Obama DEFENDS Iran desire for nuclear program, says they CAN’T do what Netanyahu wants

Yesterday in an interview with the New York Times, Obama didn’t just defend his deal with Iran, but he also defended Iran’s desire for a nuclear program, saying it’s a source of national pride for them and that they just can’t give it up no matter how bad Netanyahu wants it to be so:

OBAMA: In a perfect world Iran would say, ‘We won’t have any nuclear infrastructure at all.’ But what we know is that this has become a matter of pride and nationalism for Iran. Even those who we consider moderates and reformers are supportive of some nuclear program inside of Iran, and given that they will not capitulate completely, given that they can’t meet the threshold that Prime Minister Netanyahu sets forth, there are no Iranian leaders who would do that.

REPORTER: Including recognizing Israel which he’s now asked for?

OBAMA: (Nods in agreement) And given the fact that this is a country that withstood an eight-year war and a million people dead, they’ve shown themselves willing, I think, to endure hardship when they considered a point of national pride or, in some cases, national survival.

So it’s not that Iran won’t give up their nuclear program, they CAN’T give it up, Obama says, because, you know, it’s a source of national pride or something. I guess he feels the same way about their terrorism operations all over the region, including Gaza and Hezbollah. After all, they aren’t willing to give that up either.

In saying this Obama is absolutely legitimizing Iran’s nuclear program and suggesting that Netanyahu has unrealistic standards. What poppycock! Obama is helping them get a bomb and will say anything to defend it. Ugh.

Toward the end of the interview, Obama adds this little nugget:

…what we will be doing even as we enter into this deal is sending a very clear message to the Iranians and to the entire region that if anybody messes with Israel, America will be there.

Oh yeah, we’ve all heard this before. Of course, as soon as Iran attacks Israel, Obama will say Israel has a right to defend itself, by itself, or something.

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