‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters HARASS reporter, call him a WHITE SUPREMACIST

A reporter with the Northeast Ohio Media Group was just trying to cover a ‘Black Lives Matters’ gathering in cleveland after reports of pepper spraying by police. After the video opens up with one of the leaders of the group telling people of ‘non African descent’ to go away, the reporter then gets bombarded by supporters of the movement harassing him to try and stop filming. They don’t really say why, they just keep harassing him, putting their hands in front of the camera.

Finally someone tries to reason with the reporter, telling him it is a strategy session that doesn’t need to be broadcast, but then someone else immediately exclaims ‘you can’t rationalize with white supremacy, leave him alone and let him do what he do…you cannot rationalize with white supremacy.’ Of course.

The harassers won’t stop until the reporter finally just leaves.


(h/t: SaintRPh)

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