Rolling Stone writer to apologize for FALSE RAPE STORY

The Rolling Stone rape hoax story has severely crippled their credibility and destroyed the reputation of the journalist Sabrina Erdely, who went looking for a story to support her political agenda. After months of controversy, the writer is expected to apologize tonight for the false story.

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Sabrina Rubin Erdely will officially apologize Sunday for her role in spreading the Rolling Stone article about the gang rape of “Jackie” at the University of Virginia.

Erdely is the freelance reporter behind the now-discredited Rolling Stone story describing the gang rape of the freshman girl by a UVA fraternity.

She was initially lauded by the press, earning interviews with Slate, the Washington Post and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” But as other reporters investigated and definitively disproved parts of “Jackie’s” story, Rolling Stone apologized for running the story and Erdely disappeared from the public eye.

But don’t worry, plenty of other liberal “reporters” are looking for the next story that will fit in to their political narrative.

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