Harvard Law prof says 20 electors could DEFY TRUMP, switch to other candidate…

A Harvard Law prof who is advising possible “faithless electors” says that he knows of about 20 who are thinking of voting against their state’s vote.

From Politico:

Larry Lessig, a Harvard University constitutional law professor who made a brief run for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, claimed Tuesday that 20 Republican members of the Electoral College are considering voting against Donald Trump, a figure that would put anti-Trump activists more than halfway toward stalling Trump’s election.

Lessig’s anti-Trump group, “Electors Trust,” has been offering pro bono legal counsel to Republican presidential electors considering ditching Trump and has been acting as a clearinghouse for electors to privately communicate their intentions.

These all sound like longshots to me – even if all 20 electors are from states that allow such a thing, that’s only half of the amount needed to thwart Trump’s electoral vote victory. Earlier we reported how two such “faithless electors” were told by a judge in Colorado that they’d be slapped with a $1,000 fine and a year in jail if they didn’t vote according to the popular vote in the state. People are pretty desperate to find any way to topple the Donald, but I just don’t see it happening.

[h/t the Blaze]

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