NEW UPDATE: MCCABE REMOVED – FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down….TODAY!

According to NBC News, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCAbe is stepping down as of today:

Well that’s certainly an interesting development. Perhaps it’s getting a little too hot for him in the kitchen?

Of course this is just days after reports surfaced that Trump pressured Director Wray to fire McCabe.

So it sounds like Trump is finally getting his wish.


Could McCabe’s early resignation be over the FISA memo that might be released this evening?


Just to bolster the last update, this is being reported now:

Sources told Fox News’ Catherine Herridge that FBI Director Christopher Wray went to the Capitol on Sunday to view the four-page memo.

According to one source, Wray was asked to point out inaccuracies or other issues with the wording — and said he would need “his people to take a look at it.” The source said the review is ongoing.

So the question is did Wray share any information with McCabe and/or suggest he go ahead and take his leave?


Sources tell CNN that McCabe’s announcement came as a surprise…

Well I would imagine it did, considering he was expected to retire in March. I guess I’m wondering if Wray himself was surprised by it, or was he in on the decision…


Somehow I missed this from Fox News, but they are reporting that McCabe was ‘removed’:


Top FBI official Andrew McCabe has been “removed” from his post as deputy director, Fox News is told, leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump.

A source confirmed to Fox News that McCabe is taking “terminal leave” – effectively taking vacation until he reaches his planned retirement in a matter of weeks. As such, he will not be reporting to work at the FBI anymore.

(h/t: Hotair)

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