[AUDIO] Even more damning Gruber video coming out soon…maybe today

Intrepid researcher Richard Weinstein, the man who found the original ‘we lied to the stupid Americans to pass Obamacare‘ Gruber video, says that an even more damning video of Gruber talking about Obamacare will be coming out soon — maybe even today.

It sounds like he’s working with Megyn Kelly at Fox News to release this video, who is waiting on the White House to respond to this new daming clip.

He explains below:

If it’s revealed tonight we’ll have it for you here just after it airs. Can’t wait to see what other secrets he’s revealed that he’s gonna regret.

***UPDATE: Oh and just as an aside, the media is trying to play down this idea that Gruber helped write the bill, saying he was a consultant but probably didn’t write the bill. But here he is in 2010 explaining his part in crafting Obamacare:

Gruber a paid consultant to help write Obamacare

A video posted by @trscoop on

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