just got worse. I DO NOT SUPPORT OBAMA BECAUSE HE is BLACK. I do not support Obama because he is a Socialist/Communist along with his “Socialist Progressive Liberals allies to destroy this country fundamental constitutional foundation of freedom and personal liberty. Opra should wake up this President hates everything she stands of building a business from ground up and reaping the rewards of her hard work. He wants to that away from all of us… Look at France… This is where he wants to take us… thoughts from a Conservative Libertarian

  519. Years ago, I seem to remember seeing bumper stickers that said “BUSH” but the “S” was a swastika. Remember those? Very disrespectful of the office. Did they make those bumper stickers because Bush was white? No, it’s because Americans always disrespect the President. We have the RIGHT to do so in this country. For now, anyway…

  520. That is simply not true Oprah. We don’t like Obama because he is well a liar and he tends towards socialist/communist ways… We don’t like his waste of money. He is killing private industry. The government doesn’t produce income… it spends and spends and spends and spends. They would all be in jail if the government was run like private industry. I mean everyone. We don’t trust him because he is not qualified for the job and has proven himself as a bully and very corrupt president. Stop playing the race card. We are tired of it in America and I’m sure the Europeans are too.

  521. The Question should be. “Oprah why do you support Obama, because he is black? Look’s like your the racist”

    She just F’d up any credibility she had.

    1. oprah has the hots for Barack.
      That’s why MOO had her removed from the White House ” A ” guest list.

  522. Hmmm. How does Oprah explain her own popularity and success in this “racist” country??? In my lifetime, EVERY president of the USA has been disrespected. By comedians, by voters, and by the media. It is completely normal! Especially for second term presidents. Study your history, Oprah.

  523. Like all billionaires she is totally in touch of what common Americans are like, not. I wish I had access to these aloof loons. I’d tell them exactly what I thought of them and their totally inaccurate perceptions.

    1. Me too. When I was a teen “racism” was a subject that referred to the ’60’s, long dead and gone chapter of American history.

      Now, thanks to these race baiters, it is alive and well.

  524. What is amusing is she never once said a thing about all the white presidents that were thrown racial slurs but, the minute it happens to the ” Diahrrea in Chief ” she whines like a little weasel.

  525. Oprahs comment was the most racist comment that can be said. It assumes that anyone who disagrees with Obama has to be about racism and therefore they are racist. It can’t be about issues like obamacare, fast and furious, IRS scandal, Benghazi and everything else that Obama hates about America.

  526. It is difficult to respect anyone who has damaged this country as much as Obama. Oprah is not helping either. I wonder just how well her network is doing, hence the race line.

  527. Oprah…none of us want to hear the race card ever again. Just act like people. That is all we want.

  528. What a horrible person this woman is. She thinks she does good things for the “cause” and women, yet her television network and its ridiculous shows display blacks and women in the most disgraceful light possible. Both Oprah and Obama suffer from the dark triad of personality traits and that is why they are two peas in a pod. Who else would put their own picture on the cover of a magazine month after month, year after year. They are two of the worst racists ever.

  529. We have a President that disrespects the Office by his lack of respect for the constitution and inability to accept responsibility for anything!

  530. Who cares what the racist Oprah thinks. Thats right I’ll call you a racist too. This is because the only way to still support this guy is to be a black racist or stupid. Maybe she is just stupid.

  531. First, Oprah is one of the richest women in the world . . and she’s a black woman, so her comment about Obama is ridiculous. Second, Obama is a biracial man – half white and half black. He was woefully unprepared to be the President, having never held a leadership position in the business world, unless you count being a community organizer and part-time college teacher. He is a huge disappointment and embarrassment to the United States, and I can hardly wait until he is gone in 2017!


      THE NEXT 3 YEARS ?

  532. No, actually we disrespect him because he’s a moron. Now, if you are trying to claim that all African Americans are morons, you may technically have a valid point based upon the argument of mutual inclusion.

    1. Please don’t elevate Oprah’s remarks. Thomas Sowell, Stanford and Hoover economist, is just one of many great black Americans who are several levels of intellect above Orca.

  533. As with Wright, Sharpton, Jackson, Oprah has created a little cottage industry using race as their golden ticket to $$. Obama uses victimhood, Oprah uses the race card.

  534. Pres. Obama was elected TWICE as president (78% of Americans are white) and Oprah Winfrey has the balls to say that the USA is a racist country. She has no shame and is as much a race hustler as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Harry Belafonte. White and black liberals (including Pres. Obama) have set race relations back at least a generation. They are fools.

  535. Oprah: I’m a billionaire, because I am ………………………………….from Chicago.

  536. Oprah has featured the Dominican Sisters of Mary on her show. She seemed
    genuinely interested in and respectful of these devoted Catholic religious women.
    She should ask President Obama why he is forcing Catholics (including other Catholic religious such as The LIttle Sisters of The Poor) to be subject to the HHS mandate.
    Does she or does she not support religious freedom?
    In a way, President Obama is just one more “James Frey” who has managed
    to fool a lot of people.

  537. Play the race card again and again, Obama is a failure, a disgrace and embarrassment because he is a liar, he does not have respect for our country or the beliefs this country was founded on. The path we are on is frightening and I am truly scared for the future of our children. It’s not a racist thing, it’s a president who is not truthful, who does not deserve the respect of his country. Oprah is just a television personality who’s fame has gone to her head. Who cares about what Oprah thinks? You cannot respect a man who promises one thing and goes back on his word, who knowingly says one thing and does another. Black, white, tan or whatever, he needs to go.

  538. Its like this Oprah, on the day of judgement you cant say to a Holy God let me in
    becasue i am black, there is only one race and that is the human race.

    1. Oops…I’m sure the race hustlers will brand you a racist because you called her a “little lady”. Such disrespect! Since Obama is half white can’t all us racist folk just hate his white half?

  539. Ms Winfrey’s comments do little to advance reasonable dialogue about an important subject. You should not underwrite her point of view any more than you should support white on black racism.

  540. I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you
    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

  541. remember it’s America’s racism that made her a billionaire and allowed here to shill for Obama. None of the last 5 years could gave happened if it were not for her

    1. and as her reward, The MOO had her removed from the White House ” A ” guest list for getting to chummy with the MOO’s man.

      1. Its like a Preying Mantis except this time it is the children who eat the mom

  542. I think that it is sad that Oprah feels this way. Me, being white, do not like to be LUMPED into a stero type…I don’t care what color our president is. I do care that the person in office today is not a very good president! He lies, he misleads us, he promises us things he know he will not do, there are too many videos out there of him to show us what we think is true…..my biggest wishes are for no one to be called anything but Americans, without adding their ethnic group prior to it. This is what we are and we don’t need to say anything else. I have enjoyed watching your programs for years because of your topics and how you feel about our country and all kinds of subjects. I am disappointed that this post was made……

  543. Truth — Oprah called Jeremiah Wright her pastor. Put the two together, and now you know just how much of a real psychopath she is. She is a con artist. She will lie. She will cheat. She will incite. And she will not come out so well from these latest remarks. How foolish this woman really is when she opens her mouth about things and lies to the world. She is finished. Her money will not save her. She is going down in flames with Obama. And that is the plain hard truth. Kiss Oprah goodbye.

  544. Repeat the lie over and over. Never let it fizzle out. Keep it front and center to distract from the real story. Has it ever occurred to anyone with the capability to think beyond the TV screen, that the new racism are those that cry racism???

  545. Unfortunately the only people I hear bringing up or discussing this topic are black. Where is the evidence that people disrespect Obama because of his color? There are so many reasons to disrespect this man that I can’t take the space to list them. But my main concern is that Obama has no respect for the office himself. He has disregarded tradition, created new law (as he did yesterday over riding portions of a Congressional bill), continually lied about continuing health coverage, failed to act on the Bengazi issue, and on and on. I certainly disrespect him and I would do so if he was green, purple or pink.

  546. So the arguably most successful black woman in America, whose success partly stems from massive support from white Americans (see Oprah’s book recommendations) now accuses those same people of racism in defense of a president who is arguably the most corrupt and dishonest president in recent history? When, exactly, will Obama supporters stop defending his lack of leadership and gross constitutional misconduct, and admit that his ideology is at odds with the majority of the American public?

  547. Oprah is known for her “business sense”. I wonder if she would keep someone with the track record of Obummer on her payroll as CEO??

  548. Oprah’s behavior is typically clannish: my group right or wrong. The Hatfields and the McCoys were like that, they could never find fault in one of their own raping or killing one of the other group. Being in a REPUBLIC means using the rule of law, not clannish decision making rules. President Obama stands or falls on his own actions, not the clan he belong to.

  549. Obama is half white, but somehow that gets forgotten. I guess she has decided to dismiss that fact. She promotes racism, so if in the name of being anti-racist.. don’t promote racism by going to see her movie. Is that what your looking for hon, everyone NOT seeing your movie? You sure have convinced me.

  550. Oprah, take a look in the mirror, I am thinking you are sounding like a bigot… What part of the whole process dont YOU understand??? He, unfortunately for the USA got the job 2 times in a row…and probably if truth be known..many of his Voters were the racist ones………..

  551. President Obama is viewed with contempt because he has bumbled everything he has attempted. He is also a man who will not take responsibility for his administrations actions. Finally, he is the consummate political liar.

  552. She would have nothing if it weren’t for her color. She has played that to the hilt. Never watched her show, never would!!! Big O is a huge twit.

  553. When someone calls a person a racist, it means they have been given true facts and have no valid rebuttle. Those that hurl the word must think that Obama is doing a bad job because he is black.

  554. I’m not a racist. I don’t give a sh*t what color our president is, only that he’s an evil Marxist.

  555. I take issue with her statement that Barack Obama is “African American”. African yes. But American?

    1. White people are far too civilized for this. On the other hand, blacks are unable to raise their children not to attack other people.

  556. I’d love to smoke a doubie and go body surfing with him. As a President, he’s too much for the poor guy. I’m “rich”… worked as a Union Laborer and want to keep what I’ve earned. To call me a racist? FOCK YOU. Now my insurance is listed as a Cadillac plan. what next?

  557. I wonder if she remembers what happen to The Dixie Chicks career when they made remarks about the USA when on tour overseas.

  558. I don’t ‘dis Obama because he is black, I dis him because he is mediocre, incompetent and still not ready for the Presidency and never will be. He has never managed anything, never had a real job, never had to really work with people to get things done, is not really all that bright.

  559. The Obama race card is falling apart and unreadable, pulling it out just makes you look stupid.

  560. I guess according to Oprah there are only white racists in this small world of ours. . So what do we call racist blacks like the Black Panther, NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, who dismissed the case against the Black Panther on the “Voter Intimidation suit against them, etc., and Barack Obama, “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon Martin.” These people are not afraid to show the world just how much they hate white people. And Oprah, i believe is just as much a racist as those people I just mentioned. I am not white, but I cringe every time I hear Obama’s name. It’s like someone running his fingernails across a blackboard.

  561. You can take the person out of the ghetto, but you cannot take the ghetto out of the person.
    This is the attitude that some racist blacks still have and they don’t realize that it’s not working for them any more. In the seventies the tax payers put out millions of dollars to put black people in business and they never were a success, I know a few of them personally. So called White People are struggling & Getting Fed Up with these type of people and some day may Freak Out.

  562. Oprah it’s sad that the first black president is such an incompetent and destructive leader. No matter how you try to spin it Oprah that’s what you continue to defend. So I guess you believe his incompetence is justified because he’s African American. Oprah. You don’t set the bar high for African Americans. That’s sad.

  563. She doesn’t even know any of the people who dislike Obama. Yet she calls us all racist. She is one of those people who, when confronted by things they don’t agree with, resort to calling everyone racist. I hope she keeps it up because, frankly, Americans are tired of the racist card being played by the left. Maybe she should direct her efforts toward bringing people together instead of ignoring reality. She is a fraud who has made billions on the backs of her race.

  564. All you have to do is look at a comments section on racial Drudge links and you’ll see that she’s speaking the absolute truth. I’m a black, independent conservative(that didn’t vote for Obama) and all I see in comments are N word, “pavement ape” and all the other classic racist epithets used to insult blacks. Disagreeing with POLICY is one thing, but when you use racist language, that’s showing your azz. At this point all I can do is laugh about it…haters are going to hate. You don’t know any better. (And that goes for racists of every color).

    1. Did you ever read any of the comments blacks posted about bush. How about Romney when he was running. People hate someone and they attack what they perceive to be a weakness. Oftentimes race is that perceived weakness and people know how bad it pisses others off so its used face it. Racism exists and always will. And the more people try to pretend that it doesn’t or that we can stop it the worse it’s going to get

    2. We’ve policed this thread heavily, and only one or two of your moby friends from lefty land have been here posing as racists. They got the boot, just like you get the boot: for being racist.

  565. She can stay in Great Britian. This wench fails to realize a growing number of Americans dislike Obama because of his socialist politics/ failed Obamacare, not because of his melatonin.

  566. Stupid, racist broad. His race is irrelevant. It’s his hostility toward liberty and his unparalleled incompetence (and equally soaring arrogance) that makes him odious.

    In fact, if Obama wasn’t measured by the same standard as anyone else in that office, THAT would be racist (kinda like affirmative action).

    Those like Oprah that see the world through the prism of race are, by definition, racists.

    This is the government the Founders warned us about.



  567. If “white America” is truly racist as she says. then lets stop supporting her and see her empire crumble

  568. I guess I’m slow… I never liked him because in an inexperienced, incompetent, petulant fool, that had never lead anything even as complicated as a two car convoy. I should have not put all that thought into my opinions, and been like “many Americans” that are simply racist… it would have saved so much time.

    Having a black president whose backers simply call people racist every time they disagree with him, is going to set African Americans back decades as far as politics go. It’s okay to vehemently disagree or even resist to a point, but to call people racist because they don’t agree hurts black office holders more than racism ever could. Mark my words.

  569. all that money and she cant afford to buy a clue. For you to think that everytime we disagree with the disaster that occupies the white house, we are then racist, just shows that with all your wealth and fame, you are still very ignorant

  570. First…is he African-American or only part this because of ONE parent being so. I may say I am Swedish yet my mother was English therefore I am not just Swedish. Their are fewer people that dislike him because of race than she realizes, otherwise how did he get elected, surely not by the AA vote alone. People are unhappy with him because the truth is NOT coming out, he is double minded and we know that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. People are unhappy because the 28th amendment does not apply to the politicians. People are unhappy, or the majority as it would seem to be read, heard and documented has noting to do with RACE but because the politicians from the bottom of the pole to the top of the pole seem to be in this for what is BEST for THEM and not for the country and the society as a WHOLE. You do not here the Jewish community complaining, or the Swedish in this country complaining or the Mexican complaining, or the French in this country complaining, or the Cubans in this country complaining or those of the Asian culture in this country complaining saying their state of affairs is all because of RACE. To that fact the comments I have read to this point said nothing in them about RACE. Why does these issues always seem to be the excuse of so many of the African-American that RACE is the cause or reason for whatever is wrong? Before she makes such a statement she should do some research with her listening audience that is not African-American…she just might be surprised at what she will find out. I use to think otherwise about this lady but now I have a different picture…who really has a race issue here.

  571. Class Action lawsuit against this angry black woman. Hurry up and sue her before thousands going after her with high powered rifles with scopes bag the black cow.

    1. Define “high powered” (after you figure which end of the tube the round comes out).
      Don’t worry about such postings. You’re on Eric Holder’s exception list.

  572. Oh please…..really?

    Racism is the last resort of those that “ain’t got nuttin'” to counter your argument.

  573. Is she high or is she trying to cover up the fact that she foisted this incompetent person on the American people? People disrespect him because he does not do his job properly. It has nothing to do with race, Actually he has been given a free pass by the press for most of his presidency. She needs to stop playing the race card. Oprah may be a money making machine, but that does not make her opinions any more valid than anyone else’s. How dare she spread such disingenuous trash talk. I am thoroughly sick of all the lies coming from the man in white house and his lock stepped worshipers.

    1. She helped market this boob in 2008 and then got kicked to the curb by Valerie Jarrett when her usefulness was finished. Like a battered wife, she’s back for more.
      Everyone sing: “Stand by your man…” “Can’t find me a better man…”

  574. I’m not seeing as many Obama bumper stickers as I did a couple weeks ago. You don’t suppose all these people who supported Obama suddenly turned racist, do you? Sorry DOPE-rah, nobody’s drinking your Kool-aid.

  575. Oprah Winfrey’s comments about how “White America” is racist, and that people dislike Obama because he’s African American, in fact not only shows her ignorance, but it also shows Oprah Winfrey’s deep seated racism as well!!! To be honest, Oprah Winfrey, with her non-extraordinary talents, has garnered considerable wealth in this “White American Racism”, IMHO, more because of her being African American herself then her talents.

    Barack Obama is not a majority, nor even half “African American”!!! He is 12% African American, half white, and just under 40% of Arab descent. We don’t like the man because he is a consummate liar, and he thinks he’s too clever for any of us to figure him out. He has deliberately and methodically trampled on the Constitution at every turn, and every thing he has tried to accomplish has been with the idea of destroying this country from within, and our reputation abroad!!! Barack Obama is not someone to be hailed as a great man, but rather as a the cheap suit he is.

    As for Oprah Winfrey’s opinion of “White America”, by her utterances she has shown herself to be nothing more then someone that harbors a great deal of Racial Animus within herself. Her calling for “generations of racists” needing to die is interesting in that I would guess that would include her within that group as well!!!

  576. Lets do this, Oprah…lets impeach Obama and put in Biden as POTUS. You would find America has the same disrespect for Biden as we do for Obama. So your racist theory doesn’t hold water, Oprah. It’s so sad that Oprah has worked hard and achieved the American Dream, yet has to sink to racist comments simply because people disagree with her. Very sad, indeed!

    1. Don’t much look into these controversial postings often as I live a world away from either Oprah or Obama. I can say this ….In Coney Island …or Brooklyn…hatred exists….in all aspects of life. So why would Oprah highlight Black/President…..?

  577. Nearly 700 thousand killed in the Civil War and that’s not enough death for you Ophrah? I never spent more than 15 minutes watching you because I saw you were stupid, phoney, lying racist. You’re rich because whitey bought whatever crap you were selling. This recent garbage is just a ploy to increase your wealth. Your a grumpy fat black bitch. Looks like someone needs to get laid! Jurassic Park 5 comes to mind!

    1. Good point Mike about the 700 thousand killed in the Civil War. This was the best of the best…wonder how much of this she will read? This one should be the real eye opener.

  578. Oprah, once again, your own bigotry rises to the top. Remember, he’s half white and I don’t like that half either.

    Could it be because he’s incompetent ? Could it because he lies about everything ? Could it be because he is bent on destroying America as we know it ?

  579. She’s a racist because she hated George Bush who is white. Oprah, crawl back into your hole and fade away. You’re racism isn’t going to sell your channel to audiences. Go away.

  580. This is how Oprah thanks all members of other races who faithfully watched her show and contributed to her enormous fortune? Unbelievable!

  581. along with sharpton, jackson and obama oprah is amongst the biggest racists in the country. her career is taking a sh*t- and shes grasping for attention.can you say HAS BEEN?

  582. The reason I have lost respect for Obama is not because he is black – it is because he is an abysmal failure as a president. He could not have gotten into office in the first place without a vast majority of the white vote. Don’t make excuses for him, Oprah.

  583. The pathetic feigned cries of racism have rendered the accusation of ‘racist’ to a mere eyeroll and a snicker.

    1. And that is really cold toward those who actually face racism and need the support of the community.

  584. She forgets that her market was white people who made her who she is today. What a tool. I used to like her. Now she just makes me sick.

    1. I want to welcome you to “racist America.” You’ll find the gun cabinet over there, and over in the front is the bible table. And please don’t complain to us; we all got here simply by disagreeing with the PC establishment, same as you.

  585. Clearly I was not in touch with my feelings. I thought that I disrespected Obama because he is a worthless turd.

  586. How does she know what everyone is thinking? Isn’t that her projecting what she feels/thnks onto others? To say nobody is saying it but she knows they are all thinking it is retarded. Plus every president of the U.S. have all ALL been lampooned and criticized. She is the GD racist! And she lowered heself to do racist movies because everything else right now is failing for her. She is using a very convenient lie that racists use in America to make money. Racism is dead except for people like her who have to keep fanning the embers to keep the money train going. And yes our president has sunk to that low himself.

  587. God Almighty I am SICK OF COMPLAINING BLACKS. Can’t they just shut up and stop complaining? That’s all they freaking do is complain. Except for Walter Williams who is the most logical, precisely thinking person since Mr. Spock.

      1. The guy is amazing. It shows you how corrupt the elite northeastern university system is. A guy as brilliant, eloquent, and elegant as Williams is at George Mason instead of Harvard etc. A KW Vet. PLUS HE IS BLACK! Unless maybe he wanted nothing to do with the disgusting left wing northeastern fraternity.

  588. She has no problem spending “whiteys” money, driving “whitey’s” luxury cars, or living in “whitey’s” securely guarded gated community, does she?

  589. says the woman who has gotten rich off the support of white people. These people are really getting on my nerves.

  590. Obama is not Black. He is a Mulatto. It would be like calling a hybrid vehicle a conventional gasoline powered car. Or like mixing half black, half white paint and not calling it gray. It is a racist affront to deny or not consider his “Irish” half.

  591. Coming from a black American who is the top, or is very, very close to the top, money-maker in television and has been for many years. Yawn.

  592. God also made men that weren’t created in his image.

    Deuteronomy 7:6: “For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.” The Adamic Race is to have dominion over every form of life previously created. This includes not only the four legged beasts, but the two legged as well. The Negro is an articulate member of this Beast Creation. For proof that they are beasts, and God calls them exactly that.

    Exodus 9:9: “And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt.”You can be sure God was not punishing four legged beasts by afflicting them with boils.

    Jeremiah 21:6: “And I will smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast: they shall die of a great pestilence.”

    Would God refer to a four legged beast as an inhabitant of a city?

    Jeremiah 27:6: “And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.”

    The Negro race has always been used as servants.


    1. When the Bible refers to a beast,it refers to an animal, not humans, not blacks. To understand the Bible read it for what it says, not for what you would like it to say.

      1. I disagree with miamigarner as well….but u have to admit the Bible has been utilized as a reading of understanding. Meaning how the specific indiviual understands it’s passages.

    2. Consider the group of black folks just in YOUR state, who are more intelligent and harder working than you. You know they’re there. You’ve seen them from afar, haven’t you? You know, there are BIBLE BELIEVERS among THAT group too. DARE you condemn each of those individuals to beasthood? Dare you, in front of your Creator?
      Love God and love others and judge YOURSELF first. Have you heard that there’s a SECOND half of the bible too? Or perhaps… you’re jewish?

    3. Sacred scriptures speak the Living Truth, and Christ died and resurrected for all people.

      How many times you see mostly in America such off base interpretations…mostly coming from the mid 1800s, they thinking they are restoring lost faith.

      Scripture is go be understood in the context of its whole within the gsthering of people in salvation history.

      We are all predestined to enter into the spiritual life with God, but are given free will to seek Him or not, that is likewise reflected in how we perceive and love our neighbor.

      Christianity is the greatest voting bloc in America but we are all split up because of no communion of faith and practice.

  593. The only racists are libs like Oprha, Jesse Jackson, & the rest of them. Obama needs to be called out for his incompetence & his shredding of the US Constitution…plain & simple.

    1. and to think……..as a white Firefighter in California ….I had once been assigned to structure protection in Santa Barbara to guess who? When a two hundred thousand acre wildfire came extremely close to Oprah’s Oasis…. It was not Obama in a fire retardant Nomex uniform who came to save it. Bad Whitey huh? Use our services …take our money to build ur empire, then stereotype everyone!

  594. What!? Could it be because he is incompetent. Make believe what you want. Most, like myself, arrived after the self loathing that the narrative you want to endure to others, Oprah!

  595. We don’t like Obama because he is a socialist at heart. I wouldn’t think twice about voting for Condi Rice, Michael Steele, Herman Cain………does that make me a racist, Oprah? What a twit that woman is.

    1. Michael Steele? ewww. Thomas Sowell would kick Steele’s butt any day. Steele is a politician in the nastiest sense of the word.

      And don’t forget Ben Carson…

  596. Actually I’ve never cared for Okra and I definitely don’t care for Obama, but it’s because they both have egos that are far greater than their IQs.

  597. Maybe it is because he destroys everything he touches. Just look at healthcare, Egypt, Libya, Benghazi, the economy, immigration, the numbers of Americans on taxpayer funded assistance, the deficit just to name a few.

  598. It’s fascinating how the left always throws out the race card when describing why people dislike Obama. Did it ever occur to them that it may be because he is a liar, a cheat, a thief, and a con artist? Could it possibly be because he is destroying this country? Get a life, Oprah….

      1. Really?…. back it up with statistics or STFU. If America was as racist as you would like to believe, how on earth did he ever become president? In 2008, he won 43% of the white vote. Did it ever occur to you that MOST Americans are more concerned with the economy, reducing the size of government and lowering taxes than the color of the President? I will never presume that racism doesn’t exist, but it isn’t just a “white” problem.

      2. more people voted for BECAUSE he is black so he’s way ahead. Yes there are white racists out there (duh) but they also exist in the Black community. So what’s her friggin point. There are a few white whackballs out there. There are a few black whackballs out there too…

        1. As one of a group of social ‘outcasts’,she has watched the dream become ‘deferred’. She has made it and has stopped believing that others will make it too. I guess this can make you kinda crazy.

      3. Yes: the fact that she’s a skin-color obsessed nutjob who supports a Marxist who uses skin-color obsesssed nutjobs like her as disposable tools.

        1. Its some nut job who is loved and admired by people around the world. I think she believes in “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” Does this make her a nut job?

          1. Lying about racism definitely makes her a nutjob.
            Supporting a man who begins lying the moment he wakes up each day makes her a dangerous nutjob.

      4. I’ll try this again because my last reply got deleted. If America is such a racist country, why did Obama ever get elected? In 2008, 43% of whites voted for him. Considering the fact that around 75-80% of Americans are white, he would have never been elected if whites were so “racist”. If you can’t back up your unfounded claims with facts, then you shouldn’t make the claims.

        Did you ever stop to consider that people are more interested in jobs, reducing the size of government and lowering taxes than the color of the President’s skin? Did you ever stop to consider that our President is half white? The very sad reality is that this President was elected because he lied and cheated, and our news media supported him because of his liberalism.

        1. Excellent data. However the mass population of decent American voters are only heard From once every 4 years. In between are the hogs (which we narrowly elect) at the trough. blocking most Obama legislation. (Check out a map of which ones are the Red states.) As Andrew Young said during Obama’s first campaign…”You’ll be all alone up there”. What do you figure he meant by that?

    1. When a president avoids public family contact and his congress will shoot down anything he asks them for, and will ignore a politician who shouts ‘you lie’! to a sitting president in a congressional session the problem gets personal. Race is a factor that’s why Obama will never get ‘the love’, its not in our genes.

      1. Somehow you missed the incorrect accusation the Obama made about a Supreme Court decision right there in front of God and everyone (an equal branch of the govt), insulting at the least to them. Besides, the congressman yelling ‘you lie’ was right. This pres lied big time to get elected. Most of us knew it at the time, and it is finally coming to the rest of the country. O is the worst managing president ever, he hires his ideological friends, he disperses money (TARP) to his political cronies, and represents the democratic party, not the nation. He is a jerk to insult the tea party and Fox news just because they disagree politically with him. For Oprah to think the way she does displays a lack of understanding of just how bad this guy is for the nation. His color is irrelevant. To say otherwise is racist on Oprah’s part.

        1. When people like me STFU they wind up with people like you…then like any dictator you will be happy.

      2. turns out he DOES lie! The congressman was right and he would have done it to a white president as well…

          1. he lied about non-citizens benefiting from obamacare but they can, and of course obviously he was lying about keeping coverage and doctors if preferred

              1. it got obama falsely elected against the true wishes of the American public – this is the whole problem with the MSM – they keep the public mis-informed which leads to erroneous election results

    2. This is a well known play. Clinton used it when his presidency was in crisis, Pelosi used it when the House was in the process of instituting Obamacare (over the objections of the American people). The documentary “Hating Breitbart” does a terrific job of exposing the tactic.

  599. SNL back “in the day” had a parody skit of the TV show the White Shadow. In the skit a black basketball coach did illegal and bad things and each time he was talked to about them he would say (as the punch line) “It’s because I’m black isn’t it?”.

    I doubt the big “O” would ever understand this. She’s never been known as smart.

    1. Some hardup, blind uncle gt his jollys off in her pretty pink panties and she cried about it on tv. Like Obama, her story may or may not be true but its the springboard she needed to completely snowball the ignorant.

  600. Oprah, you’re an idiot. Gee, I wonder if she’ll call me a racist for saying that ? That woman has issues.

    1. But she thinks that if you don’t kiss their azzes or call them on a flaw, you’re a racist.

  601. Black people certainly do not own the copyright for stupidity but an awful lot of them like Harpo and Harpoon operate under written permission.

  602. Oprah is just doing what every Socialist Liberal Democrat does; instead of apologizing to her viewers for endorsing, and helping Obama get elected, she would rather blame this train wreck on anyone who voices an opposing opinion by playing the race card calling people racists.

    Typical Libs….never at fault, never willing to admit it, and ALWAYS willing to blame someone else!

  603. i’m not racist… i hate his white side as much as his black side… he’s just not a leader, he is a wannabe…
    & a wallaby also!!!!!!!

  604. So when his approval rating was over 60% and has now fallen to 39%, does that mean that over 20% of the population just became racist? Or maybe they just had their eyes opened and realized that their fawning over him BECAUSE he was black was was racism as well….

    Hmmm…Maybe Oprah has a point. Just not the one she intended….

  605. I remember when we were cheering for Oprah to run for President ~ WOW
    She is not at all who I thought she was…She will never be welcome in my home ever again…Just WOW ~~~

    1. I’d be interested in seeing if OPRAH the all knowing ALL SORTS of wonderful “you go girl” self, would be angling for a “segment” or so from the Obama’s? You know, they had a bit of a falling out couple or three years ago. Had to do with the Olympics and all the nonsense that went with getting ChiTown to host. VJ and MO didn’t like the way things panned out for THEM so of course, Oprah took the hit to some degree. Things have smoothed over somewhat, but honestly, did YOU SEE OPRAH stumping for Obama at ALL last year?? Oh no you didn’t. She’s always had an agenda and so do the Obama’s. Nothing would surprise me anymore.

  606. Oprah’s pissed at YT because this black president fuucked up royally, and she knows that America won’t be electing another black president ANYTIME SOON.
    Stuff it, Oprah…you black lard-azz!

  607. It’s not that he’s black, it’s because he’s a Communist. Why can’t the “race” baiters get that?

  608. no Oprah – I don’t care what color he is – it is the policy and lying that bothers me along with his trashing of the Constitution, profligate spending, and brazen use of executive orders for socialist agenda.
    NO Oprah – race is not our issue – it is his with his chronies and special favors to his racial peers and socialist supporters

  609. If everyone was paying attention, everyone would HATE him (for any of dozens of legitimate reasons– not for just being semi-Black.)

  610. This is a laugh. Going to Europe and telling them that Americans are racists. Let me say it again. She is in Europe and telling them that Americans are racist. Does she know she is in Europe? Is she telling this to the white people in Europe she assumes are non-racist because they happen to be in Europe talking to her. She is mentally unhinged. Like going to Arabia and telling them that Americans are sexists. They are all scratching their heads and looking at the Victrola like dogs trying to figure out what in the hell she is talking about.

  611. I believe 0bama is hated, despised and reviled because he is a pathological liar, bent on destroying the USA. If anyone is disrespectful, it is that sorry bastaard. And BTW, Oprah, fuuck you.

  612. Conversely, may we presume that the blacks who don’t like him don’t because of his white half?

  613. Dear Oprah: While I will agree that there are some sad, sick cases in society, including some who will post comments in blogs such as these, you are dead wrong to make the automatic assumption that the views you expressed are indicative of how all non African Americans think or act. And I am very disappointed that you would undertake the cowardly act of going overseas to make these comments, instead of having the guts to say it on national television here.
    My disagreements with the President have nothing to do with the color of his skin, but the content of his character, which is how Dr. King so eloquently spoke of the standard in 1963. He has exhibited the propensity to tell falsehoods, if not outright lies in order to further his the agenda of his Administration. He and/or his aides, including those Democratic leaders in Congress have covered up, and obfuscated facts regarding his policies. His Attorney General has committed misdemeanors which, if proven to be true before the Congress, could result in the AG’s impeachment and removal from office. His former Secretary of State may possibly be culpable in the deaths of four Americans who were acting in the service of their country in Libya. He himself, by publically declaring that he “didn’t know” or “wasn’t informed” about so many of the screw ups which have happened in the past five years, makes me question his competence and makes me wonder who is really in charge of that White House.
    By any other measure, were he a Republican, the impeachment hearings would already be underway and talk hosts such as yourself would be on the air calling for his head on a platter. But, such cannot happen to Barack Obama, because the Democratic majority in the Senate would NEVER vote to convict, and people such as yourself would take to the airwaves to declare anyone with such views as racists. I’m not sure if an impeachment would happen were the President to be lock, stock and barrel proven by evidence to have committed murder.
    Who is complicit in something like this? You, Ms. Winfrey. You, members of the media who have “looked the other way” to protect the image of a very flawed politician. I respect the President as a devoted family man and as a parent. I will respect him as a human being. But, that’s as far as it goes.

  614. It’s to bad that the first black president who was re-elected has turned out to be America’s worst president. He could have brought America together, instead he chose to separate us, he could have kept his promises instead he lies, about Obama care, I.R.S., fast and furious, N.S.A., tapping news media reporters , . And Obama is the first American President to send troops in harms way and when they need help because their under attack(Benghazi) he chooses to go to sleep, wake up and fly to a campaign fund raiser. Then for two weeks he blames the attack by Al-Kieda terrorists on a video. Obama is a LIAR and a Coward. Ms. Winfry Your the racist along w/Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Obama is America’s WORST President. Yes worse than Jimmy Carter.

    1. Agree on all points. What has been revealed — and long suspected — is that the Americans who are racists are mostly non-White.

    2. Historically, Blacks who “broke down barriers” were outstanding individuals, embodying the Spirit of America, rugged individualism, and self-reliance (e.g. Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington, Jackie Robinson, Willie Mays, Joseph Rainey [R-SC], W.E.B. Dubois, Bill Russell, George Washington Carver, Arthur Ashe, Tony Dungy, Duke Ellington, Thurgood Marshall, Edward Brooke [R-MA], Vanessa Williams, Roscoe Robinson Jr., Clarence Thomas…). This Ubama clown is a most unfortunate “first” to upset the precedents of honorable greatness and exceptionalism of These United States.

  615. Hey Oprah — I hate you because you’re a celebrity-fawning bore and a new age squawking nutjob…who loves putting herself on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE of her magazine. Am I racist?

  616. Oprah is a racist. The fact that people don’t like the POTUS is due to the lies about everyone will be able to keep their existing healthcare policy and their doctors is not due to racism … but due to the POTUS not keeping his promises. Also, I would like Oprah to show me how the POTUS has kept his promise of reducing unemployment when it just rose again in the last 2 weeks !

  617. I disrespect 0bama without regret regardless of his so called half-black heritage because I disrespect his white half too…. Of course there’s no white in Oprah, and the fact that I hate every ounce of her half-ton ass still has nothing to do with color. She rode to fame (and riches) on her popularity among white women, and now that she cashed in on that affection she starts bad-mouthing whites. She mustn’t realize how bad it sounds coming from someone who rode to the top on white people’s admiration.Classless or ignorant, I’ll leave it up to you.

  618. Dear Okra….be careful attacking the people who pay your freight…..Fame and fortune can be a fickle mistress……….

  619. So, by Oprah’s logic: ANY black president is immune from criticism on his job performance. Period. Declaring that all critics are racists, thus insulating Obama BECAUSE he is black: Isn’t THAT a form of racism? OR — if WHITES criticize a black president, then that white must be racist. Because the black person is doing a stellar job — because he’s black.
    Can you print a scorecard for us white folks, Oprah? It’s so hard to keep this straight.

  620. Now that Barry’s idiocy is being exposed he needs all the protection that his skin color can provide.

  621. Here’s one – If Dr.Ben Carson runs for President, and Condaleeza Rice is his running mate as Republicans and get elected – Will she and every other liberal still be whining about racism?

    1. Hey GitRDunn: Wanna play Fantasy White House? You’re off to a great start!! I’ll take Paul Ryan along with what you’ve got already.

  622. Orpah still supports the Food Stamp aka SNAP card King… Those (SNAP card people) are the folks that watch her nauseating show…

  623. Interesting she didn’t get into all this race garbage when she had her afternoon happy talk show, and loads of white people watched, and made her very rich.

  624. Conservatives have the same lack of respect and ridicule for Jimmy Carter. How does she explain that.

  625. Too bad she’d rather call whitey names then have a little sympathy for all those black college students who got their health care cancelled by her messiah!

  626. Yet another case that the dumbest amongst us is able to become a multimillionaire. I pity Oprah for being so mentally deficient. It must be hard to live your life through a never ending race filter.

  627. Those who revile Obama do not do so because he is black. However, people who love Obama do so because he’s black. And that is especially true for Oprah.

    Remember – most liberals are narcissists. Or maybe most narcissists are liberal? Either way, that’s why they always project… because they cannot comprehend anything beyond their subjective view of the world and how things happen. And so those who love Obama because he is black can only conclude that those who do not love Obama do so for the same reason.

    What I want to know is why do liberals claim to be so broadminded and intellectual but at the same time so unable to demonstrate a capacity for critical thinking beyond the average kindergartner?

  628. Okra is just bitter and angry that her network sucks just like her hero President Unemployment! LMFAO

  629. What? Come on Op.. There are going to be people like that but that is a small percent of the population. The other half of the majority can see him for what he is. He isn’t making things better and I’m surprised you’re supporting him. Are you trying to regain access?

  630. How can a woman who has achieved so much be so blind as to see everything through a black filter? Amazing! Opera, I don’t give a rats a$$ what color Obama is. He is a lying, incompetent, anti-American who does not deserve his position. His color doesn’t matter. He is a piece of trash for the harm he is doing to America.

  631. Oprah should go to New Nation News Black-on-White online to see all the local news stories of violent blacks torturing and murdering white all over the USA every day!

  632. Too bad the rich Liberal idiot white people helped her get rich. She would otherwise just be another fat welfare “ho” sitting at home in front of the TV loading her crack pipe.

    1. Hell yeah it’s a Chicago thing. Look at all of the turmoil it’s brought to D.C. You’ve got a whole cast of characters playing the roles of TERMINATORS OF THE UNITED STATES. VJ, BHO, and they were kind enough to let Rahm Rambo go back there and become MAYOR??????????? Who votes for someone like him? I can’t believe the way people think anymore. Maybe the aliens can save us from ourselves after all.

  633. Everybody I know that disrespects KING PINOCCHIO, does so because he is a liar and likely a traitor to the office he holds.

  634. What doesn’t enter this stupid bitch’s mind is that BHO would never had been elected if he weren’t black – no experience, 1 term senator, lousy voting record, completely unaccomplished, not a good speaker, not very articulate. (BTW, why does he STILL refuse to release his transcripts from college?) That’s the irony of what she says. Likewise SHE wouldn’t have made it at anywhere near the scale she did if she weren’t black. The whole thing with these black entertainers and politicians is that nothing stands out about any of them aside from their race. Don’t get me wrong – there are a plenty of white incompetents as well. But BHO is basically a loser propped up by the media looking for a black face and by the never ending white guilt by whites whose ancestors never even owned any slaves.

  635. Not all blacks are asleep. Oprah cares only about Oprah. Success can only be measured by results. Obama’s divisive actions, ethics, morality and economic decisions are bad for America. RACISIM!!! Give me a break! As a black man viewing the current implosion of white America I find it a foolish unwarranted claim. For instance…. If Bush would have initiated a campaign slogan such as, “White Americans for President”, what do you think blacks would have done?

  636. Kenya we will pay shipping if you take obummer back and throw Oprah in free of charge. NO REFUNDS.

    disclaimer: we can not be held responsible for destruction of country once tape removed from mouth.

  637. The only racist here are our presidemt and those who are around him. Say anything negative about Obams and you are labeled a racist. Give me a break he os a turd and liar.

  638. We show disrespect for Mr. Obama because he:
    • Doubled the national debt from Washington to Bush
    • Broke his promise to scale back traitorous Patriot Act
    • Broke many promise’s in regard to Obamacare
    • Attempted to use Fast and Furious to crack down on FFL holders
    Which was the point of it in the first place(Gun Control)
    Essentially a false flag that should have him in jail but no one seems to care.
    • Allowed the NSA to spy on every aspect of American lives
    • Authorized the kidnapping and indefinite detention of Americans on American soil.(NDAA)
    • Has the US Army currently hiring staff for his”Relocation Camps”. Google FM 39-40
    Visit goarmy.com and search “internment camp specialist”
    • There is very strong evidence that the raid in Benghazi was an attempt to kidnap Kris Stevens. Intercepted transmissions from the attackers have translated to:Oh God we killed him, what do we do now?” Suggesting that it was arranged to further some political goal and got screwed up.

    • Any that cares to actually examine the Boston bombing beyond the propaganda will
    see that evidence when closely examined suggests that this was a martial law drill for DHS. 2 of the FBI agents involved in the capture of suspect accidentally fell to their death from a helicopter two weeks later. Then their friend in Florida was shot in the back of the head in self defense by the 2 FBI agents and two cops interrogating him.
    • We got Osama Bin Laden but we:
    • Have no camera footage
    • We have no body
    • Most of those supposedly were on the mission died 2 weeks later

    • So we are just supposed to believe greatest bearer of falsehoods in the history of the presidency

    Consider the “High Crimes” of Richard Nixon.
    • He did not in fact order any of the activities associated with the Watergate scandal. When he found out about G Gordon Liddy and Howard Hunts crimes he attempted to cover them up out of sheer loyalty to those and others involved. for this he resigned.
    • Any one of the above mentioned scandals should warrant prison.

    And I honestly say I don’t care if the man is white, black, green or purple.
    He deserves prosecution along with his gang of conspiritors.

    1. you forgot “sandy”, he arranged to have sandy strike just at the right time to win the election.

      obama is god and superman combined, his power is limitless!!!!!

    2. Don’t forget the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

      Also, former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).


      GSA spending over $825k for parties and lavish gifts.

  639. Oprah is a racist sow. She is a billionaire, NOT because of blacks, but because whites flocked to her hideous shows in Chicago. She has ALWAYS been a racist. Let the fat pig go to pasture. Just like her idol, Obamao, she is a tried and true liar.

  640. “- there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and
    bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just
    have to die” ~Oprah

    Please help me, who is the racist?

  641. I find it odd that she would talk about the racism in her movie about the book Butler since it was nearly all fiction after the producers changed it.
    It proves her racism when she has to use that movie to prove her point.

  642. I am tired of has been clebs using race as reason that people are criticizing Obama. they are tired of his communist policies. I don’t care that he is half black. His policies are damaging this country. And that is what bothers people.

  643. As Ed Asner said: ” Stars are afraid to criticize Obama for fear of appearing anti-Black.” I guess O didn’t get the message, so she’s still on the racist rant. I wonder if the interviewer asked her for proof. .

    1. Enough of the black stars in Hollyweirdo are racist enough for everyone. Samuel Jackson is a major hater toward whites and defender of Obamao. He is only the tip of the iceberg. Too bad they (socialist stars) fail to acknowledge what race made them a success.

  644. How disappointing…Oprah stooping to excuses of racism rather than rather than political difference of opinion. I expected more…

  645. I am sick of this being pushed. I voted for “hope and change” the first time around. IT NEVER CAME. Obama lied about indefinite detention, said he’d veto, turns out HIS lawyers put it in there. I didn’t like Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and I don’t like Obama, because they ALL appoint Wall Street insiders, Bankers, CFR, Bilderberg, and Trilateral Lackeys to cabinet positions, they all carry out the same garbage, fleecing us and giving it to foreign banks. I don’t like Obama because he took Billions of taxpayer money to send GM to China. I don’t like Clinton because he signed NAFTA and GAT, and repealed Glass Steegal. The bush family, I don’t think I even have to give a reason, but if you want one, they are a hive of Pedophiles.

    But why should we worry about facts right? Let’s just cause division. A nation divided surely will fall. Hope you all enjoy the ride. Oprah will take her money and split.

      1. Not the second time around. Once I saw who he appointed to his cabinet, I knew I’d been scammed. Like John Lydon said, “ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”

        1. LOL, I knew better than to vote for him the FIRST time !! What were YOU thinking? Or, it would be more accurate to ask, WERE you thinking?

          1. Let’s say the Bush admin did their job and made me desperate, and there’s no way I’d vote for John McCain.
            Last election, I voted for Gary Johnson.

            Previous, to obama, I always voted third party. I live in CA, so my vote never counts anyway, they always vote blue, because of the electoral college, no matter what I vote, it gets thrown out.

  646. A little minor detail Oprah. Barry has 23 white chromosomes on each and every billions and billions of cells permeating throughout his body!

  647. America is so racist it would never allow a Black woman become one of the most successful media personalities of all time like Oprah. Would it?

  648. She’s right about the fact that bigotry is an inherited value system. It’s not natural. Unfortunately, there are bigots in ALL ponds on every continent. It will take generations to finally eradicate the ignorance, and that’s after we get the politicians and so called media to stop promoting it.

    1. And if monkey’s flew out of my butt, and my poo tasted like butterscotch ice cream.
      IGNORANCE and bigotry is NOT as prevalent as you think, nor will people like you ever admit that the true racism is coming from those that scream the most about it. (IE, the ones who benefit from shouting it, Sharpton, Jackson, Oprah, Obama, Holder, Farrakhan)

  649. Most Americans disrespect Obama because of his dismal track record and constant pathological lying… and most recently, because of the abject failure of his “signature achievement”.

    The racist is the one who ignores all of the above, and says people disrespect him not because of all of the lies and failures…. but simply because he is black. You’re a legend in your own mind, Oprah. Get off your racist high-horse and smell the failure.

  650. You would think that as much money as Oprah has made in our capitalist system that she would vote for anyone but a communist.

    1. We do not have a capitalist system. We have crony capitalistism otherwise known as corporate fascism. Global corporations own and control all of congress. Small businesses are buried in taxes and regulations, while giant corporations are exempt from both.

      1. Arti is on the money! System we have is designed to make capitalism look bad to usher in socialism.

    2. Elitist like her benefit from being connected. They don’t suffer socialism, they get exempted from it.

  651. Is this woman totally out of touch with reality? I don’t thinks the facts would do much to change her quite warped mind.

  652. what does she say to the african americans who hes doing a terrible job also? are they racists to? Go away! count your money your time has past no body cares what you think!?

  653. Most of us disrespect him because he is a terrible president. I could give a toss if he was paisley. He lies and breaks the constitutional guidelines in the performance of his job. He works for us and he’s doing a lousy job.

    1. I agree! It’s his ideas and his performance–and the question about what is hiding in all of those records that he has sealed–NOT his skin color. Put in someone like Dr. Ben Carson or Colin Powell, both of whom have earned the respect of Americans, and you’ll see the difference.

  654. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in
    some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s
    thinking it.”

    Oprah where have you been? There has not been a single day in the last six years that everyone listening to MSNBC have not heard over and over about the racists who hate candidate Obama or President Obama.

  655. Oprah: Obama is a fool. Incompetent. You have no other excuse for him than to say ‘it’s because he’s black’. His legacy will be that he was a fraud. He can be black and incompetent. Thanks for the insight.

  656. Most of the time, it’s the first person who cries “racist!” that IS one.
    Here’s the deal Ms. Oprah,
    I absolutely loath Chairman O because of his IDEALS, not the color of his skin. GET IT! I have quite a list of reasons, but race is not one of them.

  657. first of all how many people has she interviewed that have said that. thats just her perception. she is being defensive over a guy a terrible job as president and wants to use racism as a defense and distraction of Obama’s clear inability to govern. The Only thing he’s good at is taking from those that work hard for their money and giving away to his now dependent on government followers. one word sums it all up PATHETIC!

  658. Ahh, the racist beeotch is up to her bigoted flame throwing again. Why white people continue to watch her network, I’ll never know. Oprah, you accuse white people of hating Obama because he is black, but it is quite clear you hate white people because they are white..

  659. No one cares that he is bi-racial/mullato! No one cares!

    Disappointed in you who benefited from the “corporate system” that you’d make such comments.

    Lame President, Lame Organizer, Lame…. couldn’t find his way out of a rat hole w/a flash light!


  660. Let me clue you all in on what the TRUE definition is of someone who is a rabid racist…

    …Any person of color who accuses any American as being racist for disagreeing with the policies of the current hand puppet occupying the White House…

    These people who make these banal laden comments are the TRUE racists!

    Oh, and finally, …Oprah, get off your high horse already! You’re cheapening your brand, not to mention your integrity, when you make asinine comments like this.

  661. The only person who is disrespecting the office of the presidency are the Obama’s both Barack and Michelle.

  662. Oprah’s a racist. Dr MLK would be ashamed. We judge BHO on his character, deeds and philosophy, not the color of his skin.

  663. Then I guess the world will be a better place when Oprah, the racist, passes away. I wonder if all the negative comments about George W. Bush were spewed by hate-filled racists–like Oprah–or were they “legitimate” criticisms???

  664. In case Oprah hadn’t noticed, it’s those same “whiteys” who made her a billionaire precisely because they are not racist. She is so racist that she condemns people of other races because they simply don’t like Obama’s policies. And by the way, last I checked he is just as much white as he is black.

    1. It’s also those same “racists” that elected the President. But, anyone who voted for the President based upon race is a racist. Makes you wonder who the racists really are…

  665. No Oprah, the reason we don’t respect Obama is because of his socialist politics and his disrespect for the Constitution. His skin color has nothing to do with why I think he is a horrible president. Alan West, Ben Carson, and other black Americans would be wonderful presidents.

  666. Obama can do no wrong because he is black. So much for MLK’s dream.
    Whites hate Obama because of his lack of moral character.
    Blacks love Obama because he is black.
    Now, tell me, who is honoring MLK by their attitude towards others?

  667. The only ones I ever hear talking about racism, discrimination, etc. are ‘blacks’, African Americans, etc. I see the ‘race card’ played when people are at loss for any logical realistic explanation. Or need are ‘reason’ for why they are in the situation that they have gotten themselves into. There are ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘honest’ and ‘cheats’, ‘kind’ and ‘unkind’ in every culture, socioeconomic level, etc. Oprah, I am ashamed that you are from Tennessee. You know better than what you are saying. As a co-worker (black) of mine said, ‘That’s done and gone. We aren’t going to keep talking about it. It’s over. Move on!’ Oprah, it is supposedly responsible people like you that keep pushing the discrimination and hatred. Get over it. Tell people, all people, to live their lives honestly, righteously, kindly and get over the ‘it’s always somebody else’s fault!’ Sign me an American (Native American, Scot, Irish, English, Flemish, Scandinavian, and ?) I am thankful and proud of my home country and my multiple ancestry. When I have lived and traveled in other countries, I have tried to be a good example of all my ancestries. You should do the same!!!

  668. Since when did a man who has a White Mother, become African~American? That’s an insult to both sides to say that, and shows just how insane some of these people who live in a dream world can be when it comes to race. It doesn’t matter what he is, but who he is! He is a terrible leader, who hasn’t a clue on how to govern, communicate the truth, or spend money wisely. He doesn’t understand how to do his job, or follow the constitution, and has an Ego Problem that would make Bonaparte Jealous. His leadership can best be described by the movie “One Flew Over the Coo~Coo’s Nest! And Oprah, you’ve just become a Disappointment. What happened to you when you left your show?

  669. The only people who can be racist are whites–that is what Aunt Oprah and many of her ilk would have the rest of us believe.

  670. Pure baloney! It would be wonderful to have Dr. Walter Williams as President, and Dr. Thomas Sowell as Vice-President, then Dr. Sowell as president after Dr. Williams is there 8 years. We would have a tremendous economic boom and dramatic increases in freedom and happiness. Both of them are 100% black, while the current occupant of the White House is only 50% black.

  671. I’m extremely critical of Barack Obama. His philosophy, his attitude, his actions. But not one of the things I criticize Obama for has anything to do with his race. There are numerous people of all hues and ethnicity with whom I disagree as much as I do with Obama. And probably just as many that I admire.
    Oprah Winfrey is merely playing the race card here as she has before, and likely will again. “Racist”, “Racism”, and “hate” are thrown around extremely loosely these politically correct days, and I have come up with a shorthand definition: “You are a Racist if you don’t agree with me”. Fits every occasion, useful for all.

    1. Well said! I would like to believe Oprah got past race. Whenever we say “all” fall into a category we are speaking from a place of prejudice. Some less evolved do, I believe hate Obama for race. To say “all” is an insult to all other races and people of intelligence.

  672. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Oprah where have you been? There has not been a single day in the last six years that everyone listening to MSNBC have not heard over and over about the racists who hate candidate Obama or President Obama.

  673. Oprah should stay out of politics for obvious reasons…….and stick with purse shopping.

    1. You are not giving this intelligent women enough credit. Although, saying all Obama’s woes are due to race ( if that is in fact what she said without editing, I disagree with her.) However, it does not dismiss all the good she has done for the world. If she is trying to balance the scales she needs to realize nothing we do today will ever balance the scales. We all have pain and regrets in our lives….trying to keep these regrets will never bring peace. Starting with a new day, a new chance and living from a loving heart is our best hope. Regardless of race, creed, color or sexuality.

  674. I am finding most tolerant liberals that support Obama all respond in kind. It goes like this…blah,blah, blah. When you respond, they have covered their ears like children going LA LA LA, I Can’t hear you My ears are covered Cuz nothing you have to say has any significance to me because its not my opinion. Unbelievable!

  675. The wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me not to call Emperor Obama a flaming Marxist and Oprah an overweight, overpaid, overbearing racist cow. Out of respect for (and fear of) the bride, I won’t.

  676. Strange how those same people elected him in the first place. Wonder what’s happened since then? Did we just notice that he was African-American? What do you suppose the reason that George Bush was disrespected by about the same amount?

    1. When your un-insurable, out of work, and down one your luck will your opinion change? What has your insurance companies given you. Top out of your policy as soon as you get cancer, or any other pre-existing condition. The insurance companies knew this fight was brewing for years, but check what they charge you for an ace bandage, or asprin. They are crooks and we needed to stop their free ride. I realize you speak of more than insurance. In fact you mention nothing you are for or against. Yet I feel compelled to say: It took a long time to work out the kinks in many of our policies…both republican and democrat…but they saved a lot of lives, and became embraced by us as a country. Or perhaps you only believe some lives are worth living and the rest are throw a ways. I don’t believe his beliefs are RED, they come from a place of hope for all. Would we prefer the top 1% continue to destroy the planet with their buying of politicians. Polluting the earth, in fact destroying it. WE are drowning in the debt of the Bush administration and a republican party who has openly been exposed for voting against Obama regardless of his policies. Is that democracy???

      1. You can’t even see the debt of the Bush Administration when it’s next to the massive debt barack has placed us under.

        The Marxist in Chief has added more debt than all prior presidents combined, and yet here you are, peddling lies that are so far past their sale date you look like a buggy whip seller in 1940 Detroit.

  677. Next breaking news: Oprah is calling everyone racist for not watching her new film.

    Every color put this idiot in office twice, not just black. If not agreeing with his failure policies makes me a racist, then I guess you are right.

    Obama racist card expired a long time ago.

  678. Liars think everybody else lies, thieves think everybody else is stealing, and racists think everybody else is a racist. Therefore Oprah, you are the racist, and a has-been entertainer at that.

    You think because Obummer is black that he can do no wrong so anybody that disagrees with him must be racist. Well, he doesn’t like the success this country has had and is determined to bring it down a few notches and that is obvious with every law he makes and breaks. That’s why we can’t stand him. I can’t stand Reid or Pelosi either and they are white as snow. So shut up Oprah and go back to being a nobody again like your cancelled TV show and bankrupt magazine.

  679. I don’t disrespect the Loser Prez for being black (he’s not). I don’t like him because he’s NOT a legal US citizen & and has (and plans) to destroy America. Orka Winfrey is the b*tch I don’t like because she’s an arrogant n i g g e r, who flaunts her billions in everyone’s’ face. BIG difference.

    1. She flaunts is? Opening schools for children who would otherwise be without an education? No wonder you hide behind an anonymous name…I would to if I had nothing to do but rant about nothing that makes any sense.

  680. O-Pee had the number one daytime TV show for many years, now its off the air, because she won’t stop pimping this failure. After 5 trillion in stimulus being spent in 4.5 years, we still have more people not working than since the Great Depression. How do you do that? Either thru incompetence, or/and ripping off the country.
    She didn’t lose her TV show because she was white and then turned black after Obama was elected.

  681. If Oprha wants to play the “racism” joker card when isn’t even in the game then she needs to look no further than the attorney general of the United States, Eric Holder or the congressional black caucus for an examples of what racism really is.

    They play that race card all the time. That’s what they do best. They and you have
    nothing to contribute except harping about how you and they are discriminated
    against and taken advantage of and how the American people owe them, Yad Yad
    Yad Yad!

    Because without an underclass of people who feel they are discriminated against these progressives have no base and that is why they fuel the feelings that they are discriminated against.

    Look around at all the successful people of color. They are successful because they chose to get an education or trade and bust their butts working to obtain the American dream. Whatever the color of your skin 99.9 9 percent of people judge you by what you accomplished, how you act and the value of your character, not by the color of your skin or where you come from.

  682. Surprised, She didn’t blame George Bush for Americans for not liking, Barrack Insane Obumer

  683. I never thought I would see an American president worse than Jimmy Carter. I was wrong. This “community organizer” makes Carter look almost Reiganist.

  684. Maybe opah needs to get her head out of her hind parts and see what is actually happening. obimini is an unqualified political hack that demonstrates the Peter Principle which the Dimocrats are very good at.

    1. She’s so typical of those on the Left. She can’t remove her OWN opinions of people, from her opinions of their stands. So she assumes we’re ALL that way.

      1. She had always been like that. She would have a guest on her show that I would be interested in hearing what they had to say. Oprah would ask questions then intrttuot them to inyerject her opinion. Her goal on her show was to spread her opinions and was obnoxious about doing so. She drove Me crazy. I sit yelling st the TV, SHUT UP Oprah, I want to hear what your guest HaS to say not your biased opinion. Just couldn’t watch it any longer. Oprah ad nauseum, yuk!

  685. I don’t respect him because he is a terrible, destructive president. I could care less what color he is.

  686. I am soooo tired of hearing this dribble!!!

    Obama gets NO free pass because he is black. NONE.

    Bad leader, actually no leadership.
    Bad policies, No jobs, No economy, now we have NO middle class!!!

    It is interesting to measure a man’s character. Mistakes or errors
    are not a problem. See what the man does next and you will see
    the true character of the man. A lie followed by another lie.

    Are we to believe that he sees nothing and knows nothing? And
    still believe he is the smartest guy in the room? Just another lie!!!!

    It is interested working with attorneys. If you cant prove it, it is not true.
    WRONG!!! Cant prove it is only cant prove it.

    I dont care if he is GREEN, PURPLE OR BLACK.

    The so called phoney scandals…….
    1) Fast and Furious
    2) IRS and the IRS again, again
    3) NSA and NSA again
    4) Benghazi
    5) Rosen and AP wire taps
    6) GSA gone wild, Las Vegas hot tub
    7) Solyndra
    8) EPA Lisa Jackson aka Richard Windsor
    9) ObamaCare Lies, Lies and more lies!
    a) Keep your policy
    b) Keep your doctor
    c) Save $2,400 per year

    WOW! Will this guy take responsibility for anything?

    1. Do you believe things were better under Bush? We took a huge hit under the Bush administration. Remember, unemployment statistics include only those receiving unemployment checks…yet just because people no longer receive unemployment does not mean they have joined the ranks of the employed, it just means they ran out of unemployment and continue to be able to find work. Tell me have you done your research on how much Obama has reduced the deficit by? I challenge you to look it up, anything printed by a Rupert Murdoch owned source is untrue…you probably know he owns FOX news among many other “lie” outlets….I trust we agree no truth there.

      1. The only reason the “deficit” has been reduced is because there’s been NO BUDGET for years! Meanwhile the national debt has grown massively under barack and real unemployment is near historic highs.

        Those blinders must be so tight they meet.

  687. People who lie, cheat and steal, seem to think everybody does.
    People who are racist, seem to think everybody is.

    YOUR race is not on MY mind.

  688. So help me get this straight. He is African American.

    Not American?

    Not an American with a black father and white mother from Kansas – but African-American. As in Kenyan born?

    Which is it?

    And if so many people are against the president because of his black side, explain how you got to be so big, being all black? Explain how the majority of his voters are white?

    He is a stooge. Oprah, you are a stooge. This racist crap is all on you for stoking a non-existent fire. You cannot handle that after years of success, you are becoming a failure and that your guy, Barack Obama is a HUGE failure. He lacks any executive skills – he cannot even pick the right people to advise him or run the segments of the government and all they touch is imploding before us.

    Like so many leftists, you are incapable of seeing the forest from the trees. Your racism shows every time you make asinine statements like this and reveal your own true inferiority complex.

    1. I like every word you said,, and you re right on with every thing,,, Barry is a joke he shouldn’t be in the white house with his background,,, period,…. like if you like your insurance ,, you can keep your insurance… BS

  689. Who? Who are you speaking of? Obama and his wife bring disrespect for themselves and liberals because of their policies; not for the color of the skin. You may be blessed with billion$, but with that sort of power comes responsibility. Unless you tell us who, simply _shut_up_!

  690. Oprah. How dare you. You have made your billions off whites. And you have the audacity to call your groupies racist? You poor, poor thing. You are blinded by your own racism. You are no better than that which you CLAIM to abhor.

    1. yeah she made billions off whites.. and now she doesn’t need the whites so shes putting us down,,, figures,,,,, BLWLOM

  691. Uh, Oprah. It’s racist to stereotype a whole group of people based on their skin color or national origin as “racist”. It’s not Ms. Winfrey’s color; it’s her stupidity that loses respect.

  692. Wow, what a sickening comment from Oprah Winfrey. Most people could care less about him being black. They can’t stand the shitty economy that he’s made worse. Oprah’s a billionaire so she thinks the economy is great and doesn’t understand why Obama’s approval is in the 30’s. He said he would transform and change America. He has. He’s helped to ruin America and now he’s destroying the greatest health care system. Oprah is probably a racist herself

  693. I use to respect Oprah but,no more. What a bunch of crap. I would say she is the racist. I have never judged the color of his skin, just his dishonesty and attempts to do away with our freedoms. With racists like Oprah he may succeed yet. Is she too concerned about the color of his skin?

    1. thank you Janice ,, I feel the same I used to watch her and liked her she seemed to be for the people,, but I forgot , it was for the money,, now she herself is a racist,,,, or at least sounds like one,,,

  694. Fortunately that talking point is played out and holds no water with the American people. If you look at all of the scandals with this administration and all of the tyranny that comes with them and your only ammunition is “still” the race card, then you are clearly trying to deliberately mislead the public away from the incompetence of this administration and make white people look like they are guilty of racism in the process. Oprah is clearly the racist here.

  695. Almost 10,000 comments…people are paying attention ……even Democrats. Oprah you have shot your last load. Even your money can’t by you beauty… inner or outer!!!!

    1. barry the president is spending all our money and making us look like a third world country,, and I have to thank all the A>> holes who voted for him twice,,, good job stupid people,,,,

  696. This woman may know how to sell things to gullible white women, but she is completely out of her element on everything else. Her assertion relies on the assumption that no white voter could possibly have a legitimate gripe with Obama’s policies. The man came to office vowing to fundamentally transform America, despite not ever mentioning such an agenda during the campaign. He has governed as a partisan leftist and has continuously characterized any political opposition as being immoral and evil. He may be the most divisive president in US history. And let’s not get started on the unfolding disaster that is Obamacare. But apparently to Oprah, those are insufficient reasons to oppose Obama. It must be racial. Whatever!

  697. Very judgmental for the non-judgmental. Can she name another democracy that elected a president of a minority race? ….. If America is so racist, why with all her wealth, does she remain here……….

  698. Heavy weight black woman who was well rewarded for entertaining bored housewives and welfare recipients thinks she is now a world authority……..fat chance that will work

  699. On the contrary, most folks are dis’n him ’cause he’s the Marxist tool who is flushing America down the toilet.

  700. Oprah, please answer these honest questions. Was I racist when I called for Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying under oath? Was I racist when I criticized him for his dalliances with many different women? Was I racist when I railed against Hillary Clinton when she fashioned a partial government takeover of healthcare? Was I racist when I wrote Harry Reid a letter ripping him for calling our President a “loser”? Was Code Pink racist when they protested at every soldiers funeral to poke Bush in the eye? Was that journalist in Iraq racist when he threw his shoe at George Bush? I bet you would call every one of these examples racist if it were done to Obama….

    Ya see, people have been disrespecting Presidents for hundreds of years, what in the world makes you think the color of their skin had anything to do with it? You see race in places I wouldn’t imagine to look, and I feel sorry for you because the world you perceive is not the one I live in, and honestly, isn’t even one that exists. People are rude to me all the time, they honk, yell, take my parking spot, say very rude things about my three kids… And never once have I thought it was because of the color of my skin, whereas when anything happens to you, or Obama, or Spike Lee the only answer that pops into your head is that is must be blatant racism. I genuinely feel sorry for you and your victimhood culture. You of all people with your Billion dollars (and counting) in the bank should be the last person to speak of racism in this country.

  701. Here’s a news flash O; HE”S HALF WHITE. Talk about judging someone based on the color of your skin. Race Baiter!!!!!!

  702. Oprah you are disgusting and redundant. You have passed your
    “Sell by….” date. Americans are no longer afraid to call out Obama…. liar in chief. His ” honesty” days are numbered……coming soon from Obama… all lies…all the time!!!!
    And here you come talking about racist. Blacks…whites( including white Latinos)..Asians…. Jews….Gays…heterosexuals….single mothers…. single fathers….elderly…. and counting…have lost their insurance. They were hurt by Obamas lies and Hilary’s too… she also said you can keep your doctor and insurance. Obama , Nancy Pelosi and all those who peddled this “Big Lie” will have their day of reckoning.

    1. no one would listen to Romney because he is a successful business man! The new dirty word is profit. Business do not open for the sole purpose of hiring people the main reason one opens a business is to, YOU READY GET READY, TO MAKE A PROFIT!

  703. She’s Lefty in Donnie Brasco. She’s just as dub. She stood up for the wrong trog and now she’s afraid of being sent for. Hell, she’s probably got cancer of the pri2k

  704. The fat b–ch displays her pure arrogance and intellectual dishonesty. In fact she is the racist, she puts his color over his policies everyday. In her warped view, it doesn’t matter how incompetent he is, he’s black. That’s all that counts. What amazes me is the stranglehold she has over the suburban Anglo women in this country, who she obviously has no respect for.

    1. …and why the dems went after him….making up the sexual harrassment stories. All the “harrassed” women came from Chicago.

  705. With Obama the creep that hates America, who should be in Kenya not USA. He is a ZERO ! Soon a Impeachment is coming! For the lies and over reaching governing. Obama the worst president ever and biggest fraud.

      1. Carter was the worst before barack. Now he’s got second place all to himself, and barack is so far behind Jimmy C that you almost can’t see him.

  706. He is disrespected because he is a Marxist/ Socialist dictator who believes law were made for him to break. He swore to uphold the constitution, not upend it.

  707. Yeah that’s it, he’s black, that’s why nobody can stand him…….HEY 2008 called, they want their talking point back!

  708. Sorry Big O, the president spies on all Americans – we don’t like him because of his policies, he destroyed great deal of good will because he is incompetent (incompetence is color blind). Thanks for foisting him upon, Big O us must hate America too.

  709. For me it is not his color but his politics and ideology, I would vote for Ben Carson in a heartbeat……liberal Marxist progressive democrats believe everyone has to believe like they do or else you are a horrible person, and a racist, they want everyone to think alike, but only if it is their way of thinking……and they say they are the tolerant ones.

  710. Opray…. you remember all this the next time you think about how fortunate for you that all those white women showed up in your audiences and tv! You ungrateful racist bitch!

    1. No one is interested in what she has to say about anything anymore, because she showed that she is racist, by promoting Obama after she knew he was/is damaged goods.

  711. Oprah you are such a publicity whore, you will say anything to get the spotlight focused on you’re fat ass!

  712. Obama is a socialist, pathological liar and sociopath. When you find an individual who supports Obama, you have found a fool or an accomplice to treason.

  713. Another one of satan’s fallen angels speaks again. But of course you fools don’t really know who you REALLY are do you? Even satan herself doesn’t even know exactly who she is.

  714. People who claim that everyone who criticizes Obama are racist just don’t get it.

    We ELECTED Obama because he is black.

    We CRITICIZE him because he is incompetent.

  715. She’s just another affirmative action phony who cashed in and that made her some sort of a spokesperson for whatever issue she cares to expound upon.

    She and Sharpton and Jackson do more to keep racism alive than any other three people today.

  716. Obama disrespects the office of the presidency and America in general. He doesn’t deserve respect any greater than what he has shown for ALL of us. As for Oprah, she needs to STFU. She wouldn’t be where she is today without all the MONEY white people have thrown at her feet, not to mention the industry she works in which was built by white people. BTW Oprah, obama say’s “you didn’t build that”. I sure hope that if we ever have another black president that they wont be a lying POS like the one we have now.

  717. Oprah is all wrong, He is not a African American (to this day still don’t know what that means – most African Americans never lived in African), he is in liberal speak is a white black, if George Zimmerman can be a White Hispanic. So if the shoe fits…
    Most people don’t like him because he blames everyone else for his failures, covers up his failures, or is to busy playing golf and is clueless on everything administration does. Just think I found that out today in the news, sort of sounds like B.O. doesn’t it.

  718. Really? Race, eh? I don’t like him because he’s a f’ng moron; but I guess his being mulatto only adds to the distaste.

  719. Remember Oprah played the race card on a clerk, who had no idea who she was, in Europe, then claimed she did not want he complaint aired though she made it on the air! She is the thin skinned racist!

  720. oprah, any respect I have for you building your empire is slowly diminishing with ignorant statements such as this.
    As a white Anglo Saxon male, I take offense to you implying that I’m racist. My ancestors fought in the Civil War to help end slavery.
    I for one, could care less what the color of the skin our president is. What I’m interested in is character and the ability to perform the duties as president of the United States flawlessly.
    Mr. Obama having come from a checkered past at best with only being a community organizer raised my eyebrows from the start. I personally do not think he was qualified on several levels to hold this office.
    Opera, I’m tired of the race card and those of color playing it whenever the times get tough. Race is not the problem. It’s the excuse of race and the difference in color of ones skin that seems to matter when a certain group feels left out.
    I am not responsible for any of the Black man’s problems nor do I contribute to them. So, before you go exclaiming that I need to die in order to get rid of racism let me just say my peace.

    Stop being a race baiting baiting bigot you ignorant bitch!!!!

  721. the only thing i can do after reading oprah’s comments is smile, shake my head and move on. oprah’s perception is that we are racists for disagreeing with obama…nothing we can say or do will change that…so any further discussion serves no purpose.

    after the 2008 election, oprah was incredibly disrespectful of sarah palin. because of oprah’s level of disrespect, i vowed to make sure i never add to her financial success. i don’t begrudge her financial success…i just choose not to add to it.

    1. If so , she and that Native American Elizabeth Warren should have a cage match to see who is the toughest. Zulu vs. Comanche ( or whatever she made up to claim minority status)

  722. Oprah is going to demonstrate her clear and unbiased reporting by inviting Colin Flaherty on her show to talk about his book “White Girl Bleed A Lot” and the website whitegirlbleedalot dot com, so she can bring some light to the low-boil war of blacks against white which really has been going on since about 1925.

  723. The fact that Oprah brought up race means SHE is the real racist.

    The only people who constantly talk about race – like Oprah Winfrey – are bigots. Obviously, Obama’s sycophants in media feel the need to play the race card again since Obamacare’s collapse and subsequent criticism of him has hurt his approval ratings.

    Oprah has always been – and will always be – a disgusting person. How she elevated herself from being the female version of Gerado Rivera to America’s must trusted sweetheart continues to astound me.

  724. Yea right,
    His color is why people love him.
    He hasn’t helped the black community do anything for themselves.
    school dropout rates…check
    crime rates………………check
    teenage pregnancy…..check
    abortion rates…………..check
    you can’t make this up, the facts are there.
    and why do they love him?

    1. destruction of the military…….Check
      destruction of NASA…………..Check
      destruction of our allies……….Check
      destruction of health system..Check

  725. Quotes the wise woman who not long ago partied with Kanye West. She’s as full of sh*t as she is full of fat. soft-spoken, millionaire idiots rule the day

  726. Even if people are totally irritated by that comment that Oprah made…and it is totally understandable…
    We as “people” could stop knocking each other around and really show Oprah
    what it means to cease dividing ourselves with projections.
    It would be wonderful if we all just ignored such silliness and joined our
    selves in unison, even in difference…that would blow the mindlessness away.

  727. Gee whatever did I do before I had Oprah to instruct me on how I really feel. What a dipshit. And this after trying to get a shopkeeper fired over a purse. Yes, Oprah, your opinion matters to us! (not)

  728. Michelle Obama won’t have Oprah in the White House. Does that mean she’s a racist or is it merely because she doesn’t like her? Is it impossible to dislike Obama because he’s driving the country over the cliff and not be accused by grievance mongers of racism? Apparently not.

  729. Oprah is a very wealthy person, because of white people, who also voted twice to put Obama, a black man, in the White House. Now she is calling those same people racist, because we see Obama trying to change our country into Cuba or Russia and we don’t want that. It also would have prevented Oprah from earning the wealth she has.
    Isn’t it funny. Obama had many people fooled for a few years. Oprah has had many people fooled for several decades.

    1. If she doesn’t clarify her statement to exempt white liberals she’s bound to lose what ever number of white soccer moms are there are that still turn on the TV to see her on cable.
      Well I suppose most of those women will pretty much give her the benefit of the doubt – after all they know she didn’t mean them – and they are all part of that great liberal sisterhood spirit in the sky that Oprah gave life to about 15 years ago.


    1. Commieblaster dot com scratches the surface as far as the getting the goods on the Muslim Liar Traitor Nation Wrecking brown Hitler that is in the White House, and Oprah is a screwball and I am NOT racist.

  731. Oprah Winfrey is both a liar and a thief. She
    is a liar because she speaks a deliberate untruth about the American people and
    a complete untruth about Barack Obama. I am not surprised……her behavior is
    typical of people who cannot handle success. She is a thief because she
    continues to allow political correctness to mask the real problem with the
    Blacks in this country and she participates in stealing their future. She is a
    thief of the worst kind. Bigotry wrapped in superficial respectability. She
    represents a huge problem for the Black community….that is a lack of
    credible, truthful leaders who are truly interested in being leaders for the
    people’s good….not their own. I marched for civil rights in the 60’s and
    Martin Luther King was/is a hero of mine. He, along with the latter day Malcolm
    X would rebuke Oprah and her ilk to her face. She is an embarrassment to
    herself and those who fawn over her.

  732. Hey Oprah,
    If most of us “whites” hated Obama, as you say, how in the ‘Heck’ did he get elected?

    Little did we know that the senator who hollered out “LIAR” during Obama’s State of the Union speech was, in fact, a prophet ! Obama is an excellent example of a racist.

  733. “There’s a level of disrespect … because he’s African
    American. … it’s the kind of thing
    nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking..”

    Oprah, Obama and anyone else, YOUR race is not on MY mind!
    America would be better if YOUR race didn’t seem to always be the first thing on YOUR mind either.

  734. He’s not black, he’s white. I only see the half-white in him. You must be a racist, Oprah, to say that he’s black. All you see is skin-color. You’re the racist, not me.

  735. Oprah is a liar and a thief. A liar because she speaks a deliberate untruth about the American people and a complete untruth about Barack. Not surprised……her behavior is typical of people who cannot handle success. She is a thief because she continues to allow political correctness mask the real problem with the Blacks in this country and she participates in stealing their future. She is a thief of the worst kind. Bigotry wrapped in superficial respectability. She represents a huge problem for the Black community….that is a lack of credible, truthful leaders who are truly interested in being leaders for the people’s good….not their own. I marched for civil rights in the 60’s and Martin Luther King was/is a hero of mine. He, along with the latter day Malcolm X would rebuke Oprah and her ilk to her face. She is an embarrassment.

  736. I truly hope Oprahs people read this thread.

    I know you will.

    Dog feces is more popular than Oprah.

    I truly feel bad for you……

  737. Wrong. People disrespect him because he’s a marxist pig that shouldn’t be in the White Hut.

  738. This has to be some kind of record for comments.
    And… Oprah is miserable because she’s ugly.

  739. It takes more than a new hairdo and press release about a racism movie to qualify as a lecturer to those she disagrees with on the subject!

  740. Oprah is a race baiting bigot like Sharpton and the rest of them.
    Obama would be a disgrace nomatter what color he was. You too, Oprah.

  741. Oprah needs to stop hanging around her fellow billionaires to learn about crime and victims in this country before she judges blacks and whites.

  742. The president is not a liar.. he is just black??? Really??? That is your defense??? You, Oprah, are a moron… besides Obama is only half black… dumpass.

    Just imagine if George Bush (or any other white guy) had said, “you’re just picking on me because I am white”. Let that sink in for a moment, you fat stupid moron… you make flat faced pigs look good… and a box of rocks look like room full of P.H.D.’s.

    1. Bush should have said that we were all picking on him because he was an alcoholic, Clinton should have said that he was a sex addict and we were discriminating against him because of a disease which is out of his control, and Regan should have said that he was being picked on because he was an old man with old man infirmities….. Those wouldn’t have played too well with any group either. 😉 Oprah needs to move to the place she loves most – Africa. Guess what, I go to Africa yearly – they wouldn’t like her haughtiness there any more than any one in America does and she’d be run out on a rail within a very short time. People in Africa have pride and aspirations and don’t like to be kowtowed to by rich people who like to use them as pawns to achieve more wealth for themselves.

      1. Most African wouldn’t have anything to do with the race card carrying black Americans.

        They look down on those black Americans for being in a country where hard work provides opportunity and instead of getting ahead far too many black Americans take the easy rode and go for the welfare while justifying their indolence with accusations of racism in America.

        That fact is not lost on Africans much less the people of other nations.

  743. I remember when I was young that I thought all the older generations would have to die off before racism would end. Now I am old and it’s my generation that needs to die off for racism to end. I can no longer claim to be free of racism myself. Racism is not taught, sadly it is learned over the years. My suggestion to Oprah is if you wish to understand why racism continues to raise its ugly head…
    spend some time looking in the mirror.
    I’ll spend a little more time looking myself.

  744. Someone said Oprah couldn’t find her rear end with both hands in a well lit room, then the other person said, “Oh no, she could alright, but she just prefers to pay someone to wipe her rear end”

    Now there’s a Jobs program…

  745. Is that why Liberals all hated Bush…I mean Bush seriously got a lot less fair treatment from liberals than Obama gets from conservatives…so does that make all Liberals racist because Bush is white?

  746. Exactly how many is “many” Oprah? Do you have a hard number there and from what source? Or, is this just a term used to create racial drama and incite racial tensions? I’m going to go WAY out on a limb here, and propose that maybe people just disagree with his policies and not the color of his skin! Aren’t we all just Americans?

    1. That’s a great point !

      And Oprah made a very clever nuance to her statement.

      She is right, there are many that hate Obama because he’s black, and they have the same hatred for every other black person.

      But, as you pointed out “Many” is undefined and very relative a total population. So now Oprah, when pressed, can clarify her comment to mean many as in a small percentage of the white population.

      Meanwhile it means about 60% of all whites which leaves room for all the white liberals to stay above the allegation of being racist.

      If Oprah keeps this kind of rhetoric we may see her running for office and she will fit right in with the Democrat Black Caucus.

  747. If Oprah truly feels “Racists Have to Die for Racism to End”…. Here is a short list of some outspoken racist to get her started: Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Chris Rock, Samuel L. Jackson, Eric Holder and Barrack Obama just to name a few….

    Best of luck Oprah; you have our full support.

  748. Here we go! It can’t be for the following reasons:

    1. Incompetence: Who in the freaking world that is supposedly as smart as our president would let his freaking signature legislation that people refer to as Obamacare not have a freaking clue it was broke, we couldn’t keep our doctors, that prices would skyrocket, etc?

    2. No experience: Here is a man that is controlled by the freaks he keeps around him and I think all he cares about is golfing and going on vacations.

    3. TO LIBERAL: Americans as a whole are more center than this guy comes to even when he’s having a dream about being more central.

    Did you notice that there wasn’t anything said about his race? He was freaking elected twice!!!!!! Come on the only racist as far as I can tell are the blacks that vote for a guy that hasn’t done 1 damn thing to help them and now he wants to bring in 11m+ hispanics to take jobs from the blacks that don’t have jobs. And, if white’s voted like blacks seem to vote there would NEVER be a Black Politician so guess what Oprah be happy that us as a race don’t act like your race.

  749. I voted for Obama the first time he ran. I’m Euro-American. None of my ancestors were here during Slavery, and none ever participated. We did employ African-Americans, and they stole from us relentlessly. We owe the black man Zero, Nada, Nothing.

    Oprah cheers for “affirmative action,” nothing more than racial discrimination. Do you have a son who hopes to be an M.D.? He’ll have to take a standardized test called the MCAT. My daughter scored 36, and got turned down by about half the medical schools she applied to. The average score for a black male accepted to Med School is about 27, the average white male about 32. In other words, the average white person accepted to medical school is better than more than 90% of the black persons admitted to medical school.

    And, the situation is even worse for Asians than it is for whites. Affirmative action is a con game, foisted on us by phony research claiming that there are “benefits” to “diversity”. There are no tangible demonstrated academic benefits of having unqualified black students filling seats they don’t deserve. Period. But even our “Supreme” Court judges are incapable of thinking through the sophistries that support Affirmative Action.

    So, to put it bluntly, Oprah has an incredible nerve. She’s wrong. One might even say she’s stupid, but I doubt that she actually believes that white people are racist. It is just a convenient way of continuing the favoritism for her sons and daughters that will eventually lead this country to failure.

  750. Oprah does not understand that it is NOT the color of his skin that determines a man, his worth and the measure of respect he is due.

    Rather, it is the color of his heart.

    And Obama’s heart is as black as the darkest of sin.

  751. <—- 1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you aren't in the dark about these things, dear brothers and
    sisters, and you won't be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a


    Vote UP if you respect a pile of dog feces.
    Vote DOWN if you respect Oprah Winfrey.

    1. There is no clear winner but both leave a bad taste in your mouth and a filthy hand not worth shaking.

  753. News flash blackwards oprah… your people were free (and some who were freed back in the 1860’s, civil war)… my people didn’t get here until 1929 (ONE GENERATION REMOVED FROM HAVING BEEN WHITE SLAVES IN WESTERN EUROPE…none of us run around playing the race card when we screw up… that is something only blacks do). Morons.

  754. i guess that means all her adoring fans love obama? after all, they couldnt love her and hate el presidente by her own logic…

  755. Apparently racists have to die for racism to end, How about Jackson and Sharpton for starters?

  756. No Oprah, we don’t hate Obama because he is black.. Most Americans DO hate you because you are and act as one

  757. If Oprah is ashamed of this country and all those people that kept here in business, then she can take her b-a and get the hell out of America for good.

  758. Some black people honestly think that things only go wrong for them b/c of “racism”.

    That way they don’t have to deal with the fact that it might just be that some black people are a**holes.

    Oprah could have done so much good with her fame but instead joins the ranks of idiot celebs who badmouth thiei homeland just to please arrogant Europeans.

    BTW- I guess Oprah thinks that all the Americans who made her a famous billionaire were racists too or she’d be a gazillionaire…?

  759. It amazes me when I listen to any news broadcast that intelligent people seem unable to call Obama and out and out liar when that is exactly what he is. They will use every other word possible to indicate that he has lied repeatedly but will never call him what he is. Finally, with this Obamacare disaster, people have stopped pulling their punches and are using the proper terminology. I have yet to see one comment that blamed his race for their anger and distrust.

  760. That may be what she tells herself. I am not black, I wanted a bright futurist in the Office of the Presidency, and we wound up with a man who has acted like every other president since Johnson. I disrespect the man for that reason. Would have been nice to have gotten an intellectual opinion from Ms. Winfrey. All I see in her is a whiner, and that whining doesn’t register with me anymore. At on point all peoples came from slavery by either kingdom or domination. We are slaves today, but Ms. Winfrey is less of a slave than most. It is a slavery based upon money/debt. So don’t cry me any rivers sweetheart.

    1. Everytime I hear a black person say that they were slaves as an excuse for their failures, I point out that the Jews are doing quite fine. The point is usually lost and I guess that I expect too much to think that all these highly religious black folk have actually read Exodus.

      1. True. most people can’t reason anymore. I find it hard sometimes to keep my own knee from jerking from reading about various issues. I expect most black folk to cry racism because we do still have a generation that considers blacks subordinate. I never did growing up, but later my encounter with blacks who actively project hatred toward my skin color, made me aware of my skin color. It only ends, as Oprah stated recently, when that generation dies. I suggest that many in her generation may also wish to think hard about that statement and ask themselves (including me) : do we have to kill off a generation to make things right? Words have meaning. Would she see me dead in a mass kill off? Very simplistic for a filthy rich person.

  761. If anyone disrespects the office of the President of the United States, it is Barack Obama himself. If Oprah Winfrey thinks that the American people are racist then that would include not only White people but Blacks as well and everyone else in this country. That would also include Oprah herself if she considers herself to be an American. The reason why people have no respect fort Barack Obama is because he has shown nothing but contempt towards the American people and that includes even the Black. He has brought more shame to the Black people and to American people world wide. The sad thing about this whole mess is, the people who voted for Obama deserve all the BULL S#!# they get.

  762. Oprah, this bastard conned you and half of America. Don’t double down with the race card now. You are smarter than that.

  763. Oprah, only racists are thinking that. Most just don’t like Obama because of his lousy record across the board.

  764. That may be true, but for every one that disrespects him because he’s black, there are a thousand more that disrespect him because he’s an idiot…

  765. Oprah, you should be ashamed. With all the destruction this liar has done to this country, you have the gall to play the race card for his unpopularity. Maybe you and Sharpton should get together.

  766. Orca has it “blackwards” (deliberately misspelled for a reason… backwards not Orca).

    All whites hear from their racist black brothers and sisters is whitey this and whitey that (nword nword nword)… every other observation is “… because they are black” (is the ONLY excuse ever proffered by them for some screw-up no matter how small or monumental).

    What a bunch of useless garbage… is it any wonder blacks captured (slower not smart enough to get away) blacks and sold them to whom ever (to include other blacks) just to get them the hell out of their villages.

    I am sick and tired of (and having my children) being blamed for the abject stupidity of others just because we are not black… you make believe community organizers (disorganizers really) need to walk a mile in our shoes and stop pretending to have been slaves because NONE OF YOU HAVE BEEN, for generations now… grow up. Morons.

  767. I have to say, I have been doing this for years and I have NEVER seen a thread like this.

    Oprah Winfrey is the EPIC FAIL FROM HELL….

  768. People like “Oprah” are the reason racism isn’t going away! Why do blacks always have to think everything’s about them. Stop being insecure about yourselves. Do you see whites being racist everytime some black dude does something to a white person? Get real. I would have expected better from Oprah.

  769. Sure Oprah, and white racist Americans elected Barrack Obama President twice and made YOU one of the richest women in the entire world! I’m sick of these idiots saying we’re racist when we disagree with Obama’s Marxist-Socialist ideals.

  770. This is the typical “victim” mentality that the elitist libturds have. They all need to be brainwashed so let’s get them an appointment to get their enema with obummercare.

  771. How does the IDIOT (oprah) explain all the African-Americans who literally can’t stand the bastard either? Are THEY racist, too? What a manipulative creep Oprah is. What a joke. And obviously her intellect is NOT what most people believe, if she is so STUPID that she believes it’s about his race, because the same people who HATE obama, absolutely love Herman Cain, and Allen West, et al. Oprah is trying to manipulate people and bully people into silence by such comments. What a total douche.

  772. Oprah and others who rant about racism are the most ungrateful bunch I’ve ever seen.
    My ancestors fought with the Union to free slaves. 8 with the same last name were in one company. Only 4 came home, sick and crippled. They were poor and owned no slaves, but gave up their lives to free them. Now, can you African Americans who are something like 7th generation descendants of slaves shut up about it?

  773. Sorry, Oprah. The problem with criticizing Joe Wilson for calling Obama a liar is, he was accurate. ‘Just like so many other of Obama’s lies; obamacare, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, I.R.S., N.S.A., etc. Should I go on?

  774. American blacks are as a group far more racist than any other ethnicity in America.

    Yea, we’ve got racism and it’s doubtful it will ever go away, but there’s a reason 95% of blacks voted for Obama….and it’s not because he’s half white.

  775. OK, I am officially of mixed race since my maternal grandfather “passed” and I say that Obama is a poser. Am I a racist, Oprah, your royal majesty, who does nothing for black kids who live in the city who made you famous (Chicago) but you certainly siphon a wad over to that continent in the southern hemisphere for non-American black kids. How about I call you “Unamerican” or better yet, “a traitor to your country”?!!!!!

  776. They don’t like him because he’s ruining the United States. He does what he wants with no care about others. We are stuck with him and have to take whatever he dishes out. He’s also lied about EVERYTHING. So who can trust him?

  777. when will people quit saying he is african american? he is half black and half white. he is no more black than he is white. only the color of his skin is black. oprah is wrong. i don’t think it. and even if everyone was thinking it, oprah is part of everyone, so she must be thinking it too. his actions speak for themselves, it definately isn’t because he is ”black”.

    1. Here’s the wrinkle in the skin – pardon the pun.

      Obama wrote the book, Dreams of My Father – his real father who was a black African from Kenya.

      Obama identifies himself with African Americans.

      Obama leaped into the public eye’s when he was too quick to accuse the police of acting stupidly when they demanded to see a black professor’s identification – which was police protocol.

      Both Obama and Eric Holder consider black Americans to be their people.
      Obama said if he had a son he would look like Travon Martin.

      So, so there is no reason to not do likewise when it comes to identifying Obama as an African American.

      That said, I would praise Obama’s work if he strengthened to nation, reduced the role of government in our lives, stopped trying to regulate us at every turn, stopped taxing our earnings beyond our ability to exist – just to mention a few things that would put me in his corner.

      Once upon a time I thought Colon Powel would make a great president and then he reveled himself to be closer to Obama’s way of thinking.

      1. The only thing Oprah has really achieved is to make a whole generation of women feel poorly about their body shape thus encouraging eating disorders (remember, her Oprah Winfrey Show regularly centered itself on weight loss issues until she decided to try to get some of the business away from The Secret and the rest of the new agey gurus who were taking over her airtime). Her mantra seemed to be to women: Until you lose the weight and look like someone from a heroin den, you will never have career advancement, love, or any other satisfaction in life.

  778. I hate when people pull the race card. It’s just a cop out for the real issue at hand. Get real and get a life stop using this lame unproven statement over and over again.

  779. screw that please it’s because he’s the worst president in the history of our nation.. enough with the race card it worn out..

  780. Hey Oprah you fat cow.

    Why don’t you tell everyone about your secret program to kill their babies?

    Google: Oprah eugenics

  781. ‘Potentially Fatal ‘Knockout’ Game Targeting Strangers May be Spreading’

    Why don’t you talk about these animals opra? Or okra.

    1. <—– planet-x is enroute



      spread the word

        1. Planet X is not a real planet but a spaceship wherein the population are cannibals who only feed on uber liberal flesh. They are planning on coming within a safe distance of Earth and sending their ships to ravage DC, the Northeast corridor and if their officials are really ravenous, the Xers will then converge on California.

                1. It’s a good way to mess with him! 😉 I wonder if the mass of reality TV, History channel, and Discovery channel watchers today would be able to sit still long enough to watch let alone comprehend The Twilight Zone?!

        1. <——– you are in denial. i track planet-x our moon is trapped in planet-x's powerful gravitational field. america loses ww3 under obama

          REPENT TODAY




      1. Did the Heavens Gate people get off on the wrong planet, or comet? Bill you’re not gonna do what they did, are you?

        1. the anti-messiah come out of the bottomless pit=HELL

          planet x is a WRATH PLANET

          please see prophecy 72 planet- x

          amightywind d o t c o m

  782. Almost all blacks voted for leftist Obama. Everyone knows “tea party” refers to conservative whites or whites in general. That makes the racial attacks by blacks on whites more than just a hate crime. It is a political attack as well. Something that usually leads to all out civil war. We are well on the way already and people Oprah just encourage the violence.

    1. You don’t have to be conservative to be for the Tea Party. You just have to believe that the Government is too big, too expensive and too powerful; and that it no longer is the servant of the people, but now wishes to be the master of the people.

  783. Excuse for being clueless ,incompetent,liar,arrogant,egotist etc etc.Wonder how many white people will be loved with all this qualities..

  784. I’ll bet Oprah cheers every time one of the Obama supporters beats, rapes, or murders a “racist tea party” white. Like the “knock out game” videos on Youtube. Even downtown Des Moines Iowa has had whites beaten to death by black Obama supporters.

  785. The woman must be desperate to hold on to what she’s got. How many people are using their cable TV expanded channels to watch and listen to this tired old condescending know it all in touch with her spirit – arrogant fat old lady?

    Not too many.

    And so she has to pander to her base which she shares with Obama and hope those folks will have enough in their pockets to buy her book which most wouldn’t read if it were given to them for free.

    What ever happened to her side kick Stuff-el-man?

    There’s a guy with no shame – tags along with her to live a life of leisure in return for providing Oprah with the cover she needs to stay in the closet.

  786. Excuses for a failed President….that’s all it is and she’s partly to blame for our malaise…

    1. If she had any principles she would put her money where her very large mouth is and spend it on the poor – a lot of it – like 65% of it and she’ would still have enough to live like the Queen of Sheba.

  787. Not all Obama voters are ignorant racists …some are just ignorant, and some are just racists.

  788. Oprah has done more to promote racism by this comment. When blacks think they are entitled to a different level of criticism because of their skin color THAT is racism.

    1. ” When blacks think they are entitled to a different level of criticism because of their skin color THAT is racism.”

      And that has been the Liberal Black Community’s standard operating procedure going on 35 years at least.

      Liberal Black Community which is about 98.9% of the total number of the black community , unfortunately.


  790. I believe that respect has to be earned. Usually telling lies does not earn that respect. Respect for the nation as a whole has gone down the tubes because of his policies and lies.

  791. It’s racist liberals like Oprah that changed me from a liberal to a White Nationalist. It’s not about hatred, it’s about survival. Something rich liberals don’t care much about when it comes to us average whites. Somehow I doubt Oprah worries about being a victim of the “knockout game”. Or home invasion by Obama supporters. I’ll bet her guards are well armed with the same guns she wants to take from us.

  792. OOPS, New Comment Policy… shucks – and I thought I could say whatever I wanted…

  793. Little known fact: Oprah went to the same racist America hating, Black Liberation Theology, “church” that Obama sat in for 20 yrs, but I guess she doesn’t remember being there either.

  794. World community at large! Oprah or Obama and all that mess doesn’t speak for America. We’ve got some problems, largely communication, but these people don’t represent us at all. I’m personally familiar with Oprah’s family and she IS NOT particularly bright OR educated at all. Think Snooki. That’s about how bright Oprah is. She’s filthy rich but she’s a commoner and a lowclass buffoon.

  795. Hey, DOPE-RAH! Most Americans don’t like O’bamma because he’s a communist-moozlim, facist idiot – And many Americans dislike you because you’re a bigger fool and moron than you realize. I don’t really care if you’re purple, green, or blue – idiots come in all colors….

  796. If Obama supporters weren’t beating, raping, and killing whites perhaps we wouldn’t hate blacks so much. It isn’t because Obama is black, it is because our people are subject to violent racial attacks. Search web for “white girl bleed a lot” and “knockout game”.

  797. As Janeane Garofalo once infamously referred to all Conservatives …”Oprah is a white hating racist, straight up!” …Right back at ya Janeane!

  798. She had Al Sharpton on her show recently.
    Did he appologize for the Tawany Brawley episode.
    Did he offer to contribute/help pay for the judgment assessed.

    That should give everyone a hint of her concept of race relations.

  799. A State with No Republicans!”

    Very interesting…Note this. A US State
    with zero Republicans in office – The State of Illinois. Think about this.

    Some interesting data on the ‘state’ of
    Illinois… There are more people on welfare in Illinois than there are people
    working. Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the
    U.S. averaging $110,000/year. Their pensions average 80-90% of their income.
    Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what? Be sure to read till the end. I’ve
    never heard it explained better. Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago?
    Body count: In the last six months, 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago. 221
    killed in Iraq; AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire

    Here’s the Chicago chain of command:
    President: Barack Hussein Obama · Senator: Dick Durbin · House Representative:
    Jesse Jackson Jr. · Governor: Pat Quinn · House leader: Mike Madigan · Atty.
    Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike) · Mayor: Rohm Emanuel · The leadership in
    Illinois – all Democrats. · Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago. · Of
    course, they’re all blaming each other. · Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t
    any! ·

    Chicago school system rated one of the
    worst in the country. Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t any!

    >> State pension fund $78 Billion in
    debt, worst in country. Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t any!

    >> Cook County (Chicago) sales tax
    10.25% highest in country. Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t any!

    This is the political culture that Obama
    comes from in Illinois. And he is going to ‘fix’ Washington politics for us?

    >> George Ryan is no longer
    Governor, he is in the prison.

    >> He was replaced by Rob
    Blajegovitch who is that’s right, also in the prison.

    >> And Representative Jesse Jackson
    Jr. resigned a couple of weeks ago, because he is fighting to not be sent
    to…that’s right, prison.

    The Land of Lincoln, where our governors
    make our license plates.

    But you know what?

    As long as they keep providing
    entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except
    the state will go broke before the country does.

    “Anybody who thinks he can be happy and
    prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look
    at the American Indian.”

    Don’t forget Detroit another good

    Some of you might find these data
    interesting. ALL SHOULD.

    There are actually two messages here. The
    first is very interesting,

    but the second is absolutely astounding —
    and explains a lot!

    A recent “Investor’s Business Daily”
    article provided very interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations
    International Health Organization.

    Percentage of men and women who survived a
    cancer five years after diagnosis:


    England 46%

    Canada 42%

    Percentage of patients diagnosed with
    diabetes who received treatment within six months:


    England 15%

    Canada 43%

    Percentage of seniors needing hip
    replacement who received it within six



    England 15%

    Canada 43%

    Percentage referred to a medical
    specialist who see one within one month:


    England 40%

    Canada 43%

    Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic
    tool) per million people:


    England 14

    Canada 18

    Percentage of seniors (65+), with low
    income, who say they are in “excellent health”:


    England 2%

    Canada 6%

    And now for the last statistic:

    National Health Insurance?

    U.S. NO

    England YES

    Canada YES

    And check this last set of

    The percentage of each past president’s
    cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment
    to the cabinet…..

    You know what the private business sector
    is. A real-life business, not a Government job. Here are the percentages:

    Roosevelt………………. 38%


    ……………………… 52%

    Harding…………………….. 49%

    Coolidge…………………… 48%


    Roosevelt………………. 50%


    Eisenhower……………….. 57%

    Kennedy……………………. 30%









    Obama……………………….. 8%

    This helps to explain the incompetence of
    this administration: only 8% of them have ever worked in private business!

    That’s right! Only eight percent — the
    least, by far, of the last 19 presidents! And these people are trying to tell
    our big Corporations how to run their business?

    How can the president of a major nation
    and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history,
    stand and talk about business when he’s never worked for one? Or about jobs
    when he has never really had one? And when it’s the same for 92% of his senior
    staff and closest advisers?

    They’ve spent most of their time in
    academia, Government and/or non-profit jobs or as “community organizers.” They
    should have been in an employment line.

    1. Obama and his goons are not incompetent. They are doing this on purpose. Why is that so hard to grasp?

  800. I don’t respect Obummer because he LIES!

    Lying has nothing to do with ethnicity.

    “It is not the color of his skin but the content of his character” that forms my opinion!

  801. This cow ought to wake up from her stupor and realize two FACTS, #1 Obama IS NOT BLACK & #2 WHITE PEOPLE MADE HER RICH!

  802. Oprah is seriously ignorant of what is going on in the counrty. BHO has bankrupted the country and continues to allow the private Federal Reserve Bank to digitize 85 billion dollars every month. They have no exit strategy, which means that at some point in time our paper money will be worthless. BHO, as well as our elected Rrepresentatives and Senators, do nothing while the nation collapses around them. The Dem’s social programs, couppled with environmental regulations are killing business. The Chamber of Commerce, once a bastion of conservatism calls for amnesty for millions of illegal residents while millions of legal citizens cannot find work. BHO and the Dems want amnesty too. To say that I disresspect Obama because he is black offends me. I disrespsect him, along with Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Catherine Sebilious et.al because of their insane policies and their corrupt actions over the past 5 years. Obama is by far the least qualified individual to ever win the Presidency. And, having won it twice shines a light on the collapse of the educational system in this country. The voting public is embarrasingly illiterate when it comes to why this nation was founded, how it was founded and how it is supposed to operate. A Wa. St. Representative, Norm Dicks, once stated on a talk radio show that 85% of all legislation passed in DC was unconstitutional. He also stated that they could do that because no one really cared anymore. Well, screw you Oprah, I care. Barack Hussain Obama sucks, not because he is black but because he is an arrogant, ignorant putz that should be impeached because of his lies, crimes and coverups.

  803. Oprah,do we hate him because he is half black or half white. I think not. It’s because this egotistical smarter than everyone else provan liar is trying and I might say do a good job of destroying this country which is his goal.

  804. I believe Oprah and people like her are responsible for Obama’s downfall. A person as successful as her surely knows how to judge character, competence and experience, yet she helped to puff up the myth of Barack Obama. Why didn’t you back a black with the experience and intelligence to do the job? Why? Because Obama was the only black available at the time. Shut up, Oprah.

  805. Hey Oprah.

    Where is your outrage about the MILLIONS of people losing their insurance because of Obama?

    And all you have is the “race card”?

    America has had enough of this BS from terrorists like Oprah.

    1. HAHAHA! I literally burst into laughter when I read the word “terrorists”. Harsh.

      The race card is totally applicable in her argument, but for the opposite reason that she cites. Has she considered that he is president BECAUSE he is black? Disrespect for the office is healthy and has always been there, for a large variety of reasons.

  806. Oprah who did good things years ago has turned into a zombie follower of the little puppet emperor, (whose strings are pulled by puppet mistress Valerie Jarrett), simply because of skin color and like the little one, has near a 100% lack of credibility.

    Total failure is FAILURE and the more they yap, the deeper the hole that they’re digging grows…

  807. Living up to every negative stereotype will perpuate “racism” and after all, is it really racism if it’s true?

  808. What she means is ANYONE who dares question Obama is a racist. Of course Oprah is a black, anti-white, globalist loving bigot who thinks her audience is so stupid they can’t figure out she’s a complete sellout. She’s anti-American, anti-Constitution, and would like nothing better than to see this country run into the ground. She’s so stupid she doesn’t know that Obama is Mulatto, not black. He’s half black, half white. What an idiot.

  809. Oprah is one of the most racist people I’ve ever listened to. She calls anyone who doesn’t like Obama a racist… because he’s black. Never mind that he had lied everytime he opens his mouth. Is she saying that if you’re black it’s ok to lie? Is she really that stupid? Or is she just evil? I vote for the latter since she is vehemently anti-christ.

  810. As a President, Obama has shown an unprecedented level of contempt and disrespect for the American people.

    The American people have every right to return the feelings, and if the weak minded want to blame it on racism, so be it.

  811. Hey Oprah…. if it helps to know, I equally despise his 50% white part, too, but I can promise you…..it’s not because of his equally black half. Marxism and tyranny is a horrible thing to impose on a country. It’s color is irrelevant, the damage it does IS.

  812. People voted for Obama cause he is black. We are disgusted with him for his political beliefs and the very real harm he has done to MILLIONS of Americans. You Democrats ought to hate this jerk, because quite frankly he has destroyed your party.

    1. Yes, they voted for him because he is black. So they assume if you didn’t vote for Barack Obama, it was because he was black and therefore anyone who does not support him is a racist..

  813. only law abiding citizens should be allowed to vote. No vote for criminals, people on anyy kind of government assistance, people with criminal records, people not filed taxes, etc… How are they equal ?

  814. Oprah, what a loser you are ! People don’t hate obama because he is black. They voted for him because he is black. People dislike (why does it always have to be hate with YOU PEOPLE?) BMO because he is inexperienced and does not learn from his mistakes. He is a first class idiot. He is arrogant and believes good intentions come true. His foreign policy, green policy and health policy are all examples of his thinking and all are disasters. When will people like you learn to succeed on your own and not always use the crutch of racism ? At one time I respected everything about you. Call me a racist and I no longer think so.

  815. Oprah is a stupid cow if she thinks that! its the tyrannical way he is ruling! it is offensive and unconstitutional! it is also hypocritical from the way he said he would run his presidency. Alan Keys, Ben Johnson or Herman Cain would have each gotten my Vite AND been a better president!

  816. Wonder how the fatzzz Opie figures the inept, clueless prez got elcted twice if racism was the issue ? The tub of lard just can’t admit that her idol Obama is a total zero, a waste, the worst prez since Commie Carter..Oh you fatazzz POS, shut that piehole..No one cares about you. You’re a has-been POS.

    1. I quit watching her when a comment she made to a Christian in her audience proved she is anti-christ. She is helping to send millions to hell.

  817. No Okra, the level of disrespect for your bud Barry isn’t because he is black. It isn’t because he is a black president. It is simply because he is INCOMPETENT.

    In case your not privy to what has been going on lately, HE is the one who disrespects us, Okra.

    The way they passed that debacle of a health care law….
    The way he LIED to the American citizens about it….

    Sorry, but you will not be able to hide behind your blackness on this one. It is simply a story of an incompetent person, elected as president. So take that, Okra.

  818. Race baiting and guilt tripping whites because of slavery and past inequalities doesn’t work any more. More than 2,000,000 white Union soldiers fought to end slavery, and over 300,000 white Union soldiers died. Many whites marched with blacks during the Civil Rights marches of the 1960’s. I’m sick of being called a racist because I oppose the policies of a “black” president, who I feel will destroy the country I love. I’m tired of being called a racist because I oppose the black culture that is destroying its youth. I’m tired of the victim and blame whitey mentality that permeates black culture. African Americans are destroying themselves. Nearly half of all AA pregnancies end in abortion. 13,000,000 black babies have been killed through abortion since 1973. 8,000 to 9,000 blacks are murdered each year, 93% by other blacks. Black murder victims are most likely to be male (85%) and between the ages 17 and 29 (51%). It’s time for the black community to stop blaming everyone else for its problems, and start taking responsibility to turn things around. So Miss Winfrey, instead of driving a wedge between the races, I challenge you to use your influence, money, and bully pulpit to affect change in the black community. You probably don’t have the guts though, because we all know how that worked out for Bill Cosby.

    1. That ole race card has been used so many times they’ve had to overlay it wilh clear high strength epoxy to keep it from falling apart.

      Now they all have their own and they never leave home without it, trouble is the facts of life tend to get in the way of the rhetoric of the race card and folks are turning a deaf ear to the message.

      The vision that appears every time I hear a race baiting Jackson, Sharpton, Wrangle or Winfrey is that of a large sow wallowing in it’s own filth while blaming everyone else for how bad they smell.

  819. Dear Oprah, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  820. Poor old Oprah Winfrey. She simply does not know the facts.
    Barack Hussein Obama is 6.75% Kenyan black, not black African American.
    He has virtually no connection to the unfortunate black people who were
    brought to the Americas in the 1600’s.
    His blood line is also 43.25% Arab and 50% white.
    He is of mixed race, not all black by any means.

  821. “It’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” Oprah a Racist Mind Reader

  822. OK I give up….. it’s like trying to change leopard spots when it comes to fixed minds…… I’m glad most folks feel like I do and voted him in twice….

    1. Too bad you are voting purely because he is half black. Too bad you don’t look at his POLICIES and beliefs FIRST, because they SUCK for everyone. Except for Wall Street and the Unions.

      1. Dude, a lot of white people voted for him too,…. because he’s half black?…. or the better option of we had to choose from,…. you voted for Mc Cain and Palin,… and then Romney and Ryan…. most people did’nt-

    2. Then you are partly to blame for his downfall by helping to put him into a job that he is not competent to handle. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands of blacks that could handle the job. He is not one of them.

    3. Then you can take the blame for the fact that he is desperately trying to destroy this country. However, you and your family will also suffer as he brings it down on your heads. Your fun times will end when there are no more cell phones, or food stamps. I can only pray you have enough intelligence to wake up before it’s too late.

      PS… most folks don’t feel like you do… most folks know Obama was re-elected by rampant voter fraud when thousands voted more than once, or twice. That is nothing to be proud of.

    1. “the quality of the people who support him”? Are you kidding? It’s like the blind leading the blind… and they could see, but they refuse to see.

  823. When this dummy disagreed with Bush, did she declare herself to be racist?

    The cry of ‘racism’ always seems to crop up from those who are the most racist, themselves.

  824. Really, Oprah? Ever occur to you that people do not respect Obama because he is a habitual LIAR? And because he is a TERRIBLE president who is ruining this country?

    1. As long as the flipping guilt trip works. I am so far from racist it is ridiculous, I grew up with some real racism and people disagreeing with Oblidiot’s political beliefs is NOT racism.

  825. Racism! And here I thought it was his mendacity, obfuscation, corruption and incompetence. My bad.

  826. Yeah, it’s all because he’s black. The fact that he’s a Marxist and his presidency is a complete failure and people are far worse off than they were before per virtually any statistical measurement one could come up with has nothing to do with it.

  827. This is absolutely true, there is huge level of disrespect to the president, we were even talking about this a were ago right here in Europe, even Bush has been respected than this. 100% truth. I have all the necessary point to prove what am saying.

        1. well whatever, you guys live here in western countries and have taken the so called democracy and human right activities for granted by totally loosing ground for backing up your leaders . rather listening to countries like Russia, China etc thinking they are better than you country. you will see what will happen, keep it up.

          1. Honey, you just described the democrats in this country. They hate America, but love Communist regimes and Obama loves murdering muslims too.
            Of course, you folks there in Europe are being flooded with murdering muslims. Hopefully, you guys wake up too.

        1. Your entire post is all garble.
          Nice touch with the “twat” comment.
          Spoken like a true left wing misogynist.

    1. I know English isn’t your primary language, but I’m wondering if Earth is your primary planet.

    2. What is absolutely true is Obama, as a President, has an unprecedented level of disrespect for America.

      Do you think that might be a factor?

    3. Barack Hussein Obama deserves no respect as president of the USA. He has lied everytime he opens his mouth. He has consistently ignored our Constitution. He is lawless. He is trying to destroy this country by flooding it with illegal Mexicans that we can’t afford. He wants to give citizenship to these lawbreakers. I have no respect for him and anyone who does is not an American patriot, but a traitor.

      1. Patti,
        I must say u have made a great point but will be nice to be objective as well, we can’t just agree on everything I would not be happy with that as well but not to hate him as a person.

        1. Why shouldn’t we hate him as a person? He is evil.
          I hate Hitler as a person. Sometimes it’s the PERSON that is the problem.

  828. Hippoprah has nothing intelligent to say so she plays the race card. Her contempt for the little guy is well-documented. She is proof that money, especially that which is unearned, does not make one happy.

    I am glad she will not continue her cess-gene-pool via offspring. She is a miserable, hateful woman.

    1. even with the disrespect barry and moochelle have shown oprah, she still is playing the card…shameful.

  829. Shame on you Oprah. Obama himself disrespects the office of the President and he has done more damage to this country and her credibility to last a lifetime. You, who HAD been loved by people of all color are wrong and contributing to the problem which has been exacerbated by the most divisive president in this country’s history. STOP IT.

  830. The race card is standard operating procedure for both black, white and brown losers. Obama is just another loser who was groomed to be a puppet, starting with his father Frank Marshall Davis, who was a registered Leninist/Marxist communist activist. Oprah is just a high paid mouthpiece for this socialist, globalist movement…

        1. Absolutely. There was a reason Obama’s grandfather took him to see Davis on a regular basis.

      1. If you think the politicians as well as another well known group of globalist wanna-be’s who are black, brown and MOSTLY white don’t play the race card 24 hours a day you are deluded my friend. You have a very short memory when it comes to white domination by the greatest manifestation of Rome in history, the British-Dutch empire which devastated every indigenous group of humans on the planet. Their 17th century marriage from hell with the Vatican, forming the Crown corporation of plunder only served to feed the monster…

  831. Many people like Obama simply because they like him. In big time politics its that simple. I predict the next president will be Al Franken.

    1. Most people vote for Obama and defend him because they believe he is the first Black president… which is not true. Obama is just as white as he is black. Obama is the first mulatto president… and that is not a racist statement it’s just a simple fact of life.

  832. getting more and more post-racial every day …

    how about the blatant racist hate dumped on the tea party?

  833. WRONG! We, that would be halfway informed Americans which doesn’t include ‘low info bros, disrespect Obummer for the simple fact that he lies and has done it so many times he is either not quite RIGHT in the head or a communist. Of course you don’t get one without the other and he does come from within the Demon-crat party. Oprah is a classic case of too much money in control of too few brains. By the way, who died and LEFT her spokeswoman of anything?

  834. Oprah’s star has dimmed significantly since she left her show. Like other aging and irrelevant has-beens, she has to find controversy to keep her name out there. It is sad to see that she has joined the race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I was never a big fan, but she seemed level-headed. Guess it’s good she has left the limellight so we don’t have to hear this trash talk often.

  835. Both OW and BO are the racist. Easy fix. Don’t watch her on tv or movies. And never vote for him in anything else he chooses to run for. Eventually they will both go away.

  836. If only the dopey white women that this clown has a hold over, would open their eyes.

    It is a shame most women don’t have critical thinking skills.

        1. Not true. Yes, too many single women vote for the democrats and certainly most single moms because they expect the gov’t to fill in for the missing father, but many women are conservatives.

          1. The numbers don’t back you up.

            And denying the obvious truth is part of the problem.

            And you’re supposed to be one of the smart ones?

              1. I understand this, which is why I originally wrote “most” and not “all”.

                Now look at the actual facts and you’ll see Obama wouldn’t be President if it were not for white women.

                These are the facts, whether you like them or not.

                1. He also wouldn’t have been voted in if we could erase all the white men who voted for him.

                2. That is called a fallacy, whether you like it or not.

                  Many factors were involved in barack winning re-election. Claiming one of them as *the* factor is a desperate abuse of statisics.

  837. She’s made a billionaire by the people of this country and yet goes overseas and badmouths us. Too long ago for most of you, but rings a little bit how I felt about Jane Fonda at one point. This makes me sick!

  838. hey, I’m a female white, middle aged, who has absolutely no problem with blacks. my husband and I were avid fans of Herman Cain until the bottom fell out. even with his baggage, he’d have made a far superior prez to the slug that’s in office right now. Oprah, you have zero credibility these days. you just keep fawning over the p.o.s. in d.c. and keep playing your sad race card. what a dummy!

  839. The most racist people in America are African Americans – fact. To coin and old and well known adage: this how a house (person) attacks their brothers and sisters in the field. And this is how a field (person) develops resentment towards those in the house. Good Job Oprah, your stupidity is a credit to your profession.

  840. “It’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    The kind of thing that nobody says except the liberal media and the race baiters, like Oprah, who say it all day everyday.

    Other than that, nobody ever says it.

  841. Yeah, OK Oprah, so what? Lot’s of black people hate white politicians also. Get over it… move on… try having an original thought.

  842. The racism accusation is nothing more than a tool which is used to marginalize your enemy….in this case white people

  843. What Oprah doesn’t realize is that as those “Old White Racists” are
    dying off they are being replaced by La Raza racists and the Race that
    they look out for is not Black.

    Ever noticed how few if any Blacks work for companies owned by Hispanics? There is reason for that.

    To be fair the same is true for Asian owned companies. The reason for the very high Black unemployment rate is that the majority of new businesses formed in the last 5 years are minority owned. And, the Black hiring quotas are only enforced on White owned businesses.

    1. Mexico is very racist towards blacks. About 10 years ago Mexico put out a very racist stamp of a person in black face.
      Since 1995 the black population in LA has been cut in half because of the fatwa that illegal alien Mexicans have issued against blacks.
      MEcha is another racist hispanic group and they talk about the Reconquista and taking over the West (they really want the whole United States). They actually had in their preamble to their constitution that once their numbers were big enough, “the ethnic cleansing of the white and black man would commence”. Of course, most Mexicans have more white blood coursing thru their veins than anything else.

  844. Oh for God’s sake… BBC is no better than american news media. I speak from firsthand knowledge of a white Brit’s opinion of their minority brethren (black, muslim, indian, pakistani – pick one), which, according to the anglo brits, is now the majority and why so many of them flee their native land. but you won’t get any of them to ‘fess up! LOL

    1. The thing that makes it so egregious is not the fact that she badmouthed Americans, we get that all day long from the left over here, it’s the fact that she did it on foreign soil, just like the Dixie Chicks did. That, I and most Americans do not abide.

  845. “t’s the kind of thing nobody ever says ” …


    You just said it you dingbat

  846. Bubblebutt can’t miss a chance to fly in on her broom and race bait. Pres. Obowlmovement is a Marxis commie. Bent on dethroning God, destroy capitalism and rewrite history. He has lied beyond any politician in recent memory. His policies have crashed and burned. Benghazi was a tragedy that he and Hillary let happen with impunity. He has to wipe his mouth with toilet paper after every time he speaks. He has been floating around in the bowl long enough, time to flush.

  847. The only racist here is Oprah, slamming people and calling anyone that does not agree with the presidents ia racist. It is called Freedom of Speech. Where was she when people were calling George Bush, liars,idiot to name a few???? Oprah is all about Oprah…

  848. If Oprah is suggesting that dishonesty is a characteristic of being black then I would agree. I disrespect him cause he’s a liar not cause he’s black.

  849. It has never been about the color of someones skin I can give rats butt about that it don’t matter the thing is “Can he Do the Job he said he said he is going to do with out selling out hell- it is his job to side with the folks of the United States of America.No Matter what folks think of him he sign on twice He is suppose to be bigger then that He is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR PEAT SAKE’s to play Race card and you too, you got lots and lots of $$$ from no wears to some wears come on? and you did not get were your at by selling out your employees-you are smart and had a host of good advisers that’s how come that’s were you are at, its not about his Mom being white,or his Dad being who ever he is its about the scandals Look @ Richard M Nixon he got the Boot for wire tapping Bill Clinton For what he did With Monica he almost got the boot too and Bill was and is the Most Poplar PRESIDENT SINCE THOM JEFFERSON.it was his charictor what got him through it he did say poor me I am from Arkansa and I am white oh boo- hoo stop this playing that card AFTER ALL HE IS THE ONE WHO BOWED TO THE KING OF ARAN oR WHAT EVER
    HE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED SATES. My Grand Mom Told me a long long time ago “We paint our own picture in life” How do you want others to view your pic

  850. If Oprah is interested in racism perhaps she could do a show on Black teens knocking out strangers on the street or black flash mobs looting stores and passerbys. There is a ingrained tolerance and acceptance of street violence among blacks. Moving away from or condemning it is not racist. Our streets in major cities are turning into third world countries after years of trying to help blacks. Do you get thanks,no but only more bills and more guilt trips. Enough with black leaders afraid to confront their own culture.

  851. After living in Oakland, CA for many years I have come to see that disagreeing with any person of color (expect white) is an act of extreme racism in their minds.

    Oprah, the richest woman in the world looks like a fool buying into this caca! Thought she was smarter that this, but I was obviously wrong.

  852. She’s right. People like Farrakan, the New black puss–panther party president, Al shark-tongue, jesse jack’s son, Obama, Reverand Wright, etc. and the others need to expire and take their last breaths before racism can die, unfortunately for everyone there are new racists born every day.

  853. Oprah Winfrey is a racist POS. Most of her sob story about her childhood is just a pile of lies to gain pity (and piles of money) from stupid liberal women.

  854. Is she speaking of racists of all races, or just white races?
    Oh, I forgot! Only whites can be racists according to other races.

  855. Fools like her WISH it was that easy. I voted for Alan Keyes, for crying out loud (and I’d vote for Thomas Sowell TOMORROW if I could). This has absolutely ZERO to do with the color of the man’s skin.

    Although, as I fully expected, the prediction I made way back in 2007 has proven true time and again over the years…every time this man is criticized, there’s always someone so blinded by their “faith” they can only attribute it to sour-grapes, right-wing racism/bigotry because, after all, how could this figure embodying such Hope and Change ever be wrong about anything? Why, the only explanation for someone not falling to their knees in his presence HAS to be racism, right? It couldn’t possibly be legitimate political and philosophical differences, could it? No, of course not. Just racism. End of story.

    Now that some are opening their eyes to what many of us knew, and were saying, years ago, they’re faced with just two lousy choices (for them): either a) backtrack and admit they were wrong and foolish for blindly backing such an unqualified, untested (and questionable) person for the office, or b) lash out in all directions, determined to stick it out to the bitter end, carrying water/defending a proven dud and failure. Because to choose “a” means they were wrong (and/or stupid), and it’s just human nature to try and save face and not put yourself in a bad, weak position for others to mock or point out. So people like Oprah, the mainstream press, academia, Hollywood, tired old hippies, brain-dead college students who jumped on the Obama train with no real though behind it, etc. (all the people who’ve spent the past six years wearing out their kneepads at every opportunity) are all going to circle their wagons and opt for plan “B”, of course.

    There isn’t one damn thing that is “better” now than it was in 2007. But try telling that to Oprah and others like her, who can’t get past the very things they accuse everyone else of. I’m firmly convinced that some of these clowns would vote for/support this man under any condition…simply BECAUSE of the color of his skin, and absolutely nothing else!

    Yet they’re going to turn around and lecture others on “racism”?!

    1. “There isn’t one damn thing that is “better” now than it was in 2007.”
      Oh, except the stock market, the job market, the fact that Osama bin Laden is dead, the fact that the Iraq War is over, and that no one can be denied insurance because they have a pre-existing condition.

      1. LMAO. People are losing their health insurance. About 5 million so far. Next year, once the employer mandate kicks in, most of the rest of us will lose our insurance. There have been several ppl on the news recently that were in the middle of cancer treatments who just lost their health insurance because of Obamacare. Obamacare is MUCH more expensive than private health insurance.
        It has been good for O’s buddies though. Did you know that for every dollar O’s big donors gave him, O turned around and gave them $20,000s of our tax money? That was what the Stim-u-LESS bill was all about. Taking the middle class’s money and giving it to his buddies. That is what that “green energy” was all about too. Giving our money to his buddies under the guise of green energy.

      2. Is that it, the full extent of your list? Because I think I can at least triple that with the negatives/downsides that occurred since 2008…

        You may be right, but all but one of those could’ve happened under anyone (I don’t think the President waved a special magic wand, or that any of those were brought about by any special, unique Obama-ness he may possess).

        I think he enjoyed some fortunate timing, more than anything. And God knows he’s had more than enough help from certain institutions and sectors (a friendly, supportive press, chief among them, who’ve done nothing but accentuate the good and downplay the bad – a complete 180 from the coverage of the previous administration).

        As for the last one, I wouldn’t go around being too sure about much of anything as it relates to the ACA. So far, very little, if anything, about it has panned out in the way it was presented and sold. Every day/week, it seems, there’s another “gotcha!” (that should’ve been brought to light and talked about several years ago, had the press been doing their job). I think it’s safe to say that the jury is still out on this one. Get back with me in another year or two and we’ll see how things are going and make a truer evaluation at that point. And if I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it and apologize.

        Fair enough?

  856. Obama is a radical socialist, a parasite, a racist and a liar. His skin color doesn’t matter now does it when he is all of this.

  857. Oprah…hunny…
    I could give a hairy rodent’s rectum less, if Mr Obama were purple, with pink polka dots. I see the garbage he spews, the incredibly anti-middle class American policies, which ooze from his administration, and the race baiting, which has marked his time in office, more than any other president, in living memory. These things and others disgust me, wayyyy more than anything superficial, like the color of his skin. If anything, I would suggest that it is you, and Mr Obama, who, assuming that anyone who disagrees must see only his skin, are the racists.
    IF (big IF) I were racist, I would absolutely adore Mr Obama, as a highly successful Judas goat. After all, under his administration, “minorities” (mainly Americans of African descent) are doing MUCH worse, financially and socially. Ditto, as far as education goes. He (and YOU, for supporting him) is doing more, to destroy out black brothers, sisters, and neighbors, Than anyone I can think of, in the past 40-sum years. Black America, if they were awake and aware, should be storming the White House, demanding that he immediately leave office, before their communities, families, and education system completely go down in flames. If so many of them, who have allowed themselves to be shackled, by government dependency and envy of their hard-working, better-off neighbors, were awake and aware of the crimes being committed against them, by those who dangle the government “freebies”, race baiting, and a culture of can’t-do, they would be in the streets, before morning.

  858. What a bunch of BS…what color has to do with ideology? a communist is a communist regardless his color

  859. Kennedy was disrespected. Every president during their time in office was disrespected for one reason or another. Our president disrespects his predecessor. just like he disrespects the American people. He never balanced his household budget but people expect him to balance the nations.How can you look at a nation whose people are only able to find part-employment and are being forced to perchance healthcare at unreasonable rates or go to jail. The government is cutting benefits to the truly needy.In order for the government to stay open.That has nothing to do with the color of his skin but his character.But, you think it is because he is black. Maybe you spent to much time in Jeremiah Wrights church. I do have to ask when you made that comment in Joel Olsen s church when you saw all different races worshiping together. How it surprised you. What was you vision of what heaven would look like.It would surprise you that we are all in this together and because of school integration no one notices skin color anymore. Except you all the time and we are getting tired of it.

  860. You would think that the Black community in this country after their ancestors suffered slavery and segregation, would be the most vocal about not losing ANY freedoms that they worked so hard to gain. You would also think they would be the ones that were the greatest champions of not become enslaved to the Welfare Plantation!

    You would also think they would be the last group of people on the planet that would trust the Democrat Party that gave them slavery, Jim Crowe, KKK, segregation, discrimination, the welfare plantation.

    Republicans NEVER passed any law that denied Blacks any liberty. The Republican party was created as an Abolitionist/Freedom Party. Republicans amended the Constitution to abolish slavery and gave freed slaves the right to vote. They protected them during reconstruction against the KKK until the Democrats regained power in the South and instituted their oppression of the rights Republicans won for freed slaves. Republicans opposed Democrat President Wilson who segregated Government employees. Republicans integrated the military and supported the Civil Rights amendment. And yes, they opposed Democrat reverse discrimination because two wrongs don’t make a right.

    But yet the Black community continues to support the Democrat socialist/Marxist march to take more and more of our freedoms away! What is Obamacare but taking freedom away from all Americans of All races by demanding you buy something whether you want it or not!

    As the First “Black” President, what has he done to improve Black employment opportunities or stop the gang violence that terrorizes Black communities more than Al Qaeda could ever dream? No he has done nothing! He has paid more attention to helping Syrian Al Qaeda Rebels than the terrorism in the black community brought about by thug gangs!

    And to oppose Obamacare, you are called a Racist? Oprah should study Frederick Douglas, B.T.Washington, and others and realize she is in bed with the Slaver party!


    And the slick Demorats say Nixon’s southern strategy has made Republicans the Racist now. Typical Democrats deflecting from their horrible past. Nixon’s southern strategy was about getting pro defense, anti socialist/communist votes from the conservative south. The Democrat party at that time was against the cold war and leaning Marxist. Nixon never proposed any legislation to deny blacks any equal treatment before the law. But with a compliant liberal media, how easy it was for them to project the Democrat Party’s past on Republicans.

  861. She only voted for him because he was black. So why is it ok for her discriminate but not someone else?

  862. When the sky starts falling, pull out the old race card. Obama, as we all know, is a liar. He says things he thinks we want to hear but has no intention of ever following through. He didn’t know, etc. As for Oprah, I often wonder how far she would have gotten if she herself wasn’t black. She wouldn’t come out and support his Obamacare. Maybe because Michelle banned her from the White House. I firmly believe the only reason she supported him in the first place IS because he’s black. Guess that makes her the racist.

  863. Why was it never called being racist when black people made rude remarks about Pres. Bush?
    That was called comedy or being against his policies.
    It’s the same for white conservatives. I couldn’t care less what color or religion he is. It’s his policies and the direction he wants to take this country that I have a problem with.
    It’s time to get past the race baiting and try to fix the problems here.

    1. “Why was it never called being racist when black people made rude remarks about Pres. Bush? ”
      Gee, maybe because Bush wasn’t the first white president in a nation that has historically been dominated by black men?

  864. Oprah is so wrong–and a racist herself. People are critical of Obama because he’s a creep and a liar. Just because he’s black doesn’t mean he is above criticism. Stop the racist remarks, Oprah. Actually, the most racist Americans are blacks.

  865. Tiresome and incredibly dishonest, isn’t it? Everything is either racist or George Bush’s fault. Or both.

  866. Yet ANOTHER black racist.
    Yes, and everybody hates YOU, Oprah Winfrey,
    because YOU are black, RIGHT?!?
    You AREN’T the richest woman of ANY color on Earth?
    You AREN’T respected by MILLIONS?
    You DON’T have a billion-dollar business?

    Wow, it took me, Joe Schmoe, about TWO SECONDS
    to trash your theory. Why don’t you just admit the obvious, Oprah?
    That Obama is a CLOWN in a job which is WAY OVER HIS HEAD.
    The JUNIOR SENATOR FROM ILLINOIS just doesn’t have the experience
    or connections to get anything done right.

    Oh, except for all the GLOBAL SPYING he has done.
    THAT is running perfectly. Great internet ability there.
    But when it comes to OUR HEALTHCARE, naaaah, just hire
    MICHELLE’S CRONIES to botch the website job.

    Because THAT is the smart thing to do.
    Hire your FRIENDS when you get into office, and watch them FAIL MISERABLY.
    Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, Atlanta …..

  867. A lot of racists claim that blacks fail in positions of authority, and that they lie a lot. Seems to me Obama is exactly what they said he would be and is doing exactly what they said he would. So what do we make of this ? Are the racists wrong because their idea is ugly but true ?

    1. They are wrong because people from all racial, ethnic, political, and cultural groups fit that negative description while competent people with integrity do as well.

  868. I’m so sick of Oprah. pissing on her own country while that same country elected a Black Man for President twice. I guess she doesn’t mind taking that dirty money from white people though. what a phoney!

  869. It is time to quit being defensive about this. Why, Oprah, did you originally become such a great supporter of Obama. Was it the plethora of skills he brought to the President’s office, or was it because he was black. If it was the latter, then YOU are the racist!! And, worse yet, apparently you are not honest enough to admit it,

  870. Yeah, As if the IRS targeting of conservative orgs, the lies about Benghazi, the doubling of our nat’l debt, and the disastrous rollout of the ACA are untouchable topics because he’s a white black.

  871. You can keep riding the “race” horse if you want, Oprah, but it’s on its last legs. We critics were just as tough on Bill Clinton—hell, we impeached him. Your side was even tougher on George Bush. Are blacks ready to join the big leagues or are they always going to counter criticism by playing the race card? That’s really your decision. BTW, this racist country has been pretty darn good to you, my friend.

  872. When I look at people I don’t see color, however blacks bring it up so much it is hard not to. I will never watch or support a network she is associated with again and lady it has nothing to do with color it has to do with who you are as a person. I voted for Obama the first time but im willing to admit to my mistakes!!!

  873. Sooner or later, King Obama is going to wake up and realize that he has been used as no other president could be used. This administration knew he had no experience and knew most people would not attack him because they fear being called a racist. When and if he eventually figures out that he is only a puppet in an empty suit, what do you think his reaction will be? He looks terrible and the pressure of lying constantly and getting caught constantly will finally get to him. How pitiful! some people will sell their soul for a chance like he had. I’m sure he is realizing what they are doing to him. Just think what history will record about this man. This administration is excellent at achieving their goal. He should fess up and get to hell out of there before he cracks up! He has made a laughing stock out of America. The world has lost all respect for America and the American people. God help us get him out before it is too late.

  874. I do not hate anybody but, I do hate lies,dishonesty,corruption and these are his main qualities.If he had being white, I wouldn’t feel any different, if this racism so be it.

  875. I personally hate the Kenyan not b/c he is a mulatto or colored, but b/s he is satanically possessed and bent on breaking the spine of Christendom and Judaism.

  876. Go ahead lady. Keep offending Americans who dislike Obama’s communist policies….by telling us we are really racists. Oprah …You offend me! How dare you accuse us of racism when we object to policy…and you twist it around. You say “there is no question……” WRONG. Your entire premise is wrong.

  877. If I wasn’t racist before, I am sure getting that way. I have never seen such hatred towards white people from black people. Obama’s coming to power has exposed the deep reality that exists in this nation. FU Oprah, and the trainwreck you’re promoting.

    1. I have not seen such division since the Watts riots and the Rodney King riots. You can blame it all on people like 0prah and 0bama

  878. Maybe the reason he is so disrespected is because he disrespects so many Americans. Maybe if he didn’t blame anyone but himself he’d have more respect. Maybe if he didn’t play golf when he should be working with congress he’d get more respect. Maybe if he’d listen to those who voted for him he’d get more respect. Maybe………..

  879. No, Oprah, it’s his POLICIES that we abhor. The color of his skin is irrelevant. I wouldn’t like his policies if he was white, green, orange or purple either.

  880. It’s clear now all the blacks that disliked Bush (must have been because he was white) were simply just racist. That’s why they think this way.

    1. Exactly. They only voted for 0bama/Soetoro because of the color of his skin. MLK would not have voted for 0bama/Soetoro and would have instructed others to abandon him as well

  881. When it’s not lookin’ too good for the clown in the WH, all the leftists with access to media start playing the race card……surer ‘n s***, they must be some worried.

  882. Chief of Staff:
    Mr President. They did not swallow your explanation about your Healthcare promise. Nor do they buy the “fix” and see it as a delay until the 2014 elections are completed.
    Mr President, we see but one card left to play. We must go Nuke and employ the Race Card, and you will need to kiss Oprah’s huge A ss because we need her to deliver it! I know you were hoping to play the card on immigration, but the situation demands we act now to divert attention!

    President: Can’t we attack some country, like Syria?

    CoS: No, remember they did not buy that one either and there is that little thing about the Rebels being Al Qaeda and chopping off heads.

    President: Well what about attacking Iran?

    CoS: No, remember you have already given Iran what they want and sold out Israel.

    President: Ok, lets do it, get Big butt on the phone! Where is a good Hurricane in this country when you need one!!!

  883. You dumb bitch. It’s not because he’s black, it’s because he’s cancerous to this country. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse after Bush’s 8 yrs, this ahole Obama does and drive this country in to the ground. Once again we were fed false promises and continue to suffer for generations to come.

    1. BTW resorting to name calling is something libs like to do. I agree with your post but lowering yourself to their standards does not help the matter.

    2. you are correct of course, Obama is a catastrophic president, but your name calling and cursing, erodes our position. no one ever won a debate by sounding like a drunken sailor

  884. Oprah Winfrey, who is apparently a blatant racist, would have 0 money if American’s were racist. Obama wouldn’t be president if American’s were racist.

    Always the “There’s no question…” from the black racist bunch to rationalize their own racism.

    What there is no question about, is that every time a black person opens their mouth about white racism, they are promoting black racism against whites.

    I wonder how come she doesn’t talk about how blacks are doing way worse under this, the worst President ever BY FAR.

  885. Get a new excuse for all of your shortcomings woman………..this one is LONG out of date…..this affirmative action clown is playing president only because he IS black, period. He is no more qualified or prepared to be president than he is to be a rocket scientist or CEO of a Fortune 500 company. He’s allowed to play president to fulfill some misguided social experiment by DWL’s(disingenuous white liberals). He could have done many things to dispel the so-called ‘stereotypes’ but instead he’s confirmed nearly all of them. So in a way I guess your tired excuse DOES have some merit since anyone with over a room temperature IQ could have predicted the outcome of this expensive game.

  886. Americans are beginning to get sick and tired of having the race thing thrown into their faces all the time. Was she as concerned when the left was calling for George Bush’s death? Just because Obama is a total failure, it has nothing to do with his color and more with his lack of respect for our constitution and his divisiveness as well his lack of qualifications..

  887. He’s HALF “African American” you stupid b***h. Blacks are the most racist people out there. Let’s turn this around and say that black people who dislike the president dislike him bc he’s just half black instead of their preferred 100%. My guess is MLK would be disgusted by you and would want nothing to do with divisive racist frauds such as yourself.

  888. Oh Oprah !! Really who is really the raciest? You and most blacks
    Try going to Russia and say that
    Putin and his countrymen will laugh
    Their asses off, you should now down to white people we are the ones that gave you a chance to
    be free

  889. I am not against Obama because he is black, I am against Obama for what he is doing with the country I love. He needs to get it back to basics, back to moral conduct, and listen to the people he is suppose to be working for. I also hate people who tell lies, and don’t investigate things that have gone wrong, such as Benghazi, IRS spying, etc.

  890. I have no doubt that there are still small minorities of small minds that “disrespect” obama because he’s black… but it also takes a small mind to continue to respect / give a allegiance to / continue to defend (or whatever you want to call it) a president that is just doing a “plain old cra ppy job” at being president / leader, regardless of his skin color.

    It appear the latter far out number the former

  891. Oprah, I stopped listening to you years ago. Your racism began showing itself long before Obama! You are one of the “fooled ones”… You have proved you are not as intelligent as I once thought you were.

    1. I watched O for years until the “no makeup” show. Imagine my suprise when I realized O is just a chubby card reading raccoon.

  892. I respect those that live their lives truthfully. (Not Barry S.)
    I respect people that admit they’re wrong and apologize for the exact thing they did or said wrongly. (Not Barry S.)
    I respect leaders that have the INTEGRITY to put their whole lives on the line when running for office. (Not Barry S.)
    I respect those that suffer the consequences of their actions. (Not blaming others, like Barry S. does)
    I respect those that fight for their country whether they are on the battlefield or in the chambers of Congress and Senate. I do not respect Barry S. that consistently and frequently uses Americans as a gauntlet to protect himself, i.e. Benghazi, Trinity Church, Passport office, IRS, Social Security, etc.

  893. I disrespect Michelle because she is a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging cross-dressing Chris Rock look alike… and I am ashamed to have these feelings. Ok, no I’m not.

  894. I respect many conservative black people, but the liberals (black or white) are deceivers of a scale that is beyond comprehension. Their mouth’s spew forth lie upon lie.

  895. Oprah, Obama has been disrespecting the Constitution and the American People as long as he has been President.
    And you and rest of the Liberals/Democrats disrespected President Bush and the Office of President from 2000-2008.
    So … how do you Left-Wing-Nuts like Payback?

  896. Wow, Yea that will make all okay! lets all move to a place where we quit labeling people and get to that place where like I, if you are willing to fight and die for America as one nation, you should have the privilege to an American and race isn’t the issue but the cause of its greatness.

  897. Americans are so racist they elected Obama twice and made Oprah one of the wealthiest women in the World.

    1. Yet…they keep pounding away. it’s just a competition. Those who try to fill the vacuum in their souls with money and power will use any advantage they can get.

  898. Oprah, you’re full of crap. Obama is an even bigger piece of crap and his (and your) skin color has nothing to do with it.

  899. Strange how there was no mention of the racism because 0Soetoro was ‘black’ when all those people voted for him.
    0prah, you’re an idiot.

  900. Barry is black…who da thunk….they are the ones who keep pointing it out….all this time I thought I hated him becasue he was a lying narcissistic socialist…..

  901. Yea, America is SO racist that a majority of us voted for a black president, TWICE! And we’re so racist that all those lonely white women watching her show made Oprah a very rich woman.

  902. We hate him because he’s a Marxist-Socialist. The color of his skin never even entered into it.

  903. Both races disrespect him for being a liar, a thief and a traitor. The
    only people who respect him are the racist in the black caucus. Look
    what he has done to the black youth, he has taken the jobs away from
    them they could have had in small business and made them racist. Obama
    only loves himself. 100 million dollars for a vacation trip to Africa.
    The liberal professors he had classes under created Obamastien to
    destroy this nation and they will stand accountable for it, one day.

    1. Don’t forget Bowie University, Obama Care has caused those students to lose their health insurance.

  904. I don’t like Oprah personally or the way she makes her living. She’s a bore. W/o the race card, she’d have nothing to say. That play has been worn out since 1980.

  905. I’m sorry Oprah, I don’t respect the president because of his actions. That does’nt make me a racist.

  906. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    NOPE. Maam, you are so full of it. He is disrespected because he is a Socialist Elitist. He has done nothing for the black community except rile them up because of his gay agenda. All said and done, Bill Clinton was a much better President than people give him credit for. If he could have controlled his hound dog impulses he would have even more respect.
    If racism is so rampant in the United States, how did you come to be a very powerfull person?

    1. Clinton sold dual use nuclear technology to the Chinese. They were able to jump 50 years in their nuclear weapons program. Thanks to that, China now has long ranges, nuclear tipped, balistic missiles pointed at all of our major citiehat is treason. Clinton also accepted campaign cash from the Chinese. ILLEGAL.

  907. I don’t disrespect Barry, I dislike him intensely and not because he’s black, but because he is the worst president to date. And p.s. Oprah, you’re an idiot.

    1. oprah, you got famous because??hmm why?? you endorsed this loser president? not happy? take a page from barackus and blame whitey?

  908. So Oprah who was put into the limelight by the white audience has decided to stoop low and play the race card??Does she forget that it was the white voter who also supported fascist Oboombo into office? That she would play the race card shows how shallow she really is and I urge everyone who turned her on to turn her off.

    1. she is lower than low…she pulled this garbage before she was in chicago..when she was in baltimore she went into a dress shop after jogging to try on a 1000 dollar dress, when the store said no she cried racism..no oprah, it was because you were disgustingly sweaty
      elites like her dont and never will get it

      1. Oprah was always using her race to blackmail others to support her much like fascist Oboombo did and the population fell for it. Now that she has become a billionaire and Oboombo now occupies the highest office in the land and no longer need the popular vote,, they both are showing their true hatred for whites. The fools that supported either of them will never learn. Beware of those who cry “wolf” to often.

      2. She like her commie friend Oboombo used the white population (who are stupid enough to fool) to gain their positions. now they have succeeded in gaining them, their true racist hatred for whites and this country come out. Thanks to the morons in this country who put them both in power. They want respect?? Respect has to be earned and neither of them has earned it and will never earn it.

  909. Oprah is 100% right. If Obama was named O’Johnson and was white, he would get nowhere near the same criticism. Jimmy Carter made a lot of the same mistakes as Obama but no one put the same heat on him. A lot of people are angry that an educated Black Man is president.

        1. creative would be thinking how bad the president is at his job..color no matter,,,the mainstream press takes it easy on him, only in the reality of the people, regular americans, does he get really get any heat about his performance
          Obama is he is worse than Carter,? time will tell,,and by the way, Carter did not get nearly the schlacking he deserved as a poor president until he made the malaise speech
          obamas biggest issue is that he lies, and thinks that we don’t remember what he said and he thinks, arrogantly, that when he makes a speech, no matter here or overseas, then the problem is fixed..(see Egypt, Healthcare, the economy)
          maybe in his arrogant world, but not in reality..now let him return to a vacation or his golf game

    1. Is it possible that we see his policies and disagree with them? Because I disagreed with Clinton the same way and he was white. I also LOVE Dr. Sowell and Walter Williams and they are black. Is it possible that I just don’t like his policies or do I have to be racist?

    2. Jared, if Obama was a white chap named Magic O’Johnson his silly white butt would never have gotten elected in the first place, because folks would have seen by his paper-thin resume that he was not qualified and after studying his public pronouncements would have realized his beliefs were so far left he was in fact a Socialist. So he is really lucky to be half black. But the rest of us aren’t because we are stuck with him for another 3 and a half years.

      1. He voted “present” in Chicago as a Senator to leave no record on purpose. It worked, he is now President.

      2. maybe he will let the white half straighten things out in the next 3 years .. Doubt it though ..

    3. One BO is mixed race not completely a black man, two Jimmy Carter was blown away for reelection by Reagan I would say that’s punishment for being the worse president of his time.

    4. You are so wrong young man. Any why is it that he is considered African American when he is equally white. Why does he himself and everyone else identify him as a black man. He did have a 100% white mother. It is his policies that people dislike, not the color of his skin. I, for one, very much liked Herman Cain and I also very much like Dr. Benjamin Carson because of their philosophy and they are also African American. It’s all about instilling the proper values and work ethic in the American people that Obama has failed to do. He wants to turn this nation into a socialist country and that’s not what America was founded on.

    5. You dumb ass ,, everyone YELLED about carter… He’s been the worst president till the blackberry took over an made cater look like he was real smart ..Cause the blackberry is so much more that BAD .. He’s ten times worse than carter .. And by the way , after all that yes he’s black. oopps and white I here tell ,, you could never tell he had any white in him .. He acts like he’s all black ,,

    6. It would be worse. the wet media would be against him, or her. Look what they did to Sarah Palin.

      1. Media is one thing, people are other. The media loves Obama but the people do not. For the record I think Palin is a nice person and honest but I did not think she was good enough to be vice president.

    7. Jared, honest to goodness, you truly have been deceived and brainwashed, haven’t you? First of all, Oprah hasn’t been correct about anything in a lonnnnnng time! If you think Jimmy Carter has not and still does not take “the same heat” as Obama, you have got another think coming. We, white republicans and independents, are not angry because the president is black(actually he is 50% white, approx. 7% African and approx. 43% Arab), we don’t like democrats(for sooooooo many reasons) and we still believe he did not “win” the presidency legally! By the way, I heard the name Draheim the other other day, did you have a relative that made the news one time?

    8. really? Posted by you 3 days ago:

      Jared Draheim • 3 days ago

      Stop believing the Jews’ lies.

      So, who’s the racist?

          1. Ever heard the phrase, “The Jewish People”? Sounds like an ethnic group to me. What is your degree in, making a fool of yourself with your own racist comments?

              1. then go to Moveon.org or MSNBC and get a job regurgitating the garbage you evidently take as gospel. Try thinking for yourself instead of believing the lies you’ve been told all your life.

                1. I don’t like MSNBC since they fired my favorite political commentator, Keith Olbermann.

    9. also Jared
      there are PLENTY of great African Americans from the republican side that could be GREAT presidents
      Alan Keyes
      Michael Steele(met him on several occasions, great guy, loves America)
      JC Watts
      Herman Cain
      to name a few,,,
      they don’t cater to the “america is bad” crowd, instead they believe success comes from individual efforts
      Barack has set back our country 50 years

      1. No he has not. He has repaired some of the economic damage from Mr. W’s efforts and has revolutionized our broken health care system so that more people can see a doctor. That is progress. That is success.

        1. You, sir, are a drone. I guess you don’t know about the millions of citizens who’s healthcare plans have been cancelled in the last month? Repaired economic damage? I think it’s fair to say your “college degree” isn’t in economics.

        2. Jared, Jared
          the economy is far from being repaired
          all the trillions of stimulus is but a temporary band aid before the collapse of the dollar

          please stay away from the propaganda coming from MSNBC
          go to Zerohedge.com
          go to a non partisan site that bashes bad policy, no matter what party does it
          I will pray you see the truth
          also, the only man to truly worship is certainly not obama
          it is the king of kings, Jesus

        3. Really? Why don’t you go back to the main page of this website and look at the video that was just posted. This black college has had to drop health insurance BECAUSE of Obamacare. Obamacare is designed to put insurance cos out of business and herd us all on to gov’t run healthcare. My mom can’t get a mammogram next year because of the rationing in Obama care.
          You should look at the video of Dr. Janda. Just look up “Dr. Janda Obamacare”. He talks about the death panel and how he will be thrown in jail if he goes against the death panel.
          You are blinded by skin color.

    10. So you don’t have a problem with 5,000,000 people losing their health care insurance, or that many millions more have seen their rates quadruple because of Obama.

    11. Educated??? An educated Activist who got USED by the LIB establishment to SELL their agenda to america. and who’s now USELESS, embarASSed, & apologizing. like the FOOL he is, was, & always will be. there is no COLOR for STUPID. He got USED, that’s how smart he is. He maks NO decisions, his cabinet ( Valerie Jared, etc) do. he was promoted for the DEMS, b/c as HARRY REID said, “he speaks eloquently for a Negro”. Why ain’t you black RACISTS jumping on REID, from day 1? He got a pass, or something. Educated? On paper, i guess. Smart (black) man? No, a fool who’s played like a fool.

    12. Educated? He had such poor grades he barely passed in College and that’s why he’s so ashamed of showing his transcripts

    13. Jared, I’ll somewhat excuse your ignorance because you apparently are still an idealistic, naive youth. I just hope for your sake you grow the hell up before you’re sucked inescapably into the liberal abyss.

      “Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”
      ― Winston Churchill

  910. Pathetic…
    I thought she would be able to recognize incompetence.
    He had NO life or job experiences to qualify him for the job.
    People just wanted to believe…believe that he could take them to the promised land.
    But that ship sailed a long time ago.

  911. Oprah . . . . YOU support Obama, do you! . . . . only drones and morons . . . you know where you fit in . . . THE REASON is we don’t like liars and cheats . . . GET IT! Obama has surrounded himself with them . . . since he is one.

  912. By the way the main reason she and most others that voted for him was his race or whites who want to make amends for injuries inflicted 150 years ago .

  913. She proves she is by her comments. It’s IDEOLOGY & PHILOSOPHICAL difference! I disagree with whites that have BO IDEOLOGY so what is that called Oprah? @ttechsan

    1. A lot of white people worship this guy also, he got a complete pass from the white MSM press.

  914. Some do, to be sure, but the word “many” can only be used to describe those who hate him because he’s a communist/socialist who’s policies threaten to destroy the very fabric this country was built on. Oprah, Spike Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson… Now THOSE are racists. Now what was it she said has to happen for racism to disappear?

  915. What does Oprah have to say about all the young black Christian ladies that are posting on You Tube about Obama? If you go there and search “Obama dreams”.
    Half the posters there having horrific dreams/nightmares about the President are young black Christian ladies. Many of them originally voted for Obama and they are not Tea Party. What about them Oprah?

  916. There are two kinds of racism: regular racism and liberal racism. The first kind is when a majority group treats a minority group with contempt; the second is just the opposite. They are both equally hateful and prejudiced, but with liberal racism there is an added insult. People that engage in this type of hate-mongering feel justified in pushing their racist opinions on others – out loud, everywhere and all the time. They feel they are “entitled” to attack the beliefs of members of the majority because of the self-righteous nature of liberal racism (also called political correctness). In fact, all they are doing is making a bad situation worse.

  917. Blah blah blah
    race card ! Race card
    And so what, doesn’t everyone have the right to choose,,,
    Such LOOSERS

  918. NO we disrespect Obama cause he’s a CON MAN both the black and white sides of him.. a low life THUG from CHICAGO,.. and I can say that cause I am from CHICAGO.. ALL politicians are THUGS and LOW LIVES in the great (HaHa) city,

  919. My disrespect for this president is based purely on his radical far-left progressive policies that have proven time and again to be disastrous for this country, so shove that nonsense up yours Oprah.

  920. Totally wrong!!!! We disrespect him for a multitude of reasons ,none of which is his race..Here is a short list of reasons .

    He is the prince of lies.

    His main goal is the death of the destruction of the Constitution .

    His hatred of white people.

    His affiliations with Communists,thieves, and cheats.(to mention just a few),

    His appointment of Holder as atty, gen..

    His refusal to provide any information about his back ground.

    His dealings with Resko.

    His handling of Ben Gazi.

    His arrogance

    His taking abuse of the perks of office.

    His total lack of candor..
    His dealings with unions
    His waste of billions on “Green Fantasies”
    His refusal to accept responsibility .for “Fast and Furious”
    His vicious revenge against opponents.
    His refusal to admit knowledge of all miscues of his administration.

    This list would be too long to continue.My point is that no one needs to dislike this person for his race.I’m sure there will be comments about previous Presidents committing each of these acts ,but I doubt any one could name one who committed. as many.
    It is way past time to impeach..

    1. Not so sure that he hates white people…..wait….no, it’s the money that they have that he loves. Yeah

  921. As a Black conservative I abhor Winfrey now that she has let her true colors ( and I don’t mean Black) show. I am ashamed she is a self appointed spokesperson for my race. I disavow her and so should you.

  922. I don’t like Obama because of his polices not the color of his skin, after all he is 1/2 white. Oprah and the rest of the black people are the ones that will have to die off to stop their racist attitudes.

  923. If anybody should be critical of this president, it is this fat cow and anybody with more than a slight tan. He’s all but made it a certainty that it will be another couple centuries before we put a minority into a position of such power, and that he did by being (A) A complete eff-up, or (B) On a mission to destroy this nation… take your choice

  924. All she is doing is perpetuating racism…. how about we dont even talk about skin color.
    There is one God, and He made all men. We were all made out of the dust of the earth.
    Standing Bear.
    Maybe the first civil rights activist. A true hero unlike O+O.

  925. No Oprah, you racist knucklehead, its because he is a lying sack an incompetent dunce and his policies are destructive.

  926. Obama’s approval rate has dropped below 40%. The only way to raise it is to make white America feel guilty by using the race card. Sorry it won’t work this time. Mr. President, we don’t hate you because you are mulatto. We hate you because you are turning our once-great nation into a third-world socialistic entitlement cesspool.

    1. This is very similar to the purse incident in Switzerland in which I
      believe she was upset the salesperson either did not recognize the great
      Oprah or did not fawn all over her instead treating her like an
      ordinary customer. She got mad and claimed racism. She (in my opinion
      conned half the white women in America thinking she was some sort of non
      biased person) and then it turns out she is just as bad as all the
      other people who race bait. No wonder she is losing money on her new TV

      1. The owner of the store said what happened was the sales clerk did not know English and that she was trying to show her other purses as well. She was not refusing to sell her the purse.
        I think the sales girl should sue that cr@p out of Oprah.

  927. I am sure there are a lot American people that hate or disrespect President Obama because he is a black man, there are also a lot of Americans that just don’t like his agenda which I believe is to bring down this great nation of ours down, and I believe he is accomplishing his agenda.

    1. Sorry Paul, but that is pure bunk that a lot of Americans hate him because he’s (part) black. That is pure bs.

    2. The KKK surely does not appreciate his skin color but he is after all pursueing the Liberal agenda and keeping most black people on welfare, food stamps and public housing until he needs them riled up again.
      This is just like the Palestinian Leadership keeping the citizens in camps, ready to agitate whenever they need another “jihad”.

  928. If I was not a Christian, I would not be as kind as I am going to be. This garbage wants people to give into obummers marxist socialist society, then let this atheist, evil devil worshiper give away all her wealth to the poor. YA!!! RIGHT!!! Like that will ever happen. Obummer is a muslim brootherhood, Christian head chopping, piece of demon hell spawn worm. The bringer of death to this once great nation. Now he helped pass the bill to allow Sodomy, and beastyality become leagal in the military. This muslim garbage deserves to be tried, and hung for treason against the American people. BLACK!!!? REALLY!!? He is HALF WHITE OPRAH!! His mother, and father were muslim comies. MAN!!! I just want to pull my hair out. HEY!!! OPRAH!!! Learn to use YOUTUBE. Ignorant dike!!!

  929. I’m sure there are a few useless people out there who have a problem with his race, but most Americans do not respect the President because he is not very good at his job.

  930. Oprah should look in the mirror the next time she wants to imply that people are racist based on the color of their skin… you dont have to be White to be a racist! The lady is a hypocrite!

  931. Barack Obama (we’re now told that just speaking his name is Racist) and his administration have set race relations back a good sixty years.
    I personaly believe that Eric Holder; Attn. Gen.; bears as much if not more blame than the President.
    It is Holder, as the highest law enforcement officer in the land, who declared publicly and repeatedly that the Law was now in the hands of a Black Man and things were going to change because of that.
    The phenomenon of ‘Black Wilding’, and sucker punching random people had its beginning with Holders declaration that the law was now “OURS”.
    This is not good.
    The KKK has over the years been reduced to a pathetic joke.Thanks to this administration I believe we will see the Klan, or something very much like it, rising up again.
    Good things that have taken the earnest work of generations are going to be thrown away by the stupidity of one generation.

    1. Sibelius arrogantly said they were implementing Obamacare to bring the West down to its knees.

      Your life is now in the hands of the Temple of Doom.

  932. Oprah is a charismatic personality who’s extremely rich and social issues are just a pastime for her! So, she’s given to emotionalism and infantile comments. It’s the media she controls that keeps her B.S. about B.O. alive!

  933. A country where our poor are often over weight, have a cell phone, medical coverage and cable. No opportinity here! Let’s face it we suck. It is amazing to me that some one like Oprah could ever choose to find the glass half empty. Yes we have jerks here like everywhere else…but we also have a lot of greatness people take for granted.

  934. Oprah playing the race card shows just how truly desperate the Obama administration is. HoPe AnD sHaME is going dwn the drain!

  935. Oprah loves to play the race card…….she does it constantly…….get over yourself Oprah……..we don’t care anymore!

  936. The thing that the two O’s have in common is that the ugliest part of their body is their minds.

  937. And if Oprah says it, then it must be so. Obama couldn’t possibly be disliked due to the fact that he’s a schlub, his cabinet idiots, and polities meant to take down this great nation. Course not!

  938. I am a minority and from my experience, many of these black celebrities and politicians are the most racist and selfish Americans. Oprah got rich from”white” viewers who mistakenly believed that she was not racist! She and her ilk are disgusting!

  939. Oprah is the only racist. By the way Oprah, next time you go into a high end jewrelry store, just dress better and they will take care of you. If you look like a fat bag lady, they will not give you the time of the day. Welcome to the normal world where people do not fall down on their knees when you walk in.

  940. Yeah, I’ll tell you all ab out hate, because this POS is spewing it all over the place. How about this news flash honey, PEOPLE HATE F***ing Obama for ignoring the Constitution, being a liar, being incompetent, being disrespectful and condescending to the American public (like Oprah is), and trying to destroy the fundamentals of what our great country is; NOT because of the fact that he is ONE HALF black.

    Once again, the victim hood card is played! Oprah, for all her wealth doesn’t even realize that getting treated rudely by a store clerk in Europe is in fact A GREAT EQUALIZER. It happens to all of us! Bitch!

  941. I am sorry to see Oprah play the race card. While a small number of people oppose the President on the basis of race I believe that most disagreement is a matter of policy and style. I disagree with many of the President’s policies, particularly the ACA. While there is no doubt that the health insurance industry was sorely in need of reform and regulation, the ACA attempted a total restructure of not only health insurance but health care, while at the same time imposing more income redistribution (in addition to the already existing income redistribution in the tax code). This dislocation was not helped by the bungled website. But even worse was the cavalier attitude the President took towards the millions of us who lost our existing coverage and found new “improved” plans included coverage we neither wanted nor needed at premiums that were double the old plans. This dismissive attitude towards those who disagree with him or dislike his policies has been evident from the start, but now it is blatant. It makes me think that all his 2008 promises about being post-racial and post-partisan were just smoke and mirrors. He demonizes anyone who disagrees with him and in these last few years has increasingly played the race card against anyone who does not follow him in lockstep. In so many ways he reminds me of Richard Nixon – thin-skinned, arrogant and mean. I expected and hoped for more from him. I am an independent and have voted for Democrats and Republicans. I have voted for candidates from various racial groups and ethnic backgrounds. I have never voted against – or for – a candidate because of their race and I never will. I do, however, know some people who voted for this President because he was black, as if that alone made them non-racists! In my mind voting for or against a person solely due to their race is racist. I would oppose a white/Hispanic/[fill in the blank ethnicity] man/woman/transgendered person who proposed the policies that President Obama does. It’s a matter of principle, not of melanin pigment in one’s skin cells.

    1. But yet he was voted back in office. Like so many whom call themselves patriots or what ever to soothe themselves. I spent a lot about how and where we were when Bush was in office and how badly we were seated and eyed by other country’s. We lie, we steal, and Kill for those whom could care less what you think as american people. Our crime rate is deplorable, we rape and pillage our own through banks, and other corporate measures and then tell Ourselves what a great place we live in. We cater to a life where Kim Kadashien gets more head lines then those children in school who can’t read or write. We give more money to be entertained then education and wonder why we are falling behind. We have become a nation of self absorbed, self hate, and a Nation that is corrupt by all party’s! Repubs, Demo, and what ever we love to call ourselves. Race card is being played by every nation under the American flag when it suits us at will. We believe lies before we embrace truth because and little lie mixed with truth seems to give our conscience justification to continue pointing fingers instead of looking at oneself. I too have done so, and with malice because I too felt the pain of others using me as there whipping pole. The President may have failed because we as a society has failed as leaders in our own world where we live every day!

  942. If Obama worked for Oprah in her company, she would have fired him years ago for incompetence!

  943. Billions now coming n on oil, that will help support obamacare… or, being stolen by politicians. our money used against us…

  944. Many people disrespect The Obama because he claims to be so smart and so good at everything and he just isn’t

  945. If fat cells were brain cells, Oprah would make Einstein look like an idiot.

    Have another couiple of boxes of bon-bons, Oprah!

    (With a Diet Coke, of course).

  946. As an ambassador for the USA, she isn’t. As an imposter against the USA, she is.
    Her misplaced ideologies in every area of life are not only contemptible, but were they not as seriously taken by many of her uninformed listeners and also serious issues; they as well as she would be laughable.
    In her rants against those who point out the incompetence of the current president of the USA, she plays the race card. Then, I have a question then for her;
    ‘Do any of those whom she calls ‘racist’ for disliking ‘0’bama and his administration along with its policies only spurn his black half and not his white half as well?’ It is the ‘whole man’ who we have issue with.
    I for one, am just as incensed over the falsely held and promoted idea that we are against ‘0’bama’s policies because he is ‘black’, and not because he is white. He is both a black and a white, but his policies are both ridiculous and socialistically damaging to the American way of life. I despise his policies as they are not going in the direction of the American way of life. He has sworn to ‘fundamentally change’ America. He is trying his level headed best to accomplish that.
    Oprah, ‘0’bama and the rest of the liberals and lefties can call and say what they will, but make no mistake about it; I, (we), are against his ideologies and NOT his skin color.
    If politics equals racism, then that makes me an ‘ist’ against any kind of race against the USA.

  947. Hey Oprah,
    He’s only half black, but 100% incompetent.

    He was allowed to Fail Up because a sycophantic MSM committed reverse racism and gave him a pass instead of truly vetting him on his leftist, progressive philosophy as well as his COMPLETE lack of managerial skills and experience. In similar fashion, I’m sure, to how his liberal profs gave him a pass throughout his academic career.

    1. barry soetoro, aka: obama is 6% black and not legally eligible to call himself a black person and as an illegal alien illegal immigrant he’s also not eligible to be president.

  948. Sorry Oprah, that excuse was worn out a long time ago. Obama has proven himself unfit for office by his lack of experience and humility.

  949. Well, isn’t it interesting that Oprah is black and is one of the richest people in the United States. Obama is black and he was voted in as President of the United States….. Where’s the racism? You’re only fanning the flames with your ignorant comments. I am so sick of hearing RACIST called every, single time an honest criticism on policy is made, I can barely stand it. STOP!

  950. Oprah’s publicly expressed view of race relations in the US seems to be evolving. She is definitely moving away from the “Teachable Moments” view toward the “Kill Whitey!” view as the best or “final” solution.

  951. We disrespect him because he has lied to us one time too many.
    We show him the same respect he’s shown us.

    1. CSinMiami- I totally agree. I have not felt this disrespected by any president since Richard Nixon. Both of them are thin-skinned, arrogant and mean to those who disagree. He could not care less about the millions who have lost their coverage and the millions more who will because he believes his ideology is more important than people. So did Nixon.

      1. Oh please. Nixon didn’t hate this country and he wasn’t trying to destroy us. I am sick of ppl comparing O to Nixon. Nixon loved this country.

  952. I also don’t like him because he is a liar,liar,liar Nigerian, schooled in indonesia muslim who’s only purpose in life is to trash the Constitution of the United States from within. So the way I see it, you share his SOCIALIST views (guilt by association) and I no longer care for you as an African.

  953. Respect is earned , bitch. So far I’ve seen Nothing to warrant any respect. If anything look how He disrespects us and our service members.

  954. you and obama use racism to your advantage, whenever you or obama don’t get your way, you both act like little spoiled children and claim racism. as long as everyone agrees with you then we’re ok, oh that is called communism or dictatorship, sound like Iran where you kill people for being outspoken. We,Americans have the right to disagree with our leader, ask Hilliary, can still hear her screaming when she disagreed with Bush, no one died or called a racist. Clean up your act Oparh.

  955. Hahahahahaha. No oprah, we don’t disrespect obozo because he’s b,lack. We disrespect him because he’s a incompetent, marxist socialist who is totally unqualified for the job.

  956. I don’t disrespect the President or the office. The President just wasn’t qualified to do the job and he and his party have rammed Obamacare down the throat of the American people. I do believe that this President and his Administration have hurt race relations in this country and may have set us back several years in our quest as a Country to stop Racial injustice. He just Sucks as a President. He plays too much always on the golf course or on vacation or hanging out with celebrities when he should be working on solving the problems in this country, IE: Unemployment, economy, the middle east issue, which he played a huge hand in. Just plain old inexperience!

  957. This is soooooo typical for the cowardly Leftist elites that populate the entertainment industry. Mile-wide smiles and thank-yous while they cash checks at home, then they demean this country and everything it stands for while abroad to ingratiate themselves to that audience. Despicable.

  958. mebbe doperah can clue us in why the black on black violence is epidemic, if the problem in America is as she whines, white racism

  959. I doubt about it…for only ONE reason : should barack obama been hated, why did they all voted for him ?

  960. I dare say the amount of disrespectful political rhetoric that gets thrown around this country – from both sides – has nothing to do with race.

  961. My cousin worked for Harpo for several years, and she said you never, ever want to get between Oprah and a buffet table.

  962. I love how airhead celebrities who’ve become fantastically wealthy because of the capitalistic support of the American majority, knife those same Americans in the back when they’re abroad. Scew this ugly cow.

  963. Yes one of the most wealthy and sheltered people on the planet thinks she knows how the ‘little people’ think….women belongs to the top one percent of the one percent group.

  964. I disrespect Obama because he’s no respecter of truth. He’s pulled a massive bait & switch which is fraud. When problems arise the response is “I know nothing.” Last and not least I think he’s an incompetent socialist/Marxists leader with a disastrous foreign policy. This man is no Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, JFK, or Abraham Lincoln. He is starting to give Jimmy Carter a good name after all Jimmy did get the Camp David Accord in place which has been something very important in the middle east.

    I follow Adam West and contributed to Herman Cain’s campaign and still follow him.

    1. Oprah is another dime-store race baiter in the spirit of Al Shapton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters etc. In my book, that makes THEM the racists!

  965. Mobs of angry Americans will confront her when she returns to the USA. She will feel the wrath of God.

  966. I had not considered hating Obama because he is black until Oprah made it an issue. Now it is under consideration. Naw — there are way too many practical reasons to hate this un-American and anti-America a$$.

    Some 2.4 million American men and women have died in the Armed Forces fighting ideologues like Obama. There’s the hate~!

  967. No Oprah we don’t disrespect Obama because he’s black but
    because he has some pretty strange ideas about where he
    wants to take this country.

  968. It will be interesting to see how the readership of her magazine reacts to this coming out of Oprah’s. May her empire fall and burn.

  969. blind idiot hag… People hate him because he’s a cheat, a crook, and a liar. He’s America’s kryptonite. 95% of the public could care less what color this dirtbag is. Quit using it as an excuse, you’ve milked it beyond death!

  970. Oprah will be made to eat her own words. The woman is a sack of dung. Millions will come out and hunt her down, I bet. And they will not be wanting her autograph. The woman has snakes in her head. She is a psychopath just like Obama. Both of them listened to Jerimiah Wrights hateful sermons at the church of the poisoned mind. Anyway, this demon will get what is coming to her I am sure.

  971. WEAK! Oprah, you know better. You can’t be that blind, or stupid.
    Denial isn’t the name a river in Egypt. Face up to the fact that Barack Obama is nothing more than an inflated resume with absolutely zero aptitude for the job.
    You were had.

  972. It amazes me that this woman, who has accomplished so much, regardless of her skin color, would use the race card to try to convince people that Obama’s disliked because of his. If people were as racist as she claims, she would not have all that she has. It’s disgusting that she, along with everybody else who supports this man, will not admit that he is a failure, and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

  973. She’s lost my respect as well and it’s not because she’s black because I used to respect her and I know she wasn’t any whiter then.

  974. Oakra is so full of crap. Obozo is NOT African American . being black and being African American is not the same thing. the most correct term for Obozo would be mutt.

  975. this is some stupid ignorant shit. oprah knows good and well that people hate barack obama because he is a murdering psychopathic socialist.

  976. Middle aged white women made this pig what she is today. And nobody ever said they were smart.

  977. We like Col. Allen West, hmmm how do you explain that you disgusting pile of sh*t RACIST??!!! I’m so tired of these “experts” on why we oppose the President. Stop playing “Poor little Victim”.

  978. So what excuse does she use for Bush bashing liberals?

    Oprah, you need to be very careful. You are putting your reputation on the line!!!

    You have earned the respect of a nation with your efforts over the years but it can go away very quickly when you start accusing people of being bigots and racists with no proof.

  979. She and her ilk are playing the race card to shut us up. She, of all people, knows perfectly well that people of all colors made her famously wealthy. She wouldn’t be where she is now if America was a racist country.

  980. First race has nothing to do with this! Not being a leader has nothing to do with color but media and other key leaders attempt to leverage race as an issue and most will follow. Odd thing is when it comes to race Obama isn’t BLACK he’s MULATTO, which by definition is a person with one parent white and the other black. Media, celeb’s and others how about using the correct discription when the race card is played while talking about Obama…..it’s MULATTO.

  981. W Bush was white and a man. He had two strikes against him. Oprah needs to climb down off of her race baiting.

  982. People like Oprah Winfrey know – for a FACT- that blacks can be and are often both every successful and well respected in America. Playing the race card to avoid dealing with the very real disaster that Barack Obama is.

    Black, white or pink, Barack Obama is incompetent. He has surrounded himself with other incompetents. They are amateurs and ideologues. All of them. And playing the race card isn’t going to change it.

  983. Ms. Winfrey, no disrespect intended, however we don’t dislike Obama because he is Black. We hate him because of his policies that are driving our country to economic collapse and taking away our rights and freedom faster than we can protect them. His job is to create jobs for Americans and protect our borders, instead he has concentrated on destroying our country. He is not deserving of respect, respect is earned and unfortunately he has not earned it.

  984. This man was elected only because he could give a good speech that a majority of the voters liked. He also was of mixed race and I see that as a bridge for a lot of voters to cross so that they could say they voted for the first African-American president. The fact that you vote for someone because of his race is something that those who did will have to live with. I myself, did not vote for him because of my firm belief in the saying, “If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is not true”. My impression of Obama during the first election campaign was that he was making to many promises that he would fall short of keeping. He has proceeded over his term to enact laws that have hurt our economy, directed government agencies to proceed with his agenda that has hurt business and again hurt the economy. His views have altered over the years on many of the most controversial topics such as gay marriage, abortion, spying, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I fault him for this because his views changed to meet the needs of satisfying a group of people who supported him. In this respect he is hypocritical and it goes to his being narcissistic. This is a man who garnered the Nobel Peace Prize for what, giving some uplifting speeches and then killing many people with drones. Oprah, you are seriously wrong in your views and you are as narcissistic as Obama.

  985. Oprah just does not get it. It is now evident she posses a tribal mind set. Do not fault her for that as we all suffer this to some extent. But not even close to that of the Negros, Basque, and Asians.

    What is ironic is that her success is due to a majority of ‘White’ women.

    What Oprah’s ‘White’ people are upset about is the ‘White half’ of Obama. Obama has shown himself to use his skin tone strictly for political purposes. What can the Negroes expect? Obama was raised in a ‘White’ culture. He has no way to identify with the Negro culture.

    He uses the ‘Blacks’ for self serving purposes. The proof is in what he has “NOT” done for them. He provides them with trinkets, and more food stamps. Be happy in your ghettos.

    What Oprah shows is great remorse which she buries by doubling down on her support for him. But it is all hope and NO change.

  986. I hate anyone who thinks that they know what other people hate. color has nothing to do with it, with regard to Obama, what people hate is is disregard for Honor, Truth, Patriotism, and the Constitution that thousands of Men and Women, of all Creeds and culture have died to protect, and the country that they loved without health insurance all these Two Hundred plus years. and he thinks he has to fundamentally
    change this Great Country. That is what I despise about him NOT HATE!!!!!!!
    Oh I also hate intentional ignorance better known as STUPIDITY and those that have the means to know better!!!!!!!!!!

  987. Oprah Winfrey’s comments here disgust me. She simply cannot comprehend that some (actually, a LOT of) reasonable people could hold opinions very different from her own, so the only thing her self-limited mind can offer up is that it must be a shallow bias such as racial prejudice. Sadly, she is among many who attempt to marginalize people with differing opinions with that incessant, nonsensical and unsubstantiated claim.

    And before you say it, Oprah disgusts me not because she is “African American,” but because she peddles her unearned political influence to shut down meaningful and reasonable dialog about extremely important issues (and not-so-important issues, too, like a $40,000 purse, but that’s another reason altogether to be disgusted…).

  988. …And the only reason Hussein Obama, the unqualified, race-baiting, bigoted, hypocritical, affirmative action [redacted] liar & fraud hasn’t been impeached is because of his RACE CARD!

  989. And because he’s incredibly stupid, juvenile, immature, ineffective, incompetent, incoherent and in over his head!

  990. I disrespect him because he is basically a liar and is dishonest with the American people. I disrespect him because he has done more damage to America than the Japanese, Germans, and all the terrorists combined. I disrespect him for lying about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and Obama Care. I truly think he is a worthless sack of manure and dishonest. How do you respect someone that is a bold faced liar?

  991. Imagine if some white talking head said something like Oprah said. Something like how gangsta rappers need to die to end gang violence in poor black neighborhoods.

  992. I disrespect Barry Obama because he is arrogantly stupid and a pathological liar.

    I disrespect Barry Obama because of his total LACK of “content of character,” and NOT the “color of his skin.”

    And, Oprah, this proves that YOU are the racist in this discussion.

  993. Listen up you fat pig. Obama is the one who doesn’t respect the office of the president OR Americans, especially WHITE Americans. P E R I O D

  994. Socialists, Liberals and Communists come in all colors. They have worn out the race card all the while stepping on our constitution. They will tell any lie to get their way. They believe getting their way justifies the means, no matter how corrupt or bad it is for the citizens.

  995. I don’t care if the POTUS is green with pink stripes. I just expect honesty, integrity, love for Country and respect for the Constitution. Okra- your race card is over drawn and declined by me.

  996. Excuses, excuses! It is not racism. It is Communist I do not like. Opra you are a racist for suggesting that Obama must be treated differently than others because he is Black! That is racist! Obama panders to Islam, supports after birth abortion, high taxes, big central government planning, and he is anti Constitution!!! That makes him a Communist. I do not like Communist, no matter what there color is!!

  997. Oprah welcome to the club. Now you can dine with Jackson, Sharpton and any other famous black racists. You’re movin on up!

  998. And I wonder how many Blacks hated Bush simply because he’s White?
    My guess would be precisely the same percentage of them that voted for
    this Mulatto Schmuck who now seeks to destroy our healthcare system.

  999. No people hate him because he is a complete TWAT! . WHO SIGNS ORDERS TO IMPRISON PEOPLE WITH OUT TRIAL OR DUE PROCESS. OR EVEN WORSE TO BE MURDERED . He lied about everything he ever promised. he like multi multi millionairess and professional victim Oprah Winfrey is a HYPOCRITE

    1. Exactly! People out there…. start reviewing all of the POTUS’ Executive Orders since his election. Guaranteed to scare you to death. One of the most recent powers he granted to himself was the right to invade your home and take your pantry full of food anytime he feels it might be necessary.

  1000. Dear UK viewers….blacks like this woman are ingrates and malcontents. Obama is a no nothing socialist pretender.

    1. AND the people of the United States made her one of the richest people on earth just because they were racists and hate Blacks???? She is an ingrate who has turned on the very people who loved her the most. Well, after this, maybe her empire will also begin to crumble, bit by bit, as it should. She is just another super rich irrelevant celebrity now.

  1001. Using this logic please try to explain why so many white people totally respect blacks like Clarence Thomas, Walter E Williams, Thomas Sowell, and MANY more? Those same black people so well respected by many whites are also totally disrespected by many blacks.
    Please Oprah and all you other liberals (black, white, blue/yellow, it matters not) please get over yourselves and use you brain to activate a bit of common sense and think maybe, just maybe, we disrespect President Obama, and all whites/yellow, etc who act the same way as he has acted in his politics.
    Anytime you want to use the racist rant is only as an intimidation tool to shut people up. If that is not the reason, then my paragraph above still stands!
    Is there true racism is America? Of course, and understand it is on all sides and it is wrong! But just because a white man comes out against what a black man stands for does not automatically throw them into the racist camp.

    1. The Butler is a fabrication (Spike Lee, need I say more?) and bears no resemblance to the biographical book. They took a wonderful life’s story and made a racist statement out of it. What a shame. Do not waste your money on this pack of lies (or is “mistruths” better? LOL).

      1. Exactly. The son of the butler recently said his father REALLY liked the Reagans and they had a great relationship with each other.

  1002. Well I guess the solutoin 4 America history of racism is 2 point the finger at black people 4 noticing it. Good luck on telling them 2 ignore U.

    1. Here’s a book you should read on what blacks accomplished coming out of slavery:
      Did you know that shortly after the Civil War there was a black Speaker of the House?
      Did you know they were becoming lawyers and doctors?
      Did you know you know they dominated the Southern state legislatures?
      Did you know the Republican party was found in 1854 to STOP THE SPREAD OF SLAVERY INTO THE WESTERN TERRITORIES?
      When the Union troops pulled out, Democrats cracked down on blacks and destroyed everything they had accomplished.
      Did you know that before the Union troops pulled out Democrats formed the KKK to go after Republicans? Since all blacks back then were Republicans they went after blacks with a vegence, BUT DID YOU KNOW OVER 1000 WHITES WERE LYNCHED AS WELL? ALL REPUBLICANS.
      Please know that white Republicans have always stood with blacks.

    2. One more thing:
      That book was well researched and written by David Barton of
      That book and that website should be taught to our kids in school. It tells the real history of this nation. Of course, it tells the truth on the racist democrat party and teacher’s unions wouldn’t like that.

  1003. No, Okra. We hate him because he’s a lying, incompetent, commie basta*#d who is killing this country with every EO he issues.

  1004. Oprah is the biggest racist on the face of this earth. Only one worse is queen michelle who is never seen with anyone but blacks. Black children, black speaking events, black outings, only black.

    1. Probably because she does not understand him. The Left, especially the racist Left, do not comprehend reason and logic. They refuse, which is a conscious choice, to follow critical thinking.

      1. You are 100% correct. It is not however, that they cannot understand logic and reason, it is that they REJECT logic and reason. They understand that logic and reason lead to inequities of various kinds… that operating with logic and reason will result in the success of the responsible and the failure of the irresponsible. It also leads away from the need to be controlled.
        The key to me was the insistence that knowledge tests such as SAT, etc were discriminatory against blacks… so claimed the civil rights crowd. I searched those tests looking for bigotry and could not remotely find it. Then it dawned on me that it is not the content of the test… it is the fact that there EVEN IS A TEST! You see, a test will tell you who studied and took the content of the test seriously and those who did not. The left cannot abide the fact that some will seek out and as a result may actually find success through their own effort. This is the worst thing that can happen to leftist ideology. Therefore, whatever is good, kind, moral, right, logical, responsible, and rewarding MUST BE OPPOSED BY THE LEFTIST AND IN THEIR THIRST FOR POWER THEY THEMSELVES WILL STEP FORWARD OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART TO CONTROL YOU… BECAUSE OF THEIR NATURAL SUPERIORTY so they would claim… look at how they treat their messiahs… obaMao and der hilldebeast.

  1005. We should sue her for Defamation of Character and get all of the money back that she made from Racist White viewers. Her comments are EXTREMELY insulting to me.

  1006. She is a racist outside of the country but when she needs money what face does she show. We can play their trick ,just boycott all of her trash.

  1007. And… since we’re going “there” Ms. Winfrey… how do you explain the fact that over 90% of the black American population voted for Mr. Obama (Even though the overall situation in black demographic has gotten dramatically worse under his stewardship)? That would seem to indicate to me that an overwhelming number of people of color chose him simply based on his race or the color of his skin and NOT the content of his character.

    So, correct me if I am somehow wrong here, but would not that be a classic definition of racism?? Hmmm…. I wonder who the true racists are in this scenario? But that would require the use of logic, and who wants to deal with that?

  1008. Oprah is finally showing her RACIST colors. Like Obama, she fooled the liberal morons long enough to enrich herself.

  1009. First off, obama is only 1/8 or 1/16 black … he is 50% white, Sucka’s. Secondly, who the f*** is oprah to decide how I feel or why I feel about anything. I dislike obama because he is a totally inept, devoid of morals, and a lying, whining, immature boy child. If people decide to vote for someone because of his ‘character’ and qualifications that is their choice. If someone decides to vote for a person because of the color of his/her skin, that highlights the true racists.

        1. Frank is his real father.
          Look up, ” Is Frank Marshall Davis Obama’s real father” and compare them side by side. EXACT same eyebrows.

  1010. How many hated George Bush because he was a ‘white’ guy? This is crazy to always make everything about race.

    1. How much money was spent on a war where all the supposedly weapons of mass destruction ? we are the weapons of mass destruction on this earth will eventually destroy ourselves because we live in a greedy world, Bush was a victim just like Obama there puppets they read from cue cards, trained to take our money so they can sit in there nice homes and drive nice cars and we the back bone of america fight among ourselves and work hard everyday to let them live that amazing life that we have worked hard for them to have that’s the reality REALLY think about that one it doesn’t even have to do with race.

      1. They were sent to Syria, ok, this “Bush Lied” is a bunch of crap, so deal with it. There is evil in this world and you seem like you are ‘dumb’ enough to trade ‘bad’ for ‘evil’!

      2. Saddam Hussein RESTARTED the Gulf War when he kicked the UN inspectors out (part of the peace agreement he signed) and he R
        ESTARTED the Gulf War the second he fired on our planes in the NO FLY zone that was part of the peace agreement. In that agreement Saddam was not allowed to fly his jets over the Kurdish area…..YOU KNOW, THE AREA WHERE HE GASSED THE KURDS?? We were flying our planes over the Kurds TO PROTECT THEM.

      3. How much have we spent with Obama installing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? You do know who they are? They are the father of most of today’s terrorist organizations.
        How much have we spent arming Al Qeada in Syria??? You do understand THAT IS TREASON ON O’S PART????

  1011. Oprah is a self made woman who has earned everything she has. When all excuses fail play the race card. Her statement is wrong and like most blacks she cannot seem to accept the fact President Obama has failed the country. President Obama is incompetent, inept and has no idea what he is doing. He likes the trappings of the office , the plane, parties, the notoriety and the celebrity. What he lacks being Presidential, exercising leadership, making good decisions and having competent advisers around him.

    1. We must stop saying he is inept and doesn’t know what he is doing. He knows EXACTLY what he’s doing.
      HE IS DOING THIS ON PURPOSE. He is evil and is doing this on purpose. We must stop with this notion that he doesn’t know what he is doing. That makes him out to be innocent. He knows exactly what he is doing.

    2. What you interpret as incompetence is actually part of his bigger plan of destruction of this country. He knows exactly what he is doing. Do not make the mistake of thinking that he is incapable or ignorant, because like a slumbering snake, that is when he will rise up and bite you in the behind, again.

  1012. I don’t disrespect Obama because he is black. I could care less if he was black, white, or purple with pink polka dots. I disrespect Obama because he is a lying socialist. And Oprah is living in an ivory tower that keeps reality way off in the distance.

  1013. Sure, America is full of racists… that’s how a black man got elected president twice, because everyone is racist. Obviously no white people voted for him at all… not a one. Too bad they were all racists.

  1014. THIS is the WHOLE 4 min clip where Oprah said old racists would “JUST HAVE TO DIE” [start at 3 mins] and WATCH HER FACE!


  1015. No, people hate Obama because he is a Marxist idealog, A believer of central planning an total government control of all business, the economy, and every aspect of personal life. A person that despises the free-market system, private property, liberty and personal freedom, and our nation and it’s constitution. People hate Oprah because she is a race baiting bigot. And ignorant racist who tries to conceal her own racist feelings by pointing at others and accusing them of the same anytime they disagree with someone who happens to be black. Just like Al Sharpton, Jessi Jackson, Chris Mathews, Kieth Oberman and the rest of the MSNBC socialist mouthpieces, most of the Hollyweird crowd, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama.

  1016. The fact that Obama’s a third-generation America-hating communist hell-bent on destroying the greatest healthcare system in history and imposing totalitarian rule on the nation means absolutely nothing to Oprah. It’s all skin color. What a despicable racist she is!

  1017. To say that to stop racism can only be stopped by killing racists show that she is racist. It dies when we stop doing it, talking about it and accepting it. I remember when I started dating my husband and people asked me, “Where does he come from?” It never occurred to me to even ask for I was looking at him as a person not a Mexican. Racism exists everywhere, it is up to the individual how they handle it. And as for Oprah I bet she would not be making these stupid racist comments if she were still the lowly host on a talk show in its first years of production.

    1. Oprah is the racist and can not believe that the most of us not. I guess she is acting on Obama orders to deflect his failures at home.

  1018. Mr. Obama is half black and half white. I would not be able to argue whether that has anything to do with his incompetence, or which half of his genetic background has anything to do with that. What is indisputable though is that he is incompetent, and lacking the character, integrity and honesty to be a leader. For that reason alone he should be removed from office.

  1019. I agree with her! Clearly it’s because he is black, and he is turning America into a ghetto!

  1020. She said a lot more racist things on this interview.. she wished old white people their deaths.. I don’t know why that too wasn’t shown here. she is a first class racist…
    by the way notice how all her homes are in white communities.. so if she cant live with blacks.. what is she really saying ? hmmm..

  1021. This lady is SOOO out of touch that like her buddy, rather than take responsibility for his F-ups, she has to wear her misplaced persecution complex on her sleeve. The mark of an illiterate slag who cannot for the life of her see anything in objective terms.

  1022. Oprah should be stripped from her citizenship and sent to South Africa where she belongs. She is racist and incites racism from the orders of Obama the liar.

  1023. Is there any way to get this obnoxious old bag to finally shut up? Let her go back to her Santa Barbara mansion and smoke dope to calm her nerves. She’s been allowed to become our national nag.

  1024. Oprah, why don’t you take some of those billions, and stuff a few Franklin’s in your fat mouth. It will take quite a few, so get plenty.

  1025. Obama was elected twice to office. He had a 52% majority. Even if all the Black votes, dead votes and multiple votes were counted there would still be white people that voted for the son of a slave owner. BO Sr. Since those whites now know how bad he is and he has lost 20% of the Black vote his favorable ratings are down to 37%. That is not racism it is understanding the evil of this fraud. Pray for the USA.

    1. CONST – I’ve been doing that since the 80’s….although I have to admit it had more to do with she SUCKS.

  1026. Oprah: so give back all the money you’ve made from whites, keep the money you’ve made from blacks & move into a used double-wide; it’ll be a you’ll be able to afford, you graceless twat.

  1027. oh please, what a whiny approach..only blacks are really saying it and thinking it. Black people refuse to think that maybe Obama is doing a lousy job in some peoples eyes. It is crack induced thinking…It must be because he is “BLACK” that we do no like him?? Only a black person would think that….Maybe we do not like him because he sucks and is bad for America…..Na, it must be because he is “BLACK”. Yes thats it, i remember hating Jimmy Carter just as much and he was “BLACK” too, oh wait, he was not “BLACK” crap, my whole theory just went down the crapper…..

  1028. She needs her head examined. He would not have been elected and re-elected if many Americans are racist. President Obama is an intelligent, articulate and deceitful idiot and these are not the qualifications for leadership.

    1. I agree she needs her head examined, but for a different reason. I think the CIA and NSA should want to know how Oprah can divine what people are “thinking” when they’re not “saying” it; “it’s the kind of thing nobody is saying, but everybody is thinking it”.
      How does she “know” that?

  1029. I fail to comprehend why I just cant like him because of his policies. Why is that so hard to understand?

  1030. Oprah is the genuine Racist. Always has been always will be. First of all she called Obama Black when he is clearly HALF WHITE (Bi-Racial). By calling Obama black, she spit in the face of his WHITE Mother, period. It was because Obama was half white that whites voted for him and put him in office, TWICE. Obama and the likes of Winfrey have set racism back 100 years, and it will take another 100 years to fix the damage they have done to race relations in this country…JustSayIn…

  1031. Maybe it’s just because he is a pathetic President and exactly what we knew he was; a socialist with a single agenda. Black, white, or anything in between is irrelevant.
    There is no way to defend his policies and the damage being created because of them. So they revert to name calling. Calling a man a racist is an incredibly disrespectful charge. It is slanderous and the equivalent of calling a black an the “N” word. I am incredibly disappointed that Oprah of all people would be so small as to sink to this level. She has made billions of dollars from these supposed “racists”, The same public that supports her endeavors is the same public that she insults with such ridiculous slander.
    I suppose it is easier to show your personal bigotry after you’ve made your money than before.
    The last I checked blacks represent approximately 20% of the population. It took an awful lot of non-blacks to elect this idiot. I guess all of these people were illiterate racists that just happened to push the wrong button.
    I wish people would just accept the fact that this president isn’t what they thought they were getting. This man has no problem lying to the masses to push his agenda. He has had a complicit media. Any dissent is labeled racism as we’ve seen from Oprah but it is a sad and false charge. I am so ashamed of Oprah.

  1032. Oprah is one of the vessels Obama uses to bring about increased racial divisiveness in America. Ms. Winfrey is no different than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson – they’re all bigots and race baiters.

  1033. Oprah? Is she still alive? And who cares what this biatch has to say…just another elitist who has no more in common with these yoots than I do.

  1034. Yeah right. What are White kids & Asian kids doing today? Getting a job. Studying for exams. Taking the SAT. What are Black kids doing today? Playing the “Knockout Game” punching, killing, maiming & injuring total strangers – destroying lives & families – for fun. Now tell me again about racism you idiot?

  1035. Why haven’t us true Americans consolidated ourselves and stormed the W.H. with a banner from each of the States yet in consorted effort? Fragmented, we fall. United, well he has lots of bullets and still we need our voices heard.
    Remember, righty tighty, lefty loosey.

  1036. And if you don’t like him because he is a Marxist, anti-colonial, tyrannical big government re-distributionist, you’re not only racist, but a dangerous mentally ill terrorist as well. That’s how they used to do it in the OLD Soviet Union anyway. So ANYONE who does not support the ruinois policies of this POTUS is either a RACIST, MENTALLY ILL or both. Typical Alinsky-Progrssive tactics. Control the language (they have the MSM on board with this) and demonize the opposition.

  1037. I disrespect him because he’s a phony puppet pushing the Trilateral Commission’s globalist agenda!

  1038. Let’s get real here all I see is hate for all, I’m tired of watching this about other race’s oh let see my ancestor’s were slaughtered and are still segregated on a reservation we are dying off at alarming rate and all you do is talk about hate go to a reservation and look and see what has really happened to the real people of america their are a few of us that were able to leave and make a better way, It pains me to see my brothers and sister die because they cant cope with the pain of the past that enslaves them, They can deal with the new world even though its been a hundred years or more it hasn’t changed for them and it wont until one day they will all be gone please don’t mention us we are the tucked away little secret . I know one thing I love mother earth she gives us everything we need to survive and live off of, and to be thankful for that, I choose not to see those ugly hateful thing because the great spirits put us all here to make what we can of life and by the way we don’t have a holiday or should I say paid holiday.

    1. I have never understood why the holocaust endured by Native Americans was overshadowed by the plight of Blacks, and still is, even though Blacks thrive and Natives still suffer the wounds.

      1. Native Americans are treated the way they are because they do not have the power to make a difference in an election.

  1039. If I said what I thought, I’d be arrested and deported. Political correctness is the tool of the left and if you don’t agree with their point of view, you are branded and discriminated against. No opportunity for dialogue or freedom of expression. Even my die hard Democratic friends who are fine people are getting nervous!

  1040. Why is it that when enormously successful liberal people experience setbacks they fly somewhere else and blame white people? Oprah was made rich by soccer moms who loved to play victim now she trying to blame them!

  1041. noooooooo… people disrespect the “office” because he is a liar! While there may be some people who do not like him because of racism, she paints a picture of a blanket disdain for him because of his color, which is categorically false! I loath the son of a b***** because of his horrible polices, just like I did Bush and Clinton before. Does this make me racist against whites too?

  1042. I guess she’s not so smart and I also guess that, being the black celebrity that she is, Obama is holding out a great big carrot in return for the desperate help he needs with all these fiascos he is responsible for. On the other hand, once she has done her dirt for this terrible person in the WH, it might be a great big bait and switch for poor Op….

    1. Obama & Oprah are where they are because of the mystic of being black, if they happened to be white they would have been just another face in the crowd.

  1043. Yo, Oprah… oblidiot is half white and raised by white people. I don’t like his policies, and I am disgusted with his trashing of the constitution. My dislike for the man is EARNED, it isn’t his race! Between you and I, the only racist here is YOU.

  1044. When, like Oprah, Obama, Holder and Professor Gates, your only POV is racist, you cannot comprehend any other point of view that is not also based in racism. Like the people that cannot accept George Zimmerman followed Trayvon because he was suspicious– no matter what color his skin was. Or that he shot him because he was getting his face beat in not because of skin color. Like the thug that calls cops racist for running him down when he’s caught red handed in a crime.
    Like (the joke about) the young black guy that claims he’s getting fired because he’s black — and told– no, we hired you because you’re black– we’re firing you because you’re a F up!
    Obama is in over his head– or, he’s a “F” up. Doesn’t matter what color his skin is.
    Honestly– I’ve been in management all my life. I ask any of you that have had to produce a profit or obtain a goal– do you really care about skin color if the person s doing a good job? Sincerely– who would be stupid enough to hire an incompetent person over a competent person based on their skin color? Especially if your future and income depended on it? Raise your hand!
    Looking at Oprah’s statement– apparently SHE is stupid enough!

    1. Wozerd : “who would be stupid enough to hire and incompetent person because of skin color”, the American people have twice. Sad isn’t it but attribute it to political correctness and guilt bestowed upon us by years of publicizing discrimination at every opportunity by the liberal medial. If the voting public had to think as a manager, Romney would now be president.

      1. Thank you. I wasn’t thinking that when I wrote the above– I was more implying that competence trumps skin color– as in, hiring a white incompetent person over a competent black (or brown or yellow or– for that matter– green skinned person) but, no truer words could be spoken.

  1045. I think she could be right. Those who are acting disrespectful may indeed be doing so because he is half black. I object to him because he isn’t doing a good job. I t think it is the white half that is just messing up like you can’t believe.
    Why can’t Obama just be black and stop being white, because everything would be so much better then.
    There Oprah, was thay racist?i

  1046. Oprah is a self-serving hack! Oblamer is hated not because he’s half black but because he’s hateful, incompetent and a liar. I was excited to see a supposed new star on the horizon back in 2008 that sounded like he was out to make good changes to America. He’s nothing but a phony teleprompter-reader. We now see who he really is and he’s been golfing and vacationing while delegating his responsibilities of POTUS. Shame on Oprah for stooping to this new low. Some people, including her, love to bring up the race card and without it, they have nothing.

  1047. Ubiquity has tarnished the sheer of the allegation of racism. No one is intimidated anymore, allegation is a quotidian event.
    What’s for dinner?

  1048. Oprah conveniently forgets all those who voted for BO simply because he’s black. Good to know that opposing someone for being a word-class f**k-up is the new racism.

  1049. Right! That’s why I hate his guts. It has nothing to do with him destroying the economy, the armed forces, the banking system, and local governments or his disastrous meddling in the health insurance business. It has nothing to do with his spying on citizens. It has nothing to do with his appointment of socialists and communists to key administrative and judicial posts. It has nothing to do with his administration’s selective enforcement of the nations laws, particularly immigration laws and financial laws. It’s all because that fuzzy headed ni**er is black.

    For God’s sake lady, give the rest of us credit for some intelligence. Just because we’re not flaming liberals like you doesn’t make us bigots or dunces.

    1. Save some hate for the people who voted him in; especially the second time. Geez. Twice! They deserve some hate too.

  1050. Oprah, get over yourself and race:

    Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.
    Theodore Roosevelt

    To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, right or wrong – is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  1051. Oprah…You have really crossed the line this time. I do respect the office of The President of The United States. Just NOT the man who now holds the office. First of all he was very under qualified and for the people he surrounded himself with, some of which are in jail and others that should be. Maybe we should reverse your statement and ask..Are you a supporter of Barack Obama because he is black?



  1052. Many Americans can’t stand Obama,because he’s a liar and a criminal! Windfrey better stop playing the race card,because she’s doing a bang up job of making herself look like a First Rate Moron!

    Get a Grip Winfrey,you’re delusional!

  1053. I worked in an African country and witnessed it become Marxist.

    I left there within 10 months and ended up working for a black Neo marxist Ph.D. candidate in political science back home. These kind of people are enmeshed in power, unforgiveness and revenge. I left him after a few months. This was way back in mid 1970’s.

    There needs to be a national commission set up now to address this incendiary and hate mongering agenda of black leaders and make them accountable. We are already seeing people attacked and even murdered on our streets by the words and actions of such charismatic but psychopathic personalities.

    Don’t just complain, but bring your grievances to your elected officials, and many of them are now seeing the truth of these peoples’ character and ill will for our citizens.

  1054. I am shocked how such a ignorant and racist remark could be made by Oprah. If he were purple and lied, cheated and put this country in the hole that we are – I’d still hate him. Just because she has billions – she needs to look at the big picture for all the regular people. And she must remember that the “people – white, black and brown) are who got her where she is. I have loved and admired this lady since the 80’s. No more.

  1055. No, Ms. Winfrey, everyone isn’t thinking it. Are some people racist? Absolutely, and those who are can be found in every color, country, race and religion. Are MOST people in America racist? I hardly think so and you show your own colors (no pun intended) by saying they are. Please keep your racist comments to yourself, lady.

  1056. Nonsense. Americans elected him despite his race then came to the realization that he is a lousy president. Oprah is projecting her own racist views onto others.

  1057. We dislike Obama because he is incompetent, we dislike YOU because you think all your money mean your opinions matter’s. I dislike you because your an irrelevant old has been!


  1058. Oprah, you’re racist. You put your full weight behind B.O. because he was black with no vetting process whatsoever despite serious red flags. You are the one that voted skin color with no regard to anything else.






  1060. O you’re losing it. Black has nothing to do with it. It pure and simple ultra liberal policy combined with a heavy doses of arrogance, indifference, and incompetence.

  1061. Don’t you wonder if any of these race baiters ever listened to MLK? It’s the content or lack thereof your character that matters.

  1062. ace.mu.nu:
    Oprah claims the contempt directed at Obama is due to racism. Nonsense– the love directed towards him is due to race.

    The contempt is due to his actual performance. To judge him by any other standard than his dismal performance is racial condescension.

  1063. A black American billionaire, made rich by coning white American women, calling Americans racist. The only thing that has to die out are the race baiters.

  1064. Obama is a communist but let’s say his a Democrat ….. the Democratic party has 200 year history. It is mind boggling the Black community votes so Democratic!

    Before the American Revolution, the Colonists tried to get rid of slavery for a hundred years. Most of our founding fathers wanted slavery gone from the start. Slavery was part of the independence deal that was struck. Our fathers wanted us to eliminate slavery in the process of creating a perfect union.

    Thomas Jefferson had eight children with a black woman. John Quincy Adams was the Amistad dude who helped everyone with his wonderful journal. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did not see eye to eye until the end in 1826. By the 1820s, it was obvious slavery was doomed if more free states were added to the union.

    King James wrote the bible. If half the players are stands cheering on an infuriating back door Santa who looks good in pin strips, King James will move to Miami, move overseas, or sit in the stands. Martin Van Buren founded the Democratic Party in 1824 to perpetuate slavery by playing the despot game. Martin Van Buren sided with the Spanish in the Amistad case. The English did away with slavery in 1830.

    A Republican President started the Civil War with a 47% tariff because nothing pisses off people more than having their earned success stolen by a patronizing retribution of wealth Federal Government. The 13th (no slavery),14th (citizenship), and 15th (right to vote) amendments marked the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the worldwide end of 13,000 years of slavery. The Republican 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment voting record 100%,94%, and 100%. The Democratic 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment voting record 23%,0%, and 0%.

    John Wilkes Booth’s crew was also suppose to kill Andrew Johnson. Vice President and then President Andrew Johnson was a racist Democrat who did everything he could to screw up the reconstruction and turn the Civil War into a hollow victory for Republicans and Blacks. Democratic lawyers used the 14th amendment to change the nature of public corporations in 1886 that lead to more economic imprisoning fascism.

    Grant got a monument ahead of Lincoln. The despotic Lincoln quickly started the war and impressed Stalin by taking away everyone’s rights. Lincoln was a very questionable character. It is hard to consider him a Republican. General Sherman ripped the plantation owners heart and soul out with only 700 deaths on both sides. Grant got the command after Lincoln’s cronies totally dropped the ball. Gettysburg’s death and destruction was such pure stupidity on deceitful General Lee’s part that one wonders about collusion.

    Most Republicans work for people who have more money than they do. If Government is the only thing we’re all part of, only one dude has all the money thanks to all the illegal executive orders. After the Civil War, the black dudes started doing white man work for the rich plantation owners. In the south, black and white Republican legislators were working together.

    The Ku Klux Klan was a Democratic goon squad that came into being after the 1874 elections. If a black man did not want to worry about the Klan, all he had to do is vote democratic. For every three black men the Klan lynched, one white republican got lynched. Unlike the black Republicans, white Republicans could become elected Democrats. A Republican did the Klan in by infiltrating the Klan and turning the Klan sayings and rituals in a campy superman episode.

    Sing with me “You’re the top. You’re the Mussolini” before everyone knew the fascist bully was a pathetic racist coward. Before World War II, the new deal was fascist and new deal proponents called the new deal fascist because fascism was cool. The blue eagle programs were racist. The Democrats passed Jim Crowe laws. The fascist Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) thought public service unions were a bad idea. The mayfly (not too bright) was right. We have to get rid of public service unions.

    From 1932 to World War II, FDR did not create a job. A colonial communist super genius is not a constitutional republican or a competent socialist. The Prince of Hyde Park went from 8% to 14% unemployment, lying the whole time, while trying doing everything to he possibly could to increase public service union size and the number of people on the dole. The Prince of Hyde Park doesn’t want black, white, orange, purple, green, or brown Americans to score.

    Another Republican President proposed Civil rights legislation in the 1950s. The Democrat, who blocked the 1950s legislation, took credit for passing Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s. Cities, that have been democratic for decades, are more segregated. Blacks are the most likely to file and win voter fraud cases and Democrats are the most likely to lose a voter fraud case.

    Red lining become a problem in the most segregated democratically controlled cities. A Democrat passed the Community Reinvestment Act without there being a red lining problem solving debate because when you good down a slippery slope it is one narcissist rewrite after another. Dirty bankers had been trying to do away with the Glass-Seagall act for 40 years. White bankers were more likely to lend to blacks than black bankers. A honest debate was a bad idea.

    In 2008, the modest Community Reinvestment Act wasn’t mentioned as the root cause of the financial crisis. Yes, Republicans are guilty of playing a role in the financial crisis and hangover but Bill Proximare, Barack Obama, the Clintons, Rubin, Timmy, Barney, and Pelosi were the truly misguided actors.

    A $4-two bit deal is easy to replace with a $3 to $5 and $8 to $10 deal. The bully will peacefully accept the deal. Getting even with a raw deal or a better deal does not make sense. Only finding win-win fair deals and moving on makes sense. Before the old Pope become Pope, the Pope spent decades fighting redistribution of wealth politics in South America and the new pope doesn’t like the Argentina She-Devil. Both Popes are good men who don’t like the Prince of Hyde Park or anyone else into punishing the innocent.

    Thomas Sowell has soul. Thomas Soul was a Harvard educated marxist before he got a Government job. Doubting Thomas figured out minimum wage does not, I repeat, does not serve the black community’s interest. Newbies are unguided missiles. The 5 year olds are really dangerous. It takes 10 years to learn a profession. If a newbie has potential, his employer will quickly give him or her a raise. Minimum wage is a dependency creating barrier to entry. His democratic co-workers did not know about that one. After they knew, the democratic party and two bit bureaucrats did not do anything about it except keep on lying!

    Democrats and Republicans each have a pattern. After it takes a wheel barrel of money to pay for a loaf of bread, the Nazi rich man is no longer rich. Beggars are easier to please and turn into an angry mob. Taking over the banking system is despot objective number one. Once again we have to clean up another despotic party mess.

    The liberal elite are so stupid they would facially and odiously profile Karl Marx. In the future minorities should be Republicans who prevent despotic party messes. The despotic party is the minority’s enemy. Republicans are the minority’s best friend and a Democrat can be a Republican by respecting the Constitution.

  1065. No, Oprah. We don’t despise him for being HALF black. We despise him because he’s a phony. His whole life has been nothing but lies. And I actually used to respect you, until you became Obama’s chief water carrier.

    Obama is destroying this country. So he either doesn’t know what he’s doing, which would make him incompetent – or he knows precisely what he’s doing which would make him evil. Either way, he has done nothing to earn respect.

  1066. Black has nothing to do with people hating obama….it has everything to do with his total lack of leadership…..the scandals that have plagued his office…etc….I don’t like him because of the destruction he has wreaked upon this country and the impossible national debt he and his cronies refuse to take steps to reduce without having it shoved down their collective throats….

  1067. This is a classic failure of imagination! Imagine any country who will offer you an unlimited opportunity to become wealthy like Oprah, anywhere? Only in America. Oprah, you are the racist. So, don’t finger point to many kind and open Americans as racist just because they disagree with the worst Black american president whose thinking and behavior is so marxist and radical. Just stick to your egotistical show, Oprah.

    1. Not to mention actually electing a … BLACK president ! Opariah, herself, is a major, major racist of the worst kind.

  1068. Interesting how many racist use the race card. How about the fact that he is loaded with too many scandals rather than melanin? The latest scandal being the corrupt operation of “navigators” in a failed Obamacare launch? Here is short list which does not even details all of his impeach offenses for violating the US Constitution much less the over 400 scandals he has now racked up as the most scandalous president in history:
    1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and
    pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about
    why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House
    involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the
    targeting and when.

    2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one: The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission. The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video. The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack, like admitting only the president can order a “Stand Down” during an attack on an embassy or US soil.

    3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.

    4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

    5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

    6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

    7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.

    8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used
    to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.

    9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

    10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an
    $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

    11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

    12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

    13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for
    bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

    14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

    15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.

    16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without
    Congressional approval.

    17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter
    delete photos, and editing pool reports.

    18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

    19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

    20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress bydeciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

    1. onejn416 Thanks for posting. Hope some of my liberal friends and relatives read this information.

  1069. Come to think of it – as per her flawed reasoning, she would have to die too – a Black Racist

  1070. I can’t stand listening to the man because he’s an obvious liar, and the worst, most dangerous president in our history.

  1071. No, Oprah, we don’t “disrespect” Obama because he’s African American but because he’s a closet Muslim who is pursuing policies on every front that will destroy our economy and society in general.

  1072. At some point, these narcissistic excrements must reach a level of success where they think that what they say publicly can’t possibly knock them down. Let’s prove them wrong every time.

  1073. Oprah is a racist. Where were these claims of picking on President Bush because he was white?

    President Obama has been the worst President of my lifetime, if not ever. Getting every signature law he wanted from a Democrat controlled Congress. He has been cuddled and protected by the press.

