BREAKING: Supreme Court upholds South Carolina congressional map, rules it is NOT racial gerrymandering

South Carolina just got a big win at the Supreme Court, with the high court ruling that their congressional map does not constitute racial gerrymandering.

The map was challenged by civil rights groups but the Supreme Court ruled that the lower court got it wrong by a vote of 6-3.

Here’s the news:

SCOTUS blog’s Amy Howe tells us what Alito said in his opinion:

Alito writes that the court has navigated the tension that results when there is a high correlation between race and partisan preference “by endorsing two related propositions.” First, he says, the party challenging the constitutionality of the map must “disentangle race and politics if it wishes to prove that the legislature was motivated by race as opposed to partisanship.”

Second, he writes, “we start with a presumption that the legislature acted in good faith.” Here, he says, the three-judge court that deemed the map unconstitutional “paid only lip service to these propositions. That misguided approach infected the District Court’s findings of fact, which were clearly erroneous under the appropriate legal standard.”

Below is the full opinion:

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