Hillary Clinton not ready to roll out policies even though she’s already running for president

This ‘listening tour’ that Hillary Clinton is going on again is nothing but Kabuki theater. She claims now that she doesn’t want to release her policies yet until she’s heard from the ‘front lines’, but we all know that’s nothing but bullshizzle.

The idea that she’s running for president, yet hasn’t crafted her policies is ridiculous. She knows exactly what radical policies she wants and if she doesn’t then she has no business running for president. I guarantee you every single Republican that has announced already knows their policy positions on virtually everything and if they didn’t, the shouldn’t be running either.

We should change the name from ‘Hillary’s listening tour’ to ‘Hillary running from the press tour’ because that’s really what this is about.

POLITICO – In her second day on the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton rolled ahead with what has emerged as largely a listening tour, laying out only broad strokes of her policy agenda.

Clinton appeared more relaxed Wednesday during her second event in Iowa, where she presented herself as a champion of small-business owners, a reformer on immigration and a policy wonk when it comes to health care. She pledged to keep the best of Obamacare and talked generally about the need for economic competitiveness and growth.

“Slowly over time, it’s become more difficult, more expensive, more red tape, unnecessary regulation that has put a damper” on economic growth, she said. She praised the “virtuous cycle” of consumers jump-starting the economy with more spending.

But she remained light on policy details, saying that “before I roll out my policies, I want to hear from you on the front lines.”

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