Argentine president adopts boy to prevent his becoming a werewolf at age 13

Thank goodness for Argentinian President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who went out of her way to prevent a young man from turning into a werewolf that would no doubt terrorize her countrymen (and women). I doubt Obama would be so selfless!

Watch below:

From NBC News:

Kirchner shared photos from a Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony on her blog and described “adopting” a young Jewish man named Yair Tawil. According to reports, he is the seventh son of his family. But as centuries-old legend goes, the seventh son is supposedly cursed to become a werewolf on every full moon after his 13th birthday — unless he is adopted by another family. (Seventh daughters supposedly become witches.)

 Meanwhile, Argentina’s presidents since 1907 have been adopting — symbolically, anyway — seventh children as part of a custom brought over by Russian immigrants, according to The Guardian newspaper. That custom over time has been linked to the werewolf legend and the idea that families are desperate to avoid the superstitious stigma of having a “cursed” child. The presidential practice of adopting godchildren has traditionally involved Catholic-born kids, but that was changed by decree in 2009.

Under Argentine law, seventh children adopted by the president receive a gold medal and an education scholarship until they turn 21. Last Tuesday’s ritual was the first time someone of the Jewish faith was adopted by a president. Yair’s parents, Shlomo and Nehama Tawil, had first written a letter asking that their seventh son be adopted in 1993, when he was born, reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

I’m pretty sure Obama would have gleefully enjoyed a werewolf eating racist Americans! What a jerk!

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