Mexican lawmaker pushes law to seize American assets if Trump border proposal passes

Trump’s “presidential” trip to Mexico was so successful that a lawmaker there is pushing for a law to seize American assets in Mexico if one of if Trump is elected and one of his proposals is instituted. He’s been saying that the funding of the wall could be taken from remittances of Mexicans in America that are sent to relatives in Mexico.

Apparently the world’s most yugest negotiator didn’t realize Mexico could do the same:

The legislation is designed to counter any attempt from the U.S. government to make Mexico pay for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, and gives the Mexican Senate power to disavow international treaties if Mexican national and business interests are threatened by another state.

“In cases where the property/assets of [our] fellow citizens or companies are affected by a foreign government, as Donald Trump has threatened, the Mexican government should proportionally expropriate assets and properties of foreigners from that country on our territory,” the preliminary summary of the proposal said.

This is what happens when you fire up angry mobs by blaming foreign governments for their problems. You’re pushed into ridiculous “solutions” to punish our ally, which incidentally is America’s third largest trading partner, and then they retaliate.

Yes, we have billions in trade that can be leveraged to force Mexico to do what we want, but what Trump conveniently ignores is that if they don’t play ball, American businesses and interests will be damaged too.

The moron isn’t even in office and he’s already causing international incidents. Imagine what he’ll do when his thin-skinned idiocy is in office. That’s what happens when people let their passions move them to vote instead of reason.

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