Democrat focus group COMPLETELY STUMPED on Clinton’s accomplishments as Sec. of State

This isn’t some right-wing man on the street trying to make Democrats look bad. Rather this is Mark Halperin who went to Iowa and sat down with a focus group of Hillary Clinton supporters. And when he asked these supporters of Clinton what her accomplishments were as Secretary of State, they were all stumped.

But even more than that, listen to how they describer her. It’s all fluff. There’s nothing really substantive in their praise or her as a candidate and the guy at the end boils it all down for us.


See it doesn’t matter how much of a liar she is or how corrupt she is, she’s not Scott Walker or any other Republican for that matter. That’s what it is all about.

And the sad thing is most of the media agrees with this last guy and will take the same approach.

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