  1074. Oprah, a very, very, succesful black woman, who has made billions off white people. She is dead wrong about Obama being vilified because he is black. Yes, there is still racisim in America, as there is in the rest of the world, but this time she is wrong. I slam Obama because he is a socialist. He does not believe in the constitution and he wants to be king. Oprah, just stop it, there is enough hate in this world without you stirring it up any further. Oh, maybe you are the racist Oprah?

  1075. Oprah, I don’t the majority of people are buying into your horse-s*** anymore. You’ve exposed yourself as a blatant racist several times since retiring. Go buy a purse. LOL

    1. LOVE “go buy a purse” !!! So weary of being labeled a racist because I disagree with Obama’s policies. It is odd that she has no issues with his labeling of those who disagree with him. So sad that this intelligent and successful woman is so completely blind to this man’s trail of destruction.

  1076. Yes, the majority of Americans are so racist against African Americans they elected him twice as their president.

  1077. I can understand this coming from those brother idiots Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. But it’s truly sad coming from Oprah, who is one of the wealthiest and well-known people of the world because of white fans. She is somewhat obligated to keep her damn mouth shut on this issue, and quit thinking that she knows so much!

  1078. Good grief, even J. Jackson said Oblamo was “TOO WHITE.” Maybe daisy petals would settle it once and for all; It was recently reported there was white blood in Michelle’s ancestry. too…………………………………………..

  1079. Her backing of Barry Soetoro-Obama, a completely fabricated
    puppet; Oprah is a shill for the Marxist Black Liberation Theology. Her
    jihad mission is to foment a race war and promote her Islamic puppet
    PO[TU]S to further her agenda. She is a disciple of racism. She is as
    dangerous as Valarie Jarett!

  1080. oprah please come up a reasonable reply as to why the
    same folks who you claim are racists love the likes of Allen West, Ben
    Carson…… the list is long with those of the same skin color. You’re
    really no better then Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the others of your ilk in pulling America back over 50 years. Sad.

    1. You do know what her response will be, don’t you? She and all of the Obama sycophants will say that ANY black person we like, such as West and Carson, are all Uncle Toms or Stepin Fetchits!!

      1. Uncle Toms “who have been allowed up to the Mansion” that was the answer I got from a black friend whom I asked, “What do blacks think of Condelesa Rice?” But, I ask myself: If Lincoln was Republican, And Democrats were racists… living in Mansions fighting freeing the slaves: Why do blacks vote en bloc for Democrats?


  1081. If that were true, then why are so many Americans backing Herman Cain, Allen West, Mia Love, Dr. Ben Carson, etc? WHITE AMERICANS BACKING THESE BLACK PEOPLE, POTENTIAL CANDIDATES.

    1. They back them because they are decent, upstanding people and will do the American people well. I wouldn’t pee on obama if he was on fire….he is a scourge upon this country

    2. They give the Dems heartburn because they threaten the plantation that LBJ built. This is what Lyndon Johnson said on Airforce-One after ‘The Great Society” packages were passed,
      “I’ll have those niqqers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

      – Lyndon B. Johnson

  1082. The guy could be half purple and half blue for all I care. It’s his anti-American policies and agenda that we hate.

    1. Unfortunately, the libs can’t argue with what he’s doing to the country. I’ve noticed that none of the trolls are able to come up with any good things Obummer is doing with our country anymore. Now, they go straight to the racism card to end the debate, rather than substantive argument. Typical.

      1. Agreed. He reminds me of a 14 year old. Arrogant, indestructible, and the smartest person around. In reality just like most teenagers there is not substance of character or experience to lend towards that thinking.

        We have a man that acts as a spoiled teenager for President. His actions are indefensible. I can’t stand him. Call me racist or any other name but you can’t hide from the outcome of his actions.

        1. You’re right on all points but one. He’s no man. He’s a little boy that throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. Real men hold themselves accountable, and are guided by dignity and integrity, 2 things Obummer knows nothing of.

          1. John, great point. I will let you know that is the first reference to dignity, integrity, and Obama that I have read in any context.

            Extremely hard to put those three words together without becoming violently ill.

    2. You’re missing the point. You’re supposed to like him BECAUSE he’s black. No other reason will do.

  1083. she is one of the biggest racists in the world yes she helps people but take a good look at whom she helps

  1084. We hear of Nazi atrocities, but little about the many millions more who died under communist national socialism. Obama raised the Red Chinese flag in DC, showing the same apathy towards the 54 million chinese citizens as we now see towards us.

    China and other parts of Asia see the blackman as the ‘bogey man’, and Africans employed by the Chinese are paying them cents per day. China has given only given a million plus in aid to the typhoon victims in Tacoblan, great neighbor it is.

    The most dangerous people are upper middle class people who want to radically change society, but see human beings in stereotypes and labels, and hold on to entitlements exclusively for themselves.

    Obama and Oprah must believe in the communist mantra, ‘America is the Enemy of the World’.

    When power takes over, first casualty is truth.

    These people are psychopaths and are crippling.

    So what do we do….?….just complain?

    1. What do YOU propose we do? I see nothing we CAN do, short of armed rebellion and that poses even more risks than Obama. Revolutions can quickly get out of hand and spin way OUT of control, like the French Revolution of 1789. One thing the military could do is to depose him and Biden for treason and swear in Boehner as the legal successor under the Presidential Succession Act. Obama has committed numerous acts of treason, and Biden has supported him in doing so, such as the Benghazi affair.

      1. As long as the American people just sit back and just complain, nothing wil happen.

        It has to be the American people to contact their congressmen. If the American people do not come out and call for impeachment, we are set up to be an impoverished country by 2016, our infrastructure regulated to the hilt, we being monitored even in our own homes, we no longer free…..but voila!….now we are the slaves, that which we so thoroughly oppose for any human being.

  1085. Oprahs words are those of a black racist. Her generalizations about whites are those of a genuine black bigot. Learn from this reality and better understand the real world.

  1086. Ah the race card. Knew it would show up sooner or later. So Oprah thinks this gives a pass to this incompetent administration.

    1. The race card has been played NUMEROUS times during Obama’s presidency. Where have you been?

  1087. Quite the contrary Oprah. How many white presidents could have gotten this far undermining the Constitution and over riding the law of the land. Fast and Furious or Benghazi alone would ended in impeachment for any of them.

  1088. I respect Oprah, the woman, and praise her success as a beacon for others to follow. I also give her a pass for this very ignorant and divisive remark. Her statement is based on her life experience with racism, something I, a white male have never experienced. She of course is dead wrong and there are many successful Black Americans in the Republican party who will disagree with her.

    1. I, on the other hand, have no respect for her and think she’s nothing but a fat racist buffoon.

  1089. There are bigots all over this country. However, from what I see, most are “other than white” groups.
    I would like to ask the bigots this: Why is it okay to have an organization that is only for “other than whites’? (NAACP, La Raza) Why is it okay to have beauty contests for “other than whites”? (Miss Latina USA, Miss Black USA) Why is Congress allowed to have factions for “other than whites”? (Black Caucus, Latin Caucus) Why is it okay for whites to be daily denigrated with a racial slur? (Haole)
    So for those who are blaming any political attack on the President as being motivated by prejudice, I say to you, “You are the bigot.” You are turning the argument into a race argument.
    Defend the President with reason and facts. Leave your prejudice behind.

  1090. But we loved Condi Rice. We love and often quote Thomas Sowell. Could it be that we simply oppose Obama’s positions on the issues? Do ya think? I mean it: Do you actually ever THINK rather than spout Liberal rants?

    1. Condi is a 911 war criminal, along with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the other members of PNAC. I like Dr. Carson, though.

      Here are photos of a FEW other 911 perpetrators – Bush admin, Mossad, PNAC, and elements of the NSA/CIA / intel agencies/ military involved. NOTICE HOW MANY OF THESE ARE DUAL-CITIZEN ISRAELIS & PNAC MEMBERS [they are currently running the US Govt}.

      1. The idea that the Bush administration was involved in planning or carrying out the 9/11 attacks is pure fantasy.

      2. Really??? You’re joking, right? Reason, intelligence and critical thinking have been abandoned. Lord help us!

  1091. Sorry, Oprah – you’re entitled to your opinion, but that’s all it is. “Everybody” isn’t thinking that the level of disrespect for “the Office” is because the President happens to be black. You ignore the disrespect and hostility that President George W. Bush, “enemy” Republicans and Conservatives have been subjected to by President Obama, Obama Administration, Democrats, and Obama’s supporters since Obama took office. You also ignore a mainstream media that’s so desperate to avoid being branded as “racist” that its members bent over backward to avoid reporting any news story that might question decisions made by Obama Administration officials. Fast forward to today’s continuing meltdown of the Affordable Care Act and Congressional Democrats desperately running away from their collective intellectual dishonesty in supporting bad legislation that (so far) has hurt millions of Americans. Disrespect for “the Office” has nothing to do with the skin color of the nation’s first black president, and everything to do with a president who leads by ideology, not by what’s best for the nation.

  1092. …aaaaand many MORE Americans hate Obama because of his constant
    lies, deflections, blaming other, failed policies, lack of transparency,
    domestic and international spying programs, a failed healthcare program
    that was forcibly rushed on them and broken before it started, all the
    new taxes they got for it, all the money he wastes, his patent inability
    to accept even a modicum of fault, the constant parade of cheerleaders
    he puts out in front of him to taut his faltering agendas, the fact that
    both he and his wife think they are better than them, that his social
    agenda is more important than his Presidential one, and so very much

    Add to that, I’m fairly certain that the ONLY reason Big O is such an Obama fan is only BECAUSE he’s black, which I’m sorry…is also racism.

    1. Mark Levin was asking a question last night that I’ve been posing for a good while now: How in hell is Obama’s committing out and out fraud in lying about people being able to keep their health plans and doctors if they want to, when he KNEW up front that that was a TOTAL LIE, NOT an impeachable offense? If Obama was white, he’d have already been impeached (indicted) by the House and the Senate would be debating its verdict.

  1093. Oprah needs to get real. I’m sure some people base their opinions of Obama on his color just as some people voted for him solely BECAUSE of his color, but both groups are basing their opinions on race and are therefor racists. Most people who disapprove of him disapprove because he was unqualified for the office before he ran and has done nothing to reverse that opinion. I never think of him as a black man, just a lousy president. She needs to try thinking of people as people too rather than just seeing their color.

  1094. That’s odd; my friend hated what Bush did so much, you couldn’t mention even a Mulberry bush in her presence.

  1095. It’s sad that so many people think that because we don’t like a lying (Benghazi, Fast and Furious, “you can keep your health plan”) president whose economic policies and massive debt increases are destroying the economy, and under who has the lowest black job participation rate in decades, that it is because of racism.
    Does Oprah think that we would LIKE Obama and his ruinous lies, abuse of power, and destruction of the economy if only he were 100% white?

  1096. They made a movie about killing the shrub, but try and post a sentence with the word ki11 and the messiah B. Hussein in it-can’t be done here- I tried to allude to the next book by Bill O’Reilly dealing with ki11ing “that guy” and they circular filed the post…

  1097. If someone is against Obama b/c of his skin color, couldn’t someone also be a racist for him due to his skin color.ie….95% of black people who voted for him.

  1098. Stalin said, “For communism to succeed the Kualks have to die.” 18 million of them did. Take these Marxists seriously. They mean exactly what they say.

  1099. 1) As I recall, during Bush’s presidency, there was at least one book and one theater movie about a fictional assassination of him. I don’t recall any books or movies like that about Obama. As I recall, there was a lot of mocking & criticism of Billy Clinton & his adventure with Ms. Lewinsky. Was he black?
    2) When you see Obama and/or his minions play the “race card,” then you know that they have arrived at the “bottom of their barrel of rhetorical defenses of him.

  1100. Why do so many free black people play the slavery card, when a big percentage of them do things that put them in prison? Seems pro slavery to me.

    1. Criminals, by and large, have low IQ’s, which is why they commit crimes as they have an attenuated ability to delay gratification.

      1. Your correct about that. My point is blacks must have something in their DNA to seek a Master to control their lives. Prisons, Government handouts, ect.

  1101. Racists like Sharpton, Jackson and Oprah wouldn’t have any way to make a living without racism. Race baiting is their reason to exist.

        1. She reaches 5.9 million white woman daily…Wasn’t it George Orwell who wrote about mental programing with the every day requirement of the two minute hate?

          1. I know they were Obama’s second biggest voting block, twice. Right behind 98.5% of all blacks. We owe Obama’s election directly to white women 35-55. Time to start reconsidering the 19th amendment.

    [30 mins of explosive listening, bookmark for later]

    1. Even if that’s true, you KNOW the MSM will NEVER mention it, which will mean that most people never hear of it. Is it true? I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me, as he’s shown himself to be a major league POS!!

  1103. This fat racist dingbat lesbian is anti Christ her own words and into the occults.. and that’s one reason she hates Christians and anyone who believes in marriage between a man and women.. she has many serious problems.. white people made her rich.. but she will never be happy even with her 25 mansions,., by the way all in white communities. I guess deep down she really hates black people and is racist that’s why she never bought or build a home in a black community..

  1104. I disrespect Obama because he’s a lying, corrupt, petty dictator who cares only about rewarding his cronies for putting him in power.

    I deeply respect Dr. Ben Carson for rising up from poverty and all the good he does for humanity.

    You racist blacks need to get the chip off your shoulder. You should be thanking your creator every morning that slavery existed in the early US because had it not, you’d be living in the hell hole of Africa. Instead you live in a country where we feed you, house you and educate you, in spite of your constant complaints, hatred and violence towards us.

  1105. Oprah was a puppet from the beginning, she knows very well what she’s doing by focusing on race. Sherri Shepherd use the be a planted in Oprah’s audience to push the same agenda that she’s pushing on “The View” today. It’s all about brainwashing the women of the U.S.A. and it’s working like a charm.

  1106. So, the Oprah is in essence saying, “Bill O’Reilly will get to write his next in the series of “Killing that guy.” With that guy being the guy Bubba calls “the amateur” in the title role? Note you can call whitey a cracker, honkie or whatever the hyphenated-folk care to call them with full impunity, but you can’t say the kill word in a sentence with phony messiah… How PC ridiculous is Disqus?

  1107. Oprah is just protecting her billion dollar investment, but most people don’t like Obama because he is a liar.

  1108. Oprah Winfrey is an even bigger joke than Sharpton and Jackson! She is one of the biggest race-baiters alive today. She just goes about it a different way. She takes an activist approach and bot a blunt approach! Oh well, she can live the rest of her life knowing she was largely responsible for electing America’s most incompetent President! Then sleeping with him!

  1109. Well then, Lady Oprah, the way for El Presidente Teflon to have garnered and maintained as much respect as possible would have been for him to act forthright, upstanding and truthful and carry through on his contentions and promises. No, he would not have gained full respect from everyone, because that is impossible, as there will always be racists who will not respect another race no matter how you might act and there will be detractors who will not respect another despite what you do. BUT, you can gain higher respect (or maybe even turn the fence sitters) if you…… well….. see above.

  1110. One does not have to be a racist to dislike certain people.I do not eat pork, hot spices and do not drink milk. So what am I ?
    OK. You can call me whatever you like.
    I do not care.
    By the way Oprah, time to retire.

  1111. Allen West for President, and I hope he appoints Dr. Ben Carson as Surgeon General…but I still despise Barack Obama – guess that makes me a racist…

  1112. THIS clip OMITS the most hateful part of Oprah’s statement — that “old American racists “JUST HAVE TO DIE”. Here’s that statement and WATCH HER FACE WHEN SHE SAYS IT! [start at 3 mins].

    Perhaps her eugenics meetings with Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Buffett,
    Rockefeller and the OTHER rich NWO globalists on DEPOPULATION via toxic
    vaccines, wars, weather wars & fires to throw Americans from their homes fit into her comment that “THEY JUST HAVE TO DIE”.

  1113. Hey Opie, Are you saying Obama is African/ American? That pleases me no end. To be African/American you have just pointed out that he WAS born in AFRICA.
    I thought so. Kenyan born half/breed. Or maybe you’re just not ejjikated…..

  1114. Pointing out that Obama is black is amateur Alinskyism. It is such a pointless exercise that unless her intent is to fully burden those of dark skin with the projected failures of this schmuck she might want to keep that race card in the purse she didn’t buy in Switzerland. Delusions of grandeur much?

  1115. OMGoodness!! I don’t know anyone who has made mention of his skin color. It it not a racist situation, but rather policies gone array. American Citizens being told they will get fined if they don’t have an insurance policy they cannot afford, yet the complete government voted it in, allowing them their free healthcare. As a society, if we are being told we will be fined to pay for something we cannot afford, then we are under dictatorship, that is what American’s are against! He is the leader, He needs to make changes for the good of America!! If Ronald Reagan could pull the government bodies/congress together, then anyone else can as well, if they are a true leader of America!!

    People do not HATE Obama, they are hurt and disappointed in his leadership. Seriously, shutting down a government body for a few weeks, only to pay the people for not having had worked?? That is a huge waste of taxpayers money!!

    After the election, Americans are informed of the pay increase the Congress will receive. Why was this not upfront? Because American’s would have voted strongly against him. Why did it not leak out of Congress that this was happening? Because the greed that has infiltrated the hearts of the American body.

    This is NOT about about his skin color!! I really thought America was past all this blame because of someone’s race. But, here we have a well respected, intelligent woman, sharing that we as American’s are disrespecting our leader because he is black. That is NOT the case at all. To sit back and accuse American’s of being racist…seriously??? How many American’s are black? And, how many of them are disappointed in a man who made promises?

    I am seriously disappointed that Oprah is making these charges against American’s. Is that not a racist accusation? When you really do not understand the pain, the hurt and disappointment American’s are facing, you cannot begin to understand the reality of who people are.

    His first term I voted for him. I really had high hopes. I did not vote for him the 2nd time, because he was a man who could not even gain the respect of the congress, nor get them to work together for the good of our country,

    1. Many of us knew he was a Marxist before the first election, so you are dumb and naive. But just smart enough to see the light. And you are wrong, we do hate him — because he is a lying Marxist sworn to ruin our nation.

  1116. Tens of millions of Americans care less about his color and more about his big mouth (and her’s) insulting and dividing our nation. Oprah has become a pathetic leftist/race-baiting hag.

  1117. This has absolutely nothing to do with the color of a person’s skin. Dr. Ben Carson is one of the smartest men that I have ever listened to because of his common-sense approaches to fixing issues versus finding every way possible to take from those that have and giving to those that feel “Entitled to Have” eventhough they haven’t done much or anything to earn it. There is an agenda that everyone has been alluding to over the last 5 years and the veil of secrecy is cracking everywhere around this Administration. Hopefully our media outlets will finally start to do their jobs and investigate everything that is happening in our new form of government. It’s not just our children that are going to suffer but theirs as well!!! It is sad what is happening to our Nation!

  1118. How many members of the House of Representatives are on video or on record of some kind saying “we need to send Obama back to Kenya or wherever he’s from”? How many “birthers” are in the Congress?
    I live in Georgia. People hate the President because he’s bi-racial/black. This is fact.
    Joe Wilson yelled “you lie” when the President was later proven to be telling the truth and he only apologized because the Republicans made him. He didn’t personally apologize, he half-ass apologized to save face for his party.
    Most conservatives hate Obama because he’s black. Go read Breitbart, pay attention to the language used on Fox News, Rush, Glen Beck, and Laura Ingraham.
    The GOP is full of racists,

    1. Where to start…
      First, he is from Kenya.

      Second, you’re stereotyping everybody from Georgia, which is just about as bad as being racist.
      Third. Joe Wilson was actually proven to be right.
      Fourth, you’re being racist by once again, stereotyping a whole group of people for doing something based on the color of one’s skin. I have 3 black people, 6 Latino people, and 1 Japanese person in my family, all whom I love dearly. How does that make this Conservative racist again?
      You need a reality check.

      1. He’s from Hawaii. Joe Wilson was dead wrong. And as Maya Angelou said (whom you probably hate because she’s black and liberal) “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
        As soon as you said he was from Kenya, the rest of your comment exposed you….racist

      2. Eh, don’t even bother to respond to that troll. It’s just another Obozobot reciting the liberrhoid party line. Ignore it and it’ll go away.

        1. I’ve given up trying to cure stupid a long time ago. I wasn’t going to let that one go, though. I’m done with him now.

    2. Just because there may be birthers or people that say we need to send Obama back to wherever he is from does not make them racist. With saying that all they mean is that they want to get rid of him for a variety of reasons, one of them being the fact that they do not necessarily believe that he was born in the US, others being the fact that they hate his policies, and the fact that he lies. But in your narrow mind the fact that anyone would want to get rid of someone has to be because of the color of their skin and not do to the fact that that person in a bad leader. THAT MAKES YOU THE RACIST!

      1. you’re right on what you said and i think that people that are calling us a racist should just go bury their head back in the sand for a couple years to see what the country has become, the race card is pulled out of stupidity because they don’t know what they are talking about.

    1. …..And if our backs should ever be against the wall,
      We’ll be togeeeeeeeether, you and I.”
      Kumbaya idiot.

  1119. The refreshing part of all of this is that the notion that only whites can be racist is completely debunked. It is now commonly understood by everybody, that blacks harbor just as much hate and resentment as whites. Clearly. Now we can see the problem for what it really is. The truth of the matter has now entered our collective consciousness.

  1120. So Oprah is a racist, too. Nice. If you use the color of your skin to exploit public sentiment, you’re a racist.

  1121. Oprah’s just mad, let her be. This may be the last black American ever elected to the Presidency because of Obamama’s epic failures. If I were her, I’d be p!ssed off too.

  1122. The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No
    resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding
    of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls,
    nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
    Jack Wheeler

  1123. I swear – Black people are doing everything they can to insure that White Americans have no other option – but to believe that Black people are America’s curse and making White America feel uncomfortable with the reality of how they are driven to view Black America.

        1. Then there is the rest of the Washington “Gang of 535”; Michelle my Belle; Joey B; most of the Cabinet; etc

  1124. It is amazing what a comment, made by a Hollywood type, will cause. If all of you would get as passionate about fixing what is broke in this country, race would not be an issue!

    1. But Rick, why did you read it and respond? Could it be that Americans have been conditioned to think that “celebrities” have something important and meaningful to say that all Americans should listen to and ponder? Phew!

  1125. Just keep covering for his epic failures, Okra. That racism card played it’s last hand a long time ago. You’re going to go down with that sinking boat if you keep blaming the color of the water instead of plugging the hole.

    1. It might have played it’s last hand in your mind, but in society as a whole we’re just in the middle of the game. People have been brainwashed for decades through the news media, movies, talk shows, etc.

        1. Once again you’re correct when it comes to me and you, but not when it comes to the majority of Americans. Go on Huff Post and see what all is now considered to be “racist”. Racist should be spelled as wacist, or ray-cyst seeming it has a whole new meaning today.

          1. I refuse to lower my IQ by reading any of the drivel being spewed by those sites. I can barely stand the stupidity of socialists on this site as it is.

            1. No I recommend everyone to read the articles/stories/comments on far left liberal sites. It’s very eye opening, and lets you learn a truth that is covered up by most of the news media.

  1126. OMG! He’s black? I thought his Momma was a white chick !

    Wouldn’t that technically be a mixed race individual? A product of a multi-ethnicity union?

    In the vernacular a mulato, zambo, mestizo, cabocio, cafuzo, ainoko, mestico, mulatre, metis …. etc. Which term does Barry prefer?

    1. I was sitting at a table were the Latino woman informed the F-16 pilot that he was black and could go far in the federal gov’t.

      He looked up and said, “I’ve known that I have been black since I was 10 years old”…he was and still is a conservative.

  1127. The sheep are being herded for a reason and a purpose.

    Alinsky dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals”, to the first community organizer, Lucifer.

    It is willfully and woefully intentional.

  1128. No, Americans hate obammy and his hick supporters because they’re anti-American POS commie pigs ; just like you opry

  1129. Oprahs ‘philanthropy’ is faker than a 3 dollar bill.

    This fat effin pig is truly evil.

    Google: oprah eugenics

  1130. Guess she forgot that Michelle made the statement that she had always hated America. That’s a pretty much all encompassing statement!

  1131. Oprah Winfrey, like her hero BO, is an arrogant, narcisstic racist. On top of that she is a fat has been who is trying to be relevent by saying things to get people to pay attention. Sorry Winfrey, you and your ilk have played the race card too many times. We know now that it is the card you play when you have nothing else to use. Face it, king barry is an emperor wanna be with no clothes, and we know it.

  1132. Racism as defined will always exist as long the playing field is not level. Whites should be able to criticize a black president for his failed policies and flawed politcal ideology without being branded as racist.

  1133. he was elected twice and we are racist? maybe he just sucks at the job and he is a worm of a punk?

    does this mean that every african american who ever had any contempt for any other president is a racist?

  1134. Allen West is a black man who would make a great POTUS. The reason Barack Obama is disrespected is because he is divisive, dishonest, and a liberal Marxist. It has nothing to do with his race, but it doesn’t fit Oprah’s view of the world, so she will never acknowledge the reality of this failing presidency that she personally helped put in place.

  1135. Hey Oprah,
    Isn’t voting for someone just because he’s black racist?
    I dislike Obama because his socialist policies, coupled with his arrogance and incompetence, is ruining the future of the country I love – NOT because he’s half white.

  1136. Oh really? The claim in and of itself, is racist. No Oprah, we hate him because he is a Marxist. He might be the “One” for you. But he’s one of many to us. Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, Ho Chi Mien, Sun Young Ill, and Khrushchev, just to name a few off the top of my head. He could be purple and it wouldn’t matter as much as his America killing politics.

  1137. Who’s selling the little African girls into slavery while she’s doing interviews? Does she have ‘people’ for that?

  1138. Oprah, he’s not presidential material, when are you going to figure that out? Just because he’s black, doesn’t mean he’s the answer to America’s problems. It didn’t take long for the promised “hope & change” to result in poverty & despair.

    This is not the America of the 20th century, or even early 21st century. We are literally being forced to buy something from the government, something the constitution forbids against. The American people are NOT happy.

    President Obama has been an absolute disgrace.

  1139. Oprah is talking out of her arse!!!! The guy gets no respect because he deserves no respect. He is a buffoon. Ha has NEVER led anything and CANNOT lead this country. He is out of his league. He has been a liar and a cheat his whole life and got away with it, now that he leads the greatest country on the planet he CANNOT LEAD. It has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. He is USELESS and should be impeached.

  1140. How in the world could this woman have been the highest paid entertainer in the world? She is stupid but the people who support her are even more so. Oprah, it is because your president is a liar and a socialist who wants to take away as much freedom as he can. His policies have been a disaster for minorities – not the rich ones though so you are unable, through your racist eyes, that millions of people are suffering because of the want-a-be dictator.

  1141. Is it racist to like him only because he’s black? The guy is a dumb lying sack of $hyte and a phony. If a chihuahua peed on my carpet all the time, and I decided to get rid of it, was it because it was a chihuahua?

  1142. Mostly we hate it because it’s a “keep that voter block happy with taxing the productive people and awarding handouts to the non-productive consumers” commie. But that’s the bl@ck way of “life,” so in that sense, yeah, we DO hate it because it’s bl@ck.

    If we just got rid of all those dissenting rayciss debbils, like they did in … oh, say,
    Zimbabwe or … uhhh … South Africa … THEN we could be a peaceful and prosperous place, like … oh, say, Zimbabwe or … uhhh … South Africa.

    1. The system was designed to help those in poverty to get out of poverty…But Obama issued EOs to do away with that. That food stamp bump had a sunset provision for a reason.

  1143. Oprah, people like me hate Obama because of what he stands for. What’s worse, he wants me to support his ideas, or I’m racist. It’s race baiters like you that keep the whole race industry thriving.

  1144. This woman is a devout racist and should never be taken seriously.

    How ironic is it that one of the richest women in the world, A black american, would be doing this.

  1145. I will never support anything this woman has anything to do with, and it’s not because she is black, it’s because she is a know-nothing, lying bitch.

  1146. I don’t believe he is disrespected because his is black.
    He is disrespected because of what he has done in his 5 years in office.

  1147. So when she was vociferously anti-Bush was that her racism against whites? The last thing on peoples minds when they attack the president is his race, it’s about his policies. The spying and debt, along with his love of one size fits all top down government mandates are the issues.

  1148. I don’t respect our President because he is a liar and has done great damage to our country. It has NOTHING to do with racism. I don’t care what race our President is as long as he is up to the job. This president is NOT up to the job.

  1149. Obama is disrespected because he is stupid. Folks, we elected Steve Urkel as President: “Did I do that?” Yes, Obama you did and continue to destroy our institutions, our economy, our respect overseas, our spiritual climate, and, ironically, the well being of African Americans. It will be a sick irony that the first African American President led black people back into economic slavery. Yet another episode is in today’s news about the black college students losing their health insurance.

  1150. i was born in hawaii in 52 before us TOOK OVER the islands IN 59, mother chinese , father us navy man from texas, I AM A TRUE AMERICAN, shes more racist than alot of Americans.

  1151. Are we not tired with this racist crap yet? They throw this out as the last gasp when they can’t confront the reality of his failed policies.

    1. Yep, that’s why it’s called “the race card”. The Obozo apologists know they’re out of altitude and airspeed and it’s all they have left, so they play it. Pathetic.

  1152. Oprah’s allegedly very smart. But clearly, she can’t see how she is insulting Mr. Obama by never holding him to the same standards to which she would hold a white person….i.e. if he were not black, she would be considering the criticisms neutrally.

  1153. Oprah, if you believe that I, as a white person, am supposed to be racist because I don’t think obama is competent, then just why is it that I would love to have the opportunity to be able to campaign for many blacks, namely Thomas Sowell, Justice Thomas, Allen West, Herman Cain as well as many others who also are brilliant, informed black conservatives. I would support them with all of my effort. It’s not the skin color, Oprah, it’s one’s brains, solid moral character, knowledge of our Constitution, broad real life experience, and love of of our great country that gets my admiration and my vote. Today you are not the relaxed, friendly, intelligent and inclusive Oprah I used to love to watch on TV. There will always be a few professional malcontents around to dampen spirits, but I hope you will, once again, open your kind heart to most of us who don’t view life in such a cramped way.

  1154. Oprah is unhappy because not enough whites are being killed by black criminals.You are white, therefore racist, therefore you deserve to die. Since whites and especially Jews are being singled out for killing and assault lately I am sure her remarks will lead to someones death.

    1. But the difference is, that’s “acceptable”. It’s the “reparations” mentality, and it’s the politically-correct double standard.

      You see, in their minds, they’re “owed” – “owed” as much stuff as they think they can get, from “whites”. They’ve already got EEO, which says we can’t discriminate, and they’ve got affirmative action, which says we HAVE to discriminate (in their favor). They’ve got all the various welfare programs, transferring money predominantly from taxpaying whites, to them,which they use mightily, and they want more…..”reparations” from whites, people today who had nothing whatsoever to do with anything their ancestors went through…

      It’s never enough, and it never will be enough for them. We “owe” them – that’s the mentality, so it’s OK for them to dislike us. And that’s more than enough to justify white’s dislike of anyone who thinks that way.

  1155. Oprah must feel that now that she has it all, she doesn’t need us anymore and doesn’t care what we think of her.

    1. Unfortunately for Oprah, she still NEEDS an audience at her OWN channel, and an audience at the movies she participates in. I won’t be one of them.

  1156. Oprah has it in one. Anytime a white person says anything against a black person it is because of race. Blacks never do anything wrong but get blamed for murders and robberies and drugs that they did not commit. It is all about racism. Free O.J.

  1157. Harpo, you ignorant sihtbag crunt….It’s got nothing to do with the color of his skin. It’s the color of his politics – Red – that’s why he is so despised by people that still love and long for the salvation of what the USA was intended to be about. A land where everyone has the same opportunity to apply their work ethic, brains and brawn, to create the best life possible for themselves and their family, and their community. NOT a federally enforced mandate of equality of OUTCOME through redistribution of wealth and destructively radical egalitarian leftist activism. But in the end, too many Americans allowed themselves to be conned. The ultimate blame rests with the populace for ceding their superior authority over their employees – every elected official from their local dog catcher to POTUS – and allowing gub’mint to somehow turn the tables and become the rulers of people. Is there any chance at this point the populace can right this error? Hopefully. But I get less optimistic every day.

  1158. BUSINESS
    Aug. 5, 2012 9:27am Mike Opelka

  1159. Queen Okra has opened her big trap once more. Stick to entertaining folks, not espousing on topics with actual thought required.

  1160. See, I told you stupid was alive and well. Oops there she is!!!!!! Lawd, Miss Scarlett sound like dis gurl be going back to dey startin’ line with dis oblamo thang!!!!!

  1161. Dear Oprah Fabian-Nimrod,

    Back in the day, the Puritans weren’t cool with freedom of religion but thank god liberalism is the idea that evil deserves a fair chance. The freedom loving Quakers taught the Puritans a lesson by walking up and down the aisles butt naked. Mass is at 9 am. If you want to coexist, just call and I’ll give you directions. At the Festival, we can share a Pelosi – a warm Italian desert stuffed with pork and topped with bacon.

    Milton Friedman said socialism is force.

    For every one person a guy talks about a bad experience with, a woman talks to 15. When women spend time together, women PMS at the same time – one of many mysteries that cross racial and ethnic lines. Women can win a “men don’t think things through” argument but what happens when communal women don’t change their mind even though the facts change? After breaking up with a two bit socialist, women are ruthless elephants.

    Margaret Thatcher, the stepping stone, said Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Tyranny, Nazism, Despotism, or Big Centralized Government is sinful, leads to decay, immoral, dishonest, immature, shameful, fearful, distrustful, dehumanizing, stupid, weak, pessimistic, morally bankrupt, evil, backwards, politically incorrect, void of moral choices, contemptuous, secretive, destroys people’s dignity, unethical, unjust, inefficient,absurd, and creates class divisions to hold people down.

    Shame on the members of public service unions and their bought and paid for politicians. Shame on people who strike for themselves at the expense of others. Shame on the people who make public union members feel as if there is no alternative. Shame on thinking nothing is sacred and everyone’s body is an amusement park except mine. Shame on the public servants who know the stimulus and government is corrupt. Shame on the Democratic Party. Shame on the President. Shame on academia for the politically correct narcissistic Frankfurt critical theory. Shame on academia for destroying the truth by teaching a pack of socialist lies. Shame on the liberal media.

    Shame on cynical Republicans for caving in to the pressure. Uncle Toms and uncle Rhinos go along to get along. Shame on black democrats selling out their brothers and sisters and calling black Republicans uncle toms – raw deals suck! Black, white, orange, and purple conservatives call a Rhino a Rhino.

    Milton’s wife complained about socialism and Milton said “deep sigh bummer”. He had to stay in a hotel for a week. Behind every great man is a great woman but if I had a pair I would play with them all day. Chicks don’t have a sense of humor unless they’re Republicans.

  1162. Maybe Oprah should realize Obama has been a horrible President. He’s arrogant, appears to listen to few of his advisors, is detached from everyday life, and is in “campaign mode” instead of dealing with problems.

  1163. OBTW, Oprah, there are millions that used to have the utmost respect for you, but lately have lost that respect and it has nothing to do with your color either. It is more about accusing pople of things that just are not true. You may see things any way you choose. You may use a crutch if you need help walking, but you should not use that crutch for those that refuse to walk before they run and attempt to use that crutch, the NSA, the IRS, the FBI, the Attorney General, most of the press and a few hundred Czars to stifle any and all opposition.

    1. If I had all her money, I would do something SIGNIFICANT regarding the homeless. Her charity is one little black overseas school. She spends all that money on herself and to heck with the hungry children throughout this country that BOTH political parties are trying to REMOVE medicaid and food stamps from. Her hero Obama just reduced food stamps to America’s hungry children by 10% in Nov. He’s JUST getting started! Next, he intends to CUT or ELIMINATE social security and medicare from old folks. NO CUTS FROM THE MILITARY OR NSA SPYS! Obama and the Dims have already STOLEN billions from PAID-IN Medicare funds for his sick ObamaCare. DON’T SIGN UP, FOLKS!

      1. Karl Marx was fat, lazy, and stinky bum who managed to do an unbelievable amount of harm with his extremely faulty intelligence machine. On page 64 of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels outlined everything.

        Welcome to Hotel Obama. No free speech and you can only travel via the Hotel shuttle. Please invite all your rich friends. All property is taken from the emigrants and anyone who complains about the service. We pay with counterfeit dollars and extra tax people who work harder to have more counterfeit dollars. If any of the other guests like your dress or suit, we all share at Hotel Obama. Next week, we are going up to your lake property but you can’t go until you are part of the collective. You are no longer the President of your company and all the machines are ours. Tomorrow morning your chain gang is farming and next week you will be doing factory work. The dupes check-in but they can never leave.

        Words are so important that I would love to have an Orwellian nightmare find the right ones. Einstein said people are infinitely dumber than the universe. We won a cold war without understanding how Communists fundamentally transform countries. The audacity of hope and change is exploiting our incredible stupidity.

        Marxism has never worked. Socialism requires “new” men and women who do not distinguish between earned and unearned success. After World War I, the Marxists were surprised that the workers do not unite and create heaven on earth.

        The crazy Marxists decided civil societies were the problem. The solution was destroying the civil society before finding out nothing grows in a pile of dirt if you do not reward earned success. Since Marxism does not work, the Marxist has to replace religion with worship of the state and kill people to create heaven on earth. Words, names, and slogans are very important to the Marxist who wants the Marat media to worship a Robespierre in order to get a bunch of leeches to suck off Napoleon’s hemorrhoids. Mark’s legion is the ruthless mob of useful idiots. When the civil society is a pile of dirt, normalization begins.

        If you show the guilty mercy, you punish the innocent after the fundamental transformation. Every systemic problem creates a constituency that the communist wants to expand to punish and demoralize the innocent while doing nothing about the guilty during the civil society destroying 10, 20, or 30 year period. The best defense is an infuriating offense. Frankfurt critical theory is simple. Criticize, criticize, and criticize your problem solving opposition with your intentionally created problems that you have no solutions for while preventing the opposition from solving the problem – pure madness.

        Orwellian nightmares come up with politically correct wonderful names for awful things and awful names for good things. Lies are told again, again, and again by people who have no clue. Political correctness is important so the trouble makers can vilify without return fire. Orwellian nightmares put crazy narcissistic control freaks in charge of bureaucracies whenever possible then betray and condemn the useful idiots when the transformation is complete and the police state begins.

        Cynicism is a double edged sword. On one hand it protects people from crushing disappointment. On the other hand it paralysis people from saying or doing anything constructive. Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals to honor the devil because the devil got his own kingdom. The communist super genius is a truly evil person. Karl Marx thought Big Government was a bad idea and Stalin killed Trotsky because he agreed. There is a 1963 book called the Naked Communist that outlined destroying our civil society.

        It is going to take decades to straighten things out and everyone needs to be on board.

      2. Excellent point! Why doesn’t she join forces with Joe Canada, a black educator who has devoted his life to successfully helping young black children in Haarlam? He is a hero who has used all of his energy and talent to help these kids learn (without lowering standards) and go on to the university or other higher learning. He doesn’t waste the time of the students blaming the white man and labeling them victims. He devotes all his energy to empowering these kids to develop their own minds. He has created more bright futures for young black children than has Oprah and the President put together.

  1164. Oh really? The claim in and of itself, is racist. No Oprah, we hate him because he is a Marxist. He might be the “One” for you. But he’s one of many to us. Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, Ho Chi Mien, Sun Young Ill, and Khrushchev, just to name a few off the top of my head. He could be purple and it wouldn’t matter as much as his America killing politics.

  1165. Well Oprah you have lost absolutely all of my respect. Are you saying he is dishonest and can’t tell us the truth because he is black huh? I do not respect any liar, black, white or other wise.

  1166. Confirmed: Oprah is a racist. To impugn white people with racism means she thinks white people are awful, awful people. It cannot possibly be that Obama is a failure in every way. That he got elected TWICE solely because he was black. NO! His troubles are because the U.S. is a racist country. I guess racism WILL end when she dies.

  1167. Dear Oprah, do you remember the day when Obama became the president? Whites and blacks wiping off tears of great speeches and hope of a better future in america. Jobs and prosperity. Now people have tears in their eyes, no food no jobs no homes no future no healthcare. Wouldn’t you be upset and mad at the man he promised a better future for this country and his follow americans? So many promises so many lies. You are very fortunate and a bright person your comment has no merit.

  1168. Right on Oprah! Yeah, words and actions have no meaning to you. You can do what you want as long as it’s a DemonicRat mandatory, right? …? O?

  1169. She is right…that’s how we got Oprah, Condi Rice, Justice Thomas, Bill Cosby, Denzel, Beyoncé, Jay-Z…blah blah blah

    1. Read Condi’s autobiography. Born & raised mostly in Birmingham. I was amazed at how similar our upbringings were to each other. Great, easy read.

  1170. Obama is hated because of what he has done and is trying to do! The capitalistic system that made Oprah a billionaire is being destroyed by the way Obama is governing, and his total disregard of the constitution! The richest woman in American is phony when she complains that his problems are due to his race and not to his actions!

    1. Even though Obozo denies he’s 1/2 white… Obozo hates Amerika and is creating his version of utopia. Has lots of communist followers. Right Oprah?

  1171. This just in Ophra says if you like him because he is black thats racist and you have to die too,

  1172. If I had a choice for a black president it would be Ben Carson, Herman Cain or even Condie Rice. I see no color, I see who respects our country and the values therein. Those who play the race card are the ones who do not value themselves and cannot get over the past issues blacks faced in the 50’s & 60’s. GET OVER IT! If you are not happy what God placed before you, only you are to blame. You had every right and choice to better yourselves. POTUS Oboma does not care for anyone but himself and wants to destroy this country and wants us to be ruled by the government and not be able to make our own choices. Remember Hitler & Stalin they wanted us to do as they said and look what happened under their rule. Do you want that here?

  1173. Oprah, what do we call those who hate Bush who was white?
    Sadly, Oprah cannot accept the fact that her white house boyfriend has a reign of failures due to his incompetence not his race.
    Nor does Ms. Winfrey honor his heritage — his mother who chose life, not abortion as her son honors it, is white.

  1174. I don’t think Oprah is saying this so much as a black person than she is as an oblivious celebrity who breathes that rarified air that all billionaires breathe. She is just hopelessly out of touch with the real world. I mean who starts a magazine about themselves and then puts themselves on the cover every month- that ego must be MASSIVE.

    1. Kind of like Obama even naming his dog after himself — BO . . . BTW, I saw a Facebook site where Michelle accidentally called herself a “single mother.” She then tried to explain it by saying she feels like a single mother when her husband is so busy being president of the United States.
      Yeah, right, Michelle. Sure thing.

      1. No, I would say him accepting a Nobel Peace Prize for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to deserve it, is a prime example.

  1175. Oprah’s right. We need to back off and give the preezy the benefit of the doubt. We can’t expect him to perform at the same level as say, a rich white guy from texas.

    1. Good lands, anon, the man’s worth is 17M, including that joke of a nobel prize. I’ve given him the benefit of my doubt from the gitgo and he hasn’t disappointed, and i’m still doubtful. In the oblamo white house, incompetence and lies are the exception rather than the rule.

  1176. The race cards gets dealt again. Why is it so hard for Oprah and the other
    black race baiters to understand that a white person might disagree with Obama, even dislike like him, not because he’s black, but because of the damage he and his policies have done to this Nation. Obama has done nothing to deserve respect from anyone who makes even a slight attempt to stay current with what is happening in the United States on a daily basis, or who is conversant with Obama’s past documented comments, political history, and associations. In my opinion, it;s people like Oprah, Sharpton, Jackson, Waters, Holder, just for starters, who are the true racists because of their continuing condemnations and accusations against whites for not . and accepting responsibility for the failures in their own race

  1177. She can’t admit that Barack Obama is just a complete failure. Oh no, it’s got to be the fault of whites.

    What a disgusting human being.


  1178. If she is really looking to end racism she should begin with 0bama.
    She should understand that 0bama is not black, he’s mixed race. She should also look in the mirror. She is not one to talk about racism when she is a racist at her core. I have never watched an episode of her liberalista show and am sorry I cannot retrieve the time I wasted watching Alex Haley’s ROOTS

  1179. I think the level of disrespect is ‘IN’ the office, not for the office. It was not a Senator, it was a Congreeman and he did not say you are a liar, he said you ‘LIE’ and as it turns out, the Congressman was absolutely correct. History will show that the disrespect coming from the WH and the oval office. He has and continues to disrespect the rule of law, the constitution, the other branches of government. He has no respect for those that work hard and aresuccessful that choose not to vote for handouts. He disrespects his own blood and race in that he continues to keep them down and encourages disruption to get things done. He disrespects the office of president by sitting his rear end on the desk, putting the soles of his feet on the desk and by inviting some pretty wild and crazy and crooked people into that office. His main goal in getting anything done is first and foremest to further maintain his power, party and by hook and crook. He claims others will not compromise, but then he refuses at the get go to work with anyone but thugs and crooks. It is not the office and it is not the color of his skin is the conduct and character coming from the man and the office.

  1180. So my comment deserved editing out? I lost all respect for Oprah when she equated the Trayvon Martin killing with the Emmett Till murder. Martin would be alive today if he had been taught to respect authority. Till was brutally murdered by white racists. We do not care what his skin color is but rather his failed policies that history has proven do not work. Please do not delete.

    1. Ken,
      I’m not sure George Zimmerman was authority, however I do believe Trayvon would be alive if he was raised to respect the gifts he was given, like a free education, shelter, food, and a free country to grow up one day to be president.

        1. According to http://www.usaonwatch.org/about/neighborhoodwatch.aspx

          USAonWatch does not advocate watch members taking any action when observing suspicious activity in their neighborhood. Community members only serve as the extra “eyes and ears” and should report their observations of suspicious activities to their local law enforcement. George Zimmerman probably exceeded the responsibilities of the “watch”, by walking towards Trayvon. Honestly, the whole situation is sad, but bottom-line, I do think George had a right to defend himself.

  1181. No Oprah, we disrespect him, detest, despise him because he lies to us, tramples the Constitution, and utterly despises our beloved country, its principles, and morality. Obama is exactly the domestic enemy our founders warned us about – guess what? none of those things have to do with your stupid race card. I’ve noticed that liberals and blacks use the race card to try to ignore or cover up when a black person is incompetent, racist, or and/or immoral all of which fit Obama. So get over your stupid racist lies honey, and face reality. If Americans were as racist as you claim, your show would never have earned you the millions you now have because you would have been tuned out.

  1182. Wow Oprah, this turned out to be a great promotional for your new movie!

    Just like your failed network.

    Now sit in the corner and eat another pork chop.



  1184. It’s not the color of his skin that has led to the apparent lack of respect directed at the president, but the obvious emptiness of his head. Hell, the man can’t just tell you what he thinks about anything, he has to READ it from a teleprompter leading many of us to ask the musical question “Does he even think at all?”

  1185. Hey oprah, many blacks voted for obama strictly because he is black (or half black anyway). How is that not segregated thinking?

  1186. the simple truth is no one likes Obama because he is a horrible president, and a tyrant who thinks he can change parts of laws by waving his magic wand.. which I might add is illegal. Oprah is nothing more than Al Sharpton with a vagina.

  1187. The truth has been exposed for months now Opara is a racist and a liar both fully documentedif you keep up with the news

  1188. We are so racist it is us white folks fault that all the Black kids are losing their healthcare at Bowie College a Black Student School. I think it was Obama Care that did that and what is Obama if he is not Black. He is Racist against his own race.

  1189. Liberals like Oprah base everything on how someone looks, so they think everyone does.

    Conservatives based their opinions of someone based on their attitude and how they behave.

    We don’t like Obama because he is an arrogant, corrupt, hateful, dishonest anti-American hypocritical communist. I really don’t care what his physical characteristics are.

  1190. THIS clip OMITS Oprah’s statement that older white Americans [who she says are still racist] “JUST HAVE TO DIE”. Here’s that statement [start at 3 mins].

    Perhaps her meetings with Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Buffett, Rockefeller and the OTHER rich NWO globalists on DEPOPULATION with toxic vaccines, WAR, etc. fit into her comment that “THEY JUST HAVE TO DIE”.

    1. I really dislike lazy ignorant people like you- She has SO many valid things to criticize about her and you go there. I wish people like you would keep your ignorant mouths shut. You are ruining it for people with integrity.

          1. Show me where I did what you claim. I guess you are one of those people who hate first and the facts be damned.

            1. I’m not stupid, but I guess I was inattentive. I thought, in my haste, that you were Karl. I apologize Cm.

      1. Your White guilt isn’t going to protect you anymore. Might as well accept reality and start calling a spade a spade. You may see yourself as “enlightened” and “above it,” but people like Oprah and Obama see you as White – and that makes you part of the problem, no matter how much of a friend to Blacks you try to be.

  1191. Yep…we’re racists. That must be why a Black woman became the most popular, highest paid personality on television in America. It would also explains why the country elected a Black President – because of all our hatred. Yep…makes perfect sense. We hate Blacks so much in America that we give them preferential treatment and more opportunity than they will find anywhere else in the world. Shame on us.

    1. Have you noticed racists now use the word “hater” instead of “racisit”. Sickening. No white guilt here.

      1. It makes sense – classic Alinsky strategy – ridicule, and the more ambiguous the better because it makes the ridicule harder to defend. I have no White guilt either – but a whole lot of White animosity at this point.

          1. Tired of being called racist because I can see obvious problems in the Black community that need to be fixed. Or being called racist because I disagree with this President’s agenda. Tired of being told that I have to feel guilt for events that happened before I was born. Tired of watching society give a pass to certain groups even when their behavior is abhorrent just because they are “minorities.” Tired of the double standards that are applied to racial classes. Tired of being blamed for the failures of certain communities that I personally have never tried to harm. Tired of seeing opportunities being doled out in the name of “fairness” rather than in the name of “earned.” Tired of the intentional social programming by the media to make Whites appear as hapless buffoons that need a hero of color to save them – not to mention the media’s glorification of White genocide through it’s depictions of interracial couplings as superior to racial heterogeneity. That’s the short list – the whole list is too long for this forum.

            1. Thought your post meant you had animosity towards whites. Very good post. Couldn’t agree more. I feel the tide turning now though. People have finally had enough.

  1192. The fact that His Holy O’liness is black is about the only thing people do like about him anymore. He’s certianly parleyed that into a personal empire. As has been said many times. .. it’s not the color of his skin that is the problem, its the thickness of it.

    the fact that he’s an incompetent neophyte coupled with his hack Chicago thug-style political machine would have nothing to do with the problems he has foisted on this country. Noooo. We have to be Racists. That in itself is racist. The racism of low expectations. She is saying;” Obama needs a leg up, cuz well . . .you know . . he’s . . .you know. . .”

    I doubt she really believes this nonsense. i mean c’mon . . .Is white America racist because White America hasn’t made her even more rich?

    Give moi a break. She knows full well that 90% of her empire was built on adoring lily-white suburban mommies who swoon at her every word. I think she trots out this bilge just to feel like she is adding gravitas to the great political narrative. Otherwise, she’s about as edgy as an issue of Redbook. (Do they still print that?)

  1193. Oprah is wrong (again), people disrespect LIARS their color is not even an issue (except to black racists like Oprah and Obama… they think their actions are never ever the problem, only ever the color of their skin… and that is the thinking of morons).

    Like MLK said, its about character not color… sadly, Oprah/Obama are seriously flawed and race baiters… wanting to be treated differently because of their skin color instead of wanting to be treated like equals… its always one excuse after another (only its always the same old excuse… “I AM NOT A LIAR, I AM COLORED… like we are just supposed to give them a free pass “because they are colored”? MORONS.

  1194. oprah , you are the Racist you keep up his deceit only because he is black. take a long hard look at your own hate for White people!!! By the way I know you oprah are racist, obama is half white. the only problem his white half you will not talk about.

  1195. I have heard other Black Entertainers say similar things. Samuel Jackson and Morgan Freeman come to mind and it is too bad because I really liked a lot of their work. Oprah, Jackson, Freeman and others have no reason to hate like they do, I guess they just want to and they have the money to get away with it.

  1196. “Workers and Race Baiters of the world, unite!” Obama’s new slogan for the Marxists, also known as Democrats.

  1197. Keep thinking that Oprah. The problems of your community will not be resolved until they take a good long look in the mirror and stop blaming others. Until then, dont waste my time with your whining.

  1198. People of the world ,American leftist Democrats are the biggest hypocrite racist in America and the biggest liars, cheats, scammers, etc…..

  1199. She made her billions from middle class whites. He got elected on votes from middle class whites. No one I know in the world today owned slaves. How many American blacks have proof that they descended here from slave ships? Oprah, now that she is rich, has become the Queen of racism allegations and the country’s largest purveyor of white guilt.

  1200. No, Oprah, it’s not his color that bothers us: it’s the fact he acts and lies like a third world African dictator with no respect for the Constitution while trampling on our liberties.

  1201. I don’t respect Obama because he’s incompetent, arrogant, deceitful, disingenuous, and a cheat.

  1202. I have to admit–I am deeply disappointed in Oprah. I had believed for many years that she had risen above such comments. All of us are looked down upon by someone. For many reasons, not just color. But for blacks like Oprah, it is always and forever about color. And that tells us that a lot of serious problems can be overlooked and not addressed because they insist on focusing on only one issue, and a worn-out, used-up, driven down, and moot issue at that.

    1. Everything this president does or doesn’t do will be blamed on racism.

      I honestly believe before he was elected they sat around in the den of the terrorist Bill Ayers and thought up this strategy. If you oppose Obama’s policy, your a racist ! Pure and simple. We will scare the country into doing what we want by the fear of having anyone against him being branded a racist. The media will ensure this.

  1203. Give me a break and crawl back into your hole Oprah!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU only like him because he is Black, he only got elected because he is black, he certainly isn’t qualified to sit in the oval office.

  1204. This is the face of someone who has fallen from being admired and respected toa person who has stooped to offending and belittling most of her audience. This
    is not a stupid woman. When she declared her support for Obama in 2008, she
    removed herself from impartial to sycophant status. She and Michelle Obama
    have competed in an ego contest that has left Oprah on the outside looking in.
    Her new approach is to demean those who disagree with Obama and pullout
    the hackneyed race card. To make these comments to a foreign reporter is
    disgraceful and as for any respect I once held for her…forever tarnished.

  1205. My wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me not to call Emperor Obama a flaming Marxist and Oprah an overweight, overbearing, overpaid, racist cow. Out of respect (and in fear of) the bride, I won’t.

  1206. Dear Oprah, people hated Bush when in the WH. Obama has done unfortunately a bad job as a president. You on the other side have billions and not affected by the 50 > million americans on food stamps. To make things worse for our prez he has lied and lied and lied again. I am sure you have still a premium health care provider right? I am not a racist but just mad very mad!

  1207. Tell us, Orca Winfrey, how you amassed a billion dollar empire if Americans are so racist? Personally, I would be proud to call Dr. Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Alan West, former Rep. JC Watts, or even Herman Cain “Mr. President”. Or are they not “black” enough to absolve me of my “racism” in your eyes?

      1. You are on the right track here, wrong group however. How do you think it is possible that a man who was a mediocre state senator, with 0 accomplishments in the US Senate and less executive experience then a manager at McDonalds could become the leader of our great country and the most powerful person in the world? If he was not black, do you think he would have been one of the top 10, hell top 50 potential nominees for the Democratic nomination. Me thinks not!!

      2. We can even be far right, and not be racist. I am being driven more and more toward being racist because I am being so relentlessly accused of it. There comes a time when we simply say “To he!! with it!” They are shoving away even those who might have been on their side, and it is their fault. I am absolved by their relentless attacks, since there is nothing I can do that will change their minds. Pathetic but true.

      3. There is no statistical proof of what you simply stated. Your perception created by the MSMs have mislead you. And the political profiteers are doing a number on the masses.

  1208. Actually, I am happy that Obama is black. If he was white, there would not be a single thing to like about the man.

  1209. By making comments like these, she is just showing her own racism. That word has been thrown around so much during this administration that whenever I hear it, I know they are talking about someone who just disagrees with the POS and that racism really has nothing to do with it!!

  1210. Why doesn’t she talk about how the president and first lady disrespected her after they moved into the White House and didn’t need her to foist them upon the American public anymore? I read that she wasn’t exactly welcome at the White House. Ask Harry Lennix what he thinks of the pres. Maybe she should take her talk of racism to Europe and keep it there. The American racists have made her wealthy beyond her wildest dreams.

  1211. Total bullsquat – Obama is disrespected because he is an inexperienced, incompetent, socialist dilettante. Contrast Clarence Thomas…

  1212. I only dislike the 50% of him that is a white socialist. The 50% black half of him is a misguided community organizer.
    Put those two together and you have a person who is not equipped to be President.

  1213. OBAMA’S TEENAGE FRIEND IN 1977 MIA – HE WAS HOMO, HAD SEX WITH MEN FOR COCAINE MONEY [30 mins of explosive listening, bookmark for later]


  1215. Okra if you want to talk about lack of respect look at B. Go back to the 2008 presidential debate with McCain. The much senior senator always addressed the junior senator as Senator Obama while the junior senator addressed the senior senator as John. Not being familiar with B, I found it to be strange. It seems to be a liberal playbook. To not show any respect at all for your political adversaries.

    Feet on the desk, feet on the coffee table, I guess that top rated prep school in Hawaii didn’t teach manners.

    1. That has always bothered me too billy. Yet I have not seen one media story of his lack of respect for the presidential desk. All we see are the souls of his shoes resting on the desk. Pathetic !!!!

  1216. Show me anyone more racist than sharpton, jackson or holder. Blacks need to stop using racism as an excuse for incompetence. When you can’t blame on Bush, blame it on racism… Baloney! Oprah should go into any school in the country, kids that have problems are the ones without stable parents black or white! Oprah wouldn’t know racism if it hit her on the head she lives the one percent life of the wealthy elites… But here’s the thing she earned it!… and that’s what obama has to do to earn respect for his policies by doing what is best for the country. If you tell me he invested enough time in ACA… than he is incompetent.

  1217. Is this the same lady that called Mr Obama, prior to his election, “He’s Brillient” ????

  1218. 8300 and counting. LOL The Oprah is toxic.
    Doesn’t she know that once you become the POTUS all bets are off, including race?

  1219. They don’t care what color he is. He just lies all the time and people don’t like a President that deviates from the truth on a daily basis!

  1220. Liberal whites encourage blacks to keep playing the victim and using the race card.. I tried to post a comment on the liberal site HUFFPOST.. cant get one comment through unless I agree American whites are racist… its sick what white liberals are doing to this once great country..

  1221. Sorry Oprah but you are seriously mistaken. The reasons that people don’t like this President are long and I am sure Racism is a long way down the list and of very little significance. The number one reason people dislike this Obama is the fact that he is the worlds biggest liar and maybe even the entire universes biggest liar if there happen to be other intelligent life out there anywhere else in the universe. I am convinced that this man doesn’t even know he is lying nearly every time he speaks and if you don’t understand that you are as warped as he is.

  1222. NOPE Oprah. It is because he is an IDIOT. I don’t give a hoot what color he is. I care that he is unable to do the job.

  1223. Sorry Oprah, but your logic is flawed at a fundamental level. Being critical of anyone over physical attributes (like skin) is actually disrespectful to our Creator. Those who are focusing on the skin of someone else, instead of their ideas, intent and actions aren’t exactly the people who I’d be interested in hearing their opinions.

    The heart of the issue is exactly what I just said matters: ideas, intent and actions. Mr. Obama’s are clearly in direct opposition of those by whom this nation was established as a nation ruled by law, and not men.

  1224. I would not dispute Ms Winfrey’s claim that there is some racism linked to the dislike of Obama.However,i find her comments to be counter productive in stimulating a substantive debate concerning this administrations disastrous policies.Anecdotally, i have no interest in skin color.My interests concern the future of my country,a topic much larger than one man.

  1225. Oprah we knew you were black when we watched your show. We knew Obama was black when he was elected twice to the office of president. Now you are saying that we are racists who dislike blacks based on what? Our opposition? You can only stroke a black person you can’t criticize a black person? Are you serious Oprah?

  1226. Right Winfrey, it has nothing to do with the fallout of ACA…pffft.

    Bad policies have nothing to do with racism…but you want to turn it into a race issue…bigot.

  1227. We despise Barry because he is anti-American & he is remaking America in his commie image. The fact that he’s half Kenyan has nothing to do with it!

    Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness the things we cherish he despises!

  1228. It is alway because they are black when white people disagree with blacks. They are so ignorant they can’t see it is theirbehavior and actions that cause whites to dislike them. The word “racist” has been so overused by blacks they need to pick another word to use. Oprah is just another” racist”, wealthy unattractive, ,porker, libtard made rich by the very people she calls racist. When people feel inferior they pull out the race card.

  1229. I grew up in N. Gary, Indiana circa 1960 s, being a skinny little white kid I can tell you all about racism. The percentage of caucasion hate for blacks is nothing compared to blacks and their attitude as to white folk. Parents are to blame for racism mostly, some individuals outgrow it, some take it to the grave. Anyway, that is what I have taken from my life s experiences.

  1230. Said it before and have to say it again, who really cares what “celebrities” say or do. Just that simple

  1231. Why should we have any respect for someone who absolutely hates half of Americans. You can’t just go around forcing your way when only 35% of the population actually approve. That’s why we can’t stand this jerk. Everything he gets involved in turns to crap.

  1232. It couldn’t be because Obama disrespects the Constitution and the citizens of this country, now could it? It couldn’t’ be because Obama is an incompetent failure at his job, now could it? It couldn’t be because while millions of Americans are unemployed and under employed, he and his family have vacationed or played golf? Nor could it be the many scandals cronyism, IRS, employment, false global warming, Fast & Furious,
    Benghazi, and the fiasco of all fiascos, ObamaCare. No, he is disrespected because he is black. He has had the advantage, more than any president of the MSM holding his hand and covering his affirmative action butt since day one. If Oprah had such an employee it is incredulous to believe she would have kept such ineptitude on the payroll this long and still expect a successful outcome. So Oprah, do you still only see black through those rose colored glasses?

  1233. Well if Obama was elected President with just the black vote…..not enough blacks to vote him in. So logically, more whites and Hispanics votes were the maximum votes that overwhelmingly gave him the majority vote. So Oprah, your logic is so off skewed, that I think a lobotomy is n the near future for you!

  1234. There is nothing racist about calling a liar a liar. He is a damn liar! We have the video tape. You and all the leftists in the world cant spin it any other way. Go buy another handbag.

  1235. Utterly pathetic. Racism is not the problem. Zer0’s incompetence is the problem.

    Libs also need to realize that they did exactly the same to Bush. What you are unwilling to give, you are generally not going to get.

  1236. I hate him because he is a lying, corrupt, hypocrite Socialist regardless of whether he is black or not! I hate you too Oprah for some of the same reasons, this is also true of Al Gore, Bill Mayer, Al Franken the list goes on! Seems to me you are the one who cannot get over the fact that he is black? And he totally screwed the pooch!

  1237. Americans don’t disrespect Bam because he’s African American, they disrespect him because he’s un-American. He’s disrespected not for what he is but because of who HE is!

  1238. So I don’t have a chance to get as much sun because winter is here, but I’m more of a light tan with some pink, not white. So with that in mind, you both are idiots who not only are but have screwed up this country big time. Please go away and stay away, you do nothing but suck off people and leave the dead bodies to rot.

  1239. She like everyone else can blame and call people racist all day but the fact remains Obama has no experience. Never had a job and his failures is the cream at the top of the milk. It is as it is. Obama is nothing but controversy and contradictions with repeated sound clips that call Bush un-American for exactly the same things Obama has done the difference being 2007 and 2013. Obama has been nothing but a liar with sounds clips and video clips but defenders want to run and hide behind race for failures. Communism is color blind and that’s exactly what you have. A communist for president with socialist ideals. When the people needed jobs he gave you control and tax laws but called it health care. Two cash tarp bundles thrown to the wind and any jobs produced from it were at 1 or 2 million per job. Yet you claim his failures are “our” race problem. I suggest that those of you throwing race around are nothing but simply “stupid” and protectors of failure. You are also someone I wouldn’t care to drink coffee with or smoke a cigar. I have better things to do than spend time with an idiot.

  1240. Guess what, Doprah? A lot of us can’t stand you either but it’s not because you’re black, it’s because IMHO, you don’t know squat and I still can’t believe how you ever got as popular or rich as you are. And oh, BTW, it was middle class white women who made you so popular. It’s the same testament to stupidity that Obumuh got elected and got you rich’n’famous. So quit calling us racists.

  1241. What Oprah REALLY means is that people hate him BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE. Which makes HER the racist.

    1. Kudos!!!!!!! So sick of the ‘race” card, they use it to their advantage but they are truly the racists in this whole scheme!

  1242. Orca Winfrey says racists have to die for racism to end. I guess a lot of her fellow negroids have to die then. She must hate her own race. LOL

  1243. I won’t deny there may be people who disrespect Obama because he is half black. However, I also believe there are people who don’t like Obama because of his extremely liberal policies and it has nothing to do with race. Still, there are those that try to make out anyone who disagrees with Obama as being a racist, that is equally annoying.

  1244. Oh my God he’s black I hadn’t noticed. What I have noticed is how incompetent
    he is at his job. He’s so hell bent on installing his communist views on America. But I fault my fellow countrymen who voted without checking him out. You blindly vote for someone who talks a good talk who says he’s going to fundamentally transform America What do you think that means for God Sake. Now this is what we have an mandated ACA Which forces people to pay way more for healthcare coverage than it would have if we had never had it. And we had bought it ourselves before ACA .
    Reap what you sow . When his obvious failures and bumbled half brained plans are exposed then people Start throwing ” Oh That white man is a racist” Card . Its always used to distract from the real truth.

    1. Totally on target! She is the one that is the racist.. He has surrounded himself with communist/socialist advisers, trying to take away peoples right of free speech to disagree with him just because he is black, is RACISM.

    2. We are stuck with ACA because people were either too illiterate or lazy to read 2000 pages of unintelligible text. And now that some people have we are so screwed. People don’t realize that eventually we will all be under the so called ACA as we change jobs, retire, move… you name it. We are so screwed.

  1245. What does she mean ‘nobody ever says it’. Heck, that is all the left say, no matter what this administration does, or how incompetent it is, the reason intelligent people have a problem with him is because of race. Tiresome.

    1. I laughed out loud when she said that. Every single month since Obama has been in office some talking head in the media brings up racism against Obama. It is a ploy to distract from his real failings.

  1246. Also funny how America wasn’t racist when we all watched her show for years and she gained sponsorships from the white majority in this country to keep her show on the air. Its funny how we all made Oprah who she is by watching her show, but now we who made her are now mostly racists.

  1247. Oprah playing the race card, last month it was a hand bag, now its her political party.
    Now she’s showing us she’s

  1248. First off, this whining bee-otch needs to shut her pie hole and quit her incessant whining. Second, if you weren’t black, Oprah, do you think you would even be famous, much less a billionaire? Because, what exactly IS your talent, anyway? Professional Black Whiner? Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and YOU have made money, hand over fist, pushing this crap. STFU Oprah!!!

  1249. Ms Winfrey, why go to a foreign country and preach such BS. I’m sure the Brit socialists are lapping it up. Please, just get over it. You helped elect him and he f**ked it up. Live with it, you are not God and he sure as hell isn’t. Ninety nine percent of America could care less what color his skin is, its the color of his politics, and his lazy, indolent approach to governing that pisses us off.

  1250. Oprahlesboinhiding will never read this here, go to oprah.com and leave her your message. Hit her on her “Own”site.

  1251. Is it like the racist disrespect blacks in America showed for the presidency and the president when George W. Bush held the office?

    I understand where Oprah is coming from. It must be awfully embarrassing for blacks when the first black president is as incompetent as Obama has been. Rather than admit he doesn’t deserve the job, just make is a race thing. Of course, these white racist people who show him no respect also elected him twice.

    If there has been any lack of respect it has come from Obama. He has shown no respect for America, the American people, the constitution, the founding fathers and certainly not for his political opponents. You get the respect you give. Someone as smart as Oprah should know that.

  1252. What irony! We think of ourselves as a mature country, having elected a black president. Yet, in a land whose major pastime is criticizing it’s politicians, we aren’t mature enough to criticize our president because he is black! How typically American. (And by the way, how many other countries, outside Africa, have black presidents?)

  1253. I believe Obama to be a complete incompetent. I love Alan West. I think Jay-Z is a murderer and should be in prison. I really like Don Cheadle, who is a liberal. Now what?

    1. You probably need to go to sensitivity training because none of them Muslim… How racist of you not to be all inclusive…

  1254. Sure Oprah, his policies are the greatest, it’s just this irrational need I have to disrepect him because of race. I also have a problem with rich, fat, opinionated, wrong headed, fat cows, but only the black ones.

  1255. That excuse is quickly dying among intelligent people. Oprah uses it to keep herself afloat and Obama is a plain piss poor president without morals or common sense.

  1256. I disrespect Obama because the liar is ruining our country. I disrespect Oprah because she is a race monger.

  1257. If Oprah cares about racism so much perhaps she should attack the creators of the KKK:

    The democratic party.
    Oh right, she can’t insult their current house slave: Barack Obama.

    I got it, Oprah.

    Oprah is just another pathetic gatekeeper, nothing more…

  1258. Oprah:
    I am deeply disappointed that you think my dislike for the President is because he is black. Does it work both ways? Do you think Blacks did not like Bush because he was white?

    Could you explain my respect for Condoleezza Rice, Collin Powel, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts…..and even sometimes you? Is there something wrong with me?

  1259. She’s so out of touch…….if he were purple or green people whould still dislike him for his lies.

  1260. Notice she says that overseas! If “race” REALLY matters in this country, then who gave her her first high-exposure job as the weather girl on T.V. in Baltimore; I still remember her doing that job? AND, so “race” allows one to become fabulously wealthy, but doesn’t imbue one with an “attitude of gratitude.” And we wonder why there is still anti-black sentiment today?

  1261. How any european-american female can give money to WInfrey is beyond my comprehension. Winfrey has made billions off of white guilt. She’s a fat maggot.

  1262. The irony of her comments are that she is speaking the exact opposite of the truth. This entire time, when there has been ANY disagreement with his presidency, the left ALWAYS claims the issue is race.
    What “nobody says, and everybody’s thinking about” is that he’s a horrible choice for president because he was a bad constitutional lawyer, and he had no congressional record to stand on. That this was proven by 5 years of some of the worst presidential politics completely escapes those who love him because he is black.

    I didn’t give a crud about his color until he decided to play the race card in the Henry Lou Gates comedy. That was my “Oh sh*t! this guy won’t “unite” the people on race. Then, when he did the “Trayvon Martin could be my son” stupidity, I knew that he was a racist.

    Proof of the left’s stupidity? How about how Dr. Carson was treated? The right loves this guy. The left hates him. He’s black.

    We hate Obama because he’s a racist AND a horrible president, not because he’s black.

  1263. GNO549………..you say racism doesnt exist anymore.. where do you live? get real and
    wake up, and dont use lyrics to justify your foolishness, I dream.. what
    you should dream for is some sence….. and how you can speak for the
    “rest” of America is beyond comprehension!!! It does and always will but there are people in this world that live it and live with it… doesnt mean people must shy away and dont mention it… And y’ all just hating on Oprah.

    1. There has been REVERSE DISCRIMINATION against whites for almost as long. Now that blacks like Oprah, Jamie Foxx, & Samuel Jackson have achieved fame, they are heavily invested in making WHITE America feel guilty over what happened in the past, rather than looking forward and enjoying the success they’ve achieved. A backlash has started against these pompous jerks who CONTINUE to shove the word racism in our face. I will CONTINUE to boycott their movies.

      1. Yep, I was a victim of reverse discrimination when
        I got out of college but I just shrugged my shoulders
        kept on looking and was very successful.

    2. I live in 2013 America not the 1800’s I have moved on from the sins of our fathers. I live in the present and the future not the past.

  1264. If ALL blacks are malicious, incompetent, corrupt and astronomically self indulgent, then, yes! Americans hate obonzo ‘cuz he’s black.

    1. Bush’s approval rating was horrible! How convenient of you to forget or to not have learned that in the first place. And I disapproved of Bush for the same reasons I disapprove of this POTUS. They are actively pursuing anti-freedom policies that enslave all of us to their whims. Heck, a little girl had to go to COURT to get access to a lung transplant. We are inviting courts, lawyers and the IRS into our Healthcare. How does that make any sense? We are ignorant and reaping the benefits of it.

    2. There was plenty of outrage and Soros helped to facilitate the collective outrage…recall if you will the movie about killing Bush? A fictional assassination of Bush? Try that on Obama and see how far that gets you.

  1265. A White man as president of the USA and having “led” in the manner of this president and done the things that he has done would have been run out of town long ago. He is inept, arrogant, condescending, disrespectful of Congress and generally a not ready- for- prime- time president. If he were the CEO of a corporation he would have been let go long ago. But, because he’s Black, everyone tiptoes around his complete incompetence trying to bend over backwards trying to pretend that he is qualified for the job. Many Blacks don’t care that he’s unqualified for the job, they just want him to stay there and not be criticized so as to justify their own sense that a Black man can do the job. The problem here is that THIS man cannot and only his arrogance keeps him going. That and a fawning press who refuses to do its job!

  1266. Barack Obama’s mother was white.

    “We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America” – Barack Obama

    “The goal of socialism is communism” -Vladimir Lenin

    See “AGENDA – Grinding America Down” on youtube.

  1267. Unlike Oprah, and most every other Obama voter, I believe in the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I judge NO MAN by the color of his skin. I judge Obama by the content of, or rather his lack of, character.

  1268. Oprah has had incredible success and lived an incredible life in this country, is idolized by many Americans of all colors, and how does she handle that? She goes to a foreign country, one that has never created even a tiny iota of her incredible success, and claims racial discrimination is the “real” reason so many Americans don’t like Obama. I only have three things to say about that. 1. She is wrong. Obama is more than just half black. He is also a lousy president. 2. She just betrayed all the Americans who, for over 20 years, have made her life an enormous success far beyond the wildest dreams of most people, even white ones, and 3. She showed us that, no matter how far we move beyond racial discrimination (as we have obviously done in her own case), it will simply never be enough for some blacks. She just proved to many of us that there is simply no way for white people with decent hearts to change anything. To Oprah, whites are what she claims, have always been, and will always be. And since that is true, why should we bend over backwards not to base our views or actions on racism? It’s obvious that she and others like her will always accuse us of being racist no matter what we do. I’m tired of striving to go the extra mile, to always be extra good and decent toward blacks, only to have my every effort thrown back in my face as “not enough.” I have never owned a slave, and my ancestors were too poor to own one even during slavery in our country. In fact, no one alive in this country today was ever a slave as those in our history. So they have just run out of excuses for their claims and their bad behavior. I won’t absorb it any longer.

    1. She said that overseas because she does not want to alienate her mostly white audience. Perhaps if all the white people who follow Oprah would stop, Oprah would soon realize that the racism she fears is in her own heart.

  1269. You ever notice with Progressives, that they always fall back to the race card when they are losing the argument and their guy is unpopular. No Oprah, skin color has nothing to do with it. What people don’t like about Obama is he is a socialist acting like a Dictator. He has zero respect for the Constitution of the United States and he could care less about it’s people, even the fools like you who support him. Why? Because in Obama’s warped little world, it’s all about him.

    1. Exactly correct Kestrel27. !!

      The entire defense of anything this president wants to do is blamed on racism

  1270. Why is every thing about this terrible president, race related. He sucks as a president and people should stop playing the race card. I have never liked Oprah and wish she and all the other race baiters would go away.

  1271. Oprah has no clue I don’t disrespect anyone because of color I disrespect liars, thieves, idiots (because they make it easy) or anyone trying to force ANYTHING on me when i have no desire for what they have to offer. Oprah needs to admit that the ONLY REASON obama was elected is strictly BECAUSE of his color and not his ability to lead a nation but that would not fit her agenda because she would be admitting that the uneducated are who supported him.

      1. That old story? It’s been ancient history for as long as I can remember. Just keep rehashing all the OLD inequities of years ago to keep the fires of hatred ( against whites ) viable.

  1272. Oh shut the h___ up OW, when I got out of college I
    was a victim of reverse discrimination, I did not give
    up and whine I worked even harder to get a job and
    I was successful!

  1273. THIS is the WHOLE 4 min clip where Oprah said older white Americans [who she says are still racist] would “JUST HAVE TO DIE” [start at 3 mins]

    1. Really? This old S.S. gal never WAS racist. But these days it is looking pretty good to start; might as well get with the program Oprah is selling. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

  1274. There’s a level of disrespect for the office because the president disrespects his office and the constitution he swore to uphold.

  1275. People….Please understand that America was being destroyed before the current President took office. It will continue to crumble not because of lying politicians but because Americans refuse to put aside race. We would rather hate and bash instead of finding a solution semi comfortable for us as a whole. Americans thrive on hate and drama. Poor souls!!

    1. You DO realize that everything you just said can be taken from the point of blacks AND whites, don’t you?

    2. You seem to have forgotten that Obama was first elected with a lot of white votes. The voters looked beyond race and voted for “hope and change.” Most people were proud that as a country we had evolved to the next level of racial enlightenment. Even those who did not vote for him recognized the historical significance of his election and were feeling good about race relations clearing the next hurddle.

      Then he was reelected to a second term with lots of white votes. People were willing to give him more time to work on solving the country’s problems. It isn’t the President’s skin color that is causing his unpopularity, it is his inability to govern. He says, “the buck stops here,” but he continues to finger point at everyone else because he is not up to the job.

      I do agree that hatred based on race is toxic. There is more racial distrust and hatred now than before the President was elected. The hatred goes both ways and has to be recognized as such. My disappointment is centered on the President’s inability to act on the golden opportunity he had to draw us all together. He squandered that opportunity.

  1276. She’s got it backward. He’s not criticized enough because he’s black. Oprah is a moron.

  1277. “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Gauranteed.”
    Now.. What was it again she was saying?
    I hold this “woman” partly responsible for the problems in the country today. She promoted Obama to her brain-dead followers.

  1278. Many blacks despise, hate and commit acts of violence against whites only because they are white.

  1279. Most of the people who don’t like Obamas polices and direction or misdirection he is leading our country would love to have the chance to vote for Ben Carson, Herman Cain or Allen West in the next election. I believe they are more black than Obama. Skin color is not the issue.

  1280. So Oprah demands people respect a patent fool (anybody been watching his pathetic performance the last couple of weeks?) because he is black? What could be more racist?

  1281. I disrespect him because hes a murderer . All who voted for this in government and the congress and lobbyist need
    to go to jail for murder. On the 1st to die from all the bull of ovomit
    care. This is murder and arrest Jail without bond. The states can take action now. Spread the word. Arrest now.

    …Citi Bank,The Davey Tree Expert Company, Dove,The Heart of America
    Foundation,JW Marriott, Kleenex,Lowes,Marriott Hotels &
    Resorts,Proctor & Gamble,Sprint,Target,United AIRLINES



  1283. THIS is the WHOLE 4 min clip where Oprah said older white Americans would “JUST HAVE TO DIE” [start at 3 mins]

    1. Great points, I believe the Democraps and the democraps celebrities were always bashing George “Miss Me Yet” Bush

  1284. The race card is so phony. In the ninth grade (18 yrs ago), my son even got in on the act. He was upbraided in class for something he really didn’t do (this time). He ended his defense with “It’s because I’m black, isn’t it?” He’s not black. It cracked up the teacher and the entire class.

    Oprah is just another deceiving, disingenuous, opportunistic liberal – regurgitating the weary race card whenever they want to avoid explaining the real reasons for the failures of blacks – which are myriad, but it ain’t got nothing to do with the color of their skin. She and all the other race hustlers need severe push back every time they try to do this. Unfortunately, the problem is compounded by a servile press who loves to provide them a soapbox without digging into the truth of the matter.

    1. Rich, You are absolutely right. This is the real Oprah. She was a big part of getting Obama elected. I remember turning tv on one day when she was on. She had the Obama’s on. This was before any mention of the Presidency. Oprah was a user. She made her millions making believe she liked whites, but inside she hated them. I am so appalled by idea that a race war is looming. Blacks have developed a sense of entitlement. Whites act afraid of them. How did this happen? I sincerely hope people wake up soon before there is another civil war.

  1285. What a load! This woman has the world bowing to her and she’s still ranting. What does she want? I’ve been promoting the Attitude of Gratitude for years – let’s start with this overrated woman. Are she sure she’s not one of the pods from THE BODYSNATCHERS?

  1286. And here are 10 facts about Obama (that his
    sycophants in the media refuse to face).

    1. Obama has refused
    to release his college records that would support (or confirm) the otherwise
    unsubstantiated belief by his supporters that he is brilliant.

    2. Obama allowed his
    official Harvard bio to state that he was “born in Kenya”, meaning
    that he was either lying then or is lying now about being born in
    Hawaii…making him a proven liar.

    3. Obama said that,
    under his administration, people making less than $250,000 / $200,000 a year
    would not see their taxes increase “by a single dime”…and yet, the
    Supreme Court “saved” the Unaffordable Careless Act by ruling that
    the penalties for noncompliance are a tax.

    4. Obama claimed that
    his Stimuless bill would create thousands of shovel-ready jobs…only to laugh
    about how “shovel-ready wasn’t, heh heh, quite as shovel-ready as we

    5. Obama said he was
    going to cut the federal debt in half during his first four years in office.
    Instead, he has more than doubled it.

    6. Obama said he was
    going to hit a “reset” button with other countries with whom GWB had
    supposedly strained relations, particularly with Russia. Instead, he publicly
    mocks the highly intelligent but ruthless former KGB agent by referring to him
    as “slouching” and “looking like the bored kid in the back of
    the room”.

    7. Obama said
    “we would not rest” or some other tired cliche as that regarding the
    murderers who killed four Americans in Benghazi and yet, to this day, not a
    single person has been arrested.

    8. Obama promised to
    close Gitmo within his first year in office.

    9. Obama promised to
    bring people together, but instead continually insult 47% of the population and
    inform his political opponents about how “he won”.

    10. And the biggest
    lie about Obama that the media and his supporters still believe? That, upon his
    mere nomination, the oceans would begin to recede and the planet would begin to

    What a joke. What an
    utter, pathetic joke

  1287. Could America’s disillusionment be because he can’t tell the diff between a fine and a tax? Maybe his affirmative action education was substandard.

  1288. OBAMA’S TEENAGE FRIEND IN 1977 MIA – HE WAS HOMO, HAD SEX WITH MEN FOR COCAINE MONEY [30 mins of explosive listening, bookmark for later]

  1289. It’s ironic she still has anything positive to say about Obama & Co., after the way she has been dissed by them many times. But she will not go critisize them. Her loyalty is maniacal.

  1290. I thought with all the fame (Nobel Peace Prize for being elected the first 1/2 black president) he would want to take the chance to prove to the world that being the US’s first 1/2 black president he would make great changes to uplift the black image. But not according to Opra, he never had a chance…..racism against him. That is the new blame card for his failure to perform, listen to and work for the benefit of the citizens of America. What a crock!

    1. Good point! I remember well the early 60’s, the riots, the boycotts, the demonstrations, & the violence. Having been raised in the North, I couldn’t understand why the South banned blacks from restrooms, water fountains, lunch counters, schools & had to sit in the back of the bus. (Anyone who rode a bus then knows that was the favored place to be for all the fun. But I DID understand the difference for blacks in the South then.)

      So stopping this inequity as a start made good sense to me & all my friends. And the further changes after the Civil Rights Bill(s) was passed also made good sense in a “universal fairness doctrine” way. Blacks going to white colleges, even affirmative action in its’ early years, was an attempt to rectify things that were just not right & hadn’t ever been fair.

      But as hubby says, this country has a big tendency to swing from way far on one side to way far the other one. And that’s exactly what happened. Now we have to have so many blacks in quotas in colleges, government jobs, private businesses (If they have government contracts.), etc. no matter how qualified ( or unqualified ) they may be.

      When I followed a story a few yrs. ago about a gal who sued the University of Michigan for denying her a place in their law school by giving it to a black gal who had LESS scores/grades than she had to meet affirmative action quotas, I changed my attitude completely.

      I still judge people by the content of their character, but with the race “hustling” going on today, it is getting hard & harder for me to do so.

  1291. People be sure and spread this via your social network. Oprah is once again showing her racist side. You are human garbage for playing the race card in lieu of all Obama has done. Time to push you to the curb like I do all racist people. Shame on you…

    …Citi Bank,The Davey Tree Expert Company, Dove,The Heart of America
    Foundation,JW Marriott, Kleenex,Lowes,Marriott Hotels &
    Resorts,Proctor & Gamble,Sprint,Target,United AIRLINES


  1293. Just because one is successful doesn’t mean they don’t say stupid things, AND in the wrong places. C’mon Oprah, get real. You’re not in the middle of The Color Purple scene, you are in the public forum; act and speak like the leader you are.

  1294. When Billionaire blacks like Oprah play the victim and race card you know nothing whites do will ever please them… America made a nobody like her and Obama superstars.. any where else in the world they would be lucky to have a job..

  1295. she is funny, so if I don’t watch her show its because I am a racist not because its essentially for woman

  1296. Oprah’s a waste of mass and space.. I can’t stand obama because he’s a fuck-up. If a white person did what obama has done, I’d hate them too.

  1297. Sorry lady, but you are an idiot. I’m white and the reason I dislike Obama has to do with what he believes not his skin color. If you would have elected someone like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, or someone along those lines I would have no issue at all voting for that type of person. A borderline Communist however I have great issue with and hope he’s impeached.

  1298. Ope: You’re an idiot. I mean a serious, bonafide, pathological idiot. His ratings are tanking; this HC mess is a serious mess; many, many Dems will loose their seats in the next election and who do his puppet masters go to to throw some fuel on a fire that simmers just under the radar: YOU! “Hey, call Opey. She can drop a few racists accusations on white folks while she’s out promoting her next big thing! Great idea – she’ll do it! She’s always been a pawn for him. Let’s call her now!” Please, Opey! We’re not all as stupid as your adoring demographic. I guess I thought you were smarter than that.

  1299. What will she say when the left makes comments about Allen West or Herman Cain during their presidential runs?

  1300. Oprah proves that old saying about “lots of money does not equal wisdom”, if she had any sense at all, she would realize the utter stupidity of what she is suggesting, i.e. IF the reason Americans don’t like 0bama was racism, WHY and HOW did he get elected not once, but TWICE by comfortable vote margins?

    No Oprah, the reason Americans don’t like Obama is because he is a LIAR, and his word cannot be trusted. In 2006 when he was first elected to the United States Senate, he was asked about possible presidential aspirations and by his own words, he said that he didn’t believe he had the requisite experience “yet” and ruled out a run for the White House. We all saw how long that lasted. His experience in fact is less than that of Jimmy Carter, and we all know how that train wreck turned out.

    So what sort of ‘experience’ did Barky bring to the White House? How about being a state senator in Illinois where he became famous for voting “present” (except when it came to denying the right to life saving medical treatment for any unfortunate infants who managed to survive an abortion procedure, Barky believed they should just be left to die on a table somewhere, rather than compel doctors to try and save the baby’s life).

    More experience? Oh he was a “community organizer”, organizing with the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, domestic bomb-building terrorists of the 60’s and 70’s, and let’s not forget the racist alleged ‘Christian’ minister Jeremiah Wright, in whose congregation Obama sat for years, absorbing all of that “G*d damn America” rhetoric that was a regular staple of Wright’s hatemongering from the pulpit. Then there is his 1/3rd term as a U.S. Senator before he hit the hope & change trail, with the masses all intoxicated with his uplifting speeches that were nothing but hot air, no substance whatsoever.

    Oh lest we forget, Obama claims to be a Harvard expert on the United States Constitution, which in his case makes it easier to know how best to bend, fold and mutilate that document for political expediency and when it doesn’t suit his agenda. Obama condemned the Bush Administration in virtually every area, yet he has continued and EXPANDED those policies (example, unlawful NSA spying on the American people, spying on our allies, spying and scooping up information without warrants, without justification, without any reason whatsoever.

    Obama has surrounded himself with sycophants and deluded ‘true believers’ in the almighty socialist cause, and that is why under what passes for his “leadership”, America now faces greater economic turmoil than ever more, 49+ million Americans live at or below the poverty level, all the while watching the Obama Family set new world records for multi-million dollar vacations, excursions, trips, tours, pet projects and the like which would make Eva Peron blush with embarrassment.

    No Ms Winfrey, America doesn’t like Obama and his clan (can I use that word?) because they “don’t like blacks”, or because they are racists and bigots, they don’t like Obama and his arrogant spouse because they are too much like the deceased Romanian dictator couple Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu, who robbed and pillaged that former Communist nation until not quite Christmas 1989 when the Romanian people said “enough is enough” and overthrew that tyranny in favor of breathing free air again.

    There is (to quote Jack Nicholson’s character in “A Few Good Men”) the TRUTH, although for the Oprahs and left-liberal vacuous souls who follow her and hang on her every word, “They can’t HANDLE the truth!!”

  1301. NEWS ALERT: People disrespect Obama (1) because he is a liar, (2) because he is a communist, and (3) because he hates the USA and is actively working to destroy it. Oprah AND Obama are two of the most bigoted racists on the national stage. They are a national disgrace to what once was a great country.

  1302. She can go live somewhere else if she thinks that low of Americans. She’s not welcome here anymore. How dare she speak for the rest of us! And opening a school in Africa, and supporting them? What about the poor children in the U.S. that need donations so they can keep their schools? Go where people love your money.

  1303. If Oprah, or anyone else for that matter, doesn’t know why people do not love her hero, then she is as dumb as dirt. To most intelligent people, the business of POTUS is serious, and requires certain expertise. To her, it’s like “The Price Is Right” in real life. Not so, Ms. Winfrey.

  1304. Actually “Okra”, bama is technically a “mulatto”, you know, someone
    who has too much of one color and not enough of another. Furthermore, it’s remarkable that “Okra” doesn’t find it offensively “patronizing” of “bama” when he reverts to “street”/ghetto language when talking with “persons of color” and with “others” he morphs into a more reasonably “intelligent” dialogue…..

    Vietnam Combat Veteran 7/66-11/71

  1305. My opinion is based on perfomance of the Prez. His opinions and his administration’s opinions are in fact racist, for ex. The Black Panthers intimadation of voters whitch Holder’s dept. refused to investigate.In seeing this and you still call innocent people of all colors racist makes YOU appear to be the Racist.

  1306. If the 2016 Presidential election could pit the incumbent Barack Obama against hard core communist leader Kim Jong-un, with Satan the Devil running as an Independent, it would be a very interesting race indeed. I’m not sure he could keep up with all the LIES, but at this point, I think Satan’s chances would be pretty good…..

  1307. My dearest, darling Ms. Winfrey,
    You on the other hand I just so dearly love for showing the rest of the world that no matter how much money you have you can still be intellectually broke.
    One American who is sick of all your and Obama’s crap.

  1308. RIGHT OPRAH! It has nothing to do with Obama being an incompetent race-baiting socialist who takes zero responsibility for destroying America!

  1309. Hey Oprah I have a dream that my two children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I also have a dream that the claims of racism is not displayed;when in reality it doesn’t really exist anymore but only in the minds of
    those who benefit from it & those who have an agenda. If only those who voted for this community organizer would have judged him based upon the content of his character and qualifications rather than the color of his skin America wouldn’t have a leader that truly has failed at everything he has done so far. Every time you & others like you play the race card the rest of America is laughing at you!

  1310. What she is doing is promoting racial tension… but this is what we will have for the rest of Obama’s term – he can blame all his scandals and failures on racism. That way, these people forever escape actually learning ANYTHING, and so remain intellectually and morally stunted!

  1311. Opra is projecting her own racism upon other Americans where it doesn’t actually exist. Obama is lousy in spite of his being black. The bar has been lowered to the point of virtual non existence and he still won’t do his job.

  1312. Oprah even though you are Black and Fat, America still loved and respected You. Just this video is enough to make me NEVER trust You again. I’m pretty sure You endorsed this poser and we listened to You ~ You’re the racist ~ Shame on You!!

  1313. Charles Barkley reported that he uses the “N” word all the time, Oprah. Maybe you should have him on your show for an in-depth discussion on the matter.

  1314. You’ve been in the spotlight too long. It has destroyed your brain. He was elected becasue he’s black. We hate him now because he’s an incompetent despot.

  1315. No matter what they will always play the race card. People don’t like him because hes a pompus, arrogant, communist who thinks hes a dictator. No one in congress or the media has the balls to stand up to him for his antics. He should have been impeached for Bengahzi, or the IRS scandal or the wire tapping scandal. If that was Bush they would have sent him packing, but there is a double standard and no matter how much this so called president screws up he will never take the blame. Instead he blames Bush or the Republicans or the fact that hes black. Its getting old.

    JFK once said that the responsibility ultimately falls on the presidents shoulders after the Bay of Pigs screw up. He took responsibility and grew from his mistakes. This president has no idea of how his lies impact the lives of every American. The middle class is struggling and instead of continually sticking it to them, why doesn’t he do something to help us out.

    1. Spot on Joe. The libs go along with him because they don’t want to be seen as anit-black. Political correctness always trumps the truth for liberals. If you eliminate “racism” and Bush, he then has to try to stand on the truth. Difficult if not impossible in light of his record in office.

  1316. Sad, that BIGOTS like Oprah are so stupid! Being “African American” sure didn’t hurt HER rise to greatness, notoriety and GREAT WEALTH. There may be some people that don’t like 0bama, because he’s black, but the VAST MAJORITY of people who dislike 0bama, do so because he’s a Liberal Socialist ideologue and OBVIOUSLY a LIAR, CHEAT, CHARLATAN and CRIMINAL! Being black has nothing to do with total lack of character!

  1317. Oprah, would the Americans who dislike Obama feel the same way about Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson? It’s about race? Really?

  1318. he is simply incompetent. his color is irrelevant. Poor Oprah has watched her own popularity go down the toilet and is desperate for any attention from the MSM.

  1319. Oprahs career is built on being an inspirational figure that overcomes her obstacles…

    Earth to Oprah: YOU ARE STILL FAT

    Stop eating you freakin blob…

  1320. in all this ruckus, oprah is unwittingly the most racist of all. she cannot think or judge character beyond the color of her and fellow african-american black skin. I say patriots and sensible americans and peoples of other nations should boycott her and spare themselves of such demagoguery and divisive drivel.

  1321. Oprah needs to sit down and STFU! She doesn’t speak for me! I don’t like the man or his com padres because he is an arrogant buffoon. And they forget he is not a BLACK MAN. He is a HALF WHITE HALF BLACK man.

  1322. Hey, Oprah! I don’t like you either! It’s because you’re opinions are horrible and your attack on the beef industry years ago. Obama’s destroying the United States and its Constitution. THAT is the reason I don’t like him. Grow up!!

  1323. This is what happens when money rules your world. Laack of knowledge and facts. This is probably the end of her carrer.sheis still worth billiones but ignorant.

  1324. i disrespect him because hes an idiot, not because he is black. same with harpo…black people are the most racist people i know.

  1325. What an ignorant pig. There are a vast number of reasons to hate Obama, none of which have anything to do with race. Looks like Oprah can be added to the race baiter list.

  1326. And I disrespect you, Oprah, because every time you open your mouth you spew the race card. But you can continue to defend “the first president who is a descendent of Arab slave traders” if you want to.

  1327. I’ve heard this so many times that it is getting easier to just agree than argue. There is nothing that anyone can say that can wake people like Oprah to reality. The majority of people that are against Obama are against him because he is a inept President not because he is black.

  1328. OBAMA’S TEENAGE FRIEND IN 1977 MIA – HE WAS HOMO, HAD SEX WITH MEN FOR COCAINE MONEY [30 mins of explosive listening, bookmark for later]

  1329. That’s a bunch of hooey he is not black. He is a mulatto and nobody but nobody cares about that. Oprah is a troublemaker.

  1330. You know there’s the ability to be successful when a dumb boob who can’t see anything but race can amass a big audience and make millions.

    1. I’m offended by Oprah’s misleading statement concerning race aka race card. The real issue is the mixed race president IS A LIAR !

  1331. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that
    occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African
    American who took a oath to uphold the US CONSTITUTION.

    Oprah there are countless American men and women who gave their lives so you would have the opportunity to own a business in America.

  1332. Oprah, you are an idiot. They do not respect a Communist/Socialist/Entitleist Liar! Thank you moron.

  1333. I’m Black and I don’t respect Obama. He’s a lying empty suit,and;he and oprah use their skin color as instructed by liberal/progressive multinationals to play on the sympathy of people who have empathy for the plight of minorities. I’ve been calling Oprah a phony since the mid 80’s. White liberal/progressives created Oprah and forced her on the Black America as a role model.

    1. I hate to agree with you.
      And think about all the white people that fall into the same liberal/progressive trap.

    …Citi Bank,The Davey Tree Expert Company, Dove,The Heart of America
    Foundation,JW Marriott, Kleenex,Lowes,Marriott Hotels &
    Resorts,Proctor & Gamble,Sprint,Target,United AIRLINES

  1335. BOYCOTT THESE SPONSORS AND GET SOMETHING DONE HERE …Citi Bank,The Davey Tree Expert Company, Dove,The Heart of America Foundation,JW Marriott, Kleenex,Lowes,Marriott Hotels & Resorts,Proctor & Gamble,Sprint,Target,United AIRLINES

  1336. Was it racist when many Americans disrespected Bush??? She’s the racist in my opinion. Getting involved is going to hurt her in the long run.

  1337. What this clueless Ho is missing is that America is Ok with his black side. It’s his lying white side that we don’t like.

  1338. And it is white people that made this fat racist rich. It is white people that elected Omuslim. It is white people that will let the blacks who are 12% of the population beat and kill them and do nothing. It is white people that are the most ignorant race in the planet.

  1339. CONTACT THESE SPONSORS…Citi Bank,The Davey Tree Expert Company, Dove,The Heart of America Foundation,JW Marriott, Kleenex,Lowes,Marriott Hotels & Resorts,Proctor & Gamble,Sprint,Target,United AIRLINES

  1340. Hey Oprah, did you noticed how quickly Obama obeyed when his slave master, Bill Clinton, demanded that he should allow the citizenry to keep their health insurance?

  1341. Oprah is soo ignorant and out of touch, America has laws gearing society to favor blacks with housing grants, job incentives for employee and employer, affirmative action, college grants and scholarships and many many more, yeah Oprah sooooo racist, Oprah obviously cant or doesn’t read or do social studies, she is out of touch with America. WHen she talks she makes/creates hate.

  1342. She admires Obama, yet “FLATLY REFUSED” to promote ObamaCare all of a sudden. Where’s the RESPECT, Oprah?

    Radio host MANCOW in Chicago also flatly refused despite a $9 million offer to promote ObamaCare. Supposedly Walter Williams capitulated to the money? And more millions are being offered to OTHERS to “promote” the ObamaCare atrocity. BUT AMERICANS WILL NOT BE FOOLED, AND WE WILL KNOW THE ONES WHO SOLD OUT WHEN WE HEAR THEIR OBAMACARE PROMOTIONS.

  1343. Got it backwards, babe. More voted for him and refuse to criticize him because he is half black

  1344. BOYCOTT THESE SPONSORS…Citi Bank,The Davey Tree Expert Company, Dove,The Heart of America Foundation,JW Marriott, Kleenex,Lowes,Marriott Hotels & Resorts,Proctor & Gamble,Sprint,Target,United AIRLINES

  1345. No–we disrespect Obama because he’s a moron and a congenital liar who benefited from affirmative action to get where he is. Were he not “well-spoken” as Biden characterizes him, he’d be relegated to the club run by Alan Grayson, Hank Johnson, Mark Pocan, Dennis Kucinich, and Sheila Jackson Lee.

  1346. Good Lord. Give it a rest. He didn’t break his promises because he is A/A. He didn’t golf 150 games because he is A/A. He didn’t throw a trillion dollars out the window on failed stimulus because he is A/A. He didn’t sit on his hands for 4 years and counting while the economy sputters and chokes because he is A/A. He other grandparents were from Kansas. Maybe that is the problem! No, that would be ridiculous. His problem is not the amount of melanin in his dermis or where his father was born, but that he is a Kardashian president– someone becoming a celebrity by no real merit, or in his case, a president.

  1347. obama could be white as it gets and I’d still dispise his lies, his socialism, incompetence, the corruption his administration seems to delight in and knows they wont have to answer for. Opra you are a racist.

  1348. Racist, Racist, so much BS and used for anything that it is now meaningless and no one cares!! Just like crying Wolf!!

    Excuse me, it is meaningful, play 141 from the Liberal playbook to silence political opponents!!

    Again, they use it so much in totally non racist situations, that they diminish the charge. They use it on the Tea Party who only stand for getting Government out of control spending under control before the nation is bankrupt – both Democrat and Big government Republicans. And for that they are called Racists!

    They do this so much that the charge is meaningless. Conservatives know that no matter what they will be charged by Liberals, and Conservatives Blacks will be called Toms.

    Well the real Toms are those like Oprah who support keeping Blacks and other Americans on the Government Welfare Plantation while they live well supporting the Democrat Party Plantation owners.!

    They just have to have that Racist crutch that now they say whites are racist, but they are using code to communicate it!! Talk about paranoid.

    Whites have for over 30 years gone out of their way to treat blacks equal because of the Democrat Party’s past – slavery, KKK, Jim Crowe, Segregation, the Welfare Plantation. While many Blacks seem to be going the opposite direction and fostering racism and hatred towards whites – see all the beatings and killing never covered by the National news media!! This trend will not be tolerated forever.

    President Obama is being treated EQUAL!!! if because he is part Black he cannot stand the HEAT get out of the kitchen!!! ALL Presidents are criticized!!

    What a bunch of thin skinned, cry babies!!!! they sure could dish it out to old Georgie Bush, but they sure can’t take it!!

    People of color come here from all over the world and succeed. Only one group that is already here has a chip on their shoulder and expect everything handed to them on a silver platter because their ancestors may have been slaves.
    Well freedom is a fairly new concept in the history of man. For most of man’s existence, they were ALL subjects or slaves to kings.

    America was an experiment in freedom and has corrected its mistakes of the past and ALL in this country live better off than 70% of those in the rest of the world! That is why people want to come here from ALL OVER the WORLD, and from ALL RACES!! Because we have Freedom, equal opportunity (not outcome), And WE DONT HAVE KINGS!

    I voted for Obama the first election because he appeared to be a moderate. He has turned out to be the opposite: a complete Marxist! That is why I and many others oppose him!!

    I would vote for Dr Ben Carson in a minute because of his ideas, not his skin color. I oppose Obama because of his policies; not his skin color!!!

    The Sad thing about Obama is that he could have been one of our Greatest Presidents had he governed as the moderate he claimed to be during the first election. Instead, he became a divider and Marxist socialist in governing. And now his signature socialist program is showing to be the sht sandwich that all communist/Socialist central planner controlled programs result.

    And all they can do is cry Wolf, I mean Racist! Why doesn’t she focus on how the Democrat Party’s history has played the Black Community like a fine violin!!!


    1. PS- Don’t think she is content to keep Blacks and many other Americans on the Democrat Welfare Plantation? Show me where she has criticized the President for the unemployment rate in the Black community? Don’t search too hard, you will not find it!!!

  1349. Dear Oprah, your comments are bigoted towards all races other than black. Real Americans don’t hate anything except socialism. There, it is well placed, unlike where you choose to place yours.

  1350. I’m going to open a high-dollar handbag boutique just so I can kick Oprah’s fat obama out if she ever shows up.

  1351. No we disrespect him because he disrespects the US Constitution and the laws of the land and him exploiting that he is BLACK to take extra-constitutional powers that he is not entitled to. BTW Congress is scared of him SOLELY because he is BLACK. Anyone else would have been impeached years ago.

  1352. If America was racist you would not be a billionaire!!! I think it’s a shame for you to go out of the country and accuse the US of racism while you as a black person seem to enjoy the fruits of what this great country has to offer! There are racist on both side Oprah, and I think you’re one by calling white people in the US racist, is like saying all black people like water melons! Plus if you want to pursue racism surrounding Obama just think that about 99% of all black people voted for him! If 99% of all white people had voted for Romney, that would have been jumped on as racist!

  1353. The man-child has been treated with contempt because he is a low down lying, patronizing, arrogant, lazy, disengaged pretender to the presidency. He should be impeached not because he’s 1/2 AA but because he behaves like a tyrant. Read the Constitution Opah.

  1354. Yep. She figured us out. Every white person is racist. Course, how that translated into millions of dollars for her, is a mystery.
    Get real. The man is a pathological liar, a neophyte, an amateur, and mostly an incompetent.

  1355. BOYCOT Oprah!!!!!

    She is just as much of a racist as Obama… Both of them have a VICTIM MENTALITY! It is likely due to a GUILTY CONSCIENCE of being “victimized” by white people that helped to make her millions, and that helped Obama be elected, and that set slaves free!!!!

  1356. obama was elected BECAUSE he was black by millions more people that those that disrespect him because he is black so I’d say he’s coming out way ahead anyway

  1357. I’m frankly embarrassed that Loafra hails from Nashville, Tennessee. She should keep her stupid, racially sensitive mouth shut and focus on her boring TV Shoes.


  1359. News flash for Oprah. Obama’s not “black”. He’s mulatto. Picking which half of your racial background you want to promote and “identify with” like Obama did in his early life does not make you black. To the politically correct racially sensitive liberals out there – if you’re going to make everything about race then at least be accurate. Obama is no more black than he is white. He’s not the first black president of the US… he’s the first mixed race president (aka mulatto).

    That said, if I disagree with him on policy (and you label me racist) am I a hater of whites or blacks?

    1. Well said Sam. Did you hear the joke going around in Kenya? In the US he is the fist black president, if he were elected in Kenya, they would call him the first white president. Too funny.:)

  1360. Comparing Oprah’s comments to those of Bill Cosby places
    perspective on our cultural divide.
    Criticism, of those you love and respect takes courage. Bill Cosby is courageous for speaking
    out on what everyone is thinking but is too scared to say. Oprah’s paranoia is psychotic, seeing
    the hooded devils in Swiss retail outlets and any criticism of our Dear Leader. What will
    remain a mystery is how rational thought manifests itself in such different ways
    even among people with similar backgrounds and opportunities.

    1. She is truly a second-rater who caught a nice tailwind and sailed until now into billions of bucks. The Swiss episode and now this is going to seriously degrade what credibility she has left among her adoring mobs of clueless fembots.

    2. After Bill lectured Black families on how to act he was excoriated and cut to the bone so much so that he S T F U about it! That said I lost respect for him after he bowed to BLACK public opinion!

  1361. Oprah you just Join The Elite Team of Stupid People. What The Hell Does being A Deceitful person have to do with the color of your skin! Liberals brains Suffer from Extreme Dementia.

  1362. This loud-mouthed lardball should have a muzzle put on her nasty mouth. She’s crapping all over a country that’s been great to her because she projects her own hatred of whites onto their ‘supposed’ hatred of Obama.

    What a fat-assed freak!

  1363. If a black person deliberately lies to white people about them keeping there insurance plans, knowing full well that ain’t gonna happen, is that racists.

  1364. Today, blacks are far more racist than whites. As for Obama, I personally disrespect him because he is a LIAR!!!!!!! As for Oprah, I never watched her show and don’t watch her cable channel. I don’t find anything she has to say worth the time and effort.

  1365. I would stll like to know how, after she started her own network, word was it was on its last heels and she was bleeding money, then all of a sudden things are just great financially. Me thinks O and the feds slip her a billion or so to make sure cable had more black entertainment. She got money from somewhere that’s for sure.

  1366. Aren’t you happy as a white person that you were a fan of Oprah? I’ll bet you thought that she was one of the exceptional black people that focused on succeeding and being happy rather than wallowing in the racial injustices of the past. Yeah, She fooled me too.

  1367. People, white and black, who constantly harp on racism are either stupid or evil. In spite of ample evidence of O’s incompetence they always dig up someone else to blame. He’s a grown man but they treat him like a slow child who needs constant praise because he’s “different” in their eyes. Isn’t that the real racism?

  1368. Her statements – “There is no question about it” and “everybody is thinking it” shows her intellectual shallowness. She has such racist blinders to make those statements. She can suspect it is true, wonder if it is true, hope it is not but instead she definitively declares political opponents (or at least “many of them”) as racists. In my opinion, she is borderline immoral because she has such an audience and has reaped so much reward and yet chooses to fuel racist thoughts and fears. It is my contention that 1/2 the country (or more now) simply feel that his policies are completely counter to individual liberty, freedom and the rugged individualism that made our country great.


  1370. Oprah is a millionaire many times over and Barack Obama was elected President twice. And George W Bush was NEVER EVER criticized while he was in office. Yeah, this is a VERY racist country.

  1371. Yeah, we are all racists when it comes to Obama, but not to you. You made billions of dollars from white folks who watched your shows, bought what you advertised and attended your movies, subscribed to your magazine.

    Suddenly, these white folks who loved you, and you are a Black American, hated Barack Obama because he is black.

    Great logic Oprah! In spite of this you somehow became an icon, billionaire, and one of the most loved and watched celebrities. People followed your advice, watched your TV shows more frequently that going to Church services, and you suddenly notice that its all racial.

    I guess the rest of us who see an imperial presidency, an incompetent president, a liar president, an inexperienced and unqualified president, we don’t liker him because he’s black. Or could be that he’s a liar, inept, lazy, incompetent and his only claim to fame was making speeches. Show me one success that you can attribute to Barack Obama? Did he earn the Nobel Prize? Can we keep our Drs and insurance? What happened at Benghazi where Americans died? Why was IRS targeting Teas party and conservative groups? Was it to steal the election? What about the wire tapping? Hows the economy doing? Of he encounters a problem what does he do to solve it, go off to a city in OHIO and make a speech?

    I guess these reasons

    I can’t believe that the same brains that got you where you are are leading to your conclusion. If you did what he did, you’d have beenm off the air and a has been.

  1372. Would black’s still “respect” a white Republican who LIED REPEATEDLY in a vain effort to DECEIVE them? I don’t think so. Any man who causes jobs to be lost, work hours to be reduced and people’s health insurance to be cancelled, certainly DESERVES the DISRESPECT of all Americans, regardless of race.

  1373. I disrespect him for his socialist policies, his lack of understanding of American culture, his arrogance, his lack of attention to detail in his job, his incompetence as a leader, his divisiveness, his unAmerican attitude, and his overall demeanor. Worst American president ever!

  1374. There only one title for you Oprat and thats, RACE BAITER! I wounder what she would say if Allen West was the Potus?

  1375. And the interviewer doesn’t take this with a grain of salt as it is coming from a black person who fully supported BO? Maybe they could have had an opinion from one of the many blacks who oppose his controlling ways. You know, some balance. Are they racist too. On no, they are marginalized by being called Uncle Toms. Being black hasn’t held back Oprah. She has had plenty of white supporters helping to make her a gazillionaire.

  1376. “RACISM! RACISM! RACISM! Watch my movie. RACISM! RACISM! RACISM!. I want money. Got it?”


  1377. People who say these things are prejudice themselves. Oprah doesn’t like white people and so she talks as if she and Obama have been victims when in fact this country has been extremely good to both of them!

  1378. oprah is so racist herself she thinks whitey hates obummer cause he’s black…..not true we hate him cause he’s a clown as president , a clownish traitor.

  1379. Oprah… doing her best to make sure the N-word stays in the vernacular. Way to go, girl!

    Whining, racist twit…

  1380. No, he’s hated because he’s anti-American and ignores the Constitution on a regular basis when it benefits him.

  1381. She seems the have a problem with calling people racist. Was it not to long ago she called a white woman in Europe a racist. Then had regrets because everyone gave her hell about it well here we are again.

  1382. I’m so done with Oprah…..hasn’t she been the worlds richest woman for years. It was we white people supporting EVERYTHING Oprah that has given her the platform from where she speaks of racism when there is none. She was so accepted and loved by everyone.
    Seems she did sit in Rev Wrights church for way too long…So Long Oprah…
    You yourself have set this country back by endorsing Obama. You’ve shown your true self and it is not pretty. Not anything like we thought…And your own fellow Black man Obama has rejected you and you blame We the People. Take your big fat a$$ and go to He!! ~~~

  1383. Oh, puuulllleeeaase! If that were true, how in the hell did this cow become a gazzillionaire in the media bidness and how in the hell to Barry Sartoro get his sorry Marxist ass elected to office in the first place?


    1. Once upon a time I would have tossed out of mind stories like this, but with this president, it does give cause to wonder

  1385. Disrespect is due to actions and lack of character, and has nothing to do with skin color.
    I despise the term “african american”: you are one or the other, not both.

  1386. Lets see Obama is or was: Gay, a prostitute who traded sex for drugs, a drug user, a drug pusher, a foreigner, a liar, a Muslim, a Marxist, Socialist, one who supports Black Liberation Theology, one who does NOT support Blacks, a Traitor, one who committed Treason, anti-God, a deceiver, I am sure I left off some things. Obama is everything bad. Most criminals in prison are better people then him. To say we hate him is American to say we like him is like supporting Adopt Hitler during WW II. Obama is evil. He must pay for his crimes against america, regardless of the price.

  1387. Using O.W.’s logic, the number of racists in Congress increased yesterday by the 39 Democrats who voted against continuing Obama’s tyranny!

    1. They voted to save their own a**es, it had nothing to do with actual opposition to the ACA. Democrats are not looking forward to the next round of elections. The Republicans shouldn’t feel comfortable either.

        1. No, I do not believe ANYONE should enter this country and live here illegally. Stop with the knee-jerk, media propaganda-fueled generalized reactions. You appear to have been brainwashed.

  1388. Orpah, please tell me something. If we don’t respect Barack Obama because of his skin color, how did a person like you become so successful and one of the richest women in the world?

    I mean, last I checked, you are black. I remember you when you were on the TV news in Nashville, TN back in the 70’s before moving on and eventually becoming the success you are today. While I didn’t agree with your support of Barack Obama and felt it was for no other reason except the two of your were black, I still respected your success.

    Your accusation only makes you sound racist, one of those very people I always thought you proved wrong with your own success. It’s sad to see you’ve fallen into the race card trap.

    For that reason, I’ve lost some respect for you but not because your black but rather because your remarks reveal your own racism and, frankly, are just stupid.

    1. Waiting breathlessly for her to redistribute her entire fortune to those in need – or maybe give it to the U.S. treasury to help pay for the bills Obama and the Dems are running up. Hypocrite.

  1389. True Many People hate the Marxist Mullatto, not because he is half white. It’s becuase he is a Pathological Liar, Narcisstic, stupid brainwashed liberal educated, anti american maggot, or just acts like a dictator unconstitutionally flapping his lips, pointing his finger and declaring laws at will and the maggot republicans let him.

  1390. No, Oprah, it’s his asinine policies we hate. You, OTOH, support his solely because he’s black. That’s racist!

    1. I hope that’s the reason. If she truly believes what he stands for, that’s even scarier.

    2. Okra is una orangutana . Obama is one of the few real AFRICAN-Americans. More specifically Kenyan American. We all know what great success Africans have had at having and directing civilized societies !

  1391. These people who scream racism all the time have zero credibility. Is there racism? sure, but the media and people like Oprah want everyone to think racism can only be perpetrated by a white person against a black person. This is a lie. I used to like Oprah because she did a lot for people in need and she was a great example of how someone can make it big in the US if they work hard. Over the years her true character has been exposed. She attended Rev. Wright’s church, and only distanced herself from him when the media began to tell the truth about him. He is a racist himself, and she was OK with that. She recently found out that the magic “racist” accusation doesn’t work in Switzerland. She made a total fool of herself and further exposed her true character. As Americans we need to shun people like Oprah. People who use race as a tool to get ahead or play the victim to get special treatment are themselves racists. We need to stop paying attention to people who only want to divide us.

  1392. OK, I’m a racist. I don’t like Obama. Now I gotta figure out how to be a racist against whites too, because I dislike Pelosi and Reid just as much.

  1393. If you go to the OWN network website the comment board is ON FIRE with people telling Oprah what to do with her comment.

  1394. Any man who LIES REPEATEDLY to DECEIVE the very people who voted for him, DESERVES their “disrespect.”

    1. She is a dumb witch, remember how she started out, like jerry springer. Limousine Liberal, flying around in big privare jets spewing hate about global warming.

  1395. Why would anyone think that that this vile spawn of an African witch doctor and a Kansas trollop was ever worthy of respect?

  1396. all this fat pig is doing is getting attention for her new movie. Piss off half the country and then expect them to go see your movie, stupid bitch!

  1397. It’s funny that Oprah would condemn racists all while acting like a racist. I guess she buys into the myth that blacks can’t be racist and are always the victims.

  1398. It is a cop out to blame it on racism when white people elected him. George Bush was hated more. This is the pot calling the kettle black.

  1399. Here’s some news for this bloated sea cow, we don’t just “disrespect” Obama, we loathe him. And that includes his white half as well.

  1400. Also, Ms. Winfrey, I was one of those who were demonized because I protested Obamacare. I thought it was too large and complex, that it was written and passed too hastily without the opportunity for legislators and the people to actually read it and analyze it’s potential effects (remember Pelosi’s famous have to pass to to see what’s in it?), that the government bureaucracy does not run things well, and, most of all, that it just didn’t make sense that we could cover more people and provide more free services and still save money. I thought we should implement less intrusive and more targeted legislation to fix the problems we have with health care and encourage free market solutions. For expressing these ideas, we were racist. But we were right, weren’t we? (As of yesterday, it seems there’s an explosion of racism in Congress as Dems backpedal furiously to try to get themselves out of the tangled web they have woven. The humorous part is that they are mad at the Republicans for refusing to help them clean up their mess.)

  1401. Robin obama, robin healthcare from people that have it and giving it to people that can’t afford it. redistribution on crack!

  1402. Now, guys, Oprah has a point. For two centuries we had nothing but white presidents, and nobody ever disliked any of them or disagreed with any of their policies. But suddenly there’s a black President, and NOW people don’t unanimously worship him or agree with everything he does.

    Look yourself in the mirror, America! You all loved everything GW Bush did, there was never any controversy abut Clinton, Nixon was universally beloved… but you DARE to criticize this good and perfect man! Shame on you, palpable and totally unironic shame!

    1. Hey Nemo,

      Wake up. Yes, you did make one correct statement about there being only white presidents before ODumbo, but after that, your defense of this “man” is desperation. At no point in American history has one president done so much damage (i.e. run up a debt of 17 T dollars) to this Country and to the office of the president. Our allies don’t trust us, our enemies believe we are weak, and Still Odumbo with all the problems of this country, prefers to be on the golf course instead of repairing a broken country which by the way, he has broken.

      At no time in history have race relations been worse. The use of the Race card is primarily responsible for the deterioration of race relations in this country

      1. def. sarcasm : the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny.

        — MW Dictionary (online)

        1. My apology Giordano,

          It’s sometimes difficult to detect in text whether is sarcasm or your true belief. I suggest you use (SAR) after your statement to make it clear.

  1403. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Obama HASN”T been “judged by the color” of his skin, but by the “CONTENT” of his “CHARACTER” and in that area, he’s been found to be TOTALLY LACKING. That’s WHY we “DISREPECT” him Oprah. If all white’s were racist’s, Obama could never have been elected President in the first place.

  1404. No, No, No Oprah,

    YOU voted for him because he was black. That is YOUR perspective, not MINE.

    But I do understand why you make that statement

    Your litmus test is skin color.

    You voted for him because of his skin color so you obviously think that our opposition to him is also based on his skin color.

    1. Oprah also helped the Obama campaign by NOT having his opponents as guests on her show in 2008. Now she’s miffed that the White House used her – she didn’t get the red carpet treatment for her help. She’s been pretty low-key about the Reader of the Free World lately.

  1405. I support planned parenthood and so does Obama.

    Did you know we aborted 50% of all black babies last year!
    Look it up.

    Oprah approves!!!

  1406. These ahem, “Judeo-“Christians are supposed to be Christian but they won’t use the proper Biblical reason to determine who’s president. I guess they figure Mr. Obama must be their brother.

    Deuteronomy 17:15 one from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother.

  1407. If the TEA party was so racist, why did they support overwhelmingly Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Carson, the new senator in NC,
    So can we call all the liberals who hated previous GOP candidates and presidents, racists as well?
    So if Hillary get the liberal nomination does the country get to be call bigots for 4 years?

  1408. Oprah, you stupid cow, Americans don’t care about the color of your “President’s” skin, they hate the color of his politics.

  1409. Obama reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode of the little boy who doesn’t get his way, makes people disappear.

  1410. It has become “racist” to expect expertise and competence of any kind from the democratic party and this administration.

    1. PegeenBB,

      I think it was clear from the start of his presidency that the primary defense the democrats would us (that includes most of the media) against anything ODumbo wanted to do would be explained as racism. Well, we have had it up to here with this BS!. The man is a proven liar who does not like the country he presides over.

  1411. Oprah, I thought this kind of conversation was beneath you… This, after the handbag incident? I used to love watching you, now I can’t stand you. And as far as Obama goes…… He won the office BECAUSE he’s 1/2 black. Had he been white America would have seen beyond his lies. You need to stop spreading your racism around the world. Enough giving this horrible president a pass because he’s black.

  1412. Oprah, if Americas are racist please explain how you got the professional, financial and star status that you have achieved? Oprah, here’s a clue phone for you: the people do not approve of Barrack Obama because he is NOT doing a good job, he does not tell the truth and he is incompetent. A lot of people are suffering right now because of HIM. It wouldn’t make a difference if he were purple, green, blue or pink — he’s the worst President in the history of this great country. And seriously, Oprah, a lot of people are tired of you.

  1413. Funny how a person can have a white mother,and a black father..and suddenly they are African American…my great,great grandmother’s grandmother was indian..does that make me indian.noooo..My black grandchildren..ages 15,16,and 22 say that make them mixed….winfrey is just showing her own prejudices ..We do not like Obama because he is an idiot..one who is a muslim loving..USA hating..bound and determined fool,who wants to see us reduced to third world standards.

      1. Thanks ..common_sence….You know.. we do have a lot of problems here in the USA..but obama just wants to make it worse..like winfrey..or sharpton and lest I forget..jackson…

  1414. Oprah so you have made a billion dollars and more and you have the audacity to say we dislike Obama because he is black? If it wasn’t for white people voting for him he wouldn’t be president.

    1. She is still horrified because a saleswoman in a foreign country wouldnt show her a $42 thousand dollar handbag. Hello- $42 thousand dollar handbag- yes poor Oprah went into the store looking like crap and she was not recognized and wanted to look at a $42 THOUSAND dollar handbag-
      who the He** buys a 42 THOUSAND DOLLAR handbag anyway???????? Is that the new discrimination?????? EXCUSE ME OPRAH?????

  1415. she is a race baiter and divider … trying to reach black folks that believe in change…

  1416. Right okrah if we don’t like what Obama`s doing we’re Racist when your side doesn’t like anything a repub. does your patriots, right
    Your not only a big fat liar your a big fat racist too.
    I didn’t think someone as fat as you could get your head that far up your own ass but you proved me wrong,Money can’t buy you brains

  1417. THIS is the WHOLE 4 min clip where Oprah said older white Americans would “JUST HAVE TO DIE” [start at 3 mins]

    1. “Winfrey took her comments one step further, saying that the issue of
      racism is largely generational. Specifically, she said that cultural
      prejudice in the U.S. will largely recede after the last generation of
      individuals have died off.”

      1. I work with seniors in a large city. In my experience working with many of them, I met only 2 who did not want blacks in their home, and likewise had prejudice against people who believe in God, and did not want overweight people either. Yes, their descendents did not think like them.

        I have witnessed the elderly, including those in their 90’s, demonstrate much appreciation and kindness towards their black healthcare workers and other people of color in this predominantly white city.

        A few years back, Obama said this new healthcare plan would negatively impact seniors.

        So are Oprah’s words about the elderly part of the reason Obama wants to deny them healthcare, now with 716 BILLION dollars taken out of medicare???….this the program seniors have paid into their whole working years to provide them healthcare in their last years of life?

        Obama did not visit his mother when she was dying, and he appears to have little empathy for the elderly and their wisdom, as well as the sanctity of life of the unborn.

        1. A sad story Julie,

          Thank you for reminding me about ODumbo not visiting his mother when she was dying. I’d forgotten that. I guess the golf game couldn’t be postponed.

          But Kudo’s to you for the work you do !

  1418. Oprah has a big problem seeing racism where it doesn’t exist. Her history of interpreting normal store behavior as racism is well documented. She doesn’t understand that white people are often treated the same way. Whether it’s a snooty store clerk in France or a group of teens being followed by store security… it happens to everyone, regardless of their color.

    Maybe, just maybe, Oprah, large numbers of Americans don’t respect the President because he doesn’t respect them. Forget for a moment he’s black. Listen to him, read his words. He is vindictive, arrogant and incredibly spoiled and whiny. Has nothing to do with color. Ask Ben Carson or Herman Cain (whom many whites supported. Who was interested in torpedoing his candidacy? Racist whites?)

  1419. Oprah IS the racist, always has been. She forgets that it was the tons of white people especially women who brought her to the top by watching her show every day who has flopped. Yeah right, people dislike Obama because he is HALF white, that is why he was elected for Prez TWICE.
    Hey Oprah, did you and your ilk hate Bush so much because he was “white”???

  1420. I despise the current administration due to their incompetence and non-stop lies. Race has nothing to do with my feelings. The Bush administration was not much better either as they grew the federal government drastically with DHS and TSA. The only path to freedom is getting DC out of our shorts.

  1421. Oprah is clearly misguided and potentially a racist herself. Obama too often gets a free pass due to his race. If Obama was truly judged by his actions and effectiveness in office he would be impeached. His legacy will be that he was perhaps the worst president in U.S. history that tried to fundamentally change and weaken our nation. He is arrogant, detached and unqualified to be president. That is based on his actions and results and not the color of his skin.

  1422. Obama himself disrespects the office of President. He’s been proving that for five years now.

  1423. Funny thing – the man known as Obama likely is one of the few high profile black people in this country who actually is African-American, rather than merely claiming that phrase as the latest acceptable label. If he is an African-American, then he certainly is not eligible for the office he currently occupies.

  1424. Oprah Really? You voted for him because he is half black. He does nothing but bring up race at every speech ( or read I should say ). Face it, he is the most incompetent president to date. You have sunken to a new low Oprie…

  1425. Who the h-ll does she think she is, to make a blanket statement like that,I guess she doesn’t think the 95% of her race who voted for Obama, voted for him because of his skin color, and also because of the entitlement mentality. What a clueless racist woman, who thinks that because you disagree with the first black president, that makes u a racist!!!

  1426. Obama is NOT “African American” The term “African American” is used to described the descendants of slaves in the United States. Obama is a descendant of slave OWNERS.

  1427. If Obama were a white Republican, with the same failures and lies, every other Oprah show would be all about how terrible he is and the people he’s harmed.

    1. he would have been run out of office already or had the decency to resign by now. He thinks too highly of himself and is the most delusional president I have ever seen. Impeach!

    2. Everyone knows this however Hollywood and the press refuse to state the obvious. But everyone knows that too. Perhaps its time to boycott those people who are race baiters and choose to divide the country. Not good for anyone! Especially those who are truly in need and deserving of assistance!

  1428. Definition of fascism from Merriam-Webster: : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Don’t need to give examples of how the government is increasingly controlling our lives, do I?.
    Attacking the character of dissenters, such as accusing them of being racist, is one way to stifle dissent. So is using government agencies like the IRS to intimidate and punish critics. So is monitoring people’s private communications through other government agencies. Obama increasingly crosses the legal line of his authority through his use of executive orders to “get things done” when the people’s representatives in Congress don’t do it, seeming to forget (ignore?) the Constitutional separation of powers and that the presidency is the administrative branch, not the legislative.
    So, I ask you, is it paranoid to think we are moving toward a fascist state? And, yes, Oprah, I do NOT respect or like Obama.


  1429. Dear Oprah,

    While it can be argued that many Americans do dislike the president for being black (I’m not one of them) it should also be pointed out that many Americans support him only because he’s not white (and ignore his stunning incompetence).

    What I’m saying is the vast majority of people who dislike the man do so because of his policies, his indecisiveness, and his inability to go through with pretty much anything his sycophants actually pass through the legislature. We dislike him because he’s been an overwhelming failure as a leader.

    1. Save it!! People like her don’t want to understand it, their mind is made up that “the white man is out to get the black man”, That is what their teach their kids, their grandkids, their students, the “chip on their shoulders” just has to continue for decades in their mind. SHE IS the racist!!!

  1430. Please Oprah—-using the race card about Obama was a planned part of his presidency. Just like the “rise in right wing hate groups” the Southern Poverty Law Center keeps predicting but isn’t happening–and if any group is suspiciously over extending it’s reach it’s that one. It’s nothing more than a legal non-profit yet the media and government accepts it’s list of “hate groups” without question. We dislike Obama because he’s bankrupted and upended the economy, he has questionable attachment and friends most of us would cross the street to avoid, and we simple don’t know who he is under the veneer. If anything you are the one being racist using being black as a cover and an excuse for Obama.

    1. The SPLC is a Jewish group. Just like all the Zionists Obama’s appointed, like all 65 “policy czars” who are MAKING US POLICY IN EVERY AREA, and 2 appointed to the Supreme Court. Israeli dual-citizens are appointed to the highest levels of EVERY federal agency, to include zionist presidential & defense “ADVISORS”. THEY are “running” this country and blackmailing Congress via NSA spying. AMERICANS NO LONGER HAVE A COUNTRY. IT IS OWNED LOCK, STOCK & BARREL BY ISRAEL. They own all the too-big-to-fail BAILOUT Banks. They own all the propaganda media, Hollywood, & the music industry. They own the dastardly Federal Reserve Bank that’s cheated Americans for over 100 years. And THEY are the ones who’ve financed EVERY war to include Hitler and the War Between the States.
      THEY did 911 for war, war, & more war and the UNPatriot Act. They use American money and American LIVES to murder al their neighbors in the mid-east. And DESPITE 315 million AMERICANS saying NO to a war with Syria and Iran, Netanyahu and his lobbyists are crawling ALL OVER D.C., Congress, and the media trying to get an IRAN war started, WITH US TROOPS AND US MONEY doing it.

  1431. If not liking someone because of the color of their skin is ‘racism,’ wouldn’t LIKING someone just because of the color of their skin be racism? Obama received 93% of the black vote. Hmmmm

    Oprah, it has nothing to do with his color, it has everything to do with his complete lack of competence, and the direction he’s driving our country. We are becoming a Fascist police state, thanks to his gross abuses of power. If you want to turn a blind eye just because he is a person of color, then maybe YOU are the racist

  1432. I don’t care that Obama is black, white or purple. I don’t like Obama because he is an idiot who uses the race card to make himself equal to the job. As far as Oprah goes I don’t like her because she uses her wealth and position to talk down to everybody she chooses. Why is it the blacks are the first to scream racism when they don’t get their way? Oprah should not be a spokesperson for anything including herself. Both of them have an agenda of using people to get what they want white, black, brown, and of course purple.

  1433. where was the big O when the left totally disrespected GWB!? Where was she when they ripped apart Ronald Reagan

  1434. “Oprah Winfrey is going around the world telling everyone that Americans are racist while she promotes her new film:”
    LOL, I would start with the Germans. They’re REALLY sympathetic to your boy toy Obama right now! Plus you can spy on them and know which ones refused to see your stupid movie, then you’ll know who the German racists are.

  1435. She isn’t too far from truth. It is quite similar to a section of people hating Bush, or Reagan because he is not black.

    Once people treat talk and present it in the same way, the argument loses its apparent sharpness.

    This is just the same as there’ll be a section of people who hated Black Republicans too, Condi, for starters. In her case it was black and woman, so there is section of people who can’t deal with her intelligence.

    Oprah’s statement is sharp if you think of it as her using racal as the reason for people to oppose the President, and we should be honest when we say that there is a modicum of truth there too

    But overall, her statement is a distraction from the fact that even in the latest decision , the executive has decided to take up measure that fly in the face of the constitution.

  1436. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    She’s right- I haven’t heard ANYONE mention racism before, but we’re all thinking about it.

    Give me a break! There is one reason and one reason only Obama was able to get elected, and it’s obvious and we all know it.

    Unfortunately, the damage has been done and it is likely irreversible.

  1437. Defending the white race with comments on this site only dignifies the race baiting BS that she constantly espouses here and in Switzerland! Just turn the bit$% off and boycott anything that she sells or endorses!

  1438. I don’t like Obama and Opray because they are black. Both of them got where they are because whitey excused their stupidity and ignorance to uppity mo them . If either had 1/2 the brain size as a white person they would have moved to Zimbabwe years ago. Oh no, they hide under the white skirts of America that they hate because they are race hustlers.


  1439. Oprah let her racist cat out of the bag LONG ago. She supports and promotes racist movies like THE BUTLER, The Color Purple, etc. With her support of the Fraud in Chief I now boycott all her projects, just like the movies of racists Jamie Foxx and Samuel Jackson. This clip above was done on FOREIGN TV, where she also said there’s raging racism against blacks in America by the older generation and they’d “just have to DIE”.

    Well, Oprah meets with DEPOPULATIONISTS like Bill Gates, Buffett, Tim Turner and others on how to commit genocide on US citizens. Maybe THAT is what she meant by “they just have to DIE.”

    GOOGLE “black racist actor” and Jamie Foxx is at the top of the list.

  1440. This is the woman who made up the lie that she has been treated the same way over in Europe and elsewhere.She made her fortune off white people and their support of her show and products.I do not know about European blacks ,but blacks in America pretty much believe any criticism of a black person by a white person is inherently racist.They are conditioned to believe this from day one and they teach it to one another.Oprah is a sad,fat,ugly cow. She needs publicity to generate some kind of interest in her network.I guess we are all racist for not watching her crappy network too.

  1441. first of all he’s black AND white. secondly, most americans do not like him because he is a socialist and forces socialist policies. it was never about race but it sure was for black people.

    1. thats because blacks are the most racist group in the united states,not only that they use fake racism for all their personal failures,much like comrade obama

    2. IF you were too dumb to tie your own shoes, youd claim everyone is racist too. Afros call everybody racist, because they are confused and don’t know what to say.

  1442. It’s because he is incompetent and incompetence comes in all colors. I for one have had just about enough of these folks determined to shut down criticism by claiming that if you disagree then it must relate to racism. The real racists are the ones who view everything through the prism of race. Clearly, Ms. Winfrey resides in that camp.

  1443. If this country is so racist how does one explain the over 70% approval rating Obama had in 2009? His credibility has been destroyed by his actions not the color of his skin.

  1444. We disrespect him because he’s both incompetent and arrogant. Being black got him elected and re-elected.

  1445. Hey Opie, ever seem to notice how defenses of Obama these days come more in the form of going after his critics rather than actively and positively hyping what it is he’s actually doing?

  1446. Did you ever notice that nonwhites usually play the race card when they have a problem? I’m sure we disrespect him because he’s black, not because he lacks the experience, he’s arrogant, and that he lies. No way. We’re too stupid to realize that, so we disrespect him just because he’s half black.

  1447. Reasons to disrespect Barak Hussein Obama, let’s see:
    – blames Bush at every opportunity = no
    – covers up Benghazi deaths = no
    – ignores the US Constitution & the rule of law = no
    – sympathetic to our enemies while distancing friendly nations = no
    – encourages ILLEGAL immigration = no
    – fails to discipline perpetrators of Fast & Furious deaths debacle = no
    – because he is part African-American = yes.

    Oprah is one myopic, rich “fool”.

  1448. If all racists have to die for racism to end, Ms. Winfrey needs invite Sharpton & Jackson, the entire Congressional Black Caucasus, and the majority of the black comedians, actors, and rappers to her home and then blow it up……

  1449. OPRAH,weather your are famous, rich, loved by everyone, what ever, YOU have a psychological disorder.

    Seriously, being black, may have caused you to develop this delusion, but to generalize a blanket accusation of everyone being a racist.

    For no reason other than the presidents skin color, is really Oprah’s problem of perception on life, not the guilt ,the finger pointing.

    I have a mix of disrespect and pity for her, such a shame , for her mental disability, anger if it is a manipulative race card , poo poo, feel so bad for Obama, his ratings are down Boo Hoo.

    White or Black, Obama is a lying ,manipulative, Anti American Despot. What’s good for White Bill Clinton’s lying, is good for Black Barack Obama.
    Get over it Oprah!!!

  1450. no we dont support him because he is a empty suit and a incompetent boob,as well narcissist

  1451. When are whites going to stop kissing this racist pigs ARSS ? Never mind liberal whites love arss kissing of blacks…

  1452. I have enjoyed Oprah’s shows since she began her career. This blind support for anyone simply because they have the same skin color is over the top. The reason for disliking this President is the fact that he is destroying the American way of life (period). Last night, I blocked Oprah’s OWN channel from the TV.

    1. I too use to be a big fan but when I found out she was lying about giving things away and it was the companies not her I decided she was a fraud!

  1453. The Alinsky-stuff is getting so tiresome. Oprah, why don’t you devote an hour to defending his failed policies (if you can) instead of just calling people names.

  1454. I have no problems at all with a man’s skin color, but I can’t stand a LIAR. As soon as I see Obama speaking, I hit the clicker.

  1455. She clearly can’t defend Obama’s performance and the best she has is to hide behind the race card. She and Obama are two of the biggest racial bigots in this country!

    1. Now, now, they may be people who use racial tensions for political benefits, but calling them racial bigots may be going too far.

  1456. The man was elected president. You cannot claim the American people treat him with contempt due to the color of his skin. He was elected. Where was this so-called contempt pre-election? If the American people didn’t want him there, or were racially opposed to him, he wouldn’t be in office. Instead he is there. Oprah is not as intelligent as I once believed. She’s just a moron that fell into a lucky streak.

    1. In all actuality, Mr. Obama was ELECTED because of color………No Caucasian man or woman, similarly unqualified, with such a hidden, nefarious past would have stood a chance of even getting through the primaries. I personally know a number of people that voted for Obama to “be a part of history” by voting for the 1st black president. During his first term, Obama and his minions were extremely successful in adding to the nations dependency rolls, which culminated in his re-election, and the continued path to the ruination of the United States.

      1. Same here, I was at the voting location, where you’re not supposed to talk about elections or voting, etc., but there were quite a few that made comments just enough for others to hear why and who they voted for. disgusting!

  1457. I never watched her on TV but I was told constantly that she was beloved on TV for years and made a fortune via that love from her viewers. But since she came out as an Obama promoter in 2008, it seems the biggest slice of racism she has drawn attention to is her own. Now,much like public opinion about Obama, I think Oprah’s bloom is off the rose. Now she has reduced herself to a female version of Al Sharpton.

  1458. Fine, you win. Have it your way. We hate him ’cause he’s black. Can we have our Constitution back now?

  1459. Sure, Oprah. If Obama were a Republican, he would have been run out of the USA on a rail. Americans are finally waking up to his socialist agenda. That is why he is disliked.

  1460. Its not true Oprah is a racist. Why is it that black person can act badly and no one is suppose to say something.And if you do its racist. But if a white person looks at a black person there immediately tagged as having a racist thought. Obama is a racist he can’t give a speech without bring it up. Hitler blamed everyone else for the very thing he was guilty of. Its called push or reverse the blame on somewhere else preferably on the ones your attacking. People can’t stand Obama because of who he is. A Socialist with ideology above anything else. He gets mad if challenged. Its his way or the highway. He is messing up the economic structure destabilizing our small businesses. And Stock market increases are a bad indicator for a good economy. Great depression in the 1930’s the Markets made many millionaires and the economy was bad and some people starved.

  1461. I dislike our current President because he is a war criminal and constitutional usurper. His race doesn’t play into that equation at all.

  1462. Opree – We would love to see a real African-American like Ben Carson or Allen West in the position. They each have TWO black parents, and like you, a shared history. President Stinky’s (BO) family (on his pappy’s side) were on the OTHER side of the slave equation…..well known for gathering “product” for the slave traders. Rumor has it that Stinks and his butch pre-op skank Moochie are blood related as a result of “product testing” of Moochie’s family by Stinky’s family.

    1. their color of skin is african-american? huh? they were born in africa? huh? my color of skin is white. I was born in America. My ANCESTORS are from several countries, too many to name here. STOP with the African-American color of skin. If you weren’t born in Africa, don’t call yourself African…LOL

  1463. Yeah. If a white guy had done everything Obama has done (or not done) I would’ve supported all of it!

  1464. Yeah, because he’s been such a great president that the only reason someone would criticize him is because he’s black. As she sits in her mansion and her butt gets bigger, perhaps Oprah could spare a thought for the rest of us.

  1465. I am going to be straight up…f#@& the pretense. Obama as Oprah already know …is a lying mother f……g nig’ er…ok…that’s what he is Miss Oprah. Get out of your fancy and fairy tale…. stop pretending. No more stories…. excuses…blame…whatever..
    Real people…every shade…color…weight….gender…
    sexual orientation… young… old…are losing their insurance….policy cancelled.. including me!!!!
    Let’s not allow Obama to use race anymore s an excuse. The chickens are coming home to roost!!!!!

  1466. This from a woman who sat in Rev Wright’s church for years and has never publicly renounced his racist statements (remember the guy who was Obama’s mentor, and recently said that if you’re black, a white person can never be your friend,or that the problems of the world are caused by white people’s greed).

    1. Actually Sonoran Snoozer, your point is well taken, but it was ODumbo who sat in Reverend Wright’s pulpit for 20 years and btw, ODumbo claims (another lie) he never hear Reverend Wright us the rhetoric we all saw on tape. that “Whitey” is bad and America is an evil country and should be changed to a state of socialism,

      1. Well at least she had the sense to eventually leave once Wright’s rhetoric got too extreme and she started to feel the heat. Our prez, on the other hand, stayed because apparently he never heard Wright’s racist statements, and only learned about them from news reports.

  1467. See it right here, ladies and gents!! The last bastion (or last gasp) of desperate leftists trying to defend the indefensible… the race card. It’s been used so much, it has no meaning anymore.

  1468. Oprah, you are dead wrong. That’s why we dislike you. We can’t stand Obama because he is an utter lying fool. Color doesn’t enter into the equation.

  1469. OPRAY…. The American people dislike Obama because he is a pathelogical liar! We dislike him because his agenda is to advance America into a socialist dependency state. We dislike him because his decisions and policy are inconsistant with the American value set! We dislike him because of his militant nature, and uses every agency in the government to, in some way, attack or sting Americans! We dislike him because he willnot collaborate with congress to govern and legislate the nations laws, instead he rules as a dictator, through fiat and his famous executive orders. We dislike him because he uses a, never previously known executive power called “selective enforcement”, of the very laws he swore under oath to uphold and enforce. OPRAY, the American people dislike Obama because he sees our constitution as an obstacle, rather than a guide, while ruling, instead of governing the United States of America!

    oh yeah, OPRAY notice I did not use the word hate anywhere! That is because Americans dont Hate Obama, they dislike him….. Big difference! Maybe you are confusing the way you feel about America, thinking that we must feel the same but objectively opposite… hmmmm makes me wonder about you?

  1470. Hmmmm…if race were the only issue, Obama wouldn’t be hated at all. The other issues, however, treason, lying, forcing ACA down our throats, and his many attempts to disarm America do qualify as the reason he is hated. Sorry, the race card isn’t working any more. It has been removed from the deck!

  1471. Ever notice that it’s the true racists who make all the accusations about racism? To these people, and they tend to be non-whites, everything in their world is viewed through the prism of race. It’s all about race, no matter what the issue is.

    So here’s “Oprah”, accusing anyone critical of the Obamarrhoid as being “racist”. It’s inconceivable to her that the criticisms are simply legitimate recognition that Obozo is inept and a blight on the White House. Incredible, but predictable, given the source.

    1. Accusing one of racism is equal to accusing one of flatulating in public. The one who smelt it dealt it!

  1472. Oprah so why was Bush so disrespected, he is white? The disrespect for this president has nothing to do with the color of his skin. He has no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law. He shows utter contempt for hard working people. If he were a white person we would have the same opinion. I used to really respect you I was a moderate democrat who watched you everyday , but in the last several years my respect for you is gone. I also now would not vote for a Democrat ever again.

    1. Some Blacks are so hate filled that no amount of objective reasoning would help in this case. Color is ALL they see, and is ALL that matters. Sad.

  1473. *The LONGER clip is MISSING where Oprah says Americans who are prejudiced
    against BLACKS “just have to DIE”. Well, she and Obama can wish all
    the whites DEAD that they want, but we’re not going anywhere. What’s
    more, we are NOT going to be politically correct any more, about HER
    participation with Bill Gates in DEPOPULATION “or” about Obama’s being a

    1. Winfrey took her comments one step further, saying that the issue of
      racism is largely generational. Specifically, she said that cultural
      prejudice in the U.S. will largely recede after the last generation of
      individuals have died off.

  1474. … it’s not hard to come to the conclusion that Oprah herself is the racist one. Keep talking Oprah, your true colors are exposed more and more. Piece of shit, you are woman.

  1475. Oprah played the race card in America to promote her left wing movie and now is taking her act of hate worldwide.

  1476. Ya know Oprah, he is not African American, he is 1/2 African American and 1/2 white. And that is only if you believe his ridiculous lie about who his father is. His biological father is a black American. And I hate Obama because of his desire to kill America by dismembering the Constitution that this country was founded on, because he is a total liar, and because he is a one world order supporter, and because he supports my own governrment spying on me in every way possible, even thought I have never done anything wrong, Has nothing to do with race. Has to do with the fact that he is evil. You may need to examine your own racial prejudices.

  1477. Opree – How about if we concede that President Stinky (BO) Benghazi, the first (half) African-American, openly gay president is horrible because of his white mother if that makes you feel better. He’s a piece of garbage. A cowardly little boy in a big boy suit…….because of his mother.

  1478. If she truly believes a man’s skin color makes him IMMUNE from “disrespect” and somehow grants him the right to LIE REPEATEDLY to the very people who elelcted him, not only is she a racist, she’s nuts.

  1479. She back doored two Million twice to get him elected and never gave a dime to a White Politician, does that mean she don’t like white people running for President.

  1480. Obama has gotten away with media scrutiny because of the fact that he is black. Everybody treated him like the Messiah instead of the president. Her statement is patently absurd. The only reason that the media is finally calling him on the carpet for his trainwreck of an administration is because the people are screaming. This may have been the dumbest thing she has ever said. Maybe, just maybe, Michelle Obama had not given a no bid contract to create the website to her pal from Princeton, but had sought out the brightest minds in the country he wouldn’t be where he is today. It is their cronyism that has brought them to their knees. People only bitch about things that affect them personally, the slaughter of our Ambassador on American soil didn’t bother them one bit. Now that this is hitting people in the wallet, they wake up from their coma of stupidity and blind loyalty.

  1481. Not true. My disrespect, despise and hate comes from the fact that he is a Communist America hater. He is not incompetent, he is successfully destroying the United States. This is his plan.

  1482. No, it’s not his race, it’s his politics, his policies, his incompetence, his lying and his disrespect and condescending attitude towards people like me who are footing the bill for his extreme spending that make me feel contempt for him. This is dangerous territory she is entering – where the discussion is not about ideas but about demonizing dissent through intimidation by calling people “racist”. It’s straight from “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky, and is nothing more than propaganda.

    1. Hey, look, the mass media understands this, but it ‘don’t make news’. What does is anything that is negative news by the right against the Obamaman

  1483. The LONGER clip is MISSING where Oprah says Americans who are prejudiced against BLACKS “just have to DIE”. Well, she and Obama can wish all the whites DEAD that they want, but we’re not going anywhere. What’s more, we are NOT going to be politically correct any more, about HER participation with Bill Gates in DEPOPULATION “or” about Obama’s being a LYING SOB.

    1. “Winfrey took her comments one step further, saying that the issue of
      racism is largely generational. Specifically, she said that cultural
      prejudice in the U.S. will largely recede after the last generation of
      individuals have died off.”

    2. She can wish all white people dead but who is going to work to pay for all the welfare programs that the poverty pimps have enslaved the black community with. All Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson has done is sub conciously planted a victim and inferiority mind set in the black community. End result Jesse and Al never worked a real job in there life and are millionaires keeping the black community in dumbed down more. As long as they can keep the black community believing that without them there going back to slavery. They will always keep the black community enslaved to ghetto mentality.

  1484. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr stressed the paramount importance of ‘content of character’ over ‘color of the skin’. Winfrey, all you are concerned about that man is the color of his skin. I can think nothing of his character. He is, in fact, the antithesis of Martin Luther King, Jr’s life, mission, and legacy.

    1. Well said Bill…… I wish we had MLK as president today, what a better world it would be…

  1485. The real victims are:

    600,000 senior citizens of all races that lost most of their retirement savings;

    16,456,000 citizens of all races that are unemployed;

    36,144,000 citizens of all races that are underemployed forced to work part-time and temporary jobs;

    6,852,484 citizens of al races filing bankruptcy on Obama’s watch;

    10,216,000 citizens of all races added to our poverty rolls on Obama’s watch;

    18,386,000 citizens of all races added to our food stamp rolls on Obama’s watch;

    5,000,000 citizens of all races whose health insurance has been cancelled because of Obamacare;

    $6,524,578,923,649 trillion dollars of debt added to the backs of the taxpayer of all races by Obama;

    Obama’s Leadership of the United States is reminiscent of the 1965 mega hit song by Barry McGuire entitled “Eve of Destruction” regardless of one’s race.

  1486. in a climate where everything is ‘racist,’ couldn’t you make the argument that throwing the race card is in fact racist? No Oprah – he was elected twice. People don’t like him because he’s dishonest, completely lacking integrity, and utterly embarrassing. He’s trying to make the United States a Facsist state, and people are sick of it. Do you think they dislike him because of all that? It’s okay to support someone because of the color of their skin, right Oprah? If rallying against someone SOLELY because of their race is racism, then isn’t rallying FOR someone solely because of their race racism too? OK then – he received 93% of the Black vote. Suck it Oprah

  1487. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    Oprah is, to put it bluntly, is full of Bravo Sierra! I disrespect Obama, not because he is black (half), but because he is destroying the America I grew up in and for which our founders fought and died to create. He, Obama, disrespects our Constitution. He is a socialist/Marxist and is in the process of “overthrowing” the Constitution. He is destroying our health care system and cares not that millions will suffer now, and many, many more millions will suffer from a failed socialist model. Oh, if only any competent black had been the first.. Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, or many others. But no, we have this incompetent, Saul Alinsky, socialist community organizer for President… Unfortunately, he is either incompetent or a lying manipulator, trying (and succeeding) to completely transform the U.S. into a socialist state, modeled on, what is more and more appearing to be the Venezuela or Cuban model. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and the Weather Underground are succeeding after all. Notice all “came” out of Chicago…The Chicago way. Am I a racist… Well, I think not. My black nieces and nephews don’t think so. Unfortunately, apparently 85 % of blacks in America, those that vote for Obama and support him unconditionally (Like Oprah) seem to be. How sad!

  1488. Oprah – shut your pie hole. You’ve made millions off the American public and now think you can disrespect all of us? How crude and moronic can you be?

  1489. Well some facts about Oprah Winfrey;
    Her best friend for years, deserted her camp because of he Winnie Mandela approach to politics and people. Her investment in Satellite Radio is faltering with lagging listeners.
    Ms. O hates white people, is a lousy actress and is butt ugly.
    She talks of disrespect for the office, this person she supports has disrespected not only the Office of POTUS, he has Disrespected an entire nation of ‘ALL’ races, our laws, our birth rights, our Bill of Human Rights, Our very existence as a Sovereign Nation.
    In a Short, HE IS TRASH LIKE SHE IS.

  1490. Ah the ever-present Race Card. No Ms. Winfrey… Time for you to come out of your well-protected bubble and circulate among regular people, where common sense and true patriotism are still alive and well. Most of us respect the OFFICE of the presidency, just not the Clown who currently fills that office. You ought to be able to distinguish between the two.

    1. If Bush were in office, she’d say the same thing about man versus office. But not when it’s her guy… These communist racists have no shame and no consistency.

  1491. The poodles that were shaved to make The Oprah’s wig-hats were disrespected, IMHO.

  1492. I love how the liberals invoke the lack of respect for the office of the president. We can learn from them from their respect of the office under Bush. Bad policy and a legacy of failure are worthy of criticism no matter ones color. I just pray that Hillary does not get elected because then any criticism will them be sexist.

  1493. Every time I’m accused of disliking the President because of his skin color the more I dislike people of color. Not becuase he is totally incompetent, a liar and has absolutely no integrity or moral character, but because he is black, and I’m told I should dislike him because of that, over and over and over, the deeper my feelings become.

  1494. Oprah is really Al Sharpton with a wig on, and a padded stomach and bosom. I suppose we all despise Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Chuckie (I want all your guns) Schumer because they be white?
    Hello! Anyone home????


  1495. Get real,he makes Hitler look like a kitten.study your History on the Nazi takeover. He is following the same plan. It is NOT his skin color.

  1496. “…and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says…”

    Except for, you know, every time someone disagrees with a policy decision.

  1497. OOOOOORRRRRRR because he is incompetent.

    Stop Racism! This means you too Oprah. Step back and look at the folks who helped build your success. Who bought your vision, but then you know how to execute and invited people to share in your ideas.

  1498. Dear Oprah,

    I never found you much of a talk show host, but not once did I conclude this because my eyes were open and I noticed your skin pigmentation. I listened to you. You sink your own cause and your own brand. Selfish and arrogant come to mind when I hear and see you. It is preciously easy to give away sponsors’ products and then to make it seem you are the giver. But, hey, you made this scam work and bless your heart for being a very, very rich black woman in a racist America.

    Over at the White House, I don’t even consider the President’s half blackness as a negative, but I do so loathe his attacks upon the Constitution, his manifold lies, and his incompetence. When I enter the polling place I don’t even contemplate the race of the candidate, but thanks to the Clintons, the Gores, the Pelosis, the Bidens, and the Obamas, I make sure I make sure that none of my votes are for the candidate with the (D) next to it.

    I find your racist slur to be insulting and so typical of someone who supports this President. If there ever was an overt display of racism is the fact that nearly 95% of those who have more pigmentation in their skin than Obama voted for him. If whites were to have voted in the same number for Romney as the blacks did for Obama, you and your ilk would claim racism. But somehow it never works the other way around. Somehow.

    In the end, those of you fools who have hitched your credibility on the bandwagon of President Constipation will find that you will go down in history as the dumbest, least informed, most racist, most ignorant, most easily conned, and the most dangerous to the continuation to Constitutional principles in history. President Obama didn’t just appoint himself President (though no doubt he likely considered a way to make it happen by fiat), so idiots had to vote him into office. For the better part of five years, people like you have lied and claimed racism as the reason why Obama is so disliked – but perhaps the fact that no President has had such poor results with employment of blacks, hispanics, women, men, and whites in modern times. It is easy to see how one can claim racism when the very people that share his skin tone are the biggest victims of his policies – yet those people cling to being his sycophants like NRA members and their guns. Those who give him the biggest pass are the very ones he punishes the most. I almost think that is justice in a sick way – his voters are some of the dumbest and least informed so it would follow that when he is attacked they’d just invoke the race card without invoking reality.

    1. Nice Job Laser Wizard,

      I might add we dislike him because for the first time in this country, I honestly believe we have in power, a President who does not like the Country he presides over.

  1499. By she has changed her friggin tune!!!

    People don’t not like him because he is black, people don’t like him because he is a prick selling out America and dragging the UK along with it!

    Blacks didn’t like George bush but it wasn’t cos he was white, it was because he was a friggin hillbilly!

  1500. It’s because he’s a socialist. He was re-elected by other socialists so there can’t be that much hate in America. I’m the same color as the animal, but I just don’t like socialism, or cloven-piven strategists.

  1501. This Ole broad and the so called Leader of this Country are both from the worse Black crime ridden City in this Country with thousand’s of Blacks killing Blacks every year but they continue to preach about what they think what Whites are thinking as a Majority. I really thought this Ole Broad was smarter than this but now that she is off TV and like most Black Actors and rich retired Sports people the real typical Black white Hater is coming out. In 2007 and 2011 93 present of the Blacks Voted for this Person, in all elections before with a white man running only 31 present of Blacks Voted does that mean 62 present of Blacks are Racist. She is a Multi Billionaire she could care less about this Country and Tax payers and She hasn’t spent a dime on the Black Community that didn’t benefit her pocket book. She just needs to order another case of Twinkies.

    1. Some precincts in Philadelphia went 100% for Obama. ( Not one (1) single Republican vote ) Now if that isn’t an excellent example of voting by color I don’t know what is.
      How is it that when Blacks act like racists its called Justice, but when Whites are accused of this same thing it is called Racism?

      1. the fact that he still carries a 75% approval rating among black is very telling… most of these people can’t see past their skin color… they are the racist ones…

        1. Given the fact that most of our poor blacks in this city are on Medicaid it may not make too much difference in their lives only that NOW they have to sign up for it again. Food Stamps, Free clinics, Welfare here is a 3 generational way of life. Its their job to spend our money, sort of like what Washington is doing right now.

  1502. No you stupid Bieootch, he is disliked because he lies, does not respect this country or the Constitution. Those are just two reasons why we dislike him. There are many more like trying to sue Arizona for enforcing a federal law against illegal immigration that is supposed to be his law and duty to enforce, and fast and furious, and the death to 4 people in Benghazi, That’s why we don’t like him.you ignorant sl*t

  1503. It is easy to play the race card and not see significant things below the surface.
    It is easy to assume you know all and have everyone figured out. The present liar in chief did not get into office by black votes alone. Your own prejudice is showing, Oprah.

  1504. No, Oprah. It is not because he is black (or half black, or whatever) It is because he is a lying, progressive socialistic America hating, incompetent who has single handedly done more to destroy the fabric of this nation in so many ways it is not possible to tally.
    ANd we do not respect you because you have refused to see that. Has nothing to do with skin color.

  1505. Many Americans disrespect Oprah because she uses the race card every chance she gets.

    1. After all she is a Democrat. Lies and calling people that disagree with them, Racist, Nazis. or morons (sometimes Mormons). It is the Democrat way.

    2. Yes, unfortunately, she has fine tuned her racism over the years. No doubt , if the white population of women just tuned her out she would have withered away on the vine.

  1506. How does she explain disrespect by the country for George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter? Oprah, can we dislike his policies or his approach to leadership (or lack thereof)?

    If rampant disrespect for him exists simply for being African American, why did the majority of white America vote for him twice?

  1507. Ahhh, Oprah, Americans don’t hate Obama because he’s black. We hate what he is doing to the country. His color has nothing to do with it. But, what we DO hate is when black people like you project racism and a “person’s color” as a cover to shroud your’s and Obama contempt for America, American prociples and Americans of every color. That is sickening.

    I hope you stay in England…. good riddance to REALLY bad rubbish, in my mind.

  1508. I don’t like Oprah, or anything she has to say, or does. Now, I’ll watch Michelle Williams, she’s very funny! Both women are black. I don’t like Oprah not because I’m racist, it’s just her in general. She starts the bull, but can’t take the bull.

  1509. I have no doubt that there are some who don’t like Obama because of his race, but most are against Obama because of his Marxist philosophy in dealing with the social and economic problems in America. Skin color doesn’t amount to much when you are losing your health insurance, or when the country is getting more in debt, when Spending is our of control, arrogant behavior, nihilistic image, or disrespect for the Constitution. I cant help but think of how different his legacy would have been had he chosen a more moderate, middle road approach to our problems. He could have been another Geo Washington or Abe Lincoln but what he has done is to inject his personal Left wing European style of governance into the mix and by doing this has soared any attempt to appeal to the other side of the aisle or their constituents.

      1. In the private sector he would not stand a chance being as clueless as he is. Mailroom for this guy…

  1510. smoking crack with Toronto Mayor
    and if you aren’t racist now–all this name calling will sure make you one

  1511. It’s classic. Conservative-minded people think liberals/socialists are wrong. They almost always have a reasoned arguement for their position. Libs think cons are evil. Rather than engage in honest debate, they look for a handle to explain their “evilness”. The fact that Obama is 1/2 black puts the race card always within reach and the preferred come back. If they are wrong, it will eventually show – as it presently is with O-care. Repubs have to do a better job/be prepared to clearly articulate THEIR alternative plans – to take advantage of the situation.

  1512. Never waste your hatred on racist profiles. You waste your hate. Learn about the person , then you can focus your hate. A more efficient use of supply of hate.

  1513. No Oprah Americans don’t like Obama because he is a lying idiot. They dislike you because you go to a foreign country and call us racist. You are the generalizing person that is racists.

    1. She is speaking on behalf of most Americans? Where’s her list? I know I’m not on that list. She can’t speak for all off Americans. I hope that readers from other countries read forums such as this to see us stand up for ourselves.

  1514. The majority of Americans hate Obama because he’s a Crappy president. But here’s a F U to you Okra!

  1515. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    That “day” has finally arrived here in America. White people totally IGNORED his skin color and TRUSTED Barrack Obama with the highest office in the land, but he totally MISUSED that office and LIED REPEATEDLY to the very people who gave him the job.

    Dr. King’s dream has now come true. Obama hasn’t been “judged by the color” of his skin, but by the “CONTENT” of his “CHARACTER” and in that area, he’s been found to be TOTALLY LACKING.

  1516. Oprah had her nose done to make her look like a white lady. What does that say about her? Maybe she doesn’t even like herself cause she’s black?

  1517. First of all, Oprah is just another rich liberal idiot who thinks she knows better what is good for America. Now Obama…
    Respect is something YOU EARN… which is why Obama doesn’t have ours. He has disrespected America and Americans. He has no respect for God, personal rights, life, marriage, family, private property, the flag, the constitution, or anything else that might get in his way.
    Color has NOTHING to do with it. But Oprah must justify why people don’t like her man, so this is the best she can come up with; COLOR. I COULDN’T be because he is a lying, arrogant, pompous, liberal, jackasses, now could it?

  1518. She must have been hired to do damage control for Barry or this is the Apology Tour 2. Oprah does not speak for me, If anyone wants to know why I do not like Barry, they can come ask me and it has absolutely nothing to do with skin color.
    Oprah, your a Dumb Ass

  1519. I don’t hate the color of his skin, nor do I hate the man, it is his values that I do indeed hate. And the Obot taker lemmings that follow him scare the hell out of me.

    1. VERY well said. From the beginning of this sad chapter in our country’s history, I’ve been uncomfortable with what the Obamarrhoid would and could do to America. And watching it happen is painful.

      But I’ve told myself the country has been through tough times before, and it can survive two terms of Obozo. What I’m unsure of is whether the country can survive all the mindless low information voters that put him there, because they’re all still out there, waiting to line up behind the next socialist the Demorrhoids put up. I just don’t know if the country can stand it – sooner or later, there will be irrevocable consequences that may well bring it down.

  1520. Hey Oprah listen to MLK Jr. Most of those who disagree with Obama are judging him by the content of his character and by the character of his deeds. Exactly the same as any other politician. Using the race card to deflect criticism is a miscarriage of justice for those encountering true racial discrimination. Equal rights means equal treatment.

  1521. You know she stays on message for Obama, so we can assume this is what he wants us to hear. It’s a piss poor defense for his piss poor performance.

    1. Really? Would you say ALL who disrespect him, do so because he is black, or just “some of them?” What about those of us who disrespect him because of his Liberal Socialist policies and his flouting of the Constitution?

    2. You sir are ignoring reality,

      You are just another obama sycophant trying your best to defend this America Hating, closet Muslim.Marxist who whats to redistribute the wealth of people who have worked hard to earn a living. We dislike him him, because of his Anti-American policies,. Just to start, his America hating Apology tour come to mind. bowing to the Saudi Kings and any other leader he meets,

      In short Mr. “Northern Virginia’s Finest”, we dislike him, not because of his skin color but because of the damage he is doing to this country and the disrespect he has for the office of the Presidency. In the current crisis is Obama working to repair a broken website, no, you can find him on the golf course. Others have listed the actions of this president in this forum. I suggest you read them.

    3. Either an intellectually-vacant Demotard or a troll. Either way, you’re in the wrong discussion, bud. Nobody cares what you think.

  1522. I can’t stand this racist bitch. She, like Obama, is a malignant
    narcissist who likens herself to God Almighty. She didn’t get behind
    Obama in 2012 because as dumb as she is, even she realizes there can
    only be one God (at least in her sick twisted mind) She never teaches,
    she ‘bestows her knowledge’, because, you know, she is so smart and all.
    Look at the name of her shows ‘Oprah’s Lifeclass’. Read this article –
    very interesting and terrifying at the same time. http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/09/obama_oprah_and_the_guru_malig_1.html

  1523. Really, this is how you fell? I’ll tell you what Oprah, I don’t like you and it’s no because you black, it is because your a elitist racist. People don’t like Obama because he is an arrogant, self serving, racist, muslim person.
    If that is how you fell, then why don’t you stay away from the US. Go to Africa and run the school you built and live their lives you ignorant witch.

  1524. “Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK”

    As opposed to supporting him because he is black.

  1525. I despise Obama because it has become painfully obvious that he has a deep-rooted hatred for this country. It is reflected in what he does and says, in both foreign and domestic policies. His comments reflect a disdain and contempt of Americans that is truly breathtaking. Yet he has fooled so many people, including the media, that they have covered for him no matter what. Up until now. I think some are starting to come out of their funk, and see the man for what he is, a shallow, narcissistic, petulant little dictator. None of which has anything to do with his skin color.

  1526. Oprah doesn’t realize that President Obama would be thanking his lucky stars if the only reason people don’t like him is because he’s black.
    Sorry Oprah, the real reasons we don’t like him are because he’s a liar & a wealth redistributor & incompetent.

  1527. “And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.” In most cases, it’s because he’s a bumbling bufoon that has been in over his head since 2008.

  1528. It’s either George Bush’s fault or it’s because he’s black. How about because he’s a bad president!

  1529. Right after saying “Maybe” she says “There’s No Question”.

    Which is it genius?

  1530. Colin Powell is black I would vote for him in a heart beat, because I agree with his political views and because of how he had handled himself in the past with such high integrity. I vote for the person who I feel will do the best job for me, we the United States of America, all Americans! He/she cold be purple. I simply do not feel that Barack O’Bama is doing the right things for the United States and I do not like his shove it down your throat tactics period. Nothing to do with his color of his skin which I will remind you he is Caucasian/white as much as he is black which makes him multiracial. Multiracial is a great thing for a President to be – it covers many nationalities, it is his political views and his tactics and the blaming of others that I can not cope with. I don’t really care what President left the next President with (nightmare status or not) – bottom line you chose to be President suck it up and fix it. As for Miss Oprah Winfrey am I anti-African American for watching you for many years and increasing your public status and wealth?

    1. Colin Powell, if you remember whole heartedly endorsed this mess of a president because he bowed to peer pressure. Further, he has never once come out against Obama’s destructive policies. Powell is a RINO fraud! I wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher… am I racist? Anyone… Oprah?

      1. Colin Powell certainly has shown that he does not share conservative principles. As for integrity, he has further shown that “skin colour” is more important than ideas and charachter – the antithisis of the MLK message. I disagree though – he’d probably be a darn-good dog catcher.

  1531. Not true. Obama, like Oprah and many, many other celebrities, professionals and politicians, and others, has transcended racial barriers. He is no more ridiculed than Bush 41 and 43. Even Clinton, for that matter. The fact is, he simply cannot handle the job.

  1532. If it were not for racism Obama would not be President. He certainly had no credentials (as has been proven) to manage the office effectively.

  1533. I would equally dislike a white president with the same degree of lying, failed policies, ack of leadership and vision, laziness and race- and class-baiting. The only difference is the media would do their job and report the facts and not protect the white president.

  1534. All these comments coming from majority whites, now how do you explain your remarks as not being some sort of racism in the background??? Is it because he is “black” that all of your remarks isn’t a bit racist?? if you don’t think so, your not only racist but hypocritical!!!! You people make comments about “black and none of you on here know A damn thing about blacks!!! you don’t even talk about white trash, like you people talk about blacks!!! please respond, I want to hear this@#$!

    1. Your whiney post answered your own question.

      “White trash” don’t play “polar bear games,” don’t rob stores in flash mobs, don’t shoot white babies in the face, and don’t vote 96 % for white trash presidential candidates.

      1. Where’s you get that at? white trash will kill you, especially heroin addicts and crackheads they also sell their kids…and will shoot you in the face..

    2. MLK, August 28, 1963: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

      BHO’s character has been on full view for all to see for 5+ years. We have evaluated his character and found him lacking. Those whose votes he solicited with promises to improve their condition have suffered the most from his administration’s policies: minorities, women, and young people. It is clear he is simply an elitist with visions of imposing a Progressive/Liberal tyranny on a country that is also ours and we love dearly. We do not hate the man, we hate him for what he is doing to the greatest experiment in self-government the world has ever known (at least, since ancient Athens).

    3. Do not tell me that I do not know about blacks. Just because you may be black does not make you an expert. The N word is discriminatory, but cracker isn’t? If people like Barry, Sharpton, Oprah, Jackson, and Rangle stop using race as an excuse and having other black people believe their lies, then the country can move forward.

      1. Do not tell me about what you know, when you are not “Black!!! just because you think you know, I’m a expert because I am Black!!! what are you talking about ? an expert is someone who has mastered an subject!!! I have, it called living in my Brown skin…Now you should stick to what you know, you mentioned cracker I said, nothing about cracker!!!!

    4. There is no doubt that some people are racist. That goes for people all races though. Oprah has no argument at this point in time because of Obama’s record, and for the fact that it took a “majority [of] whites” to vote him in – twice. When she says that there are people that don’t like him simply because he is black, that is probably true. I think that it is also true that 95% of the people here, and in the country, don’t like him because of what he has done and said. And that would include me.

    5. Sir,

      With all due respect, you are an idiot if you don’t see what’s going on around you. Stop getting your news from the comedy shows and MSNBC. Pull your head out of the sand and see how this America Hating president is destroying this country with the help from Harry Reid (who is white btw the way who we also dislike)

      1. Your comment is typical and without facts.. this commentary is about the fact that these comments are plain cynical and down right nasty.. I don’t know where any of you are getting info, but it’s kinda hard to be fair with this these remarks.. Congress admitted they hate him because of the color of his skin… furthermore, all media is full of it…

    6. No, now how do YOU explain away the Obamarrhoid’s total failure to perform in the job of President without tossing out the race card? This guy’s demonstrably the least qualified person in any room he enters, and all you people can think about is his skin color. The entire world knows now that the Obozo presidency is a disaster, and it has nothing to do with “race”. It has to do with his continuing attempts to destroy America, pure and simple. And the American people resent it. Forget about race – that dog won’t hunt.

  1535. There are many black politicians I would vote for as president but Obama is not one of them.The reason is not because he is black but because he is a fool with an agenda to ruin this country.I like Tim Scott of South Carolina, Dr. Ben Carson,Allen West and Herman Cain to name a few,but my best choice is Condi Rice who would be the one with the most experience and Hillary’s worst nightmare if she decided to run.

  1536. If you’re black and you still support Obama, you must be a racist. If you’re white and you still support Obama, you must be a fool.

  1537. Nov. 16th..she’s got to be kidding!!! Obama got elected because he was black and he has been treated with kid gloves because he is black…I’m sick of everyone being called a racist when they disagree with his policies…

  1538. She’s sure lucky she is not African-American. She would have never been able to earn her billion bucks if she were.

  1539. And somehow Oprah’s comments aren’t racist? Just remember where all your riches came from… that’s right, white people watching your pathetic show. Like your “Dear Leader” once said… “You didn’t build that.” How do you think owebozo got elected… that’s right! White people. He’s hated because he’s failed at everything. He lies about everything. He’s divided this country and acts proud because of it. That’s why he’s hated you rich racist wind bag.

  1540. He is black, clueless, arrogant,dishonest and many other things so, he should get a pass just because he is black?J.Carter is white and he was the worst president after Obama, and we still talk about that jackass.

  1541. Hey Fatso; the era of the sacred cow is coming to a close. Obama is simply being judged on the, “content of his character”, and he continues to fail miserably.

  1542. If Oprah is correct in her thinking, then how does she reconcile the fact that she is a mega-success in the USA adored by both blacks and whites…. how is it that she can criticize our country that paved the way for her own success. Also Obama was elected by a huge majority of whites
    … Something does not compute here…

  1543. I’m still amazed she’s not miffed because he bowed to all those Arabs, but didn’t bow to her.

  1544. Seriously, a person who LIES like Obama couldn’t be TRUSTED to work the cash register at Burger King.

  1545. If I can not knock a president because of his skin color then that is the most blantant in your face racism found today …IMPEACH OBAMA…. INDICT BUSH

      1. if you just go to the gov website on aids you will see that the origins of aids is the migratory paths of black people into the us

        1. Clearly not okay for her to be racist and I have posted my objections to her position elsewhere, but doing as she does, does not make either of you moral or right.

  1546. I feel so bad that Oprah was disenfranchised by the bigoted and racist clerk in the Trois Pommes handbag shop in Zurich, Switzerland. That must be where billionaire blacks who are suffering at the hands of prejudice, racism, and lack of opportunities like to hang out and commiserate.

    She couldn’t even think of a real example of feeling disenfranchised in the USA, she had to fabricate an imaginary perceived slight in an upmarket-1%er shop in a wealthy foreign country, because she thought that nobody would ever check her story.

    She’s a racist pig.

  1547. If she loves LIARS, based solely on the color of their skin, then I’d say she’s the racist and uses very poor judgement when it comes to picking her friends. If you’re still watching her show and contributing to her wealth, your “judgement” is probably WORSE than hers.

    1. Exactly. Double standard? Bush was attacked mercilessly. And he had/has the maturity to ignore it, unlike the extremely thin-skinned POTUS.

    2. You know we have power that we should use everyday. I never liked Oprah from the start and never watch her TV show or her new Channel. So if everyone who comments here today did the same she would get the message. Vote with your feet and your remote control; boycott Oprah; see loves and supports a black liar called Barack Hussein Obama.

  1548. How do you work in the eight years of “disrespect” to Bush in that moronic theory there, Oprah?

      1. Bush actually accomplished next to nothing in eight years, and he’ll still rank better than the current occupant. Kinda puts it in perspective, don’t it.

        1. We managed to get into and lose two unnecessary wars on his watch. Not exactly a brilliant record.

          1. So you’re saying the current on-going war in Afghanistan under the current commander-in-chief is being lost. That doesn’t portray our current president in a good light. Why are you hating on President Obama? Are you a racist? You want to add a few unkind remarks about his current handling of Gitmo?

              1. Nah, I like my victims to twist a little. And you might accidentally learn something about your preconceived notions. ‘Might’ being the operative word.

  1549. Yes, we voted him in to office because we’re racist. Hmmmm, the argument doesn’t work both ways, does it?

  1550. A person should be judged by his or her character,not by the color of the skin.Unfortunately, the only thing he has is an ego bigger than his ears.

  1551. Obama deserves our disrespect and or out and out contempt for his style of governing. Why the Congress doesn’t stop him is beyond me.

      1. The Republicans have lost a lot of respect from their core base and I don’t think they will be very successful in regaining that respect with people at the top of the party calling their conservative base extremists; they sound more like DHS Sec. Napolitano calling every returning vet and Tea Party member a potential terrorist. No I am starting to think that a Third Party will rise in America and reform this Communist government.

        1. A strong pro patriot third party would appeal to anyone who gives a damn. But, criminals have hijacked the government and only strong measure will dislodge their grip…

  1552. many Americans dislike Oprah because shes fat
    many Americans dislike bush because he was president
    many Americans dislike Clinton because she will say anything to be president
    but mostly Oprah has something to sell so that’s why we hear from her

  1553. It shows how out of touch Operiah is. ObozO is not African American, he is mostly Arab, White, 1/6 Black. Most of his formative years were in Indonesia, he has almost nothing in common with Americans or American Blacks or their culture. It shows how racist Operiah is.
    Americans are disgusted by the never ending lies, blame, and contempt ObOzo has for our Country and Laws.

  1554. screw oprh where she breathes.
    we have no respect for the liberal bankrupter in chief because he is a left wing, anti american, tax and spend lying democrat.

  1555. It has nothing to do with color. It’s about being a lying Communist, and his administration of lying Communists and their crazy we-know-better-than-thou plans for utopia.

  1556. And Oprah loves everything Obama says and does because he’s BLACK. Doesn’t matter what he says and does. He’s BLACK.

  1557. I don’t respect Obama or Winfrey, because they are STUPID, not because they are black.

  1558. Or ca Oprah can lick it, like the mad cow disease in her brain – she’s another elitist globalist coorpoorate racist media whore ! You suck oprah and so does all our money and your terrorist friends – I’m Luvispro and i approve this message

  1559. In my opinion, this is Oprah’s way of diverting attention from..”I support a incompetent man” to “Everyone thinks he’s incompetent because of his color”. She and Obama have the influence, to make this world a better place..how incredibly sad!

  1560. The disrespect comes from Obama himself. He has nearly destroyed the United States and consistently lied about on the way. I am particularly unimpressed with his foreign policy “successes”. Try again Oprah, you can do better than that.

  1561. Hmmm…Oprah bemoaning racism against blacks by whites, yet she owes her fame and riches to her audience of idle white women. Am I missing something here?

  1562. Oprah one of the biggest ignorant racists of them all. Right up there with Chris Rock, Jamie Foxx, Don Cheadle, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson ………..heck pretty much every black person who voted for Obama just because he was black. Now that’s racists.

  1563. What a shame. As the first black POTUS, Obama had a unique opportunity in history to bring people of all races closer together. Instead, all that he did, and continues to do, is divide people using every category possible. And Oprah thinks he’s disliked because he is black? She’s a dumb@ss.

    1. Obama did what his masters told him … divide the populace so we can blame someone else … the 2-party paradigm at work

      1. Yup. People who make his decisions for him such as Jarret, Axlerod, Sorros, and other anarchists.

  1564. If I was Oprah and hated white America so much I would move back to Kosiusko (sp?)MS where she was raise, buy the whole friggin county, build a plantation, and hire no one but whites to work it. That would give me a sense of satisfaction if I were her.

  1565. In light of what we now know about Obama’s LIES and FAILURES, the only reason I can think of to support him, would be if I were a black racist and saw nothing but his skin color. If Obama were white, blacks would hate him and rightly so.

  1566. Fat-bottomed black lady with a TV show and a soapbox. Another “tolerant” liberal we can ignore.

  1567. Hey Oprah. He is African American. Somali is in Africa. So you are calling him a Pirate American.
    Good call. You go girl.

  1568. She is going to be the next secretary of state when it is decided that Kerry giving Iran a nuke was not such a good idea.
    She will then run boatloads of Afrikans to America for cheap labor to mow lawns.

  1569. Blacks believe they are above criticism and entitled to hate white people. They are the entitlement culture in both attitude and welfare.

    1. I agree that is true for some. Not all! This article was shared on Facebook by a black woman, Deneen Borelli.

      1. Kurlee and other Deneen fans …I am pretty certain Deneen sees that she is the exception and is trying to educate black and white as to the damage liberalism as wrought to black Americans.

        1. Yes, most certainly. And there are a number of new “exceptions” with the field of them growing, soon to be in leaps and bounds. It is greatly refreshing to see members of this minority realizing how they have been held back by policies they had been convinced were to save them only to learn how they’ve been used and manipulated for political power.

  1570. strange she leaves out a little fact that about 97% of blacks voted for the guy and about 90% of those blacks didn’t even know what his policies were. I am just guessing, but that sounds like a racial vote to me.

  1571. Geez Oprah…. The dude lied and never accepts responsibility for anything. How can you defend that? There is still such a thing as right and wrong. Pathetic.

  1572. If she really believes the disrespect people feel towards Obama is because he is African American she must have had her head in the sand for the past 5 years. The man is not respected because he has done more in four years to destroy our country’s financial future and stability than any President in history, To ignore all that and say “it is because he is African American” just shows how narrow minded and ignorant she has become,

    1. Maybe if Obama started spreading some of Oprah’s wealth she’d see things a bit differently.

  1573. Does he lie because he’s black?
    Does he make bad policy because he’s black.
    Is he a bad president because he’s black.
    But he is president because he’s black.

    1. No other reason. I had a black tell me after his first election and I quote “The worst black president is better than the best white one”. You can’t argue with this logic.

      1. Sort of like the “I’m punching the next white guy I see” thing that seems to be going around.

  1574. Lady, most blacks disrepect all whites, regardless of political affiliation. I have spent the last 6 months in downtown Buffalo and let me tell you it has changed my opinion of the black race tremendously. I have never seen a more worthless bunch of pond scum maggots in my life than camp out in front of the parole and welfare offices on Main street.

  1575. No many people disrespect Obama because he is a lousy leader. Her assessment about Obama and bks is worn and tired. Oprah blow out your Arse.

  1576. Dear Oprah,
    If people hate Barack Hussein Obama it is because of his lies.
    Please stop lying about Obama’s lies. You’ve made your millions off the same people you are calling racists and all we see is someone lying in order to promote a book that will make you more millions…off the very same people you are insulting.

  1577. If anything….. (compared to the treatment given to our previous president) Obama has been handled with “kid gloves” BECAUSE of his race

  1578. Yep, Oprah has lost it. Because she doesn’t have much too lose now that her OWN is on the rocks, the real person can come out. Yep, she’s a racist, and as such is sniveling about being black in America. Get over yourself woman, we no longer give a “S” what you think !!!

  1579. Grow up, Oprah. That excuse has been old and tired for a very long time. Incompetence is color blind.

  1580. Hmmm…maybe this addle brained creature thinks no one watches her anymore because of her skin color either…..never blame yourself…typical arrogant progressive…..she blew it…she PROMOTED the bamster and he came into the head of he race because of her. He HAS turned out to be the single worst Pres in our history…..NOT BECAUSE of his skin color but becuase of his failed experiment in BIG BENEVOLENT GOVERNMENT.

  1581. Why is it so hard to understand that we criticize Obama because we don’t agree with his lefty policies and his incompetence? If someone this incompetent worked for you, Oprah, you would have fired him a long time ago. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it.

  1582. When the POTUS makes a video during a reelection campaign that endorses and encourages joining an organization called “African-Americans for Obama” (that is, vote for me because you are black and I am black), it is hard not to draw the conclusion that he is practicing overt explicit racism. Also, It is not hard to imagine what Oprah’s and his reaction would have been if W. had run campaign adds for an organization called “European-Americans for Bush”. Their adverse reaction would have been justified and so is our reaction to her and him.

  1583. For an educated person, Oprah is obviously ignorant about the reasons Americans, both white and black, don’t like Obama! It is people like her, people that bring racism into nearly every conversation, that not only allow, but perpetuate racism.
    Being an American, each of us are entitled to our own beliefs and opinions, as well as to vocalize them without fear of retribution. That said, she can have hers & I can have mine; I pray that more & more people look at & listen to facts, not opinions, when forming their own.

  1584. Quit playing the race card; it’s getting old. Besides, most americans hate Obama for the lies, and for making things even worse than his predecessor did.

    1. you simply do not have to hate him for the color of his skin. there are thousands of reasons to dislike him, and black is the probably the biggest non-reason.

  1585. He could do like Michael Jackson, and turn himself white…Mabey that would make a difference….NOT! We still don’t like him!

  1586. So for Oprah – where were you when conservatives opposed Bill and Hillary Cliniton, The Kennedys, etc – Is it “racist” to be opposed to the policies of Democrats if they are WHITE? So by your logic I could say you are racist for opposing the “conservtive policies” of say Ronald Reagan, etc. I happened to support Herman Cain during the 2012 primary here in Tennessee. Guess that makes me a racist, huh?

  1587. Oprah has become a buffoon. Obama is disliked because he is a failure. The race card has expired.

  1588. And clearly some black people won’t criticize him or hold him accountable because he is half-black, Isn’t that right, Oprah?

  1589. How many people support and adore him BECAUSE he’s black? If you favor someone because of their race, is that not racism?

  1590. I guess, using her “logic” we all hated Hitler because he was a White Catholic and we all hated Stalin because he was a communist. We didn’t hate them because they were stark raving lunatic megalomaniacs who exterminated millions of people! Oh, and I hated Mao because of his little red book not because he’s a little yellow Commie!

  1591. I used to have great respect for Oprah Winfrey. Her political leaning aside, I am utterly shocked by this, egregious and offensive statement. She has lost all respect from me. I am stunned. I have always thought she was a bright and intelligent woman, but stooping to this?? Frankly, it tells me that she herself is racist, and clearly, she is projecting her racism onto those who do not approve of Obama’s actions and policies.

  1592. If we’ve learned anything since having the first “Black President” it’s that black people are completely obsessed with color/race. Secondly, they worship at the altar of race- most blacks consider themselves christians yet turn their backs on their beliefs to herald, make excuses for, vote for A PRO HOMOSEXUAL, PRO ABORTION President. Blacks are much more racist than anyone I know. Barack Obama is a moron and that has nothing to do with race.

  1593. AHHHH MAYBE people don’t care for him because he is a liar??? I honestly don’t know of anyone who “hates” Obama because he is half black/half white and was raised by white people. But I guess it must be what “we’re” all thinking….lol…SMH>

  1594. Maybe the BBC headline should had said, “MANY AMERICANS DISLIKE OBAMA BECAUSE HE’S WHITE”. The statement makes about as much sense as dOprah’s statement that many Americans dislike Obama because he’s black. Oh really! He’s 1/2 white and 1/2 black you dopes. Name of one his policies that’s working right now. Just maybe, Americans dislike Obama because non of his policies are working and he’s the most polarizing president in modern history. dOprah you’re a race-baiter that is a decisive force between good Americans – black and white. Of course you can’t relate to real folks because you’re head is up in….hmmm, the Hollywood clouds and you’re so far removed from the reality of the normal citizenry.

  1595. Yes Oprah, only black people are discriminated against. A white person is never attacked simply for the color of their skin, right?

  1596. racism has nothing to with it..the man is a POS and has his head up his arse..oprah is a big BS artist..talk about racism..ask why she likes obozo..no other reason other than he is black

  1597. Oh my God I am so sick of all this racist cr@p. It wouldn’t matter if Obama was black, white, purple or plaid. He is a LOUSY president. The only reason why he hasn’t been impeached is because of the color of his skin. No one in Congress has the cojones to begin proceedings against this man who is single-handedly ruining this country. Obama has lied, he has covered up facts and he makes Richard Nixon look like an Eagle Scout.

    Oprah should be ashamed that the first “black” president is such a miserable failure.

    1. Not her fault that he’s a miserable failure, but it is her own racism that’s making her continue to support him by attacking those of us who don’t.

  1598. White people put Obama in office! Obama is 1/2 white! Blacks are more racist than whites! Oprah needs attention because of her failing network. I bet white people will flock to see her new movie now, dumb bunny! BTW, that hairstyle worked for her 20 years ago!

  1599. Liberals have this uncanny ability to read the hearts and the souls of people who disagree with their viewpoint.

    Any chance people dislike this president because his policies are disastrous? Naaaaaaaaahhhh. It’s cause they’re RACIST!

  1600. sorry oprah but you’re wrong. from one of the worlds wealthiest and most successful women (black or white) i don’t understand how you can say that. America made you wealthy and successful and America elected BO twice so your paranoid thoughts about racism are just plain wrong. get over it and accept that many disrespect BO because he’s a lousy President with far left policies who has proven himself incapable for the job. HIS COLOR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. You have to make it about race because you can’t accept that he stinks at being President.

  1601. I disagree. But I think it’s telling on Op that the only reason she loves him is because he is black. She does not cite any other reason to love or hate him.
    Who is the racist?

  1602. Oprah Winfrey tells the truth and people go crazy about it . Having a black president proofs that there are more non Racist people in this country . But it also proofed how racist the country still is . Let’s just be serious people quit acting like majority of you that opposes YOUR President do it because he’s BLACK .

    1. “Proof” is a noun. Prove is the verb you were casting about for. Is proper English racist, too?

      1. Go easy on him…he’s probably just another “graduate” of our failed public school system.

    2. not true the man is a thundering aho..and you voted for him ONLY because he is black..oprah is fos just like you

  1603. Like too many blacks, Oprah keeps the victim mentality live. I at one time respected this woman for her accomplishments, now I see she is just another race baiting clack opportunist.
    May she rot in hell someday.

  1604. Race = $$$ for Oprah. It always has. Her movies are all about race. Her talk show regularly went in that direction. Really not a lot of difference between Oprah and Sharpton and Jackson.

  1605. I’m sure some hate Obama because of race. However, I believe they are few in number. Many more give him a pass because he is black.

  1606. People like Oprah, who cannot engage in a conversation without having the color of the other person’s skin influence the interpretation of everything the other says, are the worst kind of racists. There is no reasoning with them because there is nothing that can be said, or done, to have an honest exchange of ideas with them. They are to be pitied, not celebrated, because they are prisoners of what psychiatrists call “projection” (projecting their own worst faults on others to justify their adverse judgement of those others) . That she has obtained the heights in a country in which more and more people celebrate money as the measure of all things and, thus, wealth the measure of success, only proves that we are tending in dangerous directions and should start seriously challenging those who promote such nonsense and such people to positions of celebrity.

  1607. Some people will always hate the president. I honestly can not think of a single person I know hating Obama because he’s black.

    1. I hate what Obama has done to race relations in America. He has added known racists to his administration and he has exhibited racists attitudes at every opportunity.
      He has set the black race back fifty years, no one will want another black president for quite sometime.

      1. “…no one will want another black president for quite sometime.”

        Then I’d say that Obama has been successful at least once if that is true (a black liberal president, that is). Plenty of qualified black conservatives available but, sadly, the vast majority of blacks have been brainwashed into never voting for a conservative black candidate.

  1608. Hey stupid, most disrespect Obama because he’s a bumbling idiot, a fraud and a liar. You, Doperah Winfrey, are a racist cow yourself….

  1609. poor oprah. she hates herself because she is black. i guess she would have made a few billion dollars more if she had been white,
    she has no leg to stand on. her racism is like a wildfire. this whole country made her rich, not blacks, or just whites.
    then she stands for a criminal of the first degree, and expects us to back him because he is half black.
    he is also half white. where does she get this logic from?
    she seens to forget the way the country backed this porchmonkey, before he started to lie, cheat, and steal, while destroying our country, with a smile on his face and a lie in his mouth.this is where her racism really kicks in. we are supposed to back him just because he is black.
    she needs to move in with the gayman in chief, and his lover reggie. she could claen the sheets.
    i am so sick of the racists screaming it is everyone else.
    who do they think they are fooling?
    the racism flowed out of the blacks at the zimmerman trial. and they think we didn’t notice.
    that was another one of owebama’s bad calls.
    he would do a lot better if someone broke his golf clubs, and sewed his mouth shut.

    1. The poor black woman would never have succeeded in America right? Oh wait, she is simply a racist fraud. Never mind.

    2. Can’t help but wonder where Moochelle stands on obuzzo’s gayness and lovers and everything else. So weird. And their daughters will be figuring all this out soon enough too. Sad for America, sad for them. This is all far fetched from the American picture of a First Family and the President. In fact opposite.

      1. are you really sure they are owebama’s kids? try to find a picture of them when they were infants. i couldn’t.
        i have always thought that they were an instant family, purly for political consumpion.
        call me crazy, but why no pics with the prez and his new born infants?

        1. No I’m not sure at all. In fact, I read a private release out of Russia that stated the children were adopted.

  1610. When u run a campaign to get elected bc u r african american.. u cant complain when it starts to backfire. Btw Orca, we hate obama bc he is a socialist, radical marxist, lying jerk. Not bc hes 20% black. !

  1611. Ironically, this president brought high expectations to many because he was black, which is another egregious error. Race has nothing to do with leadership. Being an effective leader is not an attribute of skin color. Your comments do nothing, Oprah, but make matters worse.

  1612. Unfortunately, the president’s actions (and inactions) have caused many, including past civil rights supporters, to disrespect many African Americans.

  1613. Revealing unconstitutional and criminal activity has nothing to do with racism. He needs to be impeached now before he hurts the country worse.

  1614. How can you spot a black foreign student out of a group of black college students? They are the ones smiling and happy to be here. So called “black leaders” and the willing slaves who follow are taught to be constantly be angry, hateful and greedy.

    1. i think they should offer all blacks the opportunity to go back to africa. give them a lump sum, and ship them back.
      they hate America so bad, they do nothing but put it down. they have been using the race card for over 100 years.
      i just hope they aren’t too disappointed to find out that africa will not take the american blacks, brecause their attitude towards them is way worse than here in the USA>
      in the 70’s my friend was on the Annapolis, in viet nam. they went to algeria, and when they docked, the algerians pulled up in jeeps with 50 cals, and told them any white sailor was welcome, but the blacks were not allowed to disembark. that they would be shot, if they got off the ship.
      still want a free ride back?
      the reason they gave for this was that they felt the American blacks had had so much freedom to advance,which they didn’t have, that they were unwilling to deal with thembecause they had thrown it all away.
      i guess that was the white man’s fault, huh?

  1615. I am done with anything Oprah. If a white person said what she did they would have their show boycotted.

  1616. Oprah, my dear, if you wish to see a real racist, up close and personal, just take a look in your bathroom mirror. When you view every little problem in life, and we all have them, through a racial lens, then perhaps you need to evaluate your own prejudice and bigotry.

        1. Indeed, blacks are last in everything that matters despite being given more help than any other group. In education they are so far behind whites and Asians they’ll never catch up. Hispanics fresh over the border are higher up than blacks in education.

  1617. I guess no one can disagree with him because we do not like his socialist policies. He presents himself as a very likeable man, but if he is not honest with the public that is not acceptable. Come on Oprah, wake up. You are smarter than that.

  1618. No. He’s disrespected because he’s incompetent, indecisive, lazy, narcissistic, arrogant and a proven liar. His color has nothing to do with all of that.

  1619. Oprah has been on a racist tirade here lately. She just stated she was ready for old white people to die (because she believes they are so racist). Oprah was raped and assaulted by three blacks when she was young and then later grew up to be one of the richest most successful women thanks to whites. Shut up Oprah! Sick of hearing your racist rants!

  1620. Skin color didn’t seem to be a factor in Oh-Blah earning her billions……….the real racists in America are the blacks who blame everyone else for their self-induced plight. Nowhere in the WORLD are Negros as racist as in the USA. Funny how many demand to be called African-Americans when they were never in Africa and couldn’t prove an African ancestor in their family tree if their life depended upon doing so. Also, funny how an entire subculture is appalled when referred to as colored, yet demand to be referred to as “a color”. Color is not race, color IS racist. Please refer to me as Caucasian………….NOT a color.

    1. The original traditional and legal word for the black race is “negroid” or “negro” then they didn’t like that, so people in the south said okay lets call you “people of color”. Eventually they didn’t like that and wanted to be called black, as black “is beautiful”. Now they are not sure what they want. African or American? Which is it? lol.

  1621. I am a bit curious as to HOW she knows that. Has she intereviewed aa million non-black Americans ? Does she give ANY credence to his policies as a source of their disrespect ? No…she has not !! Oprah is ust another black racist, which is how I view nearly all of them.

  1622. Oprah, Many Voters disrespect Obama because he is inept and wants to turn our Country into a socialist state. His Color as you call it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

  1623. Many more people SUPPORT him because of race, in total disregard for the fact that he is George Bush x 100. For hose racists like Oprah, Obama is always right because of his race.

  1624. Shut up Oprah, the race card doesn’t work anymore. People don’t like him because he is a liar, a hustler and anti-American. You didn’t seem to mind taking money from white people

  1625. Wow! All this time we thought Oprah was not racist but was multicultural; but now we realize that she is just another upstart Negro who resents White people and any other color!

      1. Same ideology as Bush and Mitt “RomneyCare” … but she likes Big Government when it’s Barry-Style.

  1626. Whether she did so consciously or not, Oprah clearly observed the color of Obama’s skin and decided to support him. Selecting someone because of skin color is not a good way to select a political leader, but millions of Americans made the same mistake. Oprah should own up to her own racial biases and apologize to the American people. Otherwise, she should never be trusted again.

    1. America – in your rush to elect the first black president, you elected the worst president.

      Affirmative action is suicide.

  1627. Come on Opie…….you are the racist……….in your world we (the American people) can not say anything against our president……why ??? Because he is BLACK….. If a white person was doing the same crappy job as Obama then all hell would start. Opie you the racist you don’t hold Ovomit to the same standards as a white president.

  1628. Americans disrespect Odumba because he is an incompetent, dishonest, arrogant, socialist idiot, not because of his color. In fact, most of us who detest Odumba would crawl over broken glass to show our support for Colonel West, an honorable, patriotic black politician who is worthy of our support. Please Oprah, crawl back under your rock and shut up!

  1629. Technically, President Obama is not “AfricanHyphenAmerican” because his mommy was white. That makes him “biracial”… Just a friendly reminder and reality check….

  1630. As usual Oprah is shooting off her mouth regarding the race card and she doesn’t even know what she’s talking about! But that is the game the blacks play. “oh, poor me, I’m a billionaire, but whites don’t like me because I’m black. Nope, it’s because she is stupid and the head Muslim is hated because he is destroying this country. Without his teleprompter he can’t even tell a lie correctly!

    1. Ever seen obumbler speak without a teleprompter? The man is a DAM RETARD. He can’t speak an entire sentence without saying “ah” 4 or 5 times. His brain can’t keep up with his MOUTH!!!!!!!

  1631. NO, we the American Public don’t respect him because he is a LYING HACK!!!! A man that has NEVER held a REAL JOB and came into the Presidency with ZERO experience running anything but his MOUTH on a corner somewhere in South SH!TCAGO!!!!!!!!

  1632. Oprah campaigned tirelessly for the grifter in 2007 and used her media dominance to get him elected. Then shortly after the grifter took the oath of office, Oprah’s numerous calls to the WH for an interview request went unreturned. She discovered she had been thrown on the trash heap of “useful idiots”. Yet, she would crawl over broken glass just to lick the bottom of his Bruno Maglis, not because of his character, but because they share the same skin color.

  1633. Career failing….toss the race card. Hey Ms. Windbag, did you forget the Hero of Fools is half white?

  1634. Notice that Opie Windbag did not get involved in politics until a black man ran for President………no big deal huh Opie?

    1. And notice how after she had the Obamas on her show prior to the election, she refused the idea of having other candidates on the air because she did not want her show to become “political” ????? Rich, whiney Windbag!

    1. The Oprah is just a liberal, failing has-been that needs to get some publicity to boost her lagging career. It is sad that she doesn’t see that her 15 minutes is over. She is now just another professional victim of the white folk’s “injustice”. Pathetic, really. She was good at one time.

  1635. I dont dislike him because he is black I dislike him because the oppresive policies that have being enacted and the trampling of our rights he is our Mugabe destroyer of freedom…

  1636. so the divided house already passed a bipartisan bill to undue some of the toxic obamacare…the senate has a bipartisan bill too…king barry says he will veto…
    that’s exactly why we despise him, no matter his skin color

  1637. What do you expect? if Opera, like a great many other Democrats, can’t blame it on racism then they have to confront the fact of what a supreme failure of an Administration this is. While yes there is racism today it isn’t just a white variety but resides just as much in the black community as it does white. Also how do you explain the man being elected and then re-elected? I guess all those who voted against him were racist and most of the whites that voted for him were also racist.

    When are black Americans going to start to realize that the Democrats have been manipulating them all along and playing them so that they could remain and stay in power? Fact is that Blacks are still being hurt far more than whites and worse are being manipulated by the very ones who say they are there to help them.

  1638. dear orca,
    we don’t hate him for the color of his skin.
    his policies suck big time. nuff said.

  1639. Take your race card and shove it deep in whatever hole you choose. The situation in this country and with the Barack Obama administration have nothing to do with the color of his skin. You and all of your race baiting friends want to try tactic again…but it is way too old. Nobody cares what color he is anymore. That was new in 2008, but not anymore. What we care about is that we have an administration that doesn’t give a crap about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and freedom of the people in general. He thinks he is above the law of the land and that may be because he thinks his race card will get him that…but it doesn’t. He should be impeached and tried for treason on a number of counts. Lets start with Benghazi, and what a fine job he did with that one. Then lets move on to The Fast And the Furious along with Holder, who should also be tried and imprisoned. Just because you have African roots does not give you a get out of jail free card if you are in public office or have celebrity status, sorry. Lets not forget about the set up, murder, and cover up of Seal Team 6. This president is a sorry excuse for a president and I can’t believe he was reelected without some sort of voting fraud. Oprah…you are a racist to make a comment like that and should be ashamed of yourself as a human being..

    If Obama was working as the president of any corporation in this country he would have been fired a long time ago. (and maybe would have pulled out the race card)

  1640. 2 words sum this up.

    Conceited bu**sh**.

    Money corrupted more than the world, it corrupted your brain Opy.

  1641. She thinks a store clerk in Europe not letting her handle a $32K purse is racist.

    Oprah is an arrogant wind bag struggling to stay in the limelight. Because her station is a flop.

  1642. I am embarrassed as an American that Oprah Winfrey would make such a simpleminded, ignorant statement to the world. No Oprah. I dislike Obama because he is continuing the policies that keep people, including black Americans, in poverty. And he does it because he wants a perpetual group of Democrat voters. Shameful.

  1643. Yet another celebrity moron that is too rich to be affected by king obama’s policies, too arrogant to admit her faith in him was ill-placed, and too blind to see his blatant abuses of power.

    The worst part is that she believes that WE are the ignorant ones! Because anyone that is opposed to him can only feel that way out of racism, not because of objective reasoning. No dear Oprah, we see Mr. Obama for what he is and you are the one that needs to see beyond the color of his skin.

  1644. Sorry Oprah, but you are the racist. So much respect by whites is held for Dr. Carson, Rice, Cain, and about two dozen more that we would elected in a nano.
    Obama got elected because the white vote put him over the top. 12% blacks couldn’t do it alone. Remember he is 50% white.
    You should be shamed and YOU are a big part of the problem.

  1645. The most racist people on earth are black people. They see color before they see anything else about a person and that’s especially true about THEMSELVES.

    In a country that has fought civil wars and civil right wars FOR blacks, BY whites and other groups, they STILL cannot appreciate what they have, why they have it, and stand up and act like normal people taking responsibility for THEMSELVES.

    It’s always someone else’s fault, someone else didn’t give them enough, make something cheap enough, hire them quickly enough, raise their pay fast enough, raise the minimum wage upon demand, provide free food, free school, free shelter, free medicine.

    IF the same people who are looking at the color of their own skin as the reason people don’t like them would look just a little deeper, they would find out they lack respect because THEY ARE NOT RESPECTABLE. They are not trusted because THEY ARE NOT TRUSTWORTHY. They are treated like second class citizens because THEY WILL NOT GROW UP and BE ACCOUNTABLE or SAY I’M SORRY when appropriate. It’s always someone else’s fault – it’s never the lack of character, passion, dedication, education, moral fiber, class, kindness that THEY bring to the table. OH NO! It’s the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN that explains why they don’t get hired, don’t get invited to dinner, don’t get a promotion, don’t get asked to the prom. I”M SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT.

    Oprah is the biggest pig on the block. When she had a chance to champion a woman for President, after all her years on TV because of primarily WHITE WOMEN who supported her, what did that fat ass do? She felt a tingle up her leg, like Chris Matthews, and threw ALL IN for the BLACK MAN. Now that, my friends of many colors, IS PURE RACISM. So Oprah – SHUT THE HELL UP and while you are out of the country, how about YOU STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE COUNTRY.

  1646. George Bush was hated because he is white. It had nothing to do with the perception of his job performance in office, the color of his skin dictated his approval numbers while in office. That is how racist the US has become. I just want to thank Oprah for bringing this to light.

  1647. It was the white vote that put him over the top. And I can think of at least 4 blacks that I would vote for in a second that happen to revere our country, our Constitution, and would treat all races equally. Oh, sorry I’m writing this so late…I just got home from a precious friend’s graduation who happens to be black. And yes, I’m white. Please folks, when the race baiters start up, don’t tolerate it. It’s divisive. Enough already.

  1648. Any referral to race is started by them. If they would stop referring to their race as “African Americans” would be a good start. I’m Polish but I don’t go around saying I’m Polish American.

  1649. Its reverse racism. A Black person can’t use it for a excuse every time they do a lousy job. Oprah needs to grow up. I personally think Obama has had more get out of jail cards from the media because he was Black. If he was White they would have come down harder on him before now. Obama is a bad President but not because he is Black.

  1650. That’s the only thing they have left to explain why people believe Obama is a failure! No substance, just the race card! Zzzzzzzzz

  1651. no use reading the comments, you cant vote either way. at least for now, I went a long way through them and couldn’t comment up or down, once

      1. damn guys, I said at the time I was reading the article, I couldn’t get any of my votes to register, sorry if you misunderstood

  1652. I am sick and tired of blacks crying boo hoo, because people dare speak against this president. What gets me is she got to be a billionaire because of us racist white folk….which happens to be the majority of her fan base, or at least was….The reason people disrespect this man is because he disrespects this country and its founding principles. He is a Marxist plain a simple and has screwed things up since day one. And all us racists said what is happening would happen….

  1653. As many words as I have typed about this topic, I guess that what it comes down to is that Oprah was very willing to have a white audience in her “glory” years. And now we are scum. Go to hell, Oprah.

  1654. 1. He’s not a natural born Citizen, fails Article II Section 1 Clause 5. Per SCOTUS precedents and The Law of Nations and the Constitution, a “natural born Citizen” is born in-country of citizen parents. Obama admits his father was never a US Citizen, and Obama’s last citizenship was Indonesian.
    2. He’s done countless illegal acts and lies 24/7 and only acts AGAINST the interest of America.
    It’s not his melanin, it’s that he’s an utterly illegal conscienceless imposter. The reason Oprah needs to keep bringing up the meaningless term “racism” (meaningless because there is no definition to the term) is to distract from the obvious defrauding of Americans.

  1655. Okay,…anyone who is out of Africa and lives in the USA is an African American. Obama is half white. There are white AFRICAN AMERICANS.FROM SOUTH AFRICA AND ALGERIA…..I am becoming more convinced that a new generation of black homo sapiens are more racist then this almost 70 White Irish American….time will tell…every thing is a matter of time……i miss George Carlin and Carl Sagan…there are white folks, black folks and bi-racial folks world wide that should be concerned by comments made by the air-head wealthy….or not concerned..i guess I have wasted a bit more of my alloted time and perhaps yours on this…peace out.

  1656. When I think about Obama tanking the economy, encroaching on our civil liberties and basically destroying our country the thing that really pisses me off is that he’s black.

  1657. We disrespect his philosophy of what he expressed face to face with Joe the Plumber, i.e. “spred the wealth around” . . . to all those who didn’t earn it or deserve it. Since coming to office we learn of his habitual, deliberate and shameless lying and disrespect him for that . . . as well as his repudiation of America’s hallowed traditions and noble purpose forged by the Judeo-Christian ethic. So it may be your twisted perception, Oprah, but it is a lie. Herman Cain or Dr. Ben Carson would be just fine, thank you. So we are not racist . . . just pragmatic and thoughtful!

  1658. She needs to make more time to lose 60 lbs instead of worrying about her fantasy (lies) about BO.

  1659. Now I know why I never watch that idiot. She may be a billionaire but she does not impress me with outlandish statements such as hers.

    1. Sharpton’s illegitimate daughter, what she says is the same indoctrinated crap that Al says.
      Is there a racism school that brainwashes these people?

  1660. Is she daffy? Who cares what color of skin he is? The fact is he is destroying this nation and it doesn’t make any difference what ethnic group he is. GET REAL OPRAH!

  1661. Yeah thats why he got elected. Oprah, you need to stop projecting your own fear of failure onto Obama. He is failing just fine on his own.

  1662. No, Oprah, you are wrong. We Americans are not racially biased against the office of the President because we are racists. We are against Resident Obama because he is a dictator, a socialist, a despot who is taking away the freedoms of Americans on a daily basis, because he devises law as he goes along, an area that is solely the responsibility of the Congress. We are no more against him because of the color of his skin than we are you because of the color of your skin. But you are the one who played the race card. You need to get over. Not everything is about the black race.

    1. I did that YEARS AGO – the minute that fat mouthed crazy lady supported Barack Insane Obama. That was the last time the work Oprah crossed my lips or showed up on my TV.

  1663. Dear Oprah,

    Why don’t you do something useful with your pulpit.

    If half the players are in the stands cheering on a back door Santa, King James will move to Miami, move overseas, or sit in the stands. Radical referees always go left, think the best defense is an infuriating offense, and promote their failures. Obama is a missed layup and we have to beg him to fix the pot hole – oops another miss.

