CNN legal analyst Elie Honig: Michael Cohen revealed more serious CRIME when testifying against Trump

Michael Cohen revealed a crime that Donald Trump isn’t charged with while testifying against Trump, said CNN legal analyst Elie Honig this morning.

And the reason Trump isn’t charged with it? It was Michael Cohen’s crime. And a much bigger deal than “falsifying business records.”

It’s called LARCENY. Cohen stole from Trump and BRAGGED about it.

“The way this was raised and addressed on direct is what Julia Louis-Dreyfus would call ‘Yadda yadda yadda,’” Honig said. “Here’s the direct testimony the way Michael Cohen explained what happened. Michael Cohen explained this whole thing, quote ‘That’s what was owed and I didn’t feel Mr. Trump deserved the difference.’”

“That’s a lot different than ‘I stole $60,000 from my boss on the transaction at the heart of this case,’” he said. “And by the way, the fact that he was never charged with larceny is important because stealing $60,000 through fraud, which would be larceny in New York State, is more serious of a crime than falsifying business records.”

The star witness, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah let’s take his word for it on what went down, right?


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