Here’s why the media is LOVING Monica Lewinsky’s return to the spotlight…

Monica Lewinsky has dragged herself out of hiding in order to deliver a whiny, hectoring speech as a “TED Talk,” and the media is just loving it, and swallowing every line she puts out there.

Here’s an example:

Notice the only guy who mentioned a suspicion thought that this might be a way of drudging back up the Clinton scandal. But I think there’s something else going on – the specific narrative that she’s pushing is about how society was unfair to her and “bullied” her. We’re supposed to feel sorry for her and believe that if wasn’t for “cyberbullying” that no one would have cared about her banging the leader of the free world.

Who does that narrative help?

Doesn’t it actually help Hillary to convince the American voter that women are unfairly bullied in society, and we have to somehow change how we run in order to make up for it?

It’s somewhat conspiratorial, but it’s just way too convenient that all the leftists in the media are pushing this idiotic “cyberbullying” line so hard. Either they hate Clinton and are looking for any reason to bring up the past, or they think putting this into Americans’ heads will actually help her in the long run.

What do you think? Am I crazy? Let me know in the comments!

At least give me some credit for avoiding cigar jokes!

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