Rubio says allegations of Trump violating Cuban embargo are “troubling”

Rubio says the allegations against Trump violating the Cuban embargo back in 1998 are troubling, but he’s not going to weigh in further until Trump has a chance respond and we know all the facts:

POLITICO – In a development that could cost Donald Trump crucial Cuban-American votes, his casino company once violated the U.S. embargo of Cuba by secretly funding a business foray on the communist island, Newsweek reported this morning.

Trump’s casino company “funneled” at least $68,000 in late 1998 to a consulting firm that traveled to the island in search of business opportunities on Trump’s behalf, Newsweek reported in its cover story called “The Castro Connection.” The article alleges the consultant then billed Trump’s company and instructed his employees on how to make it look as if the trip had been connected to a Catholic charity.

If the consulting company secretly spent U.S. money in Cuba during a visit that was not licensed by the U.S. government or fully hosted by a non-U.S. entity or charity, the expenses would have violated the Cuban embargo, which is designed to starve the Castro regime of American currency.

Newsweek did not specify the exact nature of the trip or its precise date. Even if a crime occurred, the statute of limitations expired, Newsweek reported.

Trump’s campaign has not commented since Wednesday night, when the allegations first surfaced. But his former presidential rival and current political ally, Sen. Marco Rubio, expressed misgivings about the claims.

“The article makes some very serious and troubling allegations,” Rubio, a pro-embargo anti-Castro hardliner, told POLITICO Florida in a written statement. “I will reserve judgment until we know all the facts and Donald has been given the opportunity to respond.”


Trump will most likely have to respond to this. If he doesn’t, you know it will be asked at the next debate and Hillary will come prepared to annihilate him on this issue.

If it’s anything like the last debate, Trump will be forced to explain how he was trying to do Cubans a favor and that breaking the embargo was good for business or something. LOL!

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