Ferguson protesters now targeting GAYS over their ‘white privilege’!

One of the best features of liberal protests is that they’re pretty lazy – they tend to protest where they live, which is around other liberals. And when one leftist interest group starts attacking another, you better pop the popcorn because that’s my kind of entertainment!

The #BlackLivesMatter protesters that evolved like a virus out of the Ferguson protests are taking aim at the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual) over their “apathy” and inattentiveness towards black issues. Or they could just want to enjoy a beer at their favorite bar like the rest of us. Sorry, that’s not allowed in Obama’s America!!


Ahhh it’s so satisfying to see leftists turn on each other! Go get’em, both sides! LOL!

h/t to the homies at WeaselZippers

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