Now this is just silly…

The politically correct movement that wants to take down every Confederate statue they can find because it triggers them into oblivion now wants actual tiles removed from a New York subway that they say look like Confederate Flags:

FOX 5 NY – The MTA says it is going to “modify” tiles in a Manhattan subway station that people have complained look like Confederate Flags.

The pattern of tiles have been in the Times Square station for almost 100 years. The architects are said to have installed them to pay homage to the Southern roots of former New York Times newspaper head Adolph S. Ochs.

The MTA has claimed the tiles actually are meant to honor Times Square’s nickname as the “Crossroads of the World” and are not Confederate Flags.

In a statement to Fox 5 News the MTA says: “These are not confederate flags, it is a design based on geometric forms that represent the “Crossroads of the World” and to avoid absolutely any confusion we will modify them to make that absolutely crystal clear.”

This movement that might be better described as a Confederate witch hunt has officially jumped the shark.

Here’s the video report on it. It’s mostly about, just so you know, a Confederate Flag that someone has hung in their apartment in NY that’s triggering the heck out of new yorkers:

In related news, on the opposite side of the country, a statue of a Catholic saint was also vandalized:

CBS LOS ANGELES – Several people stopped by a statue of Father Junipero Serra in a park across from Mission San Fernando on Thursday after a photo made the rounds on social media appearing to show the statue had been vandalized.

A picture circulating Facebook showed the statue spray-painted red and the word “murder” written on Serra in white.

While city officials would not confirm the authenticity of the photo or the clean-up, CBS2 reporter Crystal Cruz saw red paint on Serra’s arm and a swastika on the statue of the child standing next to him.

“Everyone’s entitled to their own public opinions and thoughts,” said Cristian Mendoza. “But once it gets to this level I don’t think it’s right.”

“I came because some friends posted a photo of the defaced statue and I wanted to see if it was in fact correct,” Paul Minette said.

The photo comes at a time when many are calling for the removal of controversial statues. Some argue Serra is not the saint the Catholic Church paints him out to be. Instead, they claim he used California Indians and destroyed part of their culture.

“I think the statue should come down from this park, and then put some appreciation to the Native people that live here,” Cristian Ramirez said.

Everything seems to be under attack these days, even if it has nothing to do with slavery of the Confederacy. [sce emoji=”facepalm” /]

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