Jesse Jackson on Ferguson: Corrupt juries are setting killers free like Darren Wilson

In an interview on Russia Today, Jesse Jackson referred to Darren Wilson as a “killer walking free” and proceeded to explain how the culture is creating corrupt juries that are setting killers free, referencing the murders of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and others that I couldn’t quite understand due to his mumble mouth. Of course he’s trying to compare Michael Brown to the likes of Till and Evers which is absurd. They were both horribly murdered and assassinated by white supremacist scumbags. Michael Brown was a thug who tried to kill a police officer.

But even more ridiculous is the suggestion that the grand jury was corrupt and thus they’ve set a killer free. There’s just no proof of that whatsoever. But that doesn’t matter. These pukes will say anything to keep this racial wound open and festering even though they don’t have a lick of evidence to prove what they are saying.

Jackson also explains that while many are calling for quiet, that’s not what they want at all. He plainly says they don’t want this to die down.


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