Anderson Cooper to Trump: That’s the argument of a FIVE YEAR OLD!

Trump was asked tonight about his Twitter attack on Heidi Cruz and at first he tried to pretend it was a nice picture of Heidi. When Anderson Cooper pressed him on it, Trump then went to his default ‘I didn’t start it’.

Cooper challenged him on that, saying ‘with all due respect, that’s the argument of a five year old!’ Cooper continued to press Trump on this, saying every parent knows a child who says they didn’t start it. But Trump insisted that he didn’t start it, as if that was an appropriate response.

Trump then started blaming for actually starting it, saying Cruz probably wrote the ad on the nude image of his wife Melania. But Cooper interjected again, stating correctly that Cruz had nothing to do with it, that it was a non-Cruz super PAC.

And round and round it went.


Trump is so juvenile that he simply doesn’t care what he says as long as it exonerates him in his mind, no matter how dumb it sounds or false it is.

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