Ralph Peters: It’s DELUSIONAL to think China is going to help us with N. Korea problem

Ralph Peters made it pretty clear this morning that anyone who thinks that China is actually going to help with the N. Korea problem is delusional. He said they’ve never done it before and given the choice now between American good will and the N. Korean regime, China will ALWAYS choose N. Korea.


Peters points out that China doesn’t see N. Korea as a problem, but rather as a “very valuable ally” during both peace and war. In fact he argues that China likes that the US is focused and distracted by the Korean peninsula, so that they can make mischief elsewhere.

China will never help us and he hopes that Trump is finally coming around to realizing this with this latest tweets on the issue:

In reality Peters says there is just no good solution to the N. Korean nuclear ICBM problem. Much to his chagrin, he suggests that military action will likely be the only way this problem gets resolved.

Watch the clip for more…

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