    Tipping points are rare and we are on the cusp of one. Somehow we have to find a systemic way to instituted a one government employee to six or so private sector jobs that can not be changed……..Every year government employees have to find enough taxpayers to pay for his salary! Only one vote per taxpayer.

    Second place is the first place loser but a peek is worth ten free market estimators. Reverse auction bid results can be turned into a low bid equation with a variance that looks something like this:

    Low Bid = (95% – 1% times the number of bidders) times the average bid

    Companies play free market basketball on a diving board because a company can’t maximize their profits if the company hits more often than the dummy. A 5% drop in price is usually enough to jump to 15% higher overall hit rate. Government is a slam dunking monopoly that has proven to be 20% more expense than the free market. Socialism, Fascism, Marxism, Statism, etc. is four scarcity leaps backwards and corresponds with Carman’s and Kenneth’s findings.

    A Harvard Professor and previous President of IMF wrote a book called “This Time is Different” . Carman Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff studied fiscal crisis in 65 countries over 500 years. 1% GDP reduction in taxes increases private sector 3% in GDP. 1% GDP increase in Government Spending deceases private sector 1.2% GDP with a -0.2% change in GDP. Obviously a great deal of government debt can put a country at significant interest rate risk.

    If we go from a 38% tax rate to 20% tax rate with a balanced budget the private sector will grow from $11 Trillion to over $16 Trillion. Tax revenue won’t decrease 48%. Tax revenue will only decrease 24%. Half of Washington won’t have to go on a permanent vacation, only one out four. Employment will increase 25% so displaced bureaucrats will have lots of new opportunities to contribute to society.

    If we get down to a balanced 10%, $20 Trillion – more than a 60% increase in jobs if half of Washington goes on a permanent vacation, each dollar earned buys ($0.90/$0.62) 45% more, and hard America becomes a soft warm place.

    John Nash’s beautiful mind recognized the importance of interactions in which the results of one person’s choices depend not only on his own behavior but also on the choices of another person. There is a related game called Ultimatum. You and your partner split $10. Less than $3 deals disgust and anger. The dealer has a pulpit.

    The Laffer effect is no joke. Charles Adams, an international tax attorney and historian, wrote books on taxes. Once tax rates rise above the disgust and anger point, the expected extra tax revenue never shows up. A flat tax system is part of Constitution. Everyone has to pay taxes to keep as many people’s tax rate below the disgust and anger tax rate or make sure an overwhelming majority is disgusted with high taxes.

    Carman, Kenneth, John, and yours truly believes dealers can routinely get an $8 to $10 deal by getting his or her partner work for a $3 to $5 deal. With each $3 to $5 of earned success the partner becomes a dealer that turns the $3 to $5 deal into $6 to $8 of earned success. Turning $10 into $13 is a win-win systemic solution that creates good people, great outcomes, and durable trust but when it rains, rainmakers show up and turn everything to dirt.

    There will always be zero-sum losers who just accept less than $3 deals and think the key to success is being an abusive dealer. A $7-$3 deal isn’t better than a $6-$4 deal because $7-$3 deals turn into $6-$2, $5-$1, and $4-two bit deals. Rainmakers turn everything to dirt because they feel entitled to $7up and someone else has to pay for the diet $7up.

    Obama and company’s overall 30% to 40% tax and spend policies have systemically increased the public sector by 25% and eliminated 10 million private sector jobs. For the first 150 years of our existence, we were 10% tax and spend country. Present day Switzerland, Russia, and much of Eastern Europe are 15% tax and spend countries.

    I can’t taste the difference between Wilson and Barack vegetable oil. The Federal Reserve was created on Jekyll Island and Obama is the Prince of Hyde Park. A famous Central Banker said something like “If I control the money supply, I care not for your laws”. If debt is money that can only be paid off with more money …. someone ends up owning everything and everybody.

    Our founding fathers promoted the species (Gold and Silver) because a stable money supply is key to creating an innovative middle class and responsive Government. When things are set up right, the wealth disparity between rich and poor is only four fold and a society’s standard of living doubles every decade.

  1664. Yes She’s right. As a white American I disrespect Obama but only his black half. I respect his white half which means I respect him on Monday,Wednesday and Friday and alternate Sundays. But disrespect him on all other days…… My country is SO AWFUL! Winfrey, who comes from the midwest region of this AWFUL racist nation, became a zillionaire and this AWFUL racist nation elected Obama twice!!! AWFUL! We are just awful people!

  1665. Oprah just helped her father commit fraud in his divorce. They swindled his wife out of their house.

  1666. Idiot Oprah. They have to keep banging the racist drum to keep the money flowing from the troops.

  1667. If that were true he never would have been elected, there are not enough blacks in the U.S. to vote him in. Likewise, There are not enough blacks to have made Oprah popular.

  1668. I have no respect for you or Obama !

    Respect needs to be earned….and neither of you have done anything to earn my respect … in fact, you have both done more to destroy my country than you have done to improve and protect it … and your support of each other based solely on skin color is as RACIST as RACIST can be !

  1669. Shes just like Obama, got where she is with overwhelming support from whitey but tells the rest of her people they cant do it because whitey is raciss….FU ofrah

    1. Karl Marx was fat, lazy, and stinky bum who managed to do an unbelievable amount of harm with his extremely faulty intelligence machine. On page 64 of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels outlined everything.

      Welcome to Hotel Obama. No free speech and you can only travel via the Hotel shuttle. Please invite all your rich friends. All property is taken from the emigrants and anyone who complains about the service. We pay with counterfeit dollars and extra tax people who work harder to have more counterfeit dollars. If any of the other guests like your dress or suit, we all share at Hotel Obama. Next week, we are going up to your lake property but you can’t go until you are part of the collective. You are no longer the President of your company and all the machines are ours. Tomorrow morning your chain gang is farming and next week you will be doing factory work. The dupes check-in but they can never leave.

      Words are so important that I would love to have an Orwellian nightmare find the right ones. Einstein said people are infinitely dumber than the universe. We won a cold war without understanding how Communists fundamentally transform countries. The audacity of hope and change is exploiting our incredible stupidity.

      Marxism has never worked. Socialism requires “new” men and women who do not distinguish between earned and unearned success. After World War I, the Marxists were surprised that the workers do not unite and create heaven on earth.

      The crazy Marxists decided civil societies were the problem. The solution was destroying the civil society before finding out nothing grows in a pile of dirt if you do not reward earned success. Since Marxism does not work, the Marxist has to replace religion with worship of the state and kill people to create heaven on earth. Words, names, and slogans are very important to the Marxist who wants the Marat media to worship a Robespierre in order to get a bunch of leeches to suck off Napoleon’s hemorrhoids. Mark’s legion is the ruthless mob of useful idiots. When the civil society is a pile of dirt, normalization begins.

      If you show the guilty mercy, you punish the innocent after the fundamental transformation. Every systemic problem creates a constituency that the communist wants to expand to punish and demoralize the innocent while doing nothing about the guilty during the civil society destroying 10, 20, or 30 year period. The best defense is an infuriating offense. Frankfurt critical theory is simple. Criticize, criticize, and criticize your problem solving opposition with your intentionally created problems that you have no solutions for while preventing the opposition from solving the problem – pure madness.

      Orwellian nightmares come up with politically correct wonderful names for awful things and awful names for good things. Lies are told again, again, and again by people who have no clue. Political correctness is important so the trouble makers can vilify without return fire. Orwellian nightmares put crazy narcissistic control freaks in charge of bureaucracies whenever possible then betray and condemn the useful idiots when the transformation is complete and the police state begins.

      Cynicism is a double edged sword. On one hand it protects people from crushing disappointment. On the other hand it paralysis people from saying or doing anything constructive. Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals to honor the devil because the devil got his own kingdom. The communist super genius is a truly evil person. Karl Marx thought Big Government was a bad idea and Stalin killed Trotsky because he agreed. There is a 1963 book called the Naked Communist that outlined destroying our civil society.

      It is going to take decades to straighten things out and everyone needs to be on board.

  1670. Oprah should look in the mirror the next time she wants to imply that people are racist based on the color of their skin.

  1671. Of course it has nothing to do about his job performance! No O! Are u that brainwashed! It’s always about the skin color isn’t it?! Always bringing up that nice big RACE card! His about all the black people that are smart that also don’t like him?! Are they racists too?! You’re an idiot O! Kissing the presidents ass! If a white man was the president and people were not liking him then that’s ok! I hope your film doesn’t win at the awards! It doesn’t deserve it with you in it!

  1672. The race thing is so played out. To quote a REPUBLICAN. Judge a man on the content of his character, not the color of his skin.

  1673. Fact is Obama got elected because he’s black. He needs to be fired because he’s an incompetent LIAR.

  1674. Many more hate him because of his policies. Oprah is the one who hates white people. You know the ones who made her a billionaire?

  1675. Conservatives don’t even want classifications of color. America has come so far but Oprah and people like Sharpton want to be victims for their brothers and sisters. But they are not. They are not looking forward but living in the past. Take a hike Oprah. You want to hate, go ahead. Here is what we HATE. We hate the policies of the President, Pelosi, Reid, and other Progressives (hear that McCain) who are ruining our country. Seattle just elected a true Socialist to the City Council. By the airport the citizens voted themselves $15 per hour wages as a minimum wage. Immigration Protesters lead by the Seattle Mayor’s wife stormed the local GOP office where they had to be arrested. And these people call the TEA Party extreme. Alinsky would be proud.

  1676. Convenient excuse for the lazy minded liberal. It allows them to avoid acknowledging the reality of what a total screw-up the POTUS is. But facing reality was never their strong suit anyways.

  1677. Seriously, this racist thing has gone too far. I am not racist because I’m white, I don’t hate the president because he’s black, and this woman sounds like she’s getting paid to insult the majority of America (which is WHITE). If anyone calls me a racist I simply tell them since we’re both 99% genetically the same that makes us all equally wrong. F*ck it.

  1678. Some feller was telling me them fOlks are like 5000 years behind in evolution. Is that true?

  1679. Get past skin color bitch. Its not nice of you to spout racist remarks.

    its the economy stupid!

  1680. If you don’t agree with Obama, you are an extremist or a racist. This is the new mentality of America.

  1681. Blacks (in general) the perfect democrats. Their do as I say not as I do ego complexes will destroy whatever goodness and honor there can be. Has there ever been a more double standard in all of mankinds history. Truly the most racist skin oriented people ever…I’m proud to stand up against black privilege when I can.. Oh and Obama is mullatto not black so your talking about a half white man but since his skin color is black that’s all she sees. The definition of racism

  1682. I like operas program and all. But it seems to me that when the colored folk get to much power fame and money like that they start rockin the boat and making all those trouble making comments. I dont reckon Mr Obama is being disrespected all too much. Ol boy is getting driven around cooked for and his commode scrubbed by white folks. People elected him not once but twice even though we put up two pretty sharP white dudes against him. Folks just need to get over race. I. It

  1683. Did I just read that the richest black woman in the world (courtesy of the USA) thinks that our two term black president is being disrespected because of his color?

    If we had real race problems, Oprah wouldn’t have a penny and Obama would have never been a politician.

    Grow up and accept that Americans are losing faith in a bad leader and it has nothing to do with race. We have had 13 years of awful leadership and we are angry.

    This is much bigger than race.

  1684. Oprah is a has-been. She’s less relevant now than ever before, and making idiotic comments in public isn’t going to help her.

  1685. obama is not all black.. he’s 1/4 black, 1/2 white … anyways i’m about to put oprah in a lawsuit for defaming my character

    1. Are you aware that Obama is 50% white, 44% Arabic, and 6% African black…and 0% American ?
      He has nothing in common with African Americans whatsoever ….but 90% of blacks who voted voted for this phony piece of trash….what does that say about 90% of American blacks who voted?

  1686. I disrespect conniving liars of any color, including Obama. I also disrespect those like Oprah who defend conniving liars, simply on the basis of their skin color.

  1687. I disrespect Oprah because she is a racist. She thinks the President is not a liar because he is half black. Is it only his white half who is a liar?

  1688. UPDATE – More Oprah: Racists Have to Die for Racism to End
    Her comment is self explanatory, This gets down to what most blacks believe. If you asked Obama, who belonged to Jeremiah Wrights church for 20 years, you might get this answer? “Its whitey’s fault”

  1689. Oprah is a fraud and with out the dumb azz white woman sitting at home and buying all the crap the fraud was selling she would not have made a dime……and the big tears she was able to shed on command..

  1690. NO OPERA, people hate Obama because he is a lying, cheating , incompetent POS… If his skin was GREEN people would still feel the same ! That is the same old black story when a person of color is incompetent they cry RACISM to cover themselves.

  1691. PS: The real Disrespect is on the part of our ‘Demander-in-chief’!!! Mandate for a product or service by our gov’t is Unconstitutional…. talk about ‘disrespect…

  1692. I believe Oprah likes him because he is African American, but what she fails to mention “EVER” is that he is only “HALF”

    1. What kills me is that she doesn’t think supporting him because he’s black is racist.

    2. Obama is 50% white, 44% Arabic, and 6% African black…and 0% American ?
      He has nothing in common with African Americans whatsoever ….but 90% of blacks who voted voted for this phony piece of trash….what does that say about 90% of American blacks who voted?

      1. she is rich because she is black….and the fraud knows it ….that is why she cry’s all the time…

        1. Naw, she cries because even her money can’t stop her from eating so much. She gets her salad with extra green$.

  1693. As much as Oppy tries to sound intelligent and informed about domestic and politics in general she totally embarrasses herself when she feebly remarks that Mr Obama is dieliked because he is black. Well for starters he is Half black….. and I was hoping he was sincere about all the (failed/unrealized) promices he made when he was campaigning for the ‘commander’ in chief position. I for one am insulted by Oppy…. just goes to show money can’t make you truly objective and intellectually honest! I am Not attacking her, just expressing what is obvious….. and this is Not a matter of personal perception, rather based on facts of Mt Obama’s failed policies and his blatant contempt for our U.S. Constitution!!!

  1694. Oprah is no different than Al Sharpton. Their fortunes were won playing race cards. Upper middle class white women are responsible for Oprah’s fortune. The truth is that she is black and feels as though she has to compete with white people. The race war is permanent and has all the same rules of other warfare. All is fair…including accusing the enemy that they are doing what you are actually doing….

  1695. People dislike Obama’s policies, which ideologically deluded progressive/statist/libs egocentrically interpret as “hatred” because they cannot effectively defend those policies and the real harm they are doing to millions of tax paying citizens (i.e., the “makers” rather than the “takers”). The poor and certain minorities are especially suffering under Obama’s policies with teenage, black, and Hispanic unemployment at significantly higher, record levels than during the Bush43 years. townhall.com/columnists/donaldlambro/2013/03/29/black-leaders-open-fire-on-obama-over-unemployment-n1552206

  1696. just like these lefties, when they’re at home, they guard their tongues, when they go abroad, notice how they change??? remember Oprah’s shopping experience in Switzerland when the shop clerk refused to show her and expensive handbag, and it made headlines because of color???

    1. And…the clerk said that wasn’t what happened. Oprah was LYING. She went to Switzerland and realized that money doesn’t buy class. She felt like the person she really is for a change and she didn’t like it. Like all low brow losers she resorted to LYING about people. Loser liars like her all operate on the same frequency. When she wailed against that poor store clerk all the losers of color picked up on her plight and lined up behind her. It’s the same reason a skank will accuse a good man of rape because she knows he wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole.

  1697. The simple truth is that Obama would have been run out long ago if he was white. In fact, he would never have been elected in the first place. He played to white guilt. He ran on a racist agenda. His color has clouded many Americans from seeing his anti-American, anti-Constitutional views and agenda.

  1698. Ridiculous. Barak Obama came into offuce cauae he firstly had the gift of the gag and because he promised to do certain changes for the american people. He is just never delivered. He never really accomplished much

    1. Actually, he has accomplished VERY much. He set out to destroy this nation and he’s been very successful.
      He set the wheels in motion in the Middle East. Christians are being slaughtered at a faster rate now than in the history of the world. Obama has accomplished a lot…..none of it good.

  1699. Actually, Obama has been tolerated way beyond what any European-American President would have been.

  1700. Where is the outrage from CNN and other left channels?
    I can’t believe that Oprah wishes the death of old people, quote:
    “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die”.
    It’s unbelievable that this is not news yet!
    You can imagine what would have happened if such comment was made by a white rich billionaire against old black folks!
    She should know better that if Obama was all white he would have not been elected President!
    We have to do something to BOYCOTT this backward “celebrity” who spews hate, racism, murder, division and sickness. Such an ingrate she is!
    BOYCOTT her show, BOYCOTT her magazine!

  1701. By his actions I think our President is a racist and hates whites. It can go both ways. He certainly seems to hate America and its history. Oprah is completely out of touch with the common man and the difficult times many are experiencing. Since many are unhappy with Obamacare it has to be a race thing……………get real.

    1. Most of the Democratic Party is hard core communist or socialist leaning. If the dems ran some one else other than Obama, we would be seeing the same crap. Remember the dems trying to pass Hillarycare? I don’t think Obama is racist, but will use his color to take advantage of African Americans for their vote. Once he’s accomplished communism, the minorities lose their obamaphones and handouts.

      1. Some are soley power seeking (Obama, Reid, Fienstein) while others are strictly conformists (weak-minded) they get some power and it goes to their head.

        Those that vote for them are also conformists – they go along to get along – not wanting to rock the boat. They are cowards, they are demoncrats , they are counted upon (sheeple) by the socialists as they know what motivates them, they are totally predictable.

        Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts.

        Have a nice day…





    Have a nice day…





        EXAMPLE – “GAY”. use to mean “lighthearted and carefree”. Now it means “an enlightened depressed minority” – but no where are we told that they regularly enguages in fudge-packing and AIDS spreading behavior on a personal level which promotes social decay at the very least (far worse).

        And if you disagre with it – YOU are a homephobe and probably a racist and bigot, etc, etc, etc.

        It is a cancer – and it must be irradiated and removed from the body politic.

        Have a nice day…

  1703. say Oprah, where were you when former secretary of state CONDI RICE was treated with such contempt by everybody because she was black and republican, hmmm??? hypocrite. her illegally earned wealth has made her looney like the rest of the circus, boycott them all.

  1704. Oprah… All I can say is that American’s of all color elected Barrack Obama not once, but TWICE… So to your ignorant assumption that many American’s hate Obama because he’s black may I just say as a black man…. “Ni%%a PLEASE!!!!” Many American’s don’t hate Obama because he’s black… We many American’s hate Obama because he’s a lying, intellectually dishonest, unaccountable, finger pointing, politically charged, DUMB ASS… Moving on…

  1705. Stopped watching Oprah long ago when I felt “SHE” was racist. Oprah keeps racism thriving for selfish reasons. She has nothing constructive to share so as always pulls the race card to get attention. And she did..unfortunately for her, it’s backfiring. Sad to see someone go down in flame but good to see our country stand up against these racist thoughts.

  1706. I’m so sick of this constant race baiting. I don’t hate Barry any more, or an less, than Billy, or Jimmy, or Lyndon, Franklin and so on… it isn’t the color of his skin, it’s the content of his character which is flawed.

  1707. Who could have ever seen this support of our deficient President by Oprah coming? Hey Oprah my only beef with him is that he is at least a Socialist and won’t admit it. He uses code words that all his Fellow Travelers surrounding him understand and the main street media will never challenge. What does skin color have to do with that Oprah? His only goal in office is to set the Socialist (and worse) hooks deep into the flesh of Americans to the point where they can no longer escape Socialism (and worse) Color? I think not.

  1708. Yes, the richest woman on the planet and the president of the United States are black, so clearly America is racist. If anyone is thinking it it’s because people like this are making it their mission to call anyone who doesn’t agree with them racists. A lot of our most respected people on the right are black, and I can’t remember the last respected kkk member, (you dems loved Byrd,) that was in the republican party. Take your racism and shove it.

  1709. This is nonsense. For the record Obama is 50 percent Caucasian, around 40 percent Arab and about 10 percent Black. Obama is disliked because of his very liberal policies and the fact that he wants the government to contro;l every aspect of our lives while disregarding our Constittution.

  1710. I am waiting for the day that Air Force One lands at Guantanamo Bay and Obama is marched away in handcuffs to spend the rest of his life playing Muslim parlor games with the other inmates there.

    Maybe he can have conjugal visits with Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers….

  1711. EGYPT wants to charge the dumb SOB as a terrorist for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. I think we should extradite him….

  1712. Hey Oprah, (what kind of name is that anyway?)

    Here is a person that has untold billions of dollars and she knows what everybody thinks!

    How did she get $$$billions? She has not actually produced anything of value!

    Yet, she knows what we all think.

    Here is what I think.

    We USA citizens have a cancer upon us. An ugly multi-headed hydra that knows better than you. It knows better than you what you should think, what you should say and how you should go about your life.

    My prescription;

    I say irradiate the cancer and remove it from the body (society).

    The question you Oprah have to ask yourself is – “Am I a cancer?”.

    I think you will not like the answer.

    Have a nice apoplectic moment…

    1. She’s a liberal and they always tell the world what America thinks. The problem is the ignorant will believe it.

  1713. Oprah looks like a fool because she supported Obama to be President and now this is just a smoke screen to make her not look so foolish. The problem is Obama is not respected by even America’s allies because of the NSA revelations. The British are no fools and see right through Oprah’s false accusations. Its the British press that has opened the world’s eyes to Obama and his lack of integrity.

  1714. Really? After everything he has done to us, all the lies, all the scandals, someone still has the stupidity to say we dont like him because we are racist? The race card, the final defense of a liberal when they have no real defense.

  1715. Maybe. Ms Winfrey would need to be a mind reader to know for sure. But there is no maybe about the fact that far more love and respect him for the same equally ill-considered reason.

  1716. No Dear.

    We dislike Obama because he is a pathological liar and an incompetent buffoon.

    And we also do not appreciate the fact that he is actively trying to destroy America.

  1717. Oprah, is an absolute embarassment to America. This ‘money hungry’ New Wave Fraud, showed HER true colors when she promoted Obama-Knowing he was a Chicago Thug, with a ‘V ery Checkered Past-Still hidden’. She’s complicit in “foisting him onto America, as he has eroded our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and freedoms that he is eroding on a daily basis. She helped put him into office, and he has proven to be the “Worst POTUS, EVER”……Thanks Oprah, no wonder your show/movies have gone into the toilet-you also lied to America.

    Oprah, you need to stop playing that “old, tired, over-used race card’- it has no more effect, as you may Not realize, that Obama is Arab, Black, AND 1/2 White. Perhaps the white part is what people don’t like-

  1718. you know coming from OPRAH is ludicrous if Americans are disrespectful, then where was she during OBAMAS second run, she bailed out on him and left him in the wind, just like wacko baldwin, clooney the looney, these left-wingers are hypocrites.

  1719. 1, I thought Oprah had died a few years ago. 2, I think Oprah is confusing Pres. Obama with Stedman. They both were somewhat effeminate but Press Obama looks like the chick in a male to male relationship. Probably will be again once he’s out of office and back with his “body man” Reggie Love.

  1720. PLEASE SPARE ME! George W. Bush was treated with utter hatred and contempt openly by media types and celebrities. Jokes about murdering him, his intelligence, being a puppet of the Vice-President, etc. abounded.
    If America is so anti-black, how did President Obama get elected twice? America’s population is only 15% black. For that matter, how did Oprah become the richest, most watched, most powerful person in all of television, if America is anti-black?

  1721. If Black Americans weren’t blinded by his color they would be thoroughly embarrassed that this disgusting, lying, fraud with a despicable character is the first “black” president.

  1722. hmmm…. did she not support Hillary for president, ’cause she is such a big feminist. and then…ooops, Obozo came along, and Miss O changed her mind(as if there was something wrong with the one she had. or not- lol) and VOTED FOR HIM.
    , not because he is black. oh NO!!! because he is the best man for the job (sarcasm intended). So now, who is RACIST??? its you. miss o, for sure you.

    PS Obozo is not black or white, HE IS RED, AND THAT IS WHY he gets no respect.


  1723. Considering White people made her Rich beyond belief, her Accusing White People of being Racist is Beyond Comprehension. I am personally insulted by her remarks, and I plan on suing her for Assasination of My Character.

    1. Be sure to let her know that you just want to help Odumbdumb in his quest to “spread the wealth”!

  1724. Not a fan, but always credited Oprah with more sense than that. Oprah, darlin’, you know damned good and well that if a Cracker Republican POTUS had done, said and failed to do everything precisely as Obama, he’d have been impeached and would be already doing hard time in some plush white collar “reformatory.”

    So, who’s the racist?

  1725. Come on, girl, we know you’re trying to ham it up for your movie that’s out in Europe, and all, but give it a rest.

  1726. Oprah, you assisted in a conspiracy to defraud the American people.
    Obama LIED to the nation on Oprah’s show. With her help he presented a COUNTERFEIT BIRTH CERTIFICATE to America. This is the same birth certificate that Sheriff Joe Arpaio proved to be as phony as a $3 bill. When is Oprah going to apologize for this? Or is it OK for Obama to lie on her show? If he wasn’t “black” would it still be OK to lie to America on the Oprah show? Oprah, if you have any questions about this lie and deception that you assisted, please contact Joe Arpaio, he is an American with guts, integrity and honesty who did extensive research into this document fraud. Oprah, how do you live with yourself?

  1727. Oprah cannot fathom the fact, he may have been elected because he is black but we want him gone because he is useless……Oprah looks black, thinks black, acts black and never see’s much beyond her being black….skin color is not a excuse.

  1728. No Oprah, it’s because he is an incompetent person and a left wing crackpot. Whereas, you are an ass, dealing from the race card deck.

  1729. really oprah? then why are you so popular across racial lines? You are full of it and the pres is an inept fool. If it makes you feel better I don’t respect Mccain and several other “white” congressmen either. Your saying it’s because he’s black…that’s laughable. I can’t stand the man because he’s RED, you analysis lacks any real thought, you are officially a TROLL. Good bye Obama.

  1730. If you watch the rest of her interview she comments on when Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” during Obama’s Health care speech back in 2009. She related this to racism. Sorry, Oprah. Joe Wilson was RIGHT. Actually it’s harder to find incidents where he DOESN’T lie (Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS scandal, Obamacare, etc., etc.). If he isn’t lying, then he’s the most clueless president this country has ever had.

    1. The ONLY time he did NOT lie: “I don’t know WHY I am getting this Noble Prize. I did not do anything, yet.”

  1731. I am an African American and I most certainly do not support The President, The Democratic Party, or Communist/Socialist Philosophies and/or Political Ideologies. If you define an African-American, as a person who is a descendant of African Slaves brought to America, you can come to the conclusion President Obama is neither African American nor black based on his ethnicity. First, neither of his parents are descendants of american slaves. Secondly, he is bi-racial and not black, having a white mother and a Nigerian father. Third, he doesn’t share the same black cultural experience. He spent most of his life outside the United States never having lived in the inner cities of the north or towns in the deep south. Educationally, he didn’t attend any HBCU schools, but was educated in Ivy League schools.

    Calling President Obama, the First Black President, is a farce and a sham.

    1. They claim now that his mother had some black blood. Well, chingao, we all go back to Adam…no? Unless you are an atheist.

    2. Thank you.
      Spread that word and then tell those to spread it as well.
      He might not be up for re-election but he still has THREE years to spread his destruction.

  1732. Which side is she talking about ? the white side or the black side? Always the race card when liberals/progressives have NOTHING to offer. I get so tired of the “race card” and it is ALWAYS against white people. Oprah your’e a bigot.

  1733. Look at his resume Oprah: President of Harvard Law Reiveiw, never published anything. Community organizer for 3 years, never accomplished anything. Was hired by U of Chicago because he told them he was writing a book on voting rights legislation, which he never wrote, and he failed to get tenure (that means they fired him.) Became a legislator, where many of his votes consisted of “present” and “not voting.” Is that the way to represent your constituent’s interests, by not bothering to vote? The man has over-promised and under-delivered on every job he’s ever had! He’s completely incompetent. It has nothing to do with race!

    1. yup…..
      I just got an idea…
      you should apply to help bring the obamacare website at least up to 1981 levels.
      you got skilzzz bro!

  1734. Oprah just keeps spewing hate after hate and then gets so offended when anybody complains. Same goes for Obama. Any complaint is racist.

  1735. He’s not disliked because he’s black (although he’s more white than black) He isn’t liked because he’s incompetent and lies. Lets not forget the hatred towards Bush!

  1736. If somehow being a neo-bolshevik hater of Western civilization and free market capitalism can be attributed to El Presidente’s African half, I am as racist as they come. (But I guess that means Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Alan Keyes, Allen West, Deroy Murdoch, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, JC Watts… must all be White men– I love those guys.)

    1. They are mysteriously forgotten when they are calling us racists. When they are not forgotten, those non racist libs are calling them uncle toms or demonizing them.

  1737. Simply a defense mechanism. Oprah (and the vast majority of the left) realize that playing the race card is far easier than trying to defend the indefensible record of the worst president in history. Though dog eared and worn the race card is the main (and usually only) weapon in the arsenal of the pathetically ignorant left. To see terror in the eyes of a leftist press the attack and ignore the racial “red herring”.

    1. He is disrespected. Not too long ago MSNBC Tõüré called him an Uncle Tom on national TV and none of the leftists thought anything derogatory about it.

    2. He uses too many complex multi-syllable words for them to understand….Carson is an American God bless him & family.

  1738. Everyone should revisit the movie by Dinesh D’Souza, Obama 2016 Love Him or Hate him: You don’t know Him!

    When you watch that movie..you do not think about race. You think about his upbringing. You learn about how he was raised by Communist…his professors were Marxist and his friends wanted to violently overthrow our form of government….

    Nah, his race is the least of our worries…OPRAH. And she professes to love God and Country! You will come away from it afraid, for all Americans…irregardless of race!

  1739. “Everybody’s thinking it.” Her omnipotence and omniscience is astounding….kinda like God’s…

    1. It is her “Id”…super ego! She thinks billions and apparently race is the only requirement to make a person possess great character! The money went to her head and now she can’t get through a door!

  1740. It think Oprah Winfrey has never seen a black President or any President mess things up so bad. She is embarrassed because he is black and trying to deflect from the true discernment of his incompetence.

  1741. Actually, we disrespect Obama because he’s a total fraud, a communist-Islamist cross-dressing as “Christian” and a pathological liar.

  1742. He is just as much white as black. He chose to call himself black. He is incompetent in any color. He could be pink and purple and it would not make him a better person or president. He is very cunning and charismatic. He can spin a good lie. But people are beginning to see through this stuff. We need to keep up the pressure.

  1743. I am white myself and I have a few friends who are black,asain,native indian etc and we hate this system very much, it was create by man made by elites. However, we never vote to Dem and Rep because we’re living in the illusion of the deceiver system. If you agreed thumb up.

  1744. Why do people only look at his black side? His Mother was white, so at most, he is half black. He was raised by his grandparents, one of which was a bank vice president. He only spent a very few of his youngest years with his father. He went to Ivy League schools that are mostly attended by rich white people. His life has been that of one of privilege, a trait usually related to white people.

    1. His parents were commies. His grandparents were commies. His mentor was commie. All his friends were commies. I wonder what he is?

    2. Good point:
      The answer is that black are so used to being allowed to pass JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK that the whole concept of merit and earing things is totally lost to them.
      Oprah herself is a perfect example. She has no talent, little real intelligence, but she’s BLACK—SO Open the DOORS big and WIDE…..

  1745. When are these people going to get the fact that the majority of americans have no problem with his skin color, it his policies we don’t like. I guess when they know he’s clueless it’s easier to use the race card then to admit the embarrasing truth.

  1746. A lot of Americans disrespected George W Bush because he was white. Where was your outrage then, Oprah?

    1. She is upset because Obama is a fraud and most Americans have figured it out. The salt in the wound to Oprah is he is black.

  1747. Gosh. since blacks account for no more than 13% of the American population, and Mr. Obama was elected twice to the presidency. it follows that a lot of whites voted for him. I would assert that racism has little to do with Mr. Obama’s current difficulties – which his inept management style has brought about. Because, no true or closet racist would ever vote for a black person under any circumstance. No, Oprah, Mr. Obama is NOT a victim of racist prejudice – he is a victim of reaching high office with little relevant preparation, and receiving advice from inept, sycophantic aides.

      1. I think he’s absolutely risen to his level of incompetence 😉 Although I can see your point, it seems he’s gone a ways beyond.

  1748. Folks, I have a few friends who are black, they dislike Obama,bill Clinton, and bush. Why are we supporting to this system create by man made hmm, please open your eyes look around in this world, who is the blamed ?

    I don’t give a &&&& oprah said, she knows what’s going on behind the scenes.

  1749. I don’t respect him because he is the worst President in the history of this country. Race has nothing to do with it.

  1750. Oprah is a race baiter. No one hates Obama because he is Black. The color of his skin has nothing to do with the reason Obama is loathed. The country sees what he is doing – mainly Obama care which is destroying the country. They see Obama ruining our image in foreign affairs and crippling business with massive regulation. I would love to see a “Competent POTUS” – no matter what the color of his skin is. Obama is a total disaster, an incompetent lying fool hell bent on fundamentally changing America into his 3rd. world Socialist Utopia! I don’t hate Obama but I hate the things he has done to our country!

    1. Oprah smells the money available to the false prophets of “civil rights”. It’s big business, as Jackson, Sharpton and even Ubama-the-community-organizer himself have proven. In class warfare, lies are so much more believable (and profitable) than the truth.

  1751. Oprah Winfrey became famous as a gossipy, plastic talk show host. When she replaced Sally Jesse Raffael, she immediately locked in the minority viewers, largely by the color of her skin. But it was the “racist White Women” demographic group that substantially bumped up her rating and brought her stardom. Likewise with Obama. White Voters voted for Obama in substantial numbers during 2 election cycles, despite his anti-White public pronouncements and policies. So Oprah, take that race card and shove it up your a**.

    1. So, true. He may have gotten 90% or better of the “Black Vote”, but that number only constituted 13% of the total vote for him. Obama was elected twice by a white majority of the vote. Please stop blaming black people for putting this Fraud into office.

  1752. Oh shut up Oprah! I for one am sick to death of hearing that tired old excuse for whatever fits the agenda of the day. This president is just lousy at his job, no matter what his hue is.

  1753. It’s because of people like Oprah Winfrey, that play the race card that has allowed this President to run this country into the ground. People like Oprah Winfrey that want Obama to not be held accountable for anything he does. Sorry Oprah, but America has seen too much of the free ride, race card game and will not look the other way on his errors as President.

  1754. Is it ok to disapprove of an African-Indonesian parked in the American White House?

    We have no issues with African-Americans…or any other “groups” that are not burglars, thieves, criminal trespassers, dope dealers, etc.

    1. My son is a computer nut and using a super computer in college. He and some of his buddies have ran the birth certificate through several graphics programs and he guarantees it is fake. Also the two claims of it being in a newspaper in Hawaii are no proof of anything. Nobody has to show up at a newspaper on a certain day with a newborn to claim it was just born in the area. Newspapers will print anything you pay them to print.

  1755. I want to know: Lincoln was Republican. He freed the slaves. DEMOCRATS FOUGHT AGAINST HIM> Why are blacks EVER voting Democrat? We have got to combat the THOUGHT that Democrats “are for the little people”. Biggest Lie Ever.

    1. Good question…maybe the shift occurred when JFK and then RFK promised them civil rights? Martin Luther King was a Republican…

    2. A lot of Hispanics vote for the democrat because they are told it is the way to take something from the Gringo. Make the Gringo pay for all the cheap labor he got. My uncles were democrat for a long time…until they started businesses and got big taxes to pay for someone sitting on the butt and complaining they didn’t have anything. That makes a Republican out of a democrat quicker than anything…when he becomes a producer instead of a taker.

  1756. So that means according to Ms Winfreys calculations anyone who criticizes Obama is a racist. One can summarize from her ignorant remark anyone who hates Cruz, Thomas, Rubio, West, is Racist too? Those who hated Bush actually despised the man because he was White. I’m also curious, which side of Obama critics hate, his white side or his black side? In addition, does Obamas White half hate blacks because the black unemployment rate is high?

  1757. No point in arguing with these idiots. Even though he’s the worst president in history by miles tools like Oprah still defend him. I’d like to ask Oprah if it’s even possible for ignorant blacks to stop supporting Obama. In spite of suffering disproportionately blacks show no sign of their support wavering.

  1758. Let’s see Obama screws everything up because people are racist. Very bad excuse. How about because he is inept and incapable of anything besides playing golf and basketball. little boy stuck in a mans body.

  1759. I don’t hate him because he’s black. I hate that he used his ethnicity to get elected; plus the simple little fact that he aspires to be the first American dictator.

  1760. Has it ever occurred to your pea brain,Oprah that perhaps we dislike his stupid policies rather than the color of his skin. As an A-Am, I’m heartily tired of this stupid thinking from other A-Am. Blacks have been the worst affected people under Obama in terms of unemployment and yet so many don’t see that his policies is what has & is ruining them. Talk about dumb.

  1761. Yes – that’s it we (white folks) all don’t like the president.. It has nothing to do with his heath policy his scandal’s, his foreign policy and on and on.. No Opie, it’s not that he’s black or white, blue or pink. But I would expect these comments from you..

    1. Yeah exactly. I voted for him, and now I’d like to see him impeached — not because of his policies but because somehow I didn’t realize at first that he was Black??

      1. Guess that makes me a raciest – correct James? Policy disagreements don’t work for you, just labels.

          1. Apologies James, thank you I did read it again. How refreshing, someone saying sorry for a mistake.. I sure wish both sides in Washington, could learn from us “little people” Guess I’m tired..

  1762. I don’t disrespect him because he’s black, I disrespect him because he repeatedly demonstrates total incompetence. The Presidency is not a job that lends itself well to on the job training, and it especially does not do so with an individual like Obama, who seems incapable of learning from his own mistakes.

    1. Yes. His latest pronouncements about buying insurance being “complicated” clearly indicate that the man is a moron when it comes to economics.

  1763. Wow over 7,100 comments….a whole lot of Americans want to tell Oprah off!

    Oprah I got news for ya honey child….this little experiment of voting in a POTUS solely on the color of his skin….massively FAILED….MLK was right…it is the content of your character that makes the person and the POTUS!

    America could not afford the “little experiment”, it is now poised to destroy us…and you spent millions to make it happen…you helped elect this tyrant solely based on the color of his skin…. and you have the nerve to call us the racists!

  1764. 30 lies to BEGIN with… 1. I will have the most transparent administration.
    2. I have Shovel ready jobs.
    3. The IRS is not targeting anyone.
    4. If four Americans get killed, it is not optimal.
    5. ObamaCare will be good for America.
    6. You can keep your family doctor.
    7. Premiums will be lowered by $2500
    8. You can keep your current healthcare plan
    9. Just shop around, for that healthcare I claimed you wouldn’t lose.
    9A. I did not say you could keep your health care. (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)
    9B. ObamaCare will not be offered to illegal immigrants.
    9C. ObamaCare will not be used to fund abortions.
    9D. ObamaCare will cost less than 1 Trillion Dollars.
    10. No one making under $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime.
    11. It was about a movie.
    12. If I had a son.
    13. I am not a dictator.
    14. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism”.
    15.You didn’t build that.
    16. I will restore trust in Government.
    17. The Cambridge police acted stupidly.
    18. I am not after your guns.
    19. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. The BO of (2006)
    20. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics.
    21. I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.
    22.The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk
    23. It’s not my red line it is the worlds red line.
    24. Whistle blowers will be protected.
    25. We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks, with interest.
    26. I will close Gitmo.
    27. The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t, but she is a typical white person
    28. I am not spying on American citizens.
    29. I Barrack Hussain Obama pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
    And now I can add yet still another lie. I am sorry you all are losing your healthcare.

    1. 30. Iran will not be allowed to go nuke.
      (I really wish he never promised us that– get ready.)

  1765. PS.
    Why in the world would i ever have a reason for disrespecting american blacks?
    No reply needed……..

    1. Think about all those unreported assaults, robberies, rapes, murders, intimidation……. don’t say anything because we don’t want another riot!!!

  1766. That’s the kind of thing no one ever says? You have got to be kidding me. The left has been blaming Obama’s fecklessness and incompetence on the supposed racism of his opponents for five years now.

  1767. Oprah just Assasinated the Character of Every White American. I don’t know about you guys, but I’d like to take this Woman to court and put her in her place. White Americans made her a Millionaire. HOW DARE SHE CALL US RACIST.

    1. She said SOME Americans hate Obama because they are racists. Somehow that turns into character assassination of ALL White Americans? I’m a white American and I don’t hate Obama at all – but yes, some Americans do hate him because he’s black. And by the way, If you’d like to prove you’re not a racist – the phrase “put her in her place” should probably not be used in regard to one of the most powerful influences in the media if that person is black.

      1. Sure, ok. But if that’s all she meant it’s totally meaningless. Some Blacks hate Whites. Some Whites hate Blacks. And then what? Pointless. I wouldn’t expect more from Oprah.

      2. Racism is a two way street – Oprah is a perfect example. She made her millions off white people – now she calls them racist! She is a phony race baiter like Sharpton and Jackson!

      3. I categorize myself as SOME Americans. Yes, her comments affect me Personally. Which Americans was she referring to? How do YOU know some Americans hate him because he’s Black? And if I falsely accuse someone for something they aren’t, I would expect to be PUT IN MY PLACE TOO. I speak the Truth….have ZERO respect for anyone that doesn’t….Like Oprah.

    2. I don’t have any $ to sue her of course, but I am going to write an article in our Local Paper about her False Accusations. I’ll write it in a way that will help everyone understand “Reverse Racism” and how not to be affected by it personally, but to be aware of it.

  1768. Hey Oprah, why do I hate Obama but love Dr. Ben Carson and Dr. Thomas Sowell? Let me tell you, Oprah? I hate Obama because of his policies and what they are doing to the country I love.
    As for you, Oprah, I have no opinion whatsoever because you can’t do anything to harm me, my family or my country. You are inconsequential, my dear. Entirely irrelevant to millions of Americans. So stuff it.

    1. Oprah has done more damage to our nation than you can imagine. Just ask the broken families resulting from her constant encouragement of women to divorce at the drop of a hat.

      1. Oprah is just a TV personality. What a lame comment on us that anyone cares what she says. What qualification does she have? Talk show host? Please. I wonder what Jerry Springer has to say.

  1769. Communism is not a race, it is a slave-making ideology. People hate Obama because he wants to enslave us.

    1. Well I don’t think he’s a communist or a socialist. At least they try to do things for the greater good even if misguided. Look at how well socialist countries run their health care systems. Check out Taiwan’s health care system, neck and neck for the best in the world and costing a small fraction of ours. Obama didn’t follow that strategy. He has his own agenda, disguised as a social crusader, but negotiating with insurance companies and undermining the rest of us to funnel huge profits to the medical establishment and health insurers.

      1. They don’t try to do things for the greater good. THOSE ARE LIES they perpetrate while stealing the masses blind. They have to use that Orwellian double speak as they consolidate their power.

      2. That “Great Good” comments is right out of Saul Alynski’s book “Rules for Radical” – don’t fall for the progressive bull**** and their code words

        1. Ok, we can disagree on that, but really look at the health care systems in countries like Taiwan and Japan. They did it sensibly. Its much cheaper, quality of care is as good, outcomes are better and healthy life expectancies are longer. So why does Obama “overhaul” the system with his own broken brand? It costs us $600+ billion more than the already over inflated system we had before. And this is supposed to be for our own good? Squeezing more money out of us for the same subpar care? This is part of what convinced me, a liberal socialist-minded democrat, that Obama is a cancer in this country. (I am embarassed to say that I voted for him the first time. Apologies for that.)

  1770. Dear Oprah……All of us White Folks, that made you a Millionaire, are EXTREMELY insulted by you calling us racist. We will now take You to Court on the grounds of Blasphemy and Degradation of our Characters. Maybe we can get our money back.

  1771. Oprah, you need to read this about obama, then ask yourself why LEGAL Americans have an issue with the president of the USA that is in office to do what is best for the legal American citizen’s:

    THE ARCHITECT, True and well said

    Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions. Our Pledge of Allegiance, a military band playing the National Anthem, and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, inspire her passion and views. Her life is guided by a firm belief that truth is the most important virtue, and that God knows what He is doing with her. Please take the time to read and listen to this good American woman. I believe you will be glad you did. I give you Maureen Scott.

    The Architect of Destruction

    By Maureen Scott

    Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. that was instilled in him by his family and mentors…it seems to have never left him.

    It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America .

    Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.

    Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people, with deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings? Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he gets “goose bumps” when a band plays “The Star Spangled Banner,” or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of ” America the Beautiful?” Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday – or someone plays “taps” on a trumpet? Has he ever shared the admiration of the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free, feel when soldiers march by? It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values. He did not sit at the knee of a Grandfather or Uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free. He didn’t have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America, penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.

    Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn’t delight in being part of America and its greatness. He wasn’t singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog, or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head, or placing flags on the grave sites of fallen and beloved American heroes.

    Rather he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn’t really understand us and what it means to be an American. He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage. His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unites us.

    He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S. Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader, and a protector of many. Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego. He uses his Office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions. A secure leader, who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence, refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.

    Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissension, unrest, and anxiety among the people of America, rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the “Great Uniter”). He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership Americans have been kept on edge, rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward, and disrespectful of, those of differing opinions. And through such behavior, Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs, when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining, and self-assured.

    Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates, and assert a dictatorial form of power.

    Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm and hurt the people and this country.

    Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.

    Never, in this country, have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people – on a daily basis!

    Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us. He thrives on tearing us down, rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America , and the epitome of a Demagogue.

    © Maureen Scott

  1772. Here’s a simple analysis for the windbag compare JFK to obama – some say like JFK obama had charisma with the “people” .. with JFK that included all races, all religions, both political parties compared to obama his charisma is with blacks, militants who want to enslave white folks and the dumb class easily swayed by LIES, propaganda and government welfare, food stamps …those who oppose obama are whites who work and belong to both political parties are independents. I joined those who questioned obama’s eligibility and remain convinced he was NEVER eligible to run for president. I have NO president. We should pray for an impeachment and peaceful change to avoid armed rebellion by the remaining black obama supporters

  1773. They think calling us racist for criticizing this piece of garbage will inoculate him from criticism. The Republican establishment has bought that line of crap but those of us in flyover country thankfully have not

  1774. actually…NO….I don’t like him because he’s an arrogant socialist who’s only accomplishment prior to his current job was handing out flyers. I don’t personally care if he’s green,blue,white,black, or purple.

  1775. This approach by some Obama apologists may well backfire:
    If people realize that once they vote-in a Black person, they may not criticize him,
    the may opt to not vote him in to start with.

  1776. Oprah – Just go away. Your racist shtick is getting really old and tedious. Don’t you have some sales clerk you need to harass?

  1777. Oprah doesn’t know me. I disrespect Obama because he hasn’t earned my respect. He’s a liar and disregards our Constitution. For that matter, I disrespect Oprah. She has a nerve going on and on about race. If this country was a racist nation, her fat a$$ wouldn’t be a billionaire. Most of her supporters were white women. So shut your pie hole bubble butt.

  1778. Obama is a pathological narcissist precisely because he’s always been surrounded by minions who draft excuses to explain away his every failing. It’s pathetic seeing someone who’s accomplished as much as Oprah sell her soul to defend such an obvious fraud.

  1779. Ridiculous for her to say “nobody ever says it.” They don’t STOP saying it. Its all we’ve heard for 5 years that its because he’s black that people have anything against Obama.

  1780. So Oprah, explain why so many Americans love(d) you. People despise Obozo because he is a corrupt statist-socialist. That is why.

  1781. She has lost all my respect. If white people can vote a black guy in, they also have every right to criticize him..

  1782. People disrespecting Obummer? Whoops! Yawn.
    Speaking of disrespect Oprah?….. I seem to recall the black caucus stand up and turn their back on Bush a few years ago. He didn’t even have a chance to screw up at that point like the liar we have now. Anyway, reminds me of the ole saying, “what goes around… bla-bla…… Don’t have respect for you either Oprah after trashing me and other Americans on foreign soil. Hey! You’ve got the money – do us a favor and stay there.

  1783. Disliking him has, in my opinion, nothing to do with race. It has to do with the fact that he is nothing short of a liberal socilist liar forcing his idea of what he wants America to be down our throats. I couldn’t care less what Harpo has to say. She’s just another TV “celebrity”.

    1. Liar, yes. But I don’t think he is a real socialist. I would be more understanding if that were the case. Obamacare really benefits private health insurers and the medical establishment at great expense to most of the population. He’s just another dirty politician, but thinly disguised as a champion of the people. Now the mask is unraveling and it’s ugly . . .

  1784. Her are her type of racists, whom project their own feelings onto others, are the real racists. Obama has enacted horrendous policies and is a poor leader it has nothing to do with his skin color, if he were white he’d be loathed just as great for his horrible on the job performance.

  1785. No orca I disrespect you because you are an African American Stupid Cow. I cannot disrespect Obama for being an African American for two reasons. One you would have to be an American to be African American. 2. Disrespect would imply respect was once there then removed or the subject was respectable then tarnished. Since Obama has always been a liar, cheat and a thief he has never had any respectable qualitys to respect. If it makes you feel better you can play your race card but the man is an arsehole and race does not even need to come into play with him. But with you who once held my respect I hope your career tanks along with Obama

  1786. Wow! I’ve never seen so many comments on a subject….ever!
    I guess God fearing, Constitutional loving Americans are fed up with this dog earred, over played race card clap trap.
    The ONLY reason he got elected was because he was black.
    No white man could ever get elected if he sat in a “church” for 20 years that spewed anti semitic garbage.
    No white man could ever be elected if he sat in a “church” for 20 years and it spewed racist comments about blacks….you know, like O’s spewed about whites. In fact Orpah honey, you said you went to that “church” once and never went back because of the hateful sermon……and yet you supported a clown that went there for 20 years??????????????
    How about his hidden records?? You think a white man could get away with that?? Maybe a white Communists, but never any other white man.
    I am sick and tired of this cr@p Oprah.
    Shut the &*(&)&*()&%$%^$^%*^&* up.

  1787. I think Oprah is simply a big mouth, racist herself. Who gave her the right to judge white people. Instead of insulting us she should spend her time on that stupid network of hers.

  1788. Barack Obama has brought unmitigated shame to the most honored political office in the world. His mendacity is unparalleled in history of the American Presidency. His actions (of omission and commission) have complemented his lies and equivocations on innumerable occasions and circumstance. As for the “race card” that his minons (from Al Sharpton now to Ophra Winfrey ) shamelessly resort to, the name of Benedict Arnold is apt sobriquet for citizens who have dishonored this nation and will be someday regarded as the polity of American JUDAS. TRUTH is color blind; they have aligned themselves with the man who rivals the Father of Lies in brazen, abject deceit, and self-apotheosis in endless deception. Martin Luther King is undoubtedly
    roiling in anger at “the content of the character” this man has displayed to the nation and the world…

  1789. It’s his Polices that have diminished our country, Oprah. Stop blaming his failures on his RACE! That’s a cop out-making excuses. He skips Congress and skips The Constitution. He makes and changes laws at will. He claims he KNOWS NOTHING when anything goes wrong in his administration. He is very biased and unfair in his many regulations. He is secretive to a fault. He seeks to apply policies that history has proven do not work. Many of his friends and mentors are Marxists/communists. Some are down right criminal. It’s not always about race. Bush was white and was disrespected. In fact, because of how Bush was treated, the office was disrespected and may never gain back the respect owed to the presidency. That’s a real shame.

  1790. OK Oprah, Please explain these things about Obama & ‘non-skin color’ issues.


    2) He Flunked Out of 3 Colleges; COLUMBIA DOES NOT LIST HIM AS A GRADUATE IN THEIR RECORDS; He Will Not Release His Transcripts That He Even Went To Columbia;


    4) He Has Fake Selective Service for Military Draft Registration that was entered into the system after he got caught;


    So, Would He Lie About Islam, Obamacare, NSA, “Fast & Furious”, Chinese Espionage that He Approved, Sandy Hook, etc., etc., etc.?????

  1791. I am stunned, and not a little angered at Oprah Winfrey’s slam on America while in a foreign country. If she wants to discuss disrespect for a President, perhaps he’s smart enough to remember The Dixie Chicks ugly and disrespectful comments in London, England, about President George W. Bush.

    And, this was at a time of war when the UK was a critical ally of ours.

    Playing the race card in a foreign country to marginalize those who disagree with Obama as racist is beyond contempt. And, she further insults Americans by suggesting it is racial HATE that causes many Americans to be irritated with him.

    Tell this F.A.W.N to go play the race card somewhere else. We’re full up here.

  1792. We tire of the race card constantly being used to try and camouflage this fraud’s inability to lead, build coalitions, stand up to the enemy and tell the truth. The only people that still support him are the racists that revere him only, because he’s black.

  1793. People gave Obama a pass and looked the other way because of his race, Oprah. Now the abuses are directly affecting people through their healthcare and employment and they are finally having to risk being called “racist” and speak out against him. To pull out the race card is evidence that you have no real arguments against the president’s critics.

    I hoped this guy would do well as the first black president and although I didn’t vote for him, I wanted to see if he would come through on his high-sounding rhetoric. He has failed miserably and reneged on every promise – so don’t pull the race card, when his race has given him a pass a white man would never have gotten.

      1. I agree, but I know people who backed him and voted for him who have been privately disgusted for a long time, but didn’t speak up for fear of being called racist.

  1794. Why was Bush hated? This from two most successful black in the country and the world, whose success would never have happened without the support, even admiration of the whites. Is it possible that she’s that stupid? Or is SHE racist?

  1795. As with many celebrities who fancy themselves brilliant, this pathetic excuse for a human being throws out the race card as an excuse for the fraud president, who may well be on his way to impeachment.

  1796. Man, have you seen Oprah without her makeup? She is ugly. That’s right, I’m an UG-ist. Yup, I am ugaphobic too. Shouldn’t be a real problem though because I can be treated in conjunction with the Obamacare mandated insurance coverage. And with all the dough I’m saving by virtue of the exchanges I can make a contribution to the local LGBT chapter! Oh wait. They’re such a small percentage of the population, sort of like those who lost their insurance, that they don’t count. Guess I’ll keep all my savings!

  1797. O(prah) please! I’ve had enough of the race card! I hate Obama because he is an incompetent fraud and an enemy of every true American. I couldn’t care less about his race. Here’s one for you racists out there, hiding behind calling everyone else a racist…if Obama were white, he’d have been impeached and removed from office long before now.

  1798. White women made ‘Oprah’ and now she turns against them? What a surprise. Oprah is as racist as anyone she is ‘calling out’. Her comments reveal a lot. Too bad.

  1799. Preposterous. Obama is hated because of the extensive damage he has done to America and its people. He would have been hated just as much if he were white. And from here on in that hatred is only going to grow – and extend to people like Ms. Winfrey who engaged in racist attacks on Whites.

  1800. too bad oprah doesn’t understand that she is a self-made black woman who’s become incredibly successful through brains, hard work and perservarance. The president is an affirmative action empty suit without and real world skills, business experience or knowledge of key areas such as economics, finance, history etc. He earned his way to the top via the color of his skin.

    1. BINGO!!!! Give that man a Cupie Doll.

      Despite Oprah’s YEARS of hard work, slowly and carefully building an amazing financial and media empire…she STILL can’t NOT vote color of skin over achievement.

      And if Oprah can’t do it, I hold NO hope that anyone less successful, like 47M dropouts, drug addicted, entitlement dependent lackies CAN or WILL make that distinction.

    2. Your point said another way. Many people may hate him for the color of his skin but many people also love him for that exact reason. If the hate side is racists, than so is the love side too.

  1801. I had friend who I worked with and he would jokingly say to me everyday at work, “You don’t like me because I’m black”. I would shrug it off and shake my head through months of him doing this. I finally asked him, “Do you know the real reason I don’t like you?”. He asked back, “Why?”. “It’s because you keep saying, I don’t like you because your black”, I said. He finally understood that it wasn’t about his race but, it was about his character and who he truly was as an individual that I cared about. The same thing goes for this situation, Miss Winfrey. From what I see in this instance, it’s a shame you have shown that it’s more about color of a person’s skin (which for most of us it is not). Only the character and integrity of an individual, who leads by example, who holds themselves accountable for their decisions and the consequences of their actions is what makes them worthy of such respect and honor. Mr. Obama, has proven over and over that he is not such an individual.

  1802. I used to be really excited that Obama was President, I voted for him, trusted him, and it was even better that he was the first Black President. He has done such an awful job, the NSA is terrifying, he never did close Guantanamo, and now Obamacare — which I really believed in — is an absolute nightmare mainly benefiting wealthy interests. Now I would say he’s on par with George W. Not because he’s Black because of his terrible actions and inaction. To say this is racist, simply because I happen to be Caucasian, is insulting and blind.

    1. On par with W??
      W was not out to destroy this country.
      Good grief, O wants white America dead. Remember when he said before the election that the future workers of this country would be blacks and Hispanics? All the HOLLOW TIPPED bullets he’s bought for Homeland Security? He’s put muslims in charge of Homeland Security!
      W was NOTHING like this EVIL piece of you know what.

      1. One more thing…I worked with a woman who told me that as soon as she heard the garbage he listened to for 20 years in that “church”, she said that was all she needed to know about him.
        I’ve never understood how anyone could vote for a person who listened to that bilge for twenty years.

      2. I never supported G.W., but, maybe you’re right. Its scary but I think we won’t see the extent of the damage to come from Obama until he’s out of office.

    2. James…some of us were smart enough to see through his crap and not vote for him.We have idiots like you to thank for the mess that this country has become

  1803. We disrespect him, not because of his color, because he is technically white, but because he is not highly educated, has no work experience and is incompetent. He has never written a budget much less code for anything. He is unqualifed to be president and in fact doesnt do his job, he cant. Valarie Jarett does it for him and he just signs the papers or read the papers off the teleprompter. He is totally inept to be Presdident, doesnt honor the Office of the White House and has no class.

    1. He’s not incompetent. He is COMPETENT. He set out to destroy this country and he’s doing a great job.

  1804. If the US is a racist nation, how was Obama get elected .. twice? The black population is about 15% of the total US population. That means that more than 35% of the non-blacks voted for him — in the majority of many States.

    Oprah, you are as bad as Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, MSNBC, CNN (upset that Hillary wasn’t elected — but water carriers for Obama) and the rest of the Liberals. Once you can’t support you argument ,,, throw out the race card. Shame on you, to keep the race propaganda going.

    If the Obama “water carriers” (the National Network news press core) recovered one “true”, they would replaying that incidence — over — and — over- again (forever).

    Do they (Obama supports) have “ONE” video tape — at a Tea Party rally — stating his race? There may be a one or two people “race-haters” (in the audience) out of hundreds / thousands of people present. But still, no video tape. Remember, no screening process occurred when the people arrived at these rallies. For the Obama rallies, they needed to show ID.

    You know that Obama had their people at every Republican rally, monitoring — every events / conversations. More than the NSA (listening into private US Citizens phone calls). Where is the proof of the “RACISM” claims being made? aguement ??

  1805. Bush JR and SR, Bill Clinton and Obama, and who next 2016 Hiliary Clinton or Jeb bush same old fart-more wars, more security and more debts. Voter to DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government WAKE UP American please.

  1806. Will this f@t ugly irrelevant b*tch just go away and die, please? And take her blood money with her.

  1807. I don’t disrespect him because he is Black. I disrespect him because he is an self centered idiot that could not find his own ass with a flashlight. Up to this point, I thought Jimmy Carter was the biggest liberal clown that had ever been elected.

  1808. During BBC interview she stated “I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice nand racism, and they just have to die,” Winfrey said.

    Statement copied and pasted from BBC article.

    1. Woe to those who call Evil, GOOD…and Good, EVIL: Recall~THEY become like that which they behold(or are beholden to), Yet amazing in Power & Strength, OR: HOWLING in DREAD & PAIN…Deus Vult!

  1809. That’s funny Oprah, than explain how your fat ass got to be so successful? For such a smart and accomplished person, it’s a shame you had to go there. Now you have brought yourself to the level of Al Sharpton.

  1810. Oprah has said many, many things that are laughable, but this is the best. Can’t we just disrespect him because that is what he has earned and deserves?

  1811. Obama wants to be president for life, too.

    And if you’re against that then you must some kind of racist.

  1812. Disagreeing with Obama’s policies does not make me or tens of millions of other Americans racist. Policies that are as damaging to our personal freedoms as those put forth by this administration are color-blind: if my mama were President and had as many half-cocked bad ideas as Obama, I’d oppose her too!!

    Sounds to me like the Big O is the one playing the race card here, not the millions of hard-working honest God-fearing US citizens who will be hurt by what this administration is doing for at least the next generation…..

  1813. Oprah and Obama both need to take up permanent residence in Liberia where they can play the race card all day long..

  1814. Obama is not black, he’s bi racial. I dislike his lying white half as much as his lying black half. Besides being a liar, he is no leader. He wouldn’t even make a good used car salesman.

  1815. The reason the majority of “legal” Americans do not like obama is not because of racism, they are against him because of his policies and lies, Ms. Oprah. He made promises to legal American citizens to get in office (the one that sticks with me is ( I will end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas) check the records, hasn’t happened. IT IS because he is wanting/doing more for the illegal alien criminals in OUR nation than he is for the middle class – the one’s he continually say’s “and we need to get things done for the middle class”. BUT YET, he is doing more “to” the middle class. Look as his massive deficit’s and lies. He’s glad to spend OUR children’s money on the doubling of welfare recipients, allowing the illegals to use EBT cards that WE pay for, obamaphones, IRS scandal, Benghazi, AND amnesty for 20 million + illegal criminals in our country….ANY more questions I can answer for you, Oprah ??

    1. Ahhh……No. In the new Liberal mindset, everything is now a “right” that people should have “access” to. Respect, A big house, U.S citizenship, abortion, birth control, a “guaranteed income” for life…. – You name it – The Liberals want it.

  1816. I think Oprah Winfrey is an irrelevant egotist. I also hate Obama. The fact that both are black is sheer coincidence.

  1817. Well he’s also half white..but its not his racial make up I hate …its the fact that he is a liar and a communist who is out to destroy this country.

  1818. Oprah needs only to look at her own success as evidence to the contrary. Obama’s intellectual antithesis may very well be a poor black wise man who knows sound doctrine!

  1819. Oh my gosh yes Oprah. Racism is how you got to be a billionaire, and how Zerobama got elected – TWICE! That’s how racist the US is. Statements like this remind me why I quit watching you years ago. How did someone so foolish get so rich?

  1820. That’s really a lame excuse. “Promote her film?” Well that’s one film I won’t see. I’m done with her.

  1821. Just another fat arse liberal flapping her gums – like other weatlhy liberals she thinks she is a GOD !

  1822. I’m not sure which half I disrespect; his white half or his black half. But it isn’t his colors that bother me. It’s is flagrant disrespect for the rule of law and his arrogant Marxist/Corporatist philosophy. Plus, I just think he’s a phony bastard.

  1823. Let us not forget, the Senate did not want to pay for Obamacare without subsidies. They were so concerned they would lose good people that they whined until they got their way, then they tell the rest of us how great it is and that we should pay for an insurance policy that cost more than what many pay in taxes…but of course he won’t raise taxes on the middle class…he’ll only raise their health insurance, sort of let them eat CAKE!!!

    So get over the racist stuff. If Ben Carson were President, with his ideas, I have no problem voting for him and standing with him. It’s not the color of the man, it’s their ideas. Braveheart once said, “Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.” We have a President with a title, but no courage to do the right thing, only the political thing. Finally, I find it odd that the Left has said nothing about extending people’s policies because it’s the right thing to do. That it is unthinkable to cancel a cancer patient’s insurance or a pregnant woman’s insurance. No, but I do hear, “This will kill us at the polls. We won’t win our power back.” Such self-absorbtion, no sympathy for those of us who have to pay less or now have to decide to take pay cuts to or limit our pay so we can have health care subsidies. This is a war not just on women, but all of us and we should have none of it. The racism in this is the fact that the President has covered most of his constituents, it’s mostly European-Americans that work in private businesses (everyone seems to want to use hyphens these days). They are the ones who will have to pay.

    Think of it this way. A woman under Obamacare wants a baby. It will cost her a minimum of 10,000 dollars and that is if everyone in the process, helping to deliver the baby accepts Obamacare. Then, there are those who live off the dole; who rig the system, not those who actually need the help, but those who use the system. They can have as many babies as they want for free. Doesn’t seem right does it?

    So, yes Oprah, it’s his policies and his racism. We don’t like either.

  1824. Oprah obviously is the racist… She voted for Obama because he’s black (it has to be the ONLY reason because the man has never done anything). Also, ANYONE that has the mindset that every white critic of Obama is a racist omits the fact that there are black critics of Obama (So, Oprah, may I ask, “What do you call the black critics?”) So that mindset is flawed and the flaw exposes the racist underlyings of a selective race-baiter when the race baiter’s favorite person shows signs of losing his or her’s credibility. Obama has NEVER had any credibilty with me. So does that make me a racist? You decide: I’m not white, I’m not black, I’m not upper class, I’m not lower class, I’m not middle class, I’m not French, I’m not Irish, I’m not Asian, I’m not European, I’m not Hispanic, My children are not half Hispanic…They are and I am what I am, An American! And I’m not hyphenated! …and I do not hate anyone, but I do hate Obama’s policies and lies.

  1825. Why doesn’t Oprah star in a movie about Chicago political corruption with ties to communism ?

  1826. Sorry, Oopah. Not in my case. I despise him because he’s a filthy, rotten liar, trained by marxists to destroy this nation.

  1827. Because if he was a WHITE Marxist, that would make all the difference? How does someone this stupid end up this rich? What am I missing?

  1828. F you oprah! This is exactly why your career, your network show and your own network went down the toilet!

    We hate him because he is a Marxist evil POS who has destroyed the job market in this country.

    We hate him because he is doing his very best to destroy the best health care system in the world and force us responsible people who have always paid for our own insurance to now pay for all the freeloaders, welfare parasites and illegal aliens insurance too.

    We hate him because he gives billions if not TRILLIONS of our taxpayer dollars to his crony leftists buddies in green energy scams, an outrageously priced website for obamacare that never worked and a stimulus program that only stimulated the pockets of his friends on wall street, unions and donors.

    We hate him because he wants to give citizenship status to the third world criminals who have broken into our country, snubbed their nose at our laws and used up precious resources like jobs, hospital care, schooling and welfare.

    We hate him because he let our people die in Benghazi.

    We hate him because he lies every time he opens his mouth.

    We hate him because he is obviously militarizing every agency within the federal gov including the weather service, dept. of education, social security administration and dozens more people have never even heard of.

    We hate him because he is supplying advanced weapons like surface to air missiles to the muslim enemies of our country in Libya, Syria and who knows where else.

    We hate him because he is conspiring with the CIA, the NSA, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and all the telcos to spy on their own citizens and intrude into every aspect of our lives.

    We hate him because he signed a treaty with the Russians that forces us to destroy our own nuclear weapons while allowing them (and China) to continue building new ones at a breakneck pace.

    We hate him because he directed the IRS to go after his political enemies.

    He’s black??? Who freaking cares what color he is!!! The guy is a Marxist, an enemy of this country and danger to it’s citizens!

    Just like you oprah.

  1829. Obama is not African-American any more than Bill Clinton is. Remember, Clinton claimed to be the first black President and Obama is only half black.

  1830. But it couldn’t be because he is a liar and a incompetent president….And the ones who cry racism are the most guiltiest of being one Oprah….

    1. It makes me sick that everything with them is racism, they found it had some effect and are wearing it out. Haven’t they ever heard that he is no good and is doing a lot of damage. Oh well I guess she is color blind to the white part of him and only sees black which he is not he is brown….

  1831. No doubt Obama is Mulatto ( half White/ half black) Sheesh! So No Racism involved lmao! he is by No Means a Full african american!

  1832. I don’t care if the man looks like George Washington. He’s a Marxist who hates this country and every single thing he does is designed to take us down further, militarily, economically, socially, morally and any other way you can think of. He’s an America hater and he’s carrying out a plan to degrade us.

  1833. These are definitely the early stages of Howard Hughes syndrome; a billionaire obsessing over race rather than elevating herself to higher values and issues. Leave the race batting to Sharpton and Jessie, those two clowns could’t make a dime pan handling. But Oprah had more on the ball, until now. You can see her mind slowly going and becoming a recluse just like old Howie………

  1834. The wealthy left – like the democrat party itself – have become the party of the takers.
    Yet none of them want to pay for it. That is what the non – union working class is for.
    A bunch of cattle who can be exterminated at any time.

    1. The elite republicans don’t act much better…but I will give them this…not ONE of them voted with those TERRORISTS who inflicted obamacare on us…like an effing PLAGUE…!

  1835. I am really stunned by Oprah’s comments. According to the 2010 census, 72% of the U.S. population is White, 13% is African American, and 16% is Hispanic. Does Oprah not understand that White America voted for this President not once, but twice? Without the White America voter, it would not have happened. So why is Oprah playing the race card when it just doesn’t need to be played? Very disappointed.

  1836. Having witnessed Obama in office for 5 years now, I’m beginning to understand why expectations are so low for affirmative action hires.

  1837. Far more people voted for Obama because he is black than those who disrespect him because he is black.

  1838. This is a lie and propaganda by Oprah! It has nothing to do with his skin but his character. Remember Obama is half white!

  1839. I guess Oprah lies too as his adapted brother, after all the blacks are proven racists and discriminators against whites. Oprah is as example of it, she became traveling liar.

  1840. How was Bush treated by the Leftists? It’s possible that we dislike 0bama because he is a leftist/Marxist boob.

  1841. Oprah you are a trashy POS racist just like our man child Kenyan,
    muslim lover, marxist, poseur Narcissist in Chief, President Scam Now!!!!

  1842. If he is an “African American” then he can not be president, you can not be born in a foreign country and be president of the United States.

    Any way, shut the F up okra wimpfry, your just like sharpton and jackson, race baiters. I’m sick of this $hit, can’t be that obammy has nothing but failed polices,lays golf to, goes on to many vacations, or is the worse president in American history.

    Dumb a$$ chicken grave yard!

  1843. Hmm. My high school algebra tells me that if 10% of whites were so racist they would never vote for a black, Obama would never have won the Democratic nomination, much less the presidency.

    1. But the question is, how many black vote for a white? That would be a rarity. But that’s not racism.

  1844. What does being black have anything to do with Marxism? We dislike his policies because he is a Marxist, and so are his policies.

  1845. It’s not about race, it’s about how stupid and unamerican obama is. these two O’s seek power above all.(( Obama has failed and covers his failures with LIES.))

  1846. Oh, Geez! Are we starting over back in 2009 again? If America was racist, Orca, here, wouldn’t be worth $3 billion & the Man-Child wouldn’t be President.

  1847. Obama = Liar Liar Pants On Fire !!
    Want to pay my health care bills Oprah ? You can afford it.
    Lets tax Hollywood and the music industry 75%.
    Talk about weeding out the non-talent.

  1848. Obama has done nothing for the double digit black unemployment rate, Oprah would probably blame his white half for that.

  1849. Oprah, retract you phony accusations or suffer real discrimination for spreading lies around the globe. Obama is proven liar and racist but we still call him Mr. President, has noting to do with his skin color or you still live in the 50s in your own mind. What are you trying to do, start new hates or are you getting the instruction from your “brother” Obama.

  1850. Of course, it’s always racism. No black person ever commits a crime or makes a mistake of any kind. If you’re black, no personal responsibility is expected or required. The only credibility Oprah has is with the welfare zombies who sit on their couches waiting for her to tell them what to think.

  1851. How disgusting that this Woman takes White Peoples money to make her a Millionaire, and then turn around and call us Racist! It Can’t get more Insulting than THAT. As far as Obama is concerned, the Majority of Americans do not Support a Man that Hates America.

  1852. Don’t care he’s black but if it makes a racist feel better, Assume Derision is focused on his white half. Mossad pegged our Illustrative Leader as having that even 100 IQ. He either has been kicking it too much with Joe or someone has over loosed his tether what with his recent proclamations.

  1853. No Oprah that is not true and you know it. Americans disrespect Obama because he has constantly lied to them, plain and simple.

    1. that is exactly right. Americans disrespect Obama because of his political policies and tactics. Obama is like water, he goes up, goes around, evades the process we have had for 200+ years, including the constitution

  1854. Hey – she helped push this fool on us and playing the race card is the last line of defense.

  1855. This from the same woman who said a sales clerk didn’t want to show her an expensive purse because she was black? Who then turned around and said that it didn’t happen that way.

  1856. I despise him because he is that horrible shade of Marxist Red.
    Call me a “Racists” if you like. It is of no consequence to me and you will not intimidate me.
    Oprah you are an Emotionalist charlatan who does not have the guts to demand that the more despicable members of your race take responsibility for themselves.
    You might try reading Arthur Zilversmit’s “The First Emancipation”.
    Contrary to your Emotionalists’ myths the Slavery issue was not lost on our Founders. Nor was it limited to Africans. Irish Papists, Indians and British Street urchins and orphans had far worse enslavement at the hands of the Simon Legrees’ (a Vermonter) of this World. Precisely because their servitude was of limited duration. The unscrupulous contract holders would get their lifetime’s worth of labor in 7 years…
    There was a large wave of African emancipations following the ratification of the Federal contract. It continued until the disproportionately large rate of Negroes in the prison population and large increase in inner city crime was noticed…
    As much as I dislike Obama’s Redness; I dislike the New England Abolitionists’ movement which hypocritically created much of the hatred between the races for their political advantage – more. It was Puritan New England that owned America’s participation in the Slave Trade from beginning to end.

  1857. YES OP, I hate him for his whitness. Seriously he blew any black man’s chance for the WHITE house NewsFlash: I think he was seen smoking crack with toronto’s mayor….no i was wrong, torontos mayors numbers are up 10 points and barrys is down 10

  1858. I greatly respect Mr. Obama for being black and still getting elected president! But I hold his left of Lenin political views in contempt and think it is disgraceful he’s so politically incompetent. But being black and becoming president? That’s a dramatic and wonderful accomplishment worthy of great respect!

    Maybe Oprah should actually try talking to some white people for a change when she wants to know what we think?

    1. For getting elected….by lying his butt off regarding his past present and future plans. Want to examine that a little further. The man deserves absolutely no respect that is unless you’re progressive trash.

    2. “I greatly respect Mr. Obama for being black and still getting elected president!” … “But being black and becoming president? That’s a dramatic and wonderful accomplishment worthy of great respect!”

      That’s probably the most pathetically racist thing i have heard all week.

      Thats something your expect to hear from Joe “Whoops i did it again” Biden

  1859. People disrespect other people because they are being disrespected. Lying is no way to earn someone’s respect. Please shove your race card back where it belongs Oprah !

  1860. I’m really hoping someone on her staff is gathering up these comments on her, so she can realize she’s lost a lot of admiration and credibility.

  1861. Oprah, we will never bow and scrape before the POTUS; you want to call that dissin’ your boy, so be it.

  1862. Who knew ! Oprah, he’s incompetent in doing the job. He assured us time, again and repeatedly as well that only he could do this job. Has Black now become the color of incompetence ? Well since its all about color his incompetence can be shared by whites since he is a good deal more white than he is black to the tune of 50 %.
    Since he his also 36 % Arabic secondary to his maybe daddy, Obama senior, they too can share his incompetence. That leaves him 86 % incompetent even without the black. Yeah Oprah we can all share the wealth there. He was disrespected and called a liar ? You bet Oprah he makes Pinnocchio look like an he’s well, a rank amateur.

    Oprah, wise up ! He slighted you you at least 3 times publicly, and if it wasn’t for your support he may not have been elected. The only racists we have today Oprah are your little darlings doing the Flash Mob thing. No words from you about racism no matter who they harm or kill. You are a phony just like Obama. Why didn’t you have a

    news conference in the USA to tell us how you feel about us all ? Never mind, save
    it for the British. Oh yeah, nothing is going to save “OWN “.

  1863. Color Purple was the last thing I watched with this race agitator in it.
    Know what Oprah – you breath, eat, poop and die just like the rest of us.

    1. She was excellent in it. Should have won the academy awards that year. But it only proves that talent and brains are not neccessarily conjoined.
      What a waste.

    1. Hahhahahahaha!

      Do you even hate the cute blonde ones who think it is OK to sleep around?

  1864. I disagree with Oprah’s comments in this video. America is judging President Obama by his actions–even other African-Americans have stopped supporting him. If this country was so racist, he wouldn’t be in office. No doubt racism still exist here but lets not play the race cards when things are not going the way he promised they would.

    1. You’re right – and Oprah is wrong. Obviously we care more about competence than color – we elected the guy because he talked a good story and are now busy ripping him a good one because he isn’t producing on it. It has everything to do with his abilities and nothing to do with his skin.

  1865. Ohh noo she dindt!! She used her ol official Jesse Jackson race card, says right on the bottom “Don’t leave a homey without it”

  1866. Mass 3rd world immigration and institutionalized multiculturalism will only further increase racism, not decrease it; anyone with a realistic understanding of human nature would already know this.

  1867. Saying people dislike Obama because he’s black is like saying people disliked hurricane Sandy because the storm had a woman’s name.

  1868. Duh! Incompetent black or white leaders will be dropped as dung every time. POTUS’ lips move and lies are issuing. Too bad as this was the black opportunity to put the black race in the best light, but instead the worst is happening killing black cred for the next 50 years.

  1869. No, I just hate him for his poor decision making and lack of respect for the country he has sworn to protect as Commander and Chief. A lot of people hated George Bush too. You didn’t hear anyone screaming that everyone hates him because he’s white. Give it up already.

  1870. overweight, childless single black women makes living telling white married women how to raise children and lose weight……and she thinks obama’s problems are from racism. she is already dead.

  1871. I used to admire Oprah, but now not so much as she sounds like an Obama puppet who can’t stand the idea of Obama being criticized for the lying and many mistakes he has made. Perhaps it’s because instead of this great black hope, the president has turned out to be just another snake oil salesman who managed to con quite a few folks, including Oprah. P.S. I would have written the same critique had Obama been sky-blue pink.

  1872. Like – get over the racists stuff. I am sure you and Obama are where you are at because of racism. : One thought is bad programming or bad policy – just maybe.

  1873. It’s not that he’s “African.” It’s that his policies are not favorable to “American” values of a free (not corporate/government) market, the US Constitution and accountability. Was Oprah successful because of race? Popularity is not race based.

  1874. Vote and support on the skin color next time and see what you get is any different than what you got this time.

    And……….and he is more like African Kenya than African America.

    After lying as much as big O’ has lied thus far it’s more like the big mouth liar from African!

    And………..and he can take you with him when he goes back to Kenya!

    1. One of his publishers CLAIMED he was kenyan….for years…& obama didnt.bother to deny it or have the record corrected….(snopes confirms that & provides a copy)…..
      My opinion here:
      Until he got his education paid for under a ‘foreign born’ flag & discovered his presidential aspirations….hence the college records under lock & key…
      So…..at the very least…he is a brazen opportunist….
      Much like his wannabe mentor, oprah….
      who moooochelle hsd kicked to the curb…ahem……
      POST election, like …well, the trash….

  1875. His presidency has set-back race relations about 60 years. It’s all on him. Stop blaming others. Many people find themselves harboring feelings and resentments they didn’t have prior to 2008. Obama has ignited and created racism on every side where it didn’t exist before by using this “race” card and having his surrogates use it. Terrible shame. America grew by not smearing this crap in our faces every day or scapegoating one class of people. You can see that every surrogate, including orca has been ruined by him, he’s left a trail of bodies, okrah lost her show and is losing tons of dough because she used her prestige to push this boob on us.

  1876. I blame white women for making her so famous. She would be NOTHING without the WHITE woman! Period!

  1877. Give up the race card crap, Oprah. It’s old, stale, and worn-out. Ya’ll have cried, “Wolf” too many times. The real racist story is that 95% of the blacks voted in lock-step for Obama.

  1878. It’s not because he’s “black” since he is actually half-black and identifies with his father who abandoned him and not his mother who stuck with him. I disrespect this man because he’s a COMMUNIST.
    Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a financial savant and George Bush look like a fiscal conservative. Obama only knows the book he’s working out of and nothing else. If there is a problem with what his ideology causes, he has no answers. If it’s not in the book, he’s lost.
    It’s one thing to convince the country you can be the President. It’s quite another to actually BE the president and run the ship. Obama’s ideology has been tried before and failed. Yet here it is again. Same result.
    No, no Ms. Oprah, Obama hasn’t failed because he’s black. It’s because he’s a failure.
    Big difference.

    1. Wasn’t really the white grandparents who raised him and sent him to the finest private schools at their expense?

      1. Well, his grand parents were a big part of his life since they lived on Hawaii also but his mother was in his life throughout his early years only being away for her antrpology work for a while but returning for his middle school years. She went back over seas when he entered high school and Mr. Obama chose not to return with her to Indonesia. Under such circumstances I wouldn’t say he was particularly raised by his grand parents but he certainly must have spent a great deal of time with them.
        Whether they did or not, my original point still stands.

        1. you are quite generous – my read of his Mamma’s history seemed filled with a whole lotta cattin’ around while galavanting with sorta kinda “revolutionaries”.

          1. Yes, I’ve read the same thing. However I temper my judgement by the source of the words. As a Libertarian, I am as sceptical of the words from the Right as I am from the Left. Often, it seems, they work from the same playbook. Do we really know what went on? The young Obama revered his mother and she was around at the very least.
            But it is clear that no matter the influence of his white mother or his grandparents, Mr. Obama exudes no interest in the traditions of America’s past nor interest in the people who’s lives he has destablized in the name of his Leftist ideology. He remained firmly in the grasp of his father’s radical thinking even though he was the one who left the boy. It was all about himself and not about being responsible. Sound familiar?

  1879. Oprah reminds me of a spoiled brat who whined for an over advertised, ridiculously expensive toy. But afterwards she found the toy was more glitzy packaging than substance. So now she blames her parents and everything else around her instead of taking responsibility for her own stupid choice.

    Yup, this president was to be Oprah’s own little O’Puppet but when he turned out to disappoint everyone it’s all our fault somehow.

  1880. The POTUS=THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES has a huge Character and Credibility issue with the American People. Even those that supported him, two terms, are bailing. He’s Black and the POTUS, thanks to America. Oprah is Black and one of the Richest Woman, thanks to America. Why is she stirring up and spreading this “RACIST PROPAGANDA” against Americans?

  1881. Wow so Oprah is a mindless bigot herself then. It couldn’t be because the guy lies out of his a$$, even the people who voted for him. And funny, the country she was being interviewed in has a big problem with him too over NSA, she should do a second interview and talk about how racist the UK is. Freaking idiot. I guess all her billions came from black people?

  1882. I highly doubt Oprah has anyone with Obama’s shady credentials working on her horrible cable channel.

  1883. Actually, people say it all the time and not “everybody is thinking it.” Only blacks and other liberals are thinking it.

  1884. Racist,racist,racist…and racist, racist, racist….and racist, racist, racist.. Oh wait that word doesn’t carry weight anymore.

  1885. The word “racist” has for a long time been the
    single most effective fear-word in the leftist and
    neoconservative arsenal. For decades, they have
    successfully used it in the political arena to
    slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and
    leave opponents running for cover. In the social
    arena, they have caused even more damage by
    using it to brainwash impressionable children
    and young college students, and to teach people
    to hate their nation, their cultural traditions,
    and worst of all, themselves.
    What surprisingly remains almost totally
    undiscussed, even on the hard core
    traditionalist Right, is the word’s origin. Did it
    come from a liberal sociologist? A 60’s Marxist
    college professor? Perhaps a politician in the
    Democratic Party? No. It turns out that the
    word was invented by none other than one of
    the principal architects of the 74-year Soviet
    nightmare, the founder and first leader of the
    infamous Red Army, Leon Trotsky.

  1886. Yep Americans are racist. That is why she is worth over 2 billion US dollars. Couldn’t make that happen in racist America. Must have made all that money in poor Africa. What a maroon!

  1887. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?

    ALL white countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-whites, and Whites are forced to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.

    Flooding and forced assimilation is genocide when it’s done to Tibetans in Tibet, and it’s genocide when it’s done to Whites in White countries, by U.N. Convention:

    “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

    The persons carrying out this genocide against Whites say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white!


  1888. Respect has to be earned.
    Obama deserves no respect, he hasn’t earned it.
    what has he done for blacks ? Besides give them
    Cell Phones and EBT cards.
    The guy is a POS FRAUD

  1889. Diversity is a code word for less White People.

    Nobody says an Asian country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.

    Nobody says an African country that is 100% Black needs more diversity.

    Anti-Whites claim “anti-racism” and demand diversity for White countries and ONLY White countries. They say it’s Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but White countries for EVERYBODY?

  1890. My contempt and disrespect for Oprah Winfrey has nothing whatsoever to do with the pigmentation of cells in her epidermis, nor with who her ancestors were 100, or 1,000, or 10,000 years ago. It has to do with the contemptuous and
    disrespectful hatred that she belches out against we who disagree with the single most leftist President in American history.
    Let me see if I’ve got her bizarre logic correct here: her accusation is that Americans are crying out “Oh dearest me! The president’s skin tissues contain a
    certain level of discernible melanin! It must have been the melanin in his skin cells made him impose this progessive Care Act upon the U.S. during his narrow window of single-party rule four years ago!”
    Yeah… okey-dokey.
    So nah, Oprah says, opposition to him wasn’t generated but the the history of inherent dysfunctionality of leftism/progressivism, or by the spying on Americans, or by our utterly pathetic foreign policy, or by the endless stagnation our economy endures… no, none of that. Rather, Winfrey says opposition occurs because of the pigmentation of his epidermal cells.
    Oooooooooo-kay, Winfrey. WhatEVER. You need serious therapy.
    Yeah, we all know that there are purposely racemongering scumbags, white or black or any background, who rant against other people by the group, doing so due to some primitive, neanderthal-style disdain for the genetic features of other groups of citizens. Nobody denies that scum like that exist.
    But I oppose racemongering scum a hell of a lot more than you do, Winfrey. My opposition to them doesn’t give a damn what their politics are; their racemongering rants disqualifies any politics they have as irrelevant.
    You, on the other hand Winfrey, monstrously aim to attack inconvenient political thought and silence it by lumping all your inconvenient political opposition in with the actual sleazebag racemongers of America out there. Sladering and libeling all those who don’t conform to your view.
    Get some help.

  1891. If nobody ever says it, then how do you know that everybody is thinking it? That’s illogical; doesn’t make sense; that’s fantasy. Now Oprah can read minds without hearing people say anything? Play Man In The Mirror from YouTube and listen to the part about changing your ways. Notice that Oprah admits that no one ever says that kind of thing; but she is a psychic?

  1892. Oprah does not like her black self either. Both Oprah and Gail King have had plastic surgery to make themselves look like white people. Just check out before and after photos of their noses.

    1. Amen. She just threw it out there with absolutely no proof to back her hate up. There is tons of evidence that Barack Obama was elected BECAUSE he is black… and tons of evidence that people are turning on him now because he is incompetent, a lier and bad for America. I voted against him the first time because he said he wanted to take America away from the Constitution … that is the only way you “fundamentally change” America because the U.S. Constitution IS our fundamentals.

      Oprah is wrong… and deep inside she knows it.

  1893. Oprah Winfrey on Obama is either stupid or she has turned into a black race-baiter with an agenda… The Obama or whatever his name is, is not African American, He’s Arab, He’s Ancestors captured and Sold Winfrey’s kind all day long in the Market place and made good money for doing it.

    A long time ago I stayed in Nashville. I was working there and in the morning on my way to work I would see her, standing out on the street at the Bus stop waiting to catch a ride to work at Channel 5 for Chris Clark.

    With some people success changes them for the better or worse.

  1894. I just give him the respect he’s given us n this great nation!! !Racism works both ways!!

  1895. Screw Oprah. This sorry excuse for a POTUS could be white as snow, but doing the stuff he does, I’d still hate his guts. I served over 20 years in the USAF, and worked for some great supervisors who happened to be black. So that rich trash woman can stuff her race card.

  1896. I remember hearing a joke that Oprah got busted for smuggling 40 lbs of crack on a recent flight. A bad weight joke. I guess she must be smoking it as well.

  1897. Oprah, he’s a liberal Democrat. Republicans don’t like liberal Democrats, even when they’re black. It’s a political thing, you wouldn’t understand.

  1898. Does she think that all of the people of color who spoke poorly about Bush were racist? The fact is that the Opera is a racist.

  1899. The man is bent on fundamentally changing America for the worse, unfortunately in his mind he believes he is making the country a better place. As for race? I dislike the man “despite” the fact he is black, not because of it.

    What Oprah forgets is that to a large part he was swept into the Oval Office based on his colour. Samuel L Jackson said it best when asked why he voted for Obama….. “I voted for him because he is black”

  1900. Hilarious… since it was “White Americans” who helped her to her fame and riches… No, Oprah, honey, we don’t disrespect him because he is African American (Charlize Theron is too) – We disrespect him because he is a serial liar and a Marxist and he is destroying America!

  1901. Funny, I thought Obama was the first black president. But I guess G.W. Bush was given how much disrespect he received.

  1902. What a cheap shot, Opra! The guy is not capable of being President. He is a product of Affirmative Action. He was not qualified for Occidental College, Columbia or Harvard, but sneaked in as “foreign student.” That is why all his records are sealed.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative,” http://adrianvance.blogspot.com When you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

  1903. what did martin luther king say? it is not the color of his skin but the content of his character and o boma has none.

  1904. Oprah..stopped watching her a long time ago. She forgets that it has been predominately white women who have made her rich and famous.

    Her supporting ‘Barky’ because he is black (well half white and half black) just because he is black is ridiculous. By the way, Oprah, how are your ‘lunch dates’ with Michelle O going these days. (sarc)

    1. Yeaaaa, Moochelle chows down on 10 pounds of taxpayer paid lobster while she calls “The Oprah” fat. Two shuck and jive black racists.

    2. I remember the first alarm bell rang in 2008 when I read that Michelle wore a backless dress to a barbeque at Oprah’s ranch in CA. First Lady in a backless dress?

  1905. Baloney. How did he get elected in the first place, if that is so? It’s well known that Oprah herself has distanced herself from the Obamas because they did not treat her they way she expected to be treated. Americans are dissatisfied with Obama because he has not treated us the way we expect. He has not been honest with us.

  1906. We don’t dislike him because he’s black, even though he makes a poor excuse as an average African-American. No we dislike him because he’s a bait and switch Marxist with an arrogant attitude. His mouth writes checks that his ass can’t cash.

  1907. black has nothing to do with it he is an incompant boob that is destroying the american dream and he has earned no respect.

  1908. I don’t disrespect Obama, I give him the respect he deserves. Here’s a man who grew up in two disfunctional families. He spent his most impressionable formative years in Indonesia in a very poor, socialist environment. (read his first biography, the one that’s not P.C.d). He comes away thinking that the entire world is that way. It isn’t, especially here in the U.S. The city ghettos and poorest sections of this country are all better off than where he grew up. He feels that the people here live like they did in Indonesia. They don’t. In Indonesia, the businesses exploit the workers in horrendous ways. We got past that a century ago. We have a safety net of laws and regulations that protect the workers, and the environment. We have laws that restrain businesses, banks, government, etc. They don’t. Obama is trying to impose solutions to problems he thinks he saw in Indonesia. Those problems don’t exist here or are under control. A man with no experience can’t tell the difference between amateurs and professionals. Obama brought too many amateurs with him. I respect the Office of President. Guess how I feel about Obama. As a veteran, the final slap in the face was his turning down an invite to speak at the Gettysburg ceremonies next week.

    1. Very good recap.
      But one thing…
      I see it best at this point Obama stay away from a sacred place such as Gettysburg.

      Yes he is President, but he is not worthy to stand on that hallowed ground because those Patriots, both the Blue and Gray are much better than he.
      Obama despises those men.

  1909. Hey Oprah.
    I disrespect you tremendously for several reasons but one reason in particular.

    You are so intellectually-weak that you chose the bottom of all arguments to start with… racism.

  1910. I don’t like him because I think he’s an entitled idiot. You can be an entitled idiot and be all kinds of different colors, I still won’t like you.

  1911. O, there are fewer people who make the President’s race an issue than the number that have signed up for the $trillion ObamaCare fiasco. It’s because of the progressive, socialist transforming policies that redistribute wealth from those who produce to many who do not; for executive procedures that circumvent the people’s representatives; and for increases in fees, taxes, penalties, and basic costs of key goods that handcuff the middle class due to his ideology. We aren’t racists, we are economists…and we are tired of see our earned money go to those who don’t earn it.

  1912. The absolute best thing Oprah can do is stay out of Politics she is in television there is a difference!

    1. He’s no moron. He knows exactly what he’s doing. And if we get any more low information voters, say 15-20 illegals legal, it will be all but a cinch, that we will become a socialist if now facist state.

  1913. It’s true. A lot of people do despise a black man as President. That being said it’s not like Opera thinks it is. You don’t see anti-black attitudes as prominently as 20 or 30 years ago. When did you see a protest saying it’s just not right for a black man to be president of the United States. What would their slogan be? “It’s Just Not Right!”…? She’s talking about how some people still feel in private. It’s like calling a man a rapist because she doesn’t like the way he’s looking at her. The truth is if Obama were a conservative Opera wouldn’t be interested in him at all except maybe calling him an Uncle Tom.

  1914. Oprah, you can’t see through your BLACKNESS that this fool is distroying America…
    99.9% of Whites couldn’t care less what color a person is, it’s their charater that counts….. however, i have witnessed more anger from blacks, and the more they get from our society, the angrier they become, yourself included…. get a life black-girl, it’s not us putting you down, it’s YOU….

  1915. Hey Oprah, I’m sorry to inform you, but I don’t hate Obama, I just despise his arrogant attitude towards the elderly, veterans (of which I am one), his ability to lie to the American people with out any remorse, and for HIS disrespect for the to the office of the Presidency. Our leader should never bow to any world leader!

  1916. I believe Oprah has a credibility problem, as previously evidenced by her allegations of mistreatment by a Zurich salesperson. I’ve been to Zurich many times, and have visited many stores in the area where she was shopping. People in Zurich are generally very private and respectful of others. They are not taught to insult other people, let alone one of their clients. Oprah’s poor judgment and lack of credibility were exposed when she went public with that alleged incident. In my opinion, her recent public statement about Barack Obama has caused her to become an object of ridicule.

  1917. Now will the Lame Stream Media call her on her racist remarks and drag her through the mud like Paula Deen…..You know Oprah, I didn’t use to be a racist, but I sure am now

  1918. O is a racist… sad that the PC crowd will never admit this because this is the culture we all have created. In a normal world the interviewer would have called her out.

    1. Oh your picture is AWESOME… to see my state in red… almost a dream come true… unless they are rinos…

      1. Very few get it, and the Dems think its fake. For those who wonder…its Ronald Reagan’s actual election results.

        1. And when I left my state to go serve this country, it was red… I came back to a blue and screwed state… Now Seattle has elected an overt socialist on their council!! Texas, here I come!!

  1919. That so called “RACIST” white America are the ones who had a BIG hand in catapulting YOU into the influential, highly prosperous star you are. You fooled us for sure. WE in error thought you were a fair-minded person UNTIL you threw us under the bus. Fool us once, shame on us …. fool us twice …. ***well that probably won’t happen***. I hope your RACIST, DECIEVING movie flops just like it did here.

  1920. Gee whiz, Opfrah, why don’t you tell us one thing he’s done RIGHT since he was elected in 2008? Really, what the “h” does she know about politics or running anything except a talk-show?

  1921. Will all the white, brain dead, gynecologically-challenged broads who hang on this obese sheboons every word resent her calling them “racist”? How I wish we were back in the 1950’s where entities like fatass Oprah and the rest of her “community” were seen and not heard unless saying “yes sir”, or “no mam”.

  1922. How’s that black and white hate crime doing in America Oprah? Increase of 200% since your god took office? more?

  1923. She could not be more wrong and has lost my respect for broadly painting those that disagree with his policies, and ideology as racists. Unfortunately, it turns out that she is just a race baiter much like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson People who accuse are often the very thing they accuse others of.

  1924. Why not disrespect Obama? The truth is that he is a lying A§§hole! In my opinion his skin color has absolutely nothing to do with it!

    He lied to get elected (now proven) , he lied to get reelected (proven again), he has been caught in so many lies in the past 6 months….what is there to respect??

    OPRAH get real…you are just a racist because Obama is black. Admit it!

  1925. Obama’s poll numbers would be in the 20’s if he wasn’t black. People are giving him the benefit of the doubt because he’s black. If Obama were white he’d be going through impeachment proceedings right now.

    1. Dumb young women who wanted free birth control and abortions, who have caused the Obama mess in the first place. They still think he’s the cutest thing…

  1926. Does anybody give a damn what this lard ass race baiting b itch thinks?…..I didn’t think so.

  1927. Riiiight. it’s his skin color…not the truckload of lies he and his administration have been caught in red handed.

  1928. how do you tell when a famous persons career is in the toilet and meaningless?
    they resort to this. with baldwin on one side of the fence and oprah on the other.

    1. See..there’s a silver lining there!
      She could have taken the miley cyrus path….

  1929. Oprah is full of crap. We dislike him because he is a socialist hell bent to fundamentally transform America. Oprah VOTED and supported him only because he is BLACK.

  1930. She is such festering excrement. She builds rape colleges in 3rd world hellholes for Christ’s sake. People hate Obongo because he is a fake, lying, corrupt, idiot. Everything about him is a joke. Oprah is just a total racist scumbag at this point.

  1931. When a blowhard attempts to preempt counter arguements, they do like the Oprah and toss in “there’s no question about it….” So, Oprah, where’s your factual basis for there being no question about it….? There is question about it because many of us believe the Obama is being hated and opposed not for his racial makeup but for his Marxism, his hubris and his incompetence.

  1932. I guess that we will have to wait for Oprah to die to be rid of her racism. (I won’t mourn this bankrupt racist billionaire’s passing.)

  1933. typical liberal BS. every time they screw up they blame someone else. did not america elect Obama Twice. i am sick of hearing someone telling it like it is and being called a racist. my wife lost respect for oprah, i lost it after that statement i thought she was better. truth is Obama is not a leader or capable of being a leader. obamacare is only one of the crapstorms we have gone through the past 5 years. shame on you oprah. oh and my wife is africian american!!!!!!

  1934. Now most Americans can disrespect Oprah for being a narrow minded race-baiting moron.

    Wake up America

    1. She had credibility to lose? She’s been part of the show for a long time now. Time for David Lef to pull head out of arse.

      1. She had an ounce left. Had is the operative word. Is this Alf from the 80’s Tv show? LOLOLO

    1. Part of the problem, if the term “hate” truly accurately describes your feelings. Assuming of course, that Reid and Pelosi are human beings to begin with, you should make decision to viscerally disagree with their policies and actions while at the same time acknowledging their humanity and your love for the human family. But don’t get me wrong – I’m not at all convinced that these two fruitcakes are human judging by their lack of compassion, in which case you can “hate” away!

  1935. I bet Oprah did not receive a notice of healthcare cancellation this week like millions of Americans did.

      1. But she couldn’t come out earlier because she was raping American housewives of their $$$ on her show every day.

  1936. That is absolutely ridiculous! It doesn’t matter what color the president is. The fact is that he is completely incompetent and under qualified to do the job. He is a liar!

    1. Well yeah, but who wants to talk about that….
      I guess she doesn’t get it that her jumping in like the mom on the school bus is actually saying obama ISNT qualified….

  1937. I don’t hate Obama because he’s 50% white, I don’t like him because he’s 100% incompetent!

  1938. Oprah, Pelosi and Obama have one thing in common, When speaking they say whatever pops into their heads tol push their ideas down the road. Never, mind if it’s true or what the consequences might be.

  1939. Where was oprah when Condi Rice was BEYOND disrespected?!
    Or Allan West?
    Michael Steele?
    Mia Love?
    Herman Cain?
    Was she shocked that Dr Ben Carson was AUDITED by obamas irs stormtroopers for not sharing his comments w/team o before the national prayer breakfast..& then making them….AT ALL?
    She’s such a joke…

    1. The most unfortunate part of the Oprah comment is that she has become a billionaire from a multiracial audience , then lost a good portion of her riches after endorsing Obama when viewership fell and she is still ignorant enough to make a statement like that, wow what a moron this woman is…

  1940. There needs to be consequences for this racist woman. Please boycott advertizers on Own. I just emailed Buffalo blue dog food informing them i will no longer buy their product until they stop running add on her network. I am going to do this to every advertiser on her network she needs to pay the price for her betrayal of America. She’s worse than Janes Fonda ever was. Join in and boycott hrr advertisers on own.

  1941. Oprah is a race hustler attempting to manifest racial contempt within black communities in our country. She should be considered to be nothing less than a vile viper infecting the psyche of weak minded individuals with her poison known as victimology. Statements like this one or her ridiculous “parallel” comparison of Trayvon Martin to Emmett Till proves that she is irrelevant as a bully pulpit, and profits off of promoting blind hatred. What a scumbag!

    1. Just look at the unemployment numbers for black american youths, they know Obama has screwed them …

  1942. Good job Oprah! Keep chumming the waters with your divisive b-s. Haven’t you already made enough $$$ off of this racist society that you don’t need to get paid even more $$$ by your illuminati puppet master?

  1943. Racist’s have to die for racism to end. Does that count the 97% of blacks that voted for Obama because of his color?

  1944. More Oprah: Racists Have to Die for Racism to End
    That would dramatically reduce the number of blacks in the US if that occurred.

    1. American blacks don’t technically qualify as racist, as most blacks don’t consider thamselves to be superior to other races, but instead claim to be the victims of racism, justifying governmantal reverse discrimination.

        1. Opinion has nothing to do with it. Words have meanings. Racist means one believes that one’s own race is superior to others. Bigotry is about more than just race, although it can be race based.

  1945. Not me. I judge him by the content of his character – and he is a steaming pile of schitt.

    1. “schitt” can be useful for making things grow, but the only thing King Obama knows how to grow is our 17 trillion dollar debt.

  1946. Sounds like a great way to keep people from judging this man based on anything he is responsible for.

  1947. When Oprah dumped on all wwhite women in America and whumped her fatt-azzz to push Hillary into the dirt…she exposed her deep rooted racistt mental foundation. And little by little her media empire started dissolving…like a pig who gets a desire for pork…

  1948. There are always exceptions Oprah …. cases of true racism on both sides BUT for the most part it is because he has ***lied repeatedly, acted outrageously, implemented dangerous and un-American laws and policies and embarrassed and seriously harmed this nation***. It has NOTHING to do with his color (which BTW is as much white as it is black) but it has EVERYTHING to do with his BAD CHARACTER and PATHETIC LEADERSHIP. I USED TO have a lot of respect for you .. until YOU showed your hand as appearing to be Closet Racist lately. I have family blacker than the Prez and I also have family whiter than the Vice Prez. Just for the record, I could care less if he were purple … IF he were a good PRESIDENT and good for America. HE IMPHATICALLY IS NOT!

  1949. Newsflash Miss Oprah….Many Americans couldn’t care less about the color of his skin. It’s the content of his character that troubles us…

  1950. Don’t get upset, folks — Oprah just misspoke. What she really meant to say was that Obama hates many Americans because he is African-American.

  1951. Oprah you dim bulb … shouldn’t that be: he’s half hated because he’s half black?
    Let’s play our racism card correctly, now.

  1952. Apparently skin color had no effect on Americans when it came to Oprah…. she ‘s one of the most successful and likeable tv personalities ever (with white folks..ahem) … so how do you explain that one Ms Winfrey? Maybe because you are not a pathological lier like Obama is….

  1953. Bill o Reilly is taking on Oprah Monday, Nov. 18, separate fact from the spin. Maybe itis time for all decent Americans to come together to file a class action lawsuit for

    libel against the race baiters and the character assassins the Far Left has employed to frighten competent citizens from running for public office.

  1954. Yes, and many people didn’t like Bush because he “…doesn’t care about black people.” People are racist. Asshole transcends color. Black “leaders” tear down hymie town and you say nothing. Black “leaders” call anyone racist or house niggers when they don’t agree. Crying when President Obama was dissed would have been more credible had you jumped down Kanye’s throat. At this point, you are just a shill for a dying network and book.

  1955. You are right porky… Just try to drum up some more ratings… I wonder why many Americans disrespected Jimmy Carter ???? Was it because he was a peanut farmer or is it because they are both idiots regardless of color ? Eat a box of Twinkies and let me know there BIG O !

  1956. Seriously? I Find it interesting how people of color want to be equal yet THEY are the first ones to claim race is an issue. I think that the majority of Americans, and most of the peoples of other countries are past skin color being an issue of any kind. We all know that we are the same under our skin and we all have the very same potential. And….we have learned by sad experience…. Idiots come in all colors.

    1. It has nothing to do with equality; that was achieved many years ago. They want superiority and the special treatment that comes with permanent victim status. It really is sad and disgusting.

  1957. He isn’t respected because he is a liar and a fraud. He took advantage of low info voters with vague promises of hope and change. Everything he has done has been corrupt and a failure. Simply stated he is a failure who happens to be half black.

  1958. no there girlfriend, we hate Obama cause he is a liar and a fake, and 73% of the black population voted for him solely on his “blackness” so take your remarks and shove them up your ass. I and most white America are getting tried of being told we are racists. IF we become racists it is cause of asses like you and Samuel L Jackson!!

  1959. Excuse me if I disrespect Oprah, too. Since I also disrespect Reed and Pelosi, they must also be black.

  1960. Then how did he manage to get the job twice? It certainly wasn’t because he was qualified and capable. Also, he is hated the world over – does the oprah believe the entire world is racist?

  1961. ENOUGH! Disagreement with the way this administration operates does not equate with racism or amount to disrespect because the President is black, or half black or half white or whatever. It is his policies! Enough of calling anyone a racist, who disagrees with him. That card has been way over played, and says a lot more about the those shouting racism then those they accuse of it! Oprah, you ought to be ashamed of yourself!

    1. TRUE but don’t expect it to stop because Hate and Racism is the ONLY card the know how to play.

  1962. Self-delusional! Of all the complaints my friends have about President Obama, the color of his skin doesn’t even make the list. Oprah’s remarks are themselves nasty, knee-jerk, examples of racism.

  1963. What Oprah is REALLY saying is: “I hated George Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney because they’re white.”

  1964. Oprah, go do what you seem to do best. Try to buy a purse then scream racism to get ratings.

    Oh wait, you’re basically doing the same thing again.

  1965. Oprah? Who the hell cares what she says? I used to like well, at least tolerate her before she started following in the shoes of the other race baiter Al (Dull) Sharpton!

  1966. “You reap what you saw” From day one, all this president does is disrespect the office and trample on the constitution. I he wants respect he has to earn it by being an honest, servant leader; not a brat, arrogant one. Very sad Oprah, I know it hurts that he turned out to be a failure, there is no point in denying it anymore, it just makes you look small like him.

  1967. Does disliking the actions of one person who happens to be ” Black”, mean we dislike all Black people—-no way! How many of Oprah’s fans are not Black. A huge majority! Damm, someday some real racism will come up and nobody will pay any attention. Stop crying Wolf!

    1. So true … it’s becoming cliche’ … Not agreeing = racism (only in the true racist’s book)…LOL

  1968. Hey okra the reason we hate him is the same for why we hate you. You both are narrow minded idiots with a victim mentality.

  1969. Besides being a bread stick with a bow tie, he is a AC/DC, anti white, anti American communist Muslim, and a charter member of Rev. White’s Down Low Cub. Other than that, he’s a great golfer. Color has no part in black America’s disdain for him/her.

  1970. No I don’t. I just think he is an idiot and she is as well for making such a “RACIST” comment.

  1971. When you compare how disrespectful liberals were to President Bush, the race card evaporates even if it’s Oprah that says it’s racism. I wonder if she’s ever considered people disrespect him due to his arrogance and incompetence…it’s a tough combination to respect.

  1972. I disrespect both Oprah and Obama for the very same reason: They’re both complete f’ing idiots.

  1973. Plain and simple, you are paranoid and your experience is not representative of the average American. As such, you need to recognize this and not use your position of influence to speak such hate language. You are causing division in our country.

    1. She doesn’t care as long as it promotes her movie abroad. I hope it flops as bad as it did here.

  1974. I don’t disrespect him for his color,i disrespect him for the content of his character, his ability, and his stupidity

    1. I’d actually be less angry with him if his actions were a result of stupidity. I fear his character is what scares me most.

  1975. Dear Oprah, we regret to inform you your recent debit from your racial victim account is seriously overdrawn. You have no credit and a bad credit score will prevent you from tapping this account anymore as fraudulent charges have built up in the abuse of your account. You are now having your racial identity recinded as you have been exploiting your color in racially motivated attacks upon white people in some antique notion that this Americas forebearers did not fight and win an epic and bloody war within its own confines killing thousands upon thousands upon thousands in an epic battle for decency and recognition of the human soul which you seem to abandon the concept of yourself. The epic battle was to halt identity of ownership of people based upon race color…. and here you are ..My Sad Oprah, hooked on racism yourself.
    Whites fought whites that would not cease from the practice of owning those of other colors. A celebration of the decent management of recognition human souls and not their skin was accomplished.
    Instead now you indict a color of humans in your gangaroo court without repsect for America’s agonizing struggle which has been made nowhere else in behalf of humans without reference to color, religion, gender, ethnicity, language, age or/and other related qualities.
    IAW the blood of thousands of whites was drained from their bodies to end a bad practice yet you continue to claim whites and this nation to be prejudiced…. You a celebrity whos 50% + audience that made you rich is ill with your concept and promotion of racial animosity and finger pointing of other races (caucasions) than your own color to “get over it”. I dare say if anyone believes this is a time for guilt in white people they would be sorely mistaken, in fact your claims may be viewed as racially insulting and racially provocative, thoughtless and ignorant, the opposite of joining in with encouragement and praise for a nation that suffered its own blood loss to gain such high ground in human respect.
    Its almost time to check the wqtch in waiting to see what the Blacks in a color free world can and will do.
    I suggest you live in China or Russia, Brussels, France, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, or Syria, Africa, any of the Balkans, or many of the other places that your battle would be needed.
    I dont think much of you. You have not inspired much in the way of a self directed educational pursuit in Blacks, inspired them to believe in acceptance and welcome, and you disparage the letting go of a politically fueled grudge used as a convenient handle on Blacks with perpetual claims of continued reparations. No Mam, you are only going to help the future of Blacks by encouraging a raceless disposition amongst themselves in resolution these days. Youre approach makes Blacks walk with a sympathy limp they have become cultured into and it is your prepetrators, Jessie and his kid, Al Sharpton, Marion Berry, the Black disgrace Eric Holder and other famous “look what you did” pimps who spit on the blood of White people that bled to say no more. Its your time on the field of racial acceptance, we’re already on the field. Come on out and enjoy, be real, be nice, quit building fences around your own Black citizen friends and telling them its white people building those fences.
    Dont make America long for the days when Blacks fight Blacks to rid its color of animosity as whites did over a hundred of years ago. Those of Black American decent need to quit whining and complaining. The hook of racism was removed long ago and it now is alive mostly only in the hearts of failing, angry and non participating Blacks that are afraid to be human amonst gods field of different folks. ..since that dedication to a human unracial environment did not relieve all humans from making the best attempt in life possible with no excuses for non participation, you are hereby indicted as a race provocateur in your present position of victim. Many many many find it ludicrous as you calling the kettle black is cancelling your identity as a pot. Head yourself in a different direction. Your act is getting old. Maybe you could walk now without a crutch, Eh?

  1976. Every time a person uses an infinitive such as “everyone”, “nobody”, “always”, “never”, etc, it raises red flags all over the place. Disregard all such offerings as they can never add to any understanding.

  1977. Another one playing the race card. Guess she forgot that it was the “racist” whites that helped her make her money and supported her shows. Who’s really racist, Oprah?

  1978. I just think the Libs have nothing intelligent to say and that is why they throw the race card every time. He’s only about 1/16th black you stupid fool! Yet she has no race card to throw for Allen West or Cain popularity and they are black!!

  1979. Hey fatazzz: Why not shut your piehole Opie ? We can’t stand Obammy because he’s an inept, Muslim loving, socialist liar..He is the worst prez sine the Commie Jimmy Carter..We also can’t stand you fatazzz Opie. We are not racists..We would detest you 2 just as much if you were white..Feel better fatazzz ?

  1980. Stupid race baiter like Oprah should realize without white people she and obama would be nothing. The NBA stadiums would be emptyand all those millionaire blacks would be shooting hoops in the hood. Most importantly they should realize that if it were not for selfish whites who gave life and limb, she and obama would be picking cotton, well actually she would be cooking and obama would be the house n*****r.

  1981. Like saying the sky is blue. People don’t like me because of my race too. It did not keep him from being elected president… twice. Often times, we are quick to see flaws in others that we ourselves possess (takes one to know one).

    1. Amen, he sure as hell wouldn’t have gotten as far as he did were he not. It sure wasn’t on his talent or abilities… or competency.

  1982. Hey Doperah, respect must be EARNED, not DEMANDED. Obama has EARNED nothing but my derision. Inept, incompetent, unqualified, and a LIAR.

  1983. I wonder if she thinks there might be a little racial bias when a recent pole shows 75% of the african americans think Obama is doina a good job.??? Thats when less than 40% of Democrat and Republicans think he is. I wonder if she thinks Obama has brought our once great nation together. I thiink she’ll dissapoint many of her followers with racial comments like this.

  1984. Maybe it was at one time, but I think it is more related to his performance as President currently.

  1985. Many Americans suffering from white guilt syndrome voted this joke into office. It’s not Obama’s race that bothers people, it’s his incompetence. He will be remembered as the worse President in US history; that’s what is really eating at Oprah.

  1986. “There’s no question about that”. No question about it? You race-baiting twit! He’s a white guy, for Pete’s sake! I can say that just as much as I can see he’s a black guy…excuse me…”African American”. No, you ultra-rich hate-monger, one thing we really, really don’t like is all of you voting for Obama, even though hardly anyone ever heard of the guy, he has very little actual, real-world experience and yet you all treated him like the new Messiah? Creepy! No matter if you’re Republican, Democrat…how absolutely creepy to vote a guy as president simply because you think, for no reasons to back it up, that he’s the be-all to end-all. And now we really don’t like him for a NUMBER of his policies, NOT because he’s half-white. And how disgusting that Oprah “I’m a billionaire” Winfrey said something about it being the greatest thing to happen in U.S. history when Obama was elected. My God, how disgusting to say that. I guess the guys (white guys, by the way) who wrote the Constitution, who built the foundation of the U.S., were not the best thing to happen in U.S. history. No, of course not. I was voting Obama as President. (I would have voted in a heartbeat for Colin Powell or possibly even Condie Rice…or is that racist against whites?)

  1987. So Oprah says we dislike the POTUS because he is Black. Does she not forget that she is Black and is one of the most successful entertainers we have? Is she inventing a new class called “Selective Racism”? Hate him, love her—-both Black!!!!1

  1988. Here’s what’s interesting about this dumb beeoitch.. America wasn’t racist when they elected him twice but they are when criticizing his horrible performance? What’s wrong with that picture!

    1. because it is the conservatives who disagree with his policies well and many of the Libs are now to but they’re traitors! It is selective racism, because many black politicians are popular with the conservative party Allen West, Cain and yet she has nothing to say about them

  1989. Get off of your race horse, lady. His race has NOTHING to do with it, and he needs to quit hiding behind that screen. He’s just a lying rat.

  1990. So now we know how she REALLY feels! Time to STOP supporting this Wench and her “Empire” with our hard earned $$$! Stick her in the ranks of Hanoi Jane!

  1991. So tired of Obama and his cohorts in the media and in politics using Obama’s race/skin color to shield him from criticism. Their position is as polar opposite to MLK’s “judge not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” quote (paraphrased) as can be. They view everything that happens with race-tinted glasses, revealing THEMSELVES to be the true racists…

    I am a CONSERVATIVE, NOT a racist. My opposition to Obama is based solely upon his big-government, anti-capitalistic, anti-American Socialist policies. For the record, had Herman Cain won the Republican Party nomination in 2012, I would have been ecstatic to vote for him. Obama’s reign of incompetence can’t come to an end soon enough, can’t wait for the White House door to slap his skinny fanny on his way out!

  1992. What a lard a**. Boo hoo. Maybe most Americans are finally catching on that he is a lying sack of you know what. Just like HuffPo. Every other news organization is headlining the Dem revolt and they say that Obama stopped the revolt. LOL. If they news would actually report the news the guy would have not won reelection.

  1993. No Oprah, I don’t despise Osama because he’s black, I despise him because he’s a socialist muslim intent on destroying our country, he doesn’t have the background, he’s never had the experience and he’s about the least likely I can think of to do the job properly…. I would have voted for Herman Cain, but Osama’s goons did such a fantastic hatchet job on him that amazingly went away as soon as he pulled out of the running.

  1994. If Oprah wants to state her opinion that all whites dislike Soetoro because he is black then she is entitled to do so. I know she is wrong and so do millions of others. I might even feel a little offended, but that is my problem. Nobody who lives in a truly free country is ever going to make it through life without encountering people who disagree with them. To allow ones self to be offended by mere words is handing power to someone or something undeserving. In a truly free society, to offend is a God given right of freedom of expression. There is no God given right not to be offended, simply express disagreement or dan’t listen/change the channel.

    1. I’m exercising my God given right TO be offended, as apparently are many others…
      Nothing wrong with collective push back in a truly free society either…in fact, it has a very important roll…
      America was FOUNDED on it actually..

  1995. Oprah is still miffed at Michelle cutting her out of her own room at the White House. It wasn’t even “thank you” for the financial support, but rather Obama’s illegal family needs the room to move in.

  1996. Why was he re-elected? Oprah please stop. All Presidents are hated by many Americans and it will continue with the next President. Nothing new.

  1997. Oprah Winfrey was arrested at the airport yesterday. The airport police lifted up her dress and found 10 lbs of crack.

  1998. I’ve traveled in Europe a lot and I can’t imagine criticizing my country in a foreign land.I see the liar for what he is and I would not badmouth him even in England.

    1. In contrast to that I call a spade a spade regardless of where I am. If the president or gov’t is doing a horrible job I will undoubtedly admit it. I’m no politician therefore have no benefit in witholding the truth. The entire globe knows how pathetic this dude is so why hide it?? It is what it is.

    2. Criticizing the president is not the same thing as criticizing the country. They are not interchangeable.

  1999. Yes, because it’s so much easier to play the race card than to admit that the first African American president is a pathetic loser.

  2000. Yeah, we don’t respect obama because we’re racist and he’s black. But, meanwhile oprah (who’s black), has gotten rich beyond anyone’s wildest dreams from racist america???

    1. Isn’t Oprah’s millions of american currency all white men?? Why doesn’t she just empty out her account and burn it all in the name of righteousness.

  2001. Many Americans hate Obama because he’s a fraud and an idiot. Oprah has just joined him in the “idiot” category. She’s now the most racist billionaire ever.

    1. Oprah has been in the idiot category since she invented her own religion. She is now an idiot racist.

  2002. People detest him not because of his race, but because he is a lying, lefty, socialist who is destroying this country. I will give him credit for on thing. He said he wanted to fundamentally change this country and he has done that, and not for the better in ANY area.

  2003. Being a miserable failure at your job has nothing to do with the color of your skin – I wish these elitists would stop playing the race card and realize that liberal policies for running the country suck…deal with it.

  2004. No, Oprah. We hate Barrack Obama because he desecrates the principles that our country was founded upon – hard work, self-reliance, privacy, limited government, representative taxation, State’s rights, and generally just being LEFT ALONE from the boondoggle ideas concocted by a bunch of faceless, incompetent beauracrats who only concern themselves with re-election. You and your ilk, lacking any intellectual honesty whatsoever, just label us all racist because it is all you can come up with and will cause your hordes of loyal, low-information lib-bots to exempt themselves from any form rational debate.


    Vote UP if you like Ben Carson.

    Vote DOWN if you like Barack Obama.

    1. I guess Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Walter Williams, and Dr. Thomas Sowell are all racist because they oppose King Obama. I guess in Oprah’s world they would just be Uncle Tom’s.

      For some reason it is not letting you vote up or down but I think my reply shows my ^ vote

    2. And I was getting real interested in Herman Cain, last election, until he was “outed” by those who were aghast that a smart, successful black man would want to run against Obama.

  2006. Many Americans hated Bush because he was White! SHUT UP! AUNT JEMIMA! You are such a race baiting bitch! YOU and your type of black people should be ashamed, you are pathetic evil people, who purvey hate!

  2007. Its like the story of the boy who cried wolf. Its a very tired, over used expression by liberals…

  2008. I don’t respect him because he is incompetent and so are the people in his regime, aka administration. That about do it for ya Winfrey? Next time come up with something other than the race card.

  2009. With all due respect Oprah. That is so unlike you. That is racist, and you know it. Or, at least many of us were led to believe you were above all of that stuff. Truth is. Mister Obama’s idea’s, and policies are destroying America.The same America that made you the success you are for all of us. I admired you for staying above the fray. But after hearing, and reading this. You have lowered yourself to a level equal with other liars who use their fame to Deceive all of us. Shame on you. Not that you will ever see or read this. But you are now the female AL (Notso) Sharpton. Race baiter sister.

    1. I suppose all of the black conservatives that oppose Obama are racist as well. What do we expect from a buffoon millionaire who travels Europe trying to wear out her race car just like she recently did in Switzerland.

      IMO that is not “unlike” Oprah. Public and private image are usually different but what Oprah displayed is who she really is. A DAMN RACIST!!! If she is too stupid or blind to see his abysmal failures and continuous major scandals then she needs to take a long walk off of a short pier.

    2. Long ago, I used to like Oprah, really respected what she’s done (Holy cow! And I’m a white guy!!). For many years now she’s just been a hateful, hateful crone.

  2010. It is not race, but liberalism that is the problem. Why did black liberals not support
    Alan Keyes when he ran for President. He is a man of integrity, faith, loyalty, and conservative.

  2011. Quite honestly, I don’t like Obama’s White half either. He would do all persons a favor by resigning immediately. Then Oprah wouldn’t have to contribute funds to establish a Democracy, run by a Dictator and we will keep our Republic, administered by a President.

  2012. Oprah says:

    “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Americans say:

    Oprah is a member of the racial grievance industry that profits from
    perpetuating the myth of wide-spread racism among non-minorities.

    It is these people, these race obsessed, hate-filled, bitter,
    divisive, demagogues, like the BILLIONAIRE Oprah, that make up the
    “everybody’s thinking it” crowd.

    Oprah is a beneficiary of the greatest culture the world has ever
    known yet is compelled by racial politics to perpetuate leftist,
    extremist, anti-liberty forces that want to tear it down.

  2013. Proud to say I have never watched even one Dope-ra show. This racist has now shown her true “color” – evil.

    1. Great avatar! How did you pull off canis lupus? Every time I tried I got shot down’ so I had to go the Hispanic route.

  2014. Stop patronizing this ungrateful woman. If white folk are so racist, how in God’s name did SHE become so wealthy? Don’t you think all us white racists would have preserved all that money for ourselves? Hold Oprah accountable.

  2015. I’am black and voted for Obama in 2008. I voted republican in 2012. What I don’t like about Obama is, he dragged his feet on getting out of Iraq while military people were being crippled and killed. Same for Afghanistan. My issues for voting for Obama was the wars and health care. Health care is a joke and is going to get worst.

    I have a new issue, illegal aliens. Just today Obama issues a order that some illegal alien family members of serviceman will be able to become US citizens. Does the law mean anything any more.

    Me, as a democrat, will never vote for another democrat as long as I live. I don’t understand what democrats are trying to do to our country.

    1. And don’t forget that the open-border policy of Democrats prejudices black Americans more than anybody – the Mexicans will take their jobs. Spread the word to your people – if white folk say it, we’ll be accused of racism against Mexicans …

  2016. Oprah says:

    “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Normal people say:

    Oprah is a member of the racial grievance industry that profits from perpetuating the myth of wide-spread racism among non-minorities.

    It is these people, these race obsessed, hate-filled, bitter, divisive, demagogues, like the BILLIONAIRE Oprah, that make up the “everybody’s thinking it” crowd.

    Oprah is a beneficiary of the greatest culture the world has ever known yet is compelled by racial politics to perpetuate leftist, extremist, anti-liberty forces that want to tear it down.

  2017. So how does O..bra Whinflee explain blacks who are waking up? Are they also racist? when have you last seen Bad Karma Obama go into the hood and
    allot funds to clean it up and provide jobs? Answer- NEVER…. he has no
    problem playing golf 148 times with rich banksta gangstas and Wall
    Street crooks giving away the national treasury. What’s he done for you?
    We forget he’s half white raised in Indonesia. Folks, follow clowns
    they’ll lead you to a circus…welcome to the bad karma obama’s big top
    with O…bra Whinflee as the clown riding around in circles with her
    beep beep horn blaring “I’m a retard racist!” Pardon me for not being politically correct but frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

  2018. Nope. We distrust him because he’s a demonstrated liar, he has no respect for Congress, he has no respect for the Constitution, he has no respect for our veterans, he shows no respect for American citizenship, he can’t provide a valid birth certificate, he’s never held a real job and he doesn’t understand how things work ( “you didn’t build that”). Is that enough?

  2019. He has done nothing himself to earn respect. No job skills, no work ethic and no work experience. In the private sector he would have been fired years ago for failure to meet expectations and laziness.

    1. They call Obama puppeter Valarie Jarrett…”the night stalker” because she is always lurking upstairs with barry after hours scheming up some lie. They call Michelle “the beard”…because the staff say she and Val run the show. Obama is a pimp struttin around like a fool , letting his far left thugsters scim skam skum off hard working Americans. This whole administration is like a coven of crazies.

  2020. Yeah bitch it the color of his skin…two of my favorite public figures are allen west and ben carson….and you got to be a billionaire or something t like that despite being black…..what a tool you are

  2021. Racism on the scale described by Oprah doesn’t exist in this country any more. Is it possible that she reaslly doesn’t know this? I mean racism will always exist to some level or degree but to paint all with such a broad brush is categorically incorrect and unfair. I am 54 year old white male raised, bred, and experientially racist, but I’ve never had a negro or other person chained up, nor disd my parents, grandparents, great-granparents. Anyone who did such a thing was very very wrong, and I am very very sorry that it ever was true. My 17 year old son has never heard the n-word from a parent, grandparent, teacher, etc and has been raised without any racial bias at all. If it wasn’t for people like Oprah and the rest of the race baiting folks in media, gov’t, hollywood, he wouldn’t know or proabably even believe that black folks were called niggers and treated as sub-human. I say that the blacks in this country and around the world owe a debt of gratitutude to the Founding Fathers of this once great country who laid in place a framework recognizing the true equality of every person on this planet even though their actions at the time did not reflect the truths they espoused.

  2022. Many people disrespect Obama because he’s a two-bit, race-baiting, low IQ, economy-killing, lying Hustler…There! I fixed it for that bloated Devon Sow.

    No matter how much lipstick, false eyelashes, blush, hair weaves, skin-bleaching, photoslimming and designer duds you give Oprah…she’s still a pig.

  2023. All of President Obama’s faults are camouflaged by his color. The reason he is being dismayed is not because he is African American, but because he doesn’t fulfill his promises, or use feasible presidential tactics. This entire Obama Care initiative has been a mess, that’s why he is losing support. He was elected by a country of predominately Caucasian citizens, now that he’s losing support it’s because he’s African American? Look beyond his race and realize that he’s not the president many anticipated he would be.

  2024. wrong Orca! the reason most people who have little to no respect for B.O. is due to his gross incompetence and his criminal desire to achieve his goals at any means

  2025. Oprah also sat in Rev Wrights pews listening to his anti white, anti Semitic, anti American sermons…Who’s the racist?.

  2026. Come on O, stop with the race baiting, you sound like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. Anyone who looks towards DC, or more specifically at Obama’s record can see disaster in every direction. As American’s, most all of us, despite what color God made us, want the president to do well, so we, the country and most of the world can do well. Please show some respect to us the people, if you expect us to show it in return. The same goes for Obama. Now with that said, Obama lied, and he did it to “Fundamentally Change America”. It is that simple. Let’s teach the children to be honest, and it starts at the top. Every single American should be demanding the truth about ObamaCare/ACA, Fast & Furious, Benghazi and every thing else, and it is the Presidents duty to be truthful with us, the people. This is our country, we are only trusting Obama with it for 8 years. He has caused a lot of misery with his and the Democrat parties actions, Republicans have also gone along with a lot of this crap, but it is the people, the so called middle class that will suffer the most because of it.

  2027. A big reason why Obama won (twice!) is because he is black. There is no way any white person with his thin resume and as radical as he is could have been voted into the Oval Office. Why does anyone listen to Oprah? Here is a blk woman who made is big in America, enjoys prosperity few in human history have ever know, she gets this kind of opportunity of all places in America, and here she is bashing Americans (particularly whites). People, especially if you’re not black, please stop giving her platform to spout off this nonsense and just turn her off.

  2028. She’s tired of being white American women’s good little negro now that she’s rich. Imagine all the hate she’s lived with her whole life sucking it in to become filthy rich?

    1. I don’t imagine anything and don’t make assumptions as to how she has felt. You’re making an assumption that she was somehow treated worse than anyone else? I am surprised that she spouts of garbage like this. Who ever treated her as a white women’s good little negro? WTF are you talking about? People have absolutely adored her in general.

  2029. O….bra Whinflee, bags under her eyes can’t hide her disguise, a racist is a racist no matter what color you are or how rich you’ve become from the very souls you condemn.

  2030. Almost going to war with syria has nothing to do with it. Oh! Lets not forget benghazi…..has nothing to do with it. Or lying about nsa on leno or irs or you can keep your dr. Sure okra its all about the color foolish!

  2031. President Obama got more white male votes than Kerry, Gore or even Clinton. Yet, billionaire victim of American racism, Oprah Winfrey, says that the man who now occupies the White House and has every door opened for him, every meal prepared for him, and every excuse made for his mistakes is a victim. This is a man who got Nobel Prize for nothing. If Obama is an example of American racism, I can only say to America’s racists, “You’re doing it wrong.”

  2032. If you mention Ted Cruz to a Lib and they go ballistic, just accuse them of being a Racist and of “not wanting a Brown Man in the White House” !
    Their faces turn all kinds of funny colors …

  2033. It’s hard not to feel pity for those who possess such low self-esteem they must bolster themselves with the poor-me pity/race card crutch.

    Real honest self-reliant humans with adequate self-respect have no need to rely on the denigration of others to elevate their self-worth. And usually such adult folks won’t stoop to accusing others to defend such indefensible behavior as the angry little man in the white house exhibits.

    Poor Oprah can’t see what the rest of us see. For such an enlightened person it’s fairly sad she has such a blind spot.

    We don’t hate obama anymore than we hate the other sell-out Washington criminals attempting to destroy our country for sheer savage greed.

    Oh and sorry, folks don’t get a free pass in the integrity department just for being black.

  2034. (redacted). People don’t dislike him because he’s black. They disliked Bush and he was white. People dislike incompetence

    1. I suggest something a bit less “certain.” There are lots of people who dislike black people, there really are. Obama suffers as a result. There are also lots of people who voted for him because of the novelty of a black candidate. I think it netted out in his favor, but the larger point is that racism does exist and it’s real. Does it describe even a significant chunk of the opposition to his policies? No way. He’s a radical leftist – I know about compassion and fairness and such – with an attitude about America. His wife is even angrier with America despite being from a family with fewer reasons for such anger. They were both mind-melded by the victim lobby IMHO and are resolute in their desire to do justice. I think they are worth fighting, and agree that racism isn’t the major motivation for most who oppose him. But racism is the issue for some.

  2035. Oprah has been celebrated to the highest levels of society and been made a billionaire because of the racism of Americans? And Obama has been made president twice because Americans are racist? The disrespect Obama gets is because he is anti traditional Americans and he lies to us on a regular basis. And Oprah should have her mouth washed out with soap.

  2036. Oprah, with folks like you hollering OMFGBBQRACISM!11!…

    …I would be embarrassed to admit I was black.

  2037. Right from the very 1st sentence, “Oprah Winfrey is going around the world telling everyone that Americans are racist while she promotes her new film:”.

    Granted, these aren’t her words per say, but last I checked, she definitely seemed American to me. Wonder if she connected the dot that includes herself in the statement since I was recently reading where she doesn’t support the ACA.


  2038. so a majority of whites voted to get him into office but whites hate him.. no oprah we hate a fascist leader that punishes hard working people and rewards lazy parasites… go straight to hell oprah..

  2039. sure, pull the race card. It does not work any longer. Obama is an incompetent fool and his skin color has zero to do with why people hate him. The race card simply will not work any longer because we have had our fill of socialism

  2040. How ever you feel about him can we get one thing straight? His Great Grand mother was “mostly African” making him Less than 12% African His father was Arabic. So playing the black card isn’t correct.The guy’s a failure at race blaming!

  2041. Is that the reason Oprah is so rich? She made all that money because people hated her?
    Obama’s policies are what makes him so disliked and his active destructions of our democracy.

  2042. Oprah, seriously, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and thought of as a fool…

    …than to open it and remove all doubt.

      1. Really, I see no diff between her and Sharpton or Jackson or Quannel 10 or Calypso Louie.

  2043. And lets not give Harry Read who will not even bring a republican policy to vote in 6 years a pass either. This sniveling little Nipolean complex, I have never seen him with a woman gentlewoman is as destructive to free enterprise and freedom as it comes. Can someone find him a boyfriend already so he can move on and not be at satin Obama’s right hand site already.

  2044. Oprah, better to keep your mouth shut and thought of as a fool…

    …than to open it and remove all doubt.

  2045. Incompetence, out right lies, circumventing the Constitution, corruption, and abuse of power are the reasons I am no fan of POTUS. However having been born and raised in Chicago I can understand why Oprah would feel as she does. Those are all acceptable standards for almost every politician in Chicago.

  2046. Sorry Oprah but the race card isn’t working anymore. Not even with
    blacks so you’re thinking exposes YOU as a racist. This bad karma
    obummer half breed is exposing just how a leader can fail in everything
    he does. We have NEVER had such a blundering elected official, he’s even
    worse than Nancy Belosi. What are these Socialist drinking, liquid
    LSD? I remember the excitement of finally electing a black president
    with the possibility of ending two hundred years of racism instead, we
    picked a question mark right from the start and now we suffer the
    biggest embarrassment imaginable. We’ve become the laughing stock of the
    world. This guy has practically brought our country to it’s knees.
    Let’s hope Congress, on both sides, minimizes the destruction this wanna
    be dictator causes. Lastly, this is focused on my black brothers and
    sisters, when have you last seen Bad Karma Obama go into the hood and
    allot funds to clean it up and provide jobs? Answer- NEVER…. he has no
    problem playing golf 148 times with rich banksta gangstas and Wall
    Street crooks giving away the national treasury. What’s he done for you?
    We forget he’s half white raised in Indonesia. Folks, follow clowns
    and they’ll lead you to a circus…welcome to the bad karma obama’s big top with Broken Whinflee as the clown riding around in circles with her beep beep horn blaring!

    1. Judgement is on those of his family to set him up to become what he is, along with the liberals and those who want to have crippled minds.

      It is on them and not good black people of our country. Very clear the difference.

  2047. During 2008, few could understand Obama ideology. Now people do.

    oprah says the old Americans were bred to be racist and only solution is for them to die.

    Now I understand why Obama said a number of years ago in regards to healthcare, that it would be our elderly who would not be served as before, and people were thinking he was setting up death panels.

    Now I can see it is really about letting the old white racists die.

    Anyway, Fox News is exposing this interview this very hour to people all over the world.

    I do not want to watch this movie because it is not factual, but racist, and she no longer has my admiration.

  2048. Self serving, ego manic, moronic, dishonest, socialist,demigod, foreign born, inexperienced, soon to be unemployed, lame duck, punk.

    All because he is black, right, go with that Oprah.

  2049. First Oprah played the Race-Card with the 39,000.00 handbag in Sweden, now she is playing the Race-Card again. The President Lied to all Americans when he said we could keep our Insurance and Doctors. You cannot lie like that when your the President. I don’t care what color he is, he is a terrible Leader and has no clue how to work with people he does not agree with. No experience, and it shows.

    It’s safe to say the biggest problem the President has is he has no experience running anything, he has never run a Corporation or been Governor. He will ruin America just so he can be remembered for passing Health Care Tax Law, even if it hurts people more than it helps.

    If the President & Democrats who passed this Law would use the ACA for their families it would help. They know the plans suck and they want no part of it.

  2050. I have more American Indian blood in my veins than many others. I have never despised the black race or any race for that matter. I do despise any race that attempts to blame others for various reasons. I respect a person for what he is and how he behaves towards others. When someone starts to point fingers, I always ask them to look at their hand and see the direction of other fingers are pointing. Your first finger and thumb may be pointing one way, but observe the direction of pointing of the other three fingers on your own hand.

  2051. If you were a psych major or even had psych courses, you know that this is called projection. Here is how Wikipedia defines her behavior:

    “Psychological projection was conceptualized by Sigmund Freud in the 1890s as a defense mechanism in which a person unconsciously rejects his or her own unacceptable attributes by ascribing them to objects or persons in the outside world. For example, a person who is rude may accuse other people of being rude.”

    Politicians and entertainers are frequently sociopaths or borderline cases, and they often use projection liberally.

  2052. There’s disrespect for him because he’s taking this country into socialism/communism. He’s not respected because of his policies, not because of his skin color. Tell us Oprah if it’s skin color how did you become to the position you are in? Wealthy and black. Quit using the race card and you might just get some respect back.

  2053. Comments like these should lead to less viewers for Oprah but they won’t b/c many of her fans are gullible and mesmerized by her.

  2054. Oprah is annoying is because she is a fat, busy-body cow, NOT because she is black. Get over yourself woman.

  2055. He’s black? OMG. I thought he was just a non citizen who is a practicing “down low” biracial. I am sorry but he is a commie, black or white or Jewish, whatever. He just needs to be taken away. The Supreme court disbanded, and everyone at the big 3 MSM disposed of


  2057. Ok lets move on to Nancy Peloci that skinny old aids infected (not my words just rumor) infected b itch. She is as much a liar as her bathhouse gay (not just rumor boss).She is pro commie also with labor unions except when it comes to her own grape vinyard and wine company were she refuses to let unions in. This Hypocrite b tich as is all democrat scum good for the goose until it comes to me, makes there own rules up as it goes without the rights of regular folks.

  2058. This is bull F-ing sh!t !!!! We all hate him because he’s a flaming, Islamic , socialist, community organizer hiding in our White House.

    1. The word organizer is taking offense because of your usage. This little Barry Soetoro is no organizer. Soetoro descriptor should read community/neighborhood DISRUPTOR!

  2059. Al Sharptongue and Jesse Jackass, the primo race pimps, couldn’t have said it any better…(yawn) Oprah just joined their ranks with this tired ass, lame, worn out excuse and flat out lie. The wimp n chief isn’t a leader of ANY sort, and hasn’t EARNED any respect. It is demanded, NOT commanded. Only those who are worthy of it receive it, doesn’t matter about race. The puppet wannabe potus is a sorry excuse of a man of ANY race, much less a potus or political leader. Nice try Opie, better luck next time with the “victim” crap…

  2060. It isn’t President Obama’s race that matters, it is his policies and lack of leadership that matters. Please…I am so tired of the race card.

  2061. The constant use of the race card by liberal blacks and whites is further dividing our country. I loath obama just as i did john kerry as a candidate because of the radical big government policies both adhere too. The problem with ANY black liberal in office is that the racist mantra will always be used against people like me who have genuine idealodgical differences with them based on policy and philosophy. Frankly there is no way blacks should be in office if they and their supporters cry racism when policies are discussed to deflect honest differences in approach to americas future.

  2062. We don’t respect him because HE LIES!!!! If you lie you don’t deserve our respect! HELLO…. Oprah please use your head, do you respect people who lie to you?

    1. Oprah luvs liars! That is how her fraudster gurus got started. They LIED to Oprah. They all got Oprah’s attention because they told her YEP! YER GOD NOW! And Oprah luved up that lie like she luvs butter…so the answer is yes, Oprah loves liar. She likes being God now and thus she thinks her dumb words about pal Obama the even bigger liar are pure gold. Instead of a sideways poop she has lodged in her throat….lol

  2063. I’m sorry Ophra but people can disagree with the President on issues with race having less than nothing to do with it. Why is the race card continually pulled when there is legitimate disagreement with the President?

    1. Because supremacists like her do not want to see the country’s first black president go down as a failure.

  2064. No, I dislike Obama because he is a tyrant, a poor president, and a Marxist, big government activist liar and traitor.

    And I dislike Oprah because she is a race baiting hypocrite.

  2065. Its time to call out these black racist like Oprah.. she is a lying pig who used white women to get rich.. and now she’s showing her black people that she is down with the hood against whites…

  2066. Oh Gosh Oprah, being Black didn’t hurt him being elected president TWICE did it???
    Stooping to use the race card??? The American People made YOU a Billionaire and the biggest show in America for over 20 yrs…, but you want to use that race card??
    I pity the fool!!

  2067. Poor Loonie Oprah…. Not because he’s dark-skinned… It’s because he’s a Flaming Socialist/Communist/Fascist. Obama could be yellow with purple polka-dot skinned – he’s still a Evil Man.

  2068. Look what the illuminati hath wrought! Everyone shouting about how much they dislike this one or that one for whatever reason while they burn the world down around us all. Wake up folks! Love is the answer. Love your fellow human beings without reservation. We are all one and the same on this suffering little planet.

      1. Ah, a nice little response from the peanut gallery. Don’t get me wrong, I love you even if you are member of the peanut gallery. But answer me this – When was the last time you ever heard of a stoner going home and beating their wife? Another question for the peanut gallery – when was the last time you ever heard of a toker overdosing on marijuana or suffering from delerium tremors from mirijuana withdrawal?

  2069. Okay, Oprah – take as long as you need to think this one through: Wasn’t it the American people who actually elected this incompetent moron to be the PRESIDENT? should the freaking PRESIDENT be whining about how unfair and unjust the American people who voted him into office are treating him? Oprah, I think you ought to apologize to the American people for being a whiny racist.

  2070. Oprah should stick to entertainment and not speculate about why people hate Obama. Hint Oprah: voting by color got him in the White House, stupid policies and leadership will get him removed.

  2071. Never fails, When no other argument can be made, It’s “They don’t like me because i’m ————” (fill in the blank…)

  2072. Hollywood BS. It is his ABYSMAL JOB PERFORMANCE AS A MARXIST you ignorant mega millionaire fat mouth. Pull the race card you, you, you….OBEY me is a NARCISSIST of immense proportions. Despicable fool. If it walks like a DUCK and quacks like a DUCK … the fool is a lame DUCK bent on anything but “Helping” American’s. Obey me is a Chicago bath house low life thug. Silver tongue DEVIL, pure and simple missy black Lowpra. What a disgusting waste of space. Give all that money back to the white folks you stole it from B—-

  2073. This notion of disagreeing with someone who is of a different race than you makes you a racist is laughable. I respect what the office of President of the United States is supposed to mean. But acting like the president matters. Respect for the office by the office HOLDER determines the level of respect the nation will show for it.

    I hated Clinton and his lying, and he wasn’t condescending, he was just a good ‘ol boy lying bully. I had hope for Obama BECAUSE he wasn’t white. He just turned out to be the worst lying communists piece of crap in recent memory. His skin color doesn’t have any bearing on his lying, or me being pissed about it.

  2074. If Obama got on tv tomorrow and said “Yep, I was born in Kenya. I hate America. I am going to destroy this country before I’m done.” Blacks would still stand behind him because blacks always see color and nothing else. All they would care about is if they still gonna gets they free checks so they can buys some mo kfc buckets.

  2075. How convenient to have a skin color that can be used against one’s detractors with such pan faced stupidity.

  2076. POLL: If Chris Christie and Oprah had a wrestling match in Jello who would win?

    Vote UP for Christie.
    Vote DOWN for Oprah.

  2077. racist??????It’s lies, not color, it’s his policies, which side is the race card used here, the black side or the white side, maybe she is racist due to he is white.. The race card is old, you can hire him, let him run your show..

  2078. I love it when Liba liba liba afools expose their true stupidity. Their moronic mentality doesn’t even realize how exposed it is with a single bad breath comment. You ‘ve got to laugh. Follow clowns and they’ll lead you to a circus. Bad Karma Obummers the ring master and Broken Whinfree is one of the clowns spinning round in circles. lol I love it!!!!!!!!!! It doesn’t get any better then this!!!!!!!

  2079. Yes, there are always racists, but Obama is not a victim of racism. Rather, he is a victim of his own incompetence – a condition not limited to any particular racial or ethnic group. A white president would be in the same serious political trouble as Obama if he or she committed the same blunders as Obama. Frankly, by her blind worship of Obama, Winfrey proves herself unqualified to comment on anything related to the Obama presidency. Why would she be appointed to review public affairs in any event? The knee-jerk playing of the race card is becoming very monotonous.

  2080. That is such BS, playing the race card. We hate Obama for many reasons: unqualified, destroying the nation, show no respect, is an elitist, is a communist, is a compulsive and chronic liar, is destroying the nation, hang out with and puts in government felons, and fellow incompetents. Oprah you are a jerk.

  2081. Let me see now….blacks make up about 17% of America. If America is prejudice against blacks,then how did obma become president? Could it be that queen oprah is prejudice? Oh, say it is not so….but it is.
    Oh, by the way oprah, obama is half white.

  2082. THE “OPRAH” forgets about all those “White” People aka racists who voted for the Obumbler! Only 20% are Black in America…DO the Math. Wait, they can’t due to Public Schools.

    1. Only 13 % are black in America and they act like America is 120 % black.. white’s are more scared to speak up then black people.. its crazy how things are these days.. blacks can say anything and get away with their hate… you have a white women accused of using the N word at home after she was robbed by black man with a gun to her face.. she loses her business.. amazing..

  2083. maybe true WTF knows? Funny thng thoughk a lot of us who do not like communism would be perfeclty comfortable with Dr Carson or Conde Rice as president. The difference is that hey are both enthusiatic about the ideals that informed the foundaton of the american republic while Obama, Fienstein, Pediculosi and Eric Holder, that fecundator that Obama made Attorney General, don’t care a flip about American Exceptionalism and would like to bow down to the United Nations.

  2084. Really Oprah? Your going to play that card after Obama has been totally exposed in the last month as a fraud?

  2085. Okra, you are such an idiot!
    He got elected because he is Black.
    Now everybody wants him fired because he is a liar and doesn’t know what he’s doing!

  2086. Last time I checked, 0bama is half white. I guess we are all half racists then? Seriously. Oprah and her ilk are the ones who see everything in black and white terms. I love me some Allen West and Ben Carson and would vote for them in a minute. They are 100% black. Oh wait, black people think that they are Uncle Toms. Grrrrrr……..

  2087. And she “endorsed” Obama because be was the most “qualified” man for the job,right.

  2088. Um…no. He’s disrespected because he is a socialist pratt who is hell-bent on destroying capitalism, the free-market and the American Way. But, like most liberals, all Oprah has in her “argument bucket” is the race card. She can’t fathom anybody, anywhere on the planet disagreeing with her beloved Chicago brethren because his political views are just left of Vladimir Lenin…no, no…that can’t be it. It must be because he is african-american. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

  2089. The race card is always played. I wonder if I could make the same claim and have it be factual… Many Americans hated Bush because he was white. I bet that I’m as correct as Oprah. People have to remember something about celebs. They live in a bubble and typically are not any more educated on issues of politics than anyone else.

  2090. I despise Obama as president because he’s a left winged, anti-American, abortionist, socialist, Islamophile, homophile, anti-Christian, secualrist, “Manchurian President.”
    Stop throwing race into everything. Unless you are the racist yourself.

  2091. The irrational love directed towards Obama was entirely due to his race. How else could a HALF-black community agitator who never worked a day in his life and whose affirmative action college records are sealed get elected to the most powerful office in the world.

  2092. oprah like obama thinks shes self-made and white people have played no part in her success..

    shes so delusional, it’s too bad she can’t return the dollars she made from the patronage of white people! i know she would (NOT)

    1. Anyone hear the real story how Oprah got her start in television?

      She went on an interview with a top TV show producer. After a few short minutes of talk, he asked her to get naked or the interview would end. She complied, then he ordered her to get on all fours. He ordered her to move to the corner window of his office, still on all fours. Then he ordered her to move while on all fours to the long wall aside his desk. At that moment he told Oprah to get up and put her clothes on. While doing so the Producer picked up the phone and told his secretary to have the new dark brown leather sofa he ordered be placed by the corner window when it was delivered.

      That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  2093. She’s nothing but a racist hack. She must be just as much of a racist because she didn’t like George Bush. He’s white and she’s black so she didn’t like him because of the color of his skin right? If it’s racism to not like Obama’s policies than it’s just as racist to not like Bush’s policies. Throwing out the race card has gotten SO OLD!!

  2094. No, not at all. I voted for the lying thief who has done nothing more than lie, cheat and steal! Never again!

  2095. She’s full of hate for whites, she also said in the same interview not shown here that old white racist need to die.. I think all black racist should die as well. and guess what miss piggy ? that means more blacks.. today blacks are the biggest racist in America..

  2096. Seriously? I can’t think of a single President that wasn’t constantly mocked. There were hundreds of political cartoon depicting “Dubya” Bush as monkey too. It’s part of the job that at least half the country are going to diss you.

  2097. I’m no racist, I can’t stand the white half any more than the black half.

  2098. Oprah nobody cares about RACE…anymore. They care about rational thinking and not being a reverse racist liar like you. I mean you suck the toes of godless gurus. And profess yer mind controls the universe and Jesus Christ is NOTHING!….yer better than Triune Holy Living GOD NOW!…wow hows thats working for yah? Can’t wait till you inform God of this on judgement day. Shake your fist – hold up your god hating gurus books. I am sure GOD will cower at your pontifications of egoic bunk.

  2099. The fact that you live in a country in which you became a billionaire puts the lie to your pulling the race card, don’t you think?? The fact that enough ignorant people believed his lying promises to elect him twice sort of puts the lie to your assertion again, doesn’t it?? Americans hate politicians who lie openly to them and don’t respect their intelligence, just like you did in this interview. Americans hate liars, regardless of color, and you and your BFF Barry will feel the force of retribution sooner than you think… Karma’s a b***h, and payback’s are hell…..

  2100. As usual, no addressing the disrespectful, arrogant, dismissive,contemptible manner with which Barry Obama treats his fellow Americans of all classes and stripes. Remember “typical white woman?” Remember “clinging to God and guns?”
    Remember “bitter?” Remember “Special Olympics scoring?”
    Remember the Cambridge police acting “stupidly?”
    As recently as last week, remember the wild west, inadequate, greedy individual insurance plans that were somehow selfish and unpatriotic, that no one deserved to have? Oh, right, Emperor O promised folks they could keep ’em, well at least for a year!!

  2101. She better watch out. The “reverends” Al and Jesse might get upset with someone trying to cut in on their race hustling operation!

  2102. Bull its because he is a leftist Pig and he is only Half Black raised in a privileged household by two Communist grandparents.

    1. Leftist, rightist, democrat, republican – no difference in any of them. Ron Paul was one of our last chances to fix this thing through the ballot box. My bet is that Ron Paul actually won in ’08 but the establishment shut him down. Time is coming for a revolution! A revolution of peace and love. A single candle of love will totally eradicate a cavern of darkness/fear. Doesn’t work the other way around and that’s why the good guys will win in the end.

  2103. No, you self serving cow, I disrespect this POS because, well, he is a POS. I don’t give a rats behind what color he is. Anyone, that passes a law that I have to obey and they do not… is a POS. Go sell your movie.

  2104. My granddaughter is half white/half black, just like Obama. I love her and I think Obama is a poor excuse for a president. I think Oprah is horribly biased. She is the wealthiest woman in America. Race didn’t seem to keep her from that.

    1. It’s worse than that I’m afraid. He may personallty be a dolt but the controllers whoi are pulling all the strings are not.

  2105. Oprah, with all due respect…Obama is simply a puppet with Soros’s hand up his asz.

    Want to listen to a real black man with realistic political ideas? Try on Thomas Sowell for size, or Allen West or Colion Noir.

    Seriously Oprah, those guys will blow your mind and open your eyes.

  2106. Her comment doesn’t even warrant a conversation… just shows she has never gotten past racism even with all her money.. she can thank people like Jesse Jackson, Rev Wright and a host of others including herself, that keep racism alive.. keep making a big deal of it and it won’t go away… just like being “fat”, being “gay”, being “mentally challenged” all prejudiced among small populations of people along with anything else you want make a difference in opinion on. Everyone as some kind of dislike…that’s what makes the world go round.. GET OVER IT!!

    1. who gives a crap , her opinion is hers her rights, but i will not ride the quilt train she is offering, this has nothing to do with race, this guy is corrupt to the max..
      So sell your movie and be happy, we want to get rid of Obama so we can have freedom and happiness…

    2. Nice, Patty, Nice. You forgot the “Honorable” Al Not So Sharpten.
      OBEY ME has done more destruction as to set race relations back to the lynching days. Idiots just keep digging up the black coal.

      LOWPRA must have gotten her “free cell phone.” Put the low rider on a ship and point it to Kenya…better yet Somalia. Good rid-dens “DIVIDER.”

      You get it in your Christmas stocking, (coal) O means NO! Oh she probably celebrates the made up Kwanza by a low life jail bird.
      Any reasonable folks I meet, even DemonCats, wished Obey me would terminally choke on the next open mouth LIE which is everything that leaches from that cancerous mouth.

        1. You go girl. As an Elite US Paratrooper Police Officer, Vietnam War time, the Marxist liberal fools have ZERO hold on me. I answer to one Creator/authority…not to the vermin in the Capitol Building.
          Boy best pull his pants up as the high tide is coming in. No respect for he and his ilk. NONE. Chicago bath house thugs.
          Stripping the military to weaken American to drop it down to 3rd world standards. Wolves are circling…Russia, China etc. Patriot Act year ago was created on another boat load of LIES to steal every bit of information about you and I. I do not care as I have NOTHING TO HIDE. Honest hard working, giving American’s that do the right thing. I was sworn to uphold the Constitution, as an Officer. Received my commission on stage by the dreaded General Westmoreland. OBEY ME, the PLAY ME IS IN BLATANT DISREGARD OFTHE US CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS. Black Sabbath is the AntiChrist for the world. He happens to have been set up by the likes of another one need be sent to Devils Island… George Soros. Why is he still sucking air?
          Broken MULTIPLE LAWS on the books & yet gets a pass by the panty waste republicans that are in it partially with the wrecking machine that HATES WHITES. His reparations are his “Executive” orders etc ACA, free pass to illegals, the whole sick mess is created by design. Imagine how us Veteran’s feel as we wrote a blank check up to and including our LIVES for the US Government.
          I give NOTHING to the satanical controlling, degrading reprobates. They live by the word they ail be judged by it. Sworn to uphold the Constitution. What a sadistic bad joke. I blame it on the power elites … the 545 that have terribly BETRAYED those they are ENTRUSTED TO SERVE.
          I may get much uglier. Pray it will not but America is spent over the cliff by GREED. Debt is never to be repaid Impossible. Back to tending my wheat grass!! My ACA

      1. I’m with you all the way Tom.. been doing what I can in relation to fast and furious, Impeach Holder, Benghazi, IRS, NSA, ACA and defunding military.. attacking military and veteran rights.. Common Core education< marching next week on that one.. removing anyone of power in higher up positions including military who don't agree with him and so on… putting his communist friends in those places.. it's a sad time we're living in, but we do have our hope and faith in a higher power..he is greater than all of these.

        1. I have to bide my time with thoughts about the ABYSMAL, SATANICAL EVILS being perpetrated upon the giving American public. Born in the 1940’s when America was still a great beacon of hope to the world. Fast forward to now and I do not recognize the country I was blessed to be born in.
          A Vietnam War theater Elite US PARATROOPER/OFFICER of men with weapons, sent to create unimaginable terrors to rice farmers. SICK. Destroyed the quality of life I had as a young man. Ruined me toward other humans. Isolate till today with no one but me. Totaled most of my automobiles and near murdered folks in the 1970-80’s. 67 now and following the thank God failed suicide attempt that I had no intention of failing, VA Psychiatrist drugged me with anti-depressants to the point of burring a bon in g life throughout my heart I had hoped to do. All But for the Grace of God I am now a supremely healthy giver of nutritional wisdom. Gifted as one of God’s Healing Angels.
          Fiendishly abhor the EVIL, EVIL, EVIL fool placed to degrade America. He has single handily thrown race relations way, way back. Why anyone, republican or whatever has not shown the fool the door … the entire military stands by… WHY??? FOOL IS A FLAGRANT TRAITOR. Send the EVIL packing to DEVILS ISLAND. Send them all there. Both parties are in it to win it and “We the people” are not in it! Where is Righteousness? Thinking along these lines, I go to very Dark places. Unhealthy for me as the 545 driving the country to HELL should be all lined up and SHOT BY A MILITARY FIRING SQUAD!!! I along with all of us Veteran’s were professionally trained to do away with tyrants such as the ones that have squandered the riches of America. I can not tell my true thoughts anymore publicly as we are living in a POLICE STATE. Fools would just as soon do away with little ole me that minds my own business in a modest senior mobile home park. (I pay no property taxes to the cut throat bastard government)
          I would not shed one tear should the whole house of cards fold (all the evil politicians) that are the mouth pieces of the ultra Elitists. Must stop as my health suffers thinking of how sick this latest administration is. Beyond the law. Royally screwing 314,000,000 American’s.
          I believe in a Hand Up…not the degrading hand outs that those that receive them are NEVER SATISFIED AS THEY ALWAYS BELIEVE THEY DESERVE MORE. They are more than likely ignorant of the fact their hand outs do not come from a Government but from the neighborhoods of working, dwindling Middle Class everyday people with the gumption to get up and get going productively. Zero work ethics the DEMON CAT class has created. Damn DEMON CATS pushed the Slavery thing way back when. Jack asses as Al Not So Sharpton & Jessie the Jerkson fan the flames of division. WHY are they not TAKEN OFF THE STAGE. I do not believe in rewarding Bad or negative behavior. This ship is sinking fast…dragging the good down with the evil. “Trouble with socialism is sooner or later you run out of “OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY.” You would think a BS Harvard Graduate would know that now wouldn’t you. Scum is a pariah. Hates whites and is glowing knowing he is the current “SLAVE MASTER.”

          Firmly believe that LIGHT will always cast out the darkness. Getting darker by design, by the darkest NARCISSIST to ever be “PLACED BY DESIGN” as a Wolfe in sheep’s clothing. King is without clothes.
          I put my trust in the Lord…none with the fools of immense satanical proportions.

          “We’re from the Government and we are here to help you.”
          RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

  2107. Broken Whinflee….doesn’t look like you’re winning any points here. Looks like it’s a washout for you gal. Everyone gets a has been time when they catch a bit of dementia and wear an SOS on their forehead for… “stuck on stupid!”

  2108. Oprah believes she is her own self christ…and that her big MIND controls the universe!….sadly she is to dumb to realize that if that was true? She would be a steady 99 pounds(her fondest wish) and would have also brought back The Olympic Games to Chicago (she went there is person to display her bigee brain powers to her godless gurus) lol. I wonder what big O lied to herself about when she epic failed!

  2109. You are probably right Opry, but most of them hate him for his character (or lack thereof) than his color. If you have not noticed the disdain is just as heavy for all his white sycophants (pelosi, reid, schumer) and on and on.

  2110. Oh, I forgot to address the President. I don’t care if he’s black, white, pink or purple. It’s about his incompetence to be a leader, his refusal to work with both sides of the aisle, it’s the distortions (lies) he tells the Nation, it’s the secretive things he does on the side that hurts our Nation.

    This is what people see in him when they dislike what he does, not who he is. Besides, the white Carter and the black Obama are both dismal as Presidents.

  2111. OK a rhyme. There once was an Orca named Oprah. She ate three kids in her hood. OK that’s all I have!

  2112. I work with 2 black men who are two of the hardest working, most decent men I have ever met and I love them like brothers. I hate Obama. You think it’s because he is black?

    1. Thats two what about the rest of America. I have worked with hundreds of blacks and in every field from dishwasher to high end jobs. They were all lazy.

  2113. Oprah must secretly be white. I have not seen racism stop her from acquiring millions, immense power, and a huge following. Like a huge majority of African Americans, it is always race if white people don’t see it their way or like them.
    Obama is a socialist. If the man were pink with lime green stripes or as white as a ghost, i would still despise him because of his politics and the negative impact they have on my life and more importantly my kids future.

  2114. This man could walk these fools into the desert with no water tell them its for their own good…..and they would beleve him. His actions speak louder then his words.

  2115. As the Angry Closet Lesbian sits on her Multi Million dollar perch built on White people’s backs..NOW she’s a racist? The Big Lips Bites Da Hands Dat Feeds its…

  2116. No, Oprah, I would put Allen West in that office in one instant if I were a tyrant (like Obama) and could hold a press conference at Fanueil Hall and simply say that I am giving America a real MAN to hold the office of the President.

    If you want, I can list dozens of people whose skin is different from mine who I would gladly put in that office…………………………………..Barack Obama is at the bottom of the list because I have come to despise everything about hi m.

    The skin color of Obama is the ONLY thing keeping him from being impeached,.

  2117. To truly understand Oprah mentally off self christ mindset? Watch YouTube =

    “Church Of Oprah #3”

  2118. The Fiddler on the Roof is manipulating the puppets. Pull Oprah’s strings, and watch her tap dance for Da Man.

  2119. Oprah does not speak for me…..I dislike him because he lies and is corrupt now I dislike her too she may ass well be in bed with al sharliton.

  2120. The RACE card thingie used to bother me, however, it’s so overused it means nothing anymore. It doesn’t even mean the original intent, a slur toward a race.

    Oprah, you’re off on the wrong path with this one, and I’m surprised you’d make a big ugly deal out of this thing. Have you lost so much power that people are leaving you in droves and this gives you more notice? That, or you’re one sick little lady. I have to admit, I haven’t watched your show for at least 15 yrs. and no, race has nothing to do with it. Put that in your pipe & smoke it lady.

  2121. oh there goes the worlds cheapest women playing the race card again. just like she did against the store workers in swizz… she is a big phony and I don’t know why white women got fooled for years watching this pig..

  2122. Did anyone else hear about Oprah abusing sexually her female interns. I not sure if it was rumor but am curious?

  2123. No Oprah, we disrespect him because he is both arrogant and incompetent. Being “African American” (Actually he is half-white and the other half is East African Kenyan, with part of that being Arab, so he is kind of beige, not black…) is not the problem.

  2124. If where raciest, why are they still blaming Bush for OBAMAs failed policies… Because he’s black and we can’t hold him accountable…?????

  2125. Listen to the libs whine! Music to my ears! The race card is played so much it is laughable. Whaa, whaa, whaa!

  2126. Oprah is a racist. She’s the quintessential bitter and angry black woman turned Uncle Tom in her career for profit, who occasionally lets her true colors show.

  2127. Hey OOFie hes only half black. Actually what people don’t like is that his black half is typical of a intercity irresponsible, community organizing race baiting thug. His white half is just a habitual liar and a stinking narcissistic progressive liberal socialist creep. How does that definition fit OOfie? Have I messed anything?

  2128. Oprah you are a stupid, ignorant woman! Just shut up! You don’t speak for Americans. You have no super powers to read the minds of the masses! So crawl back under the rock you slithered out from underneath.

  2129. The devil has many followers for a variety of reasons, she is just one of them and knowing the truth, you know the reason.

  2130. She never mentions that the only party that has had KKK members is the dem commie party. You know, the party that founded the Ku Klux Klan. The democrat party still has people on the plantation in slavery. 90% of blacks are Dems and they have 13% unemployment under the messiah ! 75% failure rate in high school. Who are the Racists here?

  2131. Yeah, this country is so “racist” that a fat, ugly, racist lesbian black woman who endlessly bashes men can become a billionaire by simply “talking” about false victim-hood and celebrity gossip for 5 hours a week.

  2132. Stupidity knows no race Oprah. Our President is an idiot not because of his race, but rather that he is a liar.

  2133. Anyone hear the real story how Oprah got her start in television?

    She went on an interview with a top TV show producer. After a few short minutes of talk, he asked her to get naked or the interview would end. She complied, then he ordered her to get on all fours. He ordered her to move to the corner window of his office, still on all fours. Then he ordered her to move while on all fours to the long wall aside his desk. At that moment he told Oprah to get up and put her clothes on. While doing so the Producer picked up the phone and told his secretary to have the new dark brown leather sofa he ordered be placed by the corner window when it was delivered.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    1. People get angry when she is able to broad stroke whites as racist that don’t support (whatever that means) Obama. Does she say the same thing about white liberals that don’t support Tim Scott? Or Bobby Jindal? Liberals aren’t real fond of logic and consistency, but come on you guys have to have some standards.

  2134. If it wasn’t for the dumb, Liberal WHITE CRACKERS who made her rich, Oprah would be just another fat welfare mom sitting in front of the TV all day swilling a 40 of malt likka!

  2135. This is the sad tribal cultural engrained trait of victimhood. You can take an intellegent talented girl out of poverty but you can’t take the hood out of the victim.
    Its always a first conclusion that if you do not support the Black President you must be a racist. And the only reason she is making this statement is because SHE is black and gets a pass while dissing others with a broad brush by inference. It does not matter how factual or to what degree, it’s what she can get “her kind” who already believes it. She is just validating it with fame and preaching to the choir.
    Then again if you disagree with her disrespecting non-supporters – you must be a ra…..big…..t
    Can’t we all just get along or die at the bottom of the gene pool? Respect is not neccesarily earned as a birthright, but it can be “Dis”-earned! Like BO has shown any respect to those who didn’t vote for him or will not bow to his authority? It’s fine for him to judge, but not be judged? The reciprical would be to say the only reason BO does not work well with Republicans is because they are too white for his preference?

  2136. What a CROCK!!!!!! He’s inept, plain and simple. He CANNOT handle the job. How in the HELL do YOU think you got MOST of your money…from black people? I think not. Look at all the multi millionaires that are black. WHERE do you think most of the money came from? You are a bigot…plain and simple.

  2137. Oprah is racist. because the vast majority of blacks voted for Obama is proof THAT in its self is racist. vote for a president BECAUSE of his skin color.. complete hypocrites

  2138. We disrespect liars, worse yet, arrogant liars. And we despise people to give liars a pass due only to the color of their skin. #foadoprah

  2139. Hey Opra! Just get with your girl friends and go have a good cry fest! I thought you were smarter than this kind of trash?

  2140. Yeah…it couldn’t possibly be because he’s a complete idiot and is ruining the country! It must be because he’s black….

  2141. The fact that he is “black” is the only reason he gets the free passes he gets. A white man would be behind a firing squad if he committed this many atrocities. Oprah and her ilk need to stop using the race card to defend one of the worst Presidents in American history.

  2142. You have to wonder who it is that really hates Blacks when you look at Obama’s record and the sorry state of the Black community since he took office.

  2143. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that
    occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African

    Americans don’t disrespect him because he’s black…..they disrespect him because he’s a lying, incompetent, Marxist fool.

  2144. People in the USA don’t like Obama because of his Marxist/Communist policies. He could be lily white, yellow, red, brown or green and we still wouldn’t like him. He wants to take from those who are willing to work and give to those who aren’t. There is something basically wrong with that!

  2145. Unless we give a special pass to certain politicians because their race apparently makes them somehow less capable, we’re racist?

  2146. She makes Mel Gibson sound like a nobel peace prize winner. Oh that’s right, it’s reserved for nazis

  2147. Oprah…you look terrible. What’s with the bags under the eyes? Are you not getting enough sleep? Is your puppet master not performing to your expectations? Should I remind you that 80 cents of every dollar you’ve ever made was from a white person. Now that you’ve shown your true racist color….bye bye. shame on you. your phoniness has finally been exposed.

    1. Yea right. her chins and bags under her eyes. She should spend 10 or 20 mill getting that fixed

  2148. Whereas many people hated Bush because….wait, ……. as the esteemed Mrs. Clinton said, “what difference does it make anyway?”

    Here’s a thought, run Obama’s popularity against Condi Rice….heck, Oprah, run them against your own popularity and success. The uncommon denominator is he’s trying to govern, and not from the middle. He’s reneged on Gitmo, trial of terrorists, drug his feet on gay marriage and when the signature piece of his tenure went live it flopped ….and is floundering. Even if you believe in this ACA You cannot say he kept on top of it and showed any real concern that it would launch. This was Domestic Policy. He wasn’t sending troops into a foreign country, there is no “fog of war” type excuse. He just doesn’t ever really seem to be engaged.

  2149. I always knew she was a closet racist fat b itch. How did she make all those white women cry and steal their money. Con artist fat b itch

  2150. Racist ho! Screaming rectal pore! NO! We hate 0v0mit because he’s a COMM-U-NIST! Is that difficult?

  2151. Oh, noting this was an interview with the BBC.

    Has anyone else wondered why if you close your eyes, someone white or black from the UK sound alike?

    Yet here in the USA, most blacks speak a language unitelligable to the rest of the country? As in Trayvons girlfriend, who could neither speak or write leglibly.

    Is it just bad education, or is there some sick pride in having your own poor dialect?

  2152. Sorry Oprah but the race card isn’t working anymore. Not even with blacks so you’re thinking exposes YOU as a racist. This bad karma obummer half breed is exposing just how a leader can fail in everything he does. We have NEVER had such a blundering elected official, he’s even worse than Nancy Belosi. What are these Socialist drinking, liquid LSD? I remember the excitement of finally electing a black president with the possibility of ending two hundred years of racism instead, we picked a question mark right from the start and now we suffer the biggest embarrassment imaginable. We’ve become the laughing stock of the world. This guy has practically brought our country to it’s knees. Let’s hope Congress, on both sides, minimizes the destruction this wanna be dictator causes. Lastly, this is focused on my black brotherds and sisters, when have you last seen Bad Karma Obama go into the hood and allot funds to clean it up and provide jobs? Answer- NEVER…. he has no problem playing golf 148 times with rich banksta gangstas and Wall Street crooks giving away the national treasury. What’s he done for you? We forget he’s half white raised in Indonesia. Folks, follow clowns and they’ll lead you to a circus…welcome to the bad karma obama’s big top!

  2153. Oprah, as nasty a hateful b itch as Obama. In 10 years we’ll look back and laugh at the Nazi occupation by the liberals…

  2154. I dislike him because he sucks as a president.
    But thanks for the racist insight, O.
    I’ll leave a gift under your seat.

  2155. Is guess it would stand 2 reason that Racist White America would respond this way 2 their fathers crimes. But given no signs of change, I guess America’s lesson from slavery still lies ahead. They never learn.

    1. Um, dude, sober up and came back tomorrow. And remember, America now sees the evil that Obama is…

      1. No… I think that’s just your racist view.

        I mean just look at how rediculous these comments sound. Do your history. I refuse 2 entertain anymore of these childish reponses. Its too cute. 🙂

    2. He was elected solely on his race. He had no experience, no ideas, never even had a real job in his life. Were he white, he would have never been a senator, much less President.

  2156. Shes promoting her new movie about…wait, don’t tell me… Racism, right?

    Come on O, we’re all Americans, not Afrikaner, not Chinese, not Irish, English or Mmiddle Eastern Americans. Just Americans, thank you, and divisive people like yourself put up barriers between us by segregating us into ethnic groups. Didn’t we have a big civil rights movement to integrate our society? Why do you keep trying to take us back by segregating us into neat little groups and using it to promote your racist movie?


  2157. No Oprah I don’t like him because he is black. I don’t like him because he is inept, over his head, doesn’t know what he is doing, and he’s a liar. He has not done one thing right in five and a half years, screwed up the health care in this country, raised taxes, and has so many scandals going on you need a score card to keep up with them. Obama should be an entertainer because he has charisma and talent, the ability to attract peoples attention, but he is no leader. He says a lot does little and takes responsibility for nothing, blames other or just doesn’t know.

  2158. No Oprah, “Everybody” is not thinking that. Only race whores like you think that. The rest of us couldn’t care less if he was purple, he is a horrible president with a corrupt, useless administration. Besides, he’s white. Why are all 1/2 black, 1/2 white people automatically called “black”? I’m calling the dude white. And he still sucks.

    1. Exactly; I could care less if he was green w/ pink polk-dots – he sucks as President – that is the issue here. There are some people of all races I’d rather see as President, i.e., Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Jindahl etc… I am so sick of this race baiting stuff.

  2159. This is a lie and fabrication to shut down critical conversation…so we can’t criticize this president without being called racist….Give me a break…what has he done to enhance American business and growth?

  2160. It has nothing to do with him being either black or white, its about him being someone who has never had a job, created a job, or has any idea what to do to create a job.

    Let alone trying to decide who and how we should insure people, ESPECIALLY, those that don’t want to be insured.

    He is a complete idiot, who is clueless without a teleprompter, and is the biggest fraud of a president, ever sold to the Amercian public, at least the portion of the American public who don’t think, before they vote.

    I find it hard to believe, one of the richest woman in the world, can’t accept that she has succeeded, even if she is black, and continues to play her skin tone “Issued” race card, at EVERY OPPORTUNITY.

    Oprah, its time to go away now, those of us who never cared for you, now openly detest you for your hypocrism, and fake alligator tears, every time you get offended by someone white.

    Please. We have all had enough.

  2161. Maybe, just maybe it is because we are opposed to his liberal and socialists ideals and policies – isn’t it just possible that that could be the reason?? I was opposed to many of Clinton’s policies too!

  2162. Hey Oprah.

    If it makes you feel better al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood still love Obama!

    They are killing black people in Africa right now!

    You filthy racist…

  2163. Enough is enough with the racism crap. He has proven himself unworthy of the office at every turn. Your words are hollow.

  2164. Opra is just trying to cover up the fact that our first black President has reinforced every derogatory stereotype of all black people as being inept and incompetent.

    1. Correct. But this of course is the plan: engage in enough aborrent, disgusting human behaviour as necessary so you turn once tolerant people into anti black culturists. Then call it racism.

  2165. Grow up, Oprah! 0vomit could be striped green and purple and we would still hate what he is doing to this country. The usurper is a whining, lying, unrelenting jerk; illegal up to his ears and then some, and no he is not black. He is an Arab, a descendant of slavers! Get your facts straight – you should have done your homework before opening your mouth. He is a pathetic piece of leech-pi$$.

  2166. It’ not the skin color, it’s the punishing policies that people hate. How hard is this to understand?

  2167. So oprah…you must have hated president bush because he is white! What an idiot! Obama is hated as a president because he sucks! It has nothing to do with skin color you fool!

    1. She did and does hate white people. O’s own words “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

  2168. and Odummy don’t have anything to do with Orca anymore. how does it feel being used up you gelatinous celulite queen. Odummy only wants to see you if you have a penis and are in the chicago bath houses.

  2169. There is no question Oprah’s racist comments indicated here will be ignored by CNN and the racist network, MSNBC. Everyone is thinking it, Opeah is racist, but no one is saying it…

    Hey Oprah, President Obama is a selfish liar. It is his character and should be judged. He is also an abusive bully who consistently screws up the nation for half-baked ideas, and through poor management and now failed leadership, but few mention that. We know why you don’t. Because you are racist!

  2170. She is one of the dumbest most vapid airheads ever. Sorry Oprah, its simply that he SUCKS as a President.

      1. Congratulations! You found a few. Tell me, how many of the 93% of black voters who helped reelect Obama the Communist were racist? Nice try though, moonbat.

        1. I really don’t think he’s evil. I think that Obama, much like his predecessor Bush, is a genuinely good man who wants the best for America. However, neither Obama nor Bush was as qualified to be President as he thought he was. Obama should have served at least one additional term in Congress and Bush was just misguided and gullible.

  2171. I do not know where Obama was born or raised. Nor does it matter, since he scammed enough Americans to be elected as their president. (Fools never know the extent of their promotion of EVIL.)

    Obama is NOT American (the clues are blatant; only a fool does not know he was raised in an enemy camp). His “CLOSEST ADVISOR” was BORN IN IRAN! His “closest mentor” was a COMMUNIST. Obama as ZERO competent advisors who are Americans.

    He has NO IDEA what this country is all about; Oprah KNOWS but doesn’t care; she LOVES him for his “blackness” which makes HER A RACIST! And, an “un-American” racist at that!

    She is going out on a limb for this fool; and is willing sacrificing all her “goodwill” for Obama the COMMUNIST!

  2172. I suspect the fact that he is an arrogant incompetent basterd has more to do with it than his color.

  2173. How is it that people tend to forget he is half white as his mother was white so this claim that is always used is a crock….there maybe some KKK members which probably still consist of Democrats who are the ones who started the KKK read you history but is always forgotten are still there but the majority including me do like how this country is being pushed and she has lost a lot of creditability with how she and some others that are in Hollywood are looked at now !

  2174. I guess Americans elect people they hate.Everyone I know hates him because he is a Liar who appears bent on destroying the country, race doesn’t come into it, yet she says it’s because he is black. Like she somehow equates the two.

    Well she would know more about that than me. Her being black and all.

  2175. What she says is true, there are some that do not like him because he is part black…but why does she have to make a comment about it? There is still racism in the US, no one can deny that. I would like her to answer,,,Does she think more people dislike the president because of his skin color or his politics?

  2176. Got news for America…especially you Oprah. Obama is not black. He is Half White. Get it straight, and stop feeling sorry for yourself, and Obama. Learn to look beyond color, Ms. Winfrey.

  2177. As a leader, you have to give respect to get it. Obama may be talented with words. He may know what to say and give lip service to ideals. but his actions are not consistent with his words.
    However, he has continuously disrespected anyone and everyone who held an opinion that differs from his own. One of the few consistent behaviors he has demonstrated.
    Seek first to understand, then to be understood, Lead by example, and a whole lot of other clichés that actually are words of wisdom. Over used but true, none the less.
    Another big one for me was taught in the military. It was ignored by some there as well. Take care of your troops before yourself.
    I have yet to see this sham of a leader (Obama) or Oprah for that matter demonstrate this principle. I see them constantly look out for themselves. Subtle things like this clue you into true motives.

    1. Obama the Communist is not talented with words. He can read, that’s about it. Once off the teleprompter, he can’t put a sentence together.

  2178. OK all of you white racists out there stop viewing, buying or supporting anything that is OPRAH. If it weren’t for all the dumb white women she would have been a waitress at PAULA DEAN’S restaurant.

  2179. I opposed virtually everything that George W. Bush did as president. No big deal for Oprah, I assume. But now that I oppose a number of things Obama has done, I’m now a racist??? Get a life, Oprah!

  2180. I’m glad Winfrey straighten that out. I thought they hated him because he was a liar, a con man and destroyed our country.

  2181. She’s a fan of Communism. We can’t have anyone disliking Communism now can we. The queen says so.

  2182. Wow, the same “white” America that made Oprah a billionaire. Can you sell ingrate !!! go stick it woman.

  2183. When white liberals disagree with black conservatives, is that racist, too? Oprah would say, “No.” What she and the left refuse to see is that it isn’t the color of his skin, but the content of his character and the impact of his ideas and policies. His skin color is irrelevant.

  2184. Ever notice how Oprah screams “Racist!” every time she’s hawking something or needs a ratings boost?

  2185. I think oprah is a racist for falsely accusing others. Obama has lied his entire 5 years that is why we disagree with him. How did oprah make billions in a racist country?

  2186. Oprah, America is now seeing the evil that is Obama. You fat, racist, hateful b itch. After 5 years of Nazi occupation, it feels so good to vent!

  2187. Odummy don’t have anything to do with Orca anymore. how does it feel being used up you gelatinous celulite queen. Odummy only wants to see you if you have a penis and are in the chicago bath houses.

  2188. Not the people I know. They dislike him for all of the broken promises and duplicity. He promised to repeal the Patriot Act and NDAA and instead strengthened them. He promised no wars without a declaration from Congress, then attacked Libya and put in place his drone assassination programs in countries with which we are not at war. He promised transparency and there is none. He promised to investigate illegal torture and instead prosecuted those who told us about it. He promised affordable health insurance and is giving us more expensive Obamacare. He promised to fix the economy and instead gave us low wage part time jobs and high unemployment while the rich get much richer under him. What is it that Oprah likes about him?

  2189. It’s not his skin color that makes him a horrible leader, Oprah, it’s his terrible ideas that are shared by all Democrats and liberals.

  2190. Orca go back and play kunta kinte so in your movie so you can feel good about yourself you pig

  2191. Only 50% of him big O. When all else fails throw that race card. Educated, successful whites and blacks can’t stand him because he is a lying, America hating socialist bent on destroying this country that he has been told by teachers and mentors is an evil colonial power that must be destroyed.

  2192. Wrong, wrong and very wrong. That’s her perception and I don’t see it that way. His political background and point of view are opposite to mine. For her, all is centered about race and here the case is about his inadequacy, fumbling, stupidity, etc.

  2193. and yes love the black man Ben Carson. He is one of my heroes. Too bad I would never vote for him after seeing how closet Orca and Obama has been. They have proven that after 240 years of slavery. It is always pay back time!


  2195. Hey Oprah! Plenty of people who did not like or trust Obama wanted to see Herman Cain become President! Clueless woman!

  2196. Oprah, Obama is a Trojan Horse let into America and on a mission to destroy the greatest, most benevolent nation in the history of the planet. You evil B itch. F you and all of you liberals who know nothing but hate. I will pray for you, only God can forgive an evil fat cow like you. Obama, well, he’s got a seat reserved next to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ted Kennedy, Bill Maher, Nancy Pelosi…

  2197. Obama acually said that the waters would rise and the clouds would part and you will have an aptithany to vote fore barack obama 6 years ago at a denver convention. can you say anti-christ

  2198. I would love to see Ben Carson & Ted Cruz as pres & vice pres, for two terms, then switch places for two more. How’s that for racist?

          1. Attorney general, things get messy when people are part of the apparatus they are investigating.

  2199. Are the Egyptians racists? They don’t like barry and they are filing charges at the International Court against him and his half brother, Malik, for funding and supporting the terrorists group the MUSLIM BROTHRHOOD in their country.

  2200. and I love the black man Ben Carson. He is one of my heroes. Too bad I would never vote for him after seeing how closet Orca and Obama has been. They have proven that after 240 years of slavery. It is always pay back time!

  2201. Oprah is the raciest as she tried to make a racial incident. She accused an innocent Swiss store worked who did not speak English of refusing to show her a purse. Oprah is so dumb she cannot even make up a believable story….

  2202. what a crock!!! HE WAS ELECTED!!! She’s a billionaire!!! In Raciest America!
    What is wrong with her?????

  2203. and I love the black man Ben Carson. He is one of my heroes. Too bad I would never vote for him after seeing how closet Orca and Obama has been. They have proven that after 240 years of slavery. It is always pay back time!

  2204. One woman’s opinion. But I think it has more to do with a lack of competence. And truthfulness. And party over Country. SAD.

  2205. Barky (the carnival barker) Obama is a usurper, fraud and liar, Orpah (which is what your first name was supposed to be).
    Don’t really give a damn if he’s purple or green; he should be arrested for fraud, misprision of felony, treason, sedition, oh….and murder; remember, he’s ‘really good at killing people.’.
    Got it, Orpah?
    Now, tell me again, who’s racist???

  2206. More like American’s dislike 0bama because he’s (1) not American, (2) scamming Americans, and (3) destroying America. 0bama is a plague on America and the world. He’d just as soon steal 0prah’s wealth as admit he’s a lunatic. If she doesn’t recognize he’s evil, then she’s as much a l00ser as he is.

  2207. Wake up America. Obama has now amassed 1.7 billion rounds of ammo and his 6000 personnel of civilian private police force to slap us down. By the way the ammo he bought was personal protection hollow points and not practice rounds. You will find them in your dead fellow Americans some day. He is not going to stand to be ejected out in 3 years. He is the anti-christ. his top advisor Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, and suprise sanctions just were lifted on Iran. Can you say Armigetton. Google Miggideo

    1. They can only hurt us if we allow them to. Start shooting back and they’ll show their yellow streaks.

    2. did you see the movie “The Omen” when little Damian had all of Satan’s evil women helping him… the maids, etc… Obama has all of his evil women falling on their swords…. IRS, Big Sis, Obamacare, all of these evil women all dying for their dear evil leader. How fitting.

  2208. No Oprah you are as racist as he is. I did not vote for him but he won and I gave him a chance. By the way Oprah don’t be selfish he is part white too. I am not prejudice and I am white. Why people hate him is bevause he has destroyed America. Wake up girl. Hell you black people are ALWAYS puling the race card. Time to grow up dear. Our country is destroyed because of him. We were middle class when he took office and now we have lost ALL OUR 401K just to survive the layoffs since Obama took office. We lost everything. So shove it Oprah. I lost respect for you a long ago. How dare you speak for us.

  2209. This type of stupidity validates every racist white cracker who ever donned a hood, and that makes me sad.

  2210. When I was in Canada, I was asked “why are there so few elected black officials (senators, governors, representatives, etc.) since they are 50% of your population?”

    When I asked where they got “50%” of the USA population, they said they got it from watching our TV shows AND from traveling to close cities like Detroit, Chicago and New York City.

    I told them the actual black population is 12.8% (and falling, it used to be 12.9%). I also told them the Hispanic population is over 15% and is our largest “minority” and they were STUNNED.

    They quoted Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, and Barack Obama (regarding race in America). They thought Obama had “conquered” apartheid like Nelson Mandela; that WHITE OPPRESSORS have been “keeping down faithful darkies.” When asked about her BILLIONS, the Canadians thought it was because the 50% black population supports her. The group of Canadians I was speaking with, had a distorted view of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, OJ Simpson, and all the other privileged blacks in the USA. But, no more.

    1. The people living in socialist countries are spoon fed liberal propaganda by their socialist governments, which is generally anti-American/anti-freedom. Remember, Hitler was a socialist.

  2211. I treat any liar with contempt, no matter the race, including the prior Democrat POTUS! End of subject.

  2212. Now that Oprah has become so rich, she is tossing off her benign non-racist disguise. This should give her street cred and help her to promote more of her white hatred movies.

  2213. That’s a load of horse $h!7 lady. You want to know why we have no respect for him Oprah baby? It because he is an incompetent, lying POS who was never qualified to hold the job in the first damn place!

  2214. And remember, he is only half-black, so when you go charging white people with being racist, make sure you only say we’re 50% racist!

  2215. Oprah, I reckon this was your last opportunity to make fly an assinine statement in the name of helping your fellows.
    You’ve become a joke!

  2216. Oprah, do you realize he’s half white? The race baiting is for the small minded and panic stricken who cannot defend the idiot we currently have in the white house anymore.

  2217. Hey Oppie….it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, period! He was ill prepared for the Position he sought….the end result is what we see happening on a daily basis…he would rather be out swinging a golf club, campaigning like it was still 2004, vacationing all over the globe and when he has a minute, check in with Washington…he is a dismal failure..and….because the press covered his arse, for so long, his warts never showed up…now, it took his famous bill Obamacare to shed some light…. if anyone is Racist, tis you Oprah!

  2218. OK, Miss Oprah, I do not like Obama because because he is a bald-face LIAR. Same reason why I don’t like YOU.

  2219. I don’t like lying leftist thugs who shove policies that are antithetical to the Constutution down my throat Oprah. If that makes me racist then guilty as charged!

  2220. Why is a mulatto considered a black man and not a white man? He is 50/50… Earth to Opera; maybe because he has a paper thin resume who does not deserve to be President, is in over his head, has no experience running anything, hid his college transcripts, has a SSN from CT & never lived there, educated by Communists, never ran a lemonade stand, and spend his whole college life learning how to eviscerate the Constitution. That is why we HATE Him!

  2221. The Great Hope and Change has been revealed to be nothing more than a flim-flam man. He’s an embarrassment to blacks, and an embarrassment to the country.

  2222. Oprah is right? Americans need to quit criticizing Obama. He is black, therefore he gets a free pass to screw up America as much as he wants.

    1. Funny thing, but it was about two weeks ago when I saw where Oprah herself was PO’d at the Obamessiah because she wasn’t getting the access to him she was promised! Gee, I wonder what she’s getting to speak horse $h!7 like this now?

  2223. Nobel Peace Prize for nothing.
    Reelected on lies.
    Continuous attempts to disarm Americans.
    Weighs in on Football team names.
    Took the side of a black kid in a shooting (Trayvon)
    Lied about Benghazi attack being a response to a YouTube video.


    There’s more.

  2224. Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Bill Cosby great black men of our time to look up to. Obama lied to our country more than once. Oprah, you are nothing more than a rasist calling others “Rasist”. Why don’t you just go have another donut!

    1. I don’t care for his current political views, but I could easily add Colin Powell to that list! Once upon a time I even voted for Tom BRadley for governor of Klownifornika! How big a racist does that make me Oprah?

  2225. I think that Oprah and, either the First Ho or Valerie Jarrett ,have something going on the side!

  2226. We’re all getting very tired of a corrupt incompetent president who hides behind the lame excuse of skin color. We don’t care what race the president is or the gender but the President of the United States, the most powerful position on Earth, MUST be held accountable. Good executive managers know no bounds of skin color nor do bad ones.

  2227. Now let’s be honest what has he done that deserves respect? Nada nothing how can you respect anyone out to destroy your way if life?

  2228. Lying and dishonesty are color blind. Plus all presidents get heckled. It is part of the job.
    People are people. Why is it that the people accusing others of racism seem to be obsessed with what color you are? Ideally a person should be judge on their actions and character.
    In the Army I was taught that we were all Green. I guess that just spilled over to the rest of my life. If you act respectable and your actions mirror the same, you get respect. If you show a lack of character in action and word then you get nothing.
    And no, I do not make “concessions” for various sub-cultures as you must conform somewhat to the accepted social norms in the immediate environment. I have to act appropriately for the situation I am in at the moment. It is a way of showing respect to others.

  2229. This woman must be so miserable every minute of every day of her charmed billionaire life living in such a racist, oppressive country. What a WASTE.

  2230. The left has developed hypocrisy to a fine art form. After the way they treated George W. Bush, they really have no business complaining about the treatment their Dear Leader is receiving. Photo of Bush made to look like a chimpanzee, no problem. Photo of Obama made to look like a chimpanzee, THAT’S RACIST! Someone throws shoes at Bush, no problem. Someone criticizes Obama for signing into law a huge health care reform bill that he didn’t even read, THAT’S RACIST! Vote for Obama because he is black, no problem. Vote against Obama because you disagree with his policies, THAT’S RACIST!

  2231. Inverted. Whites don’t trust blacks BECAUSE they respect Obama. He is an empty suit with an empty resume. Con-man.

  2232. Oprah I used to respect you . Now I realize that was misdirected and you are just a creepy narrow minded bigot and racist yourself with a fake life that masquerades as spiritual.Shame on you.

    1. Americans are starting to feel free to speak out against El Duce. Obama should hope he doesn’t face the same final result as Mussolini…

  2233. Oprah says, “And that occurs in SOME cases and MAYBE even many cases because he’s African American.”

    With such scientific “evidence” as that, how can you argue with this Obamazombie?

  2234. love the black man Ben Carson. He is one of my heroes. Too bad I would never vote for him after seeing how closet Orca and Obama has been. They have proven that after 240 years of slavery. It is always pay back time!

  2235. Oh, wouldn’t you like that Oprah? Otherwise, you would have to admit that people hate Obama because he’s a lying, conniving, swindler, wouldn’t you?
    Get up off your knees, O, and clean that mess off your blue dress.

  2236. See Oprah,It s not a surprise to allot of Americans why you have lost so much. People used to agree with you and support you, but now your just another Race Baiter Agitator. A shame you used to be well respected. Go away.

  2237. No, Opera. If you lived in reality you’d find that many people are against Obama because he’s a crook and allot of his policies are treason against our constitution.

  2238. Oprah, Hating Obamat has nothing to do with his skin color, it has everything to do with his integrity. He lied to further his agenda, just like you are doing to sell your movie.

  2239. Yes Oprah, it’s all about skin color…………and the fact that he is the SUCKIEST President in living memory.

  2240. How about we ban all black t.v. shows from now on and blame it on this liberal Orca. That is what Al or Jessie would do for a boycott. See how racist her comments are then


  2242. Oprah hates many Americans because they are white.

    When she indicates that racists must die for racism to end, one must presume that she is including herself, the Obamas, Holder, Jarrett, et al in that group.

  2243. Oprah can suck a fat one oh that’s right she can’t she’s a hypocrite closet Lesbian commie who’s ashamed of being gay Obama is disrespected cause he is destroying our country if he was green he’d still be destroying our country and would still be hated oh and Obama is a closet gay who’s ashamed of being gay

  2244. The day this woman gives away everything she owns… every single thing and every cent, so that she is as penniless as the characters she so often portrays, I may begin to respect her. Until then, her comments are absolutely irrelevant. She is as insulated from real life as the president.

    1. Maybe she will give it all to those white crackers?

      Oh, that’s right, you can’t be racist and be black!

  2245. Oprah I was there 30 years ago at your show in Marley Station Mall Glen Burnie MD. with you and Richard Sher your co-host who is whtie. You moved on to greater things and left him behind. way to look out for others you racist.

  2246. Is this a deflection called the race card from Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS targeting, reporter intimidation, F&F, record debt, etc. As usual, the race card is played when a corrupt political agenda is spotlighted or gross incompetence from affirmative action political figures.

  2247. “Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK” — No, most of us hate him because he is both an arrogant and ignorant “wanabe” dictator that has no regards to the Constitution and little regard for the American people.

  2248. Hey Oprah.

    Because of obamacare a cancer patient that lost their insurance just died…

    Thanks Oprah!

  2249. Orca I went and seen you 30 years ago at Marley Station Mall in Glen Burnie Maryland when you co-hosted with Richard Sher. You move on to bigger and better things not because of your tallent but because you were black. You left Richard behind to dry up alone, but yet he was white. You heartless racist B itch. that was not good of you and your fans should know what you did to poor Richard because they are to young to know what a racist clown you really are.

  2250. Oprah, you just do not get it.. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin..

    The guy is a loser, and he lies to the American People everytime he opens his mouth.. He is destroying our Country and if you did not have your nose so far up his Arse you could see for yourself. Ben Carson for president..

    Some one who has actually run something before! In case you don’t know who he is.. “Ben” Carson, Sr., is a retired American neurosurgeon. He is credited with pioneering work on the successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the head. Maybe he could rejoin you and Obama at the Head..

    1. Blacks captured and sold other blacks to slave traitors. Blacks kept other blacks as slaves and continue to this day in many parts of Africa.,

    2. It actually was the black Africans who rounded them up and sold them. That is conveniently overlooked.

    3. Blacks are so uneducated on the whole slavery thing and when someone tries to educate them they don’t want to hear the truth! First off It was a BLACK man who sold the first slave and started it all and second WHITES were slaves too! Morons smh And yes Oprah Winfrey is the BiGGEST RACiST BiTCH on the planet!! Bitch needs to get over it and herself.

      1. Yes the Irish were also abducted and sold into slavery in the south for many years. They too were captured and sold by their own people.

    4. Or the Africans who sold their countrymen into slavery. Or the “White” and Native Americans (including Hispanics) who were slaves. Or “Black” and Native Americans (again, including Hispanics) that owned slaves. I am not sure, but there may have been Asian representatives on the owner side as well. I have not studied the subject that far into the details. I do know they were treated as slaves in many cases, especially in the west.

      The point is, we all have the opportunity to better ourselves and refuse to be the victim. Yes, it is difficult and no one owes you squat. But it can be done by anyone, from any background and circumstance.

      Yes, at times I envy those who had the family, connections, money, etc…. Especially, since I felt lucky to have food or a roof at times. But it made me appreciate what I have, and help shape me into who I am today.
      And yes, you run into an occasional idiot who is racist. Oh well. Life is not fair and stupid, regrettably is not painful enough.

  2251. When the going gets tough pull out the race card. Typical Black racist remark.
    Sorry Prah your not on his favorites list anymore so don’t worry bout it.

  2252. Oprah,I hate his white side just as much as his black side,I don’t like the man period,the man just SUCKS.

  2253. Did Liberals hate Herman Cain, Republican presidential candidate in 2011, because he is black? Did they attack and savage him the way they did because they are racist? What about Sarah Palin, did she get torn to shreds in the press because Liberals are sexist?

  2254. Never did I ever consider race when I voted for this man the first time. How DARE YOU, Oprah, insinuate ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH him is a racist.

    Sadly, the fact is: You are the racist for supporting such an incompetent president based solely of his race.

    At this time I no longer will support or watch anything related to Oprah or her subsidiaries, not because of race, but because I cannot support anyone who claims we who disagree with an individual is a racist based on the color of one’s skin.

    When will such people understand…those “days” are over.

    Today we want competence, honesty and leadership…and Obama has shown none.

    Impeach asap…Nixon and Clinton did less to harm our nation than Obama and both were impeached with Nixon resigning…Obama needs to resign for crimes he has committed against our constitution.

    He is not our or my “king”….Impeach this imposter…who continues to deny access to even his college transcripts!

  2255. I’m white…I voted for Obama.. Very few things that he has done since he was elected have been to my liking. I expected a lot more for my vote. This Obamacare mess is the pinnacle of failure. I really think he could be the worst president ever elected. Many decades from now we’ll find that out.

    1. Thanks. Those of us who did our homework in 2008 appreciate your efforts in destroying this country. Your whining is nothing but impotent regret for the laziness of being willfully uninformed.

    2. Decades from now? We pretty much know that now. Anyway it is good to see someone with their eyes open and speak their truth.

  2256. This coming from this vicious being who has become a billionaire as a black woman. Despicable. Vicious callous woman. I never liked her. She always seemed so phony. The more she talks like this, the more and more other people will see it too.

    1. My heritage is German. Do I call myself a German American? What’s the deal with this African American business. Choose a country.

  2257. OPRAH claims: “Many Americans disrespect Obama because he’s African American…” YOU AND MUCH OF the BLACK Community WILL never MOVE ON. YOU HATE BEING BLACK & YOU WEAR THE CHIP ON YOUR SHOULDER (ALONG WITH “O”) EVERY DAY/ EVERY MINUTE. IT DEFINES WHO YOU ARE. That Is Why Most Of AMERICA Is So Tired OF Your Black Agitator Old Tired Rant, “Racism!” THE BLACKS I KNOW ARE NOT SUSPECTING THE KKK TO JUMP Out of every frame of their lives SCREAMING THE “N” WORD, as YOU and “O” do. THEY LEAD HAPPY LIVES ENJOYING THE INDIVIDUALITY OF EACH AND EVERY SOUL they happily know and do not continually obsess on skin color. You and “O” need to go through Analysis and Anger Management because LIFE is not going the way YOU BELIEVE it should.

  2258. someone please tell Little-O that i has nothing to do with her Big-O’s RACE! it’s all about his communist dictatorship he is trying to run. It’s the race-baiters like Opruh Dope that keep trying desperately to make this an issue so they can pad their bank accounts.

  2259. Did you know that Oprah was snubbed by the 1st Lady and that other woman in the White House, Valerie Jarrett. Was to have been picked up by the WH limo at the airport in DC, but was not, and Oprah had to provide her own transportation from the airport. So maybe Obama is a Racist after all. Now as for myself, I don’t like BHO because he was elected president, but has only been “acting” president. That’s why all those trips to Hollywood, He has an acting coach, out there!

  2260. When you cannot tell the truth– you tell a lie. And you repeat that lie until it becomes the truth. Right Oprah?

    A recent Quinnipiac University Polling shows nationwide 54% disapprove of the Presidents performance– 39% approve. Amongst young people (18-25) it’s 52% disapprove. 42% approve.
    Amongst Blacks, it’s 15% disapprove, 75% APPROVE!!!!!
    Turning Ms. Winfrey’s statement around, one could say Black people love Obama — merely because he’s black!
    Who’s the racist group here?
    If whites voted like blacks– there wouldn’t be so much as a black dog catcher!

  2261. Dear Oprah,
    While I appreciate the narrow lens through which you are evaluating this problem — you should remember that people hated this idea when Hillary Clinton proposed it.

    Now one could say that people hated her ideas because she was a woman — but the better — and more likely explanation for the overwhelmingly angry reaction is that the plans are simply bad plans…

    Many people may hate the President for reasons other than the plan, but I think there is nearly universal agreement at this point that the plan is horrendous. The fact that the President would sully his name and reputation with a bad plan reflects more on his own poor judgement than on anything else.

    We know that you admire the President — and he is a politician worth admiring — but the Affordable Care Act was a legislative disaster by any measure — that was rammed through the Congress by an overzealous Democrat majority determined to reshape our healthcare system without fully understanding the systems complexity — or even reading the legislation crafted by their staffs.

    The President signed a bill knowing that the bill was loaded with crap… there are video spots of him admitting as much. Now the cascading failures of a system in collapse are coming home to roost.

    I can appreciate that the President might have thought he was doing the right thing… but the sad reality is that he, and his Democrat colleagues never read what they voted on — and we are now all bearing the consequences.

    So… if you ask me why I am not a fan of the President — it has nothing to do with his color — and everything to do with him being irresponsible and reckless with the power that was given to him by the American people.

  2262. Nonsense…I disrespected Bill Clinton just as much…it’s what they think and do…

  2263. Oprah should stick with women’s issues so long as they do not involve morality or politics. She is very good when discussing shoes, weight-loss, interviewing celebrities, female medical problems. And the IRS debacle after her “you get a car, and you get a car” shows have, like ObamaCare, unintentionally proven there is no free lunch. She’s a pretty fair actress as well.

  2264. If there was an inherent hate of letting BLACKS succeed, how does Oprah explain Oprah? Seems there might be an inherent hate of stupid.

  2265. I am sure there are some non-black Americans that do not like President Obama because he is black.

    I do not like him because he is a jerk.

  2266. Hey Oprah – didn’t you support Hillary until a black man wanted the job? WHO’S RACIST OPRAH???

  2267. Is being racist against the law now? Blacks are racist and I can be too!
    Signed a hard working white guy who likes women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2268. Doubt if America will try lowering their standards anytime again. That is if we survive the present state of a mess.

    1. She’s worth 3 billion dollars! She suckered everybody and now she doesn’t give a hoot about what anybody thinks!

    2. I thought she dropped off the face of the earth a couple years ago.

      I guess that was just wishful thinking.

  2269. The only disrespect that has been shown to office of the President, was by Barrack Obama himself! To stand and lie to the American people over and over! The only part of the POTUS I am disappointed with is the white half!

  2270. Oprah is a racist and a billionaire. She is so discriminated against along with Obama who has been elected to be the president twice, How and where do I go to be discriminated against like these 2?. Both very marginal but have risen to levels far past their abilities. If they were treated fairly they both would be penniless unknowns.

  2271. Oprah is a black woman adored by millions of white people who made her a multi-millionaire but she still pretends as if white Americans are inherently racist. There’s just no winning. Blacks will never forgive whites for slavery, even though the vast majority of whites in this country are not descended from slave owners.

  2272. Racism is the only explanation for why conservatives love Bill Clinton yet loathe Barack Obama.

    Oh, wait.

  2273. Time to derail the apology train and time for every non-hyphenated American to stop trying to defend their right to voice their freedom of speech re their opinion of this president who happens to be biracial. Run on sentence…oh well!!!!

  2274. We don’t like him cause he suck’s and is screwing americans over. Our country is going to sh*t. I bet your exempt from Obamacare too Oprah.

  2275. Oprah, I despise Obama for the same reason I despise you. You’re both a couple of ignorant, elitist morons. PERIOD.

  2276. Yes Oprah!! It’s because he’s black! Has nothing to do with the fact that he’s a socialist and his policies are destroying this country! The real racist of the worst kind are those of you, including you Oprah Winfrey, that voted for this “community organizer” simply because of the color of his skin, and continue to support him because you’re color blind. It’s all about race for you. The next time you go off spouting RACIST… Take a look in the mirror.

  2277. I despise Obama based on his record and the (insidious) content of his character, not the color of his skin. I would’ve voted for Herman Cain in the blink of an eye. Ditto for Condie Rice and also Colin Powell before he jumped ship in support of Obama and his socialist designs for America.

    1. I don’t believe I would have ever voted for Colin Powell. Because I had not seen him tested politically, but when he was so tested he failed miserably repeatedly, up to the present date.

  2278. Affirmative Action was FORCED because noisy blacks demanded a “matching” percentage. (That is why SO MANY blacks have pieces of paper indicating they attended college (they don’t actually learn the material with Affirmative Action. which is why they can’t actually compete, but they do have the piece of paper, giving them the job in the first place.)

    Blacks are currently 12.8% of our population (down from 12.9%, so their percentage is shrinking) which is a little over 1 in 10.

    Hispanics are over 15% of our population (and growing). Therefore, in ANY group, there should be more Hispanics than blacks.

    The Hispanic population is growing because they do not have so many abortions and prison sentences in their “community” and more Hispanic males are working and heading families.

  2279. No, Oprah old gal, we disrespect Barry because he is a lying, incompetent socialist–although perhaps that is better than a competent socialist–and because we know that this evil devil was elected only because he is black. If he were not black, one imagines that, based on his intellect, he would be, at best, chasing ambulances back in Chicago or perhaps running numbers for some other hoodlum there. As for Michelle, if there were any justice she would be working the old mop and bucket down at the bus station, night shift.

  2280. “…it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    What? The left hasn’t stopped saying it since 2007, and the only people thinking it are racist Democrats.

  2281. What Oprah and others like her fail to comprehend is that a large majority of people are so over the racist card and can actually not like Obama because he is simply the worst president we have ever had without regard to his color. The obsession with their go to excuse of racism only makes them a slave to the past, which by the way, is long gone, over, done and forgotten by those whose life is not defined by something that only exists in their own minds. Case in point-why did all the blacks vote for him? Because he was the best man to be the leader of the free world? No, it was because he was black. How racist is that.

  2282. It must be the money that drives common sense right out their azz. She is about as racist as it comes, if it were not for her money her opinion would not even be4 mentioned. Another greedy elitist who happens to be black American, not afro American and who is more than likely 30-40% black. I use to enjoy her show up to 2008-2009, now it means squat.

  2283. His ethnicity is eclipsed, in a profound fashion, by his incompetence. MY generation sees beyond race. We find liars not by looking at their skin, we listen to their words and watch their actions. Oprah and her ilk are anachronistic in their view of racism.

  2284. Hey Oprah, I can’t despise the President because he is an arrogant Marxist? Could I if he were a creepy-a s s ed cracker? I could care less about the color of a Marxists skin, as I hate all of them, for the SAME reason. Go away you disgusting witch, stay in Europe.

  2285. What, if you disagree with the man, it’s because you don’t like his race??? Come on Oprah, you’re just insulated from reality.

  2286. hmm woow if this was true why would he even be our president???? u freakin moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what are you screwing obama?? good lord!! this is why people are BECOMING racist!!!

  2287. I love the black man Ben Carson. He is one of my heroes. Too bad I would never vote for him after seeing how closet Orca and Obama has been. They have proven that after 240 years of slavery. It is always pay back time!

  2288. Oprah SURE DID sucker the naive white crowd into thinking she was a “good” “sincere” “honest” “grateful” black American when in reality she’s nothing more than a typical knee grow! Most whites are so easily fooled into believing that most black people are well intentioned and good when in reality all they really seek is an advantage to take advantage of
    that naivete!

    So here’s the REAL Oprah! She’s too rich now to care what white
    Americans think of her now that she’s got their money in the bank.

  2289. Hate would be a ill advised word. He’s being called out for being a dishonorable man from what we’re reading.

  2290. Oprah is a lard ass liar. She black and she’s a billionaire. Where else in the world could she have done as well? Why doesn’t she emigrate to Africa if it’s so bad here? Why doesn’t she do something to change black culture from one of crime, out-of-wedlock births, and failure to get educated? She’s as phony as the day is long!

  2291. Oprah is full of it. Obama has had so many people follow him for no good reason at all and if you look at some of the photos a very good number are white. This is Oprah wanting this to be so.

  2292. Does anybody remember that President Obama is 50% white? His ideology is what every red-blooded American hates about Obama. It takes a racist to know a racist. Oprah knows better.

  2293. I guess it all evens-out, since half the country has kissed his a__ because he’s “African American”.

  2294. Oprah, sweety, If that were true you would not be worth several billion dollars. Or was it just black fans that liked you? Black fans that bought all you suggested they buy? Maybe after this very lame attempt at throwing a fake bone to a fake President: Obama, they will not come back on you with ‘Oprah didn’t do enough’. Good luck Oprah. You lost many, many fans today. BTW that dress makes that azz look big.

