Gay TMZ founder slams GLAAD: They preach tolerance but they won’t tolerate Phil Robertson’s religious beliefs

Gay TMZ founder and Executive Producer Harvey Levin disagrees with A&E ‘punishing’ Phil Robertson for his religious beliefs, especially when they already knew about his beliefs. He points out, though, that one of the contributing factors to A&E firing Robertson was big pressure they were getting from GLAAD. He’ll have more on his website in the morning about that, he said.

He says the irony is that GLAAD preaches tolerance, arguing that people have to accept them even though they are different. But he says the same argument can be made for Robertson, that they must accept him as well even though he is different from them.

Levin says he is gay and doesn’t agree with Robertson, but given that this country is all about freedom of religion and freedom of speech, he believes Robertson is entitled to his opinion and shouldn’t be punished for it.

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