Obama on Trayvon Martin: “If a white male teen were involved…the outcome and aftermath might have been different”

The Divider-in-Chief came to the podium today to continue his plight to deepen the divisions of race in America surrounding the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. He once again tied himself to Trayvon Martin by saying that “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.” He then spent about 5 minutes explaining why there’s “so much pain” in the black community surrounding what happened to Trayvon Martin, what he calls ‘context’. He didn’t go into the details of what actually happened in the case, but instead essentially blamed slavery and the civil rights era of the 50s/60s.

At the end of the clip, Obama says that all of this ‘context’ contributes to the sense that “if a while male teen were involved in the same kind of scenario, that from top to bottom both the outcome and aftermath might have been different.”

All he is doing is legitimizing the disparity that many pro-Trayvon protesters are feeling right now and will only embolden their cause and will likely lead to violence. And the ironic thing is that none of this is relevant in the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. None of it.

The truth is that Obama, simply put, doesn’t want to let this crisis go to waste without using it to divide America.


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