It’s time for a good open thread and I’ve got one for you today.
This idiot college student, who loves to drop the f-bomb (warning) and loves socialism/communism, told college Republicans at FSU that they were supporting Nazis by supporting Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott.
It’s kinda hilarious actually, because after they pointed out that nazis were ‘socialists’ too, she didn’t have much to say except drop more f-bombs.
WATCH: Angry leftist pours her beverage on FSU Republicans and says they are “normalizing and enabling Nazis” by supporting Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis.
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) November 1, 2018
Dude was right. When she started to mock them, she had nothing else. LOL.
I love how she kicked the sign as she was walking away. Felt like a victory!
Since this is an open thread, just a quick update on Orson, my kitty. He didn’t drink any water at all today so the vet couldn’t get any urine from him for testing. So he’s staying overnight. Actually, they just called again and said he’s having diarrhea and his backend is very wobbly when he walks. So they are transferring him to an overnight vet for more tests and observation. Poor fella. I really hope he’s ok. But now I gotta head over there and talk to them.
Enjoy your open thread.