  2295. Would Oprah be speaking out like this if President Obama was white? I don’t care about the color of his skin–I care about his lousy
    track record.

    1. Orca always said she would not endorse a presidantial candidate. Funny how the first one that had a chance, and oh yea he was black, she endorsed him. Racist B itch!

  2296. Obama had an opportunity to become a great president. He blew it! There isn’t one policy area where this idiologue has been successful unless failure is his objective.

    1. Yes, hope and change has morphed into ridicule and divide under Obama.
      Never has there been a President who has vilified everyone he disagrees with.
      His dressing down of the Supreme Court justices at his State Of The Union address was horrifying and lacked class.
      He will go down in history as the most divisive President in history.

  2297. Okra Roundtree is a racist that helped elect a ‘Boy’ to do a job that really required an honest ‘Man’ to do. White Liberal women made Okra Roundtree rich.

  2298. Does anyone take this stupid cow seriously anymore?
    Oprah is so out of touch with reality here best friend is a white rabbit with a pocket watch.

  2299. Many Americans disrespect Obama because he is a communist.

    Many Americans disrespect opra because she is a nitwit.

    It is that simple.

  2300. I’d be willing to bet that the percentage of racism is a lot higher for the number of blacks that hate whites because of the color of their skin. As far as hating Obama because of the color of his skin I know quite a few white people that voted for him but now they hate him. Are they racist all the sudden or do you think maybe his policies are bringing this out?

    1. Didn’t you get the edict from the mainstream media that Blacks cannot be racist by definition. Shame on you for not keeping up with current events.
      Only White People can be racist.

      1. Sorry. I pretty much gave up on anything the media said a long time ago. It’s pretty much one of those deals where if they say it’s raining I go look out the window to see because they just can’t be trusted.

  2301. Ms Winfrey – It’s not the color of his skin, but the content of his character that I oppose.

  2302. The press and the liberals were all so kind to Bush. If any blacks criticized Bush they were racist by Oprah’s twisted logic.

  2303. I never cared much for Oprah. Now I really can’t stand her. I also believe she has the intelligence of tree stump. Although I think Obama is probably the worst president this country has seen, I could care less about his skin color. I could think of numerous black men and Women that I wish were president right now instead of Mr incompetence. Oprah, you are no better than the numerous other piles of garbage out there like Sharpton and Jackson.

  2304. Oprah Winfrey is a race baited just like Jackson and Sharpton. They will do and say anything to get the publics attention. Maybe she should get to know a few conservatives and listen to what they are saying about Obama before she tries to read their mind.

      1. exactly. they have the nerve to say that Clarence Thomas isn’t “authentically black” because he’s a conservative. they also said Palin “wasn’t really a woman” because she opposes abortion. you have to toe the appropriate Oppressed Minority line or you’re not really in the group.

    1. Or Justice Thomas. He strayed from the plantation and the white liberal power structure in DC lynched him. Black Americans for the most part let the lynching occur (Juan Williams came to his defense…one of the few) because he agreed with conservative Whites on many issues. The racism here seems to be with the enemies of Thomas…..not his white supporters.

    1. Because if this was a truly a racist nation, she would not have a major tv network or a show popular with lower middle class white women

  2305. Truth is, Asians and other minorities don’t suffer the bad economic conditions, level of education, crime, etc. because they don’t have race baiting “community leaders” (like Sharpton, Winfrey and Jackson) telling them how “the man” is down on them and as victims they are entitled to freebies from the govt. They get off their butts and teach their kids to make something of themselves and to show personal responsibility. Are their racists in the US? Yes a very small percentage. Is that why most people don’t like Obama’s policies? Absolutely not.

  2306. If Oprah is so supportive of Obama, why doesn’t she allow him to run her company? Let’s see how supportive she’ll be after 4 years of his imcompetence. Then can we say that she’s racist for wanting to fire him???

  2307. Oprah just made herself irrelevant. It doesn’t matter how much she lies, we’re not buying her lies, or her hero Obama’s lies.

  2308. I do not dislike obama because he is black,,,he’s white also,,but its funny how that part is always left out until it become convenient for the conversation. I dislike him because his policies and ideas SUCK! But this is what you get when you elect someone who never has as much as ran a lemonade stand!

  2309. Many liberals hate conservatives because they’re black. Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen West, Alan Keyes, Erik Rush, et cetera.

    1. Yea unless you think in a block like sheep then your called an uncle tom. Fnucking racist.

  2310. Oprah is obviously a racist, so I suggest we stop watching her shows and supporting her in any way.

      1. I’m not doing this because of her race. I’m doing it because she continues to support a criminal.

      1. I stopped purchasing ads on her show awhile back. The customers (not all black) that came in from the ad were VERY difficult and demanding

  2311. Ever hear of Martin Luther King? Judge a man on his character………… With this incompetent, you don’t have to look much farther.
    BTW, Mingy, why is it okay to elect him cause he’s black. yet anything negative said about him has be because of the color of his skin…not because he is using the office to destroy America.
    I can only assume this is typical Irish BS. It never is something about ability and competence or stupidity, it is always the color of their skin.

    1. Thank you. You said it all. To me Oprah crossed the line by betraying the American people. She should be held to the same standard Jane Fonda was. As his popularity is dropping by the minute I have been waiting for the race card to be thrown, however I didn’t think genocide would be used as a fix.

  2312. It’s not because he’s black, it’s because he is incompetent, a narcissist, he’s destroying this Country one step at a time, he never takes responsibility for anything his Administration does, like Benghazi, IRS, Eric Holder and the DOJ, Fast and Furious, lying over and over again to the American people on Obamacare,being a coward in the international view, unable to speak without a teleprompter, totally unqualified for the job of President of the United States, will not negotiate with Congress on anything, hiring a stooge like Carney as Press Secretary. It goes on and on! Has nothing to do with the color of his skin!
    I really liked the guy playing the President on the show “24” ! Lol !!! At least he could make decisions!

  2313. Hey Orca, I don’t see you giving away cars now you hypocrit fat b itch. Oh that’s right it was shows money. I like how you only donated your own money to African schools and causes in Africa you racist slug.

    1. THAT fact is never, ever mentioned. And then, to add insult to injury, the kids (or was it all girl?) were abused. what a joke.

  2314. No Oprah, no one respects hi because he inadequate for the job and lies all the time. And he is a communist.Also Oprah, this is one of the reasons your career in going down the toilet.

  2315. If Oprah’s limousine got a flat tire, it would be because she was black… Stop blaming everyone and everything for your shortcomings, take responsibility for your lives and make it better!

    1. The proof of that is because the flat would be in the black part of the tire and not the whitewall!

  2316. If that really is the reason, what is the Left’s excuse for excoriating W at every turn in his Presidency? It’s not that he’s half black, it’s that he’s Wrong!

    1. And a bunch of the commentators here are exposing their racism as well, proving Oprah right.

      1. How are the people commenting here racist? So that would include you too, right? The point is, that white people are not allowed to be critical of BHO, without people like you, (Do you have a little white guilt?) and “The O”, accusing them of being racist. Is it even possible in your mind that some white people could be critical of BHO and not be racist? One of the reasons you probably voted for BHO was because he would be the first black man president. How is that not racist?

      2. Go get cash out on your food stamps card and buy some porn Fred. You can thank me later for your very existence.

    2. IT is interesting how Oprah threw the women under the bus because to her race trumps all. It is time to challenge these rich stars who made their fortunes from a society that is obviously not raciist and then runs around screaming racism. It is as if they are shamed or resentful because they are black.

  2317. Having that “race card” to play is like always having an ace up your sleeve. It’s cheating.

  2318. Certainly glad we have Oprah to speak for all Americans. Funny how she always makes these statements when she is across the pond. I have a respect for the office but I currently do not respect the man who is in there because of his politics not because he is a different color than me. She needs to sit down and shut up for a while.

  2319. She sure didn’t speak up when George Bush was being disrespected because of his policy stances. Typical liberal. She and her friends do it to Bush but when it happens to Obama its racism, Get over yourself O. He could be an Albino and most would still hate his policies.

      1. I don’t care what his breed is. Cain and Keyes turned out to be idiots also. Allen West would have my vote over al the McCain’s, Romney’s, Ryan’s, Rubio’s, Bush’s, Christie’s, etc. in the world.

  2320. We all need to learn to respect each other. The comments that some of you posted here should have been posted with more tact not racial slurs even if you disagree. Name calling is never the answer or the solution. He is a man doing what he feels will make all of the American people stronger and taken care of. If we’re all dead because we can’t afford to go to the doctor or pay hospital bills, then what’s the point. It is the concept of “Politics” and what it stands for that has become the name of the game in Washington. Also, racism is still alive and it’s time for us to look at ourselves and cut this root out of each of us so that we can have a better future for all people.

    1. And the kool aid is what flavor today? What an unbelievably condescending and arrogant post. How many actual posts did you read? And, just get OFF it. Criticism of Obama is 99.999% based on policy. There are cranks everywhere. Just look at one of your lefty sites if you want to see racism.

      1. The kool aid should be kindness and understanding, always with no exception. It is time for a change in all of our attitudes. When we keep putting hated out of ourselves, that’s what we keep getting back in our lives. If we choose to put kindness out and stop the hatred, we can live a much better life because we draw to ourselves what we put out. So, put out what you want to come back into your life. The intent of the heart is more powerful than any mistake we can make because we know when someone has good intention and when they don’t.

  2321. Obama was elected because he iIS black. He is disrespected because he is a terrible, shrewd, supercilious, heartless person who insults and denegrates the office of president (lower case “p” intentional because of him)

  2322. Are you done insulting our intelligence Oprah? Huh? The man in the white house sucks as President. He is the biggest liar and his policies are destroying this country. Everything he touches turns to poo poo. Always have to throw the race card out but that sucker is maxed out. Anything that you are connected to i will avoid like the plague. Is that racist 2?

  2323. PLEASE!!! This, coming from one of the biggest racists in entertainment!! Oprah HATES white people! I got news for you, as a WHIT MALE, I voted for that asshat in his first run! I believed his BS of ‘HOPE’ and ‘CHANGE’… What a crock of SHYTE So, you can’t say its because he is black, its because he SUCKS as a president! He has made this country look like a joke since he took office… Hmmm… Benghazi, fast and Furious, Obamacare… the fact that he BOWED to a Saudi!!! He is a joke, it has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin.

  2324. if anyone here is racist, it’s oprah. despite all the crap obama has done, she refuses to believe that he is a bad president because in her mind only a white president can really be bad.

  2325. Isn’t she the skank that lied about a clerk in Switzerland refusing to show her a $30,000 purse because she was black? As it turned out, the entire incident was audio and videotaped and she was shown the purse but declined to buy it. She made a half-hearted apology, and the lapdog media dropped the entire incident. Hey lady, one earns respect. Mr. Obama’s lying, conniving ways, coupled with his utter incompetency, earns to respect from me and millions like me.

  2326. Oprah is what some would call uppity,, I don’t hear her defending his policies,,birds of a feather,, rich b*tch pretends to be for the down trodden,,yea right

  2327. People don’t like Obama because he’s a liberal, because he’s destroying the country as liberals like to do, and because he’s anti-American. Black has very little if anything to do with it.

    We’ve got way too many reasons to not like him to worry about his race.

  2328. How about all the millions that are paying attention to the reality of obama,
    and hate the man because to them it is very obvious he is out to destroy
    our country…..why other than the fact that she has become so very wealthy
    would anyone consider her relevant…also why does michelle want absolutely
    nothing to do with oprah????

  2329. Most people who don’t like Obummer because he is spending money like a drunken sailor, is incompetent on foreign policy, and is an irrefutable liar. Can’t get rid of this guy fast enough.

        1. Well Fred how does it feel. Whites who were never racist are sick of being called racist. So why not play the part if you are going to be accused of it anyway.

    1. Why? I’ve seen worse on Pres Bush (our last real pres)(not great but better than what we have now),,when black ridiculed Pres Bush,,were they called racist? Here is why she uses the race card :she promotes her new film:
      Use the race card when you are incompetent or when you want to sell something,,

      1. No Americaall. They had a website called the smirking chimp.com. but noone said a word about this. How about we start the same site back up for Odummy and see what happens.

    2. No Fred…people who were never racist before, Obama is slowly making them racist. By the way is it racist that if you are black you stick together as a black block instead of having a mind for yourself? 75% of blacks in the latest poll think Odummy is doing a good job. Is that racist? 2nd term 96% of all blacks voted Odummy is that racist? If whites all stuck together and voted white they would all be called racist. You don’t know what you are talking about so go collect your free phone and shut the fnuck up!

    3. yes its true you’re just as big a troll as she is, you probably make up lies like obama and oprah if you don’t know the answer.

  2330. Obama is a pathological liar and has been from day one. (Bill Avers just lives down
    the street; I’ve never heard Rev Wrights anti-white tirades; the borders have never
    been safer; Benghazi, IRS, f&f are phony scandals; NSA doesn’t spy on citizens).
    He has earned every bit of the scorn he receives. In fact, if not for the complicity
    of the MSM, he would have been exposed for his massive lies sooner. No president has spat on the Constitution and the rule of law more than he. He is an embarrassment. If anything, he has been given much more leeway because he is HALF black.
    It’s time to stop with the race card. Its pathetic. He is a colossal failure as
    a man; his color is irrelevant.

  2331. Little black boy looks up to his mommy and says,” mommy why do white people go to work everyday”. Mommy looks down to her son and says, “so they can pay for our housing, food stamps, cell phones, electricity, water, and health care”. Little black boy says, but mommy don’t that make the white angry. Mom says ” that’s what we call racist”.

  2332. MANY elected the Black guy TWICE and they made Oprah, the bag lady super rich!
    Oh how I wish I was hated like that! I could use the money!

  2333. The whole “Respect for the office” bit perplexes me. What, are people not genuflecting properly when they utter his name? Are they supposed to bow and scrape when they come into his presence?
    I thought we rejected all that foolishness with the Declaration of Independence. We don’t elect kings to a divine rule, we elect fellow citizens to represent us temporarily.

  2334. Nobody ever says? It’s what the left says all the time. If you disagree with or dislike this douchebag of a president, you’re obviously racist. What crap!

  2335. People don’t like Obama because he is a Marxist who hates America, the Constitution. He has profound disrespect for patriotic Americans and we have had enough.

  2336. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA H. America is such a racist country it made her a billionaire and Obama President. These people never stop with their excuses and cries of racism.

  2337. The Black Community needs to take stock of its empty racial positions. If it Black its right , but if your white your a blight. Borrrrrrringgg !!!! SLJ, Holder Opra, Obama , Faarakan, Sharpton,Lee, and the list is endless. Blacks are the true racist bigots. If your black and work hard your an Uncle Tom.

  2338. She’s wrong, he won a majority of the popular vote and in spite of his inexperience and missteps he’s been generally treated favorably by the press. It isn’t prejudice that has caused his problems, they are mostly of his own making.

  2339. I wonder if she’s right. I wonder if the level of disrespect Mr. Obama has for both the office of the presidency and the US Constitution is because he is black. I hope that isn’t the case….

    1. No Michael, the level of disrespect for Obama is because he’s a god-awful president. What part of that do you not get?

  2340. Pay no attention to what anyone who hosts a daytime TV show says. . Most of us who work are spared this possibility, and I can’t think of anything more mindless than those shows that more than live up to Newton Minnow’s characterization of TV (in the 1960’s!) as a VAST WASTELAND.

    If you really are that bored during the day, and have nothing else in your life other than daytime TV, try watching C SPan and get the real facts as they happen, without ANY filtering by anyone.

    And we are all getting a little tired of calling EVERYONE a racist if they happen not to agree with the Liberals and their PC party line views on any subject.

    Call me Ishmael. It doesn’t matter to me.

  2341. …and we hate Okra because she’s FAT. Someone said she needs to buy
    a really expensive handbag that’s big enough to fit over her head!

  2342. You never hear Asians, Indians, Native Americans (Until the whole redskins thing, brought up by Obama), Hispanics, Italians, Irish, Pacific Islanders, etc complain about racism. Its only black people who complain about it. Perhaps its them and NOT EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET.

    1. You been hiding under a rock? ALL of Americas minorities play the race card! It’s how they gain an advantage and work the system!

      1. Not really. The other races are busy studying and working hard. Asians and Indians by the 2nd or third generation in this country are doctors and lawyers.

        Italians and the Irish just worked their asses off and took their licks until they were accepted.

        Hispanics are too busy working and having 5 or 6 kids per family.

        1. Dude, I live in south Texas where Hispanics make up 85% of the population! Even here, where almost all elected, law enforcement, etc..officials are Hispanic, THEY PLAY THE RACE CARD!

          1. South Texas, I’m sorry, its a bit different in NY. They really need to get on that boarder and drive the illegals into the Rio Grande

  2343. Many BLACK Americans disrespected President Bush because he is white, and your point is Oprah??? I guess the point is there are both racist blacks and racist whites, but for some reason idiots like Oprah will not face the fact that there are racist blacks.

  2344. WRONG
    it’s because he is a lying flim flamer from Kenya
    and worst person ever to occupy the white house

  2345. Odummy is the biggest racist in the country. His comments prove that. I never used to be racist but now I question myself because of being handicap but yet no one pays my way. Blacks sit on there ass healthy and I pay for them also. Free phones free housing free food etc. Now this racist pres. why is he still in office. This Pric k needs to go and be impeached.

  2346. I am highly offended at Opera’s racist hate directed towards me. She has now, twice, proven herself just another racist hustler hate monger.

  2347. You know what we are really thinking Oprah? Take the donuts out of your mouth so I don’t have to subsidize fat peoples’ health insurance premium because they choose to make themselves sick. You remind me of the pig who eats himself to death in the movie Seven.

  2348. Oprah, get a grip on reality!! I am white, and proud that America voted a Black man into office. I was so happy to be alive during this wonderful time in history, but the guy is a lousy president!! Plain and simple. There are many qualified men who just happen to be black who could take his place and do a much better job. He has created chaos and division. Please don’t be ignorant enough to play into that. You are losing my respect and you are not stupid so use some reason please.

    1. You’re “proud” that America voted a black man into office? WTF does that mean? I would have been “proud” if America would have voted based on the content of a persons character rather than the color of his skin, as in Obama’s case!

      1. There is nothing wrong with being proud to be alive when we had our first black president. Are you just wanting to complain about something? I was a teenager during the 60s and saw first hand all the changes from the Civil Rights movement so to be alive and see America come this far from ignorance was wonderful. And at the time we didn’t know Obama had no character now did we?

        1. Was it “ignorance” or self preservation? America was actually a much safer, cleaner, gentler and overall better place during the “pre-civil rights” era!

          1. Oh my gosh you are one of those. I will not carry on a conversation with such an idiotic mind set. Have a nice day.

              1. Okay you got me I took the bait. You say you are half and half. And I have lived long enough to understand a human’s ability to lie. You are not telling the truth about that or you wouldn’t expect America to still be living under Jim Crow laws and that was what your words were implying. Human beings as a whole are swirling the drain, and the positives of the Civil Rights era are some of the few points in our history that has slowed down the swirl. And really have a nice day. I’m out.

            1. I said his mind set was idiotic. To think pre-civil rights was better because America was a cleaner, gentler and over all better place because we were practicing self-preservation by having separate but equal is idiotic. The reason why times were better is because people were better in many areas, like having morals, and compassion for fellow human beings. For someone to say pre Civil Rights was better, they would have to have a very racist mind set like the ku klux klan. He says he is half Black and Half Mexican, but his philosophy says otherwise.

        2. And yet if you are born white today, you are still racist and are supposed to live the rest of your life with white guilt. Fnuck that no me. Not anymore.

        3. Didn’t know he had no character? Way to be a troll. If you had really looked into the guys record and background that was all over the place instead of watching MSNBC and swallowing Chris Mathew’s load as it ran down his leg right along with that shiver he was so proud of you would have known this was going to happen. You may hate Fox News but they get the prognostication award for calling this all the way back in 2007.

          1. A lot of people bought it, unfortunately people voted emotionally certainly not on the facts about the man.His spspeeches were ingratiating ssying what neededto be done, but never how, with no substance st all. I still dont get how he was elected. Other than people upholding him and screaming louder than anyone else if you dared to criticize him.

          2. Interesting that you assume so much about me from one word of one post. If you read my post, I never said that I voted for the man, but once he was voted into office he was my president too. I was proud to be alive to experience the first time America voted for a Black President! I wanted to give the guy a chance. None of us knew that he didn’t have any character the first election. Of course there was negative talk because that is how the game of politics is played in this day and age. I have been voting since 1972, and sometimes my candidate wins and sometimes they don’t. When they don’t, I give the person who did, a chance to prove that they were worthy of the win. I watch as many different news stations as possible including international broadcasts. Chris Matthews makes me sick to my stomach and I knew Obama was a mistake shortly after he opened his bag of tricks. I don’t drink the Kool-Aid, so please don’t assume so much from one post. Part of being informed and educated as to the goings on in this world we live in is reading these side stories and occasionally responding. So how does that make me a troll? We are from the same camp so why say insulting comments when you really don’t have a clue who you are talking to or what you are talking about?

      2. Based on the content of someone’s character. Wow what a novel idea. The people who voted for this man really need to take stock Cuz we can’t afford as a Country to survive another. President who doesn’t truly love this country and who. Doesn’t have a clue about economics. We have a lot of work to do to clean up his mess.

  2349. What a shameless race hustler Oprah has become…Herman Cain would’ve gotten my vote in a heartbeat…

  2350. Oprah is a rich b*tch. I disrespect Obama because he is a communist and I hate communists. Communists are responsible for the killing of millions, maybe 100 million.

  2351. Many people “disrespect” Obama, and a lot of other blacks, like Oprah for instance, because they use their blackness as an excuse for their failings instead of just accepting that failure due to incompetence is not a measure of race, but is a measure of ability.

  2352. “Many Americans Hate Obama Because He’s Black”

    And more than a few hate him because he is a lying, warmongering tool.

  2353. She has no shortage of nerve…I suppose all the millions she has made was from all her black friends.

  2354. Oprah and all of the leftists who drink the Kool Aid for Obama are nuts, and are completely wrong that most Americans dislike Obama because he is black. Do 98 % of the African Americans hate whites by voting for Obama no matter what he does, and do not look at his policies.

    I, and millions of Americans look at Obama’s policies and beliefs which mirror communism, socialism, and his pro Muslim beliefs. We view Obama’s policies as anti-American which, if fulfilled, will turn this nation into a third world socialist state.
    I and million of other Americans love Dr. Ben Carson, Condalesse Rice, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and other prominent conservative blacks. I guess these don’t count for Oprah because they are Oreo cookies to them, ( black on the outside and white on the inside).

    I see Oprah is a rich billionaire capitalist who has made her money thru the private sector of America, and thru women lapping up her shows and her network. But she wants everyone else to suffer under Obama’s socialism so long as she keeps her fame and money. This is typical of a limousine liberal.

    Oprah says that the only way racism is going to end is for racists to die. Using her method of thinking, I say the only way this country can recover from the devastating effects of years of liberalism is for liberals to die. or be sent to the communist country of their choice without a chance to return.

  2355. oh god…not again; no one can criticize this president without someone crying “racism!”…soon people will be so desensitized to this that it will lose all meaning, if it hasn’t already.

  2356. Gawd….give us a break…. For such a “BRILL-YANT, BRILL-YANT” candidate like you kept repeating on your show during his first campaign, he has let us down. If he had been a half way decent president, he could have gone down in history as not only history making but paved the way for a united America, instead of a divisive one. The Cambridge incident, (racial), the rich against the poor, (Racial) Unions against the main street workers, Christians against the Muslims, soak the rich in taxes, speak against his policies, you’re an automatic racist. Existing laws, Obama doesn’t support, takes executive actions take care of that problem. Benghazi, IRS, NSA, the AP and Rosen newspeople wire tapes…. the list goes on and on… So when we all disagree with all of the above,…We’re all RACIST. My wife used to support your show, to my chagrin, but after all the biast remarks from you, she no does. All of the people like your selves who reach for the race card, every time someone disagrees, are the REAL racists!

  2357. She’s almost as full of crap as Obama. Almost, but she’s every bit as obnoxious.

    We get it- blacks can’t be held to the same standards as whites. It’s just not fair.
    Funny, blacks didn’t have any problem harshly criticizing Bush, and no one called them racist for doing so. Why they vote 90+% for other blacks (so long as they’re Democrat) is pretty indicative of racial bias, but never mind.

    But criticize Obama, and it’s all about racism. He’s playing in the big leagues (extremely poorly, by the way, for which his insufficient resume predicted) and he has to take the heat- it goes with the job, which he wanted. The same goes for his supporters- you’re getting exactly what you gave.

    Grow up or shut up. Or go somewhere where your fragile egos and inflated self-esteem won’t be injured. His oversized ego, arrogance, and might I say, laziness, has him in his predicament, and his race shielded him for much longer than it should have.

    Are you equal, or are you not? You’re answering that question, not us.

  2358. Wake up Oprah. Obama is not respected because he lies, disregards both the law and the Constitution, and is totally incompetent. The fact that he is (half) black has nothing to do with it.

  2359. She pulls the race-card more times than she’s been fat! I think it is
    something to do with the “COWS” stomach, maybe indigestion in the 3rd
    stomach? LOL

  2360. Odd. Many of these “racists” voted for H. Cain and would love A. West in a central office… like PRESIDENT. Those deplorable race crazies also love to hear Walter E. Williams and T. Sowell speak on economics and social issues. Oprah is either a liar or a propagandist, but probably both.

      1. White racists unite for a black President 2016!

        Hey, this nation considers watermelon racist. If we are that stupid as a people, to make a fruit racist, we can label immoral, anti-Christian, budget-unbalanced politics as moral. And love it. Disturbing.

  2361. Unfortunately for Mrs Winfrey has forgotten her roots and is still withering on the vine of racial ignorance.

  2362. NO, you dumb BROAD- (oh, who made MILLIONS off of stupid white housewives.)
    I LOATHE and DISRESPECT HIM because: 1) He is NOT very intelligent 2) He is a TERRIBLE speaker, talks in circles and never actually says anything 3) He’s a SOCIALIST. 4) He is a REDISTRIBUTIONIST. 5) He could not sell WATER in the SAHARA. 6) He called THOSE OF US who don’t agree with HIM “THE ENEMY” in the last election campaign. 7) He CONTINUALLY blames ANYONE but HIMSELF for any problems. 8) He HATES the Military. 9) He is a petulant, thin-skinned crybaby.
    And OHOLE- THANKS for buying SO MUCH property on Kaua’i, and HIKING up the cost of land, so the LOCALS can’t AFFORD IT, you RICH COW.

  2363. I thought it was because he is a worthless POS, and a lying socialist. I guess I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

  2364. Liars come in all colors, in this case the two liars (Obama and Oprah) happen to be black. Since when is it racist to call someone a liar.

  2365. That won’t fly….she is a racist! I don’t like him because what he turning our country into.
    As for watching Oprah…no thank you. I am not a blind sheep. She says NOTHING NEW and why she has made billions is beyond me. Talentless hack….
    Another thing….she owes her billions to WHITE women because the others colors don’t watch her…she is biting the hand that has fed her (and fed her alot)..

  2366. She pulls the race-card more times that she has been fat! I think it is something to do with the “COWS” stomach, maybe indigestion in the 3rd stomach? LOL

  2367. that’s what’s been missing from the Obamacare debate: playing the race card!
    By the way that is when you know the other side has lost the argument: when they resort to the race card, they have no argument of substance.
    This fellow we have in the White House, our “Post Turtle” is a circus side-show on his very best day. But he’s a full-time national embarrassment.

  2368. he only became a president because he is a black. black racists and self hating subservient white people voted for him. okra knows this , she only voted for him and supported him because of his HALF race.

  2369. Hey Oprah, since you are considered by many, including yourself, to be intelligent and morally superior, shouldn’t you acknowledge that he is biracial? He WON on his black skin, and he constantly falls back on his black appearance to keep the racial strife alive, rarely if ever alluding to his 50% Caucasian DNA..

    I don’t detest Obama because he is black. I have an equal amount of loathing for his white half.

  2370. The great omniscient Oprah can see into our hearts now? No, we don’t like him because he is not honest. and forcing policies we don’t agree with down our throat.

  2371. This woman made a billion dollars off of white women and she says that we are racist, wow. Obama is a demon, a monster, a perpetual liar. Those traits are not about his race.

  2372. I am so disgusted by supporters of Obama saying that just because you disagree with him you are racist. People disagree with him because he is incompetent and a control freak that bypasses the constitution like a dictator. Oprah is not affected by his screw ups because she has the money to deal with whatever crisis that may arise due to Obamacare and his other appeasement and entitlement policies. I used to have respect for her but now I will never watch her tv network and will encourage others to not go to see her movie. I would also like to ask Ms. Winfrey does she really believe that only minorities voted for him as president two times? would she be supporting a white president for the same policies and total incompetence that the Obama administration has demonstrated? I think not.

    1. you can always tell when they have lost the argument: they play the race card. It really is that simple and yes, you are dealing with simpletons

  2373. Obama is half white and half black. If it makes anyone feel better, the black half of Obama is a business genius with a heart of gold. It’s the socialist, political-posturing, photo posing, race-baiting, fear-mongering, community-organizing, truth-avoiding, manipulating, traitorous white half that I abhor.

  2374. Oprah is a loser because she put her neck out for Obama, and all Obama has done since he entered the White House was to follow the Bush doctrine on how to run a country into the ground, but Obama has done it exponentially faster than Bush.
    Bush was hated too. Therefore, Oprah must be a bigot because she doesn’t like people from Texas?


  2376. What she says is true, but it’s stupid and inane. Yes, “many” people hate Obama because he’s black. Of course, “many” could mean 4 or 10,000. Whatever. Many people hate me because I’m not black. Many also hate me because I’m old, and conservative, and have an opinion, and don’t kiss rear, and a few other reasons.

    Many people hate other people for countless reasons. Many hate Oprah because she’s fat, or ugly, or panders to celebrities, or undeservedly rich, or many other reasons.

    What’s your point, Oprah? Why make such an inane comment?

  2377. I am totally immune to being called a racist anymore. If the definition of the word means that one opposes the Obama agenda then I embrace it.

  2378. Oprah is right on. There was not this level of outright disrespect publicly on the monopolistic television networks that all have the same views, except for Fox which is the America Is Never Wrong Network. Bush/Cheney were draft dodgers that is a fact. As someone there age who served in Vietnam it is a fact “calls” were made to get Bush43 in National Guard and Cheney had his deferments. The entire attack on Iraq was to DEFLECT from the TWO party (especially Republican because they were in office) failure for protecting the country against amateurs (mostly from Saudi Arabia) despite spending $trillions on defense. That’s called incompetence two party style. If we had a strong democracy Bush/Cheney would have been removed from office and majority of Congress should have been replaced.

    1. Oprah, we know it’s you, OK? Stop it. And FU!!!! We have never had a president as hateful and evil as this piece of racist, arrogant crap. He has intentionally made EVERYTHING worse for America. He is here to hurt America and he’s accomplishing the mission. He has made America more hated in the world than Bush ever could have. He has created more racial tension and poverty than this country has ever seen. He has abused power and Americans like the Nazis. He has killed Mexicans, babies and border agents. GTFOOH!

    2. You can lie about the level hatred toward Bush all you want, but it won’t change the facts. A nice little start might be to type in “Bush Hitler” into google and see what you get. Remember the presidentmoron website? With all of the monkey pictures? We know full well how you bigoted leftists would react if that site were directed at Obama. While it might be psychologically necessary for you to live in Revisionistville (next door to Obama’s hometown of Narcissist Alley), I would hope that the majority of Americans are more educated than you; or are at least becoming so with each passing day of this train wreck of a presidency.

    3. We do not have a democracy, or at least we didn’t start out that way. It is a constitutional republic, for what it’s worth.

      “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist only until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse (defined as a liberal gift) out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship.” Alexander Fraser Tyler

    4. If America had better mental health care you could be disabused of your insanity with treatment. You do need help.

  2379. OPRAH or HARPO knock off the racist CRAP. You, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson use that word ,Obama is half white also.

  2380. Oprah spreading Racist hatred, as usual. Nothing new here.

    I wonder if it even occurs to here that she herself is the bigot.

  2381. The sad thing is, every other race in the world is looking at black Americans and asking, WTF is wrong with them?

    1. Get this- I travel a lot internationally on business, and on more than one occasion I was asked what it was like being a minority white in America.
      American TV is found all over the world in translated languages, and these people watch TV and from what they see they think America is majority black.
      And if you didn’t know any better I can see why they think that.

  2382. Obama can’t speak in complete sentences without a bug in his ear or a teleprompter and he HATES America and white people. STFU Oprah you fat racist B itch

  2383. Does OW have any idea how racist she sounds saying the only reason white people could have to object to a black person is racism? Like, maybe it’s the things he does, like lying, destroying our health care system, lying, not giving an account of his whereabouts 9/11/12, the president saying the only reason Americans don’t want to pay all their income in taxes is because we’re racist,..well, you get the point

  2384. I wonder what the Big O thinks of the way the NAACP who consistently made negative statements of President George W. Bush during his presidency?

  2385. Total B.S.if Condoleezza Rice was President ,She would be excepted. because she has a BRAIN and class. it’s not about race.I just lost all respect for Oprah.

  2386. I hate him because he is a communist who is busily corroding the underpinnings of the country that I love. The fact that he is HALF black has nil to do with it. Poor Oprah! Reduced to playing the race victim on behalf of her arrogant, dictatorial, incompetent president. Sorrow is Obama’s legacy for us and we all shall be poorer for it. Too bad, Oprah — so sad.

  2387. the on-again/off-again saga of Oprah and the Obamas! Another freakin’ idiot needing to trash any respect and her career over Barrack(is he black?)

    1. Thats another thing is she stupid for not knowing that if he is half white he can’t be black.but only half black, always trying to take more than half of what white people make ; )

  2388. How about disrespecting Obama for being a shuck and jive Uncle Tom….a sellout by black standards as well as a “kneegrow” by white standards. I disrespect him for lying and lying badly.

    I think Oprah is racist.

  2389. Oprah, when you endorsed Obama on your network show, I decided to quit watching your show, not because Obama is black but because I wanted to see your show remain impartial. When the Oprah Winfrey Network OWN became available in my area on cable, I decided not to watch any of the shows (even if I thought they might be interesting) because I figured sooner or later you would stick your foot in your mouth and insult a lot of people. You just did. You have fallen out of favor with many of us who used to be supporters of yours.

  2390. It also exposes the blatant racism of Oprah to dismiss his white mother and the white roots of Obama. Technically speaking Obama is not a black man but a Afro European man. Oprah’s bigotry erased his white ancestry.

  2391. “What’s missing here is that there are only two kinds of men, those who are good and those who are evil; but to be more explicit, those who try to do good habitually and those who do evil habitually. From the Christian point of view it is the dichotomy of fathers–you bust a gut to follow after your Father in heaven to be perfect and holy; or you do the works of your father the devil.

    Even the foolish who do not believe can generally see that men fall into these categories. The men of this administration–and, unfortunately, many before it–have been dominated by men of malice; one can hear it in the false accusations of many a democrat or comrade. Oppression is their tool via taxes, fines, and restrictive and unconstitutional laws or agencies like obamacare or the EPA. Blasphemy is their byword as they work to remove God and Jesus from the founders works. Hypocrisy is their way and mindset as they deny nearly all they do: No! Taxpayers won’t have to fund abortion from sea to shining sea!

    They are slaves to the devil, slaves to sin, slaves to the world, and slaves to themselves. They are enemies to God, enemies to Christ, enemies to the country, and enemies to their own soul”–redux

  2392. SHE thinks it. I wish she would stop trying to tell us what we are all thinking, brainwashing the general public with all her ongoing bantering bs. I can’t even stand the sight of her.

  2393. I was happy to see President Obama get elected. I thought he would be great in unifying our country.. He did the exact opposite. He immediately demonizing one group over the other… Now he has been caught blatantly LYING, I have lost all respect for him.. The color of ones skin has nothing to do with them lying.

    1. Well, welcome to reality and God bless you. Many Germans said the same about Hitler….now help clean up this mess.

  2394. Well Oprah a black woman should know since so many blacks disrespect and actually harbor murderous feelings towards those who are non blacks. I bet Oprah would have condemned the present President the day he took office if he was white.

  2395. Ummmm then what was the cause of the contempt for the office when Bush was in office. Only now it is race is it? Cultural Marxism is naked and streaking for all to see nowadays.

  2396. Well, I’d say she’s half right. My “disrespect” for Obama IS because he’s African but not because he’s blaq which is to say I despise his third-world, bananna republic dictator-for-life outlook he picked up in Kenya and Indonesia.

  2397. “ain’t nobody got time for racism (that)”…. we’re all watching our paychecks and healthcare decrease.

  2398. Not so, silly Ophra, I disrespect him because he is a fraud, a deceiver, and a maniacal dictator pushing a far left agenda…I could care less what color his skin is or isn’t. the fact he is half white is meaningless to me.

  2399. Let’s see, basically Oprah is saying that she knows what certain people are thinking just by the color of their skin. Isn’t that the definition of a racist?

  2400. Then please explain how he got elected, if whites dont like him. This is nothing but a canard. His fellow blacks are now playing the race card as the charade is over. He is a dud and his legacy will be total, utter failure. So, it is racist for a white to say Barack is a dud?

    1. Well, they probably stole the second one…the IRS and NSA suppressed about 5 million white votes and the various ACORN type groups voted for about 5 million dead and intoxicated people on welfare. THEN, Soros counted the votes in socialist Spain…

  2401. Hey oprah!!! He could be PURPLE and we would not care!!!! We care that he is DESTROYING our country and the Constitution!! You RACIST slimebag!!!! Maybe you should take a good look in the mirror for the TRUE RACIST OPRAH WINFREY!!!!!! Oprah is a TRAITOR to America so her opinion DOES NOT MATTER!

  2402. Hey Oprah, what about the half of him that is Caucasian. You liberals never say anything nice about that, but you prattle on about this all the time to cover his leadership failures. Guess that makes you all double racists.

  2403. I don’t know how Oprah was able to hide her resentment and hate for white people for so long. I guess it was that the money was so good. It seems her racism has been as much a deep secret a has been her true sexual orientation.

  2404. Dear Oprah, we don’t care about your race-baiting opinions; not because you make them, and you’re a “celebrity” (a vacuous worthless title), or because of your race, but because they’re simply not true. Your ego is exceeded only by your ignorance.

  2405. Gee, I wish this country wasn’t so awful and racist. Maybe then she could scratch out a meager living.

  2406. It’s not that people disrespect President Obama because he’s black, it’s that they feel he has disrespected the office of the presidency, has no respect for the three branches of government, and has no use for the constitution, the foundation of our nation.

  2407. I don’t dislike him because he’s black. Not at all. I disrespect his incompetance. Obozo has been over his head since day one. He’s never even managed so much as a lemonade stand.

    1. And he is so disinterested in the job that he has not even tried. All he does is give speeches ad nauseum and play golf and go on expensive vacations.

  2408. One problem is that he is given a free pass because of the color of his skin. Another is that people are accused of being racists and harassed as racists because they oppose Obama’s policies. This is racism.

  2409. “Due to the possibility that a common notion of ethics are not universally shared by all sentient beings, and that therefore Obamycare Robbery & Fraud Dept. may have entirely different concept of “fairness”, “equity”, “honesty”, and “integrity” than the consumer, the consumer should not expect the product to conform in any way to the advertised properties of the product. Furthermore, the consumer should be aware that she may be the only entity in the universe, and therefore that any perceived defects in product quality are the consumer’s own d&#!fault in that she voted for these criminals.”

    The only things black about obama are his lies and his heart. Wake up and repeal this fascist act NOW, congress!

  2410. I do not disrespect him because he is black it’s because he is a pathological liar and a communist. Oprah get over the colored thing!

  2411. Skin color doesn’t make a person evil. Evil comes from the heart and mind. Obama’s agenda for America is evil. There are other potential candidates with dark skin that I would be happy to have as president, because they actually care about the country.

    1. or at least telling you what you want to hear so that it appears they want what is best for America!

  2412. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs.
    And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.
    There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    -Yea, she’s “smart”, got it all figured out…
    ……………Look, Oprah Winfrey and the rest of you Oblama IDIOT’s.

    It has nothing to do with him being black or black-white or whatever he is!

    -It has to do with that fact that thanks you racist IDIOT’s (Oprah),
    of all the Black President’s you could find, he was it?

    -You MORON ZOMBIES, selected, by far, the worst one we’ve ever had!
    Trust me, the Democrat Party has given us some real “winner’s” through out!

    After the SHELL SOCK of this CLOWN is done and we all end up with Oblama PTSD
    You may not see another black “President” for at least a generation!!

    Oh and while we’re at it…Since she has a thing with these “slave” movies!

    The part that’s always troubling in these Democrat, revisionist history, movies,
    is there’s never a mention of their beloved Democrat Party!

    Odd, considering it was the Democrats, themselves, who perpetrated SLAVERY,
    FROM HAVING CIVIL RIGHTS and had their “muscle”, the KKK, to see to it!

    Well, it’s a good thing that blacks thank Republican’s for keeping up the fight….
    Oh, then again! …That must be way 90 to 95% vote Democrat….
    …………………………….Bunch of RACIST, INGRATES!!!

    I don’t expect to see any “monuments” thanking Republican’s, anytime soon!

    What would the DNC do if the truth was out…
    They wouldn’t be able then to manipulate all those idiots of the “low informed” voter tribe!

  2413. Who would have thunked it, Oprah is saying that she wants to see a lot of blacks die so that racism will end. Go figure, “racists have to die for racism to end”.

  2414. Ok, were all racist and that why we don’t like him….. So what’s the excuse for the many blacks and black leaders whom also don’t like him? Are they racist too?? I wouldn’t care if he were green, I’D STILL HATE WHAT HE’S DOING TO THE USA!

  2415. We should just tell Oprah that we dont like all the lies coming from the “white” part of his brain. If Obama was thinking with his blackness he’d be honest and righteous. Pffft

  2416. Oprah, not only have you turned your back on Christianity, but you have forgotten that Rev. Martin Luther King said that you judge a person by his content of character. How many video’s do you have to be shown of Obama telling outright lies? But, there is another black man that should have been president, His name is ALAN KEYES! Hands down the most brilliant person I have ever seen. I’m a white man, Oprah, kinda a sick of you playing the ancient race card when things don’t go your way. By the way, blacks represent about 15% of the population, so how is it Obama got over 50% of the vote? Why didn’t you guys turn out for Ambassador Keyes? He is a wonderful man who would have made us all proud and our country wouldn’t be in this stinking mess. I know why. Your guy is for the dark side, Mr. Keyes represents life as a follower of Jesus Christ.

    1. “What’s missing here is that there are only two kinds of men, those who are good and those who are evil; but to be more explicit, those who try to do good habitually and those who do evil habitually. From the Christian point of view it is the dichotomy of fathers–you bust a gut to follow after your Father in heaven to be perfect and holy; or you do the works of your father the devil.
      Even the foolish who do not believe can generally see that men fall into these categories. The men of this administration–and, unfortunately, many before it–have been dominated by men of malice; one can hear it in the false accusations of many a democrat or comrade. Oppression is their tool via taxes, fines, and restrictive and unconstitutional laws or agencies like obamacare or the EPA. Blasphemy is their byword as they work to remove God and Jesus from the founders works. Hypocrisy is their way and mindset as they deny nearly all they do: No! Taxpayers won’t have to fund abortion from sea to shining sea!
      They are slaves to the devil, slaves to sin, slaves to the world, and slaves to themselves. They are enemies to God, enemies to Christ, enemies to the country, and enemies to their own souls.”

    2. Oprah and liberal blacks don’t give a damn about MLK any more than Nasty Plastosis gives a damn about being a Catholic. They want to rule the world. They are addicted to power. They are evil.

      1. I distrusted Rice and Powell because they never blew the whistle on Bush’s lie that Saddam had WMD’s. Also, as Bush’s security advisor she lied when she publicly said, “Who would have ever thought of terrorists using planes to strike those two buildings.” Yet, testimony at 9aa Commission Hearing revealed that had been discussed in her security meetings and, indeed, on 9/11 the air force was conducting drills to thwart that very thing, but in different part of country. Powell always seemed like a “yes” man. He knew Bush was lying. Mr. Keyes is a much more intelligent man.

        1. We’ll have to agree to disagree on “Bush’s” lies. Abu Nidal died in Iraq and was the preeminent terrorist at the time. The Arab culture is so layered and interconnected that we westerners have a less than perfunctory understanding of it. I believe what is essential is that there was no “actionable intel” to go after…just theriorectical that was allowed because Goerolick put the wall between agencies…

          1. How was Saddam going to deliver and harm us with his WMD’s? No navy, no atom submarines, no long range bombers. Commercial airplane tickets, yes! How was it that the day after 9/11 every major newspaper had the pictures and names of the perpetrating terrorists? Wow, those journalist newspaper people really know their intelligence! Somebody knew before hand. You see with a wide open southern border anyone can enter this country. We spend all this money on defense and can’t stop known terrorists from entering this country from the south. Wow, 19 of the 23 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia? But, we attack Iraq? Now that we’re through with Iraq, killed and maimed thousands of our young people, killed over a million Iraq citizens, please tell me the good that came out of this debacle. Did we get their oil to pay us back the trillion dollars spent like Dick Chaney said we would? Hell, No!

            1. We didn’t come anywhere close to killing “over a million Iraq citizens.” Peddle those lies somewhere else.

              It’s off topic anyway.

              1. The point is why did Americans and Iraqis’ have to die in a war that was totally unnecessary. Read “War is a Scam,” by America’s highest decorated General, a 2-time Medal of Honor holder. You might learn who really benefits from war. Also, who appointed you, as Moderator?

        2. He had WMD. He had the precursors, and he had the materials and was acting on it.

          The only lie was people claiming there were no WMD.

          Powell jumped ship because he’s a rat.

  2417. What a racist..She is worth a billion $ from white people watching her show.
    She didn’t mention that Obama had a 72% approval after one month in office. He was not qualified for the job. It was because he was Black that he was elected.

  2418. If ZerOphrah genuinely believes what she’s said, then she’s delusional. No wonder she still supports ZerObama…he’s BLACk (most accurately MULATTO).
    Forget about many…and it’s not an issue of skin color and hatred, but of content of character (or in this particular case, a profound lack thereof, and hence the ZerO…ZerOphrah, ZerObama, e.g…..)–ZERO character content…hollow and fraudulent because of internal emptiness…seems like it’s about skin color for you ZerOphrah, being blinded by your own lies for so long, all you can see is blackness….

  2419. Truth hurts doesn’t it? For all who are so vocal about Obamacare, his ethnicity, his policies, Benghazi etc….where were your voices when the Bushes were sending our heroes to die for oil, the recession and the whole economic collapse, Katrina and the list goes on…..Hypocrites much?

    1. to bring up the mistakes of a past president is COWARDICE, IMMATURE, IGNORANT, and most of all IRRELEVANT!!!! The actions of a past president NO LONGER MATTER! AND there were PLENTY of people crying so your comment only makes you look like the IDIOT that you must be as an obozo the clown supporter! And YES calling you and obozo the clown supporter is an INSULT and something you should be ashamed of but you are too stupid to know it!!!

      1. How can they no longer matter whore? Get your white entitlement bs and wash your snatch you savage….

        1. 1st of all…whore. REALLY well at least I can get someone who wants to make love to me which is more than we can say for your EXTREMELY UGLY ASS!
          Be real careful Le Roy Waring you are letting your hatred, racism, and ignorance show!!! But thanks for PROVING who the REAL racists in America truly are I appreciate your assistance in PROVING my point that EVERY time you point your ignorant finger at someone else and cry racism there are 3 fingers pointing back at YOU!!!!! You can’t cry about discrimination WHILE YOU are discriminating it makes you look like an ASS!!!
          It is also FAR more discriminating to elect a man based on the color of his skin than to dislike his EXTREMELY ANTI AMERICAN & CORRUPT policies!!! So you are the pot calling the kettle black DUMBASS!!!!!!
          2ndly I don’t consider myself entitled to ANYTHING but my paycheck which I EARN every week again UNLIKE YOu!!!!
          I think the funniest part is you are so BRAINWASHED but sadly TOO STUPID to even know it!

          1. boo hoo hooo white trash having a moment….I’ll wait…hahahaha loser….don’t get mad because I was in college while you were sucking your dads dick while smoking meth with your daughter….what a loser…Just like Bush and Reagan….

            1. WOW clearly I hit the nail on the head! But thanks AGAIN for proving exactly what I have been saying! I appreciate you making it so extremely EASY for me! I bet it is really really going to piss you off when I tell you that YOUR OWN PEOPLE SOLD YOU not White America and NOW your so called “president” has put your dumb ass right back into slavery!!!!!! And thanks again for showing the world who the TRUE racists in America are!!!!
              Have a great day!!!!

    2. More people have died in Afghanistan under barack than Bush.

      But you go ahead and follow your totalitarians. They always end up killing more before destroying a nation.

    3. go put your head back in the sand because you won’t wake up until Obama makes this a 3rd world country you loose everything, if you’re in debt do you spend your way out? you can’t blame our debt on Bush, obama and his cronies are money spending bullies and know that the Americans can’t afford his so called healthcare program congress jumped off the train wreck of obamacare because they know what’s in it thats why they didn’t want us to see what was in it until after it was passed.

      1. Last time I checked the Obamacare site enrolled over 100,000 in a two day period..assclown…Bush spent billions on two wars he couldn’t even finish during his administration….get the facts before you speak dumbshit.

        1. you want to talk about clowns have you checked how much the debt is sense Obama got in office? BTW Obama spent trillions, have you seen how many people lost their insurance? do you know Obama was lying about if you like your insurance you can keep it? its time you wake up or go join a liberal blog. the only thing i will defend him on is knowing he is not the Antichrist.

          1. I know The Bushes and Reagan already hold those titles. You people are beyond help…You spend spend spend on wars, tongue and cheek with corrupt lobbyist friends and almost destroy a 1st. world power but hate the fact that Obama is spending “OUR” money….You didn’t seem so vocal when Bush was handing our asses to foreign interests so why are you mad because Obama is using “your” money to pay for “your” problem that “you” created….deal with it.

            1. i can see your a waste of time talking to so go on your way to live in your dream world and stick your head back in the sand.

  2420. just goes to teach us all…great wealth does not guarantee clear discernment and honesty. when one cannot accept a “true and valid” cause and effect to what has become a pattern of mis-management and deception from the President’s office, the grand parachute is to “claim racial intent”. ineptitude and lies know no color and damage all “colors”. i thought all the years of great guests in wisdom and teachings had planted seeds….one must be fertile and move beyond their egos to allow real spiritual growth to occur. perhaps she was not listening and was just part of the “show” !

  2421. Here we go again. More accusations of “racism” behind criticism of Obama. I would like to know why accusers of racism don’t feel the need to present evidence for their claims.

  2422. This is coming from a black woman who is a billionaire most of which came from white people. I like Ops, her ability to empathize and connect but she needs to disengage the cranium from here rectum. perhaps people just disagree with hisolicies and his arrogant modus operandi.

  2423. He’s a scoundrel-a rat-a guttersnake. I supported Herman Cain.
    Obama can quit right now-I hope he takes Biden with him.

  2424. She has enough money to subsidize all our healthcare so if she loves it so much how about kicken in a little money?? oh I forgot, you don’t like American’s (black or white or purple) you only help other countries with the money you made off Americans, just like most other Hollywood idiots.

  2425. Obama is the first Oprah president.
    And the indoctrinated zombies scream in delight!

  2426. Oprah is a wealthy black woman primarily because of white women who idolize her. She is the racist.


    Madame Oprah, why do you suppose he was elected president, then?

    (were we not racist 5 years ago?)

  2428. SHE is the racists because she only builds schools for black kids!

    She is a fool! She could spend 99% of her money helping blacks and still be rich but is too selfish to do so

  2429. Oprah only supports Obama because he has African descent. Obama is far from an American. He was raised if not born and bred in Indonesia and Kenya!

  2430. disrespect be cause he…violates the Constitution….murdered our men in Benghazi….is a marxist…..etc., because he’s black, no

  2431. Hey uhm Oprah?

    “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” – Barry Obama

    Does this little pearl of class-warfare wisdom from your purple-lipped Chicago-Jesus apply to you?

  2432. Shouldn’t the question to her be, are you hyper supportive of Obama because he’s black?

    Doesn’t that make you a racist???

  2433. Only Oprah can spit a misrepresentation thats been being repeated everyday of his presidency and ppl still eat it up like an original thought . Thats why intelligent ppl are concluding that his administration and media constituency are some of the worst people that could be “serving” this country

  2434. No Oprah you are wrong…most intelligent Americans do not hate Obama because he’s black…after all he is half white and I resent the fact that you use the term African American. We are all Americans….period!
    Intelligent American’s don’t hate anyone, but they do despise incompetence…and that is the crux of the matter….YOU…supported a person that is not qualified to lead our country and the world….You did this just because of the color of his skin…..You and the 95% of the black population that voted to reelect this incompetent person should be ashamed of yourselves for being the racists you are!

  2435. I, and the other white ppl I know, could care less that he is black/Asian/who knows. We do care however, that his goal seems to be becoming a dictator so he can run around patting us on the head and having us kiss his shoes begging for food. By the way, I guess all the minorities that didn’t like all previous presidents was only because they were white, yeah that IS stupid isn’t it Oprah??!!

  2436. Unbelievable. She has joined the “camp” of those imbeciles who tout “if you don’t like Obama or his policies, you are a racist”. Hey Oprah: FU. You don’t know me and you aren’t smart enough to realize what a cancer this man is.

    1. She’s been in his “camp” since day 1…I really thought she was smarter than she apparently is…there’s no future in the “race baiting” business.

  2437. Pssst. Oprah….did you ever read this? And secondly, most sane people also rant against Joe Biden so Obama is not alone in criticism.

    Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up. Seven years was the limit that an indentured servant could be held. Upon their release they were granted 50 acres of land. This included any Negro purchased from slave traders. Negros were also granted 50 acres upon their release.

    Anthony Johnson was a Negro from modern-day Angola. He was brought to the US to work on a tobacco farm in 1619. In 1622 he was almost killed when Powhatan Indians attacked the farm. 52 out of 57 people on the farm perished in the attack. He married a female black servant while working on the farm.

    When Anthony was released he was legally recognized as a “free Negro” and ran a successful farm. In 1651 he held 250 acres and five black indentured servants. In 1654, it was time for Anthony to release John Casor, a black indentured servant. Instead Anthony told Casor he was extending his time. Casor left and became employed by the free white man Robert Parker.

    Anthony Johnson sued Robert Parker in the Northampton Court in 1654. In 1655, the court ruled that Anthony Johnson could hold John Casor indefinitely. The court gave judicial sanction for blacks to own slave of their own race. Thus Casor became the first permanent slave and Johnson the first slave owner.

    Whites still could not legally hold a black servant as an indefinite slave until 1670. In that year, the colonial assembly passed legislation permitting free whites, blacks, and Indians the right to own blacks as slaves.

    By 1699, the number of free blacks prompted fears of a “Negro insurrection.” Virginia Colonial ordered the repatriation of freed blacks back to Africa. Many blacks “sold themselves” to white masters so they would not have to go to Africa. This was the first effort to gently repatriate free blacks back to Africa. The modern nations of Sierra Leone and Liberia both originated as colonies of repatriated former black slaves.

    However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

    By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

    So in some ways, you could say a black man was and is “the father of black slavery in America”.

  2438. Oprah seems to have made a pretty good living in this racist country. Guess its only half blacks we hate huh Oprah?

  2439. Poor Oprah. All the money in the world cannot buy that which she most desires. She will never be able to brush blonde hair or see the world through blue eyes. When she looks in the mirror she hates what she sees. For Oprah, if you can’t be them… blame them.

  2440. If Oprah were standing in front of me at this moment, looking directly at my face, and I told her I do not like Barack Obama, how would she be able to tell if it is because I am racist or because I dislike his policies and performance as president. I mean….how could she tell?

  2441. People don’t worry. Do not listen to the Hollywood and the rich. They have their agendas and they are not in your favor. Do not play the games that they want you to play. They see us uniting and they are trying everything possible to keep us divided! I am not a racist, but I do have extreme prejudice against the evil and the inhumane.

  2442. Those of us that disagree with Obama disagree with his policies. it has nothing to do with his ethnicity. More LIBERAL horses&*t

  2443. What a crock!!! This woman that BOTH white and blacks have made disgustingly rich has no respect for those that have helped her get to a level of fame and fortune that she now enjoys. It is like some ridiculous sense of self-importance because of her color that she feels so much better than those of non-color and can claim she can read the mind of white America. The race card is so tattered that she needs to find another card to play. Sick of her attitude, sick of her “Idol” in Chief!

  2444. OMG, what a LIE. Another reason to hate Oprah .. and it’s not because she BLACK. The disrespect for the office comes from OBAMA. Everyone is thinking he’s INCOMPETENT. This just makes me sick. Stop blaming failure on someone’s color… it’s their character we don’t like. She knows better.

  2445. I dont disrepect him because he’s black. I disprespect him because is misleading, dishonest and looks at the government as his shinny new toy that he can play with and put in his toybox. I just lost most of my respect for Oprah as well.

  2446. No Oprah, the color of his skin makes no difference to me. It’s his incompetency, his lying, and his lack of leadership. Leave color out of it Oprah… you are being a racists.

  2447. Only white Americans believe race doesn’t matter. All other races think
    it is of highest importance. Like convincing one team that winning isn’t
    important, while the other teams are winning at all costs.

    Look at our new Surgeon General. The last one was a black woman. No white
    men were considered for the job. Because race doesn’t matter.

    Dr. Vivek Murthy

  2448. Our President ran his campaign on nothing more than racism and the promotion of social dependency instead of American integrity. He takes our Christian beliefs and constitution for granted as well as our military. Countless documented moments where he’s lied and never answers a question directly. We Americans have our flaws just like our brothers and sisters around the world, but to give him a pass by villainizing everyone who speak out is immoral. “Man should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” a great American once said this.

  2449. what a ridiculous remark….people don’t respect him because of his views and performance…get over the black nonsense….he’s not black…he had a white mother…where have you been Oprah??? You are slapping Americans in the face….he was elected, what more proof do you want?

  2450. Let’s start here Oprah…many people disrespect you, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright for the exact same reason…you’re race baiters doing more harm to America than you can imagine.

  2451. I’m black…I vote Republican and I belong to the NRA. Oprah is full of cr@p.

    I think that the greatest sham in the history of American politics happened when Barack Hussein Obama got elected as The President of The United States of America. How can any person, regardless of skin color/heritage, get elected as the CEO of the country without any freaking experience doing such???

    The media and all of George Soros’ cronies decided they needed this man in the Oval Office and they made it so. My only hope is that there is enough of this country left that is worth saving once his time on office is done.

    1. Notice how liberals treat minorities – witness Party Time – whose true racism, the racism of liberals is on exhibit here.

    2. You are a true American and care about your country and as long as there are people like you that know the truth its worth saving even if we do have to fight to save it.

      1. Thanks for your kind words. I have tried to inform my friends and family about the coming crisis. Part of me hopes that I am wrong, but I do fear that things are going to get worse before they get better.

        The Progressives/Marxists took advantage of our comfort and apathy to install a shadow government that has nothing beneficial planned for the US population. Students of history will recall that totalitarianism comes in with a whisper, not a shout.

  2452. We dont like him cause he’s an idiot trying to destroy the USA, and apparently so is she. No wonder her network and magazine are doing so badly.

  2453. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” – Obama’s ultimate lie

    Apparently truth has a racist bias.

  2454. Oprah, you forgot to add Barack to one of your favorite things for Xmas! Was very disappointed to see you disrespected him that way….shame on you!

  2455. If you hate Obama, Tyrannical, Socialist, Dictator, but really like Allen West and Dr. Ben Carson; chances are you are not racist. If someone thinks they can control my speech by putting a label on me, the under estimate the level of distaste I have for Obama’s edicts and the love I have for my unalienable rights.

  2456. What a slap in the face. Now that “Oprah” is no longer on….she Insults the people that made her Rich beyond belief. Freakin’ Hypocritical B*tch.

  2457. I’m sure Oprah is right. Many do hate the President because he is black. However, many more look past his numerous shortcomings for the same reason. Both are racist.

  2458. oooooh oprah, we disrespect him because he is a lieing failure in every way. But thanks for playing that tired old race card one more time, I’m sure it wont be the last.

  2459. Americans hate Oprah Winfrey because she insults our intelligence on a daily basis. Sort of like Obama.

  2460. Oh, bull, Oprah. You know better. We disrespect him because he’s an anti-American tyrant, a criminal,

  2461. “Let eat cake, Miss Winfrey, let em eat cake”! Come down from your make believe world, and lets become real, okay?

  2462. Does he lie because he’s black?
    Does he make bad policy because he’s black.
    Is he a bad president because he’s black.
    But he is president because he’s black.

    1. He was simply elected to be our first black president and no one stopped to question his qualifications in the media. So racism resulted in him GETTING elected and incompetence resulted in his ruining the country. He is an utter failure and skin color has nothing to do with it. I hope Dr. Ben Carson is our next president so Obrah and other race baiters can see what a leader really CAN do

      1. But The Matrix prepared our minds for Obama, with Harry Lennix playing Obama, I mean Lock.
        So when the liberals voted for Obama, they thought they were voting for Harry Lennix. Or perhaps Morgan Freeman. Because all black Presidents look the same to them. Surprise.


    OhBummer is a b00b and a fool for attacking the American Tea Partyers. Heck, he thought that he had all of us hoodwinked, hornswoggled, and bamboozled.

    He’s annoyed that the Tea Partiers are not grateful to him for hijacking the American healthcare system — the greatest act of vandalism perpetrated upon the American people since a gang of jihadi frootloops and loonytoons hijacked some planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers — and the Pentagon, and made a failed attempt to crash into the White House — and instead drilled a hole in a Pennsylvania farm thanks to some very courageous American passengers.

    And — now widely seen for what he is — the president presents a problem for the Democrat-captured media. They pump out his propaganda for him — and, like the opinion monitors in Ayn Rand’s novel, “Atlas Shrugged” — they are dodging brickbats and rotten vegetables.

    He’s pompous, pampered, and pretentious — a pseudo-intellectual fop. He’s a glorified, smooth-lyin’ dandy, and slicker than Sick Willie Clinton. He’s a dictator-on-the-make, a bloodsxcking, predatory humanitarian thug, and a low-down skunk.

    He’s a fraud and a swindler. He lies when he inhales and he lies when he exhales; his oxygen is the falsification of reality. He lies, placidly and laconically, as if deception were a soporific drug. Lies, after all, are the heart and soul and the sword and shield of the Democrat party.

    He’s a friend of the poor and the downtrodden — indeed, you can hear the milk of human kindness sloshing around inside of him when he walks.

    He declares himself the post-racial leader — “Let me be clear!” he intones — and he hides behind his race, daring his critics to put their reputation for fairness at risk.

    He pauses to ponder the portent of his propaganda — and it is fakery; he smiles and his mendacity comes shining through. Shake hands with Barak Hushpuppy OhBummer — “The Mistake of ‘08” — the illegal alien squatter in the White House until his “papers” have been lab-tested for age and chemicals, etc — the community organizer of the OhBummer Wrecking Crew, the more-fascist-than-socialist Fleabagger-in-Chief, the closet Muslim with the mix-and-match morality, the King of The Republic of Lies — and America’s first and last Arab president. Now count your fingers.







  2464. He’s not that black- but he is that stupid. We dislike oprah because she is a useless blowhole, also a pig. Give the pig her purse and she’ll be on her way.

  2465. LMAO A racist playing the race card, who’d have thunk it? Whenever the left cannot refute the facts, has no defense, and nothing valid to contribute, they cry, “racism!”. I didn’t know that half-black/half-white people (mulattos) were actually 100% “african-american” (a non-existent ‘race’ to begin with). Oh right… that’s just how the anti-white racism movement works, the Caucasian parts are left out, now THAT is racist.
    Sorry Oprah, I oppose Obama because he’s a pos marxist loser who has done everything wrong, intentionally. He has destroyed my country, set race relations back to pre-civil war era, has committed numerous acts or treason, violated his oath of office, put illegal aliens above U.S. citizens, has destroyed or international relations turning our country into the laughing stock of the world, killed the middle class, trampled over our Constitutional and civil rights, etc.. One could go on all day and night listing his failures and destructive policies. I guess that makes me a “Racist” according to Oprah’s “logic”.

  2466. Oprah, you are a dingbat!!!!He is not black! He is mostly white, a lot Arab and a teeny bit black……I disrespect all parts and his v/p because they fit the communist manifesto to a tee…….

  2467. “it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    By everybody, she means racist blacks.


    With apologies to the Kingston Trio and to Thomas Paine, these are the times that try men’s souls.

    In the course of our nation’s history, the American people have
    rallied bravely, whenever the Rights of Man have been threatened.

    Today a new crisis has arisen — the launch of OhBummerCare. And where are the Senate Republicans?

    They are dithering. They are candles in the wind. They flicker in one
    direction, and then another — and there are less kind observations
    now afoot, across the fruited plain.

    The Republicans cannot find their bums, with both hands and a flashlight.

    They keep their cojones locked in a bank vault — although if they
    were valuable to Republicans, you’d think that they’d take them out for a
    spin, once in awhile, now wouldn’t you?

    When asked how best to destroy the Soviet communist dictatorship,
    novelist and Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
    replied, “Don’t lie.” The corollary of that injunction is, “Tell the

    This is a gangster government, of Barak Hushpuppy OhBummer, and the OhBummer Wrecking Crew.

    This is a dictatorship. If Republicans fail to smite it a mighty blow, then they are cowardly and worthless.

    Did I leave anything out? For what do we need the Republicans, if they will not fight?

    Fund everything except OhBummerCare and let the Democrats shut down the government.

    It does not matter that the fascist Democrat-captured media will lie and blame the Republicans.

    The Democrats always lie. Lies are the heart and soul and the sword and shield of the Democrat party.

    To the Senate or House Republican I say this. “Be a man. Drive a wooden stake through the heart of OhBummerCare.

    “The vast majority of the American people do not want OhBummerCare — so be a Happy Warrior — and kill it.”

  2469. A movie was made about assassinating Bush – no outrage from Oprah. Someone at a rodeo wears a mask of Obama – it was the end of the world.

    President Obama was twice elected president of the United States by millions and millions of Americans who are not African-Americans. Americans are not—as a nation—racists. Otherwise, President Obama would still be roaming the streets of Chicago like a simple community organizer. No European or Western country has ever elected a Black president or prime minister. The United States has. I’m sorry to say that Oprah is the racist and sees racism where it doesn’t exist.

  2471. I guarantee you the rabidly left wing bbc lapped her bs right up…!
    And of course its in keeping with the whole theme of the movie she’s heavily invested & shilling for….

  2472. Very sad that Oprah would play the race card because Obama [in his own words] acknowledges he and his team “fumbled” Obamacare. Obama wouldn’t be sitting in the Oval Office without the vote of a majority of Americans of all colors.Oprah wouldn’t have achieved her prominence and wealth without the support and admiration of ALL Americans…and she might reflect on that reality.

  2473. Oprah is a black racist — as is Barak Bait-And-Switch OhBummer — but black racists are no less ugly than white racists. Must be hard for Oprah to go waddling around with her goylfren with her head jammed up her bum.

  2474. Dear Oprah,
    I am deeply disappointed that you think my dislike for the President is because he is black. Does it work both ways? Do you think Blacks did not like Bush because he was white?

    Could you explain my respect for Condileeza Rice, Collin Powel, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts…..and even sometimes you? Is there something wrong with me?

    1. get bent.
      people who don’t care about the president’s dermis’ melanin content.

  2475. It is so depressing to hear Oprah say that. I could not stand to listen to Pres. Clinton for the same reason I can’t listen to Pres. Obama, I only want to hear the Truth.

  2476. O is right, we are a racist country. Do you think a state senator with a mediocre record just recently elected to the Senate, where the mediocrity continued, and not even having the executive experience of a McDonald’s manager could become the President of the US without race coming into play??? Me thinks not.

  2477. No Oprah, I don’t despise and
    hate Obozo because he is black. It is because he is a lying P0S that is
    destroying this country…..

    I hate YOU because you are black and a racist….

  2478. Let’s play devils advocate here for a sec. If Obama were white, would the hate for his policies, lies and overall arrogance be diminished? Most likely not. Now, if Obama were white, would we see a lot of the racial nicknames and repeatedly ask to see his birth certificate? Most likely not.

    1. “would we see a lot of the racial nicknames and repeatedly ask to see his birth certificate? Most likely not.”

      Yes, we would.

      Didn’t the Democraps constantly refer to Bush Jr. as an ape?

    2. Part 1 – you’re right, part 2 – you’re wrong…what racial nicknames, nobody is talking about a birth certificate except Liberals and msnbc! A blunt point…you have.

      1. Trump went on and on and on about Obama’s birth certificate and finally when he produced a copy, people are still dissecting it and finding ways to claim it’s a forgery. I’ve been on other blogs where people have referred to him as monkey boy, the chimp and chief and the Kenyan bas tard.

  2479. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that
    occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s stupider
    than a door knob and won’t take responsibility while being a
    “smart ass.” There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing
    nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

  2480. No Madam, is because as the Commander and Chief he keeps lying to the American people for politics. I hate people like you that have to used the race card… Mdam you are blind for you own good….

  2481. so what would be the reason that the Democrats, Liberals, and left wingers disrespected the Office and the President when George W. Bush was in the White House? If memory serves me correctly, there was a great deal of bashing, calling for prosecution, accusations of Bush being a terrorist…..etc,…………Gosh, I guess I didn’t realize that the Bush family was African American……although, I do know they have done more for the people of Africa, especially, the women and young children, than either Obama or Oprah.

  2482. well if thats what she is thinking maybe everyone that is white should stop watching her shows, how many supporters did she have in the past or has now? she probably lost a lot of supporters sense she started to support Obama. if Herman Cain made it in for the elections i would have voted for him, Opra is a hypocrite and a racist and needs to get her head out of her backside and also keep it out of obama’s backside and grow up.

    1. I have not watched her shows in years. They were boring, to be honest.

      On my list of things to do before I die, watching oprah’s show is way down there some where near the bottom that I will never get done.

      1. was just stating a fact that nobody was racist against her she made a lot of money over the years and now calling her supporters racist also i never watched her shows either but i guess i don’t like talk shows never really did didn’t matter who did the talk show black or white.

  2483. No Oprah, white Americans are responding to a constant attack on them
    and their once great nation. Whites do not do well under non-white rule.
    We’re getting a first small taste of what it will be like. Only whites
    discriminate in favor of minorities.

  2484. He isn’t hated because he’s black you pompous windbag!He is hated because he is a liar and a crappy leader who supports the enemies of the USA.
    he is also trampling all over the constitutional rights of the American people!!

  2485. I hate Obama because he is white and it’s been white people who have done so many bad things to this country.

  2486. Oprah, I would not care if he was blue, I dislike him because he is not a good president (to put it very mildly) and that he is a liar and a cheat.

  2487. I assure you it is not the color of his skin that makes me dislike him. It is definitely his disrespect for the Constitution of the United States, his outright lies, and his overly favoritism for Muslims over Christians. Removing Jesus from use by military, stopping the use of Jesus name in funerals at National Cemeteries and in my opinion trying to turn the presidency into a dictatorship. His
    refusal to balance the budget.

  2488. Oprah disrespects her black fellow americans who also can’t stand obama. She just told them they can’t think for themselves.

      1. She’d look like him too, if only she’d lose some weight every where on her body except her head. Like Al Sharpton Brawley did.

  2489. What a racist she is…she has made millions from white people and black people alike. If you took all the white money out of the equation of her bank balance, what would she, the Black Panther Princess, have left? What a bigot. She is the Black KKK Queen of mean!.. and I am an American who is sick of this division with in my country! Race pimps must keep racism alive so that they can live.

  2490. oprah got her panties in a twist because america doesn’t give a crap about her anymore. so, she says absurd things to foreign press to get attention.

  2491. What are the people that voted for Obama because he is half white? Anyone who voted for Obama needs to be have a live time ban at the ballot box.

  2492. Oprah is out of her friggin’ mind. If Owebama was competent, it wouldn’t matter what color his skin is. He’s half white, anyway.

  2493. How odd! I have never disrespected her because she is black. Ob may be half black but he is also half WHITE and I don’t like what that side is doing as the president either

  2494. There are no African Americans, that moniker is just bloody ludicrous. Oprah is race bating, useful idiot for the establishment that wormed her way into elite circles. The New World Order wants everyone arguing amongst themselves and pointing at the puppets they give us as distractions. Obama is a laughable example of this.

  2495. you got it all wrong Orfra he’s a complete idiot and he is half white so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  2496. Oprah! In case you haven’t noticed Obama is not a true black person. He is half Negro & half Caucasian. The reason many Americans do not respect Obama is because he is a Marxist. It has to do with his hatred of capitalism. Has nothing to do with skin color & more to do with the darkness that occupies his soul.

  2497. I laugh at the people that think someone can’t be racist just because they voted for Obama. I guess they’ve never heard of two-faced racists (yes, they exist. Seen things happen first-hand. Think it’s messed up? I tend to agree.) It’s like the people that say they can’t be racist because they have black friends.

    Not liking Obama’s policies is fine. There’s nothing wrong with that, but to assume there are no people that don’t like Obama because he’s black is just naive (hell, there are people making racist comments right in this section.) Must be a nice fantasy world to live in.

    And this is coming from a non-supporter of Obama.

      1. I’m not even saying that Oprah is right. She does babble a lot and I don’t really pay attention to much of what she says. No one should. I was mostly referring to some of the people replying to this article.

        1. If you looked more carefully, you’d have seen that well over 90% of the responders have said pretty much the same thing, and it is not about race. We also have had the usual leftist mobys here venting their inner KKK. They have been broomed back over to daily kos or wherever they come from.

    1. Jessi wrote: Not liking Obama’s policies is fine.

      That’s exactly why I don’t like him. Also, he campaigned on what we now know to be outright lies AND his resume coming in was very very thin. We got what we voted for: crap.

      1. I totally get that. I don’t agree with his policies either. You’re one of the people who at least don’t like him for a legitimate reason.

  2498. Someone once made the observation that if the only reason you voted for Obama because he is black, then you will likely assume that the only reason someone wouldn’t vote for him, is because he’s black. Makes such sense. Good thing liberals are so tolerant and open minded to free and individual thought.

  2499. Back when the left leveled one personal attack after another at Bush, even going so far as making a movie about killing him, it was all fine because he’s white?
    And these fools call us racists. LOL

    Radicals like Oprah may hope Americans are stupid and unable to remember anything that happened in the last administration but it’s just another faults hope.

  2500. Actually we hate him because he is a tratorious, two-faced, lying socialist who is doing all he can to destroy this great nation. His color is irrelevant. Fools like Oprah are clueless tools for whom the race card is all they have.

  2501. He is disrespected because he is a marxist! Trained from birth to be one! GIVEN every thing he has and he despises America!

    1. Rally Ann, my what a firebrand! Nice! Understanding of history, The vast right wing conspiracy is going to keep an eye on you.

  2502. Can’t these people just shut up. Now we can all have Oprah fatigue to go with our Obama fatigue.

  2503. Wow… is it not reasonable to think that people don’t like him because of his policies and not his race??? Because I always though I had issues with his direct lies or misinformation, wasteful spending, piss poor foreign policy, weakening relationships with long time allies, the decreased world view of the US, bad management of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and huge lack of responsibility on his failures as president etc. (This list can go on for a while.) It just turns out that I don’t like black people…. Thanks Oprah.. Way to go to keep your racial money tap running… To be honest. SOME may not like him because he is black. But really???? it is very simple to give anybody more than enough reason to have a bad outlook on this administration because of their performance rather than race.. To say otherwise would imply that Obama and his Administration has been nothing less than stellar in handling their duties and responsibilities for the American people. And that – sadly is not at all the case at all..

  2504. I think her comment just drew much needed attention to a problems in Washington DC. Sometimes racism, stupidity, and hatred for whites can help to identify where the real problems lie, in this country.

  2505. Oprah = Stuffed Turkey. Opie rest assured, It’s not the black half we don’t like; it’s the white half.

    1. ROTFLMAO. But I thought that ol’ white chick, Hillary, is the ghey wildebeest. Or was it Hildabeast?

      At this point, what does it matter?

  2506. BALONEY, more people disrespect members of Christians, Jews, the tea party, constitutionalists, or gun owners because of their beliefs than ever disrespected Lord Obama because of his 1/2 black racial make up. WHO ELECTED HIM!!! BLACK AMERICA IS ONLY 10 % OF THE POPULATION.

  2507. she’s absolutely nuts. she’s as racist as they come. obama was voted on with a melting pot of races behind him, many white. he’s hasn’t held up to his commitment and has lied to the American people on more than one occasion. they are just waking up and finally seeing through his lack of ability to lead this country.

  2508. She’s basically calling for NO criticism of obama…..which actually makes her the one casting doubt on his abilities….

  2509. Let’s see.
    Oprah has had remarkable success and is, if memory serves, the richest woman in America. The last I knew she was black. Obama was elected, twice, by these same people she is calling bigots.

    Somehow she sees the current disrespect for Obama in a different light from the disrespect shown for Bush? I agree with that by the way. It is nowhere near the rabid, hateful level it reached with Bush.

    Is it possible she may be seeing a financial angle here i promoting her movie?

    She is sure managing to make me lose a lot of respect for her.

    1. Her movie is a pack of lies. Proven to be distorted on many levels. That’s why she likes 0bama so much. Like peas and carrots as Forrest would say.
      What little respect I had for her, and I emphasize little, was entirely lost when she endorsed 0bama solely because he was black.

      The same for Colin Powell. But again, I had already lost all but .5% respect for him anyway.

  2510. Only white Americans believe race doesn’t matter. All other races think
    it is of highest importance. Like convincing one team that winning isn’t
    important, while the other teams try winning at any cost.

    Look at our new Surgeon General. The last one was a black woman. No white
    men were considered for the job. Because race doesn’t matter.
    Dr. Vivek Murthy


      1. Well, that mostly agrees with what I posted. Most Republicans are white, and whites try very hard to ignore race. Almost all blacks are very race conscious, and 95+% voted Democrat. Most non-whites of any color voted Democrat. Many have racial organizations, like LaRaza (the Race). The whites supporting Obama did so to show how non-racial they are, ironically by only supporting the black candidate, to show that race doesn’t matter to them. However, race likely does matter to some Republicans, so your post makes no sense.

        1. The full idea is that only the left cares about skin color.

          No one cares what leftist and progressive Republicans think. It’s the same as the left. Some are probably onsessed with skin color. Makes them Democrats.

          1. However, it should matter to some extent. Having your race and culture replaced is also not desirable. Would the Japanese be irrational for opposing unlimited immigration into Japan, if it would result in the native Japanese becoming a minority? Here are some short, good You Tube videos showing the down side of demographic shifts.

            1) How Whites Took Over America
            2) AntiRacist Hitler
            3) Barbara Lerner Spectre on Jews and European Multiculturalism

          2. I guess I’m not allowed to post views that you disagree with. I disagree with your posts. Please delete them.

          3. Race and culture are critically important for the survival of any society. When you work to replace the native population, that’s genocide.

  2511. One good thing about the END TIMES, it certainly makes it easier to see who the enemies of the Republic are.

  2512. Au contraire, Ms. Winfrey. You and many others say this sh– all the time. I can tell you, that for me it was absolutely NOT the 50% of him that is Black that I oppose
    It’s the part that is an ineffective, race-baiting, liberal-minded, non-leader who has spent the last five years lying to America at every opportunity.
    Whichever part of him THAT is, I hate.

  2513. Oprah is (was) beloved by millions, frequently putting her considerable wealth to work on behalf of others. She talked the talk and walked the walk. 0bama, he just talks. She is unfortunately blinded by her own racist leanings. She has fallen for the fraudster that is the prevaricator-in-chief, 0bama. We love Dr. Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and many other black men and women. 0bama, we dislike because of his lack of morals, lack of character, lack of trustworthiness, and general stupidity.

    1. Yes, she gave to others, but always with a hypocritical flourish of trumpets and publicity. Everything else you said is right on.

  2514. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” – Oompah

    Wow. Are you kidding me? Nobody ever says it? That race-bait canard is the Democrats standard excuse to shield Obama from any fair criticism over his never ending corruption and lies. In fact, it’s such a knee-jerk excuse I’m surprised the Demotards don’t have a trademark on it.

  2515. Sorry Orca, the world doesn’t view him as “The Won”. They view him as a incompetent, socialist boob and now they’ll lump you in with him – where you belong.

  2516. Oprah…Oprah…Oprah…

    I have one word for you…Obamacare.

    It isn’t his race. How many white people were (and I stress were) part of your audience? They were there because you were (and I stress were) perceived as a competent and reliable interviewer and host.

    If they leave you now, it isn’t because of your race, it is because you are no longer perceived as a competent and reliable interviewer and host – you are a racist.

  2517. What I think is interesting is that she fails to mention the overwhelming number of people that give Obama a total pass on the incompetence, lies and deceit because of the color of his skin. Seriously, can you imagine the liberal outcry if Bush claimed ignorance of every problem that came up in his administration or if he openly lied (20 times) about a signature legislative achievement (not to mention the outright bribery of Dem lawmakers to get it passed in the first place) or if Bush blamed his predecessor for his first 5 years in office? The liberal outcry would be deafening! But instead we hear virtually nothing from the left. Yes.. it’s getting curiouser and curiouser…

  2518. Only in America can a moderately obese, marginally intelligent Black woman become as wealthy and successful as this woman……and be bitter!

    1. es blacks are treated better here than any other place in the world…They are lucky to be here.!!

  2519. The President is NOT an African American. He is 50% AA and 50% white…that means he’s Mullato. It’s almost impossible to racist against someone who is 1/2 and 1/2 🙂

    1. I guess you can only be half racist… but the question begs to be asked.. If all white people are racist, as so many blacks say, Does Barack hate himself?

      1. Wow, good question. Maybe he only looks at his ‘better half’ in the mirror. Does half of him hate Moocher O also?

  2520. Oprah isn’t too stupid or foolish to see, she is a lying manipulative elitist pig with disdain and contempt for the “poor unwashed masses” she pretends to love so much.

  2521. Every time you play the race victim card you disrespect every civil right activist who ever fought for equality.

  2522. “More Oprah: Racists Have to Die for Racism to End”
    So, we’ve got to wait for you and Sharpton to bite the big one before racism ends eh Orca?

  2523. She has a LOT of nerve saying this. White people made her rich, now she insults us by calling us Racist!! The only racist in the room is HER.

      1. HaHa, the intern is probably one of these commentators on here now.
        0bama was the first person to follow on twitter, @iHateN**G$rs. But quickly unfollowed once the word got out yesterday.

  2524. Now the truth comes out.
    First he was Kenyan.
    Then he was American.
    Now he is African-American.
    First African president we ever had.
    Blast his head into Kilamenjaro, there Okra girl.

  2525. Oprah….Obama gets more respect from Americans than you DEMOCRATS gave to Bush43! On a daily basis. Time for you to just leave the stage.

    1. yes everything little thing Bush was made into something bigger than it was and splashed across the newspapers and tv, on the other had obummer biggest mistakes are swept under the rug
      If Bush had tried even a smidgen of what obummer has pulled on all of us, the left would of had him impeached

      the left tried to say our economy and umemployment was the worse with Bush, well he managed to get it going again after 9/11 of course with no help from the democraps except to help vote for the war abroad and then scream at him after they they voted for it

      he is a rude arrogant little man, so full of himself, that has distain for our constitution and all Americans

  2526. Racist ? People like Oprah, Jessie Jackson, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, and others
    wore this one out. 0bama promotes racism every chance he gets with evil intentions.
    Thinking people are above this trash.

  2527. No…Oprah! He is an inexperienced Wanna-Be politician. The man can’t complete a sentence without a TelePrompTer. He is a Liar. Skin color has nothing to do with it at all. Don’t be ignorant.

  2528. actually, EVERY LIBERAL IN AMERICA says it. it’s just like the line “if you like your plan, you can keep it” though: an outright falsehood that liberals use to further their agenda….

  2529. Just so she knows- the racist comments will always be the excuse for the president. Regardless of how he does his job – when its wrong “because he’s black” when its right ” because he’s black. What’s sad is they only voted for him BECAUSE he’s black. They are the ones including you oprah disgraced him. Why…they got everyone with free stuff vote when there a lot of people out there that don’t even care about politics. And Oprah as smart as u are… I am sure the president can hold his own. Everyone including u are like any of us. God judges us the same way. Your wealth or how poor u are… we all will come to the Father in judgement.

  2530. Time to get over it Oprah! Playing the race card is really getting old! Like blaming it all on Georde Bush. Time to grow up black people & liberals! Take some responsibility for once! It’s NOT about his skin color, it’s ALL about his policies, far out liberal agenda, facism, stupidity & most of all his outright crookedness, lying, arrogance, deceitfulness & just plain evilness!

  2531. SNL back in “the day” had a parody skit of the White Shadow tv show where (in the skit) a black basketball coach kept doing illegal or bad deeds and every time he was talked to about them would repeatedly say (as the punch line joke) “it’s because I’m back isn’t it?”.

    Enough said… But big “O” will never understand the joke is on her….

  2532. I’ve never met one person who disliked Obama because he’s black. I have however met thousands of people who voted for him because he’s black. Who’s the real racists in this country, those who choose to ignore his lies because of his skin color, or those that hold him accountable just like every other president before him?

  2533. Stuid is as stupid says!.
    Does this clown really believe his unpopularity has nopthing to do with his economy and job destroying polices nlike Obamacare?
    I have always believed she was a moron and now she’s gone and proved it.
    And now we know why 54% of white women voted for Obama, they believe everything that comes out of this dolts mouth, and thats why God put men in charge!

  2534. judging by the fake bc there is no proof that he is even part african… my bet is that he is some Indonesian boy that fit perfectly into the plans that had his “mother” in Indonesia

  2535. I never thought of Oprah’s explanation. I just thought the Prez was an incompentent lowlife. Thanks for the info big O, it’s the first time I have heard the race card being played in such an asinine way.
    And by the way, the Prez is only half black – I don’t like his white half either.

  2536. she is all over that like oprah on a canned ham… wait….is that a self-referencing reference?

  2537. Not this again.

    Oprah, please, don’t keep digging — stop alright already. Intelligent white people understand the gig. It’s just making them angry that they are AGAIN marginalized and minimized (their concerns) by those in the public eye that always want to blame the failures of this administration on racism.

    Whites pointed out the failures of prior administrations, and they were lily white, but let us point out a black man’s failures and it immediately becomes racism. This is getting so old, please for God’s sake, stop and examine the issues — please leave the color of skin out of it, why is that so hard to do?

    If the president wants to be respected, he has to earn that respect…he hasn’t earned it, not when the citizens catch him in lies right and left…blatant lies…and I could go on and on about other issues as well—IMO: incompetency/alleged criminality of administration comes to mind.

    Bottom line, citizens have now lost any respect or trust they formerly may have had (for those that had any to begin with).

    The tables have turned and another cry of racism isn’t going to earn that trust/respect back anytime soon. Has nothing to do with color of skin.
    I would have voted for Colin Powell in a heartbeat.

    SIgned, Lily White.

  2538. what she said was taken so far out of context,….. I agree with her,… when that butt head shouted out “Liar” at a presidential speech live on the air was a first for an american pres,…… He deals with more negative remarks than any pres in history,… He has faults, but the dis respect is coming from hatred,…. plan for me to see….. I thought Bush sucked, but he was the pres and he got much more respect even after that awful war and 9-11 on his watch,….. I have to agree with O-…… can’t wait to hear the feed back from this…. should I care?

      1. what politician is’nt?….. just the respect level of the presidency went to the lowest level since presidents….. even Nixon, and GW….. who were 2 of the worst got more respect than this-

          1. K-bob your history has to go back as far GWB, he was way worst,…….and I’m sure you voted for him, mc Cain and Romney…..

            1. Bush? Not even close to worst. Carter was the worst. Now Carter is actually closer to George Washington (the greatest) than he is to barack. That’s how bad barack is.

              But then, that’s what happens when people put a man in charge who hates the country.

    1. He didn’t actually yell (a loud cry or shout) because the Audience (Congress) was so quiet, the Jurist’s voice seemed louder than it was … and besides, Obama WAS lying about the Supreme Court decision.

    2. You are blinded by color and are beyond help. If a million people witnessed Obama murdering someone and they all had video of it, you still wouldn’t believe it. He has done more to set back blacks and the country as a whole than any president in history. He looks like you so you back him up as well as that pig Oprah. Obama has lied repeatedly and you still support him, probably because he promised you a boat load of free stuff, that really isn’t free, because people like me pay for it. Get your head out of your backside and get a clue.

  2539. Hey Oprah, the only reason he IS president is because he’s black. A white guy spouting his bs would have never made it through the dem primary. How do I know? Ask Jon Edwards; he was in that race, spouted the same dribble & never got more that 14% of the vote. You are an ignorant woman.

  2540. Wait a minute, people do not like because he is black? but 70% of Oprah’s audience was white and she made 300mn dollars from this audience. How about we leave it as he and the Dem’s scammed the country and not try to hide is pathetic policies behind racism.

  2541. God doesn’t judge anyone by the color of their skin, and no individual is capable of judging another. Individuals should be judged on what they say and do. Until we become color blind and repeal the laws that promote racism, the bigotry and racism will continue. To say that Obama is being treated with contempt because he is black, is the same as saying he was elected to POTUS because he was black, which in itself is a racist statement. He was elected because of what he said and promised to do, and he is now being viewed with contempt for the exact same reasons.

  2542. I get it, she hasn’t been getting attention this week, all attention has been on Obama afterall she got him the Presidency. She is just trying to shine the spot light on herself and we are giving it to her rather than dealing with the issues, that’s affecting all of us….focus…focus…

  2543. OMG where was she during the Bush Administration??? Bush got disrespected and maligned and called names all the time. It’s the American way to disrespect authority. Republicans trash democrats and Democrats trash Republicans. What’s new?

    Too bad Obama is black, only because if he was white and got all the flack it would be just another day in America. I mean Clinton was impeached and he was white. Obama is still going so many people love him or maybe fear him. Despite the mayhem he is causing. Can we please stop with the race excuse! Whineing is not becoming you Mrs Winfrey you are the top of the cream. How about some objective critique of the facts about Obama’s performance?

    1. A movie was made about assassinating Bush – no outrage from Oprah. Someone at a rodeo wears a mask of Obama – the end of the world.

  2544. This pisses me off. She would not be a millionaire if America was racist. She is an Ungrateful Liar, not to mention EXTREMELY insulting. We Want Our Money Back Oprah!!

  2545. If Oprah and her cohorts ever stopped beating the racist drums the rest of us would just think she is just another “PERSON”. I am so damn glad that she keeps reminding us that she hates crackers.

  2546. Yeah, and bigotry really hampered your career, didn’t it O? There are always some kooks, but most people are critical of Obama because of his beliefs. Many of us watched in horror as he was elected, not because he was black, but because we knew from his past statements and the people he hung out with where he wanted to take the country. And he largely has. His foreign policy philosophy has lead to America being weaker and losing its credibility abroad, and his economic policies are damaging the middle class. What more needs to be said?

  2547. Yeah, right, nobody ever says it. It’s ALL YOU PEOPLE EVER SAY!!! But you know what? I admit it. I can’t stand that half-black dooshbag destroying this country. But I only hate the white part. It should know better. The black half, you can’t blame, it’s just ig’nant.

    Enjoy your billions, Oprah. Who knows how you managed that trick in this racist country.

  2548. Sorry oprah, wrong again, everybody hates obama because he is the worst president this country has ever seen or will ever see again. His fundamentally changing America is nothing short of turning this country into a communist country run by muslims and socialists. That’s why he is not liked or hated not because he’s black, actually only half black from my understanding but that’s besides the point. I could care less about his skin color, it’s the things he has done to mess up America’s economy, jobs, everything that we want him OUT!!! Why do you people have to all the freaking time play the stupid race card, it’s getting a little tiring hearing it all the time. I’m beginning to think you people actually want a race war. As for hating blacks, my two grandchildren are half black and their father is a cool guy and I love him just like I love my daughter. So to hell with your race card and face the truth for once and see just what your hero is really doing. L&L

  2549. Oh really, you moron. Then why is this idiot of a president is getting daily passes from the press for his hundred of lies and scandals. And how is it that Ophra has succeeded and is a millionaire, without whites flocking to her show.
    It seems always to be convenient to use a race card when a person is doing a miserable job and lying constantly and happens to be black.. This whole race card is becoming old and really doesn’t mean much anymore.

  2550. I disrespect both nobama and j carter because they are lousy presidents. I disrespect oprahbooty csuse she is a black racist.

    1. I have all the respect in the world for quite a few black men and women, none of them have a D behind their names!

  2551. I don’t respect him because he is liberal. I don’t respect him because he wants to take from people who work hard and give to those who do not to win votes for himself. I don’t care if if this type of person is black or white. He is a selfish

  2552. You folks just don’t get it: she saying these things because she makes money doing it, and it’s the current politically-correct thing to say. The world already hates him because he’s stupid, and she knows it. She’s just playing to her base. Now do you see?

  2553. Ihavelittleresect for nobama, but it is because of his inability yo be a good president. He is the eorst president since carter for whom I had equal disrespectforthesame reason. I have NO respect for oprahbooty cause she is black.

  2554. They dogged George W. And wouldn’t even call him President Bush! That wasn’t racist and neither is this….Wasn’t he black when he was elected?! People loved him then……it’s because he’s a lousy President!

  2555. Listen up, ‘Okra Windbag’! We do NOT hate Obutthead because of the color
    of his skin! We hate him because of his arrogance, his policies of
    socialism and Marxism, and his ‘my way or the highway’ attitude, and for
    his contempt for the Constitution, his secretiveness, his commie and
    muslim advisers, his insane healthcare debacle, he is a worthless liar,
    and so many more reasons!!! We would however LOVE a great black person
    for president and here are some names for you to swallow and choke on,,,
    Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Ken Hamblin, Roy Innis, Alan Keyes, Star
    Parker, Thomas Sowell, JC Watts, Walter Williams, Tim Scott, Alveda
    King, Larry Elder, La Shawn Barber, and many more! What do they have in

  2556. Now that she’s filthy rich and no longer needs an audience, she can finally say what she _really_ thinks. Did anyone ever really believe that Oprah didn’t view the world through the lens of race? Really? Think of Colin Powell and the fact that he called himself a “Republican” until the most liberal candidate in a century just happened to be black and then… well, you know the rest of the story. It’s always the rest of the story.

  2557. Is she for real? Now here’s an idea, she could do the cumbiah thing, join hands with Obama and donate or pay for the millions of American who lost their insurance through Obama care. How’s that Oprah for debunking “if you like you insurance you can keep it.”

  2558. Put some tape over her mouth. I am done listening to fat liberal hogs open their ignorant lying traps.

  2559. So the reason people hated W was because he was white?

    This silly woman needs to book a flight to reality.

    The polls show that most Americans like the guy personally, but have very strong disagreements with his policies (and his politics).

  2560. I would vote for Allen West in a heartbeat. Saying that I’m racist because I didn’t vote for Obama is like saying I’m a car if I stand in my driveway. I didn’t vote for him because I don’t like his policies & views. Period.

  2561. Oprah, you introduced this Marxist to America and used your influence over your viewers to promote him. I despise him because he’s destroying America and I despise you for having been his sponsor. That you’re both black has zero to do with it.

  2562. And she knows this because….?

    She is either a great mind reader (the first one) or she is talking out her arse.

  2563. She is the one who is racist by making these claims. His color isn’t destroying this country, his pathetic policies, total ignorance of economy, Constitutional disregard and non-existant foreign policy are what we object to.

  2564. No, we don’t dislike Obama because he’s black. We dislike him because he’s the worst president we’ve ever had. He needs to be impeached.

  2565. African Amerikans are obsessed with skin color, it dominates all things to them. What a nightmare this country has become. Diversity is our strength… my ass.

    1. “Diversity”….the word alone makes me, and plenty of others, want to puke.
      “Multiculturalism” ditto.

  2566. Get off it!!
    My son is black and I love him but I hate that stupid Obama….what a disgrace to his race.

  2567. This is bull. If we were all racists, we would not all respect and admire Oprah, she is the epitomy of success in the American system. I love Oprah, how does she explain that white Americans think she is awesome, but we disrespect this President because of his race.
    Its NOT because of race, its his behavior, its his ideology and his actions in office that we object to, not the color of his skin. This President spent a TRILLION dollars on a stimulus that ended up costing over 11 MILLION DOLLARS per job!!!! This President wants to FORCE me to buy something I don’t want with the ACA, this Presidents signature legislation (ACA) is something I perceive will destroy the middle class in America. Our Economy is stagnant and the (ACA) will force employers to push the work force to Part Time and on and on and on…

      1. Nah, Oprah is cool. But she will lose a lot of her admirers by saying stupid stuff like this. and I don’t worship her, but I do admire and respect her. She has had an amazing career.

        1. Are you aware she has joined the likes of Ted Turner and Bill Gates in the effort of forced world population reduction? She wants you and your family to die, but of course she’s not talking about killing herself. You still think she’s COOL?

  2568. Someone should muzzle this ugly, racist witch.

    She is the epitome of why people don;t like blacks.

    Uh-oh, that was RAAAACIST!

  2569. Hey Oprah.

    Why don’t you join a black Tea Party organization?

    There are quite a few, just google it.


  2570. He’s half white/half black. I suppose Democrats and blacks still somehow embrace that old slave mentality of the 1/32 rule – what that means is if you have 1 black going back 5 generations, you are considered black because THEY believe and accept that black contaminates white blood. If they didn’t embrace this old slave mentality, they wouldn’t play the race card the way they do. FYI – it’s not about race. It’s about a failed, incompetent individual who somehow managed to get elected into office – TWICE – because the Left played that race card well and there was enough guilt to go around. Maybe they can try harder the next time and elect someone QUALIFIED to run this country.

  2571. There goes Oprah Winfrey dealing from the bottom of the deck by playing the rece card. I don’t like B. Hussein Obama because he is a COMMUNIST.

  2572. This Article should have really been titled “How many Americans disrespect Obama because he is incompetent, and corrupt”?

  2573. Ms. Winfrey needs to learn that regardless of the color of his skin his policies and procedures along with his general set of beliefs are repugnant to a growing body of Americans.

    The voting majority that elected Barack Obama had a misconception that he would change how politics is practiced in America. Some of that constituency are the people who have lower incomes and less education than the average American. That group was hoping for wealth redistribution with no effort needed on their part to increase their living standard. Another large segment of Obama voters are those Americans who consider themselves to be enlightened and to be far wiser than the average American. This group also wants to accomplish income redistribution by redistributing others’ earned incomes, not their own. The final segment of Obama voters in 2008 and 2012 were Americans that largely were fed up with the way that the federal government has been run for the last several decades. They too want change but in their minds change means removing road blocks and behaving in a responsible manner as they must to keep themselves from bankruptcy and from being penniless once they reach an age when they believe they should be able to exit the work force and live a comfortable life while perhaps enjoying some “treats” and “excursions” they avoided during their work career in order to prepare for retirement.

    None of these voters are satisfied yet. For some, the change is happening too slowly. The elites tend to believe that the rest of Americans aren’t showing the appreciation for their philosophies or enthusiasm for it that they sincerely believe it deserves. The voters who were hoping for their lives to become almost instantly better as a result of income redistribution and not additional effort on their part are very, very disappointed because that expectation hasn’t been fulfilled. Their reaction is to display their outrage and consolidate as a group complaining more loudly that Americans who aren’t convinced that they should concede greater amounts of their earned income to this group are “racist”. Finally, there are the disaffected voters who voted for Obama because they were disaffected about how Congress and the Executive branches have failed to operated. They are still disaffected because the truth is that neither Congress nor the Executive Branch have performed any better or more effectively since Obama was elected.

    All of these groups are beginning to see what the voters who chose — twice — not to vote for the Obama doctrines or the man saw when they made up their minds mostly as far back as 2006. Mr. Obama is not qualified to serve as president regardless whether one believes in the same ideals as him or not. He is just not capable of the executive management functionality and he is bad at selecting aids to help him execute the executive responsibilities. Without exception each of the aids he has chosen has demonstrated that they are ideologues blinded to the needs of negotiation in a society as large and diverse as America. Kathleen Sibelius and Ezekiel Emmanuel are two strong examples of such appointees on stage right now. They have ideals they believe in and they are blind to other considerations or the work necessary to achieve their ideals. The Obama administration is riddled with such appointees and Mr. Obama is so out of touch with the big picture and has his ego so easily bruised that he fails to see that the people he appointed aren’t any more capable of executing management responsibilities than he is.

    Mr. Obama’s performance and decisions since October 1st and the fallout of the initiation of “ObamaCare” to the American public are textbook examples of how he makes decisions, superficially and without being fully informed by his staff or through his own overall awareness of the consequences of his decisions.

    He may very well be a great person as a neighbor, a house guest or other social contact on a regular basis but, just like one of my favorite people on earth, he is absolutely not reliable when you really, really need for him to execute any responsibilities.

    To paraphrase Martin Luther King it doesn’t matter what the color of his skin is, it matters what the content of his character is and the content is lacking in attentiveness, direction and follow through.

    Mr. Obama’s best action for the American people would be to do something never done before in American history. Terminate his own cabinet, fire his Vice-President and resign as President. It would create great turmoil for a few months while Americans “rerack” and replace the Executive Branch of our government but it would be the best step Mr. Obama could ever take in his political career.

  2574. You know what Oprah, I used to think you were ok. I wouldn’t care if he was purple with pink polka dots! He just plain SUCKS!!! But for you to go here is just pathetic. Are you REALLY that stupid?!? You have the opportunity to help stop all this race bs but, in typical liberal fashion, you pull the race card!! If this is what you believe, good for you!! But the rest of us will go on with the cold hard truth – that he isn’t fit to hold the highest office in our country. No matter WHAT color he is!! Liberals are just unbelievable…

  2575. I like nature and it’s laws. There is always balance. When ever Elite lies and manipulate with public – there is resistance to these manipulations.

    People are not naive anymore – they see these political, media, etc. puppets lies.

    Old World Order is breaking down… people will regain their power. A true freedom – a real revolution. Enough of this elite that Oprah, Obama, and other puppet stand for.

  2576. What a load of CR@P!!! Yea she made BILLIONS being disrespected come the F on!! We dont like Obama because his policies are stupid. The same people that are against Obama happen to love Herman Cain and Allen West but i dont see her talking about the names people like her call those two gentleman.

  2577. I used to respect Oprah, but not anymore. She plays the race card about everything. She has a lot in common with Al and Jesse. If there isn’t anything going on, they don’t have anything to complain about, so they create a crisis. She is a female version of B.O. They are both Narcissistic, Egotists, who need to be in the spotlight all the time. B. O. is the biggest liar ever to serve in the Whitehouse. Is he stupid? Absolutely not. He knows exactly what he is doing-destroying the Constitution, and America. All one needs to do is look at his history, and Oprah’s line doesn’t hold. His major influences are, Bill Ayers, despite what he says, Cass Sunstien, George Soros, card carrying members of the American communist party, Saul Alinsky, and Illinois politics, just to name a few. Hmmm, I wonder if Oprah has the same heroes. Hope and Change to these people, translates to Power and Control.

  2578. She has riches, fame & power but as always, it’s never enough. Obama’s destroying the country that gave her all she has but to her, criticizing him is about color.

  2579. Does he lie because he’s black?
    Does he make bad policy because he’s black.
    Is he a bad president because he’s black.
    But he is president because he’s black.

  2580. A member of the beloved 1% (more like the top 10% of the 1%) speaks. We must listen and accept as the gospel what she says. /sarc

  2581. people don’t respect the president for the same reason they don’t respect you…b/c when you constantly spew baldface lies and endless untruths you are not respectable. and it has nothing to do with color.

  2582. And Oprah likes Obama becase of the color of his skin….Does that not seem a bit hypocritical….. Close your eyes lady….Oprah is the one who has been and will always be a racist woman….I guess America hated Colin Powel, and Condolisa Rice???? Of course not….why because those two had morals, and loved America. Obama is nothing but a thug, a piece of crap that blacks only support because he is black… Now that is the truth! Oprah is a fraud…. and everyone knows it. Pathetic old cow.

  2583. I like Oprah, but when she cries racism any chance she gets it’s below her. Is she looking at the same news we are or is her head in the sand? Obama disrespects the American People by lying and covering up murder. Oprah, you have to earn respect in order to receive it; it has nothing to do with race.

  2584. Hope everyone links to this video. When you encounter crap the remedy is to put it out in the open so that it gets exposed. Hope she and her droppings dry up and drift away. I’m not white, but seems to me any time any of us has a bona fide gripe against someone in power this kind of junk will be used to de-legitimize it.

  2585. Here’s a woman who became a billionaire, with a B, because she appealed to the majority in the U.S. = white women. Unfortunately, she can’t leave the black whining behind like most of Americans. She’s really turning people off with the constant whining about racism. Could it be that she’s the racist?
    Obama is turning our country into a third world hellhole. That’s bad whether you’re pink, green, orange, brown, white, or black. We don’t like his Marxist ideology.

  2586. No you pig, we hate him because of who he is and what he’s done! Typical stupid liberal, if you didn’t vote for him you’re a racist. PATHETIC!

  2587. How do race baiters like Opera, Sharpton, Jackson etc… get away with it?

    Because race baiters and liberal Ideologues have found it both convenient and necessary to change the definition of racism. Racism in popular parlance no longer means the belief of a race being superior or inferior to another.

    Racism now means you disagree with someone of another race, a minority race. The basis of the disagreement may have nothing to do with race, but that is now irrelevant, it has become easier to cry racist and be automatically believed than to debate the issue.

    Racism has also become an industry and media driven event. Politician and non-politician alike have found that race baiting is a good way to make money to consolidate power and form public opinion, it also shuts down any well reasoned debate. The knee jerk to automatically except the claim without question by people and the media acceptance, has made this technique extremely easy and with little risk to the accuser.

  2588. I’m taking your race card away from you, Oprah. You’ve reached your spending limit. In fact, you’re overdrawn. I’m cutting it up into little bitty pieces.

  2589. Oprah, you are partially right, they disrespect him because he is an “incompetent”
    black man. Get over yourself and this race business, first of all it is 2013 and you are not the brightest bulb as some of your fans have made you out to be and what you think of yourself because of your fame and popularity.

  2590. Oprah justs needs to STFU and stop seeking the limelight. She is just another far left “victim” who is incapable of seeing anything other than skin color. She and Obama are the true racists here. The man she so adores and claims is a victim famously said his grandmother “reacted like a typical white woman” in his book. Imagine for a moment if Bush or any other white political leader had said something like ” she reacted like a typical black woman.” Oprah would be the first to claim racism but when it is someone of her own race, it doesn’t matter. She is a hypocrite, just like Obama.

    Obama has been the most divisive politician this country has ever seen. He is so far away from the dream Martin Luther King discussed it is farcical. He measures EVERYTHING by skin color and has his trained lapdogs like Oprah, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc. carrying his water on the race card issue.

    While Bush was far from perfect, at least he showed due respect to Obama. The reverse certainly isn’t true. Obama once called Bush “unAmerican” for running up $5 trillion in new debt in his eight years. Yet Obama has run up $7 trillion in five years, which is twice the rate of Bush, and Bush has NEVER called out Obama on it. That is the difference between Obama and nearly every other person to ever hold the office of president. He has no respect for the office and plays partisan, racial games in order to further his political career.

    Really a disgusting human being. And yet, according to Oprah, HE is the victim. Take your ignorance, your race card, your big mouth, and go home, Oprah.

  2591. News flash for Oprah. The Obamunist is a Marxist/Socialist. I’d hate the guy if he were pink and polka dots if he were of this political persuasion. Get over the color thing. It’s old, it’s tired, it doesn’t work anymore. And, by the way, honey, if blacks comprise only 15% of the population, how’d he get elected? Do you think libretard white dumbassocrats had something to do with that????

  2592. Oprah fails to understand stupidity is color blind. Oprah and Obama are equally racist/bigots.

  2593. Oprah now here this…..it has nothing to do with the color of his skin it is because he is a huge failure and continues to trample on the constitution. YOU are the raciest because you support him because of the color of his skin!

  2594. I don’t hate anyone for the color of their skin or their racial heritage. I hate Obama because he is a lying Socialist trying to socialize America.

  2595. What very small amount of respect I may have had left for Oprah Winfrey has now vanished completely. IMO, she ranks right in there with the worst of the black racists including J Jackson, C Rankle, S. Jackson and A. Sharpton

  2596. The white ladies of middle America gave rise to this bigot and blind Obama supporter by watching her show for years and allowing her this platform to label all of us racist because we don’t love Obama like she thinks we should. You would not have become this successful and rich without whites supporting you in record numbers and that goes the same for Obama. Obama would not have been elected if a significant number of whites had not voted him in twice. The only racist I see are the blacks that support Obama simply because he is black, now that’s racist.

  2597. Oprah, you need to realize that you and your group of haters are the only racists left. I know it must be endlessly convenient to call anyone that disagrees with you a racist (“What, you don’t like these jelly doughnuts I made? F**king racist!”), you have to see that this conduct is the only thing perpetuating the idea of “racism” in America. If you would just let it go, get over it, and stop milking the hardships endured by people far before your time as if it were your own, then it will fizzle out and disappear.

  2598. Excuse, there is no excuse for stupid, incompetent, zero leadership skills, etc…Lady color is not even the issue until you made it one.

  2599. What about the white half of BHO. He is not black to me, he is way over his head for this position, and a total failure.

    1. Truth be told, the biggest component of Obama’s racial background is white, next is Arab and after that his Lao black grandmother. I do not hate Obama for his whiteness, or blackness, I despise him because he is a monumental liar, has no honesty, no integrity, no honor, and hates America, and her former allies and arms our enemies, he is responsible for getting our specials forces murdered. He is NOT for America, and it comes out of every pore in his body that he is an arrogant, spiteful and vicious socialist/communist especially when dealing with those that oppose his politics and expose his lies.

  2600. seriously Orca, please shut your mouth and quit spewing this crap and race baiting; If what she said was true, why did many, many, many whites vote him?

  2601. As usual a black whinning and crying. Respect is not something you get winning an election but is earned by your deeds. On another front no one has ever explained to me what is wroong with being racist. No I do not respect a president who lies.

  2602. You would think Oprah would make an effort to stop playing the “people are racist” card. Not all blacks use that as a cover but many do, such as Oprah. Oprah would do well to take Morgan Freeman’s advice – If you keep talking about racism and keep bringing it up, you will never get rid of it. This applies here: As long as you use racism as a reason for people to hate this person or that person that you love, you will never get past it. Stop hiding behind ‘victimhood’ Oprah.

  2603. Well she is almost correct…I despise him for trying to come off as an American! As far as Oprah goes, she is nothing more than a racist. Just like 98% of her kind.

  2604. Guess what, honey: Had your ilk not done everything possible to destroy Herman Cain, we’d probably have a black President who isn’t entirely incompetent and generally useless.

    Reap what you sow.

  2605. Straight to hell, Oprah. Straight to hell. How intellectually vacant must one be to ascribe all disagreement with someone’s *policies and actions* simply to ‘racism’. You’re repulsive; and ignorant, and hypocritical, and blissfully unaware that your commentary clearly indicates that it is *YOU* who are the racist – YOU simply can’t ascribe to white people *any* ability to disagree on principle at all – YOU simply bleat your open prejudice without a hint of self awareness.

    Hey O – Bill Clinton was critical of Obama just a few days ago – is he racist? How about all of the Democrats that just voted with Republicans on the Upton bill – are they racist? Get a grip, simpleton.

  2606. What a pathetic statement from a woman who has seen spectacular success in this Country. Very sad indeed. Oprah, there are many of us indeed that hold the actions of this POTUS in contempt. This has absolutely ZERO to do with the colour of his skin. Why do you think it was that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice were given so much respect (from Conservatives), but were both blatantly disrespected by Liberals? Does that mean the Liberals that were so disrespectful were Racist?

  2607. Absolutely WRONG! People are losing faith due to policies and side stepping the Constitution. Obama makes Bush look like a kindergartener in this respect. I just lost a lot of respect for OW. Certainly not because of her color, but that she would so blindly play the race card.

  2608. I just heard that since Oprah made made this statement Obama has turned over a new leaf, all white people are ashamed of themselves, and politicians in DC have decided to do what is right by the people.

    Thank you Oprah! We love you.

  2609. Dear Oprah,

    Quit using race as an excuse. We don’t respect Obama becuase he has not earned our respect. He has consistently lied about most everything. You Liberals told us he was the smartest guy in the room wherever he goes. As it turns out, he is the smartest guy in the room, only when he is alone.

    The bottom line is that Obama is incompetent, and his position as the worst American President Ever is being solidified every day.

    And one more thing Oprah, we do not care for what you have to say. Go enjoy your billions, but quit trying to shovel this garbage down my throat. Your Messiah is a failure.

    And now that I have said this, I’m sure that you will accuse millions of us who feel the same way of racism, again.

    From JFK, at a dinner honoring American Nobel Prize winners, April 29, 1962:

    “I think that this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

    Can you imagine what Thomas Jefferson would say about Barak Obama, if he were alive today?

  2610. LMAO !!! No big “O”, and while I am sure there a few bone heads out there who are as racist as you are. The 99% of Americans and even illegals who do like the little “O”, think that way because Obama is killing the American Dream, he is bleeding the Country dry of optimism, he is literally jumping up an down and kicking the snot out of our ability to earn a decent wage and create jobs while he redistributes wealth to the sofa surfing, food stamp abusing, monthly free cash in the mail box, Section 8 house sitters, Obama Phone calling welfare cheats of America.

  2611. Disrespect implies that I care enough to have feelings toward obama. That’s more effort than I’m willing to shell out for a door holder.

  2612. It is not because of his race, it is because of what he says and what he does. If he was white it would not make a difference. I hate it when they bring in the race card to cover his policies

    1. What did you think was going to happen? when wrong pull out the race card, too bad it’s not working anymore. I have been called racist so much by this bunch that they have convinced me I am racist, so now what?

  2613. With the campaign and into obama’s second term we’re beyond six years of being told by racist obama fluffers that to disagree with obama’s actions and policies is racist. Liberal tolerance only extends to those who agree with their flawed philosophy.

  2614. So now we are at the whole black respect disrespect thing. Let me tell you something Oprah you black folk spew the word
    respect and disrespect from your mouths so often, that those words have lost their meaning. I don’t like Obama’s policies, guess what I didn’t like the white man George bushes policies much either, so I guess I’m disrespecting the both of them.

  2615. “Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK”

    “…it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    It’s THE ONLY THING I hear race hustlers say.

  2616. That last line cracks me up. Yeah, I’ve NEVER heard anyone called racist for not adoring this guy.

  2617. My disrespect of Obama arises because he combines stupid ideas with incompetent execution and suspect that is the case of most in my position. I would hope you are not saying this deadly combination is a symptomatically black thing.

  2618. No, Oprah dear, I don’t like him because he is black, I intensely dislike his every action. They harm the nation I love because he hates our Constitution (loves executive orders), hates Capitalism (see the Socialist abysmal-care), hates Christianity (worships with Jeremiah Wright, who is no Christian) and hates the white part of his family life (never mentioning Stanley Ann). I think he seeks revenge on Whitey for the ills of the world.

    1. Absolutely, and she always has been. After this stunt, I can’t imagine ANY white Americans going to her movie or watching her TV network.

  2619. I suppose by Opie’s logic, i despise Hillary because she’s white. I think she got a phone call and was given her talking points. Obama is the most insecure man i know.

  2620. And the difference is, you ONLY show him respect BECAUSE he is halfrican-american. Let me be perfectly clear, I don’t respect him because he is an empty suit. A Narcissistic Marxist and a proven liar! Period.

  2621. It’s not the black color of Obama’s skin, why people hate Obama. It’s the black color of Obama’s lies. Many people hate being lied too…even when it’s white lies.

  2622. There are also many that only support him because he is Black.

    If anyone of another race was making these absurd policies and lying this often these same Blacks would condemn him for what he’s doing.

  2623. proves that having a lot of money does not equal a lot of brains. most of her income was earned through, of course, her television show and the fact that white women between the ages of 30-65 bought her books, products, and her other garbage she peddled, yet everybody that critizied obama to her is a racist. in any other country this beast would, at best, be a check-out clerk, a nanny, or a janitor. it’s atitudes like this that make white people hate blacks, and this beast is just a female version of al sharpton. i truly believe her, her fellow travelers, and obama want a race war to finally have a chance to put the final nail in the coffin of america. truly a lowlife racist pig is she, as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.

  2624. Hey Oprah. We hired a guy before we did our due diligence. We didn’t vet his resume’, check his references and establish that he was qualified for the job. Got it hun?

  2625. Does the left have any other lick to hit other than whites hate him because he’s only half white? It’s like going to a Deep Purple concert and hearing Smoke on the Water for 2 hrs 🙂

  2626. 0prah is proof that most women are on at least one level gullible and stupid and l dont mean her i mean her followers/fans…

  2627. I judge Obama by his lack of character, not the color of his skin. I do remember Obama stating he was half black and half white. I am so tired of the race card; it has been over-used!

  2628. Oprah thinks that her and Obama are better than us because they are black. That’s some racist ish right there.

  2629. Why anyone would believe a racist like Oprah is beyond comprehension, unless they just want to feed the race baiters.

  2630. Americans are truly like Martin Luther King, they are judging the content of Obama’s character, not the color of his skin. It just so happens, Obama’s character is worthy of our loathing as are his low information supporters like, Oprah Winfrey and all democrats.

  2631. Oprah. Are you entirely out of your mind? Come on, you are an intelligent woman. If it were George Bush were doing all the things Obama has done, Bush would have been EXCORIATED. It is because of Obama’s color that WORSE has not been said about him.

    1. She comes off like the typical frustrated person with buyer’s remorse. Nobody twisted her arm to vote for the guy. She’s probably sickingly disappointed and rather than admit she was taken in by his game and backed the wrong horse, she doubles down and implies rascist attitudes are somehow involved in this catastrophic presidency.

  2632. There’s probably some merit to watch she says and yet the thing I find problemtic with Oprah–were she black, white, or green–is the ways she abuses her power. Her celebrity, wealth, and visibility allow her to weigh in on whatever she wants, it may go national or international, and as long as she phrases a view with any degree of nuance, she has the ability to pass of her opinions as indusputable fact. “There’s no doubt it.” I wonder how many people of other racial backgrounds didn’t like Bush or Carter because they were caucasion? Furthermore during their presidencies the office was much more disrespected.

    Let it go, Oprah. You’ve got hand but you’re over your head as a social philosopher.

  2633. How do race baiters like Opera, Sharpton, Jackson etc… get away with it?

    Because race baiters and liberal Ideologues have found it both convenient and necessary to change the definition of racism. Racism in popular parlance no longer means the belief of a race being superior or inferior to another.

    Racism now means you disagree with someone of another race, a minority race. The basis of the disagreement may have nothing to do with race, but that is now irrelevant, it has become easier to cry racist and be automatically believed than to debate the issue.

    Racism has also become an industry and media driven event. Politician and non-politician alike have found that race baiting is a good way to make money to consolidate power and form public opinion, it also shuts down any well reasoned debate. The knee jerk to automatically except the claim without question by people and the media acceptance, has made this technique extremely easy and with little risk to the accuser.

  2634. i think it’s hard for oprah to accept barry’s incompetence, so she blames whites and calls the problem racism.

  2635. I have zero respect for Barack Obama, but deeply respect Ben Carson. Now explain to me how that fits into your narrative, Oprah.

  2636. Oprah is WRONG! He has been given a pass on so many things that no other President could have gotten away with. They cannot admit the truth and that is he is a Socialist (Communist) – what ever you want to call it.

  2637. Keep up the self-serving race-baiting, Oprah. Keep perpetuating the canard known as racism until you finally notice that the only ones talking about race are you and your ilk. Most people, regardless of the color of their superficial skin, are so beyond you and your outdated thoughts and tactics.

  2638. waaa,waaa,waaa; the putz is incompetent. It has nothing to do with race. He is a mixed breed – not black and not white, a mutant.

  2639. Oprah, not sure how your ignorant, divisive comments help your floundering network but I for one am glad to see it destroyed.

  2640. They dragging this thing out in lieu of the truth; he is incompetent. Period. So spare the racist card. Please.

  2641. That’s right I hate his African Americanism. Maybe he and you should quit throwing it around in all of our faces like your some supreme being because your black. You people think your better than us because your black? Fn Racist Oprah.

  2642. Hey Oprah.

    Do you think that MILLIONS of people losing their health insurance has something to do with it?

    You village idiot…

  2643. Let me set the stage for my point. My in-laws are black. We talked about politics before Obama ran and they didn’t pay much attention. They surely didn’t vote. Well as you can imagine when a black man ran they went out and voted both times. So I want to ask them a question. If say, a white person never voted until a black man ran just so they could vote against him, wouldn’t we call that racism? If that is true then what do we call it when you voted because a black man was running? Now tell me who are the racists again?

  2644. In the last few years of her show, it became increasingly obvious that Oprah was both anti-white and anti-male.

    Apparently she had reached a level of success where she no longer felt it was necessary to hid her true feelings.

    Her behavior since retirement is not surprising.

  2645. We hate Obama because he’s an incompetent, anti-American socialist. Just like we hate rich media personalities that think anyone cares about their political opinions.

  2646. The race card has been beaten black & blue. The left has thrown that card down more than a $2 hooker. Race seems to play a big role in their lives.

    I think they get their game plan from the same idiot that came up with Obama Care.

  2647. By voting for the Loser In Chief we proved we are not Racial but did prove we are Suicidal.

  2648. How does Ms. Winfrey explain her rise from a very unattractive, heavy-set, very Black woman to that of someone elevated to one of the wealthiest and well-known woman on this planet, mostly with the assistance of Caucasians?

  2649. Ms Winfrey, I respect you because you respect people with whom you disagree. What color are you again? Political dissent does not equal racism.

  2650. The other 99% of America can’t stand Obama because he is an America-hating radical and an incompetent.

  2651. She makes me nauseous. Skin color has nothing to do with why so many people don’t like Obama. It is his destruction of the American economy, and his lying about every scandal since he took office. The latest lie being about Obamacare. He is not BLACK, by the way. His father was black, but his mother was WHITE. Tired of that fact being overlooked.
    Using race to explain peoples dislike for him is getting tiresome. Try another excuse from now on please.

  2652. Obama has all but burned the constitution of the US, in front of us. Obama should be tried for treason and held accountable. Regardless of skin color Obama is at best a communist.

  2653. There are certainly those who Oprah accurately describes, just not that many. There are many, many, more on the left that give him a free pass because he is black. And that includes most blacks, 95% of whom voted for him solely because of his color. So where is the most racism? Obviously, on the left and Oprah is the perfect example.

  2654. To like Obama because he is black is just as racist as disliking him because he is black. Oprah, you can’t like him fore the good job he is doing, because he is destroying the country. That must mean you, Oprah, are the racist.

  2655. I don’t care what color he is. I dislike any politician that is clueless about what it takes to run this country. Obama has been such a gigantic loser it’s easy to dislike him.

  2656. People like Oprah are the racists and bigots. Why is it not possible to disrespect someone because he is incompetent, dishonest and a lawbreaker? I don’t care what color his skin is, he has all these negative traits and more. That is why I disrespect him. Anyone who believes that he should get a pass on these things because of skin color is the racist.

  2657. So white Americans are not treating blacks with all the respect they deserve?
    See You Tube: home invasion Millburn NJ
    This is only one of the one million black on white attacks that occurs each year. Remember George Zimmerman? He was out patrolling because home invasions like this one were occurring in his neighborhood, ALL of them committed by blacks.
    Sorry Oprah, if whites were going into black neighborhoods and causing most
    of the violent crime, blacks would be publicly demanding segregation.

  2658. It has nothing to do with color Oprah, it has every thing to do with his constant lying and his disastrous policies, not to mention that he couldn’t run a lemonade stand much less run the country. It’s time to get over the race and blame game Oprah and realize that he is nothing more than a loser.

  2659. I thought he was a Kenyan, she/it doesn’t know who it’s daddy is much less country of origin!

  2660. Oprah, you’re either racist for supporting obama just because he’s black, or you’re a special kind of stupid for supporting him because you think he’s a good president. So which is it? Racist or Stupid?

  2661. She just doesn’t get it! he’s at least a communist, a muslim & probably part of the muslim brotherhood. The lady has a complex.

  2662. Oprah, I would like Condi for president. Even with that statement on affirmative action I didn’t care for, she would be good for the country. I don’t like Barak as president.
    I don’t like you for anything at all.

  2663. Oprah, people don’t like him because he was raised a Communist and he is a lieing elitist determined to destroy our freedoms. Your popularity has dropped because you have supported this anti-American scumbag that ignores our laws and Constitution. Are you saying that the drop in your popularity is because a portion of your fan base has all of a sudden turned racist? Now, ask the same people how they feel about Dr. Ben Carson or Hermann Cain or Col. West for that matter and you would take back your race baiting comment. Shame on you and I was once a very big fan and admirer of yours. Now, I will only watch your network to find out which company is advertising there, so I will not buy their product.

  2664. He’s half black, half white, and 100% liar hell bent on destroying the Constitution and this country. I dislike him. Therefore, I’m a racist. Perfect logic

  2665. Oh my the sense of victim-hood from this Billionaire (!) is incredible.

    While some may not respect the President because he is black a great majority of the people that do not respect the President do not because he have PROVEN himself to be incompetent and an ideologue that cares more for his party and the special interests that fund it than the country.

  2666. Things like this and the power hungry federal government are not going to change much without major and I mean MAJOR changes.

    Almost everyone knows our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster. The Founders gave state legislatures the power to make changes to the federal structure when Washington, D.C., starts to abuse its authority. Article V of the Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention for the limited purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.

    The Convention of States Project was launched to call a convention for the express purpose of proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints and limit the power of the federal government.

    I support this approach. But we need 34 states to be able to pass a resolution calling for a Convention of the States. You can find a copy of the draft resolution and a legislator’s handbook (which briefly explains the process and answers many questions) at http://www.conventionofstates.com. Take a look and help support the Convention of States Project.

  2667. Oprah is nothing but a disillusional, indoctrinated racist.

    Obama is an inept, lying, secretive, divisive, horrible excuse for a president, period.

    1. Like attracts like. For all her fame and wealth Ms. Winfrey is one of the most bitter and angry woman in entertainment.

  2668. Talks about people hating Obama for being black. Makes billions off of white housewives.

  2669. Do not make this about race …. This is about his inept ability to understand the position he holds. It is not his place to change our laws. But to uphold the CONSTITUTION . He has made a mockery of this country & the Laws that have governed us for over 200 yrs. I believe many of you have lost touch with reality. {The Elite }

  2670. How did she determine that, did she take a poll, did she ask anyone if they thought that was true or did she just making that assumption because she is black also.

  2671. You rich cult of stupidity halfwit. We despise him because he ruining our country. We despise you because YOU are a racist.

    1. Remember Clinton was the first Black President. Or so it was claimed when he was elected.

  2672. What a weak argument. What intellectual midgets those in the MSM are. Maybe if they could get past their racism they would start to understand really why some people do not like our current president. Never happen. This would require them to think and that might lead to introspection and god knows they can’t handle that because it would, among other things, expose their own racism. My mother-in-law is old school racists like this. I also think she is an idiot.

  2673. Oprah is attempting to keep the fires of racism alive. Obama is a radical, not even born in this country. I would have easily voted for Alan Keyes or Herman Cain……but the powers that be saw to it that they wouldn’t make it past the primaries. Hey, Oprah, you know so much….can you tell me why packages sent to me go First to homeland security? Do they think this 67 year old grandmother is a terrorist???

  2674. I guess when you have 1 billion+ dollars you can say what you want. Whether it’s true or not. What a C word.

    1. Obama, Winfrey, Jarrett, Emanuel and Axelrod all prove you can take the person out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of the person. The Chicago “C Club” – crude, crass, and classless.

  2675. No Oprah, many Americans disrespect blacks because they are violent and are thieves…from ordinary street thugs all the way up to Obama stealing the incomes of working Americans, killing jobs and killing people by throwing healthcare into chaos. When the dam breaks many will remember that you, Oprah, have been a major enabler of the thieves and murderers.

  2676. One again, silence critics by labeling them and thereby negating them. Nietzsche said it best. It couldn’t, god forbid, have anything to do with the fact that he’s a poor leader or that his policies are offensive to those on the right. Nooooo. it’s because they are all racists. You are offensive, Oprah, you are. Shame on you, wielding your incredible influence to slander those critical of the president. By some extension is our president incredibly popular with blacks because he is black? Such a poor way to deal with division in this country by prescribing remedies for a sham diagnosis. It’s completely dishonest and does nothing to elevate the debate. The division deepens.

  2677. I was an Oprah viewer for many years but she is just full of crap on this one! It has nothing to do with the color of his skin ps: he is half WHITE. he was voted into office twice so I would say there were plenty of people who had no problem with his color. When Bush was criticized was it because he was “White”. She is showing her racism now. He is criticized because he’s done a really terrible job and he’s a liar. Poor performance and lying are character issues not color issues.

  2678. Barack Obama does not have one ounce of African blood in his body, he is half white, caucasian & half Kenyan/Arab etc.
    Egypt says he is a member of the Muslim brotherhood. I think he is “The Anti Christ” I know he is evil

  2679. The Age of Liberal Disillusionment and Decay are upon us , liberalism has perverted,poisoned and polluted everything it touches.Government ,economics,media,entertainment,social norms ,family,education ,religion ,everything…And the nation suffers with debt ,division ,despair,decay,deranged individuals,dope ,drug abuse,degeneracy,depravity and in the end the nation will suffer NATIONAL DISASTER.

  2680. If not for the people she is calling racist, she wouldn’t have the millions she has! Just sayin!!!

  2681. “Disrespect and contempt for the office” — what a pathetic statement….she must be talking about SNL as they’ve even started to ridicule this administration!

  2682. Hasn’t she made enough money from her magazine….why promote the film so much. Her self esteem must be down again 🙁

  2683. Disrespect ? I would not vote for him because of his muddled foreign policies
    that have injured our allies like Israel. He is incompetent and screwed up the
    Affordable Healthcare Act. But, most of all I dislike him because he gave the
    job of creating the national healthcare infrastructure to a canadian IT company.
    Like we don’t have any expertise here on the west coast of north america ?
    Anyway, he is not black by any means………his attitudes are muslim and Punhou

    was his finishing school

  2684. Remember the good old days when everyone on the Left was so nice and respectful of George W. Bush because he was white?

  2685. Hey oprah, all we ever hear is obama is black obama is black Obama is black…. what you fail to understand is that his color has nothing to with the fact he is the biggest loser the country has ever elected as a president. Only liberals care that he is black and use it as a weapon against others who really don’t care what color he is.

    1. well said! we must also point out that while OHbummer is part black he is equal parts white! Neither has anything to do with his job performance, which is self evident; TERRIBLE.

  2686. I dislike the president because he appears to be a liar and a socialist from what I can tell. It has nothing to do with him being black. I for one have never had a slave (unless you talked to my wife who claims to be one to me and our kids) so I wish everyone would stop trying to ram white guilt down our throats. As far as I know none of my ancestors owned slaves either. They all came from Europe after the Civil War.

  2687. Wonderful! So I guess that when someone lies, cheats, and is corrupt on almost every level, the the best thing to do is pull out the race card, so people will stay quiet about everything he is doing.

    Oprah you are spending way to much time in a plastic bubble, with all the politicians in Washington DC, and by that comment alone you have lost any respect I had for you.


  2688. I would disrepect Ophraheffer because she is an ignorant cow does that make me anti bovine? The operative word is ignornant not black

  2689. No, I disrespect idiots and liars who disrespect my intelligence; hence, our dear dictator in chief.

  2690. You know he is not black, he is 1/2 black and 1/2 white. So does Oprah think people just hate his black side and ignore his white side? If Obama had done what he promised to get elected in 07 he would be as popular as JFK. He has proven to be the most ill prepared and immature president ever elected and how he fooled all these low information voters was a real feat.

    1. It’s been amateur hour in the White House since January 2008. Shockingly they won re-election and I fear the template for future candidates is reaching the base of free-loading dependent class losers to win office. I am not sure we’re reversing course anytime soon!

  2691. Yeah, Right. Obama was elected twice because everyone has a secret hatred for him. Talk about the glass being half empty, Oprah!
    Give me Ben Carson! Give me Herman Cain! Give me Allen West!

  2692. And those same people LOVE Ben Carson, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Alan Keyes, Alan West, T.W. Shannon, and J.C. Watts because…….?(I hear crickets).
    Oprah, you sound ignorant and biggoted. We like and dislike people because of the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

  2693. OH stuff it oprah, your “knee-jerk”, childish comment lends credance to my theory that must people NEVER leave the school yard, ESPECIALLY silly lefties.

  2694. I will never understand WHY people make this a big deal. Most people realize that WHITE represent the MAJORITY of this county and the 13% black minority could have NOT possible won the election without the white vote. SMH

  2695. Valerie Jarrett approves of Oprah’s message. Please get the discussion off the facts and let’s make this a race issue. Slimy political tactic.

  2696. I have to admit I have never watched this woman on TV but is she really this stupid? In 2010 she was considered the wealthiest black women in America with a net worth of $2.7 billion. Applying her logic of “many Americans hate Obama because he’s black” to herself, she would be living in poverty because these “racist Americans” would not have made her so rich. When liberals can’t make an argument based on facts, they use ad hominem attacks, such as the race card. Stupid is as stupid does.

  2697. People like Oprah always want to play the race card. God, is it tiring. I detest Obama because he is an irresponsible liar who is digging a deeper and deeper financial debt this country may never recover from. Obamacare is taking $$$ from me and forcing me to pay higher premiums to subsidize others. As someone who has paid every penny of my health care expenses the past 18 years I shop prudently … and a catastrophic policy is what I (and my wife) want and need. We’re 58 & 60 .. we don’t need maternity coverage or pediatric dental or pediatric vision or mental health coverage. Obama and his ‘team’ who wrote this law do NOT know what is best for me or millions of others who buy their own policies. I thought this was a democracy and not a country where we are forced to buy stuff we don’t want or need. Our premiums will go up 180% with no subsidy. What is our crime? We save $$$, we exercise and we are super healthy. So let us keep our policy … why lie to the entire country and now try to place blame on insurance companies. Last, Obama is a racist. Funny how he spoke out on the Trayvon Martin case but has never spoken out on cases when whites were murdered by blacks …. maybe because there are so many more of them .. and maybe because blacks do commit a disproportionate amount of crime in this country. And I am not a racist … I’ve volunteered for 13 years in high poverty schools where 90% or more of the kids are black. But many grow up to be like their thug parents and then continue the cycle. Sad, but true.

    1. Socialism — spread the cost of government to everyone — socialized medicine means hard-working Americans are expected to pay for the medical expenses of the poor, lazy, and unmotivated. Let’s see what happens to our premiums when millions of illegal aliens are granted amnesty!

  2698. Aw,
    the old race card again….things are really getting desperate! I am getting
    sick and tired of hearing it. Obama is just a piss-poor manager, and doesn’t
    have the skills to be a politician, never mind President. It doesn’t help he is
    trying to ram his own ideology down our throats too in every illegal way you can
    think of.

  2699. The money grubbing racist TV fraud is just as despicable as the petulant wimp in the white house. One common denominator. Chicago.

  2700. Does he lie because he’s black?
    Does he make bad policy because he’s black.
    Is he a bad president because he’s black.
    But he is president because he’s black.

    1. All we ever hear is, he’s black, so I would agree with liberals and say yes, all of it is because he is black.

      1. So you don’t think he’s incompetent ?
        Take a good look at everything he’s touched. It’s all gone down the crapper.

  2701. I am white and voted for him the first time, but didnt the second time after I saw what he was doing to this country. For Oprah to say “everybody’s thinking it” about hating him because hes black makes her a liar just like Obama. I used to be her fan but not after I readthese race baiting remarks. Goodbye Oprah!

  2702. I love that pointing out the facts, lies, cover ups, corruption, and pay offs to his campaign bundlers through no bid contracts and government loans at low or no interest is racist. But complete lies about GW who I wasn’t the biggest fan of either but that’s beside the point was patriotic duty.

  2703. hey oprah, it’s 2013, we don’t give a rat’s a s s if he’s HALF black…he’s a fraud and a liar

  2704. Wonder if Stedman rolls around wiht this Racist Whale for Love or for the …… Mooooooooney?

  2705. I was not a fan of Dubya Bush or Obongo because they were both war criminals but no President in my life time was more verbally abused than Dubya Bush. It started the day he announced for President, continued for 8 years and most of it was undeserved, I got to say he took it like a man. Obongo on the other hand has totally screwed up since day 1 and deserves criticism for obamacare and rather than take it like a man, sics the IRS on people, spies on people and sends the black beluga whale Oprah to fight his battles.

  2706. So as an old white guy I sat down and looked in the mirror and asked myself if I hate Obama because he is black. It quickly dawned on me that I would love to see either Allan West, Dr. Ben Carson, Condeliza Rice, or Clarence Thomas as President which tells me that I’m not racist and hate Obama because he’s black – he’s just wrong.

  2707. He’s a lying socialist hell bent on bringing this country down. THAT’s why I don’t like him. But that’s just me.

  2708. That is why I call her “Doprah”. She is a brainwashed leftist moron. Cannot stand out and out Socialists.

  2709. How very nice of you, Oprah, to define the terms of the pre-cooked commie debate, in hope we’ll play along and lose it.
    Sorry, you’re working the wrong century.
    It’s not about disrespect or is it about ethnicity.
    Many Americans are however quite concerned about and downright dislike the destruction to private property, wealth, and liberty that this red – that means self-avowed Marxist Oprah – individual is causing.
    Does that help you understand where the Americans you hold in contempt are coming from?

    Only in American, Oprah, could someone make so much money by regurgitating the same old 19th century grievance lists. Try peddling your Victim act in Africa, see what it gets you.

  2710. Playing the RACE CARD is always safe if you have no other defense for your positions of support for a failed President. Totally discounting his numerous avoidance of constitutional issues and otherwise bad law enforcement, Obama continues unmarked by his behavior in office. Well maybe she is right, maybe it is skin color, but the evidence clearly does not show that when most of the folks she refers to would have supported Condi Rice, Col. West, Colin Powell or Herman Cain.

  2711. Look Oprah, this guy has been voted twice into Washington. I know MANY white people who voted for him. People will use ANYTHING to insult a BAD President. Look at George Bush! Were white people racist against themselves because they used him at the end of every joke?! I get so sick of people of ANY color throwing the “RACIST!!!” panic card just because something isn’t going their way. It couldn’t be Obama’s presidency that gets him hated, it MUST be the color of his skin!! Get over yourself. Oprah is obviously just trying to get people to hate America like Obama, and ALSO *BIG SURPRISE*, promote her new movie. What a bunch of wackos.

  2712. Don’t you just love it when failure, complete and utter failure as a human being and as President is turned into someone’s racism. This is the stereotypical black/liberal always the victim, someone else is the problem.

  2713. You owe your success to white women Oprah. People don’t like Obama because they know an charlatan when they see one.

  2714. Oprah…we don’t hate him because he’s black!!! We don’t like him because of this actions!!! We are a country of actions…..and actions speak louder than words….He got himself overloaded with BAD actions, and we as Americans know it….he denies it and won’t except it….HE IS NOW….over 40 Dems have turned against him and are asking to “CHANGE” the ACA laws…………….stay tuned…story developing….PAY ATTENTION OPRAH!!!

  2715. So Oprah, what’s the excuse for those who hate and demonize GWB during his presidency and to this day?!

  2716. See, this is why I hate people like Oprah. No one cares a flicking bit about a persons skin color as evidenced by her BILLIONS of Dollars Bank Account, yet that is the first thing out of her foul mouth when someone disagrees with her. Talk about Racist!

  2717. Full B.S. People don’t like him because of his un-constitutional actions and because his appointees ignoe the rule of law. This racist charge has been thrown out time and again because the facts show how terrible of a president he is and they can’t win any debate on his record. The true racits here are the ones who can’t believe that white people can’t disagree with their “great savior” without any racist. Oprah, I am so disappointed in you; how shallow

  2718. Uhhh NO. Many Americans disrespect Obama because he lied. Oprah has her head in the sand….like a lot of liberals.

  2719. See You Tube: home invasion Millburn NJ
    This is only one of the one million black on white attacks that occurs each year. Remember George Zimmerman? He was out patrolling because home invasions like this one were occurring in his neighborhood, ALL of them committed by blacks.
    Sorry Oprah, if whites were going into black neighborhoods and causing most of the violent crime, blacks would be publicly demanding segregation..

  2720. Madonna is a racist, George Bush is a racist, Barbara Walters is a
    racist, Heidi Klum is a racist, New Gingrich is a racist, Mahatma Ghandi was a
    racist, all Indians are racist, Michelle Obama is a racist, Mother Theresa was
    a racist, Angela Merkel is a racist, the Pope is a racist, All
    Argentinians are racist, Jesus was a racist, Kim Jon Ung is a racist, Tiger
    Woods is a racist, Lindsey Lohan is a racist, Hugo Chavez was a racist, all
    whites are racist, Mikael Gorbachev is a racist, Jeraldo Rivera is a racist,
    all Africans are racist, George Washington was a racist, I am a racist, You are
    are a racist, Nancy Pelosi is a racist, Rudi Gulianni is a racist, The Nation
    of Islam is racist, Mohamed was a racist, all trees and animals are racist, all
    inanimate objects ( such as the rock on Rick Perry’s hunting camp) are racist,
    the whole world is racist, the whole universe is racist and above all God
    definitely is a racist, SO MISS WINFREY WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR POINT?

  2721. The hand dealt Oprah, due to the burden of her race, was a hand worth $1.2 billion. The terrible injustice of it all because Oprah was black. Raped by her black daddy! Smoked crack because her black boyfriend made her! These injustices,
    exacted by whites on Oprah, were inexcusable! Then, those evil blue-eyed
    devils, the white man, forced the burden of $1.2 billion onto the back
    of black Oprah! When, oh when, will the injustice of white bigotry

  2722. call the NAACP! the citizenry don’t like obamacare, want it appealed and him impeached!!!!!

  2723. No Oprah, I would vote for Allen West, Herman Cain etc… The problem is, that is not good enough. Many blacks will not admit it, but I not only have to support a black candidate. I have to vote for a black person with the right ideology or I am still considered a racist.

  2724. This childish race card whining will never end until whitey has had enough and says so. For a racist country this fat stupid cow has done quite well for herself.

  2725. What about all the educated black Americans who can’t stand the man? Ohh wait, they must be race traitors….right?? It’s funny that any white man who disagrees with the left is a racist and every black man is a race traitor. It’s honestly funny to see people so stupid they don’t even realize why people don’t like the man. It’s scary that people like her are allowed to vote.

  2726. Those same people elevated your black skin to billionaire status, voted Obama POTUS X 2 and this is your rationale for the response to his failure in the role of POTUS…he’s black? You cannot get any more absurd, unless you count getting your nose out of joint over a swiss shop clerk and a purse.

  2727. Very sad commentary from Oprah. I think a lot of American’s disapprove of the President’s performance and poll numbers show that. That does not mean those disapproving voters dislike the President because he is black. I am tired of people inferring that I am racist because I disagree with President Obama. That is complete bull. I don’t care what color or gender he or she is, but I do care whether they do a good job or not. Our current President is doing a terrible job. That is my opinion and more and more people are agreeing with me by the day. That opinion doesn’t make us racists.

    1. It’s a previously tried and true tool for shutting down critics. Only the tide of criticism is so great, that playing the race card only serves to make those playing the race card look very very stupid

  2728. I don’t disrespect him because he’s black, I disrespect him because he’s a know-it-all liberal a-hole who disrespects me.

    1. Right, the blatant lying to the American public is an overt demonstration of Obama total contempt and disdain for the unclean masses who put him in that lofty office to begin with.

  2729. The exact opposite of what Oprah wants you to believe is true. Many more people than ever publicly hated ANY president before would be more vocal about Obama’s detrimental effect on every aspect of American life if he WASN’T a “man of color.”

    Your Dear Leader has gotten away with as much as he has because of people’s fear of being called racists. Of course, Oprah is one of the biggest names promoting Obama’s brand of hyper-divisive post-racialism.

    1. That is a nastier way of saying if a somewhat unattractive black woman can become a billionaire, then perhaps, just perhaps, American is well past – very well past – it’s racist salad days.

  2730. When you don’t have the courage to engage in a real conservation about the failure of this Presiden just blame race. The fact is if Obama was white he would be more despised; he gets a pass because people don’t want to be called a racist. He is the most unqualified and inept president in history but many people will simply refer to him as the First Black President. I wish all the bleeding hearts out there would judge Obama on his record; blacks, women, monorities, etc., have all been thrown under the bus by Obama. The only sector that has prospered under Obama is Wall Street. If this happened under a GOP president it would be front and center every day. Poor Oprah can’t talk about his record so blame the few who are racist for his failure- pathetic.

  2731. Obama’s opponents despise him more than any president in history. No matter what he does, he never gets a break: Even when he concedes, compromises, or admits his own mistakes, he receives fierce, relentless, directed attacks that defy logic and reality from his opposition. And when one tries to converse with his opponents about their hatred, its apparent that they usually harbor an unexplained, irrational anger. His opponents accuse Obama’s supporters of being ignorant fools, idiots, and morons. When one examines the demographics of his opponents, they fall into some narrow categories. And yet one quality seems congruent between most of them: RACISM. People hate Obama because of his race, his color, and/or his background. So I agree with Oprah.

    1. “No matter what he does, he never gets a break: Even when he concedes, compromises, or admits his own mistakes……”

      When did the fool EVER admit he was WRONG? The only thing he h as ever admitted is not knowing what was going on around him. The asshole clai m s to have NOT known about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal, the AP scandal and now he claims he knew NOTHING about the problems with the website. Tell me obamabot, what exactly DOES he know?

      He lied through his teeth on 31 separate ocassions and he STILL hasn’t admitted lying nor has he apologized.

      He is the WORST president this nation has yet seen and the only one happy with him is Jimmy Cart e r who used to be the worst presidentever but has been taken of the hook by the clueless fraud in the WH.

      1. Amen! And, I can’t decide which is more frightening — the possibility that he lied and DID KNOW about all of the scandals, or that he truly DIDN’T KNOW. In the event of the latter’s being true, who exactly is running the show?

    2. Obama’s supporters are ignorant fools, idiots and morons. They either don’t know of Obama’s lifelong history as a stealth Marxist or they don’t know that the attempt to implement Marxist governments has killed over 100 million people in the past 100 years and terrorized, tortured, and oppressed hundreds of millions more. Or worse, they know and don’t care.

      Many Obama followers are irrational and blind in their devotion to this Marxist narcissist. They believe all his flowery talk and look the other way when his actions contradict his words time and time again. Obama is taking a wrecking ball to our liberty, strength, and prosperity, and he supports dictators over those fighting for liberty every chance he gets.

    3. Excuse me??? Concedes? Compromises?? Admits his own mistakes??? Where have you been for the past five years? Just when has Obama conceded anything? As a self-proclaimed Constitutional expert, he has ridden roughshod all over that venerable document and has usurped powers from the legislative branch over and over again! Compromise also is not in his vocabulary. In fact, recently, in his own words, he adamantly stated that he would “not negotiate” — nor has he in the past five years! Admission of culpability? This is the most humorous of all! From day one, he has blamed George Bush for everything from Super Storm Sandra to bad breath! And, if you’re referring to the recent lame acceptance of responsibility for the disastrous cancellations due to his amateurish attempt to make all Americans dependent on the federal government for their medical care, you did listen to his entire stab at a mea culpa, I hope — you know, in which he referred to his staff’s not briefing him on all the glitches it entails. So, even with his first foray into the realm of accepting responsibility, he just can’t quite go all the way to total acceptance. And, while we’re still within your Obama fantasy world, NONE of the above criticisms have anything to do with the color of his skin — the black or the white. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts, Larry Elder and myriad other African Americans are infinitely more qualified, could garner more votes and possess higher ethical standards than Obama — and they have more black blood than the current occupier in chief of the White House! Educate yourself before you start slinging the RACISM rant!

  2732. Yep, we’re so racist that millions used to watch and listen to you.
    We’re so racist that even though 18% of the population is black, a majority of Americans voted for the man twice.

    Apparently, we’re all racists because we expect him to honor his oath of office, criticize him for his acts of unConstitutionality, and lambaste him for his criminal acts.

    Amazing how his supporters can throw that accusation around like gangbusters, yet when it comes to standing on the merits of his acts, they can only throw out “feel-good” points of contention, not actual facts and rational knowledge.

    Ain’t the left/right paradigm grand?

  2733. All you have to do is go to a RIGHT WING NUTJOB BLOG like this one and view the COMMENTS whenever the subject is someone black and frequently when it is NOT a black subject but can be STRETCHED TO INCLUDE blacks and you’ll see what she means…


    plox fledgepot
    Oprah—–> Gigantiboon Negropottomous‏


    bluesky Threem3
    Those are just oreo cookies.

    OR THIS ONE “SPADE” of course being slur for A.A’s

    Damn… by now I thought they woulda wore the spades off that race card.


    who cares what this filthy cocksucker has to say?



    Negros wear their blackness like a bullet proof vest.

    Most of you teabagging COKKSUKERS are racists, you can’t help it, it’s how you see the world. Ever since you heard there was this thing called SLAVERY and that Whites were the bad guys it put a chip on your shoulder. It caused you to dedicate your life proving that the people who OBJECT TO RACISM ARE THE “REAL” RACISTS. Anyone who supported George Zimmerman is a RACIST POS, if the facts of that case, THE FACTS , not the BULLCHIT you muthafuking pieces of sh!t convinced yourselves of , were reversed, there is no f-ing WAY that you would have thought that the shooter was INNOCENT. You would have correctly, were Trayvon WHITE, applied the stand your ground law to HIM and you wouldn’t have found the marks on Zimmerman to be proof of anything more than that the WHITE KID who was FOLLOWED for NO F-ING REASON , had a right to defend himself.
    And the only thing that makes me feel better about the situation is the knowledge that most of your so called Christian doctrine is FALSE DOCTRINE, and that 98% of you are NOT baptized in JESUS’ NAME (acts 2:38) but instead in the false baptism of the false church! My hopes are lifted because most of you do NOT have the Holy Ghost indwelling inside of you and did NOT receive it into your bodies the way the Apostles received it. Acts 2:4.

    And above all things I am overjoyed that even aft4er pointing this out, you WON’T go and be baptized in Jesus’ name which is the oNLY BAPTISM RECOGNIZED BY HEAVEN, Ephesians 4:5, acts 4:12, . And it makes my joy complete the knowledge that EVEN AFTER I SHOW YOU THAT PAUL THE APOSTLE CHANGED THE BAPTISM of some of John’s disciples TO baptism in JESUS’ name, YOU STILL WON’T CHANGE IT. Because of the FILTH and RACISM IN YOUR HEARTS and you will BURN IN HELL, while thinking yourselves “CHRISTIAN” what a laugh.
    See because the FALSE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE that YOU ALL have embraced has NO ANSWER for the question that PAUL asked those men in ACTS 19:1-6! “Have you received the Holy Ghost SINCE you believed”?? Your false churches have convinced you that there is “No proof” that one has in fact received the Holy GHost, that is, the few of your fake churches that even teaches that it is something TO RECEIVE in the first place ! LMAO. So when you take your last vile scum filled racist breath and you REALIZE that you have NEVER been a Christian because you were NEVER BORN AGAIN and that your religion was a LIE. And that you have NO PROOF of your “salvation’, YOU RACIST SCUMBAGS WILL JOIN the founding RACISTS in the LAKE OF FIRE and you will burn in HELL for eternity.

    But here’s a clue, I shouldn’t do it but, it won’t matter anyway, such is your DECEPTION. But, if your fake church tells you that “all you have to do is believe” and yet JESUS said that you MUST be born again (john 3:1-8) and that you MUST be baptized in the ONE BAPTISM to be saved (Mark 16:15-20) who you gonna believe? And when your realize, too late, that you NEED TO BE ABLE TO KNOW WHEN AND WHERE YOU RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST and that your false church that calls priests “father” AGAINST THE EXPRESS COMMANDMENT OF JESUS CHRIST ( Matthew 23:9) has lead you astray, you’ll realize that YOU NEVER HAD THE HOLY GHOST and that you should have been able to know that . Because if you DON’T have it, you do NOT BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST, and it doesn’t matter WHAT you “believe” it won’t save you. ROmans 8:9. Because the devils ALSO believe in “one god” and it won’t save them! James 2:19.

    You’ll realize as you racist scum slide towards the lake of fire that you probably should have read the bible for yourself instead of letting some undercover pedophile read it for you. You ‘ll realize that the church which taught you that “JESUS CAME TO BRING PEACE TO THE EARTH” was the CHURCH OF SATAN, and not a church of God since THAT IS DIRECTLY AGAINST WHAT JESUS TOLD YOU HIS MISSION WAS!
    Matt 10:34-38.

    I print all these things, so that your CONDEMNATION might be complete and you racist scum WILL HAVE NO EXCUSE on that day. May you all burn in hell forever or you could REPENT and be baptized EVERY ONE OF YOU in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the REMISSION OF YOUR SINS and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, ACTS 2:38. But you won’t. And THAT makes ME happy.

    1. How odd she didn’t complain when some radical film makers made a movie about the assassination of George W. Bush (which got some kind of an award from other radicals in the film industry). I think I know who is the racist here.

    2. hey douche bag blacks were enslaving blacks long before whitey got there… i have never enslaved anyone, nor my father nor my father before him. If there was murderer in your family would it be ok if i then labeled you a murderer? but then again why am i even arueing with you you’ll never see the light and choose to try and hide your hate and racism behind god. you sir, will be the first to burn in laaaaake oooof fire fire fire fire…

    3. Nice try. Your leftist friends come here to moby and act like 1950’s style Southern Democrats, and then you follow along claiming we’re all like them.

      Only Democrats Care About Skin Color

      …And by the way, you and your racist friends have been sent packing.

  2734. Hey Oprah.
    Chris Matthews likes Obama!

    How did you feel when Chris Matthews said, “I forgot Obama was black tonight for an hour” ?

    Google: chris matthews I almost forgot obama was black

  2735. Oprah spreading the LIE! How did YOU ever get where you are, Oprah, if Americans are racist? I submit that Obama has been handled with kid gloves BECAUSE he’s African American

  2736. show me ONE thing he’s done that actually works! I have PLENTY of reasons not to like him having NOTHING to do with his skin color

  2737. She’s right. It has nothing to do with the fact Obama is a traitorous, worthless, incompetent, POS.

  2738. I dislike Obama because billionaires like Oprah bankroll this guy. I do like him more than Oprah then again I like zits more than warts, zits go away

  2739. Oprah, you are so far off on this! The man got elected “Because he is
    Black! or mostly so. White people, along with Black people, thought it was time
    to put race aside, and “WE THE PEOPLE” elected him.
    Our hopes and expectations were high, for him to revitalize America into
    One Nation, as a people. Instead, he has made us separate, and apart as a people, a hater of white men, separated communities.
    Oprah, you have the Gaul to say we do not like him because of his race? The
    Race card again?
    Obama has been defined by what he has done. Every aspect of his administration with running guns to Mexican drug cartels, no border control, illegal’s invading our soil,
    Benghazi, spying on Americans, and World leaders, failed ObamaCare, speaking law into existence instead of going to congress. Socializing what used to be a free country with free speech. DO NOT try to fool us you fool.

    1. You forgot at least 2 things.

      While refusing to sit down to negotiate with fellow Americans during the government shutdown, he ran off to America’s enemies to sit down and negotiate with them (Iran) while at the same time angering 2 of America’s staunchest allies (the Israelis and the Saudis).

      Plus he has been shipping weapons off to Syrian Al Qaeda rebels, committing treason by giving aid and support to the same group of people who killed over 3,000 people by flying missiles we call airplanes into buildings on US soil.

      I better stop typing now. Because the more I type the more I can think of other things done wrong, and the more I think of other things gone wrong the angrier I get.

  2740. Black unemployment has spiked under this president, compared to what it was under Bush (who is to blame for everything, I know). So I guess we can blame black unemployment skyrocketing on the fact that people hated Obama enough over his race to elect him twice?

    1. sounds like to me obama hates blacks. at least the frosted side does.. bet the whole wheat side is pissed off though

  2741. Personally, I don’t respect him because he is a rampant socialist with Marxist leanings and the cherry on the top is he is an idiot. Has nothing to do with his race.

  2742. “Thar she blows!” A hypocrite whale race baiter!

    I would hate the socialist policies of the messiah just as much, if he were white, black, yellow, or green.
    Get over yourself, racist.

  2743. This is a possibility. How much of Obama’s beliefs have come to him just because he is Black. Were he White or Asian- even Hispanic, would he believe like he does?

      1. Hahaha! Get off our socialist roads.. Stop using our socialist firemen, police, city council, county government.. Don’t use our socialist Medicare orMedicaid.. You don’t even know what communism is! Idiot!

        1. Everyone contributing to the roads, police, and fire departments we all use is one thing. Confiscating the money of the productive to buy the votes of the unproductive is something else entirely.

  2744. When will this bloated sow ever get over the race baiting?It is the default line of defense for African Americans whenever they are confronted with any criticism at all;be it incompetence, immorality, inappropriate behavior or in Obama’s case arrogant and unqualified.
    This woman has become a billionaire by being an African American female,devoid of any talent,in the most racist, chauvinistic, homophobic country in the world.

  2745. How sad that Oprah now spews this idiotic putrid illogical racialist crap on a regular basis. So then Oprah’s thinking also means that her opposition to any white person or Asian or Indian or Eskimo or their policies/beliefs/actions is obviously because they are white or Asian or Indian or Eskimo. Huh…. How about black conservatives? Does she oppose Alan West? Alan Keyes? How about Thomas Sowell? Shelby Steele? Mia Love? David Webb? Daneen Borelli? Condi Rice?

    How did this idiot become so successful? She’s obviously a moron…..and a raging racist. How pathetic.

  2746. Obama has a 39% approval rating among the masses. He has a 75% approval rating among blacks. Tell me again who is race obsessed.

  2747. Considering the amount of disrespect showed President Bush by the left, at home and overseas, her argument is shallow.

  2748. Wow, Oprah, way to go. That was real bit of original thinking.

    And here I thought it was because he was just gawd awful as a president. Learn something new everyday, don’t you?

  2749. He was elected 2x by a white majority population, please stop lecturing me about how racist we are. Do us a favor and return to interviews of cross dressers and dieting gurus.

    1. Are you sure?

      Personally, I think the 2012 Election was stolen. But I have no absolute proof.

      It’s just that there were so many people who admitted they voted twice. And then there’s the international election observer who called in violations witnessed in Houston, Texas that they have tried hard to bury. I know it happened because I heard the blow-by-blow as it happened over local radio.

      Perhaps Oprah knows that too.

  2750. Black people vomiting worn out, lame, racist excuses for incompetence contributes more to disrespect for blacks than any other single cause.

  2751. Fatass needs to realize that the only reason Obama is still president is because of the color of his skin. If Bush or Kerry or whoever was president and was caught in the midst of the many scandals Obama is involved with they would not only have been impeached by now but tried for treason. Get your head out of your fat ass Oprah. If anything the Liar in Chief remains in office because he’s black.

  2752. Never cared for Oprah, care for her even less now…black people like her are the real racists in America. Most people don’t hate Obama because he’s black, they hate him because he’s incompetent.

  2753. Oprah, you are an ignorant bigot! We dislike Obama not because of his skin color, but because he is actively destroying our country with his idiotic “change”. America was NOT founded as the place where everyone can have everything they want at the expense of others. It was founded as the place everyone can achieve whatever they want through their own hard work. If I was a bigot, then why would I support Alan West and other “darker skinned” Americans? BTW, We are all African-American if you go back far enough.

  2754. A big portion of Orca’s success had to do with the fact that since she was black, she touches the guilt strings of liberal whites.

    /nothing new here folks. Yesteryears news.

  2755. Sometimes I think the only real racists are the ones who constantly talk about others’ racism.

    We’ll all be better off when the baby boomers have passed on. We’ll finally be able to move forward without the decades long hatred that can’t be let go.

    1. You’re wrong buddy. In 1000 years if there is still an America, there will be an Al Sharpton out there.

      1. Yes but the ones who are left will have an shrinking audience. I have hope for us as a society.

  2756. She’s right you know. She must have been reading my anti Obama posts. Hey I’ve got a fan!

  2757. OWEdumbo is only half black. If he was like Zimmerman the press would try to make him white.

    It’s not his skin color I don’t like Oprah it’s this “Fundamental Transformation” thing I don’t like. Then there is this constant lying thing. You know and I know he lied throught his teeth to con Congress into believing We the People could keep our insurance plan and our doctor if we wanted to. Now… Even the Demoquack’s that didn’t bother to read the law are mad at him. Then he lied about not knowing anything about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA spying on us or the IRS trying to fix an election… Until he saw it on MSNBC.

    Oprah… The guy you sold to American voter’s is a cleptomaniac, it’s NOT his skin color! Few people give you any problem about your black skin color. Why do you think we would give Owebama trouble because of his skin color? Isn’t that a racist remark from you to us cracka’s?

  2758. Is Oprah aware the Pres. Obama is of mixed race?

    So in ‘Opra Land’, if you are non-black and disagree with any positions he takes you are a racist towards his black half, and are fine with his white half? So a half racist? I’m glad she clarified this for me, I feel a lot better now.

  2759. Ya that’s it Oprah, it has NOTHING to do with this tearing our country apart, spending us into oblivion so he can give more and more to the worthless, lazy, POS’s who yell “More Obama phones”. If he were White no one would care what a lousy leader (Leads from the rear”)he is, his disrespect for our Constitution, tries to rule by dictates, shows NO RESPECT to anyone who doesn’t follow him in lock step, and prey to him five times a day. He lectures those of us who work and pay taxes, who do our jobs because of his views on race relations. He summons people like a despot. Hitler or Stalin had nothing on this guy.

    Ya that’s it we dislike him because he is half African.

    1. It’s funny how these things go.

      Will Smith was interviewed and asked what he thought of France and the newly elected Socialist President’s thoughts that rich people needed to pay more taxes.

      And he agreed that it would be a good thing.

      Then someone told him that Francois Hollande was demanding 75% of their income. Then suddenly he went from agreement to saying “D*mn! Thank God I’m American!”

      Perhaps Oprah should try moving to France and paying Hollande’s tax rate for a few years.

  2760. No sweetie, respect must be earned. It’s people like you who think it’s owed to them simply because of the color of their skin.

    People dislike you because you’re a pompous ass who thinks her excrement smells like roses. It has nothing to do with your skin color.

  2761. That’s a crock and she knows it. Lots of people love Oprah because she’s a smart, successful woman. The prez is just stupid. Have you ever known a President who knows NOTHING that is going on in the WH?

  2762. You have got to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Obama is a great politician but a completely incompetent manager. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. My god, over 68% of the whit population voted for him. Oprah should be ashamed of herself.

    1. Oprah ashamed? She wouldn’t know the meaning of the word even if she looked it up in the dictionary.

  2763. according to wikipedia 72.4% of Americans are not black (2010 census). If this is true Oprah is way off-base. I suppose that is why her popularity has dropped over the past several years. Karma eventually makes its rounds….she needs to look in the mirror as she speaks on racism. Better yet, take a look at her hand as she points her finger at whites. I used to like Oprah quite a bit; I have lost just about all respect for her. I didn’t listen to what she has to say in this piece, but couldn’t resist commenting on her insignificance.

  2764. The queen of racism speaks! I don’t like President Obama’s policies or what he is doing to the country. I feel the same way about Biden, Pelosi and Reid. I think Herman Cain would have made a much better president. Gee, he’s black. What about that Oprah?

  2765. To really make a good comparison, look at how the Right talked about Bill Clinton and see if he got treated the way this president, with more pigmented skin, is talked about but be sure to include the magnitude of hubris. Maybe there should be a cost-of-taking adjustment.

    Also, compare the sophistication of the people doing the cajoling. Smooth-talking people who think of themselves as “thought leaders” often say the same thing, with more standard wording.

  2766. No Oprah.
    It is because Barack is a proven:


    His skin color is irrelevant.

    And the fact you resort to the racist argument is proof you are ill-informed and out of answers.

  2767. I have always admired Oprah, but she is a bully and a racist when she implies that Americans don’t have a right to oppose Obama because of his political and economic ideology and bullying, much less his inciting roving mobs of young African Americans to attack defenseless whites. On the subject of racism, how many white mobs do you see attacking African Americans?

  2768. Man if thats not the pot calling the skillet black… Don’t talk to me about Racism when your spewing your mouth like that. You have to be the biggest Racist I’ve seen in a long time….

  2769. Typical racist remark from a racist. Did she ever stop to think we hate him because he is destroying America? No it has to be because of his half-white race.
    Play the race card all you want Oprah. I see being black didn’t stop you from becoming the richest woman in the US.

    1. She’s’ not the richest woman in the US. She’d need about 19 billion more dollars.

  2770. Oprah, How many people have loved and supported you without a thought to
    the color of your skin? I always admired you for the good you do for the needy,
    etc. Too bad this admiration is now tarnished. It is difficult to believe a smart
    woman, as yourself can even believe what is coming out of your mouth. Don’t
    expect high rating in the box office. I certainly will not throw my money
    away for someone who believes the lies of the person standing in the most
    honorable position in our Nation.
    . Not going to happen.

  2771. ….and a STFU! echoed across the land…. Does she have another movie coming out or what? Go purse shopping again. That story had a particle of credibility.

  2772. I will truthfully admit that I don’t like Oprah Windbag because she is ………… fugly.

  2773. What a bunch of crap. To me, its like when you loose an argument, and then all you can respond with is, “I know you are, but what am I” bovine scatology. Its not the color of Barack, Winfrey, its his inferior philosophy. Each generation must go through this learning curve. We lived with Carter, and he very closely came to destroying this country of ours, now the next generation has Obama, an even worse representation of weakness, lack of intellect, and using the poor to prey on the producers of jobs. so you loose the argument when your exposed, and all you can cry is “Racism. Go back to “Remembering your Spirit” you goof.

  2774. Why must all white people jump into defense mode when being accused of racism? Realize that it’s the accuser who’s reputability is damaged, not yours.

    1. Because there are many who believe these smears so we must refute them.

      George Bush made the decision to “rise above” those attacking him without answering them back. Unchecked, the lying Marxist bullies in Congress and the media were quite successful in convincing millions that Bush was evil. This led to the election of Obama. It might have gone very differently if the Republicans had fought back.

  2775. Now if we can make fuel from crap. We could frack Obama’s never ending crap for brains…

  2776. Not because he’s the worst incarnation of the stereotypical liberal totalitarian yet? Do you believe it’s possible for a white person to dislike a black person for reasons other than skin color? Your actions say you don’t. That would make YOU a racist Ma’am.

    1. They don’t get that. Liberals never do. Like Hispanics that support illegal immigration because they happen to look like them. If they were from Saudi Arabia they wouldn’t be so pro illegal immigrant. Racism comes in many forms.

      1. here is a thing, none of the American citizens who are “Hispanic” that I know support immigration. they know its a bag of crap. II am Hispanic and a veteran (USMC) and my family has been here in NM since before 1800….. the only ones who support this immigration crap are the corporations who want the cheap labor and dumbasq politicians on both sides……. the US is in a deep recession (used to be called a depression), true unemployment rate double the official rate, our standard of living and real wages have fallen since the mid 1970s……so why in the hell would we want another 20 million desperate wage seekers entering the country to lower wages (that we cant live on now) even more??
        its aint the guy on the street who wants it. just look at who is lobbying for it in Washington. it aint your Hispanic on the Street…..

  2777. Frankly, I’m not sure he is a natural born citizen. I do know that he was a member of Jeremiah Wright’s congregation and is now passing his own laws while the U.S. Congress turns a blind eye.

  2778. Oprah, no ma’am. Its because you can not play political games, play sides and do things without integrity and expect the American people to support him. STOP RIGHT THERE! She should stop trying to generalize her comments as she is losing peoples respect very quickly with comments like these.

    1. I don’t think he was born in Kenya but, as there is no paper birth certificate but just a computer-jobbed one, we may never know. Certainly to go to school in Indonesia he’d have to be an Indonesian citizen. Also, to get a cool scholarship it would help to be from another country. There is evidence that his mom was in Seattle right after he was born. There is evidence that he uses another man’s soc. sec. number as one of his. The announcements in the Hawaii papers are convincing enough to some people but not very convincing to me.

  2779. Shut your piehole Opie..We hate Obama for tons of reasons, none of which is racially motivated….On the other hand, we can’t stand you either fatazzz..Why not shut up and munch on Gayle for a while ?

  2780. So if Ben Carson is elected POTUS in 2016, and white Libtards oppose him, will they be racists? Will Queen Oprah be a racist when she opposes President Carson? Liberals are beyond pathetic…..

  2781. I am so sick of people like Oprah and other liberal progressives (regardless of the color of their skin) BEARING FALSE WITNESS against others. It is a LIE. A BALDFACED LIE. So stop it. You are just feeding the ignorance of the low information, emotional voters, not to mention fanning the flames of hatred against those who do not agree with the socialistic agenda of the progressive movement.

    1. “You are just feefing the ignorance of the low information, emotional voters”

      As their precise intent because Democrats know it works and Republicans are too damned stupid to also use rage, ire and anger likewise to win votes. And that Republicans have the truth on their side and still refuse to fight filthy bloody (instead “taking the high road” of polite discourse while the Democrats butcher them is why they will always loose.
      Civility is dead.
      Admit that.
      Let the damned bullets fly.

  2782. First of all a person cannot disrespect another person. You can be disrespectful toward some one. Secondly respect is earned and not acquired. I personally had very little respect for the man for many reasons, none of which had anything to do with race. The fact that he repeatedly lied to the american people about individuals being able to keep their insurance has cause me to lose any respect I might have had for him.

  2783. Don’t flatter yourself, Oprah, just go away already. We dislike Obama because he’s an incompetent liar, and a threat to the Constitution.

  2784. racist have to die for racism to end. does that include race baiters and race card players and ………?

  2785. Why didn’t she criticize the Republicans when they were mad at Colin Powell for being a Democrat loving RINO? Oh wait! Colin isn’t really black because he is a Republican (even if it is in name only). I didn’t see her standing up for Condi Rice either when the media was lambasting her. Oprah is just doing her job to spread the religion of racists liberalism.

  2786. Oprah you ignorant B%^ch, it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, it has 100% to do with his policies, lack of leadership, lack of respect for the Constitution, and the law. Hillary isn’t black and she isn’t any better, Durbin isn’t black and he is just as bad as the rest of the ilk in your party. Get clue Oprah, or maybe you are just trying to get attention to your failing network

  2787. WHAAAT?? Oprah, I am stunned that you are so out of touch but then again, you probably don’t even know anyone who lives a common-man, American life. I can ONLY assume you think this is about race because you hang around liberals. Liberals are THE most bigoted, racist, insincere, NON-inclusive people on earth. SUCH a shame that us regular folks have been judging a man by the content of his character for oh, about 40 – 50 years but, since you are surrounded by liberals, you don’t know the truth about us. Liberals talk a hyper, self-righteous game but never live by those rules. LASTLY Oprah, the content of Obama’s character is very, very low. THAT’S the problem.

  2788. “Dumbist, Ignorantist, dumocratist, stupidist, and moronist.” The precursor of disliking Oback Orama has a lot to do with a lot of things but his being black is not one of those things. Many of those things that cause me to dislike him immensely are contained in the first sentence. Nowhere did I find anything that would cause the word “racist” to be used to describe my feelings about the “worsetest” of all previous presidents and those that will be described as awful that will come in the future.

  2789. Must all blacks play the victim game? Grow up, accept the cards you’re dealt, and make the best out of your life. Work hard, study in school. Do these things and you won’t need to claim victim status. Regarding Obama? He fails not due to race, but because he is incompetent. Incompetence isn’t racist either.

      1. It’s not easier. Let’s see, victim status comes with a free cell phone, free food stamps to trade for crack, free healthcare, free sex with 50 baby mama’s, free room and board in county, free passes on the first two murder wraps due to too many young black males behind bars. That’s hard work!

    1. Why should they grow up and accept responsibility for any of the cards they are dealt. Big daddy government is going to take care of their every need and want. I’ll bet next thing they get is a free cell phone………………oh wait.

      1. Don’t forget, make all the babies possible so big daddy govmint can be their daddy! When asked, “who be yo daddy?!?!” Their answer is, “Uncle Sam! He my daddy brother!”

        1. Before the revision of world history in the high schools, it used to be taught that one of the things the Soviet Union implemented back in the 1920’s was the notion that women should work outside the home, that the father wasn’t really needed because the government was now the provider. They implemented no fault divorces decades before the neo Maxists in the U.S. did, for the objective of achieveing government dependency. We never learn from history it appears.

          1. And, thus, society is de-constructed so it can be re-constructed to fit the socialist model.

    2. The cards dealt Oprah a hand worth $1.2 billion. The terrible injustice of it all because Oprah was black. Raped by her black daddy! And, smoked crack because her black boyfriend made her! This injustice, exacted by whites on Oprah, was inexcusable! Then, those evil blue-eyed devils, the white man, forced the burden of $1.2 billion onto the back of black Oprah! When, oh when, will the injustice of white bigotry stop?

  2790. No Oprah, people don’t disrespect him because he’s black, people disrespect him because he doesn’t deserve any respect. Any President of any color, who goes out of his way and abuses his power to purposley attempt to destroy a country he hates, doesn’t deserve respect from people who love the country he’s trying to destroy.

  2791. Fact is, if he was white, this incompetent noob never would have been elected. Obama is America’s affirmative action President. Look at the crap Bush took and Bush was orders of magnitude more competent than B. Hussein Obama.

  2792. The reverse could be said as well.
    I understand that Tavis Smiley remarked that every metric to measure African-American economic (everyone else too) wellbeing has gotten worse under Mr. Obama’s watch.
    His performance has harmed the black community economically and as far as being a role model I’m afraid…worse than any political opponent could.

  2793. No, dear, they hate him because, much like you, he is a vacuous, arrogant, self-centered liar.

  2794. And while I’m at it, just for the record, I never owned a slave and you never were one. I owe you and your brothers and sisters jack F’n S%*#T.

  2795. Hey Oprah.

    Name one campaign promise Obama kept.

    Just ONE.

    That is why people don’t like him, you gluttonous blob…

    1. I can name one, but I detest the fact that he got it “right”.

      He said he stood for “Change”.

      Unfortunately, we as Americans did not demand he explain what kind of change he meant.

      We weren’t exactly expecting him to put the Founding Fathers on permanent rotisserie in their graves!

    2. well, he DID promise hope and change. the thing is that we did not understand is that he meant that we hope we can last under all this change.

      1. And sadly, Friedrich Nietzsche tells us that “Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man.”

        1. and an Amen to that. I have often stated that Hope is the Killer…….. in that it gives us false sense of the state of Reality…… I am familiar with Nietzsche only thru the aphorisms.
          perhaps I should take some time to actually go read the fellow.

  2796. Electing an illegal alien, homosexual negro to the Presidency of a predominately White heterosexual country was not the best idea.

  2797. she is right about the whitewingnut racists shaking their teabag pom-poms and working to destroy America before letting it be led by a man of color….they honestly are traitors to the American flag with their calls for revolt and revolution

    1. We’re not the ones constantly spitting on the US Constitution. That would be liberals like Barack.

    2. Matthew…You have some nerve calling people who disagree with your progressive nonsense racists. I recall some very nasty comments you made about Dr. Ben Carson because he is a black conservative. You are just a hypocrite who likes to use the term, but are no better than the people you claim are racists. Hypocrite liberal loser. That is all you are.

    3. Right, dumbfk, we would never support Herman Cain, or Allan West, or Thomas Sowell. I could go on and on.

      Seems to me like Obama’s core supporters are also deserting him, and this is a pathetic attempt to play the race card to try to prevent defections.

      1. Or Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who calls Obamacare “the worst thing in America since slavery.”

        He should know, he’s stuck practicing medicine with it (unless he does like many doctors and retires early or moves to another country . . . or both).

        1. Right, Dr Carson, a bonafide brain surgeon. Obama looks like a paperboy compared to Dr Carson.

          1. Good point!

            I can just about hear his campaign pitch . . .

            “Running the White House? It’s not exactly brain surgery!”

            GRD, LMAO!

    4. Matthew, you’re an idiot and shouldn’t write anything for the public to see, you’re just embarrassing yourself but too stupid to realize it. You jerk.

    5. congrats Mathew on the dumbest post of the day, now go curl up on Oprahs lap and maybe she will read you a book like she does to Steadman

    6. Matthew, it appears that due to Obama’s declining numbers in the polls and disaster that Obamacare is turning out to be, you are really confusing yourself and full of liberal rage. All you are capable of doing to defend your points is call people names like a toddler. You should ask the nurse to fill your sippy cup and send you back to your cage. There, you can calm down and feel better about yourself stroking and coddling your anatomically correct Obama doll and mutter ‘half-wit!’ to yourself for the rest of the afternoon.

  2798. POTUS Obama’s ancestry isn’t the issue. Ms. Winfrey is using smoke and mirrors to distract from the real issues. The man in the Oval Office is nothing more than an empty suit – a figurehead puppet for political manipulation and elitism.
    “We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart, and now he’s an assassin. They turned him into them. You talk about a man killing his own people. When you lie and then take innocent young men who come to serve their country, and send them to die in Iraq and Afghanistan, over lies, that’s a murderer in the White House (Obama).”
    – Minister Louis Farrakhan
    Let’s stop using the race card for criminal camoflage. Hypocrisy is not an effective method of support for POTUS Obama.
    and that’s just me, hollering from the choir loft…

  2799. “Everybody’s thinking it”????? This is VERY NOT TRUE. I would have eagerly voted FOR Allen West or Herman Cain for president, or even Dr. Ben Carson. Would they run THEM???? No!

  2800. Absolute baloney, Oprah. I did not vote for Obama but I would vote for Alan Keyes, Benjamin Carson, Allen West, Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams. It is about the principles that founded America that these men, despite the slavery issue for several decades in America, believe in LIMITED GOVERNMENT. The Constitutional limits on government alone will serve the needs of poor anybody of any skin color, better than expanding government bureaucracies.

  2801. typical. typical. typical. yeah, its takes a nation of millions to keep you down…..just ignore that billion dollar portfolio or that your are famous or that etc. etc.
    as for barry, I don’t hate him cause he is black, I dislike him because he is incompetent and pretty much an empty suit. everybody loves a winner, nobody loves a failure. color aint got jack to do with that.

  2802. I guess if we disagree with Hillary when she is inserted into the Oval Office, we will be sexists. A conservative just can’t win.

    1. You guessed it. That is the entire democrat budget debate in a nut shell

      You want to cut government spending = r.a.c.i.s.t.

  2803. I wish I was black. When I do something stupid, or make a mistake, it’s my fault. I don’t have the luxury of calling you a racist.

  2804. So we can assume that “THEY” hated George Bush because of the color of his skin, right? Have they thought that people may dislike Obama because of his incompetence? Of course not – that word is not in their vocabulary, just DNA!

  2805. It isn’t that you are racist if you think Obama is doing a bad job. The question is how racist do you have to be to think he is doing a good job?

  2806. When will we ever be paid in full as white people. I didn’t choose to be white and I have never enslaved anyone. I’m nearing 70 years old and should I be bitter because I have had to work for a living and earn everything I have ever got. Should I be angry with my employers for living in much nicer houses than I could ever afford. Get over it. Political correctness has gone so far. Feel so bad for my white grand children and what they must endure.

  2807. well, I hate Obama, Pelosi, Reid etc. etc., all because of their govt centric mandating govt, but apparently racist Oprah is TOO frickin stupid to understand that bad policy is BAD policy, no matter who proposed it. Disgusting racist Oprah….you make these kuul-aid comments as a highly successful (and overpaid) BLACK celebrity.

  2808. See You Tube: home invasion Millburn NJ
    This is only one of the one million black on white attacks that occurs each year. Remember George Zimmerman? He was out patrolling because home invasions like this one were occurring in his neighborhood, ALL of them committed by blacks. Sorry Oprah, if whites were going into black neighborhoods and causing most of the violent crime, blacks would be publicly demanding segregation.

  2809. Question? So why did Americans vote for the black man with no criminal record , had a too clean history , raised a muslim , smoked dope , has commie friends , terrorist friend , racist preacher and a questionable birth record?

    1. well, damn good question. I also am still looking for the answer to that one myself. the thing is, there is nothing out there today that was not pretty well discussed in 2007. here is another one, how did a nobody from nowhere raise nearly 800 million dollars to run for president. now, people don’t usually make that kind of an “investment” without expecting some kind of return…….so who “owns” this fellow is my biggest concern………. much as I hate to say this, the man is a the ultimate house “indentured African”.

      1. Wow.

        I never thought of it that way.

        But I stumbled upon a video in Youtube that explained a part of it.

        Did you know that a large chunk of his campaign donations came in the form of Visa and/or MasterCard prepaid cards? Like those gift cards you can buy at your local mall. But the “donors” had names like :

        FName: Love LName:You
        Address: 121 Cybers Place
        City: Pick One

        Well, not completely 100% “accurate” in my explanation, but you get my drift. This was prior to the first election. There was even a video in Youtube that had Gaddafi pimping for him! Yes, the guy who got ousted by him and killed by one of his fellow countrymen who shanked him in the rear end.

        But after the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling it became obvious. I mean, Carlos Slim, a Mexican National, contributed at least 6 figures to the Obama campaign and Obama did not return it! Bear in mind that this Mexican National is the one who is benefiting the most from the Obamaphone program.

  2810. I can’t wait to hate Hillary. Well, okay, I won’t have to wait. I can’t stand that bag of poo either. Or John Kerry, or Chuck Schumer or Barbara Boxer or a whole host of left wing sh*$bags that are in the communist party of America aka democrats. We hate that MF’er because he has a D by his name and in this day and age it means scumbag.

  2811. By voting for the Loser In Chief we proved we are not Racial but did prove we are Suicidal.

  2812. I would say a higher percentage, if not a higher number, of blacks support Obama because he’s black rather than whites non-support because he’s black. Simply taken on his “achievements” I don’t know how any reasonable person could support him at all. Taking Ophra’s logic to it’s conclusion she, and many liberals, have stated simply being against Obama’s policies and scandals make you a racist. Many of the former supporters of his, like Nancy Pelosi, and most democrats must now be considered racists because they want to change Obamacare. Finally, making sweeping statements against a race is racist. So who are the racists here Oprah?

  2813. “o” & “o” help create racism because they make racist comments about white people. But the “o” in the WH is getting his delivered daily now…….dragging down his credility….of course when you’ve never run a business, been given everything, it’s hard to know how to manage anything that has a budget or rules attached to it. Perhaps the other “o” should be prez….she has shown she can run a business!!!!

    1. Are you sure? She took one really big beating running OWN the first year. Haven’t kept up so I don’t know where it stands today, but man. Anybody who can lose $250 million in their first year can have a really bad effect on things! And as Americans right now we can’t afford to risk it.

  2814. Oprah Winfrey go away. No one with any brains cares what you have to say. We do not disrespect obama because he is black. We disrespect him because he is a liar, a killer, a thief and he thinks he is a dictator or king. He belongs in prison.

    1. People need to push for a resolution to Benghazi or Hillary will finish what this imposter has started. She needs to be exposed!

  2815. But Oprah ..he is NOT African American, He’s Kenyan/Indonesian or just Kenyan but he is not from da hood.

  2816. And one more thing, if this country was SO racist, then why has she been so popular for so long. Blacks are only 13% of the population. Who the hell does she thinks been paying her tab all these years? Hispanics don’t like black people. It’s white people for crying out loud. She’s pathetic and comments like that don’t help anyone like black people anymore.

  2817. No Oprah, He is half white, the only color we dislike about him is red as in the color of the communist party of which he is a member. You see Oprah is the racist here, she is the one that finds his skin color more important than what he stands for.

    1. “. . . only color we dislike about him is red as in the color of the communist party . . .”

      And the color of the budget, so many trillions of dollars in the hole.

  2818. Hey Oprah.

    Isn’t discrimination terrible?

    Do you know who discriminates against fat people, Oprah?


    Google: Michelle Obama vs. Oprah: A weighty matter

  2819. “…There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    No Oprah – only racists like you think that.

  2820. Hey Oprah many americans have let him slide because he is black. As a republican I wanted him to succeed because after the election whoever is president should have support until he loses it by his own actions, which is what happened. He has done this to himself and race has nothing to do with it, his policies and way of not governing have

    1. I firmly believe that the only reason he was elected in the first place is that he’s black. There’s no question that black people voted for him because he’s black. And I believe that a lot of white folks thought that if they elected him, it would – in some measure – right the wrong of slavery. (As if anything ever could.)

      All of my friends and most of my acquaintances knew I wasn’t voting for him in 2008. They’d say to me, “Don’t you want to be part of history?” I told them, “I am opposed to everything the man stands for. If I voted for him, it would only be because he’s black. How is that any less racist than if I voted against him because he’s black?” They had no answer for that, of course.

  2821. I’m so sick of whiney black people blaming EVERYTHING on the color of our skin. The only good thing about the Obama Presidency was that a black person got elected. That’s where the good part ended. It was all disgraceful and anti-American after that. So sad.

    1. You should be president. You’d do a better job and maybe then we could get someone logical in that’s of color. Then we can have people shut the hell up.

      1. Sad, but DeJuanathon would be classified as an Uncle Tom. The folks who have followed Dr. King and are someone who he would have been proud to know, have been torn down, besmirched and misrepresented by their own brothers and sisters to such an extent that it keeps the entire race in a bog. I pray that this will soon come to an end by those of us who praise those like DeJuanathon and boycott those like Oprah and Robert Redford (whom I used to also think alot of). I will not support any of his films nor anything from Oprah- no matter how good it may be.

    2. Blame it on Jack Bauer, LOL.


      In some circles it was said that because of the TV show 24 where people saw a black man with honor as president and only after seeing it on TV could they believe it could happen in real life.


      But yeah, that’s about as realistic as the stuff Oprah is saying, that the response to Obama is because of the color of his skin . . .

  2822. I hate Bill Cosby. Yea sure he’s a good character, great laugh, great show, never hurt anyone but he’s black….NOT. It’s not 1850 anymore Oprah, even though you look like it is.

  2823. What a witch. Say it to our face and not to the BBC. It has nothing to do with his race (Obama is ONLY 1/2 black anyway), it cuz he is all FAKE and made up by Hollywood and protected by the Bias Media. I used to watch her because she had us all believing she was not Racist…NOT. I am so glad her show was cancelled and the election had some impact on her finances. I think Dr. Oz has a show in her old time slot because she produces him and benefits financially from him. If you notice the audience looks just like the big O’s used to look (until she lost over half of her viewers not having EQUAL time on her show for the political parties during the elections). She is such a fake!

    1. Meanwhile, I love to watch the Jay Leno monologue more than ever.

      Jay doesn’t give anybody a pass!

      And it’s especially bad for the Dems now, because NBC can’t do anything to him. I mean, what are they gonna do, fire him? He’s already set to leave soon anyway. Any early termination would just make him more noteworthy and follow the Streisand Effect.

      (Want to have a really good laugh? Check out his jokes on Obamacare.)

  2824. Oprah is a bigoted fool to believe what she’s saying. Americans disrespect Obama NOT because he’s African-American (a lie because he’s NOT an American), but because he hates America as did his father and is destroying us from the inside out. He has wiped his 4ss with our constitution and BoR and trampled on it as well. Obama *earned* his disrespect by what he has done to our nation, the citizens and constitution.

    1. Be careful with the “not an American” you need to explain it. Ole Barry obtained and traveled upon a passport from a nation other than the United States. By doing so he automatically lost his citizenship. All he had to do to regain is was go to any Embassy or Consulate surrender the foreign passport and request the issuance of a United States Passport and sign the appropriate documents to reinstate his citizenship. HE NEVER DID THAT! That is the LAW but then again we see what he thinks about laws.

      1. Actually, the US keeps changing the citizenship laws. They claimed you automatically lost citizenship when taking citizenship of another country, but then backtracked after a supreme court ruling in the 80’s . . . in 86, I believe.

        It’s causing a lot of problems because some people who thought they were no longer US citizens are now learning that they in deed are not only US citizens but now also owe back taxes–in some cases decades of back taxes!–on earnings they’ve already paid taxes on to their home country where they live and work. Yet they did not file because they believed the US government when they were told that they were no longer US citizens!

        Plus the penalties on some of those back taxes end up in the six to seven figures over money that originally was in some cases less than $10,000.

        Hey! The IRS is desperate, they’re stealing from everybody they can get away with, and people in other countries are fair game in their eyes . . . no matter how wrong it really is.

        The IRS official position? Hey, gotta balance that budget somehow . . .

  2825. Go ahead Oprah, bad mouth your countrymen on foreign soil to promote your agenda. Maybe you can make a few dollars, you traitorous cow

  2826. It is a shame that she is so blinded by her own racism. She needs to come to the realization that white people don’t care about his color. They simply detest his policies, ideology and lies. She needs to stop trying to hide behind racism and look at the man and “THE CONTENT OF HIS CHARACTER”.

    1. you Opey, if whiteys are so racist, how come you are soooo successful? eh Oprah?? disgusting.

      1. That’s kind of the point, the lack of content in his character.

        Or perhaps it’s best explained backward, as the lack of character in his content.

  2827. “…and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    Is she kidding?!?!?! That’s ALL I hear people (on the left) saying!!!

  2828. Then why do we whole heartedly support Allen West, Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, etc. please Oprah explain….Yeah, that’s what I thouight.

  2829. its simple….watch oprah and write down EVERY SPONSOR. Boycott eh sponsors and send them letters claiming WHY you are boycotting.

    watch the bitch go broke and turn into a crackhead in 6 months…

  2830. Oprah is right! All us cracker whities just hate having a 1/2 black man in office. But how does that explain why we respect Dr.Ben Carson, Allen West, Bill Cosby, Mia Love, Juan Williams (and he’s even liberal!), Condoleza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Allan Keyes, Herman Cain, Tim Scott, Thomas Sowell and dozens of others? I’d vote for anyone I listed over Mr. Obama. Obama lost my respect due to fact he wants the US to become a socialist country. He wants to “give everyone a fair shot” by taking from those who have worked hard for what they have to those who have their hands out, sit on their ass, and want to become Julias. He lost my respect for hundreds of policies, ideas, and failures on his watch. If he was white, I’d feel exactly the same. If he was green, I’d feel the same. If he was purple, I’d feel the same. Get over it Oprah, we don’t like Obama because of Obama!

        1. It’s what liberals call racism, it really isn’t about race, it is about policy. If they hated anyone for actually being racist, they would have never supported Robert C. Byrd and LBJ.

  2831. Hey Obrah. Let us know what your opinion is when your premiums increase to the point where they are more expensive than your mortgage and take up 30% of your income.

  2832. When you can’t admit the man is the worst president ever you play the race card. Yet when Katrina hit Louisiana people like Kanye West blamed Bush as a racist.

    So, did Bush cause Katrina Or was it an act of God? Did only blacks die?

  2833. you could give these people a white mans head guilded on a pike, you could dedicate this dead whitemans guilded head on national TV, and it wouldn’t be good enough to satisfy these people. They are sick, degenerate, and choose to blame the world for their own shortcomings…. I have no SYMPATHY.

  2834. Obama is despised because he is a domestic enemy of America. Period.

    Get this fat gob out of our lives. Race obsessed witch. Stop covering her in the news. BTW, She only uses white servants at her home to rub it in.

  2835. Yes I don’t like Obama because he is black. Or Pelosi because she is female. And Harry Reid because he is a black female. I see them all as the same person. Scum.

  2836. Funny. Oprah’s racist bigoted views were exposed when Obama ran, and confirmed again when she came out for Corey Booker. Amazing how she’s only publicly supported 2 political candidates and both of them “happened” to be black. Give me a break, Oprah. We all know who and what you are. Don’t you dare preach or pass judgement on anyone. YOU are the racist who views everything as black or white.

  2837. Hmm, so how does Oprah explain his then-high poll numbers in months/years past, as well as his election and re-election to the presidency.

    1. Do you really want to know?

      Personally, I think the 2012 Election was stolen. But I have no absolute proof.

      It’s just that there were so many people who admitted they voted twice. And then there’s the international election observer who called in violations witnessed in Houston, Texas that they have tried hard to bury. I know it happened because I heard the blow-by-blow as it happened over local radio.

      Perhaps Oprah knows that too.

  2838. Oprah has never been comfortable in her own skin. She has a tainted view
    of the world. She must have been shadowed by powerful people who made
    her successful because she really has neither the talent or brains to
    have made it as far as she did. She is self delusional.

  2839. No you silly, dumb woman, we hate 0bama because he is a bitter, angry, America-hating leftist ideologue with a chip on his shoulder as wide as the Mississippi. He despises the basic principles upon which this great nation was founded, spits on the Constitution, and mocks our traditions. Add to this the fact that he is completely unqualified for the Office in terms of experience and temperament, and you may begin to understand that our animus has nothing to do with race.

    1. I’ll explain a little bit for you, but the full answer’s in Ancestry.com.

      There’s a historically significant black slave in his family tree . . . on his mother’s side.

      Google it for more details . . .

  2840. No – I cant stand him becasue he is a liar and his agenda stinks.
    By The way O… I recall that he (or was it the moose) showed you the back door once you did your bit getting him elected.

  2841. The simple fact is that Oprah is racist. That’s what the BBC needs to hear. The rest of us disrespect Obama because he’s an incompetent dope who is coddled by and catered to by leftist ideologues. The result is the worst presidency in history that is threatening to destroy American opportunity and prosperity – not to mention respect.

  2842. Oprah could be right. But I do know that many people dislike Obama because he is a progressive that plays on the worst of human traits – greed, envy and sloth. Race has nothing to do with it for a lot of us.

  2843. Oprah proved her racism when she supported Obama over Hillary. Color before gender. So much for her b/s about empowering women.

    1. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

  2844. So we shouldn’t call him out on destroying America piece by piece just because he is black. That in itself is racist.

  2845. Oprah is popular only because there are so many mis-educated and undereducated people in America. The dismal content of her show proves it.

  2846. Hey Oprah.

    How do those 300,000 black people Obama slaughtered in Libya and Sudan feel?

    Guess what, they don’t like him either!!!

    Google: obama slaughter black libya sudan

  2847. Oprah has never been comfortable in her own skin. She has a tainted view of the world. She must have been shadowed by powerful people who made her successful because she really has neither the talent or brains to have made it as far as she did.

      1. Yeah, and it’s not like it’s an accident with her, either!

        Because her company that owned the TV show was called HARPO Productions. Turn HARPO around and you get Oprah!

  2848. I do think she is partly right. I think many Republicans would disrespect any Democratic President in office (look how they treated Bill) but I think the vitriol goes even further because Obama is black. If he was white, yes, he would be attacked but they take certain liberties with Obama that they wouldn’t if he was white, like yelling things at him while he was speaking, buzzwords they use against him because he’s black, like “lazy,” – but it’s not completely because he’s black, they are going to treat Hillary the same way when she gets in office.

    1. Then again, it could be because Obama is the most dishonest and radical left President in history and many Americans recognize and loathe him for it. Nah, has to be because he is half-black.

    2. The notion that Republicans hate black people and women was created by Democrats in their PR campaigns. GW Bush was treated far more rudely by Democrats than any president I’ve seen in my life–and last time I checked Bush was a white guy. They made movies about his assassination, regularly accused him of crimes with no evidence whatsoever, and blamed a hurricane on him! Please stop with the nonsense that Republicans are composed of a bunch of bigots. I’ve known liberals who are some of the most racist, prejudicial people you would ever meet.

  2849. People dislike Obama because he’s a lying teleprompter fool. Race has nothing to do with it. GWB wasn’t black, everyone disliked him too.

  2850. Unemployment and underemployment.
    Falling National Incomes.
    four years of GDP growth at less than 1%
    Record Dependency

    People hate him because he is a doctrinaire liberal and the results of his policies are a disaster.

  2851. Does she also think mochelle and Valerie jarret are racist since they said they didn’t want Oprah ” waddling” around the WH.? Payback is a bitch.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …more like a used tractor trailer…in my humble opinion.

  2852. Oprah…(along with Whoopie Goldberg)…living proof that the Indians slept with the Buffalo!

  2853. “It’s the kind of thing nobody ever says”

    What alternate universe is this wig adorned clown living in??

    The “race card” has been played NON-STOP since day one of his campaign in 2008.

    The thing nobody ever says is that black americans are HYPER-sensitized to interpret ANY criticism, ANY negative light being shined on them as racist and purely racist in origin

    The FACTS show that black americans are the most prejudiced and racist demographic in America by a LARGE margin. Blacks even know this to be true and it has been reflected in the recent Rasmussen poll where blacks were asked who are most racist. They answered “blacks” more than any other group on the list!

    Yet the rest of the country is not allowed to be critical of them because we have been conditioned to accept their no-longer-deserved victim status as a pass on everything.

    Get lost Oprah. You didn’t make $1billion off black people, you made it primarily off white people. Were it not for white people (all those racists) you would likely be standing in a line awaiting your next obamaphone someplace because you clearly do not demonstrate a level of critical thinking or intellect that would permit you to be successful or of any value to anyone or anywhere outside of the entertainment industry. The industry where merit will literally get you nowhere. So you’ll pardon me if I have a hard time accepting your absurd premise that anyone critical of a black politician must be doing so primarily because they are racist. YOU are the only racist in this discussion, you were racist in your attack on that poor woman in Switzerland who had the audacity to not know how important you think you are.

  2854. We don’t disrespect barack because he’s an african American…we disrespect him because he’s a frickin’ idiot!

  2855. Oprah just can’t grasp that Obama’s poll number are directly reflective of his incompetence. I don’t blame his incompetence on his race just his policies and lack of leadership. Most rational thinking people can do that. Her lack of awareness is understandable as she has lived a life of fame and wealth for so long that she has forgotten the real world. More is to pity. Her disappointment must be vast and deep as Obama is at best a failure but he does give us an example of how liberalism is a false god. Yet many will continue to worship at its false image. Given the simple fact that blacks voted for Obama in the high 90’s percentage speaks more to the racist component in the case of Obama. I hope that someday those that voted for him simply because of his race will become aware of this great deception. I hope but it is doubtful.
    Oprah should think more and speak less. So it goes.

  2856. Voted for him the first time round (sorry), not the second…had NOTHING to do with his race either time…Oprah forgets the disrespect Bush and Clinton received…

  2857. How does oprah have this information? Oh, that’s right, she is a democrat and their main strategy in defending their totally failed policies is to tell everyone what THEY think other Americans think. It is standard for them, in a caring, civil, and understanding way of course. Shut up oprah, you are WRONG.

  2858. Hey Oprah: You are a moron. I dislike Obama because he is an uber-leftist socialistic liberal. Add to that his finger-pointing style of blaming past presidents for his lack of leadership. Note that I did not mention his color you effing racist.

  2859. No we hate him because he is a anti-American socialist POS…you are hated for being a fat openly racist big mouthed idiot. Put away the race card….RACIST

  2860. So some people hate Obama only because he’s black…Is it safe to say then that some people, like you, deify him only because he’s black?

    Or is the reverse logic too much for your Upper East Side, gillionaire, limo lib peanut brain?

  2861. High respect for the office. No respect for it’s lying, fraud-perpetrating snake-oil salesman occupant.

  2862. Shut up, Oprah. We know it’s all publicity for your film. It’s the same thing you pulled when you said the Zimmerman case was the same thing as Emmett Till. You’re not that stupid. You’re just cynical and dishonest.

  2863. OMG!!! Really!!!! He is NOT African American. I really wish people would stop saying that!!!! GGGEEEZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2864. The wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me not to call Emperor Obama a flaming Marxist and Oprah a highly overpaid, pompous, fat, racist cow. Out of respect( and fear) of the bride, I won’t do that.

  2865. Right, like it isn’t racist to VOTE for Obama JUST because he is black! Black unemployment higher, fewer jobs etc…he is a disaster. Even Oprah wouldn’t publicly endorse him in 2nd term run. The question Oprah and other race baiters can’t answer is “Why would the Tea Party patriots love to have Col. Alan West or Herman Cain for president?”

  2866. Sad. Obama threw Oprah under the bus, but she still degrades herself to defend him. Oprah, take your own advice. Obama has now shown us who he is 2,999 times. Believe him.

    “One of the other great lessons I learned taught to me by my friend and mentor, Maya Angelou and if you can get this, you can save yourself a lot of time. Remember this because this will happen many times in your life: When people show you who they are, believe them, the first time. Not the 29th time! That is particularly good when it comes to men situations because when he doesn’t call back the first time, when you are mistreated the first time, when you see someone who shows you a lack of integrity or dishonesty the first time, know that that will be followed by many, many, many other times that will at some point in life come back to haunt or hurt you. When people show you who they are, believe them, the first time.” -Oprah

  2867. Since when does a moderator remove a post about not h ating anyone for their r ace?? I hate liberal policies, but, have no hatred for any r ace.

  2868. BS — I voted for O once. Then he took the peace prize and enlarged the war. Named Rahm the bomb as chief of staff. Geithner… Summers?

    A vote for O was date rape.

    color’s got nuthin to do with it…

    he took the red coat, high boots and lantern and stood on the stoop at the WH for the J’s of Wall st.. and the international gangsters.

  2869. First off, he is not black, he is biracial. Secondly people don’t like him because of the way he is, not because of the color of his skin.

      1. How racist does one have to be to deny Obama his white mother and white grandparents who raised him?

        1. I can’t help it if you don’t understand the dynamics of post-modern deconstructionalism vis a vis race and gender power constructs in the post colonial world. You can’t look at the genetic makeup of a person and construe from that whether they are black or white any more than you can look at their sex organs and determine they are a man or a woman. Being black is a social construct.

          If you’ve read William Ayer’s Autobiography of Barack Obama, you would know that as an Indonesian boy from an elite High School in Hawaii, Barack Obama wound up in Chicago where he opted to self-identify as a ‘black’ male who was born in Kenya, and then later, not born in Kenya.

        2. You mean the “white” mother who has been connected via Ancestry.com’s research to having a historically significant black slave in her family tree?

          Is that the “white” woman you are referring to?

          Meanwhile, the things this woman taught him put him on a course of preferring socialism and communism to capitalism. So now he is doing the best he can to Grind America Down until we get there . . .

  2870. Oprah is definitely speaking truth and reality. Much of the United States, especially the far right, the South, and RED parts of our country, show NO respect for the Office of President.
    WHY? There is a Black man in our White House. However, many of those people have little respect for themselves. President Obama has not been given a chance or any credit for any good things he has done or attempted. All the disrespecters want to do, and plan to do, is obstruct any and all progress that would be beneficial to people here. Pathetic display of disrespect and indifference toward others. America will be set back from this radical behavior for years!

    1. Please change your named to dogpooh, because that’s what your post is. People don’t like Obama because he’s a narcissistic buffoon!

    2. Go get your free cell phone moron. It’s not like people are saying that they want slavery back because at least back then blacks worked for their housing and food!

    3. What good things????? Wow he has practically wrecked our children and grandhildrens and great great grandchildrens futures with his horrendous spending and you say he has done a good thing?????? Delusional.

    4. Obama has been given 5 effing years you twit! And what has he “accomplished”? He’s polarized the country, blamed the GOP for his lack of leadership ability, squandered his first term on so-called health reform, and blatantly disregards his duty to enforce the laws of this country by refusing to fully comply with existing immigration law. Since you brought it up: he is actually half black, and half white. “Progress” by socialists must be fought at every turn!!! When the GOP finally wins back the White House, THEN you can lend a hand and help with real, true progress.

    5. How much respect did the left show the president they disagreed with ? I suspect you do not have a job and live on government assistance and as such are a part of Obama’s base….”beneficial” to people here ? the housing project you live in perhaps ? apart from taking care of his wealthy friends and taking from the middle class to give to people like you what has he done ?

    6. Oh good gawd dogpal..please.. The only people fixated on the mans skin color are the progressive poseurs who voted for him simply because of his skin color. The rest of us flat dont care. Well let me take that back.. there was a point when he got elected that just about everyone thought, whether they’ll admit it or not, “wow, our first black president…kinda cool..”. But unless youre a committed progressive, which a good majority of the country is not, the guys been a disappointment. Its that simple. Theres no underlying reason other than he hasnt lived up to the hype. Quite the opposite. Especially now that its been shown unequivocally that he flat out lied to us for 3 plus years about obamacare. 5 million people lose their healthcare so far and you think the guy is doing well? I guess if the estimates end up correct and tens of millions more lose their health care.. you’ll thinks its great..no?

      Now as for people attacking presidents.. Its normal.. hello..remember the crap people through at Bush? Or Clinton, or Bush 1 or Reagan.. dude..It comes with the job.

    7. For the most part the only group who are racist in our country ARE blacks. Sure there are some whites who don’t like anyone, but for the most part most whites are open minded. The fact that this MORON was elected twice should put that claim of racism to bed once and for all. I am sick and tired of blacks acting as though they are VICTIMS and no one likes them…BS! Every black in this country should get down on their knees and thank god that there forbears were brought to this country. Slavery was evil and practiced by many countries, including Africans who enslaved and in some countries continue to enslave their own race. No one argues about that, but more importantly, those blacks here today have the highest standard of living of all blacks compared to most of the world. Not one of these race baiting blacks would trade places with blacks in most any other country and it is about time that they realize how lucky there are. As are legal immigrants for generations. The sad truth, which seems to be ignored by blacks is that they have now been enslaved by the democrats AND Uncle Sam is the new plantation owner. Republicans have not ruined cities like Detroit or Chicago, it is Democratic administrations and it is not the Republicans who are their new slave masters by addicting them to more and more entitlements while perpetuating this notion that Whites hate blacks.

    8. Obsession with skin color is the Democrat way. It leads to bizarre claims like yours. Why not give up the skin color obsession and learn about Individual Liberty?

  2871. Oprah should do an interview where she admits she had a secret meeting with elitists to figure out how to decrease the population.

    Hey Oprah how is that 50% black abortion rate working out for you?
    You closet racist…

    Google: oprah eugenics

    1. If the government wants to decrease the population the first thing they need to do is stop subsidizing poor people to have them.

  2872. Stop it already! He was called a liar because he was a liar.
    If you want to see a classic example of extreme, organized disrespect, just remember what they did to Bush. I’ve never seen someone so maligned, mocked, ridiculed, and generally disrespected in my lifetime. By the press, Hollywood, academia, celebrities, media bullies, talking heads- the usual elitist left. The authors of the ‘hate on’.
    As Ann Coulter said- if you want to know what the left is up to, listen to what they accuse you of.

  2873. How many lines are we allowed to list on why we disrespect the man? He hasn’t earned a damn bit from us. He is a liar , a complete failure and embarrassment to the oath of office.

  2874. Wow. Obama gets love from EVERYONE! A little bit of heat for failed diplomacy, leadership and legislation and EVERYONE is a racist. What about the heat Bush took because he took the most of any living president! Good grief. This racism nonsense needs to die. It’s only alive in the minds of the inferior, looking for a scapegoat and excuse. Enough!!!!

  2875. Oprah likes Obama because he is black

    Therefore in her mind if you do not like him it is…because he is black

    I don’t like him because he’s an unqualified lightweight who couldn’t run a lemonade stand much less the largest organization on earth

  2876. And a much greater number voted for Obama because he’s black and promises free stuff. So, which side of the race card is better or worse. Oprah, you’re getting to be quite tiresome with your race card.

  2877. Oh, effin stop it Oprah! We’re sick of being called racist. Wouldn’t you be? How do you think you’ve been able to build a financial empire and Obama achieve the Presidency with such racism going on? I will say that I automatically dislike those who label others as such to gain political ground. It’s divisive and it’s continuing to tear back any gains we’ve made racially since the 60’s.

  2878. Actually, Oppie, “Obama” (or whatever his real name turns out to be), is African-INDONESIAN, not African-American.

  2879. Oprah I got news for ya honey child….this little experiment of voting in a POTUS solely on the color of his skin….massively FAILED….MLK was right…it is the content of your character that makes the person and the POTUS!

