IRS to account for Lois Lerner’s missing emails under oath

True The Vote is in court today trying to get independent investigators inside the IRS to get to the bottom of these lost emails. Crossing my fingers they are successful.

Meanwhile, yesterday a judge ordered the IRS to explain under oath what really happened to Lois Lerner’s emails:

A federal judge has ordered the IRS to explain “under oath” how the agency lost a trove of emails from the official at the heart of the Tea Party targeting scandal.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan gave the tax agency 30 days to file a declaration by an “appropriate official” to address the computer issues with ex-official Lois Lerner.

Let’s hope the IRS will tell the truth given that this will be under oath. But even more so I’d rather get some independent investigators in there because I don’t trust the IRS at all.

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