The Five, Nick Searcy, Kevin Sorbo, And The Gosnell Movie

Today on The Five, the hosts covered the story of the new movie about abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, which is currently raising money for production through crowd-sourcing. They address the background of . . .

LifeNews: Top 10 revelations from Gosnell’s trial

Lifenews has documented the top 10 revelations from the Gsonell trial and they will probably make your heart, but it’s necessary to expose. Heed the CONTENT WARNING before you read: 1) A . . .

Documentary on the Gosnell case that you should watch

Before you watch this very troubling documentary, check out this photo taken today of the space reserved solely for the media at the Gosnell trial (via Hotair): Empty seats. If you are . . .