    P.S. America could not afford the “little experiment”, it is poised to destroy us…

  2880. There are questions about that Oprah. Democrats like you disrespected the office when it was held by Nixon, Reagan and Bush. Own up to the fact that what many Americans disapprove of is the man’s character and failed leadership…not the color of his skin.

  2881. Oprah too has a big chip on her shoulder. This is rubbish. I’d vote for a black guy if he had views on issues I respected. I don’t like Obama because of his Marxist
    agenda….nothing else. I despise Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as much even though Pelosi and I share similar ethnic backgrounds. If a black guy such as Walter Williams ran against Pelosi I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. Why? Because he believes in free market capitalism and makes a lot of sense.

  2882. Obama is not liked for many reasons.. Oprah is making this racist…when in fact no one really knows who this guy is and if he is 1/4 Cherokee, 1/2 Black, or 3/4 White. We all are part of the human race originating with Adam and Eve, so let’s leave race out of this. Let’s look at what this person has done to our children and grandchildren. It’s devastating to the next generation.. I think Oprah is being very shallow with this comment.

  2883. What a load of cr@p! Nothing racist about disliking Obama’s lying incompetence. Race is being used as an excuse for poor inept performance. Time to stop this nonsense. Pretty soon Oprah will demand a Get Out of Jail Free card for every black regardless of illegal acts proved at trial.

  2884. What a joke oprah is a race baiter, and uses that to her advantage just like Al Sharpton

    1. Well, Al got rich off of the race card, Oprah got rich off liberal whites, the very race she seems to hate.

  2885. I don’t have to justify my reasons for hating Barack Obama to anybody. Particularly the likes of Oprah Winfrey.

  2886. I do however find the black community very much more racist than whites. I often think now a days that when the claim racist is tossed out there its nothing more than projection.

  2887. What a bunch of baloney. He is disliked because he isn’t able to govern and probably never was. He is in over his head and he should have stayed in Chicago organizing. We still know nothing about him and who might dare ask? We are getting what we deserve, but our “country” deserves better. And the Emperor wears no clothes.

  2888. The race card is getting tired – people see through it now.

    Obama is being judged harshly based on his crappy performance, not race. Oprah is a race bater – but it will not protect a clearly criminal administration.

  2889. You know why it has to be about skin color and race to these people???
    Because they voted solely on skin color and race.

    1. So, if I voted against Obama, am I half wrong and/or half racist? Or half right and not a racist? I’m getting confused.

  2890. Like to see proof of this claim. I cared less for Carter? Does that make me racist? Kinda hard cuz he white or sumptin.

    You know that the left is in trouble, once they toss out “racist”. They hope that you will just shut up for the fear of having that label. Funny though, because they have used it so much it does not bother me anymore. I know I am not racist, they can not PROVE that I am, so… yeah…. to bad they ruined something that used to have meaning. Now I just laugh at them.

  2891. Racism is a convenient excuse for those who are blind to their failures. The election of Obama is a result of dumb people voting…. largely who think and wish that the government should rule their lives….. The gimme, gimme, gimme crowd…. Voter’s remorse, anyone? This what you get when you vote for a community organizer who had not managed anything in his life…. I’d rather vote for a 7-11 or McDonald’s manager running for president than this nincompoop incompetent.

  2892. Sorry Oprah, I disrespect obozo because he is a morally bankrupt puppet. I used to think Bush was the worst president ever but bambam took that torch and ran with it.

  2893. Everyone loves crooked politicians except white people …? Oprah has developed a huge chip on her shoulder now that she is very rich.

  2894. I’m White. I dislike Obama because his Liberal, Statist policies are ruining the country by increasing the welfare state and dependence. I also dislike him because he is a pathological liar. The fact that he is Black is irrelevant. if we are such a racist nation how come we elected him twice? If you say it’s because Blacks voted for him 98%, isn’t that racist? It’s funny how Black incompetence when it’s called out is racist.

  2895. Dear people living in Britain,
    Please do not think that what Oprah says represents what normal Americans think. If the BBC put a reporter on the street in various cities in the US, you would get a more realistic idea of how Americans think about Obama and all his doings.

  2896. Honest, O, go back to Dr Phil, but maybe even he won’t have the guts to tell you that you’re delusional. From endorsing Obama “not because of the color of his skin” to the crap mentioned here, you are just not in touch with reality, girlfriend. You’re projecting.

  2897. What, many as in like eleven? Oprah is a delusional, self serving idiot. She seems to ignore the fact that it was those racist white women who made her hundreds of millions of dollars; those racist white voters that put Obama in the Hite house….. TWICE.

  2898. When your entire argument comes down to, “you’re a racist”, you have a pretty shallow case.

  2899. So by the same standard, Bush was disrespected because he was white? I happen to despise Obozo’s white half equally as much as his Kenyan half.

  2900. Barack H Obama (previously known as Barry Sotero, lol) is black? Is Oprah talking about our half-black white guy President?
    Well, I’m sure some poeple of Earth hate him because he is black, but many more people like him because he is black.
    IF that were not true, then he wouldn’t have been reelected given how lousy his record was.

  2901. This is totally ridiculous. These leftist morons like Oprah can’t accept that their half-breed, not black, President isn’t hated for being black but is held in contempt because he’s a a lying Marxist who behaves like a tyrant and ignores law and the Constitution and that has nothing to do with his skin color. However, since the race-card is the last refuge of a scoundrel, it’s probably a good idea not to elect anymore who can try and use this bludgeon to keep people’s mouths shut if they’re from the left, because then they’ll definitely continue to say every time they try to thwart law that they’re being disrespected because they’re victims of racism.

  2902. I cannot stand Obama. His uber-leftist belief system makes my skin crawl and worry for the future of the country. On the other hand I very much admire and respect Ben Carson and would support him for president against any of the current GOP slate. Am I still a racist Oprah? Nevermind, I bet I know the answer.

  2903. Has anyone noticed how the leftist baiters have screamed racism against Barry since 2007, yet they have NEVER proved it? Ever! What a pathetic bunch of losers who’s only defense of failure is to make sh!t up to protect a man who happens to have light brown skin.

  2904. did you ever think its not color , he stinks as president , simple , who voted him in not once but twice , thank God its the last .

  2905. Even if the Racist Black Leaders were allowed by God to push 99.9% of whites into the sea it would not be enough. Despite the fact that 99.9% had no place in history with slaves.

    Might as well push most all races into the seas. Slavery has been around for 1000s of years. The U.S. being recent but not the first or the last.

    People like Oprah continue to spark up hatred. What gives?

  2906. “O” magazine: cancel subscription.
    “O” TV: ignore it or cancel it.
    If this is how this woman feels, cancel her out.
    If one white person were to come out and say one is “racist” because they do not like Bush-pretty much the same thing.

    1. Problem is the only people who still watch Oprah are low information voters or useful idiots of the left. Everyone else had her number ages ago and quit watching her.

      1. You point out something doubly interesting.

        Many people are now required to work 2 jobs because they lost that good 40-hour-a-week job thanks to Obamacare. So they don’t have time for watching TV anymore.

        So who exactly is sitting at home watching this stuff?

        The Low-Fo’s who are sucking up the resources and not contributing a thing back. The ones on welfare and disability, not the hard workers who are slipping into poverty at a rapidly accelerating rate due to Obama’s failed policies.

        Trouble is, there are an awful lot of them and they are unwilling to give up those freebies so easily, so they vote on emotion and what’s in it for them and only them.

        Scary thought.

    1. Oprah will certainly not miss any of you who judge her, because most of us know what she states is true.
      If you think not, tell the World why you think Oprah is not telling the truth.
      State YOUR facts and reasons, please. But, BE HONEST!

  2907. Why do black people insist on living in the 1950’s? Most people don’t care what color they are unless they make an issue of it themselves.

  2908. If Obama and OW and all these idiots realized how far they are pushing their agenda for African Americans back 40-50-60 years. The African American community needs to wake up and realize that just because someone shares your skin color, does not mean they have your best interest in mind. On the contrary, those people are making it worse for the African American community..and holding them down. Look at the statistical facts. Is the African American community worse off financially and educationally from when Obama took office until now? The answer is “yes”! People like Obama and OW are using the African American community to further their own agenda…not yours.

  2909. no, O! you are wrong again…Americans dislike Obummer because he’s a morOn. doesn’t matter if he’s black, white or green…he is a morOn. so are you if you think it’s because he’s half black…he is a full blown morOn.

  2910. Nothing to do with who he “claims” to be. I just really hate Lying, Cheating, Arrogant, Socialistic Pukes that think they are above the LAW!!!!

  2911. oh, c’mon – let these idiots live in their fantasy world. it’s all they’ve got to justify their ridiculous ideology.

  2912. Oprah you do not speak for ME! I hate NO ONE. Well with the exception of HITLER.. I detest this mans policy of BIG GOVERNMENT and GOVERNMENT FIXES IT ALL policies… He is Socialist plain and simple and THAT is what I don’t like about the man. By YOUR definition Ms. Winfrey I should hate Allen West but I admire the man.

      1. Respect for whom? Oprah or President Obama? I actually have no respect for either. I have tons of respect for the office of the Presidency. Being a 21 year veteran of the United States Navy I know the definition of respect. Respect is a two way street. I have no respect for anyone who puts words into my mouth and in a generalized statement calls me a racist…

      2. Actually, you need to brush up on your history, Pal.

        He cozied up to the bankers. He cozied up to the big manufacturers. And he passed national healthcare.

        Trouble is, it happened back in the 20’s and 30’s and 40’s . . . and was done by Hitler.

        What a lot of people don’t know is, during the gear-up for the national healthcare, they forced doctors to ask patients “What is your religion?” They told them “It’s just so that we can know how to handle the body in case something happens and you die in the hospital.”

        It made it a lot easier to locate large groups of a certain group of a certain religion when you already have their name and address!

        Thing is, under the Affordable Care Act, doctors are also being pressured into asking irrelevant questions and then sticking the answers into the linked-together computerized medical records.

        But this time it’s “Do you own any guns? Are there any guns in the house, and if so then how many?”

        What you need to take from this if you understand nothing else is, this time is not different.

        Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  2913. Yeah Oprah, check out which moron have Obama bumper stickers on their cars. I hate the guy because he’s a conniving, lying, POS that has no idea what he’s doing and is causing the country incredible harm. Perhaps the only reason you SUPPORT him is the color of his skin..

  2914. Oprah, is black.
    0bama is Mulato.
    There is a difference.
    0bama is a honky too or a cracker if you will. Don’t forget that other side of him. His mom is Caucasian.

    1. Not really.

      See, the “white woman” has a significant African slave in her family tree according to Ancestry.com.

      So if you take a serious historical look at this, you will find that this lying, cheating, and deceiving goes back farther than you know.

      In case you’re confused, that significant African is on the white side . . .

      It’s kind of awkward. I once thought birthers were crazy people. But it makes you wonder when this man has told so many other lies, makes you think “OK, what else is he lying about?”

  2915. Wait a sec… Is she the one that was summarily dumped after the Obamas used her to get the white woman vote and then never got one meeting with them afterward? Why would she ever go back to stumping for him??

    1. Word has it, she’s not alone.

      According to a recent article on the web, he treats all of his supporters that way.

      People who backed him with multiple millions of dollars in Chicago at the very beginning of his career phone the White House in the hopes that he would at least meet with him so they can get their typical “photo with the prez” to hang on the wall back at home to show off to all their friends, and he won’t even take their phone calls.

  2916. America hates Obama because he is a bogus sham, an empty suit, an agent of high finance hegemony, snd has been from the very beginning. He is NOT the son of a Kenyan goatherder…that’s preposterous. He is the illegitimate son of Frank Marshall Davis, known Communist, amateur pornographer, and America Hater.

  2917. The Oprah has thrown the race card to support the liar in chief! You say we should respect the office. How can we? How can anyone respect the Office of the President when the current President does not respect it himself? He does not respect Our Constitution, Our Heritage, and Our Christian Beliefs. Moreover, I remember rampant disrespect to the Office of the President when George W. Bush was in office. What is the difference? Ok he’s black or half black.. So what? Most people hate his ideology and path he is taking the Country. That’s it. Not to mention that he has proven to be a pathological liar.

  2918. Race has no place in this debate. I dislike the HHS woman so does that qualify me for hating white women.

  2919. “There is not question about it.”

    I beg to differ.

    He is narcissistic, incompetent, weak, a liar, and an all around terrible President.
    There is no question about that!

  2920. Inculcated ignorance and absolute contempt and denial of truth is much of the problem. I used to be a big fan of yours Ms. Winfrey, but no more.

  2921. Wow! OK incredible. Oprah became the richest most popular woman in the US because of her largely white audience of our generation. I cannot believe she would come out with this race baiting comment. It is reprehensible to suggest that when people point out lies or errors of a person of color it is because they of race.

    She cited Senator Joe Manchins comment ” You lie” when Obama was speaking about ACA when in fact Obama did clearly lie. What about that is racist?It would be racist if he did not say it because he was black. It was unprofessional but this would not be the first time a heated debate took place on the Senate floor even with a president. It had nothing to do with race and everything to do with what Obama said.Lying from any official who holds the public trust particularly whoppers like the ones Obama told deserve to be called out.

    I used to love Oprah, her show, her book club. I am so thoroughly dissappointed by her deliberate race baiting comments.I have talked to my black friends about this. Most are upset and fearful about what this has done to set us all back and incited further hatred and violence. Your words influence others Oprah. When there are riots on the street as a result of people like you and your racebaiting we will have you and your irresponsible friends to thank.

    No one begrudged you and your success. You achieved your success thanks to a largely white audience. We loved you. Did you really hate us this much? Was it all a ploy , a con, a lie to play us in order to seek fame? That sure is how it looks to us right now. Devisive racebaiting comments coming from such an influential woman of color as yourself have enormous power. May God forgive you for what you are doing.

    1. Not only that, but this black woman now has more respect for Paula Deen than for Oprah.

      See, I can forgive a woman who once or twice (or even more) used a racial slur something like 25 or 30 years ago but has since mended her ways and moved on.

      What I cannot forgive is a race baiter using her position to divide this great country into color lines in order to save a lying, cheating, arrogant, incompetent amateur of a president who would drown in a light rainfall because his nose is so far up in the air!

      Clint Eastwood, that prescient man in his 80’s, had it quite right when he pulled up an empty chair. It was an empty chair for an empty suit, and Obama proves “Dirty Harry” right all the day long . . . and twice on Sunday!

      1. Wow! Brilliant commentary 1n4d!

        It breaks my heart that we have taken so many steps back in this arena. Comments like Oprah’s create so much hatred and division. It takes alot of courage and vision for you to make these comments, but I am thinking you are a lady who would prefer to be known for the content of her character:) Have a great day! … and thank you for the support!

      2. One more thing. I went to the same tiny women’s college as Pelosi and Sebilius. They are two despicable arrogant white gals who walk around with their noses in the air. They too are completely incompetent as in “Read the bill to know what is in it” and ” The computer system has a few glitches” ( she did not even know enough about software development of the 10 year old technology to use the correct basic terminology ) Like you in4d, I mostly dislike smug , arrogant, incompetent, self aggrandized incompetent lying fools who talk down to us to keep us from questioning the work they do as our public servants.

  2922. This shows her true mentality. You would expect more from someone that appears to be educated. It just goes to show you that when they have nothing esle and the writting is on the wall, they throw the race card and who they really are comes out. Shame on her, what a disgrace.
    I don’t care what color the president is, if he sucks at his job, then he deserse any and all criticisms.

  2923. oh sure oprah… if he were a white pinko, we’d all just love him to pieces. You’re so full of hate!

  2924. I guess it takes one to know one, and now that she has made her millions off of “white” America, she can let her real colors show.

  2925. another negro playing the race card,obama is an empty suit and very divisive. Dr. Ben Carson would be a blessing to have as our president. this hump of a president wants to give away the whole candy store,there is no incentive for people to better themselves when you have gov’t giving it all away. so tell your story walking oprah,

  2926. Nobody needs to justify their reasons for hating Barack Obama. Not to Oprah Winfrey, or anyone else.

  2927. Oprah has sold her soul to Satan – her statement is absurd and hurtful to America!

    It does nothing but stir hatred and divide the nation.

  2928. Sorry, Oprah, but your bigotry is showing. It’s rough to be a multi-millionaire television ‘personality,’ I’m sure, but to be such a blatant bigot as well? Grow up.

  2929. I don’t hate him for being half black. I disrespect his policies, he is so far removed from what real Americans are going through he doesn’t have frickin clue. Same with you Opra you’ve made it in the lottery of life, and you have forgotten what it’s like to struggle from pay check to pay check, so really your bias opinion means nothing to the lower middle class of America. They envy your wealth and that’s about it.

      1. Wealth, money, doesn’t really change or “make” people.

        It just amplifies whatever was already there in the first place . . .

  2930. I voted twice for Obama, and I hold more contempt now for him after so many misleading and questionable policies. Does that mean I am a racist, because he happens to be a black man? Perhaps Oprah is a tad racist herself? Just saying.

  2931. Sloapra, if he did anything that was honest or anything remotely good for this country, I truly think things would be different. We have been lied to more times than we can count, gas is more expensive than it has ever been, European countries think we are a joke, I can’t see the Dr. I have seen my entire like because the govenment knows what is better for me than I do. I’m done, My patience is gone, my wallet is empty and I have the federal govenment watching everything except me taking a dump. You don’t live in our reality, Go back to your penthouse in Chicago, we don’t need your opinion, period.

  2932. Has nothing to do with his color. He’s not smart and shouldn’t be in charge of running the country.

  2933. All of you people don’t get it. If The Oprah says it, you’re just supposed to feel guilty and apologize for being uppity.

  2934. i hate him like a hate bush, clinton and kissinger, holder, reid, mccain, graham, feinstein, boxer, waters and the rest of the satanic cabal that is destroying our nation, establishing a militarized dictatorship, and murdering millions of people worldwide. all of these communazifascimuslimluciferian pukes need to be arrested immediately, speedily tried, and then immediately executed.

      1. now we just need to get millions of us to march on DC and into all of the buildings and place them ALL under We the People Citizens’ Arrest and have Judge Andrew Napolitano preside over their immediate trials on the Mall. They cannot stop a flood of humanity determined to live free, and they could not possibly stop 1,000,000 or more people from storming the gates.

    1. You forgot a few.

      Like Corzine, Bernanke, Geithner, Dimon, and all the other bankers who work for or with the Vampire Squid.

      1. Baron Rothschild…Rockefeller clan…Zignew B., all of the MSM, every head of every alphabet agency in the country, every staff member of the U.N., Trilateral Commission, Bildeberg’s, etc.

        1. Dude, when it comes to anything Rothschild, it takes about all I have to keep my head from imploding, LOL.

          Meanwhile, I’m stealing your “communazifascimuslimluciferian pukes”!

  2935. You know what happened to that boy what cried wolf.. And when I say boy I do not mean boy in the disparraging, racist manner it was used before.. I mean the parable of the boy that cried wolf..

  2936. The race card has been beaten black & blue. The left has thrown that card down more than a $2 hooker. Race seems to play a big role in their lives.

    I think they get their game plan from the same idiot that came up with Obama Care.

  2937. Race is a cheap convenient excuse….for all of your own biases….some of your own failures…some of others failures and why you can never be happy. Oprah…..you can afford the best do settle for the cheap and easy….oh, I do not hate the Presiident but I hate his failures and the great waste and harm he has and is doing to the American people and I would hate that just as much if he were Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Arabic or Lilly White……PERIOD!!!!

  2938. I agree! White America is racist. That is why Oprah Winfrey is a broke failure. That is also why the US has never elected a black President. Oh, wait…

  2939. Being half black/half white doesn’t give anyone a pass against criticism. Obama will be judged by his criminal actions – NOT BY HIS MIXED RACE!

  2940. Her statement carries as much credibility as one that goes something like, “The President is incompetent because he is black.”

  2941. There is a difference between not respecting ‘the person in office’ and not respecting ‘the office’.

  2942. Don’t forget that this ignorant woman was largely responsible for getting this fraud elected.

  2943. Oprah needs attention to keep her failed network afloat! I wish she and obama both would just go away!

  2944. Obama is half honky. I hate him because he’s a Marxist fraud who is destroying the country. Color has nothing to do with it. Oprah can’t defend failure so she plays the race card. When all else fails!

  2945. Hold up, I thought he was white. Do you get to just pick a race when your parents are mixed? He should have run as a white guy so people would like him. Oprah is a f^ckin tard.

  2946. Sure. And all those hateful things you said or thought about Bush or every other President was about the color of their skin, right? YOU are the Racist, Oprah. Don’t try to deflect your racism onto the rest of us. Obama is criticized because he is doing a horrible job as President. Period.

  2947. Oprah Winfrey is a rabid black racist. She still thinks Zimmerman is guilty, and she wants him turned over to street thugs. People disrespect Obama because he is a lying CON MAN and FLIMFLAMMER. He doesn’t deserve any respect. He spies on us continuously and he wants respect? Fools don’t get respect.

    1. “. . . thinks Zimmerman is guilty, and she wants him turned over to street thugs . . .”

      Funny you should mention that.

      A family who had their address blasted to over 240,000 of Spike Lee’s Twitter followers even though they were not related to Zimmerman is suing him for the death threats they are enduring because of Spike Lee’s irresponsibility.

      Yet I don’t see DOJ or Atty Gen Eric Holder charging him with making a terroristic threat, even though that’s exactly what Lee did. It would have been wrong even if it was Zimmerman’s family. But it’s even worse because they are in no way at all related to him.

      If a white person would have made a threat against Oprah I bet she’d be the first one to demand they be locked up and thrown under the jail forever.

      But because Spike Lee is black?


  2948. It’s not always about race, Oprah. I don’t respect you because you’re a poorly educated, ignorant, overweight, racist snob. End of story.

  2949. I have always been a fan of Oprah’s. This makes me re-think that. I was all for Obama, until he started tearing this country apart. It has nothing to do with his color, it is his character.

  2950. Exactly! Obama has a 100% white mother! It is absurd to cry “race” if you point out the lying, criminal, constitutional destroying scumbagery of the Obama Administration.

    Just like George W Bush – they are BOTH CRIMINALS. Both need to be accountable regardless of race.

  2951. How about Obama is lazy, disinterested, a terrible and inexperienced administrator/executive and yes, unfortunately he considers himself not half white but totally black.

  2952. I disrespect Obama because he has never held a real job outside of politics, he drastically lacks the experience for the office that he holds, he has pitted Americans against each other by finger pointing, he has failed to lead, his administration has been plagued with scandal and lastly, he is a Chicago politician.

    1. ” . . . his administration has been plagued with scandal and lastly, he is a Chicago politician . . .”

      . . . who does not have the backbone required to demand resignations of failures in office when due.

      Eric Holder
      Kathleen Sebelius

      et. al.

      Meanwhile, he can sure dismiss those who tell the truth and call ’em like they see ’em. Google “Stanley McChrystal” to see what I mean.

    2. He had a job as a professor of Constitutional law at the University of Chicago, not to mention the one on Wall Street before he went to law school.

      1. Then answer me this.

        Why is it that a professor of constitutional law when he gets the job of President of the United States, is the one to violate the supreme law of the land so many times, that very constitution of which he taught?

        He first started violating it about 9 months into office during his first term, and has not stopped since.

        To know what I mean, go to Wikipedia and search for “UN Security Chief List” and scroll down to the bottom, to 2009. As sitting President, he’s not supposed to have any other job or position at the same time he is in office, especially one that calls for potentially taking positions against the best interests of the United States. And yet, down at 2009, there it is . . . his name on that list as the UN Security Chief.

        Rumor has it they offered it to Dubya, to Bush, but he had the good sense to turn it down.

        Truth is, given Bush 43’s background, I would have more expected him to take that position.

        But as a constitutional law professor, Obama should have known better!

      2. He was a part time lecturer only.

        He admitted working against the very firm that hired him in New York.

        He’s never worked an honest day in his life.

      3. You mean a two-year position as “Visiting Law and Government Fellow” at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book? He was put on payroll and benefits to write a book. Again, not a real job where one needs to be accountable, responsible and hard working. Obama never had a Wall Street job, even if he did have the jobs you state above, do you really feel that this qualifies him to be the President of the US? You liberals are such ignorant blind justifiers. Open your eyes, get past your emotional politics and look at the facts for what they are.

        1. People who can make compelling cases for their points of view don’t need to rely on ad hominem attacks. Although you might call me “ignorant” or “blind” I am sufficiently well-informed and perceptive to understand that 2004-1992 is more than two. (http://www.factcheck.org/2008/03/obama-a-constitutional-law-professor/). Contrary to your allegation, teaching is a real, responsible, hard job. As for the job at Business International Corporation, here’s a source to back up that claim that even “conservatives” might accept: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/19/Young-Obama-Wall-Street-Outsourcing-Specialist. I don’t believe business experience qualifies anyone to be President of the United States, but three terms in a state senate and one in the U.S. Senate demonstrate important qualifications, and he clearly understands the U. S. Constitution better than most of his detractors.

  2953. Pull that race card and get a brother out of a bind. Oprah, we realize that you are black, okay? It looks entirely possible your homeslice brother, Barak, has stunk this up so bad he could be green and not have any support. It isn’t a black thing, I promise.

  2954. we hate you, oprah, for crying race.
    we hate you for propping this failure up based on race.

  2955. Well, since SHE voted for him solely because of his race, it stands to reason that she assumes everyone else votes like that, too. F*&^ you, Oprah.

  2956. BO is black AND white! He’s NOT just black, OW!!! Get a brain and quit spewing your trash! I don’t like BO for the person he is intellectually…….nothing to do with his skin color. I voted for him the first time……until I wised up and began researching. I’ wasn’t stupid enough to vote for him twice. Too bad you haven’t woke up to him using you, OW! Obama could care less about you, OW.

  2957. Yeah!! And look who is moralizing – A FAT, RACIST, BLACK SLOB. She further says racists have to die for racism to end…..I am waiting on you INGRATE FATSO.

  2958. Well isn’t this amazing, white people are not racist n America after all. When did hatred 4 black men n America die out? I missed the annoucement. But suddenly all whites have become pure. I remember when Obama was first elected 5 years ago and Black America asked 4 an honest dicussion about racism n this country and was denied, now all white say is blacks are racist…. talk about throwing salt on a womb, oh my! THERE IS NO SUCH THING as RASISM n AMERICA anymore. Hey…. it just disappeared altogether I guess. Huh?

    1. Eric,

      Would you care to translate your comment into plain English using proper spelling, grammar and punctuation?

      Thank you.

        1. On one hand, wvmtneer, its good you did, and I can generally interpret it as well. And in a way I don’t mind that people use “New school” English and grammar. Because it keeps my company in business! My small company provides corporate communications resources to several Fortune 500 companies around the United States. As more people can’t manage to write basic, proper English, it means more business for me. I’ll take it!

          But, honestly, I do wish people could master basic English. Thank you, teachers’ unions!

    2. He never had that discussion, all he has done is make the race division larger than it’s been in decades. It wasn’t America that asked for the honest discussion, it was HIM!!!

      I just want to know how a pathological liar can have an “honest” discussion about ANYTHING!!!

    3. The B1tch is not interested in anything to do with honesty. IF he was, he’d stop all of the lies he constantly tells.

    4. Eric, I think there is a bit of advice you forgot to take. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    5. Racism . . . not that I expect that you could properly define it . . . exists, and has always existed, in every society in every culture in history. Period. When a black man is put in jail in America for car jacking, home invading, crack selling, assault, murder, rape, gang related activity, home invasion, and so on and so on, is that racism? Racism has always existed, read a history book for Christ’s sake! The existence of racist beliefs does not excuse the fact that America has to support a population of ghetto rats, thugs, welfare cheats, bums, and gangsters. Find a better excuse for the failure of black culture in America. All you have to do is climb a little higher on the Bell Curve . . . if you can.

    6. Eric, you can click that little icon over to the right of your post and delete the whole thing. I’d strongly advise you to do so.

    7. Denied? You barack supporters won’t shut up about race.

      It fully explains why the KKK was a Democrat thing. Obsession with skin color is the problem, and you people are doing your best to keep that alive. How very 1920’s of you.

  2959. I would never watch her OWN network…
    other than that I have no clue how to boycott this twit!

    1. OWN backwards = NWO.

      Now why would somebody choose that for their supposed crowning achievement of their career, especially when the company she owned her TV show inside of was called HARPO, which is Oprah backwards???

  2960. Oprah dear, please get your head out of la, la, land. We don’t give a damn about skin color! I voted for Herman Cain, another black American, I would vote for Dr. Ben Carson, another black American, it has everything to do with socialism verses constitutional believers, PERIOD!

    1. I don’t think her problem is that her heads in la la land. Unless that’s a nice way of saying where it really is …

  2961. Oprah does not speak for anybody but herself. She is not an authority on racism in America and she has no insight whatsoever into the American psyche. She’s just one more celebrity racist herself, capitalizing on her name to advance her own peculiar ideology, and anybody who believes her is either stupid or naïve.

  2962. Every single Black person I know does NOT LIKE Obama. I work in an industry that promotes finance and wealth. There are many many black people I work with in MY office side by side day after day.They are my friends of over two decades as are their children and spouses. Trust me when I tell you Dr. Ben Carson and Alan Keyes are very revered within my coworkers conversations. Not one of my coworkers have ever had anything positive to say about Obama. Now how exactly is THAT racial?

  2963. Ironically, these are the SAME people that love Col. West, Keyes, et al.

    Can someone put this Water buffalo out of our misery? What ever happened to that Aussie from Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom?

  2964. Oh, for crying out loud, give it up!!! I would vote for JC Watts, Allen West or Ben Carson in a New York minute — and they have more African American blood than Barack Obama! And, I know many people who have expressed the same sentiments. I am sick to death of having charges of racism leveled at those of us who are disgusted with the corruption, the cover-ups, the arrogance and disdain for the American people, their opinion, the American flag and our Constitution, as well as the incredible ineptness in this administration — and, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOR AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MORALITY, RESPONSIBILITY, CAPABILITY AND TRUTHFULNESS! Oprah is an idiot, a tool who has decided to mouth the same old canard of the Democrats and their non-informed supporters — simply because they have no legitimate defense against those charges!

  2965. Oprah, you turned your back H Clinton at the last min. that was not about Race was it. You are a fraud. Please feel free to relocate to any other country.

  2966. Go to hell, Oprah. Wow. Oh, and by the way? When the Swiss shopkeeper wisely discouraged you from WASTING $35K ON A F*&^ING PURSE, you accused her of being ‘racist’ instead of being grateful that she was trying to show you other, more reasonable options. I wish she HAD let you throw away that kind of jack on a stupid purse!

  2967. Lady, color has absolutely nothing to do with my contempt for the man. I dislike him because of his incompetence and his being a pathological liar.

  2968. I just lost a little respect for Oprah because she of all people should know respect is earned, not elected…oh that and ’cause she’s black.

  2969. The more they spew this racist stuff……the more it makes me think about becoming a racist! If you’re going to accuse us of something…..we might as well be doing it! Since you’re accusing America of this, OW, we Americans need to jump on ship and begin being racist!!

  2970. While I’m sure its true, most Americans who oppose him would oppose him regardless. And a some politicians could claim blacks don’t trust him/her because they’re white.

  2971. It is sad that an intelligent person goes around deluding herself and trying to delude others so.
    Any person (even a President) has to earn the respect that he gets.
    You do not earn any respect by lying, or blaming your own mistakes on others, or making deceptive claims.
    You might even earn quite a bit of well deserved disrespect.

    1. b.o. (stinks) never had to earn a thing in his life. Affirmative Action and being surrounded by white, privileged communists.

  2972. How quick they forget he is half-white and was raised in a white household. He is way more white than black culturally and even admitted “he learned to be black.”

    1. Yeah I guess claiming Native American wouldn’t have worked for him. Well not the American part anyway.

  2973. There are far more racist blacks than racist whites, oprah and obama included. If it weren’t for guilt ridden liberal whites, oprah and obama would be less than NOTHING!

  2974. Obama supporters have been saying stuff like this since the ’08 elections. If you didn’t vote for him, your a racist, if you don’t agree with him, your a racist. It doesn’t matter that we as human beings are entitled to our own opinions and beliefs.
    Taking this on a world tour and trying to promote this to the world is taking the race baiting to a whole new level. Congratulations Oprah, you’ve surpassed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for race baiting.

  2975. Oprah dear lady OBAMA WAS ELECTED BECAUSE HE WAS HALF WHITE AND HALF BLACK EVEN KNOW HE WAS AN incompetent,,, community charlatan, now we all can see it . GOD forgive our ignorance.

  2976. I have heard this attributed to William F.Buckley,Jr., that a racist is not necessarily someone who hates blacks as much as he may be someone blacks hate.

  2977. Really folks that is all you have is to call names ? There is no cause for name calling shows one’s intellect.
    This Lady has always promoted herself and does what seems to be the thing at the time , And yes that includes playing the race Card A-lot ,When people realize it’s not the color of Skin it’s how they act and think they are owed Something.Go ask any Native American what Their Ancestors went through then tell me you been dealt a terrible hand because of your skin color, or Race.

  2978. dthorny: Agree!

    Oprah’s statement is extremely irresponsible!

    She is bitter…she would rather see the whole country go down the tubes rather than admit she voted for a POTUS solely based on the color of his skin….and she calls us the RACIST???

    Her gamble failed, Oprah’s empire has unraveled, revealing she is a 100% fraud, her show was a fraud, and she is really an un American commie!

    Rev Wright’s sermons were not only racist, but also anti American RANTS…they despise America and Americans!

      1. I loved him for doing that!! Because it is so true. It still would be a great way for Americans to show their disdain. Millions of Americans could pick a day and put out a empty chair in their yards….after Obama cancelled our insurance…I bet it would be massive amount of chairs!

  2979. Sorry Winbag! He is not African American because there is no such thing. He is only African!! Born in Kenya, pure and simple!

  2980. while black people complain about white people being racist, as we see with oprah over and over, she uses race to promote racism to no end. she harbours hate of whites and hides behind her status of celeberty to promote that idea. she is careful not to push it to hard because she knows 75% of her money comes from white people. her white supporters need to realize they are being used and despised at the same time.

    1. Google “Cloward Piven Strategy” and head to Vimeo and search for “Grinding America Down” to understand the true big picture . . .

  2981. i voted for the guy (1st time). I liked him a lot. But now I know he is a liar and with it goes my respect.

  2982. The Oprah house has gone too far with her latest murderous comments:
    “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die”.
    And before that:
    And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he is African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    And we thought Hillary was bad.
    It will be much worse (many dead people) if this woman/Democrat runs for president because she seem to have strong convictions lol
    She needs a modesty le$$on: BOYCOTT Oprah!

    1. “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism…”
      She just described the majority of the black community to a tee – except for that it applies even more so to the younger generations.

    2. Luckily, for Hillary we have an out.

      “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

      Obama wasn’t the only one lying to We, The People!

      Say it loud and repeat it often.

      And wrap it around her neck and drown her in it come 2016!

  2983. So…Let me see Oprah, It has nothing at all, in the least bit, to do with the fact that he has SCAMMED SO MANY OUT OF THEIR HEALTHCARE and has been mistruthful about so many other things?

    1. And with all the bold-faced lies about healthcare (If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, etc. ad naseum) it has to make you wonder what else he lied about.

      I used to think those birthers were crazy.


      Maybe not so much.

      The way he has lied lately, you have to at least wonder about what other lies he’s told and sold . . .

  2984. Oprah has lost her bearings! How can a woman of her wealth, stature and race race say such a stupid untruth?

    1. logic and so forth have nothing to do with it. she lives in a bubble of wealth. and forgot where she came from. thus, like all rich people, thinks she is the center of the universe. color is meaningless after the first $100 million.

      1. Oprah is past her first One Hundred Million. Still, Color seems to be of paramount importance to her!

        1. agree. I am aware that she is in the billionaire status. to clarify what I meant is that after a certain amount of money, your color does not matter. she is now in a bubble of wealth that the majority of us cannot comprehend. and good for her in doing so, coming from poverty as I have read she did. she had an opportunity and she took it……… I have no issue with her wealth……if idiots out there want to support her jerry springer type programs, then that is what capitalism is supposed to be about……… what I think is that she has lost her grounding and playing the race card when you are a billionaire is sad and pathetic beyond all hope of recovery. I lost my respect for her a long time ago.

  2985. I loathe this Fat, Overrated, Racist, POS!!! I can’t wait to read about her having a massive coronary and being buried in a box the size of a piano. OPRAH..GFYS and DIE!!!!

      1. It may look like I do, but just so sick of the only one sided racism. Oprah, Jamie Fox, Tyler Perry, Jesse Jackson, Holder, Sharpton, and all the rest like them can say anything because they are black. No one has a problem with them having BET, Miss Black America, TV shows with no white actors, but you say something bad about the POS POTUS and Im a racist…just tired….thanks for letting me vent…lol

        1. I sympathize with you, I really do. I have seen my country go straight downhill since the Great Society arrived. We have made great strides in helping minorities and have been rewarded with everything from drive by shootings to flash mobs and rap music. I don’t think we got our money’s worth.

  2986. And by the way, Joe Wilson was right! The president did lie. You can’t keep your health care plan and they knew it as evidenced by the 2010 Federal Register.

  2987. Yes he IS hated because he is AFRICAN American. He should be just good old fashioned AMERICAN. Get the picture yet…of the problem?

  2988. I can’t stand a thief & a lier…the man is both…fast & furious,Libya,Benghazi, irs attacking his “political enemies,obamacare,protecting his criminal cronies,spying on everyone using the nsa,cia,fbi……..Yep,its because hes black,& btw,I don’t like you either Oprah,same reason….Because you’re black & racist against white folks apparently,at least thats what comes across in this clip…

  2989. It is not Obama’s skin color that makes me dislike him, in fact I refuse to see him as black or African American because he is not. How quick he forgets the skin color of his mother, grandmother and grandfather (ALL WHITE). I don’t like Obama because he lies, lies, lies. I am not one of Oprah’s mindless followers who need to be told what to read, eat and think. She just keep opening her fat trap and saying the stupidest things; maybe she should run for office she seems stupid enough…

    1. run for office….oh god no….
      no thanks. we already have Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, etc. etc. one more old rich skanky out of touch politician we do not need. oops, forgot….hitlery.

    2. When it comes to skin color of his mother, et. al., they were not “all white” as you put it and as he and the media would have you believe.

      Ancestry dot com reveals that Obama has a historically significant black slave in his family tree . . . on his mother’s side.

  2990. In case anyone had any lingering doubts, Oprah has officially jumped the shark. This is why we need to get rid of cable and satellite programming bundling. If we did, networks like OWN would fail within months.

  2991. No, Ms. Winfrey… We dislike him because he constantly shows in so many ways that he hates America. We dislike him because he does not respect the Constitution. We dislike him because he turns against our Nations allies and supports our Nations enemies. We dislike him because he uses the departments of our Federal Government against American Citizens. (NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, etc., etc., etc…) We dislike him because he allows the Fed to continue to steal from America. We dislike him because over and over again he has lied to the American people. We dislike him because he uses the system to cheat at every given opportunity. We dislike him because he uses the government to steal from the American people. (Our Information, our resources, our money, etc…) And finally, we dislike him because he is a RACIST just like you Ms. Winfrey!!!

  2992. So then all those years that so many disrespected say Pres Bush what was the reason for that……….I also find it odd that she never spoke out when horrible things were said and printed about Condi Rice and Justice Thomas.seems she has a memory blank thing going on

    1. No, Condoleeza Rice has an interesting story about why she is Republican that most liberals just can’t stomach. It’s the truth and reveals how discriminatory the Democratic Party has been to blacks.

      That’s why people don’t talk about Condi Rice or speak out, because her story goes against their narrative and talking points.

  2993. Right, Oprah. That’s why everyone supported and adored YOU. Aren’t we supposed to ‘hate’ and ‘disrespect’ YOU because you’re black?! Oprah, YOU are the racist dirtbag. You SLOBBERED over the Marxist-in-Chief ONLY because he was black, and now you’re scrambling to excuse your frivolity in having done so. We can all see that – you’re not fooling anyone!

    1. Oh, and by the way? When the Swiss shopkeeper wisely discouraged you from WASTING $35K ON A F*&^ING PURSE, you accused her of being ‘racist’ instead of being grateful that she was trying to show you other, more reasonable options. I wish she HAD let you throw away that kind of jack on a stupid purse!

  2994. The President had Caucasian mother. Does Oprah forget that?
    Who is the racist here?
    I don’t give a hoot about the colour of his skin. His is totally and completely incompetent.

  2995. Black women have always protected black men no matter how stupid, dangerous or damaging their actions. It’s hard for black men to “grow up” when they are shielded this way. It’s cultural. It’s got to stop.


  2996. Is she kidding? How much of a F-up does someone have to be before it’s not the color of his skin?

  2997. Does he lie because he’s black? Does he practice demagoguery because he’s black? Does he fail to protect diplomats, fail to save them when in distress and then lie about the cause of their deaths b/c he’s black? Does he stab Israel in the back b/c he’s black? Also, he’s half white so can we blame the white half for all these things? Oprah, are you a conceited, over-rated, washed up celebrity b/c you’re black? Is your net worth over $100M b/c you’re black. Oprah, how about a nice warm cup of STFU!

  2998. Good lord, Oprah. Then why did people make movies about the killing of George Bush during his presidency? Because he was white?

  2999. Oprah, How did you get so rich by being so stupid? We don’t hate Obama because he is black. We couldn’t care less what color he is. We hate his policies, his meddling in our lives, his executive orders, his refusal to uphold the laws of this land, his disregard for the Constitution and we hate his ideology. I would exchange Barack Obama for Herman Cain any day and Herman isn’t half white. Herman is all intelligent black MAN. Something that Obama definitely is not. So Oprah, take your race baiting and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

  3000. They are treated with contempt because of their actions and attitudes. I feel the same about Harry Reid, Al Gore, etc. It has nothing to do with race.

  3001. Last I knew, success and lack of leadership never was assigned a color. It is and will always be a ignorant comment coming from someone who is doesn’t have to make the sacrifices of the middle class by the rulings of King Obama.

  3002. With out White people Okra would be just another black baby mama towing five kids around( each kid with a different baby daddy) talking on her Obama welfare cell phone while she checks out her groceries using A White working class tax funded EBT card at the local Wal Mart. Okra, like the USA, is nothing without us Whites.
    DIVERSITY is a code word for ANTI – WHITE

  3003. Sorry Oprah, but the person that disrespects the office most is the one sitting in it ! I agree with you 99% of the time, especially your book selections, however don’t go down with someone who does not have the integrity that you do, please.

  3004. So wait…you’re saying that black people blame all of their failures on racism? Why is THIS news?

  3005. Oprah is a disgrace,
    she had millions of white viewers who followed her, supported her, purchased what she pushed and how did she repay them
    She lied, and lied, and lied again telling everyone to vote for Obama, she knew what he was, she is from Chicago, she owes all the people who once believed in her an apology

  3006. There is no disrespect for the office. There is a great deal of respect for the office, just not much respect for the person in the office. And, what do you call the person who always cites race in their arguments, because there can be no other excuse for the tragedy that we find ourselves in?

  3007. No, I do not disrespect the Office of the President. I do not respect our president because of his policies and what he has done to our country. I do not care what color his skin is.

  3008. That’s a racist comment by Oprah. I dislike obama’s policies no matter what color. And he’s half white as I recall.

  3009. I don’t like the president because his policies are unsound. I don’t like oprah because she’s overweight and unattractive.

  3010. Hey fatso, here’s some racism for you African style:
    Pygmy activists from Congo have demanded the United Nations set up a tribunal to try government and rebel fighters accused of slaughtering and eating Pygmies who are caught in the country’s civil war.

    Army, rebel and tribal fighters – some believing the Pygmies are less than human or that eating the flesh would give them magic power – have been pursuing the Pygmies in the dense jungles, killing them and eating their flesh, the activists said at a news conference yesterday.

    There have been reports of markets for Pygmy flesh, the representatives alleged.

    “In living memory, we have seen cruelty, massacres, genocide, but we have never seen human beings hunted and eaten literally as though they were game animals, as has recently happened,” said Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of the Mbuti Pygmies in Congo.

    “Pygmies are being pursued in the forests … people have been eaten,” said Makelo, a delegate to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, which is meeting at UN headquarters.

  3011. I’m ready to vote someone in that is darker skinned that O – Allen West. We don’t like him because of who he is and if she-O feels this way then we can boycott her new film.

  3012. “There’s no question about that” So, if one person thinks that another is thinking that, it must be true? How about this: I hate that the white half of the President is responsible for making lousy decisions that are ruining America. My point being….HE IS A LOUSY PRESIDENT IN ANY COLOR.

  3013. Your ludicrous words are now on record, Oprah, as inciting violence, blacks against whites.

  3014. Hey Oprah take your race card and shove it. Obama is the most incompetent moron I’ve ever seen.

  3015. An ignorant and panicky thing to say. Speaking only for myself, no ma’am, it’s not because he’s black, it’s because he’s incompetent. That statement stands even if he we’re green (or white). It is painfully apparent that absolutely NO amount of PAID on the job training is going to work here. He will always be incompetent as a leader of government. Additionally, because of people like you who play the race card so fast and loose, our country is more racist than it has been in decades.

  3016. Well thanks Oprah for pulling the race card now i can’t even respect you.

    Im sure that all the folks that voted to put Obama in office twice were just a bunch of racists too that mistook him for a white guy?

  3017. No oprah, it has nothing to do with race(truth be told his momma was white, and a card carrying communist to boot) we want him, his socialist agenda and his mob administration gone. I might also add Ms 1%er, he has set back blacks 50 years with his agenda. And your comments are in fact race-baiting and racist.

  3018. Does Oprah remember JFK, he was white and was shot in the face. When Obama gets shot in the face I’ll feel sorry for him.

  3019. Oprah, I would like to ask you this question. If white people hate him because of his color & not because of his policies. How did he get elected in the first place much less a second time? Your assertion is absurd on it face. I think instead of whites being racist toward him you are over sensitive to your failings as black people & you want to blame it on racism. It is very sad when black leaders like you fall back on the race card to excuse bad or misguided behavior. Race relations will never heal if blacks can’t face the truth about one of their own & realize that sometimes it’s the actions of the individual not the color of his skin that is the problem.

    I am reminded once again of MLK’s I have a dream speech where he says he looks forward to the day when people will be judged by the content of their character & not by the color of their skin. Well Oprah, Obama has been judged by the content of/or lack of character not his color. Period.

  3020. Oprah is totally wrong about why many Americans don’t like Obama and it has nothing to do with race. Our economy, healthcare, jobs, energy, international relations and everything else Obama touched turned to poo. Oprah needs to stop drinking the kool aid, take off the blinders, pull out the earplugs and come to reality. He is the worst and most destructive POTUS in American history!

  3021. Did you hear that thud? Oprah just feel off the pedestal I had her on. WOW. How wrong. How ignorant. SO wrong. SOO SOO incorrect. I am not doubting the racism in this country at all. On both sides of color. What a shame. She will eventually disappear and be forgotten. Why? Why did she say this? I guess her non racial believes were all a farce for ratings and big interviews. What a shame.

  3022. Once again the race card. No, we do not want socialism in the US. We need to reverse all the ones enacted or decried before this and go back to a republic rather then a democracy as it is obvious, a pure democracy does not work with idiots like Obama and Oprah.

  3023. Does that mean he is incompetant because he’s black as well? That’s kinda racist Oprah…

  3024. NOPE…it has to do with BAD ideas…Oprah you seem to be a very successful black woman… achieved on your GOOD ideas!!

  3025. Oprah is a typical liberal who loves to play the race card to fend off the results of Obama’s disastrous policies and bankrupt character.

  3026. That’s a ridiculous and racist statement. It’s just an excuse why Obama is so disliked….play the race card instead of getting down to the real reason the American people are unhappy with him, blacks and whites. President Obama has done more to hurt our country than all the other Presidents combined. It’s clear he doesn’t care what “We the people” have to say and if it weren’t for Oprah and her money he wouldn’t be in office today! We need more than ever for God To Bless America! If Americans are so racist, how did Oprah make all her money??

  3027. If she is referring to white liberals, I concur. They made her rich despite her lack of talent just because she is black.

  3028. “…because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Everybody’s thinking it?

    Maybe, she means everybody around her thinks the way she does and is just as racist as she is.

    1. No one says it??? Rofl liberals say it ad nauseum Oprah. She’s just mad because the race card has been completely discredited since the Messiah took office. Most thinking Americans are getting sick of hearing it.

  3029. All these black hating bigots have made Oprah the most wealthy and successful woman on TV today ! is it Because She is Black ? hmmm. I thought it was because she was talented. Must have been wrong.

    1. Ding ding ding!

      You’ve just discovered and revealed the single biggest drawback to Affirmative Action!

      No joke.

      I have met more than one talented person who thought they only received their spot or job because they were black, even when those around them of all other races respected them immensely because of their ability.

      I’m a black person myself and yet I see this as a dark reality not many people want to talk about in today’s world.

      1. Thanks! I think more and more people are coming to our side ! Oprah risks loosing her winning “brand” if she keeps this up ! If Oprah knows best, which she normally does, she won’t go down with that sinking ship.

  3030. First off, he’s American. Which means it is a collection of colors, cultures and ideas all jumbled together to make one country. Africa is made up of many skin colors and culture’s so to use some made up phrase to indicate skin color is not only discrimination it also creates a separative way of thinking. From my experience only anti-white/anti constitution people use this phrase, everyone else that actually believes in equality under the law just says black or “of X descent” when having to give a description.

  3031. i don’t like obama because he’s a muslim and a communist who hates america.

    i didn’t like bill clinton for the same reasons (clinton was a closet satanist, rather than muslim, but big deal)

  3032. Nope, i also disrespect the 1/2 white part of him also….a liar is a liar and has nothing to do with color.

  3033. ——-> Barack Soetoro O’Marxist is a dangerous dumba$$ <———

    Hey Okra Dubya, you are so ignorant and wrong. Thank goodness I saw through your racism back in 2008 when you invited Barack on your show but refused to extend the same courtesy to a white man or woman John McCain/Sarah Palin. From that day, I have NEVER watched your show and/or network. You see, I have no use for racist people like you. Check yourself.

    P.S. Barry's mother was a white skank.

  3034. Sorry “O” but you as a black woman have no clue what racism is.
    What blacks endured over the years, separate fountains, physical and racial threats, taunting, brutality, only because of their race, that my rich piglet, is racism.
    Many Americans could care less about his color. Obama is an exposed socialist.
    I can’t stand him, nor the DNC, which if you looked at your history, hated blacks.
    If that makes me a racist, so be it. I am a RACIST for hating a person trying to shove socialism down my throat.
    Now O, I can’t stand you for playing the race card and trying the “white guilt” approach. Go back and count your money.

  3035. O, stfu. How many people voted for the messiah simply because of his race? That’s racist.

  3036. No many people disrespect him because he’s simply incompetent. He’s making George Bush look like a master tactician. For a while I was hoping that the worst case would be a rerun of the carter administration. Looks like that might be the best case at this point.

  3037. This is BS. The truth is Barry O is not qualified to be a world leader or President. This has nothing to do with one’s skin color. He may be a likable guy to be around but the truth is he has put us in a serious position around the world and within these United States. Of course, he has had a lot of help with the people within his party and those he has appointed. Sorry Oprah, you have back the wrong horse.

  3038. So oprah…
    Why did you decline to campaign for the liar in chief last time around…
    That was a bigger diss than ANYTHING the nebulous nameles racists you made up & pulled out of your considerable A$$ have supposedly done…

  3039. Seriously? I am SO sick of this that I could scream. No Oprah. We disrespect him because he lies. We disrespect him because he disrespects America. We disrespect him because he has one of the most corrupt administrations ever. Color of his skin? Hardly

  3040. No Oprah! People disrespect that Muslim in our White House because of his character. He hates this country and supports the Muslim Brotherhood. Keep your political opinions to yourself because you don’t know what you are talking about. You, Obama, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson are a bunch of race baiters, trying to keep racism alive. You are trying to make people feel guilty and feel sorry for blacks. That’s why Obama is President. Now people are starting to wake up, and you go and play the race card. Shut up!

  3041. My dislike has nothing to do with race. Obama is a Northern Liberal. If Ted Kennedy was still living, I would dislike him even more. Every day Obama proves that he was unprepared for the office of President and he has learned nothing in the last 5 years.

    1. “. . . has learned nothing in the last 5 years . . . ”

      While replacing many top US Military men (that rumor has it will NOT fire on Americans inside America).

      Scary thought what’s coming next.

      God help us all.

  3042. I’ll make Oprah happy and only hate his lying white half.

    I can also guarantee that there are more people that voted for his highness Barak just because he’s black than voted against him just because he’s black. There are the same people to actually believe Obama lies on the ACA.

    1. 1. white guilt. whites who want to feel better about themselves by bowing at the feet of blacks. 2. its cool 3. oprah is a good manipulator and knows how to bring in the downtrodden white woman with feel good stories that makes them feel good. need I go on? lol

  3043. oh and by the way oprah………..UNLESS HE WAS BORN IN AFRICA (hmmmmm) he is NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN. he would be simply………..AMERICAN. next he is HALF BLACK – HALF WHITE. but you are such a racist fat pig oprah you denounce his WHITE blood. it must grind your geers that even AFRICANS can be WHITE!
    isn’t your time over yet?

  3044. oprah is the racist..judgemental, vindicitve ..without proof..judging a people and person by the color of their skin..how hatefull. i have come to expect nothing less than obama supporters

  3045. The sad thing is that Obama, his liberals, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are using, oppressing and stereo-typing blacks, as a means to usher in their socialistic policies ant to continue their petty and selfish relevance. Why else would they continually debase the black community by marketing welfare programs instead of job programs? Why else, would they treat successful and conservative black men like, Clarence Thomas, Allen West and Ben Carson with contempt and accuse them of being Uncle Tom’s because they encourage, by their own example, people to work hard to make a good life for themselves and their families. Ben Carson has a wonderful academic advantage program for black youth that encourages study and hard work as a means for success.
    Very little has been done by the liberals and today’s popular black leaders to uplift the black community. Instead their policies keep them in welfare hell.

  3046. Truth Hurts! Oh, and Oprah,if he were White his ass would be impeached by now. The only reason this has not happened is because he is Black, and nobody wants the Racism tag, or the riots caused if he were. Go home Oprah,we are all tired of you !

    1. And for all this country has done to right its wrongs for Black people,including a Civil War,Civil Rights,Welfare,Affirmative Action etc., this is the thanks it gets?

  3047. Let’s see…. Alan Keyes, Alan West, Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas…. Yup, I would vote for any of these fine fellows…. Oh wait, they are all conservatives… Must be a bunch of Uncle Toms, right Oprah? Only black liberals are “real blacks”… Right?

  3048. Oprah is 100% wrong. It’s just the opposite.
    People only LIKE Obama because of the color of his skin. The content of
    his character has no redeeming qualities at all, even according to
    liberals. He is arrogant, aloof, self-centered, and dislikes people.

  3049. The only reason he was elected is because he’s black.

    The only reason the media carries his water to the extreme extent it does is because he’s black.

    The only reason blacks voted for him at a 98% clip and defends everything he does is because he’s black.

    The only reason he gets away with shedding the constitution, enforcing laws or not enforcing laws or cherry picking parts of laws he chooses to or not to enforce and the republican party does nothing about it is because he’s black. So now what ?

    1. I need to correct you on the vote thingy….
      100’s of black districst voted 110%!
      just sayin…carry on!

      1. This selective race card BS needs to end. Obama is the dirtiest, most partisan, incompetent, self absorbed, petty ,LIAR to set in the white house in my lifetime most assuredly modern times and probably all time. Yet his mindless zombie followers including the left wing media pretend he’s somehow just another president or in some cases the messiah & it all boils down to his skin color, period.

      1. This country is being destroyed by race but not like the progressives and the benefactors of the race card would like everyone to believe.

        Many blacks have found it a priceless tool to get their way or to get away with not working, getting promoted far beyond their level of capabilities if they do work,set asides and quotas in the work place, in admissions at colleges, rudeness, open hostility toward whites especially but asians see it too, openly racist violent attacks on whites that media ignore and lets not forget the entitlement system and cradle to grave goodies that they aren’t ashamed of, frankly the act as if they are not only deserving of but openly hostile if they aren’t catered to even more.

        Yes we have a race problem in this country but it isn’t whitey who is the problem.

  3050. Oprah has apparently forgiven Michelle for not letting her in the White House, keeping her off the Cabinet, and her Ambassadorship.

  3051. oh and by the way oprah………..UNLESS HE WAS BORN IN AFRICA (hmmmmm) he is NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN. he would be simply………..AMERICAN. next he is HALF BLACK – HALF WHITE. but you are such a racist fat pig oprah you denounce his WHITE blood. it must grind your geers that even AFRICANS can be WHITE!
    isn’t your time over yet?

  3052. I disrespect him because he is screwing the country up. The same reason I disrespected Bush.

  3053. Fat ugly Oprah, hes half-white you stupid POS. We hate him because hes a democrat, the same reason anyone with any sense hates your dumbass.

  3054. It’s also the same reason so many voted for him in both elections. It’s also good to hear a Anti – White like Okra use the public platform which Whites built for her to display her Anti – Whitism. But then again that is what DIVERSITY, i.e. Cultural Marxism is all about: ANTI – WWHITISM with the ultimate goal being WHITE GENOCIDE.
    DIVERSITY is a code word for ANTI – WHITE

  3055. Class action suit against her for libel! The “R” word does much more damage than any other word or label.

  3056. This from an entertainer who has made billions off of white housewives. If it wasn’t for your WHITE audience, you would not be in the position you are in know, Ms. Racist Winfrey.

  3057. If Oprah had a brain, she would know that Obama became president BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. The fact that he doesn’t know how to govern has nothing to do with the color of his skin. I personally think Dr. Benjamin Carson would make an excellent president. The fact that he’s black has nothing to do with my opinion. Speaking of Dr. Benjamin Carson, perhaps he could examine Oprah brain… if he can fine it.

  3058. Excuse me, but far, far more people revere O only because of the color of his skin.
    There is nothing more obvious than this. Anyone who denies it is being duplicitous.

  3059. And we had similar contempt for Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis, Walter Mondale, Bill and Hillary Clinton, AlGore, John Edwards…because what..they were “African Americans” and we have substantial admiration for Dr. Ben Carson, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, et al..because they are “White.”? Ohh please Oprah…the billionaire queen of mushy white women…shove the race card you know where. Barry has our contempt because he is a incompetent, lying, narcissistic, small, lazy, egotistical fraud with a massive racial chip on his shoulder and a radical leftist ideology that is literally destroying the country.

    1. I saw a columnist awhile ago say that we liked people like Sowell and Carson BECAUSE we are racist and are trying to prove we are not. Anyway, I don’t care about being called a racist anymore. Water off a duck’s back.

  3060. Nobody hates him because he is black , everyone hates him because he is running America into the ground, she needs to check her facts before she starts running her mouth , hell he could be multi colored and no one would care as long as he did a good job as our commander and chief..but he sucks as a president because he is turning our great country into a Marxist dictatorship..

  3061. That is just about the most racist statement I have ever heard. Is she this desperate to feel relevant? Or is she really this blinded by her racist “feelings.”
    And “NOBODY EVER SAYS…” What the he!! is she talking about!!!?? All we ever hear when we try and bring to l ight the utter corruption of this “pres” and his evil admin is “because he’s black – you’re a racist!”

  3062. He’s not African-American you disgusting talking Manatee! He’s black! He’s disrespected because he’s not for anything this country is about. He will continue to be disrespected much like you are being disrespected right here, right now!

  3063. No, we disrespect this moron because he and your sorry a#@ forgot that his mother was white . . . that makes this loser bi-racial. So Op-raw, why don’t you also get your eyes checked? So guess who the REAL BIGOTS ARE? Have you got a mirror ding hole?

  3064. While there will always be a small percentage of people who are racist and will dislike Obama because he is black the rest of us dislike him because of his lack of character, honesty, and work ethic. He has worked to destroy this country not build it up. If the majority of America were as racist as you like to say then explain your popularity Oprah!

  3065. She’s just pissed off because with all her money, there’s nothing you can do about ugly

    1. She’s also pissed because she has lost millions of viewers = $$$$ when she chose to allow the black man on her program but refused the same courtesy to the white candidate.

  3066. The saying It takes one to know one is most appropriate here. It is particularly applicable to Oprah who does not practice what she preaches.

  3067. Americans hate Obama because they judge men by the content of their character. Those who DON’T hate Obama judge men by the color of their skin.

  3068. Another thing is when I ask many people after Obama was first elected president why they voted for him, majority of them said they voted for him because they wanted to see a black man as president for a change and to show that they were not racist.
    The there were another group of individuals who said they voted for him the first and the second time because they believed in the promises he claimed would be fulfilled.
    Well, after 5 years of broken promises and lies, and a screwed up Obama Care scheme, people are waking up to the real truth that Obama is a born liar and not fit to be president of this country which he is trying his best to destroy financially.
    Using the Race card for justification in covering up that a person is incompetent is all used up. Oprah’s loyalty to Obama is making her look real bad.

  3069. When you have no defense against the all too true accusations of incompetence just hoist the “black shield”. Sorry Oprah. The “black shield” has been riddled with holes from over use.

  3070. oprah, takes the handoff from sharpton, she is looking for some one to pass the race-bait ball to….So, let’s not forget that the president is half black and half white, therefore, going forward, i proclaim that any criticism i have of this president is directed toward his WHITE side. to his white side, i say…can you please do something about the unacceptable unemployment rate for people of color. it remains nearly twice the national rate, and all you talk about is health care, gays, lesbians, transgenders, etc. Let’s get moving on this. secondly, today, there are far more blacks living in poverty, on food stamps, unemployment, disability than ever before in our country’s history. Forget about spying on everyone and direct some of those dollars towards the development of small business. Lastly, this quantitative easing i keep reading about is bull!! you kept telling us that g.w. bush was giving money to the “big wall street fat cats”, and you promised to put a stop to this, but you continue. why do the “big wall street fat cats” keep getting richer and richer while our money and wages (those of us who have jobs) is shrinking?? Are some of these “big wall street fat cats” friends of yours? do you owe them a favor, did they give you money to get elected??

  3071. 2008
    Black Vote Obama 95% McCain 4%

    White Vote Obama 43% McCain 55%

    Black Vote Obama 93% Romney 6%

    White Vote Obama 45% Romney 52%

    If I was looking to find a racist, any racist, where would I have the best chances of finding one? And don’t tell me to look in the mirror.

  3072. I thought Obama made in really clear he’s a Hawaiian, not African? What is Oprah talking about? is he really Kenyan? NEWS FLASH OPRAH SAYS OBAMA IS FROM AFRICA….DEVELOPING

  3073. Oprah … do we really need you bringing out the good old race card like Redford and many other Liberals have done? Don’t you dopes get it? Obama is an arrogant, inept yo-yo who had no business getting elected to the Presidency. A large part of the reason he did get elected was because … he is black. He had no experience, no credentials, and apparently a communist inspired past. Too many brain dead voters are on the roles in America, and many are dead Democrats who still vote.

  3074. This is the same person that claimed that one does not need Christ to be saved. Dangerous stuff…

  3075. oh shut the **** up you irrelevant old hag. I am so sick of this whiney pos pulling the race card. sick of the race card being pulled ever. blacks are the most racist group of people ever….and they sure love playing the [faux] victim over and over.

  3076. Everybody’s thinking it. Then she should also note that these same people don’t like his white side either.

  3077. Hey there Oprah. Since you are a mind reader and modern day Guru tell me what I am thinking about you right now?

    Hint: It’s almost Turkey Day –Gobble Gobble

  3078. And, so, Ms. Winfrey, what do you call it when so many minority American adults disrespect and hate a non-minority person (including a President) because he/she is non-minority? You are either low-information, Ms. Winfrey, or have chosen to ignore the statistics in national elections. Take, for example, the statistics from the November 2012 election where over ninety percent of minority voters voted for the minority candidate. Now, Ms. Winfrey, do you really want to try and convince your American fans that that was just happenstance? You are so very much like your beloved President – choosing to travel outside of the country that has given you the bulk of your millions in order to slander your home country and its legal citizen taxpayers. You and your favorite President are nothing if not transparent.

    1. “You and your favorite President are nothing if not transparent.”

      Well he did promise this would be the most transparent presidency ever.
      I just expected it to be a different kind of transparency.

  3079. And saying that from your CAPITALIST IVORY TOWER…no, that’s not hypocritical is it….blacks like her are unbelievable in their accusations of racism to everything in life EVEN WHEN they, themselves, have greatly benefited from our FREE SOCIETY. Does she think she would be where she is today and as wealthy as ever in another country? The BLATANT HYPOCRISY of blacks across this nation is worn thin and I, for one, am sick of the whining about “no opportunities”, “racists around every corner”, “profiling is targeting us”, etc…what a load of CR@P they are shoveling. I see plenty of successful blacks all over and they are making millions if not billions in income YET continue this race nonsense. Give us a break already and stop complaining when you sit on a mountain of cash winfrey…if you so hate this country…FREAKIN’ LEAVE!!! NO one is stopping you.

  3080. He was elected because of the color of his skin, not because of the content of his character………..funny that phrase seems oddly familiar……hmmmmm

  3081. As the Washington DC mayor once said, “What do you think I do watch Oprah and eat Doritos all day long”

  3082. Wow. That’s like saying the left hates Bush because he’s white. It’s Obama’s inane ideology and his hate for the constitution. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

  3083. Oprah, more people hated George Bush because he was a white Texan. African Americans are the most racist group I know.

  3084. Oprah… 95% of blacks voted for Obama.

    What exactly do you call that?

    Racism, dummy.

    Actually, it is the very DEFINITION of racism.

    Spare us your BS, honey.

  3085. It’s very true in some cases but then there are many black people who will admit that they NEVER voted until a black man ran for president. I only wish that people loved our country enough to vote for the most qualified person. I voted for Obama the second time but only because Romney is a nut. The only thing Romney and I have in common is that we are both white.

    1. You didn’t read Romneys agenda or his plans. You voted for Obamass a second time because you are good little lemming and the media told you Romney is a nut. Go back to your copy of MotherJones Magazine and your soy latte. Dear leader, King Hussein I is proud of you!

    2. in some cases eh. please share with us those cases. if you voted for Obama at all – especially after his first failed term – you are much worse than a nut…..

    3. Seriously? Romney has a proven and successful business record and is a proven business leader. Your post makes no sense – it is all over the place, without logic. Voting based on emotion is why this country is in such dire condition.

  3086. I don’t in no wayyy feel racist….
    Must be why I respect/love Allen West,Ben Carson…etc…etc

  3087. No it is because he is an incompotent, lying d-bag. Anybody who doubted it has realized it in the last month. But to the 52% who voted for him $crew you, you own it.

  3088. Oprah, honey, I do not despise your bud because he is black.
    I would despise anyone, regardless of color, who was destroying the nation as your incompetent boob of a friend is.

    1. I wonder if Oprah considered that white people didn’t vote for him, because he’s half white, not because he’s half black! Or, because of his Hubris and Narcissistic personality!

  3089. Yes, that’s it. It’s because he’s African-American! If he were George Bush, nobody would be saying anything about his spying, lying, Benghazi, murdering law enforcement via Fast and Furious, breaking the Constitution, using the IRS for targeting his political opponents, raising taxes, not coming up with a budget….
    It’s because he’s African-American! Nobody EVER criticized Bush. Because HE’S Caucasian. African-Americans CANNOT succeed in America. Oprah knows this.

  3090. Its got to be about race! It can’t be about that he LIED to the entire nation. You want to see a racist Oprah, look in the mirror.

  3091. Never liked this woman in my life. She is fake and a racist scum. No better than the likes of Al Sharpton & NAACP

  3092. It is clear that Obama was elected because he is 1/2 African American. He certainly had no other qualifications.

  3093. Right, and a store clerk refusing to show you a 50,000 dollar purse is the equivalent of the fire hoses being turned on you in Selma.

  3094. Nice try Oprah but the race card has lost it’s leverage, like the boy who cried wolf …. nobody is listening anymore.

  3095. So now Oprah has to beat the “racist” drum, Obama can’t give a speech on
    Veteran’s Day without it and of course we continue the beat with the Revs. Sharpton, Jackson, ad nauseum. These people’s expectations need serious reality check. With their celebrity they could do so much good for young black people. They could point out the non-existent role models of black fathers, leaders, teachers. The violent, ignorant cycle will continue because it’s just not in these selfish people to do what it will take to change it.

  3096. Dear Oprah. If the ass clown & thief was yellow with pink eyes and green hair it would not matter. He would still be a traitor. Please go shove some more food in your fat mouth! The more you chew, the less was have to listen too. Your just another racist liberal!

  3097. I hate BO because he has Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder and has lied to the American people for the last five years. His race has nothing to do with it. He is a very sick man and should be locked up.

    1. He’s not sick, he’s a Marxist, as were both his parents 1 Black and 1 White, he is being groomed as the NWO leader, due to his ability to lie so convincingly, just as though he were the Devil Himself! What kind of man, lets family members starve and live in squalor, while, he lives in the lap of luxury. Where are his family and friends? Why doesn’t anyone know him at Columbia? Why are all his transcripts and health records a big secret? Why does his Kenyan relatives continue to say he was born there? Why is it that everything that comes out of his mouth is an out and out lie?

  3098. Then why do so many Americans like Oprah?

    MLK said it all – it is one’s character – Obama has none.

      1. I know – such a disappointment. Telling the truth in the USA now is so uncool. It looks like the media is finally realizing things are turning badly in the USA.

  3099. *RACE CARD*, DON’T leave home without it! When you run out of people to “blame”, whip it out!!!

  3100. Total nonsense from Oprah!! I dislike Obama because he is unqualified, a liar, has never had a job in his life, is bent on damaging the US as much as he possibly can, and is a MArxist. On the other hand, Condi Rice is intelligent, experienced and is a conservative. I would vote for Condi to replace Obama as president over Romney, McCain or most other politicians.

  3101. Once again….you know what Oprah? No one respects you either gurl. YOU got out there and promoted this clown. YOU are just as guilty as anyone of being a racist. Claim to be friends with the Clintons and then run to the candidate of color. He has no business being in the Oval office and YOU KNOW IT. Sheesh….
    Oprah, the older you get, the more of a phony you’ve become. Just call it like I see it. One of favorite things right Oprah?

    1. Oprah is just tryin’ to keep it real, be down with the cause. I think she’s so rich and has been so disconnected from her “peeps” for so long – and she’s on the verge of irrelevance – that she’s suffering from “black guilt.” She has to speak out against whites now. Or, whites have been her meal ticket all this time and now she’s so rich that perhaps she just doesn’t need to hide her racism any more.

  3102. Shut up Ofrah/Oprah/Uma. People are so racist against BozoBama that census is showing Whites are fleeing to places like Saratoga Springs, Utah where they voted for Mayor Mia Love. Yep, how racist of them that they elected her to office and she is running again for Congress.

    Jackwagon. How’s that failing network of yours?

  3103. While it is undoubtedly true that a small percentage of Americans hold Obama in contempt because he is a mulatto, the larger percent that hold him in contempt is because of his actions and poor performance. And Obama is a racist as is Oprah so she needs to shut her pie hole. I guess her own racism blinded her to Obama’s relationship with the white-hating Rev. Wright. She’s a retard.

  3104. Funny how America has such a shortage of racists that Oprah can become a billionaire but is full of racists when they criticize an inept President.

  3105. typical race card crap from winfrey….no oprah…people don’t respect obama because he’s a lying disaster who is taking our country down a bad path.

  3106. News Flash for 0weprah ….. Skin pigmentation did not cause his lack of common sense or his ineptitude.

    Skin pigmentation DID cause blacks to support this fraud and his disdain for America/Americans made him the darling of the Blame America First crowd.

    1. Not just blacks supporting this fraud, all of the idiot whites who thought it would great to have a black president to heal the racial divide. Little did they know they were electing a racist. By the way, how is that working out.

      1. I dare say the left could have cared less about anything other than his skin pigmentation. Had he been another “cracka”, they’d have NEVER looked twice at this buffoon.

  3107. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.” Nice try….. the disrespect is borne out of incompetence and a marxist ideology. I’d have the same level of contempt for the man if he was white as snow.

  3108. I used to be a fan of Oprah – not of her show really, which I never watched, but of her business acumen and smarts generally. But no more. After she inexplicably threw her lot in with Obama and went political in 2008, I knew immediately that she’d lose half her audience. It was an amazingly self-destructive thing for such a huge media talent to do. Yes, I would expect that of many media types, but frankly, most of them are pretty stupid. Not her. Or at least, I didn’t think she was. Yet, despite the resulting loss of her audience, and despite the disrespect she was shown by the Obama White House after giving it her all (see Klein, Ed, the Amateur), she continues to promote this utter nonsense that people don’t like Obama because of his race. How absurd. The man was elected President – twice – thanks mostly to “white America.” Can’t she conceive of the possibility that Americans don’t like his Socialist policies and incompetence? Why does it have to be about his race? He is half-white, after all. I think she’s projecting onto others her own fantasies about the cause of Obama’s crashing popularity, rather than considering the glaring examples of epic failure, such as Obamacare. And don’t even get me started on the IRS scandal, Benghazi, massive NSA surveillance of American citizens, etc.

  3109. Here you see an unavoidable “Tell”.

    When a Liberal feels they have lost an exchange they call
    the other side “racist”

  3110. BULL

  3111. It is well known that Oprah calls whites racial slurs when with her black friends. Now, who is the racist??

  3112. He is not hated because he is black, he is hated because if what he is doing to America. Why do you blacks always have to bring racism into the discussion.

  3113. What a racist statement for her to make. People hate him because of what he’s doing to our country, it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Besides you idiot Oprah, he’s just as white as he is black. F you.

  3114. Ms. Winfrey, we don’t like Obama, not because he’s black; we don’t like him because he’s a jive turkey.

    Your man; he’s been exposed, madam.

  3115. By Oprah’s warped racist logic she would have us believe that if President Obama was more white (light-skinned) in his flesh tone then everyone in America would be in agreement with him.

  3116. “She thinks that both he and the Office of President have been treated with contempt because of the colour of his skin.” And what color is that, half white?
    Dearest Oprah, given your insightful political analysis (quoted above), please explain the basis for the opinions of Dr. Ben Carson and Col. Allen West regarding the President.
    While I await your brilliant answer, I’ll go bake some bread. I’ll start by planting the wheat.
    I’ll bet I have a loaf of bread before you have an intellectually honest answer.

  3117. Why do people who support president Obama have to resort to the race card when someone disagrees with the President’s policies? Why can’t we have a substantive dialogue instead?

  3118. People who go overseas and then criticize their home country are losers.

    And “everybody” isn’t thinking that the dislike of Obama is because of his skin tone. In FACT ms. Oprah, it is those folks who identify themselves as Liberal who have the deepest rooted racism. The liberals are the ones perpetuating the myth of African Inferiority. They are the ones who think that African Americans can’t survive, let alone succeed without cradle to grave support. Conservatives make their judgments based on the person, not the race or creed. Which is why Obama has such a low popularity now.

    It’s his policies, his lies, and his incompetence, not his melanin levels.

  3119. impeach, convict, execute….yes, we can.

    In 1790, the Congress of the United States enacted that:

    “If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof convicted on confession in open Court, or on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH

  3120. This is one lying witch… Her audience for decades was and is mainly comprised of “Americans” These are the same “Americans” who would stand in lines to see her show.. in the rain and snow.. etc. She didn’t have a problem then.. did she?

  3121. nothing to do with being black, now being incompetent moron, an a clown is more like it.
    the President of the United states does not bow to any one but Obuma does
    Constitution, does not mean a thing to him., a stone face liar

  3122. And we all remember that democrats were totally respectful of Bush just because he is white. Oh that’s right, democrats were openly calling for the assassination of GWB.

  3123. A level of disrespect? I guess she missed the vitriole leveled at GWB for 8 years. Don’t you love the limo libs who toss out racism without evidence and demand it as fact?

  3124. By voting for the Loser In Chief we proved we are not Racial but did prove we are Suicidal.

  3125. Oprah? You wonder why your popularity is dwindling? It’s because of these kinds of statements. I never liked you either! Because of that black chip on your shoulder that you like to show every now and then for a country that gave you unbelievable wealth.

  3126. Obama is to the right of center. Certainly he is far more right than Bill Clinton ever was. The Clinton derangement was nothing at all compared to the absolute visceral hatred for Obama. Haters don’t even accept that his name is actually Barack Obama. They deny his mother was a college student instead being a prostitute and nude dancer. They deny his father was who he says he was. They insist he did not write two books. They claim he was born in Kenya.

    So there is no denying the reason for all that. He’s black. Racism is pervasive in our country. It is not as blatant as it used to be but it is very much present.

        1. As I’ve stated many times, I don’t know Obama personally, therefore I can’t hate him, but, I can hate his policies and the fact that he is destroying my country. The race card is dead.

          1. The country was on life support when he took office. Things are not perfect but they are much better than 2008 when the economy was losing 700,000 jobs a month.

            1. Better? You libs forget Bush inherited the dot com bust….then we had 911 which cause a market crash and then we had 6 great years until the dems took over congress! This economy is horrible because dems dont have a clue about economics!

            2. That all depends on which part of the economy you are in.

              Plus, there is a massive brain drain currently going on, and I hate to tell you, but I’m actually encouraged by it.

              You see, the youngsters in this country have been paying attention lately. They don’t like liars, they know that they’re going to get bent over multiple times a day if they stick around, and so, many of them have passports and are planning to see the world. Some of them (more than you know) are actually making plans to never come back.

              But I bet you don’t care about that, do you?

              Yet the future of a nation is its youth.

            3. Look it up Molly, this man has, in five years put us deeper in debt than all other presidents before him combined. Remember when you liberals screamed about Bush’s 400 billion dollar deficit? Obama’s has been a trillion plus every single year he has been in office. Maybe it’s time to pull the plug.

            4. You can trace the financial crisis back to Jimmy Carter whose “”genius” brought us the Community Reinvestment Act which was expanded by Clinton. Then Clinton doubled down on stupid by removing the banking safeguards which had been in place since the Great Depression and which allowed bundling of subprime mortgages.

              You can go to you tube and look at the various ultra left congress members berating the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac auditors for trying to reign in subprime mortgage lending.

              Bush was a lousy president. Had no understanding of the immigration crisis and began the TARP program, But you could have elected that green salamander on the insurance ads for president in 2008 and he would have done a better job resolving our nations problems..

              1. Molly and people like her or him won’t believe the truth even if they hear the liberals who set up the fair housing act say it and watch them while they say it. All they have to do is go to youtube and do the search. They won’t though, because a liberal cannot admit being wrong about anything.

            1. All the Democrats agreed that there were WMD’s in Iraq, they just forgot they agreed when none were found. If you hate Bush for that one lie, I can probably point out a couple whoppers your Messiah has told.

    1. Molly please, grab your neck and pull your head out of your butt. I realize most liberals couldn’t do this with both hands, but, please give it a try.

    2. Dude!

      Wake up!

      Let’s not forget, Hillary was just as much for national healthcare as Obama is way back in 2007, and even back when Bill Clinton was in office. Unlike Michelle O, Hillary’s “pet project” as First Lady was national healthcare.

      Remember this and wrap it around her neck and drown her in it in 2016!

      1. I predict in 2016 the republicans will be claiming the PPACA was their idea. Actually – it was.

            1. You really do want to see our children’s and grand children’s and great grand children’s futures go down in flames don’t you??? Long as you get what you want, the hell with posterity.

              1. All my life all I ever hear from the right is that the world is coming to an end. You are all terribly negative people.

        1. Their version actually lets you keep your doctor, and lets you keep your insurance plan because it does not twist the marketplace in such a way as to bankrupt the insurers…

          But it requires a personal responsibility that is lacking in the Democrat way.

            1. Except that it is driven by a health savings plan that is tax free, and allows everyone to save in it.

              Savings and planning, the mark of someone with personal responsibility . . .

        2. I predict that Hillary is going to be our next president because there are millions of people like you who think they are owed cradle to grave care just because they were lucky enough to be born before a liberal could cut them from their mothers womb.

          1. Oh, I own my own business and have worked since I was 16. I have collected exactly 2 UI checks my whole life. Never been on welfare once. I am 51.

            1. You expect honest working people to believe that ANYONE who owns their own business would actually support this guy????? You are either totally ignorant of economics or your business is somehow subsidized by the Almight Government.

              1. Or he is a fake business man told to say that by the liberals trolling payroll department. This woman is really a welfare rat and she is using her Obamaphone as I type to call for more talking points.

          2. This healthcare plan is not just Obama’s. The Dems have been planning this for a very long time.

            Think back to when Bill Clinton first got into office. Unlike Michelle Obama’s project called “Let’s Move”, Hillary’s “pet project” was national healthcare.

            Remember this and wrap it around her neck and drown her in it come 2016!

            1. I remember Hillary trying that very well, and she had a secret commitee set up to implement it. Thank god it was put off for another 8 years after Clinton left.

    3. Molly, you just played your whole deck. Go down to the store and swipe a whole new deck of Race Cards.

    4. Oh horse crap. He’s on the verge of destroying this country, and when your side gets cornered, you pull out the race card. Anything to deflect.

  3127. Up yours Oprah!! And, it’s not because you’re black. Who cares what the person’s color is, an idiot is an idiot.

    1. Remember to vote with your wallet and your feet, even if you don’t get around to the ballot box!

  3128. Perhaps the audience/financial problems with her OWN are at the root of her nonsensical analysis?

  3129. Opra is projecting. Those who see others as members of groups, rather than as individuals, think that everyone does the same.

    1. Oprah is not projecting.. she is showing us her soft underbelly.. This is who she is and always has been..

  3130. So here’s a hearsay story of Oprah on an airline flight years ago. In first class, Oprah demanded to be served not by the white flight attendant up front, but by a black flight attendant in coach. After some argument, the black flight attendant came forward and explained to Oprah that while she had seniority to work first class, she chose to work in coach so that she didn’t have to deal with arrogant, demanding jerks like her.

    1. Carson is way too intelligent and of good character to appeal to the race baiters. It is unfortunate but true.

  3131. Obama’s “treatment” is no different then the way Democrats treated George Bush or Republicans treated Bill Clinton.

  3132. has nothing to do with his f…king commie policies?????? why don’t all of you blacks get off the race card bul…sh..it!!!! lets count,,how many black are in america and how many whites are in america?/so ohpra, you stupid mathematician, with the disparity of whites to black voters.who the f…k do you think put him in office..the stupid.welfare blacks or the white people??? the whites did you stupid moron..get off the race card kick! it’s old and pathetic!! but you like the white mans money?? on ohpra,obama must be trevons martins father!

  3133. Are these the same Americans who voted the first African American into office?Please Oprah. We’re complaining about him because he has zero leadership and continues to blame his failures on the right.

  3134. No Oprah,
    That he is half black is an unfortunate coincidence.
    The problem with B. Hussein Obama is that he is an arrogant jackass, just like you.

  3135. Oh, shut up you morbidly obese compulsive overeater egomaniac. I vividly remember all the disrespect and contempt afforded George Bush.

  3136. If any other person acted like o bama, they would had been ran out of town before the gate opened. It was Hillary that brought many salient facts about this fraud to the public. He is the American night mare. And miss fatso, is doing her best to create hate and diversity.

  3137. Really Oprah?Nobody ever says it? What about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all of the MSNBC suckups. That’s all they talk about. How about that people don’t like him because he’s a Communist and a lousy president. He just complained on the radio that the government was very hard…so many laws and regulations. Okay, then…please, if it’s so hard, then go get a job at McDonalds.

  3138. Oprah – we hate Obama because of POLICY. Nothing more, nothing less. YOU May think this is about race, but the adults in the conversation (eg. not Liberals) know it’s about policy. What is it with you libs, anyway – are you just unable to be color blind, is that it?

  3139. The black billionairess with millions of white fans doesn’t believe this is the land of opportunity?

  3140. The sad thing today is there are so many women who are not black that still support Oprah financially in buying her products and etc that don’t care that she is calling anyone who disagrees with Obama as being a racist only because he is black.
    She falls in the same category as Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and many other known race baiters who carry’s racial hate against anyone who disagrees with them on anything.
    For all those who believes Oprah is not a racist, you are the problem of not opening your eyes to the truth as individuals such as her is why America is being divided by racism.

  3141. There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.

    Oprah shows herself to be nothing more than a thin skinned fool who sees nothing but the color of skin? Has she honestly just pulled up a deck chair next to the band on the Obamatanic?


    Welcome to the beginning of your slide to irrelevancy, Oprah.

  3142. Oprah is a has been that’s still trying to hold onto whatever she can. She is one of the biggest racists I have ever seen.

  3143. i luv it! oprah is perfectly right. that is also why she is grouped
    in the same clan as o’bammie. o’bammie should move next door
    to oppie in santa barbara, then the next voodoo spell cast will
    affect them both. as animal mother of “full metal jacket” fame
    quoted “all f_cking n_ggers must f_cking hang.” gotta luv
    stanley kubrick – a true american.

  3144. Louis Farrakhan , Black Panthers , Malcolm X , Al Sharpton , Oprah Winfrey , James Cone , Martin Luther King III , Cornel West , Alice Walker .

    All hell bent on a racial war , Social Justice , Anarchist , Religious wolves , lovers of self , lovers of hate.

  3145. No, it is because he is a stupid fraud and an actor that will say and do whatever he is directed to say and do.

  3146. Oprah’s next brilliant claim will be that all fat people are racist, and she may have a minor point, considering her considerable girth.

  3147. I’ll call an idiot an idiot NO matter his/her skin color, religion or hair style. Sorry Oprah your opinion and comments mean NOTHING to me and NOT because of your skin color but because you’re another leftist Hollywood flake blindly following and believing a liar and a con man

  3148. I disagree and dislike the white side of obama. He can’t help the black side, the side that seems to require an excuse for every mis-deed. Sorta like Oprah who is disliked by many including me for the way she bought audiences, gained her famed and fortune largely off the back of white people and now because she has lost her luster (not her weight) is blaming whites and others for all her misery’s. Oprah??? go strait to anywhere but here. in my minds eyes, your as bad a Jane Fonda.

  3149. “it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    Wrong! It’s the kind of thing his whole party has said since he got elected, as an excuse when the rest of us are disgusted by his POLICIES!

  3150. Exactly which presidents did she come out and openly support since she first aired on television. None of them except the “black” president.

  3151. It takes a racist to know a racist.
    Oprah definitely has a racist mentality. She sees it everywhere she looks.

  3152. I dislike the president because he is an arrogant, elitist, tone-deaf, ham-handed, power-crazed jerk. I don’t care if he’s purple and has green breath.

    1. I was thinking of something to say, Patrick, but you already said it! I might add “Amateur.”

  3153. He’s a socialist who’s ruining this country. That doesn’t bother us. We dislike him because he’s black. What a load of crap, Oprah. You know, for someone so business savvy and smart, you’re really STUPID.

  3154. Its the exact opposite of her statment. President Obama has received the largest free ride from criticism over the past 6 years from the main stream media BECAUSE of his ethnicity.

  3155. Right, because there was so much “respect for the office” on the left during his predecessor’s terms.

  3156. i’m sure there are some who lack respect for him because they think he’s black. but they are vastly out-numbered by the fools who respect him because they think he’s black- and for no other reason than that they think he’s back. .

    the truth is- trash is still trash regardless of whatever color it is. .

  3157. This is Obama as personnified by Obamacare:
    “If Obamacare were a person passing you on the sidewalk, he would pull out a gun, stick it to your forehead and scream at you to “Give me all your money or else!” The so-called “Affordable Care Act” is built on a foundation of coercion and theft. It is not a voluntary program. It does not ask for nor require your consent. It is a grotesque example of government abuses gone terribly wrong at the hands of a wildly deceptive, insidious administration that honors no law whatsoever.”

    People don’t like obama because he is a liar.
    People don’t like obama because he is a theif.
    People don’t like obama because he is a robber.
    People don’t like obama because he is a degenerate.
    People don’t like obama because he is a murderer.

    He steals from everyone, particularly the middle class and poor.
    He robs via government force.
    He supports various forms of degeneracy.
    He supports nearly all forms of abortion.
    And he lies about it all.

    He murders the truth, the constitution, and morality daily. And he hates America, and likely himself.

  3158. Oprah attended Obama’s church. She is a racist bigot and part of the reason we have this fraud in power. She left Trinity Church when she saw how radical it was & was worried about her career. Obama went there only to cultivate black acceptance. He is part white & Arab —maybe that’s the parts we hate. We don’t care about his skin color, JUST HIS POLICIES. Black LA radio host blows the lid off Obama’s true past http://www.scribd.com/doc/101893795/black-radio-host-exposed-obama-s-real-record Who sponsored Obama? Arab Marxists who wanted to recruit minorities to their side for future insertion that set up a program in 1979. http://www.dailyinterlake.com/opinion/columns/frank/article_7924e4f0-0468-11e2-8da2-0019bb2963f4.html?mode=story

    1. Obama’s “church” teaches collective salvation WHICH IS NOT CHRISTIAN
      DOCTRINE but Marxist Black Theology. The Commies had trouble removing
      God so they invented their own version with “social justice” &
      collective salvation as key points to help them justify stealing from
      some to give to their voters. Black Liberation Marxist Theology is what Obama listened to for 20 years. His former pastor said he made it comfortable for Obama not to denounce his Muslim faith. Obama told Egyptian Muslims “I am one of you” in perfect Arabic. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/05/jeremiah-wright-i-made-it-comfortable-for-obama-to-accept-christianity-without-having-to-renounce-islam/

  3159. ahhh the good ‘ol RACE CARD. to be pulled out and played frequently when you can’t win an argument or you don’t like the policies of someone who is of “color”. Too bad its not working anymore. Like the boy who cried wolf. those who cry racism with no basis for it will one day realize, it doesnt have any effect anymore.

  3160. Racism must be the reason Obama was elected twice, and the reason why he carried states such as Oregon and Iowa where the population is overwhelmingly white. Many people who were excited by the thought of the first African-American president. Now, those former Obama voters are feeling buyers remorse as their health insurance policies get cancelled, and they’re forced to pay more than they can afford for so-called benefits they don’t want or need. Maybe reverse racism explains why someone would stick with Obama no matter how many huge outrageous whoppers he tells, and no matter how many disasters he causes. Clearly, Oprah thinks that Obama should be judged by the color of his skin, not the content of his character.

  3161. This lady is a Jack as, the reason why people act like that toward Obama is because he policy are so bad for the country and the American people color has nothing to do with it I’m a person of color too and I don’t like what he’s doin…

  3162. (with apologies to Dr. Pepper)
    I’m a racist
    He’s a racist
    She’s a racist
    We’re all racists
    Wouldn’t you like to be a racist too?

  3163. We don’t like Obama because he is black. Yep, and we didn’t like Hitler because he had a moustache.

    1. Hey! Knock off the Hitler comments! He reminds me too much of . . .


      He cozied up to the bankers, and he cozied up to the big manufacturers, and he passed national healthcare.

      That’s not Obama, that’s Hitler.

      And when people registered for the healthcare, they required the doctors to ask what religion people were, “So we will know how to handle the body in the event you die.” (One reason so many who were gassed were located so quickly.)

      Today, Obama is using the same playbook. But unlike in Hitler’s day, Obama and crew are not asking about religion. No, they don’t care about that. The question of the 21st century they’re demanding your doctors ask you–and put in your medical file–is, “Do you own any guns? How many guns do you have in your house?”

      Same playbook, same eventual result if we don’t watch out.

      This time is not different.

  3164. I wouldn’t doubt that there is a very small percentage of people who are racist. However, the VAST majority of people resisting Obama are doing so on a policy basis. I am offended by these accusations and have come to the conclusion that most of the people who take the same position of Oprah are, themselves, contributing more to racial turbulence. If these ideas, feelings and attitudes dominate their thinking, it says more about them than who they accuse.

  3165. This is leftist tripe. Wait till HRC inherits the ObamaCare albatross: it will be all those Reptilian Republicans trying to put the blame on her cause she’s a woman. I could care less that he’s black. I’d vote for Col. West tomorrow. I don’t like him because he is a leftwing fool and his supporters are, in Stalin’s words, useful idiots.

    1. I’m with you on Col. West. Signed: a White Polish-American who voted for the other guy in the past 2 Presidential elections.

  3166. Obama got 95% of the black vote BECAUSE HE IS BLACK, I didn’t vote for him because he is a DEMOCRAT. YOU are the RACIST!

    1. Great point. It is statistically impossible for 95 % of any group to support a political candidate without “something” being in play. If it is the color of skin, by definition, that is racism!!!

  3167. You know in 3rd world countries being Hated also gets you in power of leadership. It’s called a Dictatorship. I mean , I know lots of Americans feel that we are living in a Dictatorship.

    Well Thanks Oprah for being honest and confirming what we knew. Even if your I.Q. is that of a snail.

  3168. I never watched the Oprah show. I HAD respect for this woman and her accomplishments in a predominately male oriented business. For her to utilize a blanket statement as the one she made in this video tells me she is (1). Losing her mind. (2.) Is so out of touch with America she should run for public office. (3.) She really believes what she said and is a dividing, racist person in her words and actions. With statements like this she no longer has any credibility. Anything she ever says, produces or creates from here out will be nothing more than a joke and a bad joke as well. I guess inhaling fumes from her billions has caused a loss of brain cells.

  3169. No Oprah it’s the lack of character we object to, not his skin color which is the old standby for the liberals when you disagree with them. It is old and tired now. They called racism so much that it’s lost it’s meaning, now it is just a nonsense word indicating dissent with the current regime. Oprah is washed out and looking for ratings.

  3170. Nobody says? Everybody is thinking it? Who is nobody and who is everybody? Just another uneducated millionaire who thinks she knows better than the guy sitting next to her.

  3171. What an ungrateful B*tch, and a liar too. If America was racist, she would not be a milliionaire. Her comments are EXTREMELY insulting.

  3172. Oprah, you are not God, nor do you know all. Stick to your interviews and do not speak for our nation. You are only causing problems that do not exist now.

  3173. So, the country wasn’t racist when it elected Obama–twice, but now it is racist that his approval rating is not higher. Do liberals like Oprah actually listen to themselves?

  3174. Speaking of RACIST? Didn’t YOU and Obowma go to Rev Wright’s RACIST church in Chicago to hear his RACIST preaching for years?

    Hey ORCA, many dislike the preezy because he’s been horrible economically and a liar on this Obowmacare fiasco. Everything economically Obowma touches has turned to sh!t with 50 million on food stamps, 9 million on disability, 90 million workers – a loss of 10 million under Obowma which is the lowest workforce in 75 years, 100 million people not working, record deficits at 1.3 trillion dollars per year, record 17.2 trillion dollar national debt, black youth unemployment at 53% –
    Is Obowma a RACIST?, healthcare premiums doubled, healthcare deductibles tripled, doctors leaving their practices…

    Hard to notice the disaster when you live in Monticedo in Santa Barbara, Cali.

    Hey ORCA, maybe, at some point you should just take a pain pill.

    1. “100 million people not working . . .”

      And yet to this, he wants to add 11 million more who came to the US illegally! (You forgot about that part.)

      1. I think it’s more like 40 million. I live in AZ and was in Calif. And it was far more than they claim.

      2. I think it’s more like 40 million. I live in AZ and was in Calif. And it was far more than they claim.

  3175. The word “racist” has for a long time been the
    single most effective fear-word in the leftist and
    neoconservative arsenal. For decades, they have
    successfully used it in the political arena to
    slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and
    leave opponents running for cover. In the social
    arena, they have caused even more damage by
    using it to brainwash impressionable children
    and young college students, and to teach people
    to hate their nation, their cultural traditions,
    and worst of all, themselves.
    What surprisingly remains almost totally
    undiscussed, even on the hard core
    traditionalist Right, is the word’s origin. Did it
    come from a liberal sociologist? A 60’s Marxist
    college professor? Perhaps a politician in the
    Democratic Party? No. It turns out that the
    word was invented by none other than one of
    the principal architects of the 74-year Soviet
    nightmare, the founder and first leader of the
    infamous Red Army, Leon Trotsky.

  3176. Racism… That’s why the man got elected twice.. 98% of blacks voted for him only because they think he is a black man.. little do they know that I as a common white man have more in common with the common black person then they do with Obama.

    1. Obama was not elected—he was inserted. Even his buddy Farrakhan said he was “selected before he was elected”. He did not win either election. Obama just cheated really well. The 150% turnout & 100% of the votes in many districts proves it. He only had to tamper with 4 states and 400K votes http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2012/11/12/the_400000_votes_that_tipped_the_election to appear to win and not make it close enough for a recount. http://obamavoterfraud.blogspot.com/

  3177. Does anyone ever wonder if obuttma & the pig above think about whether or not they could change the name of the White House to the “Black House”, because “White House” is racist?

  3178. That’s all they have. Throwing the racist card around to cover for an incompetent and uncaring pres. Being called “racist” because you disagree with his policies and politics should start to become a compliment. Shows you have a brain.

  3179. Well, let’s see.
    The guy who is elected to the most powerful job in the world is Obama.
    The most influential and richest woman in the world is Oprah.
    The top paid athletes are black.
    The top paid musicians are black.
    If there’s any place in the world where blacks are most successful, it’s the U.S.A.

  3180. She also said in the interview.

    ” told interviewer Will Gompertz that there needed to be some demographic pruning to stamp out racism more fully.”

    “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born
    and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they
    just have to die,” she said.”

    Sorry but Oprah sounds like a stonecold racist to me with these outrageous statements.

    I bet she even believes only whites can be racist.

    Though she herself became a billionaire and famous largely from white audiences.

  3181. That’s right, Opaw! 60% of the Country couldn’t possibly disapprove of B.O. simply because in 2008 you told us he was another Thurgood Marshall, but in 2013 we now know he’s really just another Al Shaprton! It has to be ‘cuz he’s Black! Gawd, this racist cow has no shame or conscience using the race card …

  3182. Liberals like Oprah believe that anyone who does not see things their way is racist; this is nothing new. Now that even other liberals are waking up to the incompetence of this administration, Oprah’s words ring hallow.

  3183. Oprah Winfrey is the racist. How dare she call millions of Americans racist because they want their Constitution followed and respected by the President who not only ignores it but is trying to shred it. We hate Obama because if his Communist ideology and because he is a traitor as defined in our Constitution. Oprah has been blessed more than any black in world history and should be thanking the United States and all the white people who accepted and supported her. No more, we now know her true colors and she has lost any and all respect. She is showing that she is nothing more than a liberal black woman with one heck of a chip on her shoulder and cannot stand whites. Oprah is the racist. Never again will I watch her or support her egotistic network which is nothing more than crap reruns. I hope it bankrupts her.

  3184. No ma’am, and speaking for myself, it’s not because he’s black, it’s because he is incompetent. It is painfully apparent that absolutely NO amount of PAID on the job training is going to work here. He will always be incompetent as a leader of government. Additionally, because of people like you who play the race card so fast and loose, our country is more racist than it has been in decades.

  3185. More race baiting. Wah wah wah. Race this, black that. Suck it. Nobody cares about what color you are.

  3186. Yeah, that’s it, you got it right…….It has NOTHING to do with him being a LIAR, does it? Keep pushing the race-button Honey, we know where you’re coming from…..

  3187. Oprah is a racist herself. Excusing incompetence because a President is black is racism of the worst kind.

  3188. And why did so many Americans disrespect GW Bush? Or Bill Clinton? Or Ronald Reagan? Presidents have to take a lot of flack; it’s part of the job. Only now did it become a racial issue.

  3189. so because obama is a liar and failure, no one can treat him with contempt because he is half black? too bad oprah is a RACIST.

  3190. Coming from a hard core racist woman. I DISRESPECT HUSSEIN BECAUSE HE IS AN ANTI-AMERICAN MARXIST DICTATOR WANNABE!! Give me Adam West, J.C. Watts, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas Alan, Keyes, Karl Malone, Lynn Swann, Armstrong Williams, 50 Cent, Alveda King, Star Parker, etc., etc., etc., over any of the lily-white Marxists (SanFranNan, Slick Willie, Dirty Harry, Uncle Joe, Mrs. Clinton, Algore, ad nauseum) you can come up with.

  3191. well I consider oprah to be a POS who uses her pulpit to make the country more pollitically correct and more socialist….

    obama is the worst president in the history of the USA

  3192. Ha! At least we know this obnoxious creature will die form radiation exposure….but then agin insects like this may survive….why is this vicious animal fanning the flames of hatred….People don’t respect Osabama because he is a charlatan and liar….Ps Obamacare failued BECAUSE it was meant to FAIL…..with the Nation facing the GREATEST HEALTH emergency since Aids…..FUKUSHIMA Radiation Exposure…Obummer has cut his Insurance buddies a free pass from having to payout medical cost…geez no wonder all those cancellations started in california…you think……and this bloated reptile spweing her hate with her cannibalized $38,000/- crocodile handbag When Black people live in ghettos in abject poverty ….what an awful monster………a REAL RACIST Fat PIG!

  3193. So oprah knows what everybody in america is thinking. She should start her own psychic show. When blacks cant cut the mustard out comes the race card never mind we elected him. In black jargn that means the presidency is now black only or you are a racist.

  3194. What’s the matter, Diva Oprah? Too much time pass since you dressed up like a bag lady with no make up and swaggered into the high end store demanding to look at a $38k purse? When the (evil white) clerk gently tried to show you something less expensive you couldn’t wait to find a camera and scream you’d been racially profiled. It seems you’ve been forgotten again and your ratings are plummeting so what better way to promote your latest racist movie, right? Only this time you’re attacking a whole nation. The very one that let you get too big for your britches. You are not my god and I couldn’t care less of your skewed opinions. But you should exercise some humility and grace instead of the “Do you know who I am?!” attitude so pervasive of your ilk.

  3195. Why surely, it can’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with the fact that 0bama’s policies are destroying freedom and economic prosperity for millions of Americans can it Oprah?!

    How can such a rich self-made woman be this freaking stupid?!

  3196. Oprah Oprah Oprah. It’s because he’s black that he remains in the WH and your constant defense of the President is due to color. Hopefully Americans are waking up and will realize that they should no longer be held hostage to the Lefts misuse of the R word.

  3197. We disrespect him because he’s a liar and has put our country in great peril. Oprah has been breathing in too much hairspray, billionaire idiot.

  3198. The Democrats answer every question with the Jack Nicholson line: “You Can’t Handle The Truth”. We have been corrupted-absolutely! We elected Democrats who would let us do every evil thing our heart imagines without restraint. Now they are doing every evil thing their heart imagines without restraint. Pray for mercy! Ask Jesus to forgive America. If you lose your coverage, your doctor, your insurance BLAME a democrat. Next time you go and vote…remember WHO did this to YOU.

  3199. Oprah, You are a great person to use the race card . White America has made you wealthy beyond belief yet you think lots of Americans are rosiest . Give me a break. Obama is half white, I guess the blacks hate the office of the president when we have an American Cracker in office.
    I hate Obama not because of his color, but because he could not lead a thirsty horse to water.
    I hate Obama because he is a Muslim.
    I hate Obama for what he has done to America ,trying to make America into a socialist State.
    Yea I hate Obama because he is Black and not white. That is what you Raciest want to hear isn’t it ?
    You are more Raciest than I am.
    In the last year I have had blacks set and eat at my table and sleep in our beds ,when My son brings these boys over.
    You need to go somewhere else to play your race card.

  3200. Geez don’t you people have any other excuse to use besides “racist”? How about many Americans dislike him because of his lack of (a) leadership skills; (b) no economic skills; (c) no diplomatic skills; (d) shows lack of interest in being POTUS other than the numerous benefits, i.e., vacations on taxpayer dime; golf outings with Tiger Wood; hobnobbing with Hollywood dregs. POTUS is not where someone should be getting on-the-job training. He/she should already have those skills. And no, being able to mislead/deceive is not the most important trait for being the POTUS. And I bet if Hillary gets in in 2016 we’ll all be labeled “women haters!”

  3201. I’d vote, as a white man, for Ben Carson or Allen West in a heartbeat. I detest Obama, not because of his race, but because he is a socialist who has little respect for the US Constitution, the separation of powers, or anyone with a different point of view (read conservative). Go ahead, Oprah. Call me a racist, you bigot!

      1. At least Allen West isn’t a self-righteous, communist pig, unlike what currently sits in the White House.

        1. Um, Allen West is very self righteous. He makes that clear every time he opens his mouth and something offensive comes out of it. The guy is an overgrown child.

          1. I’m sorry, but he definatley doesn’t have the “I’m black so gimmee, gimmee, gimmee for free” attitude.

          2. Just because you choose to take offense doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right. West certainly knows a lot more about leadership than Obama, and he doesn’t have a racial chip on his shoulder like Mr. Obama and his consorts.

      1. Yes it is sad when the race card is played rather than using the poor excuse of a President he is as the reason folks are not fond of him.. As a businessman the only color I care about is green and this President seems to be taking a great deal of it from me and my employees lately. Our HC costs have skyrocketed since the ACA was passed.
        I wish Liberals had the ability to substitute Bush in Obamas place and then have a go at it. We all know that the front page of every paper and news coverage would be about how poor a job he was doing were Bush trying to pull the stuff Obama is.
        I was watching the morning news yesterday while waiting for a family member at the doctors and the first mention of ACA was at 21 minutes after the hour. Really!
        I do not hate the black or white half of the man just what he represents and what he is doing to our country!

  3202. Oprah is disgusting. How do you explain that many Americans respect Dr. Ben Carson because he tells it like it is, is for freedom and liberty, and he is not a political hack like our president has been. She is whining all the while taking alms from her white followers. Hypocrite.

  3203. All that’s left are excuses and playing the race card. These comments by Winfrey just illustrates how much of an elitist she is. These same people that distrust this loser in the White House are the same people that made her rich and famous. Her fans should keep that mind when she peddles her next show or movie.

  3204. No – we disrespect obuttma because he’s a piece of lying, dembotard scum. He’s unworthy of any respect due a sitting president. Leave to another self-righteous pig to claim racism because her idol is an incompetent boob.

  3205. Sorry Oprah, but the color of his skin has nothing to do with the horrible job he is doing. Please enlighten me as to one of his accomplishmnents. Please don’t say killing Osama because he had nothing to do with that.

  3206. WE don’t like obambi because he is an azz! One thing I’ve learned in life is azzh*les come in all colors! His race has NOTHING to do with it, his incompetence does! He lies to us, exploits gays, blacks, Mexicans, single mothers all in the name of power!

  3207. No, Oprah, I dislike Obama because he is a liar and a socialist. It has nothing to do with his ethnicity nor his skin color. It is all about values and I do not share Obama’s values on a plethora of issues.

  3208. I didn’t like JFK or Jimmy Peanuts either. Does that make me, a white woman, racist against white people? Easy to play the race card than accept the truth that he lied about Obamacare. Oprah, if there are so many racists how come he got re-elected?

  3209. Are we talking about the same white racists who made her oversize behind wealthy and famous? Those same racists??
    As far as those Americans who are not racist but disrespect Obama its because they do not respect a lazy (golfing, vacattioning and partying when he should be working), lying (pick a subject, any subject) wannabe (who needs Congress? Obama decides which laws he’s going to enforce and how he’s going to do it) dictator. Nuf said there “O”?

    1. be careful what you wish for! Don’t think it would work for most men…..in fact, that would be up there with the ‘imagine Shrillary’ birth control method…

  3210. This is pure nonsense…….Mr. Obama is not doing well by most “We the People” that has nothing to do with race, color or creed. Miss Oprah should remove her head from her ass and stop using the race card. Again and again and again.

  3211. his only defense for being a horrible leader with zero experience and to lazy to learn to lead.what got him in is his only credential. it seems fitting that the one person to stand by him is the one to bring it up?

  3212. Wrong again Oprah. We hate you but it’s because you’re an idiot. You and Obama both are idiots who happen to be black. There’s a difference. Learn grammar before you speak.

  3213. First of all Oprah, Odumbo is just barely African American, his mammy was white and his father was more Arab than black. Most people disrespect him because he is an idiot that is trying his best to destroy everything good about the U.S. Wise up stupid.

    NEVER expect a democrat to tell the truth.

  3214. I’m sure she’s right and there is a .0001% group that dislikes him due to his skin color. The other 99.999% of us dislike him due to his incompetence, his dishonesty and the fact that his only allegiance is to a failed leftist agenda.

    Does that make that .0001% more or less “racist” than those who voted -for- him based only on his skin color rather than on any of his alleged “qualifications?”

    Personally, I’d swap him out for Col. Allen West or Thomas Sowell in a heartbeat!

    1. The Democrats separate blacks by political affiliation, so we can too. I know I personally can’t stand any black Democrat but would vote for a good black Republican president in an instant, like Herman Cain. He was the first political figure I’ve ever given money to.

      1. Indeed! My failure to include Herman Cain, whose common sense showed like a beacon in the wasteland -is inexcusable!

  3215. Oprah’s super ego is so LARGE that she is wiiling to furiously stir the pot of racism….rather than admit she spent MILLIONS, destroyed her reputation and America…

    all to elect a tyrant and unmitigated disaster POTUS, just because he was black!

      1. Oprah’s statement is extremely irresponsible!

        She is bitter…she would rather see the whole country go down the tubes rather than admit she voted for a POTUS solely based on the color of his skin….and she calls us the RACIST???

        Her gamble failed, Oprah’s empire has unraveled, revealing she is a 100% fraud, her show was a fraud, and she is really an un American commie!

        Rev Wright’s sermons were not only racist, but also anti American RANTS…they despise America and Americans!

  3216. Oprah loves pulling the race card out from the bottom of the deck when out of the country. Typical cowardice practiced by Leftists in entertainment-smiling while cashing big checks while home in America but quick to speak poorly of America when abroad to ingratiate themselves with that audience. Despicable.

  3217. America : The only place on the planet where being hated puts you in top positions of President and top 10 of the Richest and Influential women.

    Can I get same Hate here Please.

    1. And blacks are disadvantaged and can’t earn a living….except in the NBA, MLB, NFL, PGA tour, music industry, boxing, police force, firefighters, teachers, pastors, Hollywood actors, in plays on Broadway, singing, dancer, college professors…..ANYWHERE they apply themselves just as with all Americans.

      1. Now go them them all they did not earn it. Tell them they were put their because whites are haters.

  3218. Hey Oprah, you race baiting bigot , we are upset with Obama because he is an incompetent Chief Executive and a liar. Neither one of those has anything to do with race.

  3219. What did the Obama’s promise you in exchange for calling America racist? Obama can’t handle the fact that he’s incompetent, so he needs to play the race card. It doesn’t work anymore.

  3220. Meanwhile, silence on the high rate of black-on-white crime compared to the low white-on-black crime.

  3221. Elected 2 times as President….hows that for racist nation! Oprah biggest entertainer of last 20 yrs….hows that for racist nation!
    Oprah…your tripe is getting old.

    1. Very old indeed. Reminds me of the other accusations she made in Paris and in Zurich. One would expect a woman of her super wealth would at least learn some manners. Noblesse oblige, the meaning of which is obviously lost on her.

  3222. Heaven knows that this country has not be fair to Doprah. I mean, if she were in a truly fair country that didn’t hate blacks, she’d have 12 billion dollars instead of just 1 billion.

    You know, because we are all racists…..

  3223. No, we don’t disrespect him for the color of his skin, we disrespect him for his policies and the fact that he lies.

  3224. No Oprah, I don’t despise and hate Obozo because he is black. It is because he is a lying P0S that is destroying this country…..

    I hate YOU because you are black and a racist….

  3225. We don’t like Obama for perfectly sound reasons this woman claims to understand. We refuse to cook up a mess of eggs for our abuser, just like you Oprah.

  3226. Then why do so many whites like Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas? Just askin’, Doperah.

  3227. She playing the race card like all liberals do. The Kenyan is an imposter a LIAR and a Marxist. He is a very, very sick person! Let the impeachment begin!

  3228. She’s sadly mistaken…..In regards to people not liking him, it’s the ONLY reason that the MSM talks about. I can’t stand Tom Cruise, so I guess I hate white people too.

  3229. Look – the facts is you could list off a number of African-American Conservatives (i.e. Col. Allen West, Clarence Thomas, etc.) and the left has all kinds of nasty things to say about them. And if you ask them why they dislike them they will obviously say it’s because of their beliefs/ideology – not the color of their skin.

    This is also known as hypocrisy as you can’t have it both ways.

  3230. Disrespect? How about disapprove of his ideas, methods, and goals.

    That somehow makes us racist. Get off the stage fool!

  3231. Oprah, you are a racist tool. Most of us despise his white 1/2 just as much as whatever else he is because he’s a traitorous muslim liar. You already know his marriage is even a fake because you went to Wright’s church where homosexuals like obama could find unwanted women that would agree to marry them for financial security. Your empire is crashing because of WHO you are, too.

  3232. “it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”. oh come on now, that is just pure bs! more like they wont shut up about it.

    1. exactly! it is ALL anyone of those P0S ever talk about! From Doprah to ‘Thrills’ Matthews, every other word out of their mouth is ‘racist’…..

  3233. What a crock of CR@P
    Pull the race card you schmuck.
    They don’t disrespect him because he’s black, they hate him because he’s a socialist bent on destroying America.

  3234. So when the liberal policies and liberals in general begin to lose an arguement, or the policies begin to fail in spectacular fashion they fall back on their tried and true name calling “racist”. Why can the president not be liked because of his policies? Why must someone be “racist”. For all the liberal’s talk of equality and fairness, they can not except someone not liking their ideas and act like children and fling about worn out terms and call people “racist”. Oprah has made her self extremely irrelivant with her continued support of poor Liberal ideas and people. I feel sorry for someone who has no other good arguement for their ideas and the people they support other than people are “racist”.

  3235. Really can we drop the dicrimination charge.. the vast majority of people don’t like him because of his policies.. not his skin color.. Oprah Jackson Sharpton

  3236. People disrepect Oweblamer for many things but skin color is not one of them. People disrespect Obumbler because:
    1. He is incompetent
    2. He is inept
    3. He is a left wing socialist
    4. He is arrogant
    5. He is a pathological liar
    6. He is a divisive community agitator
    7. He is spending us into bankruptcy
    8. He is a terrible leader
    The real racists are the ones who call others racist when they dare criticize BO for concrete and factual reasons such as performance, words, actions, etc.
    I could care less if BO is black, white, pink or green. I do care however that this disgrace of a President has divided and is destroying this once great country.

  3237. So let me get this straight Oprah, all those white people in America that made you famous are now racists? You seriously expect us to fall at the feet of a President who has brought us closer to becoming a third world country than any before him and in the process has made race relations worse than they where before civil rights. No we are not racists, you are the racist Oprah, please just shut up.

    1. Perhaps Oprah could redeem herself by moving out of her estates in lily white neighborhoods and move to areas where she could share her wealth with those who are truly in need.

  3238. As long as you admit that people like disrespected Bush because he is white, ok. Otherwise, I’m just going to go with people disrespect Obama because he’s a clueless tool.

  3239. Well Oprah that was a racist remark you know – blame it on his being black really? what about performance – you would have fired him already if he was running your business

    1. I doubt it because I have observed that an affirmative action hire is extremely difficult to fire even if the employer can prove shoddy work.

  3240. Not necessarily true, but most blacks disrespected Mitt Romney and George Bush because they were white. What is her point?

  3241. Right. There is no other reason whatsoever for any person to detest BO. So any contempt for him MUST be based on skin color. Plain to see! Except there are millions of reasons to detest BO. So the premise is fatally flawed.
    BTW, If whites hate BO because he is black, did the blacks and other liberals hate GB because he was white? Or was there some other reason they called him a chimp and mocked him constantly? Were there some policies they hated, and that’s why they hated him? And if that is the case, why can’t they see that it goes the other way as well? BECAUSE LIBERALS ARE MORONS. LYING, DELUDED, MENTALLY ILL MORONS.

  3242. I told a co-worker I didn’t care for Obama Care and she said “What a racist thing to say”. It seems because Obama is black, anything that he conjures up that you disagree with is always labeled as you being a racist against him.
    In my humble opinion, I think he isn’t fit or qualified to be any type of president for any place on this earth. He’s a born liar and his skin color has nothing to do with it.

  3243. Many Americans Hate Obama for MANY reasons . Apparently, Oprah has more of an issue with him being black. Maybe she sees them both as victims of something? He is POTUS and She is one of the top 10 women of the planet. Wow victims have a weird way of showing it.

    Show me some Hate people. I am going places !

  3244. I have no respect for anyone who PROMOTES racism. Are you listening Oprah? Are you unable to comprehend the dozens of reasons why Americans oppose the policies of Obama. You cannot be that obtuse.

  3245. Sorry Oprah, the majority of Americans don’t like Obama’s policies. This has nothing to do with the color of his skin. In fact, most Americans follow the advice of Martin Luther King to not judge someone “by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Many Americans think that after lying to the American people over 36 times about OBAMACARE that they have a right to question Obama’s character just like they would do to a white man. It appears you think that there should be a different set of rules for Obama.

  3246. This lady has got to be the MOST stupid lady in the world regardless of how much money she has! NOBODY disrespect the president! People are criticizing him because he’s stupid, period! Look, when George Bush was president, we thought he was stupid because he can’t talk. Opera and her bunch lashed out at George Bush like no yesterday. But with this president, he can read and then talk, but really stupid! Stop playing the phucking race game. It’s over. This is 2013. Barrack won twice.

  3247. Obama supporters said that anyone who wanted to change/delay/defund Obamacare was a racist. Now Obama and the Dims all want to change it (temporarily) — so I guess they are all racists?

    1. Just temporarily racists, everyone knows they don’t really mean it, and when the mid term elections are over, and the Dems are safe, they can go back to being the champions of the oppressed.

  3248. I don’t think Obama’s heritage plays a role in his incompetence! He was elected because he supposedly is black…but let us not forget he is half white, too!

  3249. I don’t hate President Obama because he is of a Black Father and a White Mother, I don’t hate President Obama because he does not have the skills to be President. I don’t hate President Obama because he has raised our debt to 17 TRILLION. I don’t hate President Obama because his Administration is full of liars and cheats. I hate President Obama because he has destroyed this country and our alliance with our allies such as Israel. I hate Obama because he has allowed Attorney General Eric Holder to usurp the Constitution. I hate President Obama because he is a person who doesn’t have a clue about how to run a Country and continues to hurt the American People and our Sovereign Country. This man needs to be removed from office because he is a liar,not because he is Black.

  3250. I do get a charge out of this old wench’s profound ignorance. She has claimed that “millions” of blacks were lynched when the total after the Civil War was 3,446. What’s more, most of those blacks were lynched after committed serious crimes, such as murder or rape. Compare this to black-on-white crime rates today. It speaks volumes when post-American liberals have to make up stuff with which to indict Americans.

      1. Yes, that’s part of it. The rest of the equation is liberal narcissism. Liberalism began by placing the individual above God, called humanism. Then liberalism proceeded to place the individual above their culture and society, called cultural revolution. Now liberalism has placed the individual above reality itself, called postmodernism.

  3251. Who actually listens to this woman anymore? And if she’s such a supporter of Obamacare why isn’t she shilling for it? According to the press, it’s because Michelle didn’t want her anywhere near the White House after the first election. Thanks for your support, we no longer need you. Hey! That’s what they’re saying to all the people who voted for them now.

  3252. Oprah, most people don’t dislike obama because of the color of his skin, they dislike what he is about, they dislike his inability to be a good President. Millions of us that dislike obama, love you! In case you didn’t notice, you are black. Why the hell would we watch your show throughout the years if we hated black people and were prejudice? You make no sense, none at all. I have now come to the conclusion that you, Miss Oprah, are the prejudice one!! Where is your mind?!?!?!

  3253. oprah, he is not black. your rastist comments need to stop. millions voted for him and millions are black. they are also sorry they did. he is the worst president in American history. he lies, steals, murders and lies more. dispite his pigmentation, he is a dictating communist, muslim brotherhood. you Oprah Winfrey need to open your eyes & heart. do not forget wherevyou came from. he is evil and out to destroy our once free great country from the inside. His pigment has nothing to do with his actions & failures to our country. review,rewind & do your homework. then,,,,, apologize for Your Ignorance

  3254. What is the difference between the boRAT and a bag of manure?
    1. The collection, packaging, distribution and sales of the manure creates jobs.
    2. The manure actually stimulates growth.
    3. The empty bag can serve other useful purposes.
    4. Everyone knows the point of origin for the manure.
    What is 13 inches long and hangs in front of an a$$?
    The boRATs tie.

  3255. Poll shows that 75 percent of blacks still think obama is doing a good job. Either they are racist or stupid.

    1. He’s a Sunni muslim, and a muslim brotherhood terrorist who hates our country and hates Christians. Maybe a house from KS will fall on his head.

    2. He’s a Sunni muslim, and a muslim brotherhood terrorist who hates our country and hates Christians. Maybe a house from KS will fall on his head. Oprah, you are partly responsible for selling this maniac to the public, too. Guess Moochelle hates you so how’s that payback for ya?

    1. ROFL “it’s bush’s fault” 5 yrs later !!!
      Bush wrote “o”care before he left office. ???
      Please just take responsability for your mistakes DEMS .

      1. Clinton presidency was treated with disrespect, like the Bush presidency? I don’t recall the level of vile hate, assassination movies of a president that looked just like Willie not to mention head on a steak that looked exactly like Willie’s as well – just sayin,.

  3256. First of all I hate no one. God prohibits hate.

    We don’t trust Obama because he hates our Country and is trying to destroy it.

    Shut your pie hole Winfrey.

    1. Actually we’re supposed to hate evil and he is. We’re not supposed to condemn because only God can do that, but we are to judge a person by their fruit. His is poisonous. and very dangerous.

      1. The sad thing is, that almost every Democrat in D.C. is evil. If God doesn’t judge us, he will have to apologize to Soddom and Gomorrah.

  3257. i friggin hate this woman, not because of her skin color but everything that come out from her mouth is completely trash. we cant respect someone who dont show respect to themselves and mostly to others.

    RESPECT NEEDS TO BE EARNED! send this woman back to school..have her learn a few skills perhaps

  3258. Oprah…you are dummer than a day old duck !! I don’t like his white half either.
    oblahblah is a poor excuse for president, and you voted for him because he is 1/2 black so therefore, Oprah, you are the predujice one.

  3259. Obama’s 2008 campaign was an example of something that seemed too good to be true, which it was, which is why I didn’t support him then or now. He’s just another phony, another two-faced liar, another power-hungry control freak, and just another puppet of the money powers that dominate our elections.

  3260. “and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” Oprah

    “and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but liberal race baiters like myself are thinking it.”
    There, we fixed it for you, Ms. Winfey.

  3261. The fact that 92% of Black Americans voted for Mr. Obama would indicate that this “racism” of which you speak is a two-sided coin, Oprah.

    And no, not “everyone” is “thinking it,” either. You are. You jumped in bed with this fraud when you hosted him at your spacious Santa Barbara retreat years ago and feted him as some sort of national savior. Now that he’s proven to be a fool in a great suit, you look, like most liberals whose policies fail, for a scapegoat. In this case, you blame “the rest of America” for “disrespecting the office.”

    Mr. Obama’s policies have led to an unemployment rate among Black Americans that is typically double that of “the rest of the country.” Yet this demographic blindly supports him. I doubt this support is based on the “content of his character.”

    1. “…fool in a great suit…”

      The prescient and all-knowing Clint Eastwood had his number from jump street, but not enough people were paying attention to “Dirty Harry” to make a difference.

      An empty chair for an empty suit.

    2. 93% of African Americans in Virginia just voted to elect Terry McAuliffe governor of that state. The same percentages of A-As have voted for Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Bill deBlasio and countless other white politicians, some of whom have no black friends. Blacks vote for Democrats because our interests are held in contempt by the Republican party. As for the unemployment rate, the high black employment rate is a permanent feature of American life since Emancipation, and is itself a marker of white hostility. Anyway, Obama’s economic record has nothing to do with Obama, since he inheited a severe recession from the Republicans, and they have blocked his proposals for economic recovery.

      1. Reagan had similar troubles but he managed to reach across the aisle and work with those on the opposing team for the greater good of America.

        Why is it that this guy has such a hard time doing the same?

        Oh, I don’t know . . . could it be that it’s because while refusing to negotiate with fellow Americans across the aisle he got on an airplane and went to negotiate with America’s sworn enemies who support terrorism (Iran), while angering two of America’s staunchest allies (Israel and Saudi Arabia)?

        Or is it because in supporting the Syrian Al Qaeda rebels, he got an American Ambassador killed? Imagine that! America’s president shipping weapons and support to the same group who fired missiles called airplanes into American buildings in New York and Washington, DC and killing over 3,000 people on US soil.

        Where I come from, that’s called providing aid and comfort to America’s enemies. It’s a direct act of treason against the United States. And the thing is, if we are still at war in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, then it’s during wartime. Penalty for treason during wartime? Google it if you don’t know, you’ll likely be surprised.

        1. Democrats are easier to reach across the aisle to than Republicans. Reagan had a particularly easy time because the Democrat Speaker of the House was a fellow Irishman, as was the most important Democrat in the Senate at that time (Teddy Kennedy). Obama is facing racists who will never help him succeed, even if they have to ruin the country to screw him. As for supportiung the Syrian opposition, that is the consensus position of all parties in the Congress, led by John McCain. Obama is merely joining the crowd. And Obama did not get the Ambassador to Libya killed. That was the failure of the security chief for the consulate in Benghazi, who ultimately reported to Hillary’s appointees.Finally, Obama’s position on Iran is supported by the Israeli Labor Party and by progressive opinion in Israel, as well. as by a majority of the American Jewish community. If the worse comes to pass and Iran gains a nuclear weapon, the prospect of war in the Middle East will recede because all sides will be armed with WMD. That makes war impossible, as we have seen in US-Europe vs. Soviet Union, China vs Soviet Union, and India vs Pakistan.

      2. Obama’s economic record has nothing to do with Obama. The story of his presidency. Obama’s healthcare plan has nothing to do with Obamacare. Obama’s foreign policy record has nothing to do with Obama’s foreign policy. So what has he been doing for 5 years??? wah wah wah.

      3. He inherited a Democrat-engineered, Dodd-Frank mess, a Democrat-created housing bubble and totally unnecessary collapse, and a huge deficit thanks to Republican spending.

        So what did he do with it? He made it worse in every way possible.

        barack owns this economy. It’s got his name all over it.

      4. Continuing to play the victim/race card is a permanent feature of the Democrat party. Blaming the Republicans for an “inherited recession” is nothing more than scapegoating to cover one’s own policy failures. Your talking points appear to be culled directly from the Black Studies classes at either San Diego State University or Morehouse College. Either way, they foment the soft bigotry of lowered expectations and they are truly sad.

        The fact that you indicate that Republicans hold your “interests” in contempt leads me to believe that you are either 1) a fool an a pawn, or 2) severely misinformed. Do you value human life? Do you prefer more government control over your liberties? Perhaps you prefer to pay more taxes and take home less money? Are you in favor of the government mandating that you purchase certain goods or services and penalizing you when you don’t? Do you prefer the engine of small business be throttled by onerus taxes that curtail growth, innovation and entrepreneurship? Do you believe America and the American ideal to be “ordinary?”

        If you answered “yes” to any of these, then you simply don’t understand the fundamental bedrock upon which this great nation was established, and I have no use for you or your opinion–regardless of your color.

  3262. Question? So why did Americans vote for the black man with no criminal record , had a too clean history , raised a muslim , smoked dope , has commie friends , terrorist friend , racist preacher and a questionable birth record?

  3263. So what! I see nothing but hate from useless non-working black people towards the whites who work and have to pay their way! SO WHAT! It is obama and oprah who are the real racists!

    1. Twist those in the wind that have their hands out for the freebies and are unwilling to work for their living.

      Rearrange your life so you can earn your living from anywhere, then get on a plane and go to some nice place with lots of palm trees and great internet and remove yourself (and your dollars) from the system.

      If you stay gone long enough (330 full days or more) you even become exempt from Obamacare . . . both the requirement to buy it and the penalties . . . according to the IRS.


      See questions 12 & 13 in the IRS FAQ about it at the link above.

      Plus you get to keep up to $97,000 of your earned income without paying taxes as long as you file your return to claim the exemption.

  3264. I would argue that more people love him JUST BECAUSE he is black than hate him JUST BECAUSE he is black. Why can’t people just accept that he is a terrible president? He is poor leader and has pissed all over the constitution with an almost blatant contempt for the law of the land. I think more people, especially guilty white liberals and many African Americans are afraid to criticize him JUST BECAUSE he is black.

    1. Who cares what “o” thinks ???Who cares what color he is, he is an anti American in the most powerful job in the country. GOD help us

    2. What most concerns me is that he has replaced many of the great military leaders of this nation.

      It has been said that those he replaced are unwilling to fire upon the American people in the event of a national “crisis”, but it’s just a rumor at this point.

      If they are gone, it makes it kind of hard for the US Military to do what the Egyptian military did to their president when he cr**ped all over their constitution . . .

  3265. I do not like the president’s politics or policies, just like Pelosi, Reid, Biden, stc. Race has nothing to do with my lack of affection for any Progressive.
    And I certainly do not like Oprah playing the race card any more than I like it when any of the Progressives play it no mater their race.

    1. People like her are the “problem”. Call it like it is — he is a lier and a crook, he needs to be impeached no matter what race he is!!!

  3266. I’m sure a minority disrespect the President because of his skin color, yet more disrespect him because he is a liar, and incompetent. How about the racism involved when Americans of African descent vote for Obama simply because he is black. I’m sure there was plenty of racism directed at white Presidents by the black community. Ms. Winfrey needs to get off her soapbox and stfu.

  3267. You Stupid Fat Cow…

    RICH PEOPLE DON’T NEED HEALTH INSURANCE… They can pay for ANY SERVICE they want. Even if Obuthole completely kills American medical profession, the rich will simply travel to get the service they need!

    So now Mr. Average American, ask yourself… Just why are the WEALTHY, LIBERAL, ELITE, pushing this?

    It sure as heII isn’t because they are concerned about you!

  3268. Yes, his policies and actions have nothing to do with it. Well said. Of course, what do you call someone who makes every subject known to God or man about race? Is there a word for that? And to whom should it be applied?

  3269. Whew! What a relief! I was starting to believe that Americans disliked him because of his Socialistic/Fascist policies!

  3270. we dislike obama (and you too, oprah) not because of race, but because of all the lying bullchit that comes out of his mouth. stop being such a kunta kinte!

  3271. I’m really sick of these sycophantic, clueless, celebutards pulling the race card- The incompetent socialist got elected- TWICE! Don’t go away mad, Oprah, just go away.

  3272. No, it’s his policies, you attention whore.

    I am sick and tired of being called a racist just because i do not believe in the mans stupid liberal policies and his attempts to trash our nation.

  3273. Thats pure BS## I mistakenly voted for him the first time, (really a vote against Bush) I bought into his smoke and mirror hope and change and Chicago style politics emerged. I didn’t vote for him the 2nd time. It had nothing to do with color, it has to do with performance and the corruption and trespassing on constitutional rights. Allan Keys would have been a better option the “O”;

  3274. Hey Oprah, it is not about the President’s race. It’s about his record.

    Not one Wall Street executive has been prosecuted for fraud and we have been printing $85 Billion dollars a month in a back door bail out for them. Over 1,000 banking elite were convicted after the SnL crisis and that only cost us a little over $120 billion.

    This President’s foreign policy is the worst in history.

    He has not told the truth about:
    The AP scandal
    The IRS scandal
    The ACA

    He stubbornly put forth his agenda which is now going down in flames when in reality he should have focused on our economy which is still dangerously unemployed and leveraged.

    It’s not about race it’s about his actions…I bet you wish you had backed Hillary instead….

  3275. Since Obama is just as much white as he is black, we dislike him because he’s a flaming white liberal.

  3276. Shut up Orca Winfrey. Obama would have been impeached by now if he WASN”T black. He gets a pass on everything you racist b itch. Funny how your a tom until you make your billion being phoney!

  3277. It’s because he’s an odious, somewhat human being. What’s so hard about that? Regressives just can’t assign blame correctly if it would save their lives.

  3278. Ah yes – all those racists that supported Oprah into a billionaire and elected Obama president.

    I wonder Oprah – how do you classify blacks that support you or Obama (without even knowing any of his policies) ONLY because of skin color?

  3279. No, Orca’s got it exactly backward. Owebama is the reason so many people disrespect African-Americans.

  3280. what that he is a half white, affirmative action, unpatriotic, irresponsible, chicago thug failure.

  3281. No oprah, I dislike obama for the same reasons I dislike you. You are bankrupt of ideas, you do not speak the truth to the black community, thereby perpetuating the poverty and problems, and you are just not that smart. Ben Carson for President!

  3282. no, actually oprah-idiot, we WE HATE HIM BECAUSE HE A COMMUNIST ANTI-AMERICAN PIECE-OF-SH*T!!!! Just like you are oprah-idiot!!!!

  3283. And we had similar contempt for Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis, Walter Mondale, Bill and Hillary Clinton, AlGore, John Edwards…because what..they were “African Americans” and we have substantial admiration for Dr. Ben Carson, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, et al..because they are “White.”? Ohh please Oprah…the billionaire queen of mushy white women…shove the race card you know where. Barry has our contempt because he is a incompetent, lying, narcissistic, small, lazy, egotistical fraud with a massive racial chip on his shoulder and a radical leftist ideology that is literally destroying the country…..

  3284. Hey Oprah…..Americans do not like Dictators that shred our Constitution. How can YOU, of ALL people, call our country racist? Who do you think made you a millionaire, if not a billionare? We don’t take kindly to being insulted by a big fat Liar. We Want Our Money Back!!

  3285. Do you really believe that Oprah??? Or is that what “they” told you to say. Folks, they are in panic mode. Proverbs 26:6 Like cutting off one’s feet or drinking violence is the sending of a message by the hand of a fool.

  3286. Sadly oprah is gojng down the road of the Race Card, first the movie she is pushing is a lie.
    Now on her comments, First Obama is not really a true African-American as per what our history has recognized that label as. , Which I think is ridiculous becasue if you are Born of legal citizens of this Nation you are an American not an hyphonated American no matter the color or religion! but anyhow, he has no ancetory to the saves, but he dooes has ancestory to the slave owner!
    But back to this, Respect is earned, This President has not shown respoect to our Naton, so why would the nation show respect to him. but on a note she gives no example of straight out disreespect, but yet her party the libs showed Pres. Bush out right disrespect!!
    No wonder her show went down!
    Also if someone disagrees with your poloicies it is not dsirepectful nor racist! playing the Race card is though both Racist and disrespectful
    By the way is ot not more disrepectful to have African Americans unemplyment at 15% and hispanics at 13% I feel more that he libs are racist for that.

  3287. Now, now Ms. Winfrey. I dislike Biden, Pelosi, and Clinton just as much as I dislike Obama. Now let me get back to removing OWN from my channel lineup.

    1. You must be a Racist because you dislike more Whites than Blacks. Ya need to balance it with the correct percentage of Blacks. 😉

  3288. That is like saying that no one watches your TV Channel because you are black. Actually, your OWN channel sucks. So does Obama

  3289. Ms Winfrey really needs to read #4 on this list:

    6 Signs That You’re A Liberal Who Is Out Of Touch With Reality:

    The first step to a cure is recognizing that you have a disease.
    You’ll need a diagnosis before you can get a prescription.
    If you’re a liberal who is out of touch with reality, we really
    can’t do much to help you until you are at least willing to admit it. If you’re
    exhibiting any one of these 6 symptoms, then you can safely diagnose yourself
    as an out-of-touch liberal and seek treatment immediately.

    1. You think that George W. Bush caused the recent recession
    You’ve probably heard the narrative promoted by the wigglejaws
    on MSNBC: George W. Bush
    caused that terrible recession that we just experienced!
    What, pray tell, did George W. Bush do to cause that recession?
    His signature economic legislation, including the Bush tax cuts, was passed in
    2001. More tax cuts were passed in 2003. How did either of these laws cause a
    recession which began in 2007?
    The fact is this: a bunch of banks made stupid real estate
    loans. The real estate market crashed, and everything went sour. George W. Bush
    had nothing to do with it.

    2. You get your news from Jon Stewart
    Jon Stewart is a funny guy. That’s the problem if you get your
    news from him. He’s a funny guy. He’s not a news anchor. He pretends to be one,
    of course, but that’s part of the act.
    Maybe you should consider getting your news from a news source
    instead of a comedian.

    3. You watch MSNBC
    Maybe we should clarify the point that we just made above. If
    you give up watching Jon Stewart and switch to MSNBC, you’re basically just
    watching a 24-hour version of Jon Stewart without the comedy.
    Watch a legitimate
    news source.

    4. You’re still concerned about institutional racism
    A black man is in the White House and Oprah Winfrey is a
    billionaire. Really, what are you worried about?

    5. You think that raising taxes improves the economy

    Some liberals sputter the following nonsense: “Bill Clinton
    raised taxes back in the 1990′s and look how good the economy was back then!”
    It is true that Bill Clinton raised marginal tax rates, he was
    also a tax cutter. In fact, Bill Clinton cut taxes on the rich by eliminating
    the Luxury Tax. Bill Clinton cut the capital gains tax. Bill Clinton
    implemented welfare reform.
    There are several reasons that the economy was great back in the
    1990′s. Raising taxes wasn’t one of them.

    6. You’re surprised that regulations on insurance companies are
    causing them to raise their premiums
    If you’re an out-of-touch liberal, you probably think it’s
    pretty cool that ObamaCare mandates that insurance companies are required to
    cover “children” up to 26 years old.
    It may surprise you to learn, however, that the additional
    coverage is actually going to cost insurance companies money. And how will they
    raise that money? They’ll raise premiums, of course.

    Really. You didn’t see this coming?

  3290. There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs because he is either the most incompetent President we have ever had or a liar!
    That last press conference should have proved that!

  3291. Speaking for myself it’s because he’s an arrogant incompetent jackass or is that considered code language for racism.

  3292. lot’s of white people came to the US and Australia against their wills too. They called them different things conscripted or bond servants ect but they were slaves

  3293. Sorry Oprah but you got it all wrong, we disrespect him because he’s a moron and a lier. PS he’s half black anyway – enough with the race BS anyway.

  3294. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs.”

    – Bush knows this all too well.

    “And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.”

    – Just as in some, maybe even many cases, white people are disrespected by black people due to the color of their skin. It is what it is. She seems to be pretending that non-black people have a monopoly on bigotry.

    “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Ironically, it’s black-on-white violence and disrespect that is the elephant in the room nobody dare speak to, while any and all opposition to Obama’s half-baked collectivist schemes has been derided consistently, casually, and maliciously, as racism.

    1. Ever since we have tried to bring the Black people into the main stream of America we have been called racist. America has given them everything they need to make a living in this country and by God,they still call us racist.

  3295. Read what she also said:
    Oprah told the BBC: “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die”.
    What in the world? This is not talk from a Christian woman, this in not talk from a good-hearted person, this is not talk from a great personality. This sounds like verses from a rapper!
    Oprah needs to be totally BOYCOTTED! ingrate!
    Enough with these rants about race, nobody cares about your race lady!
    And she goes ABROAD to trash the US & its people, the same US and non-blacks that elected President Obama!

    1. “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die”.

      This discribes 90% of the African American culture regardless of age…

      1. Yeah, how about the reverse racism? There are examples…
        Respect cannot be bought it must be earned. Same thing goes to Oprah, goes to the President and to everyone.
        Oprah is in fact the one trying to buy respect with “FREE” gifts she used to give her audience. Yeah, buying votes & respect for the future President…
        She raised the race issue in Switzerland just recently, about a $38,000 crocodile handbag. Over there they care to match a customer with the right purse, and that’s why she jumped on the race card because she’s ignorant of the local business culture.
        The ironic part is that Tina Turner just gave up her US citizenship in exchange for the Swiss one. At least no anti-US remarks from Tina.

    2. We will have this Racist Stone Around our necks as long as there are Black Racist’s such as OPRAH, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus and the Old Racist People who will wallow in the trough of racism.

      1. True. Oprah is not a race monger politician, right? She shouldn’t go so low, right?
        That’s why she needs to be boycotted so she can join the politics and politicians.

    3. I think that some of the blacks were brainwashed into thinking that we are all racist. What else could it be? I have never been prejudiced against anyone’s skin color.

      1. It’s a shame that such remarks about racism come from Oprah the billionaire. Why can’t she be more diplomatic? Why can’t she be more realistic? Why can’t she be more truthful?
        She needs a le$$on and that’s why she needs to be BOYCOTTED
        Enough spitting on the American people and making a joke of us!

  3296. How absolutely tragic that one of the richest women in America can play the race card to pimp a movie.

  3297. Only a poor president would have to hide behind the curtain of “racism” ….

    What they are effectively saying is “You can’t criticize his poor performance, he’s black ….. “, as though that explains poor performance.

  3298. If Oprah TRULY cared about her race, she would be leading a campaign to address the disproportionately high numbers of Planned Parenthood (abortion) clinics located within this country’s inner cities. The president should be doing the same, but he grants Planned Parenthood money to promote obamacare. Why are Oprah and Obama behaving this way?

    1. He thanked them for doing an outstanding community service, even though, Margret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a Xenophobe who wanted to erradicate the black race. Go figure.

      1. Not to go off topic, but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also has financial ties to Planned Parenthood. What is it with these democrat billionaires who claim to be advocates for the poor and minorities? And they also support Obama.

        1. They do it so the liberal press and Hollywood will love them, they could care less about poor children and minorities, they want the adulation of their peers. If they truly loved children, they wouldn’t support the wholesale slaughter of the unborn.

          1. So the elite liberals claim racism in the United States but do nothing substantial for the minorities’ well-being in this country, And throwing their money here and there at the problems which poor, inner city children experience will not solve the deep underlying issues, but the elite liberals look benevolent on camera.

            1. The elite liberals mostly throw other peoples money at the problem annamaria. I’d say that when Bill and Melinda Gates didn’t have billions of dollars, that they probably didn’t give a cent to any of these poor children or minorities. The only reason they do it now is because they know a couple hundred million thrown here and there won’t even scratch their bank account, and they will be the toast of Hollywood and D.C.

              1. And if you research the Gates Foundation causes, they are for population control. You have to look deeply though, because on the surface the foundation looks okay (but remember, they do support Planned Parenthood). I think Mrs. Gates is the true liberal and driving force behind most of it…just a feeling. Bill looks like the easily influenced, nerdy husband…lol. But that is no excuse, either!

  3299. Using CNNs standards, President Obama is actually a ‘white’ Black American …so I don’t think the race card is appropriate to pull with him ever.

  3300. I do not like Barak because
    he is a liar. Plain and simple. The two biggest lies that I have heard
    in my life time have come out from the mouths of Fidel Castro and Barak
    Obama. Nothing to do with skin color. They are both scamming liars.


  3301. Oprah is a master race baiter and an over the hill, out of touch shill , she wasn’t talking this crap when she needed to appeal to those ‘white’ suburban soccer moms for her ratings on her way to to the top.

  3302. Ah the race card, it never gets old.

    Oprah, people don’t criticize Obama because he’s African American, they criticize him because they don’t trust him, and because his policies have failed. Name one that’s worked?

  3303. “…. it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” What a piece of work this bimbo is. Everyone on the left IS saying it all the time, trying to hide his incompetence and stupidity by playing the race card. Never vetted he should never have gotten the nomination by his party much less have gotten elected. It will take years (if ever) to clean up the mess he and his Fabian socialist friends have created. Many qualified Blacks to run America and they chose him. Pathetic.

  3304. Or it could be he is a traitor to the Constitution. A radical Socialist that is enacting the Cloward Pivins plan. A complete incompitent that places even more incompitent people in his cabinet. That’s just for starters………

  3305. Ah yes. Again, we have the great defender of righteousness, Oprah Winfrey, chanting the old and tired mantra, “because he’s black…” to impugn a majority of real Americans’ low opinion of the the anti-American Obozo. But, is Oprah really correct in assuming it is simply because he’s black? Is the fact that the alien Obozo is incompetent, inexperienced, inept, a liar without peer, a destroyer of America the Beautiful, a Marxist, a wild-eyed Jeremiah Wright trainee, and a host of other godless characteristics all to be blamed on his blackness? If this is true, where does this leave Oprah who also appears to be black? What about all that “conduct of character” stuff somebody hollered about a long time ago?

  3306. No Oprah, I disrespect him because he is a Blithering Idiot. Bless his heart. Your Race Card is getting worn and faded. It’s time to play something different from the deck, like maybe the Keep Your Mouth Shut card. How’s that network going?

  3307. I sincerely hope the people who may be listening to her drivel in foreign countries will know that blacks make up approx 14% of the US population, and Oblamer got elected twice. She’s got a lot of nerve trash-talking the people that supported her rise to money and fame. She’s an ungrateful windbag that can expatriate to Africa if she hates us so much. I’m sure Oblamers grandma will let her stay at her hut, and she can tell Oprah all about his birth…it’ll be sweet. In the meantime, when the majority elect and support the minority, the minority cannot claim the majority hates them for being a minority. It just doesn’t work like that anymore…

  3308. I do not like Barak because he is a liar. Plain and simple. The two biggest lies that I have heard in my life time have come out from the mouths of Fidel Castro and Barak Obama. Nothing to do with skin color. They are both scamming liars.

  3309. Then she, with those words, prove that she is a racist.

    I loathe our president because of his perpetual lies, egotism, and the great harm, perhaps unchangeable now, that he has done to our country. I don’t care what color or ethnic heritage he has.

  3310. Oprah is correct to a point, BUT…I will offer an additional assessment.

    Many MORE Americans are displeased with the policies and the actions of President Obama, his Administration and the Democratic Party. What Oprah and other Obama supporters will not address are the many problems within the Administration, preferring to rely on the false claim of racism for every charge against the president. While this may make these Limousine Liberals quite pleased..the truly needy are suffering due to failed policies ever since Obama became our president. Is this “racism”…..probably is….IF you look up the definition in Oprah’s dictionary. ajbruno14 gmail

  3311. I disrespect Obama because he’s a Democrat. If he were a conservative, like about a million blacks actually are in America, I would have nothing but respect for him.

  3312. Many African American disrespect America , it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.

    1. Exactly, it’s so insulting when they call discontent of Obama with the Race Card. As if people don’t think deeper than that. Give me Colin Powell, Condi
      Rice and the like and I’m fine…and so are many, they need to stop that race card business it’s divisive

  3313. I don’t care if Obozo is black, white, yellow, purple, pink or green. I take issue with him because his policies are destroying this country from within.

  3314. The “Emporer” said yesterday that “I’m not a perfect man and I’m not a perfect President”.. At last, a campaign promise that he kept!

  3315. People hate him because he is a pathological liar. Period. He did not delivered on anything he said in 2008.

  3316. The Rev. ML King said he longed for the day when a man would be judged by the quality of his character not the color of his skin. President Obama said he wanted to be the a post-partisan, post racial president. Can we not accept the words of two black leaders and recognize that opposition to President Obama may be based upon his repeated lies and demonstrably failed policies?

  3317. Oppositon stems from Obama and the money behind him being anti-Ameican as he continues to willfully ignored the Constitution circumvent Congress and tells the private sector working and taxpaying citizens stuff it if you don’t like it. If that is not abuse of power and complete failure to honor the office and the sworn oath he took then what is? I say Dr. Ben Carson would be an excellent choice for president — he is extremely smart and he has a record of loving this country and respecting life and liberty. His life’s work is a testimony to hard work in a country where opportunity is there for those who use their God given talents which he did while not expecting– let alone demanding — any special treatment.

  3318. I despise those that use the race card as a pathetic attempt to excuse away any critique of this President’s ineptitude.

  3319. Have no respect for a lying Communist/Marxist/Progressive. Obama could be Orange with yellow polkadots, I don’t care. It’s not his color it’s his politics!

  3320. Hey Oprah, get real! It’s NOT the color of his skin, it’s that he is too thin skinned.
    He has no character, and is a liar.

  3321. If her statements were true, she would not be a billionaire because of her white audience. What an ungrateful, pot stirring, Liar she is!

  3322. I hereby ban the letter O from America – Obama, Oprah, Osama – they are all a pox on our country (or at least one WAS but the other two still ARE)

  3323. What is the difference between the boRAT and a bag of manure?
    1. The collection, packaging, distribution and sales of the manure creates jobs.
    2. The manure actually stimulates growth.
    3. The empty bag can serve other useful purposes.
    4. Everyone knows the point of origin for the manure.

  3324. The Bible is full of scriptures on topic of slavery. Slavery existed then as well. It is/was not just a black history. The Black Racists hold to the Bible and try to link all the passages to their history. But, fail to preach that all slaves should humble themselves and come closer to God. Instead they use it as a way to stir up hate. Hate brings Anger and Anger bring Murder. To hate your brother (Any Color) is murder.

  3325. Actually I despise Obama and his Dem progressives in the Congress and in the media, because they are lying un-American socialists who want to transform America into Cuba or France thus undermining our heritage, history and values. Plus the fact that they hate capitalism and liberty. Other than that Opie, I love the rat.

  3326. FYI – the president is more white than black…but that does not matter. The reason he is disrespected is for his incompetence…the same reason many Americans disrespected George W. Bush.

  3327. It’s something that nobody says? Yeah, no one’s heard *that* accusation before. Good grief.

  3328. Americans have learned one really hard lesson – never again will we put a person with an ounce of BLACK blood into such a high office – you never freaking hear the end of the racism cr@p and can never criticize them. It’s sort of like putting a retarded person in as President – you’d be so hateful to criticize them for rocking in their chair and stuff.

    1. PH that’s not true, it just happens that this president was voted in becasue he was black but had no experience as a politician. There are plenty of black politicians that would run rings around this bozo

  3329. OPRAH is a racist – Doesn’t matter to her that B. Hussein Obama is destroying this country’s Health Care system and Private Sector job creation……When Gov’t positions are open for hiring….BLACKS get first hiring priority….

  3330. If Obama was treated like a typical white person, he probably would have been impeached by now. If there’s any racism towards Obama, it’s that people give him the benefit of the doubt and let him get away with things that no white person would get away with.

  3331. Oprah,
    The only ones that care if he’s black are people that can’t defend him any other way. The rest of America is to busy trying to stop and undo the damage he’s caused.
    At the rate of he’s damaging the country, Al-Qaida can sit back and enjoy the show.

  3332. I care not the color of a persons skin. Every relationship of consequence is based upon trust. I do not trust our President as he is the ” great manipulator” and his words ring hollow. In addition, having studied Soviet Bloc Politics, I learned that socialism, communism, utopian socialism, Fabian socialism and all other forms of of centralized planing and intrusive governments never works….not ever!

    Now, Oprah you now know why I am vociferously against President Obama and his policies. If he was not of color my opposition to him would be identical.

  3333. Maybe six or seven disrespect him because he’s black. Most disrespect him because he’s a lying abject failure of a president.

  3334. Gotta love the racist America talk… if so much of America is racist, you have to come to the conclusion that Obama somehow stole both presidential elections?

    1. You might want to reformat your postulation if you want anything close to an intelligent response.

    2. Perhaps Oprah forgot that it was white women and girly men who actually put him in office. That has to be it, no way she could be “gasp” a racist!!!

  3335. I personally do not respect Barack Hussein Obama because he is a liar and a communist whose only goal is the destruction of the US Constitution through theft and redistribution of income. I have great respect for Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell and many other Americans who have a different skin color than mine who honor the freedom provided by the limited government of the United States Constitution. I do not envy the rich but statements like Oprahs make me believe that she does not deserve the riches she has accumulated because SHE has no respect for the Nation that enabled her to PROFIT from her efforts. I predict bad karma in her future.

  3336. REALLY O, You are going down hill. THE POTUS IS A LIAR AND A FRAUD and I know many a Black American who would have been a GREAT POTUS.

  3337. Americans don’t hate Obama because he is black. They disrepect him because he demonstrates on a regular basis that he is incompetent.

  3338. Please stay out of the country Harpo and shut
    your pie-hole while you’re at it. We don’t detest Obama because he’s
    half black, we detest him because of what he stands for and what he is
    doing to our country. He is radically transforming (as
    promised) our country and we don’t like it. I guess we will be sexist
    next if Hillary gets elected and we start attacking her socialist
    agenda. We despise liberalism and it doesn’t matter what the color of
    your pigment is or what genitalia you have between your legs. We dislike
    the grey matter that’s between your ears.

  3339. HOW IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!! Oprah you have just proven you are low.. lower than no class! Bottom feeder.

  3340. I also don’t like the VERY WHITE HARRY REID, NANCY PELOSI AND THE GOD NOT REST HIS SOUL TEDDY THE DRUNK KENNEDY. What label you wanna use for that Oprah?

  3341. Blacks disrespected George W. Bush because of his whiteness. Who gives a flying crap? Obama is a sensitive girly man sissy. There, I just disrespected him because he is bisexual and likes to have sex with men. So what? Time to move on…

  3342. We don’t hate him because he is black. We hate him because he is a dangerously incompetent fool who has brought the country to its knees and will leave a mess which will take decades to fix.

  3343. oprah should have been born and raised in Nigeria. She would have been so much better off….

  3344. More than once this queen of daytime TV has revealed herself at a bigoted racist. This is the final example. After this Oprah is just another yacker with an ill-considered opinion.


  3345. Oprah – you’re about as wrong as your ego is inflated! We don’t hate Obama because of his skin color.
    We hate him, as president, because he’s a complete failure.

  3346. NEWS FLASH – Oprah was recently arrested for drug smuggling ………the cops found 60 lbs of crack under her dress……….

  3347. Something happened that Ms. Winfrey would agree to become a mouthpiece of Communism’s divisive rhetoric. Ms. Winfrey might be suffering from some kind of cognitive dissonance, stunning example that she is of American exceptionalism. She has had the freedom of being able to generate wealth as a capitalist yet supports a Marxist President who believes that wealth is limited and that human beings cannot (and did not) create wealth through ideas. Obama’s most ardent supporter’s entire career, the career of Ms. Winfrey, proves him mistaken. Does she now rue her entire career as an American Capitalist? Has Ms. Winfrey also developed a hatred of small government, legal immigration, gun rights, American exceptionalism, and the laws of God and Nature that are above political dictates?

    Obama was vetted by the Democratic Party allright, but the documents of
    Obama’s life history were deliberately sealed because these documents would reveal that his character
    was formed by atheistic Communists. Obama is a radical Marxist; he is
    unfit to be the President of the United States because of his anti-American political ideology.

  3348. Ah, the race card. The last bastion of the intellectually bankrupt.

    So did many Americans hate Pres. Bush because he was white?


  3349. mr hussein is disrespected for many of the reasons I don’t respect opera. He’s a racist and they both seem to like socialism. So long as they aren’t effected at all.
    They also seem to like to play the race card. Part of racism but distinctly different.

    These are my observations. If I’m still considered a racist, then fine. I’m happy with that.

  3350. Except… um – he’s not really BLACK – he is half white and was raised as an Indonesian Muslim and steeped in socialism by his real socialist father while in Hawaii. Get over yourself Oprah – I guess the millions of white people who made you rich suddenly decided to become racist against Obama because of his skin color? Really? You are as much a liar as Obama.

  3351. News Flash Oprah, most Americans hate him because he is an inexperienced idiot trying to figure out how to be a President and failing miserably at it!

  3352. Wrong! Americans don’t like Obama because he repeatedly lied to them about his health insurance bill. People are being kicked off their insurance, people are finding out that the exchanges don’t offer insurance that will save an average of $2,500 a year, instead, the insurance is costing a lot more than their old policies! People can’t keep their doctors. This man lied through his teeth to get his bill passed, and many people are waking up to discover that.

  3353. Blacks are more racist than whites I am afraid to tell you… look at the elections- blacks because most are ignorant and racists voted overwhelmingly for a black- whites because they are women and ignorant voted for a half black…

  3354. Of course that’s actually the problem. It’s not because he is an overgrown college student and leftist ideologue bent on telling us how to live our lives.

    Entertainers should stick to entertaining.

  3355. That argument is ridiculous. I used to have a lot of respect for Oprah, but she has managed to destroy that. We don’t like him because he refuses to tell the truth. Skin color has nothing to do with it. He’s incompetent, and I don’t care what color he is.

  3356. Sadly, Ophra respects Obama BECAUSE he is black… which is the same racism she accuses others of. When she sees dark skin, she sees someone worthy of blind support, admiration, nobility. Blacks voted for Obama 93% of the time… which is a racial bias never before seen in national elections. Blacks are extremely color biased as a group, openly advocating for blacks and against other races in everything from elections to hiring to student enrollment, to wages and benefits.

    Blacks have a very long way to go in this regard.

  3357. It just shows that making a lot of money has little to do with maturity and character. It also shows that becoming the so-called leader of the world doesn’t take maturity or character. We are truly living in the Republic of Idiocracy.

  3358. OPRAH: You do not know history, but you can’t help that. Knowing history takes work; you have to read books you would consider “dull.” And, you have to take notes. And, you have to create timelines, and other study aids. And, you have to pay attention, and learn. All way too much work for an “important” person like you. But there are just TWO things I would like for you to think about.

    (1) Affirmative Action! Which political party believes that blacks should study and compete right along with whites; so they can LEARN all of the information, and, when they are hired, they will CEASE being the “first one fired” (as they are now, since they never actually learned anything in college).

    And, which party believes that blacks need “help” in the form of “excuses” and of “never having to do the work since it is too difficult” and then are awarded a piece of paper with no value, and are the first ones fired, since they never actually learned anything in school? Which party wants blacks to just “attend” and “hang out” while the SECRETS OF KNOWLEDGE are withhold from them?

    Which party is the most honest, and the most interested in the future of blacks (after our ancestors lost their lives to free the slaves, and which party wanted slavery to remain, including 100 years of Jim Crow and KKK hatred)?

    (2) Abortion! Which political party BEGS black women to have and keep their babies?

    Which political party INSTRUCTS black women to have abortions?

    Now, OPRAH, WHICH PARTY is made up of the REAL racists, you fat old stupid COW?????????????????

    1. yes we do have the first Affirmative Action president and first lady
      lets hope he is the first one to be fired

  3359. He is not liked because he is a liar and not a leader. If he were white and a liar what would you say?? Remove the color and a liar is a liar…

  3360. Wrong, as usual, Orca. We hate him for destroying our country. Go back to your trough now and have a nice day.

  3361. how about the fact that he is a SOCIALIST…. that’s plenty for me …. besides white foiks have to take half the blame,,, he’s is half white or are they just racist against the black half?

  3362. No Oprah – I don’t respect him because he’s a narcissistic, dishonest, incompetent, dumbass.

    1. . . . with a wife who caused entire football teams to go hungry with her silly lunch program (because they were no longer able to get enough to eat) so she could put a feather in her cap and spread $100k+ to her cronies for designing her “Let’s Move” logo!

  3363. And you, Oprah, probably oppose Allen West, Ben Carson, Michael Steele, and Herman Cain because……?

  3364. Oprah – Obama is an evil ogre hiding behind his race. When are you going to figure this out???

  3365. Obama is a dishonest political hack that happens to be both white and black so maybe I don’t like zebras.

  3366. 90% of African Americans voted for him because he is black. Isn’t that racist?

    And we hate him because he is a deplorable dispicable man.

  3367. I bet the smug obese race baiting billionaire does not read these reasoned, often fact filled, overwhelmingly witty, pointed responses. Have another couple of dozen glazed donuts love and chill out with a pricey Swiss bought handbag. No one in the lieberal media ever challenges these odious black race baiters. Which is why they desperately keep on puking up this irrational bigotry. The execrable BBC is filled with trendy lefty multi-culti Grauniad reading drones.

    This is standard liberal fascism. If you don’t meekly accept what we want/say we will disgustingly race bait you and demonise you, until you accept our liberal fascism on The Twelfth of Never. (smirk).

    1. She was buying that purse to wear to Tina Turner’s wedding.

      Tina Turner, meanwhile, relinquished her US citizenship . . . for a reason.

      1. Tina Turner, meanwhile, relinquished her US citizenship . . . for a reason.

        Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr … just guessing … she had her health insurance, cancelled, was spied on by the NSA, was illegally targeted by the IRS, was told “the police were stupid”, was told that a gold toothed thug who, unprovoked – violently attacked a kind neighbourhood watch man in FL could have been obummer’s son, Maybe Tina was just outraged by the Benghazi cover up and lies, or she was just very angry her ‘intermittent’ recording career was finally finished.

  3368. Boycott Oprah she has the balls to call Americans racist, that is you not the other guy you if your white. She is talking about you liberals, she is trying to brain wash liberals by tapping into their white shame by calling you racist if you jump Obama now that he is a proven liar, which was highly suspected (IRS, Fast & Furious, Benhgazi, NSA) now we know. How ignorant is Oprah. Like George Bush didn’t get crucified in the press/media mostly for being being a Bush, period.

    1. I guess her success is due to the fact that she is white?
      That race card is always used by the most successful black people!
      That is the reason they all talk poorly about any black person that disagrees with it.

    2. But unlike Bush, Obama is arrogant about it.

      At least with Bush he respected the Constitution and the Office of the President enough to not cross certain lines . . . especially lines that would have had him committing treason under the Constitution.

      Obama, a constitutional law professor however, did commit treason . . . the first time it was only 9 months into his first term in office. And there’s no excuse for it (like saying he didn’t know) because if you’re the constitutional scholar teaching it at the front of the room then you should know it like the back of your hand.

      And it’s been downhill ever since.

  3369. Sorry Oprah, that race card thing is so trite now that people don’t even pay attention to it anymore. Obama’s problem isn’t his race, it’s his dishonesty, arrogance, incompetence, and gross sense of entitlement that cause most people to dislike him. He would be just as unlikeable if he were white or any other race. MLK said to judge a person by the content of his character, and we have.

  3370. RIght…it has nothing to do with his being an incompetent liar. I WISH the first black president would have been truly great. A president who respected the constitution and the values of the American people. That would have been the best thing for race relations and our country as a whole. But, this president has been the WORST first black president. He has ruined race relations and he has totally spit on the constitution and the values we hold dear. Oprah…once again.. you are WRONG.

  3371. Its time for the racism push again. All the socialist news orgs and sites are making the push as they need to take healthcare, and obamas other “accomplishments” off our minds. Don’t think it works very well anymore on any other than their hardcore base.

  3372. Oprah is as deluded as most liberals. He is not black, he is a socialist out to ruin this country.and he is a Moslem.

  3373. no, we just hate home for trying to destroy America! Why do the blacks ALWAYS pull the RACE card? God forbid a WHITE person says something like that!

    1. You’re correct, I was taught that the name slave actually came from the Slavic people, but, I don’t think it is PC to teach that any longer.

  3374. When her moronic show was at its peak, the camera panning the audience revealed a solid bloc of squealing white women, who wanted to reassure Okra that they were not racist and fully accepted her on equal terms.

    Now this tub of lard lets them know she used them to get to multi billionaire status and she can finally come out and reveal who the REAL racist is. Resentment smoldering in her fat ash like an glowing ember. She feels inferior, and considers her race to be the same, and it’s not a complex. She is ugly, inside and out, a phony, and a very, very, small and common piece of schmaltz.

    1. ^^^ Plus OWN, her cable network, tanked like a rock, losing over $250 million dollars at one point in the beginning, likely building even more resentment.

  3375. Oprah, what you say is what you are. Sweep around your own doorstep, before you come to clean mine.

  3376. Oh, Im sorry, I must have dreamed his first term where not only the lack of racism in most Americans got him elected (you know because Caucasians count for 51% of the population) but Obama then got a free pass on pretty much everything BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. So unless Oprah means racism as POSITIVE racism then she just proved herself a racist and not any better then Al Sharpton. Then again I am sure she is distraught that her clout has declined significantly and most people dont care about what she says and doubly so for her movie.

  3377. His politics has everything to do with why he is so disrespected by honest, truth telling American citizens. Oprah doesn’t have a clue as to what is going on by being blinded by just color.

  3378. I think more Americans hate [yes, HATE] obama because he’s lied so much to them and broken promises he made to get elected. It has little to do with the color of his skin. The fact that Winfrey would say such things just goes to show how blacks still want special consideration and to NOT be treated equally. She complains about disrespect to the office of the president. Where was she when the Hollywood and media liberals were slamming President Bush left and right?
    Winfrey just needs to close her fat pie hole and go the way of her failed tv network.

  3379. The most racist sons of bitches out there are the first one’s to say everyone else is racist when they havent a clue why everyone opposes Obama because of his character and a lying POS!

  3380. For the love of all that is good, give the race card a rest!
    The majority of the country, who are not racist, which is most of us, are very tired of this racist excuse for an abysmal president. If this were true, O, he wouldn’t have been elected; and he was. This is especially telling since he had, and has, zero qualifications.

  3381. Valerie Jarrett and the handlers within the inner circle manufacture these types of inflammatory comments to draw attention away from facts and make this about race….legal tactics….make the discussion about anything but the truth.

  3382. Oprah you are an irrelevant scab on the ass of racism
    Why can’t you and other racist people of color live by Dr. King’s content of character rather than color of skin?
    Why do other people of color get this but you and your ilk do not?

  3383. Did she publish her research and techniques related to it? Otherwise it’s her opinion and she should say as much. Fracking C-word

  3384. Oprah is wrong since I include myself in the “everybody” category. I’m not thinking it at all. I’m actually thinking the term “African American” is the dumbest thing ever created. Skin color is not offensive but dividing Americans into different categories is. But, if we must be hyphenated I want to be called a Northern European-German-Norwegian-Northern Hemisphere-Minnesotan-American.

  3385. Wrong,
    I dislike Obama because he is a lying hypocrite. it has nothing to
    do with his skin. Stop playing the race card Oprah.maybe if his
    character had some content. We would like him. Unfortunately, many of
    you voted for him because he is black. and not because of the content of
    his character. you are the racist!

  3386. And most blacks (95%) voted for him just because he is black. I’d say that’s a form of racism. Even after recent events where he’s now at 39% by the general public, blacks are at 75%. That tells me something. By what’s her name bringing the subject up, she’s racist. In fact I would say about 90% of blacks harbor some form of racism. This racist issue in general won’t go away for *many* generations if at all. It’s interesting that in my view Mr Obama would not have been elected/re-elected without a substantial number of whites voting for him. Yes, many whites are racist but I’d venture to say there are more blacks that have some form of racism than whites.

  3387. That’s BS we don’t like him because he doesn’t know how to be a President or a leader. Remember he is half white

    1. No No No – BHO is Irish-American and his African blood is NOT from America …..he is a WHITE President raised in rich white private schools paid for by his rich white Grandparents.

  3388. Not really…we hate him cause we all know that at least his white half should know better than this.

  3389. Sounds like propaganda, straight from the book of Saul Alinsky. A proxy defense, to insulate the “dear leader” from responsibility, and accountability. It can’t possibly be how he thinks …. it has to be “racism.” A lot of the public, is getting real tired of bull $hit excuses. Step up and be a man, Barry. Oprah, shut up and sit down. No one cares.

  3390. This dumb cow is a prime example of why America can never have normal race relations with (most) black people. They simply don’t want it. They can’t accept that some of them are failures. They can’t accept the fact that some people don’t like them because of how they act, so it MUST be “racism!” To them, there’s simply no other explanation for it.
    And because of that, they will never, ever, allow for normalized race relations. EVERYTHING is about race to them.

  3391. Sorry Oprah, but if Obama was sparkling white, vivid red or pea green, Americans who are capable of rational, reasoned thought and who love our Constitutional Republic would dislike him….not because of his skin color but because of the radical, leftist policies he is ramrodding down our throats. The people who continue to bring up his skin color are the real racists and those who bring up the color of his skin are the ones desperately trying to find cover for his repeated and devastating failures.

  3392. I don’t give a damn what color he is,he has done nothing to make this make this country better,and I find it insulting to hear someone like Oprah saying we have no respect for Obama because he is black,he is not black,he is part white ,part black,and you or no else can pick or choose what color you want to be to suit what ever problem you have.It’s amazing how quickly the race card comes out when certain people need to cover their butts

  3393. I think it’s MLK’s dream in action: that people would be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Americans are treating Obama like they would any incompetent President. It doesn’t matter if he’s black, white, or purple with green stripes. If you’re a bad president, you’re a bad president.

  3394. Destroying our country and wiping his ass with the Constitution and Bill of Rights doesn’t have anything to do with it? Now Come On Oprah!

  3395. Racism racism racism… all I’ve heard for 40+ years and the cold hard truth hasn’t changed. The American black community seems hell bent on sitting around complaining about their lot without a single shred of effort to improve the situation. We have had nothing but freebies and programs left right and center that do not alleviate the problem. We (Caucasian Americans) are under constant assault from the black community. They are violent, they reject our culture, and demand we accept their rude abhorrent behavior carte blanche. When is enough enough? Are not all men created equal? And here we have the problem… they don’t want to be an equal… they want their minority status so they continue to receive preferred treatment and always be at the front of the line. Wake up… we have given them everything they’ve demanded and still they are crass, rude, lawless, and for the most part… hate us for our efforts.

  3396. Are we ever going to stop perpetuating racism. Oprah, Lewis Farakahn and Jessy Jackson make their livings from keeping it alive. It is THEY who are racist, not most white people and certainly not me. When black people finally forget their damn color and simply fully integrate into society, become more educated (many are now), keep their marriages and families together (the out of wedlock birth rate for blacks in the US is astounding!) and manage their lives in ways that leave government dependency in the past and leave the city ghetto crime life (many have but not enough) all will be much better for everyone.

  3397. I guess Oprah has never heard of Col. Alan West. BTW the current White House Office holder has done a great job kicking 5 million off of the healthcare roles.

    1. I think maybe I’m one of the few people in the U.S. who has never watched her show. Could be wrong.

  3398. Oprah, Oprah. Shame on you for playing the race card. You should know better than that. Are you so blinded by your own prejudices to not see that the clown in the White House is ruining this country? I despise and disrespect the clown because of his policies and his politics which I completely reject as divisive and harmful to the American way of life that we have been building for the past 230+ years. His agenda by and large is to tear down and destroy that way of life. You live in an ivory tower that hasn’t been impacted by these destructive policies as much as the common man who is being trashed every day. Get a grip, Oprah before it is too late.

    Wake up, America!

  3399. Wrong. He is being treated with contempt because he is an incompetent ideologue. Simply, he got elected because he was black, and he has skated through five years of incompetence and corruption because he is black. No white president would have been given so much space.

  3400. What an ungrateful witch. If it weren’t for us evil racist white people Oprah wouldn’t be filthy rich and Obama wouldn’t be President of the United States – now who’s the racist bigot ?

  3401. How does Oprah know what everybody is thinking? And when did it become disrespectful to disagree with someone?

    1. Since we elected a black president. You arent allowed to disagree with him because you will then be labeled a racist….Just ask the press

    2. Bama’ is a dictator – those around dictators act strangely around disfunctional personalities – mostly out of fear.
      Oprah does not intimidate me with her race card BS – BS is what it is. I am not afraid of dictators.

  3402. Oprah…. that’s not what it is. Not all Americans anyways. I’m African-American as well and the man is simply a catastrophic liar. I’m sorry that many people, including YOU… cannot see through his lies.

  3403. The liberals have nothing but the race card to use, even they know obama is a total failure. I am tired of the RACE CARD BULL S^^T. I find blacks to be more racists against whites than whites against blacks.

  3404. For the love of Pete ! When will people get of this train of hatred? Oprah, of all people.I think all her money has gone to her head. I don’t enjoy her TV shows or her magazine it’s too bias. She is a female Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson trying to make money of racism. Obama isn’t disliked because of his race by 99% of Americans it’s because he has shown his hatred for Americans and our system of Government. No one ever taught him that without the backing of the people and their trust you’ll never succeed. He lied to America. He’s sold our soul to our enemies and now wants us to believe he’s truly sorry for screwing 5,000,000 people out of health insurance they have had for years and liked!He hides taxes in bills foe the future on selling our homes, defense and medical. He tries to take away our guns and totally disgraced THE CONSTITUTION. He doesn’t take responsibility for anything and has been on a 5 1/2 year vacation from the reality of life in America! For the Grace of God I only hope and pray Real Americans will see his true colors and all he has appointed and vote them out in 2014 and 2016!

  3405. Unfortunately Obama plays in to the old stereotype of blacks being lazy and untrustworthy. Not only that, one could say he is a theaf for stealing from white folk through the ACA. Race relations have never been worse in this country from my perspective. If you want to see what real racism is, try walking through downtown Detroit as a non-black and see how far you get.

  3406. Obama Administration Poised to Exempt Unions From ObamaCare Tax. There is the 1,975th reason to hate that Marxist authoritarian bigot Obamamugabe. His race didn’t make the list.

  3407. It is amazing that they go overseas to crap on the USA. She is so full of it. The reason the smart American people, and they are few, don’t like Marxist Obama is that he has never run a thing in his life. Race has nothing to do with it.

  3408. She is correct sort of; I personally do have massive contempt for what Barack Hussein Obama has done to America and the office of the president. The color of the skin on the man’s face makes no difference to me.

  3409. Go somewhere else and scream about stores not staying open JUST for you and bully the shop girl again.

  3410. The only blacks that American’s disrespect are those who say things like “Obama is disrespected because he is black.” So Oprah, I disrespect you for speaking with such an ignorant perspective.

    1. Just goes to prove, no matter how much money someone may have, they can’t use it to buy common sense

      1. Yeah, a rich ignorant spade remains a rich ignorant spade until all of their money has been taken from them, either in this life or by death. Never trust a rich person, because they usually had to bribe someone to become so.

  3411. Oprah, Dr. King looked for the day where people would be judged for the content of their character instead of their race. That day has come. Mr. Obama has proven to be untrustworthy in the eyes of many, many Americans, not because of his race or appearance, but because of his actions. Now is the time for those that blindly give their trust to him, to look at his actions and stop supporting him based simply because of his race. Then and only then will Dr. King’s vision be fully realized.

    1. “…untrustworthy in the eyes of many, many Americans…”

      of all skin colors, black included.

      Specifically, Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson, MD.


  3413. Oprah is as deluded as most liberals. He is not black he is a socialist out to ruin this country and he is a Moslem.

  3414. Only in the free-market of America could this woman rise up from nothing and become a billionaire. Only in America could a man who never held a real job in a real company without any sort of real resume become president, relying on the corrupt democrat media and the majority of votes coming from whites to get him elected…TWICE. This is why good, ethical, hard-working people of every race are mad…we are tired of doing what the politically correct dictate that we do and yet it is NEVER good enough. Meanwhile, the alarming spike in black youth on white crime under this president continues to be ignored.

  3415. President Obama is treated with contempt because the American people are tired with his broken promises and lies.

    I had hoped for more from this man and the color of his skin has nothing to do with nothing. In politics you’re never going to make everyone happy, but Obama is making EVERYONE unhappy.

    I’m already counting down the time he has left in office; 1161 days 12 hours 9 minutes

    1. I hope the Republicans retain the House and win the Senate in 2014 or else this Marxist may not leave.

    2. Change the Senate, change the nation.

      Kick the lying Dems out of office and the nation can move toward impeachment by the House and Senate being controlled by those who would kick his lying behind out on his derriere.

      Take those lies they told the American people, wrap them around the necks of their political careers, and drown them in them.

      (Pamela Landy-style.)

      Maybe that will shorten your countdown somewhat!

  3416. Really?!?!?!?!? Read some of these comments for comprehension and think about it next time before you make another foolish statement like that, Oprah. You do not know what I am thinking!!

    1. She knows your latent sub-conscience is the real racist.
      We don’t even know it. This is the latest meme.

  3417. Not true Oprah. He is disrespected because he is a prop and an amateur. His credibility deficit began when he would not release any records. I think he is our first affirmative action president, proving that self esteem is not substitute for merit.

  3418. Oprah is part of the scheme. Picked up on that years before Obama when she told a godawful illustrated “children’s story” about white people first coming to America. It was designed purely to make us all hate ourselves and her giggly white audience ate it up. She is a racist diva… just look at the scandalous messes with her all black school. She wants to forcibly distribute everyone’s money just like her puppet president. And here she is just like him traveling the world running us down with lies. She and O forget that life is short, even narcissistic ones. They will get their comeuppance just like the rest of us. All their wealth and power will not follow them to the grave.

  3419. People are tired of this “race card” playing. Obama is liked or disliked by his accomplishments be they judges good or bad. It’s time for Oprah to grow up.

  3420. I wonder how many times she has used the race card? She used it with the European clerk which turned out to be false and now this. This dumbo deserves no one’s respect.

  3421. White Racism is not nearly as prevalent, and relevant, to both of them and their success as White Guilt, and White Paternalism.

  3422. Did Valerie Jarrett approve this interview by Oprah? Was it vetted? Are these manufactured talking points at a critical time the Prez it taking serious heat for ACA? I guess we can expect another mass shooting soon to divert attention away from ACA and onto something more insidious. I don’t believe in coincidences. Oprah making this statement wasn’t something she just blurted out in an interview. This is manufactured for a reason.

  3423. I can remember when she spoke out about Bush not receiving the respect HE deserved als…. what? She didn’t?? Never? Oh well! Never mind then!

    Shut up ya fat cow! Sure, because it’s not like he’s a HUGE failure as a “president” is now? Oh no, he’s black, so he simply MUST be perfect, in all ways, so any disrespect shown toward him, MUST be because we’re all just a bunch of racists!

    Ya nitwit! Who do you think elected this communist? The people that you say are now racist! Yes! These closet racists, VOTED for this marxist ba$tard!!

    Just please go away, and shred your race card! You have used your limit! It no longer works!!!

  3424. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    Really Oprah ? Do you say the same thing about people like Allen West, who have been targeted by the racist and fascist leftists because they are not fascists ? Isn’t it possible that you can dislike someone because of their ideology, irregardless of race, sex, or religious affiliations ? Clown !

  3425. Figures, Oprah another race hustler. Sorry Ophrafat, we don’t hate Obama because he’s black, we hate him because he is systematically destroying our country.

  3426. Bullsh&t! They dislike his radical policies, his lying, his blatant violations of the constitution, his illegal executive orders, his illegal occupation of the white house, his thuggery, his socialist, communist, marxist, muslim loving, weak kneed, bowing to foreign leaders, scandal ridden administration, and everything he stands for. Race has absolutely nothing to do with it. Period!

    1. good list ray. Don’t forget Reggie Love and playing spades all night while Benghazi burned. The guy is also a fairy. That is how the rest of the world looks at us now.

  3427. Even if the Racist Black Leaders were allowed by God to push 99.9% of whites into the sea it would not be enough. Despite the fact that 99.9% had no place in history with slaves.

    Might as well push most all races into the seas. Slavery has been around for 1000s of years. The U.S. being recent but not the first or the last.

    People like Oprah continue to spark up hatred. What gives?

  3428. OH, Bullshiite, Oprah.
    Obama is dislikes because he is totally ignorant of how government functions and treats the American people like peasants. His elitist attitude (one shared by all liberals, like Oprah) has grown old and he will be remembered as the worst President in U.S. history. Heck, he even makes Nixon look HONEST.

  3429. People like oprah, Jessie Jackson and O-bung-hole love to whip out the race card instead of taking any responsibility for their parties actions. All it is is an attempt to bully people into surrendering at whatever the issue at hand is. Our leader, I use that term loosley, is a liar, a bully, a thief (hidden taxes and online data), and a coward. He’s a terrible President that gets his way by throwing a tantrum to get what he wants. Btw, half of my family, are Republican and half are Democrats. Both my mother’s side and my father’s side are this way. The Democrats from both sides of the family are the most racist people you would ever meet. The Republicans of the family are not! When will the blacks realize that the demos are not helping them, but enslaving them in the modern welfare state. Oprahs views ARE the problem of black America, not the Solution.

  3430. She is either insane or stupid. Has she forgotten that “many” Americans put this clod in office in the first place? Do they now “hate” him because he is a black man?

  3431. She is a racist of the highest order. She is saying every thing the KKK says with a different color attached to her enemy. Put on you pillow case you bigoted sow.

  3432. Anecdotal at best…clearly this man has not lived up to the hype? He is now exposed as a flawed mediocre leader with a natural propensity to embellish. Is that because he is African American also? Seriously I wish people would get over the color thing and get to the substance of the man. His color is a minor attribute. It is the content of his character that should concern us all. He is a Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, who has great disdain for America as founded. He disrespects the Nation and her people constantly. Ms. Winfrey gets duped on occasion…”a million little pieces” at a time.

  3433. The Obama’s must have had to kiss some Oprah butt to get her back in THEIR good graces; I almost believe this is an old interview.

  3434. Black, White or Purple…he is a liar and doesn’t deserve respect. Oprah has also lost my respect by playing the race card to protect her Messiah.

  3435. I hope all the LIBERAL Oprah sycophants now realize how easy it is to dupe and manipulate them. I can’t wrap my head around a black women worshipped by MILLIONS of white viewers for a day-time TV show of all things; lamenting the racism of said audience……….. wff?

  3436. Oh and by the way that set up in the pocket book store didn’t work no one believes you, no one cares and no one would fault a clerk for doing it if they did. Out of makeup you are not going to be able to convince anyone you are of importance.

  3437. Ya know…Oprah, this s**t is getting old. The Switzerland trip, the incident with the purse, we kind of let it pass and actually thought it might have been true.

    But now? You’re starting to get on our nerves! I stand with Charles Barkley…who said, “There are black racists in this world.”

    From one black former USAF SrA that dislikes Obama more than many whites…because his policies are anti-American. See, unlike you, I happen to believe that we’re all in this together, and until we come together and fix this mess it can only get worse…heading downhill ever faster the longer it goes without a truly workable solution.

    The reason many people dislike Obama is because of “content-of-character” issues, not “color-of-skin” issues.

    And while you may think he has his heart in the right place, there are many more people who can see reality that disagree with you. Some of them actually know what they’re talking about, like Hoover Institute senior fellow Thomas Sowell who calls Obama “A truly great phony.” Thomas Sowell says that Obama’s policies actually hurt blacks more than they help, especially young blacks who don’t have skills to get decent jobs.


    (For those who don’t know, Sowell is black.)

    Meanwhile, Dr. Ben Carson calls the Affordable Care Act “The worse thing since slavery.” He should know exactly what he’s talking about, he’s not a doctor of theology, he’s a doctor of medicine…an MD. (And he’s black, too.)

    I don’t know why anyone thinks it’s OK to commit fraud, false advertising, theft of services, treason, and sedition just because someone’s black. That’s not OK in my book, and I wouldn’t care if the president was from Mars, it still wouldn’t be acceptable.

    When a guy takes an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies and then is the main one sh**ting on it–repeatedly!–you kind of have to step back and say

    Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

    I’m tired of having day after day of nothing but being told to BOHICA.

        1. Did you read his little book “The Vision of the Anointed”? It explained liberalism to a “T”.

    1. As you said, WTF! It all comes down to something else you said. Treason. That is not an impeachable offense. It is a capital offense. The president has committed it again and again (Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Syria, etc.)

      The “T” word and the remedy needs to be talked about until the president leaves voluntarily or is taken in to a military court, tried, and then taken out and shot…

  3438. if every last black person in this country voted for obummer he could not have won, meaning people of other skin color, maybe even white also voted for him

    I am angry that this man stood on the foundations of other black men that came before him like early black republicans senators, Booker T Washington, Martin Luther King Jr, etc etc …and won the presidency on their backs by lying to us
    go back and listen to his speeches with his first campaign

    both of you duped and lied to us but no more
    all your credibility has been lost

  3439. Oh please! Any attempt at casting this idiot as the one who has to harbor the storm of racism is ludicrous. This guy is marching us right into 1930-1940’s Nazi Germany.

  3440. Oprah,

    I’m sure this has been said but I don’t have the time to read the thousands of replys to your unfortunate comment;

    President Obama is also half white. Does your claim take this significant fact into account? It seems to me that you may need to check your racist tendencies.

    The likes of Alan West and Thomas Sowell are people who love America and happen to also be of African American descent. They love America, not hate it like this president.

    No, people don’t like the president because he has set out to dismantle our once great nation. The president has made a mockery of the Constitution, is the president only to people who agree with him and has no interest in bringing the entire nation together. He pits Americans against Americans (much like your absurd comment has done).

    No Oprah, the US elected the president in a sign that we have moved on from race. Even as someone who did not vote for him I was certainly proud of our nation for showing the world that we have moved beyond race. But the president has now showed his TRUE color; RED. Red like Joseph Stalin, RED like Fidel Castro and RED like Hugo Chavez. It is not that America hates the president because he is black. The problem is that the president hates America and all that it has represented to the world.

    Shame on you Oprah, shame!

  3441. No, we dislike him because he lies and is ruining our country. I could care less about what color he is.

  3442. Why is it that black people are the ones who focus solely on his skin color? His mother is white for pity’s sake!

  3443. People hate Obama because he is a liar, an arrogant jerk, and stupid. Its not disrespect it is eye opening and its the truth. People hate Oprah because she is a no talent big mouthed racist witch. Obviously you still think anything about you matters to the people but in reality your station is a failure, has horrible programing and you are in a death spiral just like Obama and it isn’t because of color its because of your lack of brains, talent and ability. And the fact that you and he both blame everyone else and are total phonies.

  3444. Oprah, his mother Stanley Ann Dunham was white. He is not black, he is half black. You are a racist Harpo.

  3445. and some only voted for him because he was black; and some disrespected the previous president because he was white and had a drawl.

  3446. wow. I’m so impressed that Oprah with all her talents? is also a mind reader. She KNOWS that we are prejudiced because Obama is HALF BLACK AND HALF WHITE! I’ve never paid any attention to the color of anyone’s skin until NOW. They are making it so obvious that you cannot avoid it. Does that mean that I don’t like someone because of it? NO But I do notice now. Oprah is just a woman, nothing more and nothing less except she has millions maybe billions of dollars but it doesn’t make her any better than the least of us. Go away Oprah!

    1. I don’t pay attention to race either, until I have to fill out a government form that makes me tick a box that identifies what race I am, or until the religion of Islam tries to ID itself as a race when it isn’t.

  3447. It makes you wonder how enormously accomplished people like her can be so myopic. Obama failed at his job purely by incompetence and lying…no other reason. We as a people should not allow someone a pass if they are clearly destroying our country, whether they are black or white or any color.

  3448. Good Lord get over it already.Believe me ,your paranoia is doing more to damage race relations than any rampant racism you want to manufacture!

  3449. Did I also mention that he throws temper tantrums? Turning our National Park Rangers into jack booted enforcers was a real piece of work during his contrived “shutdown” where 83% of the government was still working.

  3450. They dislike him because he has never been anything but a radical left wing liberal which is not representative of the American people whatsoever. We are a free people who cannot constitutionally be dragged into ideologies we do not believe in. Oprah is shameful.

    1. We can’t be dragged into them Constitutionally I agree with, this guy though, doesn’t follow the Constitution, and if we aren’t careful we are going to be dragged into his ideology by force.

  3451. Oprah is black so she sees out of this vacuous prism that white people are racists.
    That’s pretty standard for a victimization industry that has chugged along for over forty years. It started with the militant Black Panthers, Nation of Islam and continues on today through celebrities, academia, enablers, garden variety social activists, Congressional Black Congress, NAACP. It’s a cottage industry.

    1. She’s black, he’s black, so he MUST be perfect. Any disrespect show him, must be because he’s black. The idea that he is a failure, never even enters her mind. In her little world, the ONLY possibility, is racism.

  3452. What an original point by America’s pre-eminent ignoramus! She lowered America’s collective I.Q.every time her TV show aired, and now she’s lowering the whole world’s I.Q.

    I wonder if she’ll start another phony “store clerk refused to sell me a purse” panic?

  3453. Worked 35 years in High Tech Industry with many good Black people… These were people Obama will never equal…

  3454. Sure that is also why I disagreed with Bill and Hill Clintion Teddy Kennedy, and FDR…oh..Ah,,they were white…

  3455. This is such nonsense. People that make this claim are themselves the racists among us. The Dear Leader is disliked because he is incompetent, a liar, a Chicago thug and a Marxist. It doesn’t matter if he is black, white, pink, green or orange. He is an embarrassment and a threat to our nation.

  3456. Now we know for sure how stupid orca (that is oprah) is & she doesn’t live & understand the real world. With all her billions she lives in a bubble of a world without any reality around her. With her comments I hope this wakes up all those people, black & white, that idolize her for what she makes out to be. Nobama is an idiot, it is unfortunate that a black person like him should become president when there are a lot of very good black people that could do the job & done honorably (not like this jerk).

  3457. President Obama would never have been President without the
    white vote. To the main stream media, he
    could do no wrong. I’m a registered
    Democrat but I never voted for him, not because he’s black, but because when he
    was campaigning he kept telling lies.
    One week saying ‘your taxes will not go up if you make over $250K’ at
    the end of the week saying ‘your taxes don’t go up if you make over $200K’. Which is it?
    There were many quotes like this and I said to myself ‘this guy can’t
    remember his lies’, he talks from both sides of his month and he’s dishonest. I wished he could have done a better job. I would have voted for him in 2012 but the ‘country
    is a mess’. He has failed in almost everything
    he has tried, in leadership, nationally, internationally and trampled on all
    our liberties. How many times does he
    have to say ‘I didn’t know’ with all the scandals (i.e.: IRS, NSA, Fast &
    Furious, Bengasi, Obamacare etc.) and the economy going nowhere year after year? He’s the most corrupt President in the
    history of our country. He’s a buffoon and
    makes Nixon look tame in comparison. For
    Oprah to say the ‘Office of the President have been treated with contempt
    because of the colour of his skin’ is ludicrous. The only reason why he hasn’t been impeached
    is because of the colour of his skin.

  3458. No Oprah, we learned very well the level of respect that was given to the last president. It’s time to return it in kind.

    We are tired of the race games and don’t care what color he is, he is the most incompetent individual to ever occupy the presidency.

  3459. Just throw it back at them. That was a disrespectful racist remark by her. And she’s fat inane vapid blow heart.

  3460. The never dying race card….played often and by the same expected voices. Correction — the President is half African and half American — he is not an African-American. African Americans are blacks born and raised in the USA who can trace their ancestry to the continent of Africa. Only half of the President’s DNA extends back to Africa. The other half is somewhere in Europe. Don’t let facts get in the way of good rhetoric though!

  3461. No more so than the contempt that the left shows towards conservative blacks such as Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, and so many others. No, Oprah the issues are his policies, his divisive politics by design, his demonstrated incompetency as a manager, his quest for control, his ruthlessness towards his adversaries, his beliefs that government is the solution to all of our problems, his championing of our dependent class to grow it so they will remain solid political supporters, all of which is to the detriment to our country, all the while while increasing our national debt by 100% in 5 years. Conservatives champion policies that promote individual empowerment and initiative that are blind to race, sex, religion and everything else. That is how our country grows stronger, not by what Obama is doing.

  3462. Many Americans disrespect Oprah because she looks like a panda in drag. (That and she’s an egomaniacal racist)

  3463. What most people, who are against Obama, dislike and fear is not his birth background, but his nurture which has resulted in his tendency toward a fascism!

  3464. Denial.

    Oh Oprah, it isn’t race, it’s competence. Hasn’t hitching your wagon to this incompetent political hack cost you enough already?

    Sorry Dahling, I would have bet the farm you were smarter than that. The lady who built school in Africa because American blacks were too shallow and materialistic. You will lose many more admirers around the world if you spew that racist twaddle. You will lose more respect as well.

  3465. Oprah is a loon!!! We respect the POTUS, but don’t agree with his socialist agenda… That is a big difference!!!

  3466. Hey Oprah blow it out your big @ss. I can’t stand Obama but I would happily replace him today with JC Watts. So does that make me racist? I mean JC is a REAL black man not just a 1/2 breed and I would take him over Obama any day. Yep real racist ain’t I? It has nothing to do with his race or races as the case may be. It all has to do with his incompetence and lies and deceiving ways to try and pass his agenda that I want no part of. Why is that so hard for you to understand? He could be Casper the ghost white and I would feel the same way about his ideology.

  3467. Few dislike Obama because he is black. They dislike him because he is the country’s worst President ever. Oprah is the racist here. Does she think only blacks put her where she is today? News flash! Blacks “and” whites made her famous. Her most recent statement just might come back to haunt her.

  3468. im so sick of this, the more accused of this by her and others, more i disrespect, and it is their disrespect to even suggest that. I don’t respect the Clintons either. I have less respect for o bama who has no respect for anyone in this country.

  3469. Yea, That must be it. It’s not because of his socialist policies and the fact he’s always lying so he can get these socialist policies past one way or another.

  3470. No, we hate him because he’s lying sack of manure! ONLY LIES pour from his facial orifice!
    And I already Boycott/IGNORE all things Oprah, as she’s a New Age-What-Ever-Feels-Good Mouthpiece!
    Neither one of them Knows what a real Christian is, acts, or truly believes, for ALL that Oprah & Obama Profess To Be!

  3471. Oprah is right….to a point. There are racists in this country who despise obama because he’s black. But there are millions more who hate obama because he is ruining this country.

  3472. People don’t hate him because he’s black. They hate him because he’s a lying puppet for the globalists. He’s hated for what he is, dangerous. “Me and Michelle love us some Modern Family.” Just one of the guys. The two party system in America is a f’ing vaudeville show. Wake up sheeples, wakey wakey.

  3473. Where was she when Bush was being hated from the black community and the gays? Did she say it’s because he , bush, is white and straight that there is this hated towards him? Nope, blacks only see racism from everyone else and then when they don’t see it they drum it up.

    1. I liked and supported Bush at first, but, over time he lost me. Still, he was 100 percent better than the guy that is staining the Oval Office now.

  3474. Suuuuure we’re racist…disregarding the fact that most Obama critics would vote for Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, or Allen West in a heartbeat.
    Maybe..just MAYBE…it’s Obama’s policies we don’t like…?

  3475. Right Scoop uses a lie to inflame readers. The word “hates” is never used by Oprah. What the president has done for the last 5 years is constantly lie to the American
    people to achieve his goal of fundamentally changing (destroying) America. Our president has earned the contempt people have for him irregardless of the color of his skin.

  3476. So sad that this otherwise intelligent woman is so blatantly stupid and blind when it comes to this guy, the first…….. We don’t dislike him because of his race, we dislike him and his policies because he’s destroying America and all of its traditions. He’s done nothing to help anyone group, especially inner city blacks, he’s done nothing for the economy, he’s done nothing for education, he’s NOTHING. That’s why we dislike him so intensely. He’s in power to destroy not to build. He’s an arrogant and nasty idealogue (sp?) and that’s why America hates him, that’s why the world hates him.

  3477. I wouldn’t care if he was pink with purple polka dots. I’m sick of race baiting. He is doing what he promised: FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING THIS COUNTRY. On that basis, he is my enemy.

  3478. NOT!! His ruining the country, His Constant LYING, His Constant Deceiving is why people can’t stand the guy.

    If America is so racist Oprah, why are you worth 2.9 BILLION dollars? If America is so Racist why did Obama get elected TWICE? Once again Oprah, you are pandering to the same type of low information, low educated and welfare crowd as you did when you first got started in show biz.

  3479. Oprah is the example of why this is a false premise. We liked Oprah and welcomed her into our homes because of who she is. We do not like, respect, or believe Obama because he is a lying person who does not respect the constitution. Color or race has nothing to do with it.

  3480. Any disrespect Obozo has is his own fault, The “community organizer” is incomptent,, delusional, and just plain arrogant. Did I forget to mention that he does excel in one area–lying! He was not elected to the position of “emperor” or “king”. He took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. He has done everything but that! Oprah is just another kool-aid drinking O-bomite who now finds her wide butt in a sling. What is so sad is that someone like her has power and influence among many American women.

  3481. Oprah only critizes and disrespects white Americans because she’s a racist who hates people for their skin color.

  3482. People using the race card are just mentally ill, I guess. I don’t care what color someone is. What I care about is what’s between their ears, i.e., what they are in character, their morals, etc.

    Hey, what about the National Black Republican Assoc., who filed articles of impeachment against Obama, are they against Obama because he’s African American?

  3483. Living proof that rich plus famous does not equal wise. Not by a long shot. Still working out her own angst and blaming big bad whitey.











  3485. Man O man Celie, let it go. We don’t hate him cause he is black, we hate him because he is destroying the country that allowed you to become a millionaire you moron. And you vouched for the dumbest man to ever run any country anywhere on the planet. You may be rich, black, and you are definitely ugly. (Color Purple)

  3486. The dislike building for him couldn’t be that he sucks…it has to be the color of his skin and not the content of his performance (or lack thereof). However, his golf game has improved immensely since taking office five years ago.

  3487. how dare you oprah live in one of the most free countries in the world
    and why because of our veterans, those that fought for the freedom to think and say what you want
    and yet your precious little man of a president during the shut down closes off the monument to our WW2 veterans who do not know if they will even be alive tomorrow

    the list is even to long to say why we do not like obummer and his policies
    where does one even begin, with each new day comes a new crisis

  3488. I presume Oprah will be voluntarily paying at least 95% of her earnings and fortune to the Treasury to contribute her “fair share” to the debt OWEbama and the dim-o-crits created?

  3489. The level of respect she is really referring too, is all about “money” for Oprah. She’s been shilling-out of her own pocket to keep her “OWN” network in the ratings. Poor billionaire having money issue’s.

    more so too, Mr and Mrs POTUS have turned their backs on her, and she’s also upset at “the ~disloyalty~ from her fan base” I kid you not……, this is how Oprah think’s, and when network mamma ain’t happy, no one is happy.

    Oprah’s peeved and annoyed with anyone that is “not all about Oprah’s” band wagon……, She’s fired many from her OWN network “that were” long time loyal assistant’s and producer’s from her Oprah show day’s, and has blamed them for their “lack luster” idea’s and not being on board and supporting Oprah’s new vision’s for her OWN Network.

    Basically, “if you’re not black, she ain’t interested, thus see her new line-up show’s”

    What you’re seeing is the real Oprah and her inner feeling’s surfacing. Oprah feel’s privilege, special and superior to anyone around her, she either likes you or she doesn’t. Very narcissistic and full of herself. Oprah’s the racist’s, always has been and feels the money she’s earned as “Oprah” was divine providence from the universe and payback from her ancestor’s being enslaved.

    Did I share with you, I don’t care for her……..’

  3490. Once again another Liberal over plays that race card. Guess what ‘dearie’? You’re race card is DENIED!

  3491. Millions of Americans have come to know the real Obama as a race-baiting divider, who is not interested in bringing people together. The President gets his policies through by pitting us against one another. His greatest fear is a united America, that sees through the BS and damage this tyrant has done to our country. It will take a long time to repair the damage, this man has done to our country.

    1. Hiding behind one’s skin as a cover for one’s misdeeds has become a tired and worn out tactic for rationalizing an excuse for bad behavior. When will folks on the learn to take responsibility for their lives?

  3492. Really Oprah, Haven’t you done enough damage already? You have helped fuel the airhead chick movement and now you want to turn to race baiting…

    Generations of Squander

    This lady is queen of the flower children that have turned into today’s bloomin’ idiots.

  3493. It’s the black community that continues to judge based on the color of his skin.
    75% approval despite the downturn on black unemployment and economic status overall.
    The vast majority of Americans who disapprove of Obama look to the content of his character and find a serious lack thereof.

  3494. This woman isn’t as smart as she thinks she is. Nobody cares if he’s black, white, purple, green or w/e. Disagreeing with someone does not make you a racist!

  3495. Well, I knew the race card was going to get tossed out there eventually. Obama has completely lost any semblance of credibility and appearance of competence. What better way to silence his critics than the good ‘ole “you’re RACIST?!” Except, he’s so dishonest and incompetent that I think this time even the race card won’t save his @$$.

  3496. No DA Oprah, it is because HE IS A F’n INCOMPETENT MORON. But I will say, if you were not black, you never would have amounted to anything Ms. Affirmative Action TV.

  3497. Oprah is just angry that she lost HALF her viewers/audience when she jumped on the Zero’s Bandwagon. Everyone we know were willing to listen to what he had to SAY when he ran the first time…the Problem was the things he SAID…such as “I believe in RE-distribution of the Wealth!” which is a Communist motto. Those of us who were interested in him, read all we could find about him. We found Bill Ayers, his neighbor and ghost writer of his book. We found out about his MARXIST leanings, The Acorns and other Community Orgs. that HE taught the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” method, whose book was dedicated to LUCIFER!…and the Cloward-Piven book about HOW TO DESTROY America by OVERLOADING us with DEBT, and growing the WELFARE STATE…all of which HE has accomplished. Betcha a MILLION Oprah never bothered to read all about HIM like WE DID. She being a LOW INFO voter and all that.

  3498. Oh Doprah. You are so RIGHTeous. I am sure you could see the level of great respect for george w. LOL! Barry is disrespected because he is a LIAR and is systematically destroying the USA. Period!

  3499. Just another example of a black person race bating comments. STFU.

    Obama is in the shape he’s in because of his socialist activity. If he was a Constitutional president, he would be sailing along. I’m white and your comments offend me and demonstrate to me who and where all the issues come from.

  3500. You have to love it when someone opens their mouth and says exactly what you would expect them to say. This raises the question of whether Ophra can be considered a fair arbiter of any issue, let alone issues related to race.

  3501. When covered wagons were suddenly inundated by Indians, they would circle the wagons and load their rifles for the onslaught. Liberals see labeling others as racist as the only weapon they have. They can’t use factual evidence, it would fall apart like a house of cards. Best to label opponents as racists.

  3502. Hey you narcissist simpleton, then why are you the most loved woman in America, why is Michael Jordan so loved, and why did Obama win the presidency with practically zero experience against two guys (McCain and Romney) with distinguished records of service? Why would all of that happen if America is so racist and people don’t like Obama because of his skin color? Why do conservatives who didn’t vote for Obama love Walter Williams and Clarence Thomas? Are you really so stupid that you can’t use this simple logic? Answer – yes.

      1. Larry Elder rocks. There is a long list of black people who are popular with conservatives. But don’t confuse oprah with facts or logic. If Americans weren’t so pathetic Oprah would not be so famous and would still be dating losers like Phil Donahue.

  3503. She just confirms the stereotypes.
    BTW, people find his white half just as incompetent as his black half.

  3504. The problem is Oprah, like most famous liberals, will never be called to account for this statement and others she’s made. No one in her audience will challenge her on her statement that white America hates Obama because of his color. And she knows this. So she will keep making dumb-assed statements like this.

  3505. I respect Condaleeza Rice because she has integrity. I once respected Colin Powell for the same reason, but I’m becoming a doubter. I respect Dr. Ben Carson because he has the temerity to speak the truth to any crowd. I respected Miles Davis because he did whatever he wanted to do. I neither like nor respect Barack Obama, because he is taking my country down…

  3506. Is anyone else struck by the irony of the comment policy? It says i must be respectful of others, and not engage in personal attacks, yet they print words that are more disrespectful and personally attacking then all but the most insipid of trolls on disqus.

    I also love how this alleged racism is “the kind of thing nobody ever says” when that is all you hear about from Obama supporters who are black. Its never about if he is a good or bad president, its about how everything is my fault, because my criticism of him is all due to his skin color.

    I never knew i was such a racist tool. I am truly chastised, how shall i repent?

  3507. Why is it always that “whites” are racists? Didn’t Obama take an oath to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States? And is he doing that? NO! That is why we want him impeached, not because of the color of his skin!

  3508. Damn, but these blacks are RACISTS! They think they’re entitled to everything and that no one can say anything because of the color of their skin!
    She only supports that clown because of the color of his skin! R A C I S T !

  3509. Do I call Harpo fat, ugly, hypocritical, communist, or corrupt because she is black? Or is it possible she really is all those things? And why is she so thoroughly aligned with the party of the KKK?

  3510. Nope. We dislike Obama because he’s a subversive and a hopeless idiot… just like you’ve turned out to be there O P R A H…

    You’ve introduced him to white LIV liberal women and now we’re stuck with him. That makes you a subversive as well.

  3511. I couldn’t stand Bill and Hillary Clinton and dislike Nancy Pelosi even more than Obama. That’s politics, nothing to do with color.

  3512. Unfortunately, we have learned that Winfrey is a paracitic racist pig. She needs to go away and we do that with our remote controls.

  3513. Now, remind me again….why should I listen to this has-been, talentless, race-obsessed bigmouth?? Oh….right….because she’s ‘famous’. hahahaaaa. ‘Orca’ pulls the race billboard, not the race card.

    I hate *barry davis* because he, like his life, is a total fraud and a lie. But thanks to his predominantly WHITE *royal blood* he is where he is. Kings are made, not *elected*!

  3514. If Obama was fully white he wouldn’t have made it this far and became president due to lack of credentials as an executive. I would argue just the opposite Oprah, many gave him less scrutiny because he was a minority.

  3515. Terrorists, suicide vest wearing, negotiating with a gun to our heads, sexist, racist misogynist, haters of women and children and minorities, bitter clingers, you lost ride in the back, etc., etc., etc., etc….

    Excuse me, but WHO is getting “disrespect”?!?!?!?!?!?

  3516. My wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me not to call Emperor Obama a flaming statist and Oprah a fat, overpaid, arrogant racist cow. Out of both fear and respect for the bride, I won’t.

    1. She strolled into that European store dressed like a bag lady with no make up and asked to be shown a $38k purse. The clerk, wanting to gently steer her toward something more affordable was publicly called a racist by the whining diva. That clerk didn’t lead her in another direction because she was black… she did it because Oprah was acting the part of a poor woman. And Oprah knew this human error would happen. She is unrecognizable without her glamorous make up and filtered camera lens that smooths out all her rough skin. She created a ruckus to promote her new racist film world wide. Worked like a charm. So what if a white woman got humiliated. She was white and deserved it!

  3517. And that’s why you pull down record ratings the nation and the world over.

    Heavey on the sarcasim.
    You nailed it Oprah. Good call.

  3518. maybe many Americans hate the president because he is a slacker who plays too much golf and doesn’t pay attention to the business he was elected to do ! maybe if he read the memo’s about the website was a disaster and it wasn’t really a video that caused the massacre at Benghazi and that IRS officials were targeting white groups and conservative groups and that the president lied to the American people about this and sent others out knowing they were lying to cover for his policies that are failing on a daily basis and that the presidents core values are different than 60% of the American people maybe just maybe its not racial maybe they just hate what the guy is doing to the country they love and that this president sent guns to Mexico to try and cause a public outcry for more gun control but only succeeded in killing border patrol agents and Mexican citizens ! as for miss Oprah queen i just don’t like her because she is rich……

  3519. No, my dear, we loathe the man because he is a petty, narcissistic tyrant who is thoroughly abusing his elected office, living la dolce vita off the taxpayer monies while trampling the Constitution, enacting ignorant and illogical economic policies that stifle business and innovation, squandering our sovereignty in the world, alienating our allies and putting this country at strategic risk, all while systematically stripping away our individual liberties. That’s why we loathe the man. I wouldn’t give a damn if he were a purple skinned hermaphrodite from the South Pole who worshipped wax fruit. The reasons for abhorring this incompetent pretender would remain.

  3520. Teri Cross Chetwood and OPRAH!

    I hate HATE H A T E Barack Barry Barak Soetero Soetoro Obama (or whatever his stupid name is) BECAUSE HE IS A LIAR and a FOOL and a SKUNK and an incompetent TOOL who is TOO STUPID TO BE PRESIDENT! And, he proves that every single day.

    You can call me a “racist” until the cows come home! And you will! But, those who know me would tell you that you are CRAZY!

    They know I walked with Charlton Heston in favor of CIVIL RIGHTS! And, I was “GASSED” (by Democrat sheriffs) for my efforts. You know, all those Democrat sheriffs who turned their heads when ugly things happened? Those DEMOCRAT sheriffs who used dogs, and baseball bats, and water hoses against blacks! Those Democrat office holders and law makers and law enforcers who were elected by Democrats! You know, all those Democrats who REFUSED to allow blacks to vote for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!!!!!!!! You know, all those Democrats who formed and staffed the KKK when they lost the war. You know, all those Democrats who joined the KKK and then joined the US Senate. You know, all those Democrats who KEPT THE SOUTH SEGREGATED FOR 100 YEARS. All those Democrats who REFUSED to pass the Civil Rights Acts in the mid 1960s. All those Democrats who passed the Jim Crow laws to keep the blacks segregated. All those Democrats who started THE BIG LIE in order to get blacks to vote for them and keep them in power!

  3521. When all deception fails and the facts become overwhelming the one trump card always gets played…why is this so predictable yet sickening at the same time. We are moving in reverse and if you say something about it then stand-by to be labeled a racist…

  3522. I would like to know why she only promotes black candidates? I have never seen the same zeal for white candidates as she has for black candidates. What do you call that?

