Michael Moore stupidly says he wasn’t talking about Chris Kyle, then calls him a coward AGAIN

After incurring the ire of normal people with his idiotic tweet deriding Chris Kyle, subject of hit movie “American Sniper,” the rotund moron Michael Moore tried to explain that he wasn’t talking about Chris Kyle at all in a Facebook post:

Lots of talk about snipers this weekend (the holiday weekend of a great man, killed by a sniper), so I thought I’d weigh in with what I was raised to believe about snipers. My dad was in the First Marine Division in the South Pacific in World War II. His brother, my uncle, Lawrence Moore, was an Army paratrooper and was killed by a Japanese sniper 70 years ago next month. My dad always said, “Snipers are cowards. They don’t believe in a fair fight. Like someone coming up from behind you and coldcocking you. Just isn’t right. It’s cowardly to shoot a person in the back. Only a coward will shoot someone who can’t shoot back.”

So I sent out this tweet today:

And then I sent this:

He goes on to whine that certain news outlets took his comments to refer to the movie. But that’s not what the furor is about, it’s about this communist waddling in his mansion and calling anyone in the military a coward. He goes on to clarify what he thought about the movie:

So here’s what I think about “American Sniper”:

Awesome performance from Bradley Cooper. One of the best of the year. Great editing. Costumes, hair, makeup superb!

Oh… and too bad Clint gets Vietnam and Iraq confused in his storytelling. And that he has his characters calling Iraqis “savages” throughout the film. But there is also anti-war sentiment expressed in the movie. And there’s a touching ending as the main character is remembered after being gunned down by a fellow American vet with PTSD who was given a gun at a gun range back home in Texas — and then used it to kill the man who called himself the ‘America [sic] Sniper’.

Also, best movie trailer and TV ads of the year.

Most of us were taught the story of Jesse James and that the scoundrel wasn’t James (who was a criminal who killed people) but rather the sniper who shot him in the back. I think most Americans don’t think snipers are heroes.

Hopefully not on this weekend when we remember that man in Memphis, Tennessee, who was killed by a sniper’s bullet.

This hog somehow got his hooves to type out on a computer, but it’s hard to believe he actually thinks this is a defense – I’ve never heard anyone praise Jesse James over the sniper that killed him. And what kind of pathetic moron would compare the murder of an innocent to a soldier killing terrorists? This idiot:

That’s saying no soldier who went to Iraq or Afghanistan is a hero. What a filthy degenerate.

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