AG Jeff Sessions RESPONDS to Trump’s ‘disgraceful’ tweet

Sessions has released a statement responding to Trump’s tweet calling him disgraceful over asking IG Michael Horowitz to investigate FISA abuses:

DC EXAMINER – Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he will continue to do his job with “integrity and honor” following a tweet from President Trump calling him “disgraceful.”

“We have initiated the appropriate process that will ensure complaints against this Department will be fully and fairly acted upon if necessary,” Sessions said in a statement after the president criticized the attorney general’s decision to have an internal watchdog look into surveillance abuses.

“As long as I am the Attorney General, I will continue to discharge my duties with integrity and honor, and this Department will continue to do its work in a fair and impartial manner according to the law and Constitution.”

As I’m sure you remember, this is what Sessions is responding to:

Once again Jeff Sessions proves he’s a better man than Trump, still willing to take the high road and do his job despite getting castigated publicly by Trump. Who would blame him, though, if he quit? Nobody.

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