  3523. Colour? Obama is an incompetent President not because of the color of his skin Oprah, it because he is ignorant about business and has no leadership skills. He’s not as bright as his supporters portray him. He’s never in command of the facts. Nor does he bother himself with the details. He shots from the hip. Any politician that is dependent on a teleprompter is either a parrot for his handlers or a person not prepared to discuss important issues. In Obama case it’s both.

  3524. Ahhh!!! The old race card yet AgaIn…!

    Actually, you fat cow, we “disrespect” the “Smooth Li’l Criminal” because he is a Fascist puppet, a liar and an America hater. Not only that, he is just not very smart….

    BTW… I am not afraid to be called a racist…. That little label the Leftists have been using has ZERO effect on most of us anymore….

    Remember Clarence Thomas? I do. These same losers who are crynig “RACISS” are the same ones who were making VILE comments and lies up about Justice Thomas 20 years ago and worked diligently to undermine Justice Thomas’s confirmation… The Leftist is only concerned with DESTROYING their political enemy. Who is their political enemy? Any American with values.

    My grandfather always said the only way to deal with a Communist, is to kill them.

    1. While I do not disagree with you, and you are funny…relax. Truth and time always result in triumph! The wall is down in Berlin, the Russians are no longer starving, and the Chinese are on their way to Capitalism! We are going to take this country back to prosperity. You are my brother or sister because we share values, not pigment.

      1. But the road to truth is always a bumpy one and usually results in many, many deaths, pain and suffering. Lets hope its minimal, but I dont think so. The entitlement society created by the operatives is so engrained in the minds of the takers, that they feel my tax money is theirs. That is a storm that will hit hard when the money dries up….And it will, very soon.

      2. Also, I personally respect Blacks that are Conservative and hard working. The Blacks we usually hear about are the ones who have fallen victim to the White Leftists who purposefully give race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson a voice. The White Leftist has kept the Black on the plantation… That is evil. The Leftist destroys family and honor.

  3525. Did she really just say no one ever says opposition to the president is based on his race? Really, that all that is said. Any question about the Presidents performance is deflected with an accusation of racism.

  3526. Louis Farrakhan , Black Panthers , Malcolm X , Al Sharpton , Oprah Winfrey , James Cone , Martin Luther King III , Cornel West , Alice Walker .

    All hell bent on a racial war , Social Justice , Anarchist , Religious wolves , lovers of self , lovers of hate.

  3527. so we dont like a half black president because hes “black” yet we love Oprah hence her wealth who is full black

  3528. Here we go again with the race card. It is his policies that Americans object to, not the color of his skin. He would never been elected in America without the votes of white Americans,(as distasteful as that is to Oprah).

  3529. Gee, I wonder how she made her Billion dollars? Could it have been from all those rich black people I always see in the audience of her show? Maybe it’s by selling her products to all those rich black people that inhabit the inner city. I don’t know, but according to her, it couldn’t have been white America…we’re all racists after all!

  3530. I’ve been waiting for the race card to be played! No the contempt we feel for Obama has nothing to do with his skin color! It’s simply he is the worst president ever BUT good try Okra on trying to spin it that way!!

  3531. I like what ‘boomerwy’ had to say. I think the majority of us we raised that way. Its people like (sadly) Oprah, Obama, Sharpton, Jackson etc etc who continue pushing racism and even working to promote it where there isn’t any.
    I DO NOT DISLIKE OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK, technically BI-RACIAL, I DISLIKE HIM BECAUSE OF WHAT HE IS DOING TO OUR COUNTRY. if Oprah would be totally totally honest with herself, she would see what he’s doing is hurting our country

  3532. Can anyone that agrees with her please explain why they disliked GWB was it because he was white????? If not then why is it that others can dislike Obama not just because the 1/2 of his race?

    1. I’ve never voted for a socialist Democrat, and I’ve been voting since 1972.When I voted against Obama, it was for the same reasons I never voted for a Democrat. There hasn’t been a true Democrat run for president since JFK.

  3533. Oprah may be right. Maybe Obama is disrespected by some because he is black. He had a white mother and a Kenyan bio-father and some think that this makes him black. But I am among those who disrespect him because he is a bad President. A big government neosocialist who is among those hostile to traditional American worldviews.

  3534. Typical race baiting….sigh.I guess that now that most of America finally sees that Obama is a friggin’ self deluded moron that hates our country and our constitution.

  3535. So any criticism of Obama policies are all based in racism not disagreement with the policy or its effects on the country. Got it.
    this is just like the Muhammad cartoons and the faithful calling for stoning and burning of the offending cartoonist. The controversy is not about the color of Obama’s skin it is how thin it is.
    “Above all else, the Devil cannot stand to be mocked.” – C.S. Lewis

  3536. You weak pathetic b*tch. That Marxist degenerate authoritarian is a smug, condescending, collectivist POS and you desperately hurl the race card to defend him.

    GD everyone of you socialist troglodyte vermin, Pelosi, Shultz, Feinstein, Schumer, Reid, Franken, none of them are black and we HATE them just as much. But Obamamugabe the wannabe dictator does lie significantly more than even them. He is a record setting liar. And a Saul Alinsky butt plug just like Hitlery…

  3537. We do not LIKE him because he is an ENEMY of Freedom—–there are many ethnic leaders I would vote for in a second, because they understand Freedom, and ethnic includes, white, black, brown, yellow, purple, magenta, etc.etc.

  3538. That’s the old race card used by liberals to justify their pathetic failures. The fact is that the only reason this liar, incompetent, far-left wing is still in office, is because he is black.

  3539. Oprah is playing the race card just to get her fat, lazy arse back into the spotlight.

    Hey you loser, your days are over.

  3540. I respect Oprah because she works her butt off and is a productive individual with generally ok ideas. I dislike Obama because his policies are bad for america, bad for my family, bad under biblical principals, bad economically, bad from a national security stand point, horrible from a military strategy standpoint, based on faulty supositions and pseudo science. He is dogmatic, ideological and he is nasty to his enemies. He is a micro manager but barely manages. He just is a horrible president. It has nothing to do with him being half African American. That is a stupid comment Oprah and you should not be so silly. You are smarter than that.

  3541. this woman displays her racist views by saying this. Such bull shi…….. the bad result is that people actually l listen to this bimbo….. Who cares what color he is if he does intelligent things for the country. He just doesn’t have the skillset. Obama is a light-weight, novice, unengaged person who was never presidential material and still isn’t.

  3542. To show how benevolent Americans are, BHO became president as the wayward son of a turncoat young communist. We elected him and he’s shown nothing but contempt for race relations- factually speaking.
    It’s his policies, laziness and dishonesty that Americans can’t stomach. His laziness caused the loss of Obamacare, his lies just made his laziness obvious.
    If he were a full caucusain, not only would he not have gotten elected but he would likely have been impeached by now.
    Oprah knows her audience and she’s playing to it. Please stay in England.

  3543. Where was she when Bush was being disrespected…That’s right he is white so it’s acceptable. Oprah is nothing but a fat media attention whore

  3544. I don’t dislike OWEbama because he is half black.

    I dislike OWEbama because his policy is pure communist red.

  3545. America has never had a black president. Barry Dunham-Soetoro-Obama Jr. is a MIXED-RACE idiot. Blacks who’ve adopted him as their own color, are indeed the racist retards showing off their hatred toward whites. Like oprah just did.

  3546. Oprah, I have zero respect for you not because you are black, but because you are a liberal and an idiot! Same for Obozo. He is half white, in case you missed it, so I will just disrespect that part. Fair enough? You twit.

  3547. I would like to once again take this opportunity to Thank Oprah for showing the world you are truly a racist.!!! Thank you for dissing Clinton and showing unwavering support for Obama because of the color of his skin, your moment of honesty blew thru the lie that you are somehow a crusader for all women.. I cannot thank you enough for that act of honesty !!!! Why am I sooo thankful.. since that day My wife turned off your show.. and I NEVER HAVE To Watch anything with OPrah the racist winfrey AGAIN!!!!!

  3548. Wow. Still playing the race card after all of obummer’s failures. Epic failure after failure, but hey, it must be because of George Bush or those pesky white people.
    WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER. Not even close. He blows Jimmy “the dunce” Carter out of the water by a mile.

  3549. BS Oprah… it is because he is the most incompetent President of our time White or Black… in this case both. He is so arrogant he cannot even admit to lying and apologize for it… he will fall faster than he rose….

  3550. Obama seems to be more in touch with Africa then his American citizens and it has nothing to do with his color. He has lied and fail to lead a great nation. He got elected in part because he is black and yet they play the race card to cover his lies. You can trust someone who has honest convictions but you cannot and should not trust a known liar. Dr. Ben Carson is called a uncle tom because he dares to tell the truth and he would be a much better leader for all American then the current KING OF LIES Obama

  3551. I saw Oprah give away a SUV to a black man because he was the only one she saw while “camping” in the zoo of park and campers at Yosemite Park. So there is no prejudice in her bones.

    People, who are productive, do not respect Obama because he could not manage a lemonade stand much less our country. Heck, I know an African American kid in 6th grade who could run the country much much better. Race is nothing when performance is key, that’s why all those redneck Americans love a football or basketball team predominated by African Americans.

  3552. yes, when the sh$t hits the fan, blame it on racism. Typically of democrats and liberals. I am tired of hearing this excuse, especially from well-known people like her.

  3553. Liberal minorities deserve a good slap across the face.It is time they recognized THEIR racial obsessionism.Oprah is a good case in point.

  3554. There is only one thing worse than a black racist- and that’s a big fat, rich, stupid black racist like Oprah!

  3555. Ahhh!!! The old race card yet AgaIn…! Actually, you fat cow, we “disrespect” the “Smooth Li’l Criminal” because he is a Fascist puppet, a liar and an America hater. Not only that, he is just not very smart….

    BTW… I am not afraid to be called a racist…. That little label the Leftists have been using has ZERO effect on most of us anymore….

    Remember Clarence Thomas? I do. These same losers who are crynig “RACISS” are the same ones who were making VILE comments and lies up about Justice Thomas 20 years ago… The Leftist is only concerned with DESTROYING their political enemy. Who is their political enemy? Any American with values.

  3556. I have 17,000,000,000,000 reasons for disliking OWEbama, and they are green, not black.

    Perhaps I am biased against red ink…

  3557. Funny when blacks show their own racism it’s couched as “everybody’s thinking it”…..No, it’s YOU thinking it, so quit trying to pull everyone else into your own personal racism issues. You voted FOR him BECAUSE he was black and that’s OK (even though it wouldn’t be for whites) then cry racism at every criticism…..lame, lame, lame.

    Awwww, your poor widdle pwesident is getting criticized….it must be because he’s black and not because he’s a clueless leader who deserves criticism right?? The more blacks pull the race card over Obama and his lying deceitful ways the less respect I have. Be adult enough to see clearly and intellectually honest enough admit your own presuppositions may be clouding your judgment.

  3558. He’s neither African nor American. Just a muslim half-breed…Oprah, on the other hand, is full-on racist.

  3559. Oprah or should I say Orca is nothing more than an ignorant biggot. The sad thing is that a lot of people listening to her and watching this video would believe her. At least most of us can see that President for the lying bastard that he really is.

  3560. What the hell does ‘afffffffrican amerrrrrrrrrican even mean? Another bogus label for falsely dignified blacks that for some reason feel the need to change what they are called as a race every 30 years or so.

    She, of course, is one of the top race baiters of all time, and a part of the push toward a one world government as well as a world where the White race is slowly through inter breeding, being wiped from the face of the earth. It makes me want to puke. What makes me want to puke even more is the seemingly lemming like manner in which White people want to sleep through it. Well if they do, they will awake one day to the fact that the entire world is completely devoid of Whites and in their place will be a baby doo beige colored race of drones that do the bidding of all other remaining races. I’m glad I will not be around to see this.

  3561. No Oprah, people hate him because he’s an incompetent, socialist jack-ass.
    Because somebody points out that you’re fat doesn’t mean they’re racist, it just means you’re fat, just like Obama has ruined our country.
    You’re only saying those things to take away from his performance record and that you supported his madness.

  3562. You both are liars, in his case everything that he has ever said is a lie, with you it starts with you not being a lesbian. Your whole empire would fall the minute you let people know what’s his name is a front so you can cater to the lonely housewives of America. Anything for a buck, huh.

  3563. No Oprah, we collectively hate what Barry and all the other LibMarxists stand for and want to force upon us.

  3564. The others disrespect him because he lies. He’s incompetent and racist. Like you Ms. Winfrey.

  3565. Every white woman who was ever conned by Oprah should feel like a fool. She used you to get rich, and despised you while she was doing it.

  3566. Orca makes 20 billion off of gullible women who are riddled with white guilt then throws them under the bus and calls them racist.

  3567. Amazing how blacks are MORE racist then anyone….AMERICA is so racist they voted a black pres in….oprah your an IDIOT.

  3568. Oprah, you are loved by many because of your actions, without regard to your race. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, is disrespected because of HIS actions.

  3569. I beg to differ, I treat Obama and the Clinton’s with equal amounts of contempt. In my mind, Obama is much more of a white liberal, than an African American. It’s amazing that in world of the liberals, the Caucasian portion of ones ancestry disappears, if one is born with a little extra melanin in their skin tone. The exception being George Zimmerman, who despite having brown features was referred to as a white Hispanic by the liberal press.

    1. John, they were technically correct calling Zimmerman “white”, the FBI counts hispanics as white if its a crime against blacks. Incredible, check it out.

  3570. Lincoln freed the slaves from the physical chains of Democrat bondage, but blacks are still voluntarily enslaved to the mindset of Democrats.

  3571. Maybe it’s to counter balance the fact that he was only elected because he’s black?

    I think that evens the field..

  3572. You know when the liberals are nervous about their failed ideology, they play the race card. A question to Oprah, are you implying that Obama can’t simply be incompetent because as you claim he’s black?

  3573. My genetic makeup in short, Great great grandmother mothers side full blooded Navaho G.G.grandfather German. Fathers side G.G. grandfather English, G.G. grandmother Irish-Dutch, Two great nephews, African American ( just American actually) and all of the above. I am white skinned, so I must hate my whole past. Get a life, racism is not the the question here. It is failed policies and actions of this President.

  3574. Dear Oprah. I don’t dislike Obama because he’s black. i dislike him because he’s not a good president.

    I don’t like his policies. I don’t like the “transparency” he offers. I don’t like his arrogance, but at the same time, I don’t like the fact he’s clueless on so many issues.

    I don’t like that he tries to be a bully, i don’t like the free phones. I don’t like allowing everyone into this country and make them an automatic citizen, which one Dem representative said was everyone’s RIGHT. Um no. Go to a foreign country and DEMAND to be a citizen and see what they say.

  3575. What a horse dung lie that is. Why do so many blacks think that every thing is about the color if their skin and not about their actions or inactions? Obama is a dirt bag because he is destroying the country’s economic base, and has spent us into oblivion with 9 trillion expenditures in just 5 years. That’s more than all presidents since Washington have spent, and that collective figure includes George W. Bush’s expenditures! Does Oprah understand just how much a trillion dollars is, I don’t think so? Or does anyone for that matter? Here’s a dynamic that can help you picture what a trillion bucks is: if you spent 1 million dollars a day, it would take you 2,700+ years to spend that trillion. Obama has spent 9 trillion and run up the country’s debt to $17 trillion. I want to know just who the hell the 39% out there believe this incompetent is doing a good job?! Are they insane or just stupid? The color of his skin has absolutely nothing to do with why he must go. He has committed so many impeachable acts that they defy even a summary listing! If a Republican had committed just one of his offenses, the clamoring for his hide would be unbelievable! I am fed up with the “spread the wealth around” bullshit. Wake up Oprah, this man is destroying the geese that lay the golden eggs for “your people.”

  3576. No one has given OWEbama any “disrespect” due to the color of his skin.

    Quite the contrary, he has gotten away with so much, and has been shielded from so much very legitimate criticism, by hiding behind false claims to that effect.

    On the other hand Oprah is going to lose a LOT of respect by making false claims of “racism”.

    Speaking of respect, perhaps if OWEbama started showing a little bit of respect to The American People, and Office of the President, and the US Constitution, THEN, AFTER THAT, perhaps we can start talking about any respect he may be due.

  3577. An an American I disrespect our current President because he disrespects the Constitution, he disrespects the rule of law, he disrespects the office of the Presidency by treating it as if it gives him the power to do whatever he wants, I disrespect the President because he disrespects the American people.

  3578. I do not have a problem with peoples skin color,because I’m color blind.My problem is with LIARS,FAKES<DISHONEST.RACIST LIKE HIM.Your opinion its not worth my dogs. do do

  3579. I have no respect for Barack Obama because he has not shown any reason for me to respect him. And you, always play the race card. You are a pitiful person.

  3580. Oh Oprah you are soooo stoopid. First of all if you’re going to make unsubstantiated claims of racism you better have proof. I have never seen any instance of what you claim – and if it were true the rabid press who has this fool’s back at every turn would be on the case en force. In fact it is the opposite. America has bent over backwards to accommodate this man’s ascension to the highest office in the land, only to be betrayed and trampling the trust of the American people. Not only that, he was given this approval without proper vetting by the press. Who is this man, really? No one really knows. One thing is certain. We are now facing a potential Constitutional Crisis thanks to the eminent collapse of his signature legislation. Obama is now operating more like a Dictator than a president – employing changes to federal law by fiat and determining by whim who is subject to the law and at what level, based mostly on political convenience and expediency.

  3581. Oprah, I worked down state when this idiot was a state senator. He was a spineless, fake bastud then as he is now. It’s his policies which are ruining America, not the color of his skin. Hell, Herman Cain or Dr. Ben Carson could work magic compared to this narcissistic, socialist imbecile. Go get you some twinkies and smoke some more crack Oprah.

  3582. Brainwashed neo-Bolshevik Bourgeois Billionaires like Winfrey employ the terms ‘racist’ and ‘racism’ as the typical Leftist misdirection, and they always get away with it. They are immune. The canard of “racist” (or “racism”) is hauled out by DemonRAT Leftists (of any race or color), and directed at anyone who opposes the socialist-fascist policies of Leftists who happen to be black, such as Comrade ObaMao. The communist DemonRATs and their culture are masters of this rhetorical sleight-of-hand, and the drooling DemonRAT sheeple and their “C” media (“C”, ultimately for Communist, which is exactly what these Leftist/DNC cultural disinformation transmission belts and apparatchiks really are) fall for it every time. The situation is f***ing hopeless.

  3583. Right, no chance he is unpopular because he got caught lying and because the economy sucks and because American foreign policy has been a complete fail. Liberals pointing fingers and not taking responsibility for their failed ideology is nothing new, nor is playing the race card.

  3584. I know how about we show how much we hate both of you for screwing up this country by boycotting your movie. You lost millions on your stupid O network, so let’s add to that with your idiotic movie.

  3585. Oprah, NO. To echo what has already been said, the reason why we don’t respect him is because of his lies, abuse of power and lack of leadership. There are plenty of black people that this white, conservative Jew would vote for: Allen West, Alan Keyes, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Rice, just to name a few. It’s not about the color of his (Obama’s) skin, but the content of his character.

  3586. Wrong, I hate him for what he’s doing to the country and my grandchildren’s future. On the other hand, if his being black is a cause for what he’s doing, perhaps she is right. So, Oprah, is he inept because he is black? Is that what you mean?

  3587. Oprah I would like to know how you could make that statement. Since you are not white but black. Anything you say is from a biased lens of your view. Shut the f u! I will never respect a black person if the keep branding me a racist because I am white and that’s all that I can ever be!

  3588. You know Oprah, can I call you Oprah??? Good now put a sock in it, nobody listens to you anymore. I don’t give a NY rats ass what color the bastard is he not a freaking King or Dictator, yet. I don’t like the man because guys like me served for decades defending this country against guys and ideologies like him. He a freaking muslim communist and that’s that PERIOD. There are hundreds if not thousands of American Blacks in our country that would have made a President a 1000 times better than this treasonous dirt bag. Who do you ask??? Let’s see, there’s Prof. Thomas Sowell, Col. West, Herman Cain, Justice Clarence Thomas, and that’s just a couple. You see Oprah it’s got nothing to do with race, the guy is just to communist indoctrinated to lead a free nation.

    1. Whenever I bring up those names, blacks call them uncle toms who are doing the bidding of the evil white man.

    2. This is so true I thought Allen West was a real man in the Congress and was proud of his service in the Middle East. He was a true conservative and I would have went door to door for him if he ran for President.

  3589. Well, She is famous for soaking up negative press. The president is not well liked and I doubt it has anything to do with skin color. Does she forget It took many different types of people to vote him in?

  3590. Oprah believes the “emperor’s clothes are beautiful” because she does not want people to know that she’s a fool.

    Whatever they drink in Chicago is toxic.


    Being black did not hurt her or prevent white people from making her a billionaire. Tiger Woods? See, its in their DNA, blacks hate white people no matter what.

  3592. What a dumbass this woman is. Sheltered, closeted with like minded idiots who spew drivel and have a world view that’s sadly biased, bigoted and way out of date. Ubama is a buffoon. Does it have anything to do with his skin color? Maybe, but far more to do with his parentage, upbringing and the similarity his life shares with Winfrey’s. If you’re constantly surrounded by people and institutions that reinforce your viewpoint, you remain befuddled and insipidly idiotic.

  3593. Got news for you Oprah, You are full of it !!! the disrespect comes from the fact that a sixth grader could do a better job of running this country.

  3594. So whites are racists who dislike Obama because he’s 50% black; while at the same time we’re supposed to care about the opinion of a 100% black, rich fat female celebrity. The litmus test for a Socialist/communist is the ability to believe and say completely contradictory things in support of their real agenda.

  3595. I was born and raised in the United States – I am a CAUCASIAN AMERICAN and proud of it – my dad served in the U.S. Military for 26 years, I served in the Army, my sister served in the Army, my Uncle served in the Army and many of my relatives died in the Civil and Revolutionary Wars, many of whom came from England, to protect and establish our freedoms from tyranny. Having said that here is my point I was raised knowing and having relationships with all different nationalities, my parents trained us that the color of the skin was just that a difference in pigmentation not that they were lesser people than us, I will strive to instill that ideology into my children. The fact that there are so many people who continuously throw into our faces that whites are racist is one the reason we have and will continue to have much discord among ourselves in this country their propaganda of becoming unified is being used against us and will continue to be until we truly become united and stop fighting against each other.

  3596. Orpah proves more and more just what an idiot she actually is. IF; this phoney dictator was white he’d have been handed his walking papers long ago….its not his half black that we hate….its the complete disregard for The constitution and his destruction of every aspect of America and its people. Orpah you certainly have no clue!

  3597. Hey Oprah, if Americans are racists, how did Bill Cosby have the number one show in America in the 1990s? You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being! Anyone’s a racist, here, is you! Maybe, if you recall, you were uninvited to the White House by Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett back in 2009, because you were too fat! So, was that a form of discrimination? Hypocrisy with you liberals is rampant!

  3598. Seriously? The only reason this incompetent ideologically driven failure of a president remains in office is because he is black.

  3599. I remember when Obama gave a speech at the Dem convention when Bush was president, I told my family he would be the first black president. When he started his campaign, I read all about him, his book, his back ground etc. I became convinced he was a Radical Leftist and since I am conservative, I did not vote for him. I guess I must be a racist then (NOT)…even though I do LIKE Alan West, Herman Cain, and other Conservative black candidates and politicians. If the LEFT could not accuse the Anti Obama people of being the R word…they would have to face REALITY and then they would see Obama has been a Terrible President, who had no Qualifications for the Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of America. HE is the Great Divider!

  3600. Oprah…it was the majority of whites who elected him into office TWICE and it was the majority of whites who made you a billionaire (your fan base). If anything, you should be discussing how the president’s actions have taken race relations to the lowest point that I have ever witnessed in this country. How about his obvious silence when two groups of black youths killed two white elderly WW II veterans in SEPARATE incidents in different states just this year? There are many more examples of black youth on white crime and you know it, Oprah! I dare you to go on a major US media outlet and repeat what you said to the BBC. You won’t do that, will you, Oprah?

  3601. That race card is worn out, Oprah. We hate Obama because he is wrecking the country. While we are at it, we hate you because you are stupid, not because you are black.

  3602. Hmmm, I guess all the left wing epitaphs hurled at Bush, like Bushie, Shrub, Chimp, Smirky, Bushitler, Chickenhawk One, Hitlerburton, Chimpowitz, Rove’s Puppet, Cowboy Hitlerstein, AWOL McPsycho, Bushollini, Cheney’s Sock Puppet, Chimpy McDrunkard, Darth Moron, Toxic Texan, Dim Son, Drinky McCokeSpoon, Emperor Chimpatine, Fearful Leader, Herr Bush, Moron-in-Chief, and Satan’s Monkey, were just a figment of my imagination.

    People who have disagreements with the sitting president have disrespected them for as long as the country has been around. Barrack Obama is exceptional only in that he is the first African-American President, and being black does not make him any better than any past president, or give him ANY right to expect better treatment.

  3603. I don’t disrespect Obama because he’s black.

    I disrespect (which is not really a verb, but I digress) him because he doesn’t deserve respect.

    I disrespect him for his arrogance and narcissism.

    I disrespect him for his lying.

    I disrespect him for his disrespect and utter disdain for anything conservative.

    I disrespect him for ruining our country.

  3604. He could be Chinese or Swedish or German. We disrespect him because he and his team are not very bright. Take his teleprompter away and he demonstrates his rather low IQ!! His team is not much better!! And if you believe I’m wrong about that, then this team must be purposely trying to destroy America!! They can’t turn the jobs picture around without fudging the numbers, are you kidding me!! I really hope its just their incompetence!!!

  3605. Apologize Oprah. The people you’re calling racist are the people that have great respect for Dr. Ben Carson, Allan West, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, etc, etc. What they don’t like about your guy is that he’s a liar, incompetent, arrogant, a racist married to another racist, and anti-America.

  3606. Obama HATES America – so I HATE him. It’s that simple. This fat, racist slob can’t deal with reality.

  3607. If he were hated because he is black, he would have never won the presidency. Not without white support, whether you like it or not Oprah.

  3608. Sorry, Ms. Winfrey. I OPPOSE Pres. Obama because he is INCOMPETENT! Never ready for the job. Now, those apologists, especially in the black community, just NEED to have their ‘Samuel L Jackson’ moment and ADMIT, “Hell yea I voted for Obama because he is black”. Once YOU, Ms. Winfrey and others giving this false narrative that Pres. Obama is opposed because he is black, ADMIT that, we can begin a dialogue. If not, you are fooling yourself.

  3609. If they are Red, Yellow, Black or White it does not matter. The person who is the president CAN NOT rule by edict on their whim. The president is not a King and we kicked out the last one 237 years ago. What he is doing is UNCONSTUTIONAL (aka ILLEGAL!) and that’s the real problem. He is not ABOVE THE LAW. If OBAMA has no respect for the Constitution (aka THE LAW) then how can he expect anyone else to respect it? With no respect for the law we are all doomed. Impeach OBAMA NOW and save America.

  3610. Some may hate him because he’s black….I hate him because he’s a lying piece of crap with no honor or integrity.

  3611. No Oprah, you stupid cow, we don’t hate Obama because he’s black. We hate and disrespect him because he is, most assuredly, THE worst President in U.S. history! I hated Bubba Clinton and Jimmy Carter. Does that make me racist? I hated FDR and Woodrow Wilson, too. Does that make me racist? I despise all the aforementioned Presidents for one reason only – their Socialist agendas. Give the race card a rest. It doesn’t fly anymore. You supported/voted for Obama solely BECAUSE he’s black. YOU Oprah, are the racist.

    1. He is not possibly the worst president in history, he truly is the worst. Carter probably loves him for knocking him off the top of that list.

  3612. Let’s see – Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, McCain, Napolitano, Sotomayor, Kagan, Christie, Clinton, etc…. Don’t like them either. Last time I checked, they were not black.

  3613. Oprah Winfrey is the direct result of the money and efforts of white, capitalist, businessmen. Do you really think she has the talent and smarts to build the empire she now has? Your oh so welcome Oprah. Now not only do I dislike Barry, I don’t like you much either. Go back to your cocaine habit and leave us alone.

  3614. Ms Winfrey, that is a’glass is half empty’ excuse. The other half is white. Why is that so often forgotten. So that makes Obama the perfect, representative of everyone. PERHAPS, the real problems are gross incompetence, dishonesty, stomping on the constitution, gross disrespect of the military and the American people.

  3615. I “disrespect” Mr. Obama not because of the color of his skin but because of his character and for policy reasons. As for Ms. Winfrey, I detest her descent to gutter politics by using the race card. Shame on both!

  3616. Oprah — you’re deciding what I think as a white man based on the fact that I’m white. You’re the racist here.
    The problem with Obama is that he has no respect for the American Constitution. This results in policies anathema to the American way of life. This has nothing to do with his skin color.

  3617. Just for this reason alone we should NEVER vote a black POTUS in again. If we do this is all we are going to hear. Obviously this issue will never be resolved because of people like you, Sharpton and Jackson who race bait.

    1. I would LOVE Dr. Ben Carson to be our next president. He’s smart and honest enough to undo all the damage our lying, incompetent current prez has done. And he could fix our healthcare problem in about an hour.

    2. I’d vote for a black conservative – I’ve NEVER voted for a Democrat – I don’t care what color skin they have.

      1. I agree. Ben Carson comes to mind. I never give money to politicians. The very first time I did was to Herman Cain.

    1. Isn’t it hilarious that Moochelle didn’t want Oprah at the White House because she said she was fat! (true. they don’t like each other) Why not pick on Moo for hating fat people, Oprah???

  3618. Okra, We the REAL American People don’t like O.liehole because he is a far left radical, anti-capitalist, America hating, Marxist, Muslim, racist, liar, unqualified and ineligible fraud. Nothing to do with skin color. Anyway, when is he going to pay attention to his white side and stop hiding behind his black side. His African side is what makes him ineligible to hold the office he has slithered into and your racist support of him is as fraudulent as he is. Yes, it is racism to stupidly defend and support someone because of skin color. Criminal is criminal no matter the color of your skin. Stupid is stupid no matter the color of your skin. One you can fix…

  3619. I told my coworkers back in 2007 that if odumbo gets elected, he will set black people and race relations back 60 years.
    Well here we are, it’s 2013 and EVERY economic indicator has black people doing worse now than at any time in American history since slavery was abolished.
    I knew that Obama was going to do the bidding of his banking and corporate masters (just as all presidents do), yet he would get a pass from blacks and white guilt liberals no matter what he does. Any criticism of his presidency would be met with accusations of racism.

    There is an underlying tone of resentment by white americans who are falsely being accused of racism as they see their futures being destroyed.
    Black americans KNOW that Obama is a fraud. But they will defend him to the death because to turn on him would mean admitting that in their finest hour (a black man becomes president) and after always blaming the white man for their problems, one of their own turns out to be just as corrupt/evil and sells them out. To admit this would be to admit that there is NOTHING black americans can do to “attain equality”. To admit that would be to admit that there is no hope and there is no change.

  3620. If MLK were alive today, he would pimp slap you across that blaspheme mouth of yours.
    Oprah the divider. Nice Christian fundamentals.

  3621. When she can’t defend him on anything, then of course it must be race. I am so sick of this stuff. Come on, he is a bad president, it doesn’t matter what race, religion, education, etc… actions speak louder, and he has sucked at this job.

  3622. I guess the reason he’s doing such a poor job of leading as president is because he’s black. OK I’ll accept that as the cause, affirmative action and such.

    1. Not because he’s black, but because he’s trying (and succeeding) at trying to capitalize and profit on the fact.

  3623. Thomas Sowell for President!

    In a pinch, I’d also take Ben Carson or Colonel West. Heck, I’d even take Colin Powell if it meant getting rid of the Obummer.

  3624. It’s disgusting how people use race baiting to excuse Obama for his failed presidency. God forbid they acknowledge, the distain for him and his administration, is the result of corrupt policies, and weak leadership. Blame and deny has been their mantra all along. It’s about time Obama is being held accountable for his actions, and people are judging him on his merits ( or lack of there of). It has nothing to do with race………a bad egg, is a bad egg, no matter what the color. Let the awakening continue!

  3625. Nope, it’s got nothing to do with his skin color and everything to do with his incompetence and arrogance. I believe incompetence and arrogance are color blind, don’t you Oprah?

  3626. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    The kind of thing no one ever says? What?!?!?!

  3627. Was it racist when 93% of African Americans chose to not vote for Mitt Romney because he was white?

  3628. How convenient! Oprah and her idiot president friend NEVER have to achieve anything. They just have to “be” and they are PERFECT!

    If they “screw up” they can NEVER be blamed!
    If they “screw up” they just BLAME US!
    They just call us “RACISTS” and all is perfect!
    WOW, what a wonderful world.

  3629. Democrats never do what the great Republican Martin Luther King said judge a man by the quality of his character not the color of their skin. They just keep segregating people as they have done since 1832.
    When was the last time they wrote a bill that applies to all Americans equally.

    ps: Oprah you are a disgusting elitist pig not because of your color but due to your arrogance and hatred for the common everyday person.

  3630. The mounds of invective and disrespect heaped upon G. W. Bush was because he was raised in Texas and is a Christian.

  3631. He is a crappy president. You can tell when he is lying, because his lips are moving. I dont care if he was purple. He sucks as a president, he sucked as a senator, and he sucked as a community organizer.

  3632. If we’re so racist how did BHO get elected in the first place?! I’m pretty sure he was still black in 2008.

  3633. I thought Obama was ONE HALF black and ONE HALF white. So how is he more African American than White? I campaigned for and supported Herman Cain. I have the highest regard for him, Dr. Ben Carson, Alan West, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Mia Love..etc….

    I don’t care what color your skin is. I care about your character, your Constitutional convictions, and your ability to communicate effectively your Conservative ideas. Nothing more, nothing less.

  3634. Sorry “Big-O” but I think most people have a lack of respect for him due to his actions and his words (lies) Get real.

  3635. No, many Americans despise Obama because he is a human wrecking ball. How could America so despise him when it was supposedly that same America which elected him in the first place. Or did they?

  3636. Now Oprah is a mind reader on all of America. People voted Obama in, in part because he black and had a message of change. We got no change but lies and a horrible President and incompetent administration that is why they do not respect Obama.

  3637. Well, damn Oprah, that must mean that all of you blacks were against Bush because he was white.

    What racists black are!

  3638. Oprah you are so irrelevant now, not even the publicity gleaned from projection of your own issues onto other people will save your failing empire.

  3639. Bull shit Opra. He is a criminal. I don’t care if this man is green although it would make him look more stupid than he looks now.

  3640. Oprah is racist too and admits it. How would it sound if someone white says they like to hire black people so they can boss them and dominate over them. Which is a paraphrase of what she said recently about her “help”. So much for helping out her fellow “sistas”. She is prefering whites over blacks. Sounds to me like that is wrong to both races lol.

  3641. I like Ben Carson but dislike Obama. I like Clarence Thomas but dislike Jessie Jackson. I like Thomas Sowell but dislike Al Sharpton. It has nothing to do with skin color stupid. I don’t like you but I do like Stacy Dash.
    We are no longer intimidated by that approach, try something else to defend the indefensible.

  3642. Oprah. please explain with some sense why these same people feel about Obama the same way they do about Reid, Pelosi, Schumer Wasserman, Boxer and many others. It has nothing at all to do with skin color, except when you and he uses it to get away with all that they do. He and you use color to prevent from being criticized. Yes there may be a few, but it is very few that really only focus on color. It is his actions, not is color. It is about conduct and charracter and he fails in both of those.

  3643. I feel a level of disrespect for this President, NOT because he is African-American, but because he governs with disregard and contempt for his constituents. No, I did not vote for him either in 2008 nor 2012, but he is my President too and has an obligation to govern on behalf of all the people. I do not find it excusable nor good leadership that he admits to not knowing about the security issues in Benghazi, the distribution by our government of dangerous weapons in Mexico, or the readiness and components of the ACA–while he ought not get caught up in minutiae, none of these issues are minutiae. Either know what’s going on or nominate better capable persons! NOT a race issue, Ms. Winfrey, but a credibility and capability issue, or rather lack of both.

  3644. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU this racist bitch! She’s just ticked off because she totally destroyed her career by pushing the worst President in American history down the publics throat solely because he was black. To hell with his qualifications, just because he was black this racist bitch promoted him and all her stupid zombie viewers voted for him and now look at the hell we are in.

  3645. Its been what 250 years and we still have this BS going on……Poor little sambos piss and moan about being black……. Black people are the racists. And for the record Opie didnt you profile Frank Perdue for looking like a chicken while you look like a ?????

  3646. I have no doubt that Oprah’s comments are correct, at least to some degree. I also have no doubt, and know based on their own admission, that many conservative and moderate black Republicans voted for BO solely because he is black to make history, even though he is technically half black, half white. There are always going to be some number of people (of all colors) who will be racial in their choices.

    However, I think the problem with people like Oprah, who tend to claim racism at a first jab, is that they are so consumed with racism that they can’t have it any other way. They can’t possibly fathom that the liberal agenda is at fault. Case in point: Why does Herman Cain, who is 100% black, have some a following among white voters? Why did so many blacks have such a disdain for GW Bush? See, we can play this game all day long, but at the end, there is no proof, only mere bias-filled liberal whining for their failed policies.

    I assert that the reason so many people don’t care for BO is because he continues to ascribe to liberal policies that are doomed from the start and are contrary to a Constitutional republic that we have established.

  3647. Even she wouldn’t endorse him publicly on his second go round, wouldn’t meet him at the white house either but some people who like to slap down that race card use race as a reason to “stick together” and back each other up. Head spinning yet?? Let’s not even get into the number of people of all colors who voted for him JUST BECAUSE he’s black, what public figure wants to stand up and talk about THAT.

  3648. Look at what Obama has done before he became the Affirmative Action president. His entire resume is based on what can this community organizer do to help blacks.
    I have read the histories of Haiti, Detroit, Zimbabwe, and several other black run areas. I know all I need to know about black leadership. Obama’s administration has failed to disappoint me. I knew it before he won, just like I usually know what race a crime suspect is if his race is not mentioned.

    1. as a community organizer I heard he also did not do that to well
      I heard he took money to help the schools somehow and yet the schools did not look any better then when he first took the money, plus we have him to thank for working with Acorn and pushing banks to give loans to people who could not afford to pay them back
      well we know what happened after that, can you believe this crap, he helps with the economy collapse and then points the finger at Bush
      as a senator I heard he tried to take credit for others bills
      nice set up if you ask me, but that is all this guy knows take credit for others successes and blame others for his failures

  3649. Fight back America. Don’t allow people to use their skin color to assault us with lies that they believe can go unchallenged because due to fear of being called a racist. This comment by Oprah is an assault on our rights as Americans to speak our minds. If we continue to let these verbal assaults to continue, we will eventually lose everything. Haven’t we lost enough already? Stop watching this self-serving unstable narcissist.

  3650. Oh this lady is full of sh * *. She always plays the race card.
    Seriously you fool are we racist against his white or black half?
    Oprah you single handedly ruined this country go away and shut up.
    You are irrelevant.

  3651. LOL

    Yeah, when a black gets in trouble, they always play the race card.

    Hey Oprah, Obama’s approval rate is at an all time low of 39%- Are 71% of Americans racist?


  3652. I like Fred Sanford, Aretha Franklin, J.C. Watts, and others. I admire Dr. King. However, I do not tolerate stupid people of any race. That includes Barrack Obama and now Oprah. Stupid is as stupid does.

  3653. Right Oprah – no one would disrespect him because of the worst economy ever, unemployment through the roof, too many scandals to write down, and health care being taken from millions of Americans. We’re all just racist….

  3654. Is anybody still paying attention to anything Oprah Winfrey says? Oh, that’s right — the black racists still worship her.

  3655. if we are so racist in america how and the heck did you ever stay on the air so long with your tv show…
    what next oprah, we only hate black men or in this case we are soooo racist we even hate half black men…
    it couldnt be that the emperor is finally being seen without any clothes…

  3656. I’m white, I voted for him the first time, not the second time around. No, Oprah, it’s not because he’s black- it’s because he stinks.

  3657. The one man that I respect more than any other man in the country is Dr. Thomas Sowell, not because of his color, but, because of his ideas and character.

    1. No loss for me – she never had my respect to begin with. I always thought she was a shill when it came to Barry Soetoro.

  3658. Oh Oprah! You’re delusional and mean spirited. Face reality that Obama is not fit to be Prez. When a “White person” does a bad job and a “Black person” agrees that they’re not doing a good job, is that racist? I don’t think so. I think you Oprah are the true racist.

  3659. Oprah, your “I am still relevant” bubble has just been burst….reading the comments posted here…NO ONE seems to share your slanted, biased views. Like Jesse and Al, you need to slither back into your hole, and reflect on your poor assessment of the American people. You, Oprah, owe us all an appology… then, please, just go away.

  3660. This is Why she no longer is Anericas favorite Talk Show Host, she sold her soul to the Devil and now her debt is Due.
    In case she’s not Aware? He half white and it’s because He’s a Marxist failure. His policies are destroying the Middle Class and have made her illreavent as a person of influence.
    Not Ever in this Life will I go to or watch her in another Movie.
    Oprah your the Racist and so is Mr. Obama, George Bush was treated so badly I would be embarrassed to say what you said? What happened did we all forget about how Mean,Ugly the Left is and was to President Bush.
    Incompetence is Incompetince period it has nothing to do with Race.

  3661. No Oprah, we disrespect you and Obama because you both are socialist douches. Both of you have been successfull and now are hard at work making sure no one else does the same. I have great respect for many “African Americans”. The list is to long and some aren’t publicly known but a few would be Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Morgan Freeman, and Bill Cosby and many others. Obama is in the same catagory as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson(Both of them), Marion Barry, and now Samuel Jackson and Jamie Fox after their recent racist comments.

  3662. I can’t stand Oprah either. Is it because she’s black, or is it because she’s an opinioned, ego-centric liar whose days are measured but wants a better end to her misery?

  3663. Yep we’re the same racist country that elected a black president. I love how lib’s think Europeans are the enlightened ones on racism. I cant remember a single black leader in any European country, ever! The fact of the matter is there is not a single country in the world including Africa, where it’s better to be a black man then in the US . As it should be! We give him respect by judging his actions and policies like every other president regardless of race. The racist are the one’s who agree with his policies simply because they share the same color skin. God forbid you’re are black and disagree with the Obama, the Lib’s will butcher you

  3664. If we take Oprah at her word on this, then she thinks most Americans are racist. Aren’t these the same Americans who idolize her? Why didn’t she carve out an exception for her fans? I think she is conflicted on this and has decided in her arrogance that playing the race card is the best way to draw attention away from the Wreckage of the failed ideology she is totally invested in.

  3665. Shame on you Oprah. You know that is not true. The President has failed to earn the respect of most Americans because of his policies and his failures…Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA and IRS scandals(just to name a few)…ring any bells with you Oprah??

  3666. There is disrespect for the man because he has shown himself to be a person of low moral character and doesn’t have the cajones to tell the truth about anything.

    Screw his skin color.

    1. Oprah Winfrey is a former prostitute and idiot who hates whites because they are so stupid they made her rich.

  3667. I disrespect him because he is a liar, a socialist, and he has done nothing positive for this country in 5 years. The end.

    1. He towers above all (Nixon and Carter included) in his ineptitude, perfidy, and contempt for the Constitution. In all other criteria, he couldn’t hold a candle to Ronald Reagan.

    2. Towers? Your viewpoint must be subterranean. This man is a socialist liar. And in spite of his attempt at wealth redistribution, black people in this country are worse off since he got into office, come to think of it, we’re all worse off.

    3. Another paid troll, probably doesn’t even speak English natively because O has to outsource his propoganda now.

  3668. I would love to see her ignorance cause her to lose all the riches she’s acquired thanks to Capitalism while she stands in support of the Socialist.

    1. This is her style — when she needs self-promotion, she goes all out and does something really ignorant. Like this statement. Or the accusation that she wasn’t waited on properly in Switzerland. The race card tactic is dead.

  3669. This is a generalized statement at best since there have been many minorities that haven’t liked many other white presidents as well. With that aside Obama will go down in history as one of if not the worst we’ve had so far.

  3670. Hmmmm.. because I will oppose Hillary Clinton’s proposals when she runs for president that means I hate white women. That’s dumb and simpleton thinking. I married a white woman, maybe I made a mistake 🙂

  3671. It is the content of his character that I don’t like. His skin color is one of the few things about him I like.

  3672. when are we going to get great TV like comedy centrals ‘Lil Bush”? I think were due an obama parody tv show….err wait….thatll never happen. A rodeo clown cant even wear an obama mask without a societal backlash from the fake news. Just another day in this Sick sad world of do as I say, not as I do.

  3673. She is such an ugly fat pig! Can’t listen to one thing she has to say. If anyone is a pig headed fool, it is she!

  3674. No, Oprah. People don’t like liars. Plain and simple. Seems like you fall under that category too because if someone is black and people don’t agree with them or if they speak out against their actions you and your ilk paint them as racist.

  3675. I guess when Bush’s approval ratings were in the low double digits it was because everyone disliked that he was white. What an absolutely ridiculous assertion she put forward.

    Oprah is so out of touch, it is embarrassing. It is so sad that someone like her has so much wealth and power and yet, has to be so small minded. I guess you can’t buy intelligence or class.

    Keep perpetuating the racism, Oprah, you elitist scumbag. According to Oprah: White People=Racists. Racism=White Supremacy.

  3676. Well, that’s unfortunate. Oprah’s proof-positive that being rich doesn’t mean you’re intelligent (or even reasonably realistic). What Oprah and every other poor, oppressed African American that supports BO conveniently sets aside is that OBAMA IS NOT BLACK. HE’S A 50/50 BAR. His mother, Ann Dunham was WHITE, but even insanely rich idiots like Oprah conveniently ignore that small detail when they want to play their precious race card. Apparently having ANY African-American juice in you at all gets you automatically enrolled in the “Everyone Hates You Because You’re Black” club.
    People “hate” BO because he’s disregarding the laws of the land as it suits him, blowing-off our constitutional rights as it suits him, ignoring the American People, pushing a broken agenda at the cost of our economy, destroying jobs, enabling illegal immigrants and STEALING OUR MONEY to pay for Obama Phone, Obama”Care” and the 1,232,344 other programs he’s pulled out of his butt designed to redistribute the money the so-called “middle class” apparently has too much of.
    Too bad money can’t buy intelligence, Oprah. I guess you’ll just have to stay stupid.

  3677. Americans don’t “hate” Mr. Obama because he’s black. What a stupid statement. We dislike intensely what he’s doing purposefully to our country as he’s single-handedly destroying the republic from within from every conceivable angle. He deserves to be impeached, convicted and imprisoned for crimes against the constitution and the republic. I can’t recall one single thing this man has done to improve the lives of the American people in any way, not a single one! It’s all about him, not us, and he lies in a way that would make Pinnochio jealous. He’s dangerous, doesn’t follow the constitution he swore to uphold and acts like Mussolini. That’s why many of us feel the way we do. Why don’t you back fine, intelligent, patriotic, highly accomplished black gentlemen such as Drs. Carson, Sowell, Williams and Colonel West who anyone of us would be proud to be our president? No Oprah, you don’t get it at all. Enjoy your time in Montecito, but you can’t spend too much time there. The liberal, Democratic government in CA steals too much tax money so we can’t go along with that, can we?

  3678. Irony: Calling folks racist who disagree with a man elected because of the color of his skin, not the content of his character.

  3679. No! Wrong! This same tired old excuse! Obama is disrespected because he is a bad president, has shown no leadership and seems incompetent. That’s all — doesn’t matter what color he is. This “racism” charge is empty, phony, a sad and sorry excuse for a man who is simply not up to the job. End of story.

  3680. I don’t hate Obama, I just hate his policies and everything he has tried to do as president … it has nothing to do with his skin color, it has everything to do with the fact that if he gets what he wants it will ruin the country.

  3681. BULLSH!T. We don’t respect him because there is nothing there to respect you racist! Just admit he’s a lying socialist who hates this country and wants to destroy it. Stop trying to hide behind the race card for ONCE in your life.

  3682. Oprah, how can you say that when the majority of white people got him elected. You cannot have it both ways.

  3683. What truly puzzles me about Oprah is this —

    How can a woman with so little to offer — acquire so much financial wealth ? Did she inherit it all ?

    1. She got from white people who bought her BuIIShit for years on her TV show. She has benefitted greatly from white society’s propensity to be color blind, Too bad the Negroes aren’t.

  3684. Oprah in incorrect. Last I checked, Al Gore was white. I hold a very similar opinion of him, as well.

        1. That’s so clever. Did I give the impression I didn’t agree with HankeePank? Sorry, I absolutely agree with him/her.

      1. I’m not an equal opportunity hater at all, I just disagree with anyone who espouses fascist/socialist Marxism, and that is the liberal politicians, entertainers and so on in this country. No hate for the person at all, just their intentions.

        1. I think both Gore and Obama intention’s create a visceral dislike in a lot of people. Their intention’s have created so much harm and damage to the lives of so many Americans. If you are able to remain dispassionate in discussing them, my hat is off to you.

          1. Yes, I’m able to remain dispassionate, because I don’t know these people personally, they may be very likable on a personal level, but, I would still hate their ideology.

            1. You are either a saint or have not had their ideology affect your life on a personal level yet. Good for you.

              1. It has affected me greatly, my family owns a very small business and I raised 6 kids without any government handouts. Also, my wife was a stay at home mom. I’ve sacraficed much to raise my family. I only bought and still buy necessities. Most people don’t know how to prioritize anymore, they indulge their wants and want someone else to supply their needs.

  3685. Funny, I respect Dr. Ben Carson and Dr. King (MLK). Their skin color has nothing to do with my respect for them, but rather the content of his character…

    Now, Rev. Jackson, Rev. Sharpton and President Obama, I have no respect for, they are Liars a race baiters…

    It’s is disappointing that Oprah is playing the same Race card.

    1. Dr. King wanted us to judge people of all colors by the content of their character. I think disliking Obama lives up to that goal.

  3686. Oprah shows her OWN naivety and racism by her comment. She desperately wants to believe this. So very sad…. And if he was white and doing all the horrid murderous things (Benghazi, for one), he has done, what then would be her excuse?

  3687. So I disrespect him because I’m a racist and not because he is incompetent and complete idiot? Really?

  3688. Yawn… Another race card toss… People disrespect Obama because he’s a worthless grifter and fraud… And they disrespect the people who still support him because they are either grifters too or merely stupid beyond all reason.

  3689. If you met a space alien on the street, here’s the only thing you need to tell him:
    “Liberals are scum”. Period.

  3690. yeah, and the same people completely respect Herman Cain, Col. Allen West and Dr. Ben Carson because why again?

    oh right…because they’re not complete frauds.

  3691. Hey Opie, THIS American hates Obama for his moronic transformational idea of what his America looks like through his eyes! Obama is an idiot and no one can help you for not seeing that, but only seeing skin color! MLK would be sad for you today!

  3692. A thanks to headlinedigest.com for linking me here.

    Blah, blah, blah…racist, blah, blah…because he’s Black…blah, blah, blah.

    ENOUGH! It is time Black people realized they are not the only race! All they do is talk about race…so tired of it! So using her logic, when ANY Black person criticizes a politician (or anyone) of another race, it’s because they’re racist.

  3693. Democrats prove over and over century after century that the Democrats are the party of Racism and always has been. Democrats fought a Civil War to keep Black people as slaves then after thy lost the War they created the Ku Klux Klan as their own terrorist arm. The Democrats wrote and passed the Jim Crow laws and fought tooth and nail against Civil rights for all. But yeah, it racism from the GOP, a Party that was created to fight the Democrat Slave owners.
    Modern Democrats will use ANYTHING to keep their racist powers. They use dumb woman, dumb Mexicans and dumb blacks like Oprah to STEAL from me and give to those they like for nothing more than Im white…
    MLK is spinning today as modern black America commits suicide…

  3694. I disrespect him because he’s a lying scumbag, I disrespect Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi for the same reason, and they aren’t black.

  3695. O,
    This POTUS ignores or unilaterally changes laws whenever he wants! I don’t believe our Constitution allows that. Also, I don’t respect the man because he is a liar. Nothing to do with skin pigmentation.

  3696. Oprah there are nuts under every tree ,,, white nuts, black nuts,brown nuts ,red nuts how many nuts hated bush because he was white ,,you seem to have a wounded sprit, and you have made a reported 1 billion, i am sure that money came from all americans ,MR Obama is under attack , no different than bill clinton or george bush,,he is far left of many ,, like jimmy carter ,,,when up to 60% of americans dont agree its not his 1/2 white or 1/2 black color ,,,its the policies…..when people throw around the race or color thing ,,,, it does no good,,, and is used to much ….

  3697. This will never end. If every black could somehow magically be made Oprah rich, this will never end. It’s in their DNA.

    1. Exactly. See, when people like Oprah say this crap, in essence, she is trying to silence debate and our right to criticize our elected “officials.” It’s so sad that that this is the best she can come up with. Talk about low self-esteem…Black people always think “Its because I’m Black!” They’re obsessed with race.

  3698. The level of disrespect that was leveled at GWB was as bad, if not worse. Here we go with the race card again. Between Oprah, Valerie and Michelle, I find it appalling how insulated and protected this man is. Based on the fact that Blacks are a Matriarchal society, it’s no wonder he hides behind his three Mama’s and can’t handle any criticism whatsoever. Respect is earned Ms. Winfrey.

  3699. The only ones injecting race into this issue are the libs. I’m sick and tired of hearing that if I oppose the Dear Leader , then I am a racist. That term has lost its power with me. I know that I’m not and I don’t care what they call me anymore. My issues with Obama aren’t anything as shallow as the color of his skin.
    Isn’t it ironic that the libs/progressives/race baiters have veered so far away from Dr Kings message ( judging someone by the content of character and not color of skin) while conservatives seem to the only ones who are living by it? Libs are the true racists in this country.

  3700. No, you idiot, we despise him because 1)he’s incompetent, 2)he’s running the country into the ground, 3)when his lips move, he lie’s, 4)need I go on?

  3701. If he’s a complete dick, why should he get off just because he’s black?? President Obama has lowered the Office of the Presidency to that of a college Dean. You still have to earn respect – I don’t care who you are.

  3702. Obama is 50% white, 45% ARAB, 5% black! At least that is what his Grandmother and brother, and Kenya family say.

  3703. Mz Winfrey, you have completely lost your mind. You can spout that racist nonsense all you want. Having it come from your mouth does not make it true, we are NOT all “thinking that”. I used to really respect you. What we’re all “think but are not saying” right now is that we are shocked that you can be so openly bigoted.

  3704. When those who are using race as the reason for our disapproval are making their claim, are they saying that because we reject him because he lies and is genuinely dishonest, is a race baiter, appears to be incredibly incompetent, are they saying that those are all characteristics of black people? That is patently offensive to those of us who still hold moral values with some respect. It should be extremely offensive to all the black people who have character and self respect and should not be characterized by those who have turned being black into being synonymous with corruption and ineptitude.

  3705. oprah is just another super rich, ignorant woman using race as an excuse to support a socialist form of government that segragates its self from the general population. there exempt from obama care, super high insurance rates, and endless scandles. it is sad that the race card is slapped in the face of good people who have in every way shown that race is no longer a factor in there everyday lives. it’s misdirection, like a magician uses to keep people from looking at the criminal activity in washington dc. obama enjoys the same fruits of power as all white people in power, if not more. he knows the race issue is just a tool used by those in the click to keep the ignorant fighting so they don’t see that we are all slaves, black and white.wake up people, your neighbor, white or black is just as screwed as you are. oprah is just a tool, obama uses to creat a great divide that exist in the minds of those who want to hold on to the past. do white people dislike obama because he is black? no. they do not like him because he is distroying america with the help of his fellow white criminals so that they can look down on all americans and keep us slaves so they can maintain power. the word raceism should be replaced with suckers, that is what they view us all as, and as long as we enable them that is what we are.

  3706. Out of his own mouth, this man-child had condemned his presidency, his party, and, unfortunately, this country. He has raised the debt ceiling more times than “W” and he himself called “W” unpatriotic! He has promised the American people that he would get to the bottom of Fast & Furious, the IRS Scandal, Benghazi … do I need to keep going on? I don’t disrespect the man-child because he is black, I disrespect him because he is an unpatriotic liberal liar. On the lighter side, it’s amazingly funny to see the LIVers (low info voters) start to wake up. God has a perfect sense of humor. Got ammo?

  3707. Well, Oprah, let’s make the brush so broad your statement is bound to have some accuracy to it, huh? This is a factor in any country, anywhere, and not Obama specific. Racism exists in every culture so “Right On”, Oprah! You’re right! How jejune a comment your racism has become.

    Don’t you think a significant reason American Blacks voted for Obama at a 95% rate involves a significant amount of “because he’s black and Romney’s white”? Some prominent Blacks have even stated this. A “man on the street” survey would, no doubt, show my hypothesis to be correct (imo).

    So, Oprah, just keep on spreading “Hate”, girl. It’s a real thang to do. Keep on promoting division…see what the results are.

    Finally, yes Obama is 50% African American, as in very little DNA for Black African American and mostly Arab African American. Fact.

  3708. Oprah honestly wishes it was as easy to blame the outrage against Obama on his skin color! It’s his lying, cheating politician shenanigans, not the color of his skin.

  3709. Control the message, control the people. This is part of the “Change” he promised: “The Fundamental Transformation of the United States of America”.

    Influential people can help out on a daily basis. There’s a consistent drumbeat, here and abroad, which teaches us all, national or foreigner, how to perceive the citizens of America, the government, the president, and each other. The lies are causing irreparable damage.

  3710. Victim, victim, victim. Liberalism is such a great political philosophy because it trumps the truth, incompetence and accountability. Obama and his army of Hollywood sycophants need to shut up and eat their humble pie.

  3711. No Oprah, we hate you, Obama and 96% of all blacks not because you’re black, but because you are dishonest socialists. It’s equal opportunity here. We also hate 40% of whites who are socialists or incompetently vote for socialists.

  3712. I’m so tired of this victimhood BS. You can’t just think he lies, he’s incompetent, he says one thing and does another, you disagree with his policies that are hurting employment and the economy, he ignores the Constitution–waves his wand-and it is deemed correct or regulates enforcements, or that he has appointed more Tsars than Russia ever had. It’s us, not all those who would vote for him just because his father was from Africa–that’s ok? I also feel that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and Hillary/Bill Clinton, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer believe that truth is just a tool to be twisted to achieve an ideological end instead of a virtue and a sign of character that leads to trust!!! Stop this name calling (racism, bigots, haters, sexists, evil, greedy–like all the millionare Democratic politicians–stupid right wing nuts) and argue. Dr. Goebbels, Stalin, Alinsky, all used and advocated demonizing —maybe just call conservatives Jews –it worked for Hitler–the hell with truth and debate-diversity does not apply to politics–thought police!!! The truth does matter, Hillary!!!

  3713. I agree with Oprah. I also think that the people that did not like Bush or Reagan were racists. Yup, no doubt in mind, racist. Give me a break!

  3714. Oprah’s right. I don’t disrespect Obama because he’s a lying SOB, who disrespects the the US Constitution, abandons Americans in Benghazi, abandons Israel and takes more vacations than anyone else. No, it’s just because he had an African American father. I’m caught.

  3715. Ah yes, the liberal conceit. It makes them feel better about supporting someone whom the rest of the world considers a buffoon.

    Liberals will have their little conceits to keep them warm at night as they ponder the disastrous nature of every program they advocate. Liberal denial makes an alcoholic’s denial seem shallow in comparison.

  3716. Your race card deck is worn out Oprah Winfrey. People don’t like Obama because he constantly lies and has been a lousy president. You are trying excuse his failures with your racist rants. Get the chip off of your shoulder and get a real life.

    1. Especially the “constantly lies” part, but lousy POTUS and failures make a 3 way photo finish.

  3717. Really Oprah.. Put down the kool-aid and step away… The people that do not like him, primarily, is due to him not doing a good job. Stomping on the Constitution, turning Obamacare loose and it being a fiasco…Good for you for pulling the race card. Was only a matter of time.

  3718. Maybe everybody despises him because he’s a liar and he’s not qualified for the job!!! How would she know why people don’t like him? Did she question people or she’s taking it off the top of her head?

  3719. Don’t know about others, but I disrespect the President because he is a lying communist (but I repeat myself). Color of his skin is irrelevant. Well, it’s relevant because that is how he got elected.

  3720. Oprah again proves herself to be the racist. If America is so racist how did a black woman get to build a billion-dollar entertainment empire? I dislike Oprah because she’s a racist, not because she’s black, and I despise Obama because he’s a socialist and is ruining our country – who cares what color he is – he’s a lying ideologue and that’s enough to dislike him and want him OUT. Grow up Oprah and stop making excuses for your lame, liberal politicians – the fact is, Obama is incompetent. Period.

  3721. Uhhhh, “everybody’s thinking it” Oprah??? I guess you forgot that Obama got elected TWICE, with a MAJORITY of White Americans each time!!! No, you are just trying to promote your movie (so you can pad your lead as on of the world’s richest people—as a BLACK FEMALE AMERICAN!), with more self-serving dishonesty!!

  3722. Wrong! We disrespect him because he is a dumb ass and has no respect for the American People, our Constitution or our laws!!! He has failed and you cannot deny it!!! If he had been a better president he would get more respect. End of story.

  3723. Many Americans hate him because he’s stupid, socialist, and doing his best to destroy the nation, and Oprah is ignorant for not realizing it!

  3724. Thanks Oprah….Now I KNOW what racism is…. When you look racism up in the dictionary….your picture should be next to the definition.

  3725. How dare you Oprah! Telling a foreign news agency that America is racist. If America was so racist how did you get where you are? HOw did O get elected? Stop this nonsense. I and a myriad of my friends stopped watching you years ago because we feel YOU are racist. So please. Stop this nonsense and stop dividing America. There is no Black America or White America. There is only ONE America.

    1. I used to respect her for being a self made American success story and pretty moderate voice in debates, but I’ve lost all respect for her over the last few years. She’s a shill for her politics and a disgrace.

  3726. Logic alone will tell you that if American’s were so racist, a black man would have NEVER gotten elected president, and then re-elected
    GFYS Oprah
    you race baiting POS

  3727. Hey, Oprah. I got news for you.

    I’m Black.

    I don’t hate 0bama because he’s Black.

    I hate him because he’s an incompetent, narcissistic, arrogant socialist.

  3728. Sadly, she’s right. I’ve read a lot of posts insulting Obama’s race.

    HOWEVER, I don’t personally despise him because he’s black, just because he lied to us and is a bad president.

    1. There might be a few vocal racists aboard–always possible to find malcontents in any population. The overwhelming, and I do mean overwhelming majority of white Americans are not like that.

    2. When conservatives say they dont like obama, the liberals scream racism. Since you think he is a bad president, then you are racist too.

    3. Oh, baloney!!!!!!! You haven’t read anything of the kind!

      And, I REFUSE to allow YOU to call us racists!

      You are WRONG and you are MEAN.

      You think you can just accuse “lots” and no one will challenge you on your WRONG assumption!

      There is NO MORE “prejudice” against “black” than against FAT or STUPID or LIARS or SOCIALISTS or COMMUNISTS or DEMOCRATS or LEFTISTS or RIGHTISTS or REPUBLICANS or CONSERVATIVES or TEA PARTY or ANY OTHER GROUP you can label!

      In fact, there are MORE PEOPLE CALLING OTHERS “RACISTS” than anything about “hating blacks.”

    4. What you have done is DESPICABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You have CALLED “LOTS” of people RACISTS without a BIT OF PROOF!
      Yet, you have IGNORED THE THOUSANDS OF FALSE CLAIMS OF “RACISM” against ANYONE who HATES OBAMA because he is a Marxist/ Socialist/ Communist/ FOOL! And a TOOL! And who LIES about his “sexual orientation.” And who is DESTROYING 1/7th of the American economy!

      1. Did I say people weren’t falsely accused of racism? Many are. But I’ve also read comments through Discus that refer to Mr. Obama as a n*gger and a porch mon**y. I have no love for him either, but I wouldn’t call him those things. You want proof? Read some comments on news websites besides your own. I don’t personally collect them, but if you haven’t seen them, you’re either blind or not looking.

      2. Look at the comment in this thread from contradem, who refers to Obama as “oBOYma”. And I found that as I was writing the last comment. Of course, you won’t bother to read it.

        My ex-husband is a black man. I can’t wait to see what comments I get about THAT from my fellow Republicans.

  3729. Nowhere does Oprah defend how Judge Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, and now Dr. Benjamin Carson have, and continue to be, skewered by the media and libs in general!
    Oprah has SOLD OUT!

  3730. My version. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs when someone unquestionably unqualified occupies it. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s an idiot, not because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

  3731. Seriously? Can we get over the race card already? We dislike Obama because he is an idiot. We dislike YOU Oprah because you are a race baiter no different than the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Keep living in your fantasy world.

  3732. No Oprah, its because he is just another tool for the Jew World Order.

    Obama is living proof that a half black guy can be just as traitorous as a white guy.

  3733. Sure, most people wouldn’t mind Obama trashing the economy, the healthcare system, the military, and foreign relations, while spying on us with the CIA and the FBI and lying about his many scandals, if ONLY HE WERE WHITE.
    Get real Oprah.
    People hate Obama because he stinks as president.
    And the fact that criticizing him for ANYTHING causes the left to cry racism, doesn’t help.

  3734. “NOBODY EVERY SAYS IT…” ….WTF? That’s ALL they say about this totally incompetent fool ! We don’t hate him because he’s BLACK, we hate him because he HATES America and is a closet SOCIALIST. I’d be thrilled to see a Thomas Sowell as President and he’s Blacker than your boy, Obama, Oprah dear!

  3735. Always there is one person that just has to come out and spew this absolute garbage at some point. B.O. is a liar and a complete fraud. If he were white he would have been impeached by now. Do a search online and see how many hits you get on hating Bush. All this from a black woman that happens to be the richest woman in the United States. She did not get to be the richest woman in the United States because we are a bunch of racists. I hope most people are as tired of this BS as I am and it reflects in Oprah’s pocketbook.
    You hear that all you Oprah fans? You’re all a bunch of racists. That is what this woman thinks about her country and the people in it.

  3736. Yes because racism has clearly held back the most powerful man and woman in the country. Obama is president and Oprah is well…. Oprah. Tell me again how racism has impacted their lives?

  3737. Yeah, that’s why we love Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, Mia Love…etc, etc. Oprah is such a putz. Is she forgetting the Democrats are the party of slavery, both past and present?

  3738. Just look at all the racist comments coming from racists that were brought here from a racist website.

                1. Because I am not a racist drudgetard? I will proudly stand on my own. Unlike you racists who only move in packs…

                2. Look, twit, Obama wouldn’t have been elected president without the white vote. The NBA wouldn’t be a successful sporting event if whites didn’t support the black players with their ticket sales, and blacks wouldn’t be hired if white employers were racists. The fact is, your kind lives and dies by racism because it is the only thing you got to justify your failed lives in parenthood and education and getting of welfare rolls. Period, twit.

                3. I am anything–anything but your bro, get it, racist welfare twit. Good God, even the black on black murders and robbery show that even your own kind can’t stand your own kind. Pathetic beyond belief, twit.

                4. LMAO. Why do you assume I am black? I am a WASP with a WASP wife and WASP child. I just think racism is stupid…

                5. You are a native? Or are you one of those idiots from the South that is of Brit heritage that claims non-hyphenated American?

        1. Your enemy is sitting upon his throne in the White House, watching your every move, race is not the issue, arrogance gets in the way of truth. A race doesn’t make you a horrible Leader, the lack of empathy and knowledge does. This man is a tyrant and doesn’t give two $hit$ about you or anyone along with his administration and media whor*s… don’t forget he is half white and no one that has a brain cares about his skin color.

            1. To protect yourself I would hope, not to protect his lies. The spiral is spinning, OUR Country is failing… Our insides are all the same, God created us equal, however he allowed free will to make choices, Obama is choosing poorly and you are free to your opinion but see through the propaganda bs… nothing is about racism… it’s only to create more division.

                1. Yes… totally agree but it is across the board there with race groups, yet look at the creators of those groups and the people within them. Half are followers because they have nothing better to do, need to feel apart of something.

    1. Just look in the mirror and you will see another racist just like Obama and Oprah. You keep drinking that Koolaid.

      1. Keep drinking your tea. You do realize that pointing out racism is not the same as racism right?

        1. Tea is healthy for you and loaded with antioxidants. Koolaid is poison. Those who point out racism when racism is not the issue (being opposed to Obama’s and the Democrat’s liberal fascist polices is not racism) are the true racists. The Dems love to use race and gender to divide people for they are the party of hate. Just llke the Nazis of yesterday.

            1. I got bad news for you. Fascism is not confined only to the right. Leftist thugs are great practitioners of such. Whether it is bolshevsim or fascism -all seek to impose socialism of some type, erase class differences and repudiate Christianity as well as capitalism. That is indeed fascism-it just has different faces but the same deadly results: the loss of individual freedom and liberty. Today’s progressives think in an authoritative manner and their thinking stands on the fascists of yesterday (Hitler and Mussolini). Fascism is what most leftist Democrats participate in. Bloomberg, the fascist pig from NY, will impose his will on millions because he knows better than the man in the street. Liberal fascism is the greatest threat to the American dream and what this nation was founded on.

  3739. OMG SHUT UP ALREADY you fat piece of crap!
    Obamby has been given EVERY benefit of the doubt. It is possible that people are FINALLY staring to notice that his behavior matches the stereotypes about his skin! Obama IS the Food Stamp President.
    -He has been allowed to blame HIS economy on his predecessor (cuz if ya blame da black guy dat be racis).
    -HE has NOT even been questioned by the media about his CONSTANT LIES AND MISDEEDS IN OFFICE (cuz dat be racis).
    -The LAZIEST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY wakes up for his first meeting at 10:30 a.m. and leaves for the golf course at 1:30 p.m. Nobody has ever even complained about his RIDICULOUS schedule cuz dat be racis).
    -He has imposed an unlawful, unconstitutional scheme on us (but don’t notice cuz dat be racis.
    In fact, Obamby has LOT IN COMMON WITH TREYVON MARTIN! Ignoring the family resemblance consider: He used bald faced lies to get close enough to us. Then he sucker punched us and knocked us to the ground. THEN he jumped on us, stomping our faces into the cement with his fists and boots. THEN a few of us say “hey, WTH, stop punching me.” THEN the sycophants and race baiters start howling….dat be racis to notice the black guy be stompin on yo face.
    GFY Obama, Oprah, and all their supporters.

  3740. Aw gee, wonder why I just love Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain and oddles of neat conservative people out there..

  3741. Truth be told, I disrespect Oprah because she’s fat, but I’ll be happy to exchange her race for the disrespect if she’d like.

  3742. I guess those persistent allegations of being an unmarried lesbian and the (financial) stresses of a failing joke of a TV network that few are watching is making Oprah ever more bitter. Black racebaiters like our very fat uber rich celebutard glibly IGNORE the fact that obummer beat Hitllary – because of white voters exorcising (no pun intended) their white guilt. And then got elected because of white voters. Six years of far left redistributive policies and systematically lying to folks about just about everything from healthcare …. $2500 less in premiums, keep your doctor, your healthcare plan … to Benghazi, to the IRS, to the NSA and the rest of it takes its toll. Funny how Oprah slyly racebaits to a foreign news crew. Guess the Swiss shop assistant actually daring to point out the facts about her lies about being racially profiled last year made her madder than a corrupt ACORN operative or a “Navigator” exposed on Fox News. (smirk).

  3743. Of course… I never would have guessed this possibility. And here I thought it was because he doesn’t align with many peoples views on where the USA should be headed based on their poltical POV and his. How silly of me, like always, Oprah is most certainly correct, and I bow to her intellectual greatness.

  3744. One thing that is an absolute fact, Obama is NOT an African American. Opie needs to check out her facts and stop misleading her sheople.

  3745. If whites are so races, Oprah, then perhaps you should return the hundreds of millions they spent on you to build your empire.

  3746. He’s an incompetent pretender, a liar, lazy, very divisive and he’s wrecking our economy while trashing our constitution. From that description of his behavior, conduct and accomplishments, could you tell what color he is, Oprah?

  3747. While I did not want to see Obama elected to the presidency due to his socialistic back ground, I really thought that being the first black president of this country he would be able to bring the people of this country together and help heal any enduring racial wounds from the past. Sad to say that Barrack Obama has done nothing but divide this country on every level. I have no respect what so ever for Barrack Obama. With out a doubt he is the biggest failure we have ever seen sitting in the white house. As for Oprah. I used to think that she was a class act and I liked her. Now I see that she is just another narrow minded racist liberal.

  3748. The problem I have with Obama is he lies, doesn’t following the laws of the USA, and is trying to destroy the USA. I could care less about his color but then again I’m not Dem.

  3749. People have no respect for Obama because of his war on children, war on Christians, putting millions out of work, 91 million Americans do not have a job, putting millions on food stamps ,millions on welfare, wasting billions on useless so called green projects, putting 15 million on Medicaid, war on the middle class, adding millions to the federal payroll, giving out millions of free phones that his friends get paid for. Spending 800 million tax payer dollars on vacations (so far) There is not one good honest thing this air head has done.

    1. and that is just the tip of the iceberg
      came out and practically said he shot Bin Laden himself and when Benghazi happened he was no where to be found

      1. He was not responsible for taking down Bin Laden. The troops were already on the way and told the boss what they were doing when it was too late to stop it.

    2. Oh you poor persecuted Christians! It must be so hard belonging to the dominant group in our society whose beliefs permeate our everyday lives…

  3750. Sooo… .when people were protesting Bush… and I mean Bush, not his policies… it was because he was white?

    This is what I can not stand about liberals: their consistently short memory.

  3751. The president is black
    the first lady is black
    The attorney general is black
    The biggest blockbuster actors are black
    the top selling musicians are black
    the top athletes are black
    there are black judges, lawyers, CEO’s, mayors, senators, congressmen, movie directors, pro and collegiate head coaches, scientists, college deans, doctors, policemen, generals etc..
    The richest woman in the world is black (oprah)
    tell me again how America is a racist country?
    The problem with all these race baiters is that all they do is complain that blacks are not equally represented in business, academia, politics, sports, etc.
    You make up 14%-17% of the total population. Even if 100% of black people in this country were in some type of leadership role guess what??…..YOU WOULD STILL BE UNDER REPRESENTED WHE COMPARED TO WHITES BECAUSE THERE ARE SUBSTANCIALLY LESS OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
    race baiting a s s holes

    1. who can forget Michael Jackson, musicians and actors
      and if a company somehow does not add a black person to their board Jackson or Shaprton shakes them down and say you gotta put a black man in there!

    2. Oprah should consider that her comments are an insult to the hundreds of millions of Americans who are not racist.

    3. Blacks are 12.8% of the population and FALLING (down from 12.9%) Which makes this SO OUTRAGEOUS!

  3752. Here we have an African-American woman who is a billionaire, and an African American president in one of the most powerful nations in the world, and still all she can talk about is how racist Americans are. That’s a lot of nerve.

  3753. Bush and Clinton; two presidents of different parties, with eight year terms, were excoriated by their critics and political enemies. Like all presidents before them, they suffered harsh criticism. George Washington was depicted as a senile power hungry despot by people working secretly for Thomas Jefferson. Politics is an ugly, nasty blood sport. If this pampered, ultra-wealthy media queen wanted REAL equality for the President, she would just let him deal with the same sh##t all of his predecessors have.

  3754. Is there no Black that does not “pimp” Obama being treated unjustly by racists? He was elected president and since Blacks are a small minority in a “sea of diversity”… many of us voted for him. More still wanted to see him succeed. One of the biggest reasons he cannot and will not succeed (in anything) is because there is always this excuse to fall back on for poor performance, unwise choices, socialistic agendas… “Americans are racist – it isn’t my fault”. Obama has ruined the chance for any other Black to be president – we don’t want to again, be unable to honestly disagree with a president without being called names. Oprah has only perpetuated the myth and the problem.

    1. Best black president in history.
      Worst white president in history.
      And, all at the same time!

  3755. The “first lady of talk shows” reveals that she’s no different than the other race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

    So much for taking responsibility. After all why do that when you can engage in propaganda and kill two birds with one stone: exonerate Dear Leader, and assassinate the character of his critics.

  3756. In 2008 43% of the white votes were for Obama while he captured 95% of the African American vote. In 2012, following four years of “Bush caused it”, 39% of the White votes were for Obama while he retained 93% of the black votes. Yup, there is racism in the US, and you’re part of it Lady. Your contempt towards Americans to the rest of the world says allot about your character. America, do not be fooled by her scripted TV programs, she just spoke from her wretched heart. Just change the channel.

  3757. It ain’t his color but the results this bald face liar produces. I could care less about race. I do care that my country is being flushed down the toilet complements of the local community organizer but big haired Hippo , I mean Oprah can’t see past her own race. What a shame.

  3758. And she wonders why her OWN popularity is falling… Accusing 50% of your fan base that they are racists might be a contributing factor.

  3759. To say people don’t respect President Obama, because of his race? He is an American President. First minority President elected in a Democratic country in history. That doesn’t mean he still doesn’t suck at his job!


    The jacka$$ has definitely proved to be the ideal mascot for the Democrat party…and Winfrey, Obama, Biden, Hillary, Kerry, Pelosi, Reid & Feinstein are just a very few examples why!

  3761. IF that was true, her sorry a$$ would be in big trouble…if it is true, we are all accidental racists, thanks to him! I wonder how proud of our country his wife is now that she’s seen what a mess he has created…by the way, I think opry has created more jobs than obuma has!!!

  3762. Many people have now lost all respect for who was one of THE most respected people in the country. She got her billions out of the “white folk”. Now the real Oprah exposes herself. Very disappointing.

  3763. that’s funny … some people in America don’t like Obama because he doesn’t act black enough (ref. Jesse Jackson circa 2007). In any case … this is something that requires the preface, “I [Oprah] beleive that …” alternatively Ms. Winfrey … provide the facts and research that support your assertion. Because without it you sound like a racist.

  3764. Oprah, you are desperate. You helped get this clown elected and now you’re playing the race card? Is this your way of diffusing your choice in a president? It’s not working. BTW, I’m white and a Hermann Cain/Allen West fan.

  3765. The Presidents lack of character, his failure to adhere to the constitution, his radical agenda and a hhost of other personal and professional shortcomings, none of which have to do with race, make me a racist ?

  3766. Even prominent African Americans continue to be mentally shallow. As long as the subject of criticism is black, they don’t care if he killed 1,000 people, bankrupts the country or lies, all criticism is race oriented to them. I guess that’s why so many AAs will never get off the Democrat plantation, just keep complaining about their lives!

    1. The low information voters consist mainly of …
      90% of blacks
      89% of democrats
      51% of college educated whites

      That’s who’s supporting the Destroyer-in-Chief

  3767. Actually we just hate being lied to our faces Oprah!! Pathetic she’s using the race card on this one, but just shows how their failed arguments and lies are really truths. It’s not the President’s fault he’s been lying for ever, that’s how he was raised and how he received so much free education now he just wants everyone to share in the free pool of everything.

    On a side note it’s nice to see people are finally waking up to his lies; then again it’s 6 years too late.

  3768. Wow what an idiot,It possibly cant be his ideas or destruction of the greatest country in the world ..Racism is the cry of the stupid when they have no other defense..what a disappointment she is now

  3769. Perhaps it’s the blacks who hate him because he’s part white. The majority of blacks hate ALL whites. They don’t know me but they hate me just because I’m white. I have no interest in taking up a cause for anyone — of any color — that hates me!

  3770. Please could we play the race card once again. He is bi-racial and I don’t care. This is worn out. When push comes to shove, he couldn’t manage a lemonade stand and he’s a Harvard grad.

    1. I’m sure it’s an honorary degree because he spent his time studying Alinsky and Piven instead of constitutional law.

  3771. Whoa there just a minute. It wouldn’t matter if the President were white, red, yellow, brown, pink, or aqua, what he and is administration policies are doing to our country would be considered damaging and unacceptable by a strong majority of voters, from both sides of the political aisle. The race-card dog is not going to hunt here. Wake up and smell the coffee, Oprah.

  3772. Who cares what this rich, fat, black, lesbian thinks about white people?

    If it weren’t for white people, she would just be a fat, black lesbian.

  3773. Yes….true statement. But Millions upon Millions hate his politics, lying, and corruption. She ignores the fact a vast majority of Blacks voted for Obama only because of their common skin color. That is a far greater evil than what she suggests.

  3774. Sorry Harpo, you’re so full of bull that you gained back 40 pounds. Most Americans cannot and will not abide a pathological LIAR, no matter what color they are…

  3775. I don’t disrespect him for the color of his skin. I disrespect him because he is a lying, marxist dictator.

  3776. She’s just upset her money is now the face of Malicious Lies… can’t admit she was WRONG so it’s easier to pull the race card… #smh

    (“Winfrey first endorsed Obama in September 2006 before he had even declared himself a candidate. In May 2007 Winfrey made her first endorsement of candidate Obama, and in December 2007, she made her first campaign appearances for him. Two economists estimate that Winfrey’s endorsement was worth over a million votes in the Democratic primary race[4] and that without it, Obama would have lost the nomination.”)

  3777. There is a level of nasty,unconcerned fanatic in Barry that trumps all talk of color. Deep down,and right below the surface,no matter where or how you look,he is a
    monsterous jerk. Thats why we disrespect him.

  3778. What was her opinion of the vitriolic hatred spewed towards George Bush? Can’t seem to recall the Oprah wisdom on that.

  3779. It sure is convenient to be black. You can take that sinful money from America while at the same time being a victim! Most blacks desperately hang on to the victim status otherwise they would have to compete on a level playing field. OK, well now I can just set back and wait for all of the, “your a racist” comments that are sure to follow. When real facts don’t make the case then you must be a racist. Obama is NO victim he is simply a President who makes Jimmy Carter and Nixon look pretty good.

  3780. opie is used up & a liar, she is the racist, I despise b hussein & all liberals for their polocies not their color, I despise opie for her racist lying ways ,her arrogance & ingornance….she is a has been & should just go away!

  3781. african americans are the single most bigoted group in the world. anything that is considered a negative comment or criticism is percieved as being racially motivated against them. they are a sick and dying community. they have sold their children into a different kind of spiritual and psychological slavery. they rank only second to the muslims in this sad regard.

  3782. I guess she is coming out again because she thinks her last round of lies has been forgotten. The handbag incident and the “America has hung a million blacks” statement just show to what lengths she will go to for the attentions she wants for her movie.

    Obama has been caught lying, sicking the IRS on political opponents, incompetence in Benghazi, Incompetence with the Obama Care roll out, changing the parameters that the insurance companies must go by then blaming the companies when they dropped customers, selectively shutting down the border enforcement and endangering US citizens, directing the NSA to spy on all of us and the world…..and there is more but, the biggest misdeed he is guilty of is trashing the Constitution of the United Sates. He can’t change a law to suit his whim…he is not KING!

    Impeach the bastard!

  3783. How peculiar that Oprah Winfrey automatically associates people despising incompetence with race. I wonder what personal demons Oprah must fight to so reflexively combine the two. Perhaps that’s why she abandoned an urban center like Chicago to live in such a upper class and white town like Montecito, CA.

  3784. I don’t like him because he is an incompetent community organizer masquerading as president. Nothing to do with his Color. Oprah shut up and have a salad.

  3785. Maybe your fat because your black
    Your taking a generation of followers of your status and making THEM RACIST.
    Crying wolf should be a crime.You have not one shred of evidence why anybody votes for anybody.But we do Know that the majority of the Black population voted for Obama because he is African American INCLUDING YOU !!! Doesnt that define racism?.
    Which raises the question Miss Oprah.Does the discontent of any Black American towards previous Presidents mean they hated them because they were white ?.

  3786. oprah proves herself to be completely “default reaction-driven & knee-jerk reaction-driven” when she trots this out every so often. My dislike stems from his “governance”, and from his not abiding by the Constitution of the United States, which he’s sworn twice to protect and defend. I guess if you look past all of that, he’s just fine, and then you might cry racism as a rationale for his being less-than-popular with many, as seems to be your wont, oprah. With all due respect, on this particular matter, please stfu. Seriously. It’s just a bunch of deflective malarkey.

  3787. I would vote for a black conservative any time.
    Barack Obama is a Chicago machine politician and a thug and dishonest and incompetent to boot.
    Condoleeza Rice is a black woman of vast integrity, PROVEN intelligence, and has served the USA very well in numerous capacities.
    Barack Obama was a second string basketball player in his exclusive private high school for God’s sake, so he doesn’t even do that well!
    Oh, was that a cliche? My bad.

  3788. Oprah I never heard you complain when President Bush was being insulted, disparaged and humiliated in the Media. Does that mean you hate White folks?

    1. As you know well, their hatred and intolerance for people of a different political view point transcends skin color.

      Justice Thomas, Alan Keyes, Sen. West… to name a few.

  3789. In 2008 43% of the white votes were for Obama while he captured 95% of the African American vote. In 2012, following four years of “Bush caused it”, 39% of the White votes were for Obama while he retained 93% of the black votes. Yup, there is racism in the US, and you’re part of it Lady. Your contempt towards Americans to the rest of the world says allot about your character. America, do not be fooled by her scripted TV programs, she just spoke from her wretched heart. Just change the channel.

  3790. So Oprah and all of the liberals were racist for their slanderous comments towards Bush??
    Oh that’s right, they are exempt from being racist….
    Double standards hurt everybody libs, learn something for a change!!!!

  3791. easy for her to say. No one hates Barack H. O. we just don’t like the job performance…. and its been five years and we are getting more depresses by the day.

  3792. Hey OKRA! Yeah, you with the 50 pounds of crack up your skirt!

    Many American disrespect Ovomit the 1/2 black race-baiter because he’s an obvious clown, an incompetent executive, and an international embarrassment. Many Americans respect 100% black Col. West of Florida because he’s REAL, not a pile of muslim camel dung as is O’Icarus the Fallen.

    By the way, the best part of Ovomit ran down his mammy’s hairy hind legs.

  3793. I’d hate that liberal if he were purple; he’s a socialist and who knows what will be left of this place when he finally gets out of office. I hope he gets cancer…

    1. I lost two parents to cancer, so I don’t think you’s wish that on anyone. With that being said, I’d settle for impeachment, conviction and imprisonment for crimes against the constitution at Gitmo, the place he promised to close. Hey, that’s another lie!

  3794. Didn’t she forget a word? “many White Americans”
    We’ve had nearly five years of this garbage now from our so called “aggrieved” black neighbors. They see a racist behind every rock and claim to know what every white person is thinking. They are obsessed with it.

    Oprah, Americans’ dislike Obama because he is a lying, two faced weasel. We’ve lived with his Al Capone version of Robin Hood since he was elected. You know, where you steal from the middle class to give to cronies like GE and Solyndra and to unions like SEIU and we are fed up. Give it up already.

  3795. will someone please shoot this has been media creation special thanks all of you foolish white sycophantic suburban women for putting her where she is.

  3796. haha…I guess she thinks the Brits are stupid. I wish BO was white so I could criticize him.

    1. What everyone seems to forget, HE IS HALF WHITE! So he can only get half of the disrespect she claims, for one thing. For the other, the question is, which half is the lying cheating, sob?

  3797. What race baiters like Winfrey forget is that Obama’s mother was White! She also seems to forget White Americans put Obama in office twice. Her arguments are full of nonsense. To people like her the world revolves around skin color. No Americans do not hate Obama because he is Black! We hate Obama because he is doing everything in his power to destroy American values and our way of life. Americans detest Obama because he appoints people like Eric Holder who are outwardly racist and follow a policy of let Blacks attack and maim but if a White looks at a Black arrest them. Remember the New Black Panthers who were harassing voters? Holder let them go. Remember the Black thug (Trayvon) that attacked a Latino guy and got Shot? Holder is still harassing that guy even after a jury found him innocent. We are also sick and tired of Obama pushing LGBT deviants to special treatment status above all others. We don’t even need to talk about the massive Marxist dream of Obama-care and how many times Obama has lied to all Americans about it.

    1. combine that w/ the fact that Obo the A$$Klown is 18% black, and you’ll see this delusional biotch doesnt have a clue to whats really going on 😉
      12160 . info

  3798. Americans disrespect Obama because he’s a RADICAL LEFTIST! The same way I’d disrespect Bill Ayers if he was the POTUS! We just want someone who loves America, our way of life and doesn’t think it needs a “FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE”. Thank you.

    1. Isn’t Ayers still on the FBI’s wanted list? He has never served time for all the federal charges against him in the 60s. Glad King BO still holds him as one of his best friends from Chicago.

  3799. Hell most blacks hate white people for the color of their skin.
    Slavery was surely the worst thing this country did, now the bastards are nothing but a bunch of trouble makers

  3800. She is out of her fucking mind. She is a racist by definition, this just shows it in real time. Stirring up hate. Way to go you ignorant bitch.

  3801. What nonsense. People don’t like him for damaging vision, his policies, his laziness, his lack of accountability, for his incompetence, for his vindictiveness, for his divisiveness, for his hubris and for his general lying. He is a bad president, a lazy man (which if anyone had looked at his resume would have seen it). He is the most Nixonian of presidents without any of 37’s political skills domestically and internationally. No president for generations has stifled the press like this one. No president for generations has sic’ed government agencies after his perceived enemies like this one. No president has lied and plead incompetence and/or ignorance as brashly as this one – at least not for a while. Oprah is, apparently, a boob.

  3802. First of all, who asked you oprah? He’s incompetent, dishonest and a pathological liar, that’s why we don’t like him. I’ll vote for Dr. Ben Carson any day.

  3803. This coming from the libtroll race hustler who became a billionaire from apparently hoodwinking white folks into buying her race-neutral party face on TV…whilst all the time she viewed the world thru race-tinted lenses…so typical of the victim-me libtard crowd she so proudly presides over…moving on

  3804. Wait till this self-entitled biiotch leaves America because they taxed her fat-a$$ to death, then you’ll see how credible this delusional richBiotch really is

  3805. It’s not a matter of racism. No one believes him or respects him because he doesn’t respect the United States and our constitution. He’s a liar and a traitor.. it has nothing to do with color. Besides, he’s half white. Oprah needs to wake up and quit spreading lies. Makes me lose all respect for her.

  3806. He is more pinko than he is black, that is why many Americans despise him. He would be just as hated if he was a vanilla white Marxist.

  3807. Oh the race card. Oprah has no opinions on Benghazi, Irs /NSA scandals,Fast and Furious, Solyndra failure, cash for clunkers failure, the Obamacare debale, etc.. all of which have NOTHING to do with peoples disrespect for Obama, but she KNOWS it’s all about racism.

  3808. Ms. Winfrey only supports him because they have the same skin tone and hair texture. She is the classic example of a bigot.

  3809. makes perfect sense.
    everyone disrespected Bush because he had high cheekbones and therefore was an American indian.

  3810. If Obama were White he would be called racist for the killings of hundreds of Mexicans by the arms he shipped to the Narco-terrorists.

  3811. If you are White, you are a Racist

    If you are Republican, you are a Racist

    If you are Tea Party you are not only Racist, you are KKK

    If you are Black and don’t vote Dem, you are an Uncle Tom

    If you spew the above real hate speech, you are a Democrat and Obama lover.

  3812. People do not respect Obama because of his Communist policies are destroying America. He stubborn, Uncompromising, Punitive, Rebellious, and President to only those who agree with him. I am so SICK of the RACE card.
    Oprah is about as racist as they come she has shown her true colors over and over who listens to her anymore. Other Racist!!

  3813. Please Oprah stop this nonsense. Americans elected Obama. You have made hundreds of millions from Americans. Stop this ridiculous argument that you and Obama are somehow the victims. Respect is gained by doing a good job. That is why Obama has no respect. He has been a disaster as the President.

  3814. The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.

    1. Cheers, my friend. Couldn’t have said it any better. Like the old saying goes, ” You reap, what you sow “. It seems that over the last 50 + years we have sown a garden full of weeds that now need to be pulled !

  3815. If there is any truth to her comments, I would say it has to do with the fact that so many AA’s blame racism, instead of taking responsibility for their actions.

    Typical AA formulation: Obama lied, people got mad that they lost health care, those people are racist.

  3816. I personally like Obama’s personal life. He has a beautiful family and he appears to be a good father and husband. It is something that all black or any other skin tone should aspire to be like. Now that being said he politically to me is a POS. The shade of color that I don’t like in him is the red communist. He is the Uncle Tom in the white house for the Democrats, keeping all the black people down and doing a damn good job at it. Oprah is another house (N word, as the democrats used during the civil war and up to about 1975) helping feed the plantation owner and keeping all the slaves in line. Also Oprah is yesterdays news.

    1. about being a good father, I hear him and his wife possibly were going to divorce in the past, that is until she won her lucky gold ticket, by way of the American people

    2. I agree with most of your article; however your use of the word “appears” is very appropriate. The LAST thing we will ever know is something about his personal life.

  3817. Wow…just…wow. The racist country who made this woman a billionaire and elected a black president before any other majority Anglo-Saxon country is racist???? This is getting old and tired. I could care less what the color of the man’s skin is. I think his obvious lack of experience and ideals are wrong and are ruining this country. Hopefully, this healthcare debacle will open the mind-numbed citizenry’s eyes to see that government is the wrong entity to run anything before it’s too late! The only people making out like bandits in this deal are the big Obama supporters and fundraisers. Under his watch, the rich have gotten richer (propped up by the Fed), the middle class has shrunk while the number of the poor and those on the government dole have increased dramatically. The guy’s policies are an epic FAIL and have nothing to do with skin color or ethnicity. He is half white and raised by an all-white family by the way!

  3818. That is so much Bull —–!!!!! I have the utmost respect and admiration for many blacks. I couldn’t respect B.O. no matter what his color or ethnicity. Its the animosity and hatred he has for The USA and most people. One cold dude.

  3819. Huh? Oprah is an idiot. His being half black has nothing to do with his poor job performance, bungling foreign policy, botched Obamacare rollout, lying about no insurance cancellations under ACA, shameful failure and coverup of Benghazi, use of the IRS to intimidate political opponents, violating the constitution by choosing what laws to enforce and which to ignore which de facto rewrites legislation, complete inability to work with the House and Senate, and the list goes on and on. His incompetence is the issue, not his race. Using his race as a shield from the onslaught of legitimate allegations of incompetence is disgusting. Shame on Oprah for stooping SO low.

  3820. No you deceitful, Government, shill operative!
    WE despise him because he is an evil, shyster, fraud, HACK who is purposely destroying this republic under a Cloward and Piven Plan pushed by his socialist handlers!!
    He is THE Domestic Enemy our founding fathers warned us about!!
    A pox on you for trying to Race Bait as a feeble attempt to give him cover!!!!!!!!!!

  3821. It’s not the color of his skin that so disgusts the commoners, it’s the thinness of his skin. Racism is kept alive and kicking by people like Oprah, Sharpton, Jackson, etc. because if it was disavowed it would lay bare the truth behind why blacks have never reached their potential in a society in which so many others who began with so much less have succeeded.

  3822. Oprah was once the Queen of Media in the US…but no longer. Her talk show was failing…so she cancelled it so she could supposedly move on to bigger and better things. Her magazine, named in her honor (gee, where have we seen this narcissistic behavior before?), has been a flop. He new “network” is barely treading water and her “ratings” are primarily limited to blacks…and black women in particular….and she’s only 3rd in that category. That’s pretty bad. So being the little narcissist she is, she’s got to make some noise…which brings us to the race card she’s playing on behalf of her fellow narcissist…Obama.

  3823. Any idiot can fall back on the safety of the ‘race card’ and she has…., yeah, it is the black half we all are having trouble with.

  3824. The article speaks for itself. When the person who wrote the scoop says, “. . . Americans . . . ,” this person is including Canadians, Mexicans, who live in Mexico, and the population of South America. So, is it the United States or Americans? However, the populace in the United States is extremely racist. Just face the facts that a certain group of people are in the process of losing their power. Please don’t lose a patch of your a$$ on the way down.

          1. Don’t tell me? You must work for the Obama administration. What happened to Freedom of Speech.

  3825. what a raaaacist thing to say, why aren’t holder and gang investigating this blatant racist creating divide in our country,,

    1. That would constitute a conflict of interest. They are fomenting a racial divide. Why should they bridge it?

  3826. Many more disrespect the president because he’s an incompetent nincompoop with a grandiosity complex.

  3827. Oprah, would these be the same racists who love your show and have helped you to achieve?

    Please stop accusing the people of racism when they disagree with your views. This man is digging his very own grave, all by himself, despite what color he is.

    In this society, you excel or fail by your own efforts.

  3828. Shut up and give away more cars you didn’t foot the bill for and your audience can’t pay taxes or insurance on.

  3829. uh, Oprah, girl, you need to get off of that race baiting bandwagon, Obama has to earn respect, just like everyone else. How do you respect a prez that won’t man up to anything. His go to answer is always “had I known.” Dude! It’s your job to know, and not go play 150 rounds of golf! Sick of his lies, and sick of his excuses. Fumble? 5M losing healthcare is not a friggin’ fumble.

  3830. The woman is enjtiltled to her opinion, but she is not entitled to my opinion nor her opinion that after 6 years of watching and listening to this incompetent lying man, why I have come to the obvious conclusion that he is a lying incompetent man. His compelxion is irrelevant. Tell Oprah my opinion of her is that she is a racist complexion obsessed fool and that Obama is a lying narcissitic incompetent. In fact both his white and black halves are. I think same of Biden, Reid and Pelosi. In all cases the only one i know of that cares about their complexion is Oprah.

  3831. Just as, in some cases, African Americans disrespect others who are not African American. Do a few indict the whole?

  3832. She is a billionairess due to her skin color
    he is potus due to his skin color,
    yup there is clearly racism evident here.

  3833. I assume the clerk in an upscale Swiss store was racist also. No, O, it is not about race but competence. You ran a scam with your feel good TV show that sucked in the afternoon listless, not the working America.
    So do not peddle you bogus goods around the world in search for one more moment of fame.

  3834. I don’t hate Obama because he’s black, I don’t like his politics because he is a socialist

    1. Golly, if Bam was a white guy, I would just love everything he is doing. If Romney was promoting the ACA, ignoring Bengazi, putting the IRS on conservatives and running guns then it all be OK.

  3835. If majority of Americans disapprove of him how he get into office twice. His ratings were alot higher his first term. Its pretty obvious its because of his performance

  3836. Obama went from the “First” and the “One”
    the “last” and the “wrong one”
    HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    S U C K IT OPRAH!!!!!!
    Your guy is a failure on every level. Don’t blame it on “racist” white people

  3837. WOW so if I call you a rationalizing, excusing, blaming sicko oprah…I must be a racist….? So be it.

  3838. Dear Ms. idiot..(Oprah). People hate him because of his polices plus he is a liar and wants to bring this country to its knees…….He is the most arrogant, selfish, liberal, dreg person of this century…….Condo Rice a Black women…..love her polices, could care less about color. Oprah, your the racist.

  3839. Oprah Winfrey has used inflammatory statements time after time to promote a project, boost rating and such. All too often these race baiting slurs result in terrible reactions such as the Rodney King Riots (faked video) and the attacks after the Zimmerman trial (faked 9-1-1 audio tape). But the death of Innocents never seems to bother Important People such as Oprah Winfrey.

  3840. Oprah bringing out the race card…What else is knew.. When you cant defend your position all compassionate, tolerant caring Liberal elites resort to racebaiting, classwarfare,etc, etc..Oprah is no different, she just has stupid whites convinced differently…..

  3841. So all Americans are racist?? So that just goes to show you that Americans;, native Americans, white, African American, Mexicans, Everyone from south South America that has moved up here, Jamaicans, Canadians, Cuba. Look I could type every race that lives in America, and show you all these racist Americans are from around the world, making your whole movie about American being racist a lie. If people want to support a terrorist and think that Obama is a good person are terrorist supporters!!! We have all seen the horrible acts that this man has done to use and Africa!! Obama killed several African Americans in Africa, how blind and/ ignorant are you people?? This is America, we are free in America and no man, woman,or child will ever tell me what to do in America!! I fell like you people, that are supporting this terrorist, could have a salesman sale you air!!!

  3842. Americans do not respect Obama because he is an awful awful president and evidently has no respect for the constitution.

  3843. So, Oprah, is it the same sort of American hatred of blacks that catapulted you into becoming one of the richest people on the face of this earth? Cause, honey, far more white people than black made you successful by watching your shows.

    What’s particularly galling is that she sits there and spouts her nonsense to the English press. Every other block in London has huge signs reminding the uber-racist English ‘Not To Be Racist’.

  3844. So let me get this right when Obama lies to ALL Americans then Americans who don’t like to be lied to magically transform into RACIST. So Obama’s lies are a formula for creating RACIST? Lets try this a different way, Obama lies are justified because we are all racist anyways! What happened to you Oprah???

  3845. She’s One of the richest woman in America….but were all racist and blacks have no chance. Yeah. Gotcha.

  3846. Oprah is African American and everyone loves her and she’s beyond wealthy.

    People dont like Obama because he is a liar. When the President tells you that you can keep your health plan period knowing you wont, that makes him a liar.

    1. her empire went downhill after she started backing him. I don’t think she likes that part. she has no one to blame for that but herself.

  3847. I disrespect both O’s because they’re idjuts. I guess they’re no longer … cheery Os. Yuk-yuk.

  3848. When people like Oprah realize they are doing more harm than good by making everything a racial issue, we may actually move forward as a country.

    MLK asked for everyone to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

    Well, what is the content of the President’s character Mrs. Winfrey? Why not judge by his actions….

    He was less than honest about the ACHA & that is a generous comment.

    He has stone walled several investigations. If there is nothing “there”, why the secrecy?

    He lacks accountability in his administrations.
    He supports cabinet members who have lied under oath (re: Holder, Clapper).

    He has arbitrarily enforced the law.

    He has agitated race issues in a very negative way.

    So, how would the character of someone with these actions be described?

    It’s pretty sad when the President’s supporters have to resort to comments like Oprah’s. It’s actually pathetic.

  3849. Nothing pisses me off more than black people using the race card to further their agenda. I hate Obama because he is a Socialist, and took an oath to uphold a document he has no respect for, not because he is brown skinned. Heck, I was set to vote for Herman Cain before the liberal Washington machine dismantled his political career, so f**k you Oprah. You made your money playing the poor, poor, pitiful black me host, and didn’t mind taking money from white people did you?

  3850. poor oprah. her empire has gone down ever since she publicly started backing this communist. it’s just not possible that anyone could reject him becasue he’s a communist. . . . . . it must be raaacccciiiissssmmm. that card is so worn out.

    1. some delusional rich media mogul biiotch who thinks her chit don’t stink, she’s an elitist pig and NWO supporter who looks down on the commoners like Barry does

  3851. This.. from a billionaire (As usual again.)
    Not because of what he is doing to us, We The People.

    Not because he is printing money, spending money, borrowing money in our name.
    Not because the future of our children is at stake.
    Not because he is delegating powers reserved for Congress to Executive agencies exempt from election results.
    This is the end of Representative Republic.

  3852. So, I guess that means he is such a bad President, because he hates us whites. Oprah, of all people to cry about black folk not being giving a chance, you and Barry are disgustingly two faced. Give your millions to the blacks you want to help so much. Or………..shut up!!

  3853. No dear Oprah. Respect is EARNED. It’s as simple as that

    I have the utmost respect for Ben Carson, a man I met years ago–and Condoleeza Rice, who served as Secretary of State .

    Both are African American and both have earned my highest respect and admiration.

    I refuse to branded with a racist moniker because you haven’t a decent defense for this president’s failures.

  3854. Oprah, Get over it!!! No one cares what you think anymore!! You are a has been!Even with all your money, you still aren’t HAPPY!!Obama just used you like he did everyone else!! Believe me it is not the color of his skin that people DO NOT like him!!!

  3855. Why we disrespect this president: Obamacare, Gun Control, Benghazi, IRS Spying, NSA Spying, $17 trillion in debt, Anti-Israel, $15-18 million for first lady’s vacations, the government shutdown, car bailouts, gutting our military, always playing the race card, his Chicago style of politics, his lies, his no-jobs economy and let’s not forget his 200 rounds of golf. Just to name a few!!!

    To others reading this site, if I have missed any reasons, please feel free to add to my list.

  3856. Such a shame that millions and millions of gullible White women made her the billionaire she is …yet she still can’t refrain from showing what a racist she is as well as the vast vast majority of non Whites around the world .Like the old saying goes “you can’t change the spots on a leopard”…

  3857. I used to have so much respect for Oprah, but she’s become so disingenuous over the last several years. I wish she would use her platform to really examine all racism. Being black, she doesn’t realize how racist some blacks are against whites.

  3858. Really? and here I thought it was because he’s a lying socialist Chicago thug . Second thought wasn’t he back when America elected him?

  3859. I wouldn’t be able to stand you Oprah and your pathetic president whether you were black/ white/ green/ red/ purple or any other color because you’re both race-baiting, left-wing nitwits. YOU are racist. You support the president solely because of the color of his skin is not white. You disgust me.

  3860. hey you overweight delusional woman, Obo the usurping A$$Klown is 18% black…..get over it Oprah, you elitist, self-entitled prich!!!

  3861. I dislike Obama because he’s been a complete disaster as president. The fact that he’s black is the only thing he has going for him. If he were white he’d be viewed with greater scorn and ridicule than Bush was.

  3862. Wonder if Oprah would support Col. Allen West. I somehow doubt it. I doubt many white liberals would either. And why would that be? Because they don’t agree with his politics perhaps? Or is it just only racism when those on the right do it?

  3863. Oprah one of the richest American Billionaires Joins the BLACK BOO-HOO Crowd. She wants to continue BLACK PRIVILEGE in America by showing her own racism, and excuse making for President Oblamer-O-Liar.

  3864. Okra is right – America is racist. Just ask the 99% of blacks that voted for Obama BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR

  3865. News Flash Oprah : Racism cuts both ways. Much of Obama’s support is because he is African-American, in spite of his racist comments and poor performance.

  3866. she says “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” bullcrap… it is all i ever hear when you libs defend obama from his terrible policies and his illegal actions from people that are judging the content of his character. all you do is cry racism, hoping to make that true…

  3867. Lying about Fast & Furious, lying about NSA, lying about IRS, lying about Obicare, lying about Benghazi, lying about leaving Americans to die, lying about the video, lying about Gitmo, lying about decreasing drone strikes, lying about reducing the debt. LYING, LYING, LYING, LYING, LYING, LYING, LYING!!! Yep, must be his skin color.

  3868. Oh course she would say that she is a racist. Well I said the same things about another incompetent idiot, Carter, and he is white. Its not the “color of their skin, but by the content of their character” and he is a pathological liar and wants to be king, not just president.

  3869. Most Americans put black people into two categories…There are the gentle peace loving human beings that enjoy life and are not up tight racists….They are Black Americans.. Then there are the hateful evil racists like Obama and his thugs like Jarrett that are trying to divide this country by race and they are the “N” word…No Oprah you are wrong again as usual…

  3870. Most of us, Oprah, dislike him for his policies, not his color. Shame on you for sinking to this level!

  3871. Oprah, have you already forgotten how hateful and disrespectful the press was towards George W? Was that because he was white?? Many Black leaders are very opposed to Obama and his policies. For example, check out what Dr. Ben Carson has to say about what this President has done and continues to do to this country! Obama is his own worst enemy and finally the Liberals are waking up from the Obama narcotic that had intoxicated them.

  3872. Oprah is blacker than Obama and made a fortune off mostly white women who watched her show. She wasn’t complaining about racism while racking in the dough.

    Obama is scorned and laughed at because he is a weak whiner Marxist. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

  3873. ask the black community how they feel about obummer, they too have no jobs, and are now worse off because of your failed president’s policies
    obummer knew he could count on his sheeple to help take this country down, just sad they did not realize hope and change
    really meant hoax and chains

    how dare you make a movie with lies in it about Regean dissing his butler, all you know are lies like the man you call your president…why did you make the movie with lies to divide this country even more
    who are the people buying you rmagazines, watching your tv show for years, going to your movies, I guess they too are racists

    I would vote for any black man or woman just not this black man
    hey what about those people on the left that made fun of Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, Allen West… who are the real racists??
    these black people I can applaud and say they have integrity and got where they are on their own, that is why the left has to bash them because they left the plantation along time ago and did not need them to get where they are today

  3874. He’s a F-ing MORON – Hey DOPE-RAH he’s 1/2 black REMEMBER I think his white 1/2 is MORONIC TOO – does that make you any skinnier? I doubt it. He’s making Jimmy Carter happier each and every day.

  3875. “the colour of his skin.” I didn’t realize you were British, Scoop. Back on topic though, Obama is disrespected because he is an arrogant, incompetent, idiot that is trying to force his ideology on an unwilling audience. Skin color has no bearing in this argument, his ideology is “Red”.

  3876. A massively popular and wealthy black woman in a country that elected a totally unqualified and mysterious black man for president, twice, and she trots around the world telling everyone this is a racist country in order to make excuses for Obama’s misguided and failed policies. That’s ridiculous.

  3877. Are the blacks that hate obama racist? I think not, HARPO. They hate him for the same reason whites hate him. He’s a POS and is ruining our country, but you wouldn’t know. You are a rich biotch that got all your ill gotten gains from white people. Oh, and by the way, you and obama are two of a kind. Both of you are a POS arrogant white people haters.

  3878. I dislike Obama because he lies to the public and is grotesquely incompetent. On the other hand I dislike Oprah because she plays the race card so easily.

  3879. First of all he is white, Arab and Black in that order. Second, racism has reversed from mostly white on black to mostly black white in the U. S. A.

  3880. Yes, that what its aways about when there’s no place else left to run from responsibility and accountability. Pull the victim card, that tattered old worn out excuse for personal avoidance and plausible deniability. Blah blah blah…

  3881. He is not treated with contempt because of his race — he is treated with contempt because his is incompetent.

  3882. I don’t disrespect Oprah because she’s African-American.

    I disrespect her because she’s a fat, loudmouth.

  3883. What a load of Horse crap! Could not be happier to have a good solid black President. Unfortunately we have a socialist incompetent community organizer as President. Shame on you Oprah!

  3884. I think he’s getting disrespect for his total screw-up. People depend on the current system. Don’t make it worse in the name of ideological liberalism. Please!

  3885. Oprah is smart enough to know better; she, like all Obama supporters, resorts to the tiresome and dishonest race card because there is nothing positive that they can say about the man. For tens of millions of Americans who detest Barack Obama and everything he stands for, the color of his skin is the only thing we do not object to or care about.

    If Herman Cain, or Allen West, or Tim Scott, or Mia Love were president, those of us horrified by the Obama presidency would be their strong supporters, and would be proud to have, once again, a President worthy of our respect.

    Oprah should be deeply ashamed of herself.

  3886. I hope Oprah tells the international community about the gangs of blacks that are openly attacking lone whites all across the USA. And make sure to tell them that if it were the other way around Eric Holder and obama would be sending out the Homeland Security Army to stop this practice.

  3887. Blacks voted for him because he’s Black, I didn’t vote for him because he’s an awful politican. Who’s the Racist???

  3888. It not the color of his skin it’s the content of his character. And his socialist agenda.

  3889. OMG get off this racist thing.. We don’t disrespect Obama because he’s black. We disrespect him because he’s trying to destroy America. We disrespect him because he is a LIAR.

    We disrespect him because his entire life is a lie, its hidden, he will not let you see his heritage. Why is that? Why is he not proud of how he paid to get through college? Why is he not proud to allow people to read what he thought in college?

    Why is that, you think? (answer.. you don’t think.. )

  3890. I disrespect 95 % of all kneegrows because they are tribal racists and vote because the color of a mans skin and not by his policies or character. 60% of all violent gun crimes are committed by kneegrows who are only 12 % of our population. They are a plague on American society and so is Obama and Holder!

    1. Not ALL Blacks fall into line based on his skin color. There actually ARE some ‘thinking’ Blacks, just not enough of them. With a 50% H.S. drop out rate in L.A., it’ll be awhile before the ‘thinking’ group of Blacks increase.

  3891. Just a guess, but I figure the Election was rigged the same as his birth records. Americans are too racists to have voted for him.

  3892. Hey Oprah, he is an idiot. And so are you for your manufactured purse crisis you perpetuated in Switzerland a few month ago.

  3893. I disagree in part, because the dark establishment accuses we white men of hating a skin color. I don’t hate to begin with, but I don’t respect any African and she is right about that. Now if I were to describe hate in me for something it would be toward the purveyors of communism, because I know these to be Totalitarians in disguise. The dark population has supported the totalitarian by a margin of 95% to 5%.

  3894. I guess people made Oprah incredibly rich because they hated the color of her skin. While I do think both she and Obama are morons I dont think it has much to to do with their skin color, some people, black ,white or pink , are just dumb.

  3895. “Many Americans” oppose Obama because they are racist, Oprah? What is “many” Oprah? Ten, a hundred, a thousand? The vast majority of Conservative Americans don’t care a pin about his color. they do object to his plan for this nation. You find the racists among the liberal/progressive/socialists, Oprah, and they are all on your side of the aisle.

  3896. Oprah get your big fat head outta your fat a$$. Obama your boy is really bad as a president. He was elected because he is black and nobody wants to seen as racist if they don’t vote for him. He is worse than Carter and that says a lot. You Oprah are the racist. Fat white women made you who you are today. Face it America is good to you a billionaire idiot(ess)

  3897. Blacks use this, “I’m black treat me differently because my ancestors were slaves,” mentality as a political correct weapon to make others racists. This “dog-whistle” is code for help me! help me! I can’t cope on a level playing field with my white superiors. Yet they want to be treated equal, … how can we treat them equal when for the most part they are a pathetic race, to be pitied.

  3898. The Jews were all but obliterated, yet they didn’t whine, look what they have done. And yet in the greatest country on Earth the blacks still pimp out their sisters and sell crack to one another from their gubment housing…….

  3899. Such a sad state of affairs when you live in a society that allows people this stupid to become extremely wealthy.

  3900. Same old line that always comes up when obama f’s up, “oh if you criticize obama you’re a racist.” at what point can we admit he’s a bad president based on all he’s done?

  3901. Question? So why did Americans vote for the black man with no criminal record , had a too clean history , raised a muslim , smoked dope , has commie friends , terrorist friend , a racist preacher and a questionable birth record?

    1. So, they could wave the “PC” flag about how non-prejudiced they are, when in fact voting for him BECAUSE he’s Black, shows how racist they are!

  3902. No Oprah. It is because he is oDUMBo. Who would have guessed he would drive us towards 20 Trillion in debt when he had so much experience as a community organizer. SHOCKER!

  3903. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” “nobody”?…”everybody”? Really? Ah yes, generalities are so very convenient for Obama defenders to pull out when the going gets tough for the their “messiah”.

  3904. Oprah, glad you made your mega-millions on the backs of us crackers. Guess you’ve forgotten the big hit your network took after your initial endorsemen of Obama. don’;t remember any racism charges then. If you can continue your current backing of he president it will probably hurt more this time around. If you awake, you’ll find current day racism comes from the black side.

  3905. I hate him because has no clue as to what is happening in his administration and his policies are all wrong.

  3906. Sorry Oprah you are way off base. It’s not because Obama is Black that people dislike him it’s because he is a habitual Liar. He doesn’t know how to tell the Truth.
    He is not Intelligent and hides all his School records along with all his personal background.
    There are smart Black American’s who are worthy of respect like Thomas Sowel, Dr. Carson, Clarence Thomas. They are Conservative and Intelligent.

  3907. Many people disrespect him because he is an idiot Oprah….much the same reason I have no respect for you.

  3908. obama is the best reason to abolish Affirmative Action practices. Imagine if a competent black had been elected.

  3909. Lol..ya..it’s all about the color of the man’s skin. The size of my wallet is totally irrelevant when it comes to my presidential likings!

    Oprah needs to realize not all of us are multibillionaires with unlimited money.

  3910. Why does this woman not understand what has been happening in America? She is among the MOST successful people in the country! She UNDERSTANDS the meaning of hard work and reward! Yet she defends one of the most intelectually LAZY presidents in American history. If only he were just lazy between those big, floppy ears of his! But, he and his minions have been very busy swinging their socialistic sledge hammers at the pillars of our Republic. They will not have their satisfaction until we are paupers and surfs, living in wait for their next royal pronoucement.

  3911. People disrespect Obama because he is a lying POS. It has nothing to do with his color. Please stop trying to play the race card. It is getting really old.

  3912. Anyone else see the irony in her statement?
    Here is a black women, who became one of the richest people in the world, in a predominantly white nation, complaining about racism
    That’s as bad as Obama’s wife saying that black people still have a long way to go while sitting in the white house, being married to the president, and having the title of “first lady”.

    1. It doesn’t matter to these people. No matter how rich and successful any black person is, they are at their core still a slave to the white man. That’s truly how they see things. The only reparation they will accept is for equal enslavement of whites for 400 years. Blacks as a whole just cannot let go of the plantation mentality, and it is expressed every time they vote for politicians that want to keep them enslaved, only this time to the government.

  3913. If the United States was a racist nation Barack Obama would not have been elected twice. People are angry because the policies of this administration have made the economy worse, destroyed jobs, destroyed the healthcare system, undermined the effectiveness of our military and put us on a path to crushing taxation as well as rampant inflation. Through it all Barack Obama has pointed fingers at everyone else as the problem. We expect the chief executive to accept the blame, it comes with the job. We hated the presidency of Jimmy Carter for similar reasons and the last time I looked Jimmy was a white guy.

    1. Black or white or whatever, with Obama’s background – ALL of his background – the last thing troublesome is his or my or your race. His is of dubious lineage, his if of questionable qualifications, his is of known contradictory practices vocationally AND avocationally, his problem(s) is/are of known character: lying and self-aggrandizement, and above all, his is the absolute lack of decency and proven leadership skills required of an American president.

  3914. one more question oprah

    is the international community also racist??

    they hate him too ask the people in Egypt

    they are laughing at us for the fraud you helped push on the American people

    time to stop spending money on you your magazines, your movies etc

  3915. Don’t you Black whiners have anything else to blame your failures on besides the color of your skin?? This racial shite is getting to be the most disgusting excuse for failure ever to come down the pike. How about we don’t like Obama because he is not a leader, is trying to take this country down and the WHITE blood flowing through his veins is tainted

  3916. For every white person who doesn’t like Obama because he is “black” there are 5 that voted for him just because he is black. White guilt outweighs racism in the this country by a wide margin.

  3917. Everything is always about RACE with blacks! I personally like to see black people succeed. Why?, not because they are black but because I like people to succeed! It’s better for our country! Obama is not a success, he is a narcissistic failure which has ZERO to do with his color! The more black leaders make excuses for Obama’s failure the more respect I lose! Oprah used to be a great person! How would she like to live in a world where every failure a standing white president makes labels ALL blacks as RACIST who want the white president to fail?? I have news for YOU Oprah when our president makes bad choices and it hurts Americans!!!!!! Obama is a socialist who is destroying this country! He is rewarding people to sit at home and more and more people are taking advantage of those rewards!!!! He invested in the poor and rich at a cost of DESTROYING THE MIDDLE CLASS!!!!! THIS IS NOT ABOUT SKIN COLOR!! IT IS ABOUT A PRESIDENT WHO IS BUYING VOTES!! LABELING THE MIDDLE CLASS AS RACIST IS NOT HELPFUL!!!!

  3918. Wow what a joke “the no one ever says” line priceless, that is all that is said nonstop. Dems have used racism as the ultimate crying wolf, and now it’s old and we have become desensitized whenever anyone says repubs are racists, diagree with the President, racism! If you voted for Obama just because he is back, guess what you are as racist as KKK idiots.

  3919. TO: Oprah
    RE: Really?

    Many Americans disrespect Obama because he is African-American. — Oprah

    How many?

    And how many of them disrespect him because of his failures in office?

    Likewise, how many of US disrespect you because you are a blatant racist and raging feminist?


    [The Truth will out…..]

  3920. Here’s a great idea. No one and I mean no one go see her piece of crap movie she’s promoting. Let it be a resounding flop. Send a clear message.

  3921. This is about as true as her claims of racism at the high end handbag shop in Sweden, it is nothing but her delusional perception of the world that everyone and everything is racists !

  3922. How ironic. This useless negroid owes every dollar she has to white people.

    I suppose if she were a total failure like the affirmative action president she’d blame her shortcomings on white people.


  3924. Pure psychological projection. Plain and simple. A rational mind cannot help but notice at this point the way many people of color like Winfrey have a loyalty to Obama due to his black skin, and defend him no matter what despite overwhelming evidence on seemingly every issue. These same people would otherwise have no problem criticizing the same person under similar circumstances if said person were not black. She is simply accusing whites of doing what she and many blacks are themselves doing. She is the one that is seeing everything through the lens of race, and rationalizing up excuse after excuse because she just doesn’t want to admit that the first black president is terrible. Sorry Oprah. Race cared rejected. Account overdrawn.

  3925. Please…the NAACP would want us to use positive stereo types 🙂

    Both Obama and Oprah are well endowed blacks from Africa .

  3926. Oprah, it’s not the color of his skin but the content of his character that I have a problem with.

  3927. oh oprah, let’s not play the race card, it’s been overplayed!… this is an insult to all of your loyal WHITE guests who adore you… obama is disliked because he’s an incompetent LIAR!

  3928. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    NOBODY ever says?

    Gee Oprah, we’ve been called racists for the last 5+ years by the left because we disagree with Obama’s policies!

    The race card is on the discard pile. It can’t be played again.

  3929. Ya know, Oprah, you’re an interesting lady. I don’t agree with your politics, never have, never will, but I always thought of you as a nice lady. I couldn’t care less about your skin color. As it happens, I’m white. I’m fairly sure there’s a few people out there that would “disrespect” me because I’m white. There’s always those nut cases and it’s not partial to anyone’s skin color that they exist.

    In other words, get over it.

  3930. Ignorant racist beoch…I can’t believe that these idiots still use race as an excuse for failure…”boo-hoo, people don’t like Obama because he’s black.” Please – did it ever enter your pea-sized brain that the reason we don’t like Obama is because he is a lying p.o.s. extreme left ideologue? Stupid is not a race, so not liking Obama cannot be racist. Time to move on, Oprah…

  3931. She is so Racist, it’s not even funny. Funny thing is, WHITE WOMEN made her a Super Star. Hey fatty, Obama is just a really bad President. Face the facts!

  3932. Oprah for someone who professes to be “spiritual” you are not comporting yourself as such. Before you speak ask yourself is it true, does it improve on the silence! Obama is not respected simply because he broke the TRUTH rule! as you know truth leads to right action. So by him lying about keeping our insurance and lied many more times (IRS, BENGAZI) he has caused disharmony within the country and disrespect to himself……..not due to the color of his skin! So STOP propagating this story it’s because of his skin color……he was elected twice (not by me) because I knew who he was right for the jump!!!!!!!!!. Namaste

  3933. But most just hate the lies and incompetence.
    Leaders find solutions, leaders unite people, leaders accept responsibility, leaders work for the good of all. Loser’s find excuses, losers divide people, losers blame others, losers benefit their friends at the expense of others.
    Thank you Oprah, but I will do my own math!

  3934. And what would one expect her, a big new age leftie, to say? She is as leftist and she is as elitist as any multi- millionaire, liberal Hollywood entertainer. No surprise.

  3935. REALLY??? What a hypocrite!!! Racism has NOTHING to do with a CHARACTER of a person. ACCOUNTABILITY will NOT BE EXEMPT from anyone even Oprah and BHO!!!!

  3936. She seems to forget, WE elected a black president, not only did he get elected President of the United States, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. All this and the man has failed. He failed easing racial tension…in fact he promoted it, he failed Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Israel and Russia…He has alinated our allies and supported terrorist. What more could you expect from the man.

  3937. hmmmm….and if you act like a ni@@er you get treated like
    one. This is just more of the usual baiting done by the deverse crowd.

  3938. OH STFU. We hate him because he’s incompetent and a Bolshevik. Now go crawl back into your hole your irrelevant piece of fecal matter.

  3939. Race baiting at it’s best. I voted for him, until I realized he was a massive pathological liar, then I voted for someone else. #distrust

  3940. Oprah will do & say anything to get back in Michelle’s good graces. Obama used Oprah to get elected & dropped her like a “hot rock” after the election. Oprah thought she deserved a small office in the White House, but Michelle didn’t want her on the property. Who really cares about Oprah’s opinion?? She is a “closet racist”!

  3941. By Jove I think she’s got it. That must be the reason we dislike him so much. It’s not because he had no experience in any field that relates to governing the largest economy in the world. I feel better now and therefore I must be a racist. Thanks O for clearing that up.

  3942. Oprah is nothing more than a black racist who misuses her so called influence to continually drive the wedge between people of differing ethnic backgrounds. Her support of Obama in 2008 was possibly the single greatest contributing factor to his becoming President. She is one of those people who is unable to admit that OBAMA, was and is, One Big Ass Mistake America. She was wrong and knows she was wrong but like Obama, her EGO will not allow her to admit her error. Such is the nature of entertainers who are under the delusion that just because they may be able to act, they are able to actually think. Remember, actors take “direction” to achieve the desired effect that the ‘Director” envisions.

  3943. Get off it woman!!! How much longer do you think you can continue your racist campaign of intimidation!?!? We (Americans) don’t like Obama because he’s a Socialist, a liar and the worst president we’ve had in the last century (He even makes Jimmy Carter look good by comparison). Whether his skin is white, brown, yellow, blue , or green is inconsequential.

  3944. Garbage! That’s just political maneuvering to deflect legitimate debate from Americans opposing progressive socialist agendas. This has ZERO to do with race, heritage, skin tone or religion.

  3945. The black woman whose show is popular across a wide swath of America saying the Hafrican who was ‘elected’ President is reviled b/c he is black. The delusion is almost as strong as the entitlement.

  3946. The reason he’s been given a pass this long is because he’s a black liberal. The MSM has carried water for him for 5 years. Any conservative including a black conservative would have been treated much differently.

  3947. If that was true, how did he get elected twice? His failed policies and attempts at “fundamentally transforming America” have caused the “disrespect”.
    Here is a man who had insufficient gravitas to become President. His lack of experience in an executive position and lack of attention to details has caused him to make Jimmy Carter look good.

  3948. Like Biden said “They will put you back in chains”. The left race baiters will not rest until all whites are in chains. Even, then whites will not be sorry enough for our great,great,great grandparents that were too poor and never owned a slave & worked next to them in the cotton fields as my father and his father did.

  3949. That is patently untrue,and many have lost a lot of respect for Oprah.
    I would vote for Condelesa rice in a flat second.She is well liked, respected, intelligent, and trusted to run our country.
    The reason many do not like Obama is because he is taking our country to the extreme left, he is running our country like a dictator, telling businesses and states what to do and how to do it, but mainly because he is a radical socialist.
    I for one am insulted by Oprahs remarks.
    She knows not what she speaks of

  3950. Please people. Obama is not Black. He is 50 percent Caucasian, 40 percent ARAB and only about 10 percent Black.

  3951. Obama is not an African American….he’s 50% white…..why is Oprah playing the race card? She has more money than God……………..

  3952. No, we disrespect him because he has insulted and violated all of us. We disrespect him because he is enslaving us and many generations of our descendants. We disrespect him because he is taking away our ability to take care of our own health. We disrespect him because he is a two timing a**hole who treats us like pests. We disrespect him because he insults and steps on our religious beliefs. We disrespect him because he doesn’t know what being an American is.

  3953. Dear Oprah,

    It has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with the laundry list of failed policies, cover ups, and bald face lies plus HIS complete disrespect for the office he holds and the people he governs.


    Mr. Solo Dolo

    P.s: Sorry you’re irrelevant now and no one cares what you have to say

  3954. This just goes to show you how ignorant they are. The majority of the white people in this country could care less what color Obummer is. It is his politics and distruction of the middle class over the last 6 years that upset people. My daddy told me a long time ago, “A thief thinks everyone is a thief and a racists thinks everyone is a racist.”

    You can quote him on that.

  3955. Why is every time Oprah has a film to promote, she pulls out the “poor me” race card.

    Oprah a successful billionaire. Millions, gad knows why, love her. Wake up and grow up my dear. Many of us think Obama’s a joke, Black, white or pink pokadot.

  3956. she’s clearly comfortable with her bank account to be saying such clearly nosensicle rubbish……..the man has reached the absolute Apex office in the world TWICE and there is still an unsatisfied feeling to Ms.Winfrey….. can such an appetite ever be satiated ?………………………….

  3957. Yea those racist people that have made Oprah rich. It couldn’t be his policies and lies could it? The race card has been used so much it no longer wins the hand.

  3958. Color aside, What has this pompous arrogant ass done to earn respect? Far as I can tell all he’s is fail. He’s ruined everything he’s touched and he has no credibility, anywhere.

  3959. I do not care at all that he is 30% black. I care because he is incompetent and a pathological lier. He has absolutely no experience and had never even owned a business.

  3960. Oprah herself has turned her back on Obama. Gone are all of the political plugs she game him in his first term…

  3961. A socialist, a terrorist, a muslim, and a Kenyan all walk into a bar….
    The bartender says “what will it be Mr. President”?

    1. He is Christian, but does not relate to mainline Christianity. He is at neophyte stage.

      He drew on liberation theology for many years that blames problems on class and race and nationality rather than on sin based against ten commandments and human charity.

  3962. Can oprah please explain to me the reason George Bush was so despised by democrats. Constantly called names and even a left wing director had him assassinated in a movie. Its not even close. Obama is criticized for his policies not his color.

  3963. As long as Liberals keep lying to themselves that Obama’s skin color is even 1% of the issue, we have a major problem.

    No, Oprah. We dislike Obama because he is an anti-freedom, anti-personal responsibility, outrageously arrogant, self-worshiping, power lusting, favorite playing, hypocritical, lying, lazy, thieving, Hedonistic, economy destroying fool that will tell any lie in order to get his destructive policies in place.

  3964. Oprah might be right but I am sure as many blacks hated Bush solely cause he was a white republican as whites hate Obama cause he is black. The truth is most of us hate Obama because he is a lying liberal piece of garbage.

  3965. Couldn’t be his awful, destructive policies, could it? Have some more Kool-Aid, Oprah; you can afford it.

  3966. Total BS, total denial, and total misdirection ! He’s a radical leftist who’s destroying America. Get a clue !!

  3967. sorry you heifer but I disrespect Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama because HE disrespects me and my country! He is a liar and a thief! He thinks that he is King but he’s an illegal alien at best and a traitor at worst! I hate you and others that have propped up this empty suit as a be all, know all, all in all savior of America! Phuck you Oprah you fat cow! Soetoro is a gay cokehead from Chicago, just google it and find out for yourself America. Clint Eastwood was right, he’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the American people in history and MUST be impeached and removed from office IMMEDIATELY and shipped back to his mother country, Kenya!

  3968. Nice try Oprah but all those white people I know who disrespect Obama do so because he is a Bold Face Liar. What about the Blacks who voted for him because he is Black? HUMMMMMMM.

  3969. Yeah….that’s it. It has NOTHING to do with his lying to the public, destroying the health care system, sinking the economy or making us an international laughingstock perceived as a wimp by the rest of the world….

    The truth is out. It’s because he’s black….

  3970. Uh, no, it’s not the color of his skin but the content of his character that earns the disrespect.

  3971. Oprah, I am so disappointed in you. People have lost their lives because Barack Obama is incompetent, worse he doesn’t even care. You’ve become the newest cabinet position, Secretary of Enabling.

  3972. This Coming from an Obama supporter to the end, even if it means the end of America as we know it.

    1. And the first time Oprah has even been involved in politics but it wasn’t because of Obama’s skin color was it?

      1. Nah, couldn’t have been. But didn’t she call the race card on an overseas employee on a purse she wanted to look at a couple of months ago? Yep, same person, no color perspective seen by her.

  3973. I don’t hate the man at all. I hate his policies. Being black is irrelevant. Using race as an argument is used to shut down opposition, but not anymore. Due to its over use it has the same impact as being accused of being an air breather.

  3974. It is sad oprah that you live in your rich little bubble and do not see people are loosing their jobs, their homes, their healthcare, and hate being spied on, total incompetence and a little man that blames everyone else for his mistakes, that is not a leader just a little man
    YOU and the media foisted this fraud on all of us and how dare you say it is because we are racist, your little man was never ready to be president and is way in over his head
    given the Nobel peace prize when he had not done one thing!!
    this man never ran a lemonade stand and you voted for him, who is the racist?

    what was the reason people hated Bush???
    was it the color of his skin?

  3975. Nonsense… the trouble with leftists is they cannot possibly believe anyone would disagree with their ideology, therefore the reason for disagreement must lie in racism, bigotry, and homophobia.

  3976. Any credibility Oprah may have had left just went straight down the crapper.

    She must have started smoking that crack again.

    1. Just like Katy Perry, Samuel L. I hate snakes Jackson, and all the other entertainer cronies that support and back him. I don’t listen to KP’s music and I don’t watch movies with SLJ in them. Both garbage in my book and now miss Okra Winfree has joined them. Yeah that’s what I call her. Just goes to prove that even if you have billions of dollars it doesn’t buy you common sense and a good moral compass. She supports him just because of the little percentage of him that is black. Would have rather seen Herman Cane or Dr. Ben Carson as president if you want to throw the race card in there. To me it doesn’t matter the color of their skin, but what they say and do and have done. The media is very much to blame for supporting this hoax on America. News people aren’t honest anymore. They only report and sensationalize what sells. Money and greed are behind it all and the downfall of our great nation. Saw a post once recently. Said our founding fathers would have been shooting already.

  3977. I beg to differ with Oprah, Obama is direspected because he lies and acts like an elitist dictator and if he is treated any differently than other presidents it is not about his color. And, by the way Mr Obama is half white but chooses to call himself African American for purely political reasons.All this pity party regarding race is getting way past old. The man blames everyone but himself for everything. He has destroyed faith in government with his mob tactics.

  3978. I don’t hate Obama, all along I’ve accepted him for what he is, incompetent, inexperienced, and a liar. I didn’t put him out there as a, “know it all”, he did. I didn’t make up his, ‘change for the better”, he did. I didn’t make up his lying, he did. I didn’t make up his ability to orate only from a teleprompter, he did. I didn’t hide all of his college records, he did. Oprah Winfrey backed Obama, from the get go, because he’s black, now she defends him because he’s black…there’s the racism. Racism, concocted by blacks, for blacks. I also am not responsible for blacks ignoring black on black killing. Shove your racism lady, you and blacks bought and sold it all by yourself!

    1. And all the voter fraud that got him in office with such a huge margin. I’ve said it all along that I believe both elections were fixed in many ways to insure he would be president. Acorn comes to mind and was renamed something else, but continued to do it’s work towards voter fraud which they were caught doing in the 2008 elections and no one was ever prosecuted for that. I agree with what zenobia says that it’s racism created by blacks to throw out there when all else fails. It’s worked for a long time. But like another guy said it’s so over used it’s like being accused of being an air breather.

  3979. this main stream media mogul biiootch is as bad as the rest of the delusional American Public. Sorry there Harpo, Hated Clinton, EvilBush1 and IdiotBush2 just as much. Can’t blame Obo the A$$Klown problems on race there dear, he’s just another incompetent NWO idiot who cares NOT for We, The People and is applying his agenda to end America…GOT NOTHING TO DO W/ A BLACK/ WHITE THING. Another of example of what power and money does to a human brain, and you Harpo dear are another victim of disillusion by wealth

  3980. Oprah is a Bilderberger and CFR. It’s her job to sew racial division and push the NWO agenda. This horse manure is just par for the course.

  3981. NO….Because he is business incompetent….and has no earthly idea how to manage…anything..If Obama worked in a corporate setting, he would have been fired long ago…

  3982. You have to wonder at this point if there is not some very big issue with some people and their attitude about African Americans. They seem to think they are “less than” the rest of us while they say just the opposite to the world. Obama has earned the scorn of the American people, he has told one too many lies., the fact is if he were white, I feel he would probably been impeached by now. We must hold everyone to the same standards or it degrades the group that is not, it implies they are unable to perform without multiple crutches. I am sure there are plenty of racists in this country, I am certain that the decent people out number them 100,000 to 1.

    1. That’s exactly why he’s referred to as the Affirmative Action Prez. The man CAN’T stand on his own merit or principles, because he has none. Everything Obama is, has been manufactured, rigged.

  3983. No, Little ‘O’, there is supposed to be “a certain level of respect” for the presidency by its HOLDER. Lacking that, the individual in office deserves no respect from the People.

  3984. So, how did he get elected? It took more than the 12% of blacks to do it. Take that race card and wipe your tucus with it. It’s Obama’s policies that are the problem, not the fact that he’s half white.

  3985. As the father of a daughter who is married to a wonderful black American I feel that I can tell you that you are absolutely wrong. What we detest about Obama is that he will not tell the truth if it does not fit his needs and that the problems he has he says are always are someone else’s fault. If he was as first advertised he would have been a good president but he has turned out to be just another political hack and we have had more than our fair share of political hacks black or white.

    1. I didn’t like what he “advertised.” He said that he wanted a well-armed civilian army before his first term. That sent chills down my spine.

  3986. Sure they are that’s why they voted for him, twice. Ridiculous comment by one insufferable woman.

  3987. Actually it’s his incompetence and hatred of the U.S. that causes my disrespect. However I’m it’s true that the only reason Oprah respects him is because he’s black. She needs to reread MLK’s I Had a Dream Speech, maybe she’d learn something about judging solely based on skin color.

  3988. Don’t you get tired of blacks constantly using the racism card to explain their problems…… I’ve got news O, blacks are just as bigoted as whites if not more so. You made 99% of your money off of whites… but they are bad people aren’t they…

  3989. I guess she has been drinking the koolaid. Does she need to justify her support of this failure we call “President”?
    Liberal- they may see the truth; know the trruth and still believe the lies. Race has nothing to do with my distain and disgust with the fool in the WH. I’d love to see someone like Ben Carson or Allen West in the WH. Oprah is one of the elite and doesn’t realize that the democrat’s approach to the poor simply keeps them dumb, uneducated and on the government dole. Shame on her. Skin color is NOT the issue. Character, integriity, honestly & empathy are all qualities this fool (Obama) does not possess. If you read Obama’s America 2016 or seen the video you will know what I mean when I say “The apple does not fall far from the tree”. I predict he will follow in Daddy’s footsteps, hopefully in Kenya.

  3990. Oprah is a HUGE tool and anyone who listens to what she says is a gullible sheep.
    . Enough said. Close thread.

  3991. first off, you’re a liar. second off I would gladly take Alan West because of the content of his character, not the color of the skin. Quit living in a 60’s-70’s paradox and dividing the country more now than ever in my lifetime. Are all the black conservatives who opposes policies and the white people who got him elected also races. this is liable nothing less. and race baiting for self-promotion how disgusting.

  3992. Was she channeling her inner racist self when she was furious at Obama after he and Michelle dissed her, and she proclaimed that they didn’t want any fat people around the White House? Of course not, she just felt betrayed. Oprah, join the crowd of people who believed the POTUS, a crowd that all who love liberty were never a part of.

  3993. Oprah should know better, we do not trust Obama one iota, and being black has nothing to do with it. He has torn our country in half, and everyone is poorer!!!!

  3994. She’s a racist low IQ idiot that has leached off the public by preying on their ‘feelings’ and then using the wealth she earned to manipulate her audiences.

    American’s hate Obama because he is a socialist that is hellbent on destroying the US. He’s also not black as his mother was white so she’s clueless as well.

  3995. Oprah, dear, this is a load of crap. Did “racists” elect a black president twice? What? You refer to conservatives? I’m a conservative and I’d vote for Dr. Ben Carson as president in a New York second. It’s not skin color, dear. It’s the part between the ears.

  3996. Oprah is a wanna be! She ,Jesse, and Al are Black raciest extortionist! Listen to her and her race baiting ilk! I am very weary of these people attempting to cover for the very stupid one in the “Peoples house”, Lots of money and a very small brain.

  3997. Put another way, since Obama has a father that was black and a mom that is white, that makes him black, period I guess. Thats good enough for the blacks in the US to continue approving of him and his decisions well over 90% while the rest of us, his approval is below 40%. If Obamas dad was also white making him “white”, would the black community still approve of him into the 90% range, I don’t think that would be the case and therefore must conclude racism is at the heart of the black decision.

  3998. Of course. Because there couldn’t possibly be any other reason not to respect this guy. He is perfect in every single way and we should be honored to have him as our king. In fact, we should pass a law making it illegal to insult Obama. Wait a minute! We don’t even have to. Obama can just change the law by speaking nowadays, so he can just do it himself. I hope he is fuhrer for 1000 years.

  3999. Let’s face it. This is all about a “it’s our turn now” mindset with these people. (Or should I have said “those people”.)

  4000. This elitist voodoo witch can’t see anything through her elitist bubble. I’m damn sick of these clueless liberals squelching open and honest debate by constantly using the race card.

    1. Nah, Just Ignorants, or or least those who voted for him, AGAIN. AND the 2million+ republican voters that didn’t vote in 2012.

  4001. Really Oprah??? You built a media-entertainment Goliath on the viewership of alot of people that hate black people then. o_O

    How does THAT work????

  4002. Respect is earned not given,when he stops stepping on his di/k and acts like an adult maybe then

  4003. Nonsense! It’s because of his radical views, arrogance, hubris and general incompetence that many Americans dislike him.

  4004. You stupid woman. It could be that he’s done everything in his power to ruin America. You really think it’s okay to play the race card? We don’t all have stupid written on our forehead. I used to watch your show years ago..then I figured you out and realized that you were a waste of my time!

  4005. No Oprah, you stupid cow, we don’t hate Obama because he’s black. We hate and disrespect him because he is possibly THE worst Presidents in U.S. history! I hated Bubba Clinton and Jimmy Carter. Does that make me racist? I hated FDR and Woodrow Wilson, too. Does that make me racist? I despise all the aforementioned Presidents for one reason only – their Socialist agendas. Give the race card a rest. It doesn’t fly anymore. You supported/voted for Obama solely BECAUSE he’s black. YOU Oprah, are the racist.

  4006. Truth is not a hate crime, Oprah. Charging those that dissent from Barack Hussein Obama (pbuh) because of his race is immature and specious. America was sold a bill of goods and voted FOR him because he was black. His inexperience and lack of grace is now showing. Calling those who acknowledge this “racists” diminishes the meaning of the word.

  4007. This bi*ch has the power to know what everybody’s thinking?, so it’s only what her racist mind thinks?…Hey Oprah stfu. C U Next Tuesday.

  4008. What is it with African Americans and this respect issue? I don’t care what color the president is. I do care if they don’t tell the truth. Incompetence knows no color.

  4009. “Nobody ever says it but everybody thinks it?” Nobody ever says it? If you disagree with anything Obama does you’re labeled as a racist! It’s all the race-baitors talk about. Oprah is too stupid to understand that her comments set race relations back because the VAST, VAST MAJORITY of white people are too busy trying to raise families and pay bills to give a crap about skin color. Too many black people’s mindset are stuck in 1955. Get over it.

  4010. He’s hated because he hired all our old Enemies. Finances terrorist groups that attacked us on 9-11-2001. Other than that? he’s done a real bang up job and his color suddenly falls into the background.

  4011. If Oprah is correct, why did so many of us who don’t support Obama…support Cain and West? Just sayin’…

  4012. Hey lady!! I could care less if his skin was purple!!! I DON’T LIKE HIS POLICIES…….. PERIOD!!!!

  4013. Most white Americans hates their college football teams,basketball teams and pro teams in other sports because they have too many black players on the teams.
    You got it right Ophry.,There are hardly any whites in the stands when their teams are playing.

    1. As long as you are on the gridiron for “massa” you’re OK. It is the modern equal to being out in the cotton field, “where you belong”. But you DO NOT belong in the big house-especially not the White House. YOU transparent piece of sh!t!

  4014. Obama never would have won the primary without Oprah’s help. She bears some responsibility for Obama;s tanking of the country. Yeah… everyone hates him because he’s black… boo hoo hoo. Oh wait… he’s half white. He’s hated because he succeeded with the Cloward Piven strategy through Obamacare, because of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting, and the list goes on & on. Get real, Oprah!

  4015. Obama is just an inexperienced politician that has been in way over his head since the first day he took office. On top of that, Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinksky (whose teachings I am sure Oprah is well aware of) which makes him a tool of the most extreme left wing of the Democratic Party. And People, the Alinskyists hate this country with a passion, make no mistake about that. None of this has anything to do with the Obama’s skin tone.

  4016. I feel sorry for her. Her eyes see nothing but black and Green. Can you imagine living in a world where everything you look at is black or shades of black?

    1. Her new color is Purpura, aka “the color purple” That’s the color of this Administration. Color of Royalty, in celebration of the installation of a Dictator.
      Study that.

  4017. The only reason O supports him is because he’s black…. Who is bigoted here? Ever see O come out to support any White candidates? She’s never called on it because it wouldn’t be politically correct to do so….

  4018. Wrong again Ophah………You are racists! People dislike Obama due to the fact that he is; an incompetent narcissistic racist liar bent on taking America down a path of socialism. Look what he and his cronies are doing!

  4019. Obama used Oprah to get elected in 2008 because of her money and her connection to the black community. He then tosed her aside and did not even invite her to the WH. But she still loves him. This is tipical of the black community Obama is keeping them in adverse poverty and they still love him.

  4020. Hey Doprah, if American’s are so racist, then how did odumbo get elected in the first place? and then re-elected?
    Blacks make up around 17% of the total population of America. So mathematically it was IMPOSSIBLE for black people to elect him all by themselves. In order for him to win, he needed WHITE people to vote for him….and they did.
    More whites than blacks voted for Obama….both times
    So racist white people elected a black president?……Twice???
    GFYS you race baiting POS

  4021. I thought Oprah was arrested at Heathrow upon arrival. Word is she had 63 lbs of Crack in her panties.

  4022. This bitch Oprah is the biggest raciest on the planet. All she knows how do to is pull the race card. She has fallen from grace and will do anything to be back in the spotlight.
    People dont like Odumbo because he is an idiot.

  4023. Claiming “racism” is the easiest way to put someone with
    morals on defense, Liberals like Okra know this. Liberals like her are sociopaths and
    sociopaths lack morals which makes shaming them hard to do. The easiest way to place a liberal on defense is to accuse them of being lazy or stupid. They hate being
    judged this way, I don’t know why but they do. Falling back on the race card is
    nothing more than a sign of a mental weakness (lazy) or stupidity, which is it?

  4024. This comes from a women who accused a european woman of being racist because she told her a purse cost to much, and then had to recant her story after the truth actually came out………… I wonder is she realizes that the race card is not in the deck anymore…………….. Its already been played…………..

  4025. Really the race card again? No one should listen to anything this woman has to say. She has lost all credibility. It has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with the president being a communist. It has everything to do with him committing fraud , ignoring the constitution and being a treasonous liar.

  4026. So sick of this! If you disagree with Obama you must be a racist. I don’t care if he is black, white, or purple with polka dots, it’s his issues. Why is it that liberals like Oprah are the ones who always bring up race? They are the ones fixated by it, Get a life Oprah.

  4027. Was Bush “black” also? I seem to remember a lot of disrespect then too. I think
    that the Men in Office and the age of career politicians has ruined the
    office as they have ruined our country.

  4028. Those of us who don’t like Obama don’t like him because of his policies and what he’s done to the country. Shame on Oprah, who made most of her billions off of white people, to play the race card…..and overseas at that. I supported her for decades, watching her program faithfully…..but I’ve lost respect for her now that she’s gone “political.”

    1. wonderfully stated—-I think Oprah knows she is black—-fail to see how that has affected her ability to exist in the United States. Same can be said for Barry Soetoro—has thrived in this ‘racist’ land. Simply lefty/liberal policies are just disastrous—have never worked—never will.

    2. Oprah dislikes white people and you can tell in her comments. From her fake run in with the clerk in Switzerland to her Obama racist comments. She knew where he bread was buttered and used people to amass her fortune. She and Obama are birds of a feather. Both belonging to that racist church and only leaving when it would effect their careers.

  4029. If these two got together they would have the most ugliest and ignorant children on the planet. Great POTUS material !

  4030. Oprah, you need to think before you speak. It took millions of WHITE votes to put Obama in office, TWICE. I was hopeful that Obama would be able to bring whites and blacks together. Instead, he has a polarizing affect on both sides of the race issue. I believe America has peaked as a world power and we are now on the downward slope to mediocrity.

  4031. That’s load of crap. They dislike him NOT BECAUSE HE’S BLACK, but because he’s a lying sack of s**t! If America is so “racist,” how did you get to be a billionaire, Ms. Winfrey?

  4032. “There’s no question about that.” God, the arrogance of that woman makes me want to vomit.

  4033. Thank God we have Oprah to clarify what is happening. We certainly do not have the intellect to make decisions on our own.

  4034. Oprah disrespected Hillary Clinton by not endorsing her because she is white and Barrack Obama is black. If anyone honestly thinks that Oprah would have endorsed an inexperienced white senator from Illinois over a woman candidate for President, you fall in line with the clueless population that voted for Barry.

  4035. I don’t support him because he is not qualified for the job. He is not qualified because he lacks the intellectual capacity to lead. Statistically, sub Saharan Africans have lower cognitive skills (IQ) than other races. I think the Oprah is spot on on this one.

  4036. Unfortunately for Barry Soetero, his Keynote Speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention was actually an audition for a cabalistic mishpocha which landed him the role of Barack Hussein Obama in “The Transmogrification of The United States of America.”

    Steve Savage “King of the Beasts”

  4037. No, we disrespect him because he has insulted and violated all of us. We disrespect him because he is enslaving us and many generations of our descendants. We disrespect him because he is a two timing a**hole who treats us like pests. We disrespect him because he insults and steps on our religious beliefs. We disrespect him because he doesn’t know what being an American is.

  4038. Tina Turner says Switzerland is a great place to live and I don’t think the Swiss are racists. Maybe a new beginning for Oprah too?

  4039. I’m at least as displeased with those “lily whites” Pelosi and Reed. Why do they get a free ride. You, John Q Public, your defense is that these two people were elected by a small portion of the populace. In that regard, a lot of you are on the hook for voting for the man that was weaned on Marxist/Socialist doctrine (taught to him by white folks and he is half white). Give me a break. If I was his sycophant, I would be looking for cover, too, given the present disasters.

  4040. No, people disrespect him because he is a lying, two faced, ill-prepared, country hating SOB that would rather have this great nation go into the tubes than do what is right.

    Okra, you are a hate spitting, bigot just like Al Sharpton. You need to go away with obama to Africa and never come back.

    1. Steve own up you fell out of love with Opha because she is Black? Just trying to keep with the logic stream here.

  4041. Hahaha..No, Oprah..this country voted in the first black president by an overwhelming amount of turnout..dead people even voted for the first black president because he was going to do so much to CHANGE this country…. for the better….all he has done is run it into the ground, started race wars, played a part in the murder of servicemen, ambassadors, journalists, spied on the American people, taxed the crap out of us and our future generations, lied on so many occasions that I can’t even keep track..so, that’s why he is hated Oprah. NOT because of the color of his skin, but because of the character of the man. The Muslim brother is a fraud a phony a criminal and needs to be in prison for his crimes against this country.

    1. Oprah has been throwing down the race card quite often these days. It’s almost as if she is morphing into an international hybrid version of Jessie Jackson/Al Sharpton. If you ask me, I’d say she is grooming herself to become the next “black leader” (whatever that is).

  4042. oprah you thought you lost your audience a few years ago, you have not seen anything yet after this comment
    how dare you say an thing like this, considering you being black had many women of different colors fawning all over your, many woman are color blind, but your “racist” president has helped set back race relations for years with his nonstop dividing
    people are pissed, in just the time it took me to type this 32 new comments came in

  4043. When people are born, everyone loves them because of what they are. When they are grown, people respect them for what they’ve become.

  4044. It has nothing to do with his color. He could be green for all I care. It’s his policies, and arrogance. A man who has never really accomplished anything on his own as far as business and economics, is going to tell me, someone who has worked and run businesses all my life and raised a family, what is best for me? How idiotic!

    It isn’t the country’s fault that he had a cad and a bum, for a father and a wingnut for a mother. Please, just exit the stage and leave us all alone. That is what people really want. Nothing racist about that.

  4045. You don’t have to be black to be Incompetent, why is this racism. Maybe the racist are the black folks who don’t understand that color has nothing to do with opinions

  4046. The people that promote this idea are the real racists. They voted for Obama only because he’s black. They don’t care what his policies are, or which direction he’s taking the country. They don’t care who is hurt, or how government is turning against the people. They only care that he is black. That’s all they see.

    There is a laundry list of reasons that freedom loving citizens would disagree with this administration and it’s policies. Obama being only half white is not one of them.

    Martin Luther King would be disappointed that his dream is no closer to reality today than it was 50 ears ago. He would be more disappointed that black people are the ones that are most likely to judge on the color of one’s skin instead of the content of one’s character.

  4047. No I do not like him because he is mentally deranged narcissistic personality disorder SOB. And the only ones worse then he is, are the ones that fawn over him.

  4048. ….. Says the idiotic but RICHEST BLACK WOMAN in the world about the idiotic but MOST POWERFUL BLACK MAN in the world.

    How the hell does Opra think her and Obama got where they are???


    That is why droves of whites are sick and tired of you whiney ingrate black twits. It’s not about your stupid skin or your stupid hair … it’s about your stupidity, period.

  4049. let me tell u something oprah, if was not for the white women in the usa, you mam would be a nobody. they have supported you from start to finish. get a life

  4050. she’s the racist she should look and see what she’s done done to our nation! Hasn’t hurt her because she’s too rich for anything to touch her. And his policies just make her richer. Come on 0prah let’s see you sign up for Obummercare!

    1. Noprah needs to return to Switzerland – on her private jet – and, once again, SCREAM “racism”……………………
      No doubt all decked out in lederhosen from the top of the Matterhorn where she has a stage built to, that’s right, SCREAM “racism”……………

  4051. Don’t let Big Big Oprah get away with race baiting. Its time to be honest about little little o’s failed policies. He
    said he would reduce unemployment, lie(in fact the number of people who aren’t even looking for a job is through the roof), little o also said obama care would cover more people and reduce costs ( both in terms of results so far is another lie. The worst part is the ONLY Politicians that were right and trying to protect the people was the tea part and they got destroyed by the liberal thugs in the media. Oprah is just another shill that wants to move power and money to washington and have every (of course except for her and her elitist pals) to live at the same level whether they work hard OR not.

  4052. I don’t like Obama because of his half black heritage. I don’t like him because his political views are heading this country into the ground. I have black friends and relatives who voted for the first time ever in ’08. I suspect if there is no black 1/2 black candidate in 2016, they won’t vote.

  4053. Sooooo, who’s the real racist? Or is Ms O sooooo stupid as to not see what her boy is doing to America and her fellow blacks?

  4054. Omg O… Are you serious!? Most Americans aren’t as ignorant as you think!!! We’re not the ones following ” I hate all niggarz” on twitter!!! We can’t stand him like we couldn’t stand Bush for murdering people, here, there, everywhere. Thanks to Bush Sr, Regan, Clinton, bush jr, Obama, big banks, to big to fail Corps… We’re going down!!!! I use to respect you… Now you make me sick!!! And guess what.. It has nothing to do w/ the color of your skin!!!!

  4055. Actually Ms. Winfrey, his skin color has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he is utterly and completely inept, a socialist and quite obviously in way over his head. Any white man with as little experience as he had when he ran and who showed this amount of incompetence would have been impeached half way through his first term. Any white man who pushed through legislation that caused thousands of people to loose their healthcare after stating they wouldn’t would have been imediately brought up on impeachment charges. Any white man who got caught giving guns to the mexican drug cartels would have been standing in front of Congress as one of the few presidents in history to be brought up on impeachment charges, any white man who allowed an American ambassador and several service members/citizens to die at the hands of terrorists would have been made to immediately answer for his gross lack of leadership, and Lord help Bush if he had been in office when Snowden leaked all that NSA information, he’d have been impeached and jailed. If anything people are giving him a pass because he’s black.

  4056. Oprah you Obamatized freak. You are probably more racist than anyone because you are aligning with him because of color. People don’t disrespect Obama because he is (half) black. They despise him because he is a pathalogical lying Marxist who is ruining the country. And you are not disrespected because you are black either Oprah – it’s because you are fat and have a big mouth.

  4057. No Opie, you don’t demand respect, you earn it and he’s earned nothing but jeers and worse. The choom boy is in over his head and remaining there. He’s incompetent to do much of anything.

  4058. There are few things more disgusting than a racist complaining about their perceived racism of others. To expect people to fawn over 0bama because of his race, regardless of his actions, is the epitome of racism.

  4059. So we are to ignore incompetence, deception & delusion by hiding those characteristics by accusation of racism?

  4060. O isa closet racist. Obama was born stupid and remains stupid, just like oprah !! Who cares what she thinks anyway !

  4061. This just proves that Opra and those like her don’t see who the person is (the content of their character) she see what they are ( the surface).. so by even playing the “race card” she confesses to the type of person SHE is… SHE judges a book by it’s cover not by the content. She is superficial… I don’t like this president because he is a Marxist, egotitical, racist who hates whites and jews and anything that that is traditionally American. His “fundamental transformation” of this nation is destroying what makes this a great nation built on hard work, high values and principles. I judge him by what he does… Color only matters to YOU Opra… but then, you are a Marxist/ Black Liberation Theology person who is against personal responsibility and self reliance. You embrace all the Hate you’ve learned from Rev. Wright.. Just as BHO. I judge you too by your actions.. you’re a racist.. What are you judging me by?

  4062. It’s impossible to have a rational conversation about Obama without someone bringing in the race issue. RACE has nothing to do with it, there are numerous Blacks I have great respect for, like Allen West, Ben Carson et all, because they’re hard working patriotic men. Obama is more white than black, but he’s a socialist Muslim who has not respect for what America stands for, has no respect for its citizens and has no respect for our Constitution. And Ms. Winfrey he’s not liked nor respected!

  4063. There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Wrong Oprah. Everybody says it. There is so much to disagree with this clown, that at least some of it must be directed at his white half.

  4064. enough with the racial crap. people dislike obama because he is a socialist liberal who continues to fail at every turn. we dislike him because he is weakening this country, and decreasing our standard of life. we dislike him because he is making us the laughing stock in the world, in turn giving our enemies a window of oppurtunity.

  4065. seems the racist here is Oprah, no wonder your show collapsed and your network is sinking, no one wants to hear your entitlement, racist rants

  4066. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, stooping to race baiting to stay in the public eye. Don’t lie to the public like Obama. Neither you, nor Obama, could succeed if Americans were racists. Do you really want to protect incompetence and failure behind the race card? Don’t you owe your country better than that?

  4067. Wrong again Oprah. I despise Obama’s policies and his pursuit to fundamentally transform America. Just as I praise proud black men like Thomas Sowell, Col. West, Herman Cain and Ben Carson for standing up to black liberals calling them Uncle Toms. Get off your persecution complex my dear, it’s terribly unbecoming.

  4068. Hey, Oprah, a lot of us don’t like the President because he is totally incompetent, a liar, arrogant, unqualified, lazy, and being half black has nothing to do with it.

  4069. Yeah…. we’re all so racist we elected this incompetent fool TWICE and made Oprah one of the richest human beings on the planet. If only we were more tolerant.

  4070. here comes the old race card. Obama is simply out of his league. He does not have what it takes. His background as a community organizer isn’t helpful at all. I believe that even Sarah Palin would be a better president. Oh well, at least it isn’t “foot in mouth” Biden. Let’s hope that both the dems and reps nominate someone worthy of the office. Run Ben Run…..

  4071. I wonder if the fact that the only experience he has is being a community organizer, repeatedly lying and intentionally misleading the public, ignoring the constitution. Oh’ and lets not forget the fact that he is half white……….. Have you ever give any thought that since liberalism has reared its ugly head this country has steadily went down hill financially and morally?

  4072. I can’t speak for many Americans, but I can speak for myself. I disrespect president Obama because he fully qualifies as a pathological liar and a stealth Marxist. My disdain for the Democrat party goes deeper for having unleashed this dangerous person on America in the first place.

  4073. He’s half black you sheboon princess.

    The people hate him because he sucks.

    Look at Herman Cain for f*cks sake! He had a tremendous
    following (before his ‘scandal’) and he was totally black!

  4074. I guess Pres. GW Bush was African American also…he has been disrespected much more than Pres. Obama

  4075. And when all else fails… call them racists. it’s the latest talking point issued from the WH, they must have heard people want an impeachment

  4076. Poor Harpo. Her Barry is being picked on again. I bet she wants to kiss his owie. Maybe, he is hiring for an Intern?

  4077. To show how stupid this okra is, she doesn’t even know he’s not related to africa but half. Why would folks like her in the “race industry” even be given space to talk. She is a fat mouth rich black so she really believes she matters.

  4078. Don’t cha just love these Liberals like Winfrey, Sean Pinhead, Oliver Stoner & Michael Moron, who are constantly smearing Americans, who made them wealthy while praising the likes of Fidel Castro & Hugo Chavez.

    But we don’t see any of them MOVING to Cuba or Venezuela, now do we.


  4079. It’s not being African.
    It’s not being American.
    Oprah may have forgot that Barry is half white.
    Which part of him will she blame for his lying, treason and defying the constitution?

  4080. Because comments on Dubya were so clean and nice. A bad prez will get called out regardless of color. YOU RACE BAITER!!!

  4081. Oprah, it’s not going to work. Obama is just a horrible President. Period. If you take all he has done, and make him 100% white, with a family tree going back on both sides of his family into the royalty of England, you still have a horrible President. Period. What is racist is you making excuses for this clown because of his color.

  4082. People are not responding to the color of their skin. They are responding to the content of their character.

  4083. “We have to pass it to see what’s in it”. That’s what my doctor said regarding a stool sample.

  4084. Oh you’re all such victims, aren’t you Oprah. Oprah, worth $3 billion (one of the richest women in the world), Obama twice elected president of the united states and now multi-millionaire.

  4085. One other thing; it sure ain’t black folks that made you rich and famous. America without whitey is Detroit.

  4086. I think Obummer is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Jarrett and Soros.
    And as far as,Opie’s opinion…well you know they say about opinions.

  4087. Oprah is certainly true. Additionally, bigorty, racism, and intolerance has been an American “tradition” from the beginning.

  4088. I used to have respect for Oprah, but now I see that she’s just another race-baiter. These folks simply are not capable of believing that its not always about race. They were steeped in this line of thinking since the time they were born. If her interpretation of these events were really the case, the president would never have been elected in the first place. I think that’s pretty obvious.

  4089. Dear Oprah,
    Websters Dictionary has produced a new edition for the intellectually challenged. Definitions are now accompanied with images to facilitate comprehension. For example, “liar” is accompanied with images of Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. “Dumb” and “stupid” are accompanied by an image of yours truly, Oprah Winfrey.

  4090. Has she given up 99% of her wealth yet(I know they never do)? If not she can just shut her big maw already. I thought when she retired we heard the last of her.

  4091. Hmm, Ophry got to be a billionaire cause all those white folks who made her so rich really hates her.
    At the start of her career, when she came on stage they were going wild yelling Ophry-Ophry-Ophry.
    The Hussein was elected twice because a majority of his votes came from white folks who really hated him.
    Of course I think many white folks who voted for The Hussein voted for him because they wanted more free stuff,many voted for him because they were dupes of union fat cat bosses who passed on most otheir dues to the dem party apparatus for protection against RTW laws,and many others believes in ma r x i st philosophies.

  4092. Yeah that’s it.
    You think unemployment over 7% is unacceptable? You’re a racist.
    You have a problem with declining household income? You are racist.
    You think leaving the situation room during the Benghazi crisis showed a complete lack of leadership? How racist.
    You think launching a big software site without testing it displays incompetence? Racist.
    You claim that sayin people can keep existing Health Ins policies 29 times on air and then claiming you didn’t say that is bullcr@p? Boy are you a racist.

    I wonder why Oprah failed to get people to buy the poor black billionaire victimized by the evil racist shop girl story?

  4093. There are obviously millions of people – of whatever race – who are annoyed by / dislike / hate / loathe Obama somewhat / mostly / solely because he is only half-white. That’s just a fact. Racism is alive and well. There are also – cut/paste most of the above here – who support / voted for / lean toward / look the other way when he messes up Obama because he is only half-white. Racism, IMHO, plays both ways with Mr. Obama and it seems to me – unless you can name any other first-term US Senator with a record as undistinguished as Obama’s who was elected President – that it played way, way in his favor. Oprah – whose influence has never recovered she she helped foist the community organizer on the country – is providing a very clear example of how race USED TO play in Obama’s favor. She’s asserting that criticism of Obama is per se racist. It cannot be that Obama’s mistaken promise is a problem – you’re a racist. Obama didn’t fumble Syria and completely mis-read Egypt – you’re a racist. Etc. etc. etc. – you’re a racist. I don’t know if Oprah and her ilk actually believe their charges – it’s profoundly sadder if they do – but they have taken the legitimate issue of racism – and it is a legit problem – and compromised it by making the “racism!” charge as just another trivial “are too! am not!” argument.

    Obama claimed to be “post-racial” – and people bought it. He was chic, urbane, simply “cool.” He played the image game very well – his record of “present” votes was unmatched in both Illinois and DC by way of demonstrating his lack of political courage – and managed to mprph into whoever each voter wanted him to be. His greatest triumph was to become “Moderate Man!” – the centered, calm, competent protector of the Best of America. It’s a scam – and he’s not the first President to do so, being fair. He’s not the first President to be criticized. If you do so, however, you’re a racist. That’s what his supporters have left, and they expose themselves each day when they open their mouths and repeat such nonsense. Keep at it Oprah – you’re the world’s first billionaire victim – and you’re supporting our first Presidential victim. What a crock. Yeah – race is a Big Deal. No question. But it’s not the Big Deal you claim – not by a big margin. Quit playing the victim and perhaps people will quit treating you as one. You – Princess of Self Image and You Make Your Own Reality – should know that already. But, of course, you don’t.

  4094. The false cries of racism against blacks simply gives them a pass on their bad behavior, irresponsibility, and other personal negatives that a person of any other color would justifiably be condemned for.

    Nice trick if you can get it to work, but people are catching on.

  4095. First of all, he’s only half-black. And second of all, it’s disingenuous for Oprah to claim that any non-favorable reaction to a “black” man must be hate, because there’s more than enough reason to hate Obama rather than his skin color. And not only that, but disliking Obama and his crazy lies does not make one a hater. So as I see it, Oprah is being a pathological self-victimizer here. She’s inventing persecution where none exists.

  4096. Interesting, Obama is mixed race. White and Black, he was raised in white society, with all the perks and benefits, yet he identifies with blacks. Up until his political career his knowledge of black culture was sorely lacking. It is amazing how our society has shifted. If a person who is 1/16 American Indian often identifies as part of that society, although having little or no connection. The better answer rather than to continue to foment racial differences is to identify as an American first of “this or that racial or ethnic make up”. This is likely not going to happen as the political left has an agenda of making sure that the races and ethnic groups are pigeon holed into specific categories, thereby allowing the political left to exploit them.

    1. Exploiting is what the left does best. Caricaturing conservatives as greedy and racist while they exploit the poor and use racism to generate hate, they only make things worse for the people they supposedly care about.

  4097. If the voters hated him because he’s black, then how did the Kenyan born Marxist get re-elected TWICE by the racists. It does show that Oprah is a racist and an Obama Sycophant and will say anything thing to cover for this LPOS

  4098. Oprah is selling the “Obama presidential commemorative” deck of playing cards on her new network. Get yours while supplies last and celebrate the election of our nations first black president.
    Each deck comes with a full 52 cards………race cards

  4099. I admit-
    I’m one of those Americans who are prejudiced against Barry because of his color.
    I can’t help it.
    It’s something I’ve never been able to control.
    I just hate Reds.

  4100. He’s an arrogant, condescending, dishonest liar, a divider and a radical far leftist. That’s why many people don’t like him. Funny Oprah how you support Bush’s policies now since they’re being administered by Obama. Who has no principals?

  4101. But no more than those that give him a blank check because he is black (by choice). Obamaphiles are belatedly learning that their demigod not only stacks the deck, he also deals from the bottom.

  4102. Maybe BBC should follow up with “The People” for a full, balanced report. I dispise how these idiots get full court press while they accuse without challenge. I dare her to say this in front of The People, face to face, that she is saying these labilious accusations against instead of a lens! Coward!

    1. She does, but no one listens to her except for folks sitting on their butts at home during the day while the rest of us are out working.

  4103. We don’t like BHO because he’s black??!!! THAT ALL YOU GOT?!!!!!!! You are pathetic. Oh, I got it,….I only hate his WHITE HALF. Now what U got?

  4104. Oprah, you are the racist now. You assume nefarious intent of people because of our skin color. Take your blinders off. I judge people on the content of their character and so do most other Americans.

    You have risen to the pinnacle of entertainment. So how is that if we are so racist?

    I would vote in a heartbeat for a man or woman of color who respects our founding principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Give us Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Condoleeza Rice, J.C. Watts, Tony Dungee, Dr. Ben Carson, Armstrong Williams, Ken Blackwell, Larry Elder….people who believe in life, liberty, personal responsibility, private enterprise, balanced budgets and limited government.

    The CHARACTER of this president IS the problem. This president sat in a hate-filled church for 20 years. Bill Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist is his friend. This president’s stated goal is to “fundamentally” change ( destroy) this country’s founding beliefs . He flat out lied 29 times. He rules like an autocrat.

    Oprah, it is beneath you to play the race/victim card.

    Go back to shopping for $40K handbags. You are no longer a woman of the people. You have become a woman of the elite.

  4105. This thread must be approaching record status for hits.RS is this a record number of responses?

  4106. I’m so sick and tired of hearing that cop-out from filthy rich blacks like Oprah! Come up with a new line folks!

  4107. If “O” was white many in the
    black community would be strongly against his policies. Oprah is a race baiter.

    1. Since the Civil War no American President has had such a degrading effect on the quality of life demographics than Obama.

  4108. The truth that nobody talks about is that Obama is incompetent; because they do not want to be seen as racist. Oprah needs either an enema or laxatives.

  4109. This woman is done…cooked….finished! Trying her damnedest to get her ratings back! Ain’t gonna happen, her “star” has fallen!

    Just an old, beyond her prime, nasty woman who has divulged her intolerant and xenophobic attitudes clearly. Within the past several years she has shown herself to be fractious and hateful! No wonder her fans are leaving in droves!

    1. Is she losing fans? Is her magazine losing subscribers? How do you know her ratings have fallen?

  4110. Okra, who are these Americans that hate your boy Barry! because he’s black? You got names to back up your claim? Of course not! You are part of the problem in the U.S. because you don’t live in reality. And you go to the BBC to spout your lies? Why do you hate America?

  4111. Oprah may be right. I don’t know anyone that disdains Obama because of his race; but I know hundreds that disdain him for his utter incompetence and un-American principles and policies.

    If there are those that disdain him simply for his race, they are too stupid to vote; and are just as bad as those who refuse to criticize him simply because of his race.

    Obama is a narcissistic, ego-maniacal, would-be despot that must be impeached for assuming powers never delegated; suborning the Constitution; and refusal to ‘faithfully execute the laws of the United States’.

    If his travesties go unpunished it will permanently damage our Constitutional Republic. He has survived in office so far simply because Political Correctness overwhelms Honor and Common Sense (and just as importantly because the Court Jester Biden and Rag-doll Boehner would be elevated into office).

    It’s way past time to ‘do the right thing’ and abide by the Constitution.

  4112. Dear Oprah:
    I can assure you that my criticism in no way is based upon the superficial reasons you talk about. I criticize President Obama because his national socialist policies are destroying our country. The problem, unfortunately, has not started with President Obama. These socialist policy problems have been destroying our great country little by little, since the early 20th century by progressives from both parties but particularly from the Democrat Party. The Democrats have been on the forefront of this battle to destroy our Republic but they have been secretive as to who they were and their objectives and goals. However, most recently, under the leadership of Barack Obama, the Democrats have been very open as to all of those things. I will not sit silent as the Democrat leadership tears up the US Constitution and rebuilds our country into something we have always said could never happen here. It is time, Ms Winfrey, to choose sides in this battle.

  4113. What a loser. Instead of accepting responsibility that he is an abysmal president, she proffers excuses.

  4114. (Oprah) Today I am going to do something very special….everybody look under your seats….I’m giving you all one of my favorite things…EVERYBODY IS BRANDED A RACIST!!!!! I love being a racist and now I get to share that with you. All of you white house wife’s that sat at home and watched me balloon up in weight..smoke crack and then sell you a weightloss book are officially racists!!!! isn’t this just great!?

  4115. Not true. A lot of white America likes Dr. Ben Carson as example. It’s not a color thing – it’s a respect thing – and it must be earned. Obama has repeatedly lied and has screwed the pooch by his own actions and inactions. Throwing the race card Oprah is an immature approach.

  4116. Oprah, people disrespect Obama because he doesn’t deserve an ounce of respect. He has lied to us for 5 years and nearly ruined the nation with his socialized medicine ideas and class warfare. He cares nothing about the people but only his legacy.Obama has set back race relations 30 years.

  4117. What must she see and think, beside big profits, when she looks out into he huge audiences of white well healed liberal women and their self loathing husbands in her audiences?

  4118. So sad for Oprah to say that to BBC. She was or still is a huge success because
    so many whites like and supported her. Obama won two Presidential elections.
    If whites and other races and nationalities did not support him he would not be President. Maybe the negative readings today result from the President’s lack
    of involvement in major events and programs. Maybe, he is showing ineptitude.
    One can be intelligent but lack the skills of an Executive or a Manager. He had no
    skills or experience in either case. And, just maybe things are catching up to him.
    I am now really worried about his competence today than ever.

  4119. The lesbian cow needs to shut up. We loath bath house barry and his dhimmicrat mujaheddin because of the economic and cultural jihad they are conducting against normal Americans.

  4120. Why does she make it a race thing? It is not because he is black/white. It is because he really has. Not done any thing for this country

  4121. I disrespect him not because of his color, but because he disrespects and violates the constitution, almost daily. For example, he does not have the authority to change laws, and look at yesterdays “tweak” to Obamacare.

  4122. It’s probable some people don’t like Obama entirely because he’s black. But not the vast majority of his detractors, like 99.99% of us. We don’t like him because he’s a fraud, liar, communist, underachiever, narcissist and overall ruiner of this country. That’s what we’re saying, Oprah, so yeah, let’s focus on those .01% of people as if they’re the problem *eyeroll*

    Oprah is just another elitist liberal scum living in a bubble of her own deceptive creation and she makes me sick.

  4123. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, you must be dieting again. You’re just not yourself, here, have a Snickers!

  4124. I find this fascinating as an insight into the mindset of a very, very, successful african american woman. Race is the first thing they consider on nearly everything. It is beyond her to consider it might be about his policies.
    Republicans were pretty up in arms about Clinton and he was white and semi-centrist. Democrats attacked George W. Bush for 8 years increasing the political hostility. Tea Party were attacking George W. Bush on his fiscal choices the last two years of his term. These things are ignored because in her mind everything *negative* is about race.
    Very sad.

    1. I find her comment very interesting and disturbing. She has everything any human being could want and yet she is a very angry black woman. She and Obama went to the same church in Chicago for a lengthy amount of time and heard Jermaih Wright spew his hatred. Al Sharpton, Jackson, etc, all of the elite angry blacks are confused. Could it be they really wish they were white and perhaps hate God because they were born into the black race.
      With all their power they cannot change their skin color. They should accept the fact they are black and then try to help heal our land. Until we return to God our country will not stand divided.

  4125. Thought he was 1/2 white… It is the media that helps keep racism alive and the Revs Sharpton and Jackson hustling their brand of hate

  4126. Yup, if you’re a Caucasian you’re a racist. That pretty much sums it up for Winfrey, Sharpton, Belafonte, et al.

  4127. “nobody ever says”? Are you kidding? It is a mantra from the Professional Leftists, DAILY.
    I used to have respect for Oprah.

  4128. Yes there are some Whites who find fault with Obama because He is Black BUT those numbers Pale in Numbers to those who support Obama… Because He is Black.

  4129. I’m sick of the race issue. Its such a negative turn off that it is actually working against the Black community that look like a bunch whiners and complainers. All races have been enslaved at one time over thousands of years, get over it already. Black profiling in stores happens for a reason especially with all the flash mob activity. Look within your own community for solutions instead of blaming all other races for your troubles….wah wah

  4130. I guess in the black community they never hear the word Liar or what it meant. I guess that was just another word for “daddy”

  4131. Wrong Oprah! It has nothing to do with his skin color! It has everything to do with his Marxist-Socialist policies! There are plenty of African-American leaders out there that are true Americans and not just African-American. People who have served this nation or added to it immeasurably! Men like Col. Allen West, Thomas Sowell, and many others. It is you madam, who is the racist! You can’t see past your skin color and be just an American! You absolutely do not understand Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., because all you see is skin color. Dr. King wasn’t about skin color, he was about equality, but he was for more than that! He was an American and wanted to add to this nation. He has! It is people like you that disgrace his memory and all that he stood for. To judge a person by their character, and not their skin color. You got it wrong lady! You are a hypocrite and a liar! An individual that stands with others that want to destroy this nation. It is you, and people like you, that are enemies of this nation. By the way, for your information Oprah, Dr. King was Republican! Republicans freed the slaves, and once again the Democrats are enslaving you, and this nation! Wake up to the truth!

  4132. Getting a little tired of listening to the knee grows playing the race card! OPRAH!!!!!! We don’t like the guy because he is a LIAR!

  4133. Oprah, quit projecting you nasty racism onto me.

    I laugh at the Boy King not because of the color of his skin, but because of the emptiness of his head.

    I kind of like the idea that we elected the first white black president. I just wish he wasn’t so incompetent. And he would be incompetent if he was all white, brown, yellow, all black or lusciously lime.

    I know that in your twisted, bizarro alternate universe everything devolves to race. But where I live, there are plenty of admirable, smart white black people. It’s just that B. Hussein Obama ain’t one of them.

    And, by the way, the comment below is absolutely correct. It IS racist to ignore or forgive his incompetence just because of his skin color.

      1. Do you not know “snarky” when you read it? I know who this POS is, and there was no reason to call me a “Windbag”
        I’m probably one of the few women in the world that NEVER watched her TV show or anything else she was on. Geez… Lighten up.

        1. You said Oprah who?

          I replied. . Windbag. As in Oprah Windbag Winfrey.

          Then went into answering your question of “Oprah who?”

          Now im going to call you a dumb fuk for lack of comprehension skills and too slow on the uptake.

          1. You are a real Piece Of Work!
            I didn’t “attack” you in my comment, calling me a dumb fuk was uncalled for, you have no clue who I am or what my skills are.

  4134. Unfortunately the vitriol directed against this President by some on the right seems almost personal, not just ideological. Which leads me to suspect that race is a component in some of the right’s opposition to Obama.

    1. Never mind the fact that the only experience he has is being a community organizer, repeatedly lying and intentionally misleading the public, ignoring the constitution. Oh’ and lets not forget the fact that he is half white……….. Have you ever give any thought that since liberalism has reared its ugly head this country has steadily went down hill financially and morally?

  4135. Several Points here ,The other O .
    Opera just proved you can be a Billionaire without a lick of common sense .
    Second Point , She became a Billionaire because White Women 40-65 attended her shows , watched her on TV and bought the Books and products she recommended .
    Third Point , She shunned the white candidates for Pres. and VP on the other side
    In Two elections . Losing over 37 % of her Viewing audience .
    She turned Bias into racist her self over Obama .She would never have held her ankles and campaigned for White Liberal nor given him big money as well .
    Sadly Opera is thought of as nothing more than nuts Jesse Jackson , Al Sharpton
    and Maxine Waters .
    You noticed she never mentioned his over 150 lies over Obama care is why few trust him now other than 82 % of all blacks .. While Obama is killing the white and black middle class’s as well as small business sadly .
    Opera has a very short Memory :
    No President ever has been more lam based ,Ridiculed
    castigated and called vulgar and …he’s stupid names than George Bush the younger by many blacks as well who hated him .
    “”Because He is White …… Opera ?

  4136. How about if Obamas lips are moveing, he is lieing.
    How’s that Nobel Peace Prize holding up?
    How many woman and children has he personally targeted with HIS drone strikes?
    And how do you feel about the CIA and NSA
    Health care law, he lied about and now his party is under heat, so the dictator will break the law( for a year) so the @sses in his party that voted for the law can get reelected?
    Hope and change, How does that feel without lube?

  4137. This is a real problem among African Americans. They can not accept that their wins, loses, and overall way they are judged has nothing to do with skin color…. It’s their actions – like any other person. If your actions aren’t good then people will naturally stay away. If they’re good, the opposite. In the case of Obama, he’s the leader of the free world and his actions are killing America; no matter what your color.

  4138. When you hear the now standard Obama defense of “racist”/”racism”
    allegation from a liberal know that you’re hearing the default criticism of ‘touchy,
    feely’ political phylum where the absence of a logical, fact-based argument is
    only exceeded by their narrow-mindedness, self-hate and profound
    ignorance. You go girl.

  4139. Who made up the majority of Fatso’s audience? I call them SWW. Stupid White Women. When Fatso told them to jump, they jumped. When Fatso told them to buy something, they bought. When Fatso told them to vote for someone, they voted. I don’t hate Fatso because she black, I hate her because she’s a narcissistic animal.
    And I don’t hate Obama because he’s half-black, I despise his Marxist/Socialistic politics. Jimmy Carter is ecstatic because shockingly, he’s no longer considered the worst president in American history. Obama now has the title.

  4140. Yes, Oprah may be right. But she does not give enough credence to the fact that many people, like myself, don’t like his policies, think he is a Socialist, think he is serial liar, believe his foreign policy (if you can call it policy) is naive and dangerous. And we wonder why he has hidden so much of his past. Moreover, how could anyone vote for a President who wants to “fundamentally change” the greatest country on earth. And change it to what?

    One a personal level he is such insufferable egotistical bore.

  4141. amazingv prospetive from one who made her name and huge weatth largely from middle class white women. Oprah foisted a fraud on the public and has the audasity to blame Americans for her lack of comprehension, which is either flawed or racist at the core. Lady, know thy self first before passing judgement of others.

  4142. I really get tired of the “racist” reason being toted around. You can actually dislike a person, especially a politician, based on his politics and not the color of his skin. Shocking I know but possible. Now if he was actually a good leader, cared about this nation and the Constitution he swore to uphold there might be kinder comments.

    1. Evidenced by the fact that black Oprah WAS such a huge television phenomenon. Does she think Black people buy her self-covered rag every month? When Oprah had her live events, were the audiences primarily black? Far from it. If everyone hates Blacks so much, how is it that she is living in Montecito and owns practically an entire island in Hawaii (and is roundly hated by Hawaiians (presumably for being black?). Such BS.

      1. What island does she own and how do you know that Hawaiians hate her? Are your statements meant to shock?

  4143. Why can’t liberals EVER get past race. Obama’s white half is an overrated, arrogant, socialist dipstick, too. There…not racist Opey.

      1. I googled that name. It is a nonsensical claim. Why would he go to CAnada of all places for a name change. It sounds like you are a conspiracy theorist.

  4144. Racist blacks are always the first ones to accuse whites of being racist. Yes, there are white racists, and percentage-wise, whites are almost in the top five most racist races in America. Besides, with the way a large number of blacks portray themselves and say stupid things like Oprah did, or commit stupid crimes in flash mobs or “Knockout”, there’s a point where beliefs are no longer racist, but realistic.

  4145. Stupid cow. Then tell the the reason all the libs disrespected George Bush? Anything they don’t like or agree with now a days they just hurl out the old convenient …… “That’s Racist” ….. So pathetic.

  4146. When Michelle Obama booted Oprah out of the White House, that was a great disrespect to Oprah. I suppose FLOTUS did that because Oprah was black.

  4147. Hey OPRAH, why don’t you return all that white money you took from advertisers over your career if you feel this way???? YOU HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

  4148. Hey Oprah. shut your pie hole ! No one cares about you anymore except some female Valium addicts.

  4149. The GOP needs to stop calling ObamaCare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT. Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism. This is a brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism. It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success.

    It’s not a “trainwreck,” ObamaCare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government. Obama’s hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky — a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide your own intentions. To scream that the other guy is “ruining America,” while you are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech…that you are “saving the middle class,” while you are busy wiping out the middle class.

    The GOP is so stupid they can’t see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned purposeful attack. The tell-tale sign isn’t the disastrous start to ObamaCare. Or the devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of full-time jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that.

    The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly calling Tea Party Republicans and anyone who wants to stop ObamaCare “terrorists.” There’s the clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that. They are calling the reasonable people…the patriots…the people who believe in the Constitution … the people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believed…the people who want to take power away from corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion in debt…terrorists? That’s because they are Saul Alinsky-ing the GOP. The people trying to purposely hurt America, capitalism and the middle class…are calling the patriots by a terrible name to fool, confuse and distract the public.

    ObamaCare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure. Here is what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts:

    1. ObamaCare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream — redistribution of wealth. Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote for Democrats). Think about it. If you’re rich or middle class, you now have to pay for your own health care costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other people’s costs too (through massive tax increases). So you’re stuck paying for both bills. You are left broke. Brilliant.

    2. ObamaCare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them dependent on government. Think about it. Even Obama’s IRS predicts that health insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year. But how would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K can’t possibly hope to spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless. Bingo. That’s how you make middle class people dependent on government. That’s how you make everyone addicted to government checks. Brilliant.

    3. As a bonus, ObamaCare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs. Why? Just to make sure the middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000 per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of the state. Brilliant.

    4. ObamaCare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve donations to the GOP. Think about it. Do you know a small business owner? I know hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by ObamaCare. Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and conservative causes? Small Business. Even if a small business owner manages to survive, he or she certainly can’t write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is the “mother’s milk” of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist. Bingo. That’s the point of ObamaCare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition and drying up donations to the GOP. Brilliant.

    5. ObamaCare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful. It adds thousands of new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy. The IRS has the right because of ObamaCare to snoop into every aspect of your life, to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets. By law your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign. Or have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama and conservative groups? Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother rules our lives. Brilliant.

    6. ObamaCare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers. That produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic candidates and socialist causes — thereby guaranteeing Obama’s friends never lose another election, and Obama’s policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting business owners long after he’s out of office.
    Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism. This isn’t a trainwreck. It’s purposeful suicide. It’s not failing, it’s working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.

  4150. I actually can not stand the president because he lies has shown he is
    inept as a leader and well I guess he’s a narcissistic arrogant pompous
    ass. Sort of the same reason I can’t stand Oprah and her self serving
    attitude and self righteous line of BS .

  4151. Thank you Dr. Winfrey for that insight. Would you like to add something to that Dr. Reason? Yes I would; In America, today, we have 95 million people out of work. A fairly high percentage of them are black, and an extraordinary number of black youth in particular, find themselves sitting home watching Ms. Winfrey’s program because there are no jobs for them. We have 28 million working part-time, 10 million on disability, businesses severely cutting back hours of those fortunate enough to still have a job in Obama’s economy, and under ObamaCare. And, and, we are, by every measure of available data, a weaker, less proud, less patriotic, and more debased society than when Obama took office.

  4152. Liberals will NEVER get it. I do not like President Obama because of his socialist agenda. His heritage has nothing to do with it. He can have an Asian Heritage, American Indian Heritage, Scandinavian Heritage, it just doesn’t matter. The man is a socialist… period! Look at his policies. How many of you have seen this man governing? He is CONSTANTLY on the campaign trial telling the masses how good it is going to be while destroying the country in the process. And the Lemmings just swoon and praise him ignorant to the fact that he is causing the problems, not solving them. Wake up Lemings… there are now more people on the welfare roles then are working, there is no way to sustain this.

  4153. I am more comfortable knowing blacks don’t hate white people. This puts my mind at rest. I won’t worry about walking in Harlem at night anymore.
    It is nice knowing that no blacks hated Bush just because he was white.
    HEY OPRAH! OBAMA IS A FAILURE AND WAS ELECTED JUST BECAUSE HE IS BLACK! Now you can suffer like the rest of knowing race was in issue.

    1. But the problem is she, and most of the other liberal elites like those in hollywood, etc, won’t suffer because they’re rich. Their hypocrisy is epic.

  4154. Many Americans Love Obama simply because he’s black. If Obama were white, Oprah would not overlook his faults.

    1. it depends on which emotes stronger allegiance, ideology or race

      many ardent dumbocrats put party before God and Country, they don’t twice about throwing those with same “skin” color under the bus if it suites their agenda…look how they treat conservative persons of color.

  4155. I actually can not stand the president because he lies has shown he is inept as a leader adn well I guess he’s a narcissistic arrogant pompous ass. Sort of the same reason I can’t stand Oprah and her self serving attitude.

  4156. In other news, O magazine and the Oprah Winfrey Network are total disasters and failing because America hates blacks.

  4157. It is pure RACISM to excuse his incompetence, his lack of honestly, his treachery, his treasonous acts by claiming racism. Oprah, you are the racist, through and through.

  4158. It’s the real racists keeping racism alive: Oprah and Obama.
    Without racism, they would not have an identity or any leverage.

    Without racism, they would have to be treated equally and Oprah and Obama wouldnt want that !

    The “Os” continue to drag this country down for their own benefit!

  4159. More like – many people have started disrespecting African Americans because they look like Obama.

  4160. Oprah – Cut the race crap out already! We disagree with the mans policies, not his half black skin color. You, the richest black woman in the world should know better than to mention racism. These comments demean you and everything you’ve accomplished. Stop it!

  4161. What about the inherent racism of the people that voted for him because he is black? Oops-Oprah is a celebrity and therefore stupid. My bad.

  4162. disrespectful uh. it has nothing to do with him being black. don’t play the race card oppa. first of all you don’t have to worry about your health insurance do you Oprah. stick to the platform Oprah…. Obamacare. over 5 million and counting American people losing their insurance…period. this is about leadership, loyalty, trust, dedication, honor, that the American people put in Obama. this is not about color this is about the roll out on ACA. so do us all a favor Oprah… don’t play the race card…just stick to the facts a what’s going on with the American people white and black that are losing their health insurance…period.

  4163. Wow, Project much Oprah? Just because you like him because he is black does not mean we dislike him for the same reasons. We dislike him because he lies almost constantly, deflects all blame and enjoys the perks (golf, celebrity dinners) more than being president.

  4164. When all else fails blame his race and that Americans are racist. This excuse has gotten old a long time ago. What level of disrespect was Geo. W Bush or Ronald Reagan shown while they were in office, lot worse then this clown Obama. How’s that new film working out for you Oprah, hope it tanks big time!!!

  4165. It’s Oprah’s best argument against the critics of our distrusted President. No Oprah maybe, just maybe it’s about issues and the way Obama is soiling the presidency.

  4166. Black unemployment is at an all time high under obama
    Black homeownership has fallen under obama
    black on black crime has risen under obama
    black food stamp recipients are at an all time high under obama
    number of blacks in college has fallen under obama
    number of black high school dropouts has risen under obama
    the number of blacks living in poverty is at an all time high under obama
    It seems to me that obama hates black people. If what she said is true, then by her logic white people would LOVE Obama because he has set black people back 60 years economically.
    If he were a white man and all these statistics for black people were the same, he would be accused of not caring about black people
    what say you oprah?

  4167. But Oprah, Dear ! Obama is not Black. That would be a Genetic Impossibility. Sorry for your Loss, but Barack Obama is a mixed race, Bi-Racial or mulatto person.
    The small amount of Black in him is not enough to get him anything.

  4168. Has The Oprah, with all her hundreds of millions of dollars, ever supported a charity the helps white people?
    Not any that I’ve heard about. They’ve all been black causes.
    Her color-blindness is more than just coincidence, perhaps?

  4169. She is sooo right. We need to show how sooo sorry we are and Vote her as first black female POTUS. Sasquatch for 2016

    1. with moochelle as her VP. I can see the campaign posters now
      Vote for Sasquatch and the Wookie

  4170. I remember the spontaneous high-fiving of the Howard University students on hearing that OJ got away with killing two white people. I wondered how widespread this “chip on the shoulder” attitude is among blacks. Thanks to Obama, I can see just how pervasive it is. Every day of this administration makes John Derbyshire more of a prophet.

    1. Derbyshire’s article on blacks is accurate and blacks hate that he told the truth about their criminal behavior.

  4171. Nope, nope, nope, I don’t respect Obowmao because he is a twinkle-toed commie pinko race baiting anti-Constitution bastage! Other than that, I have no strong feelings either way about the poinyoin.

      1. No, race had no bearing in my disparaging remarks, I can name a half dozen men of color that I would be quite enamored having as my President. You sir, are a race baiting troll. Begone vile imp!

  4172. Actually, I hate Oprah as much as I hate Obama because they are both lying race baiters

  4173. What happened to this woman? Remember when she was enlightened and spiritual? Now she’s a bigot who can’t see past race in anything of this world.

    1. Oprah has NEVER been enlightened and spiritual? She’s a namby-pamby do-whatever-makes-you-feel-good-about-yourself New Ager. She is an ungrateful, self-indulgent, godless and racist black woman who got where she did thanks to White people and Affirmative Action.

  4174. Yes Oprah, clearly so much contempt that a black man or woman could never be a billionaire or president of the United States. You both have been held down so much.

  4175. Oprah is just so smart. How else could she have figured this out?? Oh wait, she’s completely wrong. Must be because SHE is the racist!!! Just a few weeks ago she refused to speak with the oBlamers…was she prejudiced against his white side?? No, it’s not the color of his skin, Oprah, it’s that he’s a communist muslime and wants to destroy–IS destroying–our country!! He hates white people, including the grandparents who raised him, and he wants to “make us pay” for being white. I think he’s mad because the black half of him shows on the outside. Meantime, Oprah, go join with your white counterpart Chris Christie and eat a couple dozen donuts.

  4176. Totally not true in most
    cases I am sure of it! Oprah you and your success; just how do you think
    you have it? Because people genuinely like you and don’t think of the
    color of your skin. You can push that black card until the end of time
    and it holds no truth in most of the population. I think if anything
    President Obama has been given more leeway than a white one would have.
    I don’t know of a President that has done the things that he has and is
    still doing that would have gotten away with it. A person is judged by
    his own merit and sometimes their actions are what causes problems.
    This is the case with him now.



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  4177. I would disagree. We don’t disrespect President Obama because of the color of his skin at all. We disrespect Obama because he lacks the real world experience necessary to be the “wise man” in the room in most any situation that affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people, here in the U .S. as well as abroad. Worse yet, he has an oversized arrogance about himself simply because he now occupies ”the office’, that illegitimately self-aggrandizes and distorts his own measure of the fallibility and masks the recklessness of his inexperience on his unsound decision making process and logic. Most of all, we do not respect Obama because we feel he gained the office, and has since governed in it, by cynically assuming that the American People were either stupid or not paying attention, and that he and his people could cleverly ‘spin’ anything he wanted to his benefit, no matter how great the destruction that was actually left in his wake. Above all, Mr. Obama has created a series of “private conversations” (the product of opportunistic statistical selection of vulnerable targets identified by ‘quants’ first hired by his campaign, together with cutting-edge internet technologies) that feed into – and on – the intellectually susceptible who are ready, willing and able to proselytize the Obama way of thinking.

    If the color of his skin has anything to do with what I’ve said, I’d like to see where.

  4178. Didn’t Oprah claim she was the victim of racial profiling before she apologized to the store clerk she accused? Does she view everything through the lens of race?prohttp://www.newsmax.com/thewire/oprah-backpedaling-apology-racism/2013/08/14/id/520345

  4179. .
    This is the face of racism at its worst, the inability to accept to victory writ large.

    The notion that America’s election of a black man — half black really, right? — as President of the United States is NOT a demonstration of a complete triumph over racism and the ultimate goal of a half century of affirmative action is absurd.

    Of course, this race baiting is offered by a black BILLIONAIRE, just another example of how far America has come.

    This is about equal opportunities — abundantly clear that this has been accomplished, no?

    Now, having the opportunity the President has to demonstrate a bit of competence and on THAT score, the guy is a complete and total failure. A Not Ready For Prime Time failure.

    The reality of it all is incontrovertible.


  4180. He was only elected BECAUSE he is black. His lack of experience and terrible decisions have nothing to do with his color. Oprah is a race baiter.

  4181. No you ignorant twit, we hate you and Obama because you’re idiots and you are working to destroy everything that decent people hold dear. I would suspect a lot of black people hate you and Obama because you’re black and thus give blacks a bad representation. But I can promise you that your being black is not what is causing everyone to hate you. Time for a little introspection nitwit.

  4182. The race card isn’t working so well anymore. Americans despise Obama because he is despicable. Geeze, you know Darwinism doesn’t work, because if it did, liberals would have gone extinct.

  4183. Totally not true in most cases I am sure of it! Oprah you and your success; just how do you think you have it? Because people genuinely like you and don’t think of the color of your skin. You can push that black card until the end of time and it holds no truth in most of the population. I think if anything President Obama has been given more leeway than a white one would have. I don’t know of a President that has done the things that he has and is still doing that would have gotten away with it. A person is judged by his own merit and sometimes their actions are what causes problems. This is the case with him now.

  4184. her undying support of barack hussein bought her out of the closet and exposed her prejudice, ultimately contributing to the decline of her following, i expect those similarly prejudiced remain faithful.

  4185. The problem is that Oprah, like most on the left, wants to blame the dissatisfaction with Obama on the color of his skin when the real reason is that he is either incompetent or the purveyor of falsehoods. There is no evidence of disrespect for the office of the Presidency. There is disrespect for the man in the office. How can Americans respect a leader who has an administration that bungles just about everything and reneges on all his promises?. The rest of the world won’t be duped into believing “skin color” is the problem. They are aware of how he was elected, twice and they see America as the “melting pot” that it is.

  4186. No it is because he was a junior senator who voted present most of his political career and that his actions as commander in chief are reflective of his inexperience.
    Keep your racist opinions to yourself. I personally do not like Oprah because of statements like this not because she is African American.

    1. ‘Knockout Game’ also keeps giving……..but those nice black children have not been taught to hate……..

  4187. Oprah, respect is earned. From day one Obama has shown no respect for the Constitution, the truth, or for the United States as a whole (see his world apology tour). Why should anyone who loves the United States have any respect for this con artist.

  4188. This coming from a woman that will only help children if they are black and live in Africa. Hey Oprah you are the racist here

  4189. Stupid billionaire, I guess they (and she) were disrespecting Bush because he was white and therefore we are ALL racists?

  4190. The disrespect for the office comes directly from Obama himself. If we are soooooo racist Oprah how the hell did you make so much money and gain so much popularity because there are not enough blacks here to get you where you are! For a Woman who is so smart that sure was a stupid statement.

  4191. They don’t respect him for the same reasons that they don’t respect Pelosi. Bold Faced Lies are still Bold Faced Lies, no matter what the color of the face they come out of

  4192. No Oprah. People don’t respect Obama because he lies, has no honor, and shows no integrity. We’d all feel this way if he was white, red, black or yellow. Skin color has nothing to do with the fact that the man can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it.

  4193. The fat, left-wing racist is at it again. She loves to knock Americans while she’s off to the bank (again) with all the money these fools put in her pockets. If it weren’t for weak, gullible, and mindless women, she wouldn’t have any audience at all. They go to her show and sit there like trained seals, applauding at everything and anything she says or does. Sadly, these fools are allowed to vote.

  4194. I blame all the women who watched her stupid show and listened to her garbage. She prospered from the very system her President is trying to dismantle. Then she goes on TV and tells everyone we hate him because he is black. The adulation her audiences provided her over the years has made her a very wealthy woman and this is how she repays them, by calling them racist. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

  4195. What an apologist. Go ahead. Play that race card. I’ll play my “never watch OWN” card.

  4196. I respect the office of the President,. I don’t respect the current occupant. Not because of the color of his skin but because of content of his character, which is sorely lacking. I’m tired of being called a racist because I disagree with his extreme left wing policies. I would disagree with them if he was Ronald Reagan and was shoving this crap down our throats. It seems as though instead of “the last refuge of a scoundrel being patriotism” it has now become the color of their skin. It’s pathetic!

  4197. No! Wrong again. It’s because he is s very inefficient as a president. Not because of the skin color get over the b******* racist statement. We the People of the United States are tired of being stepped on by the house so rich and powerful people. This is not a country run by kings. We the people have a voice and dammit we need to be heard and followed since we paid for your livelihood.

  4198. Oprah is projecting her own hate over being born black. Most blacks don’t hate white people because they are white but as we see here Oprah does. And the thing is ….all the money in the world can’t fix Oprah and her own emptiness.

  4199. If Americans are RACIST, this POS would never have made it. Does anyone thing SHE could be as rich as she is if she lived in Kenya or any other African nation.

  4200. Oprah: I have no respect for Obama because he is a divisive man who lies repeatedly to the American people. And since you have stooped to using the race card, I have no respect for you.

  4201. I suppose she made all her millions from just the 13% minority. What an idiot, obama is just another in a long line of progressive liars, and they come in all colors.

  4202. barack mounir ubayd is NOT BLACK, NEVER HAS BEEN. barack Obama is an ARAB…PERIOD. STFU oprah, NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU SAY ANYMORE. Trying to use the “race card” is PLAYED OUT AND DEAD!

  4203. Time for Obama to exit stage left. He has lost the confidence of the
    American people, he has ruined lives, far worse than anything Nixon did

  4204. Typical comment from a racist black. Blacks are the worst racist people in our population now.

  4205. I hate Biden just as much as Obama Bin Lyin, so I guess I am a racist against ignorant people. Good call Oprah. Idiot.

  4206. I disrespect Obama because he disrespects me and the nation.

    I neither respect nor disrespect Oprah. I recognize that she is a talented businesswoman who has become enormously rich pandering “if it makes you happy, it must be Godly” to the millions, but otherwise I ignore her.

  4207. Oprah, we hate Obama because he is a pathological lair and a socialist who is trying to destroy our magnificent country and our Constitution.

  4208. It must be great going through life with a built in excuse.
    No matter what happens to you, it’s because you’re black, and has nothing to do with the fact that you messed up.

  4209. That’s right Oprah, it has nothing to do with the fact that he can’t govern, that every metric imaginable is worse off than when he took office, that he’s violated his oath of office again and again, and that his signature legislation, Obamacare, is a complete train wreck. Why can’t liberals recognize incompetence and failure?

    1. Because liberals “feel” and conservatives “think.” Unfortunately, “feel” doesn’t improve the world.

  4210. Could explain why Obozo’s anti-white wealth policies carried out by his hatchet man Eric the Red are directed against white Americans that oppose his regime. Though, I don’t think Doprah made her billions pandering to poor black people.

    1. That’s right, and I’m sure many of can agree that we hate stupid white people as much as we hat stupid black people.

  4211. No, we disrespect Obama because he has earned NO respect. Apparently the race card is the only card in Obama’s deck. It is pathetic and telling that the Black Community despite seeing the corruption and tyranny of the Obama Administration still worships and faints over this petulant clown. Blacks must want to remain slaves—mere government chattel. Republicans freed you folks once, but you have rejected freedom because it requires PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY something most of you refuse to accept.

  4212. Ignorant, just ignorant. Everything is about race, gender, and class in the Liberal’s modern world. Can’t understand that the First Idiot is simply an incompetent, inexperienced little man that was thrust into a position that he was in no way capable of filling. He claims to be a constitutional scholar, but often acts in extra-constitutional ways. Claims to be a uniter, but frequently refuses to accept anyone else’s position or to compromise. Claims to be chief executive, but accepts no responsibility for the actions of his administration. Claims to be the smartest, but denies knowing about important matters taking place uner his nose. Claims he will seek the guidance of other brilliants minds in his cabinet, but seldom bothers to meet with them. Claims to run the most open administration in history, but is widely acknowleged to run the most secretive and punitive. Claims to improve America’s standing in the world, but has just about destroyed any respect and influence we have internationally though his hesitant, fumbling policies. This isn’t about a black man, this is about an utter failure of a president.

  4213. give it a rest Oprah, the fake racism card doesn’t work anymore.

    Obama must have promised her an interview on her network to get this kind of support again.

  4214. Ophra, I was ready to vote for Herman Cain before your hero framed him with a bunch of bought and paid for bimbos. He is much blacker and more “authentic” than your personal savior – he is also conservative, intelligent and has integrity and character. So take that “racist” c-rap somewhere else, B.

  4215. Could be people dislike Obama because he lies to their face and is incompetent. But what do I know according to Oprah I’m a racist.

    1. barack Obama is an ILLEGAL OCCUPYER of America’s White House, as well as a MURDERER, a FRAUD, A LIAR, and is GUILTY of High Treason, and CRIMES against the American People, AND OUR CONSTITUTON. oprah, YOU are irrevelant, and insignificant. GO BLOW !!!

  4216. So should I automatically believe someone that is lying to me based on their skin color? What about the content of their character? Sounds like a bad dream.

  4217. Wow. One of the richest people in the world, a black woman. What a hypocrite. Apparently all us white folks who made her rich and famous didn’t realize she was black or maybe we would have turned off the TV. It’s off now Oprah.

  4218. Since MLK, African Americans have received support from ALL Americans of ALL races. Welfare, food stamps, housing supplements, free health care, affirmative action, racial hiring, school quotas, minority set-asides, and on and on… Even so, blacks continue to hold ALL Americans of ALL colors in complete contempt… Including themselves !!

      1. African Americans are very racist in the name of “political correctness”. They run to the DNC plantation now.

  4219. You racist bi*ch…..most of us cannot stand Obama because he is a radical commie, he spends millions on his vacations on the backs of the tax payer, he is out to destroy this country and all our freedoms…he is the worst president in American history. His foreign policy sucks….he backs the muslim brotherhood, he ignores Israel, he wants to destroy our heathcare, our IRS is now our enemy…..OBAMA is hated because he is a jerk………like you.

  4220. Disrespecting someone because of their race is one of the vilest things anyone can do, it is disgusting.

    On the other side of the coin, a person’s race cannot be an out for getting criticised, a shield where the standard must be different the other way. A person who does well should be acknowledged for doing well. However if one screws up it should be called ergardless, especially in important matters of state.

  4221. Excuse total incompetence and treachery by claiming racism. Oprah, I would have thought you were more principled. Shame on you.

  4222. Actually, they disrespect “O” because he’s a political figure and they don’t care for his politics. Why did people disrespect “W”, and Clinton, and every president that was?

  4223. How does Oprah know how many Americans feel? Many Americans hate Obama’s policies, he is destroying America. I am sick of these idiots telling me how I feel and that Americans that dislike Obama are racist. Liberals are not happy that the first black president is incompetent and a failure.

  4224. Let’s be clear Obama and the
    Dems are offering nothing but more of the same Bush policies at home and
    abroad. The Tea Party mission is different than both the leading party’s to
    restore America’s founding principles of Fiscal Responsibility,
    Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets, and the emergence of Tea
    Party opposition to a strike in Syria. So Obama has piled on $6 Trillion onto
    the Bush Debt, so let’s not say it is all Bush or Obama’s fault.

    U. S. National Debt Is $17.1 Trillion!

    Lies about being Fiscal Responsible… Priceless

  4225. I actually have honestly asked myself if I hate him because he’s part black based on some subconscious prejudice that I have. And each time I come to the same conclusion – I hate pelosi, reid, plouffe, axelrod, kerry and pretty much any other white member of the left. I hate their politics, I hate their dishonesty and I hate their hypocrisy. They are a disgusting bunch and skin color is only relevant in that if obama wasn’t part black he’d be teaching community college somewhere.

  4226. Obongo is only a very small part black. Many of us despise him for his Marxism and incompetence.

  4227. No, you know what everybody is thinking? That if he WAS NOT black he would never have been re-elected after his first lousy term, he may not have been elected in the first place since he had no real experience, and that he would have been dragged through the mud by the press for any one of the many scandals and crisis facing him and his administration. So on the one hand Oprah is right that his skin color has affected his presidency. Just not in the way she is implying.

  4228. She seems to be doing everything she can to be a repulsive racist black witch who uses her past fame to spread ugly negativity around the world. Maybe she was always secretly like this, which demeans any good things she thought she did in the past. Now that buzzo prompts her friendship in that matter towards racism she has jumped all over it. Never been a huge fan, but could more or less tolerate her. Now she has shown her real colors and has become a repulsive and undesirable person. No thanks, “lady” retire, go home, stay gone. You and buzzo are living so far in the past you are appearing mentally unable to bring your brain forward to this time and era. Your days are gone, get over it. We are way past you and don’t need your type around. Negative, racially motivated troubled bullies. Try peace for a change.

