Carson spokesman says Carson will not clarify his comment about Muslims and Islam

Here’s Ben Carson’s spokesperson going rounds with CNN on the statement Carson made yesterday about Islam and Muslims:

Honestly I think Carson needs to speak for himself on this issue. He also needs to be prepared to defend his claim that Islam is not consistent with the Constitution which is why he would not ‘advocate’ for a Muslim to be president.

Carson never said a Muslim couldn’t run for president or be elected president. He wasn’t talking about the Constitution. He simply said he would not advocate it and would disagree with it if it were to happen. Of course we know it already has.

As an aside, I think Carson should also point out that he wouldn’t advocate a Democrat be president either because what they believe is also antithetical to the Constitution.

But Carson is right on this. Islam is antithetical to the way we live and our Constitution and any Muslim that embraces Islam in its Koranic form, well their beliefs are thus the same. Now even if Carson defends his position substantively, Muslims will still claim he’s a bigot. But I think he needs to show he’s not just making baseless claims. Case in point, Camerota’s claim that this is just a ‘strain’ of Islam does not stand up to what is in the Koran and that would have been a perfect opportunity to throw out some verses in the Koran.

In fact Carson should watch this video and use a little of it in his defense:

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