BOLTON: Forget GOP letter! We SHOULD be talking about how Obama’s Iran deal is an ACT OF SURRENDER

John Bolton says if he were in the Senate he would have signed the letter to Iran just like the 47 Senators. Despite that, he says the letter merely states the obvious and is really a sideshow.

Bolton does points out, though, that if the administration is really that concerned this letter could undermine their deal with Iran, then they don’t really have a deal in the first place:

This is not an argument about protocol, about whether Tom Cotton used the salad fork instead of the dinner fork. The real problem is the administration fears that its negotiation posture is so fragile that the whole deal could come apart. The conclusion you ought to draw from that is really, if the deal is that fragile, they don’t have a deal.

Bolton says that we are arguing about the wrong thing here, that what we should be discussing is how Obama’s deal with Iran will legitimize both this terrorist supporting regime and their nuclear weapon’s program.

Bolton says this deal with Iran is an act of surrender and that is what we should really be talking about.


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