    1. She’s now rich enough to be herself.

      Beware of those who cry racism, for they are the true racists…”

  4229. well, there went the last respect i have for oprah!! if she really believes that people disrespect the fool because he’s black, she is a fool too. afterall, he is 1/2 white – so can’t we disrespect that part of him too!!!!!!

    1. Half white and the percentage that is black is even smaller since his “black” side is mostly Arab. No wonder Oprah is losing audience share.

  4230. Oprah is the biggest race card puller in America. Get a grip retard! I personally disrespect Obama because he’s doing a shit job! His lack of experience has shown through. Nothing more, nothing less. Stick your race card back up your ass and shuffle off.

  4231. Oprah – you’re a little late to the race-baiting game, aren’t you? You should have tried this crap BEFORE the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal and, of course, the ObamaCare disaster.

  4232. Of all people that I would expect NOT to jump of the race wagon, it would be Oprah. I believe a majority of people MAY feel, that the degree of fondness or dis-repect they have towards other people is really based on people’s behavior, character, common sense, physical appearance (fit/unfit, neat-clean/disheveled-dirty, etc.) and not on the color of their skin, political persuasion, race, religion, etc.. It’s the people who just can not let go, that benefit somehow from alienating a specific group, can not move forward and evolve toward a higher thought process, that seem to be the ones assisting in the division of our communities. Again, I am shocked, very disappointed and at a loss as to why such a successful, knowledgable, sensitive and intelligent woman such as Oprah does not take the higher road in helping her followers, which covers such a broad spectrum of people around the world. Additionally, it is not only Oprah who surprises and disappoints my expectations of a higher standard, but that is who we are talking about now.

    1. Wow Jay Wo. I don’t know where you’ve been for the past 20 years.
      Either that or I’m not sure which Oprah you’re talking about.

      Sweetly pedaled racial grievance theater has been Oprah Winfrey’s stock in trade for her whole career. This is EXACTLY the kind of drivel Oprah has always been selling. She’s flailing around a little this time and that makes her racist appeals to racial paranoia a little more obvious than usual, but this is Oprah as Oprah has always been.

      1. Well, I was doing my best to adhere to:

        Comment Policy: Please read our new comment policy before making a comment. In short, please be respectful of others and do not engage in personal attacks. Otherwise we will revoke your comment privileges.

        …and keep it “civil” by trying not to lambast the witch. Maybe I overcompensated too much. Also, I must admit that I have not watched her much…just “stumbled upon” a few times. One of my first stumbles was shortly after she first started and she had some black man on there. I am not sure if might have even been a x-Black Panther. He was saying then (early 90s?) that there will be fighting in the streets of this country…a civil war. I think he said it won’t be racial, it will be either religious or political…I don’t remember…really wish I could find a transcript…but have not the interest or time to dedicate to that.

        Thanks for the comment , I agree! 🙂

  4233. If the Right is critical of BO because he is black, then the Left burned GWB in effigy because he is white, how ridiculous! Stop serving the great divide, Oprah!

  4234. What a load of crap. If that were the case, Ms. Winfrey, HE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT. Dope. Fail. You’re not stupid because you’re black, you’re stupid because you’re stupid

  4235. This is rich…….Coming from the woman who only supported him because he is an African American.

    Racists are funny folks, always thinking the racist is someone else.

    News flash Miss Orca……..People don’t like nor respect Obummer because of his policies, ineptness and being a pathological liar – not because he is half black!!!

  4236. Who is really the racist? Telling the truth about a black man’s incompetence and outright lying or making excuses for him because he’s black?

    1. Democrats and the liberal establishment in this country have been crying “racism” for decades every time someone looks sideways at a minority. As others have pointed out here, it has literally come to the point where you can’t criticize anything that is obviously bad that any minority does without being labeled. Against incompetent or corrupt government: racist. Against welfare fraud: racist. Against gang violence: racist. Against failing inner city schools: racist. Against the disintegration of the black family: racist. The first step in solving a problem is to define the problem. When you say that everything that’s wrong is someone else’s fault and someone else’s responsibility to fix, then you will never get better. Meanwhile, you will stifle discussion on the issue to the point that no one even tries to make it better.
      We may be over the tipping point for minority problems in this country and it’s not because of racism.

  4237. Sorry O…Not even the ultra liberal base of BHO’s administration are buying that load anymore. History will show that he got exactly what was coming to him for his incompetence. Actually I feel sorry for the guy at this point. Only a year into his second term and he’s lost every ounce of credibility. Even what was left of it by his most ardent supporters. As the good book says “This too shall pass”…. November 2014 mid term elections can’t come fast enough!

  4238. Oprah, as a proud African American woman, I’m going to tell you straight up: You are a bag of hot wind. If America was as racist of a nation as you portend it to be, your show and the success you have had would be impossible. ZERO PERCENT. It’s one thing to say you disagree with people who have a problem with the disastrous policies of Obama, it’s another thing entirely to gloss over the gross ineptitude and malicious disregard for the financial well-being of Americans that Obama has demonstrated every single day of his Presidency, only to chalk up the results of his malfeasance to hatred of his skin color. No white man alive could have ever escaped accountability for this long with results that amounted to less than 10% of the destruction this man has left in his wake since assuming office.

  4239. Well perhaps…there are always racists. Too many people like him BECAUSE he is black. That is the problem we have…any white President who was this incompetent would be booted. He is where he is because too many lily white liberals refuse to hold him to real standards and instead use Affirmative Action standards..lower the bar for success and raise to for failure. Oprah has lost a lot of credibility…and as usual, even a billionaire who is black needs to retreat to allegations of racism to stay relevant. Cant be that we detest this guy because he is incompetent? Therein lies the real racism…blacks like Oprah DEMAND that we tolerate and accept him even when he hurts us and if we do not, then they allege that we are racist when in fact demanding that we respect someone STRICTLY base don the color of their skin is itself racist.

  4240. Yea Oprah you suffered for being black – one of richest women in America and a totally unqualified incompent radical – who would not have stood a chance had he been 100% white.. has the top position in the world – “elected” by a large number of (uniformed) white voters.

  4241. His polices fail. He passed a law then wants says “Well I’ll allow it to change” Didn’t he teach constitutional law. Shouldn’t he know he can’t do that? Guess not. I feel for those people that took his class. What a dumbars

    1. He claims to have taken constitutional law, but the Saudis will have bought and paid for everything in his life. Because of his inability to tell the truth, it is doubtful he can even spell constitutional let alone knowing anything about it…

    2. That’s what Obama had people believing, except he never taught anything. He was a guest lecturer… that’s it.

  4242. Most American blacks including Oprah do not seem to understand the difference disagree and disrespect. If your disagree with the position of a black, you are dissing them because (only possible explanation, right?) of their color. Its ironic (some might say predictable) that a group so historically the victims of intolerance would be so blind to their own.

    1. Sadly, you are correct. Where the hell was she when Obama himself was disrespecting George Bush?!?!

    2. Yes, compare the blacks to the Japanese, both were treated horribly in this country, by white people. But the Japanese rose above it. But with the blacks, not so much. Just like every other word from odummy, it’s not my fault– Black people cannot get passed there great, great, great, great grand parents were slaves. They all have the mindset that they are still slaves. When will black people take responsibility for their own actions….(well, if you look at the last 200 years, never)

      1. Obama is an irresponsibility pimp. Getting others to act irresponsibly allows the irresponsible appear and feel more normal.

  4243. Yeah, all of that GWB bashing never happened. It all just started when Obama was elected. What a joke.

  4244. Never ends with these people (the left, not blacks. wouldn’t want to offend anyone)
    What would they do if he wasn’t black? Racism is the perfect fallback for incompetence.

  4245. Yah Oprah, nobody ever say anything about him being black. I don’t like his policies………….MUST be because he is African American……..must be……

  4246. We disdain and loathe his marxist/socialist policies as they are destroying this nation. I am such a a racist that I have signed the draft Ben Carson petition and contributed money to that effort.

    Real racists are those like Oprah for whom the topic is such a fixation that real issues can be neither discussed nor debated. For racists such as Oprah, it is an obsession such that all else revolves around race.

    Oprah: grow up and get a life!

  4247. Sorry Oprah but that’s BS! He has lied and lied and lied. How are we to respect that? You should know better than to throw out the race card. Just look at your own audience!

  4248. For a racist like her it is ALWAYS all about race and that is all that race baiting cow ever talks about any more. Sorry ooooprah, you are totally irrelevant and no one gives a damn about what you have to say any more.

  4249. He’s a mulatto if you please, and we despise him because he is a corrupt, lying, mocking joke of a man, and an absolute traitor in terms of what he has done to our economy, our society, our military, our allies, ad nauseum, while in the White House. And I, personally, despise you because you are an elitist and a racist…

  4250. He’s of a composite ethnicity so stick it Oprah. Was his mother African American?
    Are you a race baiting sell out?

  4251. For a racist it is ALWAYS all about race and that is all that race baiting cow ever talks about any more. Sorry ooooprah, you are totally irrelevant and no one gives a damn about what you have to say any more.

  4252. My disrespect for Oblowme has nothing to do with his color.. It has to do with the content of or lack there of his character.

  4253. That doesn’t work anymore O. Many Americans disrespect Obama because he’s a socialist hell bent on destroying America. Many liberals, like yourself, disrespect Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, JC Watts, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Mychal Massie and numerous other black conservatives because they’re conservatives. The more blacks peddle their “racist” victim BS, the more respect they themselves lose. In other word, shove it where the sun down shine!

  4254. Barry & Harpo sitting in a tree KISS_i_n_g. He’s a mindless failure and she is a hairless weight yo-yo. Oprah , take of the wig and makeup. Perfect, pair. Ugly & Stupid.

  4255. Your deck of racist cards is tattered and torn – time to turn yours in, isn’t it, Ms.Winfrey? You certainly benefited financially from the loyalty of a rainbow of non-racist viewers and readers, didn’t you, Ms. Winfrey? Now these same people are racist because Obama has lost credibility through his own lying?

  4256. Oh Oprah.. I could care less what race the man is.. He is not a leader!! You never cared until an African American won the Presidency. Lots of white people didn’t care for George W and I never heard anything about his race. Give it up!! You are being the racist!! Please go away!!!

  4257. And Oprah your a racist, you hated all our other presidents because they were white!!!! What else is new???

  4258. No, it is because he is an arrogant, narcissistic, know it all, who is totally incompetent, does not follow our constitution, and wants to fundamentally change the country we love.

  4259. Sadly, respect for blacks has probably gone down after people have observed obama’s performance. This is not fair to competent blacks.

    1. Charles Ramsey of Cleveland Ohio has done more to increase respect for black persons than anything Obama has said or done. Charles Ramsey stepped up when there was a need and helped, with others, to free 3 women held captive for years. Charles Ramsey did not stop to ask, “What color are these women?”, or worry about what they might think of his color, when he made the decision to help.

  4260. Oprah is an idiot. People don’t like the president because he is doing a lousy job. He has continually lied to the American people and has alienated our allies while empowering our enemies. If the presidency was a private sector job, Obama would have been fired long ago. Oprah has now proven her irrelevance and ignorance, and has foolish played the race card because it’s all liberals have left when defending their messiah.

  4261. All her movies have been abysmal failures. Why should this one be any different?Maybe all us awful white people should stay clear away from it.

  4262. excuses, excuses but never the truth. we have plenty of reasons not to respect this president, the fact that he’s half black has little or nothing to do with it for most. the most glaring reason for me, is witnessing his deliberate destruction of a country I love and one he obviously doesn’t. if this is the best reason oprah has for her friend the failure, then she doesn’t get it either.

  4263. Yea right. It has nothing to do with his incompetence, contempt for the office, or flat out amateurism. He might have done a better job had he actually showed up for more than 40% of his daily briefings and got off the golf coarse and quit taking vacations.

  4264. ochra wants all young girls to be forced into sexual slavery to the black man. she is a racist pig, extreme hater, and disgusting filth.

  4265. So Oprah, under Obama’s administration and his watch, how do you explain the fact that 49% of Americans are on some form of government assistance such as food stamps? How do explain the fact that there are more citizens now on disability in this country than actually have a full time job? How is it that the labor participation rate in this country is the lowest it’s been since the Great Depression, more Americans out of work, can’t find a job or have to settle for part time jobs? How do you explain the fact that campaign donors were given lucrative federal government loans to build solar panels, electric cars, batteries and windmills to the tune of billions of taxpayer dollars and all end up going bankrupt? How do you explain how a border agent, Brian Terry, is gunned down with weapons that were purchased by the federal government and walked over the Mexican border and put in the hands of criminals? How do you explain the fact that the IRS has all but admitted that they targeted, harassed, intimidated and audited American citizens simply because they disagree politically with the current occupant of the White House? How do you explain why the same group of Navy Seals that took Osama Bin Laden out were all killed in a chopper crash in just a few weeks after it happened? How do explain why 4 Americans were left to fend for themselves and eventually butchered in a US Embassy compound in Benghazi when resources were available to drop in and help them within a couple of hours and where was the “president” during the entire time all this was going down since he’s refused to acknowledge his whereabouts that night? How do explain why the Doctor that provided the necessary intelligence that lead to the hit on Bin Laden is still sitting in a Pakistani jail?

  4266. I want to throw a brick at my TV when Harry Reid speaks. I want to throw a brick at my TV when Nanci Pelosi speaks. I want to throw a brick at my TV when Dick Durbin speaks, and I want to throw brick at my TV Obama speaks. Regardless of race,or color those leftests all make my blood boil, because they are leftests.

  4267. When will people realize that the ‘race card’ is a broken record, and nothing more than a crutch used to hide failure and incompetence?

    1. yeah, cuz if yer baby daddy is muslim then his kids are muslim by muslim law and there is no leaving islam, so he can deny it but muslims think he is a muslim, not even taking into account his constant support for jihad

  4268. Watch HOOD LIFE VOLUME 3 on Youtube to be “culturally enriched” by
    African American “diversity”.

  4269. A president was elected twice — clearly as a national act of contrition …. sadly the consequences will be experienced for years. Mr. Obama is a typical affirmative action product, incapable but promoted with great zeal by the enlightened because they are ….. So very sad for all minorities who have cast off the shackles of history and work to achieve greatness but are dismissed because of the misguided results of “affirmative actions”.

  4270. I hate Oprah and Obama because they are left-wing bleeding heart socialist/marxist/communists, not for the color of their skin but because of their character.

  4271. Always dividing people, constantly…when will it end? Could it be he’s disliked because of his sh**ty economic policies?

  4272. African Americans are very racist and get a free pass to be racist towards others in
    the name of “political correctness”

  4273. Oprah, you lie! You know we “disrespect” him because of his policies, not because he’s black. If he was an American born conservative, with a resume of success in the private sector, he would have earned my vote.

  4274. Dopra, first of all white people paid your way, your money came from the same whitey you hate. What seems to be constant in these equations is that black people hate white people. Black people are the racists. And all of this racism coming from the blacks is going to create one hell of a blacklash. People like you and barry are setting race relations back 50 years. Poor baby, we know you want to be white, but the mark of Cain doesnt allow it…..

  4275. Wrong! He gets away with much more with more people because he is black. The real racists are the ones who give him a pass and the benefit of the doubt while he takes the opportunity to steal our liberty and freedom and replace it with Progressive tyranny, all in plain sight while the supposedly objective press cheers him on.

    We will know that we are post-racial in America when we see African-Americans stop reflexively supporting the black candidate by margins of 80% to 90% or more. We will see progress in race relations when successful black Americans are no longer castigated as Uncle Toms and sell outs to the “white plantation owners.”

    1. In Houston TX last week, a white man was elected to a council position that has been held by blacks for many many years. How could this happen?? He didn’t campaign–he merely sent out brochures depicting only black people, so the low information crowd assumed him to be black. THEY VOTED FOR HIM BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT HE WAS BLACK!!!! Now who’s the racist?? They did not like their current councilman, and voted him out, but would have voted FOR him had they known his opponent was white. This hilariously points out that blacks are racists. They only vote for black candidates, no matter how bad the candidate is. And they don’t bother themselves with trying to find out information on the candidates. They are low info and plan to stay that way.

  4276. No one cares what you think, you fat, no-talent, skank.

    White people made her a millionaire, and she spits in their faces.

    Real classy, O.

  4277. Most Blacks voted for Obamam just because he is Black (at least part black), without even knowing his character. Now THAT is racism!!

  4278. no……….because he’s a stupid hack puppet for global elites a ruining our counrty
    for them! Thats why. I don’t care if he’s purple or teal……….

  4279. I used to respect Oprah. But, as it turns out, she’s just another black racist. I hate the white half of Obama every bit as much as I hate the black half.

  4280. What about all the blacks that do not like him? According to her, they must be racists too. She’s just bloviating to promote he movie (which is also a disgusting pile of racist crap and lies about the Reagan’s!)

  4281. Dear Oprah von Race-baiter:

    Many Americans disrespect ‘Bahama because he’s a poor excuse for a president (or even manager of Wal-Mart), an idiot that’s damaging our great American freedoms and liberties.

  4282. Well apparently she has no idea. Because alot of people voted for Herman Cain or would have if they thought he would have won but he didn’t is she going to say it’s the shade. So what Obama was elected because he was black but not liked because he was black and Herman Cain wasn’t elected because of his color.WTH!

  4283. Oprah, you are the bigot. Always have been. Always will be. I don’t watch anything you are in anymore. We don’t like Obama because he is a horrible president. We would have loved Herman Cain as president, but you didn’t push him on us like you did Obama. We don’t like you much either, Oprah.

  4284. When all else fails, pull out the old race card. Funny she told the BBC. Why not MSNBC ? They would love to be able to play that over and over again. Hey Oprah. When are you going to admit the Obama the manchild is the worse potus this county has ever had.

  4285. Thank you Oprah, you endorsed him. You OWN him.

    They disrespect him because he uses his color to shield him from criticism.

    It works, by the way. Reagan was held accountable for everything Ollie North did. Bush 41 was accused of creating an environment ripe for war in Kuwait. Bill Clinton was impeached. Bush 41 was made accountable for all that happened just 8 months after his inauguration.

    But Obama? The stimulus bailed out the top 1%, his economic ‘recovery’ is the worst in 80 years, he’s given guns to Mexican drug lords and al Qaeda supported rebels in the Middle East, the IRS and the NSA are targeting his opponents, his insurance scam is raising the cost of health insurance for most and taking it away from, 5% according to him (15 million), and his plan to fix the insurance debacle is to unconstitutionally change congressionally passed legislation.

    1. Who did this? That can’t happen in ‘Merica. Sounds like what a 3rd world Dictator would do.

  4286. There are so many who refuse to see that we despise Obama due to his policies. That racist nonsense just doesn’t fly anymore.

    1. Even when 20 racist Democrat Senators go to the White House and demand that he go against his principles?

      Even when racist Bill Clinton tells him he needs to start behaving honorably?

      I’m getting sick of all these racist Democrats.

      1. they ALL are racist, lets be honest…to be a Dem and to continue to support this absolute destructive and incompetent President after 5 years is based on racism…they like the color of his skin, period.

      2. “Honor” is a concept unknown to Obama. He demonstrates it by how he deals with those who are no longer useful. Oprah knows this, she recently refused a meeting at the White House after she had been thrown under the bus.

  4287. Why is that those who “disrespect him because he is African-American” highly respect the Ben Carsons, Alan Wests, Thomas Sowells & Walter E. Williams of the world, Oprah?

  4288. It is NOT because he is black!!! It is because he is incompetent, and a liar!

    There are many people more qualified for the job that he has, and would do a much better job of it. Mia Love, Allen West, Condoleeza Rice, even Colin Powell would do a better job than this poser does!!!

    Racism is a convenient non intellectual dodge. By merely invoking racism, O avoids the cognitive dissonance of realizing that she and the rest of the country have been duped. She avoids all of the back and forth necessary to logically prove his incompetence point by point, and removes the necessity for her to spend the time evaluating the premise on an intellectual and logical basis.

  4289. What was that Oprah? Those same Americans had no problem with your race, how long was your show on the air? These same racists didn’t have a problem buying your magazine or watching your network. It all went bad for you when you embraced a man who went to a raciest church for twenty years that you left. A man who is fundamentally transforming this country into a place that will destroy rich folks like you.

  4290. Actually the President’s wife has treated Oprah with contempt and banned her from further contact with the First Family. Is that also because of race–or perhaps something else?

  4291. Dr Ben Carson, Allen West, Mia Love, Hermann Cain, Elbert Guillory, Alan Keyes [he knew and warned of the real Obama long before he was Pres.].Condolessa Rice, Colin Powell,–race as a defense/excuse is nearing or is beyond its expiration date?

  4292. Yeah Oprah, and millions of those very same Americans love and respect you. You’re black… maybe it’s Obama’s white heritage they don’t like? Or… maybe, they see you as a self-made, hard working woman. They’ve admired you and your success… Obama earned nothing… he was hand picked to be the senator, and won the presidency without a media vetting… why? Oh… because the country wanted to elect a black man. It was historic. It was really, truly inspiring. Problem is, the powers that be picked an incompetent economic idiot who had never worked a day in his life in the real world and who has been a very very bad leader, executive and president. He’s also done everything in his power to divide the people and even calls those who disagree with his policies “enemies”. And he has his IRS go after them. Perhaps, Oprah, since you are so beloved, and since this country jumped at the chance to elect a black man… the reasons for the dislike now have more to do with his capabilities, his work ethic, his policies and his character… and absolutely ZERO to do with his skin color. It’s the most irrelevant thing about him. Except to true racists… like, apparently, you, Oprah.

  4293. Dear Opie, you undeservedly rich, snobby piece of trash. Millions of people have spent billions of dollars because on your fat ass over the years and race played no part of it. Or are you the first affirmative action millionaire (billionaire?)? The only reason you notice vitriol towards the President now is that he is “your boy”. He has been treated with kid gloves through his entire useless political career so please, for once, just STFU.

    1. Ms. Oprah is a lot of things, but she earned her money and it’s foolish to call her an “underseved” winner. She has lots of talent, for real. I think she’s a buffoon on this issue, given all the various sub-plots, but ignoring her talent, and ignoring racism where it does exist (and there’s way, way too much of it) is even sillier than she is IMHO.

      1. While I agree she has earned SOME of her money, she is way more popular and much wealthier than her talent and smarts deserve. She was made a star because of diversity and filled a niche for the industry for a while. The downfall of her network and other flops she has been involved with show she is no superwoman and not worth the cash that has been bestowed upon her. And you are correct, there is rampant, institutionalized racism all over the United States today. Perpetrated by blacks against whites. And excused by a media and government authorities because if held accountable, the perpetrators would scream “RACISM”.

        1. She worth whatever people are willing to pay – just as is A-Rod, Peyton Manning, Miley Cyrus, and Garth Brooks – to name a few. There’s no reason to question her integrity and smarts as an entertainer. She has been astoundingly successful and it’s not all – or even mostly – race or others would have done it. They didn’t. She did. I think she’s a gas bag – someone who’s been surrounded by yes-people for so long that she’s lost all contact with the planet, but that’s not unique to women or blacks etc. Being surrounded by an army of people who are happy to praise and ass-kiss eventually seems to consume all so unlucky to be in such a position. It’s how Betty Ford stays in business. She has – to her credit – stabilized the OWN but she hasn’t reclaimed anywhere near the audience she lost when she started “imaging her reality” and began telling everyone how they should think. She forgot that as an entertainer she was supposed to be entertaining – and for a long while she was, and educational to boot – and decided it as her job to tell us how we should think. Oops. Pride goeth and all that. She’s smart, she’s effective, and she’s earned her money. But for all that, her head is now way larger than her considerable talent, and so we’ll see more and more stupid outbursts and less and less of her being influential. She forgot that it is the audience that makes her, not the other way around. Lots of superstars make that mistake. She’s just one of the pack in that regard.

        2. The juxtaposition between your screen name and what you write is enormous. You take on yourself the right to determine what she’s earned and what she’s been given, ignore that OWN has actually recovered (though their shows are pablum), and then blame racism on blacks. There’s just enough truth in some of the things you say that it’s easy to ignore the ignorance, anger and stupid prejudice of most of what you write. You may believe that your comments weaken what Ms. Winfrey claimed – in fact, IMHO, you help make her case.

  4294. I am getting a little tired of hearing “it’s because he is black” the man is incompetent as well as the people around him. Since when do you get a pass for telling lies because of the color of your skin. People who use the excuse he is black are actually doing more harm to the black race than good. The list of Failures this Administration has accomplished is amazing, start with black panthers not going to jail to Fast and furious,Solyndra, Benghazi, Egypt, Syria and health care. If this was a White President would we blame him because he is “White”

  4295. Oh oooprah please do STFU, the more you talk the more stupid you sound. You are nothing but a race baiting racist yourself. For a racist, it is ALWAYS all about race, and those are the only words which come out of your fat piehole. People hate obama for the color of his POLITICS AND IDEOLOGIES, far more than they do because he’s a mulatto. Yes, that’s right, he’s not black, he’s a half breed. And his total lack of leadership abilities and character are two more reasons we despise him. Oh yeah, and he’s a pathological liar and a malignant narcissist. And all of those equally apply to the first moose.

  4296. Nobody ever says it? Are you kidding? Every liberal uses it as an excuse to defend Obama. Americans dislike Obama because he is a douche who is hurting the country, not because he is half black.

  4297. Oprah supports Obama only because he is black – Oprah is a racist. Oprah projects her racism onto other people whom she disrepects by doing that – Oprah is a bigot.

  4298. Because the idiots voted to find out what was in obummacare both my wife’s and my health insurance will now costs more than our mortgage by $424.83 per month. The sad fact is we are both very healthy, she is only 27 yrs old and I am 41. My insurance went up 5 fold and my wife’s insurance went up 10 times for 2014. I hate obumma because he is a pathological liar and now Operah will suffer lower ratings because between our mortgage and healthcare I am going to cancel my cable.

  4299. You would think that a woman as successful as her would stop speaking malicious words and spreading hate. Oprah, it is not his skin color that people dislike . It is the lying, the manipulating, the sneaky backroom deals, the fact that he left 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, that we as Americans have less rights than an undocumented alien, etc. If anything he got elected because of his skin color. He was not the right man for the job. You know it. If he got this country back on track his skin could be pink with purple polka-dots and everyone would support him.

  4300. That is partially true. And it applies to her and Obama as well. I heard she has a large staff and most are black. Gee that sounds racist to me and yes, we white people get to point fingers as well.

    1. Actually, when she had the Oprah Winfrey show, most of her staff was white. But I don’t like her any more. She is spreading lies about America all over the world. She wouldn’t say that here in America. She knows where she makes the most money.

  4301. SOME Americans may have no respect for the Prez because he is black….MOST Americans have no respect for him because he; lies, is arrogant, lies, is out of touch, lies, shares no common values with most Americans, and lies….a lot.

  4302. It couldn’t be that he is disrespected because he LIED to us for 3-4 years about ObummerCare, or that he is incompetent,….it couldn’t be those things…could it? No…it has to be race because it’s too easy to label someone a racist. GO AWAY.

  4303. Gee Oprah, maybe you should have stuck to promoting your film and left your racism out of the interview. From the responses to your race lie you’ve added fuel to the fire. Everyone is fed up with the inane race card. You lose by defending the indefensible want to be dictator, Oblamer.

  4304. That’s also another reason why we hate him:
    We hate him because he thinks we hate him because he’s black.

  4305. Let’s get Colonel Allen West and Ben Carson into the White House….then let’s see the REAL RACISM erupt from the left. It’s not about color at all. I have grown to hate him – not for the color of his skin, but the arrogance of his lying character

    1. There is a petition on-line to draft Ben Carson to run – website is: http://www.RunBenRun.com. Sign it and pass it on to your friends and neighbors. I am just afraid the MSM will eviscerate him as a black conservative; plus, he is so soft-spoken and mild-mannered. Don’t know if he can make it but I would vote for him, I think. Not absolute yet since he did make one comment that makes me wonder if his race comes before anything else.

    2. Oh, we already have seen it. I would bet Oprah would not help them in any way to become president because they don’t fit her liberal, progressive, socialist, Marxist profile.

  4306. Oprah, you EARN respect. That’s how you get it. This man, with absolutely zero experience for the job, bungles everything he touches and then lies about it or blames George Bush. He is completely disengaged from the process of governing. He is more concerned with taking VERY expensive vacations on my dime and playing golf when the heat in the kitchen gets to be too much. QUIT playing the race card. It’s getting very old.

  4307. “There’s no question” that white people made you wealthy, at least the portion of the 87% of Americans that are not racist, which is most of us. We are not obsessed by race, you are…that’s racism by the way. You are a racist, plain and simple.

    1. There are just as many racists in the black community, the latino community, the Asian community or any other race group. People like people of their color, rank and social status most often, but most of us have learned to love others as ourselves. Oprah hasn’t learned that.

  4308. Does anybody remember that Oprah show, where it was said only white people can be racists? i vauegly do, Long time ago

    1. Oh, Oprah has said many racist remarks on her show through the years. She had a really mean woman on once who treated all the white people horribly to show to them how evil white people are. Even though most of those people that day didn’t have a racist bone in their bodies.

    2. I more-or-less remember that, but remember this August (2013) when she was hyping her movie that we heard “you’re a racist even if you aren’t racist.” The Google results for such run into the thousands. I gather she believes what she says, she wouldn’t be the first profoundly insecure successful person.

  4309. That’s it in a nutshell and I am referring the Ochra. The Dems knew what they were selling us. No matter how incompetent, how Marxist, how stupid this guy is you can’t criticize him because he’s part of the great protected class. Explain to me please exactly what the great Oprah has done to make her the spokesperson she is. She’s dumber then a stump. I know, that’s racist !

  4310. Oprah is a racist pig, she supports the killing of all whites in the world. She and Hilary Clinton are grooming young firls to be molested by liberal perverts like bill clinton, ira ikehorn, and bob filner. This evil will soon burn in hell with their friends stalin, pol pot, and chi gueverra.

  4311. Right. Incompetence, deception, arrogance, egocentricity, deriliction of duty and being unqualified to lead are the qualities we’re talking about, not race. Oprah’s defense of the hapless liar in chief based on solely on race is racist, pure and simple.

  4312. She forgets he is half white, elected twice, I would have voted for Herman Cain, iif Obama and Hillary would not have ruined him.Its not his race, but his Radical Left wing propoganda. He truly wants to forever change and ruin the Great County

    1. Herman Cain is not ruined. He could run again and I would gladly vote for him. All those lies they spread were hurtful to his family which is why he stopped his campaign. Just wait until Hillary runs. The evil that will come out of her campaign will match satan’s.

  4313. We hate him because he is a lying pile of crap. A little clue here it has nothing to do with the color of his skin you race baiting douche.

  4314. Oprah living in her own aloof land of billionaires. How dare she speak for millions of average Americans.

    1. Hollywood is the most racist, bigoted, liberal, socialist, degenerate place and Oprah fits right in.

  4315. I would like to know the actual count of people that don’t like Obama because he is black. When you espouse Marxist values, nothing else about you matters to me. You are worthless regardless of skin color.

  4316. Same old tired rhetoric over and over again. People hate Obama because he is black, closet racists, Bush did this…Unfortunately for Oprah the temporary “potency” of these outdated phrases are over. People do not like Obama because he is a blatant liar, which is approval ratings clearly show.

  4317. Just because we are white does not mean we dislike all things black. Obama happens to be a little bit black, lots of Arab, and half white, but he is mostly a Statist. Statist is not a color. Those of us who oppose him oppose him on those principles. You, Oprah, show yourself a mean, vicious race-baiter by making this statement.

    Conveniently, Oprah’s view gives some people a shield from behind which to destroy others.

    FYI, I don’t dislike you because you are black. I dislike you because of what you say and do.

  4318. So, how is it that he got elected TWICE in this horrible, racist country?
    Poor old Oprah. It’s sad to watch her contort herself in an attempt to stay relevant. When all else fails, scream “racist” at the top of your lungs. Pitiful.

    1. Isn’t this something to witness ? Oprah is speaking of 2 of the most privileged, influential people in the country and world. This kind of ingratitude, self pity, narcissism make me nauseous.

  4319. I’m surprised at Oprah…conservatives as well as liberals, whites included, have contributed to making her rich and famous. Many conservatives, whites included, were duped by Pres. Obama, and voted for him. Are black conservatives, who cannot stand Obama, racist too? I liked Herman Cain…what color is he again? I would vote for people like Allen West and Dr. Ben Carson in a heartbeat!

  4320. Oprah began to lose her relevance after her blind support of Obama in the 2008 election. Fast forward to now – her show collapsed and her OWN network teeters at the brink of failure. So sad that a once inspirational American icon has fallen into obscurity.

  4321. Let us not forget that because he has been so busy dealing with the failed Obamacare fiasco, Obama’s incompetence on the world stage is readily apparent as he has pushed Egypt squarely into the corner of the Russians who will now as a result have a much stronger foothold on the Suez Canal. Nice work Obama. (sarcasm on)….

  4322. Oh please!! oprah, you have worn out that excuse. We disrespect obama because he is destroying this Republic. He hates America and Americans. He a racist a ss and an arrogant, narcissistic marxist! His policies are destroying this Republic, much to his glee. THAT is why we disrespect him! I would loath him just as much if he were white as snow! Give it up, opra, you small-minded twit. Life is not all about what color YOU are. What is your excuse for how much we respect and admire Allen West and Ben Carson????? Any answers??? Didn’t think so.

  4323. “THEY SAY, YOU ARE ONE,” those that are screaming it the loudest. The only think ‘BLACK’ here is the ‘MINDS’ of those who profess to have something to say. GOD Help us all…

  4324. nah we hate oprah because she is black, we do not care for obama cause he is a just another stinking lousy dumb liberal and we all know:

    the only good liberal is a dead liberal because dead liberals can no longer lie.

  4325. Oh really? It has nothing to do with his massive failures?
    1. Dropping 12million jobs and counting from the labor force since he took office because of his failed economic policies: excessive deficit spending, excessive taxes and excessive regulations.
    2. Huge corruption giving donors and bundlers sweetheart deals at tax payer expense.
    3. Habitual lying to the American People including the greatest fraud that a president has put on the American people in the history of the US!!!
    4. Violating the constitutional rights of citizens for personal gain with IRS, NPS and NSA scandals.
    5. Absolute failure in Obamacare!!!
    6. Treason: giving aid and comfort to our enemies: Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Jihadist rebels and Iran and Al Qaeda in Benghazi…
    Oprah’s comment is racist as the elephant in the room is Obama’s MASSIVE FAILED presidency!!! Using Martin Luther King’s idea of judging a man by the content of his character not the color of his skin, Obama is an absolute failure and disaster for America and should be impeached and prosecuted at once!!!

  4326. Oprah and Obama hold whites in contempt. It’s obvious. Hey all you white soccer moms who cried your eyes out whenever you watched Oprah, bought her products, paid for her movies, hung on her every breath…how does it feel now to find out what she really thinks about you. Suckers.

  4327. …or…

    It could be because he’s a little napoleon heII bent on the destruction of America….

  4328. Disrespect for the president? The woman lives in a bubble, one insulated by race and class. Was she not aware of what Bush went through with “disrespect”? As a “typical white person”, to quote our racially uniting president, I’m sick of him and his supporters hiding behind their black skins. Oprah’s deep thoughts on things political or social do not interest me. For when you strip away her celebrity, and her money, she’s just one more black democrat in America who only knows how to whine, complain, and scream “racism” at everything that displeases her. How many times can one race cry “wolf”?

  4329. Do any Blacks ever think, That, Obama is not a true product of America, with roots back to slavery and oppressions, His family did not come up in the struggles of America. he is the son of a Kenyan student and a white mother. Not a true representation of a typical African American

    1. And all his formative years were spent in Indonesia…

      Not only doesn’t he know what it’s like to be an African American, he doesn’t know what it’s like to be an American….

  4330. Oprah – It is his misguided POLICIES, not his race. Yes the may be some people who does not like Obama because he is half-black they are racist, but so are race-baitters and anyone who makes a blanked statement that people do not like him because he is black are race-baitters, hence a racist. Agree Oprah?

  4331. Oprah can’t wait not to see your movie we’ll I guess it’s because of the color of your skin

  4332. Oprah – you have just outed yourself as being RACIST! Americans don’t care what color or cultural background any President has. We care about what he is doing to our Country. Whether YOU admit it or not, President Obama’s presidency has been a disaster and a wake-up call for America. He came in, yes, to fundamentally transform this nation. But what YOU fail to admit, is that this transformation is to fundamentally CHANGE America for the worst possible – progressive – outcome. No matter what you or your HARPO machine says, Americans will never NOT be exceptional. If you are so into truth, Oprah, look inside your own heart. Why did you leave Rev. Wright’s congregation? Maybe at one time, you knew the truth.

  4333. Wow, then why do I like Ben Carson or Allen West? Could it be that obviously race means nothing and their ideology means everything? Why, YES! Why do I dislike Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi? Could it be that obviously race means nothing and their ideology means everything? Why, YES!!! I am sure racism exists, but for most Americans who dislike obama it’s all about his ideology and what he’s done to this country. If you can’t see this country is in a mess, then I’d say that you, Oprah, too are a racist for not looking beyond obama’s skin color to see there is a problem.

    1. Gifted Hands by Ben Carson… Please read this book. Even if you don’t like reading you’ll like this book! Ben Carson probably cannot stand Okra… And I know he cannot stand Brak. Anyone ever see the YouTube video of Carson bashing Brak right in front of him at some breakfast about a year ago? Gold!

      1. That book is on my reading list and that man is on my most admired list. He is intelligent, gifted, articulate and genuine. Everything he is today he earned. He is everything that the liberals claim obama was but in fact is absolutely not. Not by any stretch of the imagination. It wouldn’t surprise me to see him run at some point and I would work my arse off to get him elected.

        1. My mother is a big reader and she told be about Gifted Hands. I am not a big reader but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. He is one driven individual. He won’t run for POTUS. He wouldn’t win either. All the minorities know he won’t hand out shit! It’s a shame… Finally, a black President and this is the one the people elect. He is ashamed, I’m sure of it.

  4334. Poor racist Oprah is. Using race to cover up legitimate positions of people with an incompetent president.

  4335. remember the disrespect Bush received?

    How can Oprah be so popular unless a huge number of white people are her fans? Did she ever think about that?

  4336. When I succeeded in having a book published by a small traditional press, I was informed by many taxpayer-supported public libraries that they would only consider it for acquisition if it was on Oprah’s Reading List.

    Imagine the outrage if any other private citizen had this much influence over the use of government resources.

    I’d cry po’ li’l Ms. O and her Lord and Master in WashDeeCee a river but the EPA wants an environmental impact report and the IRS will tax the tears, then audit me.

  4337. No Oprah. We disrespect him because he is incompetent and is in a position where he is ruining our lives. Same reason we would disrespect Joe Biden, were he in a similar position. Or Alec Baldwin. or Keith Olbermann. Or Rachel Maddow. Or Hillary!

  4338. Of course, if you don’t like his policies and agenda, you are racist. But never mind the millions of people who voted for him BECAUSE he is black – they aren’t racist at all.

  4339. 1. He’s KENYAN.
    2. FUBO! AND FUOW!
    3. To paraphrase the brilliant philosopher, Forest Gump, “Racist is as racist does.”

  4340. Knock knock
    Who’s there?
    Interrupting idiot Liberal.
    Interrupting idiot Liberal wh……….

  4341. I was on a production for the LA Times a few years ago, I was just the help and many conversations happened around me without regard to offense. Telling youth to only support business of color and put their competition out of business barred on color is racist. I would venture to say Oprah is guilty as many people of all colors of picking, infecting and false accusations. I’m sure there are racist who would hate Obama if he weren’t POTUS however plenty of people hate him for his socialist views, his anti Christian sentiment and his hostile Israeli politics. Obama has all the makings of a full fledged socialist as does Polosi, Reid, Kerry, McCain and so on.I’m sure dozens of people in DC world make Lenin, Stalin, Marx and Trotsky very proud … Obama defiantly included …. and that has nothing to do with melatonin! 🙂

    1. Great point, Bobby. What Oprah has to realize is that you can respect the position, but not the person in that position. As a black man, I have no respect for a man I feel is a communist and anti christian. There are so many blacks who use race as an excuse.

  4342. Imagine, the richest woman in the country by far and still preaching “we shall overcome” It’s Fkkin disgusting, you fat slob kneegrow ..

  4343. The very word “racist” creates a Pavloff ‘S dog response to the very word in “many” people who would recoil in horror at the very notion they were considered racist. Accordingly, people then permit all kinds of inappropriate conduct in the name of tolerance for the behavior rather than calling his decisions socialistic engineering and wealth redistribution. RACISM exists and has so since societies formed. People are racist, yes even many are…but I’d think reasonable people will look to his words and actions before calling opposition to these”racist”.

    1. Intellectual laziness. By putting it in a category that needs no evaluation, they save themselves from the bother of evaluating the person, the performance, and their own logic that goes only 7 layers deep instead of tracing it all the way to bedrock. It is a weak plant who’s roots are shallow.

  4344. Using her same broad brush and logic, it suffices to say then painting with that same broad brush, it IS right and proper to speak so of those who wear “hoodies”, eat Skittles, and use marginal grammar.

    1. Oprah obsessed by race = she is a racist. It’s everywhere, get used to it. I am white living in Atlanta. Do you think I could get a job in city government? Where almost everyone is black? Hahaha. I don’t care, I accept it and work elsewhere. No hard feelings, but no one is going to hold me back.

  4345. Oprah has been pushing the race card all around the world. She’s a lunatic.
    Women who adore her are lunatics.

  4346. I am equal opportunity. I don’t like Obama’s white half as much as his black half.

  4347. Yo Oprah, maybe he is disrespected because his whole life story is fraudulent, he is dumb as a brick (until he proves otherwise by releasing his college records including SAT and LSAT scores), is incompetent, is anti-Israel and pro anything Islam, puts Black Americans over White Americans, spends our money like a drunken sailor, and is a flaming socialist. And if that isn’t enough he has turned taxpayers, their children, and grand children into DEBT SLAVES on Uncle Sam’s American plantation. The racists are all you the see-no-evil supporters who are blinded by the color of his skin.

  4348. He has been the lazy President. If you think he should get a pass on everything just because he is black, that is racist.

  4349. Do they all KNOW Opie in Britain? I know that in many parts of Europe, especially if she hasn’t been a makeup chair for three hours, and doesn’t have her entourage, she’s just another ugly old nobody.

  4350. PLEASE just Fing stop it !!!! If Americans hated blacks so much how did Obama get elected not once but two times ????? Blacks make up 13-14% of the population therefore millions of whites had to have voted for Obama or he would have never won. Shut the F up we whites are so sick and tired of hearing this BS. I am the minortiy now being a white male who is 40. I can’t get my gov’t to help me out with my hospital bills due to the color of my skin and I can never ever say what I am really thinking or Rev Al will be at my door step. Most of us whites were not born with silvers spoons in our mouths even though many for some reason believe this to be true.

  4351. Oh, and one more thing Oprah. Why did you and 95% of blacks vote for Obama? Powell said it was because it was so historic to have a black man elected. It would have been more reasonable to get a QUALIFIED PERSON elected than any black MAN.

  4352. It’s not his race Americans have a problem with Oprah, it’s the content of his character.

  4353. I have a great deal of respect for Allen West, Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Ken Blackwell just to name a few. And guess what? They are all black men. But Oprah is correct, I have no respect for Barack Hussein Obama but not because he is bi-racial but because of his marxist authoritarian political beliefs. Not to mention that he is a manufactured “president” devoid of any real world experience to hold his position and then there are the countless lies about his life from day one. Obama has never passed the “smell test” and it was only undeserved “white guilt” that put him in office and “white guilt” that keeps him from impeachment. I not only disrespect Obama, I have a visceral contempt for him and the damage to my country he has caused. I pray I live long enough to dance upon hearing of his final demise. Pray Psalms 109:8

  4354. No. We hate him because he’s a socialist, has no respect for personal/natural rights, and will do anything to advance his agenda. Black, white, pink or green, he is the most destructive President in American history.

  4355. I guess Oprah didn’t learn her lesson after endorsing Obama and snubbing Sarah Palin and her audience – mostly white women – disappeared.
    We don’t like Obama because he is INCOMPETENT which is not a race!

  4356. No, Oprah. Many Americans disrespect Obama because his radical policies are destroying our country, and because he disrespecst them by LYING to them!

  4357. No Okra, he’s done NOTHING to earn respect. He had NO experience to be President and has turned out to be the worst Liar in Chief, yes worse than Clinton; that’s Bill or Hillary, take your pick. And Okra, what have you EVER done but sit on a sofa and run your mouth?

    1. The angry comments with disrespect is all to common on social media. So tell me we’ve come a long way.

  4358. Whenever a person of color is incompetent and is called on the carpet just invoke the race card…….well played Oprah……well played !

  4359. No Opra, B. Hussein 0bama is half-Arab/ half Caucasian.
    What most of us are having a problem with is the color red.
    This president is destroying this country by Usurping the Constitution.
    His blackness, or lack thereof, does not even enter the equation.

  4360. This doesn’t come as a surprise to me. Obama is the first black President, which he really isn’t, he is the first biracial President, however, Obama is a failure as President and liberals and blacks will say exactly what Oprah has stated. They will use racism to justify the failures of Obama.

    1. He is actually NOT the first mulato president. There have been several others! However, he IS the first traitorous president! The first America-hating president.

  4361. No, Oprah, you are wrong. I disliked Bill Clinton just as much….probably due to their extreme liberal and socialist views. Nothing to do with skin color. The racism charge is getting very old, and losing its meaning because of this kind of over use.

  4362. “Many Americans hate Obama because he is black,” opines Oprah. Okay, based upon what evidence? Millions joining the KKK? Constant mobs screaming offensive words? Articles denouncing his presidency based upon his race? Not much of that, huh? Well then thanks for your OPINION, Oprah.
    Is there racism? Sadly yes. Are some rednecks upset to have a black president? I am sure some are. Most people, in my opinion, could care less if he is black but are furious at him for his policies. To judge a man on what he does is not racist, in fact, it is the opposite of that, namely treating him not as a child for whom we make excuses, but an equal. God bless you and God help America !

  4363. “There’s a level of disrespect . . . in some cases . . . because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Oprah has demonstrated something truly ugly and unseemly about her character with this. She’s quite willing to cast this aspersion on a (supposedly) large swath of people, the numbers of which she has no way of knowing or confirming.

    If we miraculously transcended all racism in this country, she could still make this claim and her ability to demonstrate its truth would be no different.

    Given her insights on a variety of things, this kind of specious, “conventional wisdom” should be beneath her.

  4364. So that’s why I don’t like him? Shucks! It couldn’t be that I disagree with his policies or that his management skills as a President have paled in comparison to his predecessors, or that I think he inspires as much leadership as a high school dropout with no future. I guess no it’s none of that. I’m just racist again black folk. Well gollyyyyyy!!! I’m glad I know this about myself now. Thanks Oprah.

  4365. How does Oprah reconcile her popularity (being black) with Obama’s be unpopular with many of the same people? Why do many of the same people who respect and admire Thomas Sowell, or Walter Williams (both black, and brilliant) hold Obama in such low regard?

    There is no logic to this position. It is clear that it is the ideas these people have that gains them respect or disrespect.

    My question is, why do so many black people support black politicians no matter what they do or how poorly they serve? It is revealing that black politicians can be elected by majority white voters against a white opposition candidate, but when he performs poorly, only the white voters will abandon him in his next election. Black voters continue to support the black candidate against the white no matter what.

    These observations lead me to assume that racism in white voters is no longer widespread (although surely it exists) while racism in black voters IS widespread (although surely not universal).

    When will Oprah come out against black on white racism? Hmmm?

  4366. yes because orca and her leftist friends never said anything bad about bush. liberalism is for sure a mental disorder

  4367. Riiiiiiight because up until Obama became president, conservatives embraced big government.

  4368. No. . . I dislike YOU because you are a prejudiced black American with a huge chip on your shoulder & you seem to think your money makes you superior.

    I dislike him because he is jeopardizing America’s future to promote his radical socialist agenda and he is a pathological liar.
    Winfrey’s statement is a feeble attempt to promote a failing network and a desperate ego, nothing more.

  4369. Always have to fall back on that. Couldn’t be that he is an incompetent liar and has managed to fuc up the country on about 20 different levels. They just can’t face it.

  4370. Then, the scene faded from color to black and white as the camera swung 180 degrees, stopping on a medium shot of a short man with black hair wearing a perfectly tailored Kuppenheimer suit. A lit Chesterfield smoldered in his right hand as he addressed the camera in deep sonorous tones that belied his lack of height:

    “Submitted for your approval, an excursion into a bizarre alternate universe. Destination: a country that was once a shining beacon but is now presided over by a man whose delusional personality is matched only by the slavish adulation of his blathering minions in the media, a nation formerly called the United States of America but with each passing day becomes more and more a part of The Twilight Zone.”

  4371. Obama approval (Gallup week of 11/10) 41%. Overall unemployment rate 7.3%.
    Obama approval numbers among African-Americans (Gallup) 83%. African American unemployment rate 12.6-13%. Go figure. Is this the Santa Clause/Julia effect?

  4372. So when he is outed as an epic failure, which was obvious from the start, economy with the lowest workforce participation rate in decades, fed printing money to the tune of 85 billion a month to prop up the stock market, healthcare in shambles, other countries wanting to ditch the dollar, inflation going up, allies p!ssed at us for spying, its not that it must be racism! how classy.

  4373. This Harpo B*tch with her race peddling is really getting old. Funny how she was the one that announced the false messiah being the “one” back in 08 and the world just ignored all the red flags that came with him. There is a video of this B*tch interviewing Michael Aquino about his Satanic cult early in her career that is a missing link in all of this for those that can still put two and two together. If you don’t know who that POS is, you should do a little research. Harpo can go to h3ll where she belongs.

  4374. I’m Hispanic and I don’t like Obama. He’s a fake, incompetent, lying community organizer that’s all Big Hat and No Cattle. QUIT PLAYING THE RACE CARD. NOW!

    1. that’s how my hispanic friends feel as well. I always wonder how he polls so well with hispanics.

      1. I wonder that, too. Manipulation??? Good to hear from you two, that you see obama for who and what he really is.

  4375. Poor BOZO EGO, everyone hates him cause he’s BLACK !!!!!! The fact that he was UNQUALIFIED to be President because he had (((( NO EXPERIENCE ))) at ((( EVER ))) MANAGING anything, is not a factor !!! The fact that most of the things he wants is only supported by the small SIXTIES RADICAL FRIEGN GROUP and but will be PAID FOR by us the MAJORITY, shouldn’t UPSET us ??? So Oprah, if him being BLACK satisfies your need for an explanation then use it, but if you want the REAL ANSWER you need to look a little deeper. If Dr. Sowell, Judge Thomas, Dr. Carson or Miss Rice were President if would be a HAPPY CAMPER, BUT NOT BOZO EGO !!!!!!

  4376. “And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.”

    So, what’s it going to be Op; in some cases or many cases? Who are these haters? From whence do they come? Where’s the proof or is this just your assumption?

    Disliking a person because their actions have resulted in the near ruin of your country does not equate to disliking someone for the color of their skin. I don’t care much for you, Op, but it has nothing to do with your lineage and every thing to do with your hypocrisy.

  4377. Oprah he is only half African and has worked against America his whole adult life. His Mothers family were Communist and were against America as founded. You Oprah are the one who is stuck on color of skin. Its really sad that for all your accomplishments you would sink so low while living very well in the Free Country that made it all possible for you. Shame on you.

  4378. Hey. Orca, mind your own damn thoughts. You don’t speak for me. I
    hate him because he is a pro-death, pro-gay, pro-communist,
    Anti-American, lying piece of trash.

  4379. What’s also infuriating about it is….she said it on a foreign media outlet that LOVES to paint Americans as racists to their viewers who have no frame of reference….what a lying slimeball sellout to the country that gave her so much!

  4380. To an extent, she could be right. Obama gets a pass from the liberal media because, racists that liberals are, they believe minorities will always fail if judged on their merits. Without the critical media watchdogs that the last 43 presidents had, Obama is free to do whatever he wants without ever correcting course when he screws the people. So yeah, I suppose ultimately it is because he’s black.

  4381. Just the mention of race by Umpa makes her a Racist. If that’s all she can see is this Guys skin color and not his incompetence, then that makes her a Racist. Sorry Umpa, you fooled us once with your endorsement of Oblammer, but you won’t fool us again.

  4382. I disrespect him because he has not earned my respect, I believe he is either a liar or totally incompetent. I do actually believe that he is quite competent in achieving his marxist goals. The statement by oprah is in itself racist

  4383. Ok you got me, you F-ng NI99ER !!!! I’m so tired of being called a racist for disagreeing with this mans policies that OK YOU WIN, I’M A RACIST… NOW GO BACK TO APEFRICA ALL YOU F-NG NI99ERS !!!

  4384. The self styled “queen” of humanity still hasn’t figured out what a liar looks and talks like. As the song goes “people believe what they want to believe and disregard the rest” People like her are so steeped up in their own BS they can’t see right and wrong anymore.

  4385. Ugh.. HOW is this and infinite-like other yentas on television let alone multi-millionaires/ billionaires? It goes against reason, evolving as a species etc.

    This moron Oprah KNOWS the overwhelming majority of her viewers are Anglo.

    The same can be said of NFL, NBA fans, respectively.

    Oprah’s a complete and total moron and is ONLY TRYING to provide cover for our unathletic, unethical, economically void, megalomaniac, lifelong AA/EEO recipient ahem ‘leader’.

    Lastly Teleprompter Jesus, no matter how many times he, Oprah nor the boot licking useful idiots, lapdog press say inasmuch – Uhdumbo’s mulatto.

    This doesn’t make him less of a person. Though it makes him and others bald faced liars in trying to sell him as something otherwise.

  4386. What about the “disrespect” that was heaped on Presidents Bush 1 or 2? Remember the BIG thing abot Bush2’s college grades? Remember they were public record as far as you and yours are concerned? Why is that not the case now?
    Opra, you are not playing the hypocrite card too well. You are supposed to play it face down so no one notices.
    Skin color has nothing to do with identifying incompetence and someone that will tell any lie for personal gain. The “race card” no longer works in this case. You have worn it out by throwing it too many times.

  4387. And just why did Oprah promote Barry Barrack Hussein Obama Soetoro? For his voting record? For his past accomplishments? (ACORN – Bill Ayers) For his background (college transcripts, grades, application) For the real estate deal in ChiTcago with Tony Resko? Hmmm…

    Or was it because you shared the same skin color? BINGO!

  4388. Oprah has now labeled all the people that made her the richest black woman on the planet racist. How disappointed that Oprah resorted to play the race card. She can’t admit that Obama is an incompetent lousy president. As usual with these people it’s all about skin color. Done with Oprah.

    1. Exactly, I’m sure her millions were simply the result of folks in the hood supporting her advertisers, spending their money to attend her talk show, and creating a revenue stream for her other ventures; white folks not withstanding.

  4389. Earth to Oprah, I am sure there were blacks who didn’t like Bush because he was white as there are whites who do not like “O” becasue he is black. That is NOT the issue here, though blacks want to make it the issue. Obama is a LIAR, and fortunately there are enough videos of him lying to us about the ACA and lying to us about Benghazi. He knows nothing about governing, just stirring up agnst and the putrid odor it leaves behind. He injects himself into the Professor Gates & police matter (talk about a racist Gates that is)… THEN injects himself into the Trayvon Martin tragedy. He is THE MOST DEVISIVE POTUS EVER!!! He should be impeached for lying to the American people.. Nixon was forced to resign for lying. HW Bush was not re-elected for lying to us about no new taxes, remember??!! Washington could not tell a lie, Clinton could not tell the truth.. Obama can not tell the difference!

  4390. So, Oprah, let me get this straight. You say the’re a level of disrespect from white people towards Obama. That means, according to your ongoing, annoying race-baiting comments, that there’s there was also a level of disrespect among black people when Bush was president. I’ll take it a step further: 50% of white people voted for Obama and 98% of black people voted against Romney. It doesn’t take a moron to see which party is the most racist. Do the math, Oprah

  4391. The only reason she supports Obama is because he is black..

    Oprah.. That IS the meaning of Racist!!

    Oprah’s Proof.. You don’t need to be intelligent to have money.

  4392. If your such a supporter why have you distances yourself from him as of late? I don’t respect him because of his contempt for this country and the Constitution. This racial diatribe you use is getting to be old hat syndrome and until you can come with something viable your just another non factor.

  4393. how many? 100? Well the other 150 million of us ‘disrespect’ him because he is bad for our country.

  4394. Hey Oprah, I I dislike him because he’s a lying, non-American who expects the productive members to be slaves for the unproductive members.

  4395. How tight is Oprah’s bubble? “…it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” Oprah rises above all concerns because of her success; so much so that she cannot see past the “colour” of our presidents skin and thinks everyone else feels the same way. He’s a crappy man, a crappy president and thinks that whatever he says goes and is. He can lie straight to our faces (as he has done “from the beginning”) and it’s not the lies and the misleading direction he is bringing the country in it’s because he’s black that we don’t agree. Bugger Off Oprah!!!

  4396. Noooo. Noooo. Hell noooo.

    “Let me be clear-” its because he lies ALL THE TIME. And he’s lied from the very beginning. And then he goes on a mission to destroy anyone that has the nerve to point this out. And he’s done that from his very first campaign.


  4397. You too Oprah?! Wow…. do you “paint with a broad brush”, or what! Oprah states in her own bias view, “……says but everybody’s thinking it.”

  4398. Oprah I could care less what the color of the man’s skin is he’s a lying, manipulating, self absorbed idiot concerned only about himself and what he can gain, in a nut shell he’s a POS. He has no business in the office he presently holds and the racists always pull this card when they know they have nothing to stand on and I’m not biting any longer call me what you want but the fact will remain the man is a fraud at best

  4399. It couldn’t possibly be because he LIES…hmmmm and what was the reason for the disrespect shown to George Bush???? hmmmmm Come on Oprah…you have to take off the colored glasses!

  4400. I don’t hate him, I dislike him alot, but it is due to the content of his character, nothing else.

  4401. Really, Big O? If this nation was so damn racist as you claim it is, you wouldn’t be worth billions. What a sick, twisted, ignorant POS.

    1. Oprah , why don’t you eat a truck load of Twinkies and have a massive stroke. You’ll do the world a favor by having one less Racist/marxist in this world.

  4402. Hey Oprah, are you forgetting he’s half-Caucasian as well? We don’t disrespect him for the pigment of his skin color, we disrespect him for breaking hundreds of Federal Laws, doesn’t follow the Constitution and his Presidential Mandate set out in the U.S. Constitution (“The President is responsible for IMPLEMENTING and ENFORCING the LAWS WRITTEN BY CONGRESS” from whitehouse(dot)gov/our-government/executive-branch), and for becoming the worlds biggest War Criminal in existence today. He has killed over 4,700 innocent Civilians since April 2013…not Militants!! If you also use the Job Participation Rate to figure out the true U.S. Unemployment rate we are at 27% unemployment, National Debt has doubled in his 5 years, our Debt to GDP ratio is over 110%, and he has doubled the number of people on food stamps…and all of this while he bold face lies to the American People!! That is why we disrespect him…not because he is Black, but because he is incompetent!!

  4403. Delusional. And, no, Oprah, it’s the kind of thing that the POTUS’ supporters can’t and won’t STOP saying. They’ve been using the race card to deflect criticism for the past five years just as the right predicted they would do and just as they had all along planned to do. So, it’s actually the “kind of thing that nobody is really thinking about but his side can’t stop talking about”. He could be bright green and it would make no difference- anybody else that has screwed up this badly and this frequently would have been out on their behind in 2012. It is because he is black that he has gotten a pass by all of the left, 99% of the press (they love leftists anyway), and been immune to much of the criticism and vitriol that a white POTUS would have garnered.

  4404. What was the reason Bush was disrespected? I seem to remember some very viscious attacks against Bush at much more vogorous pace. Is because they hate white people too? Or is it that they just hate bad presidents?

  4405. Right, it has nothing to do with his collectivist ideas being pushed on us. His failure to protect our citizens in Benghazi and elsewhere. His arrogance. His ignorance. His many, many broken promises (lies) as president. (You can keep your health plan/close Guantanamo/end wars/etc.) Its his skin color that bothers us.

    Funny how I don’t like Oprah now after seeing all the things she’s been saying in support of Obama. Yet, I’m sure its her skin color. It must’ve changed over the years, because I don’t remember feeling this way about her 10 years ago.

  4406. Prove it, Oprah! What poll has been conducted? How definitive you are, Oprah, to say “there’s no question about it” and “everybody’s thinking about it” without proof. How exactly was Obama able to reach the political pinnacle while being beaten down by “everybody”? How, Oprah, were you able to do it?

    We get it – Narcissistic ego maniacs reach greatness because they believe they are great but any criticism of them is because they’re black and everyone is a bigot. Lock arms with Jesse, Reverend Al, Keith Eillison, et. al. ,form a circle and keep chanting your rant. America will never move on from the racial divide – because you don’t want it to.

  4407. Get your FCC licence threatened again? Go along to get along? so your part of the problem too Oprah Winfrey.

  4408. I respect the Office of the Presidency, but I have little respect for the man in that office. He has done so many idiotic things, and he has made our country the laughing stock of the world.
    It has nothing to do with him being black, it has everything to do with his incompetence!

    1. What makes you think the systematic dismantling of the nation’s institutions, military and economy by a man raised by Marxists who said he wanted to “fundamentally transform America” is incompetency?

      See Dinesh D’Souza’s “2016 – Obama’s America.” A simple 90 minutes of Obama’s words, Obama’s history. The film came out in 2011 and I’d say all his “incompetence” is right on schedule.

  4409. I quess Opray hated dummy Bush II because he was white. Obama is an ignorant street hustler buckdancing and smackjabbing on the White House plantation for white neck trash billionaires. Opray did’nt have to buckdance she just showed up black and got uppity mobie from the same bunch of white neck trash billionaires.

  4410. Oprah you are the racist, Obama sucks because of his policies, not because he is 1/2 black. We are so not offended by being called racist, we are not the ones slaughtering kneegrows in the ghetto’s it is your people.

  4411. The WHITE public made Oprah what she is and she shouldn’t forget it! The WHITE voters also mistakenly made Obama President. I DID NOT vote for him – not because of the color of his skin but because he was all smoke and mirrors. Turns out he is still blowing smoke and guess where?

  4412. Obama, Oprah, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, Denzel, Gooding, Freeman …. the list is in the thousands .. of blacks who continue, even to this very day, to suffer horribly under the oppression of racism and slavery.

  4413. I wish they would quit using the race card…its a cop out…I hate him because he lied to us…I hate him because he is further destroying our country…I hate him because he makes me fear what my government will do next.

  4414. Right, Oprah.

    White America made you richer than God because whites hate blacks.
    You are a pathetic human being, whose ingratitude to a country
    that has produced more black wealth than all the nations on Earth combined,
    is astounding.

    She and race baiters like Jesse Jackson and the Irreverent Al Sharpton
    are all cut from the same cloth.

  4415. Oprah is as big a liar as Barack Obama. They have both become popular millionaires in a so called “racist” America. His socialist policies are hurting everyone especially the poor. He is a bad manager and President.

  4416. Oprah advertised herself for 25 years as non-racist. Another liar comes out of the closet.

  4417. “Some” not “Many”. However, Obama deserves no respect. America was warned about him in 2009 by the real thinkers in this country, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck. This “babe in the woods” was untried, had no leadership experience and voted “present” while in the Senate. He is also an Alinskyite with a shadowy past. After the election, Tom Browkaw and Charley Rose called him creepy and admitted they didn’t know who he was. So, stop saying stupid things.

  4418. “OPRAH: Many Americans disrespect Obama because he’s African American… “

    Nope. I served with a number of outstanding “African Americans” that I would trust with my life (I did, actually).

    Obama is a pompous, self-absorbed, inexperienced incompetent…
    who just happens to be African American.
    Oprah is the one (one of the ones) that can’t seem to get past his being black and see this…

  4419. The people that promote this idea are the real racists. They voted for Obama only because he’s black. They don’t care what his policies are, or which direction he’s taking the country. They don’t care who is hurt, or how government is turning against the people. They only care that he is black. That’s all they see.

    There is a laundry list of reasons that freedom loving citizens would disagree with this administration and it’s policies. Obama being only half white is not one of them.

    Martin Luther King would be disappointed that his dream is no closer to reality today than it was 50 ears ago. He would be more disappointed that black people are the ones that are most likely to judge on the color of one’s skin instead of the content of one’s character.

  4420. No. He is disrespected because he hasn’t earned any respect. He is incompetent. He is a thug. He is destroying my country and I hope he never sleeps again for what he has done. And Oprah . . . STFU!

  4421. The only people who care that he’s black are racist democrats. They’re the only ones bringing it up. When your argument defaults to racism, you’ve lost your argument and lost all credibility past, present, and future.

  4422. he is actually half white, but his color isn’t the problem.

    He is in over his capabilities, THAT is the problem.

    Oprah, stop playing the RACE card, it seem that YOU are the racist here, if not you would have objectivity and see that this regime is CLEARLY inexperienced, incompetent. Tell us about the transparency again, the drone strikes launched by this man, the innocent people he has killed with said drone strikes, the cancellations of the public’s health care insurance so that he could have a signature achievement, this could go on for many paragraphs.

    Get over making everything about race before your dwindling credibility is completely gone. America has seen this act for 5 years and is sick of the race baiting and trying to turn hard working American’s into racists to get the effect that is desired by this person.
    Oprah, this guy has blown his one shot and the false racism claims against working Americans are a huge part of the FAIL.

    When will he address the problems in the black families? It won’t happen, he has their vote so he is done with that.

  4423. He is not black..he is bi racial..his mother is 100% white..he could claimto be white also… why does everybody believe this lie ??? He could claim to be white just as easy… If Ben Carson runs for president and wins HE will be the first black president.. Wake up and see reality Oprah Winfrey

    1. .

      The intelligent and uplifting Dr. Benjamin Carson…’Gifted Hands’ and gifted mind!

      Save our country. Remain active. Change a dozen minds. Keep t-h-e ball rolling. Vote TEA! Vote FREEDOM!


    1. That sums 0bama up perfectly. What has he done in his entire life to earn anyone’s respect?

  4424. Obama isn’t “African American.” He is an adept chameleon both genetically and politically.

  4425. oprah is Sharpton in drag……black people will never prosper as long as they keep getting drivel like that pair as leaders…..they are condemned by their own prejudice to a life of continued mediocrity and failure. they have a kind of mental pollution that resembles Love Canal

  4426. SORRY – O- I did not vote for Obama because he lacked experience–I was impressed with his ability to communicate and sway voting blocks. However, reading his history caused me angst. Must say, that any number of qualified people did not run and he did look good. During his first term he demonstrated he was aloft and self centered–and a bit narcissistic –and demonstrated his lack of political abiiity to lead.
    I was always concerned about his ability to lead–this country is a country of cats and real tough to herd–he still does not understand that. Further, his approach is to tell us what he thinks we want to hear and then does what he wants to do without concern of consequences or the constitutional powers granted him. HIs associates feed his ego to maintain position.
    I am white–and have never heard a serious person say anything about his color. Joke about color–yes–serious –no. My friends vote their pocket and for private space– could care less about color–they want an intelligent man with common sense. one out of two doesn’t work. They also favor capitalism.

    1. Ability to communicate or you mean to read off a teleprompter take it away he is a bumbling idiot

  4427. I don’t hate him because he’s black. I hate him because he’s STUPID, A LIAR, and DISHONEST as a leader of this country. I hate propagandists and enablers like you Oprah. Your credibility is a farce and you reinforce it every time you open your pie hole in support of the Charlatan In Chief.

  4428. If you blacks keep crying racist anytime a different colored person criticizes or disagrees with you, then you are in fact, the RACISTS.

  4429. No Oprah, we disrespect him, because he is a congenital liar, and disrespects our country, our freedoms, and most of all our Constitution.

  4430. It has nothing to do with his skin color. He is hated because of his disregard for the constitution, and his flagrant attempts at hobbling our country militarily, socio-culturally, and economically. So long as the proverbial “they” convinces individuals that disliking Obama=Racism then everyone who disagrees is by default racist, and as such their grievances are taken less seriously.

  4431. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. 1. Obama is HALF black. And half white. 2. If the USA is so racist then how and why did we make Oprah one of the richest women ON THE PLANET??? Oprah, just because you say it, it doesn’t make it true.

  4432. People hate Obama not because of his color but because of his ineptness. This man and his lack of qualifications never should have made it to the highest office in the land. So Oprah next time you buy our country a candidate make sure they have some skills that pertain to the job besides skillful speaking.

  4433. I despise him because he is hurting America with his warped political plan to “fundamentally change America “.This man was not qualified or experienced enough to be president .

  4434. I don’t hate black people. I hate fat racist rich b*tches who go around spewing lies,,,,just like this joke of a president who was never vetted and should be impeached.

  4435. no actually i do not disrepect him because he is black. i disrespect him because he has not earned respect. it has been one coverup after another with his administration. it has been one after another of his illegal circumventing the law to push his agenda down peoples throats. it has been one thing after another starting with his refusal to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is actually an american. it is his comment to russian president vladamir putin when he stated and i quote “i will have more leeway after the midterms and i am re-elected”. shall we go on MIZZ winfrey? i am sure if one digs deeper they could find millions of more reasons to not show this guy respect. i have the highest respect for the office of the president but as far as this guy goes 1.) he is a liar 2.) he has done nothing to earn the respect of that high office 3.) the fact that he is black has never played into my opinion of the man. so next time you open your flap trap think twice about it because it is black people like you , jessie jackson, al sharpton that are perpetuating the racism in this country and are using it to your advantage. if it was not for affirmative action people like you would be playing on an even field like the rest of us are expected to do.

  4436. Sheesh, she’s stupid. But stupid like a fox. People like her know good and well that’s not true, but they run around saying it (and don’t even preface it with “I think” – they state it as a FACT), and other stupid people, either guilty white liberals or blacks with a chip on their shoulder, eat it up. People who disagree with his policies are always having to defend themselves instead of getting a chance to state their real reasons.

  4437. “Its the kind of thing that nobody says” ????

    Thats all we ever hear. It’s right out of the democrat playbook on page 1. Say a lie enough times to make it real. The war on women is another prime example.

    This woman is delusional and it is SHE who cant stop thinking about skin color

  4438. We hate his white side just as much. No wonder no one listen a to her anymore. Jugs helped ruin her career as he has millions of others. Finally, justice. Now he’s ruined his and given us hope again that we can reclaim this country.

  4439. Just lost any respect I had for her. OBLOWME is a dicktator. She doesn’t have to worry because she is filthy rich. She got that way by being black.

  4440. No Oprah, people despise Obummer because he is a leftist, fascist pig who wants to destroy America and remake it into a workers’ paradise. If the first black president had been a great American like Allen West, the only disrespect, and I do mean DISRESPECT, would come from your leftist pig side.

  4441. There you go again Oprah. You didn’t learn the last time. I use to respect you until you all but bowed to the man. We don’t respect him because he has never worked a real job. He lies but never admits it. Lies like No One Told Me Directly. The one program you pushed and you go on to use what the definition of Is, Is. At least Republicans come up with believable excuses. No respect for him because he awards no bid contracts to black class mates who have no talent or ability to do the job. Gosh Oprah. Shut your trap. He is a con and always has been. I can’t think of one truth he has told since in office.

  4442. Granted in “some” cases it has occurred as in some cases it occurred for a white president. But a disapproval rating of 55% says something loud and clear, he is a horrible president. Shame on Oprah for ignoring all his lies and continuation of Bush policies. She is showing a severe lack of critical thinking skills.

  4443. i don’t care what color his skin is, he’s an incompetent idiot who cares nothing for America, only himself and his cronies.

  4444. I’m beginning to believe that Oprah and Barack are just additional proof that Herrnstein and Murray are correct in their findings.

  4445. No Oprah, we disrespect him because he is a suck president. Jimmy Carter looks like he knew what he was doing compared to this jerk. Only a racist like yourself Ms. O would say that. Switzerland ring a bell Ms. O?

  4446. We know that his white half is just as inept and stupid as his black half.

    The only color that most of us are concerned about is the GREEN that he keeps wasting!

  4447. How can Oprah be this irresponsible? Who put her and Obama in the powerful positions they are in? Ironic, since Obama himself shows tremendous disrespect for his position and his duty to this country. I would honestly think twice about voting for a minority candidate after the racism that is perpetuated by this administration.

  4448. 9 times out of 10, the person claiming racism is usually the racist…this is usually because they are not bright enough to see the real issue or even worse, their racists views are the only views they have. Oprah, I think you’re an idiot not because you are black, but because of what you say….dummy!

  4449. She’s all black and is “loved” by millions. Why?
    He’s part black and his policies are detested by millions. Why?

  4450. Yes, quite right, all of those white folk voted him into office have only recently discovered that he is black. It has nothing to do with him being a liar and a Marxist (as some of us “racists” tried to tell you folks before you put him in to office.) So tell us Oprah, what was it about him that made you endorse him? Did you endorse him because he was black, or because you agreed with his Marxist vision for America?

  4451. I have NO respect for anyone who lies. No matter their color. And I respect even less those who promote race hate, like this woman. I used to respect her, but she just lost it. Just like Steve Harvey. When I watched one of his comedy shows and he told everyone they need to vote for Obama JUST because he was black? C’mon! “We don’t care what his policies are, he’s black so vote!” Seems to me the only real racists are the blacks these days.

  4452. Oprah, as stupid and arrogant as she is, knows that this is a lie. Oprah is saying these things for her own gain as she has made some disastrous business decisions and is attempting to resurrect her career. People dissed Bush much worse than Obama. We’ve had two Presidents in a row who made some very bad decisions. Obama has proven himself to be the most incompetent US President since Jimmy Carter. Carter is actually looking good by comparison so at least Jimmy’s happy, but I think the rest of the country is not too happy…

  4453. Race aside from everything, has nothing to do with America’s feelings for someone who has clearly no business being in the office. We are tired of deceit, whether intentional or not. I clearly an sick (as are others) of the race card being dragged in to play. Respect is an “earned endearment” not a given. Oprah, if he were in your employ (as he is to the American people) how long would you stand for his civil disobedience, spend your hard earned dollars flagrantly? Where would you draw the line?

  4454. oprah is a racist pig, and I disrespect Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, Are you black people proud of the lying socialist scum you elected?

    1. Hilarious too – the blacks that voted for him thought he was “one of them”. He’s not. He has nothing in common with an average American black. He hates America and he looks down on them as much as he does us whites. Look how much worse their economic situations are now under him than whites’ are.

      1. Knowing the history of the Democrat party, it makes no sense why any black man or woman would willingly be a part of that party.

      2. And what’s amazing is Republicans usually have more blacks appointed to posts than Democrats, and since they voted for him because he is black, what are they? Oh yeah racist like oprah the pig oink oink!

  4455. I do not like Obama because he is a pathological liar, his race has nothing to do with how I feel about this horrible man!







  4458. This is just like the BS racism charge she dreamed up in the Zurich Boutique. They did not know her or her little black card and she got offended since they did not bow down to her.

    I am conservative and against obama’s policies and against the way his brain operates. His idea of this country is far different than mine and many others.

  4459. I have always hated this self righteous skank. Saying that you are your own God and in the next breath telling your audience about your 2000 thread count sheets. … REALLY? Can’t face the truth so they continue to spin their narrative until we are more & more divided. Its not good. .. it’s revolting yet NOT surprising.

  4460. Honest to God, these people are deluded beyond hope. NO, we don’t disrespect Obama because he’s “black’. He’s disrespected because he’s an incompetent narcissist who lies constantly. He has no respect for the Constitution, Christians, or law abiding gun owners. He’s spent millions to seal all of his personal records, indicating he has something to hide. He sided with the Muslim brotherhood in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He’s wrecked the economy and created record unemployment by nationalizing banks & corporations, and increasing taxes, welfare and food stamp usage. He’s fanned the flames of racism by injecting discriminatory comments into civil disputes and court cases. He has no respect for the American flag or the military. In short, the man is an inexperienced buffoon who surrounded himself with a gang of of similarly incompetent morons and “czars” who also don’t have a clue, but are dedicated to imposing their socialist agenda on America.

  4461. I know for a fact that many Americans disrespect Oprah because she is fat and has lots of money and doesn’t know when to keep her big mouth shut!

  4462. How do you know you have defeated an Obama supporter? They call you a racist because they can’t argue facts and have nothing to stand on.

  4463. A porker telling porkies about white people…..again!
    What a lying racist bigot……
    She nor obama would be where they are if their bogus accusations were valid…

  4464. No – I dislike him for his arrogance. I will respect the office he holds but will not respect this person until he earns it. By his repeatedly lying, he will never do that!

  4465. Hey Oprah where was the black community during Obama’s youth were they raising him, where was his dad Oprah WHERE please answer the question.

  4466. I dont hate him for being black. I hate him for bwing a liar and for what damage he has done to our once great nation.

  4467. His skin color matters diddly and they know it. It is just an attempt to glorify him. ANOTHER attempt. Evil is evil no matter the color of skin on it.

  4468. I disrespect him because he is a lazy, intellectually lacking, politically conniving man who happens to be half black.

  4469. Juuuuuuuuuust like the disrespect for George W Bush was because he was white, right Orca?

    She is like the vast, vast majority of African Americans. So steeped in their blackness and so marinated in their belief of victimization that’s all they can see. It’s why she threw a fit at the sales girl overseas a couple months back when there was no proof she was slighted at all because of her skin color.

  4470. Has nothing to do with his race or the color of his skin. Has to do with the content of his character. Which he is very much lacking. He is an incompetent buffoon and a puppet to his party. He is destroying the nation from the inside out and making us look bad to the rest of the world.

  4471. Oprah is racist against white people. Did she ever say anything bad about Bush? If she did, she’s a liar and hypocrite. Scratch that, I already know she’s both.

  4472. Send every one of them back to afreaka. They could then live in eternal bliss as an afreakian-afreakian. How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.

  4473. Millions of Americans voted for Mr. Obama because he is black, and they wanted to show that they were NOT racists. Millions of Americans did NOT vote for Mr. Obama because they were afraid that he, not being adequately vetted by Washington, as other Presidential candidates were, had things to hide from them. They knew of his Marxist background, and simply did not feel that he would represent their view. Others, voted for the other candidate because the supported the views of that candidate. or they felt that the other candidate was the best of the choices available at that time.
    The reason that tens of millions of Americans do not support Mr. Obama is not because of his race, but because of his politics and the way he has conducted himself after he gained office. Ms. Winfrey is very wrong in her thinking and her judgment of Americans. This in itself is racist.

  4474. Well then.. ? Who voted for him moron?

    Bull. He was voted into office 2 times so thats a very small percentage that may not like him for his ethnicity. .

    We, for the most part dislike, or hate him because of his Un American views and he is a Tyrant.

    Exhibit A) patient code ICD 9 E 978

    Get it straight Oprah. He’s a destroyer and your enabeling him.

  4475. Obama said his own grandmother was a ” typical ” white person now who is racist you fat Oprah. I am so tired of the race card that is all the left has because they can’t argue on anything else EVER.

  4476. …but MOST disrespect Obama because he is a blatant liar. His charisma and promises only brought Chicago politics inside the white house. He has used government agencies as his henchmen. The man is not to be trusted, and that has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

  4477. Obama is 50% WHITE. Oprah just completely disrespected the white race but saying he is “African American”….

    1. You are right and her comment is racist and ignores the fact that Obama is actually in another minority, while 12.8% are black, only 1.6% are of mixed race and it is thoughtless and cruel of her to ignore this fact. But, actually the reason the 90% of people that liked Obama when they voted for him (85% where white and 4.4% were Asian) is because they thought he was competent, honest, caring, a uniter and would be good for the country….they are upset since they have been proven wrong on all points.

  4478. I don’t like Obama because he is a Marxist, anti-colonialist that is hell-bent on redistributing wealth, both between classes in the US, and globally from the “evil, colonial West” to the third-world. I could not care less that Barack Hussein Obama is black.

  4479. Hey Oprah,

    Did you ever consider that Americans might be a little upset by Obama’s policies? You’re a prime example of just how racist Americans are, aren’t you? A billionaire black woman who made it as a celebrity–not for her athletic skill, her academic knowledge, her physical appearance. America is just fine with Black Americans who work hard and make it. What we cannot stand is a black American who decides to remake America in his leftist idea of utopia. And a man who is arrogant beyond words given a resume that pales in comparison to yours. He couldn’t hold your jockstrap, Oprah, and here he is running the most powerful country in the world…into the ground.

    America isn’t racist. It just doesn’t like arrogant, leftist a ssholes.

  4480. That’s why you’re the most successful daytime TV talker in the history of America, right Oph???

    This race-mongering is beyond ridiculous. Besides, Obama is not a true African-American – he’s half white-American (on his mothers side) and half Arab-African – he’s a foreigner who decided to BECOME “African-American” for political reasons. Even the L.A. Times, back in 2008, called out Obama on his “fake” racial status.

    Give it up Oph – we hate Obama because he’s an arrogant leftist.

  4481. Even more dislike him because he sucks as a president. And who the Hell is Oprah Winfrey? This ‘Man’ had an enormous opportunity, and destroyed it due to an agenda.

  4482. BREAKING: Many hate Obama b/c of his liberal policies. STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD! IT has nothing to do with his skin color. FYI – I hate Hill and Bill just as much.

  4483. I dislike and lack respect for our current President not because of his ethnicity and certainly not because of his education and background (all of that has been tightly sealed from public view). I dislike his actions and do not respect his leadership because he lies and his administration is one of the most incompetent I’ve witnessed. More incompetent than James Earl Carter if that is humanly possible. It is as if he is committed to failure. And he certainly is succeeding at failure.

  4484. The race card, the best excuse to use for the corrupt, ignorant and inept. The socialist left picked a minirity candidate so that any criticism of his hard left socialist ANTI AMERICAN agenda can be deflected by the use of the term racism. How come 75% of african americans still support Obama even though their race has suffered the most under his policies and actions. Who is the real racist ????

  4485. Oh GOD, please help! Yes, Oprah, we don’t like the following because he is black; if it was a white person doing it we would be just rosy!

    1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval
    2) Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton – just like Bush did
    3) Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any
    4) Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.
    5) Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay
    7) Waged the biggest war against medical marijuana of any president, which was the opposite of what he had promised
    8) Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws
    11) Supported Bush’s unconstitutional Patriot Act
    14) Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, warrantless wiretapping
    20) Illegally put thousands of guns into hands of criminals

    And the list goes on and on! But we don’t like him cuz he’s black. Sure, Oprah!

  4486. Why are so many black Americans consumed with race? Why do they have so many race-based grievances that can never be addressed to their satisfaction? Why do
    they demand equality, yet insist on favor and special privileges for themselves? Why do they insist on unearned recognition, but no accountability for failure? What motivates them to insist on inclusive association, except when they choose to exclude others from association with them? Why is self-reliance so rare in black America, and government dependence so common? When will they realize that only they can
    lift themselves from the abyss?

  4487. Obama is just another incompetent black given a position that is way above his intelligence level.
    Studies have shown that sub Saharan blacks have an average IQ of 70,American blacks with 30 percent white heritage have an average IQ level of 80, and that whites have an average IQ level of 100, Asians come in with an average IQ of 106.

  4488. Hate, is a strong word, the root cause of vicious terrible crimes. There are no terrible crimes being committed by anyone beside Obama and his cronies. The color of their skin as any thinking individual can plainly see is not specific to any one race. Obama is part of a multiracial group of people sharing the same ideology, one that is destructive to America.
    The time to cloak Mr. Obamas actions behind the false cover of racism is past and indeed by his very election to office, never existed in the first place. Lets call a spade a spade, no pun intended, Mr. Obama is losing support of some and never had support of others because of his beliefs, actions and lies, these betray the country and it people, people of many races.

  4489. What about all those that voted for him only because he’s black; is that not racist ???

  4490. Anything to get into the headlines. Sure, some people hate him because he’s black. But only a small minority. Most people are reasonable and over the black white non-issue and hate the guy because of his policies and lies. It’s the left who only care about his race. That’s why leftists turds voted for him. These double speaking libs get caught up in their own webs of hypocrisy every single day.

  4491. I don’t like u or respect u and think u are an overpaid, overrated blowhard, and it had nothing to do with your race.

  4492. NO NO NO NO NO. This is one of the smartest women in the world! EVERY CONSERVATIVE I KNOW would trip over themselves to vote for Dr. Ben Carson if he were the Republican candidate for president. And we would have voted for Herman Cain if the media hadn’t destroyed him because they were afraid of losing their race card. I listen to Herman Cain in the mornings on radio – the guy is uplifting, inspiring and articulates the conservative message in such an entertaining, no-nonsense and enlightening way, I find myself thinking how amazing it would have been to watch his presidential speeches, which might actually bring people together, not split them further apart. IT IS IDEOLOGY, NOT COLOR. Ideology, not color.

    Our main issue race-wise is that many of us feel that Obama was elected ONLY because he was black. The guy had no background that anyone knew of, no experience, never held a real job, yet so many people voted for him, and we think it was because of his color and nothing else.

    By the way, to the liberals on this site – don’t be duped by the racist comments you read in these article comments sections. There are groups of people out there on the far left who spend all day trolling these sites posting the most racist comments they can think of. They are Democrat plants, NOT conservatives.

    1. I respect you because you might be one of the good guys. but this real and it is what it is. many aren’t like you and turning a blind eye won’t solve the problem. Peace on earth good will to all men.

      1. Thank you, Thomas, But it is simply not true. There may be a racist fringe in America – which exists on both sides, by the way – but take a look at WND.com – go to their commentators section and see how many black conservatives there are. We don’t care what color you are, it is purely ideology, and the frustration is that color is used by the left as an excuse and reason for so many things when it should not be. People like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and even President Obama and Eric Holder, try to proliferate this separation, this difference between colors, and it works, which is unfortunate. The Democrats, like it or not, are treating black people as if they are “special needs”. As you read the black commentators on WND, you might begin to realize that conservatives don’t see individual groups of anyone as special needs, but as people, period.

        1. I understand my friend. but when was the last time that the police asked you for your I D when you were coming out of your own house because of breakin in the neighborhood? Or you got locked up for telling someone not to raise his voice in your own house. this issue is real.

          1. I understand. That’s not political, though. That Obama is black, I assure you, has nothing to do with why we oppose him. Except insomuch as he and others blow off our legitimate concerns by using “racism”. I can’t tell you how frustrating that is. It’s like, the president is black, so we are no longer allowed to take issue with his policies. Look at Obamacare. We were right about it all along. Our opposition was not racial, it was ideological. Millions of people have lost their plans, millions are losing their jobs, but we were and continue to be called racists for having a legitimate opposing viewpoint, disqualifying our arguments. Special needs, Thomas. They are treating you like you are special needs. It should be as insulting to you as it is to us when our debate is blown off with the “racists” excuse.

            1. When people see me what do you think that their first thought is? I get stereotyped even when they don’t know me as a human being.Why should people not understand the mistrust of intentions. This president is the same as every other president. I didn’t vote for him.

  4493. So how does Opie characterize the venal, corrosive things said about George W. when he was President? If black people derided and criticized W. were they acting in a racist manner? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, no Opie? What about Americans that just don’t like progressive collectivists and National Socialists implementing their change policies on an unsuspecting public? Are they racist too?

  4494. Oprah, we don’t like him because he is dividing this country. Guess we will have to put you on that list now too!

  4495. She states it’s the kind of thing noone says but everyone thinks. Really? Seems like everyone says it, and hardly noone thinks it. He’s disliked for his extreme policies and if anyone disrespects the office he holds, I contend Obama himself does that better than anyone else.

  4496. When the real truth comes to the surface about a failed President’s socialist agenda and he is exposed and has no defense O W has only 2 things to blame….

    Race or George W. Bush…

    Want to see what America is going to look like by the end of Obama’s term in office?

    Just look at Detroit….

  4497. Oprah is an idiot as well as King Obama. Any time you disagree with a african American you get stereotyped. Well it just could be because they are stupid and have no clue as to what they are doing but no, use the race card that works!!!! Stupid people make stupid comments…

  4498. Oprah I don’t respect Obama because he is RED the color of communism not black oh and she and other blacks always forget about that white mom and white grandparents that raised him while his black dad ran off.

  4499. Oprah, stop showing your ignorance. We can’t stand any liberal democrat and that crosses all races and both sexes.

  4500. This has nothing to do with color , maybe the people get angry and say something about his color in anger and disappointment but if he was white and doing what Obama is doing now it would be the same, they had a name for Nixon tricky Dickie because they were disappointed in him. Obama got elected twice and I am sure it was not all African Americans that voted for him . We do not know what a candidate running for President will do until they are in office then it’s too late to do any thing . I am sure this is not only a white issue I believe white and black americans are very disappointed and very worried. I am disappointed in Oprah for saying that we are being racist about Obama I really liked and respected her but I can not believe she would say what did say, I never thought she was like that ……..

  4501. This country who made her a billionaire and elected a community organizer is still a racist country. Just because Americans disagree with his Socialist policies does not make us a racist, Oprah. Just because Americans think he is lying does not make a racist, Oprah!!!

    1. She made a billion dollars by calling Americans racist. Al Sharpton should take lessons from Oprah.

  4502. Oprah, I disrespect him because he is incompetent and he is destroying America. But, it’s not his fault.

  4503. Only blacks are concerned about race white people never talk about it at all. I am white I am not racist i just hate liberals that want to destroy America. Oprah is a fat mouthed race baiting idiot.

  4504. this white guy voted twice for him— now I see him as the worst ‘manager of the govt ever- he thinks hes above ;managing and has hired a bunch od dolts and minorities and foriegners to do it— im so sorry

    1. Gee, at least you have the cajones to admit you voted for him! I honestly cannot find anyone who will admit that today. Congratulations on your wisdom and judgment in changing your mind given the reality of the situation!

  4505. That is why Mr. Obama is polling at 39% job approval because he is so darn popular and well loved, not to mention truthful.

  4506. No body says it because it isn’t true! Oprah “black” and became one of the richest women in the world- Obama totally without a single qualification becomes President-black- was he appointed or was he voted into office? The “race” thing is the new “dog ate my homework” lame excuse–Using Black as a reason for things is keeping racism alive and it is being done almost exclusively by blacks-Oprah should look just a litle deeper than skin color- maybe at policy like oh Health care- whatever color it is a rotten rotten idea and as Oprah may notice not working too well!!!Could it be color isn’t what is wrong with it? Hmmmmmm I think so!

  4507. “The
    best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to
    take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand
    tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will
    not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at
    which these changes cannot be reversed.”
    This was a Quote by Adolf Hitler.. Does this sound like someone we all know that is in power today??

  4508. No we reject Obama because of his ideas. America will become tone deaf to the constant ringing of the racism bell.

  4509. Sorry Oprah, you’re dead wrong on this one. We don’t like Obama because he’s a liar, a deceiver, a socialist, a dictator and he’s taking our country in the wrong direction. Just watch what’s going on right now with Obamacare. I’m sure he wishes right now that his failing health program had never been introduced. I can’t wait for 2016 to see him go down as the worst president ever to run our country. Jimmy Carter pales in comparison to him.

    1. Oprah supports lying, deceiving, socialism, and dictatorship. I would say OPRAH is the enemy.

  4510. Obama spent over 20 years ‘At the Feet’ of the racist Rev. Wright, AND as a member of the racist TUCC group – watch a Rev. Wright sermon and pay close attention to his audiences reactions…pure racism and HATRED fully displayed. She supported Obama even after he spent all those years with the racist Rev. Wright and racist TUCC group…that makes Oprah a racist OR at least a supporter of black racists!

  4511. Another pathetic example of a celebrity putting their IQ on display. Oprah is a coddled celebrity leftist who has a combination of celebrity guilt combined with leftist ideology. She has no ability to understand why Americans disappove of Obama and the job he is doing. Sure there are some Americans who truly hate Obama, but my guess is the number of people who hate him just because he is black is most likely an extreme minority.
    Oprah should go back to making up stories of racism against her and leave the political analysis to the professionals.

  4512. Give us a break, Oprah. Not every person’s views are based on race. We hate the President’s policies and EVERYTHING he stands for, not his race. I’d hate a white Anglo-Saxan Protestant who was trying to destroy America with the same policies. This dislike for the vast majority of Americans has absolutely nothing to do with race. If Americans were still as racist as you claim, you’d never have been successful. You should be ashamed to claim that the same American people who propelled you to success are racist. You are not helping the situation, you are making it worse. And :Obama has done the same thing.

  4513. Oprah, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Disrespect for the President is very strong.I often wonder if President Obama was a Republican would people still dislike him? My thought is it shouldn’t matter what color or political party you are in you still should respect the president. This is the United States! What has happened to this country of democracy? Jiminy Cricket! I didn’t like President Bush not because he was a Republican but because I thought he was a screw up, but that was my opinion and I didn’t force it or disrespect him because of it. Thank you Oprah for saying what I have felt all along.

    1. Oh yeah. Nobody, and I mean nobody, ever disrespected President GW Bush. Is he a closet black person too Oprah? I was told repeatedly for years by liberal friends they were capable of respecting the office while hating the man in the chair and vocally slurring his every thought, word, and action. Guess what? What goes around comes around. People are treating this president’s incometence just the way liberals modeled it for them. Most of us could care less that 1/8 of him is a black man. Or 1/2 is white, or 3/8 is arab. We think he is incapable of being president. In kindergarten we are taught to play well with others. Oh yeah, there you have it – he never went to kindergarten.

    2. Respect is earned. How could you possibly respect someone who supports the murder of innocent children whether they be in Afghanistan or in the womb? How can you respect someone who lies to the American people (you) over and over,sends our troops to die in other countries not to defend freedom, but to make way for a New World order? Arming a gestapo security force here in America while attempting to disarm the American people and signed away our right to due process? Ann, wake up!

    3. I think you’re a hypocrite Ann. Not sure how you think your any different in your view than I am in my view on Obama. Obama’s policies are my issue, just like you didn’t like Bush because of his. In fact, I’ll do one up on you and let you know that I dislike Bush’s policies as well. Like the Patriots Act, which has been put into overdrive by this administration! Both a socialist’s because BOTH want more govt. and not less. When someone wants MORE govt. they are a socialist. Actually, socialist at best. Communist’s at worse.

  4514. Questioning Obama’s policies is no where near the same as disrespecting the Office of the Presidency. He is not a king, something that needs to be pointed out to his supporters, his wife and to him as well.

    1. that’s smack on the mark……I am also so sick of people blaming somebody else or the race card for their lack of success………….

  4515. Oprah, your bias and racism is affecting your judgement. You are making a big deal out of a few people. Why even bring it up? those people are just like people who hate anything. They will exist no matter what.
    How can black people expect no racism when they say stupid things like “everybody’s thinking about it, they just don’t say it.”? That statement is akin to the question, “when did you stop beating your wife”? It is based on a fallacious assumption of Critical Race Theory that says whites are racist, even if we don’t know it. NO one else, just whites. It is sophomoric and requires an I.Q. of 70 to accept such vicious concepts as fact.

  4516. Oprah does not see the BIG picture…so here it is: AMERICA WILL ALWAYS FIGHT/RESIST SOCIALISM REGARDLESS OF THE COLOR OF THE SKIN OF THE PRESIDENT!!!! Anyone, Oprah, that holds ZERO respect for the Constitution of the United States of America…I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH!!! You just carry on with your racist calling program…but it doesn’t wash any more…because you Liberal Socialist Progressives people are the ONLY ones hurling the epithet!!! We are arguing POLICY for AMERICAN’S…and you are hurling racial slurs…see the difference???

  4517. your the only one thinking it Oprah.. get over your self your the racist. and there was way more disrespect for Bush then obama . I’m a so called minority and let me tell you in my life the most racist people are hispanicks and african americans

  4518. will people PLEASE stop supporting this woman? At least until she stops race baiting. She doesn’t deserve, appreciate, or dignify being a billionaire. She should be ashamed.

  4519. Yep, and that’s the reason conservatives are enamored with Allen West…because we hate black people. What IF…Obama’s just a bad president with policies that I am strongly opposed to? Do I have to approve of those policies or else be called a racist? I think the racist is the person who sees everything as a function of the color of skin and can’t imagine that others are any different…Oprah.

  4520. If you think this will help your struggling network, you thought wrong. When you endorsed him, you lost half your viewership, now watch your network do a death spiral. Not liking one’s ideology, does not equate to liking their skin color.

  4521. oh BOO HOO Opra quit playing the race card no one is buying it anymore.. Obama is disrespected because he’s a MORON who doesn’t seem to either know how to work or want to work for the PEOPLE of this country that do..

  4522. Oprah is not good for the American people or the Nation. Anybody who supports Obama, i.e wars, socialism, infringements on our liberties, the murder of innocent children whether they be in Afghanistan or in the womb is absolutely evil.

  4523. time to stop listening or supporting Oprah….she made millions because she worked hard and this country gave her opportunities she would not have had elsewhere..time for her to go and stop assuming we are all racist.. what a copout excuse.. this president is incompetent..not because he is black but because he is incompetent..

  4524. I am sick and tired of liberals playing the race card. It creates a boy who cried wolf situation because the left falsely accuses racism so much when someone is really being racist no one cares.

  4525. Racism used to mean the belief that one race was superior to another. Then for a while it became just a replacement for bigotry or prejudice (both of which used to mean different things, now they’re the same thing). Now it just means you don’t like Obama. Our vocabulary is under assault.

  4526. What a buffoon. Oprah, shut up, shut up, shut up! Why do racist, arrogant, ignorant a-holes constantly play the race card! Did it ever occur to you that Obama is just a moron and it has nothing to do with the fact that he’s black, er, white, er, black, er white? 50/50 right? Black father/white mother. Doesn’t that just make him of “mixed ethnicity”. A-Holes!

  4527. That is a lie out of the pit of hell! No one is doing that and especially in America, we do not hold racial ideas against anyone. For instance, Obama and his policies we hate but Dr. Carsons we love!! Both men are black. Has nothing Oprah to do with skin color and you are racist for even bringing it up. None but you have race on your shoulder. Get over it Oprah and any other black person. It isn’t existing except perhaps in a few “idiots” who engage in such. But the over all general population got over that years ago. So you too need to get over it and deal with REAL problems that exist. When you are black and are not doing right or are incompetent to lead and deal with things doesn’t mean people feel that way toward you because you are black, or white or green or yellow! It has to do with you are just not cutting it!!! Oprah don’t you have any intelligence and an education at all. Or are you falling into the same category asObama – just incompetnant to make words come out right!

  4528. This race crap has to stop. I dislike him because of his policies, not his skin color! I have lived here in the US for 8 years and the only racism I have seen is black on white. This includes racism directed at me. I guess that will make me a racist.

  4529. I wish everyone would stop using the term “Nazi”. They were “National Socialists”, much like the Democrat Party.

  4530. Oprah has exposed herself as a racist fool. Being black didn’t hurt her career. People hate Obama because he is a far left traitor trying to destroy our country.

    Oprah lost her popularity because she used her show for political purposes.

  4531. No, Oprah, I dislike him for the s*** that comes out of his mouth, it’s the same reason I dislike you.

  4532. Hey Oprah, most people recognize evil when they see it! Obama is morally bankrupt as is most socialist liberals.

  4533. I used to watch Oprah religiously, because she was in touch. I do now find her to be totally out of touch, and care not to give her the time of day for her racist ideas. I guess her true colors are finally coming out !

  4534. I have never judged anyone by the color of their skin but by the content of their character….I despise the political stance that Obama represents and the notion from Oprah that “everyone” is thinking it.

  4535. This coming from another pathological liar who lied about being sexually abused as a child

  4536. These kind of comments are racist in nature. More comments like hers have done great harm to race relations in this country. I dont like him because of what he is doing to my country. He hates America and should be recalled. I can go on all day but he is not worth any more of my time. Sorry for our country

  4537. Wow. Lady, you are exactly like a NAZI party member circa 1936. You refuse to admit the shortcomings of your psychotic leader and seek to blame his critics for the failures of his brand of statism rather than face the facts. You ignore his penchant for violence as you believe in the Fabian lie that the ends justify the means. You are the racist, and you are an enabler for this psychotic. He has killed more brown people than dubya, and he intends on killing more Americans who dare resist his police state. That is why people are turning on him rather than a dislike of the color of his skin.

  4538. What a shame – so many will hear her lies around the world, when the truth is we who don’t have respect for Obama and stand against his presidency don’t CARE about the color of his skin – it’s ALL ABOUT the CONTENT OF HIS CHARACTER.

    Anyone who can serially LIE to the American people doesn’t deserve to be in that esteemed office. Black, white, or any other “race” or demographic breakdown – skin color is IRRELEVANT to what is happening!! The ideology that is DESTROYING this country, and the fraud that is inflicting suffering upon MILLIONS – both here in the US (e.g. ObamaCare) and around the world (can you say “Egypt?” can you say, “Benghazi?” can you say, “Fast & Furious?”) – that is what we see. The debt that is being strapped to our children and grandchildren so this ideology can “fundamentally transform” America…..THAT is what we stand against! And that would be true for ANY person of any race, creed, sex, religion, or other “class” you can imagine, who was the sitting president.

    What a shame that apparently Oprah ONLY sees the color of a person’s skin, and can’t get beyond it.

  4539. Oprah is a bigger idiot than I thought. People dislike obama because he is incompetent not because of his skin color. He hasn’t solved the unemployment problem, the economy is barely limping along, people have less real income than before he came to power, his health-care bill is a dismal failure, all of our enemies laugh at the foreign policy failures of obama, he is stealing money from people who have worked hard their whole life and redistributing it to the bums of society. He is endorsing amnesty for illegal aliens solely so he can expand his political base. He is patently anti-American in these and many other ways. There have been more scandals in his administration than in any previous administration. He has been telling lies since his first presidential campaign in 2007-2008 and the electorate foolishly believed him. These are some of the reasons we don’t like him.

  4540. Fat Oprah can suck it…this racism BS has gone too far. Obama and Oprah are supported by more white people than blacks or latinos combined. Neither of these “victims” would have a pot to pee in without white supporters. Did it ever occur to idiot Oprah that most conservatives have as much disdain for nancy pelosi and harry reid as they do barack obama?

  4541. Most people do not like Obama because of his repeated failures and the fact he doesn’t learn from them. Most of all he proimsed one thing campaigning in 2008 and delivered something totally different. This has been the most incompetent presidency in history.
    It would be the same regardless of his race. Yes, there are some people who hate Obama because he is black. Just as there were some people who hate George W. because he is white. That’s a only a small portion of the electorate.
    The great failure of our discussion on racism is that we limit it to white racism rather than expand it to cover all racism. Racism is an equal opportunity hater. There are black racist, brown racist, oriental racists, middle eastern racists, native american racists; all races have their racists. They are all wrong.

  4542. With more than 95% of Blacks voting for him, that would make some Black people racist too in not voting for a white candidate.

  4543. “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”
    Hmmm, maybe that’s what happened to Dubya. The Office of the President was diminished because of his ‘whiteness’…? Since when is recognizing incompetence an indication of racism?

  4544. He gets no respect or credibility because of his lack of leadership skills, his deceitful actions, his outright lies, his total disregard for the laws of the United States, his complete unwillingness to cooperate or hold anyone accountable the actions of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal and now his signature debacle, Obabmacare. He has no regard for the dangers of continuing to run up our debt and deficit. No where do I reference race.

  4545. You might be right Oprah about hating him because he is an African, but I am still not a believer that he is an American. His phony trip to Hawaii to see his “ailing” grandmother who he had not seen for 35 years raises many questions. I don’t think people hate you because you are African so why do they hate Obama? Could it be that he is the most overblown, arrogant, divisive, untrustworthy lying president who has ever been in the WH? Maybe it is because of his wife who is such a shabby representative of the American presidency. Maybe it is because he thinks he is king rather than just president and maybe it is because of the way he treats people who do not agree with him. Need I go on, Oprah?

  4546. The doofus-in-chief is also 50% white and 100% ignorant.
    What are we to say about that you fat cow?

  4547. Couldn’t we just say that people don’t approve of him because he’s half white? Why do you get to take credit for a whole black when half of him belongs to us? LOL

  4548. Time and time again, we are shown who the real racists are.

    “Racism is a refuge for the ignorant…”

  4549. Oprah? I bet if he were white he’d have been impeached by now. That race thingie is working for him not against him.

  4550. People like Oprah make it all about race. If she wasn’t black she would never be where she is today. I guess that sort of racism is okay though. She makes me gag!

  4551. Pot…. meet Kettle. Ms. Winfrey, what happened to considering the total & complete incompetence five years on the job and LYING to the people he has as the criteria for consideration? I don’t care what skin colors are involved, but ‘The Oprah’ sure as hell does. The sad, angry people who hate over race (racists) do it because they don’t have the mental faculties available to access ‘higher order’ thinking & many have been conditioned in their youth by racists in their own pasts. What a parrot to caw the admin’s call overseas, maybe she can go back and get her multi-thousand dollar Swiss purse she left behind because the Swiss didn’t kiss her behind. Sick.

  4552. I detest those excuses. That is always has been the fall back for the democrats. Bush was crucified by the media but we have all had to walk gingerly if criticizing the deceit and incompetence of this unprepared president because of him getting a pass because of race. You criticize him you must be racist – an easy answer for those who don’t want to deal with facts. One fact is quite strong – over 40 times he made statements about the Health Care law that were lies and he knew it – or if he didn’t, he was incompetent to not even know what was in his signature law.

  4553. She’s a racist. He is no more Black than he is White. It isn’t about race, Oprah. It’s about Obama trying to destroy America.

  4554. I hate people who continue to play that same old card game we know as the race card game. Find a new game Oprah, you’re boring me.

  4555. i guess she keep forgetting that he half in half in not just black but also white so how can people hate him cause he black when he not a 100% black in last time I check dick cheney was his cousin in he not black

  4556. Oprah, As I recall you had no respect for G.W. Bush….because he was white correct? Now, I know you are a smart savvy woman who knows exactly why many Americans disrespect obama. He is a self serving narcissist who looks Americans in the face and lies. He hides behind the I know nothing about nothing excuse. He just happens to be, yes I am going to say it, 1/2 black.

  4557. I’m starting to think there’s nothing we can do to not be considered racist. Oprah is a billionaire, Obama is a millionaire and president. In what other country in the world have minorities achieved so much.

    You’re not forced to be here. You’re more than welcome to migrate to greener pastures. If things are so bad here. Please just leave. Personally, I’m just done with the constant guilt trip.

    1. I’ll go you one better. If Oprah and Obama promise to leave the country and never come back, I’ll pay their plane fare to anywhere they want to go.

  4558. Rather people disagree with Obama because his politics are way too far to the left for most folks, and his real life experience so lacking as to make him incapable of leading the country. Race has nothing to do with it and is only an issue for those trying to make excuses for incompetence.

  4559. It’s a real shame that some people do hate him because he’s black. They don’t seem to notice all the horrible things be says and does because they are focused on that.

  4560. Let Oprah spout off all she wants. She has about as much credibility as the British BS Channel and Obama…..which is to say, ZERO.

  4561. Oprah is nothing but a house negro for the white liberals. It’s been that way for a very long time… really nothing new here.

  4562. Ahhh, playing the race-card again, Oprah! Your proclamation bears no substance, Oprah. The real reason people don’t like him is that he is a totally inept, arrogant, narcissistic liar! PERIOD! I still believe he is living his life through the eyes of his belligerent drunken womanizing father who dumped him. ‘Ole Dad, as it were, hated the USA and taught his son to be like himself. It worked.

  4563. I didn’t know I was a racist until BO became president. Until then I thought I opposed the progressive/oppressive agenda of the left. I am confused as to whether or not I will still be a racist if we have a progressive white president next time because I guarantee I won’t like those policies either.

  4564. Being tolerant does not mean you fawn over every person of color that exists.
    It means you judge them by their actions, by the content of their character, as Rev. King said.

  4565. Actually I believe you are 1/2 correct. He is AFRICAN…there is no such thing as an AFRICAN AMERICAN unless you have immigrated to this country and applied for citizenship. Mr Obama is a BLACK (1/2) and not an AFRICAN AMERICAN. It could be he has his heritage includes AFRICA but there is no such thing as an AFRICAN AMERICAN. I think it is stupid to refer to him as such. He is BLACK….he is a black 1/2 American…..1/2 black…..1/2 white. So get a clue. It seems the only “RACISTS” in this country are BLACKS!!!!! when it comes to this prez.

  4566. Give it a rest already !! We and Europeans don’t respect him because he is dishonest. He has a warped Stalinist socialist view of society.

  4567. Oh get real. He had the greatest opportunity to make a difference in the Black community by example. Instead he has torn the Black community down made them government dependent, and stolen jobs from them. It’s a shame he could have been a real role model for Blacks, instead he’d rather be king and tear down a great country!

  4568. you know in your heart that is racist bilge – America hates the evil black moooslim because he is an evil communist muslim working to destroy the USA

  4569. Sorry, but that is not true. Americans love a winner, he is not, he is Corrupt and Incompetent… That is why Americans don’t like him..

    1. Were you ever? If you are of conservative ideology, the blacks seem to want to vilify you and refuse to respect you as one of their own. this isn’t about racial injustice it is political prejudice. In that respect, Ideology then has become a race in this country.

  4570. Oprah has too much unwarranted influence on the public.
    Obama chose freely to disavow his white side to be the black president.

  4571. All that money and she still hasn’t seen the wizard for a brain…

    must not be covered under ACA

  4572. Hey Oprah: isn’t it about time you removed that two-by-four from your shoulder? when you’re a billionaire moaning about victimhood, the sympathy meter never gets off zero. as for Zero himself, it isn’t about race, it’s about incompetence and the arrogance that produces it.

  4573. OPRAH OPRAH OPRAH, say it isn’t so, you are one of the most influential , black persons in America today, I only call you B,ack as you have chosen to tell me a white cracker that I AM RACIST? And all because I , unlike you can not and will not follow the fist half WHITE socialist President into financial ruin.
    Yes your wealth earned was made by giving the MULTI RACIAL woman of our country some one to look up to, not some one to start racial tension, you came out in favor of this complete empty suit , now when things are falling apart you want to call us racist , what a truelly sad sad day.
    I have an idea how about you do a special on all the good and positive things Barrack Huessein Obama has done for this country, don’t worry about finding the time to put it together as it will be a verrrrrry short story with opening credits two second of blank screen then roll the ending credits.
    I for one find your race baiting quite offensive and want you and all the ret that racist use t be a dirty word and meaning , now Racist means if you don’t agree with a DEMONcrat your a racist, very sad day when some one of your suture would throw in with a liar and thief such as you helped elect, maybe it was your racist viewers that allowed you to be this way?

  4574. If racism is deceit!, lack of leadership, uncontrollable spending, the worst leadership since Carter, political pay-offs, forcing one’s will on others, unable to balance the governments budget, then yes I am a racist.

      1. —– Original Message —–
        From: Disqus
        To: [email protected]
        Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 7:08 AM
        Subject: Re: New comment posted on [VIDEO] Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’ s BLACK


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        9:08 a.m., Friday Nov. 15

        Reply to wildbill357

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        If racism is deceit!, lack of leadership, uncontrollable spending, the worst leadership since Carter, political pay-offs, forcing one’s will on others, unable to balance …
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  4575. When the truth is not on the side of people with their heads up their a55es, they play the race card.

  4576. Actually, you race obsessed fool, I detest our President because he is a Marxist, an elitist, a complete narcissist and a complete failure with respect to his inability to lead and govern the greatest nation on earth. Question, did I also dislike George Bush because he was white? I must be racist against whites also.
    Money does not bring wisdom, obviously.

    Does Oprah the Orca only support Obama BECAUSE he is black (half actually), she must therefore be the racist here.

    The “cry racist” screed is so tired, so worn out and overused, no one is listening anymore.

  4577. So, does that make Dr. Carson a racist?? Allen West, a racist?? I can think of many more prominent Black freedom loving Americans with his skin color (her skin color) who disagree with this administration’s socialistic, Muslim views. Oprah seems to forget that a lot of “white” Americans are the product of “black” ancestry.

    And while I am on that topic, I would like to see her lay her hand on a black sheet of paper and then tell me that her skin color is “black”. I can lay my hand on a white sheet of paper and I am NOT “white”. We are all just varying tones of brown, various shades. God created us that way. Stop the hyphenations!! Stop the name calling!! These things create disunity, discord and disgust.

    1. Dawn makes a good point. I greatly admire Dr Carson, Allen West, Connie Rice, Herman Cain and Thomas Sowell. I don’t care about their race, I like them because they are patriots. There are other blacks I admire but those come to my mind first.

      My experience is that the people that throw out accusations of racism, have no other argument and are the true racists. They disgust me.

    2. An interesting point is that Dr. Carson and Allen West, as well as many other black folks of conservative ideology are respected and supported with no regard to their race. This is much the same as Mr. Obama experienced and the shine has come off that because he has proven himself unworthy of respect in the eyes of Americans by his actions.

  4578. Ah….there it is again!

    Libbies – who elected a man less qualified for the office of President than any other in the last century, just “know” – they’re absolutely certain – that anyone opposed to the shocking ineptitude, and arrogance, and socialist tendencies, and circumvention of the rule of law….and the lingering putrid stench of multiple serious scandals (Benghazi, F&F, IRS, NSA…) is….wait for it, the endless libbie plaint….

    …..a RACIST!

    Wow – must be simply great to be able to divert any valid (much-needed, in this case) criticism of actual performance into a whine about how those pointing out the failures are simply racists.

    Tell me – did anyone notice Oprah expressing such deep concern for the “dignity of the office” when the libbie press endlessly tried to diminish GWB? Anyone?

    Libbies – they’re entitled, ignorant, injurious, but just SO SURE that the rest of the world simply hasn’t yet evolved to their level of nuance, and insight, and intellect.

    Sad to be a libbie. Sad.

    – Snark

  4579. Now that she no longer has a syndicated show and is on cable her true “colors” have come out. And to think she made a lot of her fortune from those same white racists that are crawling out of the woodwork now and according to her hate obama because he is black. I thought her world view was bigger than that. I guess not.

  4580. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that
    occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African
    American” No Oprah it’s because he is a lair and a criminal it would make no difference if he was black or white.

  4581. Did racist Oprah jump up and give a black power salute after this interview like she usually does? Oprah, Oprah, Oprah! Why do you always put White people down? THEY made you, a nobody, super rich! You owe them!

    1. There are mathematical mysteries surrounding the percentage of votes in too many key precincts to explain in any other way than election fraud. Obama is a charlatan, plain and simple and is the most dishonest president in American history.

  4582. So the pure hate from the left when Bush was in office was just people voicing their dislike for what the govt was doing but any contempt for O bamas POLICIES is ra cist…. Oh I get it. Same ole sheet.. Big deal, he’s blaaaaaccccckkkk. I still don’t like his policies, but it doesn’t mean I’m raaaaccccciiiisssstt….

  4583. no its because he is deceitful and a poor leader with many unkowns about his past who happens to be white/black

  4584. So I’m a racist if I point out that Barry is in way over his head and he is incompetent. Who would have known.

  4585. I supported Herman Cain; I now support Allen West as my first choice candidate for 2016 and I still can’t stand the Imposter-in-chief, Am I still a racist? Hey Nitro Norris! You are one cool dude!!!

  4586. I don’t disrespect him because of his race I would vote for Dr. Ben Carson in a heartbeat. Dr. Carson is a man of integrity and faith. Obama is not. Yet, I will say this It would have to be someone really, really special like Dr. Carson before I would ever vote for a black person again because it seems black people can do or say anything and if we object our concerns are disregarded as racist. I predict this will be the last black person in The White House because of this.

    1. Janet,
      too many folks respect Dr. Carson and Allen West to conclude that the Obama debacle would limit any future presidency to any specific racial group or for that matter, gender. Condoleezza Rice as an example is also one that has the respect and support of many in this country because of her integrity, character and proven competence, Hillary Clinton, not so much, she is a liar, and charlatan same as Mr. Obama.
      Vote out the ones trying to enslave us by taking back the senate in 2014, then lets Impeach and remove this lying, underhanded poor excuse for a human being occupying the Whitehouse.

  4587. Crapola-I though it was because he was a jerk, a narcissist, an A$$hole and a Marxist.

    Thanks Oprah for straightening me out on that !

  4588. That’s all The Big Zero’s sycophants can throw at their detractors. “Racism! Bigotry! Trayvon haters!” To Oprah, everything in life is about race. Quite the opposite in mine. If she had an ounce of decency in her bones, she’d see that the libs sent up an unqualified recruit who was full of BS, and did to the US the exact same thing the gangstas in the hoods have done to Detroit and Chicago. They killed it, and are looking over to my hood to kill it, too.

  4589. We disrespect him for lying, deceiving, and failing to respect the law, the populace, the social contract, for living like a king and allowing his wife to live like a queen while others are stressed.

    We disrespect him for choosing which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore.

    We disrespect him for attempting to make new laws by decree, again, like a king.

    There is so much more!

    His race is incidental.

  4590. So if someone points out Obumo’s poor policies, his untruths that he keeps repeating, the scandals that have occurred and are continuing these last 5 years, the far left and inexperienced people he surrounds himself with, the trillions of $$$$ spent that are unanswered for, for shutting down this gov’t to make a “gotcha” moment when in fact this OBUMOCARE disaster should never have seen the light of day…. We can go on an on. WE ARE RACISTS?????? We have seen people who were not qualified for a position , but most have grown into the job and excelled. It does not matter what color he is. The only place Obumo should be is on a golf course(on his dime). Where he can cheat on his score as much as he wants. Just not destroy this country.

  4591. Why would he want to transform a country he loved? Once the seas parted and the earth healed we found a deeply ideologic President who chosen method is divide and conquer. The ends don’t justify the means.

  4592. It’s long overdo that Americans remove the race card from the deck and end white guilt once and for all.


    1. Don’t sugar coat it Al, tell us how you really feel, it’s OK, you’re amongst like minded folks!

  4594. Dear Oprah…Many disrespect Obama because he is incompetent..he is condescending..he is a socialist….he is an elitist…he is lazy…he is uninformed and uninterested in his job….he really doesn’t like this country that he leads and it shows every time he opens his mouth…..I can go on all day….he HIDES behind the color of his skin, which is another reason I don’t respect him…when he was first elected, as much as disagreed with his politics I didn’t dislike him the person….now..I cannot stand the sound of his voice…..even with my eyes closed.

  4595. So what else is new? I don’t know 1 person who dislikes Obama because he’s black and many of these people had Herman Cain top of their list…last time I looked he was still black. George Bush haters of another race weren’t accused of being racist …hmm

  4596. Doesn’t she realize her statements are reinforcing the stereotype that blacks are inherently inferior and cannot compete or debate with white or Asian or Hispanics, or anyone for that matter, and their stupidity, lies, and incompetence should thus be ignored?

    Obama is a fake, phony fraud; has been a total failure in all policies, domestic and foreign. No President has lied like him. No President has repeatedly shown gross incompetence by not knowing things any executive (or a manager of a shoe store) would be briefed on every other week (e.g. “Are we on track with the website? What do the tests show? Will it work as advertised?)

    Killing OBL, is like getting 1 question right on a test that has a 1,000 questions.

  4597. I hate Obama for the same reason I hate Oprah… and it has nothing to do with the color of their skin… pretty sure it has everything to do with being arrogant, elitist narcissistic $hit for brains.

  4598. I disagree, wasn’t his mother white? I think people are upset with his policies but using the race card lets him off the hook.

  4599. Obama is the most powerful man in the world. Labeling him as a victim is one of the stupidist things I have ever heard.

  4600. Oprah is the racist. If Obama was a white guy and was responisble for the Obamacare train wreck , but claimed he knew nothing as away of avoideing responsibility, she would be first in line calling Obama a failure as a President. Earth to Oprah you can’t throw the race card and expect people to buy it in view of the undeniable truth in front of your eyes, Obama blew it and you can’t use racism as a way of smearing anyone who daress to point out the obvious.

  4601. Hey Orca! There are many Blacks that are loved and respected by most Conservatives and moderates. Rep. Allen West and Dr. Ben Carson to name a couple. There are 10 more that come to mind. Oblamer did not get elected because of just the Black vote!
    I am sick of these whiny Liberals blaming Racism for everything They fail!
    Obama is disliked and not respected because He is a Marxist and His policies are destroying Our Country! PERIOD! He is incompetent and sucks at His Job! The world is getting more dangerous and our economy is tanking because of this Buffoon and His Democrat Minions! THAT is the facts!

    1. iatemine,

      Can you help clarify you comment “His policies are destroying Our Country! PERIOD!” Did you mean to say His policies are destroying Our Country! PERIOD! unless those policies change.

        1. apparently you missed the humor in my comment, just a play on words on the Period statement and the lying SOB in the Whitehouse.
          on a serious note, I question if he really sucks at his job or is brilliant? Nobody on the planet could be so stupid and incompetent as this guy while rising to the level of President. This has to be his plan for the destruction of the country.

  4602. Not because he is black.
    Because he is a socialist bent on the complete destruction of our way of life.
    Because he is working toward dismantling the greatest nation of the face of the planet, one that has saved the entire world from tyranny not once, but many times.
    Because of that, you nitwit; I could care less what color he is. He could be green for all I care.

    1. Green people all over the world are insulted. Just because they’re green with three eyes and antenna’s and have a tail and reptilian skin with webbed fingers and toes, (3 ea.) you have a problem?

  4603. Incompetence is Incompetence no matter how you slice it, but you would not know that because you are incompetent as well!

  4604. Your right Oprah! Because you’re fat, because you’re black, and because you’re a women you’ve never been given a fare shot. It’s so wrong! Isn’t it?

  4605. Oprah, for the millioneth time….he is as much WHITE as he is black.

    Did anyone… anyone see a statement made during Bush’s administration… folks hate him because he’s white… good grief!!!!!!!!!

  4606. OK. Let’s play along and accept the absurdity of your accusation, O.W. We’ll take the racists out of the equation. Pray tell, how should the millions of Americans of all races who voted for him react to his dishonesty?

  4607. Obama has as much in common with Black Americans, as white folks have with Polar bears. His mother was white, he grew up in Indonesia with an Indonesian Stepfather. He was brought up by his white grandparents, he attended elite white universities.
    The real sad part of this is that being a total fraud has fooled most black Americans.
    Obama is the ultimate flim flam man.
    What is scary, is that I believe the most oppression of blacks comes from blacks. As an ethnic group, they seem to be self destructive racists.

  4608. Another negro using the race card. Ask her to name a black racist and see what kind of an answer you get. You call yourself an “African” American. What part of Africa were you born? Be a true American and stand up for American values. You are the racist, you jerk.

  4609. We don’t disrespect him because he’s black! We disrespect him because he’s a terrible president. And we’ve stopped watching Oprah because she’s always playing the race card when it’s totally inappropriate.

  4610. Um no, most Americans disrespect him because he is a narcissistic idiot focused not on the American people, but himself (but then that’s pretty much the definition of a narcissist). He’s not about public service, he’s all about Obama service. But then that makes him no different than many politicians, black or white.

  4611. “…and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Well, that’s not quite right, Oprah. EVERYBODY isn’t thinking it; racist liberals who see EVERYTHING through the lens of race, sex, sexual orientation, etc., like you, are thinking it.

  4612. NO oppee’w , we just despise community organizers turned snake oil salesman turned outright liars regardless of the color of their skin, sexual orientation or anything else you want to churn in your evil pot !

  4613. What an idiot she is. If it’s all race-based, how in the world did he get elected (twice!) Guess what – whitey got him elected. When 98% of the 13% of the population votes for him (for you libs, that’s the U.S. black population), you need a whole lot more support than that. And whitey filled that role. So I guess voting for him is just white guilt, right? You know what, Oprah, keep using other people’s money to give away free cars.

  4614. You’re looking at the wrong side of the coin,Oprah. The only reason you like him is because he IS black.

  4615. You sound like a woman who is constantly abused by a man but keeps coming back for more.


    Like how great ObamaCare is…
    …From a liar whose family will not be required to use it.
    Like how to balance the budget…
    …From a narcissist who spends money we don’t have.
    Like how to create jobs…
    …From a community organizer who has never held a real job.
    Like how to run our businesses…
    …From a fool who has never run a business.
    Like how to run our education system…
    …From a slacker who hides his college records.
    Like how we should respect Obama’s faith…
    …From a Muslim who mocks Christian faith.
    Like how to run our military…
    …From a traitor who embraces those who attacked America.
    Like how Obama respects our American Heritage…
    …From a Marxist who is dedicated to Socialism.


  4616. Oprah you ignorant slut,Blacks are more racist than whites and they commit the majority of violent and non violent crimes in our country.
    If America had no blacks we could close 90 percent of the prisons and be a richer nation for it.
    Since our incompetent radical muslim sympathizer has taken office the blacks in this country appear to be emboldened to attack white people, The attacks by blacks on whites have increased and we have an overtly racist attorney general that has instructed his underlings to not prosecute black on white crimes only white on black crimes.

  4617. And many Americans no longer respect Oprah because she has become just another race baiter

  4618. Statements like this are why black people are being held back. Time after time prominent black people make excuses for poor performance and inappropriate behavior. As soon as they take responsibility for who they are and work to become a better community the better off they will be.

  4619. Just wondering what would have become of oprah if she’d had the good luck to have been born in a country like, oh say Kenya, instead of having to endure the hardships of being born in racist America?

  4620. Sorry, but I must add. I married a foreign born person, who is not white. I met and got to know others in his large community.

    I had us move out of Seattle because of the prejudice we encountered from his race for marrying a white woman. I had remarks and glares thrust at me from people who were immigrants.

    It wouldn’t surprise me that these kinds voted for obama because of resentment and envy towards white people. And prior to this, I had alot of respect for this particular culture. In the end, so many of their kids joined gangs because the parents were so materialistic wanting to have fancy stuff, they were working several jobs.

    Yet up there, I never heard white people dishing on minorities like i did hear minorities doing it to white people. That was in the 1980’s. When I tried to bring out into open then people would imply i was being racist.

    We are living in times where people are so materialistic and greedy and hypocritical liars.

    They are voting in the same kind of people they escaped from when coming here.

  4621. Not true……race has nothing to do with it…..he is simply a nagger……..undoubtedly Oprah can’t tell the difference in spelling.

  4622. I don’t respect him because he’s destroying the country. I don’t care if he’s purple. I am so tired of race-baiters calling me a racist. That term doesn’t even have meaning anymore.

  4623. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah… how racist can you be? No, that’s not accurate. I am very sorry that Oprah has this perception. How does she explain that extraordinary adoration by non-blacks of Obama? I am very sorry that blacks remain so extraordinarily sensitive to criticism and outrage. Sorry for them, sorry for us all. This indicates a lack of acceptance of their own race. They simply cannot believe that we don’t all walk around thinking, “n@!!*r” in our most private thoughts. It’s time blacks accept their race and allow non-blacks to accept it, too (which I believe a majority of us non-blacks have). Oh, but I will ALWAYS HATE RAP.

  4624. She has it backwards. African Americans are losing respect BECAUSE of Obama and BECAUSE of his near universal support by African Americans. In the past I was pretty race-neutral but that’s a harder outlook to maintain these days.

  4625. Oprah you are a racist for thinking everyone dislikes this POtuS solely because of his race! Never mind his socialist ideals that undermine the core values of America!

    F-you Oprah!

  4626. That line is getting way too old – and BTW, the Euros aren’t exactly gaga about the Clunker in Chief these days either.

  4627. I think it is fair to say that the only reason he hasn’t been impeached yet is because of the color of his skin. It is kind of sad that Oprah is pulling the race card for him but I guess it isn’t surprising. She went to bat for an unqualified presidential candidate and continues to defend his asinine decisions with complete disregard for the well being of her fellow American citizens. And why? Because of his skin color.

  4628. The thing that irritates me most is being called a racist by people who practice racism all the time. Oprah tried to disguise herself as non-partisan, but Obama changed that when she was compelled to support him either because he is black or she was liberal all the time. I don’t really care what her politics are, but making a statement with no evidence that whole groups of people are racists is itself racist.

    You can tell Oprah directly here; [email protected]

  4629. I can’t believe they are still using the race card when we have made it perfectly clear we can’t stand him because he’s a total incompetent as s ho _ _.

  4630. What a fool! For all the money she made she is ignorant as hell! Does this mean everyone that disagreed with ‘BUSH’ was only disagreeing with him because he was white?

  4631. No, numbskull, most Americans don’t give a rat’s ass about his skin color. It’s the damage he’s doing to this country we care about. Specifically the nuclear bomb he detonated in the health care industry.

  4632. All these rascist Americans who hate him so badly because the color of his skin… none of which voted for him of course.

  4633. B.S….Any American that treasures the constitution and the rule of law would vote for Dr. Ben Carson in a New York minute.

  4634. The disrespect for the office is not because of color, it is the people that are running it, black and white that disrespect!

    1. I don’t respect Bill or Hillary Clinton either. Does that make me racist?? Don’t like Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein or Boxer. Racist?? I don’t respect Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Emmanuel brothers, Holder… I don’t think that makes me racist. I respect Rev. David Manning, Dr. Carson, Allen West… Does that erase the racism label.

  4635. Its the kind of thing EVERYONE on the left says contrary to your statement. Why? Because the left does not want to admit that Obama’s policies are a disaster, that would essentially force them to admit that what they believed in all these years is wrong, doesn’t work and is also a disaster. Furthermore, Oprah, what you said is racist. You are claiming those who disagree, those who know there is a better way for this country than what Obama has presented are in fact haters. That is just not true and absolutely insulting. I personally feel cheated that for so many years I watch the Oprah show not knowing that you are a racist. I would NEVER watch any show on your “network” or read your magazine. I will not support any entity that is racist.

    1. I have never watched it. Maybe once and I have seen some clips. I have never agreed with her politics or her brand of “christianity” which is not Christianity at all. She was raised a Christian and has a “pulpit” that few people have but she does not promote Christ and His Sacrifice and His Resurrection. Such an opportunity wasted.

  4636. Wow, jumping on the racial band wagon. And your audience is all black? Your inference of race is the reason for our dissatisfaction and dissension is a promotion for racial divide. I thought you were better than this.

  4637. How can anyone with a Brain have respect for a liar of any color? Big mouthed Blacks like Winfrey seem to forget the RACIST Whites put her where she’s at today! She should drop her head in shame for helping to put a dishonest guy like Obama in office!

  4638. nah nah NAAAH nah,
    barack oBAAAma,
    hey hey hey,
    yo-ou lieeeeeeeed……

    nah nah NAAAH nah
    barack oBAAAma
    hey hey hey

  4639. No wonder Michelle Obama doesn’t want this bag lady hanging around OUR White House! Oprah, you can but a handbag that costs thousands of dollars but you can’t buy class darlin’.

  4640. Obama keeps people on welfare, food stamps, obama phones, disability and every other hand out and favor instead of empowering them with a job and sense of accomplishment they can be proud of (and pass down to kids). Who is the slave owner again?

  4641. The pure hypocrisy of the Left is simply stunning. The Dem’s “Bash Bush” campaign from 2004-2008 and their level of total disrespect for the office was ok. Hillary defended the rhetoric with the excuse that “Dissent is Patriotic!” BUT – call out Obama, Holder, Jarrett and the communist Van Jones as the liars and, yes, racists that they are and “we don’t like them cause they’re black.” Oprah, your credibility has hit a new low. Whatever movie you’re promoting I promise, I’m not going to spend my money to see it.

  4642. So, if someone criticizes obama it becomes a expression of racism. If racism is so over riding as Ms. Winfrey states, how is it that she is so successful and obama won two national elections. I am certain there some people that hate obama because he is black, i believe there more who dislike him because of his policies. Disagreeing with his policy doesn’t make person a racist. I am offended by her comments. But since I am not a black, hispanic or native american my sensitives really don’t count. I believe this is as bigoted as anyone who dislike obama because his black. Then there alec baldwin, a well known liberal, who insult women and gays but is never criticized for it as would be a conservative.

  4643. She may have an opinion and she has a right to it. She should also consider that actions speak much louder than words.

  4644. Oprah is the modern version of Aunt Jemima – Obama is the updated version of Stepin Fetchit.

  4645. that’s strange…wasn’t it 6 months ago Oprah was in Europe and claimed she was not sold a purse there because they were racist? now she I complaining about America being racist? I am always glad when she complains, it is done in another country. what a hypocrite!

  4646. Typical libtard.
    Never mind he just broke his oath of office yesterday, Forget he circumvents the Constitution whenever he feels like it, doesn’t enforce laws like immigration, uses the IRS and other agencies to attack his political opponents. Has done more damage to this nation in 5 years than all his predecessors combined. Gives weapons to cannibal radical jihadists in Syria……I’d go on but I have to go to work. It’s just too bad the spineless Republicans don’t have the fortitude to stand up to him.

  4647. The infamous Race Card played once again, and completely inappropriately as usual. Why analyze and engage when you can condemn. Pathetic.

  4648. This is coming from a woman that equated trayvon martin to Emit Till. I don’t think she even realizes she’s prejudiced, but that doesn’t excuse it. The interviewer should have asked her if the mainstreamed and considerably higher level of hatred and disrespect of the office and the president when Bush was in office was because he was white.

  4649. I don’t ever use that silly, pandering, hyphenated term to describe American blacks. I just call them ‘black.’ I’m called ‘white,’ so why not just call them ‘black?’ That sounds fair, does it not?

  4650. I was always taught that when someone accuses someone of something it is to get the attention away from themselves. So the true racists are the democrats including opra, and lets keep in mind the people she calls racists are the same people that bought her crap and made her a multi millionaire.

  4651. Oprah actual thinks because she hit the lottery and is a billionaire that her opinion is important and matters to me. Isn’t that cute?

    1. But those that she panders to, pray at her feet!

      That is why adding Oprah’s name to the list of those in need of “attitude adjustments” after our dictator is removed, is so important!

  4652. Ask Oprah about Black conservatives who by destroyed by the media.? How about Condleeza Rice? How about Allen West? How about Herman Cain? The media destroyed all of them.

  4653. When Dumbo shows me that he’s capable of actually doing something positive for America, I will show him respect.
    Hasn’t Oprah already been exposed as a racist?

  4654. No Miss Oprah I do not dislike the president because he is black. I do not like his policies. Race has nothing to do with it. I respect the office of the presidency. I always have no matter who is president. Was I racist when I did not approve of the behavior of Bill Clinton? No. I respected the office just not much respect for the actions of the man. It is way too simplistic to say people don’t like him because he is black. His policies have done nothing to help this country; in fact his policies have harmed this country. He promised transparency; there is none.

  4655. Oh my gosh! Get over your skin color already and quit using it as an excuse for your failed incompetent president! His problems lie with ideology and his goofy unAmerican upbringing. By unAmerican, I mean to be clear, his mother hated this country and the boy wasn’t even raised by his real father. Pathetic.

  4656. Oprah is the true racist. I object to Obama on the grounds that his policies and their results are harmful to the country, nothing more.

  4657. Mz Winfey
    #1 Obama is not Black.
    #2 Being against what he stands for is not HATE… It is a Right.
    #3 Being of mixed race does not him special.
    #4 Your as much of a racist as anyone… Duh?

  4658. Oprah has Black Guilt syndrome, she cannot handle the fact it was “all of America” that embraced her for her talent and congenial personality rewarding her with untold fame and riches. People judged her by the content of her character, which of late has come under question. We the people of America are not judging Obama by any other standard than competence and adherence to the Constitution he swore to uphold, both of which are under serious question along with the most damning of all, he knowingly lied repeatedly to the American people. The pigment of his skin is irrelevant.

  4659. When will these losers get over it? If you can’t recognize incompetence and criminality then you have a problem that needs professional attention. Racism is just a poor excuse for a true racist.

  4660. I dislike Communism, white, black or tan. Oprah is an irrelevant race-baiter that helped get this loser elected in the first place.

  4661. Oprah has become a billionaire by playing the race card and claiming to be oppressed, why would she change a formula tha has worked for her? The fact that her approach (along with Jackson, Sharpton et.al.) has destroyed African American society is not her problem.

  4662. Yes, they despise him because he’s black. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is a Communist.

  4663. Why do so many people care what Oprah has to say? She started out as a Jerry Springer/Sally Jesse Raphael tabloid show and then ventured into tabloid “light” by her handlers/producers and then onto the book club BS. By all examples the woman is NOT bright – as anyone can be made to look well informed with the right producers.

    As for her comments on Obama – this is where her true “brilliance” shines – uh-hem. Another black person who rooted for the biracial running for office and will continue to defend this Usurper at all costs.

  4664. Ah yes…another reference to the “people who disrespect obama because he’s black”. We all know they must be out there, but none of us know any of them…

  4665. The reason that Obama is destroying our country is because of all the stupid reasons people voted for him!!??!Q TWICE!! Everybody knew of his evil back ground and his alliance with Rev Jeremiah HATE AMERICA Wright plus he’s a radical Muslim who grew up in Indonesia! We could have had Mitt Romney who would have straightened out our mess by now ! It’s Americans who don’t pay attention.!!! We are a dumbed down society!

  4666. That’s a completely prejudicial, racist
    statement. Sorry. Can no one disagree with the American President over
    his policies and positions, because of his race? Because Obama is
    African American, no White person can express disagree? Whites must shut up… because they’re White… and therefore not allowed to have a dissenting opinion..?

    I’m sorry. That’s offensive!

    That’s a very racist statement!

  4667. i feel shes been getting calls from the WH to stir the race card since this has work so well in the past to distract from the issues that ARE destroying America. Shame on you Oprah….if Obama had 1/10th the character of Dr Carson , Allen West, Mia Love, this president could make something of himself outside of deception and poor leadership.

  4668. This is all the lefties have….their beloved race card. It dosen’t matter if obama started rounding up political dissidents and putting them into FEMA camps for disposal, oprah would still bow and scrape before the annointed one.

  4669. Oprah, is this an attempt at guilting those who do not agree with Obama’s socialists policies to flock to your movie? You are a shining example of someone who has taken every advantage of free market capitalism. I would think you would want the same opportunities for your fellow countrymen, not a world sinking into socialism. Or are you so arrogant to think that you are the only person smart enough to do what you have done and that government should take care of the not so smart. Who’s the racist now?

  4670. There are white people in this country who are prejudiced against blacks, but such people are also prejudiced against Catholics, Jews, and immigrants.

    Most white Americans are open to having an Afro American for president, but someone who has business sense.

    President obama was set up a long time ago. His parents abandoned him. His white grandparents and male mentor were all communists with deep connections.

    The probem with President Obama is his idea of communal leadership rather than executive, his public stand with Far Left idealogues where all their judgments and reactions are based on stereotypes and class warfare.

    It takes generations for cultures who come here, to adopt to our self-reliant, European descent culture. I mean to say that geography defines who we are, coming from northern, cold climates where we have to work hard 12 months out of the year to survive, and keep our minds active, our senses detached. Think about that.

    Nobody wants to hold anybody back because of skin color.

    Oprah you would not be where you are without white people. So many adults today are not fuĺly grown up because we have had it so good.

    You cannot pull the race card out on white people anymore. It is hateful, bigoted, blind, and self-serving..

  4671. And the 95% of black voters who backed him did so without considering his race? Oprah needs to admit the truth about where the real racism lies.

  4672. This is not the 1800’s the only people that’s not passed racist is the one bring it up when things don’t go their way. It is simple the man isn’t a good president just like Oprah Winfrey isn’t a Rancher.

  4673. As a full blown racist herself, you would think that this dreadful woman would be able to tell the difference between contempt for skin color and contempt for dishonesty and incompetence.

    1. Good point which they never address. But if they did, it would probably be that the black Oprahs, Jamie Foxxes, Morgan Freemans and obummos of the world are just so immensely talented and magnetic, that the mean old racist Whites just cannot resist the pull to make them rich.

      1. I hope I do not lose my religion over the current administration. We are fed lie after lie after lie and are expected to buy into the fairy tale. Obamacare was filled with deception from the day of inception – which is precisely why Nancy Pelosi advocated “pass the bill, then you can read it.” I think Nancy is white. She is a conventional jezebel but white nonetheless.

  4674. Most people who have zero respect for Owebama would rather vote for somone like Allen West so Oweprahs child-like logic is flawed.

  4675. Obama has more in common with white America than black America. Consider: 1) no black woman’s son has ever been president. 2) no black American’s descendant has ever been president. 3) No black MAN, for that matter, has ever been president.

  4676. It is so intellectually dishonest to disregard the argument against Obama’s policies and sit back and say it is because the president is black.
    Would it then be fair to say the reason Oprah disagrees with me is because I am white regardless how she feels about policies?

  4677. Oprah, dear, you really should be thanking the white people for wasting their time watching you and making you billions. You need to work on your gratitude just a little, hun.

  4678. People don’t like Obama because of his socialist policies, that give more and more power to the federal government. More power breeds more corruption; it’s just human nature

  4679. The race card is the last card in the deck of a loser with nothing but failure to stand on.
    Interesting that Oprah defends Obama even after he lied to her and kicked her to the curb, but as usual, color before country. It is a black thang.

  4680. Technologies stifled in US to prevent fuel-less operations. Go to choice drive systems org to see future our cities are headed into. Nikolai tesla inspired invention soon to come out.

  4681. Oh Opera, go shop for more $37,000 purses. If you disagree with policy you’re racist. That’s called a 2 headed coin and people are sick of it and you.

  4682. In all honesty, I have encountered far more racist African-Americans than I have Caucasian ones. Hey, we all know racism exists, on both sides truly, but I think its high time that we stop becoming lured into feelings of race guilt.

  4683. No, Oprah. Race actually has nothing to do with it (although his background did not allow him to grow up to understand what made the U.S. “exceptional). It is all together bad policy, stifling energy production, liberal/progressive agenda, dividing Americans (1% vs 99%, evil corporate jet owners, big business versus the little guy), retreating on foreign policy … Should I go on? But hey, he’s played 150 rounds of golf. Glad someone’s enjoying the perks. (But I digress.) At one point, if Colin Powell had run for President, he likely would have won, and Oprah saying something like this would all be a moot point, as Powell would have done a much better job (even if his heart wasn’t totally in it). Obama has a chip on his shoulder and an agenda to push.

  4684. Oprah makes me sick. Thomas Sowell thinks Obama is a narcissist and moron. So – no doubt – Obama and Oprah do not even know who Sowell is, but he certainly is not white. Herman Cain is an outstanding man who would have made a great president. Race baiters like Oprah are not fit to clean the shoes of the great Frederick Douglass. It is true that sometimes things are about color, but Oprah sees the world through the privilege of reverse discrimination, so to her, everything is about being black.

  4685. We do not hate the President because he is half black and half white. We disslike him because of his POLICIES.

  4686. Just like this skank to play the race card over and over. I hate Obama because he is an anti-American socialist! Oprah needs to just go away and die!

  4687. You can’t say that this is a racist country in this case-he got elected by a bunch of fools TWICE didn’t he?!! I did NOT vote for him either time and never would vote for a liberal democrat. I don’t care if a candidate is red, yellow, black or white. If I agree with your policies and what you believe in then I will vote for you regardless of your skin color. Afterall, back several years ago, Allen Keys was a Republican primary candidate who also was a black man and I would have voted for him as president in a heartbeat if he had just won the Republican nomination. I think instead, we got Bob Dole that year- what a lousy choice that was! So, that blows the racism claim right out of the water.

  4688. Race baiting moron…people hate a liar, always have always will. Does not matter what a persons skin color. When much is given, much is expected. We gave him is job, now go to work already

  4689. Amazing. Winfrey made literally billions cashing in as American White Liberals fawned over her skin color. She made money BECAUSE she is Black. Obama was elected BECAUSE he is Black. These two disgusting race merchants made their respective careers based on guilting White people and now she has the unmitigated gaul to accuse Americans of doing exactly the opposite of what they really did, in order to rescue Obama based once again solely and completely on his race. If Americans didn’t BEND OVER BACKWARDS for this lying, Socialist, tin horn dictator, he wouldn’t have ever been elected for Dog Catcher, much less POTUS.

  4690. I guess Oprah isn’t aware that Obama is 50% white, 44% Arabic, and 6% African black…and 0% American ?

    He has nothing in common with African Americans whatsoever ….but 90% of blacks who voted voted for this phony piece of trash….what does that say about 90% of American blacks who voted?

  4691. Oprah plays the race card. If a black person is caught doing something wrong, it’s not his fault, blame it on his color. Admit it Oprah, you’re backing a narcissistic president who has done more to ruin this country than any other president before him. Our relations with other countries is a mess, our national debt is out of control, we have failed domestic policies started under his administration… and the list goes on. Oh, and he blatantly lies to the public. Oh I guess if you want to be PC about it, then he mis-spoke.

  4692. Racism in this country will never end while any criticism of the actions or conduct of any and all blacks inevitably lead to charges of racism.

    Was everyone who opposed or disliked Bush’s policies doing so because they hate whites? Of course not.

    It is very easy to dislike Obama based strictly on his lack of leadership and due to policy disagreements. But that never occurs to hate mongers, whose camp it appears Oprah has now joined.

  4693. Oprah,its not his color. But again it is too.

    We bought it. “THE ONE”. His sell of who he was,not who he really is.

    White America voted for him because, finally after all these years and Billion’s of our taxpayers money, we could see improvement.

    A oppressed black man that succeeded with public paid education and morals. A vision for unification of the world,Peace,prosperity.

    We were blinded by our hope,it was just words.

    Its all downhill now. We are on to him.

  4694. they have to blame something. If they were to go back to Africa, they would run out of excuses.

  4695. Why is it that when Hillary yelled that it was not unpatriotic or wrong to disagree with the POTUS when Bush was in office and that was OK, but it is not OK if anyone disagrees with Obama because then they are automatically labeled as a racist? Oprah, you have made billions and live an opulent lifestyle. It is easy for you look down your nose and condemn us who complain about the oppression and burdens that are being forced upon us through the regulations and laws wielded by this administration because you can afford to ignore them. If you cared so much about the redistribution policies that have been forced on us then you should voluntarily redistribute your wealth to help out. We know that that will never happen because you probably have accountants that employ every loophole possible to avoid paying anymore taxes than you have to. With progressive liberals it is all about helping people with other peoples money, never with their own money.

  4696. I guess Oprah isn’t aware that Obama is 50% white, 44% Arabic, and 6% African black…and 0% American ?
    He has nothing in common with African Americans whatsoever ….but 90% of blacks who voted voted for this phony piece of trash….what does that say about 90% of American blacks who voted?

  4697. Oprah is America’s Piers Morgan, AKA: Piss Moron. One is enough, England, take your trash back or take Oprah, your choice.

  4698. Right, says the billionaire who imagines up a racist incident at a store — by a non-American sales clerk — just so she can seem like she’s really black. Everyone in the community knows Oprah’s out for herself, and that is all. Just look at the rape factory she ran in South Africa. Once her name was on the school and she got the press, she never bothered to check in on the poor children. Those rapes are on her head, ’cause she provided the bait.

  4699. Says the woman that had at least 80% of the white people in the US eating out of her hand for years when she had a hit talk show. Let’s go to YouTube and watch all of the videos of screaming white women that would nearly faint from excitement everytime Oprah stepped out on stage… Seriously Harpo, just because you have money, that doesn’t make you intellegent.

  4700. No, it has to do with his incompetence and his flawed ideologies to remake this country into something that the American people are not wanting. Just what has he accomplished that has benefitted Americans? Plus, I have no use for a pathological liar.

  4701. Oprah’s race card is a JOKER! HEY OPRAH, the people of the USA VOTED FOR A BLACK MAN and made YOU (a racist bag lady) rich! GET OVER IT!

  4702. And more than that were proud because he is our first black President. However, it is Obama himself who has proved to be incompetent.

    Every time he opens his mouth, he’s lying. He has lost the faith and confidence of the American people. HE did that, not his blackness.

  4703. Poor Oprah,

    Lives in liberal la la bubble land, has accountants ensure she doesn’t have to pay taxes, has never had her health insurance cancelled and certainly would never have to navigate the exchange. Has well paid security to keep the criminal thugs rapists and thieves away from her that the liberals released from prison. Has never had an illegal steal her SSN. Has never had an OWS punk take a dump on her lawn because she belongs to the good sort of 1%ers. The liberal kind who live by the creed:


    So sad really because she and her ilk will go to their grave thinking Americans hate them even though America and Americans providing them with every opportunity and they took those opportunities and ran wild like they should have and enjoyed the American dream to its fullest.
    Yep these bubble people are like insecure thumb sucking children deriving self worth from their emotional investment in the faux religion liberalism and because of it will forever live in and die in darkness. Horribly sad really…

  4704. GOODNIGHT NURSE give it a fn REST already with the racism! most over used word in the black vocabulary…oh yeah that and the “n” word

  4705. Poor Obese Winfrey: she had the right idea but mixed the facts up. Obama hates so many white voters because they’re AMERICAN……….

    This tub of lard should keep her mouth shut and go back to crying on camera……….

  4706. Yeah, I hate this president because he hates us and this country. For the racism charge, this guy sat in a racist church for 20 years and saw nothing, heard nothing sort of like his administration. Like Jackie Mason just said ” That would be like being a memeber of the KKK for 20 years and seeing members run around in White Sheets and Pillow cases and saying; I didn’t know what they were doing I just thought we were having a white sale” Oh, he also accused Obama of being anti-semitic.

  4707. The race card is their attempt to keep the idiots from focusing on his lousy excuse of a presidency.

  4708. and take a good look at your self you have to pay people to even go to your show , your show is like aa and welfare for tv. look at the class of people that watch your show. most people are working at that time except welfare maggots and deadbeats . quit a following. tha rats following the rat queen

  4709. Obamadoesntcare is failing because the computers are racist
    Fast and furious happened because the guns were racist
    Benghazi occurred because the video was racist
    Oprah is a MORON because she thinks everything is racist!

  4710. No! He flat out lies to America, No race involved! He is destroying America’s Constitution, Military, Foreign Relations, Moral fabric, Insurance, Jobs and Economy as he pays God Golf. He is far from a respected leader and it has nothing to do with the color of ones skin.

  4711. Hey O, lots of people in Western Pennsylvania voted for barry. I grant you tho’ lots of us ‘bitter clingers didn’t’ the first or second time. We had his number from his little tête-à-tête with Joe the Plumber. See, lots of us know exactly the code words of “level playing field and social justice mean.” We don’t want no commies!!!!

  4712. Adding Oprah’s name to the list of those in need of “attitude adjustments” after our dictator is removed!

  4713. Being a LIAR might have something to do with it too….not to mention totally UNQUALIFIED for the job….or for almost any job. The only experience he’s ever had was being an ice cream dipper at Baskin Robins and being on the CHOOM GANG!
    No one cares if he’s Black or not…Oprah is used to using that excuse for everything like some of the other race pimps.

  4714. If only he could be reasoned with. Impeachment of the first black president will raise holy hell in our country.

    1. … unless it is initiated by the Dems …. that would be the best move for them to distance themselves from him and have any glimmer of hope of being re-elected.

    2. The “holy hell” will also drastically shrink the number of liberal scumbags to contend with in future elections and debates!

    3. Race should not be a barrier to impeachment. Not impeaching rewards the illegal behavior and encourages more to scream racism. Time for impeachment. If the blacks want to riot, no time like the present.

  4715. She is so ignorant!
    The plain truth Is THAT he is mixed race, NOT BLACK! He is half white. Just as much white as black….yet totally mixed up…mentally.
    If you are going to be politically correct
    (which does not exist–no such thing)
    than be biologically correct! !!
    BHO IS half honky, yet full donkey!
    He is just as much white as black, so how racist can you get trying to say he is black??

  4716. There doesn’t seem to be a black in Hollywood that doesn’t harbor racist views.
    To imply that people that don’t like Obama only do so because of his color is totally ignoring our incompetent economic illiterates track record when it comes to his policies and his obvious inability to tell the truth, which appears to be to the level of being pathological.
    Blaming race is an excuse blacks use when things don’t go their way.

  4717. Oprah, In all honesty, his being African American represents the only shred of respect i have for Mr Obama!

  4718. A whole lot more disrespect him because his lies have had a lot to do with millions of them losing their medical coverage.

  4719. “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
    -Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

    1. Thanks for that. I had never heard of the source you cite. I will check it out.
      Well, I checked it out and it was a hoax.

    2. Evidently this is an anti-semitic hoax. It is true that Rep. Thomas Abernethy of Mississippi read a reputed quotation from it into the Congressional Record. However: “Abernethy had found the quotation in a March letter to the editor of the Washington Star; he claimed it as proof that the civil rights movement was a foreign Communist plot. However, the Washington Star soon apologized for having printed the quotation without verifying its authenticity and, on February 18, 1958, published an article entitled “Story of a Phony Quotation–A Futile Effort to Pin It Down–‘A Racial Program for the 20th Century’ Seems to Exist Only in Somebody’s Imagination”, which traced the quotation to Eustace Mullins, who claimed to have found it in a Zionist publication in the Library of Congress.

      On August 30 of that year, Rep. Abraham J. Multer of New York read the Star article into the Congressional Record and raised several other points challenging the quotation’s authenticity. These included the nonexistence of a British Communist party in 1912 (it was founded in only 1920), the nonexistence of a British Communist author named Israel Cohen, and the failure of a book entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century to appear either in the Library of Congress or in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books.”

  4720. Oprah, your a vile disgusting uneducated pos, flashing the race card now. We see your true identity now, eat it you race baiting hore.

  4721. I guess most Americans dislike you, Oprah, and have kept you from succeeding becuase you are black! What a crock. I dislike Mr Obama, becuase he is a vile person, his color has nothing to do with it. White, black, blue or green, if you continue to lie to the public, try to force programs down our throats becuase you know more about what is best for us, and want to change the very foundations of this country, I will want you out of office. This lousy president just happens to be black. That is all there is to say about his color, it is what is inside that black body that is what most people dislike.

  4722. Oprah, in the first place he is a “Mutt”, he is not black. He is only concerned with his black half, when he can use it to take advantage of minority groups. The “level of disrespect for the office that occurs” is solely due to his incompetence, incompetence, tyrannical actions, and Marxist train of thought, that he and the rest of you liberal/progressive/communist goons are trying to destroy our nation with.

  4723. Oh, good-grief…….Seriously?
    So, if Obama revealed himself to be a white guy with a tan, all of those who are opposed to Obamacare would suddenly say: “Wait a minute….let me take another look at this thing……Hmmmmmmm……ya know…..this is actually a really good idea!!!! Count me in!!”

    Is that what she’s saying?????
    What a miserable human being.

  4724. No Oprah … it’s because he’s an incompetent fool! We’re not going to allow you to hide him behind a curtain of “racism” any longer …. the deck of race cards was played out long ago. It’s no longer effective …. in fact, I consider it an honor to be called a racist by a liberal. IT MEANS THEY HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO ARGUE WITH!

    Stop hiding his incompetence behind charges of racism!


  4725. This is so typical of black people. When they can’t counter a debate or argument with facts, logic or reasoning what do they do? They play the race card! This old has-been hag Oprah Winfrey is doing just that! Again!!
    Before Obama was elected in ’08 I had several black people come up to me and accuse me of being racist and saying things like “you dont want a black man in The White House” to which I answered “no, I dont want Obama in The White House.” I dont care if Obama was yellow with green polka dots; skin color had nothing to do with it!
    Some of those same black people who made those remarks to me are now either losing their health insurance or have had their hours cut….to which I rest my case!

  4726. I don’t hate YOU because your BLACK. I hate you because your a racist bigot. If white racism was SO PREVALENT, You NEVER would have achieved your success.Do you really believe your “TALENT” got you where you are today ? you ungrateful shebitch. LOOK at your culture with truthful eyes. I don’t like what I see, how about you?

  4727. I don’t know one single person that dislikes Obama because he is Black. It is hard to like some one that lies as much as he does. I personally don’t like Marxist people that want to destroy our Capitalist system that produced the most wealth ever accumulated in one country. Everyone in this country shared in this wealth but one political Party convinced Low information voters that they were not getting their share. They got in power and proceeded to spend us into Bankruptcy buying votes. Now that this is not working so well they will get kicked out of office and will remain out until all of this is forgotten. Our big cities are constant reminders of what Liberalism can and will do.

  4728. Too late to play the race card Oprah. It’s not because he’s black, it’s because he is completely and totally incompetent, that on top of also being a liar and generally immoral, Napoleon complex psychopath.

  4729. Lets be honest here Oprah. The only reason Obama got elected the first time was BECAUSE he is black and the second time because he has bought so many votes with taxpayer money

    1. Yeah, he was (s)elected indeed, by a global criminal cabal who just play on our emotions and they love to see us fight each other so we cannot organize and unite against them. Anyone with half a brain that give this “theory” a chance and read let´s say 10 neutral books on the subject will know it´s true as well. Well that or there is no hope for them at all..

  4730. No Oprah, the color of his skin has nothing to do with it. It’s because he is a race baiting communist, and incompetent on top of that.

  4731. “Nobody says it….Everybody is thinking it” Wow, wish I could read minds like that.

    She has no clue what is really going on.

    Its not enough that the country elected a black president…its not enough that the supposed racist opposition, the Republican Party, had as its top Presidential candidate at one point a black person, Herman Cain, and supported Colin Powell in the nineties (until he came out of the closet as a liberal)…that means AT LEAST 85% of the country is very comfortable having a black man as President….not enough for her….She wants perfection, focuses on some wackos and trashing the US, and if its not perfect, then its all bad.

    She has no clue. Its the issues, not the color, Oprah….I’m sorry that skin color blinds you so much to how much this country hates socialism…could care less about ones skin color. In fact I fought for civil rights, and hired the first black in our company in the 80’s to work for me..

    She has no clue


    The race card needs to be taken out of the deck once and for all……………

  4733. Oh yes Oprah we are all racists because this president is destroying the country and we are trying to keep him from doing it. It is not based on race but the protection of the Constitution are our rights to a free society that lives a breaths freedom and NOT THE 3RD WORLD NATION THIS A-HOLE IS TRYING TO DO TO US. So Oprah, go take your BS and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4734. This, coming form the most successful woman in the history of media… who happens to be African American. Are we going to hear Oprah whining about how her race has held her back from being a trillionaire? The president won the popular vote twice, hard to make a case for American racism. Sad that this is the fallback for poor policy and weak leadership.

  4735. no you old fat windbag- we hate obama and the whole democrap party and a good portion of the repugunants because they are destroying the country. you have lied to all the black people just like obama the destroyer. why doesnt it your dumd racist a$$ ever have a show on the number of white people that have died throughout history freeing and fighting for there rights of black people. or why dont you bring up the fact that the kkk and the black panthers both belong to the democrap party. it is all in the history. or are you just another undereducated public school moron …and yes the schools are also run by democraps and the a big portion of the teachers are also democrap more then willing to dumb down for easier brainwashing. so you see you idiot we have very good reasons for hating obama .

  4736. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.”

    America has finally rejected Obungle and his corruption. So tell us, Oprah, is Barry a lying, America-hating, payback motivated preening braggart because he’s black… or did we just notice all that about him because we’re racists?

  4737. Dear Oprah,
    You don’t speak for me so please stop. I do not disrespect President Obama because he is black. I disrespect him because he is incompetent, he lied about people being able to keep their health insurance if they liked it, and he is now out there trying to cover his backside. A real man (and president) would have the sand to stand up, admit his signature health bill is a total disaster and call for its repeal.
    For you to defend him makes me believe that you only do it because he is black. So which is worse for this country Oprah …. some people disrespecting Obama because he is black or you defending him because he is black … and only because he is black?

  4738. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs…..”
    So, I guess the 8 years Dubya was in office the left respected and loved him and said nice things about him. Its only this President people disrespect and that’s only because of the color of his skin. It has nothing to do with is politics which are so far left Karl Marx would be proud. No, nothing to do with that…
    As always, with the left its all about race and nothing more. Just wondering, why didn’t Oprah mention that 99% of blacks voted for Obamao simply for the color of his skin, so now who are the racists?

  4739. No Oprah! Its because he is incompetent-it has nothing to do with color-so tired of the race card being used just because you don’t like the way things are going, its old now.- you mindless twit………..

  4740. African Americans only make up about 10% of the country. Obama won the election with 53% of the votes. Sorry, Oprah, but it was White America that voted him in.
    Also, 95% of African Americans voted for Obama. Why is that not considered racist?

  4741. What he isn’t, not a genetic drop of, is ‘African-American,’ the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn’t a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

    Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah. ~ Dr. Jack Wheeler

  4742. FU Oprah, I don’t like him because he’s an idiot. Why don’t you get off this race thing. It old and worn out.


  4744. I’m sick and tired of you whiners playing your race card all of the time, Oprah. And of course, none of you black people hate white people simply because they’re white, right? We have given your people everything in life that they need to succeed and 99% of them still can’t get off the plantation or out of the ghetto. Just a bunch of lazy entitlement children…by choice. Period.

  4745. the real truth is- obama IS NOT black hes just a 6 foot pile of sh*t in a 3 peice suit. its the brown color that throws everyone off.

  4746. They were racist against Bush too. The left uses racism accusation as a weapon. No one believes them anymore.

  4747. Oprah, shut the F up!!! You think Obama is the first president to be criticised??? Remember George W Bush?!?!? I guess the liberals, democrats, Hollywood, MSM, TV comedians, movies, documentaries, news casts all bashed him relentlessly because he is a white guy!!! Oprah, you and all the other Obama appoloigists can’t handle the fact that he is a arogant, incompetant, idiologically driven ego maniac and that is why he is disliked by many. Many of the people who dis-approve of what he is doing now voted for him in 2008 and 2012! So shut your racist mouth!

  4748. That may be true, although how does she know?? Odd that she had such a popular show and has done so well in America from fans of all races if that’s truly the case.

    I for one hate Obama, but it’s because he is a charlatan, he’s incompetent, and he’s accelerating the demise of this great country. NOT because of his race…

  4749. The economy, healthcare, etc, would all be working fine if not for racist white people. Oprah has mental problems.

  4750. “nobody says it but everybody’s thinking of it” everyone? contempt? really? Wow, Who knew Oprah can read minds.

  4751. The same stupid white cows that watched this groid’s show are the ones that put choco preezy in office. Blacks are always black first.

    Thanks, white women, for helping this country to be phuckt into the ground.

  4752. Hate is a big word. Had it not been the many white folks who voted for Obama in both elections, he would not be President.

    This constant blaming people who disagree with certain policies of being racists is just wrong. Oprah is a very wealthy woman who can’t begin to imagine how middle class people of all races are finding it difficult to survive in what seems to be an unending attack on our ever declining disposable income.

    She is the one who seems to be racist.

  4753. She is smoking the same crack as the rest of them. IT is not race, it is the fact that he has no military, or business skills at all. Obama is not a good president and needs to be replaced with someone who knows what the hell they are doing. Both her and him are idiots.

    1. We don’t even know his college grades…he voted “present” in the senate…he is just an empty suit.

  4754. Charges of racism are now the last refuges of scoundrels. I would have thought that The Oprah (having been shamefully used then ignored by the Obamas since the 2008 election) would have had the sense to keep her mouth shut. Her audience is overwhelmingly middle class white women of middling intelligence. That same demographic is becoming disenchanted with Obama because these women are acutely aware of and concerned about family health care and they are not so dull-witted as not to be able to make the connection between the disruption in their health insurance and the eponymous “health reform” called Obamacare. Having pulled her new network from the brink of failure, now is not the time to alienate her target audience.

    As for the substance of her remarks – absurd. Obama is not respected because he is a useless waste of skin and oxygen. His black half has nothing to do with it.

  4755. We dislike him because he is a liberal fool wanting America to become a socialist state. Why does Obama hate the founding fathers, is he a racist or does he just have a dislike for a Constitutional Republic?

    1. she can’t see beyond the color of his skin, because everything there is darker than his skin.
      we cannot respect OBAMA because he is sinister, destructive, filled with hate, rage and revenge.

      we cannot respect OBAMA because he is deliberately destroying the USA from within.

      we cannot respect OBAMA because he has willfully destroyed the lives of over 50 million USA families

      we cannot respect OBAMA because he disrespects the legal USA citizens

      we cannot respect OBAMA because he has fleeced the middle class to make his wealthy donors wealthier.

      we cannot respect OBAMA because he hates values, character, the rule of law.

      and the list goes on and on .

  4756. Most of the blacks…not african-americans (hyphenated people are immigrants) … aren’t even living in the same world as the rest of america. Everything to them is about the color of skin because they have been conditioned by the left that way. The left, including fat arse, rich Okra, are vile disgusting pigs that shouldn’t be allowed to live on this planet.

  4757. Yea, that’s it! Because he is black and it has NOTHING to do with his NAZI style of governance! I love how you fall back to the race card every time you can no longer explain his NAZI actions. It’s got to be because he’s black. God you make me sick!

  4758. I’ll put this in a way Brits can understand it,odumbo being our president would be the equivalent of Britain having a muslim for it’s prime minister.

  4759. Oprah tells the BBC, Americans are racist? LOL! And the British are not racist? Or French? Or anybody? LOL! Must she play the race card to sell books and vids! OPrah is a joke in this country and the next!

  4760. If the man were doing a good job as president who would care if he were purple. However, he is destroying America with his domestic policies and has ruined the relationships with many of our allies. Add to that all the scandals and lies and we have the worse president in the history of the United States. Oprah is ignorant and racist and this is the reason I no longer watch her show or network!

  4761. In your imagination oprah…
    Which is the same place the purse saleswoman in zurich supposedly disrespected you ‘because you were black’….

  4762. I do not like being lied to. I am very concerned. My family is witnessing the direct opposite of what I taught them to do and become when they became adults. Now there is no role model type in the office. Youngsters see this deceit and have their confidence to lie and cheat reinforced. It is a big deal!!! Our fabric is shredded and will be hard to mend..

  4763. Here we go again, Black vs White, round 796. When all else fails, start the race deal. I’m so tired of this c rap

  4764. Oprah is an ignorant woman and Barack Obama is not an African-American, he’s a fraud, an embarrassment and a danger to the American way of life. I despise them both, but not because of their “color”, but because of their arrogance, elitism and Left-wing ideology.

  4765. Okrah, why not just take another trip to Switzerland and buy a large hand bag to put over your race baitin’ noggin?

  4766. The politician who keeps lying to the American people…you know the guy I’m talking about. Does it matter more that he lies with impunity or that he happens to be a mixed race man?

  4767. While Oprah may be somewhat right, many more disrespect him because he is a liar, fraud & charlatan….She is wrong to suggest the Office of the Presidency has been disrespected just because of Obama….if that were true, then it would also be true of the DemocRATs, including Oprah of disrespecting the office under Bush and Reagan.

  4768. Hey O – are any of these ‘disrespectors’ plain old white folk who helped him into office, twice, or did you just mean the ones who didn’t vote for Marxist/socialism and fundamental change to our country are the rednecks?

  4769. BTW, Oprah, you’re one of the biggest Auntie Tomasinas on the planet. You’ve sold your people out to the white liberal who only wants voting age blacks on their modern day government-run plantation. Little wonder the inner city plantations are run by Democratic mayors. Keep the black man angry and in high risk urban plantations while rich white liberals live in gated communities … and those they’ve paid off like “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright.
    Your precious Democratic party was and still is the party of plantations. The KKK was founded by a Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest and the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a Democrat “progressive” and an out-and-out racist who wanted to use abortion as a means to get rid of the children of “undesirables” who, in her view, were pulling down society.
    The Bull Connor, George Wallace South was run by Democrats and NO, the racist Democrats didn’t flee to become Republicans. That’s just another one of your liberal lies. The biggest racists on the planet are those white liberal patronizing, paternalistic racists who run the Democratic Party today. Buy a clue, Oprah, you have the money to do so.

  4770. She still can’t get over the Kenyan. He is not African American……….. He is Arab American. She and her ilk ignore the real truth and focus on the color of his skin.

  4771. People don’t like Obama, because he is a lying, tyrannical, evil, murdering, Communist, bent on destroying our country. Oprah however, can be summed up by one word…..moron…..

  4772. Dear Oprah is intoxicated on delusions of grandeur. As with most celebrities, she feels that the plebs need her delirious diatribe to survive. WRONG!

  4773. I’ts because these liberal douce bags have no one to blame other than their “savior” for the mess were in now. But will they ever admit it… no they will just call everyone who’s sick of Obama’s lies a racist.

  4774. The race card once again, how many times are they going to play it? Over and over again. It just doesn’t mean anything anymore, they have over used it so much everyone is getting tired of hearing it, get a life Oprah, we have heard it all before.

  4775. Maybe Caucasians hate him because Obama hates Caucasians. I used to be an Oprah fan but not anymore since she shoved Barry down our throats. Oprah USED to do more for racism than anyone. Now she is apparently a racist, too.

  4776. We don’t like Barry because he is the epitome of Affirmative Action meeting the Peter Principle. He did not deserve any special consideration for being “African-American.” His father was from Kenya. Barry’s ancestors on that side were not slaves. Why should he have benefited from this program?

    As with all the liberals, when faced with certain defeat because of bad policies, play the race card.

  4777. Voted in by the moron voter, supported by the racist like fat Oprah, protected by the sycophants in the media and a serial liar.. And for black cowards to keep playing the race card, is not going to help The Village Idiots “likeability.”

  4778. He’s not half Black, half White. He’s red, as in Marxist. That’s the problem with his color. Shame on Oprah. She’s becoming irrelevant.

  4779. Oprah,
    Did the 40 million viewers who watched you and made you a media darling do so because you were black or because you were good? It was becasue you were good.
    We hate Obama’s presidency (not the man) because he is a BAD President.
    Jeez oh petes will the racial hucksterism ever end…??

  4780. What a crock of crap! The need to pull the race every two seconds is predicated on the fact that the first half-black president is an utter incompetent failure. rather than deal with that, it’s much easier to just sling the race garbage.

  4781. Yeah, the pleasure and ‘Thank God hope’ I felt when he was elected was a actually a sign of racism. I knew it at the time. For the hopelessly bigoted, that’s sarcasm. But perhaps the reader will recall the wave of optimism and congratulation of strangers. For a brief moment, America grew up. Alas.

    Actually, I’ve come to believe that “racist” is an euphorism for fiscal conservative when used by a liberal, and for “fiscal idiot” when used by (always alleged) an ill tempered conservative, although I know there are many(alleged) racists who belive crackerwhite and gingers are creepy and need a good thumping concuission, and in reverse blacks are (alleged) subhuman, which by the way, they are not as a rule, like whites. Of course, since there are more whites than blacks, similar percentages mean that a black is more likely to encounter a white alleged subhuman, while in the alleged reverse, a white is as unlikely as a black ever to forget the experience, try as he or she might, even with re-innoculation from a casual empathetic Presidenial brain burp. It’s a lose – lose bigot-creative process, you see. If America is good at anything, it is making opinions.

    Along the way to understanding racial communication, recall that normally one thousand attaboys are needed to make up for one awsit, and you have to start over. In the racist biz, one awtihs is allegedly fatal only to the future hopes of a white. Presidents get more chances, but one day the music may stop, and the libretto gets a good look,

    Words, belive it or not, morph in meaning over time and are often corrupted deliberately, Like “Red” in the sense of left wing and in particularly ancient bolsheveks from their executionary practices involving those with eyeglasses and no calluses, which it meant for generations until reassigned by libs to the GOP. Left wing media and politics reassigned Bue, as in ‘true’ blue, to them wonderful selves. Black and white was out of the question, and all of the other colors were on wrist bands.
    A particularly interesting feature in this landscape is a website where the process is liberalized around culture, one of the several idiom mills online. It appears there is not one single word that cannot be arbitrrarially assinged multiple adverse meanings by just about anyone acceptable.

  4782. yes it’s because we “crackas” is all racists. that must be why she was able to become one of the richest women and Ovomit the most powerful man in America. because DA MAN be keeping her peeps down. yeah, that’s the ticket…

  4783. But of course no black folks hate white people simply because they’re white. Right Oprah? I’m so sick of you whiners and your race card. We’ve given you everything in life you need to succeed, and 99% of you still can’t get off the plantation or out of the ghetto. Lazy entitlement children. Period.

  4784. red and yellow black and white get over it oprah or youll die with the devil on your back, no matter how much money you have,Jesus came to change all that,get over it ,succeed in life. THANK YOU JESUS

  4785. I am so sick of this sh*t…I have grandchildren that are bi-racial…wake up zombie woman your guy in the white house is a horrible horrible man…has not a d@mn thing to do with race…he is incompetent to be i the position he is and he is going against the peoples will…..this is America..not Mexico, not Europe and sure the h$ll not the middle east or Obamaland!

  4786. Hey Oprah, the 1930’s called and they want you back. The race baiters can only win by using the race card which has been so overplayed it is almost worn out.

  4787. When liberals are losing they always use the race card. RACE RACE RACE is the only thing they have to fall back on when all they do is lie. When the people quit believing their lies they just holler RACE.

  4788. That just shows how ignorant Oprah is. Shoved your head just a little too far up your A## this time huh Oprah? Now it’s impossible to pull out. I can’t believe that a woman who claims to be smart can be that dumb to where she can’t even read the writing on the wall. Racism has nothing to do with anything. She is about as bright as a woodpecker pecking on a aluminum telephone pole. I think Oprah and Pelosi should turn gay and marry each other. They are a match made in heaven.

  4789. You don’t speak for me, Oprah. And quit using race as a whip to try and control what people think and what they say. They have a Constitutional right to do both. Obama is destroying this country. It has nothing to do with his race. Because you resorted to using color as the reason for his historically low disapproval ratings, your credibility vanished. Stick with t.v. You’re not cut out for politics because your advisor apparently did not warn you that comments like this can be fatal as you can lose your entire base of support.

  4790. The President’s ethnicity has nothing to do why most people dispise him, He is simply the most over reaching pathalogical liar to ever hold the office. I am glad I never voted for him in ANY election. But as usual the race card is thrown to try to deflect attention to ALL of his shortcomings as a leader.

  4791. This is what you get when you hire someone with no experience. Americans should be voting with logic over emotion though tough to do when 50% of the people are stealing from the other 50%. Also, look at the unemployment rate among government workers, 4.4% wake up America.

  4792. I don’t hate blacks. I hate Socialist’s! Whether they are White, Black, Brown, Red, does not matter to me. All Commie’s are my enemy. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!

  4793. So if Oprah doesn’t like someone who is white, is that because SHE’S a racist? I can’t stand eiher one of them but I like Dineen Borelli and Hermain Cain. Am I 50% racist?

  4794. Most people disrespect your prez because he is a liar and disrespects the office of president and the Constitution. He is the most arrogant pos to ever be in the white house and has destroyed the US credibility and set the blacks back for generations to come.

  4795. Nobody is thinking it except his adoring supporters who can’t fathom that others disagree with him.

  4796. Oprah,
    You are WRONG. Obama has committed more than one impeachable offenses and he
    will NOT be impeached BECAUSE he is black! YOU are prejudiced!

    1. Impeachment is a possibility if the 2014 elections put enough conservatives in the House and Senate…

  4797. “it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it”.

    Are you fricking kidding me? Liberals have been screaming that from the rooftops EVERY time Obama has been caught lying, been confronted on his failed policies, or not blindly accepted everything he says as the gospel truth.

  4798. Dear Oprah, it’s because he’s incompetent! The color of his skin has nothing to do with it! You are insulting!

  4799. you are wrong, Oprah. I dislike him because: he is way too liberal. A socialist. a Muslim. Hates whites. hates America. Hates the military. Hates our flag. Obamacare!!!
    and the list goes on and on.
    Yall voted for him cause he is black. and now it shows cause he is way over his head and don’t know what to do. Tell u what, let Ben Crason run for prez. I will work on his campaign , spend MY money and pray he gets elected. Matter of fact, I would rather see him run as of right now then anyone else out there.
    And last time I checked, I am as conservative, right wing WHITE as they come

  4800. I don’t hate Obonehead because he’s ‘black’ but because he’s an incompetent, lying economic illiterate! I don’t hate him, I despise him for what he’s doing to America, the destruction of anything he has a dispute with: wealth, health care, law enforcement, food, sports, apple pie, tree trimming, the man’s a schmuck, a charlatan fraud!!!

    I do hate Oprah, because she’s ugly, absolutely beastly!!!

  4801. Correction !! ….. Barry Sotoro is all Kenyan and NO, people do not hate this pretender but I’m sure there is a lot of disdain for the guy. Think about it, if you had someone always trying to divide all your friends and family, then never take any responsibility for anything, then constantly blame anyone other than himself, then how can you possibly have any fondness for him ??

  4802. this like saying that black people didn’t like bush because he was white,as if being an @ssho;e has a colour ……..

  4803. That would be true but so what. Lots of racists support Obama. Doesn’t make his decisions more or less correct. Ignore the racial issue and then tell us if what he is doing is correct or not.

  4804. Yawn. Like I should be surprised something from Oprah is old, tired, untrue, self-serving and boring.

  4805. NO! The disrespect has nothing to do with race…it has to do with arrogance, disregard for the Constitution, hate for this country and lack of character.

  4806. Yep, that explains why she is a billionaire, and how Obama got elected. Oprah is SO smart!!

  4807. so when liberals disrespected George Bush, calling him antichrist, baby killer, liar, inhuman etc. it was because? Get a clue Oprah.

  4808. I don’t hate the president, but I do hate his policies and what they are doing to our country. Policies have no race or color. They are either constructive or destructive, and his are destructive. This race baiting is getting extremely old and boring, and it insults the majority of Americans who are not African Americans. Oprah needs to put on her big girl panties and take a good, hard look at the truth: Obama’s policies are failing us. Nothing is better under his control. It is that fact that we don’t like.

    1. I personally do hate Obama because he is destroying America and he is doing it on purpose. Would you not hate the person who is attacking you family or breaking into your home? Hate is a valid emotion towards something so vile such as Hitler, Stalin and Obama.

      1. I completely understand, Justin Case (nice name, by the way), but I guess I choose not to let Obama turn my heart to hate toward him. Once I hate, it would give him too much power over me. I prefer to treat him (the man) with complete apathy. I do, however, despise his every action as our president. He is disgraceful in his job, narcissistic, and self-serving. I am saddened by the level of ignorance in our country and that so many people are being used and abused by him. I look forward to the day that he and his family depart the People’s House, and I hope and pray that his successor will be a person of integrity and competence. But hate him? Nope. Not giving him the time, energy, or attention that would require.

  4809. if racism were a significant problem in this country Obama could not have gotten elected.Blacks need to get over the racism card and accept responsibility for their actions and that includes holding Obama responsible for his.

  4810. i don’t trust him. if you do then you haven’t been paying attention (and the last election tells us there are millions of you out there) or you’re and anti-american sycophant marxist….just like obama. it’s either, or.

  4811. Oprah is a racist. Many of us dislike Obama because of his Socialist/Communist ideals. There are many conservative blacks I would like to see elected to office.. Oprah is one of many blacks that like to keep what they see as inferior blacks on the plantation. Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant man, one far greater/intelligent than Obama but because he’s more conservative they criticize and attack him as a uncle tom. Any Black that dares leave the plantation will be attacked relentlessly.
    Many do not know that Obama has all of his records locked up, no one can access them, what has he got to hide?

    1. they wouldn’t care even if they viewed his history and records. agenda driven liberals have two world views. men are evil and whites are racists.

  4812. Americans don’t like Barry because he is a Marxist. He hates God, our Constitution and the wealthy. He attacks Americans who don’t believe what he believes. He targets conservatives, gives guns to Mexico, has our diplomats killed, gives aid to the Muslim brotherhood.
    That, Opra, is why we don’t like your black president.

  4813. Nope sorry not at all am i disliking Obama because of his color.. it is because he is a lying backstabbing thief taking everyones money and giving it away to anyone especially from other countries.

  4814. My wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me to not call Emperor Obama a flaming socialist and Oprah a fat, over-bearing, over-paid, fat racist cow. Out of both fear and respect of the bride, I’ll keep my mouth shut.

    1. What gets me is with the other half (the black half) he’s not even an American black! The blacks who have lived for hundreds of years in this country have in my opinion earned their stripes. Obama says he “relates” to them but he’s just using them as pawns to thwart his jacked up agenda. If the blacks in this country could stop and see that he woundn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell political-wise! Unfortunately most of the blacks in this country still see him as a black man and that’s why they (we) are still in the dismal shape were in!

  4815. the clown is hated because he is a marxist and an idiot wasted his life being brainwashed by freaks.

  4816. Her premise is correct, but it has little to do with the color of his skin. People hate Obama because his culture and upbringing run opposite to what many people believe an American president should represent.

    Instead of primarily promoting the uniqueness and great history of our country, he concentrates on the mistakes and flaws…..CONSTANTLY.

    He spends way too much time finding things wrong with it, As a nation and a people we are far from perfect. Human nature prevents that perfection.

    But this president has a hard time finding ANYTHING that he feels doesn’t need to be changed about who we are.

  4817. it was race that got him there and lack of character that will be his legacy , he and holder care much more about race than about governing this country

  4818. There’s that ol race card. Being black for them is like having a trump card in a game that is going sideways.

  4819. No, I despise Obama because he’s an incompetent Marxist pretending to be I-bleed-red American.
    Oprah is just another rich, fat cat Obamabot playing the race card. Has this woman no shame?
    Oprah, given your filthy riches that you made off of “white racist” America, why don’t you go on a world cruise 24/7/365 and leave the rest of as adults to figure out a way to stop this destruction by your Messiah Obama.

  4820. Nothing to do with race. We are being hoodwinked like no other time in history and all we get is the race card. Wake up America!!!!

  4821. Maybe, just maybe Oprah some people on this planet may NOT AGREE with Obama’s foreign policies, discernment, demeanor. lack of experience, and his nonexistent business acumen to be the President of the USA. Oprah and Obama would not have made it to the top with out the support of white people. That sounded racist didn’t it? Oprah should apologize for supporting such a weak-ass candidate in the first place!

  4822. Oprah, whose the racist here? Obama’s color doesn’t matter to me. He could be white, brown, purple, pink. It doesn’t matter. I have no respect for pathological liars, for people who get into something that is way over their head and then they can’t admit it or can’t take responsibility for their actions. The man sitting in the WH is the most inept and worst president this country has ever had. I’m not the racist, but I think Oprah just might be!

  4823. I thought he was White-African. He is Socialist Progressive Bourgeoisie. Who cares what his skin color is.

  4824. Sorry Oprah…we disrespect anyone who disrespects our intelligence…but while I’ve got you, care to tell me how adding 20-30 million low skilled illegals to our work pool is going to put inner city black males back to work? And please, be specific.

  4825. Yeah, America is so racist that she’s been able to build a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars and 130+ million Americans voted for the idiot in chief over two election cycles.

    It will never stop. People like her will always blame their shortcomings on race.

    Hey Oprah, I vaguely remember a Bible verse about bearing false witness. Do you?

  4826. Oh yeah now the old crutch comes out play the race card forget the fact he was raised a communist pot head. People don’t care If he’s green he’s still a damn communist.

  4827. Hate the President because he is black . . . NO . . . we hate him because he is a lying, arrogant piece of sh*t.

  4828. Gosh oprah it’s people like YOU who don’t even want to go to the bathroom after people like Obama! Why did you want a $28K purse…to hide a dozen brownies?

  4829. Blacks like to charge racism over anything and everything Obama. But they miss the point that Obama was elected…twice…by whites. Whites put him in office, not blacks.

    1. Yes Mr. Obama was re-elected by whites for the reason only 17% of the whites went out to vote.

  4830. So, what’s her reason for the way Bush was treated? Sorry, O, it’s politics, plain and simple, and color matters not to most. I know that goes against your intellectually and morally empty narrative of racism, but that’s the real truth.

  4831. Nobody ever says? Is this hog for real? The race card has been played so much it no longer has any credibility. Kinda like Oprah and Obama. What a tired old pair.

  4832. This is what happens with Affirmative Action. He wasn’t experienced as an executive and he has fallen on his face. Race really has nothing to do with his failure other than it is what got him the office in the first place.

  4833. “it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Nah Oprah that is called paranoia.

  4834. Typical racist pig….projecting her own racist tendencies onto the rest of us. We dislike Nobama because he is a socialist and a twit. Skin color is a non-issue. A white socialist twit would be just as bad (Carter was pretty close and he sucked too).

















  4836. Obama and other black leaders call for the destruction of the Tea Party. Everyone knows that means conservative whites. Black Obama voters are following orders from the top. There is an epidemic of black on white violence as a result. Search the web for “white girl bleed a lot” for proof.

  4837. He has brought the level of disrespect upon himself by his arrogance, incompetence and ineptitude, not by his half-white status. This is a typical misdirection by the Obots, playing the race card from the bottom of the deck in order to distract attention from the obvious issue: you people elected (twice) someone who was totally unprepared for the job while the press stood by and said nothing. Now all of us have to pay the steep price of this epic failure.

  4838. Like other posters said, she is clueless and out of touch. She just doesn’t get that we recognize bad governance. Really bad. Pulling the black card is so yesteryear.

  4839. I don’t like Obama’s policies, it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. What makes it worse is the Obama government operates under the unspoken policy of “the end justify the means”. For the all the talk about how much he cares about people, he reduces them to numbers and minimizes the effects of his policies on real people (we are necessary collateral damage). By the way, I am hispanic with olive color skin. Sick and tired of seeing the race card to shut down political discussion.

  4840. “Nobody talks about it”…. WHA??? Oh may gosh that’s all we hear about! Racist this, racist that. Getting just plain SICK of it. The race card is worth about 2 cents. I’d be so embarrassed to use it if I were black. I’m still embarrassed for them. BO uses it and he’s only half black. Who in their right mind would falsely use the race card for ill gain? Well, a lot of people would. It’s like looting really.

  4841. Oprah is 100% DEAD WRONG here. And frankly I think its racist of Oprah to try to hide Obama’s radical agenda behind the color of his skin.

    Clearly she wants to bring up actual examples of racism in the US so that her new film she’s plugging is relevant and prominent. Obama’s progressive, big govt, big spending, liberty/freedom stealing agenda is the most radial I’ve seen in my lifetime of 8 Presidents – perhaps its a bit more plausible that his ideology and agenda and manner of force feeding that agenda while villifying dissenters is the reason there are so many people against Obama (his agenda). Just saying……

  4842. My contempt and disdain for the occupier of the White House has nothing to do with race. It has every thing to do with the lies, the ineptness and pathetic attempt to blame every body else for his failures.

  4843. Never mind he had absolutely no business experience, leadership experience or real-world experience. Never mind he hates the military and has lost of the respect of the entire world – never mind he has lied time and time again and continues to lie to this day – never mind his attorney general takes care of “his people” (his words) and continues to not enforce mandatory laws – never mind Bengazi or Fast and Furious – never mind……..a complete and epic failure

  4844. Whenever in doubt pull out the race card
    I would still love to see the sales clerk at the boutique, where Oprah said she was discriminated against, because of her color, Take Oprah into court and sue her fat racist butt for slander
    There must be a video of the encounter

  4845. No! I do not like him because of his character. An Oprah, I do not like you either. I’m tired of a racist calling me racist.

  4846. The race card has been played out….it means nothing kinda like the word Nazi….just been used too much to have meaning anymore. The president is terrible that is why people don’t like him.

  4847. I disrespect him because he lies, manipulates, ignores the Constitution and repudiates American exceptionalism. He’s black?

  4848. Interesting she insults the very people who made her a$$ RICH, SHOWS HOW STUPID BOTH SIDES ARE!

  4849. No we don’t like him because he’s a lying fraud from Kenya, a closet Muslim, an America hating Socialist who said he was going to “fundamentally change this country.” We like America just the way it was before this creep came along and thinks he’s a Dictator. You need to put a salad in your mouth instead of spewing the racist garbage that comes our of your fat mouth. You’re the biggest closet racist ever, and only stupid stay at home women pay attention to anything you have to say. America has been pretty good to you hasn’t it you fat pig!

  4850. Oprah, you’re comments dont hold water because if we hated him we would not have elected then re-elected him. Oprah, realizes Obama played her, then basically dumped her, when his others two hens -Valerie Jarrett and Michelle – decided three was a crowd.Oprah’s staunch support of Obama has cost her some of her popularity as well as TV viewers who have boycotted her network.The thing is she can not criticize Obama, publically, in risk of losing support from the black community. So she continually calls his detractors,racists, because by staying silent it can be construed that she is condoning their criticism. By condoning their criticism, she is actually pointing a finger at herself for some of the blame, since Obama probably would not have been elected without her and her legion of “idiot” followers.

  4851. Obama has made politics and race inseparable. He has placed the federal government squarely on the side of blacks. For example his comments on Trayvon and Eric “my people” Holder in DOJ. HE is the one who made everything about race, not us white people. Look in the mirror Oprah.

    1. One more thing …….I’m really tired of this man giving America the finger !!! Back at you Bummmer !!!

    1. THAT IS YOUR ONLY REASON ? WOW, start doing some homework on the Street organizer ………..you will find just how close he has taken America to the brink of total destruction !!

      1. I think his point is he doesn’t like any politicians, not that that is the only reason he dislikes Obama. There are tons of reasons to not like him, but there are tons of reasons to not like many Republicans too…you just take the lesser of the two evils. Really, we need to just go into DC and clean house…

      2. America is already destroyed. Politicians are all corrupt and they will never dig us out of the hole. It’s only when the people wake up and take action that things will change.

  4852. I am getting tired of this. No, I am long past being tired of this – it makes me sick. Oprah Winfrey has been very popular, by people across all racial lines, for years. She is very successful and influential (or has been). Unless I am mistaken – she is black. Is there racism in America? YES. Welcome to the world of humans. Is it like it used to be? NO. It is time to accept the successes of the Civil Rights Era and get on with living in this country. PUT THE DAMN CRUTCH DOWN!

  4853. Blacks in America need more attention than a spoiled rotten 12 year old girl. Next time you see one remember to pat them on the head and tell them in soft tones that everything will be ok. Just dont take their racism angle away then what excuse will they have for their behavior?

  4854. Oprah – I am equally fond of Obama’s black half as I am of his white half. BTW, they’re both totally incompetent.

  4855. It must be tough for blacks to see the first black president going down in flames. He was elected for symbolism not substance; and it really shows.

  4856. Thank gawd Oprah has the sense to play the victim! I mean, with all her money, she could could be rebuilding an inner city school system, but it would be a better use of her talents to lay down and claim everyone in America is a secretly a member of the Klan.
    Way to go, Oprah! As Martin Luther said, don’t judge Barack by his actions, judge him on the basis of his skin color! You go girl! Show America you are not afraid to support Barack because he’s black and are willing to overlook anything harm he does because his skin color comes first.
    Good job, girl! You will keep racism alive and well every time you support the man. Just remember, Oprah: always look at Barack as a black man first and a bad president second! It’s the only way to deal with the things he does.

  4857. Whoa, whoa whoa,… first he is not black,… he is a communist,…second white American would have never heard of him had you not pimped him to your totally white audience.

  4858. I disrespect Obama because he golfs and vacations. He has good intentions, piles of other peoples money, but it takes work and experience to get things done. He has no experience and it shows big time, Being African-American is an excuse that has long worn itself out.

  4859. I daresay the country is colorblind, but we detest willfully stupid arrogance in any form.

  4860. LOL!!! I’m sorry Oprah but you are clueless. There are many other much GREATER black leaders in this country that represent the values that Americans embrace. Take Dr. Ben Carson for example. What a fantastic role model he is for any young person and by the way he is black. When liberals are clueless they always claim the problem is race – it’s not. It’s about having good character. Some people have it and some people don’t. OBAMA! has been a fraud from Day 1 and its unraveling now. Those that supported him early on did so simply because he was an articulate black man on the national stage but they didn’t listen carefully to what he was saying or who he really was. Now they are stuck with this pariah and see no honorable way out. By the way, I guess she doesn’t remember the total lack of respect which liberals showed to GWBush a few years back. It pales in comparison to what OBAMA! gets and if I recall, GWBush is not black.

  4861. This is what people who are truly racist say when they are trying to deflect criticism that is getting too close to the truth. She is one of the biggest racist in this country and has become rich while doing it. What a joke and she makes the case every time she opens her mouth (when not shoving food into it) talking about being a victim while making billions of dollars from the same people she hates. This is what people are tired of…not what color her or his skin is. They are unable to face up to the fact they are not King and Queen of America. Being a victim has become their stock in trade. Her appeal is to the weak-minded in our society.

  4862. Oprah, Obama is a half white/half black man who identifies as a black man. You, oprah, have made a fortune off of white people, so stop with the racial line of b.s. Oprah is a racist.

  4863. OMG… has nothing to do with the color of his skin you racist bitch! This idiot is the WORST potus in Americas history! Why do all the rich black @ssholes always think it is about color???? The scumbag in the white house is half white!!! His white half sucks just as bad!

  4864. Being black has kept Obama from being removed from office. If he had been white, a president this bad would have been gone long ago.

  4865. On the contrary, people excuse the bad decisions and poor leadership of the President because he is black. People are overly concerned about not appearing racist that they do not hold this man accountable for his actions.

  4866. Funny how Oprah forgets he is 1/2 white. I suppose everybody only hates the black part of Obama? It’s a shame when people have to play the race card when racism has nothing to do with the problem because it lessens the complaints of all who are wrongfully subjected to discrimination. Get a clue Oprah. Obama is not respected because he sucks as a president and has no business pretending to run this country.

  4867. LOL! Oprah is such a racist pig in the same liberal barnyard as Obama. My apologies to pigs. What happened to black people? Oh, the liberals made them slaves…

  4868. Listen up Oppie !! Race has nothing to do with his lack of Experience and Obama’s traitorous behavior……… this is all on his back……he came in with attitude of “King and Dick-ta-tor……….and he is going out with his tail between his legs !!!

    Millions of people have suffered his Lies, and People have been Killed because of him. These are facts that no one can dispute !!! Looks like Congress is ready now to stop the Criminal Activity in the White House………..better late then never !!!

  4869. Oprah you dumb mass, it’s not bc he is black, it’s cause he is a Marxist willfully destroying our great nation and shredding our constitution.
    He could be green or white and I’d hate the POS. Oprah you are heading to the dust bin of the entertainment industry your buddy Oboingo is heading for the worst absolute worst POTUS in US history. And btw your movie is full of lies, get over yourself no one is watching.. Go take some selfies and send them to yourself.

  4870. No BBC, Oprah is WRONG, in fact she’s RACIST for saying that. Indeed, to assume she knows our reasons for disliking Obama – to assume it’s because of his skin tone – which is light anyway?

    No. In fact if it’s a black issue – there are MANY blacks (of even darker complexion) as Patriot Conservatives I’d vote for in a heartbeat.

    No. It’s all politics – but actually more than the word ‘politics’.
    It’s more grave, more serious than mere, average politics.
    It is an urgent matter of Liberty vs Tyranny.

    I despise Obama for who he IS – and nothing to do with his skin tone.


    Did she help to save the white/black children of Chicago by building them a school so that they could get out of the inner city plantation?

    No…America…she did not…she instead went to Africa to build a school for only black children of that country…discriminating against American children who are black and white…and going instead to an all ‘black’ school to educate them in Africa!



  4872. Well I am glad that Oprah cleared that up. See I thought that all along people hated him because he was a radical Left Wing Socialist who can’t stop lying to the American people and has zero experience running anything except for being a street agitator and a very short stint as an Illinois Senator.

  4873. Many Americans are racists. For example, the 95% of blacks that voted for Obama simply because he is black are racists. They didn’t care about issues or policies or anything of substance. Then there are the myriad of other ethnic groups that also voted for him, simply because he is black. That is racism, just as voting against him for his skin color would be. Now, there are myriad defenders of Obama, not because his policies and actions are worth defending, but again, simply because he is black. That is racism.

  4874. Your film is racist, and it don’t mean anything that Obama is BLACK. He sucks as a President. His True Self is coming out. It is called COMMUNIST!!!!!!!

  4875. People are so racist in America that they voted a black man into office and made her a billionaire. My God when will it end? The best part of the cry racism angle is that its been used so much that no one buys it anymore. Not to mention Barry has done more to hurt blacks in America than anyone. But there they are still leaning on that crutch. Notice she doesnt mention that 97% of blacks voted for him BECAUSE he was black…..thats racism.

    There has never been a more coddled race of people in the history of the planet.

  4876. It doesn’t help that black Obama voters are waging a dirty war on “tea party” whites. Search the web for “white girl bleed a lot”. You didn’t think the epidemic of black violence was just about race, did you?

  4877. I have contempt for obama for the same reaons i have contempt for bush, clinton, papa bush, reagan, etc all the way back to JFK. because they are all corrupt, fascists, murdering, oppressing, lying, terrorist dictators.

  4878. So Oprah, who has become a billionaire because of the adulation of white women, defends the President elected twice by millions of adoring whites against racism. Oprah, your movie character Celie wasn’t raped and beaten by white men and neither were you. Stop worshiping pigment and tell the truth.

  4879. So…being a liar, manipulator, killer and theif druggy really should have no bearing on our opinion of him? I think as much as Oprah throws out the race card and lies on store tellers…she might be a racist.

  4880. Sorry Oprah, I dont like him because of his political views. I feel the same about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Exactly the same!
    When all else fails, pull the race card.
    By the way, Obama has done more to damage race relations than any public figure in the past 50 years.

  4881. who is the fool, her? or the millions duped by her who watched this racist fool for all those years?

  4882. In this case, Oprah is wrong because she can only see things as reflected by her own prejudices. Her unwavering support for Obama does not allow her to see him as deserving the ridicule heaped upon him by his actions. Insisting on pidgonholing his critics as racist is a form of racism itself and nullifies the validity of her argument.

  4883. Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that he is an incompetent liar who has been dangerously in over his head for most of his adult life and is threatening the security and health of a once-great nation…it must be because he’s black…moron.

  4884. I’m with you nosocialism29. So if anyone is opposed to the POTUS’ policies he or she is racist. That is just plain stupid. This nonsense has got to stop. BTW for the record I am a black American.

  4885. Oprah dear…I dislike both of you for 2 simple reasons. (1) You’re both twats. (2) You’re both racists.

  4886. Well, Oprah, Honey, you got it all wrong, it ain’t that Barry is a mulatto, that don’t bother us, we see it everyday, You see, we just don’t like Liberal Socialism, no matter what color it comes in.

    You have a nice day, hear !

  4887. Oprah is a fool. I do not respect Barry and I admit it. The reason(s) include:
    -He is the least open and transparent man ever in the White House.
    -He is now a proven liar regarding Obamacare. He also lied regarding Bengazi when a number of American Hero’s died on his watch while he was campaigning to raise more money.
    -He has taken the position that he is above the law and constitution and he alone can decide which laws are to be enforced and to what degree.
    -I waiver back and forth as to is he completely incompetent or is intent on the destruction of America. Today I am leaning toward his goal is the destruction of America.
    -If he didn’t personnaly start the IRS investigation of conservatives he set the stage by joking about having the IRS audit Arizona when he didn’t receive an honorary degree.
    -The list is much longer, check out recent lists of “scandals”.

  4888. People I know don’t hate Obama’s black half. It’s his white trash half we dislike.

  4889. Wrong Dopra. He is a socialist that is destroying America. I don’t care what color he is he needs to go.

  4890. Please STOP playing the RACE card . . . this president was elected TWICE . . . by peoples of all races in America. You are doing nothing to help this country with these kind of divisive comments.

  4891. Oprah’s answer to everything; Racism.
    Someone may want to add some new words to their vocabulary.
    Here’s one for you Oprah; TYRANT. How about INCOMPETENT.

    1. Racism is an excuse for some black people not to try to become a functional member of society. As many white kids in the past 30 years follow and enjoy rap music…you would think that excuse would not be used so much.

  4892. Blacks are the most racist people on Earth. Look at Atlanta a once proud Southen city destroyed by racist black management and white guilt idiots from up North

    1. They did that to Atlanta, liberals destroyed it using blacks and illegals, now McAuliffe, Obama and the Democrats are gona do it to Virginia.

    2. When was the last time you saw a white crowd going around jumping people? Its about time people woke up and demanded some be more responible in life.

  4893. The govt has fought wars on credit cards. Money going to contractors to evolve technologies. We are paying top dollar for technologies we generated. President got on sinking ship. He sponsored obamacare with no plan to support while billions is coming in from our oil production. reps calling for pay cuts while Your money is in their pockets… people are finally seeing big picture and not liking where thieves are taking us…

    1. Obama was installed to finish America off…he’s just the useful idiot being controlled by Soros and the communists.

  4894. Sorry, bimbo, he IS half white. However, color has nothing to do with what this fascist is doing to our country. Turning it into a 3rd world country, and fast.

  4895. He is disliked because he is a titanic failure. Many of us KNEW that the liberals and their love of cradle-to-grave government care would spell disaster. Over and over, any criticism was met with a cry of ‘RACIST!’ to marginalize the opposition. Well, guess what? “Screw you.”

    I’d love to laugh and say you losers get what you deserve. Unfortunately, we ALL get what you deserve. Thanks for the great work.

    The ‘smartest guys in the room’ are actually revealed to be a bunch of stupid fvcks…

  4896. Believe me it’s not the color of skin. It’s his character. He’s a liar and and idiot. He has no experience and he’s in over his head. His lack of confidence makes him surround himself with yes men. Oprah, if you hate American so much, and love Africa, please do us all a favor and move there. I’m sure you could have gotten just as rich in a third world country.


  4897. She is the top female black woman earnings wise and a very successful person with the all time top talk show following, he is President of the United States, therefore her statements are now nothing more than a pile of BS


  4898. That’s like saying that we don’t like Oprah because she is black. Yet she is one of the most favorited Americans we have, has been made a zillionaire, and is almost worshiped by many here. She should just shut up and realize that Obama is just a lying dick!

  4899. this is why the BANKSTERS installed him because they knew how dumb the majority of Americans are and that everything he does ILLEGAL against the American people he would just break out the race card 90% of blacks don’t leave home without it’s their bond because they’ll cry racism.

    Home many people that are sick gonna die because of him over his socialist medical bill ?

    Divide and conquer.

  4900. Never elect another African-American to office.

    Their perpetual victimhood status prevents them from being criticized for their poor performance.

    Since it is important that we succeed and progress as a society … we cannot be held back by politicians we are unable to criticize.

    Never again.

    1. This is a very unique and perceptive comment. Can you imagine the founding fathers coming up with a “type” of politician that could not be criticized?

  4901. no, Oprah, they don’t like him because he foisted Obamacare, the stimulus, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting, NSA spying, etc etc etc on us. Get a clue, sweetheart.

  4902. No Oprah, it’s because he’s a Castro wan’a be. You wanted a black President. You got one. Did you really think he would act any different? He’s a perfect example of your race and you don’t like what you see do you. And no that’s not racist, you see I know and work with the exceptions. Blacks with honor, integrity, intelligence, common sense. They are few and far between but they are a pleasure to be around. Too bad you liberals didn’t pick one like that.

  4903. opfrah doesnt believe one word she says- shes lying through her freaking teeth and the whole country knows it.

  4904. If Obama was green, I would still be against his policies. It has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin, it is his mindset. If people would take off their “race card” glasses, they would see what he is doing to our country!

  4905. No! Obama is being disrespected because some people know a con man when the see, hear one.

  4906. Barack Ocommunist was in Cleveland at a steel mill yesterday touting how great the economy is,and defending 0care while at the Cleveland Clinic right down the street was in the process of beginning to lay off 3 thousand employees thanks to 0care

  4907. Oprah who made Millions $$$ with the same color and was never called out about it. People are not disrespectful of Obama because he is the first African President because he is not. Obama is 1/2 White and born in Hawaii (or so they say) If he has gone to Africa it was for a visit not to live there. Why people are disrespectful is because he is a community organizer (not a president), lies, He does not respect America – Americans or Christians, He does not care about anyone else except Muslins, He is destroying our standings in the world, He’s pushing our allies away for his own agenda, all he wants to do is show off on TV, and HE IS AN IDIOT. I think the average American worker, lower or middle class with a High School education can do better than Obama but they will never get a chance because of the policies and politics in the U.S. The American people or being played by Washington from all sides thinking we are stupid. It’s time for the American public to stand up and take our country back. Don’t kick the can down the road. Kick the bad, corrupt, stupid politicians out the door.

  4908. That’s the same excuse but a politer way to say “we are all racist”.

    Keep it up, soon. That word is going to have absolutely no meaning. And those that hurl it freely, will be the ones to blame.

  4909. Look you dried out hag w/ a billion plus dollars, I hate every breath he takes, and every move he makes (Sounds like a song I’ve heard). Truthfully, even if it was related to his half cracker self…truly Benito Obamalini has proven that there are worst things in the world than to hold some prejudice.

  4910. WEB DuBois saw this coming over a century ago when he said that he feared that black people would use race as an excuse for failure… Sad that he turned out to be prophetic about that.

  4911. What a DumbAzz Oprah is. She’s right up there with Shake Down Jesse and Big Al Sharpton the Race Pimp! Obama is a Marxist Community Organizer. Period.

  4912. Kinda reminds me of the girl who has no friends or boyfriend has convinced herself its because she is too smart or too pretty….

  4913. The only bit standing between BO and a tin shack next his brother in Kenya is a white mother.

  4914. I hate Obama cause I believed in his change campaign, I believed in him. I believed his lies. it has nothing to do with teh color of his fucking skin. He’s full of shit. Just like the rest of the power hungry USA Elite.

  4915. So for the 8 years Bush was in office, Oprah and her kind were disrespectful to him because he was white.

  4916. No Oprah, he is an INCOMPETENT SOCIALIST. I would vote for DR. BEN CARSON or ALLEN WEST any day. Quit shoveling coal on the race war you and the president keep trying to create

  4917. Typical Progressive B S. We disagree very strongly with becoming a Socialist/Communist nation. President Obama has steered us toward that as quickly and determinedly as he possibly can. He disregards laws and our governmental process of him enforcing the laws at every turn. He is acting more like a dictator than a president. Should we turn a blind eye to all of this so as not to offend anyone because he is half black? If Oprah wants to be taken seriously she needs to come to the table with more than racism.

  4918. Obama is an ignorant, criminal, megalomaniac and doesn’t belong on the American political scene. That he is black is of no more importance than the color of another criminal megalomaniac, Hilary Clinton.

  4919. Just like the Jews shout antisemitism at the tops of their lungs when anyone calls bullshite on them, Oprah is playing the same game. We don’t hate Obama because he’s black. We hate him because he is an incompetent, lying thief. Oprah is the only one playing the race card here. So who is the racist? Me tinks it’s the fat lady making all the noise.

  4920. Of course the disrespect could have nothing to do with Obama;s incompetence, repeated lies, dishonor and (his not so secret anymore) socialist/communist intentions. Apparently, Oprah has been permitted to waddle around the WH again.

  4921. Bull, I respect Colin Powell, Colonel Allen West, Herman Cain, Dr Ben Carlson and they’re black.

    1. Colin Powell is another one who says we don’t like Obama ’cause he’s black.
      What great times these be for the race pimps.

  4922. No “O”. We don’t like him or you because both of you are Liberal/Progressive/Communist idiots. Only country in the world where you could have the success you’ve had and you still call us racists. Shame on You.

  4923. What a disgusting comment to say that because we don’t like the fact that he has bankrupted our nation, lied for three years about Obamacare not to mention the Benghazi, IRS, fast and furious and Solindra scandals that we are racists.

  4924. The woman who started her career ,hating Real Men and Obama not being a Real Black Man ,both have hoodwinked Most of Black America today .This has got to be her way of dealing with her shameful support of the Worst President in American History ,

    Flash forward ,Oprah joins, Over Eaters anonymous , to battle 100 lbs Elephant

  4925. After her phony purse shopping discrimination claim failed to keep her in the public eye, it’s time to once again throw out the race card.
    The Oprah needs to keep in mind that after selling her fans on the failure known as Obama, no one believes a word she says.
    Both she and Barry now have zero credibility.

    1. I have to ask the obvious question here please
      You say that they both “Now” have zero credibility

      Can you give an example of when either one had any to begin with?

        1. Maybe you know somebody then that can
          Maybe even you know somebody that knows someone?

          Don’t ya think this is pretty serious stuff?
          I mean this is our very own preeezy stompy feet
          Someone has to have known him when he had credibility? One would think?

          Kinda like those “stimulus” jobs?
          Never met anybody that knew anybody that had one

          Maybe one of them trolls could tell us?

          1. Unlike his bot supporters, I did some investigation into his background and knew going into it, that he was nothing but a wet behind the ears community who had been elevated by others to his position and all without lifting a finger on his own.

            He hasn’t accomplished anything, or done anything that has had anything other than a negative effect on the nation.
            I still wonder what anyone sees in him.

  4926. That’s a dam lie. He was elected by white people who’ve been told all their lives they should feel guilty because they are white. He’s hated because they now realize he is a communist bent on destroying everything this great nation stands for.

  4927. He is being judged by the content of his character,not the color of his skin.

    Isn’t that exactly what you wished for? You should be ashamed.

    I used to like you before you joined the Jackson-Sharpton Cartel.

  4928. It’s unfortunate Oprah would turn to this old saw of racism against “poor old Obama”, it really is a yawner at this point. The truth is if Obama was all white instead of half white, he would have never been elected the first time, let alone a second. He had no accomplishment, no experience and no big solutions or ideas to our nation’s problems. He was elected to office on a cult of personality precisely because he was half black, could read a TelePrompTer and promised an ambiguous “Hope and Change” mantra. No similar white candidate could have survived their party’s primary. Even worse, Obama’s incompetence since he has been in office is chilling and unfortunate, although easily predictable.

  4929. Since when is disrespecting a liar racist? Anyone, and I don’t care what race, gender, age or anything else does not deserve respect or support when they lie.

    1. She’s just following the liberal play book. If you can’t defend yourself or your party members based on facts, make up a bs outlandish claim that is purely emotional.

  4930. Bullshite Oprah. 61% of Americans disapprove of his job performance because he is a lying, cheating, thieving politician. It has absolutely nothing to do with race except that he is living up to the social expectations for blacks in America. Understand honey, it’s not a stereotype, it’s a description of the suspect.

  4931. Pesky twerps, these Black racists. They just keep bull-dozing their way into their self-hatred, coming out at the other end transferring it to those of us, who haven’t either time or incentive to ‘hate’ anyone – but, do hate ‘the sick energy dynamics of their sick minds’. It isn’t good for the environment.

    She, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, the entire Black Caucus, Russell Simmons, that ‘Jay-something crack dealer’, that film producer from the Bronx, with the bi-focals who loves to hate Whites – on and on – (ah! Spike Lee) – all have ‘slave’ written across their foreheads. It’s the beta decay of their mind’s self-perception, blasting from those small brains floating just behind ‘those eyes’ – that roll around looking for something on the planet, that looks, talks, and acts like them – and, when the eyeballs have gone full circle, settle back on themselves – and their sick leader floating around in the Oval Office (when one of its hind paws isn’t anchored on top of the desk) . He has the same self-identity problem – he just bluffs bigger, and tries harder to cover up his embarrassment of being so insignificant.

    Just as there is no amount of money that will cover up the protoplasm of Wnfrey’s mass, there are no titles that cover up a thin-skinned creature, with a pulsating desire to fulfill a dream of being America’s 1st Fascist dictator – but, who is stuck with acting out his slave-mentality – while trying desperately to feign a demeanor that looks like a real-life POTUS. That is one sick psyche.

    Oh, and then too, there are those 99% of Black slave racists whom this crowd keeps bound, barefoot, and pregnant on Urban Voting Farms.

    Get over yourselves. We’re sick of hearing your lies. Everyone knows that you hold on to your racism – for profit. Every time your precious-racist bank account averages drop below your max-profit projections, you ‘raise another Slave drama’ – stump a film on racism, have a bogus rally to claim a Black killer wasn’t a killer, because he got himself killed instead, and so on – just to re-fill the coffers. Black Racism is the largest industry in America – outside of Finance Capitalism; it is your dirty little secret, to sabotage and extort your livelihood from those who are dumb enough to pay you for, and pay you off for, your well-planned dramas – from The Thing in the Oval Office on thru your Scarab infestations throughout the Congress and the welfare-state’s cosmos. You’ve miscalculated: the White public knows the definition of “slave”, “extortion” – and “dumb”. It recognizes all three when they see it – in any race, or color. The White public is not all deaf or blind. Nor is it dumb enough to be mute when you race baiters are too dumb to know when to be.
    . . .
    http://boudicabpi.wordpress.co… “A BOUDICA POINT OF VIEW: Take No Prisoners”

  4932. No, Opey, we disrespect him because of his disrespect for the Constitution and the values and traditions that made this nation the greatest place on Earth to live! We disrespect his attitudes and actions; we disrespect him because he’s a communist!

  4933. Hey women……… where do you come off making statements like that? You don’t know anything about white people. We don’t HATE Obama because of his skin color….PERIOD. He is just plain Marxist. We DON’T want America to be a Socialist Government but he just doesn’t listen. Now…. does that make any sense to you because that IS what White People WANT. SKIN COLOR DOESN’T COME INTO THIS. I know you are smarter that what is coming out of your mouth. For gosh sake thing.

  4934. Oprah your a racist he is a mulatto his mother was white.African yes American who knows he is too scared to prove it especially in his hate for the constitution and tactics on the American.

    See Oprah doesn’t have to worry she runs with the elites and she has plenty of money to cover her medical.

  4935. You are past selling beauty, cooking, and crap psychology tips to soccer moms now Oprah. You are talking to rational adults. Were you around to see the contemptuous slurs hurled at Bush? Was THAT being respectful to the office of the persidency? Do you imagine 95% of black voters supported Obama because they favor a socialist/communist government or because he is black?

  4936. Her comments on their face are ABSURD. How does she know what EVERYONE is thinking? She reads minds? It’s about time someone called these RACISTS out because of their PROJECTION. She has made an ugly accusation and all she can offer as “proof” is what she THINKS (feels)? Hey Oprah – all those people you are accusing have made you one of the WEALTHIEST WOMEN IN THE WORLD. I always SUSPECTED you were a racialist deep down. Thanks for the PROOF. Notice I said I suspected? I didn’t say I KNEW?

  4937. Fix you own house Oprah before you call the entire nation racist. The black community needs to evolve! This is not a referendum or assault on his color, rather, a logical debate about his policies and how he is running the country. Of all the people to come out and make a statement like this she be slapped upside the head. As for the peanut gallery who may agree with her, grow a brain and realize the facts before you jump to conclusions and thro racial accusations around.

  4938. He is brown (like Oprah and pooh). Not black. People badmouth him because he is an amateur and a fraud.

  4939. I despise this man and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It is all about his character and actions.

  4940. Using a descriptive attribute in a derogatory manor after the initial disagreement is not always racist. Chris Christy comes to mind. What did you think when you heard the name? Are you prejudice to fatter people or does the fact that he’s who he is lead you there? My point is there’s a whole lot less racism, and a whole lot more disagreement than people like Oprah are making things out to be. Even to the name callers.

  4941. He is a bald faced LIAR. He lied in the campaign, he is still lying every time he opens his mouth. A lot of gullible idiots believed his lies, but many are now waking up.
    Who gives a shit if he is black (half black), he and his administration are one big disaster. Frauds, charlatans, con men. Just like dopra the nut job.

  4942. For being so successful Oprah can sure be an idiot. She can’t comprehend how people can differentiate between his race and his actions. I’ll make this simple for you Oprah. “People don’t like Obama because he’s black” isn’t the reason. People don’t like Obama because he’s an arrogant elitist POS Liberal.

  4943. This is so weak. Are there people who are racist and don’t like Obama? Obviously. But is it really a major reason why his approval rating is low? Of course not. The last time I checked Ms. Winfrey, President Obama was elected TWICE by the American people. Now call me crazy but this tells me that you are jumping the shark a thousand feet with your assertion. Not only are you selling the President short with this crap but black people in general, what a cop out.

  4944. Oprah is a blowhard and a dipshit racist her self. She can get down on all fours and blow me for all I care.

    1. Yuck, you’ve got a stronger stomach than most……I don’t want that beast anywhere near me…..

  4945. Is there any chance someone can kick this racist commie-supporting woman in the teeth already?

  4946. Pure BS.. He was elected and then re-elected, BECAUSE he is Black. If he had been a white candidate, the press would have mauled him over his back ground. All the covering up, all the questions, all the lack of real experiance.

    To say now that he’s a failure as a President because of racism is pure BS

  4947. Oprah you’re a sanctimonious hag, how about we don’t care. No really that guy Dr. King said some good stuff.

    now if you could look that up.. We don’t like skippy cause he is an incompetent BOOB!

  4948. The fact that he looks a little bit african is probably the only thing about Obama that isn’t a lie.

    The fact is that that is also, probably, the only thing about him that people DON’T hate.

    It’s everything else about him that’s dishonest and detestable. And most of what he does.

  4949. If Obama were all white instead of just half white, he never would have been elected in 2008. There was very little difference between Obama and Hillary on the issues, but from South Carolina forward, Obama began receiving 80 percent or more of the black vote. His campaign made the conscious effort to promote him as a black candidate in S.C. by putting Michelle on campaign buttons and having Michelle do more speeches for the campaign. It is a fact that blacks are more likely to vote for members of their own race than whites do for fellow whites. Racism in this country is more evident amongst blacks, including Oprah.

  4950. The rest of them despise him because he is a liar, a con artist, a wannabe Communist, and has made our beloved country the laughing stock of the world.

  4951. Wow, its amazing you are not allowed to disagree with this president without being called racist. I guess if he is lying to you face you are just supposted to take it cause if you dont your racist. WOW! Good work Oprah

  4952. I guess inept, feckless, duplicit and arrogant has nothing to do with it? By the way, Oprah, I have no respect for you either as a lying race baiter, welcome to the Jackson-Sharpton club, you can be the fat only slightly less stupid one.

  4953. it is not that he is african american why they disrespect him…he is a chronic liar and
    incompetent and that is why they disrespect him. he hasnt done one single thing to help the people of this US! everything he gets involved in ends in disaster.

  4954. just watched group called PINK POWER!! A couple hundred and not 1 black person in the crowd. Likely they are out planning a flash mob party at the mall tonite!

  4955. What a stupid, bitter, bigoted woman. The simple are so easily seduced by smooth talking marxists.

  4956. Oprah has the right to her opinion but that doesn’t make it true. The president just happens to be an empty shirt and his performance proves it. The guy had never done a thing in his life to qualify him presidential material. But then again blacks like Oprah only see the blackness in Obama and not anything else.

  4957. Dear Oprah,

    You are full of crap. Your head is in the sand. And the words you speak are just as garbled as Obama’s. We are not listening anymore.

  4958. Mr. Obama’s communist bigamist father who abandoned a pregnant wife in Africa, was 100% African. Obama’s knocked up hippie mother was white. There are no African Americans in this picture.

  4959. Hey Oprah… since Ovomit is the only candidate you ever endorsed and campaigned for and he happens to be BLACK like you doesn’t that make YOU the racist? People who live in glass houses…….

  4960. No …. we disrespect him because he violates his oath of office at will. We disrespect you because you are a racist for such a ridiculous assertion.

    Tell us, why do you support him, if not for his color?

    Really Ms Winfrey?

  4961. Only in america can the (formerly) most influential woman be black and claim that the people who twice elected a black man to the most powerful position in the world are racist.

    The mind boggles.

  4962. OOOpah is as phony as that hair weave that she has glued on and pretends it’s her real hair.

  4963. No Okra, I don’t respect you or your narrow minded opinion.

    I don’t respect the Communist that occupies OUR White House.
    Color and / or race has nothing to do with it.
    If his 50% white side was his dominant feature, would you still call him black?

  4964. I would like to know whether the big mouth yak will read any of these comments. Would give her just a little insight as to what Americans really do think of her narcissistic, arrogant, pathological lyinga$$ hero, right?

  4965. To me, respect is earned, not automatically given whether you are the newspaper carrier or the POTUS. I had no respect for Nixon, felt sorry for Johnson although he led us into his own mess, but the current president originally had my respect. But when you are the CEO of a “company” that allows tons of guns to be covertly sold that end up in Mexico, so you can promote a gun control agenda; have a blind eye toward the IRS running rampant against political groups that don’t share your phiosophy; be indignant toward Bush with his actions with NSA and look what has happened on his watch; Bengahzi; and now the healthcare fiasco. He promised the most transparent administration, but now I think we can see through him! For a president that is supposed to be so smart, it seems he doesn’t know anything going on around him. How can that be respected?
    Whenever anyone is critical of our leader, they pull the race card, but if you are a black Republican, fellow blacks label that person as an “Uncle Tom” or worse.

  4966. Nice try, Ms. Winfrey!
    Actually, Oprah is disrespectful toward non-minorities, with her sweeping generalizations.

  4967. Obama has proven himself unworthy of respect time after time.
    Oprah is clearly a racist if she can’t see that.

  4968. It is Oprah’s remarks like this that made me stop watching her a long time ago. The ones who claim others are racist are the ones looking at color more. The rest of us are spending a lot more time listening to what people say. The evidence is clear, because a lot more African Americans are finally listening to what Obama has been saying and beginning to realize they bought a fictitious bill of goods when they elected him. The pedestal is clay and they now see it. This isn’t racism, it’s realism.

  4969. Now let me get this correctly; Obama is hated because he is Black? Is he not half White? Was he not raised White, since he never knew the poverty or community of Black America? So what does this have to do with race, and by the way I am a man of Color. Obama is a liar, and incompetent and he is only half-black. Also note he was the least prepared to be President of any President in recent memory: Carter, Governor of Georgia, Reagan, Governor of California, Bush I, former head of CIA, Clinton, Governor of Arkansas and Attorney General of that State, Bush II, Governor of Texas, Obama, Community Organizer, in a Community that is still impoverished and has the worst schools in the U.S.! Obama never had to develop a payroll, then he was elected to be CEO of the largest employer in the U.S.. Obama was elected, because he played the Race Card; and he has now played that Card out. Oprah needs to go back in the closet and deal with her failing to admit that if she is not a Lesbian, then she is just a woman who cannot maintain a meaningful love relationship with another human or control her weight.

  4970. Keep playing the race card you fat ugly sk ank b itch because you are going to believe it no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

    I could care less if he is PLAID, he is an incompetent f’ing moron who couldn’t poor water out of his boot even with instructions printed on the sole.

  4971. I have been waiting for this. Ok– Up until odumbo I was not a racist, I was not a racist. Then from the lamestream press and odumbo, if you disagreed with the antichrists policy’s you were a racist. Odumbo has set the race relations back 50 years, hoards of blacks are killing everything in their paths and Odumbo says if he had a son he would look just like the perpetrators . I am so sick of everyone being called a racist, that I cannot stand it. We all know that odumbo and moozshelle hate the whiteys, and what I have learned over the last 5 years is that the ones who are racist are the blacks. Keep it up odumbo, your about to cause a race war, and with only 12% of the population, the odds are not good for your special peoples…

  4972. Oprah, most people that have a problem with Obama would gladly vote for Col. Allen West … so that excuse doesn’t fly.

    1. But West is an Uncle Tom. He’s not down with the cause. Therefore, he’s not legitimately black.

      1. once you wander off (or were never on) the Liberal reservation you’re persona non grata to the Left.

    2. you are so correct!! i would vote for Allen West in a heartbeat. he has a proven record of leadership but got railroaded during the incident invollving him and war prisoners/terrorists. he got what he went for and probably saved a lot of lives and never harmed one person, but he just done it in a different manner. he is retired from the military and so am i so that makes him a military brother in arms.

      1. he’s pretty much the antithesis of the current resident of 1600 Penn Ave, which is exactly what we need.

        1. yep, you are correct…West has a lot of commone sense and leadership traits which the resident never had…it was like taking a auto mechanic and putting him in the oval office with no personal training/experience at all. it couldnt turn out any way but bad!!

  4973. It is sad that Oprah has resorted to this kind of tactic to further the Obama race-baiting.

    One more time for slow liberals… we do not approve of the job Obama is doing. It has nothing to do with skin color. It is all about how he is wasting taxpayer dollars on vacations while his policies are putting people out of work. It is all about his not taking action in finding and bringing to justice those involved in the massacre at Benghazi. (Include Hillary in that category, too.) It is all about “fundamentally changing” the best country in the world and trying to make it a Third World country.

    No, Oprah, we don’t dislike Obama because he is black, we dislike him because he does not have a clue about how to run this country, no clue about economics, foreign policy, domestic policy, fiscal responsibility, and how to relate to the taxpaying American citizens.

    For a successful business woman to choose skin color over truth says a great deal about Oprah.

  4974. The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance. He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively. ~ Dr. Jack Wheeler

  4975. Being Bombastic is all Oprah has left. she has learned that negative attention is better than none. She’s about as popular as mud pancakes these days.

  4976. I am so “F-in” sick of this color card crap! I could not care if he is black, blue or green, he is a liar and a terrible President. Maybe if he hadn’t spent so much time hitting those golf balls he would have known that the ACA website was not working.

    There is a long list of tension and doubt in his administration, remember in his first year Obama said Health Care deals will be covered on C-span to the Benghazi debacle. He is much, much worse than GWB and I thought GWB was not a good President. GWB created Part D Medicare – a multi-trillion dollar unfunded government liability and the Patriot Act — I was not thrilled. But Obama has gone much, much further than GWB.

    No Oprah it isn’t the color it is the man.

  4977. More black fetuses have been aborted than there are blacks living in America. Obamacare will accelerate this this tragedy. Who is the racist?

  4978. Oprah it was White people who made you rich.
    It wasn’t Sharpton or Jackson
    OUT THERE that bite the hand that fed them

  4979. I feel sorry for those blacks who are so intellectually-challenged that their first-line defense is to throw the race card. Obama is an inexperienced, arrogant, incompetent, bully who is completely out of his depth. He will go down in history as being a horrible president who rose to power on nothing more than the color of his skin and white guilt. I voted for him in 2008 primarily because it was either him or a doddering old man and secondarily I thought it would be nice to break the stereotype. Hindsight is 20-20 and as it turns out I should have voted for the doddering old man. I will never for the rest of my life make that mistake again.

    1. i also think that after he is completed his presidency, how every that may be, that the american people will find out so much stuff about him that it will make their hair stand on end….a lot of things will come out and will expose him for what is really is!!

    2. Amen Brother …. but, I managed to suspect the contretemps and mystery of his vetting documentary imprint as a warning to vote neither for him, nor the doddering old man: who sans his POW hat, was just another empty suit.


  4980. I prejudiced against corrupt racist scumbag politicians from Chicago. I’m also prejudiced against know-it-all celebrities who think that because they are successful in show business then that makes them an expert on everything.

  4981. She just can’t “get” that his policies are the issue. Race is always the issue for her, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama.

  4982. Obama is an incompetent moron, who would lie when the truth better fit the occassion who happens to be black.

  4983. What does a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat do when faced with the obvious failure of one of their stars? Whoop out the old Racist/Sexist/Homophobe card of course….They never leave home without it.

  4984. So your disrespect for Bush was because….he is white? I am sure it can’t be that Ovomit is a loser, Al Sharpton wannabe…nahhhhh.

  4985. I believe her statement reflects the true racism that most blacks harbor against not only whites but other groups. We are familiar with what’s next regarding the President. His supporters will bring up the race card, his political group will blame insurance companies, and then the republicans will ultimately be blamed and the MSM will go ago with it. Mr. Obama was trying to provide health care for the poor, while screwing up the complete health care system. Shame on those that voted for him.

    1. I have only one problem with your post. Obama was never trying to provide health care for the poor… it was and is about gaining single payer health care so that we are all on the dole.

  4986. Don’t forget DOPErah oblamer WANTED this job, he got it and look what a piss poor job he’s done and it’s due to his race? How’d you make so much money again? How much have you paid in taxes? How stupid are you?

  4987. I don’t disagree with Obama because he is 50% black. I disagree with him because he is 100% liberal/socialist. He lacks any real work experience (Really people what would you hire a community organize to do, What skills are required to be a community organizer) and he is incompetent. Oprah you can try to cover up his failures by calling me a racist but the truth is Obama is a failure and I am not a racist. I judge people by their accomplishments and not the color of their skin unlike you.

  4988. Please take that tired, victim mentality, race baiting, Obama victimizing, self serving, hypocritical political racial rhetoric and put it in a big fat glass bowl and sink it to the bottom of the ocean and then bust it open so it can no longer survive as it dissipates into nothingness. The ‘weary whine’ of the same old, same old crowd, no longer works for those with an I.Q. higher than a banana. We get it. America has spent well over 65+ years in a vain attempt to make up for her indiscretions. Those that have benefited mightily in many ways, free college scholarships, political correctness giving them unfair advantages, ad nauseam, social programs up the wazoo, and the remainder of the list that is long enough to stretch from Earth to Moon and back again, has gone completely and wholly unappreciated or acknowledged. Enough. If those that pull the race card were not such rabid racial hypocrites, it might almost be entertaining, but it’s not. Respect, Oprah? Don’t pontificate or try to school us about ‘respect’. That’s exactly what the racial whiners do not reciprocate – ever.

  4989. Oprah……Obama has become an anathema with the American people not because he is black, but because he is an incompetent fool that pushes blame and obfuscates every issue. He has a keen ability in creating situations that stir controversy. He then stands back lecturing the parties involved as if he is above it all…….Those are just a few of the reasons why Americans hate him…..(at least the ones that didn’t vote for him)

  4990. Wrong Oprah we don’t like him because he is an incompetent and not qualified to be president (not to mention he is a Marxist) you and yours were the only group that were affected by his skin color to the point of becoming blind followers regardless. There was no vetting, you and yours helped cover up lie after lie after lie attributing to the faster and more enhanced decay of what was once the greatest country in the world.

  4991. No, because he is an egotistical, incompetent, socialist liar. I am judging him by the content of his character.

  4992. In how many racists nations can a black woman get her own TV show let alone garner a large enough loyal viewership to become a billionaire? It must be difficult for her to look in the mirror each day and realize that she is the success she says this nation keeps black people from being. In fact, she is proof that what she is saying has no basis.

    1. Good point. Think of all the racists it took for Obama to be elected. For some blacks, you’re racist just because you’re white.

  4993. I’m sure that she didn’t make her fortune from the black community…..FAT LOSER!

  4994. Dear Oprah: I do NOT care about the color of your buddy’s skin. I care about what he has done to this county in the name of Communism and tyranny. He is a LIAR who is drunk with power and needs to resign. Period. PERIOD.

    Your comments are exactly why this country is more divided under Obama than ever in history.

  4995. I disrespect Obama because he’s a liar, he soils the Office of The President with his behavior and associations, he pushes authoritarian policies, and he’s a clear token puppet. Has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Swing and a miss, Oprah.

  4996. Really.
    Could people dis him because he’s a Lying, Incompetent, Unqualified, Marxist Bag of Obama?

  4997. Excuse me, Oprah, you couldn’t be more wrong. This is more of the same deceit that Obama can’t be criticized or your a racist. By now the world is onto Obama and her going around calling Americans racist will only make her look like a dupe.

  4998. Any time one of these buffoons play the race card,they have run out of options to support their argument,thus they have lost the argument.Lame.

  4999. Probably the ONLY positive thing about the Obama presidency is that it has exposed the deep, disturbing, pathological racist hatred that black people harbor towards all white people. They are the most despicable racists on the planet.

  5000. Oprah, please don’t project your insecurities and race-obsessed narrative onto America. Honestly, can you see into the minds of Americans? People don’t like Mr. Obama because they rightly perceive that, like his predecessor GW Bush, he is hurtling America toward disaster. He is obsessed with nothing more than “spreading misery evenly”.

    1. Hey they won’t sell her a purse because she’s black so….they probably don’t want her either… (of course it couldn’t be because she is a biotch…nahh)

  5001. dont do things until you get them right, do things until you get them wrong

    um…….whatever happened to proving oneself? Ospoiled never had to do anything to get where he is – why? because he is african american!

  5002. Really? As a conservative with a lot of like minded friends, ethnicity is never even raised. Lack of real world experience, aloofness, ineptness seem to trump race.

  5003. The color of his skin means nothing to me, although I’m sure it means a lot to others. I don’t know the man so I can’t “hate” him – but I do loathe his policies and his desire to “fundamentally transform” our country. His past ….accomplishments… are nothing worthy to hold the office he does. He is, indeed, “the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the citizens of this country” in the entire history of The United States.

  5004. I am so sick and tired of hearing these media drum beat of “your a racist if you dislike Obama”. This country is pathetic, our media is controlled, both parties are controlled, just wake up for gods sake.

  5005. Oprah, don’t judge Whites by your disgusting racist attitude.
    People are disgusted with Obama because he has no ideas what he’s doing and he’s destroying our great country.
    He’s playing god and disregarding our constitution

  5006. Amazing how whenever there is criticism, the race card is always played. To the blacks, it’s always about race, but to the rest of the world it isn’t. It’s about incompetence, socialism, dishonesty… the list goes on and on, but race isn’t on it. Conservatives love Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Condoleza Rice… but these are conservatives, and therefore not ‘black’ according to the black racists. It’s not about race – it’s about socialistic liberalism.

    1. spot on for them to be honest about the current joke in the white house is more than they are capable of

  5007. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs.” How does this comment explain Bush Derangement Syndrome?

  5008. operah. you are such a piece of trash. Good thing I never watched your show with your epic fail ratings. Maybe if you put some pro liberty things on there you would get high ratings but no you must put leftist feminist bull shit up there that is not helping anybody. Then on top of that you get quack doctors that don’t do the society any good at all. So tell me this you piece of filth why did you meet with bill gates, Bloomberg in Charleston? Bill gates wants me to take vaccines and gmo, Bloomberg wants my guns and what sinister plan are you trying to make me do? What a piece of trash.

  5009. Go count your billions. Stop obsessing with everything that happened prior to 1860. The people don’t hate Bama because he’s black. They hate him because he’s a disingenuous clown

  5010. Oprah is a delusional disconnected b*tch because she is a rich and inherently hates caucasians. Thank you 0prah for pushing for that demagogue 0bama. I hold you as well as all others who voted for that tyrant metaphysically responsible for all of the hardship he has caused, the people he has bankrupted and those that will die early because of his inane leftist plans. I could care less about the amount of melanin in his skin. The depravity in his and your heart is the cause of ALL due derision. (Aside: Hey 0prah. I met one of your blood relatives. She is on welfare. You cheap tramp.)

  5011. My wife is sitting on the couch, BEGGING me to not call Oprah a fat, over-bearing, racist cow. Out of respect and fear of the wife, I won’t.

  5012. Barry Soetoro is Black? Dayum. I thought he’s bi-racial. His White mama and grandpappy were left wing radicals, his Black side of the family were Mooooslims and communists. What a family!

    1. How would you react if your mommy was a whore, one of those white women who could only get laid by low life black men…He came from white scum, and black scum….and if it wasn’t for the fact that the Saudis created this low life, he would have been a scum….

  5013. No you stupid women I hate Obama because he is a Socialist puppet for George Soros and a narcissistic little dictator wannabe, pathological liar who hates America for what she stands for you stupid, stupid women. Thats why I hate him.

  5014. “Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK”

    Wonder if Doperah feels the same way too toward America since her own cable show ratings are going down the toilet?

  5015. Now wait people! oprah is black and therefore, she knows what is in White peoples’ hearts. And from because she was a former slave (in the movies) she is also knowledgeable of what is in White peoples’ hearts and minds. Of course she is not playing the race card!

    1. hey if there were no slaves most of the black actors wouldnt have a job —-hahaha they are deep down inside happy since it really wasnt them to begin with. So now tell me, do you really know whats in my heart or are you a fucking BS’er trying to get headlines again fatty? If they can make fun of Christie’s weight why can we not make fun of hers? With all her MONEY (BS we are racial) do something!!!! To ALL you BLACK sore losers panicking you DO NOT know what I am thinking – if you did then why do you make so many many many mistakes?

    2. People like oprah want to be white so bad that they cannot stand it. Thats why they hate, jealousy. Black men only want blonde white women, hmmmm. Bottom line…..Mark of Cain….

  5016. That is what Oprah has in her mind: skin color. She is always talking about race, making belive that she is a victim, when in a very short time, from obscurity, she became the most famous tv personallity in USA and twice a billionaire!!!! Tell me, is USA a racist nation? Well, she seems to be a very racist person and not a very generous woman when she was able to accumulate that much money in such a short time. She hates being black, she hates being fat, she is a very unhappy, bitter woman, that’s why she talks so much about race and prejudice, because that’s what she has inside. She is so full of nonesense and stupidity, living in a very pampered world, talking so much garbage and taking that air of compassion and wisdom, when she is all the opposite. Do you remember that “racist” experience in Switzerland? Pathetic!

  5017. “… it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Uh, wrong. It gets said….A LOT! And it’s BS. But you’re correct about one thing, Oprah. There IS “a level of disrespect for the office that occurs”, but it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It’s “the content of [his] character” and his policies. Get over it. He’s an empty suit and a charlatan.

  5018. oprah has lost it–her fat has gone to her brain. Why don’t those “disrespectors” disrespect Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Dr. Carson–the answer is because they are smart, honest and competent. obama is none of those.

  5019. No nation has done more to help blacks than the USA. If we are racists, maybe more nations should become racists, it would help them to advance everywhere.

    1. with only 12% population, it seems to reason that white people elected the whitey hater. Well they tell us white females pushed him over the top. Therefore, who are the haters, the numbers say “BLACKS”

  5020. You are absolutely wrong! You speak from your own prejudice viewing opinion!
    You know nothing about the history of America and all the people who built America.

  5021. Sorry, but I think Americans are smart enough to realize that African Americans generally aren’t as stupid or incompetent as Barack Obama.

    1. yes but it has been my experience that most can not get past the color of their skin when it gets down to where the rubber meets the road.

    2. Generalizations are patently racist, are they not? Don’t tell that to Oprah, she and those like her paint with a pretty broad brush.

  5022. No, I have no respect for him because he is an arrogant, pompous, lying, Stalinist weasel. The same applies to his administration.

    1. As a former (retired) sailor I for one am glad I retired when I did and did not have to have Obama’s signature on my Retirement Certificate. I feel bad for those men and women who have served this nation so honorably over the past 5 years that they had to have his signature on a document so many poured their hearts and lives into to earn.

        1. And thank you for your service. And I mean that sincerely. Its not just a platitude. Many, including their families, have sacrificed their time and energies serving the nation, and some gave all to secure the blessings of liberty that we may have the right to disagree with this President or any president without fear of reproach. Oprah’s comments are offensive and only serve to stifle debate which is a necessary component to living in a free and open society. Shame on her.

  5023. No, Oprah … it’s not his mixed-race heritage Americans are increasingly coming to disrespect — it’s (a) his socialist politics and (b) his complete & utter incompetence at managing the nation.
    There might be a few idiots who think in racial terms but those people are far outside the norm in our nation … oh, wait — you think in racial terms so I guess that you’re outside the norm.
    Pity … you could use your influence for good instead of spreading disharmony.

  5024. Whisper it…her last name…”Whiiiinfreeeey….” Sounds like a dainty flatulent but twice as deadly.. She’s made of lesser stuff, no doubt. Cowardly HAG!

  5025. Race is not the issue. You blacks always have to interject race into every discussion. Obama is incompetent and was never qualified for the job. The only racism here is that over 95% of blacks voted for his incompetence not once but twice!

  5026. This cow faced idiot sees racism in everything. Go back to Chicago, enjoy your money, and most importantly. shut-up already!


  5028. White people elected Barack Obama. Barack Obama is hated because he’s an inept, lying, socialist buffoon.

  5029. I don’t hate the man. I would like to sit down and have a beer with him(hard cider for me). I hate his policies and what they are doing to this country. He is destroying the America that I love, and the lemmings will follow him off the cliff.

    1. why would you want to have a beer with someone determined to destroy you…. it would be like a Jew having a beer with Hitler…. A capitalist having a beer with Stalin…. obama is that bad….

  5030. Oprah,

    let us clarify this for you.

    He is disrespected because he is ANTI-AMERICAN, not african american.

    1. Beautiful….the truth floats to the top…O is the biggest mistake America has ever made..,It ranks right up there with Calif. electing SanFranNan

  5031. Barrack Obama isn’t ‘african american’, Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

    Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah. ~ Dr. Jack Wheeler

  5032. What is it about these black celebrities and politicians that cause them to pull the “racism” card every time something they don’t like happens? Is it because the feel a certain privilege not afforded to others? Or perhaps it’s the exact opposite: they have a deep-rooted sense of inferiority because of their race. Let’s also note that (oddly) these are the same people who can’t help but lecture the rest of us about interracial harmony. One thing’s quite clear at least… they know the “dog whistle” their base can hear loud-and-clear.

  5033. Being black has nothing to do with Obama being a progressive totalitarian fascist who is willing to lie to advance his anti-liberty agenda

  5034. As I’ve posted before, I can’t resist saying it again:
    This is what happens when you get a likeable, popular guy into office. Everyone wants to accommodate his every wish. Then all of a sudden, he pulls out the “oath of allegiance” that nobody dares refuse to take, and everyone’s trapped into obedience. (In Germany it was the “law of the land,” including the so-called sieg heil salute. Nobody was exempt; everyone MUST comply.) A great old ’80s ABC made-for-tv movie covered this (was it called “The Last Days of Hitler?”) with Rutger Hauer, John Geilgud, Blythe Danner and what would now be an all-star cast, with a tour de force performance by Derek Jacobi [sic] as der Fuehrer. I think it’s still up on YouTube. (And it was actually better than “Valkyrie”.)

    As for Oprah, after being soundly rejected because Michelle “didn’t want no rich fat lady hanging around” the White House, I’m surprised she’s still carrying his water.

  5035. Oh please how condescending of Oprah!!! We don’t like Obama because he is incompetent and was never really qualified for the job!! I would say the exact same thing about Jimmy Carter!!

  5036. Oprah Winfrey is fully entitled to wallow around in her more-than-usual allocation of protoplasm as much as she wishes. She doesn’t understand that all of that ‘fat’ is merely the visual, physical, matter-projecton of her self-hatred, which she re-allocates to society thru her racism. So be it. She, Obama, Holder, Jackson , Sharpton – and that crew in the Congress, dish it out, but can’t handle having it handed back to them on the same level. They are accustomed to assaulting polite people – who have for too long ‘politely permitted them to run amouk without accountability’. Those days are gone. The ‘new Noblesse Oblige’ is to shorten the relativity curve between ‘assault and payment’: That is to say, shorten the SpaceTime measure of Newton’s 3rd law of motion — with a little gerrymandering of Space and Time. AKA, calling a Spade a Spade – and, Fighting fire with fire. There are many ways to do this.

    Actually, she and Sharpton, who said the same thing within the past 24 hours, have finally gotten something about ‘race’ right. ‘It IS’ Obama’s, Holder’s and her race that drives hatred of them, just as it is their Black-racist identification that drives their hatred of Whites. They all ‘hate Whites’ – as well as The Constitutional rights that White men created for this country. That makes all of them ‘hateful’. Period.

    Every single ‘time’ any of them violate our Constitutional liberties, with their sick agendas – they are unconstitutionally rewriting the laws of the land. Each time they do this, they are setting the Master Clock of their subconscious Mind’s ‘Memory Black Box’ on High Speed. There is a Big Brother bigger than Obama and Holder, keeping a ledger ‘in their sick heads’: The Time-Keeper of Memories. ‘Memory conserves the energy’ of our thoughts, words, and actions – positive and negative – in a place where they cannot be deleted – not even by them, except as they are ‘replayed in our life’s experiences exactly as we wrote them for or against others’. Each time these pigs destroy the individualism of liberty of any other human being, that Clock’s stroke of Midnight draws closer. Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, and Winfrey are creatures whose Memory Black Box keeps a ‘Kill List’ recorded in their psyche, entitled, “Here is your destiny, Little Killer”

    No one need take my word for it, better minds than mine have proven it – such as Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion: “For every action there is an equal and corresponding reaction”. The Mind’ is pure Energy, its product is ‘Thought’ – Energy conserves itself.

    Goodgle: “A BOUDICA POINT OF VIEW: Take No Prisoners”
    “Treason & Shroud; Iran Escorts Obama to World Dictatorship thru Straits of 2012”

    1. Golly gee there Alexis, you shore are smart or sumpthin. Wouldn’t it have been easier, but less impressive, to just say that he has proven to be incompetent both domestically and in foreign affairs?

  5037. Obamanation’s race has nothing to do with his incompetence. It is more likely a black consrrvrative will be ridiculed by the black coomunity in a racist manner than Obama would be by anyone because of his race. In fact Obama, a man with no record we know little about, wss elected because of his race, not in spite of it. Blacks voted for him because of his skin color, and most everyone else voted for him because they felt guilty about voting against the black man. If Obama were white and all other things being equal, Obama never would have been elected president.

  5038. Oprah, we treat Obama with contempt because he is contemptuous. We treat you that way because we thing you are a no talent dumbass.

  5039. I disagree with Obama’s policies. I disagree with his socialist agenda. I dislike the direction he is taking my country. I guess that makes me a racist! That must be my problem since I disagree with Obama on everything! I couldn’t possibly be that I do not like his agenda. I have difficulty supporting people who LIE for political gain. Yes I am calling Barack Hussein Obama, the first Afro-American President of the United States, a liar. His actions are a disgrace to this country and to his race!

  5040. No Oprah, we disrespect Obama because he is a liar and a Communist in drag. AND, he doesn’t function. We would LOVE Ben Carson!!! But YOU wouldn’t.

  5041. Oprah, the ounce of respect I had for you is just that–had. You certainly have to know better. We gave this man a second term, for heaven’s sake. Why in the world would we have done that if the color of his skin bothered us? No . . . your rhetoric is put out there just to make us feel badly for judging the man by his record, which gets weaker by the day, and for his lies, which negative impact is being felt stronger by the day!

  5042. Apparently Oprah believes that the president is inept, incompetent and DishOnest because of the color of his skin. I find that amazingly disrepectful. We know the Bush whitehouse was treated in the same fashion so it must be for the same reasons, right? I expect better from Oprah, so disappointing.

  5043. but a lot more disrespect him because he is an egotistical “went to” harvard snoot who knows less that half of what he says he does….which leads to launching a relatively simple web site with out running a “successful” check….Yes he is that dumb

  5044. And people disrespected G.W.Bush because he is white. Accountability and incompetence are race neutral. Get a clue Oprah and get off of your race baiting soapbox.

  5045. she has it backwards….that’s what everyone (her,the media+friends) say but nobody is thinking….just a lame tired excuse that wore out long,long ago.

  5046. Oh really, Oprah! And how much are you and BO worth? And explain to us how you got there. BO certainly didn’t get there on his own merits. Were he white, he would still be a lowly community organizer in Chicago, working the gay bars at night. Cry me a river about how tough BO has it.

  5047. No bitch!!! Only the victim class is thinking it.

    Was all the disrespect heaped on Bush and his administration racist?

  5048. Further proof that The Limbaugh Thereom is correct…blacks do not associate Obama with his policies, they see his skin color, and only his skin color, they simply do not associate the man with his ideology, allowing to play the race card at will.

  5049. He is also a dangerous socialist amateur **Cowboy Clown** as well!!! I’ll have a Champagne party and fireworks the day the Odummer “clan” take their last walk out of the W/H!!!!

    1. Absolutely. Regardless of who wins the next general election, there will be a great celebration when we watch the Obama family take that last walk to Air Force One to mark the end of tribulations for our nation. Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, free at last. I imagine their will be more parties than on Super Bowl Sunday.

  5050. I don’t respect him because he is a liar, he is incompetent, and he is malevolent. He has deceived millions of people in order to force his ideology down the throats of America.

  5051. “Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK”

    I wonder if these ‘many Americans’ are the same ones who made Doperah a multi millionaire?

    When in doubt and all else fails, break out the race card………..

  5052. Oprah voted for Obama simply because he is black. So who is the real racist, Oprah? I vote on the content of a man’s character.

  5053. No, Okra Chimpfrey, most voted for Barry because he was a smooth talking negra, we want him gone because he’s an arrogant, inept, and lying communist. Done.

  5054. Oprah Winfrey, showing her true self and joining the ranks of Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton… I thought she was a better person then that.

  5055. Arrogant trollop….we disrespect him because he is incompetent. And lets use the correct words for Obama that all the liberals used for Zimmerman during his trial. As they called Zimmerman a white-Hispanic his murder trial, let call Obama what he is, a white-Black. As for his tenure as president, when people would rather have Jimmy “The Peanut” Carter as a president vs. Obama, then you KNOW the wheels have come off the wagon!! Happy Friday All!

  5056. Not again….do you think it might be that he is trying to destroy this country? Why is everything race with these window lickers?

  5057. Oprah, I’d say it’s the other way around…many Americans disrespect African Americans because of Obama.

  5058. We do not respect Obuma because he is ruining our beloved USA. Just take a look at what is happening here. He is the worst President since Jimmy Carter; I did not respect Carter, and he is white. I do respect Colin Powell, although I do not always agree with him. Did Oprah notice that he is black???
    Color has nothing to do with competence!

  5059. This is what happens when you let entertainers talk about government and other subjects they know nothing about.

  5060. I could care less what his color is. I don’t vote for the color of a person’s skin and it looks like the majority of American’s don’t either or he wouldn’t have been elected two times…..so there goes your theory. I didn’t vote for him because I smelled a rat; backed by George Soros, a meglamaniac, dangerous, and a Socialist/Communist. Obama, his puppet, has followed EVERY tenet of a Socialist and has now put the country on the brink of disaster with Obamacare, promising preschool for all, “free energy”, etc. Jimmy “Peanut” Carter is happy because he is no longer considered the worst president in the country!…..and I forget what color he is!!

  5061. Obama is Detroit-incompetent, and Oprah is racist-rich who conned her base of white working class women.

  5062. I just wanted to come back to this page, not to watch the video again, but to read and like the comments – the kind of comments I was expecting to find.

  5063. The Obama administration reminds me a lot of the Nixon administration in their deceit, their paranoia and their arrogance.

    1. Wasn’t it Presidnet Nixon who said, “It’s not paranoia if they’re really after you”?

  5064. No, we don’t like him because he wants to tell us how to live every single aspect of our lives, tell us that we are nothing special, will not protect this country’s citizens from the forces of terrorism, only condemns white on black racial crime, will not encourage people to achieve their full potential and stand on their own two feet, will not support traditional family values and finally, because he thinks that the government can and should do everything for an individual from the womb to the the tomb and wants to control the lives of every citizen in this country in order for his party to remain in political power. That pretty much sums it up.

  5065. Gee Oprah, like we have never heard this one before! Progressive knuckle-draggers use the same old tired cliche`s while the country is being laid to waste. Get a clue.

  5066. There hasnt been anything more racist or vindictive then what the likes of Oprah and other race baitors have done to former President Bush.

    President Bush didnt make a lot of people happy but he was never racist in tone,he worked with Democrats in congress (That was his biggest mistake),he went through one of Americas most troubling times with 911 and Hurricane Katrina.He was mercilessly accused of hate and racism the entire eight years he was in office, all of which was unfounded.And this verbal and editorial abuse of him continues still today.

    Oprah and so many Black leaders and Black socialites are destroying the relationship of the different races and they have single handedly taken America backwards and driving a wedge between any harmony that could take place and would take place if they just went away.
    If they want to see what real hate and racism looks like,they simply need to look in the mirror

  5067. WRONG, Harpo! We dislike Barack Pinnochi Obama because he is an inept, corrupt, lying person. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it. But you can hide behind that all you want. It only makes you look childish.

  5068. She can’t say this in America. I’m so sick of the race card. These people have no idea what discrimination is.

  5069. Must be great to be black. Any personal failing can be blamed on race. I guess Oprah must chalk up her success to all that racism too.

  5070. This is why I have lost respect for Oprah. After all the years we have watched her… now she comes out of the closet playing the “race card” any chance she gets. The public does not care for Obama’s policies and “Obamacare” . It does not have to due to the fact that he is part black and part white. Any President in office will have some of the people unhappy – claiming it is because of his ethnicity is just plain wrong. You can’t cry “race” every time something does not go your way.

  5071. Oprah, honey, sweetie, that race card has past its “use by” date. The reason so many people disrespect Obama is because he is a lying, corrupt, incompetent, poor excuse as a President.

  5072. And he was voted in because he was white? *BEEP* Registered data… not computing… evacuation planet Stupidity… self destruction imminent in five seconds…

  5073. What many people are actually thinking is, there is nothing magical about being black, or an “African American”, or whatever PC ID is appropriate for the moment. Because if they, without exception, are all so wonderful, then why is one of these magical “African Americans” most hateful, arrogant, dangerous, malicious, destructive, and treasonous individuals as the leader of this country? Logic dispels the lame argument of racism in about 2 seconds. He is about the worst example of what an honorable respectable “African American” can be.

  5074. Oprah is a leftist race hustling phony. She became rich by conning middle class white women into believing she cared about them. Then she takes off her mask as reveals herself as a limosine liberal race pimp.

  5075. Dear Oprah, Some people disrespect our Dear Leader because he is a fibbing Marxist who occasionally wipes his rear with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America (notthatthere’sanythingwrongwiththat!). No one has time to go around hating everyone because of their skin color. Try thinking of it this way: There are too many exceptions to the rule and anyone (being honest with themselves) can figure out that you can not judge a book by its cover. Ken Hamblin always said, “Two diametrically-opposed cultures cannot occupy the same space.” That is some food for thought.

  5076. Arrogant *itch, no….it’s because he’s a racist just like you are…………. and worse an avowed socialist and redistributor of our hard earned money to those who do nothing to earn it!

  5077. Oprah is always the victim but never the bride. She needs to get over herself.

    People dislike those that inflict pain and fear on the country. Regardless of color or what parts you have.

    People dont like Oprah because shes an instigator she has to keep the chaos brewing.

  5078. What ever your Race is has Nothing to do with deceiving All Americans. So Oprah Winfrey you need to get a life and accept facts not fiction. Always try to put race into everything. Instead facts that everyone is being affected by a faltered law with deception

  5079. No Oprah, not EVERYBODY is thinking it.
    I detest Obama for his Socialist/Marxist policies ruining the America I grew up in, and LOVE!
    Oprah is a typical racist pig, always has to blame white folk for the lies and corruption of Obama, just because he’s black.
    NO personal responsibility for a Black. It’s become obvious that MOST Blacks are like kindergarteners.
    Self centered and have no idea of reality.
    I have put that “raaaaacist” nonsense on the same Fairy Tale shelf as ‘the Little Boy That Cried Wolf”. Same story, just different victims. Whites.

    1. Just like the scam nothing of a movie she was just in called “The Butler”. Even the man on whom the movie was loosely based didn’t like the blasted thing and wasn’t going to go see it. Ms. Winfrey, enjoy your billions and stay out of politics, it is NOT your forte.

  5080. Oprah, I have a great idea for a riveting “Come To Oprah Meeting” like you had with James Frey. Book Obama for a couple of hours and ask him one question, “Is Frank Marshall Davis your father?”. I know a polygraph won’t do, because he is a liar without a conscience,but maybe you could use your massive social clout to get him to submit to a DNA comparison with Davis’ son, who lives on Maui, and any of the Kenyans, like the “brother” who lives in the shack, and the illegal alien “aunt” and “uncle” living in Boston, I believe. I am sure you are aware of the story, every media figure in America is, but wouldn’t that be a really great “get”? Oh, and world class psychotic con-men come in all colors and they are justly despised by reasonable, unprejudiced people who judge them by what’s on the inside, not the outside. Looking forward to watching that show.

  5081. I guess everybody noticed she kept the Race Baiting down until her show went off the air. Anybody other than a blind Liberal would have looked at his track record before and after he was elected would see the real Socialist in him. In the last thirty years until Obama was Elected only at the most 31% of Blacks voted when he ran 94% voted does that mean 63% of Blacks are racist. These Black Liberals and so called Black Preachers have trashed ALL Black Republican’s in the last ten years. This Ole broad made Billions of the Welfare crowd sitting home and watching her show everyday and haven’t see a dime of where she made it any better for Black kids in THIS Country.

  5082. What she says is true for about 15% of the people who don’t like him. The remaining 85% don’t like him because he threw an ill conceived concept of social medicine into our laps and then said, “You guys pay for it.. and while you’re at it.. pay for those who did nothing to secure their future”. He uses the IRS to attack his enemies, and has allowed Holder to remain in position after Operation: Fast and Fubar. His wife blows money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. He felt obligated to mention his son by another mother, while Fukushima Tepco unleashed the biggest wave of radiation ever recorded. The radiation is just starting to arrive. Would you like some salmon for dinner? No? I didn’t think so. He did not take action to expedite the remediation by British Petroleum to seal the broken cap in the Gulf, but had time to drink a beer with a cop and a citizen over an altercation on the citizen’s porch. No Ms. O… We don’t like him for other reasons….Being black is a step up from where he rules from.

    1. If that’s true those 15 percent are Democrats, you know the ones that started the KKK, you know the ones that jailed MLK.

  5083. Whenever I hear this argument that conservatives especially don’t like Obama because “he’s black,” I say, “Why don’t you ask Bill Clinton how easy the Republicans went on him because he’s white?”

  5084. I have always appreciated Opra’s business sense and philanthropy; but she’s off her meds and out of the realm of reality with her racist harangue per Obama. Give working people some credit for not trusting a lying Chicago thug – regardless his white ancestry, the boy is a pathological liar.

  5085. Well, well now, don’t ya’ll know Oprah, ever the seer, ever the prophet, having spoken, always shows her racist backside to anyone not African American.

  5086. She’s still mad because some French shop keeper wouldn’t put a $30K purse into her grimy man hands.

  5087. Affirmative action obviously doesn’t work in the long run, only the dumbest blacks are guaranteed success in America.

  5088. By the way I admire and support Condolezza Rice, Alan West, Dr. Carson, Mia Love, Alan Keys, Herman Cain, J C Watts…the list can go on as you well know and by gosh wouldn’t you know the are all African AMERICANS…people with conviction, honor, integrity and above all character…something so sorely missing in the one in office. Oprah it is not about race it is about incompetence and worse.

    1. Don’t forget Thomas Sowell, probably the smartest and most articulate voice in American libertarian thought today …

      1. And Walter Williams. Also somebody above mentioned Ken Hamblin. Used to listen to him all the time.

        Had a young woman “of color” standing in the hall of our local college the other day spouting off this same nonsense about the reason Barry is getting so much flack over the health care debacle is ONLY because he’s black. When I disagreed with that assertion and gave my reasons, then all of a sudden I was racist too. Amazing. Now I’m confused. Since Barry is half black and half white, is it possible to limit my racism to his black side? How does that work?

  5089. Oprah=RACIST!
    To anyone who knows anyone who watches ( or subscribes to) this shrew.

    Stop it! She needs to be relegated to persona non grata.

  5090. Liberals are insane. They constantly throw out generalized accusations of racism with no evidence apart from what “everyone” knows.
    Why doesn’t an interviewer call her on this claim?
    Reporter: “Who are you talking about, specifically? Oprah, tell me the name of someone who you believe disrespects Obama because of the tint of his skin,we’ll bring him on the show and you can debate him, Oprah, and then we’ll all vote to see which of you is the most bigoted and ignorant ass!”

  5091. Oh, please. This old record is so boring and unimaginative. Come up with something new Ms. Winfrey, if you can.
    What is the Dems always say? That’s old news. Move on. What difference does it make?

  5092. This is getting real old Oprah, we (I) do not disrespect him because of his color. Get a grip, I just don’t like his policies, nor his tactics, nor his divisiveness. You , of all people should realize that being the “very successful” black woman that you are, did you get there by just having blacks watch your show ? Nope!

  5093. I think oprah needs to stick to being a talk show host and stop trying to being a racistwho sees “racism” whenever someone disagrees with her guy.Contempt? How about Michelle and Obama both showing utter contempt for our constittution,our military,the office of president,the list goes on. He shows our constitiution AND our military complete disgust. He claimsto bea christian when everybody with half a brain cell KNOWS he’s MUSLIM! He lies he lies he lies! He HATES The U.S. and his “change” he alwasy talked about wasto destroy this country as we know it. So,you tell me Oprah, is hatred of America a “black” thing? If it is then Yeah I really don’t like any “race” that wants to destroy my country. If it isn’t,then stop puking out the “race card” eveytime someone disagrees with Obama. He is a horrible,unfit president and that’s not based on one bit of his color. Infact,You’re defending him BECAUSE he’s black.That makes YOU the racist.

  5094. Respect is earned, and b HUSSEIN o has proven to be untrustworthy. His word is worthless. He IS The LIAR IN CHIEF.

    B U C K O F A M A !

  5095. “Oprah Winfrey tells BBC many Americans hate Obama because he’s BLACK”

    So anyone who disagrees with the community organizer is a racist?

    Now Doperah, who’s being a racist?

  5096. Oprah, Girl, you need to get over it! That canard is so old. People hate Obama because he is an exposed liar, fraud, incompetent and thief. Thief because he is completely intent on stealing the money hardworking people have honestly earned (now that’s a word he’s probably unfamiliar with) and because he is stealing our right to choose on so many levels, like selecting our own health care plans and doctors so that it can be given to people who do not want to work, and want the government to take care of them.
    The real racist here first and foremost is Obama. He is so obviously anti-white that is is now inescapable. The black community has used the favoritism in the White House to attempt to take over the conversation about race. It is just not the issue it was decades ago, though that community is doing it’s best to make it the most important issue in America.
    When people like Oprah, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Muslim brothers, most of the black members of Congress keep pushing racism down our throats, they are making themselves irrelevant.

  5097. Oprah’s being ridiculous. We don’t like the politics of John Kerry, for example, any better, and he’s an old, pale New Englander.

  5098. Maybe Oprah Winfrey is saying this as a way to sooth Barack Obama’s hurt feelings. He can understand that people may hate him because of his race but what he can not wrap his mind around the fact people hate him because he is ruining lives and just may be the single reason our great country has gone down a disastrous path from which we may never recover.

  5099. Oprah, sorry sweetie, but you are completely incorrect, wrong, in error, thinking out of your butt. People do not like, respect, nor do they want to hear any more crap that crawls out of his mouth. Absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin. Has everything to do with him not being smart enough to have a clue how to properly be a President of our United States of America. He disregards our Constitution, he is erasing our History and corrupting our Country. ie: he is stupid, and Americans hate him for lying to all of us, about everything. Nothing to do with the color of his skin.

  5100. She has no idea she’s the one being a fool. So trivial she has so much money and yet she thinks ill used. I don’t give a flip what color he is he could be north Korean and I’d still despise this regime of his

  5101. Oprah, we disrespect him because he is an inept, incompetent, inexperienced, anti-American, socialistic, muslim-leaning, ex-lawyer doofus.

  5102. People disrespect the president because he disrespects the American people on a regular basis through condescending and patronizing speech, lies like a sociopath, and disrespects HIMSELF by getting involved in things that should be beneath the office of the president. None of the disrespect such as it is is due to him being from mixed race parents…

  5103. Oh how soon Oprah forgets that the only reason she’s rich is because she was a token black. Same reason Obama is president…..that and stuffing the ballot box of course.

  5104. Government is the new “race”. The media has been masterful in elevating race to the same level as government. Criticize the president = racism. You can see the media shifting ever so gradually in elevating Hillary to the same level. It won’t be the same orgasmic experience, but they’ll do everything they can to suppress her very public past which should immediately disqualify her just like it should BHO.


  5106. Smoking hopium…or is that O-pium… NO difference… Honestly, I didn’t vote for the snake oil salesman because of his words…and now that he’s been in office for 5 years, deserves nothing less than impeachment.

    Vote out every Democrat possible in 2014 and again in 2016. These people are a scourge to the American way of life.

  5107. Maybe, just maybe Oprah people disrespect Obama because he shows utter contempt for average americans. Personally I could care less his skin color and I have a granddaughter that is mixed just like Obama is….race card is always excuse #1 for progressives.

  5108. A racist in 2013 is someone having the social courage to call a spade a spade ….. Oprah aside …….. far aside!

  5109. In other words, white America respected Obama in two elections before they disrespected Obama because they realized he lied and ObamaCare is a dead program regulating, spending, subsidizing, taxing and destroying the nation’s health care delivery system.

  5110. Hey OPRAH — here’s a partial list of African Americans who deserve and receive plenty of RESPECT from “many Americans”:

    1. Dr, Benjamin Carson
    2. Allen West
    3. Thomas Sowell
    4. Clarence Thomas
    5. Alan Keys
    6. Tim Scott
    7. Angela McGlowan
    8. Chelsi Henry
    9. Crystal Wright
    10. JC Watts
    11. LL Cool J
    12. Don King
    13. Wilt Chamberlain
    14. Condoleeza Rice
    15. Herman Cain

    Shall I continue…?

    1. JBJB – You are a fool, those are conservatives, therefore they are really white and don’t count.

      1. You’re right. If you are of the opinion that the social compact should be conserved and not experimented with, for the future generations (to have the same chance at success as we had), then you’re white and racist and ignorant and kkk and teabagger, regardless of pigment of your skin.

      1. 16. Booker T. Washington
        17. Frederick Douglass
        18. Harriet Tubman
        19. Josiah T. Walls
        20. Sojourner Truth
        21. P. B. S. Pinchback
        22. Ida B. Wells
        23. William Thaddeus Coleman Jr
        24. Mary Terrell
        25. George Washington Carver

        1. 26. Star Parker
          27. Stacey Dash
          28. Amy Holmes
          29. La Shawn Barber
          30. Michelle Bernard

          Again… a partial list.

  5111. Not criticizing him because he is black is even more dishonest Oprah. Does his African roots exempt him from competency and honesty? Apparently you think so.

  5112. Obama is Mulatto, I dislike the White and Black side of him. Oprah, this is nothing more than another CHEAP excuse to attempt to uphold and defend this piece of trash.

  5113. I disrepsect him and not the office of the President because anyone who fails to disclose his College Applications and grades to the American People lied again when he says I am an open book when you are the President.

  5114. Any white person should be ashamed of every watching Oprah the racist. What is it with these people and their race crap. SO SICK OF IT.

  5115. And George W Bush, too. . . oh, wait. W got trashed because people disagreed with him, right or wrong. So why can’t that be the case with Obama, you nitwit?

  5116. Now that obama has been proven to be a LIAR, what else has he lied about… Benghazi???, the IRS scandal????, Gun Running to Mexico??? His Birth Certificate??? many, many more. how can you believe anything that comes out of his lying mouth?

  5117. No Oprah, we disrespect him because he is an inept, incompetent, inexperienced, anti-American, socialistic, muslim-leaning, ex-lawyer doofus. No one cares about his skin color, we worry about his defective brain.

  5118. Race has nothing to do with it, Oprah. He lies, deceives and actively destroys those who he disagree with. Turning the IRS on conservative groups has nothing with race.

    Your favorite BM is actively destroying the USA.

    1. Or is it that all blacks are habitual liars? Time to mooch off the government for some grant money to find out.

  5119. It’s easier to pull out the race card than it is to admit you’re a lib-tard that supports a dullard.

  5120. We would not support an open member of the kkk. If they had their own tv show the public would boycott it. Why because the USA hates racists. So why are we supporting the Oprah network? She is a major racist. My adopted daughter is half black. My grandkids are 3/4 black. They have more African American heritage and darker than Obama.

    Why as Americans do we keep watching this racist’s network that is called OWN?

  5121. WRONG OPRAH…..he is Irish-American ONLY, so says Morgan Freeman, so it must be because like YOU HE IS CLUELESS and as UNQUALIFIED as the day he took office in 2009. Respect is EARNED and since the guy has not EARNED ANYTHING in his life and ONLY BLAMES all his failures on everyone else (yet fires no one) he has NOT earned any respect.

  5122. I love how Oprah says that there is a level of racism that “nobody” ever speaks of, when that is all I hear about ANY criticism of “Dear Leader” who can change laws with the wave (waive) of his imperial hand. P.S. I am not racist.

  5123. I’d bet there are more who won’t criticize Obama because of his race – which is just another form of racism. Look, the guy’s a Marxist, and has flat stunk up the country. He’s relied on his personality and outdated political theology and that’s the roots of his failure. Skin color doesn’t make a guy an idiot, actions do. Just like the words coming out of her mouth reveal her Asa racist herself.

  5124. I’m not certain why Oprah’s opinion about anything is relevant. We oppose Hussein Obama because he has demonstrated that he is a liar and that he is not qualified for the position he holds. His associations with known terrorists, criminals, members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other supporters of radical Islam, indicate a person of questionable character. The fact that he and his wife have taken great pains at taxpayer expense to seal his school records is certainly a reason to be suspicious. Last but not least is his open disdain for our ally Israel and his obvious support of radical Islamic causes, to included arming and assisting Al Qaeda related groups in Libya, Syria and who knows where else. No…it’s not his skin color. I would support Herman Cain, Allen West, J.C. Watts, Clarence Thomas Walter E. Williams or Thomas Sowell for any position of trust. They are men of honor…Hussein Obama is not.

  5125. So, just because you’re black you’re allowed to lie, spend other people’s money recklessly, try to turn the United States to a Communist paradise and shred the U.S. Constitution?

  5126. Ms. Winfrey, I have to tell you that your Race Card is overdrawn and has therefore been declined.

  5127. OMG,
    Obowman is African-American?

    Isn’t he Kenyan-American? Or Hawaiian-American?


    How about Incompetent_American! Or Chicago-American!

    How about Liberal-American or Socialist_American

    Oh, Ken Ya See,

    everybody sing!

      1. Sho nuff is,,,
        He has a burt certificate to prove it.,,,,

        and his subjects sing the new anthem!

        Oh Ken Ya seeeee, the Obowman King,,,,,,,everybody sing.

  5128. As noted O you voted for O only because he was (African American, Black, Community Organizer and was like you) you did not support him because of the senate work and leadership he showed, bills he forwarded or the fact he was a brilliant politician. You lose. He is treated with contempt becaue of what he has done to the country, constitution and rule of law. He is a liar to the utmost degree, has other losers pulling the strings, cannot speak for himself in any articulate manner without a teleprompter and the likes of you and the media have only the “Race Card” to use to cover his ineptness…the truth would be better and help in your defense. Until then just shut up.

  5129. No Oprah. Many (I would posit the majority) are angry that Obama along with other sycophants in the Democratic Party are willing to put self ahead of country. And trust me, we are just as upset at RINO’s like McCain, Boehner, and Graham. Their naked grabs for power, disregard for Constitutional rule of law, incompetence and push for government intrusion into our lives is anathema to our way of life. Skin color you say? You’ll have to ask the 98% of blacks that voted (sometimes twice) based on the color of the man’s skin for being their motivator for electing a President.

  5130. That is why you are the richest woman in the world, Oprah, because white people disrespect you because you are African American. C’mon lady. Drop the race card and tell the truth. The man is an incompetent liar and is hell bent on destroying this country. That’s why nobody respects and likes him.

  5131. Oprah probably thinks like Jamie Foxx and refers to Obama as her ‘black Messiah, Lord, God, and Savior’. Enough said.

  5132. I am not aware of any Africans being born in America ,unless of course they were on vacation . Nice Oprah 52 cards in the deck and they are all the race card .

  5133. Oh PLEASE, will you people ever stop waiving your skin color flag. We elected the incompetent MAN twice. Call us stupid, but don’t say we hate him because of his color. Wake up and see what your champion is doing to a great nation. Fool.

  5134. And naturally the fact that people criticized George Bush was because he was white. Oprah, your words are very disappointing, I expected more from you but I guess race trumps common sense. Your guy is a complete disaster most of us would feel the same if he was white. Race has nothing to do with his incompetence. You Oprah are the racist.

  5135. and so, because Obama is deceitful and black, black = deceit, and deceit = black, and this makes my respect for Col Allen West null and void. Is that how this work oh Opra One?

  5136. Patently false. Typical “Racial Sensitivity” emotions. Obama is a very intelligent guy. It’s just that he is dishonest, a socialist, and an extreme left ideologue. UnAmerican.

    1. “Very intelligent guy” . .. . based on what? What has he really done by himself and not through affirmative action or a teleprompter?

  5137. Oprah…give me a break…he is out of control, has no idea what he is doing, is disconnected, is acting like a dictator, is inept, LIES!! Has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT that he is of MIXED background! I taught in a school with a large population of African American teachers for over 20 years and they are all WAY ahead “president” “O”BLAME”R” in truth, honesty, integrity!!!!

  5138. actually no, I have lost respect for him because of his consistently finding it hard to be truthful. I lost faith in Bill Clinton for the same reason during his presidency.

    Why isn’t Ms Winfrey making these comments to US media? Because it is not true and she would face a backlash of opinion.

  5139. Race has Nothing to do with Anything!!! It is something I have seen used by mainly blacks, throughout my lifetime as a fabricated claim by those who want to blame someone else for their lack of ambition and drive. Way before Obummer became president I would hear racist claims in my school and community and as I got older, across the country. I always felt defensive by those claims, because I, and no one I knew went around thinking less of a black person. The only time I would hear these claims, were when they were made by Blacks. These things never entered my mind, until I heard them from black people. I started to feel like “Racism” was something perpetuated by blacks themselves. If they would just stop talking about it all of the time it would become/is a non issue. You hear blacks say about the “white man, keeping the black man down” That is something else I never understood. There are so many successful blacks in the world who worked hard to get where they’re at. Just like anyone who is successful, regardless of their race. Everyone has the same opportunities, if they have the desire to achieve.

    The more I hear from this president, the more I think part of his “fundamentally transforming America” has something to do with reparations. Plus I do believe that he hates America and everything We stand for. That has nothing to do with the fact that he is black for Gods sake. Anyone who holds the office of Presidency should not be permitted to do and get away with the stunts he is pulling!

  5140. “Racism” is Obama’s socialist followers fall back position when all else fails…it’s their safe rat hole…what they, and Oprah, say and claim can’t be proven and it just shows their racism and ignorance… It’s akin to throwing hand grenades and then ducking behind a boulder…

  5141. Oprah, another racist extraordinare. When we allow people to separate themselves from humanity because they are chosen we see the results.Oprah would have been a chosen black in Africa. She would have been one of the blacks that sold blacks to those jewish ships out of Boston and NYC.

  5142. Oprah.. you are an idiot,.totally lost respect for you. I thought you were a smart woman.. never saw you as smart black women.. I’m an American Hispanic and I can’t stand this presidency not because he’s black,,, but because he doesn’t know what the hell he is doing… he’s just a puppet. There are blacks who don’t like whites and hispanics and asians.. there are hispanic’s who don’t like blacks, whites and asians.. there are whites that don’t like blacks, hispanics , asians.. You Harpo , are just an ignorant woman now.

  5143. Oprah, racism hasn’t stopped you from making multi-millions off this society you seem to hate so much. It’s highly doubtful that Obama would have been elected if he were not black but disliking him can be attributed to his incompetence, no need to bring skin color into it.

    1. Never made a dime off of me, never watched her show, but I’m a white southern male, what do I know.

  5144. Her ignorance is appalling. Who cares if he is red yellow or pink with polka dots, Can’t she see what he is doing to America?

  5145. Is that so Ohprah… Maybe its because he is stupid as a box of rocks… Or could it be because he is a pathological liar.

    Why is it the American people are racists according to black talking heads (liberals) when everything this idiot has done has damaged the Nation, destroyed civil rights, and bankrupted the Country.

    Oprah is as sick in the head as SPLC, or other race baiters on the left.

  5146. My wife is sitting on the couch,BEGGING me not to call Oprah a fat, racist cow. Out of respect for the bride, I won’t.

  5147. She is obviously correct. How many comments on forums like this one call the president “Obongo” and similar names? The obvious point of such terms is to make fun of the African heritage of Mr. Obama. That much seems undeniable.

  5148. FDR was wrong:July 2,1964,not Dec.7,1941 is the day that should live forever in infamy-the day the so-called Civil Rights Bill was signed by LBJ.There were good reasons for segregation,some of which are becoming more apparent day after day.

  5149. Simply not true, I could care less about his race. I disrespect him because he is an arrogant ass who has absolutely no respect for the rule of law, the Constitution, or anyone who challenges his position or policies. He is completely unfit to be President.

  5150. listen you fat cow – we hate idiots, regardless (for you: irregardless) of their skin color.
    Oprah – kings “allows” , and now FuBar Ack “allows” us to keep nonexistent/illegal policies.
    Both of you should join Densa Club.

  5151. In other words, if America wasn’t racist, B.O. would have received 100% of the vote.

    Ah, the race card, you lose.

  5152. Yes that’s it. Forget that he’s an incompetent liar who has made a complete mess of this country and is despised around the world. And it only took him 5 years. But America, who elected him …TWICE….is racist. Maybe it’s time for Oprah and black people in general to understand that sometimes you get criticized and you just HAPPEN to be black. Being black doesn’t make you above criticism.

  5153. this pig voted for the community organizer because he was black…no other reason. and that’s not racist? what a fat, ugly racist fraud this cow is.

  5154. All racists claim racism is used against them. Racism sure didn’t stop Oprah from becoming wealthy, and reverse racism got Obama elected. Sure, some dislike him because he’s Mulatto. Some dislike me because I’m tall….big deal. But most that don’t like Obama object to his politics. After all, Obama’s Marxism runs counter to America’s founding and past success.

    Oprah has become just another race hustler claiming victim status. Yawn…..

  5155. what a douche bag. How bout policies created, Bush did same hes white. I detest all the RHINOS color has NOTHING to do w anything. She went down the tubes yrs ago when she started her Rhetoric.

  5156. I used to have enormous respect for Oprah – not anymore. When she has to use the race card to excuse incompetence that is inexcusable. The dislike of Obama comes largely from his inability to govern, his ability to cause derision and his absolute arrogance, it has NOTHING to do with his skin color and if she can’t see that in him maybe SHE needs to look beyond skin color!!!

    Maybe she needs to refer back a few years when there was a level of disrespect for the same office with a white man sitting in it. Furthermore, to say this on the world stage seems cowardly! I wonder if she would have the nerve to say this if she still had a daily talk show!

  5157. Note to Oprah: everybody is not thinking that. They’re thinking how this country is going down the tubes while being led by an inept president. When he first said cute campaign phrases like ” Yes We can” and “I’m going to fundamentally transform America..” people were hopeful. But now they’re seeing exactly what he meant: Yes we can..(bring America down) and I’m going to fundamentally transform America…into a fourth class shambles ripe for revolution….”
    No one likes a Liar in Chief. Get off your high horse Oprah…everything isn’t about race…

    1. facts for and idiot? Lost case.She gets her opinions from leftist sites.

      BTW – some statistics:

      Average IQ of white – 100
      Average IQ of black – 80

  5158. The funny thing is tha Oprahs comment is racist. To make a sweeping statement about a group of people that don’t agree with the President and label them as a being something as a group not as individuals is the root of racism.

  5159. Obama is NOT an African American…is Oprah blind? Obama’s mother was WHITE, Ann Dunham, and we don’t officially know who his actual father was, except that he was black. If he was the son of the Kenya, African citizen Barak Hussein Obama, the student, he is not a “natural born citizen” of the U.S.A. Obama is by his own admission of who his mother was is a ‘Mulatto’, half black and half white. That doesn’t make him an African American…just an American who denies the major part of his heritage. If he was the son of Frank Marshal Davis, the black Communist Propagandists, who mentored and taught Obama he is still a Mulatto… There is an old saying that you can’t run away from your heritage, you can only deny it…which Obama has done because it didn’t fit his socialist way of thinking.

    1. VERY well stated! I have long felt on the RACE check list on oh so many forms, there should be a MIXED Heritage box….of course, THAT could be a mess as well as we all are of some kind of MIXED Heritage. I am Welsh, Irish, Scotch!

      1. The government is the largest discriminatory body in the world. You can not fill out any form without race being a factor. Job application, Census, etc… We can not move beyond color of skin and on to content of character as long as government supports and advocates separating citizens along racial, sexual, gender, or religious affiliation.

  5160. Sorry Oprah but the race card is just a smoke screen for the fact that Obama is incompetent and hell bent on destroying America as we knew it!!

  5161. Something this idiot will never understand. It’s not about the color of his skin. It’s about the content of his character. Which, by the way, sucks. Stopped watching oprah after Hurricane Katrina. She LIES!


    1. buddy of Rodman in N. Korea isn’t white – so when we put him down, we racists too?

      Yep. He is sooooo nice:

      TOKYO — Kim Jong-un’s former girlfriend was among a dozen well-known North Korean performers who were executed by machinegun, it was claimed Thursday.

      Hyon Song-wol, a singer, rumoured to be a former lover of the North Korean leader, is said to have been arrested In North Korea on August 17 with 11 others for supposedly violating laws against pornography, according to reports in South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper.

      All 12 were executed by machinegun three days later, with other members of North Korea’s most famous pop groups and their immediate families forced to watch. The onlookers were then sent to prison camps, victims of the regime’s assumption of guilt by association, the reports stated.

      1. So many on the left would love North Korea more than America…. I just wish we could help them get there.

  5163. She wouldn’t be as wealthy as she is today if we are as racist as she claims. I don’t like him because he’s stupid, lazy, incompetent and a liar. She only voted for him because he was black. Now who’s the racist?

  5164. In order to effectively improve anything you have to first recognize it for what it is.
    It is not racism. It is a strong disagreement with how our President chooses to govern.
    You must start with the correct premises before you can address any issue accurately.

  5165. Then why isn’t Oprah disliked because she is black? Oprah is loved and admired in America, BECAUSE SHE IS COMPETENT!!!!! Obama is the PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. and doesn’t have a clue about what he’s doing. THAT’S WHY many do not “like” him.

  5166. I just want to point out.. that now that Obama wants to extend Zerocare for a year. He should now be considered a ” Terrorist, Bomb strapping, Racist, teabagger Bigot”.

    Everybody clear ?

      1. the point is that is what people were called for opposing this piece of crap on his healthcare law…… even those who tried to save America from this pain by asking for it to be delayed.

      2. I believe you are misunderstanding what he means. That is exactly what they called Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee when they made a stand to defund Odumbocare in September! The left also used that to describe anyone that supported them! This poster is merely turning their words on them!

      3. He was being sarcastic as those are the EXACT phrases used by members of the Democratic Party when Cruz tried to get the roll out delayed for a year. Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader was at the fore front of the name calling and finger pointing. And now they are doing EXACLY what Ted Cruz suggested meaning we didn’t need to shut down government after all. Its morning again in America. Time for you to wake up. In fact, we were warned as early as 1961 about the ills of socialized medicine. If you dare to know the truth….

  5167. Opressed Oaphrah givin away those Pontiacs for ratings enjoying the ultra high life watching your Messiah in Washington botch everything he and Moochelle touch. Trying to turn the tide on Barrys Bumbles by deflecting the real issues through the old and overused race issue. Bonding the brothers with a cause they can count on to keep the money flowing. The cycle remains unbroken and you are one of the reasons Oaphrah.

  5168. Racism as an excuse for incompetence is part of the incompetence of the democrats and their Wholly-Owned-Voter-Plantation

    Oprah is simply dancin’ for her massa…Liberalism, as she sings the african songs of excuse.

  5169. People who go around making claims of racism should look in a mirror. Did you ever think he might just be a bad President?

  5170. She also said in the interview which BBC played on its radio network that a senator and not a congressman called him a liar at the state of the union address. It’s clear that she in selling that movie she’s in, proudly paints the picture of racism in the US. To think of those white housewives who made her what she has become, just to throw them under her bus

    1. She has made an important contribution by showing that the ugliest women can be made charming and attractive.

  5171. Oh please, please give it a rest!!! Don’t you just hate when millionaires that got their opportunity and made their millions, if not billions of dollars, whine about how the people who created the wealth treat them?
    Obama is disrespected because he’s unqualified for his job, performs it excedingly poorly both domestically and internationally, and is childishly arrogant. He shows only rudamentary understanding of economics (if that), doesn’t listen to his own cabinet and staff (such as they are), has limited negotiating and trust building skills, has no respect for this country’s history, governing system and Constitution, and has whipped up racial and class hostility to the point of serious social unrest .The only thing his color got him was a second chance at geting it right from the eternally guilt-ridden white liberals, something he’s failed miserably at.

  5172. Au contraire Oprah. I hate him because he is an enemy of our Republic and a Communist at heart who seeks to destroy the Constitution and America. I would vote for Ben Carson in a New York minute. Has nothing to do with skin color.

  5173. Nice try Oprah but that is an overused excuse to justify the failures of the first black President. Question ? So what’s your excuse for all your success and billions?

  5174. I didn’t like the man to start with simply because he was a product of the Chicago Democrat political machine. Color had nothing to do with it.

  5175. Is that how it works for Oprah? I cannot believe she is sticking up for a disaster because of his color yet is throwing white people under the bus and we made her a billionaire. Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter ever was and that is saying a lot. Oprah gets paid to talk not to think. She has it all wrong.

    1. It’s similar to people being opposed to illegal immigration being called racist. But isn’t it racist to support people who are doing illegal things because they are the same race as you as in La Raza and various latino groups that support it. Would they support illegal immigration if it were say, 20 million muslim arabs in the US illegally. Doubtful. Racism comes in many forms. Supporting the actions of someone based on their race is just as ‘racist’.

      1. It has always been about America, not his color. I’m no kid and I have never seen this country in such disarray. Is there a solution? I think there is no quick fix and it will take decades to undo what the amateur has done. God help us all.

  5176. Oprah! Incompetence isn’t a color. Obama is a liar, par excel lance, he is simply loosing it. The American People can see with their own eyes that he is failing. Shame on you for playing the Race Card. How about being honest, for once. You know he losing control, and is on the cusp of having a failed Presidency, too.

  5177. Racism isn’t a one way street Oprah. Its only ever commented on when its white against black. Any other time its ignored. The only people clinging to racism are those that still want to use victimization as an excuse. And it is an excuse. How long are we supposed to act like people are victims because their ancestors were enslaved? Yes it was horrible, but did it happen to those people currently using it as a defense for their actions? No. Its an excuse and its time people grew up and started treating one another as equals. None of this affirmative action, PC BS. If we treated one another with respect instead of acting as if race defines a person the country would be better off. “Judge not the man on the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”-MLK.

    Until the day comes when people actually do what MLK said, instead of hiding behind race as a shield and using it as excuse, we’re never going to advance. Acting the victim is not going to advance a person’s position in life.

  5178. Let me say it this way: If you aren’t, at the absolute least, suspicious of his motives, you haven’t bothered to look past his skin color.

  5179. If I don’t buy a ticket to see her film, and rave about how wonderful it is, will I be tagged a racist?

  5180. Black, White or Green Skin he’s doing a Horrible job, you and Obama need to get over your Skin color!

  5181. Visit parks, watch what goes on at the playgrounds. Racism doesn’t
    exist at that level. Racism has to be fueled and fomented by adults
    with an agenda. Oprah simply provided the opportunity to prove my point.

  5182. If we’re all so racist, how’d this guy get where he is? How’d you get so stinking rich from peddling your stupid, sullen, resentful, race-baiting, commie carny shill?

    Ever hear of protesting too much, lady? Americans have seen thru the hundred year long communist grift, and they’re no longer buying it nor paying attention to those who pimp it.

  5183. QPRAH F Off racist biatch. Note The former USA now named ZIMBAWEE II in honor of Robert Mugabe who did so much to destroy.

  5184. No it is because he is an obvious liar! I voted for this guy in 2008 but I am racist? I bought into hope and change but I don’t like the change and my hope is as low as it has ever been. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. It is time for all folks who voted him back into office in 2012 to admit their shame.

    1. it is real shame…. how could so many been fooled… this guy takes pages out of every 3rd world dictator rebel in Africa…. they stir up the masses by creating class war fare and never solve any problems, just create more and raid the treasuries of their respective country……what obama has done is the very same thing.

  5185. Did Oprah consider his other qualities because they apply much more? Liar, marxist, incompetent lazy. Still attempting to defraud the American public. Many criminal issues. I don’t care if he is white arab black

  5186. Idiots race-baiters, like Oprah, have no response to to rational
    opposition so they resort to name calling like a middle school kids. We
    don’t see color . . . we see corruption, socialism, corporatism and
    fascism and you WON’T SHUT US UP with this lame BS.

  5187. No, many Americans do not respect Obama or Oprah because they’re stupid. Color has nothing to do with it.

  5188. When in doubt, play the Race Card. Is that it, Oprah? That the thing? Can’t win on the facts, and reality keeps getting in the way of the great communist con-job, so whip out the ol’ Race Card?

    Sorry, the American people aren’t buying it anymore. The 70s are long gone.

  5189. One Racist backing another point blank. Guess what Oprah even Blacks are starting to see the guy is just an empty suit and liar. So much for the first Black President whos record is worse than any before him. So policies of his own making are our fault. Any one who watches this Moron needs to quit and get your friends to quit. Yea That starigh Demorat pary vote got his arse in trouble. See this ain’t Chicago and getting away with stuff is not so easy. I think you have played the Race card enough most people tuned you out and the rest wil also period and not Oblammers Period.

  5190. she is irrelevant. my dislike for him has NOTHING to do with race. He is incompetent, and narcissistic, egomaniacal, and lazy.

  5191. saying that is like saying that everytime you criticized GW it was because he was white…
    so with that oprah, you show yourself to be exactly what we all knew you to be…a racist in kind.

    1. Some of the worst racists in America are so called black. What most of them forget is that most are Mulatto like Obama with ‘white’ blood surging through their veins…

  5192. Oprah you are incorrect I disrespect the white side of Obama.
    Your network has already been blocked on my system.

  5193. Right. Because no one ever disrespected George Bush. Or Bill Clinton. Or Ronald Regan, or Jimmy Carter. The office of president was treated with the utmost reverence until Obama showed up.

  5194. I do not dislike him because he is black. Everybody is not thinking it. I am not. I dislike him because he constantly does things that are against our national law, the constitution, and his actions are resulting in less freedom for the people of this country. Our government was created to protect us from big government; to give us freedom. Any leader of our country that consistently takes away our freedoms, whether black, white, mexican, male, female, or a freaking zebra….is crap! Period.

  5195. It’s their way of excusing his laziness, his lying, his arrogance, his complete incompetence, his lack of character.

  5196. Nah we disrespect socialism and communisim, and the deceit that goes with it. We also disrespect people who are stupid enough to still play the race card.

  5197. It must be so hard living a life of such terrible oppression, huh, Oprah? It must be so very difficult to live off the billions you made from peddling a no-talent, ingrate, nasty act, eh?
    You expected your hero to make you a senator. He didn’t. So now you take it out on us?
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Nothing so pitiful as a washed up starlet.

  5198. You chose a loser Oprah. All your racist nonsense cannot erase the fact that Obama is a lousy president. A president , shouldn’t be elected because of the color of his skin or his/her gender but because they are qualified – and he clearly wasn’t. Sorry but when you choose a bad one you can’t blame others. Well, obviously you can, but you won’t be taken seriously…

  5199. Funny how this FAKE person that has fooled many American white people, gets out of the country and plays the RACE CARD…. she did this again a few months back on buying a purse I believe in a Swiss high end retail shop. Now again…. wake up America women this person deep down hates your skin color….

  5200. excuse me Oprah, where were you when they disrespected George Bush. I would call that racist for not defending the office, period.

  5201. Yeah O- it has NOTHING to do with the fact this is the most unqualified President the US has EVER had. Racist. Woman.

  5202. The disrespect comes from the lies the deceit, the corruption,his Ideology .You are clueless .Color has nothing to do with it. its about the ability to lead which he does not,He does not take responsibility for his actions.Constantly blaming others.He is weak, a empty suit .His lips move lies come out.He has been coddled for 5 years by a over protective media ,The truth will set you free >>>>He is a FAILURE

  5203. She is a racist idiot!!!! If we don’t like his politics then we must be racist?????? I and most on the right have voted against every Democrat our whole lives and color made no difference.

  5204. Sour grapes, Oprah! She believes her popularity began to decline after the 2008 election, during which she actively and enthusiastically campaigned for Barack Obama. She’s right, but her popularity declined because she became a political activist, not because she supported an African American. To her detriment, Oprah forgot about her audience and why they liked her. She was the female version of Every Man until she took political sides in a very visible way and used her popularity and influence to promote her personal politics. Most folks know she’s a liberal Democrat, but she never made that part of her public persona until 2008.

  5205. she is just so out of touch and has her head in the sand. Many Americans have no respect for him because he’s a liar. Period.

    1. She’s just trying to blame others because she made a poor choice. She is a liberal after all.

      1. I knew before November 2008 he was a liar. I couldn’t believe others couldn’t see right thru him. Then I realized many were just ignorant and blinded by their liberal brainwashing or their racial bias. I lost respect for MANY of my former friends when this POS was voted for again in 2012. I pray every day someone finds a way to get him OUT of the white house.


  5207. Partially true….only because his RACE has been thrown in our faces and used to divide this country ever since the beginning on his first term. He decided to make it a factor by playing the victim, and now many of us despise him for it. That aside, there are more than enough failures and deceit within his administration to make people despise the man regardless of his skin color.

  5208. Sorry Madam O but we dislike King BO because he was totally unqualified to be the president before 2008 and half this country is still clueless that he is still unqualified to be a president. I forgot to mention he is destroying and alienating this country completely.

    1. Roger that, Kevin. Oprah is so wrong… we who are opposed to Obama don’t agree with his vision for a Socialist Utopia USA. Period.

  5209. For years, Americans have said their concern with this president is not the color of his skin but rather the color of his ‘ideology’: red.
    He’s only half-black, so who’s she trying to kid here?
    Orca Windbag is proof, no good deed goes unpunished. Americans, as no other nationality, bought her nasty, resentful, ingrate act and made her stinking rich. This is how she thanks them?

  5210. She can believe that if it makes her feel better, but the fact that he has chosen not to represent all Americans in his job as president is most likely the reason he is not respected. Besides, we know he had a white mother and white grandparents. Hello!

  5211. Sorry Madam O but we dislike King BO because he was totally unqualified to be the president before 2008 and half this country is still clueless that he is still unqualified to be a president. I forgot to mention he is destroying and alienating this country also.

  5212. If Americans are so racist, how did you become a billionaire Harpo ? Legitimate criticism, with an abundance of evidence of impeachable offenses, makes zero worthy of all the heat he is taking. The only thing that saves him from a jail cell in Leavenworth is partisan politics. Your accusations tend to implicate you as a bigot. I wonder how well you would have done financially if people knew that about you when you were a newscaster in Baltimore….

  5213. I guess skin color gives you a pass for being stupid, arrogant, incompetent, and a collectivist. Oh..ok, I get it.

  5214. Opie, that is what’s known as beating a dead horse. No, we hate him because he’s a Communist/Marxist/Socialist/Soros puppet who hates the Constitution and the freedoms it recognizes… and he’s stupid.

  5215. What a complete idiot – I disrespect the guy because he’s TRYING TO MAKE AMERICA A SOCIALIST COUNTRY AND BECAUSE HE’S AN ARROGANT S O B WHO LIES EVERY TIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH – not because of the color of his skin

  5216. That may be in some cases but there are also folks like me who had high hopes. I had hoped (from him) a MJ kind of performance (Magic, Michael Jackson and Michael Jordon). However the man is totally clueless and incompetent. No one can imagine how deep hole he is going to leave the country in once he gets on his lifetime pension plan.

  5217. No Oprah Winfrey that’s not it at all….Nobody like’s a liar, most people knew it in 2008 before the election, but you blind followers elected him anyways…..and look what a stellar job he has done….you can tell he was only a community organizer, his experience shows………

    Remember vote out every democrat in 2014 make them pay…..

  5218. The race card baiting is just breed into them…. no mater how successful, what level they rise to, once it goes bad they pull the card out & play it because they know that a lot of dumb white people have “white guilt”. I don’t so that card won’t work on me. I see you for what you are.

  5219. Oprah has shut her ears to any and all valid criticism of the President and has decided to accept the easy answer that any and all criticism directed towards the man is due to the color of his skin. Its the lazy person’s response. And Oprah, and those that agree with her, are being mentally lazy. She already held this opinion long before criticism of the man became mainstream and now continues to promote this viewpoint. She is unfairly labeling those of us that criticize the man as racist and ignoring the actual criticism in favor of defending him, even if its a defense that is dependent upon ad-hominem attacks against those criticizing.

    The best description of what she’s doing is, if I were in a debate and rather than answer my opponent’s question, I attacked him on grounds of his race, background, religion, or any of a number of criteria that had nothing to do with the argument.

  5220. Conservatives oppose collectivists of any skin color. Duh! Furthermore – the man is a bully and a liar. Oprah needs to move into the current century – Obama has been given every opportunity – and blown it all. He is a bully and a liar – and people like that are not respected by anyone.

  5221. The reason the race card is always pulled by the black community is because Barrack Obama has turned out to be a total disaster in the making. The black community simply can’t handle the fact that this man has single handily done more harm to this country then any other President before him. Their hopes and dreams were dashed when reality started to set in and the country started to and continues to spiral downward. It is unthinkable that the first black President be viewed by history or more specifically by the black community as a complete and utter failure and detriment to this nation’s economic survival and freedom.
    Black or White, a failure is still a failure.

    1. Blacks also have a problem admitting that the fraudulent poser has harmed their race much more than any other. If he can get amnesty rammed through, blacks will be disproportionally harmed.

  5222. Can’t she leave race out and quit using it for an excuse. We disrespect him because he is incompetent and for no other reason. Damn wish they could just accept that people judge the president on his performance and not his race.

    1. Well, for me personally you have to add dishonest, corrupt, lawless, divisive, and the most destructive president in history. His skin color is about the only thing that I don’t dislike about him.

    2. We disrepect him, because he ignores half of the electorate, and the majority of the Constitution.

  5223. No Oprah, we despise him, not because of his skin color, but, because of his Socialist, Liberal ideology and his INCOMPETENCE as the Leader of the Free World. Oh, and Oprah, we think you are a White hating racist. Go away, America is fed up with this crap and we are not going to take it any more.

  5224. I’m sorry Oprah that you see life in only two perspectives – being black and being a women. If someone criticized Bush, you’re being politically progressive. If someone criticizes Obama, you’re a racist….America is finally waking up to the hypocrisy of people like you.

  5225. Oprah, say it ain’t so…I really like and respect you but now your say this like it’s true?

  5226. Its not like everything and I mean everything that obama touches turns to crap… name just one thing that he has not screwed up…..that is why Americans hate him… they hate phonies, they hate failure, they hate hypocrites, they hate liars…. that is why obama is hated.

      1. …. but the tide is turning, Losers are becoming trendy so more and more people love having the rest of society propping them up.

  5227. Oprah, you are dead wrong and with a statement like that, demonstrates your own racial bias. Conservatives have hated the “Great Pretender” since Day One, and now Independents and moderate Democrats are starting to wake up and join the pack. The simple truth is, people do not like Barry Soetoro because of his constant lies, gross incompetence and the misfits he has surrounded himself with.

  5228. She made her billions and now she is letting us know her true colors – what has happened to her – we saw her dis Gov Palin during the 2008 campaign and now she is doing this – not right

  5229. The hypocrisy of this woman and her ilk amaze me still. We don’t “dislike” obama. Many of “us” distrust him, are afraid of him, abhor him, doubt and question him, not because he’s black but because he’s proven himself to be a liar, a cheat, a fraud, an imbecile, a moron and a thin skinned hypocrite. Black, white or polka dot you can’t continue to lie to people and hurt them and continue to think people will allow you to harm them. It’s just common sense.

    1. Of course he’s a liar. You can’t push a Socialist Utopia on Americans without lying to them and giving them free goodies. But watch out. If his popularity falls to the point that even the low info mofos who voted him into office turn on him too, he’ll shut off the EBT cards just for spite.

  5230. Do not go away mad Oprah, just go away!!!!! History has proven that ME attitudes eventually fail because your ego becomes bigger than yourself. Your new TV station is a disaster because your sponsors did not follow you. Remember, you did not give all that stuff away on your old show…..your sponsors did, although you always took the credit. Nope, your back to where you belong……Just go away!!!!

  5231. So if you’re black, you can f-up everything you touch and no one can say a word as they would obviously be racist?

    This clown has no business being in charge of ANYTHING important.

  5232. I’m done with you Oprah… really? How dare you lump every person who disagrees with this president’s horrible policies with race… How about you credit us with being informed…I could give a rat’s rear what color he is. Every person like you, that continually bring up this falsehood prove that this country was not ready for a black president and it’s not because of people like me who don’t like his policies, it’s because of the far left liberals like you who keep reminding us that he is black..

  5233. Bluemongoose says many American’s hate Obama because he is a socialist hell-bent on eliminating our liberties. He continues to say that now Oprah is a race-baiter out of desperation to save her savior and liberal extremism.

  5234. This is just insane, it is quite frankly the opposite of what she said. He has gotten a total pass on things that a white guy would never get away with, everyone has this perpetual fear of being labeled a racist, so they all hold blacks to a lower standard. So dishonest.

  5235. When all else fails whip out the race card. What explains your stratasphoric success in racist America Oprah?

    1. I’ve pretty well had it with celebrities throwing racial accusations. Just how “many people” is she talking about, exactly? Ten? 150 million? 300 million? Everybody but her and her friends? Just Republicans? Just Tea Party people? What number is she talking about, exactly, and where did she get her information?

      Is all disagreement with Obama “proof” of racism? Give me a real number based on fact, and tell me where you got it or shut up. Or does Ms. Winfrey have a racism problem of her own? I’m sure there are some, because statistically there always are “some people”. But if America is such a racist country, she seems to have done all right for herself.

      Personally, I don’t know anybody who objects to Obama because of his race. Nobody. That dog just don’t hunt any more. I guarantee you that it’s a lot smaller number than she thinks.

      The fact is that black has very little to do with it. He just sucks as president. That doesn’t make half the country racist.

  5236. Worst foreign policy in my lifetime.
    Worst economic policy in my lifetime.
    Worst energy policy in my lifetime.
    What the @#$%^&* does skin color have to do with anything?
    Anyway, since Obama’s mother wasn’t black we should refer to him as a “Halfrican-American”.
    Next Oprah will be explaining that many Americans hate Jane Fonda because she is too white!

  5237. Wow so it’s the race card again with her. To bad she can’t see it the way it is. People claim to want to be judged on their merit then if they don’t like that judgment it becomes racist. Guess who the racist is Oprah, it’s you. You are being racist by claiming that most who dislike Obama do so because of his race. No, they do so because he lies on unprecedented scales even for a politician, he blames everyone else for his failures. In 2008 he promised to lower the debt now it’s 9 Trillion Higher. He has hood winked an entire generation by saying one thing at the podium during his constant campaigning while doing another behind the scenes. He is a fraud a liar and a cheat, it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, he is being judged by the content of his Character and that is not racist, it’s the exact opposite.

  5238. Actually i bet he is a pretty cool guy personally, but in his position, the biggest problem with Obama is that he is a massive liar. He can’t be trusted.

  5239. “She thinks that both he and the Office of President have been treated with contempt because of the colour of his skin. ” What? You don’t remember the left hanging GWB in effigy, making movies about killing him, the monkey comments, criticism of his intellect and so on? No, the left drew first blood in that argument. But to the point. Sorry Oprah. Has nothing to do with his race. Has everything to do with him destroying the United States from the ground up with his actions, thoughts, policies, practices, procedures, methods, and ideas. In fact one of your acting brethren (Alec I think?) used late night television to promote the idea of organizing a mob to go to the Naval Observatory to drag Dick Cheney out of the house to hang him?? VERY short memory.

  5240. Where does this notion come from, that if you’re black you are somehow left behind in society? Society has gotten to a point where we all go out of our way to give special privileges to people solely based on the fact that they’re black. This in and of itself is incredibly racist, and frankly condescending and demeaning to blacks, somehow suggesting they are weak and incapable of achieving things without the help of the white man.

  5241. The opposition never shows respect to the president. Did Democrats respect George Bush? No. Did Republicans show respect to Bill Clinton. No. The charge of racism is just a way to silence opponents who disagree with Obama’s policies, not the color of one skin

    1. More importantly the Republicans were not doing world tours saying Americans are racists. This is just disgusting, all to increase her coffers…

  5242. Opra’s overt rasism is in full view of any sentient being with the ability to discern right from wrong. She is a pretentious blowhard who has found fame and riches directly from her asserted position as one of the prominent race-baiters in the Republic who feed off the ‘victim’ status that keeps the black community exactly where it’s designed to be by Sharpton,Jackson, Farrakhan, and Winfrey. All derive the same result from different strategy. If you voted for Bammy because he is kind of half Black, that makes YOU a racist too.

  5243. We treat all presidents who break the law, lie to us, and cheat us with the same contempt no matter the skin color Oprah!! Remember both how both President Bushs’ were treated? Reagan was shot for Gods sake!!! So your lies about it being racism, because Obama is just another loser half white president just like many before him!!

  5244. If Americans hate blacks then how did Oprah become so popular, and how come so many ‘whites’ voted for Obama than Romney? Obama is disliked because he is incompetent. Actually the reason he got elected was because he was black!

  5245. Lady, the only reason you support this guy is BECAUSE he is black.

    If he were white with so thin a resume, he would never have been nominated in the first place.

    1. Great point and many Oprah fans were shocked when Oprah threw Hillary under the bus to support Obama. Her show ratings tanked after that racist choice.
      I guess Oprah just couldn’t bear the thought of a female president. Obviously, Oprah is a raging SEXTIST!!!

  5246. Let me think about that. Black population 15%, Obama elected twice by over 50% and our nation is racist, holding the black man down. What about him being grossly incompetent and a liar. No it’s because Obama an her nibs are the racists. Weak and an old story that has no legs.

  5247. The most successful woman (not black woman) WOMAN in the history of this country plays the race card. Oprah… hope you got enough already, cuz you’ve alienated more than half of your audience with your newly found o’bama-racism.

  5248. She doesn’t mind taking the “man’s” money though does she? In all the years of Oprah telling everyone how to live their lives and giving away free cars to her fans I have never, ever, seen or heard her doing a single thing for the black community in America. Oh, yes, she briefly gave some money for a school in Africa when it was all the rage for hollywood actresses to go and adopt African babies. Yet, since that fad has ended she has done nothing else. This woman is a publicity hound and does not have a single moral or ethical bone in her body, she disgusts me.
    How many yo-yo diets has she been on and every time she loses weight she raves about how great this new fad diet is then when she gets fat again she blames the diets for her getting fat and destroys those peoples careers. She is a nut job plain and simple. All you middle class women who cheered her on for all those years are now reaping what you sewed.

    1. Umm…I beg to differ. I don’t like Oprah either but it’s not true about
      her and that school in Africa. Just a few weeks ago she was holding an
      auction from which all proceeds would go to that school.

  5249. The race card is the crutch of the African Americans. Whenever they feel they don’t have a leg to stand on, just pull out the old race card.

    1. And denial is a crutch for anyone who practices racism whenever they’re exposed. Who are you to proclaim what African Americans feel? And you only talk of the “race card” when you’re called out on it.

      1. I’ve read your comments here and disagree with much of what you have said. You wont convince me to feel sorry for you or agree with the racism theories you are speaking of. Stop hiding behind your skin color and using it as a crutch. Most of us don’t care what color you are to begin with.

      2. Geez get out of here Linda Whitlock. You obviously can only see things one way…YOUR way. Go somewhere else please because your mind is so closed up you see only one color. Your own. Sad dear. Very sad. You’re obviously one of those folks who’s not racist…but really is sooo racist. Again, if you can’t handle the truth, go somewhere else. Your ranting and raving and pathetic attempt to sound smart and like you know what you’re talking about is sad and pathetic.

      3. And projection is the card of those claiming “racism” every time things don’t go their way and they are called on things they are responsible for! Voting for a leader because he’s the right skin color is the biggest example of racism I have seen recently, and defending him on that skin color instead of calling him out on his betrayal of the citizens of this nation actually proves your incompetence!

      4. Linda, do you see that you denied Vickie’s claim about the race card. That’s denial. Then you claim “how could she know”, when you know nothing about her. Your response proves her point.

  5250. Oprah, I dislike like him because he is white. If he is half black and he is considered totally black then why can’t he be a white man? That’s what I’ve said to people who have made the accusations of racism. It blows them up when I call him the 44th white president.

  5251. I am sure that there are people out there that hate Obama because he is black. However, I am also sure that there are many MORE people that hate him because he is a Lying, Socialist out to destroy America…

  5252. Yeah, we’re so racist we made you the richest woman in the world you dumb bit**. Must have been the white half in you. Oh, you don’t have that half? Dang, now I’m perplexed.

    I am SO sick of them playing the race card on everything. You didn’t vote for Obama? You’re racist. You don’t like Obamacare? You’re racist. You want voter ID laws? You’re racist. You disagree with Obama’s policies? You’re racist. I just typed this comment. I’m racist.

    Hey, Dems, I have news for you. Someone who sees everything in the terms of race is a racist. You better look at yourselves in the mirror.

    1. YOU MADE her the richest woman in the world??? Really? Who are you referring to because I believe Oprah has fans of ALL races, so why are YOU taking sole credit for her success? Maybe Oprah is successful because she had a product that YOU wanted. So I guess since YOU made her rich she doesn’t have the right to speak her mind like you have in such an unflattering manner? Newsflash! Watching and supporting her show does not give you the right to call her a “dumb bit**” because you disagree with her.

      1. Why would disagreement with Obama be racist though? Obama isn’t black. He is white and you should stay out of white folks’ business cause you know nothing about the white community. I’m offended by your comment.

          1. Linda
            Are you aware that Obama is 50% white, 44% Arabic, and 6% African black…and 0% American ?
            He has nothing in common with African Americans whatsoever ….but 90% of blacks who voted voted for this phony piece of trash….what does that say about 90% of American blacks who voted?

            1. It doesn’t matter to her. He is the correct color for her purposes. The fact that he is an incompetent fool matters not.

              1. I agree with everything but the “incompetent fool” part. Odumbo is a despicable liar that used people to get where he is and he was quite shrewed at playing the game and surrounding himself with deceptive people to keep him in it! The low info folks that bought his crap hook, line, and sinker…and are still defending him are the fools!

          2. So by your logic, anyone that says Odumbo is black should be considered a “grown up”, but anyone that recognizes his other ethnicities isn’t? Wow…you are the real racist here!

      2. I was not taking credit personally. It’s the general “we”, as in America. We’re so racist we voted Obama in for office. Pulling this race card bullcrap is getting old. If you don’t realize that you’re being played as a victim for the gain of others you’re an idiot.

  5253. Well, I can tell you from this side of the Big Pond that neither Oprah herself nor this interview have made any lasting impression, nor has this led to a generalised outcry in the MSM or on their blogs.
    This was a perfect Oprah-Yawn, that’s all!

  5254. And besides, Americans don’t hate Barrack because his face is black. Rather, they hate him because his heart is.

  5255. I am going to reiterate my statement that I can’t wait for one of her disgruntled employees to say eff the confidentiality contract and write a tell all book. Can you imagine working for this d-bag? I’ll bet she really cracks the whip. Oops, was that racist? Sorry, Okrah.

  5256. Folks, don’t get too worked up about this ragged, overused new-age hussy. I’m in the UK and I don’t even watch the BBC let alone hear the kind of trash they allow this tramp to spout. But I have to say, not all my fellow Brits are clever like me, so some would not only have watched this interview but they would have believed her piffle too.

    However, as a black dude, I feel so sorry for white folk in the West today. In a bid to recompense for the misdeeds of the past, the tables have been turned to such an extreme that whites are now themselves under persecution: not allowed to have an opinion about anything lest they be seen as racist, and the fruits of this are everywhere now.

    I believe it started with race equality laws intruding into the private sphere; I’ve said it before: the root of proposals such as ENDA and that degrading policy called ‘affirmative action’ in the US and termed ‘positive discrimination’ here in the UK, come from the passing of so-called ‘anti-discrimination’ laws to force employers to hire people of certain ethnicities. Yes, America needed to come out of racism but you can’t force an attitude onto someone, let alone a decision concerning his/her own business. If I wish to only hire blacks, yes by all means, label me a racist and protest against me in whatever legal way you can; but do not use the force of the law to make me behave a certain way with my own private property! How is that American (or even constitutional)?

    This is where I believe the communist professors of victimology won a decisive victory and the fruits of it embolden the likes of Oprah Winfrey.

    1. She used to behave like a winner: someone who ignores the skin color and charges ahead to success. Ever since barack, she’s decided it’s 1961 all over again, and she’s determined to find, create, or re-enact her personal version of Selma Alabama.

      1. The 1960s racial unrest reenactment is itself a burgeoning genre of movies and children’s books. Kids today can tell you about MLK and Ruby Bridges but have never heard of Napoleon, Washington, Franklin, Pasteur, Mendeleev, Beethoven, Newton, or any other pivotal figures in Western history.
        Last year a fifth grader explained to me that Oblamao freed the slaves. Seriously.

  5257. Democrats / Liberals #1 narrative lie- accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of – “projectionism”, aka Lie, and have been guilty of for over 150 years from Slavery of the Confederacy, to legally legislatively Instituting and maintaining Segregation and Jim Crow, to creating the KKK, and giving it political cover, etc, etc.. Yet, they will never admit that truth, right Oprah, and have tried to play revisionism for 50 years now. On top of the fact that they, delusional demented, and deranged anti-American Democrats, aka socialist marxists, who make millions, if not billions of dollars off of the very economic, social, and political system they incessantly vitriolically attack day in and day out- ie; Extreme Leftist Hypocrisy.

    Deal with it Oprah. ie; up yours

  5258. Democrats / Liberals #1 narrative lie, accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of – “projectionism”, and have been guilty of for over 150 years from Slavery of the Confederacy, to legally legislatively Instituting and maintaining Segregation and Jim Crow, to creating the KKK, and giving it political cover, etc, etc.. Yet, they will never admit that truth, right Oprah, and have tried to play revisionism for 50 years now. On top of the fact that they, delusional demented, and deranged anti-American Democrats, aka socialist marxists, who make millions, if not billions of dollars off of the very economic, social, and political system they incessantly vitriolically attack day in and day out- ie; Extreme Leftist Hypocrisy.

    Deal with it Oprah. ie; up yours

  5259. “Oprah Winfrey has been a prominent supporter of Barack Obama. She thinks
    that both he and the Office of President have been treated with
    contempt because of the colour of his skin.”
    You’re the ‘racist’ Oprah. ‘OWN’ it. 😉

  5260. I think they should take a poll of how many people are on assistance and for how long they have been on. I was on, it helped me when i needed it. I didn’t get my nails done or rape the system. I went to school for free got a education and now own a business and work hard. I had one child, didn’t have more and dig my hole deeper and yep i fought to get child support in place cause i wanted off the system. If you gave me a drug test i would have passed. I lived in housing, was depressed, have fibromyalgia……..take a poll, straight down the line, all the races and and i want to see who leads and how long they been leading…. So i guess i’m gonna be called racist again, you tell me when in this paragraph i mentioned blacks except right there………….need i say more!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5261. Is oprah not the richest paid female celebrity in America? quit your crying “racist” and help the starving men,woman and children in America.

  5262. i farted.libtard response,”youre racist!”…..when does this stupidity stop? no country on the planet has been as kind or giving to immigrants and blacks.

  5263. the only racist is the pathetic race baiters like oprah and obama….can this p.o.s explain this?…its 2014 and a billionaire black woman is still claiming racism?….white people have had it….heres a list of reason to hate obama….from this day forward i will boycott everything oprah…im sick of the race card.

    1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and
    pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being
    raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any
    White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide
    who knew about the targeting and when.

    2. Benghazi:
    This is actually three scandals in one: The failure of administration
    to protect the Benghazi mission; the changes made to the talking points
    in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video;
    and the refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack.

    3. Keeping an eye on The Associated Press: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.

    4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

    5. Potential Holder perjury I:
    Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated
    with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact
    he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

    6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme:
    Federal agencies allowed weapons from U.S. gun dealers to “walk” across
    the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF summarily
    lost track of scores of those weapons, many of which were used in
    crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian

    7. Potential Holder perjury II: Holder told
    Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and
    Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much

    8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary
    Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate.
    The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for

    9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture
    Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers
    who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a
    gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of
    additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face

    10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration
    in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a
    clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA

    11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

    12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act:
    A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act
    when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her
    official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the
    election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

    13. Solyndra:
    Republicans charged the Obama Administration funded and promoted its
    poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed
    for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to
    delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

    14. AKA Lisa Jackson:
    Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor”
    when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing
    charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

    15. The New Black Panthers:
    The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in
    failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who
    appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in

    16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have
    violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War
    Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

    17. Biden bullies the press:
    Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage,
    including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter
    delete photos, and editing pool reports.

    18. AKPD not A-OK:
    The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House
    adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of
    Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay
    Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

    19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you:
    Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an
    intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would
    accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for
    dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter

    20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly
    been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws
    to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who
    may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed
    the “Dream Act.”

    With three-and-a-half years of Obama’s second term remaining, there is no telling how many more scandals will erupt.


  5264. oprah, says in the interview that a senator gets up and calls Obama a lier and this is disrespectful to the office which is provoked by Obama being black. this is so absurd!….No Oprah THIS is POLITICS and you should stop getting involved cause you are making an ASS of yourself ! She mentions the incident in Zurich in another interview as an act of racism.This has happened to me and im not black.that wasnt about colour it is another type of racism.class racism. obviously she HAS A COMPLEX.

  5265. I think she needs to shut her mouth, she has a lot of money and influence and if people were racist she wouldn’t be where she is so now she is showing her ignorance. We have a black man in the white house and a black woman with her own television network, that’s not America being racist, the blacks being racist against whites. I live in Ct where there was a black judicial judge who got drunk and called a state police (black man) the N word, so I want to know whos racist and yes she kept her job but I can tell you if it was a white judge she would have no job. I’ve never seen such a double standard in my life, its disgusting and people are tired of the race card, its becoming the ace of spades and were all loosing the game for sure when people in this country force others to accept them because they are a certain race. We americans are just that AMERICANS AND ITS DISGUSTING HOW SOME RACES FEEL THAT THEY CAN EXPECT TO BE TREATED DIFFERNTLY BECAUSE THEY CONJOUR UP THIS NOTION THEY ARE BEING TREATED DIFFERENTLY, NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE VOTED IN A BLACK PRESIDENT AND NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE WATCHED YOUR SHOW. YOU NEED TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH LIKE YOU SHUT YOUR SHOW CAUSE YOU JUST LOST ANOTHER VIEWER SO YOU CAN KEEP TO YOUR (OWN),,,,, SHOW THAT IS. WAIT I BET NOW YOUR GONNA CALL ME RACIST OPRAY RIGHT. OH WAIT DID I SPELL YOUR NAME WRONG TOO NO YOU O PRAY OK. BYE…

  5266. Do I hate Obama because he is Black? No, I don’t. I don’t hate him at all. But he is the lousiest, most smug, self-centered President I have ever lived under. He is determined to destroy this country as we know it. He has stated so himself. His policies are so totally against the Constitution, he is so totally attempting to hold to that campaign promise: to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE this country. Hate him? No. I have a mixed race son, I have dated girls and women of many races and cultures. I grew up with a best friend who was as black, even blacker, than Obama. I have lived with, eaten with, worked with, soldiered with men and women of many races and cultures. HE is the hater. He hates everything this country stands for, and is determined to bring us all down to his level. HER NEEDS TO GO SOMEWHERE ELSE, FAR, FAR AWAY. And the sooner the “gimme, gimme the freebees” crowd realize that he is the Pied Piper, and they are the rats, the better.

    1. So you want Bush back? At least Obama has given some credibility back to USA. from Sweden!

      1. Some credibility? Really? You live on another planet not Sweden! He lost the Middle East, he lost Europe! Obama is a liar and a fraud and I’m not a racist!

      2. No Lumina, nobody in their right mind would want Bush back. He is the one who got the down hill slide of American Freedom in high gear in the first place. Obozo promised change, but instead he just kept on the same path of destruction. The only change was that he went from a jog to a full blown sprint to the finish line where the American People are the losers.

        The only other real difference is that the controlling power in the government has shifted from Middle Eastern Jew to Middle Eastern Muslim.
        Also, his majesty has, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, as much credibility as a crack whore that lost her last $20 bag 3 days ago.

    1. I guess you love Clarence Thomas too, huh? Of course you love these clowns. You don’t have a problem with them because they don’t have a problem denegrading their own race and displaying buffoonery the way you think all black people behave.

        1. There’s nothing “conservative” about Ben Carson, Allen West, or Clarence Thomas. These individuals are extremist teapartiers that spew ignorance and division and have an obvious hatred towards their own race.

          1. When the word “conservative” is used in politics — its intent is in reference to their views on the US Constitution. Conservatives are conservative because they believe in the faithful following and execution of the constitution.

            You are trying to make a distinction between conservatives and the tea-party. There is not difference.

            Republican does not equal conservative, though there are some Republicans who are conservative. Most Republicans have demonstrated to be non-conservative, thus the fracture within the Republican party. The Republican party has traditionally held to a conservative point-of-view. This is no longer true. The fracture is between liberal Republicans — who have changed the focus of the party. And the conservatives, or whom you refer to as the tea party — who are upholding tradition conservative, traditionally constitution views.

      1. They denigrate their own race by showing conservative values? Because they educated themselves in spite of hardship? Because they dared step off the Democrat plantation? People like Jackson, Sharpton and Winfrey are the new overseers.

        1. Conservative values??? LOL! They are extreme teaparty members. Nothing “conservative” about them unless your definition of conservative is to behave irrationally and spew ignorance at all cost.

          1. Also, Oprah was the darling of your communities until she had the audacity to buy her OWN network, and then suddenly she became all the hateful names people are calling her on this site. It was okay when she was just a talk show host. But now the owner of a network? She no longer knows her place, right?

          2. Explain “extreme”. Give us some examples of their “irrationality”. I think you can only parrot liberal talking points and not back up your statements with fact.

            1. The examples are endless my friend. And you only need commonsense to see them, not talking points although that’s certainly a tool the GOP uses daily. 1. The Government shutdown and the U.S. nearly defaulting while the Ted Cruz and the rest of the GOP demanded the president dismantle a LAW. Was that rational? We lost over 44 million dollars in revenue. Yet the GOP claims to be concerned about jobs. They put nearly a million people out of work, but they’re concerned about jobs and the economy??? I think not. 2. The GOPs obsession with the ACA and holding needless hearings on the status of a website. Really? Is this how they spend their time instead of working and passing laws that will assist the America they so love? Also, where is their healthcare law? They have NO solutions as usual. 3. The GOPs obsession with women’s health, no birth control, trying to deny a woman the right to choose, and in our state a proposal to place restrictions on a woman divorcing her husband. These aren’t “family values” unless you’re living in the 1800s, an era that many of the GOP appear to prefer. I could go on but the buffoonery is endless.

              1. The Dem’s shutdown the government by refusing to compromise. Comrade Obama himself said he would not compromise. The people, not just the R’s are against the ACA, it’s bad law and causing thousands of folks to lose their insurance. And if you call murdering unborn babies “right to choose” you’re an obviously brainwashed, kool-aid drinking liberal who won’t be convinced by those inconvenient facts. Goodbye. I won’t continue to argue with a troll.

                1. LOL! Really? Since when does ANY part of the Government have the right to shutdown the Government simply because you don’t like a law? If you don’t like a law, you go through the proper channels to change it. The law was passed, it was upheld by the Supreme Court, and the president was re-elected because of it. How does Ted Cruz and the gang have the right to put people out of work because they were throwing a temper tantrum like a child not getting their way. The president and the American people will not be held hostage by the whims of the teaparty. The president was absolutely right in not “negotiating”, if that’s what you want to call it. The GOPs definition of “negotiating” is dismantle the entire program because we couldn’t do it legislatively. And YES I call it the right to choose. You don’t tell me or any woman what to do with our bodies. You’re so about giving people the right to “choose” unless it conflicts with your own warped beliefs. Isn’t your opposition to the ACA about people’s so-called “right to choose”? Yet when it comes to women’s bodies, you want to place laws about whether or when she decides to give birth. Can’t have it both ways my friend. Also, what are YOU drinking? Goodbye to as well!

                2. if you like don’t like a law, you go thru proper channels to change it? like the pending executive order to bypass elements of the health-care-disaster? like that kind of proper channel?

                  if you re-read the news, the govt shutdown b/c the SENATE refused the last bill offered by the house. that’s right, the SENATE refused to compromise. and dismantling the entire bill wasn’t even being discussed, just two simple issues.

                  and what were the only two points in those mean old republicans demands? only to make the politicians on the hill endure the health-care-disaster on the same level as the rest of the country….ie prevent lawmakers and staff from getting subsidies AND to delay the individual mandate for one year b/c they felt the program wasn’t ready for prime time.

                  funny…now quite a few non-republicans have realized the entire program was not ready for prime time and are demanding delays in the individual mandate (penalties) b/c the people can’t even buy the health care that has been forced down their throats!

  5267. !opreah you have allaegations of hate for american people and accuse them of racisist then provide the evidience. don’t just say it because your man isn’t doing that good . I am sick and tired of being called a racist and frankly I think that you should do some research about obama care befor you start spouting off at the mouth. and because I say something against president obama is because my views are diffrent then yours. it has nothing to do with his color.

  5268. Bigoted Americans are apparently Racist and Hateful towards a DumoCrap Marxist Black/White President who wants to shred the US Constitution and spits on the American Flag by forcing them to buy something against their will. If that’s not Gangster Gov’t, then what is?

    1. And you just made Oprah’s point. Marxist? Spitting on the Constitution? Gangsta Gov’t? Yup, those aren’t racist remarks at all.

      1. Actually, no they aren’t. What reference to ethnicity can even remotely be derived from those descriptions?

        1. Really? “Gangsta Gov’t”? Where was this term derived? Also the fact the NO other president in the history of our nation has been labeled such derogatory names…Marxist? Really? Do you really need me to tell you what YOU meant by these terms? You said them, stand by them because they’re obviously how you feel and EXACTLY what Oprah is talking about.

          1. I see, so to make anything less than glowing, warm fuzzy statements about Obama is racist…..Got it. Your memory must be short. People called GWB every name in the book, but I’m sure that was fine with you. You seriously need to take a look at your double standards.

            1. Was GWB ever called a Marxist, socialist, un-American, questioned his citizenship endlessly and needlessly, a monkey? Was impeachment ever something that was talked about endlessly for him? On the night of his first election or his second, did the Dems meet secretly about making him a first termer or obstructing anything that he does? Was Barbara Bush ever attacked for her initiatives? Was she called a monkey, ugly, big butt…so on and so forth? And if you call those statement “warm and fuzzy”, you’re surely living in an alternate universe like many of the GOP. Did GWB get criticized? Certainly and rightly so since this mess was inherited from him. But to the extend and disrespect as President Obama, the first BLACK president? No comparison and don’t even try to make one.

              1. I’ll admit that “monkey” might be racist depending on context, otherwise, you have nothing.

                1. Well, luckily for me and people like Oprah and others who have yet to speak out, we don’t need YOU to tell us what the truth happens to be.

                2. You obviously need someone to reveal the truth to you. Do you think someone saying “White Power” is racist? Of course you do. Do you think someone saying “Black Power” is equally racist?

                3. Hey, you proclaim “white power” every time you try to discredit this president. You proclaim “white power” by thinking voter repression is okay or by saying the you “admit monkey MIGHT be racist depending on context.” You proclaim “white power” by thinking this president is less than you and deserves the disrespect her faces everyday. I don’t need anyone to reveal the truth to me, but you certainly do.

                4. Are you? If so, that explains a lot. Go to bed and leave the grown up discussions alone. Apparently you can’t handle them.

                5. You have nothing, you know nothing but hatred. That’s no way to live. I hope things change for you as you grow older.

  5269. It has nothing to do with his color it has everything to do with his hate (yes I used that word) of Capitalism, Christians, and Conservative values. I haved BIG ISSUES with his being able to commit crimes against the American people and no one in Congress has the guts to bring charges against him (Because of his color).

    1. What “crimes” has he committed? Getting a law passed that will give ALL Americans affordable healthcare instead of the substandard care they have at the moment or none at all? The hatred we see is how members of the GOP can hold hearings and waste tax payer dollars discussing a website. Really? How about working and passing some laws that will assist the American people instead of obstructing EVERYTHING the president does? They have NO solutions on any issues. And the so-called charges Congress has brought against him have no basis at all. He’s black and he won a second term. Get over it!

      1. Linda, you keep drinking that Kool-aid and when you have to pay 66.26% of your income for his health insurnace you get back to me because if I took out his insurance right now that is how much I would have to pay! There are so many counts that he has against him that are treasonous last count I saw was 52! Not even the least is Benghazi, then the spying on the American people through NSA, If you need more I will be more than happy to list the rest for you as well. And FYI if you did your own research and not just rely on the Media you would not be living in your rose colored world and be just as scared as the 64% of the nation that is not happy with his choices!

  5270. I don’t hate Obama, I don’t know the guy.
    I DO hate his policies stemming from his far Left political ideology. I don’t hate that he’s black, I hate that he’s deep, dark, crimson socialist RED.
    Deep, dark, crimson socialist red white guys suck, too. Okay?

    1. don’t ever go into defense mode attack because if you go into defense mode then the liberals will jump all over you. make them provide evidence they can’t the Late (Andrew Brietbart) said that.

  5271. Obummer is African American what? Marxist, Redistributionist, Dictator Lite, Maybe? He’s hated because he hates traditional American Values and undermines it everyday. He’s waged war on the American People unlike any other DemonCrat President. He treats Enemies as friends, and friends as Enemies, that’s how twisted he and his Party have become.

  5272. No, I don’t hate Obama because he’s Black. But I DO dislike Oprah (I reserve the word hate for Satan) because she’s stupid. And you just can’t fix stupid.

      1. Well, we can always try. It could be good therapy. I’m sure it’s not covered under ObamaCare, though, unless it’s under abortion coverage.

        1. I’m a fair man… do we flip a coin to see who administers this test therapy first? Heads I win; tails you lose? Hmmm?

          1. Ahhh, I see you found Barry’s lucky coin, given to him by George Soros. It was the first coin he ever stole.

  5273. Can I use ‘hate’ yet. Let me try some nicknames. BrainDead Oprah, Washed Up Oprah, Rich Oprah on White Man’s money (’cause it surely isn’t dem black folk who gav dis girl her doe. Commie Oprah, Bizarre Stupid Head %!+/ Oprah!

  5274. No Oprah, we cant stand either one of you because of your idiotic liberal Ideas! Has nothing to do with your skin color, just that of your soul.

  5275. She is another who don’t like the reality, is not is color but is political believes, can she tell me when is the last time did he tell the truth about anything, this man is danger not because is color you dam lucky ass.

  5276. I don’t care for him because he is a tyrant and dictator, be that black or white, I don’t care, I don’t like all the broken promises and demanding people buy into this affordable health care that is a rip off!

  5277. You literally introduced this half – black sucker to America as being presidential material – who heretofore was an unknown until you gave him your grand stage. And you now know damned well , like most of America does , that this guy is purposely destroying this country with his ‘ death to America ‘ mentality. History has it that you were in that crackpot Reverend ( the muslim ) Wright’s church and subsequently bolted. My first major red flag that we had a problem in Obama was when he sat In this hybrids church for 20 years and said he didn’t hear most of what he said. That was his first big whopper !! Everything out of his mouth from that point on has been a lie … period !!! And he has gotten away with it for so long because 70 % of his voting base is braindead, … and the white people in the country have been put on a guilt trip by the celebutards , and the media. Things are going to hell in this country, and your recent comments signal that Obama and his cabal are losing all credibility. The only people who would still view you as a viable entity would have to be total morons !! The country was ready for a black president – but not this ‘ crap sandwich ‘ in a thousand dollar suit !!

  5278. I’m still not seeing any comments in support of your accusations Oprah!!


    1. She just called me in tears. To make up for her low-life, racist-based comments she has decided to give all visitors of The Right Scoop a free Tesla car.

      1. The problem with people who make Public accusations…They rarely retract or apologize for their monumental Mistakes… Exactly Obama’s problem…Too much pride in being stupid…. The REAL stupid part is…HE KNOWS we are right!!! as does dear darling Oprah!!

        1. Oprah is an obvious stooge, Now Obama, he is not stupid… nor is he making any mistakes. His actions and words are both quite calculated, intentional and are executed with a definite purpose.

          Is he as smooth as he thinks he is? No. Is he as devious, evil and a hater of America as many say he is? Yes, in this there is no doubt and plenty of proof.

  5279. We don’t hate Obama because he is black, we hate him because he is A. a racist, B. a liar, C. a criminal and d. he is trying to destroy America. That is why we hate him, but this hooker, Oprah wants to make it about race which is typical of a racist cow like her.

  5280. The only racist I know is Oprah and Obama along with that jerk who is
    being impeached, Eric Holder. Oprah is such a liar and she has nerve to
    call white America racist when she makes racist movies that is full of
    dirt and lies. She should be stoned, Oprah use to be a good person but old age and bitterness has made her ugly now. She wears enough makeup to look like a street walker.

    1. Funny how all of these highly successful individuals are black, a fact that SOME people can’t seem to stomach. But of course you’re not a racist, somehow they are. How exactly are THEY racist? Because they speak truths that you don’t want to hear by voicing truths that should have been spoken years ago or by starring in movies that showed the struggles of Blacks then and now? And how and why is Eric Holder supposedly being impeached? Because he’s doing his job by fighting voter repression, waging war on poverty, and ensuring that ALL Americans are treated equally? Yeah, those are impeachable crimes alright….but only to the warped minds of those who uselessly pursue it.

      1. Crawl back under your rock and stay there because playing the race card don’t wash with me given that more crimes are committed by African Americans and our prisons demonstrate this. So go pound sand you Oprah wannabe.

      2. Eric Holder lied to Congress about Fast and Furious and continued to lie even when confronted, if you learned to read the news online you would know that but reading would be a problem given that you must be busy smoking that crack pipe to think Obama and Eric are innocent victims. Just goes to show the mindset of some African American welfare people.

      3. That is funny in Georgia there are many more black people on welfare and or receiving government money and I bet you are in the numbers.

      4. Linda, I think you need to get into drug rehab because you have been smoking to much crack to believe that. Racism has decreased so much but much of racism today is perpetrated not by white people but is by black people who blame White America for the acts of our ancestors. Give it up already as we had nothing to do with what happened when we were not born or young children, we didn’t have slaves and don’t today. I have many African Americans on my board of directors, and employ several African Americans in the business I own and respect them highly. When I hear racist comments it often comes from African Americans and when it comes from those that work for me they are counseled about this and if another incident happens I let them go, it don’t often come to that but I don’t condone or tolerate hate. As I said I think you need to get help with that addiction because it appears that your brain cells are diminishing.

  5281. The only racist I know is Oprah and Obama along with that jerk who is being impeached, Eric Holder. Oprah is such a liar and she has nerve to call white America racist when she makes racist movies that is full of dirt and lies. She should be stoned.

  5282. Big fat O is nothing but a big time racist in the same mold as mooooochelle my bell, barry the muslim socialist, eric holder and all the rest of these clowns.

  5283. How can you say such a thing Oprah when Obama has gotten away with so many crimes because he is black. He needs to be impeached and tried for treason. He has damaged America and hurt our relationships with other countries. Not to mention Benghazi, Fast N Furious, IRS and the list goes on and on. Nixon looks like a choir boy compared to Obama. Each time Obama ran for president you saw a lot of blacks and whites supporting him, however when Romey and Mccain ran you didn’t see hardly any blacks supporting them. Have you forgotten Oprah that you had just as many white fans as you did black which helped make you a multi billionaire. I’m sure a lot of black and white people helped you get to were you are today. Shame on you. We need a black president like Allen West who will make people be responsible for themselves and not allow people to play the race card no matter what color they are. Shame on you Obama. Jackson, and Sharpton for playing the race card. It allows people who are irresponsible blame race for everything instead of being responsible for themselves. Like it or not he will be going down as the worst President in America, not because he’s black but because of his record. Jimmy Carter who is white will be glad to hand over that title. The USA will be like Detroit in a few years under Obama and we will all be slaves to the Chinese. By the way I am a licensed insurance agent and if I told a lot of people they could keep their doctor and health plan knowing they couldn’t I would lose my license, be fined and be in jail by now period !

  5284. why does she lie like that? its Obamas lies and abuse of power aiding our enemies we hate more. he could have made a mark in the history books, now it will be a mark of Infamy!

  5285. ……largest TAX increase in the history of CIVILIZATION….. Hear that O? CIVILIZATION!!!!!!!!!
    It. Ain’t….. Got…. Nuthin…. To…. Do…. With…… Skin!!!!!

  5286. You know how people recall their favorite moments in TV ever, like the finale of M.A.S.H., etc? Yeah, one of my favs, after being a loyal viewer for years, was the day I turned off Oprah when she introduced Obama. Never watched again.

  5287. So says the Black woman who has made a $3 billion fortune off of millions of White women who worship the ground that she walks on.

    Oh yeah, America is just SO racist. And she’s a regular Rosa Parks.

  5288. Americans are drownding in debt and taxes, our homes have lost so much value we cannot sell them. By the millions people are losing their health coverage. The cost of Obamacare is a 300% increase in monthly expenses. Yet,all Oprah seems to care about is,… the president is black.

  5289. I can hardly believe you are saying this Oprah when Michelle won’t even let you come to the White House because she thinks you are too fat and not a good example!!! She could learn a few things from you and one of them is about class and grace….

    1. She isn’t classy and graceful when she says, “There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” She just called ALL white people racists. She doesn’t speak for me.

  5290. Oprah is full of Bull. Now she is calling me a Racist ! She is the real Racist. I don’t like the White 1/2 of obama either. I don’t like him for one reason and that reason is that he is a Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Progressive Wolf in Sheep’s clothing Democrat. Hate him, No I do not Hate Him. But I sure as Hell don’t care for him. Had he run for President under the Communist or Socialist Banner I would at least respect him for being honest. But he did not. Instead he chose to tell a LIE and he has not stopped telling them one right after another since.

  5291. No one plays the race card more often than BHO. Let’s not forget, he is only “half” black. Being a smug moron has nothing to do with race. He is a smug moron who happens to be half black.

  5292. Yep…. millions of racists watched your shows and movies, bought your books, supported your causes, endeared your guests…. bet some of em are them there Tea Partiers too!…. no more though!

  5293. First off he is NOT African American … Not sure what he is!!! I would love to see Condalisa Rice be president!!! Now she IS African American and a woman!!!!

  5294. Bullshit.

    We hate him because he promised transparency and didn’t deliver. All of his records, etc.

    We hate him because he’s bankrupting America, financially and morally.

    We hate him because he’s incompetent.

    We hate him because he’s a liar.

  5295. 242 Comments so far…I have read through as many as My eyes will allow and I can find NOT A ONE that supports the Spew that is coming from that Racist Mouth of yours Oprah!! I challenge you to retract your Race and HATE PROVOKING VOMIT

  5296. Dr. Ben Carson would make an awesome President and he’s black! It is charterer and morels that matter, not the color of ones skin! Obama has proven to be a high paid gun running thug Muslim who only cares about his Muzzie buddies! We want a President in there who loves America and cares about the people and wants to see this country prosper! Not try and destroy it! GO DR BEN GO!!!

    1. I wish Dr. Carson and President Obama would debate each other, but then again, that might be too easy for Dr. Carson.

  5297. I actually think Obama is a prime example of an American who has shown the tendencies of a TRUE failure. Is his skin black? Oh, I really did not notice or care.
    He is really bad as President, and his skin color has not made the decisions for him,
    But you see, I respect people in the TEA Party, the people they have been supporting (with a few clunkers) are REALLY impressive Americans. TED CRUZ, MIKE LEE, RAND PAUL, etc. And how about that SARAH PALIN? she has been everywhere giving interviews and impressive as hell. I was once worried she would not up her game to her Potential. She has become just Awesome recently And if she wanted it, I think she could become s US Senator in Alaska or Arizona if she wanted it. That would drive the MSM crazy, and I think Chris Mathews (MSLSD) is ready to be committed right now with OBAMEcare imploding.
    WHAT a Party Chairman she could be, raising campaign funding the right way for the right reasons. Even as Co-Chair or something, she could MAYBE bring the 2 factions under the tent, and I am POSITIVE she would set some all-time RECORDS, and spread the funds out properly, or fire REINCE (that’s right, I said it) if he keeps doing the jerky stuff he has been doing,
    Afterr 2014 elections, if re-pubes do not band back together, we may have to force the issue, especially since I feel the DEMS are coming apart at the seams,
    See, saying your prayers does work, and I am going to keep on praying and hope
    people get the health care they need and deserve. We can fix the insurance deal if the PROGS get thrown out of office, and that is PROGRESSIVE RE-pubes too !
    OPRAH ?? I don’t much care for her since she seems to now say anything to promote her career, network, or people she supports I consider that being a fake and phony, no matter her skin color.
    SHE gave us O-BLAME-O remember, or at least supported him like he could do no wrong. Man, turns out he could do nothing right
    Turns out OH-BRA and Moochie don’t like each other? Racism is a nasty thing, no?
    Not enough room in the White House for those THREE egos, eh.
    Warn up the JETS for Martha’s Vineyard.

  5298. The race card is being used as Kryptonite to repel white folks from challenging Obama. Its a defence strategy that seems to work with the GOP establishment. It wont work against the Tea Party, and thats a big reason why they hate us so much.

    The Communist in the White House will be impeached.

    1. It is ashamed that it’s working on the republican establishment. If those republicans had a backbone, they would respond by saying over and over that if it hadn’t been for republicans, blacks would not have their freedom, right to vote and civil rights. Republicans have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to civil rights issues.

  5299. Opera, you are wrong! I knew years ago that while you tagged white people racists, that it was all long your own discriminatory hatred for whites. Now after the presidents many failures, you are doing a Campaign of Hatred to convince the world that white people are to blame. You are an evil participant in racism in this country and otherwise!! You won’t accept the truth because you are too busy blaming the whites who trusted this president to protect and guide us. How dare you you bigoted racist!

  5300. I stopped watching her show decades ago. At the time she became the victim of everything her guest have. She became very BORING. The proof that she was not all that was when she started her own failed TV station. Also why does she help out people in African Countries but not the Children of Chicago. That would make her a Racist and a hypocrite in the same breath.

  5301. If America was racist Oprah would be wiping white kids butts, and saying yessuh and no mam. She wouldn’t be a bazillionaire able to run around the world telling them how racist America is.

  5302. No Oprah it’s just you…We only h ate you because your black. We don’t hate any other blacks…Just You…

    1. oh amen amen
      and she should go back and do her stupid talk show and shut the hell up
      who cares what she says? it has always been about RACE for her except when she was gathering her BILLIONS
      disgrace she is

  5303. If anybody is racist, it is Oprah. I’m still disgusted after seeing “The Butler”. She and Lee Daniels purposefully mislead audiences about that film which was nothing more than racial propaganda.

  5304. WHY are some Black people PROVING to be MORE racist than white people?
    Americans of all COLORS hate him for his criminal activity, incompetence and COMPLETE LACK OF CHARACTER!!! Although it’s a pretty good distraction from his FAILURE of Obamacare and ALL of his other criminal activity!!! I wonder how much she got???

  5305. Obamas corrupt coconspirators are circling the wagons. Ever notice how the corrupt are always willing to defend the corrupted. By any means they defend him. They are the jackals of our society and they are foul greedy souls. There is no wrong he can commit that they will not ignore. For he is of them and they are as he is,…..
    The corrupted.

  5306. Oops!! She drank the wrong Kool-Aid again….some body better call Steadman, Oprah be trippin’ a’gin, yo!

      1. Steadman is a prop. A highly paid escort. Shes afraid her public would turn on her if they knew she like women.
        Aren’t celebs basically weirdo’s….♣

      2. I think old Steadman figured out she gotz bank but not willing to spend what it would take to civilize a street nucka…Steadman be like Ike Turner now….smack..SHUT UP BEEEYATCH!

  5307. Oprah, shame on you….if Americans were racist like you say he would not be in office…the problem is since he is the first African american elected as President he should of changed America like no white president has ever done…but no…. he is making himself the biggest liar ever in office….spending more money than any other president on their luxurious vacations…He is doing nothing good except destroying our country while aiding his muslum brotherhood. Making our lives miserable while he exempts himself and congress from his stupid Obama care plan. I’ts not the color of his skin that’s making him the worst President in history its the Anti-Christ in him that’s the blame …and everything the Man stands for… blue, purple, green, white or Black would not make a difference its his character not his skin color that we loath so much… the bottom line is your the racist bringing up his skin color…your the richest Black women that almost everybody loved at one time or another….people watch your shows because they believed in you and like or love you…not because of the color of your skin but because you were Oprah a good talk show host….See what happens when you defend a liar, thief and a cheat…..you put yourself right next to him as a bad representation of the black race…shame on you ….a billionaire and Obama in the highest position in the USA and you both along with other blacks throw in the race card when you find it convenient. with people like you america will always be racist in your eyes because it takes a racist to make a racist or shall I say accuse people of being racist.

  5308. Obama, a black man, was elected President by the American people. Oprah, a black woman, is one of the world’s richest women, made so by Americans who watch her on TV and buy her magazine. Yet, somehow Americans are really racist and only seek to hold blacks back from achieving.

  5309. Oprah, for so many years people loved you trusted you, and took you in as a friend. Few if any knew just what a bigot YOU were. Obama on the other hand never made it past being just a community organizer. He was very easy to figure out.

  5310. I will not watch nor support her networks anymore and have not for several years. She told her studio audience one day that you can get to heaven through many ways other than going through Jesus. My Bible tells me Jesus is the only way you get to Heaven. Then she came out to say that we do not like Obama because he is black. SHe has no clue why I do not like him and I am fixin to tell her. I do not like him because he is a liar, is destroying our country, has made all the world leaders mad at us and the list goes on and on! I think I will write her a letter!

  5311. I have come to find that those that are truly racists are the ones that see racism around every corner.

  5312. Please Oprah, quit stirring that damn pot. MLK worked so hard to unite our country and you and Obama are recking all of his achievements. If your are smart (which I once thought you were), you will take a good look at the demographics that support OWN. They are the same people who have supported you and made you rich.
    Please think about what you are doing; it effect a lot of us that would prefer some peace.

    1. I agree with your plea but you’re missing the point. Her job is to stir the pot. MLK’s legacy was real and good, the wave of racebaiting opportunists like Oprah, Jesse and Rev. Al are a disgrace to all who nobly and bravely protested and stood up alongside Rev. King. If America was racist towards a President “of color” then Barack Obama would have never received anywhere near the votes need to win. The permitted and endorsed separation for “Historically Black Colleges” and affirmative action plus ANY quotas are only destructive. CHANGE does need to happen. Change in the racist mindset of much of Black America’s leadership.

  5313. Oprah has just called 50% of the country racist. Seems to me she is the one who needs to learn a lesson in respect for others.

  5314. I hear she is forming a new social group called The Nalc… which is the opposite of The Clan. They will wear black hoods with eye holes cut out and black full body robes. Sound familiar? They will make sure any crazy @$$ crackers are moved to the rear of the healthcare line, but stand first in the tax payer line because girlfriend Oprah say so.

  5315. Oprah now tries to find some relevance in the UK because in the US nobody cares about her anymore.

  5316. So by your measure, everytime your party has disrespected Bush it was because he is white. Not to mention every single left wing black organisation is seething with racism against Bush. This is how you think, and you are projecting your own thought process on the rest of us. No, the ones with defective character are you and yours.

  5317. Oprah is not finished….she is throwing fund raisers for Corey Booker, I guess he is her next “pet” project candidate for 2nd “black” POTUS…..he is qualified enough for her…he is black..PERIOD!

  5318. If it wasn’t official for everyone before…. Oprah W is a complete and utter moron with race blinders on…. she’s sadly mistaken… People hate the statist, socialist policies, the snarky nature and utter lack of character and honesty… it’s people that support him precisely because he’s 1/2 African American that are the racists….

  5319. That’s the last straw Oprah!!! I am taking you off my speed dial list!!! 😛

    PS: I don’t know what you are having done to your face, but you are starting to look like a black Carrot Top.

  5320. So when George Bush was being viciously slandered and ridiculed, was that because he is white? People do not care what Obama’s pigment is, people care about the policies that he endorsed which are causing Americans to suffer.

  5321. Hmmm, then why do I love Allen West, Ben Carson, Mia Love, Condoleeza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, etc.?

  5322. No, Oprah, not everyone disrespects his office simply because Obama is black. Yes, there are people in this country who feel that way, but not all of us do. From what I can glean from his actions toward the citizens of this country, he doesn’t respect the citizenry, including blacks. I live in Arkansas (you know that state that is supposedly sooooo redneck and racist?) and I’ve found that the people in the area where I live are less racist than residents of the large cities in this country. What people here are disgruntled with is mostly what i’ve already said, We disrespect him, not the office, because of his disrespect for us. Read about his “health program.” Dig into it line by line and you’ll find hundreds of examples of his disrespect for the citizenry as well as for the whole country and the The Constitution. After studying that, we’ll see if you’re still willing to maintain your stance. You’re black, Oprah, in case you’ve forgotten that. And we, the People, love you to death as well as respecting you dearly. Do you think we could love one person of your color unconditionally without being able to transfer a similar feeling to someone of such eminence represented by the Presidency of the United States? If you think it possible, then, Oprah, your vision has clouded right along with your judgement.

    Will Wyckoff
    Mena, AR

  5323. Well Oprah, how about “Blow Jobs” in the Oval Office? Does that qualify as a degradation and disrespect of the office? P.S. Very few people think like you Oprah.

  5324. “…it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

    Nobody ever says?! She must be the Canadian mayor’s crack dealer, and her own quality tester, saying that with a straight (blubbery) face. But, coming from the pied piper of Hell, who uses her stupid TV show to tell stupid people that Jesus is a liar, and that there are plenty of other ways to sneak into Heaven, this comes as no surprise.

    Oh, and I don’t like Obama, because he’s white.

  5325. Look, not everyone hates anyone because of their skin color. And as far as Our leader is concerned, people dislike him because he’s acting like a Ruler instead of Leader. And he is destroying America as a Free Country. Joseph Stalin would be proud of his accomplishments at turning America towards Communism. But he won’t be 100% successful. Thank God the American People woke up in time to his treachery.

  5326. No Oprah, sweetie, it’s not because he’s “black” (although even that part is in dispute). I hate 0bama because he’s an incompetent, arrogant, ill-tempered socialist who apparently hates America much more than it hates him. And isn’t your “race card” about worn out from overuse? You (and Al and Jesse and Barrack and Michelle) have played it so many times we can no longer read what it says…maybe it used to say “I have a dream” but we can’t tell anymore, it’s all worn and scuffed from playing it so many times.

  5327. your an ass oprah .. he rules our goverment to his liking regardless of color , race or for that matter anything to help the american people… your a racist.. been saying it for along time.. go out make your movies . tv shows but get over the racist shit and be an american.. you throw shit around all the time only when it benefits you plump ass….. one thing i can say is do you have a birth certificate from the united states of america … well why dont you with your knowledge ask the president to produce his… our country is a shame right now.. and as for your new movie… nah not worth my time…..

  5328. Why does it always come down to this ?? Because He is Black !!! NO you damn fool because he is incompetent,

    1. Detroit is 82.7% African American, about half of the population of adults are
      functionally illiterate.

  5329. Oprah…Get a freakin clue… The only thing your doing is promoting hate with your own prejudiced stone cold heart. I don’t know where you get all your facts, But it is the UNCONSTITUTIONAL UNAMERICAN Actions of this man that have people hating him. WORST president Ever!!

  5330. OOOOOprah Winfrey such a disappointment, I used to think she was a great person, but instead she ends up being just another color blind person, always seeing color first, such a shame, if I did that I’d be a racist…so disappointing

  5331. Yeah you are right Oprah. The NBA is 80-90% black and they make millions, the NFL has a lot of blacks that make millions, Arsenio Hall made millions, and countless others have made millions and are black. People do not support this man, who is half white BTW, because his policies are not helping this country get through its troubled times. Enough of this BS Oprah!

  5332. I stopped watching Oprah when that massive Super EGO of hers started showing… and then became unbearable.

    I see, the OWN failure, the loss of fans and her failing “pet” project POTUS has not taught her anything or dented that ego!

    The NERVE.. to insult Americans like this!! Oprah helped the disrespectful Commie POTUS into office, by spending millions to elect “the first black” POTUS!

    Oprah it is too bad you are soooo racist….instead of just getting a black man elected….you helped elect America’s first “Tyrant” hell bent on destroying us….and yes…he is black! SMALL COMFORT!

  5333. It seems to me that the real racists are the ones who keep throwing the race card out. If all whites who don’t like Obama are racist, does that mean that all blacks who didn’t like Bush are racist?? It’s the same thing…

  5334. I’m not racist…….I don’t like his white half either.
    But seriously, anyone who doesn’t agree with his policies is a racist? D-bag.

    1. America made her one of the richest and most popular women in the world. Hmmm I guess it was only the black community that did that.

      Doesn’t matter if he is orange, he is the WORST “President” ever, white side included.

    2. By mostly white women too.
      seems the ones who scream this crap are the very most racist amoung us!
      color of his skin has nithing to do with it and they all seem to conviently forget he is half white!
      He is lacking in any morals, has wrecked our military and has shown such disrespect for them, filled our govmt with radical muslims, race baiting causing a lot of deadly harm to white ppl, destroyed our healthcare, left americans to die in bemghazi, seal team 6, irs, epa, nsa phony scandals and it a habitual liar.
      Do i need to continue??

  5335. What a totally out of touch idiot. People hate him for the crap job he has done. The lies and scandals. Couldnt give a lesser rats arse what color he is and “everybody’s thinking it”? Listen to yourself, that would include you Opra you racist old cow .

  5336. omg. what a load of bullshit. no one likes him bc he’s a crapy president who is ruining America. and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. good Lord people it’s 2013 get over this racist bullshit. I don’t care for him bc in my opinion he is part of the terror on America with his Muslim ties, not bcuz hes black. geez

  5337. The following should be mandatory viewing for all past and present BHO supporters, especially from 13:00 onwards:

    Lots of good clips possible from that episode!

  5338. Fen B needs to shut her mouth, we hate him because he lies and has committed acts of TREASON against America.

  5339. Oprah always pulls the race card before one of her movies or and important show is about to air. She of all people should be ashame of herself for profiting by using the race card. I put her in the same category as Sharpton and Jackson! Shameless……

  5340. Oprah is past her time. If anyone is racist its her. I hope her movie fails so she can crawl back in her hole.

  5341. He lies- He hates us Christians. He is firing Christian Chaplains in the Services. He hate us and our soldiers. The ONLY president to NEVER ATTEND D-DAY CELEBRATIONS. He purged the good Generals and kept the gays

    1. excellent point if it not were for the “fact” that Herman Cain, Mia Love, Thomas Sowell, Frederick Douglas, Allen West, etc. were just “token” conservatives. <sarcasm/>

  5342. Oprah’s success has a lot to do with Americans of ALL colors. Yet we are somehow to believe that the same whites who love Oprah, are racist when they disagree with Obama. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo.

    Try again Oprah, blind sycophant defending a man because of the color of his skin.

  5343. I started reviling this woman a long time ago when she argued with a lady that Jesus was not the only way to Heaven and that God was jealous of her…Puh-lease.

  5344. Oprah – you are so very wrong.. I (and many more people) do not give a hoot if the president it black, brown, white, pink, yellow or orange…. As a matter of fact, I was hoping that this “black” president would give the blacks in America and the world something to be proud of… That certainly hasn’t happened, has it… Why don’t you give white people a chance to tell you what we think about the president and give black people a chance to tell you what they think about the president… A great majority of people of ALL RACES will tell you, Ms. Winfrey that our president is a joke, a liar, and a fraud…

  5345. Yeah I am sure they are thinking that Oprah. The same way all the WHITE PEOPLE WHO MADE YOU A BILLIONAIRE were thinking it when they watched you for 25 years and bought all the books and goodies you would push.

    You see Oprah Racism, lies and Distortion of history are in your mind. That is how you can exist. But you failed with many Whites and Blacks when you decided to start your New Age Religion, and say Jesus wasn’t necessary.

    OH how is OWN by the way? FAILING. So going around saying everyone is racist isn’t helping is it? Blacks aren’t watching and buying it either. You are irrelevant. Go Back to your homes, and stay there.

  5346. In all my 60 years there has never been a president more contemptuous of ALL the American people. A vulgar race baiting communist.

  5347. Really, Oprah? Is your own monumental success due to an all black audience? Was Obama voted into office – TWICE – by an all black electorate? The man has FAILED. It’s just that simple. I hoped that Obama would park his Marxist bent at the curb and govern according to the laws of the land. But, no, he took it full tilt once he moved into the White House. It’s NOT the GOP or BUSH that’s responsible for this sorry mess .. Obama OWNS it. You can’t possibly be paying attention to the damage he has done or perhaps you don’t see it because it’s YOU that’s the RACIST.

        1. She’s been selling off things like Michael Jackson did right before he was declare bankrupt…..hummm….

  5348. Huh!??!?
    Suddenly Oprah is no longer just a self-important do-gooder, but now a mind reader as well, who can see through the imaginary code words and get at what really lurks in the souls of men?

    I’m tired of these unfounded, asinine accusations being laid out by these left-wing dolts who are too ignorant to understand the basis of the beliefs for many of us who despise Obama’s principles.

    Queen O. This has nothing to do with your paranoia, but everything to do with the tyrannical false religion that your lord and savior Barack Obama worships.

    1. The network made her look like a “do-gooder” because the sponsors paid for all those “give-aways.”

      1. seriously. But she still bankrolled her career on the “charity” schtick that amounted to .000000000000001% of her daily income. The suckers lapped it up like good dogs.

  5349. What an idiot —- most people disagree with his policies not his skin color. He is a fraud, liar & trojan horse. The U.S. has accepted people from all countries and backgrounds — we abolished slavery — how about Nigeria, Iran, the Sudan? So Oprah defends anything African-yet was she born there? Does she live there? What is she —6th generation? If she is so pro African-why not leave the U.S. and go live there. Wait — would she have made her millions in Africa? No, of course not. She’s a hypocrite. She should feel damn lucky she is in the U.S. I’d like to see her walk 2 days for water.

    1. Well she did build her marquee school in Africa… she spared no expense. And then there was the abuse and corruption…

    2. Hey, she experienced racism in Switzerland. She sees and hears racists everywhere. Here a racist, there a racist, everywhere a racist racist.


      Everywhere the Oprah goes, she’s discriminated against. She can’t buy a break. Okay, she could if she wanted to, with her many riches. Uh-oh, who rails against her kind on a never-ending basis? By her kind, I mean an evil rich person. Oh no, more discrimination. Double whammy! Oh, she’s a woman too, triple whammy!

  5350. I used to have so much respect for this woman, loved her show and mag! But now she has become a stupid old shrew racist! You forget madam….there were many white women in your audiences as I recall. You think you are all high and mighty. It seems you are covering a deep wound left there by Michelle and Valerie, who the later, poisoned your buddies wife against you! Let’s face it..three women competing for Baracks affections could create a problem. Val wasn’t risking it. So you see Oprah, you have lost your fans for nothing!

    1. Yeah, I used to watch her show, i am ashamed to say. I loathe this racist POS. What a sad stupid woman.

    2. Sorry, she pawned you, I never liked her and always detected her racism and contempt hidden just below the surface.

      1. 100% in concurrence. My mom used to give me a bad time for being so critical of her phoniness.

  5351. 6 Years ago, I asked some who Obama was as I had never heard of him. The response was to call me a racist. First time in 50 years ANYONE called me that. At that moment I realized we’re in trouble.

    1. (Sing to the tune of the Dr. Pepper jingle) I’m a racist, she’s a racist, he’s a racist, wouldn’t you like to be a racist too? Be a racist, come be a racist… They don’t know us and are too stupid or lazy to get to know us.

  5352. Why does this always have to be about race. He is a liar and a fraud. Those are the facts and that has nothing to do with his color only his character.

  5353. Yeah sure Oprah, keep flogging that dead race card. Meanwhile, those hateful caucasians elected him twice.

    1. Sure Oprah whatever makes you sleep at night..

      That reality which this fat cow in a wig knows all to well is because Obama’s black he’s been held to a lower standard and has gotten away with a level of incompetence, untruthfulness, corruption and power grabs that a white President would never have been able to get away with .

      And he’s not been treated with the usual mockery, the western nations subject their leaders to, because once the flood gates open Obama would be savaged by how easy it would be to laugh at and mock him, and it would make society uncomfortable like laughing at a mentally challenged person, best to endure then to hold someone black to the same standard , that’s what the media and the left believes but wouldn’t say.

  5354. I don’t hate Oprah, (maybe if I got to know her better, ha ha) because she’s a free market a-ho and not a gov’t employee. But now I’m wondering: How much crony capitalism went into her promotion and content via CBS and the syndicate?

  5355. I loved Oprah, and followed her national show from day one. Until it became too materialistic for me. I thought so much better of her than this. I hate barack because he is a stumbling clueless ineffective puppet of a man. You will note his race was not mentioned. Because it does not matter. Oprah, you stepped over a HUGE line here. Shame on you. I will shield my family and friends from your hateful, racist views. YOU, maam, are the definition of a bigot. Good day.

  5356. Why do people fail to mention / remember that he is also half white? He was birthed by a white woman!

    1. It doesn’t fit the narrative the progs want to push.
      Remember he was also raised by a white woman.. “a typical white person” according to the dear leader.

    2. The left adhere to their own version of racist Nuremburg Laws, one drop of black blood =

    3. Was he really? No one knows this guys true history, orgins, etc. It is all sealed. You’re just repeating what the media has told us. I don’t believe it. Columbia, Harvard? sure. Records sealed – interesting.

      1. His mother was white and all of her children were 1/2 and 1/2 all with different daddies, if she or they even know who they are/were.

    4. I fail to mention or care to remember that he is also half white because I don’t care what color he is. I’m not racist.
      But why do the statists fail to mention that he is also half white? They ARE racists – race is important to them. (This is besides the other good reasons mentioned in these comments.)

  5357. with that comment she has just become the biggest racist of the day I don’t dislike nobama because he’s half black I despise him because he’s a socialist anti American peace of sh*t that has commited tyranny against the USA and should be impeached and jailed.

  5358. Some people say it, but not everybody thinks it. You think it might have to do with any of his treasonous acts. Noooooo. Shut up, Oprah.

  5359. Hey, Oprah, many blacks voted for the current president solely because he’s black…there can be no doubt about that! Seems like blacks can be racists too!

  5360. I think it’s time for Oprah to stop counting her money and pay attention to the world around her. Claims of racism against obama is second only to the number of Democrats holding their noses.

  5361. I like how she was looking to the left without control like a twitch which FBI tactics tell us she was making that stuff up out of thin air.

  5362. She is just making a racist fool of herself. British people can see and hear just as well if not better than we can.

  5363. you want to portray us as racist so you can hide your own racism. I like Alan West and i like his policies I do not like obama’s Policies does that make me or you racist. no one who is alive was responsible for what the blacks like to blame us for. Obama was elected because he was black , no other qualification got him elected THAT IS RACIST

  5364. She is lying, she and others accused, vilified, ridiculed and slandered Bush. They still do. This goes to show you can take pig out of a sty but it’s still just a pig

  5365. what about war crimes and treason? He is a traitor I don’t care about his color I care about facts!

  5366. Oprah the only reason you believe EVERYBODY is thinking it is because you think it too!!! I don’t hate him cuz he’s black I hate him because he is a lying, snake oil sales man, that is really not even an american, that wants to undermine the U.S. from the inside, with his Taliban friends!!! He is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country! He lies and then tells more lies to cover up the lies he just told. i get it He’s a politician, but his lies are ALL recorded daily, and he has nothing to back up his waffling, but video and audio bites that keep telling us he is lying!!!

  5367. How can she be so smart and so stupid at the same time? Oh…typical democratic/communist trait…. Thats how.

    1. What made you think was she ever smart? They told us Obama was smart, otherwise we never would have known….

  5368. No Oprah. It’s because he has desecrated the office by bald face lies from the beginning. Because he has broken his promises to the people and country; because he is a traitor.
    Funny, I was never a racist when I wholeheartedly supported Dr. King.

  5369. Black loves black and to hell with everyone else. That’s Oprah, that’s Obama. There isn’t anyone in the world as racist as the American black person. They all are still crying about slavery. Get over it, it was 150 years ago. You weren’t slaves, nor were your parents or grandparents. Quit crying for special treatment, quit blaming whites for the problems inherent to your race and live a freaking life already.

      1. I read somewhere that it was Muslims in Africa who had slaves
        and sold them whereby they then came to this country.

  5370. Opra you are wrong, in these times the only people thinking by color is people of color and comunists/socialist who would love nothing more that to keep the colors seperated where the rest of us just want unity in America so we can take our country back and imprison the traitors and ship the anti- Americans back to the countries they seem to love so dearly. So You are SO wrong in your thinking and also only those that say things like that are thinking them. seems like you just offended most of the free thinking world you might want to start figuring out how your going to support yourself after this video gets out to the world.

  5371. This broad has done more damage in America and she’s warped the minds of women that aren’t too bright to begin with to the point of no return.

    She makes me sick, not because she’s black, but because she’s stupid.

    1. Would bet she supports the ObamaCare ads with women promoting sex with strangers now that they have birth control pills.

  5372. Will people PLEASE stop watching Oprah? What is the fascination with this woman? Are housewives across the US really this bored and lonely?

  5373. …and that’s the only reason she likes Obama. There’s one thing she fails to mention; if only all of the black people in America voted for Obama, he wouldn’t have been elected. It took other races including whites to get him elected. By the way; not all blacks voted for him; does that make them racist?

  5374. You of all ppl you got rich off the poor black ppl. You are races for that a$$. Who is your woomamm for the nite

  5375. This woman is full of sht….if that is the case how did a black woman like her get to be so successful? Not from other blacks…….

    1. So true — she got rich because she was an affirmative action black women and white people made her famous AND she was in the U.S. Could she have become a rich woman in Nigeria? Sudan? South Africa?

  5376. Oh here we go again, white people are racist they hate obama because he’s black, she was disrespected in Sweden because she was black, whatever. I’ll fill you in on me, can’t talk for all the other white folks in the U.S. like you obviously can since you are so smart. I take people individually, I make up my own opinions on the person that I am talking with at the time, color means nothing. The person’s CHARACTER, is the upmost important and what I base my opinion of that person on. So when it comes to your beloved obama, I don’t like him because he is a liar, thief, cheat, killer ( Benghazi for example) and many other things that time will show. So to break the myth that you have of white people, I dislike him because he is of terrible and unspeakable character. As for you I don’t like you because you are a pompous ass that thinks you know way more than you do and categorize people to their color. Oh wait doesn’t that make you a bigoted racist with the comment you made?

    1. It wasn’t Sweden, it was Zurich, Switzerland. I’ve been there, the clerks don’t want you touching the merchandise but they are very happy to show you and sell their wares. They also speak English. Oprah is a liar like her pal Barry.

  5377. Its funny how this woman never thinks that anything she ever says is racist….I hate Obama because he’s a moron not because he is black…Oprah is racist in every sense she got where she is because of her fans now she’s bashing them because people hate Obama…SHE ONLY BACKS OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK! But only white people can be racist right? Whatever!

  5378. One of the biggest racist there is calling people racist because we don’t like the (p)resident….Duh, why would anyone like/support someone who spews lie after lie, and cover up deaths, scandal after scandal nobody takes any responsibility for any wrong doing, He says “The Buck Stops Here” and he just passes in on or throws somebody under the bus…. changes the rules of engagement so our Soldiers are dying and losing limbs for it! And the list just goes on and on and on and on and on………..

  5379. Hey Oprah, it has nothing to do with the color of his skin and everything to do with his lack of wisdom and knowledge in running the free world and his lack of integrity.

    My Pastor is a darker shade of brown than I am, Ok, he’s black, but honestly I don’t see it, he is an amazing God fearing man who teaches the TRUTH from the Word of God and it is his teaching that draws thousands to our church every week.

  5380. the worst part is that she believes the lies she is spreding. Because we reject socialism we’re racist? Please!!!!

  5381. The truth squeaks out, many Americans hate Obama. She had to add the racial slur as he own projection. She hates many Americans because she’s black and we just can’t see the world from her perspective which happens to be racial this racial that, everything happens because of race. Go back under you rock.

  5382. S/he who accuses anyone of racism is apparently racist her/himself. Because
    you are what you think of others…if not, they wouldn’t be able to accuse others of that very thing. Oprah forgets that blacks are still a minority…and with the racist
    thots clouding her mind she fails to realize that it was the wishful white-man who put him into office due to his LIES, LIES, LIES! Besides all that, I believe he’s been figured out and I know God’s got this. I also wanna mention that THIS white girl didn’t fall for his impossible promises EVER. I cannot believe he was ever elected even once. I obviously held the public at large to a much higher standard. I know there are others out there like me who could see right thru those empty promises that I for one knew were impossible to accomplish.

    1. Yep.You are not alone.When he said he would be transparent,I knew he was right,because I could see right through him.

  5383. I am very disappointed that she, of all people, is playing the race card. I don’t like Obama because of his politics and that he is a narcissist. He did not care that there were glaring glitches in the healthcare law. He only wanted to protect his legacy. We, Americans, are about to be hosed. Nothing will get solved because of the partisanship in Washington.

  5384. If Oprah wants to talk about racism why doesn’t she bring up the virulent antisemitism within the Black community?

  5385. Oh well screw it i guess since so many people obviously hate black people according to Oprah i give up I was not a racist but I am now… Thanks for showing me the light O… Really she needs to stfu so sick of people playing the race card its absolutely disgusting.

  5386. “There’s no question about that”hahahaha…. whatta sack of … goodnight, folks, I’m going home and revive my brain with a couple of old Cheers videos. They make more sense, they’re a lot more fun, and Diane Chambers looks way better than oprah did on her bast day …. assuming oprah ever had a best day…

  5387. Screw you Oprah.

    YOU are GUILTY of amplifying the DIVIDE between people on race.

    YOU are GUILTY of helping promote the horrible POLICIES of this president who has presided over a decline in virtually every economic category for black Americans.

    YOU support entrapping people in government dependency DISGUISED as empowerment.

    YOU are GUILTY of refusing to let go of the desire to separate us by race.

    YOUR race OBSESSION is NOT shared by us.

    Tell us about the genocide against black babies who are aborted at higher rates than any other. How dare you lecture us on race while you support such an ATROCITY!

    I would call you a hypocrite, but that would be unfair to hypocrites. You are much much worse than that.

    Slavery, which your party the Democrat party fought FOR, is no more in America. Segregation, which the your party the Democrat party fought FOR, is over. Yet you and your party just can’t let go of a viewing the world as a racial landscape on which to separate us all. You have created this FALSE world IN YOUR OWN SICK MIND.

    Get down from your high horse. You do not know our minds and hearts. You are judging FALSELY by YOUR OWN twisted world view. I’m sick of your phony race derangement that distracts from and mocks true problems we face.

    Shut your destructive mouth you imbecile.

  5388. Racism gave him the office Oprah. The disrespect shown to him is in response to the disrespect he shows for the office he holds and the Constitution he promised to uphold.

    Oprah, you have gotten quite wealthy from your white audiences. You didn’t show disrespect for them, at least, not until now.

  5389. When did she become a mind reader? Everyone is thinking it. What an utterly ignorant remark. I think that she sounds very racist. If we all were racist she would not be where she is at today. Did she ever stop and consider that? Hey Oprah, stop talking nonsense and using the race card. It is getting old.

  5390. If she sincerely wanted to have an honest discussion about race, and she wasn’t a coward….she’d have Walter Williams on her show for a full hour……or Eric Rush, or Micheal Massie.

  5391. I’m in a minority and this is BS. Playing the minority card is the last refuge of the disgruntled. It’s so easy to just blame it on others instead of taking responsibility for your actions. Obama is the one who’s disrespectful to the office, no the other way around.

  5392. No, Oprah, it is trickle down contempt. It starts from the top and flows over every American. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin; it is the color of his politics – RED. Every thing the man does is harmful to our nation’s survival. Put that in your pipe and shut the hell up with the racist crap. You and Jesse Jackson make a fine couple.

    1. If you don’t mind I am going to use that line – “It has nothing to do with
      the color of his skin; it is the color of his politics – RED”. What a great
      way of saying the truth.
      The blacks are just panicking because whites are getting tired of the
      racist game they play to get everything they want. We are aware of
      the extortion.

      1. Please feel free, Amjean. The man is a cretin. A disgrace upon the nation.
        Frederick Douglass was correct when he told Lincoln not to do anything special for the slaves once they were emancipated. He said they should be left alone and they would be fine. They were managing just fine, too, until LBJ destroyed their family structure. I’m not saying that everything was perfect and fair, but I think affirmative action was a bridge too far that damaged every citizen, of every race, in one way or another.

  5393. The question to her should be. Would she hire Barry to do anything for her? If she happened to be hooked to a polygraph and said yes, there would be one less polygraph machine.

  5394. Oprah, you dumb sh*t, the office of the President is disrespected, not because we are a racist nation, but because this Marxist President has debased it with his lawless, anti-American agenda(s).

  5395. I am so ashamed of her..seriously.. I admired her for a long time, till she whored out for obama.. Thought she learned her lesson when the king and queen of race card players DISSED her, But I guess not.. Shame on you Oprah..you disgust me now

  5396. Does that idiot know that her self made billionaire status makes her look and sound utterly stupid when she says this stuff?!

    Oprah dear…you wouldn’t be rich if that were the truth. You wouldn’t even be a brand name.

    1. We are very often on the same wave length!
      I was going to say much the same, but you did a better job then I would have anyway, so I say Kudos friend!
      What a horrible woman, she’s led so many onto hell with her brain dead spiritual beliefs and now she’s dissing Americans on foreign soil.
      A body can only take so much!

      1. It’s just so patently absurd. I can’t believe she says something like that. There aren’t enough minorities in America to make her the success that she is.

        And really if people of all ideologies and stripes want to stamp out racism they need to stand up to this sort of thing no matter who says it. Until racism is really recognized for what it truly is, and then confronted, it will never go away. Oprah and all those like her weaponized racism and they did it on purpose once their wealth was secured.

        1. Yup. They also keep stirring it up to keep themselves in the money. There is no money to be made if everyone is content and taking care of their own business.

  5397. Oprah, you’re another liar and deceptive person at that. The old race card is so tired. Have you met with Col. West or Dr. Carson? Probably not. And if not, you have no real credibility. You’re simply another opportunist and many are waking up to your slippery tongued agenda, just like we all are with Obama. Most educated blacks are waking up to your and Barry’s BS anyway. Goodbye. Go live in another part of the world.

  5398. What an incredible disappointment. I am sure there are people that can’t see past the presidents skin color but I think his politics are far more what people lack respect for. His skin color is incidental. I won’t say I can’t stand her because she has done very altruistic things but to hear her fall back on the excuse of color when things don’t go her way is just sad. What an incredible cop out.

    I guess that the reason that people don’t like me is because I’m fat.

    1. That’s who most of these progs are, they see the entirety of life in terms of race. I’ve met some beautiful people out there and I’ve met that absolute scum and color makes little difference. May the Devil be a white guy one day and a black guy the next, anything to teach these scum a lesson.

      1. The trouble is that they don’t realize that by bringing it up continuously they are perpetuating the stigma. Ignore the idiots that see color first and character after. I do.

      2. OMG, that’s great! May the Devil be a white guy bunches of times to this creature! She cries Racist now because she’s retired and doesn’t have to count on all those White-women’s money.

        Oprah, Wow…you are too much, showing ur true colors…lol. Let’s cry “racist”, now that we have all we’ve ever wanted. We have nothing to loose. Oprah, seems like ‘ol Barry’s got you fooled too (still).

    2. It’s not altruism if it’s based in narcissism: “Hey, everyone! Look at me! Aren’t I special (because of what I do and not who I am). If I give you a car, you’ll like me. You’ll really, really like me.”

      1. If that was her motivation I would agree. But I can’t prove that so I will err on the side of caution and assume she was doing good for the sake of good until proven otherwise. Unlike her in this instance I will not make a blanket assumption.

  5399. When are we going to start realizing that Oprah, Obama, Michelle, and so many others are just as racist as any other racist.

    1. More so, and very bitter; and they have the money and audience to perpetuate it. Oprah didn’t come-off as the typical stereotype black woman when she started her show. It has come to pass, though, that she fits the description of the cotton field slave who was emancipated, and is now getting even with whitey. I have as much tolerance for her as I do the others mentioned by marketcomp.

    2. In the TOP 10 US CITIES 2012 by murder rate, a DISPROPORTIONATELY LARGE amount of homicides are committed by African Americans.

      Top 5 for starters:
      1) Flint, Michigan
      2) Detroit, Michigan
      3) New Orleans, Louisiana
      4) St Louis, Missouri
      5) Baltimore, Maryland

  5400. I dont like her and havent for a while,,and hey guess what oprah,,you and every other black person likes and voted for him because he is black..so i guess turn about is fare play right..I just love how they have the whites holding the umbrellas for them..lol

  5401. Amazing. My once high opinion of Oprah and what she pulled herself out of keeps being smacked down by…. Oprah. What the heck!

    It seems there are some black people who no matter how high they rise in life they can never get past race or prior experiences with real racism and they start to see it everywhere. That is extremely sad and disturbing.

    1. It’s as if some of them believe that no other ethnicities (especially whites) have any struggles of their own. I have no tolerance for this demand for respect. Respect is earned, so get out there and earn it and quit blaming others.I don’t even tell my friends some of the stuff that my family went through because it makes them cry. I blame noone and have nothing but pride for my parents who worked very hard their whole lives and never took a dime they didn’t earn themselves.

    1. I thought the liar-in-chief said he was only 12% black, 38% arab, and 50% white… Dangit.. now I have to research it…anyone got a link? ROFL!!

    2. FBI: Crime in the United States 2011, Table 43, FACTOR IN population
      per race from Census data. African Americans commit a DISPROPORTIONATELY LARGE amount of crime compared to other races in
      the US.

    3. 13% of the US population, yet responsible for over 52% of the murders, and over 34% of the rapes each year. Blacks also account for roughly 45% of the prison population. Thanks Obama.

  5402. Oprah forgets that it has been Americans that helped to make her rich. She will only hurt herself by saying such things. I can’t stand her and haven’t watched her shows for years.

    1. I believe she’s retired from show biz…but if not her ship is sinking. She has to be retired to pull such a a STUPID PR move. Oprah, I really liked you…but now you repulse me along with your pals! It’s not your color, Oprah. it’s because you belong to the Racist Posse!

      1. “… I truly thought she was above this.”
        Then you haven’t been paying attention. It’s been obvious for a LOOOOONG time.

  5403. No Oprah..only YOU are thinking it..YOU are a racist… Obama is NOT judged by the color of his skin , but rather by the his character.. the same as you now are being judged bc your character screams “poor me I’m black and you hate me bc of it” mentality.. you need to grow up and try acting like an adult.

    1. To think that I once admired her for overcoming her miserable beginnings to achieve phenomenal success. What a phoney! Too bad she has a platform to spew her hate.

        1. I haven’t watched her show or read her recommended books for many, many years, but I did not see racism on parade in the early years.

    1. Not too funny though I recognize the irony. I know I’ve lost friends because I didn’t fall for his schtick.

    2. No–it’s just sad. Even sadder is Obama has three more years to do away with term limits for himself.

  5404. For the record, I hate Barack Hussein Obama because he is a commie, a supporter of radical Islam and a traitor to the USA. Allen West for president. So there.

      1. You know Fuhrer Obama is feeling the heat when he has his idiot friends throwing the race card at every turn.

        Sorry witch Oprah, his white half is just as ignorant, corrupt and effed up as his black half !!

        BTW Oprah, he is a MOOSLUM loving, pathological lying full fledged socialist/communist !! NOT an American !!!

          1. Destroyer-in-Chief

            Destroy America, his rule number one,
            Obama is not an American son.
            Killing jobs with Obamacare,
            Full time and part time so be aware.

            He has lied to us from day one,
            And even trying to get our guns.
            The Constitution means nothing to him,
            Along with Reid, Pelosi and Dick Dur-bin.

            The democrat party has ceased to exist,
            Full of Communists and social-ists.
            Take from the makers all they can,
            To give it to the losers of this once great land.

            Weaken America in numerous ways,
            Cutting the military day by day.
            Muslim by birth and still today,
            “The Messiah” Obama needs to go away.

            Obama’s corrupt as one can be,
            From the IRS, Benghazi and AP.
            Fast and Furious was
            number one,
            And lives were lost under this Muslim.

            Spying on us any way he can,
            The NSA is leading the way.
            The FBI are flying their drones,
            Over America and all of our homes.

            MOLON LABE is the battle cry,
            Gun from my hand you will have to pry.
            The oath I took on another day,
            Is still in force this very day !!

            John D USN RVN 71, 72, 73, evac 75

            1. Obama’s lying is coming home to roost, I fully expect next year , 2014, to bring him and all Democrats into a full fledged conclusion, THEY lie.

              1. No Oprah, we do not disrespect the. BHO because he is black. It is because of…
                1. I will have the most transparent administration.
                2. I have Shovel ready jobs.
                3. The IRS is not targeting anyone.
                4. If four Americans get killed, it is not optimal.
                5. There are going to be bumps in the road. (referring to Libya and Egypt protests/attacks).
                6. ObamaCare will be good for America.
                7. You can keep your family doctor.
                8. Premiums will be lowered by $2500
                9. You can keep your current healthcare plan
                10. Just shop around, for that healthcare I claimed you wouldn’t lose.
                11. I am sorry you lost your healthcare, (you know the health care you have to shop around for, ya the same health care I said you could keep, yup, that’s the one).
                12. I did not say you could keep your health care. (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)
                13. ObamaCare will not be offered to illegal immigrants.
                14. ObamaCare will not be used to fund abortions.
                15. ObamaCare will cost less than 1 Trillion Dollars.
                16. No one making under $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime.
                17. It is Bushes fault. (this can be inserted in between every statement).
                18. It was about a movie.
                19. I will fundamentally transform America.
                20. If I had a son.
                21. I am not a dictator.
                22. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism”.
                23. You didn’t build that.
                24. I will restore trust in Government.
                25. The Cambridge police acted stupidly.
                26. I am not after your guns.
                27. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. The BHO of (2006).
                28. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics.
                29. “If I don’t have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition.
                30. I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.
                31. I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.
                32. The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk
                33. It’s not my red line it is the worlds red line.
                34. Whistle blowers will be protected.
                35. We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks, with interest.
                36. I am good at killing people.
                37. I will close Gitmo. (but instead built them a $750,000 soccer field).
                38. The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t, but she is a typical white person
                39. I am not spying on American citizens.
                40. By, on, on, by, Friday uh afternoon things get a little uh, uh challenged uh, uh ( when left to think for himself without a Teleprompter).
                41. I am a Christian.
                42. John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.
                43. It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy.
                44. UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems. (Attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare).
                45. What’s good for illegal immigrants is also good for people who are losing their health insurance because of Obamacare.

                And the biggest lie of all
                I Barrack Hussain Obama pledge to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
                Obama voters, here’s your sign…

                1. Well-played, TripleA60. You forgot one though: “So I want to give a shout out to that Congressional Medal of Honor winner.” (Fort Hood shooting tragedy)

                2. One more obama whopper: I will not raise taxes on those americans who make less than $250,000 a year

              2. The present signs of the time…’May 2014 become ‘that was the year that was’, when vast numbers of people exit the Democrat Party, based on their values, beliefs, morals, and their sense of duty to God, Country and Family!’

          2. To be accurate, Obama senior was mostly Arab, not Negroid. Arab is considered Caucasian, so technically, his Barry’s black factor is about 6%-ish.

            1. Red47, brother I follow you on Disqus, but I don;t think Obama Sr is more Arab than Negro(id) just because he was a Muslim… Now there was a brother from the village that was part of the homeland….

              1. Barack’s father is mostly Arab. I don’t have the source for that because I Am away from my computer, but I don’t think it’s hard to find. his brother George is a lot like him.

          3. I’m with ya on that OWG so I say to Ms. Winfrey, please just take a step back, take a deep breath and truly view this in the correct context. This has nothing to do with the President being half Black as I’m half Hispanic. Now let’s gestalt this for one moment and say we had an OLD WHITE GUY Pug POTUS and this happened on his watch? Therein lies the rub.

          4. Actually he is more white than black, the Kenyans were mixed with the Arabs that taught them the profit of enslaving fellow Africans and Obama’s Kenyan family was one of the mixed bloods.

      2. You sound like a woman who is constantly abused by a man but keeps coming back for more.


        Like how great ObamaCare is…
        …From a liar whose family will not be required to use it.
        Like how to balance the budget…
        …From a narcissist who spends money we don’t have.
        Like how to create jobs…
        …From a community organizer who has never held a real job.
        Like how to run our businesses…
        …From a fool who has never run a business.
        Like how to run our education system…
        …From a slacker who hides his college records.
        Like how we should respect Obama’s faith…
        …From a Muslim who mocks Christian faith.
        Like how to run our military…
        …From a traitor who embraces those who attacked America.
        Like how Obama respects our American Heritage…
        …From a Marxist who is dedicated to Socialism.


      3. African Americans are very racist and get a free pass to be racist towards others in the name of “political correctness” .

        1. Obama’s IRS had Ben Carson audited because he spoke against obamacare at a breakfast Obama was at.It is proof Obama is behind the IRS targeting of enemies. When are we going to say enough. He needs to be impeached and soon to have a country left.

      4. Yeah, right. No thanks. I’d vote for Rand Paul or a Canadian (Ted Cruz) before I’d vote for a black for president. I think we learned our lesson the hard way, no? They’ll say whatever they want to get into office, then show their “gangsta” side once elected.

        1. That’s a crappy answer. Up until obama hit the WH the worst potus was Carter. Does that mean all white potus candidates are supposed to be off the list after him? I would say the problem is the (D) after their name. The liberals are the ones making a socialist mess of things, ie Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, etc.

      5. We need a 9-9-9 plan — 9% Wall Street sales tax on all securities trades, 9% tariff on all imports, 9% corporate income tax with no deductions — and the abolition of all personal income, sales, property, and estate taxes. The Republicans would win if they ran on a platform like that.

        1. Forgot your economics lessons, I think. Putting a 9% tax on all corporations will do nothing but raise the price of the goods sold by 9%. No corporation pays taxes out of their own pockets! They wrap that cost into the price you pay for their goods, and YOU pay the tax. The corporations are merely tax collectors in this sense.

      6. Allen West’s former district is right up the road from me. I live in Miami, I gave money to Herman Cain’s campaign, A first for this cheapskate!!!
        How am I doing as a racist, Oprah?

          1. I would disagree.

            We don’t disrespect President Obama because of the color of his skin at all. We disrespect Obama because he lacks the real world experience necessary to be the “wise man” in the room in most any situation that affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people, here in the U .S. as well as abroad. Worse yet, he has an oversized arrogance about himself simply because he now occupies ”the office’, that illegitimately self-aggrandizes and distorts his own measure of the fallibility – and masks the recklessness – of his inexperience on his unsound decision making process and logic.

            Moreover, we do not respect Obama because we feel he gained the office – and has since governed with it – by cynically presuming the American People were either stupid or not paying attention, and that he and his people could cleverly ‘spin’ anything he wanted to his benefit, no matter how great the destruction that was actually left in his wake.

            Above all, Mr. Obama has created a prolific system of “invisible activism” (more accurately described as “spamming for dollars”) which is the product of opportunistic statistical selection of vulnerable targets identified by ‘quants’ first hired by his campaign, together with cutting-edge internet technologies) that feed into – and on – the intellectually susceptible who are ready, willing and able to proselytize the Obama way of thinking.

            If the color of his skin has anything to do with what I’ve said, I’d like to see where.

            1. When you are a rich, fat, and very ugly black broad, this is all you have. Bet the disgusting black b*tch won’t vote for Ben Carson. Poor Oprah desperately needs plastic surgery but that face of hers is beyond the help of all her money. Has anyone told her how despised she is, supporting The Imposter.

              1. Dr. Ben Carson is a perfect example of the Racism that the Left Communists practice on those who refuse the Cohersion of the democrat plantation.
                How sad that the Republican Party has done more for minorities and are slapped and lied to give credit to the slave owners and not those who Freed them.

                1. The IRS targeted him and I suppose the rest of us that don’t mindlessly obey their disgusting anti God, immoral, America hating agenda will be targeted. But I will say this it ain’t over until the fat lady sings and Obama hasn’t heard America sing yet. We will, we are just waiting to see what our congress will do.If they stay complicit in him dismantling our constitution and targeting enemies like Fidel Castro and Stalin then something will need to be done.

          2. ….and a lying, fake, phony, fraud. A poster boy for all that’s wrong with affirmative action….I wonder who the people are who didn’t get admitted to Columbia and Harvard because he did?

          3. We really do not know who he is from. He knows but not sure he will ever really tell. God knows but one thing for sure is someone picked him decades ago for this job and had it in motion for a long time. That is why all of his records were scrubbed and noone ever said a thing about his false social security number and his background. Congress is complicit in this and that is why they stay quiet.

        1. As an Asian woman who long watched her original show, I am shocked to hear Oprah play the race card.

          Anyone hear Oprah complaining about the 97.4% Obama vote in historically-black Washington DC?

          Statistically, in 2008 or 2012, Obama was not the candidate who experienced racial discrimination.

          Take a look at the heat Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is now taking for admitting to smoking Crack Cocaine vs the media ignoring Obama’s admission of having used cocaine… many would argue that is racial discrimination.

          1. And many made fun of George Bushs grades and we have yet to see one grade from Obama, they are hidden. Proof his grades were bad. With his ego he would have plastered them all over the internet and on tv if they had been good.

            1. John Kerry was widely regarded as a valedictorian as a candidate until it was revealed he received all C’s and D’s on his college transcript.

      1. African Americans themselves, following black leaders like lemmings, are responsible for the resurgence of blatant racism. Hollering “racist” at everyone within ear-shot, they demand that the government and society give them special privileges, provide all their needs, and that they are always first-in-line.

          1. Oprah Winfrey is living, talking proof that:
            Anti-racism is just a code word for Anti-White.

        1. If anyone should be first in line, it would be us Native Americans, after all both the whites and blacks acted together to take our lands and imprison us on reservations, which few have managed to escape and adapt to the “white man’s” world. Those of us that have adapted look askance at the black’s demands, they suffered 200 years and we have suffered 500 years, they lost their freedom but we lost our freedom, our culture, our livelihood and our land. So they need to sit down and shut up!

          1. I agree with you 100% but unfortunately we can’t change what has happened in the past & we went to war with your ancestors. I guess the casinos are a way of paying you back but we can’t change the culture that you have lost & it was a good and peaceful way to live. Maybe we wouldn’t have all these problems today if we would have lived based upon your culture. I guess the only thing I can say is Sorry?

            1. No Problem, the upside to everything is that we are all Americans, no matter our ancestry or culture (We Choctaw managed to keep a lot of our culture because our way of life was already very similar to the European colonists and many of us still follow the old religion, such as my Grandfather). More and more the Native American is integrating into the modern American culture with only a few dissidents still actively “at war” with the white man.

          2. Every group has had struggles throughout history, but blacks hold the record on milking it for their own gain. We all know about the holocaust and terrible abuse against Jews, but when is the last time you heard them complain and expect special treatment or college acceptance based on their past?

            1. Couldn’t agree with you more…when it comes to being victims, the American Blacks hold the record. Incidentally, I was Yale1961…

          3. Amen MacDaddy, but not ALL Indian tribes were the gentle peaceful loving peoples that liberalism tries to make them out to be. Among the peaceful peoples some were truly blood-thirsty savages… not unlike the fact there are bad people everywhere and of every stripe. I have some significant Indian blood in me but since the official tribe will not recognize the “lost tribes” who escaped being forced onto govt reservations in Oklahoma and enrolled in the Dawes role enumeration… I am not able to be recognized for this heritage even by a subset of my own people.
            Ever hear a “Black Civil Rights” leader come out publically and support Native American causes? Not at all… instead they prefer to associate their “plight” as being more in line with homosexuals than Native Americans… (well, in this respect perhaps they have a point… tongue in cheek). The point of liberalism and one of its primary goals is of course to divide the races and ethnic groups… to keep us all far away from adopting a common “American” indentity. If we all just started to call ourselves simply “American” instead of a hyphenated/divided identity then that would JUST NOT DO!

            1. Halito Gary, I myself am not a “full blood”, my Great Great Grandfather was a Scotsman that fell for a young Choctaw woman, hence the last name that lets me be “MacDaddy12345”..BUT, I am recognized as a full member of the Choctaw Nation. I have friends in your plight but it is not us, the Native Americans that will not recognize you, it is the Bureau of Indian Affairs (the much curse BIA) that will not let them recognize them. It is a weird setup, a good example, I married a Cherokee woman, we adopted two Choctaw boys (their mothers were single and gave them up for adoption) and we had two biological daughters. The boys are recognized as Choctaws, the girls are considered to be half-breeds and when they were of age they had to choose which tribe they could claim. The oldest is now a half breed Choctaw and the youngest is half breed Cherokee, even tho (except for the tiny bit of Scot blood their Great Great Great Grandfather contributed) they are full blooded Native Americans – this is how the White man tries to cut our numbers down! They have been doing this for generations and up until my Grand Dads time they would take young Native Americans and force them into boarding schools where they were not allowed to practice their religions, their cultures or speak their native languages – in other words “Forced Assimulation”! It worked, my Dad and us kids are as much “white men” as we are Native Americans. So your ancestors that escaped may have missed the worse, even if they could no longer be recognized by tribe. But as you pointed out and I said before, We are all Americans – we can be proud of our ancestry but that does not change the fact that we are Americans first and “insert ancestor here”- Americans second!

        2. I despise him because of the content of his character, not because of the color of his skin.

          MLK’s dream is realized!

          ~~Question o-thority~~

          11/17/1973: "I am not a crook." RMN
          11/17/2013: ?? "I am not a liar." ?? bho

          1. If we judged most blacks by the content of their characters, they’d be begging us to judge them by the color of their skin.

            1. Race baiters NEVER give a single example of this so called racism.

              “Racism”, Liberals get out of jail free card.

              1. I am deeply disappointed that Oprah thinks my dislike for the President is because he is black. Does it work both ways? Does she think Blacks did not like Bush because he was white?

                Could someone explain my respect for Condoleezza Rice, Collin Powel, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts…..and even sometimes Oprah (although not now)? Is there something wrong with me?

                1. agree on all except Colon Powell. his disgusting sell out at the UN regarding the “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq (when it was clear that there were none) totally destroyed whatever legacy he might have built in his lifetime prior to that point.
                  he sold out. loudly, in public, and for not good enough reasons.
                  he should have resigned and eventually he might even have run for president, and won. now, he could not get elected dog catcher in harlem.

                2. Have you noticed how simple and child like the world is for the nation of black America? Nothing is complex. My lack of a job, my failure to be promoted, my lack of healthcare– Everything that militates against black bliss has a white root.

                  An entire race, repeating the fourth grade forever at the University of Hate, Avarice and Stupidity,

            2. Anyway, who even Cares what Dope-ra has to say about Anything??!

              I blocked OWN on my Cable Box to keep her Lying Face off my TV and Out of my Children’s Heads. Furthermore, I don’t give a Rat’s (obama’s) Rear End what Anyone thinks about it. Oprah is a Racist at heart, just like Oblunder.

                1. No Oprah we do not disrespect the BHO because he is black, we disrespect the BHO for what he is…

                  1. I will have the most transparent administration.
                  2. I have Shovel ready jobs.
                  3. The IRS is not targeting anyone.
                  4. If four Americans get killed, it is not optimal.
                  5. There are going to be bumps in the road. (referring to Libya and Egypt protests/attacks).
                  6. ObamaCare will be good for America.
                  7. You can keep your family doctor.
                  8. Premiums will be lowered by $2500
                  9. You can keep your current healthcare plan
                  10. Just shop around, for that healthcare I claimed you wouldn’t lose.
                  11. I am sorry you lost your healthcare, (you know the health care you have to shop around for, ya the same health care I said you could keep, yup, that’s the one).
                  12. I did not say you could keep your health care. (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)
                  13. ObamaCare will not be offered to illegal immigrants.
                  14. ObamaCare will not be used to fund abortions.
                  15. ObamaCare will cost less than 1 Trillion Dollars.
                  16. No one making under $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime.
                  17. It is Bushes fault. (this can be inserted in between every statement).
                  18. It was about a movie.
                  19. I will fundamentally transform America.
                  20. If I had a son.
                  21. I am not a dictator.
                  22. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism”.
                  23. You didn’t build that.
                  24. I will restore trust in Government.
                  25. The Cambridge police acted stupidly.
                  26. I am not after your guns.
                  27. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. The BHO of (2006).
                  28. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics.
                  29. “If I don’t have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition.
                  30. I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.
                  31. I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.
                  32. The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk
                  33. It’s not my red line it is the worlds red line.
                  34. Whistle blowers will be protected.
                  35. We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks, with interest.
                  36. I am good at killing people.
                  37. I will close Gitmo. (but instead built them a $750,000 soccer field).
                  38. The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t, but she is a typical white person
                  39. I am not spying on American citizens.
                  40. By, on, on, by, Friday uh afternoon things get a little uh, uh challenged uh, uh ( when left to think for himself without a Teleprompter).
                  41. I am a Christian.
                  42. John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.
                  43. It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy.
                  44. UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems. (Attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare).
                  45. What’s good for illegal immigrants is also good for people who are losing their health insurance because of Obamacare.

                  And the biggest lie of all
                  I Barrack Hussain Obama pledge to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
                  Obama voters, here’s your sign…

                2. I had to copy and past that for later. That was and awesome re-cap of what a lier and socialist idiot Obama, the democrats and the people who voted for them are. Best Post EVER.

                3. No, because I do not have cable or dish, just an old fashion antenna on the top of my house… and I still get Obama on the screen sometimes.

                4. Invention Idea:
                  -Box between signal input and TV
                  -Box is able to change channels
                  -Box takes photos uploaded by user, compares photo to incoming signal
                  -If face uploaded by user appears in signal, channel changes to another channel.

                  Someone hurry, State of The Union address is in just a few months!

            3. Got that right, every time a black is convicted of a crime which they committed, is because of their skin color.

            4. Obamas twenty years with Rev. Wright being told_God_Damn_America_is a reflection of Obamas character!

            1. MLK had some good ideas. I have read his speeches and agree with a lot. unfortunately, his acolytes have taken his dream and abused the holy dog Shiite out of it. for example: Je$$ie Jackson, the former FBI informant and Al “the Rev” Sharpton, who are more like terrorists and race baiters and extortionists (that is: pay us off or we march on you, you racist bastard). that is they took MLKs dream and much like the govt took the good ideas of John Maynard Keynes and then bastardized them into the idea that govt should intrude on every aspect of our lives and that debt and deficits don’t matter.
              basically, don’t blame the Original Dreamers, blame those instead who have turned that dream into a nightmare.

              1. Money is the root of all evil. Follow the money and you will find immoral, corrupt, unGodly people. Their God is money, Pelosi whose family has made millions off of the government, Feinstein whose husband has made millions off the government, Reid who has made millions off the government, Obama who never worked a day in his life who has made millions off the government. Now add to that Sharpton and Jackson and you get my drift and the rest of the cabal of elites be they repubs or dems.. Their God is money.

          2. I have thought about your tag line for some time. and then it came to me. do not question authority as they no more of a clue than the rest of us.

            1. O-thority: n. The perceived level of authority that president barack obama believes the office gives him. See Also: Extra-constitutional.

              No, actually my tagline is a play on a bumper sticker popular with the counter-culture types in the late 60’s/ early 70’s that said Question Authority. It would be no surprise if barack’s buddies, Bill Ayer and whatsername Dorn had the same bumper sticker.

              It was a reminder that The People have an obligation to challenge the powers that be, and not just take the word of politicians as the gospel.

              ~~Question O-thority~~

          3. Orca has it “blackwards” (deliberately misspelled for a reason… backwards not Orca).

            All whites hear from their racist black brothers and sisters is whitey this and whitey that (nword nword nword)… every other observation is “… because they are black” (is the ONLY excuse ever proffered by them for some screw-up no matter how small or monumental).

            What a bunch of useless garbage… is it any wonder blacks captured (slower not smart enough to get away) blacks and sold them to whom ever (to include other blacks) just to get them the hell out of their villages.

            I am sick and tired of (and having my children) being blamed for the abject stupidity of others just because we are not black… you make believe community organizers (disorganizers really) need to walk a mile in our shoes and stop pretending to have been slaves because NONE OF YOU HAVE BEEN, for generations now… grow up. Morons.

          4. MLK’s daughter does not agree with much of what Obama believes in. She was on tv.MLK had character, Obama does not.

        3. I hate Marxists, not black people. I hate Socialists, not African Americans. I hate thieves, not people of color. I hate traitors of America, not folks with dark skin. I base none of my feelings about people on skin color.

          1. Well according to the black celeb set, that is not possible. You just a hater of the black man. What a sad mental disorder they have.

            1. Thanks for showing your former predominantly white audience who you really are.

              Oprah is a racist

              1. White people has made Oprah rich and famous and now this is the only group that she has a grudge against. Sad. She was raped and assaulted when she was young by 3 blacks but her rage is directed against a group that helped pull her from this terrible past. You can’t win. Many blacks are simply racist and dislike whites.

                1. Not all blacks… but racist black like Oprah and Barack and Michelle Obama and Jessie Jackson, and Al Sharpton and Jeramiah Wright for sure.

          2. There’s a foreign-born Communist dictator in the White House, and the military didn’t lift a finger to protect that from happening. Trillions of dollars were stolen from Social Security to fund this so-called national defense, and what good is it?

            1. hey, wait a while. the best part is yet to come when you have to pay taxes again on all that social security money that was taken and then replaced with nonnegotiable govt. securities. who is gonna fund those “notes” to pay the benefits.
              you get to pay twice for the same benefit that you aint gonna get anyway. soon they will start doing means testing on social security and such. that means that although you paid for all your working life, if you also saved and lived below your means and made investments…………well, then, you don’t need that social security.

              1. But Vic President Joe Biden is drawing his right now… has been for years. An’t that that the ultimate insult… A millionaire democrat drawing Social Security that we will never see … while he is the Vic President.

        4. Could you IMAGINE if white folks voted for a candidate just because he was white? I mean, I feel like we generally want a FEW additional qualifications in our candidates. For blacks it’s enough the candidate is black. Wow. Then we scratch our heads and wonder why the country is falling to pieces before our eyes.

          1. I know a few conservatives who happen to be black that did not vote for Obama. Not many, but I do know some personally.

      2. FBI: Crime in the United States 2011, Table 43, FACTOR IN population per race from Census data. African Americans commit a DISPROPORTIONATELY LARGE amount of crime compared to other races in the US !

      3. RIGHT. Obama is 50/50 WHITE AND BLACK. How can ANYONE be racist against him?! Oh but he LOOKS more black. Yeah, that’s what happens when you put chocolate in milk, it overpowers the visual side of the picture. Clearly Oprah and everyone who gets all crazy about the “black” president are all surface level thinkers and therefore have no meaningful opinions or thoughts.

        1. SO what your saying is, they’re ignorant turds. If by meaningful you mean “he’s buff…cool….dresses great etc….. than yes.

      4. That’s racism too, guy. I get that you’re joking, but racism against whites is on the rise. I don’t take it lightly that anti-white racism is funny to people, but anti-black racism is a serious matter. It’s BS.

        1. It’s true, I hate white people, myself included because we’re not smart enough the black man as our new masta.

      5. Lets see, true conservatives see a black man’s success as a
        good thing. A foundation for others to used to better themselves and their community.

        Democrats see a successful black man as a sellout (or Uncle
        Tom) and will try everything in their power to destroy him. Democrats view a black man’s success as treason. How dare they break ranks and start thinking on their own. Others might see this and start doing the same.

        Who is the true suppressor (racist)?? Hmmm….

        Great example…. Blacks who immigrate to America, more often
        than not, are successful and contribute to society. Why? Because they were taught, America is the land of dreams. It’s sad, when a black immigrant has a greater appreciation for this fine country; than the ones born here.

        Wakeup black American. You are all beautiful and you have more to offer, than what the true suppressors (democrats) suggest. If black immigrants can do it, I KNOW you can too.

    1. This is her new marketing tack for OWN since the viewership is mostly African American. This line plays with this demographic and makes money for her by increasing viewership. Like Al and Jesse, she’s monetized the racial beliefs of African Americans

    2. Oprah, the simple truth is you continue to support Obama because he is black. Stop being a racist and call it for what it is. Obama is a failure and that is no disrespect!

    3. Since MLK, African Americans have received support from ALL Americans of ALL races. Welfare, food stamps, housing supplements, free health care, affirmative action, racial hiring, school quotas, minority set-asides, and on and on… Even so, blacks continue to hold ALL Americans of ALL colors in complete contempt… Including themselves.

      1. That ticket would assure a win in 2016. We would have a competent, qualified conservative Republican as POTUS. And simply being black would assure 110% of the black vote.

    4. Despite being 12.6% of the US population, African Americans
      mooched 40% of all welfare in 2012 !!

    5. Very few people in the USA hate Barry for the color of his skin. He is mostly hated for his dictatorial approach to executing the office of the President and his socialist policies that are nothing but failure. Just look at Europe.

    6. She sold her Soul to the Devil and her debt is Due. Incompetince is Incompetince and regardless of ones skin color.
      Marxist Progressives are trying to destroy America and impoverishing the Middle Class, and when she helped Elect him she “OWN”s Him Pardon the Pun. No Opieor Obamie.

    7. If they are Red, Yellow, Black or White it does not matter. The person who is the president CAN NOT rule by edict on their whim. The president is not a King and we kicked out the last one 237 years ago. What he is doing is UNCONSTUTIONAL (aka ILLEGAL!) and that’s the real problem. If OBAMA has no respect for the Constitution (aka THE LAW) then how can he expect anyone else to respect it? He is not ABOVE THE LAW. With no respect for the law we are all doomed. Impeach OBAMA NOW and save America.

      1. How can you hold Obama to a higher standard than Bush-appointed and Republican-approved Chief Justice Roberts, who legislated from the bench that forcing Americans to pay for the profits of privately-owned insurance corporations is a “tax”? Executive orders are unconstitutional, but you don’t see Republicans voting to abolish the practice. R = D. They’re both owned and operated by the same globalists who are destroying America for a hundred years. Even Canadian Cruz’s wife works for Goldman Sachs, Obama’s biggest contributor. America has democracy theater, not a constitutional republic.

    8. Exactly. This is just simple race-baiting. How are we racists when we would support black people like Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, or Allen West? (And they’re all technically “more black” than Obama is…considering Obama is 1/2 white, 3/8 Arab, and only 1/8 African)


    10. The fact that O’Bummer has absolutely no qualifications for pResident (proved over and over again) escapes this stupid woman.
      Maybe she would like to put him in charge of her finances and business interests?
      I didn’t think so.

    11. Apparently you missed the Psych 101 class explaining how to hate others you must hate yourself!

    12. “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that
      occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African
      American who took a oath to uphold the US CONSTITUTION.

      Oprah there are countless American men and women who gave their lives
      so you would have the opportunity to own a business in America.

    13. This is about money. OWN network relies on African American viewers so Oprah says how they think. This is free advertising $. If it weren’t profitable, Al and Jesse wouldn’t do it

    14. I dislike Obama because he is an IDIOT!! I dislike Oprah because she chooses to support an IDIOT!! Race has nothing to do with it. She seems desperate for attention these days.

    15. I disrespect Obama because he’s a lying, corrupt, petty dictator who cares only about rewarding his cronies for putting him in power.

      I deeply respect Dr. Ben Carson for rising up from poverty and all the good he does for humanity.

      You racist blacks need to get the chip off your shoulder. You should be thanking your creator every morning that slavery existed in the early US because had it not, you’d be living in the hell hole of Africa. Instead you live in a country where we feed you, house you and educate you, in spite of your constant complaints, hatred and violence towards us.

      1. Don’t really agree with the hypothetical history revision, but “you live in a country where we feed you, house you and educate you, in spite of your constant complaints, hatred and violence towards us” is pretty fitting for the whole Maury Povich crowd regardless of pigment. Good p;oint.

    16. What an ungrateful witch –

      She thrived because not only blacks watched her

      but if you look at her audience – It is mostly Caucasian

      Obama is hated because he is incompetent

      Allen West is liked because he is Competent

      Dr. Ben Carson is brilliant

      – I would vote for either of them in a minute

      Down goes her logic !

      1. Don’t watch her movie the butler. Send a message to her that it has nothing to do with race but everything to do with a man destroying our country.

  5405. Oprah Winfrey is an elitist scumbucket whose grasp on the truth is as non-existent as that of the race-baiting liar she blindly worships.

    1. Oprah isn’t dumb, she is trying to escape the fact that she supported a liar who has damaged our national security, ruined our economy, and installed his communist lackeys in our government. She fell for his lies and wants to excuse his destruction of our freedoms by playing the race card. Sorry, that excuse has expired.

      1. Oprah became filthy rich on the backs of us white folk who poured millions into her bank account, over the course of 2 decades.

        Then she shows her “appreciation”, by claiming that WE are somehow “racist”, because Obama himself, clearly betrayed us, lied to us and has destroyed the country we love so dearly!

        Countless numbers of whites also voted for this CLOWN to get him elected! And when his own incompetent blunders can no longer be excused, it then becomes OUR fault!

        No wonder this country is headed for ruin!

        1. Obama is a Serial Liar and pathetic excuse for a leader. Being black has nothing to do with judging him as SUB PAR

        2. Dear Oprah,
          I am deeply disappointed that you think my dislike for the President is because he is black. Does it work both ways? Do you think Blacks did not like Bush because he was white?

          Could you explain my respect for Condoleezza Rice, Collin Powel, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts…..and even sometimes you? Is there something wrong with me?

          1. So all these black boys playing the “knockout game”and attacking random white people deserve to die as well!?! I guess we will have to get a quote from you when they run across a CCL white guy/gal who decides to stand up against racist blacks and kills a dozen of them while being attacked!!! Then we will see if the racism label can be applied to you as well oprah!

        1. Aye, by her logic, the vast majority of blacks, voting for Gore and then Kerry, showed their racism. And since whites seem to be fairly evenly split in electing the president each time, then blacks must be MUCH more racist, as a group, than whites. Thank you, Oprah, for clearing things up for us.

          1. Even the Black community admits that Blacks are much more racist than Whites, Hispanics, Orientals or Native Americans!

        2. Anyone who hates a person because they are “white”, is not ANY kind of valid American. “Whites” created the United States, built it from nothing, and have been the only ones advancing it and keeping it going ever since. Non-whites have been tearing the U.S. down, trying to take it from us, while enjoying the fruits of our labor as they contribute nothing. Never mind the fact that we invented everything in the past including all modern technologies in use today.

      2. Sorry, but that is the most insane way for her to fend off any guilt she may be feeling. Even though she doesn’t support him in public you can bet your last tax dollar that she still supports him in private for the same reason she did initially. And she calls conservatives racist.

      3. I don’t buy anything she sells or watch anything on tv or movies she is in. When True Americans begin to talk with their wallets to these liberal elites perhaps they will come down to earth.She has no value system and what she said is a crock. I don’t think people overseas are buying it after she threw the fit in Switzerland when someone didn’t treat her like a queen.

    2. In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are
      responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of
      robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary.

      Source: APD Uniform Crime
      Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012

    3. In most states, gun homicides by blacks is much higher than that of whites. D.C. and Missouri show the highest rates in black homicide deaths.

      Source: Washington Post: “Gun deaths shaped by race in America”

  5406. Thanks to all my brothers and sisters in military uniforms who have served and are serving our nation. You have actively contributed to the security of our country and for that the nation owes you a debt of gratitude. Thanks to one and all of our veterans.

  5407. I know many of you have made the pilgrimage to Arlington, and visited the Tomb of the Unknowns. For those who have not, especially any of you with kids or grandkids who haven’t been, I highly recommend taking them along. Nothing cements in their heart the cost these Men and Women bore for their country and fellow soldiers like seeing the place where they rest, and the honor in which they are held.

    I’ve seen unruly kids suddenly begin growing quiet and thoughtful when surrounded by these incredible monuments. And I’ve never seen anyplace outside of family reunions where people hug so often, and thank the vets who show up that day. It’s an experience that can overwhelm the unprepared.

    This incredible sense of awe mixed with reverence and sadness is not an American phenomenon. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel some, and in those travels I’ve been to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, Australia, and to the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle, and I can tell you the feeling is the same, knowing many of the fallen who are honored there fought alongside American troops in the Great Wars.

    Knowing what the Anzac troops endured at Gallipoli, the Scots at the Somme and Ypres, it really brings home how close we are to them in kindred spirit, and old family ties. Many of the dead from Commonwealth countries were cousins to families here, though the ties may have long been forgotten.

    I happened upon the Stone of Remembrance around the time of day that the ray of sunlight falls upon it (it’s designed so that the word “Love” is lit by sunlight at exactly Eleven am on this very day). I was frankly astonished at how profoundly moved I was at that moment.

    God bless all those who served, and bring comfort the families of the fallen.

    1. Oh my goodness, that was beautiful! Both what you wrote and the video that I have seen many times before. God bless all the veterans here and gone. My only wish would be that my dad was here so I could bring him to the WWII memorial…………..he would have been overwhelmed with emotion. My son visited this past Summer and sent me a text message with his picture in front of the memorial and wrote: this is for Gramp.
      I was so moved by his love for his grandfather, I just lost it emotionally.

      1. Thanks

        I forgot to mention the guards at the Shrine of Remembrance, who are from various branches of service, wear period authentic uniforms, from WWI and WWII. At least, they did 20 years ago (time sure flies!).

    2. The term ‘Tomb of the Unknowns’ we use recently, annoys me. It smacks of ‘political correctness’.
      ‘What’ is in the Tomb is not ‘unknown’, only who. A SOLDIER.

      1. Mmmm. I think it smacks more of poetic license. People who care know they are soldiers. Those who don’t care, don’t really matter. Not in my book, at least.

        When we were kids, the adults ALL called it the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. That was also poetic license, since so many were interred therein. Turns out it has never been officially named.

        I’d forgotten about the other Tomb of the Unknown Civil War Dead, up at Lee’s House. There are other such tombs at other national cemetaries. Most honoring Civil War unknowns, of which there were evidently a great number.

        1. “Mmmm. I think it smacks more of poetic license”.
          Precisely, Bob. That’s what I’m getting at. From the time of it’s creation until recently, it was commonly referred to as “The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” (Officially named or nor not ‘officially’ named), by the general public and the ‘media’.
          Somewhere along the line, the media (in particular) has taken ‘poetic license’, to change the most commonly used name for this monument and the word removed just happens to be “Soldier”.
          Let me put this another way. Would you find it curious if the media took ‘poetic license’ and suddenly started calling the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial, the “Great Civil Rights Leader” memorial? That would be a subtle but accurate change but would it not also diminish the fact that we were talking about ‘Black’ civil rights? 😉 😉

  5408. To all my fellow veterans…living and the dead…to all the families who have produced the finest this nation has to offer… I salute you… and though many would laugh and spit upon us, I would fight to the death to preserve them… And THAT is what makes the United States Armed Forces so special..We are our Past… We are the Present.. and yes, ladies and gentlemen…We are your Future! HOOAH!! I love you all.

  5409. Today at 11 a.m., a WWII veteran was buried. He was involved in the famous ‘Dambusters Raid’, as mechanic who looked after those Lancaster bombers.

    He had no surviving relatives. After his story was published in the local paper, an i jured serviceman spread his story on social networks – and hudnreds attended.

    Here’s the report (hankies needed):


    There are also lots of photos of other memorial services held today. One service was attended b the widow of the WI soldier whose story was turned into “War Horse”.

    “At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
    We will remember them.”

      1. Yesterday and today, I’ve been going through my paper hankies at the rate of knots, and not because I’ve got a cold.

        It’s things like this coming together for a lonely veteran’s funeral who had nobody left in this world which shows that no matter what the politicians and the MSM say and jabber about – the people do know what’s right, and to whom to show respect.
        All is not lost, I think, when I see these pictures.

  5410. Teaching my young ones about the bravery of the men who fought before and men and women who fight now is very important in my home. My prayer is that my son and daughter grow up knowing that their sacrifices have ensured our freedoms. To those on Scoop that have fought for us, or had family that did…my undying gratitude. We will never forget.

  5411. Thank you Scoop… and thank you to everyone else too. A special thank you to my fellow Vets. God bless you all.

  5412. Thank you Scoop, first of all for your service to the nation, even now your carrying on the fight for freedom and liberty. Informing citizens an we appreciate you big guy.

    The first video is a great way to say thank you to our Vets and our active military personnel and it comes with a great lesson on how to teach our young people the price of liberty and freedom.
    The second video hits home like nothing I’ve seen, really whats a father to do? Thank you too VFW.

    So the flags are flying, on the home, the yellow Ribbon is on the mailbox, the flag waving under the mailbox reads in, Gold, Red,White and Blue”God Bless America”.

    Thanks Americans.

    Semper Fi

  5413. Much respect to all Veterans, including my Groom of almost 29 years.

    Thank you. You are all hero’s to me.

    Humbled by your sacrifice.

    Thanks RSoop for the post.

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